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RWS-184 An Incestuous Love
by Tina Holmes

Chapter 1

Linda Hall stood, shaking her head as she had so many times in the past. Her
boss was persistent, but she was not about to change her mind, this time or any
other. Once again she wished she knew what it was about her that made him and so
many of the other men in the office ask her out on dates. Their requests for
dates always appeared innocent enough, but she knew better. "No, I can't, Mr.
Williams," she said once more.

Karl Williams leaned back in his oversized chair, his eyes feasting on the lush
figure of his blonde secretary. What he saw was reason enough to not let another
"no" discourage him. Petite, she had a flowing walk with her hips undulating in
a free way under her dress. Above her narrow trim waist, her breasts loomed
large and exquisitely shaped. And they, too, seemed to undulate and shake in a
jellied way when she walked. Since her figure was so well-formed, so firm and
youthful, she never wore girdles or anything more than panties, bra, and a
garter belt. And it showed in her every high-heeled step!

Her face was pretty, with a pert snub nose and wide sensuous lips. Karl knew
instinctively that she had to be fantastic in bed, and he was willing to try
anything to get her there. "Is it a jealous lover?" he said, though he was
convinced she had no steady boyfriend. She blushed hearing the word "lover", but
then quickly denied such a relationship by shaking her head.

"With the long weekend, I'm sure my son has plans, Mr. Williams. I wouldn't want
to commit myself to anything that might spoil them," she said firmly. For the
other men in the office she wouldn't bother to make any excuses, but with her
boss it had to be different. She folded her steno pad in hope of bringing the
conversation to a finish, but Karl Williams persisted.

"You should think about yourself, too," he said quietly, but he wanted to yell
at her and demand it. He wanted to go and lock the office door and take her in
his arms and rip the damned dress off and caress her and feel her nakedly
voluptuous little body underneath him, all hot and wiggling, eager to be fucked.

It seemed it was always her son Rick that stood in the way of Karl getting her
out, even for an innocent cup of coffee. Her having a son, a sixteen year old
son, was unbelievable, and Karl had thought the boy was her brother the day they
were introduced. Linda Hall just didn't appear old enough to have a sixteen year
old son.

"If there's nothing more, Mr. Williams, I'll get this letter typed," she said
curtly, and turned to go. She knew exactly how far she could go with him, and
felt safe in her near rudeness.

Her boss shifted forward in his large chair, signaling an end to his efforts to
date her, for that day at least. "Thank you, Miss Hall," he intoned, with
emphasis on the "Miss."

Linda didn't like using her son Rick as an excuse to turn down dates, but
countless times the boy had proved to be the best and easiest. And she had long
ago learned to ignore the social stigma of being an unwed mother. The truth was
simply that she was scared.

Men had often appeared to Linda as animals, brutes, unfeeling lechers who wanted
nothing more than her still young and ripe body. She dressed to hide her lush
figure and discovered it was an impossibility; the more she tried to hide her
large fully fleshed breasts, the more she drew attention to them; the more she
tried to control her walk, the more studied and provocative it became.

Despite her thoughts and aims, she radiated a natural sensualness, a deep,
heated, milky kind of sexuality. To see Linda in a miniskirt, to see her long
shapely legs and full curving thighs, only conjured a vision of what was hidden
under her skirt - up there between her legs; to think of her hips encased in
silken little panties and her naked buttocks and her downy golden pubic hair
made a man positive her sweetly perfumed vaginal lips were prominent and pinkly
moist ... all ready, eager to receive a long, hard cock.

Indeed, she had a way of walking - when she wanted to - that allowed her vaginal
lips to rub together in a softly lubricated way that excited her clitoris which
would swell and send tingles of pleasure coursing through her entire body. She
was a natural "tease", a body so well built and proportioned that no man in his
right mind would pass her by without a long lustful look.

It had been like that for her since an early age, a condition that had led her
parents to be overprotective and restrictive. For a vibrant young girl just
blossoming into life, such dominance can be hell. She was defiant as a young
girl, seeking more of life than the planned lessons and activities of her
parents provided her. Her defiance, one warm spring afternoon of her sixteenth
year, led to the incident that left her life changed while creating the fearful
attitude she currently held toward men.

It had been one of those rare days in San Francisco when the sun shone hot and
clear; the kind of day when nothing can keep an adventuresome girl indoors; and
Linda was supposed to be attending a choir rehearsal. Feeling her parents would
be none the wiser, she had decided to go to the park instead, and her plan had
proved to be disastrous.

The greens and yellows of the park were like vibrant signs of awakening spring,
and she had wandered aimlessly, absorbing the warmth of the colors from the
earth. The park was cut by few roads, but instead was crisscrossed by numerous
trails and paths that led to and around all of the abundant glories of nature.
Each turn was a discovery of something wonderful; and finding herself by a
small, clear pond, Linda wandered off the trail to become more intimate with the
earth. It was warm; her heart beat rhythmically; she was sixteen and more aware
of her blossoming womanhood than ever before in her life.

At the far side of the pond stood a pair of Grecian-like columns, apparently
placed there to reflect in the clear water of the pond, but poplar trees and
dense foliage had grown up around them, making the columns barely visible. It
was near the base of those pillars, in a small opening between the thick bushes,
that Linda had lain down to feel the warmth of the afternoon sun ...

Lying back and looking up, she saw the white columns towering skyward like lofty
sentinels guarding her very private world below. And she felt alone, as in the
first Biblical garden; a woman one with nature. The rays of the sun penetrated
her clothes, caressing her youthful body with its sensual warmth, and the
tingling of her smooth white skin seemed to speak to her, pleading and begging
to be set free of its cover.

She was excited by the thought of being totally naked there in the park, and she
looked around slowly, reassuring herself of complete privacy. Then, her
excitement growing with each passing second, she sat up, pulling her dress off
over her head. Her brassiere came next; then her shoes and stockings. And
finally, thrilled by her own actions, she slowly slipped the sheer nylon panties
away from her ripely rounded buttocks and over her thighs until she sat on the
warm grass free of all her ugly, confining garments.

She felt as though she was totally naked for the first time there in the
surroundings of nature, open and exposed to the life-giving sun.

She lay back again, this time feeling the coarse leaves of the earth touching
her naked young flesh and stirring in her a new excitation, as if a thousand
tiny fingers were brushing against her nerves. And her heartbeat quickened,
sending her blood pulsating through her newly awakened body, warming,
stimulating, making her want to caress herself everywhere.

She felt a familiar itching deep within her vagina, a sensation she experienced
on the few occasions she had been to school dances with boys, only this time the
feeling was more intense - more demanding. After the dances, when she was home
and in bed, she had touched herself with her hands and fingers, and she had even
probed into her moistly excited pussy to relieve the terrible itch. Afterwards,
after she had achieved her puny little orgasm, she would always feel guilty, as
she had been taught to believe sex was horribly wrong and dirty. But that
afternoon, lying nakedly there in the park in the warm sun, she again wanted to
fondle her body, and she was convinced the pleasures it would bring her were
right and deserved. It was the setting: the scent, touch, feel and sounds of
nature all around her, that made her more aware of her sexuality ... and
anything she might do to herself could be only good.

The palms of her hands were warm as she placed them against her curving hips,
and she drew them up along the narrow dip of her waist, languishing in the
sensual feel of her own naked flesh. Reaching the full, raised mounds of her
breasts, she cupped her hands over the tips; the brownish-pink buds of her erect
little nipples were already hard and sensitive. She pinched them between thumbs
and forefingers, thrilling in the contact as the wanton heat in her groin seemed
to rage out of control. Her long legs were spread slightly apart, and she raised
them up and out wider. The thought that she was so open and nakedly exposed to
the earth made her arousal heighten to an overpowering sense of urgency, and she
released her hold of her budding right breast, running her hand down over the
smooth flat plane of her belly until her fingertips touched the wispy beginnings
of her pubic hairs. The lips of her hungry young vagina moistly flared with the
nearness of her fingers as the heat of her loins surpassed that from the sun.
Her overly sensitive little clitoris throbbed a tingling message to her brain:
Touch me, pinch me, please!

Rhapsodic with the fire in her belly, she slid her outstretched middle finger
into the soft, hair-lined slit of her virginal pussy spreading the spongy flesh
apart to bare the quivering knob of her lust-inflamed clitoris. And she began to
massage it, sending agonizing pleasures coursing through her wantonly writhing
young body.

She never dreamed that her lewd finger-fucking of herself was being observed.
The sailor had noticed her as she was wandering along the trail, and he had
followed her from a distance, seeing even from there that she was finely built
and sensual. When she had turned off the trail by the pond, he had cut around
through the foliage and come up behind the small clearing by the white columns.
He remained hidden in the dense bushes when he saw her lie down on the grass and
stare up at the sky. Being unobserved as he was, he had already mentally
undressed her several times before she suddenly sat up and began to actually
take her clothes off. His rapidly awakening penis lurched in his pants as he
watched her strip naked - setting her clothes casually aside, and then lying
back in the grass again.

The sight drove him crazy, and he felt his painfully throbbing cock growing hard
and bigger than ever before as he took in each detail of her sensually curving
figure. Her head of long blonde hair splayed out on the grass, framing a sleek
wild face with a touch of red lipstick and large blue eyes. She wore little
makeup, but it was right for her kind of face. Her nose was slim and tilted up
at the end in a pert kind of lewdness that was heightened by her aroused smile
and the way the tip of her pink tongue licked at her wetly parted lips,
moistening them.

She was more than just naked; she was brazen the way she lay on the grass as if
waiting for some imaginary lover to descend upon her.

His eye traveled down over her long elegant neck, his breath coming hard through
his nostrils as he crouched in the bushes, staring. Her bare shoulders were well
shaped and soft, and he liked the way her collarbone jutted out.

Her naked young breasts were big and full and sprawled in a provocative way, and
the nipples were distended and shaped like bullets, tipped upward. There was a
fine sheen to her skin where her cleavage began. He could imagine his hands all
over her ripely full breasts and, as he shuddered with excitement and started
unbuttoning his pants to release his rigidly erect cock to get it in a more
comfortable position, he thought of his lips and hungry mouth closing over those
nipples and sucking on them and feeling her nakedly writhing body under him.

Her body! Jesus! Beneath her half-moon breasts was the delicately curving
configuration of her rib cage, and her taut little stomach was unblemished -
rounded provocatively. His eye traveled down, down, and he saw the jutting
protruding mound of Venus covered with sparse, softly curling blonde hair.

And there, there at the apex, the center, where her thighs and pubic hair met
her torso, there in detail was her beautifully prominent cunt. And she was
excited! He could clearly see the puffy pink folds of her vaginal lips under the
hair as they framed the entrance to her delectable young pussy. Her legs were
spread wide enough that he could see her wetly glistening slit, a bright pink
mouth among the pubic hairs. He narrowed his eyes and could see the nib of her
clitoris glittering with an expectant moistness.

"Christ," he said softly, really not believing what he was witnessing, for the
girl had begun to caress her lush body, and it was more than he could stand to
hide in the bushes and just watch. His long, throbbing cock was aching with
excitement, and he began to stroke it as he saw her hand moving to her ripely
firm breast and then snake down unashamedly to her tight young cunt. He would
wait, wait until she was really fired up and hot, and then he would run over and
fuck her until she couldn't walk for a week!

Warm passion juice flowed from between the hair-covered lips of her moistly
quivering vagina as she stroked and rubbed the hardened bud of her clitoris. For
the first time Linda didn't find the pleasures that were tearing through her
body strange, but felt the overwhelming animal heat as natural and wonderful.
And it was demanding even more! Her belly trembled and quivered from her
forbidden caresses, and she arched her back off the ground, wantonly writhing
and wiggling under the rhythmic movement of her outstretched finger. She pushed
her long, tapering digit down hard, slipping it along the softly moistened flesh
until the tip closed over the mouth of her innermost being, and curving it
downward, she tucked the end inside her tight little cuntal passage, teasing the
narrow channel until she could hold back no longer.

Her middle finger sliced between her wide-spread pussy lips like a knife through
butter; probing the warm liquid depths of her passion inflamed cunt its full
length. The palm of her hand was pressing flat against the curvature of her
virgin mound, and her erectly gleaming clitoris pulsated against it, quaking
with her desire. Her middle finger seesawed in and out of her passion-drenched
cunt as her hips rolled back and forth in an eager hunger. With her other hand
she pinched and pulled outward on the tips of her breasts, generating more fire
and heat in the hollowed pit of her shaking belly. Her eyes rolled upward,
staring unseeing at the tall white columns thrust at the sky, and her wetly
quivering tongue flickered over her red lips as her mind was consumed in her

It was only then that she realized someone was standing near, and she froze and
flushed from her fright and embarrassment. It had taken her a moment to focus
her eyes on the man in the sailor uniform, as the first thing she noticed was
the huge, massively erect penis that pointed straight out from the open front of
his pants.

The blunt, purple head was throbbing with urgency as his hand stroked the long,
rigid pole lined with blood-filled veins. His lust-narrowed eyes looked wild as
he stared down between her raised legs to where her hand and fingers covered her
virgin mound. She knew immediately, without doubt, that she was going to be
raped and that there was no one who might help her. But she screamed anyway!

He was upon her in a flash, his hand coming down over her open mouth as his hips
trapped her legs apart. "Shut-up girl, or I'll kill ya!" he grunted directly
into her ear, and the tone of his voice told her he meant it.

She wanted to cry, to plead with the assailant, but everything happened too
quickly for her to even catch her breath. His hard, wildly throbbing penis was
pushed across the wet slit of her tight little virginal vagina, and its full
fleshy length pulsated like some mindless monster coiling to strike as the
weight of his body held her helplessly pinned to the ground. He was panting, and
his breath was foul with the stench of liquor; but when he took his hand from
her mouth, his lips were there to replace it. She gasped as he thrust his wetly
quivering tongue into her mouth and his hand cruelly squeezed on her breasts,
making her whimper with pain. And that was only the beginning! In a moment he
was voraciously sucking on her ripely budding breasts, drawing the distended
nipples up into his hot mouth and biting hard on them. She started to scream
again, but his warning was still on her mind, so she only sobbed and rolled her
head from side to side in futile silent protest.

The sailor raised up, saliva dripping from his leering lips as he fought to get
his pants pushed down around his knees with one hand, while he kept the other at
her throat, ominously. Linda trembled and coughed, knowing now there was nothing
to be done. His mouth was set in a permanent sneer-like grin that made her
wonder if she was going to live whether she screamed or not; and as he
positioned himself between her wide-spread thighs, she thought only to appease
him ... to live! His only thought was to hammer his lust hungry cock into her
tight little cunt.

Gripping the thick, heatedly throbbing penis with one hand, he guided the
blunted head toward the wet opening between her quivering pussy lips, and once
there, he pushed his hips forward, anxiously trying to bury his long hard length
inside. "OOoohh, please! I'm a virgin! You're hurting meeeee!" The pain gave
Linda the courage to plead with him, but she stopped abruptly when his hand
struck a stinging blow across her face. When he thrust hard forward with his
hips again, she thought she was going to pass out. The lubricating fluid that
her fingering of her own vagina had brought forth made his entry at first much
less painful than she believed, but then as he plummeted deeper into her
hopelessly stretched pussy, she felt certain she was being ripped in half.

"Oh, fuck, you're a tight little cunt," the sailor groaned as the thick head of
his cock was wetly gripped by her vaginal mouth. He stared down at her hair-
covered mound, seeing the pink pussy lips stretched wide by his thick pulsating
hardness, and he lunged again - driving deeper up into the moistly cringing
virginal passage. Linda thought it would never end as he thrust inch by
agonizing inch into her heated belly; and when she felt she couldn't possibly
take any more, he shoved forward driving even deeper into her. Then, finally,
her abdomen rippling with pain, she felt the bushy tips of his pubic hair
brushing her inner thighs. It was all she could do to keep from screaming at the
top of her lungs.

The rest didn't last very long. Her assailant kept groaning over and over again,
"Oh, fuck! What a cunt!" And he wildly drove his long hard cock in and out of
her, the spongy purple head striking deep within her belly. She could only
whimper and sob in response - visions of her damnation whirling through her mind
as her naked young body was ruthlessly raped by the drunken, lust-insane sailor.

She didn't want to look at him, but her fear and shame made her keep her eyes
open; and she hopelessly stared up at the cruelly leering face above her as her
tender young cunt was plundered with a quickening fury. The brutal sailor
gripped her long blonde hair with one hand, pulling her head up from the ground
and shouted, "Look, chick! Look at my prick!" And through tear-blurred eyes she
saw his hard wetly glistening penis buried into her young body. Even as she
watched, horrified, she saw his long shaft pulling slickly back out until only
the very tip remained inside. The silky blonde strands of her pubic hair were
matted down with moisture, clearly outlining the pinkly flushed flesh of her
ravaged young vagina, and he drove into her so hard that his groin slammed
against her with a thud, and her eyes watered so much she could no longer see.

He groaned once, then again, as he fell forward with the full weight of his body
pressing into her nakedly heaving young breasts. His grinding motions became
jerky and quick as his elongated penis made vicious thrusts into her wetly
sucking cunt. Deep in her belly the head of his ramming cock seemed to swell up
to an impossible size, filling her until she thought she would burst apart from
the pressure, and she moaned her agony of sexual fire that ripped through her
body, "Oooohhh, please, oooohhhhh!"

His body seemed to consume her every part, for her neck tensed where it had been
savagely nipped with his teeth; her breasts were squeezed by his weight, and her
long legs high and forced out wide around his hips as her ex-virgin cunt was
pierced and battered by his lusting, hammering cock. Spasms gripped her belly as
he suddenly drove to an absolute maximum depth in her painfully stretched pussy,
and his head went up as his back arched in a great curve ... just at the moment
the fire raged from the lust-swollen tip of his wildly jerking penis.

Sperm shot into her wetly cringing young womb like molten lava from a volcano;
squirting out again and again as he shrieked his climax through tightly gritted
teeth. And Linda groaned as her belly sizzled with the heated liquid - sharp,
burning, stabbing bolts of white fire; never-ending.

He raised up, finally, the cruelly leering wide grin still cutting across his
sweaty face, and she knew that it was over and done. Fearing for her life, she
remained frozen and quiet, as he hovered over her, his breath coming in hot
gasps, like a devil-dragon from hell.

Later, it was the sight of the sailor's smirking face that had stayed with Linda
like a horrible nightmare, not the actual rape itself. He had left her there
naked in the clearing as he found her, save for one important difference. Her
virginity was gone, but in its place he had left a seed implanted; a seed that
was to grow in her belly and give her a child. Rick!

She had been able to pull herself together quickly enough to make her way home
before her mother and father would become suspicious of her lateness. This she
was grateful for, for in her fear, she had absolutely no intention of telling
her parents what had happened. Doing so would mean admitting she was where she
shouldn't have been, and though it was possible for her to lie about her state
of dress at the time, if the sailor was picked up, there would certainly be
conflicting stories. Her only choice was to act as if nothing had happened -
that she had been at the choir rehearsal.

What she had not counted on was her pregnancy!

Linda ignored the early signs of her pregnancy like she could actually wish such
an event away, and this fact made it all the more difficult for her to explain
when it could no longer be hidden. It was nearly five months after the incident
in the park when the confrontation with her parents occurred, and in spite of
her frightened, sincerely abject, tearful confessions, her story never really
sounded believable. While she wasn't physically thrown out of her home, she did
become a mental outcast, and her life with her parents became increasingly
difficult as her due date drew near. It had been arranged for her to go to a
home for unwed mothers, and after Rick was born, Linda decided she could not
return home. With money saved for college expenses, she struggled on her own for
a year; and when the baby was old enough to be taken to a sitter, she got a job
as a file clerk with a company south of San Francisco. She worked hard, going to
a secretarial school at night, and eventually she got a good paying job as an
executive secretary. Through it all she avoided any kind of contact with her
family, though not because they hadn't believed her about the rape. It was her
guilty feelings, feelings she carried with her all the time, for in the back of
her mind she knew that she had almost enjoyed that brutal rape by the sailor.

Thus, Linda put sex and men out of her mind, looking upon both as crude and
brutal and dirty. She never dated men, but instead devoted her time to improving
her professional life and raising her son, Rick, in the best way possible.
Everything went along fine - she believed herself happy - until one day she woke
up and realized that her son was almost a man ... Now in addition to the
problems of Karl Williams' persistence about a date, there was Ricky ...

With the letter typed and ready to be posted, Linda busied herself with clearing
her desk until quitting time. She considered leaving early, what with the long
weekend ahead, but after having turned down her boss for the umpteenth time, she
felt it wiser not to take advantage.

At five o'clock, to the second, she quietly locked her desk and walked out of
the building with the rest of the office staff. Outside, she was pleased that
she hadn't been confronted with Karl Williams again, and she ran to her car in
case he might be following her. She wanted to get home to her son, and she
didn't think she could take anymore of her boss's arguments about why she should
go out with him. The three-day weekend was that much sweeter for the fact that
she wouldn't be making excuses to him.

Home was a simple and small house in San Bruno - a fifteen minute drive from
work, and a source of pride for Linda. She had bought it when Rick was ten, and
she had worked hard to make the house comfortable for them. It was in a typical
suburban neighborhood and ordinary, but it was the center of her life efforts
... the symbol of all that she worked to achieve.

"Rick, I'm home," she called as she entered the house. There was no answer, but
she heard the sound of water running and realized that her son was in the
shower. She had her coat off and hung in the closet when the running water
stopped, and as she walked down the hall toward the kitchen, she called out
again while passing the bathroom. "Hi, I'm home!"

"Hey, Mom?"

Linda stopped and turned around as the bathroom door opened, and she saw her
handsome young son standing in the hallway, a towel wrapped around his slender
waist. His head and broad, muscular shoulders were still wet from the shower,
and he had a hopeful gleam in his eyes that she recognized immediately. He was
going to ask a favor.

"There's something important I want to talk to you about, Mom ..."

"O.K., dear ..."

"I'll join you in the kitchen in just a minute," he said smiling, and he hurried
back into the bathroom.

Linda smiled, only slightly annoyed by his mysteriousness; and, as she walked to
the kitchen to start dinner, she couldn't help thinking about how mature Rick
had become. Standing in front of her almost naked, he looked far more man than
boy: his shoulders broad, waist narrow, and long muscular legs definitely those
of a young man. It was as though he had suddenly grown away from her to enter
his own world, a world where he was less dependent on her. That disturbed her!
She found herself wishing he hadn't been wearing the towel around his hips so
that she could have looked upon his manhood and make sure he was completely
normal, but she blushed for having such a shameful thought and quickly put it
out of her mind.

Rick, of course, was more mature for his age than Linda wanted to admit, and his
handsome, almost rugged, features made him even appear older than sixteen. He
had no difficulty passing for eighteen, and there were times he had even
succeeded in passing for twenty-one. His good looks had aided him in gaining
experience beyond his years, but for his mother, he still feigned more innocence
than he possessed.

Linda had food out of the refrigerator and ready to cook by the time Rick joined
her in the kitchen, and she was so engrossed in getting dinner ready that she
had forgotten that he wanted to talk about something important. "How was school
today, dear?" she asked.

