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LLP-272 Caesar Comes Book One
by Jon Reskind

Chapter 1

Thunder rumbled with foreboding violence somewhere off to the west above the
lush, surrounding hills of the valley. Yet, stars twinkled now and then in the
warm, summer-night sky where the patches of gathering clouds didn't obscure
them. A pale half-moon outlined the small town's hushed streets when the
sweeping masses permitted, determining century-old, framed houses and great,
gnarled elm-trees lining the ways. A white, wooden church-steeple that had stood
in Cresent Valley since its founding some five-score years passed, dominated the
heart of the settlement.

It was late, nearing midnight, and the town square, along with its two- blocks
of locked business establishments, rested in the feeble, silent glow of sparse
street-lamps and occasional neon tubings of vivid reds, greens and blues. A
distance off in the hills, an animal, a stray wolf perhaps, wailed an eerie howl
that carried across the uneasily sleeping valley. Then, the unmistakable sound
of rhythmic footfalls against pavement grew louder, shattering the ghostly
stillness. By the dim, artificial light, one could make out the trim figure of a
young girl moving rapidly as she hummed to herself in a timorous voice and
turned onto the darkness of Cypress Street, purposely ignoring the far-end of
the square where the town hall loomed. Immediately, her tiny feet began to gain
in tempo.

Lightning, but not of the jagged, bolt variety, momentarily illuminated her
night world as she walked with increasing speed along the nearly pitch-darkened
street toward her home. Her young mind was not at ease and she hummed as if to
deny that to herself. She was thinking that her Uncle Link could get quite up-
tight when she stayed out after eleven ... and it was almost midnight. But
they'd been having such a good time dancing and talking that she'd truly
forgotten about the hour. She hoped that he wouldn't be waiting for her ... and
if Nell Carter was there he wouldn't be ... that was a near certainty. She could
well surmise what he would be doing with his bleached housekeeper from L.A. ...!

The lightning flashed again, startling her, following by the vibrating roll of
distant thunder. It would storm tonight, she thought. Last night it had nearly
broken when she'd accompanied Uncle Link and the men on their frantic chase
after the wild dog pack. She hadn't wanted to go, but he'd insisted. She was an
expert rifle marksman and a capable horse-woman, prime requisites when the sheep
were being threatened. She'd had no choice but to go, and God ... she would
never forget it! The way her uncle had clubbed and tortured that wild, fawn-
colored female dog! What a beautiful animal she had been, too, and almost ready
to whelp. It sickened her now as she remembered the vicious manner he'd used to
beat the beautiful animal rather than shoot her. Some of the men had actually
cursed him ...

"Dammit, shoot her, Chief! You don't have to torture the bitch that way ...!"

But for a few minutes he'd been like a maniac, as if he'd lost all control!
There'd been no stopping him; he'd hardly heard a word any of them shouted at

"For Christ sake, stop it, Unk! No need for that ...!"

"Shut up, you damned fools!" he'd roared at them, clubbing the wailing crippled
animal, but only hard enough to break its bones and not kill it. "You want your
goddamned sheep raided night after night ... or do you want to put an end to it?
Well ...? This is the way to do it! The rest of that pack has got to hear her
cries! That's the only way to drive them off ... throw the fear of man into them

Maybe, he had been right, she didn't know, but the ordeal had affected her as
nothing before in her teenaged life. Even in the despicable hatred she'd
suddenly felt toward him while he was cruelly killing the dog, certain
sensations of incredible excitement had filled her, causing her young body to
tremble and cover with chilling goose-flesh. God, it had been weirdly
exhilarating! Yet, only moments before as she'd waked through the square, she
had kept her eyes averted from viewing the poor dead thing where she hung on the
flagless pole in front of the town hall. There was something about her uncle's
hanging of the animal's senselessly broken carcass there that nauseated her, but
once again he'd insisted that the wild pack would know and stay clear, that the
massive German Shepherd which led them would understand "in his devil's soul
that he'd met his match ...!" Yes, he was probably right ... violence seemed to
be the only way in this world ...

Split seconds of brightening flashes again made familiar surroundings
discernible and Annie Purcell, sixteen-years old, hummed louder to herself as
she quickly tripped along toward her Uncle Link Morgan's home, unaware of the
avenging eyes intently watching her approach. Had she been closer when the skies
briefly glowed she might have caught the glistening reflection from the gold
medallion that hung from a chain at the throat of the huge German Shepherd dog.
She might even halve seen the figure of an eagle embossed on one of its sides,
or the ancient Roman centurion on the opposite ... or perhaps, the name
inscribed in circled letters: Caesar ...!

The sleek and powerful animal had stealthily slipped into Crescent Valley once
darkness had blanketed the town. With embittered patience, he had lingered in a
nearby wooded slope waiting for the shadows to lengthen, his unique senses
vindictively tormented by the cruel, drawn- out death of his mate. He had
watched the unnecessary torture and instinctively thought of his young in her
belly. Around him, the pack had uneasily milled at her agonized cries, certain
males daring to move in close, as if to challenge his leadership. But a growling
warning had been sufficient to shy them off. There was nothing to be done, he
accurately sensed, when the human chose to destroy them ... nothing, only

Now, he clung in motionless silence to the shadows of the overgrowth, his
burning amberish eyes piercing the night as if it did not exist. He watched the
girl's approach and knew her from the night before. There was youth and
vivacious beauty in her movements, his inimitable instincts told him. Earlier,
he had stalked the house not a half-block away of the brute-man who had so
cruelly killed his mate. Then, he had intuitively moved toward this overgrown
excavation where a human's shelter had once been started and not completed. Only
the pit where the cellar had been dug, its stone foundation laid and nearly
hidden beneath scrub brush, remained. There, he waited, a mysterious and
indefinable power advising him of the oncoming girl and her relationship to the
man and the town he had sworn his animal vengeance against.

... Sometimes, maybe too often, when she was alone and uneasy in the darkness,
Annie thought of her parents and that fateful night they had the accident on the
way to San Diego. It was futile, even foolish, she knew; they were very gone ...
long ago ... and now there was only Uncle Link, but she couldn't help thinking
about them sometimes.

Well ... she did love her uncle. He'd been good to her; besides, he was her
mother's brother and only living relative. But ... but the way he'd begun to
look at her lately, too often in fact, especially when he'd been drinking, which
was every night ... His eyes ... the gleam in them, and the twist to his mouth
... God, it frightened her. It was those times that she was glad that Nell
Carter was in the house. Perhaps, she was being silly ... after all, he was the
town's Chief of Police, and certainly he'd never made even one out of the way
advance toward her in the six years she'd lived with him. Really, it was unfair
of her to harbor such feelings. He had enough enemies in the Valley as it was
without her adding her name to their list.

Still ... why had he felt it necessary to torture that beautiful female dog
before he killed her? She had never seen him like that in all of the many hours
they had spent together hunting and riding. It hardly seemed that such brutality
was necessary, even in this callused world. Yet, she still couldn't deny the
strange feeling of almost obscure excitement it had given her! God, she wasn't
some sort of sadist like they talked about in sex-education at school, was she?
Maybe it was inherent ... in the family blood! Hadn't she actually become all
goose- pimply and keyed-up, seeing him wielding that club across the beautiful
animal's back ...!

M-My God ...! Wh-What was that ...? F-for a moment ... she'd thought she saw
eyes ... burning eyes like glowing coals in that brush ...! What on earth could
it be! M-Maybe, she b-better start running ...!

Caesar anticipated the long, chestnut-haired teenager's frightened move seconds
before she made it, and with furtive swiftness bolted from his hidden place to
confront her there on the narrow sidewalk!

In overwhelming horror, Annie froze! She stared in awesome disbelief at the
massive creature's viciously bared fangs gleaming in the faint moon-light! Her
breathing choked in her young throat at the blazing eyes that were fixed on her
and the ferocious, deep-throated growl that the huge beast threateningly gave
forth! Had she tried, she knew that she could not move ... her legs were growing
numb, as if they were petrified! It was him ... the wild pack's leader! The
thing around his neck glistening in the moonlight ... she had thought she'd seen
such a medal when they'd chased and gotten close to them the night before ... !
Oh ... Oh God ... he was moving toward her, crouching, preparing to leap ... !
Scream! Scream ...! She tried, but couldn't ... and then, mercifully she fainted

* * *

... Strange sensations of tingling warmth rippled through Annie's young belly as
she lay limply on her back, a maze of disconnected thought- waves suddenly
swirling through her head. Confusion swept through her and she tried to move,
but stopped at the sound of a low, animal-like snarl. She opened her eyes then,
yet continued to lie there unmoving, the strange stirring sensations in her
belly ever-increasing with a weirdly rising excitement. Her teenaged brain
functioned in its effort to restore normalcy. W-Where was she ...? It was dark
... yet there was a half-moon and ... and stars ... wh-what had happened ...?

Thunder filled the darkness of the warm summer air as simultaneously, further
charges of stimulating arousal raced through her youthful loins and belly. Annie
raised her hands to her throat in revived fear. She lifted herself to her elbows
with the full brunt of her returning memory. Then, by the flash of revealing
lightning, she saw that she was naked ... wholly and shamefully naked ... saw
that she was lying with her legs obscenely spread apart ... and ... and that the
massive wolf- like German Shepherd was standing between her thighs--his tongue
laxly out and his great head lowered just above ... above her pantyless vagina!

Again, fire-filled sensations charged through the young virginal core of her
naked body. The warm, wet contact of his saliva-drenched tongue spread open the
sparse, hair-lined lips of her tight young cuntal crevice, Waving its sensitive,
pink inner-flesh with a taunting upsweep that sent uncontrollable shivers of
sudden passion brushing over her! My God! He ... he was licking her down there
between her open thighs!

Had she been petrified prior to fainting, Annie was now shockingly panic-struck.
The unbelievable sight of what was happening between her naked, widespread legs,
the realization that the vicious animal was actually licking at her virginal
young pussy with his hot, wet tongue, was about to drive her hysterical. Yet,
somehow, she knew that she must retain control of herself if she were to come
out of this alive! To struggle against him in any way might bring him fiercely
charging at her throat!

She couldn't restrain the whimper of extreme dread when, by the next flash of
lightning, she saw tatters of her clothing ripped and strewn about them. God, he
must have torn them from her with his teeth! Wh- what sort of animal was it that
would do such a thing to a human female ...? She gaped at him through the
darkness which her eyes were growing accustomed to, and saw his own burning orbs
staring hotly at her as he continued to obscenely lick and nuzzle at her
helplessly exposed vaginal lips. A tremor of incredulous sensations caused her
to convulse in her shameful nakedness. Oh Cod, he-he was almost human ... that
expression in his unrelenting eyes ... and what he was doing to her nakedly
stripped loins!

Oooohh ... what he was doing to her! She'd never known such sensuous feelings in
her belly, and her pussy, in spite of her fear, felt as if there was a hot
little fire glowing inside it! Even ... even her breasts tingled in excitement,
she realized, as she mentally cupped, then pinched their tiny, hardened nipples
... But ... but this was insane! My God ... the dog would kill her before he was
done ... tear her to pieces! She had to keep her head ... to get away from him
as soon as possible! Maybe ... maybe, if she just jumped to her feet and ran
...? God, she had to do something; he intended to kill her, she felt certain of
that ... and ... and maybe even eat her ...!

It was the latter horrible thought that made Annie feebly cry out, then attempt
to scramble onto hands and knees and blindly crawl away. Caesar waited only long
enough for her to reach the all-fours position before unleashing a savage growl,
stopping the curvaceous, naked teenager in icy-veined terror. She uncontrollably
sobbed out, the fear-filled, choking sounds little more than animalistic whines
in the gripping anguish of her unbelievable horror. From that point, the huge
dog never seemed to hesitate, but moved as if his intentions had been
predetermined. He mounted her from behind, his powerful forepaws clutching at
the soft, white flesh of her youthfully cubed hips, his wet tongue hanging
loosely from his rapaciously open mouth!

Annie dared not breathe! She was that terrified with his sudden clamber up
behind her unprotected nakedness, his strong, hairy forelegs clutching at her
narrow waist and the arch of her hips! Hadn't she seen animals do it together
like this a thousand times? Good Lord ...! Her firm young breasts quivered and
swayed beneath her chest from the jarring force of his luridly obscene position
behind her defenselessly upraised buttocks. Then suddenly, she felt the gold
medallion that hung from his neck grazing the smooth-fleshed hollow of her nude
back! He ... he was going ...going to do it to her ... as if she were nothing
more than a ... a whining bitch dog!

"N-no ... no, please ...!" Annie heard herself whimper as something long and
pointed probed wetly back between the nakedly raised trembling mounds of her
softly trembling buttocks and lewdly spread thighs. Her brain swam once more! My
God, she was a virgin ... and he was going to do it to her ...!

At that precise moment, whatever additional thoughts she had were abruptly swept
away when she sensed the nose of his hardened animal- penis prodding at the
tight, wet mouth of her defenselessly spread vagina! Dear God, no ... no! She
desperately tried to squirm away from the vise-like grip of his encircling paws,
but it was useless, and like a charging, white-hot lance, the solid thickness of
his long animal- cock spread the soft hair fringed lips and forced its way up
into her saliva-slickened little vaginal passage with a slight, wet popping
sound and rippling the smoothly yielding walls wide apart before its bevel-
tipped hardness!

Annie gasped for illusive breath as the huge length of blood-filled dog-penis
stretched and filled her young cuntal channel like a muscular arm rammed into
the sleeve of a child's garment, its pointed end smacking heavily back up
against the very base of her tender, young cervix. Again, she choked out a
whimpering gasp, while the great beast who was mounting her from behind snarled
out a low commanding growl of triumph, then began to animalistically hump and
fuck up into her!

The teenager's mind was a vortex of unheralded, emotional sensations! Her entire
head vibrated with the pounding blood racing through her brain, while her
youthful white body that was bent nakedly before the wild fucking dog, quivered
and convulsed in the throes of unknown, sensuous agony. Her vaginal-passage felt
as if it had been impaled with the heavy, sawed off limb of a tree; yet, at the
same time, there were weird spasms of intensively rising desire filling her!
Nevertheless, she compulsively fought the sensuality, her sickened, fear-filled
mind concerned only with the horrifying animal fucking she was receiving from

It struck her then that his heavily burrowing penis of hardened animal- flesh
had ripped her wide open! She'd felt the thin membrane of her maidenhead give
way with a bursting stab of pain, and she was certain the vicious beast had
horribly torn the expanded little hole of her vaginal mouth! Oh God, she might
bleed to death there in that deserted cellar if he didn't kill her outright!

Again, with a twisting lurch of her naked, youthful body, she tried to shake
free from his long, piercing thick hardness from her cock-filled young pussy,
but her efforts were in vain. Caesar's fierce growl chilled the very marrow of
her teenaged bones, while his powerful hairy forelegs clutched possessively at
her soft waist and hips! Thrusting! Thrusting! Like a searing firebrand it
slithered in and out of her helplessly clasping, young cuntal channel, spreading
the virginal passage open wider and wider as he hammered his long, wild cock
deeper and deeper up between her helplessly spread thighs!

The panting Caesar's mystical intellect made the mighty dog aware of the young
girl's sudden resignation and surrender before him. Briefly and in desperation,
she had struggled at one last frantic attempt to escape before hopelessly
subjecting herself before his conquering attack. He sensed the resistance
draining from her naked, human flesh, as it did with his own female bitches when
he selected and demanded from them. A spirit of exhilarating revenge raced
through his savage body as he watched the upper portion of her smooth, female
back drop until her face and young, human breasts were flattened down against
the softness of the grass, the rounded mounds of her soft, white buttocks raised
submissively to his vindictive assault. This, he instinctively knew, would not
breathe life into his torturously murdered mate, nor his young that she had
carried into death with her, but cryptically imbedded in his animal-brain dwelt
an ancient law driving him on... lex talionis ... the ancient roman law of
retaliation and revenge!

Through his unfathomably keen senses he felt his long, lust-hardened penis
slithering forward with a wet charge until it was entirely buried in the
clutching moist heat of her tightly clinging female passage, his swollen, sperm-
laden testicles swinging down and slapping hard against the soft dampness of her
lightly curling pubic hair. Mercilessly, he bucked and plunged into the hot,
yielding cuntal flesh, hearing her feminine moans and feeling the trembling
nakedness of her smooth, white buttocks flattening up against his belly as he
attempted to skewer her onto the last remaining inch of his thickly lengthening
rod of hotly driving flesh!

Though her young brain was still overwhelmed with the incredible obscenity me
wild, wolf-like dog was committing on her helpless, naked body, Annie could not
ignore the sensual incitement his enormous animal cock had almost immediately
set off inside her. At first, his savage thrust into her virginal young loins
had nearly blinded her with the excruciating agony of its huge hardness bursting
into her. But now, the stark horror and shame of the shocking animal-rape itself
was forgotten, only the invading presence of the brute's long, thick cock
plowing open the sensitive, resistant flesh of her never before entered vagina,
registered in her mind. Like a hotly reaming piston, it had raced into her
unprotected pussy, until in seconds he had rammed it all the way up inside the
vainly resisting channel! Desperately, she had fought for breath while tears of
pain streamed down her cheeks and her convulsing body struggled in its
vulnerable nakedness to be free! But as the brute relentlessly continued to fuck
up into the liquid, wide- stretched flesh between her lewdly upturned buttocks,
the pain seemed to dissolve into impossible sensations of intensely growing
arousal, equaling those which his hot, Waving tongue had first spread through
her trembling young belly! Oh God, if she were sinning by succumbing to him, let
it be! Oh God ... Let it be ...!

Now, as unthinkable as it was, she had begun to feel the texture of his sleek
animal coat beneath his belly brushing teasingly against the opened, smooth
mounds of her nakedly exposed buttocks, and she pressed her face and tingling,
nipple-tipped breasts harder down until they were flattened and groveling onto
the grass-softened earth!

Her young brain reeled with the unbelievable intoxication of what was happening
to her! She, a virginal, teenaged human, being attacked and actually raped by a
wild dog, as if she were a bitch-animal of his own kind!

O-oh God, w-was it really taking place? And why did she think of a wild dog us
"he" rather than "it" ... as if the brute were human, himself ...? There! There!
She'd done it again ... "himself!" I-It had to be his mesmeric hard animal-cock
that was wildly filling her burning pussy-hole! Never in her life had she felt
so lust-filled ... or even known the lewd, obscene sensation of wanting to be
fucked ... fucked ... fucked until she was almost dead from the joy of it!

"Oooohh ... ooohhh ... yes, yes ... do it! F-fuck me, fuck me harder like that!"
Annie hissed with a trembling whisper, twisting her earth- dirtied, young face
to gape back and up at the panting beast avengingly fucking into her. She was
helplessly impaled all the way up to the testicles on his huge animal-cock and
heedlessly reveling in newly discovered joy at its unnatural possession of her
newly awakened young cunt!

She breathed a sensual moan of passion from her lust-moistened lips, and began
to move uncontrollably backwards with rhythmic gyrations to meet Caesar's
ravaging thrusts. His forelegs clung to her softly curved hips like strong,
furry arms, and she began to wantonly undulate her curvaceous young body back at
him in the perpetual undulations of the female whore down through the ages.

Though she could hardly govern her awakened natural desires, the teenager's
intuition told her that with them she was, in some weird way, winning the favor
of the massive, wild animal fucking inhumanely into her receptive young cunt.
That insane belief, and that alone, dammed away the terror and shame she had
known in the beginning. Only youthful, secret lust filled her now as she rotated
her white, smoothly rounded young buttocks backward in answering little circles
to the beasts wildly plunging cock, giving her naked self fully to the erotic
wonder of the lewd animal fucking she was receiving back in her now eagerly
absorbing young pussy.

He would spare her because of his sexual attachment, realizing she was more than
a friend, perhaps a mistress ... like the fawn-colored dog had been to him
before she was so cruelly killed! She knew that much of animals, thanks to Uncle
Link. And she knew as well that they ... every man in the valley ... would not
rest until this wild brute was dead, once they learned what had happened to her!
There was no one to tell the ugly truth, to reveal the whorish manner in which
she was voluntarily grinding her lewdly spread nakedness back onto the huge
dog's beautiful driving cock! Animals couldn't speak ... they couldn't talk
about their master's indiscretions like the slaves of history ...!

Caesar knew and welcomed the hot, wet clasping of her desire-clenched vagina
back onto his thrusting length of hardened maleness, an inbred, unquestionable
sensation of male domination momentarily sparking the depths of his wilderness
keened brain. The lower, more base instincts of her soft, human body had taken
control, even as her supposedly superior mind fell into complacent lust. It was
natural; she couldn't help it, he discerned as he humped more heavily up between
her open buttocks. Such were the inevitable plights of the human ... had once
been his own, and perhaps would be again ... but now ...!

Annie wished there was some way she could bend her head all the way back up
under her kneeling body and watch his enormous, pleasure-giving dog-cock
disappearing inside her tightly clasping pussy! God, she was little more than a
deplorable bitch ... but she'd never even imagined such erotic bliss! Just to
see it ... see it fucking in and out up inside her hot, wetly clasping cunt lips
that had hardly ever known more than her own tiny finger! But, at best, she
could only visualize their orgiastic spectacle, the mere thought of their lewd,
unnatural coupling sending unknown, salacious excitement raging through her
passionately aroused young body. She groaned aloud in her all consuming passion
and ground her softly yielding buttocks back hard against his strong,
mercilessly battering animal-flesh, sensing the tiny rivulets of moisture
building wetly in the smoothly rotating crevice separating the whiteness of her
asscheeks. Then, she felt the tiny streams beginning to dribble down the backs
and rhythmically working tendons of her supple inner thighs, while the sudden
mounting pressure in her loins and belly signaled that something dynamic was
soon going to happen deep inside her!

In and out, in and out, Caesar rapidly fucked the slavishly kneeling girl, a wet
staccato of flesh-slapping sounds hollowly filling the open, dark cellar, his
keen animal-brain savoring a measure of vengeance in his human rape of her
helplessly naked young body. His powerful, hardened penis was bursting into her
as if she were some ripe fruit, destroying her chaste mind forever, he knew, and
therein lay his revenge upon the humans who had destroyed his mate. Between each
thrust, he sensed her tender young vaginal passage relaxing, then swallowing his
solid length back up inside again and holding it fast in a hot, hungry clutch of
eagerly working cuntal muscles. He saw her smooth, white body tense and relax
again and again beneath him as she began to incessantly moan. His great organ
seemed to grow and harden even more when he felt the soft, fleshy ridges inside
her hot contracting belly giving way before his unsparing assault.

Again, she twisted her head to look back at him and he witnessed her mouth
suddenly gasping open, but the coming scream half-choked in her slender young
throat. Instead, she began to toss her head wildly from side to side her long
chestnut-hair flailing about her naked shoulders. She had reached the beginning
paroxysm of female orgasm, he perceived, when she began to savagely swivel her
rounded, white buttocks hotly and crazily back against him like any of the
rutting bitches of his own wild dog pack. His tongue hung loosely from his
panting mouth as he fucked with heavy, buttock flattening humps up between the
soft, furiously undulating mounds of human, female-flesh. Once more, she
screamed, this time, her cry piercing the night while she rammed deliriously
back onto his huge thrusting hardness, and he drove it mercilessly forward to
begin spitting its hot, wet semen in bullet-like spurts deep up into her young
hungrily clasping cuntal passage!

Caesar felt her smooth, rounded buttocks begin to contract and jerk back against
his hotly empty testicles, uncontrollably hollowing and tensing, indicating the
zenith moment within her voraciously quivering young belly. He felt the thick,
wet combination of their orgasmic release seeping out around the flushed lips of
her rhythmically throbbing pussy lips as her hot, clutching young vaginal
channel ravenously squeezed and pulled at his rapidly spurting penis.

She fell forward then, away from him, her legs still spread wide apart, and in
the light of the half-moon her rounded white buttocks glistened wetly from his
expended semen. He could see her opened pink flesh and the soaked dark hair of
her ravished young loins, as she breathed heavily in her obscenely spread
position. Exultantly, he stepped over her outstretched nakedness and raised his
head toward the moon ...

Across the uneasily sleeping valley, an eerie howl split the heavy silence,
causing men and women to restlessly toss in their beds ... a harmless stray
wolf, perhaps ...

Chapter 2

The chilling, wolf-like cry had sent a tiny tremor rippling over Jean Blakely's
curvaceous, naked body, and she snuggled backwards in the bed, up tighter
against her young husband, finding reassurance in his sheltering, rugged
masculinity. He stirred with the movement, making her realize that she was
tickling his face again with strands of her long blonde hair. His strong hand
cupping the resilient flesh of her left breast started to move away, then
returned as if in after-thought to reclaim the firm, full mound, and she felt
the length of his flaccid penis possessively seating itself tighter back between
her buttocks, the pubic hair of his lean pelvis pleasurefully brushing against
their yielding, sensitive smoothness.

She quietly sighed in drowsing unrest. Her soft belly and tingling sperm flooded
vaginal walls still fluttered with little throbbing spasms from the rapture of
their love-making. It had nearly happened this time, and she was confident that
very soon they would discover the intimate formula. Most of all, she had made
him happy; all else, even her own fulfillment, was of secondary importance ...
but the animal's lonely cry had seemed to add to her uneasiness.

Wide awake once more, Jean's novelly devoted young mind fell into thought. It
was just that everything was so strange to her, she supposed ... and she loved
him so much. Their marriage, Crescent Valley, this new and foreign life away
from the city, the latter all that she'd ever really known ... it was such a
different existence ... except for his being a law-enforcement officer.

