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An illustrated story for Bestiality.com. This story is a work of fiction and any similarities between actual persons, places, events or actions is mere coincidence. No actual humans or animals were harmed in the preparation of this story.

Beast Captive

By Oliiver
Cringer 990

Our story so far:

Aspiring investigative reporter, Ginger Trent, has been attempting to research the alleged disappearance of the reclusive billionaire-scientist, Robert Gravix. All inquiries into the life and whereabouts of Gravix are met with evasion. Even school and public records seem vague as to the background and life of the wealthy genius. Inquiries seem to lead nowhere, even Ginger’s editors attempt to discourage her research. After several weeks of seemingly fruitless research, Ginger receives an unexpected e-mail message inviting her to visit the Gravix Corporation headquarters in Montreal.

There she encounters the alluring, but sinister Christina Leer, the personnel secretary to Mr. Gravix himself. After a vague and evasive interview and tour of the sprawling Gravix complex Ginger leaves with even more questions than answers.

Ginger returns to her car in the parking garage. There she finds that someone has left a cryptic message on a cassette tape. The electronic voice of the tape hints at additional information linking Gravix to a web of intrigue involving weapons research, illegal human experiments, satanic cults and extra-terrestrials. Incredulous, Ginger listens further. She was instructed to leave immediately to a deserted roadside diner outside the city. There, she is told further information will be made available. Then the cryptic tape sputters and dissolves into dust.

Following her instructions she travels a long stretch of a narrow, disused road, crossing an abandoned bridge, until she comes to a long abandoned diner as described. There her would-be informant, a man calling himself, Mr. Blaine, meets her. Blaine claims to be a research scientist in the employ of Gravix. Concerned with what he has learned about Gravix and work he is involved in he has decided to expose all he knows.

Blaine gives the appearance of frightened man, but after a short time he becomes more confident at the woman’s promise of help and anonymity. She is shown a variety of documents and photos that whisper at chilling revelations to come. All appearance is that Gravix and his industrial empire are indeed involved in various forms of illegal research with and weapons development with tendrils reaching into various government agencies and industries around the world. Ginger is intrigued, however, before she can actually question Blaine, the man suddenly sprays a pungent aerosol in her face from a false fountain pen. She is rendered unconscious and whisked away to Gravix’s secret complex in the wilds of Canada...

Chapter Five

As Ginger slowly regained conciseness, her last waking memory was of the man called Blaine spraying something in her face. She found herself lightheaded at first but quickly realized her surroundings. She had been stripped naked and someone had dressed her in black silk hose and black high heels. This seemed ridiculous even to her dulled mind and she tried to stand. She realized her wrists and ankles were secured in heavy leather cuffs fastened to bright chromium chains.

She was positioned diagonally across a firm cushion, upholstered with a heavy, red velvet covering. Her arms were stretched before her and her legs spread in such a manner that she could not draw them together. Chrome escutcheon plates, with sturdy rings were arrayed on the perimeter of cushion and firmly anchored to a heavy wooden platform. Her small, five-foot frame was on display. Bound as she was she could rise no further than her hands and knees.

The room seemed large, but aside from the platform, there were no other fixtures. The floor was of drab grey flagstones, the walls of plain concrete. There was a heavy steel door at one end, apparently locked in place. A second smaller door was at the opposite end. She noticed several cameras; all were mounted on robotic arms from the ceiling.
"Where am I?" she called out. "You can’t do this, this is kidnapping!" She wriggled helplessly in her bindings. "Where are you? Who are you people?"

At the sound of her voice the cameras came to life with a soft whirring sound and descended from the ceiling. One stopped a short distance from her at eye level; the other three cameras roved around the captive, each like a leering eye. Ginger felt angry, but also curiously excited. She felt her nipples harden and her cunt began to moisten.
"Oh my God", she said aloud. "What’s happening to me?"

"Well, Miss Trent, welcome back to the land of the living" Ginger recognized it as the voice of Blaine, the man who had drugged her. The voice issued from a tiny speaker on the camera before her. "Mr. Blaine, " a second voice, this she recognized as Christina Leer, secretary to Gravix, "is our chief of security here. I would have preferred to have you eliminated, but Mr. Gravix has taken an interest in you."

"Yeah," Blaine again, "Mr., Gravix is always looking for new toys. Consider yourself fortunate, Miss Leer wanted to have you killed. Gravix, has other ideas."