"Fine, Mom, fine ..." he answered sitting down at the kitchen table, a serious
look on his face. "What I wanted to talk about ... Well, with this three day
weekend: it's a great chance for us to do something different ..." He stopped,
realizing his mother was hardly listening as she arranged pots on the stove.
"Mom, could you hold up a minute? This is important to me!"

She remembered and blushed slightly. "I'm sorry, dear. I'm so hungry, I was
wrapped up in the food here." She pushed a pot off the burner, and then smiling
at her son, sat down beside him at the table. "Now, what is it again?"

In his most serious voice, Rick started again. "I was thinking, what with this
three day weekend, that we should take the opportunity to get away ..." He
hesitated, "To a place like Big Sur ..." Then his words rushing out, "There's a
camp where cabins are very reasonable this time of year, and the change of
scenery would be nice for a change. It's really beautiful there you know, and
the weather forecast says warm and sunny all weekend ... It would be great, Mom,
really great!"

There was more to it, Linda knew, and she smiled her most motherly smile.
"Change of scenery is nice once and a while, but the cost of staying two nights
just for that ... Well, I don't know." She was teasing him, and enjoying it.
"Maybe if we had some friends there? We might find more things of interest ..."

Rick leaned forward, elbows on the table, and he grinned sheepishly at his
mother. "I got the idea this afternoon. When I was talking to Karen Boyd. She
and Mrs. Boyd are going there tonight; and, well, I thought it would be fun if
we went too ..."

Linda nodded, then stood up to begin fixing dinner again. She had figured it was
something like that, and she wasn't about to disappoint her son. Karen was his
girlfriend, though an innocent relationship as far as Linda knew, and she, too,
came from a one-parent home. Valerie Boyd, Karen's mother, was a divorcee, and
Linda had known her since Rick first took her daughter to a school dance. They
had become friends because their children dated off and on, but got together
only on occasions when they did things with Rick and Karen. These occasions
consisted mostly of Sunday afternoon picnics or weekend school events, and they
got along well together, though they had little in common. They were both about
the same age and living without husbands, but that was where the similarities
ended. Valerie Boyd worked as a saleswoman in an exclusive dress shop, and she
dated men often, going to places that Linda had only seen from the outside. Yet,
if going to nightclubs and expensive restaurants involved dating men, Linda was
glad to do without it, while she held nothing against Valerie for what she did.
For Linda, the friendship was like being in on the social doings without
actually having to participate in them, so going to Big Sur and meeting Valerie
there sounded like just another Sunday picnic slightly extended. It would be
fun, and it was something she had to do for Rick.

"Well, Mom ...? How 'bout it? Can we go?" Rick said anxiously, though he knew
his mother rarely refused his requests.

She turned away from the stove, still relishing the chance to tease her son.
"That sort of thing takes time to plan," she said, and she was prepared to
continue her kidding until she saw the hurt expression on her son's face. "I
mean, we couldn't possibly leave tonight ... But, how about tomorrow?" And she
was pleased by the warm glow of excitement that radiated across the kitchen.

"Oh, that's great, Mom! I mean, I meant tomorrow! Heck, that still gives us two
nights there!" he said hurriedly, and he stood up from the table and hugged his
pretty mother.

Her heartbeat quickened as she felt her son's hard young body against her, but
she turned away immediately, looking in a pot as if the food might be burning.
"There's one thing you haven't considered, dear," she said in her most serious
tone, but she waited to go on until Rick had again sat down at the table. "Since
this is a three day weekend there is a strong possibility the camp will be full
... We may not be able to get a cabin!"

"No problem," he said smiling, "Karen's going to have her Mom reserve us a cabin
the moment they get there. I figured you'd say O.K." He laughed loudly, and so
did his mother.

Chapter 2

They got a late start the next morning as Linda realized at the last minute she
had to wash some clothes for the trip. Rick became somewhat impatient, but
remained in good spirits as he helped around the house. They got away shortly
after noon, with Rick driving after having promised his mother he would stay
within the speed limit.

It was only a two hour drive to Salinas, but from there the going was slower
with most of the highway being two lanes. They stopped for a late lunch on the
Monterey wharf, eating hamburgers, though the restaurant specialized in seafood.
They both detected a slight fishy taste to the beef, but it was fun nonetheless
... and neither had any complaints.

At four that afternoon they reached the Big Sur Coast, and by the time Rick
pulled into the campgrounds, it was already getting dark in the dense redwood
forest of Big Sur. At that time of year, the last two hours of daylight were
like an extended dusk with the sun going below the mountains that stood between
Big Sur and the Pacific, and in this half-light, the giant redwoods looked even
bigger. Yet, the atmosphere was strangely warm and inviting to Linda as she got
out of the car feeling secure and happy.

They went straight to the main office of the campgrounds to check in, and the
man there was nice, even walking with them to point out their cabin. At first
opportunity, Rick asked him which cabin the Boyds were occupying, and he was
surprised to learn they were not staying in a cabin.

"The Boyds are camping in a tent up yonder," the man announced pointing toward
the hills across the Big Sur River. "Ain't as far as it looks," he added seeing
Rick's expression. "You cross the bridge and go left past the other sites. Their
camp's up on the rise. Ya can't miss it, son ... It's the only one up there!"

Rick thanked him and immediately got busy transferring luggage and supplies from
the car to the cabin. He was anxious to hike up to the Boyds' campsite before it
was totally dark, and when he carried the last suitcase into the cabin, only
five minutes had passed. His mother was putting groceries into the refrigerator
when he joined her in the small kitchen.

"Mom, the car is unloaded, and I put your things in the bedroom. I'll sleep in
there," he said pointing to the day-bed in the living room.

"Thank you, dear ... Are you getting hungry?" She was always concerned about his

He nodded his head. "In this air I could work up quite an appetite, but we did
have a late lunch." He had more important things on his mind than eating dinner.

"Well it will take me a while to get organized in here. Suppose we eat in an
hour or so?" she said closing the refrigerator door.

"Swell, Mom! Ah, you mind if I take a walk?" Rick said quickly, and he added,
"Thought I'd walk up to the Boyds' camp before dark ... See if I can find it!

Linda smiled, "O.K.," and she watched her son as he crossed the living room to
the front door. He turned as he opened the door.

"Any messages?"

"You might tell Mrs. Boyd that I'll say hello tomorrow morning ... I'm much too
tired tonight. Guess the drive wore me out?"

"Yeah, you should take it easy tonight, Mom! And don't worry about the dinner,
either ..." His voice cut off as he closed the door behind him.

Hurrying toward the bridge over the Big Sur River, Rick felt a little guilty
about leaving his mother alone when they had only been there a few minutes,
especially since she was so agreeable. If she had said no, he wouldn't have been
very upset, as he liked being around her. She was nice to look at - a helluva
lot more attractive than any other woman her age. As far as that went, she was
downright sexy! She was always going out of her way to do things for him, and
that in turn made him want to do things for her ... if she'd let him. He had to
admit it was difficult to just leave her alone in the cabin, but the familiar
twitch in his pants was becoming demanding. He had to let Karen know he was
there, and maybe, if things went right, he could take care of that twitch then
too. At the very least he had to be sure he could find the camp later that night
if Karen couldn't get away just then.

Linda finished putting the kitchen in order, then opened the refrigerator to get
something out for dinner. She stared at the contents for a long moment, unable
to decide on any one thing. It suddenly seemed like such a bother, and she
finally settled on a package of hot-dogs, even though she had bought them with a
picnic in mind. They were the easiest thing to fix; and if they went on a
picnic, she could always buy more. When Rick came back she could boil them in a
few minutes, and there wouldn't be much to clean up either.

Leaving the package by the sink, she took a deep breath and walked into the
living room. The cabin was small and furnished with the barest essentials, but
it had a quality of rustic coziness that was irresistible. The walls and open
rafters were of redwood, and the plank floor creaked as she walked, but it was
not artificial and that seemed important.

The furnishing of the living room consisted of a table with benches worn smooth
by use, one overstuffed chair with lamp and side table, the day-bed with rough-
finished coffee table in front, and a floor lamp by the larger table. In the
corner, dominating the room, was a massive stone fireplace, and she noticed that
wood had been stacked just waiting to be lit.

The idea of having a roaring fire going when Rick returned seemed nice, and it
even occurred to her that they could cook the hot-dogs over it. It would be like
a picnic in the living room, so she walked back to the kitchen to find some
matches. In a few minutes a bright fire was burning hotly in the fireplace, and
she stood back staring at her handiwork while feeling its warmth penetrate her
clothes. The flames were too high for cooking hot-dogs, but she figured it would
be just right in the short time Rick was due to return.

She watched the fire a few moments longer, thinking how nice it would be to
sleep in front of the fireplace, and then she decided she should get busy with
her unpacking. Rick had left her suitcase in the bedroom, and she lifted it onto
the bed, the only other furniture in the small room being a chest of drawers.
She took her time, carefully placing the few articles of clothing in the drawers
or closet, then closed the suitcase and slipped it under the maple framed
double-bed. She thought about unpacking Rick's suitcase, but she decided he
would likely prefer doing it himself. So instead, she returned to the living
room and sat down on the day-bed, making herself comfortable as she watched the
fire burning to hot, glowing coals.

She daydreamed, unaware of the passing time, and the heat from the fireplace
made her lush, young body feel warmly sensitive to its radiance in her mind, she
could see herself taking off all of her clothes, stripping and lying down
nakedly in front of the fire, while the dancing light of the flames cast strange
shadows on her breasts and stomach ... and legs. The heat made her flesh tingle
with an erotic excitement as tiny beads of perspiration formed on her brow, an
excitement that played sensually over her body and caressed each part.

Linda jumped up from the day-bed, shaking her head to drive the dreams away. Her
son should be back any minute, and there was dinner to prepare. She felt flushed
and shaky as she walked quickly into the kitchen; and she started pulling food
from the refrigerator before she remembered the hot-dogs on the sink.

"Foolish woman," she said out loud as she closed the refrigerator door. Through
the window above the sink she saw that it was almost dark outside, and she
leaned closer to look up toward a dark sky. She had left her wristwatch in the
bedroom, thinking she would have no use for it that evening, and she hurried to
get it and check the time. Good Lord! It had been two hours since Rick left to
find the Boyds' campsite!

It wasn't like her son to be late, and he had said an hour ... or so she
thought? She walked quickly to the front door and peered out into the night;
with the exception of a few scattered campfires, she saw nothing. Instantly a
picture of Rick, lost and hungry in the woods, flashed in her mind, and real
worry overpowered her sense of reason. She had to find him to be sure he was all

The night air was cool, and she was wearing a loose fitting house dress that was
comfortable for the long drive down, so she hurried into the bedroom to get a
warm coat from the closet. As she walked quickly out the front door she tried to
remember what the camp manager had said about finding the Boyds' campsite, and
she wanted to kick herself for not having listened more closely. The cool air
and the darkness helped calm her, and she abruptly realized she might be doing
something foolish. If she ran off half crazy with worry, she could easily become
lost. Besides, most likely Rick was just too involved socializing with Valerie
and Karen to notice the time.

Linda stopped, thinking she would return to the cabin and wait for her son, when
she saw a small wooden sign a few yards in front of her. She moved closer,
unable to read it in the twilight from that distance, and she saw it was arrow-
shaped with the word "campsites" etched on it. Looking out in the direction it
pointed, she saw faintly glowing fires in the distance, and she listened,
hearing the sound of rushing water nearby. She remembered then what the man had
said about crossing a bridge and going left past the campsites to a rise.

She really didn't want to see Valerie Boyd that evening, but then there was
nothing but anguished waiting for her back at the cabin. And Rick might be
heading in her direction right at that moment. There was no harm in walking
toward the Boyds' camp; and if Rick was headed back, she could walk with him.
Their paths had to meet, as there was the bridge over the river, so she headed
toward the fires in the distance. And if she didn't meet her son, she still
could turn back, if necessary, before reaching the Boyds' campsite. The walk
would do her good, and it was better than waiting in the cabin where it had been
getting a little too hot.

Chapter 3

The light of the long sunset was still in the sky when Rick reached the bottom
of the rise. It wasn't as far as it had appeared from across the river, but it
was different. The trees along the slope were large pines, spaced, and climbing
up between them was obviously no easy matter. The ground was covered with slick
pine needles and it angled up quite steeply to the rise, but there was still
enough light that he could find the path to the top without difficulty.

The trail was angular, cut into the side of the slope as it rose from one level
area to the next, and by the time Rick reached the last cut to the top, he was
breathing hard. He'd have been very unhappy if the Boyds' camp wasn't there, but
a short distance along the flat and in a clearing, he saw the large tent. The
air carried a distinct odor of barbecued beef; when he reached the edge of the
clearing, he understood why.

Seated at a large camp table were three people. A short distance from that was a
campfire and grill being tended by Karen Boyd. He was excited at seeing Karen,
but he was reluctant to step into the clearing because of those seated at the
camp table. One was Valerie Boyd, as he would expect, but what disturbed him was
the presence of two men. The three adults were all drinking from tall glasses
and laughing and talking at the same time. Rick instantly thought that one of
the two men had to be with Karen. If that was the case, he'd certainly have to
re-think his plans. His muscles tensed with excitement as he decided to watch;
to spy on the group was more correct, and the idea did have a certain
masochistic stimulation.

They were apparently going to eat the steaks that Karen was carefully turning
over the campfire, but the way Valerie Boyd was acting with the two men, Rick
had to wonder. Karen was almost a carbon-copy of her mother, and she was blessed
with a degree of sensuality that belied her young age. Yet, Valerie Boyd was all
the woman that any man could realistically ask for, and then some. Rick felt
that Karen would some day come up to the qualities of her mother, but he
couldn't help the way he felt when looking at Valerie. She really turned him on
in the most lewd and stimulating way he could imagine.

At that moment, seated at the large camp table, Valerie seemed to radiate pure
sex like it was a common asset available to everyone. Her movements were
deliberate and enticingly smooth, as if she was making love to anything that
came in contact with her full and lush body. When she touched the table, it was
certain that she was feeling its texture, caressing its surface with her
fingers, and the bench she was sitting on might as well have been alive by the
way her supplely fleshed buttocks and thighs pinched and rocked upon it. She was
wearing a short dress of such delicate material that he had to wonder if it was
all there, or instead, if was a blouse and she had somehow forgotten her pants
or skirt. She always dressed in revealing garments, and though Rick had never
seen her in the nude, he felt he could describe all of her intimate parts in
detail. Her breasts, large and round and lifted, would shimmer and quiver as she
shifted her position, the nipples pressing against the thin fabric of her dress
as if straining to be free. He could imagine how proud and firm they were, like
magnificent blushing globes above her narrow waist and curving hips. Her long
tapering legs, always slightly parted seemed to suggest he could easily look up
between them to the warm inviting place where her sleek inner thighs and softly
rounded buttocks became one. Her silken pubic mound would be darker and thicker
than Karen's, but he knew that the softly curling hair would part like a
clearing in the forest to reveal the liquid pink orifice of her cunt tucked
between soft, wetly glistening cuntal lips.

One of the men at the table was telling a dirty joke, but Rick kept his eyes on
Valerie, for when she laughed, which was frequently, she would throw her head
back so that her long auburn colored hair spilled over her shoulders like a
flowing frame for her strikingly attractive face; at these times, her sensual
mouth would open in an "O" shape as if her wetly ovalled lips were prepared to
kiss the head of a cock. And then she would smile and her tongue would snake out
between pearl white teeth to moisten her lips until they seemed to glow with
alluring redness. She was an alive and tremendously exciting woman, a female,
Rick knew, who could make any man glad to be near her.

It didn't take long for Rick to realize that the two men at the table were both
seeking Valerie's favor and, becoming more excited himself at the sight of her,
he decided he would make his presence known. He wanted to get away somewhere
with Karen as soon as possible, and he was certain the two men would be glad for
the privacy.

"So I find you at last," Rick announced abruptly as he stepped into the clearing
and walked toward the camp table. Karen left the fire and ran to him with open

"It's about time you got here ... I've been going crazy hanging around this
giggling trio!" She was smiling and her words were intended to jest, but her
open kiss left little doubt about her genuine feelings. She was hot and as
anxious as he was for sex. The feel of her sensually warm young body pressing
tightly against him made his half-hard cock grow larger, and he pushed her back
after a moment, still finding it difficult to be so open in front of her mother.
Valerie knew about their involvement and thought it fine, but his natural
reserve kept open displays of affection to a minimum.

Keeping an arm around Karen, he walked to the table. "Evening, Mrs. Boyd, how
are you?" he said, his hand extended. He liked the direct way she looked at him,
and when their hands touched, he always felt as though she was being very, very

"Well, Rick, you're just in time for a drink," Valerie said in her husky voice
as she took his hand; it seemed as if she felt it more than shaking it. Then she
glanced at the other two men who were standing. "This is Karen's friend, Rick!
That's Ray, and that's Bob ..."

Rick shook the hands of each, and he suddenly realized that they both knew
Karen's mother better than he'd previously supposed as she went on quite
casually, "They're a couple of Big Sur swingers, Rick."

"Nice to meet you!" he said to both. Then he turned to again face Valerie.
"Before I forget, my mother said she would come by to say hello in the morning
..." Then he added as if to make an excuse for her absence, "She was a little
tired from the drive down."

"Too bad she can't come tonight. It might have done her a world of good!" she
said, and Rick missed the touch of sarcasm in her voice. "Sit down, have a
drink, and let Karen get those steaks before they're burned to a crisp!"

With a yelp, Karen hurried to the campfire, so Rick did as Valerie asked,
sitting down beside her and pouring himself a drink. They were all drinking
martinis in large glasses, but he preferred something he could water down, so he
poured himself three fingers of scotch and filled the glass with ice. "Helluva
nice way to go camping, Mrs. Boyd," he said, and he clinked his glass against
hers. She laughed which reminded him how horny he'd become, and he quickly took
a large gulp of the liquor so he wouldn't stare. After that he completely forgot
about the time or his promise to his mother as he listened to Ray and Bob tell
stories, and he attempted to keep from looking at Valerie laugh. Karen put the
overdone steaks on the table, but no one seemed very interested in eating any
food. Rick fixed a second drink when Karen sat down beside him, and while she
held a drink too, her free hand was kept busy under the table stroking his inner
thigh. Being in between Karen and her voluptuous mother was a situation that
Rick thought to have great possibilities, and the second and a third drink were
consumed quickly. Finally, he was aroused from their nearness, he stood up from
the table with legs trembling.

"I've got to go!" he announced abruptly, and no one seemed to notice but Karen.
She stood, pausing long enough to drain her glass, and then she ran off to the
tent only to emerge a second later with a flashlight.

"Mother, I'm going to walk back with Rick ... I'll be gone for awhile."

Only then did Valerie stop the animated conversation of the two men long enough
for a short and meaningful comment of her own. "See you soon, Rick, and do take
your time!"

"Thank you for the drink, Mrs. Boyd," he answered, and with quick nods to Ray
and Bob, he took Karen by the arm and headed back toward the trail. Karen had
the flashlight on, and they followed the circle of light, not stopping until
they were at the edge of the slope. Then she pointed the light down the trail to
the first level area.

"There! Just on the other side of that pine ..." She started down the trail,
Rick anxiously following close behind.

"What? What's there?" he said.

She laughed, devilishly, "A blanket ... I put a blanket there earlier, in case
it got cold."

Just off the trail, on the far side of a large pine tree, there was a flat and
level space covered with fallen pine needles. And next to the base of the tree
was a bunched up dark green blanket that Karen unhesitatingly picked up and
began unfolding.

"Shine this down here while I spread this out," she said handing Rick the
flashlight. Her rushing made him more excited than ever, and while holding the
flashlight in one hand, he started unbuckling his belt with the other. In the
process he couldn't help shining the light on Karen's sensual young body. Just
like her mother, he thought, but younger and less experienced. Her dark eyes,
wide with a heated arousal, glowed as the light shone on her pretty face; her
long auburn hair, a shade lighter than her mother's fell in bright contrast
around her white shoulders as she pulled off her sweater.

"I've been thinking about doing it all day ... Hurry, darling," she said, but he
remained motionless as she stripped off her brassiere and exposed her full,
ripely quivering breasts to his view. The nipples, pink and proud, were hardened
with her excitement, and he held the light on them, wanting to watch her undress
completely. With belt loosened, he started unbuttoning his shirt with one hand,
but he didn't want to set the flashlight down until he had seen all of her. She
was wearing jeans, and in one motion she slipped them, and her bikini panties,
down over her gently rounded buttocks, lower still down her firm, white thighs
until they fell in a heap around her ankles. He moved the beam of light across
her flat young belly, pausing for a second as if to tease her navel with it, and
then he pointed the light directly at the triangular patch of her sparse pubic

Karen saw what he was doing with the light, and she laughed openly, willing to
play the game. "You see? It's ready for you, darling! Warm and moist and ready
for your big old cock." As she spoke in her soft, low voice, she spread her
slenderly tapered legs apart and began grinding her hips rhythmically back and
forth, as her hands - palms against her white flesh with fingers extended - slid
down over her naked belly toward the curving mound of sexual pleasure.

Rick gaped at her slow sensuous movements, as her fingertips drew closer and
closer to the silken fuzz of her eagerly undulating cunt. His long throbbing
penis was straining against the confinement of his pants, growing harder and
bigger as he watched her caress her inner thighs and spread her legs out wider
still before reaching up with two fingers of each hand to stroke the moistened
hair-lined slit and part the wetly glistening pussy lips to wantonly expose the
flushing pink flesh of her cunt.

Her lust hardened clitoris was throbbing visibly as she seductively pressed a
fingertip against it, and the young boy couldn't leave his pants on another
moment. His stiff, blood-filled cock was aching to be released, to be free to
enter the moistly hot grip of Karen's tight young cunt, and he set the
flashlight on the ground, the beam spreading across the blanket to illuminate
their love-bed. "There! Lay down there!" he groaned as he hurriedly pushed his
pants over his painfully erect penis, releasing it to stand straight out from
his groin.

Karen willingly did as he asked, nakedly stretching out on the blanket so that
the light shone directly on her voluptuous young loins, and with knees drawn up
and spread out wide, she again stroked the tingling knob of her rigid little
clitoris with a single fingertip. She was without shame as she arched her ripely
flaring buttocks up off the blanket, grinding her pelvis in a lewdly open
invitation to be fucked.

Rick was ready, tearing his shirt off and nearly tripping in his efforts to step
out of his pants, as he knelt down on the blanket, naked now except for his
shoes and socks. The night air was cold, but both young people were too
impatient to notice anything except the other's arousal.

"Ooohh, your cock's so big and hard! Fuck me, darling. Fuck me," the young girl
pleaded as she raised her hips up higher, as if trying to catch his wildly
jerking penis with her hungry little cunt. Her hands were on her sleek inner
thighs, fingers spreading the heatedly quivering lips of her lubricated vagina
so that Rick could clearly see the wetly glistening opening to her femaledom.
With a loud groan of hunger, the boy arched his hips forward so that the
rubbery-like tip of his pounding cock was but inches from her moistly heated
cuntal crevice.

