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EC-1120 Bestiality and a Young Girl
by Kathleen Hennessy

Chapter 1

Veronica--or, Vicky, as she preferred to be called--watched as Christopher and
his latest conquest rode off together towards the woods. Vicky felt the tears
rushing to her eyes, and there was nothing she could do to stop them. She ran
back into the stable and cried her eyes out.

It was just no use. No matter how hard she tried not to love him, the more she
did love him. He was the only man she would ever be able to love as long as she
lived. There was just no one else as far as she was concerned. She rubbed the
tears out of her eyes and looked slowly around the stable.

She had been practically born in this stable seventeen years ago. Her father had
worked for the Butler family all his life as their horse trainer, and so had his
father before him. As long as the Butlers had been keeping and training horses
to race, a North had worked for them as their trainer.

Three generations of Butlers and Norths had groomed the finest horse flesh in
the whole country, and now that association was going to be upset by the fact
that Veronica had been born a girl and not a boy. Her father had wanted a boy in
the worst way, but after she had Veronica, her mother could not have any more

The older Veronica got, the more she wanted to be the first female trainer the
Butlers had ever had. She knew as much about horses as any man, and she could
ride as well as any man. Actually, her great ambition since she was five was to
be a jockey, but there were no women jockeys either.

And now Christopher Butler had once more shown her that he didn't know she was
alive. This was the fourth girl this week that he had taken horseback riding
with him. Christopher never saw the same female twice, and at the age of twenty,
he showed no signs of ever wanting to settle down with a wife and family.

It was summer and Christopher was home from college. Last summer he had gone off
to Europe, and that had been more unbearable than this summer had been so far.
At least she got to see him, even if that's all it ever amounted to. However,
there were those rare occasions when he would talk to her.

It was never much of anything. Usually it would be something like, "Hey, pony
girl, saddle my horse for me, I'm going riding. And saddle one of the tamer ones
for my guest." The guest was always a beautiful female who looked like she had
just stepped out of a novel or off the pages of a magazine.

They were always beautiful, and whenever she was near enough to one, Vicky would
feel like a boy. Vicky kicked at the dirt and almost yelled: "Why the hell can't
I be a boy? I'd be better off. I wish there was some operation I could go
through to become a boy. I'm no good as a girl, but I'd make the best male horse
trainer and jockey there ever was."

Vicky looked out the stable entrance in the direction that Chris and Bunny--that
was what he had called the girl, and she didn't seem to mind, and in fact had
been falling all over him like the stupid blonde that she was--had just ridden
off in. "Why doesn't he ever see me?" she asked of herself. "Am I that ugly?"

She saddled her own horse and walked him out of the stable and mounted him.
Whenever she got depressed she would take Old Bess out and give her a good work-
out. Actually the work-out was more for herself than Old Bess. Vicky was the one
who had to get Christopher Butler out of her system, not Old Bess.

Vicky mounted Old Bess and off they went. She thought about that one boy she had
met in school this past year who had actually asked her out. It was the first
time any boy had ever asked her out, and Vicky had been scared to go out with
him at first, but it was her mother who made her go out.

Her mother was a maid for the Butlers as had been Vicky's grandmother, and
Vicky's great grandmother. Vicky could just see herself ending up as a maid for
the Butlers, and so could her mother. It was her mother who surprised her by
saying, "Find a nice young man and marry him and get away from this place.
You'll rot here like the rest of us if you don't."

Vicky had known that her mother was right, but Vicky wanted to "rot here." She
could never move away from the place and all that it meant to her. It was in her
blood just like it had been in the blood of every male North. The fact that she
was a female didn't change that.

She had gone out with that boy--Herbert was his name, and he was just as plain
as his name implied--but she had not wanted to, even though he was the first boy
who had ever asked her out. She still dreamed of the day when Chris would ride
up to her window on his horse and carry her away with him. She knew that that
just had to happen.

But Herbert had not been all that shy, even though he was boring and she hated
the sound of his voice after she had been with him only five minutes. Herbert
also turned out to be stronger than her, although he looked like a summer breeze
would knock him over, and when he began to kiss her later that night, she wasn't
able to fight him off her.

And he hadn't just kissed her either. No, he had done a lot more than that. He
had gone all the way and actually fucked her. Vicky wanted to turn him in for
rape, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. Vicky could still remember Herbert's
naked body on hers and his huge cock inside her.

They had been riding in his car, and he was supposedly taking her home. In the
movie he had kissed her roughly and he had even gotten his hand under her
sweater and underneath her bra. Her tits still hurt from the way he had squeezed
them so hard. She had not said anything at the time, but she had tried to make
him see that she didn't want him to touch her anyplace, let alone touch her

She had not wanted to make a scene in the movie, but now she sat way over on her
side of the car looking out at the darkness, because that was all she could see.
Herbert hadn't said a word to her since they left the movie. I guess I hurt his
feelings, Vicky said to herself. Serves him right for the way he man-handled my
tits. He's damn lucky I didn't yell rape right out loud for what he did. He
should be begging me to forgive him for doing that rather than just acting as if
I committed some crime.

Then, because she was curious, she asked him the one question that had brought
on everything else. "Herbert?" she said, "have you ever fucked a girl?"

Herbert answered very quickly as if he had anticipated her asking him just that
question. "Of course I have. I'm not some stupid virgin like you."

"What's so stupid about being a virgin?" she asked.

"Everything," he said.

The next thing she said had sealed her fate for that evening. "I'll bet you're
lying to me, Herbert. I'll bet you never fucked any girl because no girl in our
school would let you fuck them. You're too funny looking. I'll bet I'm the first
girl you ever took out. And you know something? I'll bet you I'm the last girl
you ever take out."

Herbert turned red. "You're right about one thing. You are the last girl I'll
ever take out. I plan on marrying you when we graduate at the end of next year.
From now on, you and I are going steady."

With that he began to pull off onto this lonely dirt road.

"Where are you going?" she asked, forgetting everything he had just said about
going steady and getting married. All that mattered now was that he was taking
her off the main road and towards the woods. Now what did he have in mind to do
to her?

It came to her in a flash. She just knew that he was going to try and fuck her.
She could see it in the eyes. She begged him to take her home right then and
there but it was no use. He kept driving down that dirt road and he was driving
a lot faster than he had been when he had been on the main road.

He was driving like a madman, and she felt like a trapped animal. She knew now
that he was stronger than her. He had proved that in the movies when he had
mangled her tits like he had, and by the way he had made her submit to him like
she had. His arms were much stronger than hers.

Unless she could somehow get out of the car and run away from him, she was
doomed to being raped by this creep. She could see how ugly his cock must be,
and she could feel it deep inside her. She was indeed a virgin, but she had read
books and looked at lots of pictures.

She knew all about fucking even if she had never done it. But she was saving
herself for Christopher Butler. He would be home on vacation soon, and she was
building up the nerve, that is, trying to build up the nerve, to go right up to
him and say, "Fuck me, Chris Butler. Fuck the only woman who could ever really
love you."

And now, her virginity, her cherry, was going to be taken away by this jerk
unless she could stop him somehow. She was determined to save herself and her
cherry for Christopher. Someday he would want her, and she wanted to be perfect
for him. She didn't want to have to tell him that Herbert had fucked her first.
Chris would feel cheated.

Herbert had stopped the car, and she had tried to get out as quick as she could.
He grabbed her though before she could even open the door; he was so fast that
it seemed like he had stopped the car and grabbed her all at the same time. She
could feel his mouth on hers and she could feel his hand under her skirt and
then under her panties.

She fought as best she could, but there was just no room in the front seat to do
anything. And he was a lot stronger than she, although he looked like the
perfect weakling. He had his finger in her pussy already and he was working it
in and out of her like crazy. In spite of herself, she could feel her cunt lips
getting wet.

His mouth was still full on hers and she could feel his tongue way down in her
throat. She felt like she was going to gag. His finger just kept going in and
out of her. Right then she made the mistake of relaxing because she thought that
maybe all he wanted to do to her was finger her. That wouldn't take her cherry
away. Only fucking would. Maybe if she just gave in, he would finger her and get
his rocks off and then he would take her home, and that would be the end of it.

But he hadn't done what she thought he would. As soon as she relaxed, he began
to take her clothes off, and then he was naked and on top of her in the back
seat. It all happened so fast that she was dizzy from it. He was on top of her,
his cock was deep inside her, and he was fucking her.

She cried when it finally struck her that he had popped her cherry, and that
now, Chris would never want her because she was a little whore. And that's just
how she thought of herself as she felt his cock going into her deeper and deeper
and filling her up, and making her juices flow the way they did.

She hated him even more, because once he had started fucking her, she had
actually responded to him. She had wrapped her legs around his waist and she had
put out for him the same way that she had been planning all these years--and it
seemed a lot longer than it was--to put out for Chris.

This was how she had intended to act that first time with Chris, and now she was
acting this way with Herbert of all people. And she really was giving him all
that she had, grinding her cunt into him just as hard as she could and kissing
him all over his neck and shoulders.

She had been so turned on by him that she had even come before he did, and she
had opened up wider for him, and moaning away at the top of her lungs, she had
felt his come shoot into her burning, hot pussy, and that had made her go even
wilder, closing her cunt around his hard cock as tight as she could.

They hadn't talked after that, and they had just kept on fucking. Finally, he
had taken her home and she had gone to her room and cried all night. Before she
had gotten out of the car, he had given her his class ring and she had taken it,
although she didn't want to. She even accepted his date for the next night. She
reminded him though that maybe he should wear rubbers after that, but he said
that since they were going to get married anyway, it didn't matter whether she
became pregnant or not.

The only thing that had saved her from a life of ruin with Herbert had been his
reckless driving. A week later he had smashed up his car and gotten killed in
the accident. She felt bad after awhile because she had been glad that he had
died, and she knew that it was wrong to think like that about anyone.

Now she had more and more things to feel bad about. There was the fact that she
hadn't been born a boy in the first place, the fact that Chris never paid any
attention to her, the fact that she had lost her cherry before he did start
paying any attention to her (if ever), and the fact that she had been glad when
Herbert had been killed in that car crash.

And there are a lot more things too, she thought to herself as Old Bess made her
own way. She was more or less heading in the direction that Chris and Bunny had
gone off in. She wasn't really following them on purpose, but it just happened
to be the way Old Bess wanted to go.

She did this all the time though, and there was no use pretending to herself
that she wasn't following Chris and his new girl. She always did, and she also
always lost them. She didn't really expect to come across them today either, and
in a way, she was glad. She just knew that Chris fucked all the girls he took

She didn't want to have to see him fucking someone else. That would really make
her want to die. Just thinking that he did it was bad enough, but if she
actually saw him lying on top of another girl with his cock in her, fucking away
like he didn't care about Vicky at all, then she would feel the cheapest she had
ever felt in her whole life. And she felt cheap enough because of those times
that Herbert had fucked her, and even eaten her out. And I even blew him, she
said to herself, feeling more tears come to her eyes.

Old Bess was slower today than usual and she just took all the time in the
world. Vicky thought of Chris and what a night in bed with him would be like.
She could easily imagine his huge cock nuzzling against her.

She could feel it even more as she took it in both hands and lowered her mouth
on it and began to suck on it with all her might. She had never really sucked
Herbert the way she would suck Chris. That was the one thing she had saved for
Chris when that right day came along.

Vicky began to squirm in the saddle as she thought more and more about what
their first night together was going to be like. They would do everything there
was to do. They would eat each other out, and they would fuck in all the
positions and Chris would stay hard the whole time, and his fucking her would
erase anything that Herbert had ever done to her. It would be as if those
horrible things had never happened.

Then Vicky thought that she heard noises. It was a woman's voice. It was a
whisper, but she heard it just the same. She heard it loud and clear. She jumped
off Old Bess and tied her to a tree and walked towards where the sound was
coming from. It was a woman's voice and it sounded as if it was saying something
like, "harder, do it harder."

Vicky froze in her tracks when she knew that that was what she had heard. It was
louder and clearer now. "Harder, baby, fuck me just as hard as you possibly

She knew right then that it was Chris and that girl and that the two of them
were fucking. She had to look though. She had gone this far and now she had to
go the rest of the way. Maybe if she saw him fucking another girl, she could
hate him, and all this torture would end.

She moved closer and closer. She was in this thick clump of trees and bushes.
She saw this clearing and then she saw the very thing she knew she would see.
There was that girl flat on her back, her legs wide open and around Chris'
waist. Chris was on top of her and his ass was bobbing up and down.

Vicky got down near the ground and she could see the sides of the girl's cunt as
it opened wider and wider. All she could really see of Chris was his bobbing
ass. She wanted to scream but she didn't. She lay there frozen like a rock. She
could tell they were about to reach their orgasms, and she could tell when they

They both began to shake all over as they had their orgasms. Vicky wanted to
close her eyes but she couldn't. She had to watch now. But the funny thing was
that she knew that this would just make her love Chris all the more, because now
she saw how good he was at fucking.

She had always known in her mind that he had to be the best at fucking, but now
she was actually seeing for herself that he was. That girl was going insane, and
it was all because of what Chris was doing to her, and what he had been doing to
her, and what he would probably still do her after they had recovered from this

Even Herbert had been able to have three orgasms in a row without stopping, and
stay hard all that time as well. Surely Chris could do a lot better than that.
She wondered how many orgasms they had before this, before she heard them,
before she had started to watch like she was.

Maybe they had just started and she would get to see it all. In spite of how
much it killed her inside to watch, she now had to see it all. Then she saw
Chris get off the girl.

"Is that all?" the girl asked.

"Of course not," Chris replied, helping her to her feet. "That was just the

"So why are we standing?" the girl asked, obviously peeved at this sudden
rupture in their fucking. "Let's get back down and keep fucking. That's what you
brought me out here for, wasn't it?"

"I certainly did. Now wait right here."

Chris ran off into the woods and the girl just stood there looking like she
didn't know what to do next. It looked to Vicky as if the girl was going to cry.
Then Chris came back into the clearing. Only he was leading his horse by the
reins. The girl looked at the horse and then as Chris, and then she smiled.

"I get it," she said, "we're going to fuck sitting on your horse, aren't we?
That should be really good. I can't wait."

"No," Chris said, "that's not what we're going to do. That isn't what we're
going to do at all. In fact, you and I aren't going to do anything at all. You
and I are never going to do anything again. However, you and my horse are going
to do lots together, and he's just getting ready for you now. See his hard-on?
It's as big as your arm, isn't it?"

Vicky couldn't help looking at the horse's huge cock, even though she had seen
their cocks a million times or more. Hadn't she seen the horses fucking at
mating season since she was two? Didn't she always get a secret thrill out of
it? But still she looked to see what the horse's cock looked like.

The girl was the one who was scared now. "Just what do you mean by that kind of
talk? You just better explain yourself, and do it now. Do you mean to say that
you expect me to have sex with your horse? That you expect me to let a horse
fuck me? First of all, it would kill me, and second of all, it's downright
perverted. Take me home right this minute."

She went to grab her clothes off the ground and Chris just grabbed her and threw
her on the ground, flat on her back. From out of nowhere he got a whip, and he
began to use it on her. The girl rolled over on her stomach as fast as she could
as the whip cracked into her milky, white thighs. Thighs that were still covered
with Chris' and her own come.

"You'll do just as I tell you," Chris was saying very softly. "First you are
going to blow my horse and you are going to blow him good, and then you are
going to let him fuck you. Don't worry, he won't kill you. He never killed any
of the others, and you're a lot bigger inside than they were. A lot bigger."

Vicky watched even more closely now as Chris pulled the girl back up off the
ground and pushed her towards the horse. "Now get under the horse and blow him,"
Chris yelled at her, and with that he cracked the whip on her bare ass again,
making her scream out again. "If you don't you'll get a beating instead. It's
your choice, the beating or the horse. All the other girls picked the horse. I'm
sure you can see why."

The girl was crying, but she got down on her hands and knees and crawled under
the horse. Chris held the horse steady by the reins and he kept poking the girl
in the ass with the butt end of the whip.

"Stop wasting time," he said. "Suck on that horse's cock, and do it before I get
good and mad and give you a beating anyway."

The girl grabbed for the horse's cock and just held onto it. Vicky could see the
girl bringing her mouth closer and closer to the horse's cock, and then she was
taking that huge piece of meat right inside her mouth, and working her mouth all
around it. She did it as if she really wanted to.

Vicky couldn't take her eyes off of what was happening. She just couldn't
believe what she was seeing right in front of her. It was unreal. This was all a
dream. That girl wasn't sucking off that horse, and Chris wasn't really forcing
her to. Vicky knew that none of this could be happening. None of it.

When she opened her eyes there was the girl, and it looked as if she had more of
the horse's cock in her mouth. She really did look like she liked it now, and it
looked like she was getting more and more of the horse's cock in her mouth. She
got as much of it in her mouth as she could hold, and then she really sucked
hard on it.

Vicky could hear the loud sucking noises the girl was making and she could also
hear the noises Chris was making. Chris was groaning and grunting away as if it
was his cock the girl was sucking. Vicky could see the agony all over his face
as he watched the girl suck harder and harder on the horse.

"That's it," Chris yelled at the girl, as he waved the whip about in the air
above his head, "suck on that cock just as hard as you can. Really get that meat
in your mouth and suck on it. Make those juices flow."

Vicky had never seen Chris like this, and she was amazed by the way he was now
acting. She was also somewhat surprised by the way the girl was now sucking on
the horse's cock. Chris didn't have to force her anymore. She was doing it
because she wanted to. That was obvious in her every action.

Vicky could see the horse's cock pushing out the sides of the girl's mouth. The
look on the girl's face was that of a wild-woman's. The eyes were opened wide
and the facial muscles were contorted in the sweet agony that only sex can
cause. The horse was getting restless and excited as the girl on the ground
mouthed it harder. Vicky could feel herself getting moist between her legs the
more she watched.

Chris was still yelling at the girl but he was incoherent and the girl hadn't
been paying attention to him for some time. She had forgotten all about him. The
only thing that she cared about was that huge piece of meaty shaft that was in
her mouth, and that she was sucking on just as hard as she could.

Vicky shoved her hand down under her blue jeans and down under her panties and
felt her wet cunt. She got her finger right inside and began to finger herself,
feeling her breathing increase and her whole body shake at the same time. Vicky
wanted to tell the girl to stop what she was doing, but she couldn't.

She was too turned on by it now, and she couldn't wait to see that horse finally
come in the girl's mouth. The girl could hardly wait herself, and she moved her
mouth back and forth on the huge cock until finally it began to shoot out its
sticky life-giving fluid.

The come just poured out in gushes, and it ran down the girl's chin, down her
neck, and all over her tits. The girl tried to keep as much in her mouth as
possible, but there was just too much of it. Pretty soon her whole body was
covered with it, and it seemed like the horse was never going to stop coming.

Vicky could feel her own orgasm coming upon her, and she began to finger herself
harder and faster. Pretty soon the sweet agony of orgasm overcame her and she
closed her eyes and just let the warm sensation overcome her. Her cunt filled up
with her juices and they poured down all over her hand.

Vicky lay on the ground for the longest time, and when she finally woke up she
saw that Chris, the girl, and the horse were gone. Vicky got to her feet. She
was dazed and still a little bewildered. Had she been dreaming this whole thing?
She shook her head and realized that it had not been a dream at all. It had been
the real thing.

Chapter 2

Vicky lay in her bed remembering what she had seen that afternoon. Chris. That
girl on her knees with the horse's cock well in her mouth. The whole picture of
what had happened kept going around and around in her head, and she could see it
as if it was actually happening all over again, and in her own bedroom.

Vicky's naked body began to shake, and she could feel those urges coming over
her again. Ever since that first time with Herbert, Vicky had known what lust
was. She actually lusted after every man she saw. Every night she lay awake like
this wanting a man's cock deep inside her.

And then that horse's cock appeared in her mind. It had been so huge. Vicky
could still see that girl sucking on it frantically, trying to get as much of it
in her mouth as she possibly could. Vicky wondered if sucking a horse's cock was
the same as sucking a man's cock.

Vicky had only given Herbert that one blow job, but she could still remember it.
She had loved the salty taste of his cock, and she had loved the bitter-sweet
taste of his come even more. She could feel it now as it poured into her mouth
and dripped down her throat.

Her breathing increased steadily and she reached down to her damp crotch. She
had already fingered herself once tonight, and now she was at it again. She got
two fingers inside her cunt this time and worked them in and out just as rapidly
as she could until she was shuddering from her orgasm.

It didn't calm her body any, and she still felt the urges. She jumped out of
bed, dressed quickly, and made her way out of the house very quietly. Outside
she ran to the stable and quickly saddled Chris' horse. There was only one cure
for the way she felt, and it had come to her all at once.

She hated herself for what she was about to do, but there was no other way. She
mounted the horse and headed him off towards the woods. She felt the cool night
breeze against her face, and she felt the saddle rubbing into her crotch. It
felt so hard, and because of that, it felt really good to her.

She rode the horse to the edge of this small pond and there she dismounted.
"No," she said, "I can't." And with that she ripped off her clothes and dove
into the pond. The pond was fed by mountain springs and the water was ice cold.
This would get it all out of her system she thought.

She swam furiously in all directions, letting the ice cold water chill her to
her very core. She could feel the coldness between her legs, and she could feel
it in her cunt as well. There had to be some way to end these endless urges of
hers. There was no telling what she might do if she let them continue. She just
might end up like that girl this afternoon.

Finally, when she thought she was quite exhausted from swimming, she climbed out
of the water and lay on her stomach in the grass. She could feel the horse
standing just a few feet away from her, and when she looked up in his direction
she could see that he had a hard-on.

What a great big beautiful cock, she thought to herself. There was no doubt
about that. She got to her feet and walked closer to the horse. He just stood
there looking off in another direction. I wonder how he felt when she was
sucking him off, Vicky asked herself. I wonder if he liked it?

She began to stroke his flanks, thinking all the while about that huge cock of
his. When she had sucked Herbert off, he had gone into fits almost. Of course,
Vicky had really done a job on him, and that was the reason. Vicky had given him
the best blow job of his life, and as it turned out, the only one.

Now there was that huge cock right in front of her and all she had to do was
reach down and grab it. She thought about all the girls that Chris had brought
out to the house this summer. Had he made them all suck off his horse? Probably
he had, and probably they had all liked doing it.

Yes, there was no doubt about that. That girl this afternoon had loved it even
though she was at first repulsed by the idea. After she got that meaty shaft in
her mouth though, she had gone wild. Vicky could feel the same thing happening
to her. She was sure that she would love it also. She fell to her knees and took
hold of the huge cock and just held onto it.

All she had to do now was put it in her mouth. It was that easy. This horse had
been sucked off so many times already, it was probably quite use to it. He had
certainly gotten hard fast enough. Chris had probably trained him to get hard at
the sight of a naked girl.

Vicky thought about Chris and about how really perverted he must be. But then
here she was ready to suck off his horse. She was just as perverted, and maybe
even more so. She stroked the huge cock gently, running both of her hands down
the full length of it and over the huge balls that hung down.

After having seen so many horses with hard-ons, Vicky couldn't believe that she
was so amazed at the size of this one. They were all this big, but then she had
never really thought about them before, and she had never held one in her hand
like this. Now she was holding it, and she was stroking it, and pretty soon she
would be sucking on it.