She'd vowed, after watching her Mom's many many nights of worry that she'd never
marry a lawman ... and here she was, happier than she could ever have dreamed
possible. Of course, with Mark it was a little different; he was a deputy
sheriff in an almost rural district, while her dad had been a Los Angeles
detective with his life constantly in danger, but why couldn't Mark have been a
druggist, or a carpenter, or ... or ...? Ridiculous ... lying there thinking
such nonsense ...! He was Mark Blakely and she loved him with every ounce of
strength she possessed! In fact, she couldn't imagine him being anything else
but a deputy sheriff; he looked so handsome in his uniform. Besides, if he'd
chosen any other career she probably would never have met him! Certainly, he
wouldn't have been in L.A. attending the police academy seminar for that week,
nor could her father have invited him home to dinner ...!

And what a beautiful, whirlwind seven-days they had been: first, the double-
dates with Steve and Carol; then, the private ones of their own ... and the very
first kiss! Shortly, Mark's proposal had followed. Lord, she'd thought she was
going to go out of her mind with happiness! Mom had guessed before they'd even
had a chance to tell her, Jean remembered, smiling to herself in the darkness,
and Dad had just stood there beaming proudly, waiting to give them both his

Two months ago, yet it seemed like yesterday that Judge Wilton had pronounced
them man and wife. It hadn't been at all what she'd girlishly envisioned as her
wedding, but neither she nor Mark had wanted to wait another minute. Besides,
he'd had to get back here to the valley and she'd had no intentions of letting
him come alone ... nor had she really known one single moment of regret over her
snap decision. She'd loved him from the very first instant their eyes had met,
and that, she knew, would never change regardless of what he did to her... or
what he couldn't do ... But that wasn't fair, that last uncalled-for thought,
she mentally reprimanded, angry with her self. Gently, she caressed his big,
virile hand warmly cupping her naked breast, brushing with fervent affection the
soft masculine hair that grew sparsely along its back. He would soon discover
the intrinsic key to bringing her to orgasm, she reassured herself, a tiny
passionate tremor rippling over her once more, the erotic anticipation nearly as
satisfying to her young, voluptuous body as the unlocked moment itself might be

Though he hadn't moved any portion of himself, except his face to escape the
perfumed taunting of her silken hair teasing at his chin, Mark lay wide-eyed,
well aware of his new young wife's sleeplessness. Again tonight he'd failed, he
confusedly thought. And she'd been almost there, that much he felt certain of,
but he hadn't been able to hold back his cum any longer! Damn, she was so lovely
... her breath-taking body ... so soft and white and roundedly curved at every
strategic point ... he had only to look down at her and he was lost! He'd cum
like some sort of unleashed, pumping fountain, his bloated balls achingly
pressuring the sperm from them in wild, spurting gushes that had damned near
torn him apart! And after that, what could he possibly do for an encore ... even
knowing that she was as excited and tighter than a drum inside, hoping, just
hoping and giving herself to him ... only to be left played with, but never
released? What else was there for her outside of wrapping her soft arms around
his neck as she pressed her warm smooth curies tightly against his spent body
and passionately whispered how much she loved him ... that it was all right, and
maybe next time it would be different? What else ... except hit him in the face
with a shoe, or something, the way the wealthy and spoiled Lydia Newell would
react? But then, Jean was no Lydia, was she, not his gorgeous Jeannie ...?

Christ, it wasn't even honorable to tie both of them into the same thought!
Maybe if he'd waited until things were in better straits here in the valley, he
could've made this twenty-two year old golden young Venus some sort of a
physically satisfying husband! Not only was Lydia an ever-present menace to
their marriage with her sensually vicious body and mind, but there was the
rotten drug problem the town had suddenly been exposed to among its young people
... and even worse, the unbelievable wild-dog pack that was raiding the herds
for food, plus, the stupid damned stories that were spreading about its huge,
mysterious leader. He'd brought her there right in the midst of it all ... his
precious Jeannie, exposing her to the worst possible side of the valley. He
hadn't been thinking ... couldn't, damnit! He'd been that far gone ...
completely and totally in love ... if that term could accurately describe what
had happened to him.

Hell, for himself, he wasn't sorry. Like any man, he was too damned lustful. But
for the exotically precious young woman he held snugly embraced against him, he
couldn't help feel genuine concern. Christ, he loved her so damned much! If only
he'd used his head, or heart, instead of his brainless hard cock to do his
thinking ...!

"You're awake, aren't you, Darling," he heard her softly whisper in a statement
rather than a question. "I could tell by the way your hand began to squeeze and
stroke my breast."

"Y-yes," he breathed, feeling her trying to cuddle her intoxicating, nakedness
back against him even closer, her smooth little hand holding his that was
intently clutching the firm resilience of the unbelievably full mounds on her

A revived sensation of desire charged through him at the meaningful squirm of
her satin-smooth buttocks back against his cock between them, causing it to
lurch into the first stages of re-hardness and she passionately whimpered. He
kissed the crown of her head, even as thoughts of Link Morgan, Lydia Newell, and
the ferocious dog-pack with its wild leader raced through it. Why he should
think of them, and especially a brute animal at such a time, was unanswerable!
She was so beautiful, so softly luscious, so absolutely feminine ...!

"W-what's bothering you, Darling?" she whispered.

"You. Just you, Baby ... nothing else."

"Oh darling ..." she said, kissing his hand. "I-I know you want to mean that ...
but there's something else on your mind ... Already, I can tell, and I've only
known you two-months. You can't lie to me, Mark ... not ever ... Please? What is
it? Let me worry with you? Isn't that part of our life together?"

He didn't answer right away. Then: "Of course, Baby. I'll always tell you," he
lied, feeling protective in the act. "Minor things, really ... day to day
details that I have to be concerned with ..."

"What about the dogs?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"The dogs?"

"The wild-pack everyone is talking about that raid the sheep?"

"What about them? It happens all the time."

"Not according to the women in the neighborhood," she quietly replied. "Old
Granny Obert said something about it being a hundred years ago when the valley
was first settled that dogs actually ran wild like this. And ... and she insists
that ... that they had the same leader ..."

"Good Lord, Jean! You can't believe that medieval nonsense! Dammit, those pipe-
smoking, nursing-home cases ought to be carted away!" Mark snapped, rolling onto
his back and letting free of her breast.

Immediately, Jean turned over, crowding close to hug him. He could see her
lovely heart-shaped face by the light of the half-moon filtering in through
their open window.

"Well, don't get angry with me, Sweetheart," she entreated. "I'm only trying to
tell the deputy sheriff what's circulating around town ..."

"The deputy sheriff can't do a damned thing in this little burg!" he snapped,
not meaning to sound angry. "His jurisdiction begins at its town-limits. Inside
those barriers, Chief of Police Link Morgan enforces the law ... such as it is

"Darling, Darling, please ...? You're beginning to sound mean."

"I don't intend to ... I'm sorry," he said, his brain suddenly filled with the
memory of the three boys he'd picked up for pushing dope at the Valley High
School. He'd turned them over to Link and nothing had happened yet, not even a
hearing before Judge Collins ... but then, even the Judge was on Link's pay,
wasn't he. Goddamnit, how could you maintain law and the citizens' rightful
peace in an area like this with such as Link Morgan and the Newells? They
controlled! Damnit, sometimes he was tempted to ask Sheriff Hester for a
transfer! He would if it wasn't for his Dad ... dead now, killed by Link's
accidental hunting bullet ...! Yeah, he would because of Jeannie, but he knew
he'd never be able to forgive himself! The sons of bitches! Goddamnit, he never
should have brought her there until it was all cleared ...!

The telephone interrupted his thoughts. Jean let free of him as he fumbled for
the light-switch then the instrument setting on the table beside him. She tensed
as it rang again. There had been only a few such night calls since their
marriage, but each of them had been serious enough to take him from her ... auto
accidents ... a robbery ... and ...

"What the hell are you saying, Doc?" she heard Mark incredulously blurt out.
"The Purcell girl ... Link Morgan's niece ...? My God ... did he maul her ...?
What ...? Th-that's impossible ...! I can't believe ... listen, I'll be right
there, Doc ...! Have you called Link? Okay ... okay, I'll be right over ...!"

Jean could hardly believe the appalled expression wrenching the handsome
features of her husband's rugged face. He was staring at her, but frighteningly
not seeing her, she realized. Whatever it was all about, the knowledge of it had
actually drained the blood from his chiseled features!

"Wh-what is it, Mark?" she hesitantly asked, sitting upright in the bed and
pulling the sheet up over her nakedness as he hurriedly bolted to the floor and
began to dress.

"What ...? Oh ... an accident, Honey ... there's been an accident ... nothing
for you to worry about," he managed after a moment, as if her were pacifying a

He was lying and she blew it, that thought alone sending an icy chill along her
naked spine. He would never he, only to protect her, or keep her from worrying
... "A-Annie Purcell, you said ... and ... and did he maul her ... please,
Darling, tell me the truth ...?"

"Damnit, Jean, it's nothing for you to concern yourself with!" he snapped as he
strapped on his holstered pistol, then went to the closet and brought out his
shotgun. His sharpness of tone, rather than offending her, only added to her
anxiety. "Just go to sleep ... and I'll be back as quick as I can ..."

He started out the door, then, as if on second thought, crossed the room to
close their bedroom window, that surprising act almost completely unnerving her.

"Why did you do that?" she brusquely questioned. "Would you like to have me
suffocate here in my ignorance, too?"

She saw him swallow tightly and move toward the bed, bending down to kiss her.
"Please, Baby ... I can't explain now ... there isn't time. I've got to get over
to Doc Emory's," he said, stroking her back as he warmly kissed her lips. "Just
trust me and do as I ask ... all right?"

"Al-all right, Darling ... I'm sorry ..."

"I know ... now try to get some sleep ... and don't worry."

"I-I'II try," she promised as he smiled back one last time before disappearing
through the doorway.

* * *

Some dozen men in hasty dress had gathered in front of the Doctor's house when
Mark drove up. Most of them were carrying rifles or shotguns, and the others, he
assumed, were armed one way or another. He snapped his own shotgun into its
accessible bracket and stepped from the patrol car.

"Hello, Mark," a naselish voice he recognized as Fred Clark's greeted, the tall,
thin man approaching him. "I found her ... stumbling along Cypress Street, naked
as a plucked little jay-bird and filthy dirty, poor kid ..."

"Had she been mauled, Fred?" Mark questioned, repeating the question that Doc
Emory had not answered.

"Hell ... couldn't tell for sure," the other replied. "Didn't see any blood, but
she was crazy, hysterical ... moaning that the goddamned brute had raped her!
The wife and I both heard her scream. We only live a hundred yards or so from
that cellar, you know ...!"

"Is Link inside?" Mark interrupted him.

"Yeah, and right ready to kill," the informant said. "Cripes, I never saw him so
wild, Mark ...!"

The tall deputy pressed through the gathering, moving up the walkway toward the
lighted porch. He still couldn't believe it, and would not until Doc Emory
repeated his affirmation. Cripes, such goddamned things didn't happen, except in
old wives' tales!

"Come in, Mark," Mrs. Emory invited in a hushed voice, opening the door in her
night robe. "They're in the living room. The poor girl is sleeping ... Doctor
gave her a sedative."

"Thanks, Mrs. Emory," Mark nodded, moving toward the raised sound of Link
Morgan's gruff voice. The barrel-chested, unshaven man was dressed in his usual
non-uniform of khaki shirt open at the collar, leather hunting pants and boots.
He'd been drinking; his small colorless eyes were bloodshot and his shock of
white hair uncombed. To Mark, he always looked like a man in his sixties, rather
than pre-fifty, the result, undoubtedly, of his own dissipation.

"Hello, Doc," Mark greeted the slight, mustached physician first, then with a
nod: "Link. What happened ... how is she ...?"

"I'll tell you what happened, Blakely! That goddamned wild sonofabitch dog raped
my niece, and I'm going to hang its hide as high as that bitch on the flagpole
in front of town-hall! Only first, I'm going to rip the bastard's nuts off!"
Link bitterly snarled, addressing the fact that Mark had warned him against
taking an armed posse into his jurisdiction again for any reason.

Mrs. Emory had started to enter the room, but quickly left at the Chief of
Police's lurid choice of words. Mark bit at his lower lips, forcefully
controlling himself. He said: "What are your findings, Doctor?"

The slight, aging bald man solemnly nodded, giving medical credence to the
broad-shouldered police-chief's ranting version. "No doubt about it, Mark ...
the beast actually attacked her. Its animal semen was present in my examination.
Surprisingly, it didn't harm her in any other way ... oh a few scratches, but
they could have occurred when it tore the clothing from her. Actually, she's
suffering mostly from shock. I've given her a sedative. She's sleeping in my
office ..."

"You mean, the dog literally ripped the clothing from her?" Mark asked in

"You're fucking well told he did!" Link roared, raising a waterglass half-filled
with liquor to his lips that he had undoubtedly wheedled from the doctor. He
gulped half of it, breathing in shortened rasps as he glared at the deputy.
"Shredded the goddamned panties and everything else right off her, and Fred
Clark was there when I gathered 'em up! I tell you again, Blakely, that devil
from hell's got to die! It ain't enough that the pack is killing the sheep, now
they're attacking young, innocent girls and fucking 'em like bitches! You tell
me that bastard ain't some kind of evil spirit Tom Satan, himself ...?"

"You're talking like an ass, Link!" Mark short-temperedly replied. "I don't know
the answer but there has to be one! Maybe ... maybe Annie can give it to us when
she's herself again ..."

"You go to hell, Blakely!" the powerful man snarled, stomping about the room,
then gulping the remainder of his drink. "I, for one, ain't waiting for that
evil sonofabitch to attack another girl in Crescent Valley! I aim to do
something about it, whether you lay sanction or not! I'm forming a posse and
going out ...!"

"There'll be no posse, Link ... unless I call for them," Mark calmly interrupted
him. "I won't tolerate the brutal torture of animals, even vicious ones, the way
you did last night. Out there is my territory, and I intend to guard it. I don't
intend to have a bunch of liquor- whipped maniacs riding those hills with rifles
and shotguns. If you remember, Link, that's the way my father died ...!"

"Wh-what the hell are you saying, boy? That was an accident!" the huge man spat,
well aware of the deputy sheriff's meaning. "Christ, could I help it if he wore
a jacket the same color as that cougar? You ... you think I meant to shoot him

"Here, here ... both of you, stop!" Doc Emory stepped in. "You're letting this
get the best of you. I know it's a horrible situation, but you must try to work
together ... for the good of the community!"

Mark tightly swallowed. He wasn't pleased with his own outburst. "Of course,
you're right, Doc. I'm sorry," he said, watching the little man's slow,
understanding smile. "I'll place a call to the conservation department
immediately. This is their problem ..."

"Problem!" Link blurted. "Their problem! You go to hell, Blakely! This is my
problem, and every man, woman, and child in this valley! That fucking brute
raped my niece and I don't intend to sit back while some square-headed tree-
planter decides to do something about it! You've got twenty-four hours, deputy,
and you better hope to Christ that son of Satan doesn't attack another girl!" he
roared, slamming his glass down hard onto a table before storming toward the
doorway. There, he turned one final time. "I warn you ... twenty-four hours ...
and then I defy any man in this valley to stop me!" Mark stood straight and
silent, listening to the big man's heavy foot-falls, and finally the unnecessary
crash of the front door shutting behind him. In all truth, if everything Doc had
said was accurate, he was hardly sure he could blame the police chief ... except
that he was drunk, or nearly so ...

"He's upset, Mark," Doc said, breaking the silence. "You know Link ...
spontaneous and gruff. He only knows one way ..."

"An outmoded way, I'm afraid," Mark replied, sighing and taking a half- turn
around the room.

"Would you like a drink?" the physician invited.

"No thanks. I'd like a bit more information, though."


"Y-you're certain the dog actually raped her? "

The little man made a shrugging motion. "How certain can you be? Intercourse,
yes. The presence of the dog's sperm ... yes ... absolutely!"

"But he didn't hurt hers Doc," the deputy enthusiastically pressed. "You said
there were no marks of such ..."

"None. Positively none! And I am as amazed as you are, Mark. It ... it seems
almost diabolical, doesn't it?"

"I-I don't know, Doc ... Christ, I really don't know what to think," Mark heard
himself reply his mind whirling. "Those ... those crazy tales that women like
Granny Obert whisper ... about the brute having done the same thing a hundred
years ago ... damn! How old is she, anyway?"

"Ninety four-five-six ... somewhere in there ... she would, or could remember,"
Doc Emory softly answered. "She's mentioned it to me, you know... the leader, I
mean, with that old Roman medallion around his neck ..."

"Do you believe it, Doc?"

The little man offered an excusing smile. "I'm a doctor, Mark ... forty years a
practitioner ... I believe only what I see, feel, taste ... know to be fact."

Mark felt a cold shiver move over him. Ridiculous, he angrily thought ... except
that he had seen the medallion, too! He said: "Her mentality ... Granny Obert's,
I mean, what would you say to it, Doc?"

"Hmmmm, keen ... especially for a woman her age, Mark. Very, very keen ..."

"Yeah ... I thought so ... I've talked to her, too ... but I wish she'd leave
Jeannie alone," Mark said, slowly folding downward onto the edge of the
davenport. "It ... it can't be true ... can it, Doc ...?"

The little man had poured himself a glass of wine. He quietly sat himself into a
chair across from Mark, sipped first, then stared off beyond. "I truly don't
know how to answer you, Mark. I've spent a lifetime in my profession and this is
the first case of its nature I've ever encountered. I have to deal only with the
facts, I repeat, that's the nature of my profession. Yours requires more, and
that's your problem, if I may. But to answer you, Mr. Deputy Sheriff ... can it
be true ...? I say, everything is true until it's proven false ... and that's
the law of the universe!"

"But ... but ... it can't be, Doc? Christ, it can't be ...!"

The little man smiled and nodded as he plucked at the end of his mustache. "I
know," he said, "I know ..."

Chapter 3

The fear that hung heavy over the town of Crescent Valley was reflected in the
faces of its citizenry the following morning. On the streets, in the shops and
within its several bars, men gathered to recount the terrifying rape of little
Annie Purcell in solicitous tones punctuated with vile curses, their anger at
Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely for refusing to allow a hunting posse into the
hills, an open vent for their concealed inner-panic. Something had to be done
and right away! It wasn't just a matter of protecting their livestock any
longer, not when a ferocious wild dog dared to slink into town and with
incredible beastliness actually force a defenseless young girl to her knees and
rape her right on the streets!

"Hunt the bastards down, I say!" a whiskey drinking, sallow faced customer at
the bar of the Crescent Inn Tavern exclaimed with fist- thumping emphasis.
"Chief Morgan's right! Take a posse into those hills and gun the sonsofbitches

"Easier said than done, Dirk," a second drinker put in. "I was with 'em the
other night when Link got the fawn bitch. That pack's as tricky's a bevy of
minx. If it hadn't been that she was pregnant, the bitch would've gotten away,
too ... and she was running alongside the big German Shepherd with the gold
medal ..."

"You saw that medal ... I mean actually saw it with your own eyes?" the first
drinker questioned.

"Hell yes, I saw it! Didn't I say so?" the second one proudly insisted. "A big
friggin' brute he is too, I'll tell you!"

"The way I hear it, the Purcell girl saw that thing around the dog's neck last
night when it ... it attacked her!" the first drinker said, his liquored eyes
growing slanted, a certain lewd glint mingled with uneasiness mirrored in them.

"I hadn't heard that," the other replied; then, lowering his voice and leaning
closer, he added with an obscene little grin: "But if it was that big bastard,
she sure got that tight young pussy of hers full up with cock, I'll tell you

"Watch it, here comes Link," the first drinker warned. "Morning, Chief. How's
little Annie?"

"As well's can be expected," the big man glowered, accepting the space at the
middle of the bar the group quickly made for him. "Poor kid's still half scared
to death. Sits in a corner staring out the window when she ain't crying.
Goddamnit, I'll tell you straight out, I'm going to get that fucking brute, and
when I do it'll wish it'd never been born!"

"What do you mean, Link, a posse ...?"

"That's the only way, and you all know it as well as I do!" the burly police
chief snapped.

"What about Mark Blakely, Chief?" someone questioned.

"He's got twenty-four hours to do whatever he's going to!" Link authoritatively
replied. "And if he ain't brought in that beast and its raping pack by then, I'm
getting together a bunch of guns to go up into those hills with me, and I
guarantee you that I'll bring the fucking bastard back!"

You're right, Link ... ain't he, boys?" someone loudly prompted, raising an
enthusiastic clamor of approvals ... as if in numbers they had lessened the
uncanny menace they shared in fear ...

While in kitchens throughout the town, and over backyard fences, women spoke in
whispering, apprehensive tones, their unhideable anxiety causing their voices to
tremble, as did those of the children and teenagers walking in groups toward the
schools, their young faces ashen with frightened expressions. No one of the
small town's populace had seemed to have been spared their share of the spectral
horror, Jean thought, hurrying toward the Obert's down the street, determined to
learn what she could from the withered, pipe-smoking old lady who stared blindly
from her rocking-chair and spoke in an aged, cackly voice.

Jean had fitfully slept without Mark beside her the remainder of the night, and
at dawn when he'd finally arrived home, his haggard face had frightened her. In
reluctant bits and pieces while she'd prepared his breakfast, he'd choked out
scraps of the abominable rape, leaving her to piece them together and stare at
her young husband in shocked awe. Then, before she could question him further,
he was on his feet and moving toward the door.

"You're not leaving now, Mark? Darling, you haven't slept all night. You must be
exhausted ..."

"I'm fine, Baby," he'd replied forcing a smile as he bent down to kiss her.
"I've got some things to do ... should be back in a few hours."

"Mark ... please ... there's something terribly weird and unreal about all of
this, and I'm not exactly an educated scaredy-cat ... but why don't you talk to
Granny Obert ...?"

"Please, Jean!" he had snapped her up short. "I've got enough to contend with
this morning without listening to a conglomeration of stupid myths. Why don't
you bake a pie, or something? l won't be too long ..."

And with that, he was gone, his patrol car "laying rubber" as the teenagers
said, when he'd sped away from the curb. She'd been angry, but that, too, had
soon passed once she had reviewed what he'd told her, the terrifying story
bringing her to sit on the edge of a chair before the wrinkled, parchment-like
skinned woman who puffed incessantly at a corn-cob pipe.

"Heh ...!" the old woman grunted, her mouth spreading wide in a display of
toothless gums. "I futured you coming Jean Blakely. Saw you in this old brain o'
mine ... an' I know why, too! It's him, Caesar, the wild one, ain't it, girl?"

"Th-the dog ... the leader ... yes. Is that his name?" Jean heard herself
question, her voice trembling at the aged woman's revelations and tone, watching
the other rhythmically rock her chair in tempo to her puffing at the pipe.

"Yes ... that was his name then ... and that's it now," she cackled. "You can
see it on the medallion ... the eagle, the symbol of the Roman battle standard
... and the name ... Caesar! Near ... near a century ago, girl, when ... when I
was just a squallin' child, he came with his pack ... but I remember ...
remember well! Yes ... I remember well!"

"He ... they ... the pack came last night, Granny," Jean said, fighting the
dryness of her throat. "A girl ... a young girl was raped ... actually raped by
him, or one of them ...!"

"It was him! He did it! Caesar ... and I can tell you why!" the little wizened
woman said, momentarily leaning forward. "They killed his mate! Link Morgan,
that filthy brute killed Caesar's mate! Revenge, girl! That's what he come for,

"But ... but ... my God, Granny, you're talking about ... a ... a dog!"

For a long moment, the aged woman didn't answer, only puffed unseeingly at her
pipe as she rocked. Then: "Thinking, young lady ... that's what I been doing.
Tryin' to decipher the most positive way to make you understand." She doubtingly
shook her head. "It ain't the same anymore ... young folk just don't listen ..."

"Please, Granny, tell me!" Jean pleaded.

Again, the old woman sat in silence, letting spurts of bluish, tobacco smoke out
with colorless lip-popping sounds. Then: "All right, little golden girl, I'll
tell you! But don't question me ... just accept, or forget what I tell you.
Understand ...?"

"Y-yes, Granny ... I understand ..."

"Well then, he ain't just a dog ... oh, he's a dog now, and has been that for a
century or more ... but he ain't just a dog!"

"Wh-What ...?"

"Hush up and listen, girl, 'cause I'm only going to tell you this once!" the
small, shriveled woman exclaimed. "What he was before, or what he'll be again,
ain't important either. What he is right now is what counts! And he's a
beautiful animal, wearing the medallion he once earned 2,000 years ago in
battle! Yes, he raped the Purcell girl, and there may well be more! They won't
catch him, stop him, shoot him ... and neither will they drive him off! This was
his valley a hundred years ago, and well do I remember that! A handful of people
lived in the settlement, and my own daddy was the lawman! Posses went out to
hunt the raiders when the sheep were killed, and time after time they rode in
exhausted, and empty-handed. There was no catching the wild- pack, let alone its
leader ... a great German Shepherd with a medallion around its neck ...!"

"M-My God! Are you saying that this ... this Caesar was their ...?" Jean cried,
spellbound in her spine-chilling, mesmerization.

"Hush, girl! Hear me out this one time!" the old woman insisted, lowering her
voice. "Soon, my daughter will make you leave ... so listen now! My mother was a
Cherokee squaw. My father, an Indian trader, bought her and took her away from
her people ... brought her here and claimed land in the valley. When Caesar and
the pack came, she warned him about what would happen, but he didn't believe
her. Girls were raped, and scared, drunken men died in the hunt, shooting each
other as they tried to destroy the pack! But there was no destruction, no
elimination of that passel of wild beasts! Nothing ... until one day they
suddenly left of their own accord ... but with them went my mother and several
more Crescent Valley women and girls ... went of their own accord because they
wanted to ... and to what, blonde girl? To what? ... heh ... what do you think?"