He, too, had been thinking about fucking the voluptuous teenaged girl all day,
and he wanted to savor the moment, just to feel the full, overpowering impact of
her sexuality. The helmet-like purple head of his rigid penis was throbbing
painfully as he pushed it closer to her tender young flesh, and when it
contacted the whispy ends of her pubic hairs his whole body shuddered with
passion. Tiny droplets of moisture clung to the auburn hairs lining the wide-
spread lips, and still more perfumed lubricant covered the fleshy pink valley
from the quaking wet bud of her clitoris to the brownish tightly puckered little
anus. He wanted to touch it, all of it with the thick head of his cock, and
tease her until she begged him to ram his prick up into the slick walls of her
tight young cunt, fucking like a maniac into her quivering belly.

Tightly gripping the large, fleshy pole-like penis in his hand, Rick pushed his
hips forward again, this time not stopping until the dilated slit at the very
tip made contact with the hardened ridge of her clitoris. Then using his stiff
rod like a poker, he stroked it across the hotly moistened flesh, striking at
her budded nerve ending, taunting her wet cuntal mouth, and slipping the now
moistened head down over the excitedly puckering hole to her rectum. The sex-
crazed teenager jerked her voluptuous young buttocks up at the rigidly teasing
cock, anxious and hungry to have it buried deep in her fiery belly, but the
grinning boy held back just enough to prevent her from taking it inside. He
guided it up and down the smooth valley again and again, pausing here and there
to push and retreat and make her moan in frustration. More warm lubricant oozed
out to be spread over the pinkly blushing flesh, and he placed the purple head
of his cock again over her tiny anus pushing once, twice, harder as she squirmed
on the blanket beneath her.

"Ooohhh, ooohhh, oohhhh! Fuck me ... Ohhh, God, fuck me!" she cried with her
long slender legs trembling in tensed anticipation. She was ready, so ready, and
willing to take him anywhere as long as he fucked her.

Sweat dripped from Rick Hill's forehead as the heated arousal of his body grew
more intense, but he still held back, enjoying the seeming power his hard young
penis had over her wantonly writhing body. No matter where he touched her with
it, she squirmed and twisted as if wanting to take its massive hardness inside,
and he thought about making her suck it or take it in her asshole, but the
memory of her tightly slick young cunt around his rigid cock dominated all.

With a calculating cold-bloodedness born of a wild passion, he laid the full
length of his hard, heatedly throbbing penis over the wide-splayed slit of her
cunt, and he fell upon her, his hips trapping her legs out wide, his hands
covering the pliant globes of her large, softly fleshed breasts.

She moaned and writhed insanely, her eyes closed, her mouth open with a hot,
implacable desire. "F-fuck m-m-meeeee!" she moaned, her voice wild and high.

He felt her fingers tracing down his spinal column, feeling each inch as they
explored lower. They moved past his waist, and he closed his eyes and tried not
to moan with delight. He dared not think of what she was going to do, even
though he knew ... and died from anticipation. He raised his hips slowly, the
head of his unbending cock slipping down her hair-lined slit, further and
further until it was positioned against the gaping mouth of her moistly heated
cunt. With a frenzied movement, her hands cupped the cheeks of his buttocks and
she tried to pull him toward her, trying, with all her might, to shove his long
hard cock into her impatiently wanting cunt.

"Fuck me!" she begged. "Fuck me anyway you like!"

Her words drove him mad. Her face was distorted with lust and wild with passion
as her head thrashed back and forth, sending her red hair whipping through the
air. He pushed forward, carefully ... gradually slipping the thick excitedly
pulsating head of his penis into the tight grip of her snug little cunt. He
entered her, an inch, then another, the head of his cock stretching her wetly
slick passage wide as she squirmed beneath him, groaning and panting and wanting
him all the way to her belly. The tortuously slow entry was teasing ecstasy,
stirring a fire in his balls that made his cum boil as he pushed deeper in the
lubricated tunnel, her hot little cunt rippling over his hardened flesh as if
sucking it inside. He penetrated still another inch of sensual delight, but
still he held to his agonizing pace.

Karen groaned, arching her buttocks up in her sexual delirium as she tightly
gripped his muscular young buttocks, pulling the cheeks wide so that he felt the
cool night air stirring between them. Then, as he tensed, he felt the young
girl's outstretched finger find its way to the crack between his naked buttocks
and burrow its way down until it touched on his excitedly puckering anus. With a
yell and a bellow, he rammed his thick cock into the pulpy hotness of her young
cunt. It sank all the way home into the deep mysterious depths of her being, and
he felt it hot and hard and powerful ... with her moistly contracting pussy
pulsating all around his long hard shaft as if it were determined to hold it
prisoner in her cunt forever.

Forcing his arms underneath her and holding her tight so that her head fell back
and her entire upper torso was lifted off the ground, he began fucking her -
slowly at first, then in a rapidly increasing and snarling desire. The young
teenager responded wildly, gyrating her hips like a whore gone mad, eager to get
more of his hotly throbbing cock deeper inside her, if that was possible.

Rick lost all control and began fucking with all his might, his balls slapping
against her nakedly upturned buttocks as he lifted them off the blanket with
each stroke and slammed her back down again. The sex- crazed girl squealed,
faintly at first then louder as his massive young cock sawed in and out with
wild abandon, racing into Karen's wetly clasping cunt like a piston in a revved-
up engine. Their pubic hairs entangled as his penis sliced down between her legs
and up into her belly, her vibrant little pussy, a warm and soft and grasping
pulsating sleeve of pleasure, pulling him inside and squeezing him out as her
belly wantonly churned and her thighs locked against his rolling hips.

It had only been a week, but it seemed like forever since he had an orgasm or
even sex of any kind, and he felt his impatiently heated cum building with the
might and undeniable thrust of a bulldozer out of control. He pushed his hand
under her eagerly raised young buttocks, and he was imagining the look of the
tiny puckered orifice hidden teasingly and mysteriously up between her hotly
trembling ass-cheeks, feeling the smooth hairless skin of the softly yielding
valley leading to her anus. He wanted to touch it, feel the tight elastic
texture of her anal ring with his finger.

"OOooohh yes! Put your finger in my asshole, Rick, baby ... Ohhh, now now now!"

His fingertip made contact with the tightly puckered little opening and he
pushed hard against it, eliciting more fevered groans of pleasure from the
teenaged girl. The elastic-like ring of warmly pulsating flesh seemed to loosen
and tighten in time to the fucking of his thickly hardened cock in and out of
her tight little cunt just above it, and he twisted his invading finger around
up to the first knuckle, screwing it hotly up into the rubbery mouth of her
hairless little anus.

"Ooohh, yessss ... Ooohh, ohhh, ohhh!" Karen gasped loudly and in pain as his
finger drove deeper up into her tightly cringing rectum, another object of
lusting pleasure to saw and fuck in her loins.

Rick ground his throbbing cock down hard into her heatedly clasping cunt and
thrust his finger deeper, up to the second knuckle, in her heatedly tight
rectum, straining and grunting - fighting the urge to let his boiling white cum
dash free from his bloated balls. She moved beneath him like a sex machine - all
velvet and heat - the taut muscles in her rectum slowly, deliberately, pulling
and working at his screwing finger, wanting it deep as he drove it through the
tight, spongy grasp of her anus. Her wanton little body was alive, her fleshy
young buttocks wildly grinding under the smooth pistoning of his hotly throbbing
cock as they raised themselves up to his deepest drives. Her legs spasmodically
flew up and out, opening her shamelessly aroused loins even wider to his hard,
rapid thrusts, and she arched her naked hips up to meet him, twisting and
mewling as if worshipping the hard fleshy penis shoved deep in her hungrily
burning cunt.

"Oooohh, Goddd! Yeesss ... Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Karen was being sexually
driven toward her own wild ecstasy, wantonly wiggling her buttocks and thrusting
her pelvis up to meet each one of his savage blows as her eyes closed and she
let her head fall back and her mouth open in wondrous rapture.

"I'm c-c-cummmiinnnaggg!" she gasped.


"I ... I'mmmm ccuunummmmmminngggg!" the teenaged girl gasped again.

Her tightly clasping little cunt of hot buttery liquid rippled against his lust-
inflated cock like a volcanic wave of erotic fire, and Rick was breathing hard
and his heart was pounding as though it were about to fly right out of his chest
as he felt his orgasm growing until it seemed to fill his whole groin. Then,
like hot mercury finding a channel, his cum - heavy and thick - raced as if it
had been poured down a funnel and exploded, almost tearing the head of his cock
off as it heatedly splattered into her wildly rejoicing young cunt. He felt
himself thrusting, pouring white hot sperm into the wantonly writhing girl as
his toes tingled and the hair stood up on the back of his neck and he bellowed,

And still the never-ending spurts of hot cum pumped out of his cock, filling her
and making it easy to saw in and out of her wildly contracting pussy. Her belly
rolled with his lunges, spasms of delight arching up against him; and her mouth
was open, teeth tightly bared, as she gasped and moaned in groaning climactic
desire. He pumped once, twice, then once again, feeling his strength going, his
muscles turning into taffy, and his bones melting into warm butter. With a long
satisfied moan, he finally collapsed on top of her ... breathing heavily, his
long cock still buried into her eagerly milking vagina.

Karen continued to writhe beneath him, wiggling her hips and screwing up against
his half-hard cock as his outstretched finger kept fucking into the depths of
her heated rectum. Their climactic juices flowed warmly, slowly, around the
thick base of his wildly jerking cock and seeped down the moist crevice of her
wide-splayed buttocks to lubricate his finger as it plunged tirelessly in her
tightly clasping anus. Then, as if only pausing before making a new ascent, she
slowly lowered her legs on the blanket, forcing his finger to slip gradually,
smoothly, from the spongy grasp of her rectum until the fingertip came out of
her puckered little anus with a lewd popping noise.

Rick stayed over her as he suddenly felt the chill of the night air on his naked
buttocks, and he reached out to pull the blanket over them. It was then that he
realized the flashlight was still shining on them. This struck him so funny that
he began laughing, causing his deflating cock to slip noisily from Karen's cum-
filled cunt. He rolled onto his back, gasping and choking, "Imagine ... W-what
if somebody had come ... What a show!" he said between his rasping laughter.
"Oh, woowwww!"

Karen turned on her side, finishing the job Rick started by pulling the blanket
over their naked young bodies. She was still reveling in the sensually slippery
feel of warm cum between her smooth inner thighs, and she snuggled in close to
him. "That was nice," she sighed, totally unconcerned about possible onlookers.

"Yeah," he answered, but he was thinking about her mother, Valerie, and what was
probably happening to her right then. Karen and her sexy young mother in bed
together, that would really be something! And, abruptly, he remembered his own
mother and how he had told her he'd be back for dinner. He knew he had to leave
... right now. "I've got to get back to the cabin ..."

"Ooohhh, already?" she said, and she knew Rick liked it when she pouted.

"I told my mother I'd be back for dinner an hour ago! She's probably worried."

"Doesn't she know what you're doing?" Karen asked though she already knew the

"Oh, come on! She thinks you're a virgin, and me too! She'd die of shock if she
found out differently ..." Rick said, and he believed it, too.

"You know, she is awfully uptight for such an attractive woman," she said as if
thinking out loud. "I'm going to see if Valerie can help her ..."

"No! Don't, Karen ... Whatever it is that makes my mother the way she is ...
Well, she's going to have to ..." He couldn't finish the statement. "Hell, I'd
better get going!" He started to push back the blanket, but he froze as Karen's
warm young hand closed over his cock.

"That good fuck you just threw me made my throat dry. I was kinda hoping ..."
She gently squeezed his limp penis with her fingers, and he felt it growing hard
again. The way she talked sometimes just drove him crazy; the way she licked her
wetly parted lips making what she wanted so obvious and all ... Hell, he was
late now, a few more minutes wouldn't matter! And she was, obviously, hungry ...
so why not feed her ...

Chapter 4

It seemed colder, and Linda pulled her coat more tightly around her as twilight
finally faded and night fell around her. She was past the campsites, too far for
the flickering light from their fires and lanterns to do much good, and she
stood in the darkness, glancing nervously to her left and toward the sloping,
tree-covered hill. She didn't think she could ever find her way up in the
darkness, and she knew she should turn back, returning to the cabin alone.

She didn't want to go all the way to the Boyds' camp anyway, because she didn't
want Rick to think of her as an interfering mother. But she waited, for a few
minutes, somehow believing that Rick would soon be coming down the hill. When
she saw a light at the top through the trees, moving and shining down a trail,
she was sure it was Rick on his way back to the cabin. Then it stopped, a short
distance below the rise, but she couldn't tell what was happening because of the
trees. The beam of light moved, appearing and disappearing, and then she could
only see a dull glow coming from one place. Was he lost? Oh God ... what if he
had fallen?

There was a trail up the slope; somehow she had to find it, to get to that spot
of light and make sure that her son was all right. She moved slowly, cautiously,
afraid that she might step into a chuck hole or trip over a fallen branch. Soon,
to her surprise, she found herself on a well-defined trail angling up the slope.
Still she moved slowly as the trail was steep and treacherous, and one wrong
step could prove disastrous. The climb was difficult. She stopped now and then
to make sure that she was still heading up toward the light. At one point the
trail moved away from that pinpoint of illumination, and she nearly walked into
a tree. She stayed on the trail, and in time it did angle back in the direction
of the light.

She was breathing heavily from effort as the trail seemed to become steeper, but
finally she realized that the spot she was seeking was directly ahead of her,
only a short distance away. She paused to catch her breath and thought about
calling out her son's name, but a sound, a noise she couldn't identify caused
her to remain quiet. What if it wasn't Rick at all, and she was nowhere near the
Boyds' camp? It was possible she was approaching a total stranger, and if that
was in fact the case, she didn't want to be seen.

She started again, quietly, deciding that she would first get a look at the
scene before committing herself; and even if it wasn't Rick there, it had been
worth the climb to put her mind at ease. The trail reached a level area, and now
she could see that the illumination came from a flashlight lying on the ground
about ten feet ahead, but whatever it was shining on had been blocked from her
vision by the base of a large tree. She knew someone was there as she could hear
heavy breathing, and with skin tingling from fright and nervous excitement, she
cautiously moved to the near side of the tree trunk. She was scared, frightened
by what she might find behind the tree, but she was drawn to it, somehow feeling
she had to look. My God, please don't let it be Rick who's fallen and hurt

Gradually she moved around the tree, her eyes wide as she progressively took in
more and more: a dark green blanket, a pile of clothes, the movement of naked
flesh ... and then she wanted to scream! Her head began spinning crazily as
images - prurient, intense images - swam through her brain to make her legs weak
and her heart pound. Abruptly, she thought she was going to faint as her whole
world came to a shattering end. There, a few feet away, before her horrified and
disbelieving eyes, was her son and Karen ... nakedly locked together, lewdly and
violently in the process of sexual intercourse. The young mother couldn't move
as she stared transfixed at the heated coupling, the impact of the shock
thrusting into her silently screaming brain again and again like a mad surgeon's
scalpel jabbing repeatedly into her nerve centers.

Her son and Karen Boyd together on the blanket, their naked bodies glistening in
the beam of the flashlight as they rhythmically performed an obscene horizontal
dance of seduction. Linda blinked her eyes not wanting to believe what she saw,
yet it was so clear, and so very near! Karen's long legs were back, knees
practically touching the ground at her shoulders, and her wide-spread loins were
clearly visible as she wantonly bucked under the driving lunges of Rick's long,
hard penis. Linda wanted to run, to flee from this terrible heartbreaking sight
before her, but her legs wouldn't move, no matter how hard she tried to make
them work. It was as if she was captured and held by an invisible force, a
demanding force that made her a part of the scene on the blanket.

Her eyes took in the images and planted them in her brain as if she was to judge
and evaluate the quality of the fucking. The reddish silkiness of Karen's pubic
hair was parted, flared out by the thickness of the wetly ramming cock that
plunged again and again into the moist pink opening of her ravished little cunt.
Even the larger than normal bud of her clitoris could be seen - erect and
throbbing - responding to the contact of his powerful young penis as he speared
deep into her eagerly writhing belly. Linda could hear, as loudly as the drums
of doom, her son's sperm-laden balls slapping noisily against the open crevice
that divided the smoothly rounded globes of the girl's gyrating buttocks. When
he withdrew, his hard fleshy column - slick with her lubricating fluid - would
force the tightly clasping flesh of her vagina to roll out and then inward again
as his glistening thick cock disappeared once more all the way inside her. Just
below the moistened pink flanges of her pussy was a tiny puckered hole that
seemed to suck at the hairy sac of his balls each time they slammed against it.

Karen was groaning incessantly, her head rolling from side to side making a
tangle of her long, auburn hair. It was only too obvious how much she loved this
lewd fucking she was getting. Linda tried to divert her eyes, ashamed of the
churning unexplainable emotions she felt, but something made her stare at her
son's powerful young buttocks, as he pistoned into Karen's tight little cunt.
The nakedly thrusting cheeks of his ass tightened and relaxed with the rhythm of
his fucking; and his mother watched closely, examining his genitals with a
subjectivity that was sinful. She was truly amazed by the enormous size of his
long virile penis.

His hard shaft was lined with blue veins that pounded with his excitement, the
throbbing seeming to become more and more pronounced with each passing second.
He was really buffeting the nakedly writhing young girl's body, yet she was
obviously wanting even more.

Linda tried to move again, knowing she was observing something not really meant
for her eyes, and on top of it all, she also realized with disgust and shame
that the salacious sight was stimulating her own body. Her legs had begun
trembling as the bud of her clitoris became moistly erect with arousal, and she
had the perverse and vile urge to reach down between her quivering thighs and
shove a finger, two fingers, into the wet folds of her own intolerably heated
pussy. Her head was spinning with the desire for satisfaction, as there was
something in her memory that was coming forward, something darkly exciting
provoked by the sight of her son and Karen fucking.

"Ooohh yes! Put your finger in my asshole, Rick ... Ohhh, now now now!" Karen
groaned loudly as she bucked under his powerfully pistoning young cock, and the
words floated over to Linda like teasing, arousing and taunting little shocks of
pleasure, drawing her attention even more into the lewd action. The trembling
young mother stared at Karen's tightly puckered anus as Rick's outstretched
middle finger pushed against it, worming into the clasping dry hole to disappear
up to the first knuckle. And Karen begged for more. "Ooooh, yessss ... that
hurts sooooo good! OOOh, oooh, oohhh!"

Linda was aghast as she saw her young son's extended finger sliding into Karen's
rectum, deeper and deeper, rhythmically taking up the tempo of his cock fucking
into her moistly quivering pussy. Linda thought she, too, could actually feel
the fiery penetration into her own suddenly puckering anus, and the shock made
her legs move. Somehow she was able to back away from the tree, retreat from the
salacious sight of her son and Karen fucking, as the memory it brought out was
suddenly clear. It was as if she was seeing herself at the same age as Karen,
that time so many years ago in the park with the sailor. And she could remember
how his long hard penis had felt, so good, so ...

Linda started to run, willing to go anywhere as long as it was away from that
horrible spot, and without really knowing why, she ran up the trail to the top
of the rise. She was again in the darkness of the night, but she moved without
the fear of stumbling, as that had somehow lost its importance. There were too
many other things to think of now, and a careless step, a fall was

Perhaps unconsciously she was thinking to go to Valerie Boyd with her new
knowledge, to put the facts before Karen's mother in the hope that she could
erase the lewd scene she had just witnessed from her mind. Yet, whatever brought
her to the edge of the clearing and campsite, was quickly forgotten or lost in
the prurient haze that once again permeated her mind.

Linda froze, having almost charged blindly into another wild sex scene, this one
even worse than the earlier, that was just getting underway. It looked even more
unreal than the last, their naked bodies glowing red in the brilliant firelight,
so close that Linda thought she could reach out and touch them. Yet, it was less
their nudity than their bizarre positions that stunned Linda, and she remained
hidden in the thick foliage, her mind trying to make sense out of the lewd
spectacle before her.

There was a man, stripped naked and stretched out on his back on top of a table,
surrounded by plates and glasses and bottles, and there was the voluptuous
Valerie Boyd, kneeling on discarded clothes on a bench beside the table. Her
smoothly rounded backside was toward Linda, and both of her hands were
encircling a huge, rigidly erect penis that stood straight up from the man's
bushy groin. Linda would never have believed a cock could be so big, and if that
wasn't enough of a shock, she was stunned to see Valerie lovingly caressing it
in her hands. It was almost as if the naked Boyd woman was a doctor examining a
patient's sexual prowess as she leaned over it, her long red hair hanging down
to touch his thighs, while her fingers seemed to feel every part of its long,
hard-fleshed surface. She was laughing and licking her wetly parted lips and
breathing over the throbbing penis, her face moving closer and closer to it.

"You have a lovely cock," she said to the grinning man, and Linda found herself
examining the man's penis too. The thick head seemed to glow a majestic purple
in the reddish light of the fire, and the narrow slit at the tip opened and
closed as Valerie's hand stroked up and down its thick length. The man raised up
on his elbows, coolly staring at her stroking of his cock, and when he made
certain motions with his hips, it was apparent he wanted to thrust his massively
erect penis into her mouth.

Linda told herself it was wrong to be spying on Valerie like this, but at the
same time she had a mother's interest in knowing the family of her son's
girlfriend. And she knew that, at the moment, she couldn't bring herself to walk
back down the trail, without running the risk of encountering Rick and Karen
again. But what really kept her there was the thought of seeing a sexual act
like she had never dreamed possible. Though she could never consciously admit
it, she had become almost wantonly aroused by watching her son fucking his girl.
Thus she was emotionally and physically unable to pass up the opportunity to
observe another sexual scene - a scene that would justify her arousal.

Valerie was mewling a high-pitched moan of pleasure as she leaned closer and
closer to the thickly jutting column of flesh, leaning over until her large
white breasts were sensually swaying just above his jerking penis. She moved
lower, positioning her dangling globes until they were on either side of the
wildly throbbing cock and squeezed them around the fleshy shaft as if she was
making a sandwich. Then she began to stroke the massive penis, using her softly
firm breasts in place of her hands.

The thick purple head of the man's impatiently pulsating cock disappeared into
the soft warm valley formed by her large breasts, and then it reappeared as she
began to raise up and down, fucking his lust- hardened staff with her tits. In
the reddish light of the fire, the whole scene appeared to be a strange and
bizarre ritual that Karen's naked mother was performing over the man's idol-like
phallus. The man had a fixed smile on his face as he watched his long thick cock
being massaged by her soft breasts, and he suddenly arched his hips up, pushing
the head of his cock up so far that it scraped her chin. Valerie backed away for
a moment, laughing teasingly, then formed an "O" with her moist red lips. No
longer smiling, suddenly very serious, she bent down slightly and flicked her
pink little tongue out at the massively jerking penis, wetly circling its
throbbing head.

For an instant the whole bizarre scene tilted crazily before Linda's eyes, and
she felt faint. It was too unbelievable, seeing so clearly, so close to herself,
the vile and crude sexual play of Karen's mother. She knew she should leave and
somehow return to the cabin unseen, but she also knew that no power on earth
could force her away from this lewdly exciting sight. She had never seen
anything more vilely perverted in her life ... and she wanted to see all of it
... because it was exciting her beyond measure.