Vicky knew now that she would be going all the way. There was no stopping her
now. If that girl could do it, so could she. Her only regret was that Chris
wouldn't be there to see her. She wanted very much for him to see her. Maybe
then he would like her. Maybe then he would fuck her.

She got her mouth closer and closer to the horse's cock and then she kissed the
head of it. The horse moved a little, but not that much. He was standing
perfectly still for the most part. She kissed the head of his cock again, and
she thought he made some kind of sound.

She began kissing the huge cock, up and down the entire length of it. It was so
rough and so soft at the same time. She pressed her wet lips into it as hard as
she could, and shivers ran throughout her body every time that she did. She
could feel her whole body shaking inside, and she could feel her cunt getting

Now she was under the horse, and she was half laying down, and half sitting up.
She pointed the cock at her mouth and then she began to rub her face against the
tip of it. She rubbed it across her forehead, across her cheeks, under her nose,
across her closed lips, under her chin, and even against her tits. She pressed
each nipple into the crack.

The cock seemed to be throbbing in her hands, and that was when she took it in
her mouth and began to suck on it. She took in just so much of it, and closed
her mouth around it just as tight as she could. She worked her tongue against
it, stabbing into it just as hard and as fast as she could.

She slid her mouth back and forth on the hard skin and she could feel it burning
up. That made her burn up as well, and made her take more and more of the cock
in her mouth until she couldn't get any more of it in her mouth. It just filled
her right up, and she almost thought that she was going to gag on it.

Since she only had Herbert's cock to compare this one with, she couldn't get
over how much better it was to suck on this horse's cock. It did something to
her inside that Herbert's cock hadn't done, and never would have done. This cock
made her whole body quiver inside, and she could feel herself on the verge of an

She could feel that the horse was also on the verge of orgasm, and she began to
work her mouth back and forth on his cock just as fast and just as hard as she
could manage. She would show this horse something. Show him that she was better
than all those other girls who had been sucking him off.

She really began to think of the horse as being human. He wasn't an animal to
her any longer. No, he wasn't an animal at all. He was a real man. He was Chris.
Vicky could see Chris in the back of her mind as she sucked harder and harder on
this huge piece of burning cock that was filling up her mouth.

Vicky remembered what had happened this afternoon when the horse had come in
that girl's mouth. She couldn't wait for him to come in her mouth. She could
feel it coming.

Please come now, she thought to herself, pressing her lips into the horse's
heavy meat and beginning to slowly gum the rubbery flesh while slowly bobbing
her head back and forth.

Please come now, she thought to herself, pressing her lips into the horse's cock
just as hard as she possibly could. It was throbbing away, and she could feel it
getting ready to burst wide open. The horse was moving somewhat, and she could
tell that he was just as excited as she was. He was getting all worked up just
as she had been worked up all along.

The cock began to jerk back and forth in her mouth and then the come just gushed
running all over her body. The come washed down her throat, and she could feel
it spilling out of her mouth and running all over her body.

Her mouth was on fire, and so was the rest of her body. The come continued to
gush out of the jerking cock, and she had a hard time keeping it in her mouth.
Somehow she did manage to keep the horse's cock in her mouth, and all the time
that his come was shooting out of him, she continued to suck just as hard as she
could on his cock.

She felt his come running down her neck and over her tits, and she could feel it
running down on her thighs even. There seemed to be no end to it, and she was
glad of that. She wanted it to keep coming like it was. She never wanted it to
stop. If only Chris were here, she thought to herself.

That would have made everything more perfect than it was. As it was, she knew
that this had to be the most exciting moment of her life. Watching that other
girl this afternoon was nothing compared to actually doing it for herself. Now
she knew why that girl had acted the way she did.

There was only one way to act after having done something like this. The horse's
cock was still hard and still in her mouth. The come was just dribbling out now,
and eventually it stopped all together. She lay back on the ground and looked up
at the under side of the horse.

He had been standing still all this time, and he was still standing still. He
acted as if nothing had happened to him, as if he was totally indifferent to it
all. It didn't matter what he felt though, because she knew what she felt. She
knew how good it had made her feel inside.

She felt the sticky come all over her body, and she began to wipe it up with her
fingers, and then she would lick on her fingers. Her mouth was overflowing still
and she swallowed hard. She could feel the last of his come going down her
throat and settling in her stomach.

The horse's cock had gotten soft now. She lifted her foot and pressed it into
his balls. His balls were soft and hard at the same time. She pressed in gently,
and then moved her foot away. The she pressed her foot against him again, and
again, and finally she could see him getting hard again.

His cock seemed to go through all kinds of contractions as it rose up into an
erection. She watched it closely, not wanting to miss any of it. This was too
good to miss. Soon it was completely hard and she thought about how good it
would feel inside her pulsating pussy.

Her cunt was really throbbing now, and the juices were running out of her as she
just lay there thinking about what it would be like to have that huge cock
inside her. She could just imagine what would happen to her once it was inside
her. Her juices would really flow then. They might never stop flowing.

She raised her hips so that she was now pressing her stomach against the huge
cock. She positioned herself so that it hung between her legs and then she
pressed her cuntlips right into it. She then grabbed for the stirrups, and
pulled herself up so that she was pressed right against the under side of the
horse. She could feel the head of his cock right at the entrance to her cunt.

For a second she was afraid that it would hurt her too much, and then she
realized that she didn't care whether it hurt or not. She pressed into him and
that was when she felt the huge cock begin to ease into her. The horse seemed to
be moving also, and he seemed to be pressing his cock right into her the way any
man would have.

It was hard for her to hold herself up the way she was, but somehow she managed.
She felt more and more of the horse's cock going into her. She began to rotate
her hips in a circular motion, and she began to hump back and forth on the huge
cock. It was sliding in and out of her now, and every time it went back in, she
could feel herself shaking more and more.

It was filling her right to the brim and she was trying to get as much inside
her as she could. She wanted it all, but she didn't think that she was big
enough inside. It'll kill me, she thought to herself. It'll split me wide open.
But somehow it didn't matter to her.

If she was going to die, she might as well die getting fucked by a horse. That
seemed to be the best way out at the moment. She felt more and more of his cock
going into her, and began to really close her cunt muscles around him. She could
feel him stretching her inside, and she could feel his cock starting to throb

Having him come in her mouth was one thing, but now to have him come inside her
cunt, that would really be something. She could feel it already and she began to
grind into him just as hard as she could.

She could feel her own orgasm starting and she could feel her cunt filling up
with her own come. She had never had an orgasm like this, and it shook her so
much that she almost lost her grip on the stirrups. She went wild then and just
humped back and forth until she could feel the throbbing cock shooting off into
her and filling her with its hot cream.

She yelled out at the top of her lungs and she kept grinding her pussy into him.
The horse was grinding into her at the same time, and he wasn't acting as
indifferent as he had. He seemed to be as turned on as she was, and that just
made her feel that much better inside.

The last of his come drained into her, and with a final gasp, she let go of the
stirrups and fell to the ground. She felt like a limp rag doll. She lay there
breathing hard, gasping for a last breath of air. She just knew that she would
die after she had gotten that last breath.

Her eyes were shut tight, but she could still see that huge cock in front of
her. And she could still feel it deep inside her. It had gone so far into her
that she thought it was going to reach right up to her throat. She had really
thought that it was going to split her in two.

She reached down and began to rub her sore pussy. And it was really sore. For
awhile she didn't think that the pain would ever go away. And, right then, she
wasn't sure that she wanted the pain to go away. And in fact, she was almost
certain that she didn't want the pain to go away.

She rolled out from under the horse and tried to get to her feet. She felt as if
she should wash off before she went home. She knew that it had to be late, and
she had to get home before her parents woke up and discovered she was gone.
There was no telling what they might think.

Also, she had to get Chris' horse back to the stable before anyone realized that
she had taken it. No one was supposed to ride Chris' horse. Especially not her.
She was just part of the hired help. As long as she remained on the Butler
place, that's all she would ever be.

But there were other things to think about now. Like the warm feeling that still
overwhelmed her. It was as if that huge cock was still shooting off inside her.
It felt that way to her anyway. She could feel the spasms going throughout her
whole body, and she could feel her body getting warmer and warmer.

Again she tried to get to her feet, but again she couldn't move. She was drained
of every bit of strength that she had ever had. It was all gone now, and she
would just have to lie here until some of it came back to her. Until then she
just wouldn't be able to budge.

She felt this whirling sensation in her head, and she could feel herself
blacking out. She tried to fight it, but it was no use. She had to give into it,
and that was it. Her head got lighter and lighter and pretty soon she was
drifting off into a very deep sleep. It would be the deepest sleep she had ever
know. Visions of that huge cock danced all around her.

* * *

"What have we here?" the tall man said, looking down at Vicky's perfectly still
naked form.

It was almost dawn. Chris' horse had wandered off and was nowhere around. Vicky
was still asleep and spread-eagle. The man stood above her admiring what he saw.

"No," he said, rubbing his chin, and feeling his sudden erection, "he never has
brought you around. You're a new one on me."

Just by looking at her, and sniffing at the air, the man could tell that Vicky
had been having sex with some type of animal, although he couldn't be sure just
what type of animal it might have been.

"Yeah, I think I'll take you with me," he said, bending over her body. "You
might be nice to have around at that."

First he tied her hands together, and then her feet. Not once did Vicky stir.
The man lifted her up over his shoulders and carried her deeper into the woods.
Eventually they came to a small cabin, and the man carried her inside and placed
her on the small bed in the far corner.

The only other furniture in the cabin was a small wooden table. There were two
chairs beside it, and both of them looked as if they were going to fall apart.
The loud barking of a dog could be heard, and that made Vicky stir. Thinking she
was just dreaming, she drifted back to sleep.

"Yes," the man said, standing by the edge of the bed looking down at her, "I
think I'm going to like having you around. You're going to add something to this
place. The others he took away, but not you."

The man stood there watching Vicky sleep the whole time. Finally she woke up.
Her eyes opened slowly, and her awareness of where she was and what was
happening came even slower. When she discovered that her hands and feet were
tied, she felt the blood draining right out of her. And when she saw the man
standing beside the bed, she turned a ghostly white.

"Where am I?" she demanded. "Who are you? What's the meaning of this?"

The man smiled. "I found you in the woods and I brought you here. You could have
gotten killed out there by some wild animal. Not all animals are tame you know."

"Why did you tie me up like this?"

"I had my reasons," he replied, beginning to pace the cabin.

"Let me go right this minute," she yelled.

"You better lower your voice," the man said, a sudden tone of cruelty in his

"You just better let me go right now," Vicky said, trying to get up off the bed.

The man ran back to the bed, pushed her back down, and slapped her hard across
the face.

"You ain't going no place, cunt," the man said. "You are mine, and you are going
to stay here and make me happy."

With that he slapped her across the face again and again, until he had almost
knocked her out. Vicky could feel the blood dripping down her chin and from her
cut lip. She could feel the pain that swept over the whole side of her face.

Then she felt the man's hand between her legs. He was grabbing at her roughly,
and she could feel his nails digging into her soft, still-wet cuntlips. He was
hurting her, and it was obvious that that was his intention. He wanted to hurt
her, and he meant to hurt her a lot more than he already was.

He pushed her back so that she was lying down again and he began to get almost
his whole hand inside her pussy. He moved it in and out, stroking her insides
just as hard as he could. Then she thought she felt this hard object inside her.
It was as hard as a man's cock, but it wasn't that. Instead it was the handle of
a long, ugly whip.

The man was sticking the handle right into her and working it in and out of her
just as fast as he could. When she was at the point of orgasm, he pulled it out
and just stood there looking down at her with this evil grin on his face.

"I could smell what you'd been doing out there," he said. "I know you were
fucking something. Was it a dog? A horse maybe? I know it was some animal. You
still got its come all over your body. It's dripping all over you still. Okay,
you like animals, I'll get you an animal you'll really like."

The man disappeared out of the cabin, but not for long. Pretty soon he was back
inside, and with him was this huge, black dog. The dog looked as big as he was.
Vicky could feel her body trembling all over.

"Ole Boxer here," the man said. "He's fucked some pretty good cunt in his day.
Yeah, he's knocked off more ass than most men, let me tell you that right now.
Yeah, I like Ole Boxer. He knows just how to stroke a woman's cunt, and you're
going to find that out quick enough."

Vicky watched as the man released the dog. The dog walked slowly towards the
bed, sniffing at the air, and catching a familiar scent.

"You see," the man said, "he knows. He can smell you."

The dog was right at the edge of the bed now and his head was just inches away
from her thigh. Then the dog just got his front legs up on the bed and he stuck
his head down in Vicky's cunt, his cold, wet nose pressing right into her
cuntlips. Now the dog was really sniffing her.

"Yeah," the man was saying, "he sure does like the smell of female cunt.
Especially when he can smell something in it, like the come of another animal.
Yeah, that's what really turns him on, and let me tell you, he's turned on
plenty now. Oh yeah, his pecker is as hard as any right now, and he can't wait
to use it."

Vicky could feel the dog's nose pressing right into the folds of her cunt, and
then she could feel his wet, cold, rough tongue as he began to lick her
cuntlips. He began to lick her all over thighs, and he was rubbing his tongue
back and forth on her clit. In spite of herself, Vicky could feel a warm
sensation going through her as the dog continued to lick her out like he was.

The dog knew just what to do and he was doing it. She could feel the tongue
going inside her and that just made her tremble all the more.

Vicky could feel her whole body relaxing as she pressed her cunt against the
dog's open mouth. He was right on the bed with her and standing between her
legs, his head hanging down between her thighs.

"I knew you'd like it," the man was yelling at the top of his lungs. "Yes, I
knew you would."

He was holding onto his crotch as if he was in pain. Vicky wasn't paying any
attention to him though. All that she cared about right then was this dog.

"Untie me," she yelled.

The man did just that. He untied her legs, and then her hands. With her hands
free, Vicky began to pull at the dog's huge cock. It wasn't as big as the
horse's cock, but it was big enough. Pretty soon she was pulling the dog right
down on top of her and easing his cock right inside her throbbing pussy.

The dog seemed a little uncertain. Maybe he wasn't used to being on top like
this, she thought to herself. Vicky was still lying on her back, and she had the
dog right on top of her now. She got his cock all the way inside her and then
she just began to rotate her hips in a circular motion and get her legs right up
in the air.

Vicky went wild when she felt the dog's cock sliding in and out of her like it
now was. It would fill her up to the brim, slip almost all the way out, and then
fill her up again. She closed her cunt muscles all around it, and she could feel
it stroking her real hard inside.

"Keep at it," the man yelled.

Vicky meant to do just that. She could feel the dog's cock throbbing away and
she wondered if any other girl had responded to him the way she was responding.
She had her legs wrapped around his back and she was grinding into him with all
her might. She could feel him grinding down into her, his cock going in just as
deep as it could.

She could also feel that he was about to come. She could feel her own orgasm and
then they came right together. The come just shot out of the both of them. His
come came gushing into her the same way that horse's come had come gushing into
her. She could feel it filling her right up inside.

Her own come seemed to wash down all over the dog's cock, and it acted as a
lubricant more than anything else. Vicky could feel that familiar warm sensation
going through her whole body. It just consumed her and made her want more and
more of this dog's hard cock.

The more she got, the more she wanted. Vicky knew now that no man could ever
satisfy her the way these two animals had. First that horse, and now this dog.
She felt like an animal herself almost. She felt wild and untamed. That just
turned her on even more than she was.

The man was jumping around the cabin, pulling on his cock, and yelling at the
top of his lungs.

"That's it," he was yelling, "really let him have it. Get that cock way up
inside you, and really hump on it. Come on, keep going, you ain't done yet."

Vicky could feel that the dog's cock was beginning to wilt, and she didn't want
that to happen. She pressed into him all the harder, and she thought she could
feel him getting hard again. And that was just what was happening. The dog's
cock was getting hard again, and that made Vicky press into him even harder.

The dog was getting used to this new position, and he was fucking her the way
any man would have done. She could feel his tongue all over her face and neck,
and she was pressing her mouth against his hairy neck. She could feel his balls
slapping against her thighs as he shoved his cock deeper and deeper inside her.

He seemed to be harder this time than he had been before, and his cock even
seemed bigger this time as well. Vicky could feel it going all through her and
filling up her whole body and not just her cunt. She could feel it splitting her
in half almost. Just like that horse had almost done.

She thought about how she had fucked that horse, and how she was now fucking
this dog. I'm an animal, she wanted to yell out at the top of her lungs.
Instead, she just kept pressing her cunt around the dog's hard cock, and making
herself grind into him as hard as he was grinding into her.

All the while he was in her, she could feel his cock throbbing away, as she was
sure he could feel her cunt throbbing away. That's it, she was almost saying out
loud, you're getting me good. Keep it up like that. Keep it up for as long as
you can. For awhile she thought the dog could read her mind, because he did
everything she wanted him to.

She liked that.

Obedience is a good quality in a dog.

Chapter 3

The dog's cock was still deep inside her, and it was throbbing even more than it
had been. She could feel it getting ready to explode, and then that was just
what it did. It did explode, and she exploded right with it. Her come poured out
of her just as his come poured out of him.

Her whole body was trembling and she could feel the waves going right through
her and making her dizzy. The room was spinning around her head and the roof
looked like it was falling right down on top of her. She felt the dog's cock
easing out of her. He was no longer lying on top of her.

He was standing up between her legs like he had been at the beginning. He was
leaning his head down into her soft, wet cuntlips, and with his tongue he was
lapping his and her come that was all over the outside of her cunt, and all down
her thighs and legs. His tongue made her feel that much warmer inside.

The man had been jumping all around the cabin all this time, and he had even
used a hard wooden stick on himself, and he was bleeding all over because of it.
He was now standing in the middle of the cabin and the blood was gushing out of
his open cuts, and his cock was spitting out its sex juices.

Neither Vicky nor the man heard the sound of a horse riding up outside.
Christopher Butler came bursting into the cabin and when he saw what was
happening his first reaction was to laugh. Then he grabbed the man and threw him
up against the wall. It was only then that the man became aware of Chris'

"Where did you find that girl?" Chris yelled.

"In the woods," the man stammered. "She was just lying there without any clothes
on. I could tell she had been fucking some animal, and just now she fucked my
dog and she liked it."

"You know who she is?" Chris asked.

"She's just a girl," the man said, becoming very scared now. "Just like all the
others you've brought here."

"She's hardly like the others," Chris yelled. "She's the daughter of my father's
horse trainer. I can't have you messing around with her. With the others it
doesn't matter, but not with this one."

Chris looked at the man with a look of contempt in his eyes, and then he came
over to the bed. First he chased the dog away and then he lifted Vicky to her

"I didn't realize you went in for this sort of thing," he said. "I'll bet you've
followed me, haven't you? You've seen what I made those other girls do? Well,
you probably didn't see half of what I made them do. Otherwise you would have
left here a long time ago."

He handed her some clothes and told her to put them on.

"I'm taking you home before my father and your father have the whole police
force out here looking for you," he said harshly. "We can't have them finding
you like this, can we? Then they might want to know everything, and then we'd
all be in jail. I don't think any of us would like that."

Vicky dressed as quickly as she could. She felt very close to Chris all of a
sudden. In the first place, he was seeing her naked for the first time, and he
was seeing her after she had just had sex with an animal. I'm sure he knows
about the other night as well, she though. He knows I fucked his horse.

Chris took her by the arm and led her outside. He helped her up on his horse,
and then he got up right behind her. They began to ride back in the direction of
the farm. Vicky could feel Chris' hard cock pressing into her ass, and that made
her feel all warm inside. Maybe now he'll fuck me, she thought.

"You just better not say a word about this to anyone, you hear?" Chris said.
"After all, it wouldn't look too good for you either. I know you took my horse
out last night and I have a pretty good idea what you did with him."

"What should I tell my father happened?" Vicky asked.

"Tell him you went riding and that you fell off the horse and hit your head,"
Chris said. "It can happen to the best rider. I'll just say I found you lying on
the ground, and that you were still out cold."

"Will they believe that?" she asked.

"Of course they will."

Neither one of them said another word the whole way back. At the farm, Vicky's
father was the first one to see them as they rode up to the stable. He was so
glad to see his daughter safe and alive that he didn't bother to ask any
questions. For the next couple of days, all the excitement died down, and life
on the Butler farm returned to normal.

And as far as Vicky was concerned, that was the worst thing that could have
happened. Chris ignored her just like he always did, and everyday he took
another girl out riding. Vicky forced herself not to follow them, and the looks
Chris gave her told her that she better not follow them.

Vicky also managed to stay away from Chris' horse, and she didn't go near him,
except to saddle him those times that Chris told her to. Other than that, she
just did the work she was supposed to, and spent the rest of her time in her
room fingering herself to climax.

That was the only kind of sex she allowed herself, and it was beginning to get
on her nerves. She needed a lot more than just that. She needed a cock inside
her; a big cock that could come a lot. A cock like that horse had or even that
dog. Vicky began to think about running away.

She would go someplace where they raised horses and she would get a job taking
care of them. Then at night she would sneak down into the stables and do what
she had to do. She didn't dare do that now because she was so afraid that Chris
would catch her. She was sure that he hated her, although she couldn't figure
out why he would. After what he saw me doing, he should love me all the more for
it, she said to herself over and over.

But the fact of the matter was that he didn't. He seemed to think even less of
her, and now he hardly said a word to her. Before, he hadn't said that much to
her, and now he said even less. Vicky just couldn't take it any longer. She had
to get away from him before she went crazy.

And to make matters worse, Vicky now had these strange cravings for animals.
Especially horses. Every night she would dream about getting fucked by a horse.
Before it had been Chris that she would dream about, but now it was his horse,
or anyone else's horse for that matter.

One day she finally made up her mind to leave the Butler farm, and that night
she packed a suitcase, and leaving a note for her parents, she crept out of the
house and made her way to the main highway on foot. There were no cars this time
of night and she began to walk.

She walked some distance before she went off the road and into the woods. She
lay down and fell asleep as soon as her head had touched the ground. She slept
soundly for about six hours and then the traffic woke her up. She got to her
feet immediately and got back on the road and stuck out her thumb.

Car after car passed her by and then a car with a horse trailer behind it pulled
up in front of her and she ran up to its opened door. There were two men inside
of it, an old man and a younger man who had the look of a jockey all over his
face. This is for me, Vicky said, as she climbed in the back seat. The car shot
off as soon as she was in it.

"I'm Jack," the old man said, "and this is my son, Phil. We're headed for the
track up here. Where you going?"

"That's where I'm going too," Vicky said.

"You know anything about horses?" Jack asked.

"I was born on a horse," Vicky said.

"Maybe you'd like to work some for us then," Jack said. "We can't pay much, but
we can feed you and buy you some clothes if you need any."

"I don't need too much," Vicky said.

Vicky noticed how Phil was looking her all over. Vicky had on a blouse and
slacks and it was then that she noticed that her blouse was almost opened all
the way. The top three buttons were unfastened. When she went to button them,
Phil pushed her hand away and did it for her.

"You're awfully good looking," he said.

"Thank you," she said, leaning back in the seat, and sticking her tits out as
far as she could.

"Yeah," he said, "I'll bet you're a mean one in bed. I'll bet you wrap those
lips around a man's cock, and I'll bet you don't let up for a second."

Vicky just smiled, opening her mouth slightly and letting her tongue slip out

"You don't talk to her like that," Jack said, looking in the rear view mirror,
and getting all hot and bothered himself.

"That's quite okay," Vicky said, "I don't mind. After all, the three of us will
be living together from now on. We might as well get to know each other as well
as we can."