"Yes," Leer again, "I would have preferred to have you eliminated. You should have dropped you inquiries long ago. Your persistence amused Mr. Gravix. Now, you are his latest acquisition, he is always looking for new forms of amusement. Mr. Gravix would have liked to have been here himself, but, alas, he is occupied in other matters. In the mean time..."

"You can’t keep me here!" shouted Ginger. My editors will start inquires if their own when I don’t show up!" She bit her lower lip as she felt her cunt moisten more. She tried to draw her legs together; the chains kept her legs spread apart. She felt frustrated and angry "What is happening to me?" she thought.

"Enough!" Leer hissed, "to the outside world and your editors it will appear that you and your rental car drove over the bridge near the café where Blaine met you." Blaine continued, "That’s right, your car went off the bridge, rolled upside down and sank. You should have seen the crash, " he chuckled, "one of my best. The authorities will think your body was washed downstream, never to be found. We have even backtracked and removed any hint that you were ever at the Gravix Corporation. Even if anyone bothers with a continued investigation, the bits of evidence I planted will lead to so many dead ends that the police will have a dozen choices of what happened. End of Ginger Trent, maybe your editors will do a nice write up on you."

"As I was saying earlier, " Leer began, " I have arranged for some entertainment to be filmed for Mr. Gravix. When you arrived here, you were prepared with an enema and douche. These contained a mild narcotic to enhance your sensation and to help lubricate you. They also contain a tiny amount of sexual pheromones; of course, you cannot detect these. This is actually an interesting concoction developed by Gravix Pharmaceuticals. Someday we hope to market it commercially. For the time being one of the researchers has labeled it as ‘WARP-11’. The stockings and shoes are for Mr. Gravix, he has several fetishes that please him." There was a hint of amusement in her voice.

Ginger shuddered; no wonder she was feeling excited. But, for what? She knew it was some type of sexual game for her captor’s benefit. The cameras began to retract, Ginger heard an electronic buzz. The small door at the far side of the room began to open. There was a small, shadowed corridor in which she saw a dark, moving bulk that quickly materialized into a large, sleek Doberman Pinscher. He trotted confidently into the room, followed by another, then another. They crowded into the room, she had counted seven, but there may have been more. "Oh no... no…!" she cried, despite the drugs she had been given she suddenly realized what form of ‘entertainment’ her captors had in mind.

"You may be interested to note, Miss Trent," it was the voice of Blaine, "that these dogs were genetically engineered by Mr. Gravix himself. They have been bred for intelligence, strength, stamina and ferocity. However, an unforeseen problem is that these same traits makes them almost constantly horny."

Blaine continued, "We often fly them out in groups to be bred outside the compound. By far, they all have a more distinguished pedigree than yours. We keep half of them patrolling the perimeter of the complex. These are the group from the kennels. Satisfy them and, who knows, perhaps you may eventually be granted an audience with Mr. Gravix himself."

"And now," began Miss Leer, " as much as we would like to continue this, I am afraid the dogs are becoming impatient and you shall soon be too preoccupied to continue. Please feel free to struggle and scream as much as you wish, it will add drama to the film. Of course I am sure that by now the WARP-11 will have taken effect." The speaker went silent and the camera joined the others panning over the scene below.

The dogs were milling about the room, tongues lolling. The beasts, their amber eyes bright with animal lust, surrounded Ginger. All were sniffing the air; they had obviously scented the pheromones Leer had spoken of earlier. They whimpered and yipped excitedly. The dogs circled, strutting before their master’s gift. She could see that their cocks had begun to stiffen and slide free of their furry sheaths. She watched, mesmerized, as several of the cocks expanded to their full length, followed by the bloated dog-knot at the cock’s base. Each looked like an angry, red cudgel, drooling with pre-cum. Ginger’s excitement overcame her fear and anger.

Despite herself, she felt herself beginning to respond and her nipples seemed ready to burst. She began roll her hips in small circles. She propped to herself on her elbows and dropped her head down to look back between her firm breasts. Suddenly a dog appeared behind her and hopped upon the platform.

The dogs had established some type pecking order; this dog must be the leader. Before she snapped her head back, she watched the dog snarl, bearing his teeth as his cold, moist nose nuzzled her exposed cunt. He lapped lightly at pink sex lips and nosed the tiny patch of blonde hair. The dog began to lick faster, spurred on by the scent of the sex pheromones and the girls' quickly moistening cunt.