The man's massive cock was growing even larger under the ministrations of
Valerie's tongue; and she was licking up and down the full blood- filled length
of it now, occasionally stopping to flick out across the very tip where tiny
drops of semen had appeared. It was as if she was whipping the hard flesh into
submissiveness as she painted it over with her warmly glistening saliva. When
the man moaned and squirmed like a beaten animal, she withdrew her tongue, and
she lowered her head until the thick tip of his moistened penis was slowly
slipping between her ovalled red lips, entering the warm cavity of her mouth.
She sucked and licked at the vibrant flesh as though it were a delicious ice-
cream cone. Gradually, Karen's mother began taking a little more of its
thickness inside her wetly sucking mouth, and - at the same time - had her hand
wrapped around its thick base, pumping furiously up and down. Then Valerie
suddenly did something Linda wouldn't have believed possible if she hadn't seen
it with her own eyes.

Moaning loudly, Valerie slowly lowered her head, taking nearly the entire long
length of the man's wetly glistening cock into her throat. Her cheeks bloated
out grotesquely and then hollowed in as she sucked furiously on the pulsating
rod; when she raised her head up again, she left a trail of white teeth marks
along its blood-red surface. Then with a rhythmic motion, her head began rapidly
sawing up and down on the man's cock, her tightly compressed lips rolling in and
out as she sucked with tremendous force. With her other hand she began to
massage the hairy huge globes of his sperm-weighted balls, and she appeared
caught up in a sexual frenzy that grew more intense with each passing second.

Linda's heart was pounding so fast that she thought she could feel it
reverberating in her ears and, unconsciously, she began to rub her legs
together, her inner thighs like pinchers squeezing her wetly palpitating vagina.
Her legs again started to tremble, and she sank down to the ground, being
careful to keep Valerie and the man in clear view. Then, just as she sat on the
pine needle covered earth, another man came into sight from around behind the
tent. Linda almost jumped up again, but she stayed put when she realized that
he, too, was totally naked and obviously a member of the party. He was grinning
as he walked, and jutting out from his hairy groin was a half-hard penis that to
Linda looked even bigger than the one in Valerie's mouth.

"Don, you dirty bastard," he said growling, "I turn my back for a second and you
two start fucking without me!" He looked unhappy as he came around the table to
stand behind Valerie and the man he had called Don. Linda was amazed as the man
on the table only laughed, while Valerie, her mouth full of Don's cock, and
unable to speak, merely wiggled her naked buttocks back at the newcomer.

"You can pump it in the other way, Ray," Don said between grunting laughs, and
Linda felt her nerves shrilly jangling with excitement as she realized what the
man on the table meant by his statement.

The standing man, Ray, laughed in answer and moved to the head end of the table
where several bottles of liquor were placed. Linda was horrified to see Valerie
spreading her legs wide apart in a wanton gesture of willing acquiescence. She
was still kneeling on the bench, the fully rounded globes of her buttocks like
twin moons above her firm white thighs, and her back sloped slightly downward as
she leaned over the table sucking hungrily on Don's long hard cock.

Ray picked up a bottle of clear liquor, Linda couldn't tell whether it was gin
or vodka, and he returned with it to stand once again behind Valerie's
voluptuously wiggling backside. He uncapped the bottle, and laughing loudly,
poured some of the contents over Valerie's sloping back. Linda held back a vocal
cry of surprise as she watched the liquor trickle down the hollow formed by the
woman's spine to finally run between the deep shadowy crevice dividing her
buttocks' cheeks. But Valerie moaned pleasurably around the thick cock in her
mouth, and Ray, laughing cruelly, poured even more of the liquor over her
obscenely writhing buttocks and loins.

Linda trembled with disbelief, unable to understand how Karen's young mother
could permit such a debasing act to be performed on her body, but in another
moment her nerves tingled with renewed excitement as she saw what Ray intended
to do. Turning his back to Valerie, he knelt down on the ground and leaned over
backwards until his head was up between her wide-spread thighs, and with mouth
open, he licked the silver drops of liquor that was clinging to her reddish
pubic hair.

My God, he's going to kiss her ... There! Linda thought as she stared at the
trio of naked people. She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, but
she knew that it was happening and making her own body burn with extraordinary

Ray didn't have to raise his head to continue, as Valerie spread her knees out
wider until his voracious mouth was pressed into the soft flesh of her booze-
moistened cunt. With the first touch of his hot lips against her tender cuntal
flesh, she moaned like a banshee around the sawing cock in her mouth.
Immediately, Ray's moistly quivering tongue flicked out into the perfumed pussy
flesh as his arms snaked around her quivering white thighs pulling her closer
still. His fingers dug into the soft crevice of her supplely globular buttocks,
spreading the twin cheeks wide apart so to gain better access for his lengthy

Linda felt a wanton shudder run up her spine as the tiny ring of Valerie's
little brown anus was abruptly exposed to her view. She could even see the dark
pink ridge of rubbery flesh expanding and contracting in the light from the
fire. Below it, she could see the man's wetly glistening tongue moving in the
pink furrow of the quivering vagina. Suddenly it disappeared into the moistly
clasping opening, driving deep into Valerie's hot little cunt. Linda was so
caught up in the bizarre scene that she thought she, too, could feel the heated
tongue slicing up between her inner thighs licking its hot way deep into her
cunt. Abruptly, their perverted lust began to take hold of her body also ... and
she realized she was thankful for being hidden from their view, as an
uncontrollable desire to touch her own body dominated her thoughts.

The dull burning sensation in the pit of her belly had become a raging flame of
lusting need, and she opened the front of her coat, taking the hem of her dress
to raise it up until it was gathered like an accordion above her large, pointed
breasts. With both hands, she lifted her brassiere up over the jutting mounds of
flesh to cup them and pinch the tinglingly erect nipples between thumbs and
forefingers. Not once did she take her eyes off the lewd sexual scene on the
table in the clearing.

Valerie's head was bobbing up and down rapidly, her hand moving almost too fast
to see along the glistening, hard cock in ever swifter strokes as she sensually
swung her fully-fleshed buttocks in circles over the wetly probing tongue. Ray
was driving his tongue up into the moist channel of her hotly clasping pussy
like a cat lapping milk, and his fingers began probing into the tight ring of
flesh around the entrance to her rectum. Karen's shamelessly aroused mother
wiggled her buttocks back against his fingers as if wanting to take them inside,
and obeying her unspoken request, Ray suddenly plunged his long, outstretched
middle finger into the depths of her rubbery asshole.

Linda, eyes glazed over with lust, watched as his finger drove up to the second
knuckle and began immediately to fuck in and out, sawing a counter rhythm to his
flicking tongue. The sight sent chills of pained excitement streaking through
her own rectum, tingling like the fire in her loins and she released one hand
hold of her breast to push the band of her white little nylon panties down over
her ripely flaring hips. Once the flimsy material was gathered at her knees, she
kicked her legs out, anxious to have the panties all the way off. She wanted
complete freedom of movement with her legs, and she spread them wide apart,
leaving her love-starved pussy completely accessible.

She hesitated a moment, a familiar tinge of guilt crossing her consciousness for
an instant, but she was already beyond the point of self-control. Eagerly,
trembling with a fiery need, she ran her hand up between her firm inner thighs
until her fingers were pressing into the soft folds of her moistly heated
vagina. The silken pubic hairs were wet with her lubricating fluid, and the
swelling mound of cuntal flesh pulsed hotly beneath the pressure of her hand.
Her fingers brushed electrically over the tiny hardened tip of her clitoris, and
she gasped at the unexpected shock the contact brought. It was overpowering, and
the guilt that flickered through her conscience was overcome by the agonized,
terrible frustration of her need.

The sexual scene on the camp table was coming to a head, their combined motions
and groans of pleasure seeming to permeate the night air, and Linda, though
apart from them, was also feeling the power of their sexual energy. It surely
had to reach climax soon, or so Linda thought, and she too wanted to feel the
exquisite heights of orgasm. But then, the scene before her was suddenly
changing, as Ray, the man oral fucking Valerie's pulsating vagina, stopped his
tonguing action and stood up.

Linda remained still for a moment, fearing possible discovery, and she wondered
what bizarre act Ray was going to perform next on Valerie. He was stroking his
hugely erect cock, each motion making the glowing purple head swell out even
bigger, and Linda shuddered, realizing he was pointing it directly at Valerie's
wiggling backside. Was he going to fuck her from behind, dog-style? Linda didn't
know what to expect, but she saw that Valerie had slowed up her sucking and
bobbing over the other man's cock. It was as if she was waiting for Ray to get
himself ready, and to Linda it seemed to take forever ... while, in fact, he was
behind her only a few seconds.

Ray casually dug his fingers into the crevice dividing Valerie's softly rounded
ass-cheeks, and he spread them wide apart to expose her anus once again. Linda
had seen him sawing his fingers in and out of Valerie's tightly puckered little
rectum, and that had been arousing in itself, but suddenly Ray's new intentions
were very, very clear. His great thick penis was headed directly for the tiny
crinkled ring of her anus! That little orifice was stretched wide open,
quivering in eager anticipation between the distended cheeks of her full
globular buttocks. Without having stopped for a moment in her oral fucking of
Don's mighty cock, Valerie raised her hips up higher as if to meet Ray halfway.

Linda was horrified, frozen with excited fear as she watched him move his long,
wildly throbbing penis up between Valerie's wide-spread buttocks. She didn't
believe it was possible! Valerie certainly couldn't take such a huge pole into
her rectum that way without being torn in half! But, even as Rick's mother
stared in disbelief, the naked Mrs. Boyd raised her head up from the thick,
wetly glistening cock in her mouth, gasping out in staccato rhythm the words
that Linda was afraid to hear.

"Hurry ... Fuck ... My ... Asshole! Let's all ... cum ... together ..."

Linda's mind was spinning with unbelieving horror as the words seemed to echo
through the still night air. Nobody could perform such an inhuman, animalistic
act, yet Valerie was actually begging for it! Suddenly, Ray was shuffling
forward, the blunt head of his penis madly pulsating as he placed it against the
little aperture of her tight anus, and she seemed to be wiggling back against it
as though hungry to have it ripping into her lust-crazed body. Ray let the
swollen, blood- filled head rest there for a moment, a deep purple and angrily
throbbing knob between the gleaming white cheeks of her ass. He was breathing
hard now, his whole body nakedly trembling with vile excitement, but he held
back either to torment Valerie as she subjugated herself before him, or to savor
the thrill of her heated flesh expanding against the throbbing end of his long,
hard cock. Don, on the table, was just staring up at them, a lewd grin of
aroused passion on his face, and Linda thought he too was anxious to see the
perverted sodomizing of Karen's mother's anus.

"Shove ... Cock ... In ... My ... Asshole!" Valerie Boyd chanted around the
lust-swollen penis in her mouth. She was squirming in her bent over position,
trying desperately to wiggle her fleshy buttocks back onto the long cock poised
against her hotly clenching little anus. Ray was holding her hips firmly with
both hands, and he responded to her request with cruel and sudden violence.
Valerie would have been sent sprawling across the table if Ray hadn't held on to
her, and Linda involuntarily cried out loud as she watched the thick blunted
head of his wildly-throbbing penis plow with terrifying force into the narrow
channel of Valerie's rectum.

"Aaaaagggghhhhh!" Valerie grunted around the thick rod of quivering flesh in her
mouth, and she began bobbing rapidly up and down over Don's cock as if giving
positive approval to this brutal assault on her anus. Her muffled cry was loud
enough to drown out Linda's vocal groan, and they both grunted again as Ray
hammered more of his thickly throbbing shaft into the raw, screaming funnel of
hot anal flesh kneeling before him.

With terrified amazement, Linda watched as the huge, blood-filled cock slowly
skewered into the tightly clasping passage, stretching it impossibly wide as
inch by inch it disappeared inside the elastic-like ring of rubbery flesh. He
drove it into Valerie's rectum its full length, deeper and deeper until his
groin was pressing hard against the wantonly spread cheeks of her buttocks, and
then he withdrew, faster, and began sawing in and out of her heated rectal
depths, his pubic hair matting down and springing loose each time he humped
against her defenselessly upturned ass-cheeks. His semen-laden balls swung
forward with such force they made a loud noise slapping against her moistly
quivering vagina, and the sound reminded Linda of her own passion- soaked cunt.
Ray fucked into the anus like a madman in a fit of insanity, and Valerie's head
bounced up and down, her expression one of such lusting ecstasy that Linda was
filled with reluctant awe. Stretched out on the table top, Don was still leering
with a fixed, cruel smile, but he began to drive his wetly glistening cock up
into the hungry depths of Valerie's madly sucking throat with harder and harder
lunges. Linda tried to close her eyes, to block out the wildly depraved triple
coupling, as she was shocked by the unwanted reaction that came from her own
burning belly.

She began to shake violently as she listened to Don's obscene shouts for Valerie
to "suck harder, you beautiful bitch. Suck harder!" His lust-glazed eyes stared
at the unnatural coupling of Ray's penis in Valerie's rectum, and he shouted his
encouragements as if he could no longer hold back his orgasm.

"Harder ... Faster ... Fuck her harder ... Oh, God, suck it baby! Suck it!"

It was crazy, a momentary weakness, but Linda knew she desperately wanted to
feel a man's penis inside her - not "wanted," but needed, and had to have. The
fire in her wickedly pulsating vagina was raging out of control, and the lewd
groans and cries of pleasure coming from the table in the clearing were
torturing her, as Valerie kept grunting her lust and the men answered with
obscene shouts and powerful inward thrusts into her nakedly voluptuous body.
Linda became lost in her own passionate daze as she listened to the obscene
sounds of the three people, and she lay back on the ground, her coat beneath
her, ready to surrender to the heated desire consuming her love-starved body.
The hand she'd placed between her thighs had stopped its desperate clawing as
aroused anguished passion took final control of her mind. She lifted her long
shapely legs up, and bent and unbent them, the knees rising and falling as her
hips slowly writhed. Her cool fingertips stroked the softly moist inner lips of
her quivering vagina, spreading the hot flesh gently apart and caressing the
smooth slipperiness of her passion center.

Her frantic hand at her breast kneaded the straining mounds eagerly, strumming
the nipples to erect little peaks. Simply touching them sent thrills of wildly
sensuous pleasure coursing through her lust-inflamed body. And slowly,
imperceptibly, she sank into pure erotic feeling, only dimly aware of the heated
moans and cries from a few feet distant. Her mind's eye was filled with the
obscene imagery of those three lusting bodies nearby, and all the sensual
visions tumbled about her head and whipped her passion to a steadily increasing
tempo. Don's giant cock fucking into Valerie's gluttonous mouth; she sucking
greedily while Ray poured liquor over her ripely gleaming loins and then tongue-
fucked her cunt and drove his finger into her tiny anus, preparing her for the
greater entry. In her mind, she saw it all again like an exciting movie seen
twice: Ray, standing behind Valerie's wiggling buttocks ... and then, finally,
his wildly throbbing cock skewering deep into her puckered little asshole, not
stopping until it was buried far up in the depths of her heated rectum. It was
in Linda's mind, all of it, indelibly there ... tormenting her ... making her
want to rip away her offending clothing and run nakedly out into the clearing
and shout, "Fuck me too!"

Her loins were on fire like never before in her life as the pulsating rhythm
beating up between her thighs became a drumbeat of exquisite wet sensitivity.
All of her consciousness was focused on satisfying her one overwhelming need,
and with a groan she plunged her outstretched middle finger deep inside the
viscous, moistened mouth of her hungrily pulsating pussy ... Linda had no other
choice, for the passion of the three people had reached out and was holding her
as if a magnetic force, making her do to herself what she desperately wanted to
have done to her by someone else. The momentary tight resistance of her
fluttering vaginal passage slowly gave way to the warming motions of her
fingers, and the warmly wet walls contracted hungrily around her long extended
digit as it slipped smoothly into her tight pink cunt. She drew her knees up and
scissored her long legs wide open as her hips arched up sharply, moving
rhythmically up and down to the motion of her long gliding finger driving in and
out of her moistly clasping cunt.

"Aaaaaagggghhhhhhhh! Oooooooohhh!" A gasping and muffled shrill cry echoed into
the still night air from the direction of the clearing, but the sounds were
barely heard by Linda. She was totally wrapped up in finger fucking her own
hungry cunt, and the rhythm of her plunging finger was rapidly gaining momentum.
The tight clasping walls of her vaginal passage seemed to suck and pull at the
digit with greater and stronger urgency until her whole lust-crazed body was
writhing in a wild display of explosive sexual gratification. After all of the
erotic stimulations she had been subjected to during the long night, it didn't
take her much time to reach the final height of excruciating passion.

Every muscle in her body was seized by a quivering tautness as she hung for a
moment of time on the edge of release. She was near - so very near the
mysteriously building peak that she sought - but one finger in her hotly
pulsating little cunt simply wasn't enough. She inserted another to join the
first, sawing and grinding, pumping her ripely fleshed hips up and down as she
strained for the elusive orgasm. Suddenly, she was seeing Ray's wildly throbbing
cock once again in Valerie's asshole, the thick fleshy cudgel stretching wide
the narrow passage as it drove with terrifying speed into the very depths of her
rectum. That was what she needed, Linda thought, and she removed her hand from
the soft firmness of her breast, moving her long fingers rapidly down to the
warm crevice that divided her smoothly rounded buttocks.

Groping into the hairless valley, she aimed for and found the tight rubbery
mouth of her anus and, carefully placing her forefinger against the puckered
little hole, she wormed the tip inside. As it pushed through the tight
resistance, she tensed from the abrupt and unexpected flash of heated pain, but
she ignored it in her desperate attempt to achieve an orgasm. She shoved her
digit up to the first knuckle, the hot sphincter muscles of her anal passage
grabbing her finger like a hungry octopus. Gasping aloud, she plunged her finger
again down into the tight passage until she could shove it no further.

Her two hands moved in unison as they each worked frantically in their
respective holes, one driving wetly down into the heatedly clasping depths of
her cunt, while the other countered with a lunge into her tight little rectum.
She thrust them both in and out with an urgency born of frantic need, her legs
kicking up and back as she arched her ripely undulating buttocks into the air
again and again. Oh, God, she thought, and she bucked once, twice, slicing her
fingers up into her belly as the sensation of waters bursting over a dam flooded
her passion-drenched body ... and then she was cumming!

"Uuuuugghhhh." She was held by a prolonged spasm of rippling joy that jolted and
surged through her. She wanted to scream out her sudden delight as her madly
quivering cunt contracted again and again around her deeply embedded fingers,
and the hot wetness oozed slowly out of her squeezing vagina. Her long tapered
legs trembled, thighs shaking as she fought to contain and prolong the beautiful
climax, and she jerked up against her deeply buried fingers as pearl-like
droplets of her solitary - lonely - cum ran hotly down the crevice of her

Linda had reached an orgasm, though it had not been what she expected. The
tremors in her belly quickly subsided, and she lay back against the pine
needles, her young body exhausted and spent. For a long moment she kept her
fingers buried inside her body as the last traces of her climax ran thickly onto
her coat beneath her buttocks. Then, slowly, savoring each millimeter of her
long fingers, she pulled them from her cunt and anus with regret.

Oh, God, Linda thought, what have I done? Remembering where she was and aware of
the fact that she might have groaned out loud, she sat bolt upright, her eyes
searching for Valerie and the two men. She felt momentary relief as she saw they
were not at the table, but then, in the darkness beyond, she saw the faint
whiteness of naked people on the far side of the tent.

Jumping up quickly, she steadied herself against a tree as she waited for
strength to return to her legs; after a second she started to walk away from the
campsite, almost forgetting the panties she'd left on the ground. She picked
them up, stuffing them in her coat pocket to not waste any time getting away
from the place, and she moved fast despite the darkness, as she could imagine
nothing more humiliating now than being discovered.

She didn't have time to give any thought to what she had just done, as she had
to be careful while moving toward the trail down the slope, knowing there was
also the danger of running into Rick and Karen. If they were approaching, she
counted on seeing their flashlight first and then quickly hiding off the trail,
but she made it down the angular trail without ever seeing even a sign of them.

Linda fell twice, avoiding injury both times but ending up with smudges of dirt
on her face and coat. Soon she was walking across the bridge; only then, able to
think clearly for the first time, she realized that her disheveled appearance
could serve as an excuse for her absence from the cabin should Rick be there
when she returned. She decided to tell him she had gone for a walk, in the
opposite direction of the Boyds' campsite, and that she had become lost, thereby
taking so long to return. It sounded feasible and something like that was
necessary if she was not to fall completely apart, admitting to Rick that she
had seen him and Karen.

When she was within sight of the cabin, Linda paused to pull her coat tightly
around her, then she messed up her hair a bit more. The cabin looked very much
the same as when she had left it - that seemed so long in the past - and taking
a deep breath, she went inside.

"Rick?" There was no answer. The fire she had lit earlier was almost out, and
she walked straight into the kitchen, expecting to find some sign of her son
having been there. Nothing was disturbed, and the young mother again started to
worry about her son. She was horrified by the thought of Rick and Karen
returning to the campsite and perhaps even joining Valerie Boyd and those two
men in some debasing and vile sexual act.

Unsure of what she could do, Linda returned to the living room half panic-struck
with fear, but her fright subsided when she saw the white paper left on the day-
bed. She quickly picked up the letter, her eyes scanning over the neat, orderly
printing to the signature at the bottom. It was a note from Rick.

Mom ... Stupid me ... I went off without the flashlight, so Karen walked back
with me ... Surprised not to find you here, but can hardly blame you for not
waiting dinner. We decided to go over to the redwood lodge to see what's
happening, so don't wait up. I took the flashlight from the car, so Karen won't
have to walk back to her camp alone ...

Sorry again for being so late,

Love Rick.

Linda was relieved to know that Rick was not going back to the Boyds' camp
immediately and, in spite of everything else that had happened, she couldn't be
angry with him. She actually felt proud that he hadn't made up some falsehood as
an excuse for being late, but instead just chose to give no reason at all.
Naturally he couldn't just say he was busy fucking Karen!

Linda sat down on the day-bed, suddenly feeling weary and afraid. Her whole
world had become disrupted in the space of a couple of hours, and she knew that
things could never be the same again. Her son was far more adult than she would
ever have guessed, and he was probably more experienced sexually than she. Linda
thought she should be jealous of Karen, but she also felt that she herself was
responsible for Rick's sexual encounter in that she had never really given him
guidance. Neither did she know which was worse: her staying to watch her son and
Karen, or remaining at the Boyds' campsite until she had lost control herself.
It was all too confusing, too recent; and she was too exhausted to think about
it then.

Taking the note from Rick with her, Linda walked to the bedroom, trying to put
the evening's events out of her mind. She would have to look at her son
differently from now on, but that went for Karen and her wanton mother too. She
had asked Rick to tell Valerie that she would visit her in the morning, and
considering all that she had seen, Linda wondered if she could ever face the
Boyd woman again without fainting from embarrassment.

Taking her panties out of her coat pocket and tossing them on the bed, she
removed her coat and dress and hung both up in the closet. She made a mental
note to remember to wash out the little white stain on the coat lining, then
closed the closet door, not wanting to think about it anymore that evening.
Taking off her brassiere and throwing it haphazardly on the bed with her
panties, she then walked into the bathroom and washed her face and combed her
hair without looking at her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't face herself,
not then at least. Slipping into her nightgown, she turned off the lamp and got
into the bed. Sleep came quickly, but her dreams were filled with erotically
disturbing images of herself. And to her horror, she found herself doing what
Valerie had done that night, and liking it .. Only the man fucking her - the man
whose cock she was eagerly sucking - was her own son!