Jean could only sit there and gape at her unseeing, aged, story-teller in
breathless awe. She shook her lovely head as if to throw off the illusory
cobwebs the old woman had spun. It had to be the monotone of her voice, Jean
thought, getting to her feet. She had nearly hypnotized her ...!

"I know ... I know," Granny Obert said, rocking her chair and puffing at her
pipe. "You've decided I'm some sort of old witch, haven't you, Jeannie girl!
Well ... that's the first stages of belief, my mother used to tell me ...
recognizing a witch when you see one ...!"

The withered woman was still laughing when she left, rocking, smoking, laughing,
and Jean doubted if she'd heard her goodbye ... but that hardly mattered to her.
As she waked slowly toward her own house, she was only concerned with how soon
Mark would return home ...

* * *

"Let's have another round of drinks, here, Ted!" Link Morgan ordered, grinning
and massaging his heavy-bearded chin. "The men are with me. Blakely has twenty-
four hours ... and that takes him up to shortly after midnight tonight ... then,
we take over. Right, boys?"

"Right!" the resounding answers came from the men moving in tight to the bar for
their free drinks.

"Take over what, Link?" Mark questioned, standing inside the doorway to the
Inn's barroom. "What do you have in mind?"

Slowly, the powerful, barrel-chested man turned to face his chosen enemy, his
drinking cohorts falling into a sudden silence. A dozen, maybe more, verbal
retaliations raced through Link Morgan's brain at that particular moment. But
none of them seemed appropriate. He ran his tongue wetly over his thick lower
lip and said, "The girl raped was my niece, Deputy! Had it been that new young
wife of yours with her cunt split wide open by that dog, how would you feel?"

Mark stood fast, his strong face ungiving. But he hadn't expected that jab. He
took several steps into the room and stopped again, his tired brain racing for
answers. He suddenly had a whole town to placate, he realized.

"I'm not questioning the nightmare that's happened, Link," he replied in a level
tone. "There isn't a man in here, along with myself, who doesn't feel the utmost
sympathy for Annie ... and who doesn't want to see that dog pack destroyed! But
it has to be ... is going to be, done by proper authorities! Just as I told you
last night, Link, I don't intend to see a flock of wild, half-drunken men with
rifles and shotguns out there blazing away at each other!"

The big man resoundingly set his drink on me bar, turning fully to face the
uniformed deputy sheriff. Accordingly, his own shrewd brain was racing for
answers. He said: "And supposing your proper authorities don't bring that
sonofobitch down, Deputy? Suppose we move into another night when wild dogs can
slink into town and gang-fuck young, innocent girls?"

"I've thought of that, too," Mark replied. "The best thing I believe we can do
is post armed sentries ... volunteers to guard the streets ..."

"Oh Christ, that's wonderful!" Link grinned. "Now, we've got to put guards on
our streets to safeguard our homes and families ...!"

'That ain't a bad idea, Chief," one of the big man's friends put in.

"Shut up!" Link barked at him without moving his head.

Mark couldn't help but momentarily relive the episode of his Dad's controversy
with Link Morgan in this very room those seven years past! And that had been
over nothing more than a sporting bet on a horse race, one word leading to
another until they'd met bare-chested in the street and his father had
unmercifully beaten Link with his fists. Less than two weeks later, his dad had
been accidentally shot on a cougar- hunting posse ... shot and killed by Link
Morgan ...!

"It's your jurisdiction, Link," Mark said, moving further into the room. "Do
whatever you think best. That was only a suggestion."

"Some goddamned situation when you've got to post sentries in a modern town to
protect its citizens!" the gray-haired, huge man spat, picking up his drink.
"You might just as well know, Blakely, that I've called Frank Hester about this!
I don't think he's going to sanction any wild dog pack raping a town's women,
either ...!"

"Deputy Blakely! Sir ... telephone!" Ted Green, the bartender motioned. "You can
take it in the lobby ... right over there, Sir."

"Thanks," Mark replied, thinking of Link calling the Sheriff as he walked toward
the phone booth. He'd undoubtedly done it, all right, called Sheriff Hester at
the County Seat to try and throw some weight around. But Mark wasn't worried
about that. Sheriff Frank Hester had taken link Morgan's measure a long time
back. Frank was a dedicated man, unmoved by politics ...

"Hello," he said, tiredly reclining against the booth's wall.

"Mark ...?" an unmistakable feminine voice questioned.

"Yes, Lydia, this is Mark," he answered, suddenly wondering what had kept her
from calling this long. "How are you?"

"So so, I suppose ... but that isn't why I called you, Mr. Deputy," the husky
female voice proclaimed. "We lost four sheep and three dogs last night. The
sheep we can stand, Darling, the dogs ... no. It's that goddamned pack again.
What're you going to do about it?"

"Join it, I think."

"What ... ?"

"Nothing ... just babbling. I'll be out to take a look?"

"Well ... I'd hoped you might. How's the new married existence?"

Mark detected the acid in her tone. "Beautiful," he snapped. "Absolutely

"She doesn't befit you, Markey baby," the throaty voice came back, evenly, yet
cutting. "From what they tell he, she's quite a doll. Has the appearance of
being unplucked ... that right, Darling?"

He sensed the hackles on the nape of his neck rising. "I'll be right along,

"And I'll be at the front gate waiting with two horses and a picnic lunch. It's
all up on the west range, Lover."

"Never mind any lunches," he said, remembering the untold number they had
partaken of on the A and B. "I only have a few minutes ..." and that's what he
repeated as he climbed onto the back of the waiting sorrel she had readied for
him. "I only have a few minutes, Lydia ..."

"I know," the auburn haired girl in riding shirt, blouse and boots replied,
sitting tall and lovely in the saddle and holding her big bay with skilled
horsemanship. "Word carries fast here in the valley, Deputy. My hands tell me
that Annie Purcell was deflowered last night, and by dear old Caesar."

Mark couldn't help but glare at her severly attractive young face. "That's not
to be taken lightly, Miss Newell," he snapped, reining the sorrel to his
presence on the animal's back, and simultaneously weighing his proximity to this
twenty-six year old girl he'd known too many years. "The town's is in an

"I'd expect that ... with Link Morgan spiking it. Right?


"Well ... while that Caesar bastard was cavorting in town his uglies were
raising hell with our sheep, Darling," she said, her large green eyes engulfing
him. "We can stand the herd loss, but they killed three of my best dogs.
Something has to be done, Mark."

"We're contemplating that, Lydia," Mark said, heeling the sorrel into motion.
"In the meantime, you can make a government claim for your losses ..."

"Oh? don't be ridiculous, Lover. You know me better than that ... besides, I
wouldn't know how to begin without Daddy here," she answered, moving along
beside him in a walk, making him remember the untold, numerous hours and days
they had spent together.

He might have married her, he abruptly thought; it had been that intimately
close between them. In fact, he'd carried the supposition for years ... before
he'd come to realize that he was below her station. He said: "Is Aaron still in

"The last I heard ... but he was contemplating a trip to Spain. Seems if he's
met a senorita of sorts who inspires him ... and you know Daddy ..."

"Not really ... but I tried, you'll have to admit that," Mark countered with a

"Ohhh ... come on, Baby," Lydia laughed. "You were too close to the family not
to read every one of us, eh?"

"Maybe ... maybe you're right, Lyd," he answered, his tired mind rehashing it
all. "Maybe you are right! All the way down to the marrow ... and now, let's get
a look at those dead animals, eh?"

"What did you mean by that ... all of the bullshit, I mean! What?" she vulgarly
snapped at him. "Right down to the marrow ... what?"

"The west range, you said?" Mark questioned, purposefully half-rearing the
sorrel before again digging his heels into her flanks. "I'm going to give her a
run! She's aching! Stay with me and take the lead, eh?"

With that, he was gone, the powerful animal readily stretching its legs into a
gallop as he expertly posted with it. Ahead lay the rolling, lower greened hills
with the great ones beyond where the wild dog pack wandered, and he couldn't
help but think of those night creatures as he raced forward in the warmth of the
morning sunlight. There could never be anything sinister here, he thought, his
weary brain coming alive again as the great animal raced beneath him and the
fresh morning air whipped at his face!

He let her go her limit, never reining her waiting for her to fall into her
stride ... a lope and finally a keen, uphill walk. Lydia brought the bay up
beside him, drawing the animal to a similar walk.

"Was that supposed to be a race?" she lightly taunted.

"Hell, you know better. This gal wanted to run and I gave her head. Where're the
dead animals?"

"Back there. A mile or better ... but what's the difference? You believe me,
don't you?" she said, suddenly swinging down from her mount and making toward
tethering it.

"Whoa, Baby," Mark commanded, then swung down, moving around to manipulate the
harness for the sorrel to graze. After, he saw a likely spot with a backing-rock
and dropped before it, considering the hard mound as a pillow. In seconds, Lydia
was beside him ... and he'd expected that.

"Sort of like old times isn't it, Darling?" she huskily whispered, stretching
out so that their bodies touched.

"Sort of ... but not quite, Lydia," he managed, tugging a rare cigarette from
his inside pocket and lighting it. "You were supposed to take the lead back
there ... take us to the animals, and you didn't. That's par. You couldn't care
less about the dead sheep and dogs ... and that's par. You know I have to come
at something like this, it's my job, and you planned to use me ... that's par.
So ... here we are ... a pair of people, boy-girl, surrounded with the perfect
environment ..."

"And that's par," she said, raising up over him and looking down into his face.
"Now, that you've analyzed it all, Doctor Blakely, may I kiss you?"

"I-I love her!" Mark blurted. "When I left here, I had no idea it was going to
happen, but it did! I love her!'

"You belonged to me when you left!" Lydia hissed down into his face. "Four years
we loved, played, fucked! I sucked your cock dry a hundred times! Now, you walk
away from me like this?"

"None of that matters!" he managed, realizing the ridiculousness of his
statement. "I mean ... Christ, I love her, Lydia!"

"And me ... what am I? Some sort of forgotten whore?"

"D-Damnit ... let's face the truth for once!" Mark gasped, struggling to sit
upright. "You wanted someone to play with and you had him! No marriage, Lydia
... face it, I was beneath your station! Wasn't I? And the guy whose cock you
were sucking wanted just a little bit more ... like a wife ... and maybe, even
kids of his own! So ... that's what's happened, eh? That's what's happened!"

"You're a bastard, Mark Blakely ... but I love you!" she hotly whispered into
his face. "I've always loved you!"

"Your father wouldn't let you love me ... even when I wanted it that way!" Mark
returned, lying back once more and dragging at his cigarette. "And he knew more
than both of us ... because we never could've made it, Lyd ...noway ... noway!"

"Oh ... oh, damn you!" she hissed, rolling toward him and smoothing her hand
upward along his inner thigh. "You say these things to me when I want to make
love to you ... I want your cock ... I want you the way it used to be ...!"

"It can't be that way, Lyd," he said, grasping her arm trying to entwine around
his neck. "Don't you understand? I love her ... my Jeannie ... I love her!"

She sat upright with an abruptness that startled him. The depth of her greenish
eyes in rage spat obsessive fire down at him. "You're mine, you bastard! I don't
give a damn about your Jeannie ...!" she swore, and he felt her hand knowingly
caressing at the front of his pants!

Mark made an effort toward stopping her, but she counteracted that by dropping
down onto him, snatching the cigarette from his lips and flattening the firm
mounds of her firm, braless breasts against his chest, her hot, moistened lips
finding his in an opened-mouth kiss. Her tiny, familiar tongue heatedly wormed
its way between his lips while her hand continued to eagerly stroke the length
of his uncontrollably hardening cock between them. He could have forced her off
him, both of them knew that ... could have fought it right then and there, but
he didn't! Instead, he realized that he was suddenly returning her passionate
kiss thrusting his tongue into her sweet-tasting mouth in blind, rapidly
building lust!

His brain struggled, but he knew it was useless ... he'd been there before! She
was unzipping the fly of his pants, and then he felt her smooth, claiming hand
easing inside, beyond the cotton of his shorts, its knowing fingers warmly
encircling the now blood-engorged thickness of his long, swollen cock! He
grunted into her mouth at the erotic caress, letting his arms move around her,
his hands smoothing over the small of her back and downward beyond her slender
waist to the rising swell of her skirt-covered buttocks.

She broke their kiss, staring almost triumphantly down into his face, the
lustful desire in her burning, green eyes causing them to glow like polished
ovals of jade. "You may love your Jeannie ... but you need me, Darling!" she
hissed in a throaty whisper. "You'll always want Lydia, because she knows how to
make love to you ... knows what you want and need ... knows how much you love to
have your cock licked and sucked by a warm wet mouth!"

"D-Damn you, Lyd ... you sexy bitch!" he choked, working her loose, riding skirt
up to find her lush, rounded buttocks unsurprisingly naked beneath, their soft,
yielding resilience warm and smooth to his clutching hands. "It isn't going to
gain you a lousy point, you hear ...?"

She tittered, her hot breath brushing his face. "We'll see, Baby," she hissed as
she began to slither downward over him, her full, satiny buttocks slipping away
from his kneading grasp.

Mark watched with a blunted sense of crippled resistance as she moved backwards
onto her knees, wedging them between his legs, her small hand still clinging to
the rigid length of his hardened penis inside his pants. Christ, he never should
have come there and he'd known it all along! He lifted his head when he felt her
let go of his cock and quickly begin to unbuckle his belt. She knew her way,
every inch of it ... and him, he realized, as she tugged his trousers and shorts
down over his hips, exposing his genitals completely to her. His towering cock
cleaved skyward in its long, thick, rigid state that she had lewdly incited to
hardness with calculated intentions.

"Ah, darling ... it hasn't changed a bit in the last ten weeks!" she luridly
whispered her passion-glazed eyes fixed greedily as once more she wrapped her
small, slender fingers around its pulsating hardness. "Just the way Lydia left
it. You're new little bride, Jeannie, hasn't hurt it a bit ... or doesn't she
use it that often, Lover?"

"D-Damnit!" Mark gasped. "Leave her out of this, Lyd! I-I ought to have my ...
my head examined ... letting this happen!" He intended to say more, but couldn't
get it out as she tauntingly smiled up at him and began to lustfully stroke his
now rock-hard cock, sliding the heavy foreskin up and down, intermittently
revealing the purplishly swollen tip.

"Which head Mark darling?" Lydia obscenely questioned. "If you mean this one ...
I was just about to examine it for you ...!"

With that, she lowered her face above his upthrusting length of hardened penial-
flesh, one hand continuing to teasingly stroke it while with the other, she drew
her nails beneath the vulnerably sensitive sac of his balls. Mark grunted aloud
to the teasing stimulation, then saw her tiny, pink tongue dart out to lick
hotly at the drop of seminal fluid seeping from the little slit at the tip of
the sleekly pulsing head.

"Mmmm ... tastes as good as ever, too, Darling!" she wantonly whispered,
beginning to lick it all over with smooth, sweeping tongue strokes.

"L-listen to me, Lydia ... I swear, it isn't going to work! he huskily warned.
"You've tricked me for the last time! Don't you understand? I love her ... I
love Jeannie ...!"

"Mmmm ... of course, I understand, Baby ... you're the one who doesn't!" she
confidently tossed at him. 'But you will, Darling, once I remind you ...!"

Mark sucked in his breath with the obscene sensations of pleasure her wet, eager
tongue sent racing through him. All else in the world was suddenly obliterated
from his lust-infused brain but the lustfully erotic act she was performing on
him. Chills rippled up his spine, raising a groan from deep in his throat. She
brought her moistened, soft lips down all of the way then, enclosing the entire
sensitive head of his cock in a wet, heated pressure, their tensiled ripeness
clasping like an elastic band just below the rim to trap it hungrily inside the
hot, liquid cavern of her mouth.

"Christ!" he choked, raising his head once more to stare down at her tightly
locked lips. It was no use ... no use! The sight of his hardness disappearing up
into her widely ovalled mouth increased the sensation, as always; a thousand
times. Damn, yes ... yes, she knew his wants and needs only too well! If only
Jean would ... could learn to suck him like this ... or even suck him at all
...! Now, she was skillfully massaging the soft, sperm weighted resilience of
his balls with one hand, and stroking the thick base of his cock between thumb
and forefinger of the other, while she began to suck rhythmically up and down.
He could feel the velvety smoothness of her wetly heated tongue twirling
maddeningly around it at the peak of the withdrawal, the fiery tip flicking
provocatively across the split at its end. Uncontrollably, he flexed his
buttocks, his eyes fixed on the lustful sight of her bobbing head below, his
cock beginning to achingly throb to the depths of his groin.

Christ, there was no fighting a sensual young bitch like this ... especially
when she had your cock-head in her mouth ... and more especially when she knew
every vein and wrinkle in it ...

Mark knew that she sensed his reactions by the way she began to suck with
mounting intensity, the tips of her even, white teeth scraping gently into the
resisting hardness of his cock. He could see their little white trails where
they'd scraped the blood from beneath the surface of the skin. Then, she was
slipping her hands beneath his buttocks to cup them in her small, warm palms
trying to lift his loins up tighter to her slaving face! Her hot, liquid tongue
rotated with growing fervor around the expanding cockhead and Mark realized that
he was quickly heading toward the eruption point as she suddenly took almost all
of it up into her hungrily working throat. Christ, he'd always been amazed that
she didn't choke on it, but she never had ... and on and on she sucked!

Pleasureful waves of rising heat were ungovernably building in the intricate
depths of his sperm-bloated balls. Lustfully, he watched her beautiful young
face toiling with a hungry, omniverous desire about his wildly fired loins. He
could see tiny rivulets of perspiration running in thin droplets from beneath
her short, auburn hair and down her cheeks as she relentlessly sucked and
strained to draw out the seething cum churning hotly below in his balls. The
muscles in his stomach tightened until he felt they might snap from the
pressure; still, he arched his back even further, shoving his aching cock deeper
into the heated wetness of her voraciously sucking mouth. His breathing hissed
from his lungs as he watched the thin, pink ridges of inner-flesh sensually
pulling out from her lush lips which were clinging tightly to his inflamed rod
of hardness.

Mark grunted and strained in a maddening buildup of mounting lust, vaguely
reasoning from a score of similar episodes passed, that for her, this was but
the beginning, that she already envisioned the rest of the day to be spent
accordingly, until her wildly insatiable passions were gluttonously fed ... but
it wasn't going to be that way ... and maybe that would somehow bring an end to
all of it ...!

His own unrestrainable gasp wiped away the brief illusion of thought. Christ,
the moment was there. A low, guttural sound arose from somewhere deep in his
chest as he felt the scalding, sticky sperm beginning its furious charge from
the sanctuary of his balls and begin squirting in fiery streams into her
voraciously sucking mouth and throat! He watched her cheeks expanding and
hollowing eagerly to his pumping cock, her adam's apple visually reacting in her
lewd swallowing of the warm, flooding gushes. Ardently, she continued to suck
his white-hot sperm into the caressing, wet softness of her mouth, while his
hands clutched at her head, holding her fast against the throbbing heat of his
cum-spitting loins, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into the depths of her
greedily milking throat. Once, she coughed, but quickly regained control, and he
shot the last dwindling spurt from the tip of his rapidly deflating penis before
collapsing back to earth. Reluctant to stop, she continued to nibble and suck,
as if trying to draw the last tiny drop from the length of jerking male cock
flesh that had gone limp in her mouth ... and that's when he gently pushed her

"Now, tell me that isn't worth some points, Darling ..." Lydia began, starting
to move up toward his face. She stopped right there, her green eyes widening in
surprise when he elusively moved away and got to his feet, quickly zipping up
his pants and buckling his belt. "Wh-What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I told you, Lyd ... it's not going to work," Mark said, looking down at where
she sat staring up at him in growing anger, the telltale trails of milky white
sperm still coating her lips and chin. "It's no good ... all over between us

"No good! All over ...! Why ... why, you sonofabitch! After you lay there and
let me suck your cock till you came in my mouth you can say a thing like that to
me ... to me?" she spat in mounting viciousness, gaping up at him as if she
refused to believe his statement. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Mark had no intentions of arguing with her. He felt low enough already at what
had happened between them, but Christ knows, he hadn't wanted it to. He'd tried
to avoid it ... hadn't he?

"Wait a minute, damn you?" Lydia shrieked after him as he walked to the sorrel.
"Goddamn you, Mark Blakely! You can't do this to me! What sort of man are you
anyway? I need you ... right now ... now! Come back here and fuck me ...!"

Mark swung into the saddle before turning to see her brushing the back of her
hand across her lips and chin, standing spread-legged with her eyes blazing in
unfulfilled rage. "I'm sorry, Lydia, but it's just as I said. I love my wife!
It's all over between us ... and I wish I didn't have to prove it to you this
way. I can only suggest you find another stud to play with ...!"

She was wildly running toward him as he heeled the sorrel's flanks and the big
animal raced off with a sudden spurt, galloping downhill with sure-footed

"You ... you sonofabitch!" he heard her scream. "Goddamn you Mark Blakely ...
I'll have your nuts for this! I swear I will! I'll have your nuts ...!" she
screamed after him until the sorrel's pounding hooves drowned her voice. But he
didn't know that he could blame her. It was a miserable thing he'd done ... yet,
how else did you handle a possessive vixen like Lydia Newell, except in the only
vein she understood ... sex! And how the hell was he going to tell Jeannie ...
because he knew he had to ... otherwise, whatever it was they had between them
would be worthless! Yes, he had to tell her ... but how, he sickeningly thought,
the faint, screeching voice of the young woman still threateningly audible even
with the wind rushing past his ears ...!

Chapter 4

It was a reluctant Link Morgan who agreed to the town council's adoption of
Mark's suggested plan to post sentries throughout the streets that night. To the
powerfully built police chief, it was more than a matter of stubborn pride, plus
the fact that he'd been overshadowed right in his own bailiwick. Then, adding
insult to injury, they had enraged him by insisting he accept the deputy
sheriffs assistance and that their offices share authority within the town
limits until this pillaging crisis was passed.

Actually, the barrel-chested law official had feared such a forced affiliation
from the beginning, the fact that his department consisted of two elderly and
worthless special policemen who were capable of nothing more than traffic duty
on holidays. He wanted no outside element nosing around his private domain,
especially a trained lawman the likes of Mark Blakely who might just
accidentally stumble onto one of his profit-making operations. This was the
reason he had so rabidly tried to gain the citizen's help in forming a posse,
and he'd felt certain he'd had the perfect justification with his niece, Annie's
rape, but it hadn't worked that way ... at least, as yet, it hadn't.

He sat now in his small drab office in the town hall, looking across the scarred
desk at a local, pimply-faced teenager named Leo Vincent. The stub of a dead
cigar protruded from one corner of the police- chief's mouth, and it bobbed when
he said: "Where're your buddies, kid?"

"Around," the teenager indifferently replied, sitting slumped in the chair with
his long, thin legs stretched out. "I expect you mean Corky and Billy White?"

Link didn't like the boy, any of the three for that matter; they were arrogant,
worthless products of their generation, but they'd served their purpose for him
... up until Blakely had picked them up for pushing the grass he, Link Morgan,
supplied them with.

Christ, he'd wanted to break their friggin' heads, but that wouldn't have solved
a damn thing. Fortunately, the deputy held no jurisdiction in town and was
forced to turn the boys over to him. So far, Link had been able to let the issue
hang tight and simmer down, though the three had no idea how far their asses
were in the sling, yet it hardly seemed to bother this one, the big man thought,
studying the boy's unconcerned attitude.

"You know you're goddamned situation isn't any bed-o'-roses right now, don't you
kid?" Link gruffly jabbed.

"Meaning ...?" the pimply-faced Leo Vincent mumbled.

"Meaning, that deputy sheriff could send your fucking asses for a long ride if
he decided to press the issue!" the police chief edgily spat.

"Hmmm ... I suppose so," the boy replied, his thin face spreading in a nasty
grin. "But now ... that might not look very good for you, eh Dad ... if you know
what I mean?"

Link felt the blood ragingly flush into his face. He brought his clenched hand
heavily down onto the desk top. "Listen, you stupid little punk, don't you ever
"Dad" me again, or I'll rip your scrawny cock off and shove it right down your
ugly throat! You understand that? Eh ...?"

The teenager sensed his own cheeks quickly growing pale as he brought himself
upright in a chair, a wave of tight fear whipping through him. He hadn't exactly
used his head on that one ... "I-I didn't mean any ... "

''You got too friggin' much lip, Vincent ... and I didn't exactly like that
implication of me!" Link snarled at him. "Maybe you're more fink than I thought

"Aw ... please, Chief ... I'm sorry," the boy tried at making amends, his fears
growing at the infuriated sight of the powerful man. "You know I wouldn't rat

"You'd do any goddamned thing you could to save your ass, punk, just like your
buddies," the police-chief accused, "which is the reason I called you in here
... so pick up your ears and listen good. I've got an idea I think you're going
to like ..."

The teenager respondingly did as he was told, breathing an inward sigh of relief
when the huge, white-haired man's blood pressure seemed to subside, his gruff
voice dropping to a barely audible level. He watched him lean forward onto his
desk and say: "The town council voted this morning to give Mark Blakely
authority inside Crescent Valley limits as long as that goddamned dog-pack is
raiding sheep and raping young girls. That means, that he could arrest you three
again and bring you up before Judge Collins ... not exactly a sweet picture,

"N-No ... no sir, it ain't!"