Ginger rose to her hands and knees, "No... Nooo..." she whimpered. She braced her knees and hands for what was to come. The dog growled and reared up on his hind legs, his angry red cock swaying under its own weight. He was more than prepared to mount the new bitch. He leaped forward, his forepaws pushed into the girls’ back. She flung her head from side to side, her long blonde hair whipping about like a shredded banner. Thrusting roughly he groped and positioned himself to impale her with his scarlet shaft.

His cock prodded at Ginger’s cunt, its tiny mouth slavering against her thighs and buttocks.
She felt his cockhead stab into the mouth of her wet opening. "AHHH...! AAHH! AHHH!" she cried, three savage thrusts buried the bloated shaft into the girl’s helpless cunt.

The surrounding dogs woofed and yipped encouragement to their leader. He tightened his forelegs about the girl's smooth hips. Panting with pleasure, he rewarded each of the helpless blonde's cries with savage forward strokes. He danced on his hind legs, changing his position for deeper and more powerful thrusts.

She groaned aloud as she felt cock press deep into her violated cunt, suddenly she realizing that he had not yet buried his bloated dog-knot. It battered at her cunt, glancing between her heaving breasts she could see it was easily the size of her fist. At present the dog had thrust haphazardly, still trying to position himself behind her wriggling hips. The dog was confused; he had never encountered such a reluctant female, that it was a human female made no difference to him. The dog growled warningly and, the girl heard his jaws snap behind her neck. It was his command to her to submit.

Sensing the captive's surrender, the animal settled into his position to complete his coupling with his new human mate. The beast lost no time in establishing a frantic tempo. He hugged her sides tightly, his narrow hips relentlessly pumping against her upturned buttocks. Rising up she could see and feel the dog’s snout beside her face. He panted steadily into her ear, in time with his thrusts.

She felt her tiny clitoris throbbing and suddenly she felt the dog’s knot press then slip past her cunt lips. She twisted her hips from side to side, though now that the dog was firmly locked in her tight cunt she knew he would not dismount until he had emptied his balls into her clenching hole. The air quickly filled with the sounds of her muffled cries, panting dogs and the soft wet slurping as the dog’s cock pumped in and out of her tight pussy. His heavy ball-sack swinging forward and slapping at her pouting sex.

Ginger twisted her head from side to side, the studded leather collar about her neck keeping her head erect. The dogs watched appreciatively as their leader raped the captive blonde. His snout nuzzled the hair at the back of her neck and he snorted and sniffed, inhaling her hot scent. His short smooth fur raked across her skin like a soft bristled brush.

Several of the other beasts sat back on their haunches, licking their lips, their eyes beaming. The rest strutted impatiently, their erect cocks sagging and swaying beneath their bellies. It had been several weeks since their master had shipped any of them out for breeding and all were anxious for a turn ant the master's gift. She could see their cum-filled balls, taught with pent up dog jizm. Creamy dog cum that each intended to empty into the chained bitch before them.

A remote camera slid into view, with a tiny whir the lens zoomed in on her lust contorted face. She watched it as it panned over her and imagined how she must look. A petite blonde, a panting, slavering dog draped on her back, a dozen other beasts roving about their chosen prey. She glanced over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of the dog above her. He caught her gaze in his fiery yellow eyes. For a brief instant, she believed he actually leered at her, the faint growl from his throat sounding like a human chuckle. The dog's silky fur prickled at her skin, she dropped her head dejectedly as the relentless rape continued.

Ginger had no idea how long the dog pounded into her. Abruptly the dog stiffened and tightened his grip around her body. Bracing his hind legs, he ground his hips against her upturned cunt, forcing his cock deeper into her. Shuddering with delight the girl felt the seething tip of the dog-cock, almost as if it was lodged somewhere behind her navel. She gasped aloud as the shaft seemed to swell within her. The dog hastened his pace of  his thrusts, jostling the captive back and forth in his strong embrace. The other dogs became agitated, sensing their leader's coming release.