Chapter 5

The day had turned cold, a gray blanket of high fog having draped the Big Sur
coast with pale light, and Linda's depression had gotten steadily worse. She had
slept late, staying in bed as long as possible without arousing suspicion, yet
she still had to face her son, so had feigned a headache to hide her uneasiness.

She had kept conversation to a minimum, and Rick had been sympathetic, promising
to stay out of her hair if that would help. Her ploy had worked, and she was
able to get Rick to deliver a new message to Valerie Boyd. She was to spend the
day resting, and if Valerie had no other plans that evening, she would be glad
to visit with her then. Linda had reasoned that she would have the day to pull
herself together, although it didn't quite work out that way.

It was four in the afternoon, and Linda was making her third pot of coffee when
Rick came back to the cabin with Karen. She was in the kitchen and didn't hear
them come in at first.

"Mom? ... Oh, there you are!"

"Hi ..." Linda felt her face heat up and redden with embarrassment. "Hello,
Karen." She hadn't expected Rick to bring the Boyd girl with him, and she felt
it impossible to conceal her uneasiness.

"Hi, Mrs. Hall. Are you feeling better?" Karen said, a tone of real concern in
her voice.

"Yes, thank you," Linda answered as she turned away, diverting her attention to
the coffee pot. Why had Rick brought Karen? Were they planning to stay? She
wanted so much to be left alone, to escape the terrible thoughts that had been
plaguing her all day. "I'm making some coffee ... Do you want some?" She
couldn't think of anything else to say.

"If it's all right with you, we're going out, Mom," Rick answered. "We wanted to
stop by and see how you're getting along ... And, well ..." He stopped, looking
to his girlfriend for the rest.

"I'm just fine, dear. Don't let my silly headache spoil your weekend!" Linda was
serious, and she felt bad enough for having to lie. She did want her son to have
a good time, even if it involved sex with Karen. It was too late to undo that!

Rick started again, "Oh, about Mrs. Boyd ... I gave her your message, and she
said she was very anxious to see you. She's coming here at six ... Said she
wanted to take you out to dinner ... If you're up to it ..." There was more, but
he would let that wait for Valerie Boyd to tell the rest.

"Mom said she knows just the thing for your headache, Mrs. Hall," Karen jumped
in, a pert smile on her pretty face. Then she nudged Rick, indicating they
should go.

"That's sweet of her to be so concerned. Rick, I think you must have made too
much out of nothing. My headache is practically gone, really!" She wanted to
dismiss the idea that she needed care, but there was obviously no point in
making excuses to the children. She would find a way of declining dinner with
Valerie later.

Linda poured out a cup of coffee for herself and, holding it like a prop in
front of her, she motioned with her other hand toward the front door. "You kids
go on and have a good time ... And stop worrying about me." She hoped her
performance was convincing, that they couldn't see through her and know what was
really troubling her mind.

"O.K., Mom," Rick said as he took Karen by the arm, leading her toward the front
door. "Mrs. Boyd will be here in a couple of hours ... You've been alone long
enough today," he added sounding more like a parent than a son.

"Nice seeing you again, Mrs. Hall," Karen said at the door, and she hurried out
in front of Rick.

"See you, Mom."

Linda waved and watched Rick close the door behind him, her mind once again
replaying the scene she had witnessed between him and Karen. Yet, it didn't
trouble her nearly as much as what had followed, and she wondered if she was
making more out of it than she should.

She had known from the first day she had met Valerie that the Boyd woman was
different in her attitudes than herself. So seeing her in such a compromising
position last night really shouldn't have been that surprising, but Linda didn't
want to face the simple fact that it wasn't Valerie's performance that bothered
her. It was what she herself, had done, staying there in the woods and watching
the lewd sex act until her own body had become like that of a wanton whore. It
wasn't so much Valerie she found difficult to face; it was herself.

To make matters worse, from the moment she had awakened that morning, she was
unable to control a demanding itch - a heated need for sexual release - in her
loins; and it was this failure of mind over body that had made her depressed.
She had wanted to finger fuck and caress again, as she had done the night
before; and it had taken all of her willpower all day long to keep from
succumbing to the urge. She almost believed that Valerie's presence that evening
would be a relief, and going out to dinner with her might actually be good.

Linda sat down and sipped her coffee, forcing herself to not look at her watch.
The time was moving too slowly, had been all day, and checking the time every
few minutes didn't help. She thought to make the day go faster by thinking up
excuses for declining Valerie's invitation out to dinner, but in the back of her
mind she actually was talking herself into going. Maybe she could even get into
a serious discussion with Valerie, confide in her, and get some of the answers
she wanted to hear? Valerie might tell her she had no reason to be afraid of
men, that men were not the brutes that she believed them to be ... and yet ...
thinking about the two men with Valerie, Linda knew they had to be animals. And
she was not that kind of person, she was not the type who would enjoy being
raped by a drunken sailor, or take pleasure out of lewd and indecent acts! Or
was she?

Gulping down the remainder of her coffee, Linda looked at her watch knowing she
dared not sit and think another moment. It was becoming a losing battle, and she
would simply have to put it out of her mind. It was four-thirty, which left her
an hour and a half to get ready before Valerie was due. The way she felt, that
really wasn't much time.

Getting up, she went into the bedroom, wondering what to wear for the evening.
She had no idea what kind of dress was required in a tourist area like Big Sur,
nor for that matter what kind of restaurant Valerie had in mind. She decided she
would simply have to wear the nicest thing she brought, a cocktail dress, and if
that was too dressy, then it would be easy to change after Karen's mother

She took the dress out of the closet and then began taking off her clothes,
stripping in a hurry. When she nakedly walked into the bathroom and reached into
the shower stall to turn on the water, Linda caught a momentary glimpse of her
reflection in the mirror out of the corner of her eye. Automatically, the young
mother began wondering how her body might compare with Valerie's; and, at that
moment, her curiosity won out. It shamed her to admit it, but the voluptuous
ripeness she saw reflected in the mirror made her feel very proud, for she had a
far better figure than Valerie. Was that possible? She studied the image before
her. Yes, it was true! There was a sensual softness to the rounding of her
curves and her breasts were like two ripe melons seen in the moonlight. Her
stomach was firm and her waist small. Her buttocks jutted out in two firmly
rounded identical moons and her stomach, seen in the mirror, swooped down to her
sparse blonde pubic hair which was wispy and soft.

Her thighs and legs were perfect, like the shapely legs of a thoroughbred
showgirl. Naked, she was sexy and desirable, there was no question about it! Her
face? And eyes? She turned away from the mirror, damning herself for the carnal
thoughts that seemed to stream uncontrollably through her brain. What had gotten
into her?

Steam was rising from the shower stall, and she reached in, turning the cold
water faucet to adjust the temperature to a cooler level than she normally set.
She had to do something about her thoughts, and a cold shower was one possible
solution. But it didn't help, as the touch of the needle-like spray against her
naked body seemed like a thousand tiny fingers stimulating her nerves. And for
the hundredth time that day, she thought about Valerie, bending nakedly over the
table, legs so wide apart, with that man, Ray, wetly licking his long tongue
around and up inside her pinkly quivering cunt. Linda wanted to touch herself
and think about how Ray's tongue would feel against her own moist pussy.

"God!" she yelled out loud. She made the water colder still and hurried to wash
herself, but despite the coolness of the water, she was perspiring when she
stepped out of the shower.

She toweled herself vigorously, then ran into the bedroom to get dressed, and
while she pulled on her clothes and brushed her hair and put on a touch of make-
up, she gave serious thought to her earlier idea. Maybe, if she had a couple of
drinks to loosen her up, perhaps she could find the courage to talk to Valerie
about her problem. She would have to be careful not to give herself away, but
she thought there was a chance that the more experienced woman would somehow be
understanding. And at the very least, Linda needed some excuse to justify and
retrench the feelings she'd kept for so many years. A talk with Valerie should
reaffirm her own opinion of men; that they are nothing more than brutes and
animals, out to humiliate and debase women. When the young mother sat down in
the living room twenty minutes later to await Valerie's arrival, she didn't even
consider the possibility that a talk could have the opposite effect ... and
prove her long cherished opinions wrong ... horribly wrong.

Chapter 6

The knock startled Linda out of her day dreams, and she jumped up from her chair
to hurry to the door. She hadn't noticed that it was dark outside, and she felt
like a fool when she opened the door to see Valerie Boyd standing there in the
dark. She immediately switched on the light.

"Goodness, I wasn't watching the time ... Please come in," Linda said
sheepishly, completely forgetting about Valerie's wanton activities by the
firelight last night.

"It does get dark early here ... How are you, dear?" Valerie said in response.
Her tone was friendly, almost too much so, and Linda saw that she was smiling as
she stepped into the room.

"I'm fine, thank you," Linda answered, forgetting also that she was supposed to
have a headache.

"The children didn't forget to tell you I was coming? A night out can do wonders
for a headache ..." Valerie eyed her friend's outfit, aware that she had taken
some time to get ready. She was pleased that she wouldn't have to sell Linda on
going out with her, as it was obvious she was dressed to go. "Your dress is just
perfect for Harvey's place."

"Well, I really didn't know what to wear, but the choice was easy. This is the
only dressy outfit I brought," Linda smiled, assuming Harvey's Place was a local
Big Sur restaurant. She purposely ignored the comment about her headache as
Valerie didn't seem to want or need an explanation anyway. And keeping the
conversation on clothes was a means of preventing it coming up again. The other
woman kept her coat on, but it was open in the front, enough so that Linda could
see the type of dress she was wearing. It appeared to be quite revealing and a
bit too sexy for just going out to a restaurant, but Linda figured that was
simply the way Karen's mother always dressed at night.

"I'll get my coat and we can go," Linda said, walking into the bedroom, again
reminded of how she had used her coat when watching Valerie and the two men. She
made a mental note to be careful about everything she mentioned that evening, as
a slip of the tongue could give her away. I'd just die if she knew I had been
watching her with those two naked men!

Coat on, Linda returned to the living room and smiled at the mother of her son's
girlfriend. "I sure do appreciate your invitation, Valerie ... It'll be good to
get out this evening."

"It's something we should have done ages ago ... Strange that we have to come
all the way down here before getting together for an evening." Of course, she
never would have considered taking Linda Hall to such a party if her daughter
hadn't suggested it. Karen thought Linda needed loosening up, and if that didn't
happen at Harvey's place, nothing would ever help her.

"All set," Linda announced as she turned off all but one light in the living
room. Valerie had left her car down by the camp manager's office and the two
well-dressed young women walked together in silence, Linda pulling her coat
around her while Valerie let her wrap hang open.

Once in the car, Valerie drove up to the coast highway and headed south. About a
mile later she turned left onto a narrow road that wound among dense groves of
redwood trees. Along the way, Linda observed several private homes surrounded by
large parcels of property, and she couldn't help thinking how nice it would be
to own such places. It was the privacy that each offered that appealed to her
most. After they had been on the road for nearly ten minutes, Valerie finally
turned in past large stone stanchions, onto a private drive. Linda wondered just
where they were going, as from the entrance to the property, she couldn't see
any sign of a building or structure of any kind.

"This is Harvey's place!" Valerie abruptly announced, gesturing ahead with her

"My, it's certainly off the beaten path," Linda commented, and she was thinking
it had to be very special to get people to come such a distance. "How much
property do they have here?" she questioned wanting to make small talk.

"It's quite extensive ... You should really see it in the daylight. The river
runs right behind the place!" Valerie said, but she was laughing to herself,
sure that after that evening Rick's mother would only be interested in other

Linda stared ahead into the darkness beyond the headlights of the car, and for
several minutes she saw nothing. But then, as if suddenly looming up before her,
there were lighted windows like iridescent squares among the trees. In another
moment, they were in an area where several other cars were parked. Valerie
pulled up and stopped next to an expensive foreign sports car. Linda immediately
assumed that the restaurant had to be quite expensive too.

"Well, I certainly am amazed. I never would have found this place on my own,"
Linda said as she got out of the car.

"We are here by special invitation, Linda ... And I think you'll find it fun."
Karen's mother smiled and led the way to the front door of the large,
modernistic house.

"Do you mean it's a private club?" she questioned, surprised by her friend's

"Club? You must be confused ... This is a private home," Valerie explained, even
though she had known all along that Linda had been thinking they were going to a
restaurant. "This is Harvey's place ... His home!"

It was too late to turn back. Linda Hall felt her heart pounding as she realized
what Valerie was saying. They were going into someone's private residence, which
could only mean it was also a party.

Her eyes scanned over the building and grounds, taking in all she could see in
the darkness, and it was apparent that the place belonged to an extremely
wealthy man. She had no idea of what to expect inside, but the fact of being
around the rich made her nervous. She wasn't sure she would know how to act in
the midst of such wealth. And worse, with Karen's mother present there was
always the chance of something bizarre and unusual happening. But she couldn't
leave, at least not right then.

Linda laughed artificially, "I thought this place was a restaurant!" She didn't
want her friend to think her foolish and awkwardly shy, but she knew it must be
written all over her face.

"You mean the kids didn't tell you it was a party?" Valerie said, though she
knew they hadn't.

"No ... I guess they forgot ..."

"Well, believe me, the food here is far superior to any restaurant in the area,"
Valerie added, as if to imply that Linda's concern was for the quality of the
place. Her comment embarrassed the young mother, and that was exactly the effect
she wanted. She stepped up to the door and rang the bell before anything else
could be said.

For Linda, it seemed to take forever for someone to come to the door; but in
fact, the door opened a few seconds later. Standing in the doorway was a tall
rather handsome man. Linda was instantly reminded of the typical rich playboy.
His hair was wavy and dark, his features sharply defined and evenly tanned, but
it was his eyes that caught her attention first. They were like black liquid
pools, large and mysterious, and she felt he was able to look right through her.

"Ah, at last my special guests arrive," the man said, his voice deep toned and
masculine. "Valerie, my dear, it's good to see you again."

Linda tried to maintain her composure as the tall man warmly kissed Karen's
mother on the lips and then a second later turned to face her. His physical
presence seemed to reach out and engulf her completely.

"This is Linda Hall, the one I told you about," Valerie said, and then to Linda,
"Your host."

"Thank you for inviting us, Mr. ..." She wondered about his last name.

"Harvey! But please call me Tom," he answered taking her hand in his.

Linda was confused, and it showed. Was his name Tom or Harvey? she wondered. The
explanation came before she could ask.

"Everyone calls this shack Harvey's place ... My name is Tom Harvey," he said, a
broad smile spreading across his face.

"I see," Linda said in a soft voice. She wasn't sure what to make of the man
standing before her, but his smile was so pleasant and reassuring that her
nervousness went away. When he turned his attention back to Valerie, Linda
couldn't help looking him over. He was wearing a colorful, loose fitting shirt
and dark slacks, a casual outfit that somehow looked very, very expensive on
him. She guessed him to be about forty, as there was a hint of grey in his

"Everyone seems to have gathered in the game room," Tom said, his wink to
Valerie going unseen by Rick's mother. "Please follow me, ladies," he added, and
he offered an arm to both of them.

Linda couldn't help being impressed by his suave manner, and she put her arm in
his, anxious to see more of the large house. Every room was wood paneled, some
in different shades than others, and the ceiling seemed to vault into the sky,
standing at the top of round wood pillars. He led them through the two-storied
living room, and to one side was a wide stairway that led below. It was then
that Linda realized the living room stood at least one story above the back of
the house, and as she walked down the stairs, she saw before her a long room
that appeared crowded with people. It was lit only by candles, so it was hard to
tell just how many people there were, but the room was obviously built for just
such a gathering. To one side were floor to ceiling windows, and outside was a
balcony running the length of the room. There were spotlights mounted somewhere
on the house that pointed out to large redwoods and the river. It made an
impressive picture, like a setting that Linda had seen before only in movies.
Scattered about the dark wood paneled room were couches and overstuffed chairs,
and here and there were large pillows thrown down on the carpeted floor. Some of
the people were standing, others sitting, and some were even lounging on the
pillows. It could have appeared a typical party, but Linda became nervous again
as she realized the people were all talking quietly, almost in a whisper.
Ordinarily she would have expected such a crowd to be boisterous.

Tom led them across the long room, some of the people greeting Valerie as they
walked, but Linda paid little attention to them as she was more concerned about
the way Tom held her arm. It almost seemed as if he was being intimate, though
he was only touching her arm. She tried to put it out of her mind, believing it
to be her imagination, and forced herself to study the layout more closely.
Halfway in the room, on the wall opposite the windows, was a large natural stone
fireplace, a fire blazing brightly to add to the effect of the candles. Though
the room was large, Linda realized it felt intimate simply because of the
artistic lighting; and she found this discovery to be interesting. Moments
later, she found herself standing in front of a bar.

"This is an important part of this room," Tom said, and Linda realized he had
been talking the whole time they walked through the house. He had been pointing
things out, but she had been too engrossed in looking to really hear. Tom went
on, pointing to a buffet covered with exotic looking food. "Over there the
tidbits and morsels of palatable pleasure, and here," he added motioning to the
white jacketed man behind the bar, "Here you may quench your thirst."

"You have a beautiful home," Linda said nodding to her host. She was flattered
by the extravagant manner of Tom Harvey to someone he had just met. She was
after all, only a secretary, and he obviously was more monetarily powerful than
her boss, Karl Williams.

"You are too kind ... What may I order for you, Linda?"

His eyes again seemed to penetrate right through her, yet in a way that was
complimentary, and the young mother felt herself blushing as though embarrassed
by praise. She couldn't think of how to answer him. "Whatever you suggest will
be fine," she said shyly.

Tom smiled and motioned to the man behind the bar. "Jason here makes a special
drink that I am quite fond of ... He keeps the ingredients a secret, but it does
contain Pernod. You know, cloudy and nice!" He held up two fingers to Jason.
"Your special, Jason."

"Linda, dear?" It was a female voice - familiar.

She had almost forgotten about Valerie, and she wondered how long the other
woman had been calling her name. She turned to see Valerie approaching with two
men on either side of her. Linda didn't recognize them until they were a few
feet away, and then she thought she might faint. It's them! The men with Valerie
last night. Oh my God!

"I want you to meet a couple of old friends," Valerie went on quite casually.
"This is Ray, and this is Don ... Linda Hall, boys!"

Linda felt dizzy as she nodded to each, hoping she appeared unshaken, but she
was sure her face reddened as each man eyed her openly. God, she had seen them
naked and fucking Valerie less than twenty four hours earlier!

"How do you do?"



"I'm showing Linda the view," Tom interjected before anymore could be said by
either man. "Jason, fix Valerie one of your specials," he added as he picked up
two tall glasses from the bar.

Linda was glad of the chance to avoid further conversation with the two men and
Valerie, at least until she regained her composure, and she happily took the
offered drink from Tom and put her arm on his to walk to the porch. She felt as
if she were escaping from some terrible crime, and she took a sip of her drink
to still her pounding heart. It wasn't until she was standing outside on the
porch with Tom that she felt she could again speak normally, and she felt
grateful to him for having saved her from possible embarrassment.

"Thank you for this," she said holding up her drink, "It's really quite good. I
don't usually drink, but this is mild and pleasant tasting ..."

Tom had guided her to the railing at the edge of the balcony. He clicked his
glass against hers and took a large sip of his drink, "There's plenty more where
this came from, and you can be sure it won't hurt you ..." he said watching her
gulp down nearly half her drink.

Linda felt warm and more relaxed with each swallow of the potent mixture, and it
did seem to help her get over the embarrassment of meeting Ray and Don. She
stared out at the lighted trees and grounds below, listening to the sounds of
the river nearby, a sound that lulled her senses, pleasantly. It was such a cool
night, and yet here on Tom Harvey's porch she felt warm.

"Are you sure this drink is mild?" she found herself questioning, as the first
zephyrs of lightheadedness rippled through her brain.

Tom laughed as if she had made some joke.

"Take off your coat ... It's not the drink, it's radiant heat out here," he said
tapping his shoe on the floor of the balcony. "Tiles under the floor."

"Oh my gosh," Linda giggled feeling silly. She set her drink down on the railing
and slipped out of her coat with Tom's help, and she still felt warm and
comfortable. "That's amazing!" she added, picking up her drink again and taking
another large gulp. "You have a remarkable home, Mr. Harvey."

They talked, Tom mostly, about humorously unimportant things that made Linda
laugh a lot. She drank too, and each time her glass was nearly empty, Jason
seemed to be standing by with a fresh one. She lost count after the third drink,
but by then she no longer cared. The liquor, or whatever, did have an effect on
her, but it came gradually, barely recognizable for what it was. She felt warmer
and more aware of her own physical presence, and everything seemed all right,
including the slightly off-color jokes that Tom told her. She laughed openly,
surprised that she felt no embarrassment or shame, but instead, she felt a
pleasant tingling in the pit of her belly, especially when he looked at her in
his special way.

When they walked back inside the large room, it was darker ... the only light
now coming from the fireplace. Gliding, not walking, they moved to one side
where she saw Valerie stretched out on a large pillow, smiling up at her. Linda
returned the smile as she, too, made herself comfortable on one of the large
pillows next to Karen's mother. Again Linda had a drink in her hand, and Tom was
beside her, not threateningly, just there. Music was playing from somewhere,
everywhere, while the room danced with the flickering light of the fire, and her
young very aware body seemed to pulsate with it, the tempo increasing toward an
infinite point.

"Wow!" Linda heard herself say, and she laughed as Tom nodded in response. She
sipped more of the insidious drink, her mouth feeling dry, and she looked over
to where Valerie was lying back on the large pillow, noting without surprise
that Karen's mother's dress had slipped far up her firmly smooth thighs. Almost
casually Linda saw that she was wearing no panties; oddly enough, it seemed
funny and nice at the same time. Then Ray came over and said something about a
movie to Tom, and everyone was smiling and nodding in anticipation. Ray was gone
and back again, this time settling down comfortably on the same big pillow with
Valerie. Linda turned, looking away to discover that somehow a large motion
picture screen had descended just before them. Other people in the room were
settling down, becoming even quieter than before, and Rick's innocent young
mother drank more of the cool liquid in her glass, feeling as though she could
never get enough.

Vaguely, she was aware of Tom's hand around her shoulders. It seemed innocent
enough, a reminder that they were sharing some special secret, and she relaxed
against his arm, convinced that she couldn't be hurt. Her senses were fine-
tuned, alert and ripe for any sign of warmth and comfort, and the large pillow
under her body seemed to press up into her loins, making contact with the softly
parted lips of her tingling vagina through her sheer panties.

Linda turned her head toward Tom, and his face was close, very close, moving
like a descending sphere as his eager warm lips met her. She wanted him to kiss
her, to press his mouth and tongue into her to draw out the raging heat that
poured through her fiery body. It lingered, held to a boiling pitch of passion
that made her mind blank out what she knew was a very real danger. His wetly
quivering tongue flicked into her open mouth, touching the roof of her mouth
like a hot poker, and she began sucking on it hungrily, feeling a warm inviting
promise of fulfillment that she had never felt in a kiss before that moment. It
was good, too good, and she searched through the alcoholic haze in her mind to
find reason for it all being wrong. But when the kiss ended, she felt only
disappointment. He had kissed her, and she had let him. It was kindness, a
secret understanding formed in the privacy of a room full of people.