"Yeah," Phil said, climbing in the back seat, "I think we should do just that."

And with that he kissed Vicky full on the mouth. He was sitting beside her and
he was grabbing at her tits. Vicky could feel his hands going under her blouse
and then she could feel them right on her tits. He was squeezing them as hard as
he could, and his tongue was probing deep in her mouth.

Pretty soon he had her blouse and bra off and he had her stretched out on the
back seat. He was still sitting up, but he was bent over her tits, and he was
sucking hard on one of them. He was making the nipple real hard, and then he got
as much of her tit in his mouth as he could.

One thing about Vicky. She had big tits. It was impossible for Phil to get her
whole tit in his mouth, but he was trying just the same. He was trying just as
hard as he could, and he was getting quite a bit of her tit in his mouth, and
what he had in his mouth, he was sucking on as hard as he could.

Vicky was running her fingers through his hair and then she began to pull on his
hair. That made him suck on her all the harder, as she knew it would. She could
feel his teeth sinking into her tit, and that made her quiver all over. She
could feel her cunt getting moist because of it.

"That's it," she was saying to him. "Suck me real hard. Suck me just as hard as
you can. Bite me too. I love it when you bite me. I really do. Bite me harder.
As hard as you can."

Phil did everything she wanted him to, and more. He was going after her cunt
now, and he was pulling her blue jeans and panties down so he could get after
her. Once he had them down to her knees he got his head right down between her
legs, and he began to suck on her cuntlips.

He began to rub his tongue back and forth on her clit, and then he got his
tongue right inside her. Vicky pressed her pussy against his open mouth as hard
as she could. She could feel his tongue going way inside her and that made her
go all soft inside. She could feel her sex juices flowing already.

He was getting right after her too and she could feel his teeth sinking into her
cuntlips. That hurt at first, but after awhile it felt good, and she told him to
bite her even harder, and he did. He bit her just as hard as he could, and soon
he was drawing blood, along with her come.

He was lapping up both her blood and her come, and he seemed to like both. He
just couldn't get enough of her. It was then that Jack said that they had better
stop since they were approaching the track. Hours had passed since Vicky had
gotten in the car, but it seemed like such a short time had passed by.

Jack had parked the car and they--he and Phil--were putting the horses up in the
stable they had been assigned. They had two horses, one male and one female. A
few other people had arrived with their horses, and they were also stabling
them. Vicky watched all the horses very closely. She was trying to pick out the
ones that she might prefer.

Right then the only thing that she could think of was getting a horse's cock
inside her cunt or at least in her mouth. Phil had really eaten her out good,
and she could still feel her cunt twitching from what he had done to her, but
she had a feeling that that was all he could do.

She had asked him many times to fuck her, but he had kept on eating her out
instead. Every time she had tried to reach under his pants for his cock he had
pushed her hand away. I'll bet he can't even get it up, she thought as she
watched him and his father put the horses up. Well, I'll find out for sure
tonight. If he can't fuck me, I'll find something that can.

Phil kept looking aver at her with this sheepish grin on his face. Vicky smiled
back at him. Well, you got your tongue in me, she thought. Let's see what else
you can get in me. She made her way to the stable and began to look around. They
would be sleeping here the whole time they were here, and she wanted to find the
best place possible.

Each section of the stable was walled off from the others, and there were living
accommodations in the back of them. They weren't much, but they would do. The
horses stayed in front, and in the back there was a small room with two beds in
it. The beds were singles, but they looked like they could hold two people.

Well, she thought, one of them is going to have to hold two people. Either Phil
is going to be sleeping with me, or he's going to have to bunk in with his
father. Vicky couldn't imagine herself sleeping with the father.

There was a small stove and a refrigerator in the room as well. Later on, Vicky
cooked a small supper, and the three of them sat around eating it. Vicky and
Phil sat on one bed, and Jack sat over on the other. I guess this is how we're
going to be sleeping too, Vicky thought.

As far as Vicky was concerned, it didn't matter to her whether she slept with
Phil. What mattered was that she get a chance at his horse. She had gotten a
good look at that horse and she could see that he had a huge cock. It was soft
at the time, but Vicky could picture in her mind what it would look like once it
was hard, and she couldn't wait to see it hard.

They finished their supper and then Jack decided to talk about his sex life with
his wife. His wife had just died the year before, and as Phil told her later,
that was all his father ever wanted to talk about anymore.

"Yeah," he said, "my wife was some hunk of ass. She could throw the meanest fuck
in the world. She'd wrap those legs of hers around me and then she would grind
that pussy of hers against me, and we would fuck like it was the last time.
Yeah, we put everything in each and every fuck."

The old man went on and on like that, until finally he had fallen asleep with
his clothes on. He was lying on top of the blankets, and Phil and Vicky
undressed him and got him under the blankets. He didn't wake up once while they
were doing it, and he had this evil grin on his face the whole time.

"He's dreaming about it," Phil said.

Phil and Vicky stood on opposite sides of the old man's bed just looking at each

"What he didn't tell you," Phil said, "was how my mother liked to go after the
horses as well. She couldn't stay away from them. More than once I saw her
sucking off one of our horses and I even saw her fuck one of them. In fact, she
got this job in Mexico in a nightclub where she fucks a horse.

"You see, she really isn't dead, and in fact, she's very much alive. She does
this act in this club. What they do is they tie pieces of string around the
horse's cock, an inch or so apart. The louder the audience claps, the more of
the horse's cock my mother lets in her.

"I guess she does pretty well at it, and once I even went and saw her do it. My
father knows, but he won't admit it. He still believes she died, and it's better
for him if he thinks that. Otherwise he might lose his mind completely. He
couldn't stand to know the truth."

Vicky lit a cigarette and walked over to the small window. She felt restless all
of a sudden. "I can see that you're just like my mother," Phil said, coming up
behind her. "Yeah, I can smell it on you. You're just dying to go out there and
fuck one of those horses, or at least suck one of them off. I know your kind.
You're all alike, and you all smell the same. I knew that when I just saw you
standing by the road. I could tell it from the way you were standing, from the
way you had your legs spread."

"Is that why you can't get it up?" she said, turning on him savagely.

She was breathing fast and so was he. They looked at each other like two animals
about to do battle. Phil reached behind her and got his hands in her hair and
pulled her towards him. He kissed her hard on the mouth and then pushed her

"That's all you're good for," she said, almost spitting the words in his face.

He fell to his knees, and as he did so, he pulled her blue jeans and panties
down. She could feel his tongue between her legs and he was rimming her pussy
and then he was getting his tongue right inside her. She liked it at first, but
then she knew she needed a lot more.

She pushed him away, took off all her clothes, and went into the part of the
stable where the horses were. Her pussy reeked of its juices, and she knew that
her scent went just ahead of her. Let him smell me first, she said, looking at
the male horse. Let him know what he's about to get.

The horse was standing perfectly still. His cock was still soft. Vicky went up
to him and began to stroke his flanks.

"Do you smell me yet, big boy?" she said. "Would you like to lick me out?"

The horse still didn't move. Vicky moved around in front of the horse, and
pulled his head down so that it was right against her hairy mound.

"Smell that," she said in a whisper.

The horse was moving his head from side to side, and he was rubbing his nose
against her hairy mound. All of a sudden she had an idea. She jumped on his
neck, getting her legs right around him. His huge head was pressed in right
between her legs this way, and his nose was pressed right into her pussy.

She could feel him rubbing his nose around inside her and then she felt his
tongue. Now he was licking her pussy as well as sniffing it. She was having a
hard time holding herself up on the horse's neck like this, but then she felt
someone holding her up from behind. It was Phil and he was holding her up so
that she wouldn't have to hold herself up.

Now she was free to do what she wanted. She pressed her pussy hard against the
horse's mouth, and she felt his tongue going right inside her. She could feel
how big it was, and what it was doing inside her. She could feel her juices
flowing already, and she could feel her whole body trembling like it was.

She wrapped her legs around the horse's neck just as hard as she could, and she
pressed her pussy into his open mouth just as hard as she could. He was making
his tongue do all sorts of things inside her, and that was making her come even
more than she had been. Her cunt was filling up with her sex juices now.

She closed her cunt muscles all around his tongue, and just held him tight
inside her. His tongue was hard as a man's cock, and maybe even harder. She
couldn't wait to get his cock inside her. That must be really something, she
thought to herself. Yes, that must be really something.

It's so good, she thought. It's so very good. I could have him do this forever.
She pressed into the horse's mouth even harder and she felt her thighs opening
even wider. The horse's tongue was going in and out of her just as fast as it
could, and she was coming just as much as she could.

Her orgasm just overtook her and it made her shake all the more. She felt Phil
getting weaker, and she could tell he wouldn't be able to hold her up much
longer. She began to shake even more as the come rushed out of her like it was
never going to stop. The horse kept licking it all up.

Finally, Phil dropped her, but she managed to hang on by herself. She finally
slid down to the floor and lay there on her back. Phil was over in a corner of
the stable crying like a baby. She couldn't think about him now. There were lots
more important things for her to think about.

She felt the horse bending over her, his head hovering just above her hairy
mound. Pretty soon he was pressing his nose into her hairy mound and then he was
licking the soft, wet hairs. Her hair was saturated with her come as were her
thighs. He began licking her all over in an eager fashion.

Vicky just lay there letting the horse lick her wherever he wanted to. And he
seemed to want to lick her in the right places. He licked her stomach and up the
rippled flesh of her long slender torso.

Slowly the heat of passion rose to her tits, and then back down to her hairy
mound. His tongue seemed to be all over her, and she could feel it going right
through her.

"That's it," she was whispering. "That feels so good."

The horse's tongue was right down between her legs now, and he was licking up
the come that was just outside her cunt. He was licking her cuntlips and her
clit, and he was licking them real hard. The sensations went right through her
and she didn't ever want him to stop. No, this was much too good for him to stop

She felt the horse licking her thighs, and all the way down her legs, and then
back up her legs to her still-wet pussy. There he stayed and she felt his tongue
ripping her up and down and all over. Part of his tongue seemed to go inside her
but most of it was pressing against the outside of her cunt.

That was okay with her. Anything this horse did was okay with her. She could
still hear Phil crying off in the distance, and that turned her on even more.
Let the baby cry, she thought bitterly. He's not even a man. He can't fuck, so
what good is he? He's no good at all.

"What's the matter, Philly-boy?" she called out. "Can't you get it up, Philly?
Is that your problem?"

"Shut up, you slut," he yelled back at her.

"Your horse can get it up, Philly," she said. "He can sure get it up even if you

"I said for you to shut up. I don't care what you do, just don't talk about it."

"But I have to talk about it, Philly," she said, getting up on her knees. "I
have to tell you what I'm doing. I'm getting over here so I can suck on this big
piece of meat. I've never seen a cock this big, Philly. Have you?"

Vicky was now on her knees under the horse and she was holding the horse's cock
in her hands.

"I've got a good hold on it, Philly," she then said. "I've got a real good hold
on it. You should see what I'm doing. Yeah, you really should see it. I'm
holding on real tight and I'm getting ready to get it right in my mouth. First I
want to look at it real good though. I want to see just what it is I'm going to
be sucking on. The more I look at it though, the more I can hardly wait to suck
on it. It looks so good, and it looks so big, and it's throbbing in my hand.
I'll bet he comes a lot. I'll bet he sure does."

And with that she began to suck on the horse's cock. First she kissed the head
of his cock, and then she kissed him up and down the length of his cock, and she
even kissed his two huge balls that hung down like two large bags. She kissed
them just as hard as she had kissed his cock.

Now she was kissing the head of his cock again, and then she was getting it in
her mouth. It was so big, and she could only get so much of it in her mouth. She
began to slide her mouth back and forth on it, and she could tell that the horse
liked that. He liked it as much as she did.

She really began to suck on him then and she could feel his cock jerking back
and forth in her mouth already. She could feel that he was already on the verge
of orgasm. She let up on him for a second, but only for a second. She was back
sucking on him just as hard as she could. She could feel his cock expanding and
then she felt the force of his orgasm.

It almost knocked her off balance, but she managed to stay up on her knees, and
she managed to get his cock well in her mouth. She didn't want to lose that. Not
now she didn't. Not with his come streaming out in her mouth like it was. She
could feel it shooting out into her, and that just made her suck on him all the

His cock was jerking back and forth in her mouth and it was exploding like it
was going to split right in half. Her mouth was filling up with his come, and it
was spilling out over her lips and running down her chin. She could feel it on
her neck and running down to her tits.

His come was sticky and it was bitter, and she just couldn't get enough of it.
She wanted it all over her body, and she managed to get it all over her body.
She could feel it dripping down on her thighs, and running down between her
legs. She rubbed it right into her pussy with her hand.

Phil was on the verge of hysteria, but she couldn't bother with him now. She had
even lost all interest in torturing him any more than she already had. He didn't
even exist as far as she was concerned. He was a nonentity, and that was all he
would ever be to her. Let him cry like a baby since that was all he was good for
anyway. He wasn't good for anything else, that was for sure.

The horse's cock was still shooting off its rocks, and she was still getting as
much of it in her mouth as she could. She was drinking it right down. She could
feel it burning the inside of her mouth, and the inside of her throat. She could
feel it settling in her stomach and burning it as well.

The come was just dribbling out now, but she drank down every last drop of it.
Soon there was no more though. Vicky felt breathless and she felt as if she had
had her share for the night. She didn't need anymore right now. She had had it
all, and then some. Her cunt was still sore from the way he had sucked her off
before, and she could tell that it would stay sore for some time.

She got to her feet and walked over to where Phil was cringing in the corner.
She got him up on his feet and let him to the bed. She undressed him and made
him lie in bed, and then she lay in the bed beside him. She pressed her body up
against his and began to whisper in his car.

"Just think of your horse's cock as if it was your very own," she began to say.
"I sucked you off. That's what I did, I sucked you off, and I sucked you off
real good. I gave you the best blow job of your life.

"If you think of it that way, it won't hurt so much. In fact, it won't hurt at
all. You'll feel real good about it. You'll feel like a real man for a change.
Come on now, think about it that way. Think about your horse's cock as if it was
your own. Wouldn't you just love having a cock that big? No man in the whole
world has a cock that big. But you do. You have the biggest cock of all of

She buried his face between her tits, and he was soon asleep. She saw the
horse's cock in the back of her mind, and soon she was asleep also.

Chapter 4

Vicky was the first one to wake up the next morning. She got out of bed quietly
so as not to wake Phil or his father. It was just a little after dawn, but Vicky
knew that she couldn't sleep any longer. She had never been able to sleep late
in the morning, and she never would be able to.

She went out back to where the bathrooms and showers were and she went in and
washed herself. The water was ice cold, but that was just the way that she liked
it. She couldn't wait to start working the horses out, and she couldn't wait for
the races to begin. They'll never think to look for me here, she thought, and
probably they won't even look for me to begin with.

I'll bet mother's happy, Vicky thought. She always did want me to get away from
that place.

"Hello, there," the booming voice said.

Vicky looked up and saw the large man enter the shower. He was over six feet
tall, and he had a cock on him that looked like it was hanging right down to his
knees. Vicky couldn't take her eyes off it, and she could see that he knew that,
and was taking advantage of the fact.

"Don't have separate showers here for men and women," he said. "Guess we'll just
have to make do with what we got. Who you with anyway?"

"I'm with Phil and Jack," she said.

"You married to Phil or something?" the man asked.

"We're thinking about it," she replied.

"You'll make him a nice wife, I'm sure," he said.

"How can you tell?" she asked, very coyly.

"That's obvious from the way you're built," he said. "You got a nice body on you
that I wouldn't mind getting in my bed some night. No, I wouldn't mind that at

"You married?" she asked.

"No, I've never been married," he replied.

"What's your name anyway? I'm Vicky."

"My name is Tom, and I work for Mr. James Nickles," Tom relied. "He's got
himself the best horse at the track this year."

"Is Mr. Nickles rich?" she asked.

"Rich ain't the word for him," Tom laughed. "He's got more money than most other
people put together."

"You his trainer?" she asked.

"I'm one of them. He's got six of them, one for each horse. Yeah, Mr. Nickles
don't mess around."

"Is he here?"

Tom looked at her and smiled. "He'll be here in a few days. In case you're
interested, he ain't married, and he's looking for a nice looking wife to pretty
up that big house of his. Yeah, he sure does want a pretty woman awfully bad."

"Well, I hope he finds one," Vicky said, turning off the water and getting ready
to go.

Tom was still washing and he just looked at her. She stood there looking back at

"I'm not married yet," she said to him, hoping he would get what she was driving

He apparently did. "I go for long walks at night. It sure does get lonely
walking alone. Maybe you'll join me some night."

"How about tonight?" she said.

"Nine o'clock?" he said.

"Where should I meet you?" she asked.

"Right here," he smiled. "Just for old times' sake."

Vicky laughed out loud and so did Tom. Then Vicky ran back to their small room--
hers and Phil's and Jack's. Jack was awake now, but Phil was still dead to the
world. Jack looked at her naked body and then hurried out to take a shower
himself. Vicky had a hard time not laughing.

She looked over at Phil's sleeping form and then she went over to the bed and
shook him. Phil woke up, and when he saw her he tried to hide his head under the
covers again.

Yanking the covers off the bed, Vicky, said, "Time to get up, stud. You've got a
lot of work to do."

With that Vicky left him lying there, dressed, and went and saddled one of the
horses. For the rest of the day Vicky gave the horse a thorough workout, racing
him around the track. By early evening both horse and rider were exhausted.

Vicky took another shower that evening and at nine o'clock she met Tom just like
she had said she would. Tom's huge frame was leaning against a tree, a cigarette
dangling out of his mouth. He looked like a cowboy in a movie or on a poster. He
had on a blue shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

Vicky walked up to him very slowly. "I didn't notice you out on the track all

"I had some things I had to do," he said, taking her hand as they walked off
towards the woods. "Like what? Your boss show up?"

"Not yet, but he called and said he'll be around in a few days. I told him all
about you."

"What did you tell him?"

Tom smiled. "I told him what a nice piece of ass you were, and how I was going
to get to you first."

"What did he say to that?" she asked.

"He reminded me how I got to his other two wives first."

"Other two wives?"

"Yeah. He's been married twice before."

"What happened?" Vicky asked.

"They both ran off with younger men," Tom replied.

"Just how old is your boss?" Vicky then asked.

"About forty, I guess."

"That's not so old," Vicky said, thinking about it for a minute or two.

"It's not terribly old. And he can still get it up."

"That's all that counts," Vicky said, yanking her hand away from Tom's and
running into the woods as fast as she could.

Tom was right behind her, running as fast as he could to try to catch up with
her. Vicky was a fast runner, and she had taken him by surprise, and had
therefore gotten a head start on him. Tom was still a good distance behind her,
but he had her in sight the whole time.

Vicky ran around trees and backtracked and did all kinds of things to try and
confuse him, but he came at her from out of nowhere and wrestled her to the
ground. Vicky felt his arms around her waist and then she felt the ground coming
up to meet her. She lay on her back and he lay right on top of her.

They were both breathing hard, and they were both on the verge of laughing. Tom
sat on her stomach and had her arms pinned to the ground. Vicky made a mock
effort to try and get away, but she put no effort into it. She was just as happy
to stay right where she was.

She could feel his erection pressing through his pants and she could hardly wait
for him to get it inside her. She could just imagine how it must feel. I'll bet
it's as big as a horse's cock, she thought to herself. Or at least, I'll bet
it's almost as big. She remembered how big it had been this morning when it was
just soft and hanging down his leg. I'll bet it's twice that big when it's hard,
she said, hoping to herself that it would be.

She felt his hands going up under her blouse and then she felt him taking off
her blouse and bra. He was lying flat on top of her now and she could feel him
sucking hard on one of her tits. She had big tits, but he had a big mouth, and
he seemed to get almost her whole tit in his mouth.

She could feel her nipple getting rigid and she could feel him pressing his
groin hard into hers. She began to rotate her hips under his in a circular
motion, and she began to raise them off the ground as high as she could. It was
hard to do that, with all his weight pressing down into her.

She loved all this weight on top of her though. The heavier he felt, the better
she liked it. Now she really had a man on top of her, and that was what she had
always wanted. The only so-called men she had had sex with were Herbert and
Phil. And she had hated Herbert, and Phil wasn't even a man as far as she was

How could he be if he couldn't get it up?

Tom's hands were all over her and she could feel him pushing her blue jeans and
panties off her. She had her hands down the back of his blue jeans and under his
jockey shorts. She was rubbing his ass and then she was rimming his asshole with
her finger, and then she was getting her finger right inside his asshole.

That really turned him on, and that was when she began to work her finger in and
out of his asshole just as fast as she could. She really got her finger into him
as deep as she could and she really began to stroke him hard inside. She could
feel him lifting his ass into the air so she could get her finger in deeper.

"Do that to me," she moaned.

"I'll do a lot more than that," he grunted.

She could feel him taking off her blue jeans and panties and then she undressed
him. Now they were both naked. They were both on their knees and facing one
another. He threw his arms around her and she threw her arms around him. They
pressed in close to one another, and their lips met in a burning kiss.

She could feel his hard cock pressing in against her hairy mound and she reached
down and got it right between her legs. It felt so good rubbing against her
clit. She could feel him leaning back so that he was sitting back on his
backside, and then she felt him lifting her slightly in the air.

She wrapped her legs around him as she felt him lowering her right over his
cock. She could feel the hard shaft easing right into her an inch at a time. She
trembled each time she felt more of his cock go in. This is the first man, she
thought to herself. The first real man.

His cock was in her all the way. She tightened her legs around him and she began
to hump up and down on his cock. She would raise her hips so that his cock would
slide almost all the way out of her, and then she would lower herself so that he
would go back in her, all the way to the hilt.

He just filled her up the way those horses had filled her up and that drove her
wild inside. This was the only man who would ever be able to satisfy her the way
an animal could. She just knew that. There could be no other man in her life.
Not Christopher Butler either. Compared to Tom, he was nothing. And besides he
was nothing but a pervert anyway.

She felt Tom's cock filling her up time after time. She could feel it going all
through her. It filled up her whole body and not just her cunt. He was really
making her quiver inside and she could already feel her sex juices flowing
inside. They were dripping down his cock and right onto his balls. She could
tell her juices were making his cock burn up inside.

She could feel his cock the way it was burning so much, and she was sure that he
could feel her burning pussy. She was kissing his neck and then she was biting
right into his shoulder. She could feel him kissing her neck and shoulders, and
then he was sucking on her tit again.

That really made her quiver inside. He made both her nipples rigid, and he kept
them rigid. She could feel both her tits swelling up, whenever he was sucking on
either one of them. He went back and forth from one to the other, and he made
both of them burn inside like they never had before.

She could feel her whole body getting ready to explode, and she could feel that
his body was getting ready to explode also. She could feel how much his cock was
trembling inside her, and she could feel how it was beginning to jerk back and
forth. I can hardly wait, she thought.

And she didn't have to wait much longer. His seed came spilling out of him and
it filled her right to the brim. Her own come came pouring out of her seconds
after his come had shot up inside her. He kept shooting into her, and every time
she felt more of his come inside her, she just shook all the more.

"It feels so good," she moaned from way down in her throat. "It feels so very
good. I don't ever want it to stop. I don't ever want you to take that beautiful
cock out of me. I want your cock in me always. Always."