The dog hooked his forepaws over her shoulders, pulling her back against his bucking hips. He growled, both in warning and in triumph. She felt the imbedded cock throb suddenly. Another deep growl from the dog’s throat preceded the slow, rhythmic pulsing as his cock began to spatter dog-cum into her cunt tunnel. Overcome with her own lust, Ginger pushed her hips back, her cunt muscles squeezing and milking the spurting member. "MMMMMM", she purred, licking her lips.

A camera rolled smoothly into view, capturing the dog's glazed eyes as he emptied his cum into the kneeling bitch. The captive girl groaned and crouched subserviently before her animal rapist. The dog clung to her for a moment before beginning to withdraw his flagging cock. He did not try to tie with her, as he would have with a female dog, he knew his companions were also anxious. He began to back off her, his buried knot locking him fast to the human female. His cock pulled free from her with a salacious wet popping sound. It pulsated twice more, the final spurts splattering against the backs of her thighs and crotch. Her cunt clasped eagerly at the sudden emptiness, thick, hot dog-cum drooled for a moment before her reflexes squeezed the flooded hole shut.

After pulling his cock free from her flooded cunt, he abandoned her to the next beast. Ginger shuddered, her arms and legs quaking from the first assault. Despite her initial shock, her drug-fogged mind signaled that she was anxious herself for the next beast to ride her. The dogs eyed her eagerly, their swollen cocks drooling freely as they anticipated their turn.

The girl had a moment to catch her breath. She felt the first dogs' hot cum deep within her, she could still feel the bumps and ridges of the dog cock pressing into the walls of her cunt. "This can't be happening.." she whispered to herself. She hoped that she would lose conciseness but the drugs kept her aware and alert. She caught a motion from the corner of her eye, the blur of a second dog scrambling onto the platform. "OH NO!" she thought, unconsciously, she arched her back down, raising her hips upward for the next beast.

No sooner had the first dog dismounted than the second leaped up to take its place. He circled behind her swiftly, anxious to mount her before a rival took his place.

She heard the dog behind her as he licked his jowls nosily as he moved to position himself. With a fearsome growl he rose to his hind legs and ruthlessly fell upon her, his forelegs grasping at the smooth swell of her hips.

Elsewhere in the warren of tunnels and galleries below Gravix's estate, Christina Leer and Carl Blaine watched the spectacle unfold. Blaine smirked, "We should have wired her with bio-sensors, I'm sure the fellows in the lab would like to see the scans on a human subject's response to the WARP-11." Christina watched, considering Blaine's comment. Perhaps the commercial marketing of WARP-11 did require considerably more research. She would have to gather more information before her report to Mr. Gravix. She sighed inwardly and thought of her own two Rotweillers at her penthouse in Denver. Well, she thought, she would be home in two or three days. She expected that Mr. Gravix would want to watch, not that she minded. The corner of her mouth curled up in a small, feral smile. The sight gave Blaine a cold shiver up his spine; he turned to direct the technician operating the cameras. "Close-ups", he growled, "more close-ups."

Again the new dog swiftly mounted her and stabbed at her sopping pussy with his crimson spear. The beveled tip forced itself into her and he immediately began humping frantically even as he adjusted his position. "Oooooh…. I can’t…. I….STOP, Please…Aaahhh!", she cried.

Well oiled by the first animal’s oozing cum, the second beast pushed easily into her. Again, the dog began to hump roughly, eager to fill this bitch’s cunt with his seed.

Grasping her hips tightly with his forelegs, his hips began their steady pumping against the girl's rounded ass. Ginger braced herself against the onslaught and found herself rolling her hips as if to encourage the dog. The dog whined and slobbered, his lolling tongue salivating on her back and shoulders. His orange-sized, dog-knot punched into her cunt, locking him snuggly in the tight channel. Ginger felt her pussy being stretched to the limit and she could easily feel the throbbing veins and ridges along the entire cock's length. The dog's nostrils flared as he filled them with the rich aroma of the girl's scent. He lapped leisurely at the side of the girl's face and her bare shoulders.

Time lost its meaning to the captive. Abruptly she felt the dog tense and press his cock deeper into her. Her own orgasm erupted as the first hot jet of dog-cum burst inside of her. "Mmmm... yes... yess...", she whispered, afraid that her captors would hear her. The dog clung to her, slowing the tempo of his humping for a short while as his balls emptied in slow, steady jets.

Satisfied, he dismounted unceremoniously. She glanced nervously over her shoulder and watched as the dogs jostled for position in the queue. Tongue lolling the next dog leaped upon the platform.