"Which is the reason I tried to get up a posse and go up into those hills ... to
keep this from happening," Link, stretching a point, informed, wondering- how
much of it the boy was understanding. But that didn't matter anyway. He went on:
"Now I figure that had it been Blakely's sweet little blonde wife who had been
fucked shitless instead of my niece, he would've been singin' a different tune
right now, eh? You beginning to get my meaning, boy ...?"

"M-Maybe ... some of it, anyway," Leo Vincent replied, trying, but not sure as
he husked in a half-whisper, tightly swallowing.

"Well here it is in a nutshell, kid," Link said, his colorless eyes narrowing.
"You round up your two half-ass buddies and plan to pay sweet lil' Mrs. Blakely
a visit tonight in her bedroom about witching- hour time, eh? You'll wear masks,
and I just happen to have an old bear-claw you'll take along to scratch her up a
bit ... make it look authentic. In the bargain, you boys ought to get a little
sexy fun out of it ... a piece of ass or so. How's it sound to you, or haven't
you ever seen the deputy's luscious wife?"

"Jeez!" Leo Vincent gasped. "Sure ... sure, I've seen her! Christ, she's a
knockout, Chief ...!"

"Some fuck eh?"

"Damn ... I imagine, with that beautiful ass ... but ... but, I still don't get
it?" the teenager choked, his small eyes beading. "I hear they're going to have
sentries posted ...?"

"I'll take care of all that ... I'll even place them myself, and I'll keep
Blakely occupied," Link assured him. "You just do exactly as I say, and at the
right time. Make sure there're no lights on, and that none of you speak. Don't
scar her up too much ... just enough so it'll look like that goddamned Caesar
bastard, right?"

"Yeah ... yeah, I got all that," the boy hissed. "But hell, Chief, she's going
to know we ain't no friggin' dog ..."

"So, that's going to add spice to the whole story when she blurts it out, boy!"
Link replied with a grin. "Like, maybe there'll be those who won't believe her
after my niece's rape, especially if you've marked her up right! With a little
help and gossip, folks might just think the sweet little thing is too ashamed to
admit she's been dog-fucked, and made up the story about it being three men!
Whatever, it's going to make Blakely ready to get a posse of guns together to
ride down that pack ... and that's going to take the pressure off us and this
office ...!"

* * *

It had been anything but a normal or pleasant day for Jean. Following her visit
to Granny Obert, she had returned home to wait for Mark, the incredulously weird
tale the old woman had told her constantly reverberating in her mind. Oddly
enough, it hadn't frightened her as much as repugnantly shocked her ... the
thought of women actually giving themselves sexually to a dog pack! But as the
morning passed into early afternoon, while she occupied herself with house
cleaning and other chores, she had concluded that Mark was right, the aged
woman's mind was undoubtedly failing, no longer capable of discerning the fact
from the fiction of her longs long life.

Jean decided not to mention her visit to Granny's; the idea would only upset
Mark further, and he certainly had enough to contend with without her adding to

It was mid-afternoon before her young husband finally arrived home, his handsome
face tired and drawn, and to Jean, his usual deliberating grayish-eyes filled
with frustrated concern. She had wanted to prepare him some lunch but he'd
refused it, maintaining he was too tired to even eat. Instead, he'd gone
directly to their bedroom with her following to help him off with his things.

"After you get some sleep you'll feel better, Darling," she said, picking up his
clothing as he tossed them here and there, then opening the bed for him.

"Damnit, Jean, don't fuss over me so!" he snapped, avoiding looking directly at
her. "I'm not helpless, you know."

"I-I know, Darling," she replied, his sharpness surprising her. She forced a
little smile, trying to understand and not be offended. "When you wake up I'll
have a nice dinner for us ..."

"Don't bother," he said, slipping out of his pants. "I'll have to get right down
to the town hall. We're posting sentries. It'll be another all-night vigil, Jean
... from now on until that goddamned animal pack is destroyed."

She stood at the foot of the bed watching him momentarily hesitating to speak.
Then: "B-But you have to eat, Mark ... "

"I'll catch a bite at the Inn when I get a chance," he replied, stripped to his
shorts and moving toward the bed.

'And ... and what about me?" she blurted unable to hold it back any longer.
"What am I supposed to do ... just sit here by myself ... eat and sleep alone
... play old maid until you destroy that goddamned pack as you call it, Mr.

Mark didn't have to look at her to know that there were tears dampening those
round, smoky-blue eyes, but he did. Her tight voice had given her away. He felt
his own throat constrict, a lump bitterly swelling there, and suddenly he
reached out for her, grasping her hand and drawing her to him inside his arms
against his naked chest.

"Christ, Baby ... Baby ... I'm sorry. Forgive me ... I didn't mean to ...!" he
started, but never finished, raising her chin with his finger to kiss her lips
instead. He felt her soft arms moving upward, her small hands clutching behind
his shoulders as he held her. He stroked his own hands downward behind her to
cup the full mounds of her round, firm buttocks outside their tight-fitting
slacks and pressed the warm give of her curvaceous body tightly against his

She whimpered softly within his embrace, her lush lips readily opening to
receive his probing tongue. Christ, he thought, he had no right ... after what
he'd done with Lydia Newell only hours before! His beautiful bride, Jeannie ...
he loved her ... and she was too good for him ...! Damn, he had to tell her ...
had to! What the hell did they have ... could they possibly have, without truth
between them ...? He started to speak, but she cut him short.

"Shhh," she whispered, laying a slender finger across his lips. ''There's
nothing to forgive ... and I know you didn't mean to be sharp with me. It's my
fault, Sweetheart ... I was being selfish ... thinking of myself, when you have
this terrible problem. I'm sorry, Darling ... I guess I'm just a little girl who
hasn't grown up yet."

"Oh ... oh Christ!" he choked, her innocent self-accusation sending a stronger
charge of guilt racing through him, convoyed by a sensation of carnal hunger
that he didn't intend to analyze. "I want you ... you! And right now ... this
minute, Baby! No excuses ... no anything ...!" he said, beginning to unbutton
her blouse.

"B-But ... but Darling ... in the middle of the day ... and you're so tired
...!" Jean gasped, his unexpected sensual passion contagious, wild little
palpitations reflexively surging through her eager young body.

"In the middle of the day ... high noon ... in Macy's show-window if necessary,
Angel!" he half-smilingly hissed, stripping her blouse away and reaching behind
her back to unfasten her bra hooks. He sensed his cock swelling into its full,
hardened length and he made it throb against her soft belly, the sensual
expression lighting her beautiful face like some exotic painting unveiled to
gratify him alone.

He would make it up to her! Later ... yes, later, he'd tell her the truth! But
now, he'd make it up to her or at least try ... try to instill in her mind the
depths of his love and need for her, he reasoned, possessively smoothing his
hands beneath the loosened cups of her bra ardently clutching the thrusting
mounds of satin-soft, resilient white flesh. Their abundant fullness overflowed
the spread- fingers of his big hands, the hardened, pink-nipples like tiny
firebrands burning against his palms. Then, he suddenly stood her off.

"Oh Mark ... I-I love you!" she feebly gasped, sensing his hands fumbling,
undoing her slacks and rolling them down over her hips and buttocks. She
willingly stepped back to kick off her slippers, her panties, everything,
watching him strip away his shorts and reveal to her the long, thick hardness of
his penis that she'd come to love so much!

Naked, she ran to him and he caught her, kissing her with a warmth that she felt
to her very marrow. It would happen this time! She felt certain of it! This
time, she too would cum ... this time ...!

He caught her hand and literally tossed her onto the bed. Then, he was on top of
her nakedness, kissing her tingling breasts, her throat, her trembling lips,
while his pulsating hardness throbbed against her soft, full thigh. God, she
couldn't remember ever being so hot, so lustfully hungry for fulfillment. She
almost felt like a wanton little whore ... but she was with her darling ... her
wonderful darling!

"I love you, Jeannie ... damn!" he gasped, moving his hips between her quivering
legs that she anxiously spread wide for him. "I'm going to make love to you ...
fuck you, Darling!" he went on, using four letter words that they seldom
mentioned, the mere sound of them firing her unsuspected desire in a way that
she had hardly known yet secretly yearned for. "Put it in for me, Baby! Take my
cock and put it in your hot little pussy!"

Sensuously shivering, she did what he had never asked before ... reached down
and grasped the solid length of his long, thick cock to splay open the flushed
lips of her sparsely hairlined cunt, pressing the rigid head at the mouth of her
moistly dilating vagina. Excitedly, she spread her thighs further and raised her
heated loins, knowing that this time her husband's beautiful young hardness was
going to do it for her, and not caring how hard he plunged that first time!

He did! His huge, wetly penetrating cock raced into the liquid passage of her
waiting vagina like a conquering phalanx, filling her receptive loins with a
wild, driving desire to be fucked by him as deep and as hard as he could.

Yes ... yes, this time! It would happen this time! Oh God ... she had never
known such wild rapture! This was what it was all about ... midday, with a lust
incited husband ... making love to its fullest extent ...!

Mark could hardly comprehend what he was doing, he was that spent ... yet, there
was a sensation of utter happiness filling him! He was fucking her, his
voluptuous young wife, his raging cock charging in and out of the tight pink
hole between her legs like a piston, and already the explosion was beginning to
build in his groin! He loved her ... loved her and only her! Yes ... but he
would cum soon! Maybe, she would too ... he didn't know! He didn't know ...
wished that he could think more rationally ...!

"Oh ... oh Darling!" she gasped. "It's beautiful! Beautiful ... your wonderful
hard cock ...!"

He'd never heard lewd words from her before, and the sound of them keened his
lust like a honing-bar. He said: "Would ... would you like to kiss it ... suck
it, Baby? Not now ... another time, but would you ... and I'll lick your pussy!"

"Uhhmmmmmm ..." she moaned, then again. "Oh Mark ... I don't know ... maybe ...
I-I'm afraid, I think so ... but ... but I don't know ...!"

"I-It's beautiful, Baby," he whispered, picturing it all in his lust- inflamed
mind, wanting her to know and understand the enchantment and closeness of
sucking and licking each other until they exploded inside.

"Y-Yes, Darling ... I'll try ..." she started but never finished.

"Shit ...! Jeannie! I can't hold it! I-I-I'm going to ... oh Christ!"

And he did, his heavily plunging penis buried in her hotly clenching young cunt-
channel beginning to squirt its white-hot sperm deep up inside her. In open
frustration, Jean dug her nails into his naked ribs, his arms, his shoulders!

"Ohhh ... no, Darling ... please, no! My God!" she gasped, thrusting the opened
core of her helplessly impaled young body up to receive him in his flooding
warmth, but craving more ... more!

"I ... I ... oh shit. Jeannie ...next time ... next time!" she heard him
exhaustedly gasp. "Oh ... oh Christ ... I'm cuumminngg ...!"

Oooohhhh Godddd ... well, did she know that! Well! Well! While at the same time,
she was ready to scream inside! Again ... again he had left her there, and just
when she was certain that it might happen! D-Damn him! Damn him!

Jean rolled his heavily gasping body off of her, raising herself to one elbow,
her trembling intent to verbally destroy his masculinity once and for all! The
bastard! The selfish bastard ...!

But, she said nothing! He slept ... mouth open, eyes only half-closed ... the
sleep of exhaustion! For a long moment, the frustrated blonde- haired young
woman stared at him, sensing the immediate pangs of her desire melting before
the truth of his drained strength. My God, she was acting like a wanton whore!
While he, poor darling, did what he had to! The tears filled her eyes once more
as she bent and kissed his slack lips. Then, she arose from the bed and found a
robe in the closet.

A few moments later, Jean pattered into the front room and poured herself an
unusual scotch and soda, the excitement in her quivering loins and belly far
from relieved, but endurable she thought ... endurable until he could learn to
bring her all the way to the end of the line ...

Chapter 5

Jean was slightly tipsy when she undressed and readied herself for bed just a
little before midnight. She realized that she had probably overdone it, trusting
that the effects of the liquor might help soothe the lingering sensual flames
that Mark had kindled hours before, but they still smoldered warmly down in her
disappointed belly and loins. It was almost as if it had worked just the
opposite of what she'd expected, she thought, slipping into the whispering nylon
of a see- through, short nightie ... not quite certain why she had selected such
a daring thing to wear alone to bed, either.

God, she'd never drunk so much in her life! Throughout the four hours or better
that Mark had slept, she had continued to pour herself little periodic nips from
the scotch-bottle, weakening them with water, of course, but she realized now
that they had built up on her. The last two potent ones she had made to sip at
while she absently watched TV had contained that 'drop' too much; her head was

She stood before her vanity mirror, brushing her long, honey-blonde hair,
remembering how Mark had again, almost shamefully avoided looking at her after
he'd awakened. God, as much as she wanted him to reach her, to make her know the
erotic thrill of completion, she realized he was not to blame, that he just
couldn't hold back. She had tried to explain that it was all right and that she
understood, but he hadn't wanted to even talk about it ... and then he was gone.
Darn, was it any wonder that she'd decided to investigate the effects of liquor
a bit further? Nor was she sorry now, even though it hadn't quite reacted in the
manner expected. At least, she felt less inhibited toward the feverish
sensations he had awakened and left simmering inside her ... which was the
reason she had chosen the sensuously inciting nightie, wasn't it?

Staring into the mirror, Jean realized that it was impossible to deny herself
any longer, and subconsciously she had been working toward this all evening. A
little quiver of excitement rippled over the nerve-ends of her softly tingling
flesh at the thought. Yes ... she was going to make it delightfully beautiful
for her own self. She let her eyes rove over the stimulating reflection in the
mirror, taking a narcissistic pleasure in admiring her own symmetrical curves.
It wasn't something spontaneous, this hedonistic admiration of her generous
endowments, but it had been many months, since Carol and she had roomed together
at school actually, that she had enjoyed them with such intentions. Her full and
pointed, pink-nippled breasts had always secretly intrigued her from the first
moment she had taken notice of their rounded, swelling presence. She lay her
brush onto the vanity and smoothed her hands down over the narrowness of her
waist, the tiny dimple of her navel exotically visible through the sheer black
nylon. Her view moved to the sweeping arch of her flowing hips and the long
white columns of her full, white thighs and shapely calves, but it was the
golden triangle of silken pubic curls at their apex that eventually commanded
her gaze.

Jean sighed tremblingly, letting her own caressing little hands stroke downward
over her hips and inward toward the base of her flat belly to the gentle mound
of soft, hair-hidden flesh; She pressured tauntingly, her slender fingers
extended, the hint of her own pink vaginal slit momentarily captivating her
through the shadowy nylon.

Now, she thought, an inciting wave of self-lust washing through her ... now! And
she quickly turned, walking to the bed, switching out the light as she climbed
in thinking how much nicer it could be if Carol were there with her at that very
moment ...!

* * *

"Jeez, did you see that?" Corky White hissed to his brother hunched beside him.
"When she bent over to get in bed I could see her bare ass ...!"

"Shut up, you stupid bastard!" Leo Vincent angrily whispered. "She'll hear you!
That window's open!" He slunk down lower and crawled away, motioning for his
teenaged associates to follow. In the heavy shadow of shrubs he waited until
they joined him. "You dumb fuck, Corky, you louse this up and Morgan's going to
kill you, I swear it!"

"Shit, I won't louse it, Leo! She couldn't hear me anyway, the way she was
rubbing herself. I'll bet she's in there finger-fucking her cunt like crazy
right this minute ...!"

"Corky's right, Leo!" Billy White, a heavy-set, good looking boy, whispered.
"She was getting ready to finger-fuck herself! Must be that Blakely can't take
care of that hot little pussy of hers ..."

"Knock it off will you two? For Chris' sake, we got a job to do!" the pimply
faced teenager snapped. "Now listen to me, we jimmy the back door ..."

"Why not go in through her opened window, Leo?" Billy interrupted.

"Goddamnit, will you listen? Because she might see us and scream, that's why!
There's a moon, you know, or she might turn on a light ... anything. Besides,
Morgan worked this out and we're following to the letter! You got that?"

"Sure, whatever you say, Leo," Corky enthusiastically replied. "Just as long as
I get my cock into her smooth little belly ...!"

"We'll all get to fuck 'er!" Leo answered a slow grin spreading his thins acned
face. "But ... we do it right ... surprise her ... you handle the gag, Billy,
and shove it into her mouth right off quick, eh?"

The good-looking boy nodded without speaking.

"We grab her hands, Corky, and tie them to the bed-posts with these stockings. I
snatched them out of a trash-can downtown, just in case they find one and want
to trace it," Leo Vincent said. "Okay ... who's got the bear-claw ...?"

Billy fumbled the dried and cured animal-paw from a pocket where he'd carried
it, thrusting it into the other boy's hand.

"Okay, we're set," the pimply-faced teenager said. "Get your masks on and
remember ... no one says a fucking thing, right ...?"


"Right, Leo ... let's go ...!"

* * *

As carefully secretive as the teenaged trio were in carrying out their evil
mission, their excited stealth could not begin to match that of the powerful dog
who watched through burning, amber-fired eyes their every furtive move. He had
easily crept into the town, cunningly avoiding the men with weapons who openly
stalked the streets, their reason for being there not escaping him. In silently
wearing his way into the heart of the man-place, he had unexpectedly come upon
the three male-humans crouched before a lighted window away from the wide path
where they walked and the noisy things on wheels raced.

Now, he watched, easing soundlessly to the open window where they had crouched.
His keen ears immediately picked up the sibilant vibrations of heavy human
breathing ... of an occasional sigh and the whimper of a female person. His
animal senses noted that the moon was cloud-hidden before he put forepaws onto
the window sill and extended himself high enough to see in.

Though the room was shrouded in darkness, Caesar, with his darkness accustomed
eyes, saw her on the bed in her spread-legged position as if the sun's light
were illuminating her. Her small hand worked in a teasing circular motion
between her crab-like spread thighs, and sighs of happiness continuously filled
the night. He watched her smooth female buttocks rise from the bed to meet her
rhythmically working hand, and something familiar clicked in his animal-mind
from ages past!

An almost human warmth flowed through the massive dog that he had no way of
fathoming. His glowing eyes centered on her long, golden hair that was haloed on
the pillow supporting her beautiful young head. He sensed his own feral loins
beginning to enlivingly quiver ... and then, there was a commotion!

Her half-scream caused Caesar's muscles to tense, but he hesitated through
experience to charge. Instead, he waited, watching as the three gleefully
smiling boys moved with brutal lustfulness over and around the futilely
resisting young woman, filling her mouth, then tying her wrists and legs to the
corners of the human sleeping place before ripping her thin silky garment away
from her voluptuously cubed body. Still, he made no move, but watched as they
stripped off their own body-covers, the long, hard lengths of their man-penises
making him known their intentions ... while the golden-haired, naked female
continued to whimper helplessly in her throat ...!

* * *

Jean had never known real terror in her young life, and if she had, she horribly
realized, that it could never be like this! She couldn't scream ... they had
stuffed her mouth chokingly full with some sort of rag! My God! My God! What
were they going to do? Her hands were suddenly tied to the upper bedposts as
were her feet to the lower ...! They were going to rape her, of course, what
else ...? But then, why, and who ...?

She was completely at their mercy when the snickering sounds of triumph from one
masked face loomed in the darkness above her, and wild-eyed she twisted her head
to faintly see him clutching his naked, hard penis with vile lewdness not a foot
away from her face! Oh ... oh God, if she could only scream ...! She rolled her
head away and made out the images of the other two mimicking the first, gripping
their long, thick penises and moving in the darkness toward the bed and her
widespread thighs ...!

Then ...! Then ... what was it that happened? A ... A blurred shadow of solid
darkness at the opened window ... a loud, vicious growl! Again, and then again,
she heard it, as she tried to lift her head to see the confusion that was
filling her ears ...!

"Jeez! It's him ... the goddamned dog!" a cursing boyish voice panickly
exclaimed. "I'm getting out of here!"

"Come on, Leo! It's the fucking dog-pack!" another choked as Jean lay
spellbound, her head raised in solemn fear at what was taking place..

Suddenly, there was nothing, but the slamming sound of the back door familiar to
her ears, yet, she was still nakedly tied spread-eagled to the bed ...! For a
long, long moment, Jean lay in deathly silence, trying to determine if they had
gone ... and why? Finally, she realized that her secured wrist hadn't made it
impossible to reach the lamp on the bed-table and she struggled for it ...
turning it on. Her entire nakedly exposed body trembled fearfully as she rolled
her head, then lifted it, the gag they had brutally applied still stifling her
very breathing ...

She saw him then! He stood at the foot of the bed, massively dominating the
entire room! His rounded eyes were like two glowing ovals of burning fire in his
huge head, his vicious mouth partially open to display the gleaming white fangs
there! Mother of God! That's why her attackers, whoever they were had ran! It
was him ... Caesar ... the animal who'd raped Annie Purcell!

Forgetting her gag, Jean tried to scream, nearly choking from the stuffing in
her mouth and throat! She stared with raised head, seeing the great beast leap
agily onto the bed, then lick at his lips in the manner of gentle dogs she had
seen a thousand times! God, no matter what else, he'd driven the others off, she
thought, watching him raise his beautiful head high, then ... move forward
toward her! His powerful jaws were just above her throat! He was going to ...
going to ...! They lowered right above her face ... and suddenly, she realized
that he had nipped onto one end of the gag with his teeth and was backing away,
pulling it from her mouth! It was then that she noticed the gold medallion
swinging loosely from his great throat, the embossed impression of the roman
battle eagle clearly visible to her!

Anxiously, she tried to return saliva to her mouth. She could scream now!
Someone would hear, one of the sentries Mark had placed ...! But she didn't! She
could, but she didn't ...!

Caesar whimpered, simultaneously wagging his head and tail. Again, from ages
passed, hot-blood flowed through him. In his animal-eye he surveyed the naked,
security tied human female before him. Her hair reminded him of his mate that
the brute-man had killed, and animalistically he licked out with his tongue. She
had lain back onto the pillow watching him, her eyes softening from stark-fear
into more of wonderment, he instinctively perceived.

His own burning orbs surveyed her again, and then, he moved closer above her,
leaning down to lash out with his wet, hot tongue against the smooth flesh of
her naked white belly.

She could scream now, Jean realized, rant at the top of her lungs ...! He had
made it possible! Why? She swallowed tightly, watching him move toward her, then
lowering his head, his length of pinkish seething animal-tongue licked moistly
over her muscle-tightened belly!

Again, he did it, the hot, spread length of his tormenting wet tongue causing
incredible sensations to spiral through her, immediately resurging the
unsatiated passion she had quickly forgotten in her terror! She strained her
sight to gape at his animal-face, to read some direction in those fire-filled,
wild eyes! Oh God, he had saved her from a cruel gang rape! And he knew it ...
he knew it!

Once more, she raised her head to gaspingly watch his long hot tongue licking
upward over the quivering white flesh of her soft belly! Higher and higher he
inched, until he was finally lapping the rounded, full undersides of her exposed
breasts, ever-creeping upward over them toward their tiny, marble-hardening
nipples ... and at last, there! She couldn't restrain the little moan that
escaped her lips when his feverish, moist tongue actually reached them, wetly
grazing the pink, sensitively rising buds again and again to send maddeningly
arousing spasms whipping through her nakedly bound body!

Oh ... oh God ... what was happening to her? She must be losing her mind! The
liquor had numbed her wits to the point of stupidity! This ferocious brute
could, and well might, tear her to pieces if the notion took him! Somehow, she
had to raise help before it was too late, before this moment of gentleness left
him! But if she screamed would she be heard ... and if she were, could they
trace the source in time ...? Yet worse, what might her shrieking voice do to
him? It wasn't as if she could scramble from the bed and try to evade his
attack! She was tied hand and foot, helplessly vulnerable to those massive jaws
and sharp, gleaming fangs ...!

Dear Lord, she could hardly think with the inconceivable rising heat his
fiercely licking tongue brushing wetly over the naked mounds of her breasts was
creating inside her! She heard him whimper deep in his throat, her widened stare
fixed on his almost loving performance. Then, his blazing eyes raised to meet
hers, their desire-fed glow level with her own. She held her breath as he moved
upward and startlingly began to run his warm, liquid tongue in hot caresses over
her face!

My God, Jean shockingly realized, he's kissing me!

A feeling of gentle warmth filled Caesar's powerful body as he tenderly licked
over the pleasing, soft beauty of the female-human's flesh. The pleasant taste
of her breasts, and now her smooth white face intrigued him. This was not the
same, he sensed, as the vengeance he had fulfilled with the other young, she-
woman. No malice toward this one raged inside him as it had for the one who had
chased and shot at them. Her warm human-eyes reflected emotions that he could
understand in the depths of the mysterious brain he possessed. Yes, she was one
that he could claim for his own ...!

Jean reflectively rolled her head to shy her face away from the brute- animal's
hot, licking tongue. There was no question in her mind but what he was actually
kissing her ... showing her in his own way that she needn't be afraid, that he
wouldn't harm her! Why she felt that she could fathom his unhuman meaning was
beyond her, but she was certain she was right! It was almost as if uncanny
vibrations were passing between them ... and suddenly she realized that she was
no longer trying to avoid the heated attention of his warm, moist tongue, but
giving herself to it with tightly closed eyes!

Abruptly, he stopped. She felt the weight of him jiggling the bed and snapped
open her eyes to see. My God ... he was moving down between her helplessly bound
legs! She raised to watch him poise his great head between her open thighs, then
slowly lower it, his heated animal-breath taunting the sparse blonde-pubic hair
there! His cool, wet nose brushed against the soft, hot flesh of her inner-thigh
... and finally, the still flushed lips of her vaginal crevice! She heard him
whimper as he sniffed her female excitement, taunting her succeptibly naked
loins as though he were making an actual seduction!

