385 024 bytes
Sound: No
1 second
Video size: 640 x 457 Divx codec needed.
256 512 bytes
Sound: Yes
2 seconds
Video size: 500 x 364
Divx codec needed.
Tiger 2
982 016 bytes
Sound: Yes
7 seconds
Video size: 480 x 360
Seems that it was some people out there that really liked M.H:s 3D animation, so
here it is again: A longer sequence with more sound.
Divx codec needed!
This is a flash animation. So you will need Macromedia flash player to see it.
Also notice that the file is very large!
The animation isn't new, but it have being offline for a long time, so here it
is again, still good, isn't it? /Aradd |
Gif animation.
Resolution size:
800 x 600
This is a old animation that I found in my archive. Of course it should be here
online so you all can see it. Sorry that it took so long time. The animation is
done in 2004. /Aradd