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LLP-276 Caesar Conquers Book 3
by Jon Reskind

Chapter 1

A wave of astonished disbelief swept through the big, well-proportioned frame of
Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely as he stood in the hallway of his small home staring
beyond the partially opened door into his bedroom! The pair of naked, curvaceous
young women lying obscenely curled together on the rumpled bed were totally
unaware of his presence. An expression of utter incredulity distorted his
handsome, chiseled features, his appalled grey eyes riveted on the wanton
spectacle his voluptuous blonde wife and her vivacious, long-time friend
presented in the obvious throes of sensual exhaustion!

Christ, was it possible ... or was he losing his buttons altogether? His young
Jeannie's whitely ovaled buttocks flagrantly faced him in their fully rounded
nakedness, and there was nothing imaginary about that! It was bare fact! Her
long shapely legs still spread in satiation provided him a bird's-eye view of
the wetly glistening ribbon of pink, intimate flesh separating the moistly
swollen lips of her golden-curled vagina! And there was nothing hypothetical
there either, nor in the viscid moisture coating the smooth white flesh of her
lush inner-thighs, damply reflecting the soft lamp-light in undeniably lewd
evidence! It all lay before him in the absolute, the lurid sight sucking a
nauseating vacuum at the base of his stomach!

The shocked young husband reached out to grasp support of the door-frame,
sensing the firm arousal of his penis he'd hurried home with, slowly softening
and buckling in the middle, the lusting thoughts he had entertained concerning
his young wife of two months taunting him, as if they had suddenly assumed
leering faces of lesbian mockery! He watched a sensuous tremor ripple over the
nakedly curved loveliness his Jean possessed, saw her brush her long blonde hair
away from her face, then inconceivably graze her cheek lovingly up between Carol
Foster's open thighs and rub against the moistly saturated pubic hair!

Jesus Christ, maybe the goddamned world was coming to an end, too! That would be
as feasible as seeing Jean lying with her beautiful young face lewdly nuzzled to
her girlfriend Carol's dark, hair-fringed pussy, her luscious lips, delicate
chin, and tiny nose-tip still wet from the apparent moisture of the willowy
brunette's openly spread vagina! His Jeannie ... my God ... it must have been
the blow on the head from the accident! What else ...? Carol up between her legs
...! Christ, she just couldn't be a ... lesbian ... Could she? Or ... or could
she ...? Goddamn, after all he'd seen the past week, just about anything was

He gaped at Carol, his writer-friend's blithely stunning young wife, lying
obscenely spread wide on her back, her firm well-shaped thighs salaciously open
while Jean nestled her passion-moistened face against the damp softness of their
house-guest's languorously offered cunt hair! With a head-shake, Mark sought to
rid his brain of the incredibly lurid nightmare, but it didn't go away; he was
wasn't dreaming! If ... if he'd been minutes earlier, what the hell would he
have seen then? Oh shit ... there had to be a logical answer ... the accident
... was that it? He didn't know about Carol, but the blow Jeannie had received
on her forehead the night before in the car accident; it was the only logical
explanation! His mind reeled. And where the hell had she been last night? He
hadn't been able to find that out yet, either! ... Couldn't let Steve know about
this ... the poor bastard, out there risking his life riding down a wild story
with that crazy, drunken hunting posse ...! ... Had to keep his goddamned head
... slip back to the front door and slam it as if he'd just come in ... seen
nothing ... somehow forgive her, forget it ever happened ...!

That, Mark would painfully have done, convinced that rationality with diplomacy,
preposterous as it seemed under the loathsome circumstances, was the only
immediate, discreet move for all concerned ... He started to back off, then
caught himself short when all of a sudden Jean began to shamelessly slither her
voluptuous curves up over Carol's openly receptive body, the brunette's arms
encircling his wife's neck as their full, firmly shaped breasts crushed nakedly
against one another, their mouths fusing hungrily together in a heated, tonguing

Their panting little sighs of sensual fulfillment reached him, sending a renewed
charge of disgusted rage seething through his big, tensed body, destroying any
vestige of sanity he had struggled to hold on to! Homosexuality in any form had
always sickened him, but this perverted affair ... his own wife ... and right in
his own bed! Fuck!