Once more, the urge to scream filled her, but was rendered utterly useless as
she felt his warm damp nose suddenly rubbing wetly against the puckered ring of
her tiny cringing anus!

"Oh ... oh, my God!" she gasped out, as if she were pleading to another person,
the words of Granny Obert suddenly finding some realistic meaning in her racing
mind. "Don't ... please don't ...?"

Oh ... ooohhhhh ...!

His wild tongue snaked out to lick wormingly up and down the smooth vale
surrounding her tightly clenched little anal mouth, the tip burrowing teasingly
up into its defensively clasped lips!

Jean hardly knew whether it was fear, shame, or the tantalization itself that
made her try to squirm her naked vaginal slit away, but when the massive dog
raised his head and warningly growled, she quickly stopped. His head lowered
again, the hot, seething tongue beginning to lick at the narrow pink crevice
between her helplessly spread thighs. She trembled and groaned uncontrollably as
he wetly drew it upward over the full length of her openly spread pussy. "Oooooh
God!" The lewd sensations stabbing inward to reach deep into the nerve centers
of her helplessly fluttering belly.

Again he did it, this time, his thick hot tongue spreading through the yielding,
hair-fringed cunt lips like a fluid blade! It didn't stop, but continued to
relentlessly splay the raw, sensitive flesh, pausing at last to lunge in a
penetrating curl far up her shamelessly moistened vagina! She gasped and spasmed
convulsively, writhing in reflexive bodily contortions to his oral rape ... but
he never stopped ... and she wasn't sure that she wanted him to!

At that intensively breathtaking moment, the spread-eagled, obscenely exposed
young bride was not sure of anything but the sudden ardent thrill of incitement
his hot, ravaging tongue was sending through her young naked body. Her whimpers
uncontrollably increased, while her mind slipped further into a spell-binding
sensual oblivion that she could not, nor did not want to struggle against! Again
and again, his pleasure-bringing tongue grazingly bathed her unprotected, loins
from the snug, raisin-like lips of her tightly clenched little anus, upward
through the glistening, moist crevice of her long-denied pussy. At its peak, it
hesitated, penetrating to flick almost knowingly at the trembling bud of her
clitoris, irresistably amplifying her mounting desire a hundred fold!

How long it went on, Jean in her erotic intoxication had no idea ... only that
it did, the heavenly searing tongue licking wildly through and over her moistly
inflamed cuntal flesh until she was gasping and squirming her whole naked body
maddeningly beneath it.

"Oooohh ... ooohhh ...!" she gutturally moaned as he flicked the tormenting
organ in a hot, lust-whetting curl up into the clutching little mouth of her
burning vaginal passage.

"Ooohhh ... yes ... yes, do it for me, Caesar ...! M-Make me cum ... oohhh
please ...? Lick me more ... lick me ...!"

Jean hardly knew what she was saying, her overpowering passion had built to that
intensity ... but abruptly, she realized the loss of his pleasure-bringing
tongue, and she raised her head to gape in confused disappointment. He had moved
up over her once more on the bed and she heard his animal whimpers at the same
moment that she realized he was tugging with his strong, sharp teeth at her
bonds. He ... he was freeing her!

When he had managed to untie one wrist, he moved down to repeat the act at her
ankle, while she quickly undid the other wrist with her freed hand, then sat up
to work on the other ankle. Her infused brain swam with both the sensual elation
filling it, as well as the incredulous events that had taken place this night,
one after the other. But once more, her brief flurry of thought was whipped away
as she felt his tongue affectionately licking at her cheek. She tore the
unknotted stocking from her ankle and wrapped both arms around his great neck,
hugging his huge head tightly to her as she lay back, the weight of his powerful
body flattening her resilient upraised breasts down against her chest.

"Oh ... you ... you beautiful lover, Caesar ...!" she chokingly gasped. Then,
taking gentle hold of his ears and head, she fearlessly hissed. "Please, darling
don't stop yet ... please ...?"

He let her guide him back down between her anxiously spread thighs, little
whimpers still emitting from his panting mouth, while soft mewls of delight
tumbled from hers. Then, with an animalistic groan of her own, Jean drew her
knees back to her breasts pulling his nose tight down into her wetly throbbing

His eager tongue flicked up the fire-filled channel like an attacking lizard,
his own whines blending with hers as he hungrily lashed and penetrated the
glistening pink flesh between her lewdly spread thighs and buttocks.

"Oh ... ooohhh ... yes ...! Lick it, darling ... lick my cunt!" she lustfully
pleaded, undulating her opened, obscenely positioned loins and rounded white
buttocks salaciously up against his mind-destroying tongue.

Caesar could smell as well as taste the exoticness of her human female lust, the
keen aromatic flavor driving his basic sexual instincts higher and higher.
Though he had known the carnal association of many female-humans in his time,
none had ever commanded his natural impulses such as this soft, white creature
with the long golden hair. Her pale, sky-colored eyes reflected truth, and her
voice-sounds were gentle and warm. There was a sun-brightness to the expression
of her smooth, white face that he sensed flowing through the tender symmetrical
curves of her entire body. But it was there down between her welcomingly spread
thighs where he licked with his lust-heated tongue that he knew the naked
sensitive realness of her. This yielding, pink flesh of her open cunt in its
hot, flowing poignancy revealed her innermost emotions and as he greedily and
lovingly tongued the wispy, curl-fringed softness, he intuitively felt the
rising heaviness of his own feral, animal loins.

Jean felt his magnificent hot tongue suddenly desert her lewdly offered vaginal
opening and she quickly raised her head to see him backing off several steps.
"Oh ... oh God, Darling ... what is it?" she imploringly moaned, to his
entreating whine. "Please ... don't stop ...? What? What is it you want, Lover

He moved to her side then, nosing against her soft hip in a gesture that she
found herself understanding. God ... he wanted her to turn over onto her
stomach! Gently, he nudged again, the whimpering sounds coming from the depths
of his chest, the golden medallion swaying beneath his throat from the effort!

Unable to determine why she did it, she willingly responded, and moreover, not
wanting to know or destroy the beautifully impossible phenomenon that bound
them, Jean lowered her long, white legs and rolled over onto her stomach, no
thought of fear or resistance in her incited brain. She again spread her long
shapely legs wide, sensing that he wanted this as did she, again narcisstically
picturing her own naked, smooth curvaceousness in her mind's eye. She sensed his
panting, hot breaths against the soft mounds of her partially raised buttocks,
then joyfully felt the heat of his thick wet tongue slithering into the soft
smooth crevice separating them!

Jean moaned audibly, unknown sensations of undisguised lust charging ever
stronger through her cunt and belly. She hardly realized it as she reached back
behind herself with her small hands to lasciviously spread the lust cheeks open,
giving him full access to her tiny, palpitating anus! Then, his loving hot
tongue was wetly caressing it, again splaying open the ragged, hair-lined lips
of her inflamed pussy to graze the sensually flushed, pink flesh on its lewd
path to the baby- like mouth of her naked rectum.

Oh God ... she was going to lose her mind entirely, she thought! She was ...
truly was! And then, her animal lover was nuzzling beneath her pelvis and
lifting, his desire as clear to her as if he had spoken. Obediently, she raised
up, elevating her wide-spread buttocks as she knelt slave like before the
powerful dog in complete inner-surrender!

Once more, as if in answering-love, he drew his thick, splaying tongue up
through the full length of her seethingly wet cuntal crevice, and she gasped out
her erotic delight. She tried to widen her knees even further to open the
throbbing pink pussy slit between her trembling thighs wider to him. His long,
curling animal-tongue thrust possessively, sweeping hotly through the blood-
flushed, wet inner-flesh and flicking at the hungrily grasping mouth of her
vagina, enticingly firing her offered loins to greater heat before he moved to a
new, unexpected position!

She tensed as the massive dog's muscular, furry body crowded in behind her
toward her nakedly trembling buttocks, suddenly aware that he was raising up on
his hind legs and his powerful forelegs were grasping at her upthrusting hips!
Oh God ... he ... he must be mounting her, she thought wildly twisting her head
to look back ... and he was! Dear Lord ... he was! He intended to fuck her just
as though she were another animal!

Her desire confused brain whirled with the impossibly lurid idea, and once again
she remembered some of Granny Obert's tale! Oh God! she inwardly gasped, her
body tremoring to the sensations Caesar's lashing tongue had set her palpitating
loins afire with. Then, her glazed eyes caught sight of their lewdly locked
position in her vanity mirror and she groaned helplessly at the obscenely
provocative reflection. The bestial obscenity of the great German Shepherd
astraddle the spread white moons of her smoothly ovaled buttocks sent
unbelievable charges of salacious fire soaring through her naked, ql_ivering

Then, she breathlessly gaped at the sight of his glistening, scarlet cock
emerging from its long sheath, wet and hard, the wet, tapered end slipping and
dancing as it moved forward to probe the damp, pink crevice of her wildly
excited runt. She felt his strong canine body jerk against the giving flesh of
her supple, white buttocks, saw his dangling thick length of hardened cock
trying to penetrate the thin vertical mouth of her defenselessly upturned

He whimpered loudly, his forepaws making new claims against the soft sensitive
flesh of her naked hips as he thrustingly stumbled on his hind legs behind her,
desperately endeavoring to bury the sleek, throbbing shaft up inside her!

Jean saw it all in the mirror, and with an inescapable, sensuous moan, she
shifted her head suddenly hungrily quivering buttocks back at it in an effort to
capture his lengthening hardness, the feverishly impassioned tension inside her
reaching a near unbearable point! Oh God ... she wanted it ... had to have his
long, thick animal-cock inside her inflamed, needing cunt! Yes, she had to have
it racing into her soft, fire-filled belly before she went mad with her
unfulfilled desire! Nothing else mattered! She reached back between her full,
widely spread thighs, grasping the slippery animal-organ to spread her soft
silken pubic hair with the tip and guide its hotly pulsating, head to the wetly
receptive mouth of her eagerly waiting vaginal hole! Immediately, he humped
forward, bursting it from her grip as he speared her defenseless young cuntal
channel open wider and wider, sending the long rod of hard, thick animal-cock
deep up into the hungrily squirming hole between her thighs!

Jean watched in the mirror in bulging eyed fascination as the burning, scarlet
rod of stiffened dog flesh slithered forward with a wet, brutal charge, burying
itself all the way up to the hilt in her painfully stretched vaginal passage.
Caesar's heavy, sperm-bloated balls swung down wildly and smacked flatly beneath
her golden pussy-hair.

The intensive, pressuring sensation of impalement came bursting through her
loins seconds later and she grunted out her choking gasp. Then: "Oh God ...!"
she wailed, her wide blue eyes gaping unseeingly as her excitedly panting
animal-lover began to fuck rhythmically up into her from behind. Her head
jarring from his every fierce breast-quivering plunge, Jean tried to concentrate
on the long, scarlet length of hardness slithering into her as she began to move
rhythmically backward to meet his powerful, breathtaking strokes! Unequaled
sensations of base-lust filled her sensuously slaving body as she thrust
backward onto the ever-thickening cock skewering deeper and deeper into her
raging, hot belly from behind. Furiously, his savage muscular beauty battered
and thudded resoundingly against her yielding, wide-spread ass-cheeks, his
painfully huge cock a relentless shaft of glistening, sadistic joy sinking to
its full length deep into her soft, quivering belly! With ungovernable,
whimpering mewls, she lewdly rotated her rounded working buttocks back at him
with a lewd frenzy, grinding her hotly clinging cunt walls back over the length
of his hardened, piercing animal flesh with a masochistic cry of wanton passion.

The signal flashed through her lust-inflamed young body then, the unmistakable
beacon of erotic fulfillment! It spiraled through her seething loins like the
pricking of a million warning needles, and gnawed at the base of her quivering
belly with the promise of unknown rapture. She whimpered aloud to the jagged
edges of her growing sensual bliss, gaping at the mirror hungrily to see the
great dog, Caesar's wet, thick cock disappearing up between the soft whiteness
of her own roundly absorbing buttocks, his furious fucking of her tempoed in
quickened jerky animal strokes! She caught sight of her own pink cuntal flesh
wetly clinging to his huge hardness when he pulled out of her, then vanishing
back up inside again with his thrusting charge, his heavy cum-laden balls
smacking solidly below between the spread-open lips of her hotly searing pussy.

Her brain reeled in the throes of her wildly aroused passion, her eyes feasting
on the sensuous spectacle of her full young breasts quivering and swaying like
hanging white mounds of lush, pink-crested fruit to his beautiful, battering
barrage! She saw the flailing beauty of her own long, blonde hair when she
tossed her head in cadence to the moans of gasping enchantment hissing from her
heaving chest!

"Oh God ... fuck me you magnificent darling! " she cried. "Gr-Granny was right
... right! I know now ... yes ... yes! I'm yours, Caesar ... yours forever ...
Oooohhhh ... God!"

It was the wailing soft lilt in her crying voice that made Caesar know her
sexual love. He whimpered back in response as he ardently thrust into her from
behind in the only depth of expression his basic instincts urged. He knew that
she was readily giving herself to him in the loving beauty of natural law, never
resisting or fighting him, but eagerly, thrusting her soft, white female cunt
back onto his heavily aching hardness. The wet, warmth of her human vaginal
channel was greedily clenching at his animal cock, as if she were his own bitch
mate, and his great heart pounded lovingly in his chest for her.

He sensed the dribbling wetness against his loins that trickled down the soft
smooth backs of her thighs from where he fucked into her, and saw the thin,
sheen-like droplets of perspiration that had gathered on her naked white body
beneath him. His own tongue hung loosely from his opened jaws in heated frenzy.
The moment of culmination was near!

Abruptly, Jean raised her sensuously slackened face to whimper out a guttural,
animalish groan from deep in her throat. Her glazed blue eyes grew round and
unseeing. "Ooohhh ... ooohhhh, Darling ... I can't stand it! I-I'm going madddd!
Do it to me harder ... please do it for me, my lover ...! Oooohhhh!" And her
voice died in a strangled mixture of sob and sigh, her head tossing insanely
from side to side, her long, honey- colored hair wildly flailing as she began
the first convulsions of her climax, skewering her white, passionately
undulating buttocks back onto his long, thick rod of hardness with a wantonness
that she had never even imagined she was capable of.

The first spasm struck her then and she shrieked, slamming her rounded white
ass-cheeks back hard against the rhythmically fucking dog cock with a desperate,
frantic lunge. Simultaneously Caesar responded with a forward thrust and growl,
his massive hardness beginning to spew its heated animal sperm deep up into her
soft, wildly constricting belly with long, hard spurts.

Again, Jean weirdly cried out, her crazily jerking buttocks beginning to
contract convulsively to the grand eruption exploding hotly in her belly and
loins in the universal ecstasy of all animals! She threw her head from side to
side in a heretofore unknown, erotic bliss ... at last opening her eyes on the
mirror to see the combination of human- animal cum oozing whitely from her
tightly clenching cuntal-mouth which was still clasping and milking hungrily at
her animal-lover's slowly deflating cock. Thin rivulets of their sticky, white
fluids ran hotly down the smooth white columns of her inner-thighs ... and when
she could no longer watch, she pitched forward on her breasts, gasping a great
sigh of blissful relief ...

Jean lay unmoving for a long, long moment, refusing to let the thoughts that
were trying to flood her mind return. Instead, she thought only of the
beautiful, wildly arousing orgasm she had just known ... felt his movements on
the bed behind and over her. Yes ... dear God, yes ...! Granny had been right
... so right, and now, she understood ...! Suddenly, she felt his hot, wet
tongue licking the smooth, sensitive flesh of her naked buttocks ... then the
small of her back! It stopped, and smiling, Jean slowly rolled over ...

With a start, she sat upright, and just in time to see his great flanks
disappearing through the open window. A sudden tightness caught at her throat as
she scrambled toward the foot of the bed.

"Caesar! Caesar ... please! Come back! Come back ...!"

But he didn't, and as seconds passed into minutes, Jean realized that he would
not. Oh ... oh God ...! She couldn't hold back the tears puddling into her eyes.
What he had done for her ... to her ... with her ...! Then, she heard it ...!

It was a wailing animal howl that triumphantly filled the night, and Jean
couldn't contain her trembling smile of happiness. Slowly, she crawled back up
into the bed, feeling the heat of his animal sperm still puddling deep in her
satiated belly, then switched the room into darkness. She licked at her lushly
swollen lips and continued to confidently smile to herself. There was no reason
any longer for fear and she would make Mark understand this ... and more. Most
people in Crescent Valley who had heard that cry a moment ago had cringed, she
sleepily thought, but she knew the truth.

It had been a cry of love ... love to his new-found human mate ...

Chapter 6

"I don't believe it!" Link Morgan furiously raged. "You lousy little punks
screwed up!"

"No! I swear it, Chief!" Leo Vincent pledged, his thin, pimply face drawn in
fear of the barrel-chested man. "Honest, I wouldn't lie to you ...!"

"You'd lie to your dying mother, you fink!" the police chief spat.

"Leo's telling you the truth, Chief!" Billy White, a runtish, long- haired boy
put in. "We were going great when suddenly, there he was, coming right through
her open window ...!"

"And you're sure it was that Caesar bastard?" Link questioned.

"You're damn right," the good-looking, heavy-set Corky assured. "I saw him first
... those crazy wild eyes ...!"

"Like two chunks of fire!" Leo Vincent added. "And he had the medallion hanging
from his throat!"

"We just harassed out of there as fast as we could!" Billy White added.

For a heavy moment there was silence. They sat m the police chief's little
office staring at the big man who seemed to be meditating behind his scarred
desk. A filtered glow of morning sunshine feebly attempted to penetrate the
long-unwashed window above the lawman's head, lighting his flushed face and red-
rimmed, tired eyes enough for them to note the first trace of his mean half-

"You didn't sneak around to see what happened, did you?" he questioned, looking
directly at Leo Vincent's acned face.

"Are you kidding, man ...? With that goddamned wild hound there?" the thin
teenager retorted. "Like Corky says, we haul-assed ...!"

"Then we tried to find you Chief," Billy said. "Once, we saw you but you were
with the deputy. We figured we better let it ride 'till this morning."

"Well, for once you used your fucking heads, Link replied. "How far did you get
with her?"

"We had her stripped and tied spread-eagle to the bed!" Leo Vincent told him,
his young beady eyes lewdly narrowing as he remembered. "Fuck, what a sweet
broad she is! Man, I've never seen anything like her, bare-assed and naked!"

"We'd even shed our own threads and were ready to swing!" Corky added. "Shit, I
wanted a piece of her so bad ..."

"You wore the masks like I said?" Link interrupted, wanting to be sure.

"Right," Leo answered. "Everything was going just like you planned it, Chief,
until that friggin' dog appeared on the scene."

"Hmmmm ..." the half-grinning lawman muttered. "I wonder what happened after you
three hightailed it? I mean ... after the way he raped my niece ... I wonder?"

"You ... you mean, maybe he fucked her, Chief?" Leo softly questioned.

"Well ...? What do you think wise-boy ... did he?" Link Morgan asked, digging a
cigar from his desk drawer, his twisted grin still prevalent. "It's going to be
damned interesting to find out. And maybe ... just maybe, we accomplished what
we wanted after all."

"You mean, the deputy is going to go crazy-mad if that Caesar mutt really fucked
his wife, eh Chief?" Leo Vincent blurted, moving forward to the edge of his

"Exactly!" the big man replied, spitting the bitten tip of his cigar away and
striking a lucifer match! "Exactly, boy ... and that's all we wanted in the
first place, wasn't it?"

"Right!" the thin teenager replied, proud of the way he had analyzed it all and
reveling beneath the police chiefs grin. "But I still wish we could've pulled it
off, I'll tell you. She was fingering herself in the dark when we moved in on
her, that's why she didn't hear us!"

"She was what?"

"Finger fucking herself ... no shit, chief, she was!" Leo, enthusiastically
informed. "Ask these guys; they saw her too!"

"Honest injun, Chief, she was!" Corky corroborated. "Crap we'd 've had a ball if
it hadn't been for that fucking Caesar!"

"I never even saw or heard him slip into the room!" Leo Vincent exclaimed.
"There I stood with my cock in my hand, already to go, when Corky says, "Come
on, Leo, it's the fucking pack-dog, and I ...!"

"He said what?" Link snapped, jerking the cigar from his mouth and leaning
forward with widening, infuriated eyes. "Well, what did he say?"

"He ... he said ... come on, Leo, it's the ..."

The big man's opened hand slapped hard against the desk top. "You stupid
bastards, I give you masks to wear so the bitch can't see your faces and what do
you do? Call each other by name! You goddamned rattleheaded shits! How many
Leo's do you think there are in Crescent Valley ... or hadn't that occurred to

The acne-faced boy turned his gaze slowly toward his teenaged cohorts, the
realization of the big man's words suddenly dawning upon him. If everything went
off all right, fine ... if Caesar raped her, fine ... or if she hadn't heard
Corky call out his name, fine ... but, supposing she had!

Link quickly gained his feet. "You three better plan to make yourselves scarce
for awhile ... and don't give me any goddamned back-lip! I don't care what you
tell your folks, but you're getting out of town ...!"

"Where ... where'll we go, Chief?" Leo questioned, sensing a cold chill moving
up his spine.

"I don't give a damn ... just go ... go up to the cave and rough it for a week
or so ... or until we put an end to this fucking pack situation. There's food
there, everything you'll need, including a jar of pot ... and don't go blowing
your minds completely, you stupid jerks!"

Billy White broke into a wide grin. "Sounds crazy to me, man!"

"Me too," Corky agreed. "Anything to get away from mowing that goddamned lawn at
home ...!"

"Never mind the comments, just get moving!" Link ordered. "The sooner you three
are out of town, the better I'm going to feel ...!"

* * *

Alone, the big lawman sat irritably mulling over the fiasco of his carefully
laid plans. He had pulled a half-emptied fifth of cheap bourbon from a desk
drawer and was drinking it raw from the bottle. He needed something to give him
a pick-up; he was dead-tired and not a frigging thing was going right. Those
goddamned numbies, they'd probably have blown it anyway. Maybe it was just as
wed the dog had shown up and chased them off ... Christ, he couldn't help but
wonder if the big bastard had socked it into her. They'd said she was tied
spread-eagle on the bed and naked as a whorehouse bitch ... Damn he'd liked to
have seen that, himself! She was one luscious broad, all right ... and fingering
herself, they said ... sonofabitch, he was getting a hard on just thinking about
that ...

Link took another pull at the bottle, thinking at the same time that he hadn't
used his head by slapping Nell Carter around either. She was no Jean Blakely,
but she'd been a good fuck and always ready ... and now she was gone. Hell, he'd
been drunk ... couldn't even remember what the hell she'd said to irk him, and
then, the next thing he knew he was cuffing hell out of her. Still, he hadn't
realized that she'd packed her things and cleared out until yesterday morning
when he'd walked into the kitchen and found Annie getting breakfast.

"What're you doing, taking up housekeeping?" he'd growled, his head throbbing
and his guts churning with a hangover.

"Someone better, I think," his teenaged niece had replied. "Your housekeeper
walked out two hours ago, bag and baggage."

"She what ...?"

"That's right, Uncle, she's flown the coop," the pretty young teenager had said
without looking at him, moving around the kitchen in her nightie and wrapper
with more efficiency than he'd ever dreamed she had. But then, why in hell not,
she was sixteen, practically a grown woman, and a well-built one, at that.
Fucked, too, he'd thought, standing there looking at her, even if it was by a
goddamned dog. At least, she knew what it was all about.

"What for, did she say ...?"

"I don't think she could with her lips all swollen up," Annie had sharply
replied, taking toast from the toaster and buttering it. "She was lucky to see
where she was going with those two black eyes ... must have ran into a door or
something, eh ...?"

Link grinned to himself at the girl's quip, remembering. He tilted the bottle up
once more and swallowed noisily several times. The little imp, she was something
else. He knew she had no respect for Nell from the beginning, but she'd
tolerated her. That goddamned fucking Caesar ... taking her young cherry. He'd
kill that sonofabitch yet ... but he'd sure like to know what happened between
the wild mutt and Jean Blakely. Imagine, that luscious piece fingering herself
... Christ, he'd sure like to throw a fuck into her ... must be Blakely wasn't
doing a very good job of it, if she had to resort to playing with herself.

His long, thick cock had stretched into a heavy, weighted hardness at the
conglomeration of his thoughts, straining inside his clothing, and he shifted
and pulled at his crotch to ease the bind. He picked up his cigar from the
ashtray lighting it again while his liquor-roused brain filled with patches of
thought concerning Jean Blakely nakedly finger- fucking herself, and his dead
sister's daughter moving around the kitchen in her nightie and wrapper.
Sonofabitch, maybe both ... but at least one of them had been fucked by that
weird mutt ...

The ring of the telephone interrupted his lewd reveries. He hesitated to answer
it, wondering if he wanted to get involved in anything this morning before
catching some sleep. Christ, he'd been up all night, making sure that Blakely
didn't take a notion to go home ... It rang several more times before he picked
it up from its cradle ...

"Police Department."

"Chief Morgan ...?" a husky feminine voice questioned.

"Yes ... "

"Lydia Newell, Chief," the voice throatily informed, though he had already
placed it. "Are you busy?"

"Not when a pretty little girl like you calls me this early in the morning," he
answered, feeling debonair as hell with the effects of the bourbon, and his
swollen cock throbbing in his pants.

"Wow, that's some come-on from the law enforcement office! I recommend you
publish the idea in the police gazette, or whatever it is you people use," she
said, her warm voice teasing. "Little old ladies might just flip ... "

"That's my problem girl ... little old ladies," Link said, grinning into the

"Hmmm, I sense the bulling male coming to the forefront ... but that isn't why I
called you, Link," Lydia said. "Right now I'm in no mood to even waste words."