She thought she was going to black out, but she didn't. He let her fall back so
that her back was on the ground now. His cock was still deep inside her, and he
was still hard. He was still in between her legs and he was still sliding his
cock in and out of her. On every inward stroke she shuddered.

There was no telling now how long he could stay hard. She hoped that it could be
all night. At this rate, she thought that it just might be all night at that. He
pulled out of her just then, but only long enough so he could turn her over on
her stomach and then he lay down on top of her, and got his cock right back
inside her. It felt so much better this way.

She felt him raising up on his knees and she raised up with him until she was up
on all fours. Just like a couple of dogs, she thought to herself. And thinking
that, she remembered that dog in that cabin and that horrible looking man. The
dog had been ugly too, but his cock had felt so good inside her. She thought
about that now, as Tom began humping in and out of her.

That dog had fucked her until she was too sore to stand, and now Tom was doing
the exact same thing. He was making her just as sore as that dog had, and almost
as sore as Chris' horse had. He was an animal in his own way, even if he wasn't
really an animal in the full sense of the word.

She could feel his cock sliding in and out of her and she closed her cunt
muscles in all around him. That's it, she said to herself. Fuck me just as hard
as you possibly can. The harder the better cause that's how I like it. I don't
like it soft and gentle. No, I don't like that at all.

If there was one thing Tom wasn't, it was soft and gentle. He was far from it.
And he showed that over and over by the way he kept ramming his cock in and out
of her. His hands were grabbing at her thighs, and then she felt his finger
rimming her asshole, and then probing fight inside. He shoved that in and out
just as hard as he could also.

He was going to cause her all the pain that he possibly could. He was going to
make her as sore as any animal had ever made her. If he only knew how much I
like animals too, she thought to herself, I wonder what he would think then?
Would he want to watch me, the way some men would? Would he help me like Phil

She stopped thinking though when she felt his cock shooting out more of his come
into her. It was jerking back and forth inside her, and a feeling of warmth went
all through her. It just filled up every part of her and it made her burn up
inside like she never had before.

She was really on fire now, and there was nothing that could ever put it out.
His come was still shooting into her, and her come was washing down all over his
cock. She was quivering and shaking all over, and she could feel that he was
quivering and shaking all over also.

"Don't ever stop," she moaned.

"I don't intend to," he grunted back at her.

And it didn't look as if he ever would stop either. His cock was still hard and
still inside her. She felt him still moving in and out of her, and then he
pulled out completely. She felt so empty when he did that, but then she felt his
cock pressing into the crack of her ass.

He was rubbing it up and down in her crack and then he was pressing it against
the outside of her asshole. He was putting more and more pressure on it, and
then she could feel his cock sliding right into her asshole. He was pushing it
into her an inch at a time, and the pain she felt right then was almost

The pain filled up every part of her body and she did everything that she could
to keep from screaming. She loved the pain in spite of the way it made her feel,
and she knew that sooner or later the pain would go away. Soon she would be
stretched out enough so that it wouldn't hurt.

He was doing his best to stretch her full out already, and she could feel more
and more of his cock going inside her, and then she felt that he was in her all
the way. His whole cock was right inside her and his balls were resting against
her ass. When he began to slide his cock in and out of her, she could feel his
balls slapping against her.

"Harder," she said, "do it harder. Make me really hurt inside. Make me hurt like
I never have before. That's it. Do it that way harder and harder."

It seemed like he was humping into her ass for the longest time and then she
felt him shooting off inside her. The force of his orgasm was almost too much
for her. She fell flat on her stomach and he fell right with her. He was flat on
her back and his cock was still deep inside her asshole.

This time he didn't stay hard, and she could feel his cock getting soft. She
felt him getting off her. He was kneeling beside her now and she turned over on
her back so she could see him. She looked up into his face, and for the first
time she saw how rough looking he was.

She reached over and grabbed hold of his wilted cock. It was all covered with a
thick coat of slime, but it felt so good in her hand.

"That's all my come and your come," she said, stroking him back and forth.

"That's just what it is," he said.

"You know," she said, "there's only been one other man before you."

"Phil?" he asked.

"No, a guy I went to high school with," she replied. "But he got killed in a car
crash. I'm glad he did because I didn't even like him."

"What about Phil? Hasn't he fucked you?"

"He can't," she replied. "He can't get it up. He's hung up on the fact that his
mother used to fuck animals. I guess it had a bad effect on him."

"Well, for a girl who only fucked one other guy, you sure were pretty big
inside," Tom said. "He must have had a pretty big cock."

"It wasn't him who stretched me out like that," she said.

"Then who did?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"A horse and a dog," she replied. "They both had a lot to do with it."

Tom just looked at her, and then he got to his feet.

"How old are you anyway?" he asked.

"How old do you think I am?" she asked, squirming about on the grass.

"Probably not as old as you act," he replied, reaching down for the cigarettes
in his pocket.

"I'm seventeen," she replied, getting to her feet. "Let me have one of those."

He gave her a cigarette and lit it.

"Thanks," she said.

Tom lit his own cigarette and then he said, "I knew a girl who used to fuck
horses. Yeah, she fucked a whole bunch of them. One day she bet this man she
could fuck as many as he brought up to her. I think she got to the fourth one
and then she just died. He made a fortune on all the bets he had made against

"I wouldn't do anything like that," she said suddenly afraid that she might just
do that.

"You say that now," Tom said, blowing out smoke rings, "but do you think you'll
still say that in a couple of years?"

"Of course," she insisted.

"I should have known you were like that," he said. "Any girl who hangs around a
race track has to be. Tell me, was I as good as that horse and dog?"

"You were even better," she said, pressing into him.

He pushed her away.

"I wish I could believe that," he said. "I really do."

And then he bent over and got his clothes and began to dress.

"It sure has been nice walking with you," he said. "I had planned on us doing
this all season."

"And now you don't want to? Is that it?"

"Well," he said, "you might have other things you'll want to do from now on."

"Not if I can have you," she said, trying to mean it.

"You say that now, but one of these days you'll think how much better it could
be with an animal and then you'll go after one, and that'll be the end of me.
No, my cock isn't that big, and it can't stay hard that long."

"It's good enough for me," she insisted.

"For now it is, but not always."

She grabbed onto his arm. "It'll always be good enough for me. Please believe

"I want to," he said, "but you see, I just can't. I've seen too many girls like
you. They all end up the same. You'll end up like that also, and I just don't
want to be around to see it."

"Maybe you can change me," she cried. "Maybe you can see that that doesn't
happen to me."

"I tried with that other girl, and I failed," he said. "I failed her and now
she's dead. I'd fail you the same way. And like I said, I don't want to be
around to see the same thing happen to you. I just couldn't take it a second

"It wouldn't happen to me," she said, grabbing onto him and kissing him all over
his face and neck. "It wouldn't. You wouldn't fail me.

He pushed her away, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Don't make this any harder than it already is," he almost yelled at her. "Can't
you see what you're doing to me? Why did you have to tell me anyway? Why
couldn't you have lied? Why?"

She thought he was going to cry, but he didn't. He was too manly for that. He
would never cry in front of her anyway, although he might go off and cry by
himself sometime. That would be his way, and he would never be like Phil, who
would and did cry in front of everybody. She watched him as he walked away. She
lay on the ground for the longest time and finally she got to her feet. She
picked up her clothes and slowly made her way back to the stable. She hadn't
even bothered to get dressed again. She was still naked. Maybe someone would see
her this way and rape her. At this point she really didn't care what happened to

Phil and Jack were both asleep when she made her way into the room. She wondered
what time it was, but she didn't bother to look and see. She walked right into
the stable where the horses were and she made her way to the male stud. He was
lying down and asleep. She began to stroke him and that woke him.

"I guess you're all I have left," she said, feeling herself about to cry. "Yes,
I guess I am doomed just like Tom said I was. I don't care though. I don't care
at all."

The horse was standing on his feet now.

"I guess he smells me," she said, seeing his erection. "Yes, he smells me all

She fell to her knees and brought her face right up close to his cock. She
rubbed it against her cheek and then she rubbed it all over her face.

"You'll never know how good that feels to me," she said out loud. "No, you'll
just never know. In fact, I don't even think that I know even."

She was holding onto it and she was rubbing it across her forehead.

"Oh, you're so very big and so very hard," she said. "No man could ever be this
big and this hard. Not even Tom. He was pretty big and he was real hard, but
even he wasn't this hard and this big. You are the hardest and the biggest that
I've ever seen. And just think? There are probably animals, and even some
horses, who are bigger and harder than you even."

She continued to rub his cock back and forth against her forehead, and then she
rubbed it against her cheeks again, and then right under her nose and across her
closed lips, and then on her chin, and then under her chin.

"This is the only kind of cock for me from now on," she said in a whisper.

And with that she began to suck on the head of his cock. It seemed even harder
than it had the time before. It tasted so bitter too. More bitter than it had
before. But that was okay with her. The more bitter he tasted, the better she
liked it. In fact, it turned her on even more than she was all ready.

She could feel the cock bulging out the side of her cheeks and she tried to get
even more of it into her mouth. She wished she could get his whole cock in her
mouth, but even she knew that that was impossible. Would she end up like that
other girl? Maybe, but right now it didn't matter to her. That just might be the
best way to die anyway.

After all, she had to die someday, anyway. Why not die fucking a horse? What
other ways were there that would feel so good? Who knows, she might die right at
the point of orgasm. That way she might not even know she was even dying. She
would feel the come shooting into her, and that would be all she felt.

Tom was just jealous, that's all. All men would be like that, and she was glad
that she found that out now. None of them could stand the fact that they weren't
super studs that they passed themselves off to be. They were nothing compared to
this great big beautiful animal.

She sucked harder and harder on the horse's cock, sliding her mouth back and
forth on him. She could feel him throbbing already and his hooves beat a nervous
tattoo on the ground as she brought him along the way she wanted him to come. Oh
come now, she said to herself, I'm ready for you, beautiful stud.

And she was ready at that. She was ready for anything at that point. She kept
sucking just as hard as she possibly could and she could feel the horse's cock
expanding in her mouth, and then she could feel the come just shooting out of
him and filling her right up and spilling over her lips.

Like always, there was just too much come for her to hold in her mouth, and too
much for her to swallow. She swallowed as much as she could, but it came out too
fast for her to swallow it all. And there was just too much of it. She did the
best that she could, and she got as much of it as she could.

The rest of it ran down her chin and down her neck and was running all over her
body. She drank down his come and felt it burning her throat. She could feel it
as it ran all the way down to her stomach. The taste of it drove her out of her
mind. It was so bitter and so sweet at the same time.

She felt her mouth getting hotter and hotter inside and that just made her suck
on him all the harder. That just made her whole body burn up all the more
inside. She could feel the twitching in her cunt, and she knew what was causing
that. She thought about Chris' horse and how his cock had felt inside her, and
she could just imagine how this horse's cock would feel inside her.

Thinking about Chris' horse though, she began to think about Chris. I wonder if
he even knows that I'm gone? I wonder if he even cares? She knew that he
couldn't possible care, and that he was probably glad to get rid of her. After
all, she knew too much about him, and that was something she could have held
against him.

This way, he didn't have to worry about her telling anyone. Not that she would
have told anyone, and not that she could have told anyone without implicating
herself. She tried to blot all of that out of her mind though as she tried to
concentrate on what she was doing.

Sucking on this cock was the only thing that was really important to her, and
she knew that. It was stiff hard, and it was still in her mouth, and that was
where she always wanted to keep it. Except for those times of course when it was
in her cunt. That was the only other place she wanted this cock to be. Of
course, there was her asshole as well. Tom had shown her how good that could
feel, and if for nothing else, she could be grateful to him for that.

She could feel the horse building up again and that made her suck on him all the
harder. That's it, big boy, she said to herself. That's the way to do it. And
with that she slid her mouth back and forth on him, closing her lips around him
just as tightly as she could.

She pressed her lips into the burning skin of his cock and felt his wad building
up to the point where it was now spilling out into her mouth for the second
time. She grabbed hold of his huge balls and held onto them with all her might.
They were just as hard as his cock.

It felt so good, and she didn't ever want to stop what she was doing. I won't
ever stop, she felt like yelling at the top of her lungs. I won't ever stop, and
there's nothing in this world that could ever make me stop.

Chapter 5

The force of the horse's second orgasm knocked her over and she lay on her back
beneath him. She looked up at his stomach and wondered what it must be like to
be a female horse. That way he could mount me without any trouble. This way, if
he did that, he would kill me before he could even get it inside me.

She would have to find a way for her to be able to fuck this horse, or any other
horse for that matter, without getting herself killed in the process. The way
she had fucked Chris' horse had been too hard on her. Her arms had gotten so
sore holding onto those stirrups, and she had wasted a lot of energy that way.

She got to her feet and looked at the horse. Don't worry, she said to herself.
I'll find a way. With that she went into the room where Phil and Jack were still
asleep. She looked at their sleeping forms and suddenly got disgusted. She
grabbed a blanket and went back into the stable and curled up in a corner.

This was where she belonged, and from now on this was where she would sleep. She
would sleep with the horses just like she had sex with them. She had always
known that horses were her whole life. Now she knew that more than ever. It
wasn't long before she was sound asleep.

The next morning it was Phil who found her in the stable and woke her up.
Without saying a word to him she went and took her morning shower. She ignored
all the remarks that the men in the shower made to her, and she didn't even once
look at any of their naked bodies. She didn't have to.

When she was dressed she took the horse out for a morning workout. He was a good
runner and she knew that he would win many races. If nothing else, Phil was a
good jockey. More than anything Vicky wanted to be able to ride in a race, but
that was impossible. No woman had ever been a jockey, and no woman ever would

She thought about this as she brought the horse back to the stable. Phil was
still out on the track working the other horse out. She could just barely make
him out. Jack was inside the room having a cup of coffee and smoking one of
those horrible cigars of his.

He looked up at her and smiled. "How you feeling today?" he asked.

"I feel okay," she said, fixing herself a cup of coffee.

"Where's Phil?"

"He's still working Linda out on the track," she replied, sitting across the
table from him.

"She's a good horse," he said. "Won a few races in her time."

"Maybe she'll win some more."

"No," he said, "she's too old. It's up to Lucky's Pride to win all the races
now. He's the young one. I'll get a lot of money for stud services for him

"That you will," Vicky said.

Jack was playing with his coffee cup. It was obvious that he was nervous about

"Are you thinking of marrying Phil?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," she replied.

"You know of course that he can never ... that you'll never have any children?
You know that, don't you?"

He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Vicky decided to be cruel. "I know he can't get it up. I know he can't fuck me
and that he can only go down on me. That's okay."

"You're just like she was," he said.

"You mean, I'm just like she is. Your wife is still alive Jack and you know
that. She's alive and well in Mexico and she's fucking all the animals that she
can. What's the matter? Couldn't you ever get it up with her? Is Phil really
your son?"

"He most certainly is my son," Jack yelled. "You miserable little whore. You're
no damn good. None of you are any good."

"Now, Jack," she said, getting on her knees in front of his chair, "is that any
way to talk?"

"You're all no damn good," he said again and again.

She undid his zipper and pulled out his soft cock from behind his jockey shorts.
She stroked it up and down and then she kissed it lightly on the head. It didn't
look as if it would ever get hard, but she kissed it anyway. She took it in her
mouth even and began to suck on it.

"Don't do that," he begged. "Please don't do that."

The more he begged her not to do it, the more she did it. She kept it up until
she felt him getting hard, and that took some time, but he finally did get hard,
and then she sucked on him all the more. She could feel him grabbing at her
hair, and she went after him like a wild woman now.

It wasn't that long before he was shooting off in her mouth. It had been years
since anyone had done this to him, and he had been saving up for this moment.
The come just came shooting out of his cock in gushes, and then he just went
limp again. His whole body shook until it couldn't shake anymore.

She drained the very life right out of him and then she carefully put his wilted
cock back in his pants. She got to her feet and just looked down at him with
this evil grin on her face.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it, old man?" she sneered. "Don't you just wish I
had let you fuck me instead?"

She laughed at the top of her lungs and then she made her way outside again. It
was hot out still and there was no breeze. She saw Phil ride up.

"You better go and check on your father," she said. "I don't think he's feeling
too well."

She watched Phil run into the stable and that made her laugh all the more. Then
she spied this huge black car driving into the area. It was obviously one of the
more expensive makes and the man who owned it had to be rich. James Nickles, she
thought to herself. That's who it must be. She watched the car as it drove right
past her.

As she found out later in the day, Tom had taken off from the tracks. Before he
had left though, he had called the man he worked for to tell him he was leaving.
James Nickles, who never usually left his mansion, had driven all the way out to
the track by himself to try and talk Tom out of leaving. But by the time he had
arrived, Tom had already left.

The anger was written all over his face, and he was desperately trying to find
someone who could take over for Tom. There wasn't anyone available. Everyone
else at the track was working for someone else. That was when Vicky made her
move. And when she saw what his horse looked like, she made her move even

"I'll be your trainer," she said to Mr. Nickles, going right up to him, when she
saw that he was all alone.

He had just looked at her and laughed. "Why, you're just a kid. You're still wet
behind the ears."

"I may be just a kid," she said, "but I know more about horses than any man
alive. I'm sure Tom told you all about me."

"So you're the girl," he said, looking her over with more interest now. "From
the way Tom talked about you the other day I expected an older woman. Not that
much older, but certainly not a teenager. I suppose you and Tom must have fucked
before he left, didn't you?"

"All last night," she replied.

"Did he tell you he was leaving?"

"Yes he did," she lied.

"Did he say why?" James asked.

"No, he didn't mention that," she replied.

"With you here, I'm surprised he didn't stay," James said, really looking her
over now. "I would have, and you can bet your last dollar that I am going to
stay now that I'm here. Yes sir, I'm not leaving for anything."

"Do I get that job?" she asked.

"Wouldn't you rather be my wife instead?" he asked. "I can give you anything you
ever wanted. If you like horses that much, I'll buy you all the horses you could
ever want. The best horses that money can buy."

"Let me think about that for a while," she said.

"Okay, you do that. In the meantime, let me see what kind of a trainer you'll
make. I'm really curious if you know as much about horses as you say."

"I know more than anybody," she said a sly smile coming over her face, "and
someday I just might show you just how much I do know."

James looked at her and a knowing smile came over his face. He didn't say
anything though, and he just walked away. He turned though and said, "I'll be
back later tonight."

"I'll be here," she said.

Vicky got the few things that she had and moved into the room behind the stable
where Mr. Nickles' horse was. Phil and Jack didn't say a word to her when she
went and got her things, and they didn't say a word to her when she left. In her
new room, Vicky fixed everything just the way she liked it, and then she went
out and checked on the horse.

The animal was damp with sweat and still breathing somewhat heavily.

The jockey had just brought him in from his afternoon workout. Vicky told him
she would take care of the horse, and the jockey just went off without saying a
word. Vicky just stood there, her mouth wide open. What a horse, she thought.
What a beautiful horse.

In her whole life she had never seen an animal like this. He was perfect in
every way. She stroked his head, his long neck, and all across his back to his
flanks. She would have to devise that method she had been thinking about the
other night, and do it quickly. She could hardly wait to get this horse's cock
inside her.

She could see his erection now. It would fill her up to the brim, and there
would be lots left over. And when he came, the force of his orgasm would
probably knock her right out. She could feel her mouth watering for it and the
next thing she knew she was down on her knees beside the horse, and she was
grabbing for his cock.

The horse's cock was still soft, but not for long.

"Come on, Jocko," she said, calling him softly by his name. "Get hard for me,
Jocko. That's it, big boy. Get hard for me. There, that's it."

Jocko's hard cock looked like the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life.
For now all she wanted to do was look at it. It was just too enormous for words.
She held it up in both hands and she felt its hard skin. Jocko was moving
somewhat but she made him stop doing that soon enough. Now she was pressing his
cock gently, and then she applied a little more pressure.

Jocko seemed to like what she was doing, and he was making these soft sounds way
down in his throat.

"That's it, Jocko," she said. "I'm going to make you feel okay, and you're going
to make me feel okay. Just you wait and see. You and I are going to make each
other feel all kinds of things. All kinds of things."

She began to stroke his cock back and forth along the whole length of his long
meaty shaft, and then she even began to stroke his balls. She rubbed them both,
and then she began to kiss them. Before kissing or sucking on his cock, she
meant to do a complete job on his balls first.

And that was just what she was now starting to do. She kissed them all over
first and then she began to suck on them. She pressed her tongue into them and
then she just licked them all over. She could feel them swelling up and that
made her lick them all the faster and all the harder.

Of the three horses she had now sucked off, she could tell that he was going to
be the best. His balls were so big and hard that she'd gotten turned on just by
looking at them. Soon she was getting even more turned on, now that she was
actually sucking. So turned on that she couldn't stand it.

She was stroking his cock the whole time that she was sucking on his balls, and
that made her shake all the more. She could feel herself getting warm inside,
and she could feel his huge cock getting warm inside also. It was actually
burning up inside already, and it made her hands burn just by touching it.

"You beautiful cock," she said out loud. "You great big, beautiful cock. The
things you and I are going to do together. This is just the beginning."

Now she was sucking all the harder on his balls, and she was stroking him even
harder than she had been. She had one hand up on the head of his cock and she
was squeezing it. She was fingering the crack, and even trying to get her finger
right inside it. She rubbed it back and forth just as hard as she could.

Jocko stood perfectly still the whole time and was letting her do whatever she
wanted. And she was doing just that. She was now kissing the bottom of his cock,
the part just above his balls, and then she began to run her tongue up the
entire length of his cock right to the head.

She just kept running her tongue back and forth like that and she could feel his
huge meaty cock throbbing all the more because of it. He was really throbbing
now, but she could tell that it would be awhile before he came. She licked him
all the harder now, and shortly his huge cock was standing out like a medieval
maid may never have seen except in their sleep or strangest fantasies. It was
deep into her cheeks now as she reached out to nearly arm's length to grasp the
penis at its base and, with both hands milk it down with her fingers. The
sheathed muscle rippled under her sliding clutch.

Vicky was oblivious to everything but this hard cock that she now had in her
mouth. She was sucking on the head of Jocko's cock, and she was sucking it very
gently at first. She kept stabbing her tongue into the small crack, and she
could tell that he liked that. She could tell that he liked that a lot.

"You like that don't you, Jocko?" she said, pulling her mouth away for a second,
and no longer.

That was as long as she could stand not having his cock in her mouth. She was
back sucking on him now and she could feel his cock getting bigger and bigger.
To her, anyway, it felt as if it was getting bigger and bigger. He was getting
as big as a telephone pole, and maybe even bigger than that.

There was no telling just how long she could keep sucking him before he would
then come. Maybe she could even suck on him a whole hour. That would be
something. Well, she thought, even if he does come, I'll suck on him that long
anyway. At least that long, and probably even longer.

His cock tasted different from Phil and Jack's horse, and from Chris' horse. To
her it tasted different anyway. Jocko's cock seemed more bitter, and she liked
that. It was also a darker color, and the veins stood out more. That was why she
had gotten so turned on just by looking at it, and why she was getting so turned
on now that she was sucking on it.

Everything about Jocko's cock was the best of all the cocks she had ever sucked.
Of course, she had only sucked off two other horses, and Jocko was only the
third. But that seemed like quite a lot to her, and she wasn't far wrong
considering the sheer poundage she had put away and the quart or two of joy
juice she'd scoffed down. No light diet, indeed.