Tom raised his hand as if signaling someone in the distant darkness, and almost
immediately Jason was there with fresh drinks. Tom took a sip, as did she, and
he was talking to her, telling her about a film they were about to see, but that
was unimportant compared with the depth of his eyes. How could she have ever
been afraid of men?

There was a sudden tenseness in the room, as if everyone was waiting anxiously
for an event, and she, too, became excited ... but for what reason, she couldn't
guess. Then she saw a pin-point of light across the room, and she followed the
beam with her eyes to discover that the screen in front of her was brightly lit.
The music that had been playing faded out, and on the screen a close shot of a
beautiful young girl appeared. She was asleep in a bed, her long, black hair
framing an attractive face against a pure white pillow. She was dreaming, as she
squirmed slightly, and a low moaning sound came from her pert lips. There was
the faintest hint of tiny beads of perspiration on the girl's forehead, and her
eyes blinked rapidly as if she was half-asleep, half- awake.

The camera pulled back slowly to reveal a feminine bedroom, and it was apparent
that the girl was sleeping with only a sheet covering her ripe young body. There
were distinct impressions in the sheet outlining the firm little breasts, narrow
waist and sexily curving hips. Almost imperceptibly, the girl began to move her
body, as if she were trying to feel the faintest weight of the sheet where it
pressed against her. The camera continued pulling back until a chair beyond the
bed came into view, and on it was a sleeping German Shepherd dog; the animal too
seemed to be dreaming.

The view angle changed to the foot of the bed and closed in on the girl. Her
mouth was partly open, and her pink tongue flicked out and in, moistening her
lips until they glistened. She was breathing faster and faster, her chest rising
and falling as her hand moved under the sheet, the impression clearly showing
that she was reaching for her breasts. For a moment, her hand lingered there
fondling the twin mounds with obvious pleasure, and then, the heat of her body
apparently stifling, she grasped the edge of the sheet, slowly pulling it down
to expose her nakedly firm breasts.

Her softly fleshed little breasts were starkly white against the sun- bronzed
color of her tanned skin; the nipples dark and the aureoles a brownish gold. Her
hand moved immediately back over the nipples, rolling them into a pointed
hardness. Her hips continued their grinding motion, the rhythm becoming more
intense as she became more aroused. She pushed the sheet down further, first
exposing her smoothly flattened belly, and then almost frantically, she kicked
the sheet clear of her body. She lay with her legs apart, completely naked, and
her legs scissored out wider to expose to the camera the entire length of her
moistly glistening cunt and the gleaming little clitoris nestled at the top of
the hair-lined slit.

Her hand left her breasts then, circling down over her stomach, down over the
silky pubic hair, down between her firm young thighs so that the tips of her
fingers revolved over her rigidly pulsating clitoris.

Linda held her breath, trying to quiet it as she watched the scene before her.
She had never in her life seen such an obscene film, and she was grateful for
the near total darkness of the room. The image was penetrating her intoxicated
haze, reminding her of her own wakeful dreams, and she found that she
sympathized with the girl on the screen. It was as though that young girl was
begging for a release she couldn't have, and Linda too felt the tingling
sensation so familiar to her. It seemed to start in her belly and slowly move
down to the space between her legs until it reached her hardened clitoris. It
was all she could do to keep from touching herself there, and she wiggled her
buttocks back into the soft pillow, feeling the material of her dress and
panties press up between her moistly parted thighs. She was hardly aware of
Tom's hand as it moved over to her breast, and she made no move to stop him as
she felt the tiny bud-like nipple harden under the lacy material of her
brassiere. She would have to stop him, but it could wait until the delicious
tingling between her legs subsided. Keeping her eyes glued to the screen, she
took another sip of the pleasant tasting drink she held.

The girl in the movie twisted her naked young buttocks against the mattress as
though she was trying to bury herself in it, and her fingers played teasingly at
the narrow slit of her wetly quivering cunt. As if being attacked by some unseen
lover, sheer wanton desire took hold of her, and her hands began fluttering over
her body as though they were out of control ... until they both came to rest at
the "V" of her softly rounded thighs. She groaned with the contact of her hands
against her obviously aroused pussy, and she pulled her knees up, jackknifing
them back and spreading her legs even wider apart until the camera was zeroed in
on the moistly glistening furrow between. Her fingertips crawled to the pink
hair-covered lips and spread them slowly apart until the wetly quivering layers
of cuntal flesh were fully visible, and the mouth-like orifice had opened
hungrily. The half-moons of her rounded buttocks shone clearly, divided by the
hot, avid crevice between them. Her tiny anus nestled mysterious and inviting
below the swollen and agitated lips. The girl extended her long middle finger
and, sliding it downward, she inserted it into the pinkly glistening valley,
stroking the bud-like clitoris at the same time.

Her sensuous movements on the bed increased as her probing fingers worked
themselves inside the blushing edges of her trembling young cunt, slowly
widening the lips. She wormed her outstretched middle finger in and out smoothly
between the lubricated opening as she drew her legs back up to her breasts, and
her softly rounded buttocks rose and fell in response to the searching finger.
The girl's facial muscles tightened as she joined still another finger with the
first. Clenching her teeth, she pushed both of them into the tightly clasping
pink folds. They disappeared with a soft sucking noise, and the girl purred with

For a brief moment a suddenly sober Linda considered leaving - running away - as
she remembered what had happened to her traitorous body simply by watching
Valerie and the two men the previous evening, but that thought quickly faded as
she took another sip of her drink. The liquid seemed to calm her mind, while her
awakened young body was alive with sensations coursing through her flesh in
licking flames of desire. Tom had pulled her so close against him now that she
could hardly move. When he suddenly moved his hand to the top of her dress and
boldly pushed under it and her brassiere to cup her naked breast, she didn't
even want to move! Small pin-pricks of delicious feeling danced over her nerves
to her nipples as he maddeningly rolled the hard little bud of one breast tip
between thumb and forefinger. Her emotions ran away, and what fear she might
have felt earlier was simply overpowered by an ever increasing flood of passion.
She hazily snuggled back against Tom's strong arm while her eyes remained fixed
on the erotic movie.

The girl in the film was possessed with a nakedly implacable lust as she writhed
beneath her own driving fingers in uncontrollable passion. The steadily
increasing rhythm drew loud grunts of pleasure from deep in her throat as her
fingers sank into the tightly clasping cuntal opening, making sucking noises as
she withdrew them again. Her face was contorted with an animal lust as she
strained furiously to reach a climax, her young mouth open and groaning in
obvious frustration. She rolled her head from side to side, her hair flying like
a thousand soft whips onto the pillow, and it was apparent she was becoming
desperate for any kind of release.

She pumped harder and faster, her fingers sliding in and out of her wide-spread
pussy almost too fast to see as she tightly clenched and unclenched her buttocks
as she strained up against her probing hands. Her grunts became louder with each
passing second, until her actions and voice seemed to blend into one mighty cry
of passion.

Then, impossibly, the girl froze, and the camera zoomed back to reveal the huge
German Shepherd leaping onto the bed. The girl's eyes widened in terror as the
dog stood menacingly between her outstretched legs, growling in warning. She
started to move, to roll off the bed, but the dog's loud bark made her freeze
once again. She remained immobilized with her fingers in her aroused young cunt
and thighs spread and knees drawn up to her chest. She didn't dare move as the
big canine hovered over her naked body, his great panting head hardly inches
above her defenselessly upturned loins.

Linda was stunned by the sight of the dog on the bed, and she gripped Tom's arm,
her nerves tingling with fright. She was totally engrossed by the actions on the
screen, even to the point of identifying with the girl.

"My God!" she gasped, her voice low and quaking. "What's going to happen? The
dog is so ..." Her words trailed off as she felt a shudder run through her
aroused body.

"She knows well what the dog wants, and I think she would like it, too," Tom
answered, his mouth close to Linda's ear.

The helplessness of the girl in the film made Linda feel vulnerable also, and
she held tightly to Tom's arm for security. She was a bundle of erotically
tingling nerves, fascinated by the thought of the dog raping the girl. She
wanted to be repulsed and shocked, but curiosity and excitement dominated her
mind. The evil fascination of seeing the impending ravishment gripped her body,
and her tension made her spine stiffen. She gulped down several large mouthfuls
of her drink, which helped her to relax once more. Tom's hand on her naked
breast felt good, a feeling that she didn't want to deny herself for the first
time since she could remember. His fingers tweaking her nipple made tiny jolts
of heated arousal jump along her nerve ends, and she squirmed her buttocks down
harder against the pillow, forcing it to press deeper into her wet crevice. Her
panties were soaked from her excitement, and she squeezed her thighs together to
hold down the overpowering sensation beginning to grow there. She was on
dangerous ground in an unfamiliar situation, but she could not bring herself to
deny the hotly demanding throbbing of her cunt. The smoothness of the pillow
excited the overly sensitive pink lips of her vagina, and she felt tiny shocks
pulsing in the bud of her clitoris. She bit into her lower lip to hold back the
forbidden sensations that were heatedly pulsating up between her legs with
greater urgency, as her attention was concentrated on the film.

The huge German Shepherd lowered his head to the helpless girl's tender, hair-
covered loins, and he began sniffing at its perfumed moistness. It was as though
he had found a bitch in heat! The girl showed mixed emotions as the cold nose
made contact with her puckered little anus, and then she tensed as his long red
tongue snaked out, licking wetly up and down the crevice around it, the tip
burrowing partly into the crinkled anal ring.

She tried to squirm away, wiggling her naked young body to move up the bed, but
the dog raised his head and growled again before greedily resuming his lapping
of the narrow pink pussy slit between the frightened girl's thighs. He ran his
tongue wetly the full length of it, from the tightly closed anus up over the
fluted pink edges of her moistly quivering cunt to the rigid little clitoris
atop her pubic mound. His sharp tongue spread through the soft, hair-covered
swelling like a sword slicing through bread dough. It flicked relentlessly up
between the girl's wide-spread legs, stopping once to curl its wet way deep into
her wantonly writhing young cunt.

Linda wasn't sure if she should look at the film any longer, or turn away to
help quiet the growing flames of passion in her own belly. She was excited by
the gradual change coming over the abandonedly writhing young girl in the film
whose frightened moans had changed to soft mewls of involuntary pleasure. Then
Linda heard different groans right alongside her, and she tore her eyes from the
film long enough to glance in the direction it came from. She was stunned,
though not so much by what was happening, but because it was so blatantly open.

Valerie Boyd had both her long tapered legs spread wide, her dress up around her
hips, and Ray's hand was moving rapidly as his long fingers sawed in and out of
her naked vagina. Valerie, completely unconcerned with the people around her,
was grinding her pelvis and buttocks off the large pillow in rhythm to the
fingers fucking into her. Both she and Ray had their hot passion-glazed eyes
locked on the lascivious film projected on the screen. Linda turned away, only
now aware for the first time of the other couples in the surrounding darkness;
though indistinct, it was apparent that they were all in lewd embraces by their
writhing motion. The obscene film was affecting everyone, and a warning bell
sounded in her brain as she realized that she, too was about to succumb to the
lewd urges heatedly pulsating through her body. But then a sound pulled her
spinning mind back to the film, away from all logical thought.

Groaning like a wild animal, the girl reached out for the big dog's head and,
kicking her legs back, she pulled his nose forward, down into her well-
lubricated cuntal lips. The German Shepherd's giant tongue thrust up the moist
passageway like an attacking snake, ravishing her upthrust loins without mercy.
Wild, incoherent shrieks streamed from her lips, pleading and encouraging the
dumb brute salivating between her wantonly writhing, fully rounded buttocks. He
worked at her savagely, and the girl completely surrendered to the animal's
relentless licking.

The dog lifted his head from the moaning girl's loins to nose her over onto her
stomach. Her resistance was gone under the maddening tongue which had so
mercilessly lapped at her moistly glistening pussy. She was enslaved by the huge
beast panting over her, and she rolled over until her quivering young body was
face down and spread-eagled on the bed. The dog lowered his head again, his
sharp tongue slithering in the shadowy crevice between the half-moon cheeks of
her wildly trembling buttocks. She twisted back toward him, reaching with her
hands to spread the ivory globes and give full access to her tiny brown anus.
The tongue lashed her for another long, avid moment, causing her to groan with
an excitement that seemed to transcend the movie.

Rick's young mother felt the aching hunger inside spreading from her abdomen all
the way up to her passion-swollen breasts. Tom Harvey's hand against her naked
tits both thrilled and frightened her, and she labored, gasping for breath. She
squirmed harder against the pillow now shaped into her burning loins as its hard
ridge pressed sensuously into the moistly heated lips of her vagina. She knew
that she had to stop his caresses, to take his hand from beneath her dress, but
she didn't have the strength to stop him. Her own hand would not obey her mind's
commands: it lay limp and useless as she attempted to focus her eyes back to the

The German Shepherd was now pushing his massive head between the girl's pelvis
and the mattress, and his head lifted, raising the girl's softly fleshed white
buttocks into the air. What he wanted was obvious, and the girl obediently
knelt, elevating her wide-spread buttocks, bending before the huge animal in
abject surrender. The relentless tongue had lashed her to servile defeat,
crushed her resistance with its vigorous and non-stop attack on her sensitive
parts for interminable minutes.

She was on all fours as the dog mounted the spread globes of her buttocks, his
forelegs on her back. The wetly glistening, scarlet penis slipped from its huge
furry sheath, dripping. The smoothly tapered point slipped and danced in the
hot, wet crevice as the animal lurched and jerked, trying to bury his penis's
tapered tip and the thick shaft into her body.

The camera moved in closer as the young girl sobbed and looked back, shifting
her gently rounded buttocks in an effort to capture the lengthening shaft. She
was like a bitch in heat as she strove to grasp the long, dripping penis in her
fiery little cunt. The sharp tip missed and slid up to find the momentarily
relaxed anus, which it attempted to enter. With a loud moan, the girl tensed and
evaded the hot slippery prod in fright, but the dog determinedly returned to the
attack. He thrust blindly, the thin point sliding unsuccessfully beneath, along
the moistly softened hair covered cuntal crevice to rub against her clitoris.
The heated redness of his wildly jabbing penis contrasted with the fevered pink
of the girl's passion-inflamed cunt, spreading the lips wider as his still
unhoused shaft rubbed between them. The dog growled out of frustration, and the
girl reached back, trying to guide him to the heatedly impatient opening of her
pussy. She grasped the slippery penis, placing the point of it against her
pinkly glistening slit, and the dog thrust wildly, spreading it wider and wider

Suddenly his cock was in! The German Shepherd jerked forward rapidly to bury his
huge penis deep up inside the deliriously squirming young girl's cunt. His
scarlet shaft slithered forward with a wet rush until it was sunk to the hilt,
his hairy balls swinging below her moist pubic hair. The girl cried a sigh of
relief as she began to move rhythmically backwards to meet the urgent thrusts of
the panting dog. As the forelegs trapped her narrow waist, she began to undulate
her body, moving her buttocks in lewd circles, and abandoning herself to the
delicious animal fucking she was receiving from behind. The girl twisted her
head to look back toward the camera, and it was clear what effect the fucking
was having on her. Her face was contorted in rapture from the screwing the dog
was giving her, and her large, taut breasts danced tightly beneath her writhing
torso, moving in time to the skewering cock of the dog. It slid deep into her
from behind, a relentless hot poker of glistening flesh, burying itself into her

Abruptly, Linda could feel the intolerable warmth of the room, the heat of the
other couples compounding her own excitement, as beads of sweat formed on her
forehead. She was terribly frustrated, her entire body containing a raging fire
that needed extinguishing. She bit down on her lip in an attempt to keep back a
vocal groan of frustration, but Tom's hand worked with increased intensity over
the hardened tip of her breast.

She needed more of her drink, that would help her forget what she so desperately
wanted to do. Valerie was squirming under the finger fucking Ray was giving her,
so why not she? She could feel the heated wetness between her own thighs
increasing, and she was sure Tom could feel the pounding of her heart through
her breast. But her mind wouldn't permit decision or, for that matter,
understanding of her needs.

In the movie that seemed so real, the girl's body was swaying obscenely as she
knelt before the German Shepherd. She had gone completely out of her mind,
shouting lewd encouragement through clenched teeth to the dumb beast. She was
begging him to fuck her harder and faster, grinding her buttocks back as she
pleaded for his hot animal sperm in her clasping little cunt. She was no longer
human, but a quivering mass of sweating, lust-deranged flesh that begged to be
fucked. She was reveling in humiliation by being used as a bitch by the big
panting dog, and she ground her buttocks back against the hairy body like
another animal. Tiny rivulets of moisture were building in the crevice of the
girl's wildly rotating buttocks, and the camera moved in even closer to show the
glistening drops running slowly down the girl's sleek inner thighs.

Linda realized that Tom was becoming more restless, and she was sure that he
noticed her wiggling her buttocks into the pillow beneath her. It was next to
impossible to hide the frustration she felt, as her belly was like a raging and
uncontrolled fire that burned with terrible insistence. His hand was kneading
her breast more vigorously, and her nipples throbbed with guilty pleasure. She
remembered Valerie, so close that Karen's mother might easily observe what Tom
was doing with his hand, and for the first time in her memory, she didn't want
her friend to think her a prude. Yet, knowing that she was being watched could
destroy the feelings in her body, and she glanced back to be sure Valerie was
busy with her own needs. The sight that filled her vision was far more erotic
than anything Linda had seen on the motion picture screen.

Valerie's head was bobbing up and down over Ray's loins, her lips clasped
tightly in a wet oval around his long hard penis which stood up rigidly
throbbing through the open zipper of his fly. His fingers were digging furiously
in and out of her wetly clasping vagina, and Linda was again reminded of the
scene she'd witnessed in the forest the previous night ... only now she was
close enough to reach out her hands and touch them!

Linda was stunned, turning her head around quickly to avoid staring at the
lewdly exciting oral coupling. It was something she hadn't expected, at least
not right there in front of everyone else. What was to prevent everyone at the
party from watching them? But then, they were all watching a film that seemed
all too real, Linda remembered. And the sounds coming from next to her were like
those in the film, wet sucking noises punctuated intermittently by small mewls
and groans of totally depraved pleasure. She could hear other sounds coming now
from around the room too, as other couples, overcome by the ravishment of the
young girl in the movie, locked themselves together in various forms of sexual
connection. Linda burrowed her head into Tom's shoulder in hopes that it would
keep the sounds away, but it was useless. The images and sounds of sexual
stimulation were everywhere, and she was nearly beyond the point of resisting it

Tom had moved even closer to her when she had moved her head against his
shoulder, and she tensed as she felt his free hand working its way under
buttocks. He was pressing toward her feverishly quivering vagina, there was
little doubt about that, and she could feel the warm wetness of her own damp
excitement on the soft cheeks of her buttocks as she pressed down harder against
the protective pillow. As his fingers worked more insistently beneath her dress,
her thought of pleasure and satisfaction rationalized away the danger. He
couldn't, without forcing her, get beneath her dress, but the tingling
excitement in her heatedly aroused young body tempted her to relax her tightly
clenched thighs. His hand was pushing at the hem of her dress, pulling the
material up from beneath, and she didn't want to say anything to stop him,
excusing herself by believing she would be heard by everyone in the room. She
moved her hand down to grab his wrist, but she could barely close her fingers
around it, not to consider stopping him. She kept her eyes on the movie, and she
reasoned that her hand's presence on his wrist was enough to soothe her
conscience. And slowly, inch by inch, his hand worked her dress up, moving
toward the wet crotch band of her panties. There was nothing she could do
without creating a scene, she reasoned, so Linda resigned herself, almost with
relief, to Tom's relentless probing of her secret most part.

Linda squirmed as his middle finger began a gentle stroking motion, pushing the
folds of her dress moistly into her hungrily throbbing crevice from beneath. A
gush of shame washed through her as the sudden waves of indecent pleasure
overcame her desire to resist. His hand under her buttocks became bolder as it
sensed her tacit surrender to its probings, while his other hand was moving
faster, his fingernail gently scratching her inner thigh, in a silent, urgent
request to raise up slightly. She did, and without warning, her dress was lifted
away from her buttocks, although it was not apparent from above. She gasped out
loud as she realized there was no more dress between his hand and her buttocks.
Now, Tom's hand boldly covered all of the wet band of her little white panties,
snaking under the elastic leg band, and worming into the moist walls of her soft

My God! I'm not only letting him do it ... I'm enjoying it! She wiggled against
his probing finger, holding her breath for fear some tell-tale sound might
escape her lips. Her whole torso silently quivered until her impaled young
vagina became accustomed to the invading finger probing at the lubricated
softness of its tender walls. She knew she was shamelessly aroused, more than
she had been the night before ... more than at anytime in her life. She could
feel her warm moisture covering the open palm of his hand beneath her buttocks
as his outstretched finger wetly slid in and out of her heatedly quivering
loins. His finger moved in maddening circles inside her, expanding the tight
little cuntal opening with each teasing rotation. The love- starved young mother
was almost out of her mind with lust. She didn't think she could stand his
caressing of her genitals another moment, and she was ready to crawl up the
walls in order to quench the fire raging inside her contracting cunt. The sight
of the girl in the movie being buffeted into the bed by the German Shepherd dog,
combined with Tom Harvey's thick finger fucking without mercy into her own
hopelessly aroused cunt, were just too much.

The girl in the movie was twisting her head from side to side, her long hair
churning on the mattress, when she suddenly stiffened and let out a low, throaty
scream. She was in the beginning throes of an orgasm, and she screwed her
buttocks greedily back against the dog like a wanton bitch. The giant animal's
tongue hung out as he frantically fucked into the waving buttocks from behind;
and saliva dripped from his open mouth onto the sweat on her back. She screamed
again and rammed back against the dog just as he jerked forward, and his cock
began spitting his heated animal sperm in great bursts deep in her wetly
clasping, contracting pussy. The girl's rounded little buttocks began to clench
and unclench, signaling her own orgasm deep in her quivering belly. Thick white
liquid oozed from her tight cunt which was squeezing the wildly ejaculating cock
of the dog, and thin trails of the sticky white fluid ran down the ivory columns
of her thighs. Her softly fleshed buttocks glistened in the finely focused image
on the screen, displaying cum-matted pubic hairs and pink flesh as she pitched
forward on her face, seemingly unconscious.

The rapidly deflating cock of the dog slipped from her mauled passageway with a
sucking noise that echoed from the sound track. The girl was spread out on the
bed, and the dog stood wagging his tail in obvious appreciation. In a final act
of total depravity as the film image began fading out, the German Shepherd
dropped his head to her wide-spread loins and licked at the white sticky liquid
as it dripped from her still pulsating young cunt. Then as the screen image
faded, the dog contentedly lay down between her open legs, his long nose nuzzled
gently into the soft "V" of her ravished pelvis. There were numbers and the
screen went white for a moment.