Link's smile faded. He sat up in his chair, dropping the cigar into the ashtray.
This was the daughter of the most powerful man in the valley, and Aaron had made
a point of letting him know she would call on him if she had problems while he,
her father, was out of the country. He said: "What is it, Lydia?"

"Two nights in a row now, our herds have been raided. All together we've lost
eight sheep and five dogs! Like I told Blakely, the sheep we can stand, but the
dogs, no!"

"Has the deputy been out to the A & B?"

"Yesterday ... and he did nothing. Suggested I make a government claim for our
losses ... but 1 don't know a damned thing about that, Link. Besides, what am I
supposed to do, file papers every day? It's that goddamned Caesar and his pack
... "

"Yeah, I know, Lydia. You heard about Annie?"

"Yes ... what a horrible thing," the husky voice sympathized. "And there'd be
more, I'm thinking, if something isn't done ... which is why I'm caging you.
Frankly, I think our deputy sheriff is getting too goddamned big for his

The big police chief licked at his lips, his mind racing to analyze her every
word. He said: "There're those of us who'll readily agree with that. But ... but
I think you've got something in mind ... right, girl?"

"Maybe," she huskily replied. "But ... but I think you and I better get together
and discuss it, Link ... not over the telephone."

"I'm with you."

"I-l know you don't see eye-to-eye with Mr. Blakely, and right now ... neither
do I!"

"You ... you sound like you might want his ... " Link started, then cut himself

"His nuts! That's what I want, Link, and I'll tack them up on the wall of my
bedroom!" she lewdly spat into his ear. "And I don't care what method I use in
getting them ... understand?"

Link couldn't control his grin. "I think so," he slowly answered, knowing the
history of their affair and how Mark's sudden, unexpected marriage to Jean had
destroyed it. He sensed the bitter jealousy in her tone, along with the
vengeance. Shit, she was something else, too, and wild as a hawk! What a fuck
she'd be ... if she wasn't Aaron Newell's daughter ...! "How can I help you ...

He heard her light titter of laughter. "Boy, are you some lover this morning,"
she taunted. "What's wrong, has Nell taken to separate bedrooms?"

He didn't bother answering the direct question. "Just trying to be of public
service, little girl," he said, pleased with the way he was toying words and
suggestive endearments with her, his heavy cock pulsating in his pants.

"Okay, if I can trust you in the same room with me," Lydia's sensuous voice
half-whispered. "Come out to the ranch as soon as you can. I've an idea that
might prove profitable to both of us. It's a little lurid, but should it work,
Darling, we both can get what we want."

Again, Link licked at his thick lips. Darling, she'd said. The young bitch ...
if she wasn't Aaron's daughter ...! "I'll be there in twenty minutes," he said.
"And you know you can trust old Link ..."

* * *

Jean Blakely awakened to a typical, sunny California morning, a warm sensation
of pleasureful gratification mellowing her curvaceous young body. She sighed,
stretching languorously beneath the thin covering of the satin sheet, finally
aware of her nakedness. She seldom slept in the complete raw, she idly thought,
especially when Mark wasn't beside her, and he had been on duty last night,
hadn't he ...?

Abruptly, Jean sat upright in the bed, the thin sheet falling to her slender
waist, exposing the lush twin mounds of her rounded white breasts. My God, had
she dreamed it, or had it actually happened? The pleasant torpor she had
momentarily enjoyed immediately dissolved into anxious alertness as her brain
was flooded with a barrage of frightening mental reflections! Habitually, she
tossed her head then brushed the disheveled tresses of her long blonde hair
behind her naked shoulders. It had to have been a nightmare ... all of it, she
logically reasoned, swallowing at the tightness in her throat. But then, as she
moved in the bed, she sensed the viscid wetness dampening the warm, smooth flesh
of her vaginal lips and soft inner-thighs and quickly pressed the sheet back to

She both saw and felt with her exploring fingers, the still moist saturation of
her sparse young pubic-hair and the sticky secretion seeping from between her
legs, causing the narrow ribbon of pink intimate flesh to sparklingly glisten.
My God ... it was true ... not a nightmare! It had actually happened! Caesar ...
he had been there and ... and made love to her!

Jean's brain reeled in combination shock and sensual revival as it began to
vividly recount all that had happened, even to the three who had burst in on her
in the darkness while she was ... was ... yes, fingering herself! But, had that
part really happened ... had they been there ... tied her to the bed ...?
Anxiously, she swung to the floor and gaped around the room! Yes ... there was
her shredded nightie ... and the bonds they'd tied her with! Stockings, they had
used ... and Caesar had untied them with his teeth! Oh God ... that beautiful
animal, she breathlessly recalled, tiny sensations of loving warmth rippling
through her naked loins and tremorous belly at the memory of him ...!

The rattling sound of a key in the front door-lock startled her. Mark ... he was
just coming home! Quickly, she picked up her robe from the boudoir chair and
slipped into it, buttoning as she moved about the room snatching up all the
telltale evidence, her confused mind racing along a new vein. As much as she
wanted to tell him everything, she realized that she could not ... not even of
the three who had broken with the intentions of raping her! How could she
explain why they had left without doing what they'd came for? She would have to
bring Caesar into it, and that she had no intentions of doing! Mark would never
rest until he'd killed the great dog, which, she desperately realized, would be
the equivalent at that unsettled moment, of destroying a part of her ...!

"Oh, so you're already up," Mark said, filling the doorway and smiling tiredly
at her. "I thought maybe I could sneak in and kiss you awake."

Jean managed a nervous little smile in response, taking the small bundle of
silkish items she had gathered to a dresser-drawer and carelessly tucking them
away. "If I'd known, I would've waited and pretended," she said, crossing the
room to him and raising her lips to be kissed.

Mark did, hungrily slipping his arms around her to draw her tightly against him.
He kissed her warmly, then raised his head several inches to gaze into her
beautiful face. "About yesterday, Baby ... cripes, I'm sorry. I was so damned
exhausted ... but next time it's going to be different, I promise you that!"

Jean stretched upward and kissed his lips, wholly conscious of his sincerity.
Momentarily, a gentle glow of deep love filled her, commanding her immediate
attention at the feel of his strong, hard body pressed against the soft yield of
her own. God ... how she wished she could tell him everything ... but how could
she ...? She placed her hands onto his chest and gently pressured away from him.

"You must be hungry, Darling," she said, taking his hand and moving into the
hallway. "Come on, I'll fix us some breakfast."

"I'm starved if you want to know the truth," he replied, moving wearily along
behind her. "Walking the streets all night isn't exactly my cup of tea. I don't
know how the old beat-cop ever stood up under it. No wonder they called him

With a sigh, he slipped into the breakfast nook and leaned his head back to
watch her wash her hands, then measure ground coffee into the percolator. Jean
felt his keen eyes on her back and an uncontrollable tremor of guilt chilled the
length of her spine. She was even hesitant to ask him what had happened ... if
they had seen or heard the wild pack ... afraid she might somehow betray her
wonderful animal-lover and the forbidden secret they shared together. She could
hardly keep the great dog out of her mind, remembering in lucid retrospect
flashes of the ecstasy he had brought her ...!

"Needless to say, we didn't see hide nor hair of that damned vicious brute,"
Mark commented with a yawn, his bitter reference to Caesar reflexively vexing
lean. "We heard them, though, baying up in the hills, and once there was a hell
of a howl right here in town, but none of the sentries saw anything."

"He ... he probably won't come back into Crescent Valley again," Jean
protectively said. "Maybe he'd just take his pack elsewhere ..."

"And maybe he won't," Mark replied, rubbing at his tired eyes. "Anyway, we can't
afford to take that chance ... not with a wild sonofabitch that dares attack
young girls and actually rapes them ... Damn, you know, I still can hardly
believe it! A wild animal like that actually making a sexual assault on a human
female ..."

"He doesn't sound very much like a base animal to met!" Jean sharply asserted,
unable to contain herself at her young husband's degrading remarks of the
massive, loving dog, and sorry immediately after.

"Hey ... that's a crazy thing to say, Honey," Mark declared, leaning forward on
the table of the booth to more closely observe her. "I don't get your meaning at
all. What else would you call a wild and vicious brute-animal?"

Panicky, Jean sought for an answer, berating her own impulsive stupidity. As one
lie begets another, so might one indiscreet statement, she realized, as she
said: "Did it ever occur to you that maybe he was seduced into doing what he

For a long moment, Mark didn't speak ... couldn't. He merely sat staring at his
young, ravishing blonde wife, while she busied herself with frying-pan, eggs and
the like at the stove, not so much as tossing him a single glance to accompany
her absurd question.

"C-Christ, Jean ... did I hear you right?" he managed, swinging his feet around
until they stuck out from the booth where he sat, almost reaching to the center
of the small room. "You really couldn't mean that ... little Annie Purcell
actually seducing the wild bastard?"

"Well, why not?" Jean snapped, caught up in this malicious web of her own
making, and further enraged by her husband's spurious terms for Caesar. She
sensed her blue eyes smoldering as she glared at him. "To me, that's far more
feasible than Caesar's attacking her! She's a wilderness girl, isn't she ... a
huntress and all of that? What's so impossible about her somehow seducing him?
Women have done it before with dogs and donkeys, and God knows what-not! Well
... haven't they ...?"

Suddenly, more fascinated than shocked, Mark continued to stare at his lovely
wife, the full realization of her words weirdly adding up to him. Christ, was it
possible? Like she said, it made a hell of a lot more sense than the goddamned
beast raping her! She could have ripped her own clothing to shreds, and that
certainly sounded more in keeping than the other way round! But ... but how
could she get next to that damned wild monster ... and would she dare try ...?
What the hell ...!

"Baby ... I think maybe you've just opened a new can of worms ... one nobody but
another woman would ever think of!" Mark said, getting to his feet to pace
meditatingly around their small kitchen. "In fact, maybe you've just hit the
nail smack on the head ... though I can't see why she would cry rape, unless she
was looking to gain some warped notoriety ... you know ... like the Salem witch
trials ..."

"Well ... I'm not all that certain Mark," Jean interrupted him, swallowing
tightly as she realized the possible damage she could be doing to an innocent
young girl's reputation. "I-I merely meant to imply that Caesar may not be as
bad as he's painted ..." She paused there, almost hearing her husband's eyes as
they clicked to fasten on her. God, why didn't she shut up ...?

"Hey ... what is this with you ... referring to this crazy vicious wild dog as
'him' and 'he' rather than 'it' ... calling it Caesar ...? Have you been
listening to Granny Obert again? Have you, Jean?"

"How do you want your eggs?"

"Never mind that, answer my question, Baby," he said, going to her and taking
her gently by the shoulders, forcing her to face him. "Have you ...?"

Jean dropped her eyes with an intentional 'naughty-girl' reaction, her
protective brain racing, aware that he had provided the out for her. She sighed.

"Yes," she finally replied. "Yesterday morning ... I wanted to know more about
the stories ... the myths, as you say ..."

"And what do you say, Darling?" he partially smiled, his eyes searching hers.

She made a tiny nod, as if reluctant to do so, but knowing it was the surest way
of escaping the situation she had been sinking deeper and deeper into ... as
well as protecting their unacceptable relationship of hours before.

"Myths, right?" he insisted.

"Oh Mark ... I don't know ... I guess so," Jean answered him, but still
unwilling to readily deny her wonderful animal-lover. "I don't know, anymore
than I'm capable of accusing Annie Purcell of such a thing ..."

"Don't let the Annie idea bother you, Baby," he assured, letting go of her and
going back toward the booth. "Whether you're right or wrong there, none of us
will ever know. I certainly wouldn't make the issue of it. What could it prove
one way or the other? Only a nasty piece of circumstances for Annie, and no one
wants that. Besides, it wouldn't change a damned thing, the pack has to be
destroyed either way ..."

Jean started to speak but the ringing telephone stopped her. She made a motion
toward laying down the spatula to answer it, but Mark was enroute.

"I'll get it," he sighed. "It's undoubtedly for me ... probably one of the
ranchers wanting to know what the hell I'm going to do about the sheep he lost
last night ..."

Jean held up on cracking the eggs into the pan. The coffee was ready and she
poured herself a cup, noticing the trembling of her hand. A cold sensation of
illicit sensations shivered through her. For the first time in her life, she
realized, she had blindly been ready to sacrifice ... to hurt another person's
reputation in the protection of her own ... and a lover's! Dear God, this must
be what an adulterous woman felt ...!

"Hey Steve, you old hack!" Mark's jubilant voice severed her thoughts. She moved
toward the doorway, holding her coffee cup to listen, a pleasant recognition
drawing a smile. "How's Carol?" she heard him ask as he dropped onto the arm of
the overstuffed chair. "Wait a minute ..." he said, then to her in the doorway:
"It's Steve Foster! Yeah, Steve, I had to tell Jeannie who was piping me this
early in the morning from the big town ... Yeah, that's right. What's up,
anyway? ... Well, that's the way it looks, Steve ... and there's a reliable
doctor's report to substantiate it. But where did you pick it up? I didn't know
it was national news ... Well, thanks for that, anyway! If this got an
Associated United Press headlines we'd be snowed with reporters, and that we
don't need right now ... Yeah, still running wild and furious, but no more girls
..." Mark laughed. "I can imagine with that lurid rag you represent ... Listen,
why don't you come up? Bring Carol with you. You guys can stay with us. Jean
needs someone like Carol right now ... Oh, anytime ... tomorrow if you can make
it! Good ... just as soon as you can, then ... Right we'll be looking for you,
buddy ... right, 'till you get here ... Bye."

He cradled the phone, stood and wasted toward her, a pleased smile lightning his
handsome face. "Good old Steve," he said, reaching out to slip an arm around her
waist and walk her back toward the stove. "Some guy up here from L.A. on a
fishing trip told him about the pack and Annie Purcell's rape. So that expose
magazine he works for is ready to send him up. He and Carol will be here in a
day or so to spend some time with us. Sound good?"

"Great," Jean smilingly replied. "Lord, it seems as if we haven't seen them in
years, instead of months."

"It does at that, Baby," Mark said, dropping heavily into the booth once more.
"Maybe that's what we both need ... old friends to put our minds straight, eh?"

Jean continued to smile toward him, an excited sensation of warmth abruptly
filling her at the thought of Carol ... of Steve coming. She crossed to the
booth and bent down, cupping his face in her hands to kiss.

"How would you like your eggs, master?" she whispered, the first plans of a
wonderful, indulgent evening with this man, her husband, before their guests
arrived, trickling through her mind.


"Sunnyside or flipped?"

"However you burn them best, Baby," he teased, slipping a hand inside her robe
to cup the full resilience of one hanging breast.

"You devil!" she hissed. "Don't you want to eat?"

"What else do you think I'm searching for?" he managed, his big hand gently
caressing the rounded, soft mound, erotically taunting its tiny nipple.

Jean gasped to his warm fondling touch, further delights building in her mind.
"Tonight," she softly suggested. "A beautiful evening together ... and you
manage that mister deputy sheriff ... an evening of love with your wife?"

Mark couldn't restrain his harsh breathing. He grabbed her and kissed her. "Like
all the Caesars in the world couldn't stop me, Baby!" he vowed, his big hands
caressing the smooth skin of her pretty face.

"And your eggs, Darling ...?"

"Lay them! Lay them and I'll eat 'em raw ...!"

Chapter 7

At school Annie Purcell's classmates had begun to look at her as if she were
some sort of freak. Sympathy had quickly given way to coarse mutterings and
lurid stares, shocking the pretty teenager at first, but not for long. Several
times she caught so-called girl friends gaping disparagingly at her, while boys
ogled after her with snickering little laughs, vulgar whisperings passing
amongst them. What was it Birt Smith, a boy who had been trying to date her for
months, had said: "Oh, to be a dog ...!"

It amazed Annie that she was being veritably ostracized, yet simultaneously, it
fascinated her in the realization that she welcomed her banishment from their
junior league! Since her incredible sexual ravishment by the mind-shattering
Caesar, nothing had been the same for her. She was no longer that child-like
teenager the powerful dog had chosen to assault and rape, and well did she know
it. Once the traumatic effects had passed, she'd been left with only the acute
awareness of mental and physical changes, especially within the intimate female
of her young, awakened body. Constantly, she relived every vivid moment of his
fierce ravishment, and the uncontrollable manner in which she had finally given
herself to him in wild, abandoned passion!

More than just the natural secrets of life had flowered open to her that
unbelievable night, the chestnut-haired young teenager realized. The bursting,
impalement of his huge, hard animal-penis slithering up into the virginal core
of her naked young loins had kindled a ravenous, burning hunger and left it
smoldering there in her craving belly, ending her adolescent stage forever!

She thought of that now as she sat on the couch with one shapely white leg
folded beneath her, staring idly at the TV and sipping on one of her uncle's
beers. She would never have cried rape either, she remembered, if Fred Clark
hadn't happened along when she was trying to stumble home completely naked. God,
what else could she say but the truth? Again, she drank lightly from the bottle
and smiled to herself, thinking of the way the old geezer had lecherously gaped
at her, then tried to put his arms around her and fondle her young curves as if
to comfort her.

Sex, the delicious ingredient that made life worth living for the young and old
alike, she mused, delighted with the pleasant feelings filling her. The beer had
added to them and Uncle Link didn't mind her snitching one now and then as long
as she didn't overdo it, though she couldn't help but wonder how he'd feel about
the marijuana joint she had just smoked. He shouldn't really mind that either,
seeing that he was Crescent Valley's sole supplier ... another fact she'd forced
herself to face these past two days.

She keenly surveyed the thinning cloud of sweet-smelling, bluish smoke, her
vision seemingly accentuated as she watched it curling outward through the
screens of the window and opened front-door. It was a comparatively new
experience for her, only the last two days, and simple enough to come by at
school. Leo Vincent had hesitated to sell it to her because of Uncle Link, but
once she'd resorted to a bit of seductive charm, the pimply-faced character had
been ready to do a Sir Walter Raleigh for her. God, just the sight of him
nauseated her ... but she'd gotten what she wanted, and that was the way of this
world, wasn't it?

What was that saying ... "A dog eat dog existence?" Appropriate, to say the
least, she tittered to herself, stretching out her naked, shapely white legs
before her, their small feet raised from the floor with barefooted toes curling
back toward her. She felt the tautening muscles and cords in her firm, rounded
thighs tingling excitingly in their agitating strain of her loins and smooth
little belly. A tiny tremor rippled upward to trace along her spine,
suggestively inspiring lustful thoughts and anemones.

God, she thought, if only there was some way she could entice him back once more
... at least, once more! The crazy-wild sensations he'd sent screaming through
her! And when she'd cum with his great animal cock up inside her pussy ... oh
wow! Her finger was nothing in comparison! She couldn't help but wonder if a
boy, or man could make her cum like that! It was as if she'd exploded inside,
she graphically remembered! The very earth had trembled! Was it like that with
the man you fell in love with ... or any man, at all ...?

She brushed her small hand over the snug, sleeve-like leg of her knitted hot-
pants, noting the way they provocatively clung to the outline of her full white
thighs and sensuous little hump of her vaginal lips. Even with panties, she
heatedly discerned, they clung there, visually emphasizing the puffy crease
between her legs. Now, what sharp little male mind could have devised these
teasers ... or had it been a female ... a lesbian perhaps, she thought,
intrigued with her own new sensually awakened world? God, how could girls give
themselves to other girls when there were boys ... men ... dogs, such as Caesar?

God, she was hot again! Again ...? Still, was more like it ... and there came
Uncle Link's car swinging into the driveway ... the end of a perfect Saturday
morning. Nell was gone, and there was housework to be done. She should fix him
some lunch. He must be tired after all night ... and his bleached, ex-bed-
partner had hightailed it, a move Annie couldn't blame her for after seeing her

Oddly enough, she didn't seem to mind the older woman's leaving. In fact, she
was pleased that she was gone. Neither of them needed her ... not anymore.
Before ... B.C ... before Caesar, Annie mused, smiling to herself at her clever
parallel, she'd felt the want of the woman's presence as some sort of fortifying
buffer against her uncle's overwhelming maleness. But not any longer. A new and
intriguing world had been opened to her ... and she was capable of looking after
herself now, as well as Uncle Link ...!

* * *

Link Morgan partially staggered into the kitchen of his frame-house on Cypress
Street shortly after noon. In his gruff mind he was well aware of his
drunkeness, as well as the dull, throbbing ache at his heavy loins. Lydia
Newell, the young bitch, had done nothing but add to the latter. She was some
sort of cock-tease all right, he reflected, jerking open the refrigerator door
to search for a beer. He preferred liquor, but knew he didn't have a drop in the
house. A stubby brown bottle, capped and cold, caught his eye and he extracted

The little cunt ... if only she wasn't Newell's daughter! He'd have fucked her
for sure ... sitting there in her daddy's chair with her legs teasingly spread
and no panties ... nothing but black-haired young cunt nakedly winking at him!
She knew ... she knew all right, the little bitch ... with her tight young pussy
glaring at him ... knowing he dare not make that mistake! Christ, his cock felt
like a swollen lead-hammer! The little pricktease ... but she had an idea,
didn't she ... and she wanted Mark Blakely's balls ... that was something ... if
they could pull it off ...! The kitchen door swung toward him and his niece,
Annie, entered carrying an empty plate and beer-bottle. Link stared at her in
the tightly clinging hot-pants, their patterned black brevity revealing the
beginning swell of curved white flesh to her smooth young buttocks when she
crossed in front of him. His eyes jerked upward to the wispy little halter that
was barely containing her firm, full breasts, and she smiled at him, tossing her
chestnut-hair back, the movement causing the youthful, ripe mounds to gently

"Hi, Uncle Link ... I saw you drive in," she said, placing the dish and bottle
in the sink. "Hope you don't mind my drinking one of your beers?"

"O-One now and then won't hurt you," he said, with thickened tongue.

"Are you hungry? Can I get you some lunch ... or breakfast?"

He stared at the tempting white columns of her teenaged legs, their full
roundness of thigh, the satin-like, tapering shapliness of their youth as they
swept downward curvaceously into slender ankles. She was barefooted, her toes
glinting with pearlish nail-polish. His red-rimmed eyes razed back upward over
her, hungrily dwelling on the curved arch of her ovalled young buttocks inside
their skin-tight, contrasting hot pants, and the way they nuzzled tightly into
the crotch below her flat teenaged belly. The big man swallowed drily, his eyes
gaping at the naked smooth flesh whitely separating the two black garments, and
again as they raised to the lushness of her thrusting, girlish breasts, their
tiny pebble-like nipples embossed against the flimsy material hiding them from
him ...!

"Can ... can I get you something, Uncle Link?" Annie repeated, her voice
momentarily catching.

The big man licked at his lips, then grinned at her. "You can open this beer,
Baby," he said, and then when she came close enough, he reached out to encircle
his powerful arm around her slender waist.

A little gasp of surprise escaped Annie as he effortlessly snuggled her against
him, his great shock of white hair and unshaven face roughly grazing the soft
flesh of her left arm, while his big hand spread hotly across her naked midriff.
"You're a sweet little girl, Baby," he hissed, "a ... a sweet little girl to
your Uncle Link ..."

"I-I try to be," she heard herself say, hardly aware that she was even speaking.
The feel of his male closeness and his hot, rough hand on her sensitive exposed
skin flashing an unexpected sensation to her brain. It ... it had to be the pot
and beer, she reasoned, forcing a little laugh. "Better let me go if you want
this beer opened ..."

"To hell with that!" he choked, taking it from her and setting it on the table?
"I don't need it as much as I need you, baby girl! Yeah ... old Uncle Link needs
you bad right now, Annie doll ... and you know what I mean, don't you? You've
had it ... Caesar, I mean, the goddamned dog! I ... I won't hurt you as much as
he did, Baby! I swear it ... I won't hurt you at all!"

Annie sensed every muscle in her tender young body grow tense! It ... it had
finally happened ... the very dreaded moment she'd feared so long, yet chose to
ignore! Nell Carter's presence had given her a feeling of safety ... but Nell
was gone! She had nothing but her own ingenuity ... and that was little short of
a drug-weakened joke!

"Pl-Please, Uncle Link ... let me open your beer ...?"

"Piss on the beer, little girl!" he vulgarly replied, holding tightly to her as
he stumbled onto his feet, then swept her up bodily inside his strong arms. Her
naked legs futilely kicked when he clutched one rounded young breast inside the
palm and grasping fingers of his huge hand, the other wrapping around the smooth
flesh of her thigh until one long, thick finger brushed at the outlined little
slit her snug hot- pants emphasized between her legs. "After six years, I
deserve more than that, Annie baby ... more than that!" He started to walk with
her, moving through the house toward his bedroom, she wildly realized, as she
squirmed and flailed helplessly inside the tight grip of his powerful arms and
hands. "It ain't as if you've never been fucked before, girl!" he drunkenly
blurted, his voice anything but harsh. "I ain't going to hurt you, Baby, I
promise ...!"

"Oh God no ... please, Uncle Link ... please?" Annie begged, his use of the
four-letter work sensually knifing up between her legs with a strange fiery
excitement. She had never heard it used before with such definite meaning ... in
fact, she wasn't certain she'd ever heard it actually spoken ...! "Please ...
please don't ... my God, think of Mama ...!"