Now she really bore down on Jocko and she got as much of his cock in her mouth
as she possibly could. She could feel it pushing out the sides of her mouth and
she could feel it down her throat and she thought she was going to gag on it.
She didn't though and that surprised her.

She just kept sliding her mouth back and forth on him, using her mouth the same
way she would have used her cunt. She could control her mouth better or so it
seemed to her right then. She pressed her lips in tight against him, and she
could feel his cock jerking back and forth.

He was getting ready to explode, and she was getting ready to drink down all
that hot come. It's going to be so good, she thought to herself. Yes, it's going
to be so very good. I can hardly wait. Come on, Jocko, she was saying to
herself. Come on inside my mouth. Come like you never came before. I'm really
going to make you come, Jocko, so you better be ready for it. I am.

She was a wild woman now, and she was frantic in the way she was sucking on him.
She was absolutely frantic now and that made her shake all the more. She could
feel her cunt quivering away, and she could feel her whole insides getting soft
and quivering just like her cunt.

Her skin was tingling, and she was getting these shooting sensations all through
her body. It was as if he was coming already, and he wasn't, even though he was
on the verge. She bore down even harder, and that increased the number of
shooting sensations she felt throughout her body.

Her whole body was tingling and quivering, both inside and outside. She could
feel how damp her crotch was, and she could feel her sex juices flowing inside
her. She could feel the come pouring out of her and she could feel it seeping
right through her panties. It was probably staining her blue jeans.

Knowing that made her suck on Jocko's cock all the harder; just as hard as she
possibly could. That's when Jocko erupted. The come just came gushing out of him
and she managed to get as much of it in her mouth as she possibly could. She was
swallowing it as fast as she could so she could get even more of it.

There got to be too much of his come though, and soon it was spilling out over
her chin and down her throat. It was dripping down under her blouse and she
could feel it running under her bra and on her tits. It was seeping right
through her clothing and she could feel how sticky it was making her blouse and

That was all she needed to feel, and that just made her keep sucking on him. His
cock was still hard and it was still deep in her mouth. She could feel it going
down her throat and she could feel it dripping all the way down to her stomach.
That's where it finally settled, and that's where it really seemed to burn the

Her mouth was on fire, and so was her throat, and so was the rest of her body
for that matter. There wasn't a part of her that wasn't burning up. She was on
fire all over, and with her clothes still on, it made her feel that much hotter
than she might have if she had been naked.

She didn't care about that though. All she cared about was how good his cock was
making her feel. And she felt better than she had ever felt in her whole life.
Better than she had felt with Chris' horse, better than she had felt with that
dog, better than she had felt with Phil and Jack's horse, and better than she
had felt with Tom.

Nothing she had felt before could compare with the way she felt right now. This
seemed like the ultimate, but in the back of her mind, she knew of course that
it wasn't. The ultimate would come when she had that huge cock inside her cunt.
That's when she would feel the ultimate.

Right now though she was content to have this huge cock in her mouth. This was
certainly good enough for now. She would go after more later. For now, she was
content with what she could get, and she was getting quite a bit at that.
Actually she was getting more than she needed, but never more than she wanted.

She fell back momentarily, and Jocko's cock hung beneath him like a baseball
bat. She looked at it for a moment, and then closed his eyes, and went back
after him. She got his cock back in her mouth, and again she began to suck on
him, just as frantically as she had before, and maybe even more so.

You'll know you've been sucked off when I get through with you, she was
thinking. You'll know it for sure. Your cock will be just as sore as my mouth.
You'll think you've been through a ringer. You'll think you've been sucked off
by some other horse. You won't think that any mere person could suck you off
this good. Especially someone as small as me.

That's it, Jocko, she went on saying to herself. Stay hard for me, stay good and
hard for me.

It was right then that Vicky thought she heard a sound. It was then that she
thought she sensed the presence of another person. She got to her feet quickly
and turned around and there was James Nickles. He had been watching her and
beating off at the same time, and that was how she had finally heard him.

He had reached his climax, and he had been moaning, and it was that sound that
she had heard. Now they stood facing one another, staring deeply into each
other's eyes.

"I hope you liked the show," she said. "I don't usually perform like this."

James was pushing his cock back in his pants and zipping up his zipper. "I
enjoyed your show very much. I'm sure I'll enjoy it again sometime."

"What makes you think I'll ever let you watch again?"

"You'll have no other choice. You know, there are laws against what you just
did. I could have you put in jail. I mean, people like you shouldn't be let
loose on the streets. There's no telling what you might do."

"Is that so?" she asked.

"Oh yes," he replied. "That is so. I could have you arrested right now, and I
could have you put away for a long time."

"Is that what you're going to do?" she then asked.

"Oh, now." he said, "I wouldn't dream of doing a thing like that to someone as
nice as you."

"And just what would you dream of doing to someone as nice as me?" she asked, a
trace of sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh, I might think of marrying you," he said.

"And what if I didn't want to marry you?" she asked.

"Then I'd have to visit you on Sundays in prison," he said very matter- of-

"I guess that answers my question, doesn't it?" she said, moving towards him.

"It should answer all your questions about everything."

"What do you plan on doing with me now?" she asked, almost right in front of

"Well, first I intend to marry you, and then I intend to take you on a
honeymoon, and then I intend to take you to live in my big house. You'll like
living in my big house. There will be lots for you to do."

"Are you still going to buy me all the horses I could ever want?" she asked,
pressing her groin into his groin.

"Maybe," he said, his cock rising into an erection.

"I'm going to demand a great deal from you," she said, rotating her hips in a
circular fashion.

"And I'm going to demand just as much," he said, pushing her to the ground and
getting right on top of her.

She could feel his hands all over her body. She could feel them grabbing at her
clothes, and then he was ripping them right off her. She could feel herself
stark naked in no time, and then he was naked and on top of her again.

"I'm glad you can still get it up," she said, feeling his cock press into the
soft, wet folds of her cunt.

"I'll be able to get it up for quite some time yet," he said, "and don't you
forget it."

He kissed her full on the mouth, and then he pressed his cock into her all the
way. She could feel him deep inside her, and that's when she got her legs around
his waist. She wrapped her legs around his waist just as tightly as she could,
and she really pressed him down into her.

She could feel him sliding his cock in and out of her, but all she could think
of was Jocko's cock and how that would feel once she got it inside her. James'
cock was nothing compared to what Jocko's cock would feel like. Oh well, she
thought, I can put up with James, if I can have Jocko too.

And it was Jocko that she really wanted. She could see behind her and she could
see his cock hanging down almost to the floor. He was still hard. James had his
head buried between her tits, and he had his eyes shut tight. He couldn't see
that she wasn't paying any attention to him.

She was grinding her groin against his and she was putting out for him as if she
really meant it, but of course she didn't. Even compared to Tom's cock, his cock
was so small. It hardly felt like anything inside of her. She needed a much
bigger cock than this, and she meant to have it.

From now on, only a horse's cock would ever be able to fill her up again. Sure,
she would marry James, and sure she would have sex with him, but what difference
would that make to her? None whatsoever. Nothing would keep her from getting
Jocko's cock inside her, because that was what she really wanted.

She would have to devise that method so that he could mount her and not kill her
at the same time. That was the important part. Finding a way so that he could
fuck her. That was the most important thing in her life right now. That and
keeping James happy enough so that he wouldn't interfere in her life.

She could feel him humping away at her like a madman and she tried to imagine
that it was Jocko that was fucking her. Seeing his huge cock in the back of her
mind, and trying to picture him deep inside her, made her open her thighs wider,
and raise her hips off the floor as much as possible.

She actually could feel Jocko inside her now, and feeling him that way, she
became more frantic in her movements. She threw her legs straight up in the air,
and just ground her pussy against James as hard as she could. He thought she was
getting turned on by the way he was fucking her, and that made him fuck her all
the harder.

That's it, Jocko, she was saying to herself. Get it way deep inside me and
really let me have it. Really let me have it good. Yes, Jocko, the harder the
better. I like it that way. I really do. I like it as hard as you can do it.

James' cock erupted inside her and she felt her own come pouring down around his

"Fuck me," she screamed. "Really fuck me.

Chapter 6

Veronica Nickles, she thought to herself. That's some name. But it will always
be just plain Vicky to me. Vicky relaxed in the hot tub, letting the warm water
overcome her whole body. She had been out riding all day and she was exhausted.
Every muscle in her body ached.

She and James had been home a week now from their honeymoon. Vicky was getting
so she felt at ease in the Nickles mansion. It was bigger than the house that
the Butlers in and it had more maids, servants, etc. Vicky's room was so big
that sometimes she thought that she would get lost in it.

For their honeymoon, they had gone to Bermuda, and then onto Mexico City. Vicky
had enjoyed the trip but she hadn't enjoyed James' persistent demands for sex.
It seemed that that was all he ever wanted to do. When they weren't in bed, he
was moody and all he did was sulk.

Vicky had gotten so she could handle him though and she had even gotten to the
point where she could keep him away from her when she just didn't feel like
having him near her. And now she even had her own room so it was even easier to
keep him away. All she had to do was lock the door.

Jocko was still out at the track, and Vicky hadn't found any of James' other
horses that appealed to her quite so much. If James didn't have Jocko brought
home soon like he had promised her, she would just have to go out to the track
one of these days. She just couldn't stay away from him any longer.

Vicky knew that she was getting hornier and hornier by the day. And there was
only one cure for it all. And that was Jocko. James knew that and he was keeping
Jocko away from her intentionally. I'll fix him, she thought. Unless he has
Jocko brought home soon, my door stays locked to him. If he's going to keep me
horny like this, I'll see how he likes having horns of his own.

A smile came over her face when she thought about how mad James had gotten last
night when he came to her room and found the door locked to him. He had pounded
on it for over an hour and then he had screamed at her at the top of his lungs.
Finally he had broke down in tears, and begged her to let him in.

She hadn't let him in and this morning she hadn't come out of her room until she
was sure he had left for the day. Then she went right out and went horseback
riding. Today was the day that James' sister was to arrive, and Vicky was
anxious to see just what she looked like in person.

In her picture, James' sister had looked quite beautiful but Vicky was anxious
to see if she really looked that way or if her picture did her more justice than
she was due. Of course there was always the possibility that she was even better
looking than her picture.

Now that her body didn't ache so much, Vicky felt a lot better. She felt as if
she could go out riding for the rest of the day if she wanted to. Then Vicky
thought of the various horses in James' stable. One of them might be better than
nothing at all. After all, she would have to wait a few more days for Jocko, and
between now and then she was just going to get more worked up.

Vicky made up her mind. Tonight she would go down to the stables and pick out
one of the studs. It didn't matter to her which one it was, because right then
any one of them would do. Just so long as he had a fairly big cock. And all
horses had fairly good size cocks. You could count on that.

Right now though, Vicky felt like spending the rest of her life in this tub. She
had never taken a bath in a tub this big, and she had scented the water with
this fragrance that left her breathless almost. So this was what it was like to
be rich, she thought to herself. No wonder Chris turned out like he did.

Since her marriage she had seen her parents and told them where she was and she
had even seen Chris and his family. She could see how jealous Chris had gotten
when he finally realized what he had passed up. The night she had seen him he
had slipped her a note saying he wanted to go to bed with her.

She had ripped the note up and given it back to him. Since then he had called
everyday, but every time she heard his voice she simply hung up on him. He had
made her suffer all those years, so now she intended to make him suffer just as
much if not more than he had made her suffer.

Vicky wondered if perhaps she should go down to the stables now, or if she
should wait until that evening. Right now, there would still be the stable
hands, and she didn't want to take the chance of any one of them seeing her.
Then they could blackmail her, and she didn't want that.

After all, that was how James had gotten her to marry him in the first place. In
essence, what he had done was that he had blackmailed her into marrying him, and
she would never forgive him for that. Because of that experience, she didn't
want to go through anything like that again.

From now on she would be very careful. She also had to keep James from ever
seeing her again. Having him suspect was one thing, but if he ever caught her
again, there was no telling what he would do then. Vicky suddenly felt the need
to be respectable, and that included having James think well of her also.

No one must ever know about what I do, she thought, thinking of all the people
who knew already. There was Chris and that man in the woods, whoever he was.
Then there was Phil and Jack, and of course, Tom. James was the only other
person who knew, but already there were too many people on the list. She didn't
want to add any more names if she could help it.

She looked at the small clock over the bathtub and she saw that she had been in
the tub an hour already. The water was still warm though, and she was tempted to
stay right where she was. After all, what could she do once she got up? It was a
long time till tonight. She had no reason in the world to rush.

Just then she thought she heard a noise right outside the door, and then she
looked up just in time to see the door open. A tall young looking woman stepped
into the room, closed the door behind her and sat on the toilet. The woman just
sat there looking at Vicky, and Vicky just looked back at her.

The woman looked like she was in her late twenties, and she was extremely
beautiful. More beautiful than Vicky could ever dream of becoming. She had red
hair and her skin looked like it was a golden brown. Vicky couldn't tell if it
was a tan or if that was her natural color. It might have been a little of both

It came to Vicky all of a sudden. This was Beatrice Nickles, James' younger
sister. She was more beautiful than her picture, and she knew it. It was written
all over her face, and in that expression that looked as if it was carved on her
permanently. It was Beatrice who spoke first.

"I didn't really think you would be this young," she said. "Why you're not even
twenty yet. James' last wife was twenty-six. You're almost ten years younger
than she was."

"That's a point in my favor, don't you think?" Vicky said, trying to be more
sophisticated than she was.

"That's possible," Beatrice said, smiling all of a sudden.

"We didn't expect you so soon," Vicky then spoke up. "We thought you might come
tomorrow or the day after."

"I know. That's why I came today instead. I don't like being expected."

"Well, I don't like expecting people."

Beatrice had to laugh. "I think I'm going to like you. You sound just like I did
at your age. Yes, I think you and I have a lot in common."

"We do? What makes you say that?"

Beatrice stopped laughing. "You have the look of a pervert about you and I like
that. I have that same look, and I always have. Of course your perversions are
probably different than mine."

Vicky smiled now. "And what are yours?"

"I'm sure James didn't mention to you how I had affairs with his last two
wives," Beatrice said. "I'm sure that's the one since I didn't tell you. You
see, I'm a lesbian, and I have been one since I was sixteen. Well, I've been a
practicing lesbian since I was sixteen. I'm sure I've been a lesbian since the
day I was born. And what about you?"

"Well, I'm not a lesbian," Vicky spoke up.

"Not yet anyway," Beatrice then said.

"Were James' other wives lesbians?" Vicky then asked.

"Not at first," Beatrice replied. "They were like you in that respect. They
swore up and down that they would never have sex with another woman. Right up to
the point where they had their tongue in my pussy."

"I don't remember swearing up and down that I would never have sex with another
woman," Vicky then said.

Beatrice smiled more warmly now. "No, I guess you didn't. You also haven't told
me what your pet perversions are either, and I'm dying to hear about them."

I'll just bet you are," Vicky said, raising one leg out of the water, and
bending it at the knee.

"I think you're trying to seduce me," Beatrice said.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Vicky said, trying to sound as shocked as

"Let's just say, I have a certain intuitive knowledge about these matters."

"You can say that if you want," Vicky said, "but it doesn't mean anything to

"Not yet it doesn't," Beatrice said, getting to her feet.

"Still want to hear about my pet perversions?" Vicky asked, lowering her leg
back into the water.

"I'd rather show you mine right at the moment," Beatrice said, approaching the

Vicky stood right up in the water. "You mean, practice them on me? I'm a married
woman. And I happen to be married to your brother."

"That's all the better. It's all in the family."

Beatrice was standing right in front of the tub now and she reached out and
began to rub Vicky's tits. Vicky could feel her nipples getting hard and she
could feel her tits swelling up to twice their size. Beatrice's hands were soft.
Softer than any other hands that had ever touched her.

Vicky could feel herself tingling all over as Beatrice continued to rub her
tits. Beatrice was doing all kinds of good things to her. Things that no one
else had ever done. Things that Vicky found that she really liked.

Beatrice bent forward and began sucking on one of Vicky's tits. Her mouth closed
around Vicky's tit like a glove or a steel trap, or both. Vicky could feel
Beatrice's tongue stabbing out at her, and that made her tit tingle even more
than it was already. It made her whole body tingle.

Vicky felt Beatrice's hands going all over her body. First they were on her
shoulders, and then on her stomach, and then on her back, and then on her ass,
and then on her thighs, and then back on her ass. Beatrice's finger was reaming
her asshole and then it was probing deep inside.

Vicky liked having Beatrice's finger in her asshole. She liked the way Beatrice
worked it in and out of her asshole. It sent shivers all through her. She could
hardly wait for Beatrice to eat out her cunt. That would probably be like no one
else had ever done it. Maybe between her and Jocko, Vicky thought, I'll get all
the sex I need. I won't need anyone or anything else. I certainly won't need
James, not that I ever did.

Beatrice was helping her up out of the tub, and now Vicky was standing on the
bathmat and the water was just dripping off her. Beatrice seemed to like the
fact that Vicky's body was so wet, and she indicated as much by the way she was
moving her tongue all over Vicky's body now.

"I'm sure your brother and my husband wouldn't like this at all," Vicky said.
"In fact I'm sure this is why he divorced his other two wives. We better be
careful if we want to have a more permanent relationship than that."

Beatrice was too busy licking her all over to pay any attention to anything she
had to say. Vicky pushed Beatrice down on her knees and that was when she
finally felt Beatrice's tongue between her legs. Beatrice got her tongue right
into the folds of Vicky's cunt, and really pressed in hard.

The next thing Vicky knew, Beatrice had pushed her down on the floor and she was
lying flat on her back. Beatrice had Vicky's legs over her shoulders, and she
had her face buried between Vicky's ample thighs. Vicky could feel Beatrice's
tongue rimming her pussy and rubbing back and forth on her clit. That sent the
two of them into a frenzy.

Vicky pressed her pussy against Beatrice's mouth just as hard as she possibly
could and Beatrice pressed her mouth against Vicky's cunt just as hard as she
could. She got her tongue right inside Vicky then and really began to move it
around inside. Vicky felt all kinds of tremors going through her then.

Vicky's whole body was on fire. It was the way that she felt whenever she sucked
off a horse. The same exact feelings. And that one time when that horse had
eaten her out. She had felt this way that time as well. And of course there was
the time that Chris' horse had fucked her.

Whenever Vicky was having sex, she would remember all the other times as well.
She would even remember those times with Herbert, and actually she wanted to
forget those times completely. But even those times she couldn't forget, in
spite of the way she felt about Herbert and the type of person he was.

Beatrice's tongue was really making Vicky quiver inside, and Vicky could feel
her whole body starting to shake. Vicky could feel that she was on the point of
orgasm, and that was the best feeling in the world as far as she was concerned.
The only feeling that was better was the feeling that her body had experienced
during orgasm.

Now, she was building and building towards it, and that was what she wanted to
do. She could feel the tremors increasing and she could feel her cunt juices
flowing more rapidly. She was getting more and more excited, and Beatrice's
tongue was going faster and faster inside her.

Vicky knew that any second now her whole body would explode, and once it did, it
would keep on exploding. Beatrice was sucking on her harder and harder, and that
was when it happened. Vicky felt that familiar shudder that told her her orgasm
was near, and then she felt the orgasm itself.

Her whole body shook then and the come just came pouring out of her. Beatrice
lapped it all up and kept coming back for more. Vicky could hear the loud
sucking sounds that Beatrice was making and the sounds Beatrice made when she
swallowed Vicky's come. That turned Vicky on all the more.

"Suck me harder," Vicky yelled at her.

Beatrice gave it her all then, and Vicky could feel herself being lifted off the
floor. Beatrice was lying on the floor now and Vicky was sitting up on her face.
Vicky began to bounce up and down on Beatrice's face, and the harder she
bounced, the better Beatrice liked it.

Vicky could feel Beatrice's tongue way up inside her, and her come poured out
all the faster. It was going all over Beatrice's chin and one of her cheeks, and
it was dripping down on her neck. Beatrice was getting more than just a

"You like that, don't you?" Vicky said. "You like it so much, you can't ever get
enough of it. Well, go ahead, suck me harder. Suck me just as hard as you want,
I like it too. I like anyone to suck me out. Suck me as much as you want, I
don't care. The more you suck me, the better I'd like it. The better I'll like

Vicky could feel herself on the point of orgasm again.

"That's it," she said, "I'm going to come again. I'm really going to come again.
Suck harder. I want you to suck harder."

Vicky could feel that Beatrice was sucking just as hard as she possibly could.

"Oh," Vicky moaned, "I'm really going to come this time. Even more than I did
the last time? Can't you feel that? I can. I can sure feel it."

Vicky felt the come gushing out of her. That's the way it always comes gushing
out of a horse, Vicky thought to herself, remembering Jocko, and the others. I'm
coming just as much as they do. At least it feels that way to me. I'll bet it
feels the same way to her.

Vicky felt her whole body going limp. Her legs were still around Beatrice's
neck, but she released her grip, and eventually let them fall to the floor.
Beatrice was still kneeling between her legs, her breathing greatly increased,
her breasts heaving up and down.

A wicked smile came over Vicky's face. "You still want to know about my pet
perversions?" she asked.

Beatrice looked down at her and nodded. "Yes."

"Normally I wouldn't do this, but in your case I'll make an exception. I'll show
you tonight."

"I'll bet you're even more wicked than I am," Beatrice said, letting her tongue
lick up the come that was on her lips.

"That just might be," Vicky said, lifting her hips off the floor and then
letting them fall again.

That night at supper the three of them ate without saying a word. Afterwards, in
the living room, with after-dinner drinks in their hands, James turned to his
sister and said, "What do you think of my child bride?"

Beatrice looked at Vicky and then at James. "I think she is very charming, and a
woman in every sense of the word."

James seemed to freeze right where he was standing. "How do you mean that?" he

"Well," Beatrice said, after a long pause, "just look at her. It's evident from
the way she carries herself. Don't you think?"

James seemed pacified by that remark. "Yes, I think you're very right there."

"Your other two wives were really the children," Beatrice went on. "It's a good
thing for you that you got rid of them when you did. They would have ruined your
life for sure."

"Yes," James agreed, "they would have."

Beatrice lifted her glass to her lips and drained the last few drops from it. "I
think I'll retire for the night. I've had such a long day. Traveling always did
wear me out. I'll see you both in the morning."

Vicky stood also at that point. "I think I'll retire also. I have a headache."
And then she looked right at James. "I'll see you at breakfast, and not before."

Vicky had a hard time suppressing a laugh.

She followed Beatrice up the stairs and the two women separated and went to
their own rooms. Just before they did that, Vicky whispered in Beatrice's ear,
"Meet me in the kitchen around two."

Beatrice simply smiled, and then kissed Vicky lightly on the lips, letting her
hand slip down over Vicky's thigh. Vicky let it stay there for a moment and then
she broke away and went to her own room. Once inside her room Vicky fell on her
bed laughing. She didn't know what had come over her, but she felt something
strange inside her that was making her act this way.

She lay on the bed like that for some time and then she got up and changed out
of the clothes that she had worn for dinner that night. The dress was especially
low cut, and she had worn it for Beatrice's benefit, and not at all for James'
benefit. Beatrice had stared at her all evening.

Vicky quickly shed all her clothing and stood in the middle of her room stark
naked. Vicky liked the feeling of being naked. It had a soothing effect on her
as well as giving her a great sense of elation. She walked over to her full
length mirror and stared at her reflection.