Someone turned the projector off and started the music again, but Linda was
hardly aware that it was finished. Her body had become a slave of Tom's
pleasure-giving long finger fucking into her hotly quivering vagina, and the
image of the girl's frantic climax still lingered in her mind. It had completely
overwhelmed her as she, too, was wildly hungry for lust. She ignored the fact
that Tom was shifting down beside her, his hand releasing her passion-swollen
breast. Instead, she thought about her friend Valerie, and she looked back
again, her senses dulled to any shock.

Valerie was on her knees and lifting her dress up over her nakedly voluptuous
hips, and Linda casually wondered just what her girlfriend was doing. Ray was
lying flat on his back as Valerie straddled him, her knees placed on either side
of his hips, and Linda saw his thick, eagerly throbbing penis standing straight
up in the air. Valerie hovered over him, the full white roundness of her
buttocks poised directly over his long hard cock, and she reached beneath her
buttocks to tightly grasp his massive hardness and guide him into her.

Linda trembled as she saw the bulbous purple head make contact with the moistly
open flanges of the glistening cunt. Valerie moved the lust- swollen cock tip
back and forth in her hair-lined slit several times, parting the wetly quivering
pussy lips until the shaft was positioned against the gaping opening to her
womb. Then, with a loud groan, Valerie ground her fleshy white buttocks down
hard on the rigidly thick penis.

Aroused by the sensual sight, Linda's eyes were wide as she watched Ray's long,
blood-filled cock slide slowly up into the moistly clasping lips of her girl
friend's cunt; and she heard the wet sluicing noise it made as it entered.
Valerie rode down on the massively throbbing rod, taking it inside her belly
until all Linda could see was the thick base of his cock protruding from the
tight little cunt lips surrounding it.

Linda reminded herself that this was real, not the film she'd been watching, and
they were but a few feet away. It was even clearer than when she had seen
Valerie and Ray and Don the night before. Now her girlfriend began a slow
grinding up and down, her buttocks rising in the air above Ray until just the
tip of his rock-hard cock was caught inside the warmly enclosing sheath of her
pussy. Then, groaning loudly each time she made the movement, she dropped
heavily back down on him, impaling herself completely with each long stroke.

Again Linda felt the strangely faint quivering between her thighs, just as she
had become excited the previous night, only this time things were vastly
different. Now she, too, was with a man, and instead of experiencing revulsion
and fear, she was finding that she couldn't deny herself the fulfillment she so
desperately needed.

She looked away from Valerie and Ray, shifting her gaze back to Tom, and she was
glad that he had moved down along her trembling body, his hands pulling at her
flimsy little white nylon panties. She closed her eyes, looking within herself
for the reasons to resist her overwhelmingly powerful urges, but all she could
do was to listen in on the soft moans and wet sucking noises of intercourse
going on all over the darkened room. And the sounds served to magnify the
obscene images that filled her mind.

Moving as though guided by an outside force, Linda raised her gently trembling
young buttocks from the pillow as Tom pulled her panties down over her long
legs. A moment later, her panties were gone. He pushed her legs back, jack-
knifing them so that the naked plain of her vagina was completely open to his
gaze. She didn't make any move to stop him as he bunched her dress up around her
waist, out of the way, but she somehow felt less of her nakedness because of it.
She knew that she was open and clearly visible to many of the others in the
room, but she also knew that they were far too busy to pay any attention to her
and Tom. And at that moment she didn't think she'd care who was watching her

Her body was like a prison to a violent stream of emotions, and all that
mattered was to have them all released, to burst out of her in the ultimate
pleasure. Feeling the wet warmth of soft lips making contact with her lower
belly, Linda opened her eyes to see the top of Tom's head as his tongue was
slowly teasing down over her pubic mound. Immediately she was reminded of Ray's
licking of Valerie's cunt, and in spite of the upheaval in her belly, she
thought she should stop Tom from going any further.

"Nooooo!" she half moaned, half whispered. She didn't want anyone but Tom to
hear her plea for mercy, so there was no insistence or volume in her voice, and
he appeared not to hear her. She tried to clench her wildly trembling thighs
together, expecting that such an action would cause him to quit his humiliating
assault on her body.

Feeling the tenseness of her thighs, Tom merely locked his arms between them,
and his strength was all that was necessary to hold her in an open position.
Then, moving quickly, he dropped his lips to her damp loins, spreading the soft
blonde pubic hairs with his thumbs and flicking his tongue lizard-like into the
moistly flowering slit of her tight little cunt.

Linda tried to lurch back from the sudden electrifying contact of his hotly
quivering tongue with the quaking bud of her clitoris, but she was held down
against the pillow. Her legs were spread wide apart by his sweating palms
pressing against the soft insides of her firm thighs. It was hopeless to
struggle, and she stared helplessly down between her proud breasts, seeing him
hunched on all fours like a beast of prey making ready to devour its victim. The
warmly pink flesh of her heated vagina was presented up to his leering face in
defenseless sacrifice. She lay frozen on the pillow, her shame and humiliation
complete as she saw his extended tongue, a stranger's tongue, slowly and
maddeningly circling around the edges of her wide-splayed vaginal lips. She was
ashamed of her body's betrayal of her mind, and she thought to keep from losing
complete control, all the time loving the wildly erotic sensations that poured
over her nerves.

Raising his head for a moment, Tom looked hungrily down at the narrow wetly
curving slit, the ragged pink flanges of pussy flesh open to his gaze. He didn't
seem the same man Linda had met so few minutes earlier, as he stared greedily,
savoring his prize. Then, with an animal-like groan, he dropped his head and
buried the full length of his long slippery tongue into the warmly throbbing
walls of her cunt.

Linda choked back a soul-baring moan attempting to escape from deep in her
throat. Her buttocks sank down into the pillow as she tried desperately to
resist the maddening assault on her secret genitals. She could only whimper
before his depraved attack and, raising her head up, stare in horrified
disbelief as she was actually letting a virtual stranger greedily feast between
her legs below. It couldn't be true, she told herself over and over as she
flailed her head from side to side as his tongue began heatedly spearing in and
out of the involuntarily dilating lips of her love-starved cunt. The sensations
of forbidden pleasure began to ripple and churn deep down in her quivering belly
and although her arms lay tensed at her sides, the young mother began a slow,
sensuous undulation of her body. She was becoming an object to be played with in
any way Tom desired, and the thought again made her try and stop the demanding
throbs in her belly. He was defiling her as she never before believed possible;
humiliating her in this public orgy beyond her wildest imagination ... and there
was nothing she could do but lie beneath him and accept any degradation without
so much as a scream of protest. She knew there was no one to help her now, but
most horrible of all ... she was beyond helping herself. What she was feeling
was too exquisite, too wonderfully wicked ... too good!

Linda was reminded of the girl in the film, the way she twisted seductively on
the bed when the dog licked at her cringing pussy. It was the same for her, as
she couldn't stop the delicious sensations that Tom's probing tongue brought
her, and it's wet length seemed to stretch up into the furthermost reaches of
her cuntal passage, teasing the heatedly seeping walls of her womb like a
wonderful weapon of lust. She had never been so aroused in her life, and in the
back of her mind she was remembering the time she was sixteen, when she had been
raped by the sailor. She wondered if she was entitled to the pleasure she was
having. She had enjoyed it once in the past, it was true, but her feelings of
guilt had prevented her from ever experiencing it again. My God, it's been
sixteen years, why have I feared such wonderful pleasure for so many years?

Fully aware of the declining resistance from Linda, Tom forced her legs back
even further, nakedly exposing the whole of her heated loins to his assault.
Driving his tongue in quick stabbing motions up the warmly clasping passage, he
worked with greater speed to bring her to total submission. He had been
skeptical when Valerie Boyd phoned earlier, telling him about Linda, but now
that he was tasting her wild young pussy and experiencing her wantonness, he was
glad to be the one chosen to loosen her up. She had the potential of a fantastic
fuck, and he was determined to bring it out of her.

A low, quiet groan of hunger and submission seemed to bubble from deep in her
chest; that was what Tom was waiting to hear, and lifting his tongue from her
tortured young cunt, he grinned with self-assurance. She was almost there, he
was certain, but as if to put the final seal on her subjugation, he flicked his
tongue into the tightly puckered little hole of her anus, nestled neatly just
below the moist vaginal opening.

Feeling the wet, searing assault on her tiny anus, Linda moaned loudly and
clenched her eyes shut. Her lips were tightly bared back over her teeth from the
torturing sensation his wetly licking tongue sent racing through her body. Tiny
goose-bumps ran across her tautly rippling belly and all the way up to her
rapidly heaving breasts as a further moist stab struck out at the tight fleshy
little anal ring. She was helpless before his depraved attack, and her body
began to finally desert her. Her buttocks jerked back involuntarily at the
darting tongue that sent uncontrolled spasms of delicious pleasure coursing
through her raw nerves.

"Aaaaaggghhhhh!" Linda groaned loudly again as the cruel realization of her
total submission hit her with its full impact. She fought with her mind for
control that wouldn't come, as the tiny licking sparks began to burst into
uncontrollable flames, devouring her in final helplessness. Her shamelessly
aroused body suddenly jerked spasmodically and began a slow abandoned movement
up against his thrusting tongue. Her hands curled down into his hair and pulled
his face hard against her quivering love-starved loins. All that mattered now
were the delicious shafts of pleasure piercing through her flesh like tiny
prickling needles of fire.

She was completely his, Tom was certain of that, and dipping his tongue into her
tightly clasping cunt once more, he moved his hands to his belt to lower his
pants. His cock was aching from the confinement, and he worked quickly, taking
his underpants down in the same motion. His throbbingly erect penis sprung out
from his bushy groin, the freedom making his blood flow faster in the long
hardness. He could imagine how her tightly squeezing little cunt would feel
locked around his cock, as it had even felt tight around his tongue, and he was
determined to make this fuck one she would never forget for the rest of her

Raising his face up from her saliva soaked loins, he grabbed her legs with both
hands, and twisting cruelly, rolled her onto her stomach. Linda was so caught up
in the tongue lashing of her private parts, she didn't resist or protest her
being forced into such a debasing position. Instead she was immediately reminded
of the girl in the film being fucked by the German Shepherd. She didn't fight
when he pulled her hips up, bringing her into the kneeling position so that her
round, white buttocks were lewdly open to anything he might desire. Her face was
pressed into the pillow, but she twisted her head to one side and saw the
sensual fucking of Ray and Valerie a few feet from her face.

Valerie was grinding her buttocks up and down in such wild abandon that Linda
was sure she was nearing a climax, and the excitement of witnessing such an act
made her own wanton needs even more demanding than before. At that moment, Tom
bent down behind her and flicked his tongue once again at her wetly puckered

"Ooohhh, God!" she moaned loudly as the tantalizing licking invaded her inner
thighs, teasing at her like some demon of flesh. She quivered back against it,
screwing her buttocks in eager little circles around and around to feel its
extraordinary rape of her helplessly exposed loins. There was nothing in the
world like this wonderful tongue fucking she was getting! She had never known it
before, it was different, it was wicked, it consumed the whole of her being, and
there was nothing else in the entire universe now but the lashing tongue licking
at her from behind. Wild thoughts of the dog in the movie ran through her mind,
thoughts of his great slobbering tongue slithering over the defenseless genitals
of the nakedly squirming, moaning girl. She knew what it was like now, and
wildly she reveled in its lewdly tingling joy until she thought suddenly her
entire body was to explode into a thousand pieces.

Tom stopped, timing his moment, and he ran his tongue wetly up the crevice
between her half-moon cheeks, over her back until his progress was halted by the
gathered material around her narrow waist. He crawled up between her wide-spread
thighs, pinning them apart with his knees, and he jammed his massively throbbing
penis forward, thrusting against the moist softness of her feverishly quivering

For a fleeting second Linda felt fear when the blunt head pushed against her
naked loins. It was huge, bigger than she thought possible, and she was sure it
would split her apart. He thrust at her, almost frantic in his efforts to find
the opening to her innermost being, and her fear was momentarily conquered by
the fire raging deep inside her belly and the lewdly exciting sight of Valerie
and Ray. Valerie was grinding her buttocks down on his glistening shaft with
wild abandon, the great pole of flesh rapidly disappearing and reappearing as
she frantically bounced up and down over his groin. Linda wanted a cock fucking
into her belly, too, and she wantonly arched her naked buttocks up in the air to
give herself up to his probing demands.

"Put it in ... Put it in!" Tom panted.

"Oh, God!" she moaned helplessly, but she reached back between her legs,
wrapping her little hand around the thick hot cock in spite of her fear of its
size. She could feel the blood pounding rapidly through the long, fleshy penis,
and fear again welled as she perceived the true enormity of his giant manhood.

"Do it ... Dammit, put it in now!" he commanded again, and he dug his fingers
into the flesh of her inner thighs, pulling them wider apart.

"Ooooohhhhh!" she groaned from the pain of her flesh being squeezed, and in
desperation she guided the hard, massive throbbing shaft into the passion-
drenched hole of her eager little cunt. She moved the thick head back and forth
to part her warmly moistened vaginal lips, and when his cock impatiently pushed
against her lust hardened clitoris, she felt a thrilling shock of further
pleasure coursing through her body. Sliding the fleshy head back slowly, she
savored the impression; it was the last excitement she expected to feel before
his thick cock split her inexperienced pussy in half.

Feeling the heat of her softly quivering flesh against his aching cock, Tom
thought he might lose his load right then, even before he had a chance to get it
into her. Shoving his hips forward, he pressed his huge, lust-swollen cock's
head into the moistly tight little passage ... and, slowly, it sank into the
cringing warmth of her femaledom.

"Oooohhhh!" Linda groaned for mercy and pressed her face into the pillow in an
attempt to stifle the volume of her cry. She attempted to lurch away from the
cruel thrust, but he held her hips tightly with both hands, preventing any
escape from the painful entry.

Pushing again, Tom Harvey drove the throbbing length of his massive penis
another inch inside her tightly palpitating opening, noting as he did so that
the tiniest move elicited a moan of protest from deep in her throat. He slowly
continued the brutal impalement of her helplessly shaking young body, his hotly
throbbing cock anxious to be totally ensheathed in the velvety warm walls of her
cunt. Inch by inch he drove his way into her, slowly filling her heatedly
quivering passage with the massive hardness of his jerking penis. The crevice of
her buttocks closed tightly as the muscles in her passage resisted the steady
penetration, but the warmly flowering lips of her pussy were sexually moistened
to receive him. It was as though her vagina was willingly swallowing him up
inside, and his cock swelled even larger in the tightness of her involuntarily
clasping tunnel of lust.

Linda felt as if she was being stretched to the bursting point, and she could
clearly feel every wrinkle and ridge of his monstrous, blood- pounding penis
through the sensitized walls of her inflamed vagina. His relentless penetration
seemed to go on and on, then still for a moment. She was sure he was all the way
in - as far as he could go! After a second he flexed his long, hard cock, and
then without any warning, lurched another four inches up into her searing belly.

"Aaaaaggghhhhh!" The presence of other people in the room was no longer
occupying her thoughts as she shrieked more from surprise than pain. She now
realized that her tight vagina was completely filled with his massive cock, and
it was even more surprising that she was rapidly adjusting to it. Her initial
shout changed rapidly to cries of burning need as she felt the bushiness of his
pubic hair pressing tantalizingly against her wide-spread inner thighs and his
heavy scrotum brushing sensually against her upturned ass cheeks. Then Tom, with
a loud groan of delight, drove even further into her depths, his balls swinging
forward this time to slap noisily up between her tensed thighs. The painfully
stretched young mother was stunned by the blunt head of his heatedly pulsating
penis as it pressed into her cervix, she having taken more cock into her belly
than she thought humanly possible.

"Oooohhhhhhh!" Her moan of pleasure-pain was a long-awaited signal for Tom, and
he immediately backed his shaft out of the wet, fleshy tunnel, drawing it out
until only the very tip remained inside. He held it there for a moment, waiting
for the subserviently kneeling woman to wiggle her buttocks back for it, and
when she did, he drove down into her depths again. This time his penetration was
smooth and quick; the thick, rubbery head of his cock easily parted the tightly
grasping walls of her cunt, as it plowed up into her belly until his groin was
once again pressing hard against her up-turned buttocks. She whimpered a cry
half of pleasure, half of pain, but at that point he was only concerned with
fucking her for all she was worth.

Tom began sawing in and out, taking long, hard strokes that pounded deep inside
her tightly quivering cunt, striking her cervix again and again. He stared down
at her kneeling, bent- over form, her firm white buttocks wantonly wiggling back
to his driving rhythm, her smooth back sloping down to the loosely scattered
blonde hair of her twisting head. The sight of her voluptuously sensual body
bent to his will made his balls stir with boiling passion, and they begged him
to fuck her quickly so to release the intolerable pressure of his heated sperm.

"Uunngghhh ... Uunnggghhhh ... Uuuggghhh!" She chanted into the pillow in time
to his long hard thrusts, feeling every inch of his large powerfully pulsating
cock as it slid smoothly down her warmly clasping passage to hit bottom. And
then, like a bouncing ball, suddenly it would return to the beginning of her
hungry cuntal mouth. She fucked back, raising her young buttocks up to each of
his downward strokes, eagerly spreading her thighs wider apart to take him as
deep as possible. There was nothing left but the pleasure giving cock in her
fiery cunt, pulsating in there with abandon. There was no longer any morals or
shame, no longer fear of men, but instead there was the ultimate pleasure of
being fucked and fucked well ... and of fucking well in return.

"Oooohhhh, God! Fuck me, oohh ... fuck me ..." Linda screeched as her sexual
frenzy took complete control of her thoughts. Her eyes now were glazed over with
an implacable lust, and as she stared at the entwined and fucking bodies next to
her, their driving frenzy only added to the lewdly sensual pleasure of her own
fucking. Ray's cock was glistening with a white shining liquid that was
continually smoothed over by the tight flanges of Valerie's pink little cunt as
she rode up and down on the fleshy pole. Valerie's head was thrown back, and she
wailed as her orgasm consumed her very being.

"Oooohhhh ... Fuck me ... Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she screamed, echoing
Linda's earlier obscenity. Valerie's writhing, screaming climax seemed to make
Tom Harvey's long hard cock grow even bigger, and Linda arched her wantonly
writhing buttocks up to take him deep inside her quaking belly. She was
experiencing a passion she never before realized possible, and it overpowered
her completely. She was witnessing an erotic sexual climax while at the same
moment being fucked into a glorious insensibility. Not even in her imagination
had it been so good!

Each downward stroke of Tom's hotly sizzling penis was like a thousand different
singular pleasures to the kneeling Linda and his sperm-filled balls slapped hard
and noisily up between her thighs, swinging forward to stroke her lust hardened
clitoris again and again, as he fucked into her dog fashion. There was never
such pleasure, sure pure luxuriousness of sensual delight, and she loved it ...

Her voluptuous young body was tingling from head to toe, and she now felt
confined and restricted by her clothes - wanting to be free of them. She reached
back to loosen the top of her dress, and twisting erotically all the while, she
pulled the material up over her head, throwing it away like useless junk. She
did the same with her brassiere, letting her heavy breasts dance and flutter
from the impact of Tom's hard driving cock. And the moment she was finally
naked, she felt his hands moving down over her back, reaching under her breasts
to squeeze them and tweak the nipples between his fingers. She was all consumed
by the sheer lewdness of her compromised position, and she rolled forward on her
forehead to look back beneath her nakedly writhing body to see her hotly
quivering cunt being violated by the hardness of his jerking penis. His long
cock pulled out until only the very tip of him remained inside her body, then it
would smoothly drive back down, the hair-lined lips of her cunt eagerly clasping
it until the white shaft of flesh completely filled her warm, hungry passage.
His pubic hair was pushing into the crevice of her buttocks with each hard
thrust of his groin, and she felt a tingling that reminded her of the dog
licking at the girl's anus in the movie.

Running his hands from her ripely dangling breasts, over her quivering belly to
her tensed thighs, Tom sensed building spasms growing within the kneeling girl.
He held Linda tightly, pulling her buttocks to his hammering groin, and then
pushing her away again as he fucked rhythmically into her hot little cunt. He
wanted to make her scream from the pounding of his rigidly pistoning cock, to
make her beg him to pump his hot sticky cum deep inside her belly until he was
completely dry. Her eagerly quivering pussy was alive with passion, warmly
clasping around his throbbing penis, the slick walls squeezing every part of his
cock like a heated, massaging wave of fire. She was wonderfully tight, and he
fought off the growing sensation in the head of his thundering cock, not wanting
to cum until she had screamed out her own orgasm.

"Oooohhh ... Aaaaaggghhh ... Oooohhhh!" she moaned as his long hard penis drove
up her flaming passage unmercifully. Linda gasped for breath as her face was
pushed again and again into the softness of the pillow beneath her by his
terrible lunging force. The hardened nipples on the tips of her large breasts
brushed thrillingly across the slick fabric of the pillow, adding to the
sizzling excitation already pouring through her passion filled body.

With eyes fixed on the smoothly rounded globes of her buttocks, Tom suddenly
released his grip on her hips to dig his fingers into the narrow dividing
crevice; he spread the twin cheeks wide apart, exposing the brownish-pink hole
of her puckered anus to his view. It seemed to be gasping and sucking at his
groin as he rammed hard against it. He eased back a little, placing his
outstretched middle finger against the puckered opening, and then he twisted his
hand, working his long finger into the tight, rubbery flesh.

"Uuuggghhhh!" she snorted, "Yes ... Yes! Use your finger in my asshole!" She
raised her buttocks up to the worming finger, trying to screw it down inside her
hot rectal passage. Her tightly restricting anus popped open to let the digit
enter, and initially she felt nothing but pain, though still she masochistically
urged him on. He accommodated her lust by shoving his finger deep into her
rectum, and as she became adjusted to the unnatural invasion, she eagerly angled
for more.

"Oooohhh. Yes yes yes!" She grunted as she tried to take the turning, twisting
finger to the hilt, shoving back against it while at the same time absorbing
more of his hard, jerking cock deep inside her wildly pulsating cunt. He plunged
his finger down hard in the hot rubbery passage until he could shove it no
further, and she groaned out her ecstasy of pleasure-pain.

"Uuuugghhh!! ... Oooohhhhh!"

Worming his finger around the depths of her tightly grasping rectum, he could
feel, through the thin wall of flesh that separated the two passages, his own
skewering cock as it slammed repeatedly in and out of her cuntal cavern. She
writhed abandonedly, lunging and driving her buttocks back against the two
impaling instruments, her tortured backside now a seething cauldron of sexual
excitement. The slamming forces wracked her body into contorted jerks and spasms
as she felt the growing, churning heat build deep within her belly. She was
going to cum!

"Ooooh, God! Ooooohhhhh!"

The kneeling woman's gasps were a signal to Tom, and he felt the walls of her
slickly quivering cunt begin to seep with the warmth of her impending orgasm.
Shoving forward with all his strength, he drove his cock and finger as deep as
possible into the tightly clasping twin passages, working furiously as she
gyrated toward rapturous heights. Linda screwed her loins back against his
hammering cock and finger like a wanton bitch in heat, and she jerked and jumped
in complete abandonment up and down on the now battered pillow.

"Oooohh, God! ... I'm ... God ... Going to ... Now! I'mmm ccccuummmiinnnnggggg!"