Link threw her onto his bed and glared drunkenly down at her. "You little bitch!
Damnit, don't ever say anything like that to me again, you hear?" he snarled.
"Don't ever mention your mama! This is between you and me! Goddamn, Annie girl
... I need you! Your Uncle Link needs you right now! I ain't going to hurt you,
I said! You got to trust me ... and I promise, I'll make it good for you ...
real good! You got to trust me, Baby! You understand ... do you? Well, do you

"Oh ... oh, Uncle Link ... I'm afraid! We shouldn't ... you know we shouldn't!"
Annie gasped, an uncontrollable tremor of excitement quaking her voice as she
began to cry, tears dampening her teenaged cheeks.

Link dropped down beside her, hungrily clutching her youthful curves tightly
against him. He smothered her with his massive body, kissing her face and throat
while he raked his huge hands over her, lustfully discovering the firm young
curves of her ripe, teenaged body as she began to whimper and moan beneath him.
"Christ!" he swore, as suddenly she groaned aloud and seemed to melt up against
him, her small hands clutching at his back, her tiny, sweet-tasting tongue
darting into his mouth!

His own coarsely groaning sounds filled the room as hungrily, he sucked at her
little-girl tongue while his fumbling big hands began to pull at the brief
pieces of clothing covering her.

"No! No wait ... don't tear them!" Annie managed, withdrawing her tongue and
pressing her hands against his chest. "I-If you're really going to do it to me
... let me take them off! They're the only hot- pants I've got."

"Jesus Christ!" Link choked, finally rolling off of her, the fearful little
smile she was offering him about to drive him ape! Then, when she was free to
get up, she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips first, abruptly hopping
from the bed like an imp ... but a more ravishing imp ... than he'd always
thought of her as being. "Listen, my little girl ... I'll buy all the goddamned
hot-pants, or anything else you can come up with! You hear me, Baby? You do this
for your Uncle Link, empty his balls good, and he'll take care of you! Anything
you want, just ask ... that's all ...!"

Annie stood beside the bed looking down at him, the excited, frightened smile on
her pretty young face unrestrainably founded on the wildly growing sexual
sensations permeating her whole trembling young body. It had to be the pot and
beer, she realized, that on top of the sensual awakening that the dog Caesar,
had unleashed within her! She wanted to know ... had to know ... and yes, she
owed him something ... even this, she defensively acquiesced, reaching up behind
her back to remove her halter.

"You better take those clothes off now," she whisperingly suggested, as she
slowly removed the halter to expose her young, full breasts to him. "You might
not get another chance ... and then, you'll miss the boat."

"Christ ... I'll be a ... goddamn!" Link mumbled, his eyes faxed on the
tantalizingly revealed charms of his own niece as she slowly, deliberately, he
drunkenly reasoned, slipped out of the tiny halter, the full, rounded mounds of
her thrusting young breasts presented nakedly to him. He struggled from the bed,
never taking his eyes away from her as he pulled at his clothing! He still
couldn't believe it, that he was getting her to strip down naked without a
screaming struggle ... and all the time, she'd been right there at his

Fuck, he was going to flip, all right he concluded as he watched her wriggle out
of her flimsy hot-pants and tiny nylon panties, his blurred-eyes struggling to
focus on the voluptuous curves of her naked teenaged body, plus the anxious
little smile she was unintentionally taunting him with.

"Well come on, Uncle!" Annie tremulously urged, squirming her nakedness down
onto the bed and refusing to acknowledge any of the condemning thoughts that
were trying to reach her now desire-inflamed mind. She wanted to know ... had to
know if it could be the same! Feverish ripples of lewdly rising desire tormented
her. She stretched out nakedly on the bed to stare at him shedding his clothes,
focusing her young eyes on the final unveiling of his hair-covered loins and
gasping hesitantly at the sight!

Dear God! He was massive! His ... his cock ... it must be as big as Caesar's!
She gaped at it, cringing reflexively at its huge length and thickness! She
couldn't take her eyes from the obscene spectacle! His heavy balls hung between
his legs like some monster, waggling as he moved nakedly toward the bed to her!

"Don't hurt me ... please don't hurt me, Uncle Link!" she whimpered as he
lowered his solid weight down beside her, causing the bed to sag and forcing her
to slide against the hot, hairy hardness of his muscular body. "Oh ... please?"

Link took her inside his powerful arms, his breathing coming raspingly from his
lungs at the sensorial delight of her tender, yielding nakedness trembling hotly
against him, her last pleas unheard. Instead, he smashed his thick tongue
between her girlish lips into her warm mouth, his one huge hand raking over the
soft, resilient mounds of her young breasts. Greedily, they clutched and
kneaded, rolling and pinching their tiny, hardened nipples, raising little gasps
to escape her around his thrusting tongue.

Annie moaned helplessly within the imprisonment of his confining arms. His hot,
thick tongue bursting into her mouth, the feel of his long, throbbing penis and
hairy loins pressuring against the soft flesh of her hips and thigh; then the
eager, unrestrained caresses of his big hand on her sensitive teenaged breasts,
immediately fired new quickly growing sensations of heated passion to race up
between her legs. His coarse hand began grazing down her ribs and side, across
her quaking belly, finally reaching the moistened intimacy of her vibrantly
flushed vaginal crevice. She tensed, erotically quivering against him as he
toyed momentarily in the sparse, silken pubic curls between her legs, then
gently with one finger, traced the length of her tightly clenched pussy lips.
Downward and back up, his thick finger brushed, gradually easing into the wet,
sensitive inner-flesh until it reached her tiny, erect clitoris! He flicked it
with the tip of his middle finger and she gasped up into his mouth! He pinched
the erect bud and she repeated her shivering gasp! He ran his finger back down
through the tingling, liquid flesh to the small opening of her vaginal channel,
and while his tongue began to orally fuck into her mouth, he slipped his long,
thick middle finger up into the moistened sheath of her excited cuntal passage!

"Oooohhh ... ohhhhh Uncleee ...!" Annie chokingly moaned around his plunging

God! It was ... it was going to be everything she had hoped for! His wonderful
hand was setting her right off into space! She couldn't even imagine a moral
sense of right or wrong! Ooooohhhh ... it was super ... super, she wildly
thought as his long, slowly working middle finger began to smoothly slip in and
out of her wet, dilated cunt-channel, a new wave of passionate excitement
rippling over her naked, teenaged flesh.

Abruptly, his pleasure-bringing finger was easing out of her and he began to
move bodily downward away from her. "Oh please, Uncle Link ... don't stop now?"
Annie disappointedly pleaded.

"Stop ...?" he rasped. "Christ, Baby, I'm just beginning!"

He moved back up over her, a lustful animalish grunt escaping him as he began to
kiss her young face and throat, shoulders and breasts. Hungrily, he squeezed the
full supple mounds to cone-shaped points, ravenously sucking their hardened
little nipples into his mouth. While she groaned incessantly, he again moved
down over her, burying his face in the soft, easily giving flesh of her smooth
young belly. His wet tongue laved hotly into her tiny navel, sweeping hotly over
the satin- like surrounding flesh! And then, he was lying down between her full,
quavering thighs that he had spread wide apart for himself! He lay flat on his
stomach, his mouth only inches above her tight, pink vaginal crevice. He gaped
up between her erectly throbbing breasts to see her intensively excited young
face looking down at him.

"Oh, Uncle Link ... L-lick me there!" she breathlessly moaned. "Please ...
please lick it for me ...!"

Christ, the big lawman thought, his lust-fired brain lecherously reeling at her
low guttural pleadings. Shit, he couldn't believe it, his own little niece
begging him to eat her cunt ... not that he wouldn't whether she consented or
not, but it was her wanting his tongue down between her thighs so bad that made
his swollen cock throb so achingly beneath him! He ground its long, thick
hardness into the give of the mattress and dropped his eyes once more to the
intoxicating feast she presented to him. He gaped down at the delicious sight of
her youthful loins between her open white thighs so vulnerably exposed to his
every whim. The pink dewy flesh of her partially hidden pussy- crevice beneath
the wispy soft pubic curls sent a salacious shiver charging up his broad back.
He noted where the tight, narrow split started from the base of her flat young
belly, slicing erotically downward between her full, rounded thighs to the firm
ovals of her white buttocks, the smooth, lush mounds slightly raised and
sensuously rotating now, just inches below his hot mouth.

Tense and trembling in her drug-whetted desire, Annie felt the coarse palms of
his big hands pressing heatedly against her inner thighs, spreading them even
wider apart. Her breathing came raspingly from her chest as she waited in
burning anticipation ... and then it happened!

"Ohhhhh ... Uncle ...!" she lurched and groaned as his hot, wet lips closed over
the puffy little mound at the base of her hungrily quivering belly. She sensed
his damp, taunting kisses along the hair- lined crevice of her electrified cunt
... gentle, feverish kisses ... until his searing tongue parted her wispy young
pubic hair and began to flick snakelike at the sensitively flushed vaginal

Every muscle in Annie's voluptuous, teenaged body uncontrollably reacted to the
lustfully inciting licking of her opened cunt lips, while choking moans of
delight gurgled passionately up from the depths of her throat. Intense shocks of
sensual flame were wildly setting her whole young body aglow. Consciously, then,
she smoothed her small hands over the ripe mounds of her palpitating breasts,
stroking downward over the smooth skin of her belly, finally bringing them to
rest on either side of her feverishly sucking cunt-lips.

She could hear her uncle's panting gasps and feel his hot breath against her
silken pussy-hair. Slowly and deliberately, she spread the fleshy, hair-lined
cunt lips open to him with slender fingers, her soft hands grazing his cheeks as
he groaned and drew his hot, moistened tongue up through the exposed, sensitive
pink flesh.

Link Morgan's lecherous brain reveled in its lust. He raised his head and gaped
down at the ragged, pink-edged lips his young niece held open for him, its wet,
jeweled delicacy completely exposed to the ravenous gleam of his incestuous
eyes. Avidly, he absorbed the loin-throbbing sight, noting particularly that the
single sign of her virginity was gone and remembering why. Hot spasms of
satyrical desire convulsed through him and again, he ground his aching cock
feverishly into the bedding beneath him.

Goddamn!" he hoarsely cursed.

"Oh please, Uncle Link ... don't stop ... do it for me? I-It feels so wonderful!
Please ... lick it ... lick it for me with your tongue?" he heard his
impassioned niece beg in a quivering whisper.

Christ, he didn't know whether he could stand it or not! He might wind up with a
goddamned heart attack! He stared at her finger spread little pussy crevice
glistening moistly with its viscid wetness of arousal that he had unleashed
inside her. Her tight little cunt mouth was actually twitching as she squirmed
her luscious, youthful loins up teasingly at his face as he drank in its soft,
fleece lined smoothness! Then suddenly, he dropped his head, plunging the full
length of his hot, lecherous tongue deep up into the clutching warm depths of
her seething young vaginal passage!

Gasping and writhing, Annie moaned out her sensual elation. "Oooohhh Goddddd! Y-
Yess ... yessss! Do it to me! Lick it, Uncle Link! Oooohhhh ... it feels so good
... so goodddd!"

Link felt her small hands clutch at his head, her fingers wound tightly in his
hair; she groaned and whimpered, forcefully pulling his face into the opened raw
flesh of her young, excited cunt. He sensed the toss of her head flailing back
and forth as he speared up into the hot, liquid depths of her now ravenously
sucking passage. She ground her rounded, curvaceous young hips downward
uncontrollably, her buttocks digging into the softness of the mattress,
squirming wildly as little animal-like mewlings burst from between her clenched,
white teeth. Then, she raised her eager, naked genitals up to him, pressing his
face into the thin wet, vertical mouth up between her open thighs, its seething
vaginal walls opening and closing in a voracious swallowing of his rhythmically
thrusting tongue, pulling at it in a greedy starving- like manner that he could
hardly believe!

Fuck, he was going to crack up sure as hell! Never in his life had he ever
imagined anything to equal this ... or the aching throb of his iron-hard cock!
Lydia Newell, that deputy sheriff Blakely's wife, none of their smooth cunts, he
bet, could match the little girl tightness of her hot, wriggling little hole!
His own baby Annie ... a fire-filled young hot box ... Christ, had the goddamned
dog done this to her? Well ... if it had, more power to the sonofabitch! He'd
awakened for old Uncle Link that luscious little hole up between her legs that
he would never give up! And to think this was only the beginning! He couldn't
help but imagine all the things he was going to do to her! He'd teach her to
suck his cock ... if she didn't already know, and he'd fuck her up inside her
beautiful, rounded young asshole! She'd sleep with him from now on, and he'd buy
her little things to keep her happy!

He raised his eyes to drunkenly fix on her lust-contorted young face, her head
still flailing slowly at a set, rhythmic pace as her fingers clutched tighter in
his hair. Christ, she couldn't wait, she was trying to force his mouth tighter
to the small, ovalled entrance of her pussy. His big hands moved upward over the
smooth, white flatness of her belly to the rounded, firm mounds of her swollen,
teenaged breasts. Harshly they cupped the fleshy resilience, his fingers
teasingly rolling their tiny hardened nipples between them, as he glued his
ovalled lips to the intricate, passion-drenched little hole and burningly curled
his thick, hot tongue up into her!

She half-wailed, at the same time caressing his cheeks with her tiny hands
flitting from his hair to his face and back, her young brain ready to burst in
its ecstasy! Suddenly, she felt his hands under the backs of her knees and he
was lifting her legs, forcing them up and back until her knees flattened her
fire-filled, young breasts. His rough fingers pressed behind them, lifting her
now completely vulnerable loins to his hungrily swirling tongue and mouth! It
was then that she felt the warm wet contact of the hotly searing tip of it flick
against her tightly puckered little anus, licking and probing at the sensitive
opening to send unbelievable sensations of crazed, insane desire soaring through
her trembling, young body!

Oh God, she was going mad! Even Caesar, as beautiful as he'd been, had not
probed the depths that another human could ... or had he? God, at that moment,
she didn't know! How could she compare? She had to have her Uncle's cock inside
her! Maybe then she'd know ... with that long, thick length of hardness filling
her belly as Caesar's had!

"Oh ... oh Uncle Link ... now ... please ... please do it ... climb up between
my legs and put it into me," she heard herself beg. "Now ... right now ...

The desire-crazed police chief raised his head and stared up at her young,
closed-eyed face. "What?" he questioned in a choking voice. "What is it you
want, Baby? Speak up! Tell your Uncle Link exactly so he'll know how to please
you! Tell him, Baby ... tell him!"

"Oh ... fuck me, Uncle Link! Fuck me with your big cock!" Annie lewdly gasped,
wanting to say it and knowing that was what he wanted to hear! "Yes ... oh God
... now! Fuck me with your beautiful big cock!"

He didn't hesitate. She heard him grunt like an animal as he moved upward over
her, his knees pressing against her inner thighs and spreading them wider apart.
And then, he hung above her with posted arms, cradled between her spread legs,
his long, thick cock hanging down not an inch from her hungrily throbbing young

"Reach down and put it in!" he ordered, his breath washing hotly over her. "Come
on, do it! Take my cock and put it in your pussy!"

She mewled like a small kitten as her hands reached down to grasp it; then, Link
sensed the quickening of her breathing as her hot, little fingers curled around

"O-Oh ... Uncle Link ... it's huge ... bigger than his ... Caesar's, I think! I-
I'm not sure that I can ...! I'm not that big, Uncle Link!"

Link didn't wait for her to dwell on the subject. He was too filled with his own
lust to toy with words. Instead, he bent to kiss her, and at the same time,
grasped the length of his cock to tease the tip with up and down motions in the
viscid hot flesh, until he was satisfied that her pubic hair was spread and its
huge bulbous head was implanted slightly in the tight oval of her small cuntal

"It might hurt a bit at first, Baby, but you just hang-tight! Dig your
fingernails into Uncle Link ... anything ... and then it'll be fucking good!" he
lewdly advised, his use of the forbidden word again inspiring wild sensations
inside her.

Had he moved slowly, pressured gently at first into the tight, young split
between her legs, there might have been time for her to know the split-second
agony of his stretching entry, but he didn't. The big, drunken man was too
overwhelmed with the raging want of his fired-up sexual need! He had to bury his
huge cock inside her young, teenaged belly, smother it in the hot, slippery
little hop that had left a fresh, sweet-tasting nectar on his lecherous tongue.

"N-Not too fast, Uncle ... please!" she started, her voice increasing into a
rising wail as he sent the huge, hot length worming into her with a gushing
charge. "Oh ... ooohhh!" she cried out helplessly beneath him, gouging her nails
into the solid flesh of his arms with the pain as his massive hardness soared
deeply up into her tight young belly! "Oh God ...! Y-You've ripped me ... you
have! You have!"

Link knew different! He laughed because he knew, not meaning to be cruel, but
only because he was aware that her tight young cunt would stretch twice as much
before it shed a single drop of protesting blood! And as well was he conscious
of the fact that she'd shortly be going crazy beneath his long, thickly plunging
cock. In the end, they were all alike, young and older ... omnivorous,
insatiable cunts designed solely to devour up and suck dry the cocks of man!

Had she been able to, Annie would have fought him, squirmed away or spewed the
massive length of his long, heavy rod of hardness from her agonized, cock
stuffed pussy-hole, but there was absolutely no respite! She was totally
defenseless beneath him, her flailing legs widespread, the tight young core of
her loins penetrated to the fullest with his great, throbbing penis. Tears
streamed down her cheeks with the expanding pain between her legs as she
realized that nothing she could say would stop him! More animalish than Caesar,
he began to fuck in and out of her, still resting above on his pillar-like arms,
his massive loins working lewdly to send his huge, impaling cock deep up into
the inhumanely stretched channel of her open young cunt.

She felt his massive, sperm-filled balls smacking flatly up between the wide-
spread cheeks of her buttocks, beating down against her tiny naked anus with
lewd, rhythmic strokes that seemed to instigate incredible sensations of
masochistic delight up her spine. Oh God ... she'd hate him as long as she
lived! The evil, wicked bastard! He wouldn't hurt her ... he had promised he
wouldn't ... he'd promised ...! And now, one big hand was churning the
sensitive, soft flesh of her firm right breast as if it were a handful of
marshmallows! Squeezing and kneading it brutally ... twisting its tiny nipple
and sending ... raging lewdly charged excitement roaring through her wide split
loins! Oh God ... his cock ... his painfully beautiful cock! It was reaming and
smashing in a maddening cadence in and out of her cunt, suddenly kindling a fire
of friction that could only ignite and explode into overwhelming flame before it
was finished!

"Oooohh ... oh Uncle ... God yes ...! Fuck it! Fuck me! Give it to me, Darling!"
she groaned and cried in young wanton lewdness, beginning to lift her cock
impaled vagina up higher to meet his lengthy, thick hardness, its blood-inflated
head gouging into her hot young belly with breathless pain-pleasure!

Ohhh God, she blindly reasoned, her whole body was coming alive to the brutal
fucking he was giving her! Her own uncle ... Uncle Link, fucking her hot cunt
... playing and taunting her tits ... Licking her pussy! Oooohhh ... she'd never
be the same! She'd fuck him whenever he wanted ... and suck his cock as best she
could! Anything ... anything ...! Oooohhh ... she was going to ... yes, she was
going to cum ... soon ... very soon ... cum like a fountain all over his
wonderful, beautifully fucking cock buried as deep up inside her ...!

Link realized her closeness and was thankful for it. He was no more than seconds
away, himself! The clutching, wet tightness of her almost virginal young cunt
was more than he could fight against! Immediately, it'd begun to milk the life
from his desperately straining cock, its youthful naivete more than he was yet
able to cope with! He could feel the small rhythmic sucking motions at the
bloated depths of his balls, the fistlike suction of her grasping vaginal walls
hotly and wetly massaging his throbbing cock! Shit ... shit he was going to cum

"Oooohhhh ... nowwww ... give it to meeee ... pleaseeeee! I ... I'm
cuumminngggg!" Annie wailed, throwing her tender, teenaged loins up onto his
swelling cock, then wrapping her legs wildly up around his driving buttocks to
cling tightly to him as with her internal pussy muscles she drew his long,
thickly hardened length into the very sanctuary of her burning belly!

Link sensed the eruption inside her when her desperately clutching body began to
wildly convulse beneath him, her hot, tight cunt channel, nibbling and clutching
like a scalding, liquid hand around the jerking, blood-engorged flesh of his
swollen cock! Gushes of her warm, viscid orgasmic fluids spilled over his
heavily aching penis, smoothing the way even more so into her young, heaving
belly. It blew up for him then, too! He sensed it, his needle-like stream of
hotly racing sperm roaring along the long full length of his pumping hardness
... and then it was squirting into her with Dreamlike jets of mind-shattering

Once mores Annie groaned out her physical ecstasy as the flooding heat of her
uncle's burning white sum spewed endlessly into her now forever stretched runt
and belly, its unending liquid flow filling her intestines to the brim. She
could feel the huge hardness of his pulsating cock-head deep in the very heart
of her, pumping out its wetly cascading sperm, and at that moment, nothing else
in the world mattered ... only that she milk out from it with her hungrily
working vaginal muscles its very last drop ...!

Chapter 8

Mark awakened with a smile late in the afternoon and warmly kissed his young
bride. Enthused emotions of hope tremored inside Jean; she knew that he'd
remembered and was looking forward to their planned evening of love. She toyed
playfully with him for a few moments, her confidence growing, then left against
his begging pleas, knowing he was in a state of hardness beneath the sheet. She
didn't want anything to spoil their coming night of pleasure. She went to the
kitchen to fix him a bite, while he finally made his presence known in the
shower with a badly off-key baritone. Shortly, they ate together, exchanged
expressions, words and kisses at the door before he left to 'check on things'.
Two hours later, while she busied herself with personal chores and tried not to
think of Caesar, he was back, and that was when her anxiously planned evening

It was after eight when they finished the scrumptious dinner she had prepared,
more than just a little pleased that it had all turned out so well. The way to a
man's heart and all that, she thought, as Mark gayly helped her with the dishes.
He was slightly tight from the martinis and wine, she knew, and just the way she
wanted him. As a matter of fact, she wasn't feeling any pain either.

After, she led him into the living room, turned on the tape recorder with a
strip of some of their personal romantic favorites, then poured them both coffee
and brandy. They snuggled up on the couch, his arm around her, his hand brushing
incitingly against her breast in the manner of their intimate courting moments,
that very intriguing gesture doing more to fire her than anything he could have
ever imagined. And how badly she needed that with him now, after last night and
her secret lover.

"Mmmmmm ... what a handsome man you are, Mark Blakely," she whispered, lifting
her hand to his cheek and holding his face so that she could kiss his lips.
"And, I'm going to ravish you now, before you suddenly get sleepy on me and
change my opinion."

Mark laughed, his happiness reflected in his voice. "That might not be a bad
idea, Angel, along with the music, the liquor ... I think I need something
erotically stimulating."

Again, Jean kissed him, caressing his face with her soft smooth hands, while
simultaneously her pleasure-scheming mind worked. She wanted this night to be so
right, so full! It was necessary that they intimately reached one another! It
had to be tonight ... it had to be, especially after the last frustrating time

"Darling, this is going to be the most wonderful night we've ever spent
together!" she whisperingly exclaimed into his face. No inhibitions! Just love,
Mark darling ... love anyway you want it ...!"

His eyes opened and his brow wrinkled as he kissed her. Her words churned
lightly in his mind ... but the more they churned, the deeper meaning they
seemed to take on.

Finally, he said: "Inhibitions ... anyway I want it ...? What do you mean, Baby?
Do we ... either of us have some hang-ups I'm not up with?" There was only one
other way of doing it ... and that was oral sex! Christ, could she possible mean
that? A lusty shiver shot through him at just the thought, any drowsiness he
might have known leaving him as if he'd suddenly been doused with ice-water. He
slipped his arms around her and drew her tightly against him, passionately
kissing her.

"No answers win you get from me, Lover," she half-smilingly whispered,
illusively slipping from his arms to stand. "I'm going into bed now. I'm going
to shower and fix myself all pretty for you. You can come along in ten-minutes.
Use some nice smelling delights for your Jeannie after your shower ... all over,
Darling ... all over!"

Mark watched her trip lightly off down the hall, just the sound of her
suggestive voice making his cock hammer, to say nothing of what she'd said! With
a nervous hand, he lighted a cigarette, then sipped at his cooling coffee-royal
while familiar music droaned into his head.

The phone rang and he answered it. It was the sentry he'd placed in charge for
the night, asking an unimportant question. If something should happen with the
pack, or that Caesar-bastard, should he call Chief Morgan or him?

"Christ, call both of us! And call as quick as you can!" Mark had snapped,
finally returning to drop onto the davenport and trying to pick up his more
infusing thoughts.

As they passed back through his mind, Mark realized that he was way out in left-
field. Of course, she meant nothing like that. What his little darling was
looking for, and more than entitled to, was fulfillment from him. She wanted to
cum when they fucked! That simple ... nothing more ... and he just better do it

"Come on, Baby!" her voice carried down the hallway. "Hurry ... your kitten is
waiting ...!"

* * *

She'd prepared everything, Mark thought as he walked from the bath into the
bedroom. The light was even shadowed. She lay on the bed in the green, shortie
see-through he had given her, her curvaceous white body enticingly revealed
beneath its gossamery film. He swallowed tightly, the intoxicating sight of her
and knowing that she was waiting for him alone lustfully exciting him. He wore
only his shorts, but knew they had to be swollen out in front without looking

"I thought you'd never come," she teased in a whisper.

"Wild horses couldn't keep me," he answered, noting the bottle of scotch and two
glasses on his bedside table. He lowered himself to the bed in a sitting
position, then leaned back to gently kiss her.

"What was the phonecall?"

"Nothing ... nothing important."

"Good ... come down here and make love to me," she softly hissed.

Christ! Christ, he thought, scanning his eyes over the delectable loveliness of
her offered, naked body ... suddenly wondering what it was that kept wiring that
feeling of unnatural tightness through him!