"You are so beautiful," she said out loud. "You are so very beautiful."

Vicky laughed again when she remembered the expression that had come over James'
face when Beatrice had made that remark about Vicky's being a woman in every
sense of the word. He knows, she thought to herself. And if he doesn't, he's
awfully worried that maybe something did happen between us.

That sent Vicky into another laughing fit. As she stood there shaking with
laughter, a thought occurred to Vicky. Why should she wait till two before she
did anything? She carefully slipped into a blouse and slacks and slowly opened
the door to the hall. It was empty.

Quietly she crept down the hall to the back stairs and down she went. This
stairway was reserved for the servants, and James had told her that she was
never to use it. Vicky wondered why as she made her way down to the first floor.
The stairs ended right near the kitchen, and Vicky made sure that no one inside
the kitchen saw her as she crept out the back way.

Outside the night air was cool and refreshing. She ran towards the stables as
fast as she could. There would be no one there, and she had lots of time before
she was to meet Beatrice. Lots of time to do whatever she wanted. And there was
quite a bit that she wanted to do. Quite a bit.

The stables were empty just like she knew they would be. Empty of other people
that is. The horses were all in their stalls, and they all seemed to be resting
peacefully. Vicky went down the middle of the stable, observing them all, her
face lighting up every time she passed a stud.

Vicky could feel herself becoming more and more elated. She could feel her
cuntlips getting wet and she could feel her whole body quivering inside. It had
been so long and she was so horny. How had she been able to hold out this long?
She must have been crazy. She should have come down here a long time ago.

In the far corner of the stable she noticed a dog house. Oh yes, she remembered,
James told me about his dog. The dog was inside the dog house, and Vicky went
right up to it to see what he looked like. He was a huge white dog and Vicky was
amazed at his size. She had no idea what kind of dog it was.

The dog was half asleep and it looked up at her with this silly expression on
its face. Vicky began to pet him and he seemed as if he was becoming more
friendly. Vicky could tell right away that he was an extremely friendly dog, and
that he was certainly not a watch dog.

She pulled on his collar and managed to get him to come out of his dog house.
Now she could see how really big he was. He's huge, Vicky said to herself. He's
even bigger than that dog in that man's cabin in the woods. A lot bigger.

Vicky began to pet him all over, and as she did this, she felt a tingling
sensation between her legs. I wonder, she said to herself. I wonder if this dog
would know just what to do? She began to reach underneath him and she was now
holding onto his soft cock. She was on her knees and the dog was right in front
of her.

When she grabbed hold of his cock, it was still soft, but not for long. It
seemed to get hard almost immediately. She began to stroke it back and forth and
the dog began to move about, almost as if he were trying to get away from her.
Vicky then jumped to her feet and shed her clothes.

Maybe if he smells me, he'll want to do it, she thought to herself. She lay down
on the floor with her legs spread and pulled the dog's head down between her
legs. He had begun to sniff her cunt and he was pressing his nose right against
her cuntlips so he could smell her even better.

He likes it, Vicky thought to herself. He likes my smell. And the dog kept on
smelling her, and now he was pressing his nose into her even harder. Before long
he was licking her thighs with his tongue and then he was licking her cuntlips.
His tongue was cold and it sent shivers right through her.

Vicky pressed her cunt against his mouth just as hard as she could, and that
seemed to have an effect on him. He was licking her clit up and down, and it was
almost as if he knew what he was doing. Vicky could feel her sex juices flowing
already and she could feel them pouring right out of her cunt. That gave him
something more to lick up.

"Come on, boy," she said out loud, "really lick me good. That's it, lick me real

The dog's tongue was going faster and faster. Especially now that Vicky's come
was pouring right out of her. I must have been even hornier than I thought,
Vicky said to herself, feeling her body tremble with her orgasm, and feeling her
orgasm sweep through her whole body.

The dog was licking her harder and harder, and drinking down most of her come.
He was making all kinds of noises, and Vicky loved listening to him. She
especially loved his tongue inside her pussy, and that was where it was now. It
was right inside her, and it seemed to be going deeper and deeper.

Vicky raised her hips off the floor, and then let them fall again. The dog was
more frantic now, and it was as if he knew what he was doing. To Vicky he acted
almost human, the same way any man would have acted. That made Vicky feel that
much better inside. It made her come flow that much more freely.

The dog was really getting after her, and she could feel his tongue way inside
her, moving around inside and stirring up her juices. Her cunt was quivering
away and her body was trembling all over.

"Don't stop," she panted. "Don't ever stop."

From the way the dog was acting it didn't look as if he ever did mean to stop.
Vicky could feel herself coming again and that just made her feel as if her
whole body was going to explode. She was still building, and she was coming at
the same time.

This is too much, Vicky thought, feeling this second orgasm overcome her the way
it was. It was just too much and she thought that would be the last orgasm she
would ever have because after this she would be dead. Her head was spinning and
it seemed as if she was going around in circles, as if her whole body was
revolving on some spinning surface.

The dog's tongue seemed to go deeper and deeper inside her, and he seemed to be
moving it around inside her faster and faster. He was really licking out the
come, and that just made her come all the more. She could feel his cold nose,
and that sent more shivers through her.

At the same time, she felt the warmth of her own orgasm, and that sent wave
after wave of sensations through her, that combined with the shivers, made her
body tremble both inside and outside. She could feel her skin tingling and she
could feel her cunt getting hotter and hotter.

Her cunt was like an oven, and the dog was using his tongue like a hot poker.
She could just imagine how she was going to feel once he had his cock in her,
and that was next. She would see to it that it was next. Right now though she
just lay on her back and let him lick her some more.

This was too good to stop now, and right after her second orgasm seemed to drain
itself out, she felt herself building towards a third climax, and after that she
felt herself building towards a fourth. It didn't seem as if she would ever
stop, and she certainly didn't want to.

The come was just gushing out of her more and more, and the dog was just lapping
it up as fast as he could. Vicky was going mad inside, and she was squirming all
about on the floor. She was moaning way down in her throat, and she was shaking
all over, and she could feel her whole body going limp.

No one had ever sucked her out like this. No one. She felt more waves going
through her, and she just wanted to yell out at the top of her lungs. She didn't
though, and she was amazed that she had any control left at all. Finally she
couldn't take any more. She just needed to have his cock inside her.

She needed his cock like she had never needed any cock before. She rolled over
on her stomach and felt him licking out her asshole already. He was running his
tongue all along the crack and then all over her ass. That gave her a good
feeling also. A feeling that overwhelmed her.

She managed to get up on her knees and hands and she spread her legs as far as
she could. She wondered if he would know enough to mount her the same way he
would mount a bitch. She felt him sniffing at her asshole and cunt, and then she
felt him mounting her. That's it, she said to herself, that's the way to do it.
Just pretend I'm another dog.

The dog seemed a little unsure of himself, because he was still confused as to
just who and what Vicky was. His sense of smell told him one thing though and
his instincts seemed to take over from there. He was on top of her and he was
pressing his cock into the soft, wet folds of her cunt.

Vicky reached down between her legs and guided his cock into her cunt. She
guided it right inside her and then she just pressed into him as hard as she
could. He reacted just the way she wanted him to, and pretty soon he was humping
away at her like he had been doing it all his life.

He was shoving his cock all the way into her, and then drawing it out almost all
the way, and then shoving it back in her all the way again. He did this over and
over and Vicky could feel his cock throbbing away, and she knew that he was on
the verge of orgasm just as she herself was on the verge of orgasm.

He seemed so big inside her, and on each inward stroke he seemed to get bigger
yet. His cock seemed to grow longer and longer, and she thought he was going
right through her. She thought she felt his cock going right up to her throat.
He was splitting her in half almost.

That was the way she liked it though, and the bigger he seemed to her, the
better she felt inside. Her whole inside was quivering and she could feel the
come gushing out of her cunt like it was never going to stop. His cock was
rubbing her hard on the inside and it was just the way she wanted it. It was
hurting her at the same time that it was causing her so much pleasure.

She could feel his cock start to jerk back and forth, and then she felt his come
shooting out of her. That made her go wild inside, and that was when she felt
herself having another orgasm. She really had to make up for lost time though.

He was really inside her now, and that was just where she wanted him to stay.
Right inside her, all the way to the hilt. She wanted him to stay hard too, and
it felt as if he was going to. It felt as if he was going to stay hard for some
time to come. His cock was still shooting out its hot cream, and she could feel
it spilling out and dripping down her thighs and legs.

That's when he pulled out of her and began to lick up his own come. Of course he
licked up her come in the process. He licked her thighs up and down, and then up
between her legs, and even her ass and asshole again. He was sniffing away at
her all the time. Do I smell like a bitch, she wanted to say out loud, but
didn't for some reason.

Maybe he thinks I'm another dog now, she said to herself. Maybe he thinks I'm
just another bitch.

"Is that what you think?" she then said out loud.

The dog just kept on licking her thighs and Vicky fell flat on her stomach. She
wondered vaguely about what time it was, but she didn't make any move to see
what it might be. She really didn't care about what time it was. Beatrice would
wait for her. Let her wait, Vicky said to herself.

She lay there a while longer, and the dog continued to lick her thighs and cunt.
He was as good as any real lover could have been, and in fact he was even
better. He had no human inhibitions, and there wasn't anything that he wouldn't
do. That's what Vicky liked about animals. They were completely uninhibited, and
they knew nothing about convention and respectability.

It certainly didn't matter to this dog that she was married or anything like
that. As far as he was concerned, she was just a hole for him to lick out and
stick his hard pecker in. Vicky liked that kind of thinking, because it was the
way she now thought. Of course, she also had to think about other things as
well. She did have to worry about convention and respectability.

She got to her feet finally and got dressed. She would have to go and meet
Beatrice soon. Should she take a shower first? No, let Beatrice smell her the
way she was. That would make her wonder. Make her that much more willing to find
out just what had happened. Vicky had made up her mind that she was going to
tell Beatrice everything.

And that wasn't all she planned on doing. She planned on making Beatrice have
sex with either one of the horses or this dog. She could hardly wait to see
that. I'll bet she's never even sucked a cock, Vicky thought to herself as she
made her way back to the house. I'll bet the only thing she's ever sucked is

Vicky ran into the house and collapsed on a chair in the kitchen. She was out of
breath and her whole body was shaking like it might never stop. Vicky tried to
catch her breath, but it seemed as if she was never going to. It seemed like a
hopeless task indeed. She got to her feet, and then fell back down in the chair

What was she going to do now? Just sit here and wait for Beatrice to show up?
That seemed like a stupid thing to do. She rested her head on the table and
closed her eyes. She thought about the dog and his huge cock and how it had felt
inside her. It had felt so very good.

It was almost as if she could still feel him inside her. As if he was still
fucking her. As if he was still driving deep inside the way he had been. Oh, do
it, she thought. Do it hard. Do it harder and harder. Before long she was
dreaming about the dog and then Beatrice was shaking her awake.

Vicky woke with a start and looked up at Beatrice with half-closed eyes. She
thought she was seeing things at first, but gradually she began to wake up.

"You smell like a sex pit," Beatrice was saying. "I see you couldn't wait. I'm
dying to find out just what you've been doing. I think I can guess, but I want
to see for myself so I can be sure. This knowing and not knowing is driving me
out of my mind."

Vicky got to her feet a little shakily, and Beatrice had to hold her up. She
could feel Beatrice's hands on her tits, and then Beatrice ripped open Vicky's
blouse and began to suck hard on one of her tits. Vicky let her do that for a
while and then she pushed Beatrice away.

"Not yet," she said. "First I want to show you what I do. You've already showed
me what you do."

Vicky walked out the back door and Beatrice followed right behind her. She's
like an old lap dog, Vicky thought to herself. She certainly is. Vicky headed
right for the stable and still Beatrice followed right behind her.

"I should have known," Beatrice then said, once they were inside the stable. "So
you like animals do you? These creatures with their big cocks? You like that?"

"I most certainly do," Vicky said, "and you are going to like it too."

"Just what do you mean by that?" Beatrice demanded.

"You'll see," Vicky said. "First thing, take off all your clothes."

Beatrice began to back off.

"I will not," Beatrice said like a scared child.

Vicky gave her a cold stare.

"You will, and you'll do it now." Vicky's voice was cold and harsh.

Beatrice was more scared than she had ever been in her whole life.

"You can't make me," Beatrice said.

Vicky merely laughed.

"Can't I?" Vicky said. "Do you ever want to suck me out again? Do you?"

Beatrice was almost in tears.

"Yes," she cried. "But please don't make me do this. I just can't."

"You can and you will."

"But why?"

"Because I want you to. That's why."

"This is too cruel," Beatrice sobbed.

"Take off your clothes," Vicky yelled.

Beatrice stood frozen and then she slowly began to undo her blouse.

"Not like that," Vicky yelled, grabbing hold of Beatrice's blouse and ripping it
off her, "like this."

Beatrice took off her slacks and panties a lot more quickly. She stood in front
of Vicky stark naked now.

"What do you want me to do?" Beatrice asked in a defeated voice.

Vicky smiled her wicked smile. "You see, we change places very quickly. Now I'm
the master and you're the slave."

"You're more wicked than I ever was," Beatrice said in a whisper that Vicky
could just barely hear.

"I know that only too well," Vicky said, "but I love it, and you'll love it

Beatrice just stood there looking at Vicky, begging her with her eyes. Vicky
could see that and then she looked around the stable quickly. There's one, Vicky
thought, spying one of the studs. He has a really big one. A really big one. I
think she should start on him. It'll be good for her.

"Have you ever sucked a man's cock?" Vicky asked.

"No, never," Beatrice replied.

"I thought as much. Have you ever sucked an animal's cock?"

"Of course not. What kind of a person do you think I am?"

"You're the same kind as I am," Vicky said, "and don't you forget that. You're
not any better than I am. And when I get through with you, you'll be like me in
every way. Every single way. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," Beatrice mumbled.

"Now go over there," Vicky said, pointing to the stud, "and suck that horse's
cock, and suck it good."

Beatrice looked at the horse Vicky was pointing at and she was scared. He'll
kill me, she thought. I can't suck off that horse. He'll kill me. But then, how
does she do it? Beatrice walked closer to the horse, and then she turned back
and looked at Vicky who was still giving her that cold, icy stare.

Beatrice was right up next to the horse now, and then she fell on her knees
beside it. The horse's cock was soft and just hanging loose. Beatrice had never
even touched a man's cock before, let alone an animal's cock. With her, it had
always been other women, and that was the way she had always wanted it to be.
She had never wanted a man in her life, and she certainly didn't want this

But there was no other way. If she wanted to have Vicky again, and she certainly
did want to have Vicky again, she would have suck off this horse because that
was the price she had to pay in order to get Vicky again. Beatrice knew that,
and she was preparing herself for what she now had to do.

She reached forward very slowly and she just barely touched the head of the
horse's cock. He seemed to move and that made her scared.

"Don't worry," Vicky shouted, "he won't hurt you. He'll let you suck him off.
He'll love it and so will you."

Beatrice touched the horse's cock a little more firmly now and then she got her
hand right around it. It then got hard almost immediately and then Beatrice got
both her hands around it.

"Come on," Vicky was yelling at her from behind, "start to stroke him. He likes
that. Stroke him."

Beatrice was now stroking the horse's cock, rubbing it up and down. She couldn't
believe how big it was. She had never paid any attention to animals before. Even
when she was a kid and living in this house, she had never bothered with the
horses or any of the other animals. And then she had spent most of her time in
private schools away from here.

It's so ugly, Beatrice thought, looking at the horse's cock. In my whole fife,
I've never seen anything quite so ugly.

"Don't take all day," Vicky was yelling. "Stroke him."

Beatrice began to rub him harder and harder, and then she was rubbing his balls
as well. It was obvious that the horse liked what she was doing. He liked it a
lot. She rubbed him still harder and a lot faster. She could feel his cock
throbbing in her hand, and she hoped that this was all Vicky would make her do.

Maybe if she just did this, it wouldn't be so bad. But if she had to take that
horrible thing in her mouth as well, that would just kill her. She just knew it
would. Just the thought of it was making her violently ill. Please, she was
saying deep inside her throat, please don't make me do it. Please take pity, on
me and don't make me do it.

"You're just beginning," Vicky's voice boomed out. "Now you can start sucking on
him. Did you think I'd let you get off this easy? Did you really think that? Not
on your life. You're going to suck that horse like he's never been sucked
before. You're going to get as much of his cock into your mouth as you can
possibly get."

"Please don't make me do it," Beatrice suddenly cried out. "Please don't make me
do it."

"Now," Vicky yelled back at her. "Do it now."

Beatrice began to tremble all over as she leaned down and brought the horse's
cock right up to her lips. She could feel the tears rushing to her eyes and she
felt as if she was going to throw up. She really felt sick inside, and she felt
as if she wanted to die.

This woman isn't human, Beatrice thought to herself. She's become an animal
herself. No wonder she likes them so much. She's just like them. She's one of

Beatrice could see the cock right in front of her and she closed her eyes. If
she couldn't see it, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She pressed it against her
closed lips and she kissed the head of it. And then she began to kiss it up and
down the entire length of it. If she did it as fast as she could, maybe it
wouldn't be so bad. And the quicker she got it over with, the better she would

She kissed the whole meaty shaft, and then she was back kissing the head. She
took the head of the horse's cock right in her mouth and now she was actually
sucking on it. She could feel herself getting sicker and sicker, but she kept
right up with what she was doing. That's it, she was saying to herself. Do it
and get it over with. It won't last forever.

"You're doing just fine now," Vicky was yelling. "Just you keep that up, and you
don't stop until I tell you to. Do you hear me? Not until I tell you to."

Beatrice began to suck harder and harder on the horse's cock, and she could feel
it throbbing more and more in her mouth. It was so big and it was burning up so
much. Beatrice could feel her mouth and throat burning up also. She could feel
her whole body burning up inside, and she was beginning to feel this strange
sensation between her legs.

She had never felt like this before. Not even with a woman. This was a totally
new feeling to her. Could it be she was beginning to like what she was doing?
That was impossible. She could never like doing something like this. Never. She
was much too civilized to like something like this.

Beatrice could see how somebody like Vicky would like something like this. After
all, Vicky was an animal herself. Or at least that was how she acted. Vicky must
love sucking these huge cocks, Beatrice said to herself. I'll bet she comes down
here every night and sucks one of them off. I wonder which one she did tonight?

But Beatrice found that she was sucking harder and harder on the horse's cock,
and that she was getting more and more of it in her mouth, and that she was
actually getting more and more frantic. How can this be? she wanted to yell out
at the top of her lungs. But she couldn't because now she was too busy sucking
on this huge cock.

She was bearing right into the horse's cock, and she was sliding her mouth back
and forth on him, her lips closed in tight around his hard, rough skin. She
still had her eyes closed, but she could see his cock in the back of her mind.
How big it was. How much bigger it seemed now that it was in her mouth.

Beatrice could feel her whole body shaking and she could feel the horse's cock
throbbing more and more. Pretty soon he would be coming in her mouth, and she
found that that was just what she wanted him to do. She could hardly wait to
feel his hot cream in her mouth.

She began to suck harder and harder in order to make him come that much faster.
And she managed to do just that. The cock was jerking back and forth in her
mouth and then it was shooting out its hot liquid. She could feel the come going
right down her throat and right down to her stomach.

It burned all the way down and she could feel her body trembling all the more
because of it. It was really trembling now and she thought that she was going to
explode inside, and that was just what she did. She could feel her own come
pouring out of her and running down her thighs and legs.

She was all torn up inside, and it was as if the horse's cock had been in her
cunt and not in her mouth. But it was still in her mouth and it was still very
hard. It was as hard as it could possibly be. It was even harder yet, or at
least that was how it felt to her, and the come was still shooting out of it.

"Suck harder," Vicky was yelling. "Suck real hard."

That was just what Beatrice did, and pretty soon she was in a frenzy, and she
had no control over her actions whatsoever. She had no control at all.
Everything she did she did because she had to. She wasn't even aware of what she
was doing. She was just aware of that huge cock in her mouth.

It was her universe.

Chapter 7

The come had stopped, but the horse's cock was still hard, and she was keeping
it hard. She was doing everything that she could to keep it hard, and she was
succeeding. She could feel how much she was succeeding. The hard cock was still
hard, and it was still burning, and it was still throbbing.

Vicky was watching all the more intently now, and she was fingering herself as
she watched. This was almost as good as doing it herself. Vicky could see the
horse's cock popping out the sides of Beatrice's mouth, and it was almost as if
she was inside Beatrice's mouth seeing just what was going on.

I knew you'd like it, Vicky was saying to herself. I just knew that you would.
Just look at the way you're sucking him now. Just look at it. If you could only
see yourself like I see you. I'm sure you know how much you like it though. I'm
sure you know that better than I do. But still, you should see yourself like I

Vicky had stopped yelling altogether. Everything she said from now on, she said
to herself, and so only she could hear. That's it girl, suck harder. Yes, that's
it. A lot harder. Now you've got it. Vicky was in a state of convulsions
herself, and the more she watched Beatrice, the more convulsive she got.

I could watch this all day, Vicky was saying to herself. I really could. And
maybe I will. Maybe I'll watch it all night at least. Beatrice was still sucking
hard on the horse, and it was obvious that the horse was about to come again.
Vicky could see the horse's come from the last time, and how it was dripping all
over Beatrice's body.

It had spilled out of Beatrice's mouth and was running down her neck and all
over her tits. Vicky knew well enough how that felt, and she could just imagine
how it must feel to Beatrice. She loves it just as much as I do, Vicky was
saying to herself, and she can't tell me that she doesn't.

Vicky fell to the floor and lay there sobbing almost. Her breathing was more
rapid than it had been, and her heart was beating a mile a minute. The horse was
coming again and Beatrice was doing her best to keep all the come in her mouth.
She was doing a good job of it too. She really was.

Vicky watched as the come spilled out of Beatrice's mouth and joined the other
come that was all over Beatrice's body. Beatrice was just covered with it now.
It was all over her neck, all over her tits, all over her stomach, all over her
thighs, all over every part of her from her mouth down.

Vicky got to her feet and went over to Beatrice and grabbed her by the hair and
pulled her away from the horse.

"You've had enough for tonight," Vicky pronounced. "You did good for your first
time. I'm sure you'll do a lot better the next time. A lot better."

Vicky watched as Beatrice got dressed, and then the two females made their way
back to the house. They didn't say a word to each other the whole time. They
just went up the stairs, and then they both went to their own rooms. Vicky
almost ran into hers and fell face forward on the bed.

She felt as if she were in heat or something close to it. She could feel her
whole body throbbing away and she wanted a good hard cock inside her. She
thought about going down and getting James, but then she decided against it.
After all, she intended to make him suffer.

She intended to make them all suffer somehow. She was going to get back at the
whole world for what they had done to her. They were all responsible for the way
she was, and they were all going to pay for it. For the first time in a long
time she thought about Tom.

He could have been so good for her. Why couldn't she have kept her mouth shut
that time? He never would have found out about her if she hadn't told him. How
stupid could she be? She hated herself for that, and she knew that she always
would. I could just die, she cried internally.

I wonder how that Beatrice feels, she asked herself. She said she didn't want
to, but she loved it once she got that huge cock in her mouth. Just like that
girl with Chris that time. She didn't want to either until after she had
started. Yeah, they all like it eventually. I'm getting to be just like him, she
thought. I'm getting to be just like Chris.