Ginger had but a moment to relax before the dog mounted her. Sagging under his weight the girl felt the dog’s forelegs grasp her hips tightly, pulling her roughly back as he rammed forward with his hips. She felt herself being buffeted back and forth again impaled on the animals' shaft. This beast seemed determined not to be outdone by the others and his forceful under-slung strokes lifted the quaking girl off her knees. "OOOHH! AAUUGGH! UUUGGHH, Yesss, Yess.." Ginger grunted in time to the thrusts. This beast did not seem to be in as much a hurry as the first two. He sawed slowly in and out of the hot clasping hole. He drew a gasp from the captive when he suddenly buried his dog-knot into her. He seemed go give her a moment to accommodate the new intrusion before he began his sawing motion again. Several times, he withdrew completely, only to stab into her again after a short pause. He rested his large head on her shoulder, his snout burying itself into her soft hair. Gradually the speed of his pace began to increase. Within in moments he was humping as frantically as the first dogs.

The other dogs were visibly excited as they milled about, waiting their turn. The girl braced herself on her hands and knees, her head lolling back. Through half closed eyes she watched the dogs about her. Shuddering, she arched her back as she felt her latest orgasm building. She moaned gutturally, excited by the sloppy wet sounds coming from between her legs. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the dogs' face. His black lips curled back in a half-snarl, white, frothy spittle forming at the corners of his mouth. His was hot breath washed against her shoulders and back as he labored to reach his peak. He ground his loins against her, determined to plant his seed deep within her.

By now, the girl was panting as heavily as the animals. Slamming forward the dogs’ bloated cock swelled and exploded within her. The first hot jet of cum triggered her orgasm. Clinging possessively to her, his cock began spewing forcefully into her saturated cunt. Eventually he dismounted, cum drooling from the captives' hole as he pulled free. Quite pleased with himself, and was quickly followed by another dog...

Then another...

And another...

The girl had little time to catch her breath; she could feel several warm rivulets of cum trailing down her trembling thighs like warm honey.

She sighed heavily, hoping for a moment’s respite. Instead, she heard the next dog’s paws scrambling on the velvet covering behind her. A pair of strong forelegs pulled her roughly back onto a waiting cock. Ginger grunted as the bloated cock rammed home. He paused briefly, adjusting position. The bound captive twisted her hips from side to side. Without further coaxing the dog began to pound wildly into her hot, clasping hole. "Oooohhhh, Yess, fuck me you mangy mutt," she hissed through her clenched teeth. She knitted her brow, concentrating on sensations in her quivering clit and cunt. Relentlessly the dog fucked deeply, his tightened ball-sack swinging forward and slapping wetly behind the buried dog-knot. Her struggles and cries only seemed to
encourage him. Overcome by her drug induced excitement, she flung her hair about wildly, pushing back with her hips to meet the beast's forward thrusts. "MMMmmm, Aauugh, Fuck me, you bastard dog! Just keep fucking me!" she cried out. She no longer cared if her captors heard

The canine’s cock surged in and out of the girl’s now eager pussy. The muscles in her legs and thighs trembled as the thrusts forced her forward against her ankle cuffs. Each dog pounded tirelessly, like scarlet pistons their cocks forced the cum of the earlier dogs back and around the succeeding shafts. Looking back between her heaving breasts Ginger could see the cocks whipping the cum into a frothy, white lather. Her small patch of blonde cunt-hair was matted with pulpy dog-cum.

Cum dripped, thick as molasses, from the joint of their union. A thick puddle of cum was forming between her outstretched legs. She brushed her hard nipples again the velvet covering below her. She had begun to encourage them with husky whispers and sobbing, half-cries of mixed pleasure and fear.

Pressing her palms into the cushion, she pushed back with her hips. The dog barked softly as he began to pump his seething cum into her. He tightened his grasp around the girls' hips as he emptied his balls, a throaty canine grunt signaling each spasm. He shuddered with pleasure as he felt muscles of the humans' cunt milk and squeeze at his buried cock. It took several moments before Ginger felt the hot spurts slow then stop. Satiated for the moment, the dog dismounted his still swollen cock withdrawing with a lewd slurping sound.

Behind her she heard the next dog scrambling onto the platform, he barked in triumph, rearing up to mount her. Looking up she watched the cameras panning over the scene.