Her kneeling, convulsing body was maddeningly sensual now, her hotly quivering
cunt sucking feverishly on his pistoning cock, while even her anus expanded and
clenched his finger to the palm of his hand. She was wilder than any woman he'd
ever had, and he fucked into her with the growing satisfaction of her powerful

Linda pushed her lewdly writhing buttocks back hard against his groin as she
felt the overwhelming joy of her surging orgasm spilling out from deep within
her heated womb. The hard, jerking cock in her contracting cunt seemed to grow
larger still, and she bucked back against it, thrilling in her first orgasm
brought by a male ... a climax that released the sexual energies dammed up
inside her for almost twenty years. Hotly perfumed lubricant oozed out her
clasping and squeezing cunt as her belly rippled and jerked again and again with
mind-blowing pleasure.

And Tom Harvey could hold back no longer.

His hot, sticky white sperm exploded from his balls in great surging waves, and
as it traveled up the route of his long hard cock, he felt a frenzy of
extraordinary sensation. He was lost in the incredible sensuality of his own
climax as the first quick burst of hotly heavy cum shot from the lust-swollen
tip of his deeply buried cock.

"Oooooohhhhhh!" Linda screamed as she felt the liquid heat pumping into her
flooded cunt like a series of stabbing fiery explosions. The impact was more
powerfully erotic than anything she had yet felt, and she bucked back insanely
against the spewing penis as her own orgasm deepened and expanded. His hot cum
fired again and again, filling her belly to the bursting point, and the slickly
heated walls of her cunt were clasping and unclasping around the rigid staff,
milking it of all the fluid it contained.

Their mutual climax seemed to last forever as they rammed and bounced over the
pillow together, Linda's scream of joy echoing crazily, wildly around the
darkened room. Her heels kicked up, as if she was spurring him on for more, but
finally his deflating penis pulled noisily from her cum-filled cunt while his
finger popped from her clasping anus. She fell forward onto her stomach, then
rolled over onto her back, her head swimming from her sexual awakening. It was
as if her body had finally been freed from its long bondage, her self-imposed,
almost masochistic, chastity now a thing of the past to be forgotten.

Her true character was bared: she was a sexual animal, and a complete woman!
Looking around through the narrow, hazy slits of her lust-dazed eyes, she saw
that other people were naked, some fucking, some moving around the room. One of
them, holding a long, fully erect penis, was moving toward her. It was Ray, and
his cock was still wet with his and Valerie's orgasm.

"I want to fuck that beautiful mouth of yours, baby!" Ray said casually. "I want
you to suck me ... Do you hear?"

Linda stared at his throbbing, cum-slickened cock as he knelt down beside her.
Try as she might, she was unable to feel the disgust she would have felt an hour
before. Only for a moment did she hesitate, torn between the hot desire that
still scorched her awakened body and the quick twinge of shame and humiliation
that flickered through her confused thoughts. But nothing else mattered now
except the uncontrolled and raging lust in her pulsating belly. And, after all,
it would bring him pleasure.

She did as he asked, closing her wetly ovalled young mouth around the slickly
jerking penis, licking the warm, pungent juices of his and Valerie's orgasm that
still clung to it. She sucked on it, taking it deep in her virgin throat,
feeling a new and different excitement from her sexual arousal as she felt it
heatedly throbbing against the roof of her mouth. It was good, better than she
would ever have believed. And she wanted him to cum in her throat; to drink down
his life-giving sperm into her lusting belly, and have its magic fire ignite
further encouragement of lewd and debasing acts. She was ready for anything now,
and as she sucked in and gulped down the spewing liquid that filled her mouth,
she was wondering what would be next. Had she been aware of what lay ahead, she
might have been sickened, but a wanton sexual hunger had taken over her mind and
body, and she truly was ready for anything.

Chapter 7

Ray fell back on the pillow, momentarily exhausted from all the sexual activity,
but he stared in awe at the blonde woman, Linda, as she licked the last drops of
semen from his deflating cock. Quite a transformation had taken place, as she
wasn't at all like the woman Valerie had described when calling that afternoon.
Valerie knew how to pick them all right. The sexual potential had been there,
and they had all succeeded in bringing it out. Linda was wild and wanton and
wonderfully sexy. And the way she had just so eagerly sucked his cock, made him
know that he'd want her again. Without question, she would be more than willing.

The taste of hot sperm in her mouth was like an appetizer, and when Ray's limp
cock pulled from her mouth, Linda felt even hungrier than before. The pulsating
sensations in her belly were becoming more demanding by the second, and she
raised up, looking around the darkened room. There seemed to be fewer people,
but from what she could make out, most - if not all - were engaged in sexual

No longer self-conscious, she stood up and walked toward the bar, leaving her
clothes in a heap by the pillow. Everyone else was naked and, anyway, after what
she had done in front of others, her nudity was hardly shameful. There was no
shame or shyness left, or so she thought, and she did what would have been
unthinkable an hour earlier. She brazenly walked up to the only fully dressed
person in the place, Jason, and asked for another of his "special" drinks.

The lulling, stimulating effects of the concoction came on quickly, and she
decided to explore a little, seeking what might be a pleasant situation. Tom
Harvey was not in the big room, and neither was Valerie. Linda guessed there had
to be other rooms where similar activities were in progress, and she started out
looking for them. To leave the long downstairs room she had to step over couples
laying on the floor, but she only glanced at them, as none were at the moment
ready to offer her anything. She was looking for somebody interesting and
unengaged, possibly like Tom Harvey, her host.

There wasn't time nor the desire to think about what was happening to her,
though in the back of her mind she thought she might feel differently in the
light of day. But then, she was feeling that the party was just getting started,
and she walked nakedly through the living room and in the direction of a hallway
she had seen from the front door. When she reached it she heard sounds coming
from a room down the hall, and since the door was open, she just walked on
inside. The walls of the room were multicolored, the ceiling mirrored with tiny
pin-points of light like stars imbedded in it, but Linda saw none of those
details. What she did see made her gasp in surprise.

The entire floor of the room, perhaps twenty by twenty, was made up of a
mattress-like covering, and on one part of it was Don, the man she had seen last
night with Valerie; he was in the process of fucking someone dog-style. The
attractive young redhead he was fucking was wiggling her ass back against his
lunging cock, but what made the perverted picture even more enticing, the girl
at the same time was licking Valerie's wide-splayed cunt. Valerie was on her
back in front of the girl, her legs drawn up so that her wetly glistening cunt
was completely open to the tongue lashing. What really stunned Linda though, was
the fact that the girl in the middle, the one being fucked and in turn licking
pussy, was Valerie's daughter Karen!

Linda felt a cold shudder run up her spine as the realization came clear in her
lust-fogged brain. If that was Karen, then where was ...?

Before words could totally form in her head, Linda had the answer to her
question. She sensed it without seeing that someone had entered the room behind
her. Her whole naked body tingled with hyper-charged awareness, feeling eyes
examining her buttocks, scanning over her body from head to toe, and she knew
the terrible truth without turning around. It was Rick ... It had to be Rick!

Linda held her breath as she slowly turned, and not three feet away, her worst
fears were confirmed. Rick, her own son, was standing there in the doorway, his
young, muscular body also naked, and his virile, eagerly pulsating cock standing
erect from his groin. He was staring at her, then over toward Karen,
unbelieving, though his aroused state unquestionable.

"Mom ... I ... I didn't know she was bringing ... Not here! Honest ... I ..."

His eyes were scanning her nakedness, uncontrollably, and Linda felt them,
knowing what he had to be thinking. She wanted him to be enraged at finding
Karen in such a position, wanted him to run to Don and Valerie and pull them
away from his girl. But it was only too apparent that he was aware of what was
going on between them, and in fact that he was likely on his way to joining them
all. If only he would run at them ... Then I wouldn't feel what I'm feeling ...
Such horrible thoughts ... Not that ... No I mustn't!

When he had seen Valerie there, Rick thought his mother had declined her dinner
invitation and that Valerie had come to the party alone. It was in full swing
when he and Karen arrived, and finding Valerie Boyd naked and ripe for fucking,
he hoped to get some of her. He was ready, so ready for it! But now, here before
him was his mother, naked, aroused, and far more sensually beautiful than any of
the other females he had seen. He had to explain, anything to control his body;
he wanted to tell her that he hadn't been a part of Valerie's and Karen's plans
... that he didn't know Valerie would bring her there ... He was incapable of
coherent speech, however, because of the way he felt about his own mother!

"Mom ... Please ... I must tell you ..."

"Rick, darling!" Linda cut him off, trying desperately to still the raging fires
of passion in her heatedly aroused body. Was he ashamed of her? He couldn't be,
no, not ashamed! She was a woman, alive of flesh and blood, and she was hungry
and in need of sexual fulfillment. He could see that, she was certain, for his
hard wildly throbbing young cock lurched even larger as his eyes stared lustily
at her pubic mound. And she couldn't stop herself from holding her arms out to
him, beckoning him to her protective fold.

Her body was soft, warm, loving. Her softly firm breasts burned holes in his
chest, and her thighs, sleek and vibrant, squeezed his painfully aching cock
between them. Oh, God, he had to have her! Heated, moist, her wispy pubic hairs
brushed seductively over his erect penis, "Mom ... God, Mom! I-I want you! I
want to fuck you!" And he did want her - wanted to fuck her more than any woman
or girl he had ever known.

His words sizzled in her brain like answers to the demanding tongues of fire
licking at her body. She wanted him too, she could not deny it. And she felt
powerless, unmercifully helpless to resist the terrible truth. She had watched
him fucking Karen and had really told herself at that moment that she could give
him more! She wanted to have her son's rigid cock fucking into her. Yes, oh yes
yes yes! It throbbed with life, his flesh and blood from her, between her
thighs, so very close to where he came from. Was it wrong? Was what she wanted
so desperately wrong? Didn't she feel more like a woman than ever before in her
life? Ooohhh, yes dear God! Yessssss! "Rick, darling, son! Ohhh, darling baby

Powerless to stop the terrible heat of their passion, they knelt nakedly
together, face to face on the soft floor, and her hand lovingly stroked his
throbbing manliness; his hand slowly moved up her tender and soft inner thighs
to her warmly palpitating pussy.

"You're ... So ... Good ... Mom?" His fingers found the curving slit of her
heatedly moist vagina, and he brushed the tips across the tiny hardened bud of
her clitoris.

"Ohh, yesssss ... My darling ... Ooohhh, yesssss!" She was going to burst from
the pressure in her belly as she felt his fingers probing into the wetly
quivering opening to her cunt. His face was pressed into the softness of her
breasts, and his hot young mouth nipped at the hardened tips, sending electric
bolts of pleasure coursing through her trembling body. There couldn't be any
waiting, no time for second thoughts. All that mattered was having each other,
their bodies joined together for the ultimate physical pleasure they could give
and receive. The others in the room didn't matter compared to mother and son's
overwhelming needs. Their movements flowing as one, Rick lay on his back while
his mother hovered above him, her thighs wide apart and kneeling on either side
of his squirming hips. His lust-swollen, wildly jerking penis was pointing
straight up toward her moistly splayed cunt, and she held his long hard cock
tightly in her hand, moving the blunt purple head back and forth to part the
hair-lined slit of her hungry cunt.

"Ohh, Mom, now! Got to fuck you now!" he moaned, and he thrust his hips off the
bed, trying to drive his blood-filled, desire-hardened cock into the slick wetly
pulsing lips of his mother's vagina.

"Oooohh, darling! Now, yes, NOW!" she answered, and she reached down with her
hand to part the lips of her quivering cunt, clearing the way for his entrance.
She hesitated for only an instant, one short moment before she plunged down on
her son's massive thickness. And it pressed up into her, expanding the tight,
resisting orifice until she thought it would tear. Buffeted by pain, she still
felt a sense of pride that Rick, her son, was a bigger man - penis-wise - than
any other male she had seen at the party.

"Oooohh, God! Aaaaagghhhhhh!" Linda screamed as the huge lusting cock lurched
just inside her tight passage. Trembling uncontrollably, she slowly lowered
herself over him, wanting him deep, wanting all of him in her belly.

Rick raised his head up to watch his long hard cock slowly sinking up into his
mother's pinkly clasping cuntal mouth. And it felt good, and right, and
powerful! The tight, wet walls sucked him up inside her warm channel, covering
his lust-swollen penis inch by wonderful inch. Warm and wet and pulsating
hungrily, the sensation of his entrance made his young body a raging river of
boiling excitement. He couldn't hold back. Not for another second! He had to
fuck her - now! And he lurched his hips off the mattress floor, thrusting the
whole hard length of his massively throbbing cock into her fiery depths.

"Oooooohhhhhhh!" she screamed louder, feeling every wrinkle of his fleshy thick
penis as it filled her to the base of her belly. She had no idea he would be so
big, so wonderful; and she ground her loins down over his hairy pelvis, feeling
all of his hot length inside her grateful cunt. She wanted to be fucked, more
than ever, fucked good by her wonderful son.

Through half-open eyes, Valerie had watched the confrontation between Linda and
her son with great interest. Her plan had succeeded in bringing out Linda's true
nature, almost too well! Yet the incestuous contact between mother and son was
fine with her, as it tied all the loose ends together. It was pleasure in its
most beautiful form, and she knew it by experience. She wanted to fuck young
Rick too, but she was glad to wait her turn, to wait until Rick and his mother
had finished sharing each other. Valerie's eyes rolled up then as her daughter's
tongue was slicing insistently up between her legs, but before the pleasures in
her own body completely took control, she did see the other person entering the
room. And she knew instinctively that Linda was due for even more than she had
bargained for.

Tom Harvey was not aware of the relationship between Linda and Rick, but even if
he had it would have made no difference. He was looking for Linda, and finding
her in the process of fucking another, mattered little too. He could wait, or
better yet, join them.

"Ooohh, yeses, Rick darling! Fuck me hard, oh, hard!"

The shamelessly aroused young mother was bouncing up and down as she knelt over
the boy, her legs out wide, tensed, as she took him deep in her wetly clasping
cunt: and Rick was fondling her breasts, one in each hand, as he raised and
lowered his hips rhythmically fucking her back. Tom moved closer and around
behind Linda, his eyes staring at the white half-moon ass-cheeks, clenching and
unclenching as she stroked up and down on the fleshy young penis. Intermittently
he could see the tiny hole of her puckered anus, just above the sawing cock in
her glistening cunt, and he wanted to fuck her there.

Her asshole is still virgin, he thought excitedly and he would be glad to put
the final touches on the deflowering of Linda Hall.

"Lean forward, Linda dear! I'm going to fuck your asshole!" Tom announced

The long, rhythmically stroking cock in her wetly heated vagina was all that
Linda thought about at first, as she felt her passion and spirit unbounded,
freed beyond her wildest dreams. But when she realized Tom Harvey was present,
her mind became filled with other thoughts too. She was doing something
unnatural, even though she loved it, and she knew that she had to answer to
herself for the terrible desire in her soul. And when Tom spoke, making what he
wanted to do to her perfectly clear, in her lust deranged mind it seemed the
perfect answer. She had watched Valerie become like an animal as Ray fucked her
in the rectum, and now, Linda too felt she would like to try something like
that. Yet it was different, as she was at the same time being fucked in her
lust-hungry cunt! It would be hell, a terrible punishment and final absolution
for her sins.

"Yessss, Tom ..." Linda gasped as she took her son's cock deep in her belly and
leaned forward, "Fuck my asshole tooooooo!"

Tom needed no further encouragement, and without hesitation, he knelt down
between Rick's legs and Linda's slender calves. His cock was fully erect, more
so than when he first had taken Linda that evening, and he stroked it in his
hand as he leaned close to the tightly puckered little opening between her
buttocks cheeks. He knew she had to be prepared, but he was so excited by the
prospect of fucking her virgin rectum that any real delay was unthinkable.

Linda was ready for him, as she reached back with both hands, pulling the
globular cheeks of her buttocks wide apart. Her son's cock was pressing against
her cervix, jerking and anxious, and she wanted him to fuck her quickly, hard,
the moment Tom entered her. She felt Tom's finger probing against her virgin
anus, the tightly resisting ring of flesh holding, then giving way, and she
leaned down, forcing her muscles to relax as she was prepared for the most
humiliating subjugation.

"Uuuuugghhhhh!" she grunted as his fingertip tore into her rectum, and the pain
continued as he worked it feverishly around to stretch her tight anus and
prepare it for the greater entry to come. The combination of pleasure-pain that
racked her body was overwhelming, and she began fucking back against the two
fleshy staffs, wantonly needing two cocks fucking into her belly. Within seconds
he pulled his finger from her rectum, and she felt her buttocks pulled wider
apart by his thumbs, then a tremendous pressure against her defenseless, virgin

"Ooohhh, God, ohhh, it hurts! Oooohhhhh!" She yelled, but she pushed her hips
back nonetheless. Tom held her shoulders as he shoved hard forward, his invading
cudgel stiff and eager to enter her heated little rectum. For a moment it
resisted, but shoving forward with all his strength, he popped the thick head of
his blood-filled cock inside the elastic-tight ring of puckered flesh. He was
stretching her to impossible size, her anal ring like a tiny rubber-band
stretched around his mammoth penis; determinedly, he pushed hard forward again
and again, slowly but definitely driving his long cock in to the hilt.

"Uuggghhh .. Aaagghhh .. AAAAGGGHHH!" Linda cried in agony over and over as the
searing pain streaked through her body, his jerking penis boring into her rectum
like a red-hot poker. It drove deep into her hotly clenching anus, filling her
beyond belief, a second monstrous cock fucking up between her legs. She thought
she was being ripped in half, the pain wracking her spine and surging out over
every part of her body. But then, moments later, her cries turned from
helplessly pleading whimperings to abandoned sobs of ecstasy as she felt both
powerful poles of heated flesh bucking and jerking inside her quaking belly. She
groaned out loud as both Tom and her son skewered her like a lifeless rag-doll
between them, their cocks separated only by the thin membrane dividing her two
cavities. They began to fuck in unison, their timing somehow coming together as
they both withdrew their long, wildly throbbing penises until only the heads
remained inside her: Tom's cock held by the tight sphincter muscle, and her
son's massive shaft by the pink-rimmed lips of her insatiable cunt. Then they
both rammed simultaneously, driving deep down her passages, and their stiffness
pushed and grated against each other along the parallel channels of her lust-
slickened cunt and rectum.

"Oooohh, God, yesssss my darlings! Yessss, ohh, yeessss!" Linda moaned. "I want
more, oohhh, MORE!"

They gave her more, fucking her with the constant rhythm of lust, and her body
became like a river of molten lava, heated, boiling, ready to pour out a
sizzling flood of passion. Again and again they pounded against her wide-spread
loins, each to its separate orifice, each working together in spectacular
harmony. She didn't want the ravagement to ever end ... She loved it ... Oh,
God, she loved it!

Valerie was enjoying a passion feast of her own, but it was heightened by the
lewdly stimulating sight before her eyes. While her daughter Karen was furiously
licking into her cunt and getting fucked dog fashion by Don from behind, Linda
Hall was being sandwiched between her son and Tom. It was a sight worth
remembering to see the two men driving their big rods into Linda's impossibly
wide-stretched loins. Their fucking was becoming faster and faster, all three of
them grunting and groaning their mutual ecstasy as they obviously neared orgasm.
Valerie thrilled at seeing Linda's ripely full breasts swinging and bouncing
from the force of the two cocks sawing in her belly; the young mother's mouth
was open, her tongue licking furiously around her red lips. She was near,
definitely near, and the salacious scene was so overwhelming, so wantonly
stimulating that Valerie felt her own release coming upon her with fantastic

Linda shuddered and groaned as she felt the growing spasms in her belly building
and wracking her with magnificent splendor. Never had anything been so
wonderful, her son and Tom Harvey fucking her body with their huge, wonderfully
throbbing cocks, filling her belly with their hard flesh. With accelerating
quickness, she felt herself soaring as Rick drove his cock deep into her
contracting cunt, the thick head swelling to tremendous proportions as he
grunted and twisted beneath her.

"Ooohhh ... I'm going to ... Cummmmm!"

"Yesss, my darling, yesssss! Cum, cum, now ... now ... NOW!!"

The first white-hot blast struck deep in her sizzling womb, her son's jerking
cock spilling out his super-heated sperm in the depths of her wildly rippling
cunt. A split-second later Tom Harvey shoved his massively pulsating penis down,
his groin pushing hard against her thrashing young buttocks, and the head buried
so deep in her rectum expanded to suddenly explode. That was it! She was there

"Ooohh, yessss! I'mmm ccummmmmiiinnggggg!" Her body erupted in a shower of madly
spinning sparks at the moment she felt the two hot streams of cum shooting into
her belly, and she was there! Suddenly, she was floating, a mass of exquisite
sensations wracking her nakedly writhing body. Linda rammed back once more on
the two hard, foaming cocks, bucking and heaving as she rocketed with a passion
that only awakened tonight. Her rectum sizzled, her entire body quaked with
unbounding joys. This was what she wanted. Physical pleasure, lusting passion,
and her son's cock pumping his sperm into her belly ... It would never end!
Never, never, never, never, never!

Chapter 8

"Miss Hall? Will you come into my office please ..." the voice squawked over the

"Right away, Mr. Williams ..." Linda answered after pressing the button. It had
been a week since she returned from her eventful weekend in Big Sur, and not
once had her boss Karl Williams asked her out. But at that moment she recognized
that unusual tone in his voice he always had when something other than business
was on his mind. She stood up from her desk, pulling at the hem of her skirt
before picking up her steno pad and walking to his office door.

"Dictation, sir?" she said as she closed the door behind her.

"Of course ... " he answered casually, and he leaned back in his oversized
chair, his eyes following her sensual young figure as she sat down beside his
desk. Ever since she had gotten back from the long weekend, he had been
wondering about her. She seemed different, but just how he couldn't be sure.
Unbelievably, she appeared even sexier, if that was possible, and sometimes when
she looked at him, it was almost as if she was examining him. Such actions had
not been characteristic of his pretty blonde secretary before.

She was sitting in her chair in such a way that he could almost see up between
her firm, white thighs; her short skirt exposing more flesh as she crossed her
legs, and she was not shyly looking down but meeting his gaze directly. It was
time to try again. "Before starting this letter ... I'd like to know if you'd be
free for dinner tonight?" he asked hurriedly. He expected her to frown as usual,
but she was smiling.

She was changed, and it was bothering him, Linda thought. It even seemed funny,
after hearing the same request so many times before, not to feel frightened and
nervous. Valerie had done a lot for her, and for that she would always be
grateful. That eventful night a week in the past she had shown Valerie her
gratitude, and of course it was only the beginning. But now, Linda saw another
opportunity which when presented so many times in the past, she had not
understood its real worth. Business and pleasure could mix, and for her it could
be quite profitable.

Linda shook her head, enjoying the sudden frown that crossed Karl William's
face. So he hadn't expected a "no" reply. "Tonight, Mr. Williams, is out of the
question ..." she answered with a smile. Then looking him directly in the eye,
she went on, "How about tomorrow night?"

Linda wanted to laugh at his bowled-over expression, but she just kept smiling
as he nodded yes. She thought it would be interesting to date her boss, but she
would only do it on nights that Rick was going out with Karen. But tonight was
out of the question. Rick was going to be home, and they had already made plans
for a very special evening, together as mother and son.

The End

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