"Mmmm ... you taste so nice, Mr. Blakely. And you smell just gorgeous ... "

"Men shouldn't smell gorgeous ... didn't you know?" he answered, kissing her and
smoothing his hand upward over her full, firm breast beneath the nightie. "Women
like you, smell gorgeous ... men smell like animals."

'Then, I like your animal-smell tonight, Darling," she whispered, abruptly
kissing him with passion, her little wet tongue searching into his mouth and
immediately fanning his kindling desire.

Mark slipped his arms around her, drawing her tightly to him in their open-
mouthed kiss and pressing his swollen cock tightly against her soft, equally
responding loins.

"I love you!" he said with fervent meaning.

"I know ... because I love you!" she vehemently replied.

"Now, I'm going to prove it to you!" he hissed in the vein of their past love-

"You're what?" she whispered sensually, her sweet breath in his face. "You
mean.. you're going to fuck me?"

Mark could only pull back his head and stare at her, the sound of the word from
her innocent young lips an unbelievable phenomenon! "Did ... did I hear right?"
he half choked.

"That you were going to fuck me, you mean?"

"Christ almighty! Yes! Yes ... I'm going to fuck you baby!"

"Oh God, I want you to ... Darling!"

"I'm going to shove my aching cock right up into the tight, fuzzy little hole of
your cunt!" he lewdly blurted.

"Yes ... oh yes, l want you too ... fuck me in my hot little cunt-hole, darling,
with your great big beautifully hard cock!"

Mark couldn't believe it! Something had happened and he didn't know or care,
what! He clutched her to him and rasped, "Oh baby, you beautiful, lovely girl! I
love you ... Christ, I do! My own little Jeannie ...!"

"Mark ... darling!" she whimpered, returning his kisses and squirming against
him. "Let's take everything off now and do it ... fuck ... make love ... fuck,
fuck, fuck!"

* * *

The light trickling from the open window meant nothing more to Caesar than the
presence of humans ... especially the female with the long golden hair. This was
her place, the confinement where he first knew her. She would be there, on the
sleeping thing, waiting for him to come and mate with her.

He moved noiselessly to the opened window, his sensitive ears keenly apprised of
the night's every sound. Carefully, he listened to the soft vibrations of human-
voices, recognizing those of his female with the golden hair. There was another
of deeper quality, a male-human, he readily knew, and alternately they came to
him in soft sibilances of affection!

An instinctively bitter response charged through the massive animal and
heedlessly, he raised onto his hind-legs, forepaws resting on the sill, his
burning amber-eyes quickly surveying the lighted room and its inhabitants. He
saw her soft, uncovered whiteness lying prone on the sleeping place, her long,
female legs spread wide for the unclothed male-human who lay on top of her
between them! Their vocal sighs and heavy human breathing filled the room, along
with the sharp sounds of their squirming, heaving bodies, the male's muscular
hips and buttocks rising and falling in a natural rhythm that Caesar intuitively
understood! They were mating in the human fashion!

Fierce resentment and jealousy filled the huge German Shepherd as briefly he
watched their urgent rutting movements, the piquant smell of their moistly
connecting genitals reaching his acute nostrils and causing him to slowly bare
his fangs ...!

Eagerly, Jean had thrown herself into the lustful mood of their love- making,
provocatively using every sensual means at her command to fire her young,
handsome husband, and in the doing, goading her own desperate passion. From the
beginning, she'd intended to pull out all stops, and had done exactly that! With
aroused wantonness, she had lewdly thrilled in the use of licentious four letter
words, whispering them hotly into his ear. Simultaneously she had squirmed and
writhed against, and beneath him, erotically thrusting her heated, wet loins
upward at his long, thick hardness with salacious little fucking movements that
bordered on the obscene. Not that Mark needed such spurring stimulation ... it
was her own desire she intensively sought to whet to that crucial point of
climax ... and after last night it had become just that ... crucial!

Oh God, she loved Mark; it was not a question of that, but of fulfillment by him
in the wake of the forbidden pleasure she had known from the dynamic fucking of
her secret animal-lover! She had to forget the beautiful beast, and only Mark
could do that for her now, here, this very night!

She felt his excited breath heating her face and nakedly tingling breasts as he
hung above her, his desire-hardened cock slithering deliciously in and out of
her hot, moistened cunt.

With every in-fuck, she raised her hips and buttocks, her smooth white thighs
spread wide to give him complete access to her upthrust vaginal slit. She could
feel the erotic sensation of his swollen cock-head mushrooming bigger into the
inside of her soft, feverish contracting belly, each searing stroke into her
burning cuntal passage carrying her that much higher toward exultation!

"Oh Darling ... it's heavenly! Your beautiful cock ... so big and hard ...
fucking into my remembering her wild intention of sucking it with her mouth for
him! Could she ...? God, if she could get at it right at that moment she would!
But that would deny her seething, wet pussy, a realization she didn't even want
to think of!

"God!" Mark rasped. "You're too much, Angel ... too much! You ... you drive me
right out of my crazy skull! H-How close are you ...?"

"Oh ... oh God, Darling ... not yet, please?" Jean anxiously pleaded, her eyes
widening and her nails digging solicitously into the tensed muscles of his arms.
"I-I couldn't stand it ... not this time, Mark darling! I've got to ... got to!"

"Oh Christ!" he blurted, the raging inferno growing in his cum-bloated balls
warning of their near explosion ...!

And then, suddenly, a ferocious growling roar filled the bedroom, causing Mark
to reflexively twist half-around in his awkward position, while Jean craned her
neck to see the powerful dog whose vicious sound she had instantly recognized!

Jesus Christ! It's him, the dog pack leader!" Mark swore, his brain racing while
his cock fell almost limp as he stared in amazement at the huge brute that had
dared to climb through their opened window! Slowly, the deputy sheriff moved,
his eyes unflinchingly fixed on the animal's bared fangs, hardly aware of his
deflated cock pulling wetly from his naked young wife's still tightly clenched
vagina. "Just don't panic, Jean ... Lie perfectly still!" he ordered in a low,
level tone, the gold medallion that hung from the beast's throat briefly
catching his eye!

If he could get to his pistol in the closet, he thought, tensely aware that he
would have to move all the way across the room! It meant passing between the
animal and the foot of the bed, and the goddamned brute was never going to stand
still for that! Already, as Mark eased off the bed and slowly straightened, the
dog had begun to drop into a crouch, its lips twitchingly drawing back further
from the gleaming, wet fangs, a warning growl rising louder in its huge throat!

If he could get to his pistol in the closet, he thought, tensely aware that he
would have to move all the way across the room! It meant passing between the
animal and the foot of the bed, and the goddamned brute was never going to stand
still for that! Already, as Mark eased off the bed and slowly straightened, the
dog had begun to drop into a crouch, its lips twitchingly drawing back further
from the gleaming, wet fangs, a warning growl rising louder in its huge throat!

Mark hadn't dared for a single instant to shift his eyes off the vicious animal,
but Jean's lack of screaming, or going to pieces was more than he'd ever
expected! Thank God for her using her head, he reasoned, taking the first small
step ...!

The moment she'd heard his deep-throated growl, Jean's heart had begun to pound,
an inconceivable sensation of unfaithfulness filling her, as if the beautiful
animal had caught her committing adultery with another! She had started to
speak, but held back at Mark's command, her brain beginning to frantically race!

"Wh-What're you going to do, Mark?" she tremulously whispered, rising up in the
bed to stare at both of them ... her vulnerably naked husband and the massive
dog whose burning eyes and powerful teeth reminded her that he could tear Mark
to pieces! "Mark, please! What ...?"

"Shhh, Baby ... don't get panicky," he managed, his voice unwavering. "I'm going
to get my gun ..."

"No! No!" she cried, reaching out for him, and as Mark shook her off, Caesar

The powerful dog was on top of Mark before he realized it, his animal- weight
driving her naked husband backwards to stumble and go down onto his back with a
crashing force, the snarling Caesar's great jaws moving toward his throat!
Stunned, it was seconds before Mark could raise his arms to defend himself,
precious lost seconds that would have made it too late, had not she cried out

"Caesar! Stop! Stop!" Jean commanded, leaping from the bed to wrap her naked
arms tightly around the huge dog's neck, and pull. "Stop it, you hear! Stop,
Caesar ... now ... now!"

Mark had regained his senses enough to gape in amazement at what was taking
place before him. He saw his curvaceously naked young bride clinging unafraid to
the powerful neck of the ferocious brute, and more amazing, the wild dog
permitting it! Christ! He started to move, then thought better of it as the big
animal tensed once more, quickly flashing his fangs in warning!

"Don't, Mark ... don't make one move!" Jean pleaded, stroking the great head of
the mighty beast. "I-I'm not sure that I can stop him again ...

"J-Jesus Christ ... I don't get this, Jean!" he choked out, his eyes rounded
with incredulity. 'How ... why ... what the hell is going on ...?"

"I-It's me, Mark ... that's why he's come ... and he's jealous ...!" Jean
exclaimed, determined now to tell everything. "H-He was here last night, too

"He what ...?"

"Please Darling, listen to me ... please!" she begged, continuing to stroke
Caesar's huge head while her naked, prostrate husband stared with awe. "Later,
I'll tell you the whole story, but last night he saved me from being gang raped
by three boys ... "

"From being what? How? Where ...?"

"Please, Mark! Listen to me! It's true, he ... Caesar, drove them off! Then ...
then, he made love to me!"

Again, at the utterly preposterous revelation, Mark started to get up, but
quickly thought better of it when Caesar tensed and menacingly growled before
him. "Am ... am I losing my goddamned mind entirely, Jean? D-Did I hear you

"Yes, Mark, you heard me right," his naked young wife quickly answered. "And
that's why he came back tonight. He wants to make love to me again! "

"J-Jesus Christ! You keep him occupied while I get my gun ...!" the deputy
sheriff swore. "We'll put an end to the raping bastard's ...!"

"No, Mark! No!" lean vehemently cut him short. "I'm not going to let you hurt
him ... or him hurt you! I-I love you both too much ...!"

"Us both?" Mark choked. "Goddamnit, Jean ... do you know what you're saying?
You're talking about a wild killer dog!"

"I don't care what he is! He's beautiful and ... and he loves me too!" she half-
cried, hugging him tightly against the naked mound of one full, rounded breast,
his furry coat brushing its tiny nipple into an obvious pink hardness.

Mark couldn't believe it, not even when he saw Jean slowly get to her feet and
walk defiantly to the bed, her beautiful blue-eyes in a near glassy state as she
crawled onto it and kneeled down on all-fours. She looked back with her long
blonde hair streaming down over her smooth shoulders, her lushly hanging breasts
swaying and rippling as she lewdly positioned herself with the ovalled moons of
her rounded white buttocks raised high, her full shapely thighs spread wide.

"Now, you'll see for yourself, Mark ... and I'm not ashamed!" Jean unyieldingly
defended. "And please, don't try to stop or hurt him. If you do, I won't be able
to help, Darling. He has a mind of his own!"

"H-Holy Christ!" Mark astonishedly swore, never in his life feeling so
hopelessly inadequate. He stared at the breathlessly erotic sight of his naked
young wife's voluptuous body in its obscenely kneeling position, then heard the
vicious dog whimper from where he stood beside the bed. It wasn't going to
happen ... couldn't! It was impossible ...!

"Come Caesar, up, Darling!" Jean gasped, lustfully reaching behind to teasingly
stroke the soft, rippling flesh of one white rounded buttock. "Now, Baby, do it
to Jean ... Like you did last night, Darling ...!"

Mark watched, open-mouthed as Caesar bounced up onto the bed and moved behind
Jean, in between her wide-spread legs and thighs. He heard the beast eagerly
whimper once more, then saw him sniff and lash out with his long, wet tongue,
ravenously lapping over the entire area of her nakedly exposed genital crevice!
It stroked from the recessed little hole of her puckered anus, down beneath the
flushed pink edges of her full wet runt. Even to the base of the wispy golden
curls it reached, penetrating there to moistly flick down against her tiny
clitoris. Wildly, then his young wife began to moan as again and again, the
brute repeated the act, his long, thick tongue savagely knifing through her
soft, sensitive vaginal slit, spreading her open in the tenderest parts until
she began to twitch and jerk, while he, her own husband, watched in helpless

Christ, he wasn't going to try and explain it to himself! It was utterly
impossible, but there it was, taking place right before his very eyes, and she
unashamedly knowing that he was watching as she salaciously gave herself
sexually to the wild, killer-dog! God almighty, what was she trying to prove ...
that she was just a wanton bitch ... gasping aloud now as Caesar drew his hot,
feral tongue up through the entire length of her hungrily pulsating cuntal-
crevice? Then, she closed her eyes and was inching her knees farther apart on
the mattress to open the inner liquid flesh even wider to him! Spellbound, Mark
watched the glistening animal-tongue thrust into the moist, hair-lined little
slit, flicking at the hotly quivering mouth of her tight vagina, ravishing her
excited young genitals mercilessly, while she moaned down into the bed and
lewdly coaxed him on!

"Yes ... yesss, my sweet darling! That's it Caesar lover ... Lick my cunt with
your beautiful hot tongue! Show him ...! Oh Mark, darling, watch and see,
please! I-I love it ... love you ... Love him!" she coarsely babbled. "Ooohhh
... yes ... Caesar baby! Now ... now climb up on me and fuck me from behind
Darling! Shove your beautiful cock into my cunt! Now, Caesar ... now!"

Mark choked out a gasp, his eyes straining as the powerful dog mounted her, his
muscular furry body crowding in toward the smooth roundness of her widespread
buttocks, his strong forelegs clutching at her soft, white hips! Uncontrollably,
her husband sensed his own naked cock swelling into a solid, revived hardness at
the beastly sight of the shimmering, scarlet animal-cock slipping from its huge
sheath. It dripped freely, its tapered point jerking and dancing as Caesar
hunched in close to her, endeavoring to bury the lean reddened tip and its
thickening solidness into his wife's curvaceous white body! Oh Christ! Oh Christ
...! he inwardly groaned, his big hand subconsciously clutching and beginning to
gently stroke his own long rod of re-aroused hardness!

With an unrestrained, sensual moan, Jean waggled the twin white ovals of her
upthrusting buttocks back in tiny searching circles attempting to capture
Caesar's long probing cock. She hoped to God that Mark wasn't missing a single
moment of her licentious performance ... and more important, that he would
understand the very meaning behind it! God, how she wanted her beautiful animal-
lover's long, thick penis fucking up inside her to finish the task her husband
would never have lasted through! Her brain raced in lustful excitement as she
reached down between her legs, grasping the wet, rubbery spear of swollen dog-
cock, causing Caesar to whimper in a half deep throated growl. She guided its
throbbing tip toward her hotly quivering vaginal mouth, then held her breath!

Immediately, Caesar humped upward from behind, spreading her dilated cunt-
channel and pubic curls even wider as with a single powerful lurch, he buried
his long, thick pleasure-bringing cock deep up into the seething pink hole
between her legs!

"Oooohhh ... ohhhh!" Jean gutturally sighed, her held breath gushing from her
lungs. "Oooohhh Goddd ... it's so beautiful ... so beautiful, Mark darling ...!"

Mark watched in building lustful fascination that he couldn't hide, raised to a
naked, sitting position on the floor, his hand still grasping his own throbbing
cock. The painful meaning of her incredibly obscene performance had finally
dawned on him! It was him, her husband Mark Blakely, that she was trying to
shame, not herself, and as he gaped at the long, scarlet rod of glistening
animal-cock racing wetly into her, he realized she'd accomplished her purpose.
Christ, what kind of a man was he, anyway? Too concerned with everything but
what he should be ... the happiness of his beautiful young wife! But he'd make
it up to her ... Christ, he would, if she'd ever give him the chance again! His
own heavy cock had begun to achingly throb at the sight of the great dog,
Caesar's, sunk in his Jeannie's nibbling moist pussy to the hilt, his heavy
animal-balls swinging wildly down beneath the saturated curls of her soft, naked
loins ...!

"Oh Caesar ... oohhhh!" she moaned, her eyes wide and glazed as the massive dog
fucked into her from behind. "Oohhh ... ooohhh Mark darling ... do you
understand, now ... now when you can see how he fucks me ...? Do you ...?"

"Y-Yes, Baby ... I do ... Christ, I do!" he choked, unrestrainably stroking his
own burning length of rigid cock-flesh.

"Oh Mark ...!" Jean gasped, her eyes momentarily focusing on her husband's hand
avidly clutching at his swollen penis, the sight firing added fuel to her
sensual passion. "Darling ... bring it up here to me! Let me lick and suck the
ache out of it for you! Please, Lover, I want to ... please?"

Slowly, Mark got to his feet. a jolt of fiery sensations charge through him at
her ardent request. Was it possible that she was going to ...? Hell yes ...
anything was feasible after what he'd already witnessed ...! Hesitantly, he
moved, his eyes ever flexed on Caesar watching him ... staring incessantly as he
fucked away with open mouth while Jean moved backward rhythmically, meeting his
powerful long strokes into her openly absorbing vagina!

Jean breathed a moan of new maddening excitement when she realized what she was
going to do! She watched her husband crawl onto the bed, at the same time
feeling Caesar's forelegs like furry arms clinging tightly to her soft hips. She
undulated her feverish buttocks, giving herself fully to the beautiful fucking
her Caesar was pounding into her from behind!

And then, Mark was kneeling before her, his hardened thick cock in front of her
face! She reached out and curled her fingers around its hotly throbbing length,
feeling it jerk to her touch. Gently, she slid back its heavy foreskin, sensing
it pulsate in her soft, small hand, its moist, bulbous head with its tiny slit
at the tip intensely thrilling her. She heard Mark's husky groan to her tender
stroking caresses, and saw the pearlish drop of moisture bead at the little
opening from the ministrations of her milking hand! Oh God ... she wanted that!
Yes ... yes and all that would follow, to the very last drop, squirting hotly up
into her mouth and belly ...!

Chapter 9

There had been an immediate violent hate that raged through Caesar toward the
male human who had dared to penetrate the golden-haired female with his mating
hardness. He had killed those of his own kind before for daring to violate his
claim, and would have done so again had not the golden one interceded. In his
uncanny brain he had realized that it was her wish that the male human be
spared, and he had done so to please her. There was, Caesar instinctively knew,
a bond that affectionately linked them, and though he jealously resented it, he
would accept it because of her.

Now, as he eagerly clung to the soft smooth whiteness of his golden mate's hips
and rapidly thrust the claiming hardness of his animal cock deep up into the
depths of her female core, he watched with keenly alert eyes the approach of the
unclothed male onto the sleeping place. His human phallus extended before him,
he slowly moved toward her face, until she had taken the length in her petting
hand, the sighing vibrations of her soft white body clearly transmitted to him.
Something from ages past then clicked in his memory bank, and he instinctively
knew what she would do with it. Hot racing blood streamed through him at the
flashing knowledge, increasing as he saw her small tongue dart out to lick wetly
over the tip! His powerful loins trembled at the sight, but no longer in
jealousy, aware that this was what she wanted, and intuitively, he charged
deeper and deeper into her, his huge hardness painfully throbbing ...!

A maddening joy filled lean as Caesar furiously fucked into her inflamed cunt
from behind and she gaped at her Mark's long, hard cock jerking hotly in her
clutching little hand. She drew in her breath and flicked out her eager tongue,
bringing it into seething contact with the smooth, rubbery tip! She swirled it
around slowly, moistly, experimentally, while Mark twisted and groaned; then she
ventured toward the tiny split and wiggled her tongue-tip into it! Wild
fermentations rippled through her trembling naked body as she tasted the pungent
sweetness the droplets of his seminal fluid contained, causing her nostrils to
flare erotically wide. She smoothed her hand along the rock-hard rod to the
velvety flesh at its thick base, then downward to lovingly cup his sperm-bloated
balls. She slipped her warm, tongue-moistened lips over the damp, spongy head
then, letting it glide along the full length of her tongue, her hot mouth
locking around it in a fervent liquid pressure.

Mark groaned above her extended lovely head, watching with lust-filled eyes her
tightly locked lips ovalling hotly around his burning hard cock, hardly
believing the electrifying sight of her beautiful innocent young face so
grotesquely distorted as she began to suck him with unquestionable desire. Oh
Christ ... had this huge fucking brute-dog that was pantingly glaring at him
actually done this to her? If so, he owed the powerful beast more than he could
ever repay him! Damn! She was sucking his cock as if she were never going to get

He began a slow undulation with his naked hips, sliding his thick, swollen
hardness in and out of her lips with a slick damp suction sound, guided by her
hand grasping at its base while he held her face between his own. He stared with
intense captivation at the puffing and hollowing of her smooth white cheeks as
his thick cock moved in and out, her head beginning to bob up and down and toil
with demanding fervency. Her whole curvaceous, satin-fleshed body quivered in
naked ripples from the powerful jolts of Caesar's plunging cock hammering
rapidly into her from behind, driving her frantically on!

Oh ... ooohh heaven ...Jean wildly reasoned, caught between her two wonderful
lovers' beautiful, hardened cocks, both of them preparing to spill their hot,
liquid fire from either end of her body deep into her craving belly! In lust-
filled joy, she ground her wide-spread young buttocks back hard against her
Caesar's furry, battering body, feeling the tiny rivulets of moisture building
in the smooth crevice between them. She sensed tiny streams dribbling down the
backs of her smooth inner-thighs, while the mounting pressure in her inflamed
loins wanted of the climatic moment near at hand!

For one brief moment, Mark wondered if he wasn't in some sort of drugged comas
imagining it all ... but no ... Christ, he was wide awake, and it was all
happening! There wasn't any doubt about it ... none whatever, with the ferocious
animal-face savagely watching him, its tongue hanging loosely from his mouth to
let drops of saliva drop onto the smooth hollow of Jean's naked back! The
medallion, its eagle and centurion intermittently becoming visible as it twisted
and jerked beneath his throat from his vicious body-thrusts was undeniably
further proof! But no longer was the powerful dog's fangs bared at him, and
there seemed to be a mellowness in his glowing eyes as he watched Mark.

Christ, it was insane to even try to reason it all with the roaring furnace of
lust bubbling in his balls! The huge animal's violent fucking cock pounding into
his wife's luscious pink cunt were driving her mouth forward onto his own aching
cock until he wondered why it didn't choke her! It was reaching her throat to
her tonsils, his pubic- hair brushing at the tip of her lovely nose, while his
sperm-inflated balls in her soft, warm hands ached in a bloating buildup of
massive pressure!

Damn, she was like an animal herself with her lips locked tightly around the
length of his raging cock, increasing her unbelievable hungry little sucking
motions until he thought his balls would turn inside out! Great swirls of heat
were massing in their secret depths as he watched her passion-infused face
pulling hungrily on it! He sensed the muscles of his stomach tighten and he
arched forward, pushing his throbbing hardness up even further between the
searing heat of her greedily sucking lips! He gaped at the pink ridges pulling
out from her mouth, clinging voraciously to it as she pumped her head up and
down and undulated her hips back at the dog in a wild uncontrolled frenzy!

Oh shit ...! Now! Strangled noises forced their way up into Mark's throat! "Oh
Christ, Jean baby ... suck it hard ... I-I'm cuummiinnnggg ...!"

Jean heard his cry at the very moment it burst, his jerking cock gushing forth
hot, stream-like jets of his pungent cum! It flooded her mouth and throat with
its delicious liquid heat! She sensed her cheeks bloating and contracting as she
swallowed in greedy thick gulps, fastening her lips tightly around the spasming
cock so as not to lose a single drop! On and on, his wonderful balls continued
to pump out his milk-white sperm into her mouth, while his hands clutched at her
head, pulling her face harder down onto his convulsively softening penis!

The ecstasy of it was even greater than Jean had imagined, and at the first hot,
piquant taste of his cum, her own climax was triggered! She thrust her naked
grinding asscheeks back harder at her panting animal- lover, wanting the full
benefit of his tremendously expanding cock raging into her wildly flaming cunt!
Every muscle of her body contracted and jerked as she felt the erotic release of
spasming rapture exploding deep down in her screaming loins and belly! She
continued to gulp and suck at her husband, Mark's wonderfully erupting cock, her
soft, curl-lined cuntal sphincter clenching and opening like an angered fist
from behind! Her insanely jerking young buttocks flexed into white hardness and
she gurgled out a whimpering wail as her quaking body unleashed and exploded too
in the moment she had been striving for! There was no time, no space, no motion
... only the unbelievable bliss of her orgasm! Again and again, she was struck
by the spasmodic twitching of every muscle and cord in her pleasure-filled young
cunt ... then Caesar began to hump forward faster and spew his hot load of wild
animal sperm deep up into the hidden recesses of her trembling belly! Once more,
she climaxed, half-screaming and slamming her yielding soft buttocks hard back
onto his magnificently squirting cock ...!

Chapter 10

They didn't talk, Jean and Mark Blakely, only lie cuddled together in the silent
darkness of the night. In passing minutes, Mark knew that she had fallen into an
exhausted sleep and he nestled her closer to him. Tomorrow, perhaps, they would
talk about it ... maybe, they would never speak of it!

Mark had seen him go, leaping easily back through the open window without so
much as a backward glance, but Jean hadn't wanted to look ... as if she couldn't
face the thought of his leaving. In moments, they had heard his howling cry
pierce the night, and then Jean had smiled and moved tightly into his arms.

Christ, whatever ... that fierce brute-animal had brought them closer together
actually shown them the way! But even so ... it was his duty! He had to destroy
the killer animal and his pack! He had no choice but to try to eliminate any
enemy of society ... and the ferocious, raping Caesar was that ...!

It was a long time before Mark Blakely slept that night.

The End of Book One
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