The dog swiftly draped himself over her, his shaft ramming home with a single, savage thrust. Cum drooled around the base of the rampaging cock, dripping to the cushion with a wet slapping sounds. Ginger worked her hips frantically, her cunt muscles clasping and milking the invader like a hot wet fist. The panting dog rutted into her for what seemed an eternity before she felt his body tense, his cock swelling in her tight channel. The girl’s body trembled with another orgasm as fresh geysers of dog-spunk exploded inside of her. She sagged forward onto her elbows, her hair veiling her face. The dog worked his loins about, twisting his cock about inside of her, tamping his cum deeply into her. Reluctantly he backed away, despite his inflated dog-knot he pulled free
easily from the sodden cleft, surrendering her to his companions.

The next dog mounted, his forepaws hooking over her shoulders. Holding her tightly with his forelegs, he deliberately began to jab his cock at his victim’s unprotected asshole.

Ginger screamed in vain, looking back between her thighs, she watched the dog’s hind legs brace themselves for his attack. He rested his head between her shoulder blades and savagely pushed his cock into her. Mercilessly the cock brutally sodomized the kneeling captive. Overcome by her own growing lust, the captive relented to the invading cock. The dog reacted, clutching her more tightly, growling deep in his throat. As with the other dogs, he had never experienced sex with a human female. He was responding to her hot scent that told him she was another eager, hot bitch, supplied by his master for his use.

He certainly hoped that his master would provide more such bitches for his pleasure in the future. He had grown excited by her struggles and cries compared to dog bitch that stood stoically under him to be bred. His hot, wet tongue stroked at her naked back. Her taste was pleasing and her scent inviting as he picked it out from the intermingled scents of his companions that had used her earlier.

He sawed his cock steadily in and out of the crouching girl's asshole, unable to bury his knot, but determined to empty his hot churning cum into her. The girl shook her head, the long strands whipping at the dog's face and spurring him on to thrusts that are more frantic

Pleased at the hot tight hole, the beast continued to ravish her. He grew more excited as she wriggled to dislodge him with her feeble struggles. With her senses aroused by the bestial rape, Ginger began to wriggle her hips about in small circles. After an interminable time she felt the dog cock stiffen, swell and spurt in slow, steady jets, flooding her bowels with his thick, pulpy cum.

As he disengaged, the next dog took his place. Ginger gasped as she felt the next pair forelegs grasped her slim waist. The dog-cock sank into her with a wet squelching sound. One after another the dogs pleasured themselves. Several had regrouped in the queue to have another turn with her. Her cunt and asshole were each penetrated in turn and flooded with simmering dog spunk. One beast merged into the next, she twisted her head to one side, looking over her shoulder to see the next dog mount. The dog bared his teeth, growling as he flung his forelegs about her slim waist. Ginger gasped aloud as the canine's member sank into her tight channel. "AHH, yeah, doggie, fuck your Ginger," she panted. She turned her head forward, a subservient little bitch, ready to be mounted.

He pushed swiftly into her, knot and all, his churning ball-sack slapping her upturned pussy with each thrust.

The captive realized that she was little more that new toy for the beasts, a hot, tight hole for them to satisfy their lust and fury. She could not imagine how long the dog relentlessly pummeled her cunt. She could only submit, her sharp little cries and pleadings only seemed to excite the dog and encourage his waiting companions. The dog licked eagerly at her bare back and shoulders. For a moment, Ginger imagined that same tongue slavering over her hardened nipples or lapping incessantly at her quivering cunt.

The dog above her clung tenaciously to her hips and waist as his cock spewed his foaming cum into her frothy cunt. He slowly withdrew, as if reluctant to surrender the bitch to his companions. He backed away from her as he dismounted, for a moment his swollen dog knot was firmly clasped in her tight pussy. He tugged it free, releasing a steaming flood of dog-cum from the vacated hole. Ginger licked her lips as she felt her cunt muscles spasm several times as if trying to recapture the retreating cock. Dog-cum drooled from her flooded hole, the thick droplets clinging for an instant from a gossamer thread before plopping wetly to the velvet covering.

For a moment, she was alone on the platform, though she was aware that the dogs were still about. Perhaps they are tired, she thought. She caught her breath for a moment and arched her back, stretching like a cat to ease the tension in her muscles.