Still thinking that, she fell asleep. Her mind drifted off into space and she
could see herself standing over Chris with a whip in her hand. She was beating
him as he sucked off this huge horse's cock. She was beating him and the blood
was gushing out of him. She was almost killing him.

She woke with a start. She was still lying across the width of the bed, and she
was still fully clothed. She got undressed quickly and climbed in under the
covers. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillows. This time she did
not dream about Chris. She did not dream at all.

The next morning she went and took a shower and then she got dressed and made
her way down to breakfast. James and Beatrice were already sitting at the table.
And when Beatrice saw her she looked down at her cup of coffee that was sitting
on the table right in front of her.

"Good morning," Vicky boomed out in a loud voice. "I trust everyone had a good
night's sleep. I trust no one had any bad dreams. Did you, Beatrice?"

"No," Beatrice replied sheepishly. "I slept very well."

"Did you sleep well, James?" Vicky then asked.

"As well as can be expected in a large empty bed," James shot back at her.

Vicky merely smiled. "I sleep in a large bed too, but I find it most agreeable
to me. I'm sorry you don't."

"Yes, I'm sure you are," James retorted. "You don't have human needs like the
rest of us."

"You knew that when you forced me to marry you," Vicky replied, "or at least you
should have. What did you expect? A loving and adoring wife? You can't make
someone do something against their will and expect them to thank you for it.
That is, unless they really wanted to do it all along."

As she made her last remark she looked right at Beatrice.

"Sometimes," Vicky continued, "you start off by forcing someone to do something,
and then you find out that they wanted to do it all along. They just needed a
little push in the right direction. Isn't that right, Beatrice?"

"I imagine so."

Beatrice still kept her eyes lowered.

Vicky smiled and looked back at James.

"Beatrice and I are going on a little trip," she then said. "We decided this
last night on our way to bed. Has she told you by any chance?"

James looked at Beatrice and then at Vicky. "And just where did you decide to go

"Why, to the races of course," Vicky replied. "Beatrice and I are going to go
and see Jocko run his first race. I thought she might like to see that. I know I

"When are you going?" James asked.

"Today as a matter of fact," Vicky then said. "We're going to drive down to the
track, find a room in a hotel, and stay a few days. Then after we've seen a few
races, we'll come right home to you. You'll hardly know we've been gone."

"I don't suppose I can talk you out of it, can I?" James said, very matter-of-

"I wouldn't even try if I were you," Vicky snapped back at him, angered by his

"Well, I'll leave the two of you to make your plans," James said, getting to his
feet. "I have business to attend to."

With that he walked off leaving the two silent females alone. Beatrice looked up
from her coffee at last and looked right at Vicky.

"Is this Jocko one of your favorites?" Beatrice then asked.

"Oh yes," Vicky replied. "And he'll be one of your favorites also."

"You think I'm just like you now, don't you?"

Vicky laughed. "Well, you are, aren't you?"

Beatrice bit her tongue and choked back the tears.

"I don't want to be," she sobbed.

"What you want to be," Vicky added, "and what you are, are apparently two
different things. You better start remembering which is which. I don't want you
going through life confused the way you seem to be now."

"Why are you so wicked?" Beatrice demanded.

"I'm wicked because people like you made me wicked," Vicky shouted at her.
"Because people like you want me to be wicked. And you know it."

Beatrice was silent for the longest time, and then she said, "When are we

"In another hour or so," Vicky replied. "Pack some things."

Vicky drove the large black car, and Beatrice sat over on the far side of the
front seat. From time to time the two females would exchange brief glances.
Beatrice was lost in her thoughts about what she had done the other night. Vicky
had forced her into it, and then Beatrice's own lust had taken over. Now, it was
this same lust that was making her go with Vicky to the track.

Beatrice had a feeling that there was something special about Jocko, and that
was why Vicky was rushing to be near him. There just had to be something special
about him. Something that Vicky hadn't said in words, but which was definitely
implied in her manner. It was there all right, and Beatrice could sense it.

There were a lot of things that Beatrice could sense about Vicky. Things she had
sensed right from the first when she first saw Vicky in that tub. Vicky was like
her in so many ways, and so unlike her in so many other ways. They were the two
most alike/unalike people in the world.

Vicky pressed her foot down harder on the gas pedal and the car sped forward.
She loved speed all of a sudden, and the faster they went, the better she liked

"You're in an awful hurry, aren't you?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes," Vicky responded simply. "I am. There's no time to lose."

"This Jocko must be something."

Vicky smiled. "He is."

"I've felt this way about other women, and you feel this way about an animal."

"It still seems strange to you, doesn't it?" Vicky asked.

"It seems very strange indeed," Beatrice replied.

"Does what you did last night seem strange to you?" Vicky then asked.

"How could it seem anything but strange?"

"You'll get used to it. I have."

"What made you do this the first time?" Beatrice asked.

Vicky thought about that a moment. "It was a man. A man I loved very much."

"And you still love him, don't you?" Beatrice asked.

"Maybe I do," Vicky replied.

"Did he ever fuck you?" Beatrice asked.

"He never touched me," Vicky responded, "he never wanted to. Now he wants to
though. Now he wants to fuck me."

"Do you think you'll ever let him?" Beatrice asked.

"Maybe," Vicky replied. "Maybe I will."

"You don't act as if you want to talk about it."

Vicky laughed. "I don't."

Beatrice lit a cigarette. "Would you rather talk about Jocko?"

"Maybe," Vicky answered.

"What else is there to talk about?"

"We don't have to talk about anything," Vicky then said, looking briefly at
Beatrice and then back at the road ahead.

"No, I don't suppose we do," Beatrice agreed. "I feel like talking though."

"So, talk. I'll listen."

Beatrice thought a moment, and then she said, "I had a dream about you last
night. I dreamed that you were all dressed in white and that you were riding
this huge golden brown horse in this huge arena. There were thousands of people
watching you and they had all paid to see you."

"You kept riding around in circles on the horse, and then you got off the horse
and you lay on this platform. That's where I came in. I came over to see, and
without moving you off this platform, I took off all your clothes. And there you
were completely naked.

"You didn't move off the platform, and you stayed right there the whole time. I
took your clothes and walked back to the edge of the arena and I just watched
like everyone else. That's when someone--some man I had never seen before but
who looked like someone who once worked for my brother--led the horse over to
the platform.

"The platform seemed small enough--or thin enough, so that the horse seemed to
walk right over it. That is, it came right between his legs. The horse was right
over you and it had an erection a mile long. Or at least that's how it seemed in
my dream. It looked at least that long.

"The horse's cock came right up against your pussy and you felt it pressing into
your cunt lips. You were wet already and this just made you wetter. You were
breathing hard, and now you were breathing even harder. You were actually
gasping for breath, and your heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Anyone could see that you really wanted this horse to fuck you, and naturally
everyone wanted to watch this horse fuck you. Actually, they all wanted to see
the horse kill you. And this whole thing was really a contest to see who could
hold out the longest, you or the horse.

"The horse had strings tied around his cock an inch apart. You were able to take
the horse's cock into you up until the first string, and then you were to take
more of him into you depending on how loud the audience clapped. You were to
take in as much of the horse as you could, and then you were to just hump him
until one of you gave out.

"That's where the contest part came in. You were to hump him until one of you
gave out. And it had to be that one of you would give out, whether it was you or
the horse. All the people had placed bets on either you or the horse. Well, the
horse started to press his cock into you, and you took it in till you were up to
the first string.

"Then you just stopped and waited for the audience to start clapping. The
audience started clapping right away, and you took in the horse's cock up till
the second string. The audience was beginning to clap louder and louder, and you
took the horse's cock into you up till the third string.

"Now the audience was up on its feet and they were yelling and screaming that
you take in the horse's cock all the way and not just an inch at a time. They
were tired of waiting, and they wanted to see it all right then and there.

"Well, you didn't want to wait either, and so you did take in the horse's whole
cock. You took him in all the way, and you looked as if it didn't even affect
you. You looked as if you could have taken in more if there had been more of
him. Right then we all knew that you were going to win, but naturally we had to
sit and see the whole thing through.

"I could almost see what his cock was doing inside you, because I could feel him
inside me like I knew you must feel him inside you. It was almost as if he was
in me and not in you. But I knew that he was in you and so I watched. I watched
you moving very slowly at first.

"The horse's cock was sliding all the way out of you, until just its head was in
you, and then it was sliding all the way back in you again. He was in you to the
hilt again, and I could see the expression on your face and I could see what it
was doing to you, and so it did the same thing to me. It really did.

"I could feel you feeling his cock pressing in hard against the inside of your
pussy, and how it was rubbing hard in there, and how it was making you even
wetter than you were. Your cunt juices were all stirred up and they were
becoming more stirred up. You were just overflowing.

"I could actually see the oozing cunt juices coming out of you. They were
running down the length of the horse's cock and all the way to his balls. His
cock was burning inside you, and you were making it burn all the more. You were
making his balls burn, and the rest of his body burn as well.

"Everyone in the audience was quiet now and they were all just watching. James
was in the audience too, and he was watching hardest of all next to me. I'm sure
I was watching the hardest of all of them because I was the only other person,
besides yourself, who knew how this felt.

"The horse was really ramming into you now, and he was ramming in with all his
might. It was as if he were a real man, and he was your long lost lover or
something. He wasn't just an animal anymore. Of course the fact that he was an
animal was the only reason you were fucking him, because you had become an
animal yourself, although you looked like a human being.

"Actually, you were the animal and the horse was the human being. It just looked
as if it was the other way around. But we knew that it wasn't. I knew from the
minute you took his whole cock in you, and from the way you were still taking
his whole cock into you.

"No human being could do what you were doing. No human being could enjoy sex
with an animal as much as you did, and were, and would be from then on. He was
so far in you and you were screaming for more as if you thought he understood
what you were saying to him. He didn't understand your words, but he understood
your body actions.

"He understood them only too well, and he was responding to them as if he
understood. You were grinding against him just as hard as you could and he was
grinding into you just as hard as he could. You two were just made for each
other, and you both sensed that, and so you acted upon it.

"We could hear your groans and we knew the horse was coming inside you and that
you were coming also. You were making the sounds of orgasm, and we could see
your come and his come flowing out of you. It was flowing out by the gallons.
There was a flood of it, and it kept on coming.

"It was more come than anyone had ever seen in their lives, and they never would
see it again. This was the first and last time they would ever see it, and they
were straining to see, and they all saw, and I saw best of all. I was standing
right near you now, and I could really hear you.

"I could even see the cock in you and see how it was bulging you out everywhere.
It was as if his cock had filled up your whole body. I thought that's what it
had done. I thought it had gone right up to your head and that it was going to
poke out the top any second now.

"That's when you began to move even faster on the horse, and the horse had a
hard time keeping up with you. You were going to win for sure now, and you were
aiming for that the way you were bearing down hard on that long meaty shaft that
you were making slimy with your cunt.

"We thought we heard one last gasp from you, but it was far from being your
last. You had three more orgasms before the horse came again in you, and then
you had another orgasm right after he did, and then you just drained the very
life out of him and they had to take him away because he was all through and you
had won.

"You called for another horse, and when you were through with him, you called
for another, and another, and still another. We lost count of how many horses
you took on that night, but you were still able to take on another one after you
had finished with each and everyone of them.

"At the end you stood up and bowed to the audience. There was horse come all
over your body. James, and I, and that man who had brought in the first horse
came over to you and licked the horse come all off you. We licked up every last
drop and then you just spat in our faces and walked away. We lay there crying
and you just laughed at us."

Beatrice was out of breath as she finished telling Vicky about her dream from
the night before. She had been fingering herself the whole time and she had come
and her whole body was drained like it had never been drained before. Just
thinking about Vicky with an animal, and talking about it on top of that, had
turned her on to the breaking point. And now she had broken.

Vicky had a bemused smile on her face that indicated that she had been amused by
Beatrice's story. Maybe she dreamed that, Vicky said to herself, or maybe she
just made it up as she went along and is only pretending that that was her
dream. Whatever it is, I don't care, because I liked it, and that's all that

Beatrice still sat in the far corner of the front seat. Her story had made the
time go by fast, and it didn't seem to Vicky as if it would be very long before
they got to the track. It wasn't going to be very long at all now. They would be
there in a matter of minutes.

Vicky stopped thinking about what Beatrice had told her for the most part. She
only thought of it in connection with Jocko. She thought about what Tom had told
her that time about that girl who had died doing something similar to what
Beatrice had dreamed.

She wondered if it were true.

Vicky didn't remember the story exactly now, but there was a girl in the story
that Tom told, and she had been sucking a horse, and there were strings tied to
the horse's cock, and there had been people watching, people who had been
betting on either the girl or horse. But in Tom's story the horse had won. Vicky
found that she liked Beatrice's dream a lot more than she liked Tom's story.

Beatrice's dream had an air of mystery about it, while Tom's story lacked any
type of mystery. But then, Tom's story was based on fact, and Beatrice's dream
was only based on what was in Beatrice's mind and those were the same things
that were in Vicky's mind now and ever since that day when she had seen that
girl with Chris and seen how Chris had made that girl suck off the horse.

That day had been a turning point in her life, just like that one week of
fucking Herbert had been a partial turning point in her life. And then that man
with the cabin in the woods, and that dog who had fucked her. That had been
another turning point in her life.

And then the fact that she had run away, and that chance had fated her to get a
ride from who she did so she could end up at that track, so she could end up in
this front seat driving back to that track with the lesbian sister of her
husband, who she had met because of her being at the track at the right time.

She had all that to think about--all the things that had happened since that
day--as she now called it--and now she had Beatrice's dream to think about. What
was going to happen to her now? Where was she headed? What would be the next
turning point in her life? It would have to be something really tremendous so
that it surpassed everything that had happened so far.

If it didn't surpass it, it would not be a turning point in her life. Each step
had to be greater than the one before it. She could feel that in the core of her
being, and she could feel it right between her legs where the come was dripping
out of her and running down her thighs, and down her legs to her feet.

Can you smell me? she asked Beatrice in her mind. It was obvious that Beatrice
could smell her from the way she was sniffing the air coming from Vicky's
direction. But then, Vicky had been smelling Beatrice's come just before this
when Beatrice had fingered herself to climax while telling Vicky her dream.

Vicky knew why she had wanted to go to the race track to begin with. She was not
conscious of her reason until this very minute, but she was sure it had always
been in the back of her mind. She was going to do what the girl in Tom's story
had done, and what she herself had done in Beatrice's dream.

Vicky was going to do that very same thing with Jocko, and at the track.
Tomorrow night, or maybe even tonight, she would fuck Jocko with everyone
watching; that is, all the people who worked at the track--the trainers,
jockeys, stable boys, etc. They would place bets and it would be a contest.

"Are you thinking about my dream?" Beatrice asked. "Are you thinking about
having a horse's cock up your cunt?"

"Yes, and a lot of other things," Vicky replied. "I suppose I can tell you, and
I might as well. I'm going to live out your dream. Or at least, some of it
anyway. I'm going to fuck Jocko the way that horse fucked me in your dream. I'll
fuck him for everyone at the track to see, and they'll all place bets."

"Should I bet on you or on the horse?" Beatrice laughed.

Vicky was dead serious. "On me of course. I won last night and I'll win again
tonight. That's why we have to get there so we can get everything ready. That
platform has to be built. I have to rest up. Everything will happen the way it
happened in your dream, only it will be just a little different. I'll just fuck
Jocko and that's all, but I'll drain him before he drains me."

"I wish you luck," Beatrice said, and then she became quiet for the rest of the
trip to the track, almost wishing now that she had never told Vicky about her
dream. What would happen if Vicky didn't win?

"Don't worry about me," Vicky said, "just think about all the money you'll win
if you bet on me. Not that you need the money, but winning money is a lot of
fun. You'll enjoy it more. I certainly intend to bet on me. Maybe we should even
place a bet for James. He might feel bad if he finds out we left him out of this
altogether. I'm sure he feels bad enough as it is."

"I'm sure he does," Beatrice said.

"You know, I think James is going to be at the track when we get there," Vicky
the spoke, staring off into space, and almost losing control of the car. She
managed to keep the car on the road somehow, and Beatrice felt her heart stop

"Yes," Vicky went on, "I'm sure he'll be there. And he'll have been there for
some time when we get there. He'll be there to greet us at the gate. Just see if
he isn't."

"For his sake I hope he isn't," Beatrice said. "I really feel sorry for him all
of a sudden."

"No, he'll be there," Vicky continued, "and he'll think that his being there is
for his sake. He knows why I'm coming here today. He knows I'm going to have
some kind of sex with Jocko. Why do you think I married him in the first place?
I married him because he caught me sucking off Jocko and he said he'd have me
put in jail if I didn't marry him.

"I know now that I should have called his bluff. I know now that he was just
bluffing and that he never would have been able to do what he said. Never in a
million years could he have done it. And he won't do anything now either. He'll
just accept it like he's accepted everything else. He has to. He hasn't got any
other choice."

Vicky stopped right there and didn't talk the rest of the way. All she could do
was think about Jocko's hard cock inside her and how very good it was going to
make her feel. It was going to make her feel as if twenty cocks were in her at
once and that they were all coming at the same time. A smile lit up her face as
she thought about how good something like that would feel.

Chapter 8

The track was just up ahead of them, right off the main highway. There were no
cars there and so the racing was over for the day. But they had guessed that a
long time ago when they realized how late it was. Vicky had slowed down in spite
of her haste to get to the track. She had slowed down to a crawl almost.

They got out of the car after Vicky had parked it in the track's main parking
lot and they made their way to the stables. The first two people Vicky saw were
Phil and Jack. They looked at her and then they hurried, pretending that they
hadn't seen her at all. They were obviously afraid of her, and Vicky knew that,
and it made her feel extra good inside.

She had a feeling that everything that happened from now on would make her feel
good inside. Especially Jocko's huge, hard, meaty, slimy shaft when it was all
the way inside her.

Vicky had been right about her James. He was there waiting for them just like
she had said he would be. Of course he hadn't been at the front gates, but he
was at the front of the stable section where Jocko was.

"What took you so long?" he asked when they were right in front of him and
almost on top of him at that. "I've been waiting for you for hours."

Vicky brushed right past him and into the stable so she could get her first look
at Jocko in a what seemed like a century. He was still the beautiful creature
that he always had been. But then, she hadn't expected him to change any. It
would be impossible for that to happen. He would always look this way to her, if
only in her mind.

Beatrice and James followed behind her.

"Beatrice will tell you my plans for this evening, James," Vicky said,
dismissing him with her tone of voice. "Now you take care of all the little
details, Beatrice; after all, it was your dream that started all this. And take
him with you so he won't be in my way. I'll take care of the important things
like Jocko and myself."

She gave Beatrice a cold hard stare and Beatrice led James out of the stable
without saying a word to him or a word to Vicky. She didn't have to say anything
to Vicky, and there was still time to explain everything to James.

Vicky rubbed her hands together. "Well, Jocko, you and I are going to perform
for the fine people this evening. It won't be the thousands and thousands that
were in Beatrice's dream, but we don't need that many. For us there will be
enough. Actually, we don't even need those people, Jocko. We just need each
other. You know that and I know that."

Jocko just stood there like he always did, staring off at something that only he
knew what it was he was looking at. Vicky smiled even more warmly now.

"Yes, Jocko, tonight is going to be the biggest night of your life, and possibly
even the biggest night of my life. Who knows? I could end up like that girl Tom
told me about. I could get killed, and this could turn out to be the last night
of my life. It just might turn out that way. I don't think it will, and I don't
want it to, but that's the way it could happen."

She walked over to Jocko and began to stroke his flanks.

"You feel the same way," she said, stroking him harder and harder, and pretty
soon she was stroking him just as hard as she possibly could.

"I wonder if everything else feels the same?" she asked, getting down on her

Jocko's cock hung limp between his legs. It reminded her of a soft baseball bat.
Even when it was soft, it felt hard to her. It would always feel hard to her.

"Yes," she said, stroking his soft cock that was suddenly rising into an
erection, "everything feels the same, but then I knew that it would. I just used
that as an excuse to touch you; not that I really needed an excuse. I don't need
anything but the desire to touch you, and I have that all the time."

She was stroking Jocko's cock back and forth, up and down the entire length, and
right down on his balls. He was very hard now and she gazed at his hard cock for
a moment and allowed herself to be amazed by it.

"Now it really is the way I remember it," she said. "Just the way I'll always
want to remember it."

Vicky was stroking him even harder now, and she could feel how hot she was
making Jocko's cock. It was actually burning up right in her hand.

"That's it, Jocko, get hot and hard. That's just the way you are supposed to get
when I'm around you. Whenever I'm near you, I want you to be hot and hard, just
like you are, just like you were that first time for me. I'll always remember
that first time, and I'm sure, in your own way, you remember it too."

She brought her lips close to the head of Jocko's cock and kissed it as gently
as she knew how. That made Jocko stir somewhat and that made Vicky kiss the head
of his cock again, and this time with a little more pressure, but just a little

"You felt that, did you? Well, feel this."

And she kept kissing the head of his cock, over and over, and harder and harder
each time.

"I'll bet you feel every one of those, don't you?" she then asked, pulling away
for a second, but only for a second, and for no longer than that.

The more time she spent away from his cock, the less time she had to suck on it.
The time she wasted talking about it, she could spend actually doing it, and she
wanted to do it much more than she wanted to talk about it. Talking about it
didn't get his cock in her mouth like she was doing right then.

She had the head of his cock in her mouth and she was already sucking on it with
all her might. Yes, Jocko, she said to herself, as her tongue went wild over the
head of his cock, stabbing into the crack, and rubbing back and forth against
that opening, yes, this is what I like best of all. Your cock in my mouth. Me
sucking on you like this. I've waited so long to do this again, and now I'll
never wait that long to do it again.

She sucked harder and harder on the head of his cock and then she worked more of
his cock in her mouth and sucked harder and harder on that. She was running her
mouth up and down the full length of his cock now, and then she was sucking
wildly on his balls. His balls seemed to be as hard as his cock, but then they
had the last time also.

She was more frantic this time than she had been the first time with him. Much
more frantic. She hadn't been this frantic with Jack and Phil's horse, and not
with Chris' horse. Only with Jocko could she feel this way, and not with any
other animal; horse, dog, or whatever.

Jocko was real to her because his cock was real to her. And now it was so very
deep in her mouth, and down her throat even, and she was sucking like a wild
woman on it. She was going to suck it right off him if she could. She certainly
wanted to right then. Suck it off, keep it hard like this, and just carry it
around with her. Maybe mount it in her room. Someday, when Jocko had to die,
that was what she meant to do. She would have his cock mounted and she would
keep it in her room.

That just made her suck on him all the more, and she was grabbing at his balls
as she did this. My beautiful Jocko, she said to herself. My very beautiful
Jocko. How really big you feel. You feel even bigger than you did when I first
began to suck on you. Your cock is growing right in my mouth, and my sucking is
making it grow, isn't it?

Now she bore down for what she knew would be the final moments just before he
erupted in his gushing orgasm. And he would gush even more than he had that
first time she sucked him off like this. He would gush out gallons and she would
swallow it all down, and what she didn't swallow down, she would lick up later.

She had been right, and as she had known she would be. Bearing down on him like
she did, her lips closing in tight around his hot, throbbing cock flesh, she
could feel him start to come. It seemed like a dribble at first, and then it was
followed by the gush that came right afterwards, and filled her whole mouth, and
spilled over the sides of her mouth.