The next dog took this as an invitation and quickly was upon her. Bracing his hind legs, he plunged into her cum-drenched asshole. Ginger sobbed aloud as his cock ruthlessly pummeled her tight hole. In his frantic thrusts the dog’s cock slipped out. He growled in frustration, his slimy cock jabbing at her thighs as he sought a new purchase. With a canine grunt, he buried his shaft into her cunt; Ginger tossed her head back as the swollen knot surged into her warm, buttery depths.

He had taken the bitch earlier and had watched his companions take the human bitch before and after, in turn. For the moment he was in no hurry, his cock stroked in and out of the girl in slow, deliberate thrusts. The captive below him relaxed slightly, for a brief while enjoying the slower tempo. Ginger rolled her hips lewdly as she felt her own orgasm building. Her cunt muscles began to milk the drooling cock and this encouraged the dog to hasten his thrusts.

Suddenly his thrusts became as fast and brutal as his predecessors and the captive blonde realized he was reaching his orgasm. His hips jerked frantically as he began to reach his peak, with a sharp bark he ground his hips into her. "UUGHH... AAHHUGHH..." Ginger cried aloud, twisting her hips about as her clasping tunnel sucked the hot cum from deep in the dog’s balls. Both girl and dog were panting heavily. "AAAHHhhh, MMmmm, aaahhhh" she cooed as the forceful jets of dog-cum triggered another orgasm in her. "MMM, good, dog, good boy," she whispered softly. Oblivious to her endearments the dog pulled her tightly to him as he continued to spew his cum into her. His eyes glazed, his tongue lolled to one side of his face. This was his second time with the human; inwardly he hoped his master would send her to visit them again. He felt his spasms slow and, despite the hot clasp of the females' cunt, his cock began to flag.

Looking back between her quaking thighs, Ginger watched as the bloated canine cock pulled free with a sodden slurp. The length of the dog’s shaft was lathered with cum that drooled into the growing puddle between her knees.

The dog, satisfied, for the time being, stepped away. Watching the puddle of cum between her spread knees, Ginger was almost sure she could see steam rising from the cooling jizm. An instant later the legs of another dog popped into view. They braced themselves behind her and she felt the weight of the dog on her back, the forelegs gripped her flaring hips. She stifled a sob as she watched the angry red cock stab into her drooling cunt. His first thrust lifted the helpless girl off her knees. "Oohhh, yes, just keep... fucking... me.." she stammered. The dog needed no further encouragement.

Most of the beasts seemed satisfied, one by one, they began strolling away, down the corridor from which they had appeared. Several remained for a short while, milling about, as if debating if they should have another go at her. Ginger wiggled her hips invitingly, "Come on doggy, here boy. Come get Ginger," she whispered huskily. Looking back between her breasts, she saw another dogs' legs appear in answer to her invitation. The dog draped himself over her, burying his cock and knot quickly, his ball-sack slapped teasingly against her upturned pussy. Ginger closed her eyes, coaxing him to pleasure himself. Bracing himself over the girl, he pounded steadily. "OOOooohhh, yeaahhh!" sobbed Ginger aloud, "fill me, lover." She flung her head about, lashing the dogs' face with her hair. The dog barked excitedly and pulled her forcefully to him. The girl pushed back to meet him, her hot cunt sucking the cum from deep in his balls. The dogs' cock lurched and began to spurt hot cum into her flooded cunt.

Near exhaustion, Ginger sprawled lewdly in her bonds before her canine lovers. Peering back between her legs, she watched the large puddle of dog-cum slowly seeping into the red velvet. A slight breeze wafted through the dog’s gate and she felt it cool the creamy film of cum on the back and insides of her thighs. Her silk stockings were saturated with cum from thigh to knee. She rested for a few minutes, letting her breathing slow.

One by one, the dogs had begun to file out of the room, back to their kennel. Tiredly she rose her head; one of the cameras looked down at her. "Miss Trent, that was quite a performance," it was Christina Leer’s voice. "I’m sure Mr. Gravix will be very pleased." Leer’s voice changed, she seemed to be addressing someone else in the room in which she had monitored Ginger’s beast rape.

"Give her twenty minutes to rest, then send in the rest of then dogs" Ginger let her head roll back on her shoulders, closing her eyes, ‘Rest of the dogs?’ She wondered how many dogs they kept in the kennels, and then she licked her lips in anticipation...

To be continued?

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