It was running down her chin, neck, and tits, just like it always did with her.
Like she always wanted it to do.

She liked feeling his cock like this all over her body, and not just in her
mouth. This way the outside of her body could experience the same sensations
that the inside of her body was experiencing. It would burn. Her skin on the
outside of her body would burn, and her whole insides would burn.

This burning sensation--or sensations as they sometimes were--was what made it
all worthwhile. That plus everything else it made her feel. And when she felt
that he was just as hot as she was, she felt even better about what they had
just done.

His come was still shooting out of the crack in the head of his cock, and she
was still drinking down just as much of it as she could, letting the rest of it
run down all over her body, just like she had been doing all along. She felt
herself quivering inside to the point where she fell away from him.

His cock just hung loose in front of her, but all she did now was look at it.
"That's some piece of slimy cock you got there," she said out loud. "Yes, that
sure is. I could lick that hard piece of meat all day and all night, and one of
these days I'm going to. Just see if I don't."

Then she did lean forward again, and she licked all the slimy come off him;
after all, it was her slimy come on his slimy come that was all over his cock
like that. She wanted to get some more of it in her mouth before she was through
for this session. After all, tonight was going to be the big event. Tonight she
would actually get his cock inside her.

She remembered Chris' horse--the only horse's cock that had ever been in her--
and she remembered how good it had felt once it was inside her. Jocko's cock
would feel even better than that once it was inside her. It would feel like
twenty cocks. She just knew that it would.

"Rest up, Jocko," Vicky said, getting to her feet, "we're going to have some
night, you and I. They won't be able to walk away saying they didn't get their
money's worth. We'll certainly give them that, and I'm sure we'll give them a
lot more."

The smile came over her face and she went over and lay in a corner of the
stable. She closed her eyes, and soon she was asleep. She had a dream about
Jocko, and it was quite similar to Beatrice's dream. It was also quite similar
to Tom's story about that girl. Actually it was similar to a lot of things that
she could think of, and which she did after Beatrice woke her up in the middle
of it.

"I was dreaming," she said to Beatrice as she rubbed her eyes.

Beatrice laughed, and then stopped her laugh short. "I could tell that by the
look on your face just before I woke you. I knew you were dreaming about tonight
or something connected with tonight. Maybe you were even dreaming my dream."

"It was certainly like it in many ways," Vicky said, letting Beatrice help her
to her feet.

Without warning she pressed right into Beatrice and kissed her full on the
mouth. She got her arms around Beatrice and squeezed her tight and then got her
hands under Beatrice's dress and down under her panties and right on her ass.
She rubbed Beatrice's ass with a hard, circular motion, and then she began to
finger Beatrice's asshole.

It was just when Beatrice went to do that to her that Vicky pulled away just as
quickly as she had started the whole thing.

"That was just a sample of something you might get in the future if you did
everything I told you," Vicky said, "and did them right. They have to be done

"Of course they were," Beatrice said, still suffering from what was a blatant
rejection to her way of thinking. "After all, it was my dream, and I know it
better than even you. I even had that platform built. Just like the one that was
in my dream. You'll see that I didn't forget one of those little details you
told me to do before."

"Are they betting on me or Jocko?" Vicky then asked.

"On both of you," Beatrice responded.

"Did you bet my money on me?" Vicky then asked.

"And my money and James' money," Beatrice responded. "We'll really clean up if
you win. And you're right. It is more fun to win money than to just have it when
you want it. I can feel it even before we win it."

"I knew you would," Vicky said. "Well, it's almost time."

"Should I lead the horse in for you?" Beatrice asked.

"Hmmmm, I wonder about that?" Vicky seemed puzzled all of a sudden. "Should it
be you or someone else? I think maybe it should be a man."

"James?" Beatrice asked.

"No, not James," Vicky spouted off without even giving it a second thought. "I
think it should be Phil. Yes, Phil. He helped me once before with his own horse,
and he can help me again. Go get a jockey named Phil. He was that one we first
saw with that old man. The first two people we saw when we got here. Tell him
what I expect of him, and tell him firmly. He's afraid of his own shadow, and
he'll be afraid of you if you talk to him firmly."

Beatrice walked out of the stable again. Vicky began to think if she should go
out naked, or with her clothes on. It was a shame she didn't have that white
outfit she had worn in Beatrice's dream. That would really look like something.

It didn't really matter all that much though. All she needed was her body and
Jocko's cock. That was all. Anything else was unnecessary, no matter how nice it
might have looked.

She looked outside and saw that it was starting to get dark. She saw Phil come
in the stable right then. She smiled at him and then walked quickly past him and
outside into the night air. All the people from the track were formed in a
circle down a ways from her. Laughingly almost, she surveyed the crowd and then
started through it as the circle moved apart so that she could get to the
extreme middle where the small platform was. She didn't even look at any of the
people. She just lay down on her back on the platform and let her legs dangle
over the sides.

She had her legs spread wide apart and her cunt was wide open because of that.

"Just look at that pussy," she heard someone say. "She can fuck anything."

"Anything but a horse," someone else said.

"Want to place a side bet on that?" the first voice said again.

"Don't mind if I do," the second voice replied.

Then she didn't hear anything although everyone around her was talking to one
another. Her thoughts about Jocko's cock blotted out anything else than might
interfere with the memories she had already. She would have more memories after
tonight. More things to remember whenever she thought about that huge cock.

"And I'll think about it often," she whispered under her breath.

Even though she didn't really have to since no one would have been able to hear
her above the noise they themselves were making with their chatter, she
preferred to keep this opinion to herself.

Then she heard Beatrice's soft voice next to her ear. Beatrice was right next to
her and leaning over her. "I know you're going to come out of this okay, and
that's not what I'm concerned about though. I want you to fuck him for the both
of us, okay? Will you do that? It was my dream, and I deserve something out of

Vicky shut her eyes and was quiet for what seemed like the longest time to
Beatrice who was patiently waiting for her answer. An answer she really felt
would be another one of Vicky's rejections. I better get used to her rejections,
Beatrice said to herself bitterly, I'll be getting a lot more in the future. A
lot more.

Finally Vicky spoke up. "Of course I'll fuck him for the both of us, I was going
to anyway. You see, you were wrong this time. I didn't reject you like you
expected me to. And I didn't do that because I knew you expected it."

She gave that funny laugh of hers.

"Tell Phil to bring Jocko now," she said out loud so everyone could hear. She
had shouted it at the top of her lungs and everyone had heard her above all
their own noise. They stopped talking and looked at her. They were spellbound by
her naked body. They all wanted it for their own. To fuck and to do whatever
else they wanted to it.

"She was here before," she heard someone say. "I got a hard-on the minute I saw
her. I wanted to fuck her in the worst way, and I still do for that matter. I'm
sure I'll spend the rest of my life wanting to fuck her."

"So will the rest of us," another voice said.

They made way for Phil and the horse and Phil brought the horse right up to the
edge of the platform. Vicky could feel Jocko licking the bottoms of her feet.
Everything he does feels good to me, Vicky said to herself, feeling Jocko's
tongue flick up and down the bottoms of both her feet.

The platform was right between Jocko's legs now, and he was moving up alongside
of her body. His underside brushed against her thighs, her hairy mound, her
stomach, and her tits. When they brushed against her tits Vicky could feel both
her nipples get rigid and stay rigid.

She could feel his cock hanging down from his body and pressing into her
stomach. She grabbed hold of it in both hands without having to look at it or
for it. With something this big, you just had to feel for it. You just had to
sense it. And you could each and every time like she just had.

Vicky pressed Jocko's cock into her stomach harder, and she raised herself off
the platform somewhat and pressed her stomach against his cock as hard as she
could. She pressed the head right into her belly button, and that felt so good,
and she began to move it around against her belly button in a circular motion.

She could feel the strings on Jocko's cock and she smiled to herself. Beatrice
certainly had remembered everything, hadn't she? Every single thing. Not a thing
was missing except for that white outfit, and of course it wasn't Beatrice's
fault that she couldn't get that item.

Vicky was now stroking the head of Jocko's cock, and she was stroking it as
gently as she knew how. This will really get him, she thought. I'm sure he loves
this as much as I love doing it. He really does. And thinking that, she kept it
up for a few more minutes before she moved her hands farther down on his cock.

She was lifting her hips off the platform now and she was getting his cock right
between her legs. She was rubbing the head of his cock back and forth on her
clit. That made her quiver inside and it made her start to squirm. She could
feel her cunt lips getting wet with her sex juices already.

Her cunt lips were really wet when she rubbed the hard cock against them.
Actually she had been doing that right along since the head of Jocko's cock was
so wide, and she wasn't that wide across. She was pressing into him and rotating
her hips in a circular motion. She was rotating her hips in one direction and
moving his cock in the opposite direction.

That created all kinds of sensations inside her. Sensations that filled up her
body and made her shake even more and squirm a little more. Inside she was
already a mass of quivers. Inside she was already overflowing with her cunt
liquids. They were flowing right out of her; almost gushing out of her.

Now she eased the head of his cock into her cunt. That seemed to fill her up
already. Maybe she wouldn't be able to get him all in, and then she would lose
the bet. No, she said to herself, you will get all of him inside you. You will.
Not because of the bet. No, not because of that. You'll do it for more important
reasons than that. Much more important reasons.

She could hear the people start to clap. They were clapping rather softly and
rather timidly. They're all afraid to make me do what they are dying to see, she
thought to herself. They are really afraid to see it.

"Clap louder," she said, yelling like she had that one time before. "Clap louder
or I'll stop right now. You wouldn't want that would you? No, I'm sure you
don't. You want to see this, and I want to do it for you. Now clap louder or
else I'll just get up and walk off right now. Did you hear me?"

No one said a word, but they all began to clap as loud as they could. They
clapped so loud and so hard and so fast that their hands hurt them in no time,
but still they kept right on clapping because they knew what would happen if
they didn't.

"That's it," Vicky said, easing another inch of Jocko's cock inside her until
she could feel the second piece of string, "now you're clapping the right way.
Keep it up though. The minute you stop, I stop. And you don't want that. None of
you here wants that. Not even my husband. He wants it more than all of you put

Then she didn't say another word the whole time. She worked around those first
two inches that were inside her, and the fullness that she felt, plus the
warmth, was making her head spin already. That was just what it was doing. She
could feel her tits heaving up and down so very fast.

That's the way to do it, she said to herself, coaching herself along. That's
just the way to do it. She closed her cunt muscles around that part of his cock
that was in her, and she closed them around his cock just as hard as she could.
That made more of her sex juices flow.

She heard the clapping get louder, and that's when she eased another inch of his
cock inside her. She felt that third piece of string and again she stopped.
Again she began to work on that part of Jocko's cock that was now inside her.
Now it was three inches, and before too long, it would be four, and five, etc.

She just knew that she was going to be able to get Jocko's whole cock inside
her. At last she knew that she wanted to, and that was all that mattered to her.
If she wanted to, then she could. It was that simple. It had to be. She rotated
her hips more and more and that seemed to excite Jocko, not that he needed to be
excited. He was that already.

For some reason she opened her eyes. That's when she saw the leather strap that
was hanging down under Jocko's underside. She could tell that it went all around
his middle like those strings went around his cock. It was something she could
use, like that time with Chris' horse, when she had raised herself on the

Now she didn't really have to use this strap, the platform did all that for her.
But she would use it because she wanted to. She could make it feel better that
way. She could really hump away on him and really throw her cunt open wide. She
thought of that and more as she grabbed hold of the strap.

She pulled herself up on it and she lowered herself down on his cock so that
another inch of his cock went into her. She felt the fourth string. She felt
warmer and fuller now. His cock felt as if it was expanding inside her.
Expanding both in roundness and in length.

"Oh, please," she said under her breath, "keep feeling like this the whole time.
Let me feel you feel like this the whole time that you are in me." And she was
sure that that was how he would feel the whole time that he was in her. Now she
moved around those four inches like she had the first three, the first two, and
even the very first inch that went in her. An inch of his cock seemed longer
than the inch of some other cock.

Now she could feel her sex juices really starting to pour out of her, and she
could feel his cock throbbing away as he got ready to fill her with his hot,
sticky, slimy cream. She could feel it building up inside him, and she could
also feel that it was just busting to get out and in her.

The clapping continued. And now it was as loud as it would ever get. They were
clapping with all their might, and they were stomping their feet, and they were
yelling at the top of their lungs for her to take the whole cock inside her.
That was what they wanted now. They wanted it all in her.

They couldn't take this inch at a time stuff. Not any more. They wanted her to
finish the job now. Get it all inside her and just work out on it until she was
drained or the horse was drained. This is what they were watching for anyway.

I think I'll tease them a little more, Vicky said, easing in just another inch
of Jocko's cock, and that was all. Let them really scream for me to shove it all
inside me. And they will soon. Soon enough they'll be screaming just the way I
want them to. And it'll be before I get another inch inside me.

As usual she was right about those things. She heard them screaming at the very
top of their lungs for her to shove it into her all the way. She felt her body
relax somewhat, and she felt herself opening her thighs wider, thus opening her
cunt wider. It's amazing how big I am inside, she thought to herself, as she got
ready to take in the rest of Jocko's cock.

She knew there was a lot more left, but she always knew that she would get it
all in her. She had done it in Beatrice's dream, and she would do it now. Yes,
she most certainly would. Yes, Beatrice, she almost said out loud, this is for
the both of us. It is indeed for you just like it's for me. Your dream made it
possible, you know.

She began to grind into Jocko's cock harder and harder, and then she could feel
the rest of his cock sliding right inside her. It went in her so very fast that
it took her breath away, what little breath she had left. It was like a sharp
pointed knife going in her. Yes, that was just what it was.

Either that or a hard metal stake. Now it was driven right up inside of her, and
she could feel his bag-like balls slapping hard against her ass. He was ramming
his cock in and out of her, and he was actually fucking her now. He was actually
fucking her as if she was a female horse.

You never had a more responsive fuck than me, she said to herself, humping hard
into his groin, feeling it go so far inside her on every inward stroke. It
seemed to split her in half, and she thought she felt her whole body getting
ready to explode. And that was just what she did feel.

She really did feel as if her whole body was going to split into a million
pieces and just go flying off in all directions at once. Watch out for my
pieces, she felt like yelling at the audience that was more frantic now than
before. They were seeing just what they wanted to see, what they had wanted to
see right from the beginning.

Vicky really had teased them beyond the breaking point, and that was why they
were now acting this way. They were mad people. They were animals. They were
grunting and groaning as if it was them that was fucking her. Right then every
single one of them felt as if he was fucking her.

Vicky could feel that and it turned her on to the breaking point. And now that
she was at the breaking point she could feel Jocko getting more ready to
explode. More ready than he was a few seconds ago. More ready than he had been
the whole time. Yes, it's going to happen very soon, she told herself.

It was going to happen soon, and it was all going to happen to her, and she and
Jocko were the ones who were going to make it happen. Only they could make
something like this happen, and they were on the verge of doing just that. They
seemed to stay on the verge for the longest time.

Vicky could feel herself still building to her climax and she could feel her
whole body going soft inside. Her cunt was so sore that she thought she would
never be able to fuck again. He was stroking her so hard inside, and he kept
stroking her harder and harder inside.

That hard, burning cock flesh of his was making the inside of her pussy burn
more than it ever had before, and that was because it was burning so much. It
was burning to the point where she thought it would go up in flames almost. And
of course she felt the very same way inside.

He came into her first, and that sudden jerk, and that first gush of come, sent
her flying in space. It went right through her whole body once, and then it went
through her whole body a second and a third time. Then on came his come, and
that did the exact same thing.

That seemed to go all through her, and she was flying higher in space. This must
be what it's like to be high on drugs, she thought. I got there with them. I can
get there anytime that I want to. And I'm sure I'll want to many, many times.
She felt her own orgasm then, and that shook her as much as his orgasm had. Her
own come seemed to go all through her also.

There was a steady stream of come pouring out of his still very hard cock, and
she tried to keep as much of it inside her cunt as she possibly could. Naturally
she couldn't keep it all inside her cunt. There was just too much of him. She
felt his come dripping down her thighs and under her ass.

His sticky, hot cream seemed to be everywhere, and even places where it wasn't.
Where she knew that it wasn't. It didn't matter though. She could feel it in
those places as well. She could feel it all inside her, and all over the outside
of her. It was burning her flesh up.

Inside, it was making her quiver so much that she didn't think she would ever be
able to stop. Of course, she didn't want to stop either. The people seemed to
have died on her, but that was because they knew that she had had an orgasm and
that Jocko had had an orgasm. Now they waited to see who would be drained first.

Vicky could feel herself getting quite limp, almost to the point where she felt
like she was going to black out. She didn't though, and she was amazed by the
fact that she didn't. She was already set to lose the bet now. It didn't matter
one way or the other.

What really mattered was what Jocko had just done to her, and what he was still
doing to her. Nothing else but that made any real difference to her. Certainly
not some stupid bet that she hadn't cared about to begin with. That was just an
excuse, a reason to do what she had done, and what she was still doing.

Now she knew that she would never need an excuse to do anything with Jocko
anytime. She had all the reasons in the world for doing what she knew she was
going to be doing from now on. They would take Jocko back first thing tomorrow,
and she would drive him. That way, she knew he would get back.

Jocko's cock was still exploding inside, and then the last of his come just
dripped into her. She yelled at him to leave it in her as if she really thought
that he could understand.

"No," she finally said at the very top of her lungs so that everyone could hear
her--even though that had not been her intention, she had only wanted Jocko to
hear her, and he didn't seem to hear her at all, "No, Jocko, stay deep inside me
where you belong. Stay in me, Jocko. I want more of you. I want much more."

She kept yelling that over and over, even after Jocko was no longer inside her,
and even after he was no longer hard enough so he could get back in her.
Everyone stared at her in total disbelief. She had taken all that from that
horse and now she was begging for more. She was actually demanding more, and
wanting more. How could that be?

Vicky could feel herself getting dizzier and dizzier. They didn't see that
though. All they saw was her trying desperately to grab for his cock so that she
could get him back inside her. That was all they saw, and to them, that was all
they had to see. She had won. She had outlasted the horse.

Vicky was really beside herself when James picked her up and carried her back to
the stable. All the other people paid or collected their bets, and then drifted
off to their own rooms to dream about what they had just seen. Beatrice
collected all the bets for James, herself, and Vicky. It came to quite a bit.

James had put Vicky in the bed and then he left her there and went outside where
Beatrice was standing with all the money in her hand. She wasn't counting it
just yet, and instead she was just waving it about in the air above her head. It
wasn't the money that excited her though.

"It happened the same way that it did in my dream," she yelled, knowing full
well that he didn't have the faintest idea what she was talking about. That was
one little detail she had left out, and probably the only one, but it was most
likely the most important thing she could have told him, and didn't. And she
didn't plan on telling him now either.

"She did it for the both of us," she then said, and with that she collapsed on
the ground on her knees. She could feel the rocks digging into her soft knee
caps and cutting her, but she didn't have the will or the energy to get up. She
had used it all in that one last yell.

James just looked at her and shook his head.

"I know it can't be the money that's got you this way," he said. "How could it
when we've had so much of it all our lives? No, you actually thought it was you
the horse was fucking. And you can feel him still fucking you right this very

Beatrice just nodded her head.

"I thought as much," James said, picking her up off the ground. "You're just
like her now, or she's just like you. It's hard to tell at this point just who
became this way first. I know I can't tell, and I'm not even going to bother

Chapter 9

James then carried Beatrice into the stable, first lifting her high in his arms,
and then going right through the open stable doors. He took her in the small
room where Vicky was in one bed and already asleep, and he lay Beatrice down in
the other one, and she was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

James watched them both for a few minutes longer, and then he went back outside.
First he took a look at Jocko who seemed all done in. He had to laugh at that,
and he patted Jocko on the flanks before he went outside. It was pitch black out
and it was more than just chilly.

James felt a sudden chill and then he felt a slight degree of fear, although he
wasn't exactly sure just what it was that he was supposed to be afraid of. Not
being able to think of anything, he drove the thought, and even the fear from
his mind. He had more important things to think about and worry about than some
unknown fear.

He couldn't see very well, and he made his way very cautiously in what he
thought was the direction of the parking lot where Vicky had parked the car (he
had flown up on a private plane himself and that was why he had gotten there
before they did). He stumbled and almost fell more than once.

Finally when he reached the car--and it seemed like it took him a full hour to
get there--he opened the door and climbed in the back seat. He lay down full
length in the back seat, and before he knew it he was asleep. And then, before
he was halfway through his dream, a hand was shaking him awake.

It turned out to be Beatrice.

"What time is it?" he asked,

"I don't know," she responded. "My watch stopped, and I haven't bothered to ask
anyone. We'll find out soon enough."

"How is Vicky?" he then asked, as if he was afraid to, and in a way he was.

"Your little wife is doing fine," Beatrice chimed, meaning every word because
she wanted to more than anything else in the world. "In fact, she's out
horseback riding and has been for a few hours now. I guess she got up at the
crack of dawn, and she's been riding around that track ever since. She looks
good on a horse."

"As good as she looks under a horse?" he asked.

"Probably," Beatrice replied, adding nothing further because she could sense his
bad mood.

"That horse could have fallen on her and killed her," he said, not knowing if he
was angry because it hadn't done that, or just mad at himself for wanting it to
happen, and yet glad that it didn't.

"I hear some queen or something died like that," Beatrice said. "I read it in
this history book that told about the sex lives of royalty. This queen, or
whatever she was, loved horses, and she wouldn't let anything else fuck her.
Nothing or no one at all. She just liked big, ugly work horses though and not
racing horses. The bigger and uglier they were the better she liked it. She said
that they had bigger cocks than all the other horses. Anyway, she was going at
this one horse, and she had this contraption set up where the horse was almost
standing up on his back legs. She was riding him good with everything she had
when the cables broke and he just fell right on top of her and killed her. They
don't tell things like that in the average history book. You have to look for
those things, and I did. I'm glad I did too."

"I'll just bet you are," James sneered.

He was now out of the car and he was standing up straight on his two feet. His
heart felt as if it had been stepped on, and his mouth felt dry, and his legs
felt a little shaky, but other than that, he was more or less awake.

"I still say she could have gotten killed and I don't think that people should
let those things happen," he said, raising his voice more than he intended to.
"It is downright perverted, and it means that she's nothing but a pervert. And a
race track pervert at that."

"You knew that when you married her," Beatrice said, feeling she had to defend
Vicky. "You forced her even. She didn't force you and you know it. If you don't
like what you got, it's too late to cry about it now. You made the original
choice, and now you just have to live with it the best way you can."

"I could always divorce her," he then shot back at her like the angry child he
felt like right then. "I have ample grounds and I have plenty of witnesses."

Beatrice looked at him and laughed out loud, almost splitting a gut as she did
so. "Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You won't divorce her and you
know it. You divorced the other two when you found them in bed with me, but you
wouldn't divorce her if you found her in bed with me."

And James knew he wouldn't. No matter what he said, it was all just talk.
Somewhere, deep inside of his being was a spirit, a wraith that needed and
wanted all of which he now so openly condemned. 'Pervert' and 'perversion' were
words to throw, open defenses of himself for all the world to see but only
words. Deep within his own being he knew that he must answer the nagging,
desperate needs of his and her own flesh.

The End
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