He reached for the support of the door-frame once more, sensing his heavy cock
solidly re-swelling with a non-reasonable on-rush of fresh blood! The lust-
inciting scene of their seductive white bodies squirming nakedly against one
another, satin-smooth flesh buoyantly yielding to erotically squirming flesh,
was more than he, in his violent indignation, could restrain! He couldn't help
but ogle the firing revelation of Carol Foster's supple, unclothed body, not
unaware that it existed; but actually seeing it so lasciviously and nakedly
displayed for the first time clawed feverishly at his loins!

Bitches! All the rationalization in the world he might summon would never
eliminate the obscene picture their forbidden embrace etched in his fuming
brain, nor the sheer, vengeful lust mounting from it! Goddamn them! Why not ...
an eye for an eye ... and that's a game any number can play! He'd come clean
with Steve after he fucked his hot little wife, shitless, too! He'd stake his
ass that the poor bastard was as much in the dark about this as he'd been! Hell,
he'd even suggest that Steve fuck Jean anyway he liked, if he wanted to, the
vindictive young husband blindly reasoned! Why not? There was damned little that
was sacred anymore ...!

The young police officer half-staggered into the room, but the pair of passion-
involved girls were still unaware in their whispering intimacy. They squirmed
hotly against each other in their infused nakedness, breasts to breasts, soft
bellies writhingly meeting, the fully rounded mounds of Jean's whitely
undulating buttocks quivering and rippling as she feverishly ground her wet
loins down against those of the spread-thighed Carol beneath her! To this
unrestrained exhibition, Mark lustfully pulled at his clothes, feeling almost
drunk without benefit of a drink in the bitter sexual arousal that had
vengefully overwhelmed him!

He controlled the urge to back out, debating the effective shock of smartly
slapping his young wife across her provocatively wriggling young ass and
demanding she move her face out from between Steve's wife's legs to make room
for a throbbing male cock! And Christ knows, that's what it was, a poling length
of thumping hardness from the inconceivably cock-hardening spectacular the two
nakedly entwined woman had unwittingly staged for him! His rancorous, lust-
charged brain had already crudely fashioned its lecherous path of revenge, the
fervid wet gleam in his eyes nothing short of hotly inspired desire!

Carol Foster saw him then ... opened her eyes to gaspingly witness him in the
act of dropping his shorts, a choking sound of shock bursting from deep within
her throat!

"Oh! Oh ... my God! Mark!" she gurgled, trying to sit upright and roll Jean from
between her widespread legs! "Mark ... Mark ...!"

"Yeah, it's me, Mark!" he mockingly repeated, standing naked with hands on his
hips, his long, thickly rigid cock cleaving the air like a choice length of
cement-hardened hose! "Surprise! Thought I'd come and join the party ... though
I doubt that men are too welcome, eh?"

His blonde, young wife jerked and heaved onto her side, just as if a white-hot
rod had been thrust up between her legs, he thought bitterly, the wicked smile
stretching his mouth and the harsh laugh emitting from him nothing short of

"Mark! Oh ...!" Jean dazedly heard herself gasp, more shocked by his nakedness
than the fact that he had come in on them in such a compromising scene! "My God!
Cover yourself up in front of Carol! What do you think you're doing?"

For a brief moment, the young deputy wondered if he weren't entirely losing his
grip! He stared at his curvaceous young wife's white, nakedly exposed body, her
firmly rounded erect breasts still quivering from the violent move from between
Carol's obscenely spread legs, the latter girl immobile as both stared at him in
lewdly raised, elbowed positions! Their shocked eyes ... faces, were only half-
shaded with any measure of shame! Christ, was he somehow wrong? Or had he
actually seen what he had?

"You little Bitch! I'm about to uncork the facts of life on you!" he
determinedly spat. "On both of you ... you loving wives who secretly eat out
each other's cunt on the side and then pretend sacred marital love for your

"Oh ... oh God!" Jean managed to stammer. "Y-You don't understand, Darling ...!"

"The feeling's mutual, Baby! You don't understand either!" Mark spat, moving
toward the bed. "But I think you will before I'm finished!"

Carol started to speak, then felt her words bunching in her throat when she saw
Mark lewdly stroking his long, thick hardness with one hand, grossly working the
outer layer of foreskin back and forth as he moved toward her on the bed!
Christ, it was so big ... so long and thick, outsizing Steve's, the gaping
brunette profoundly reasoned, seeing the tiny clear droplets of seminal fluid
seeping from the tiny split at its tip! God! What did he think he was going to
do to her ...? "M-Mark ... wait a minute!" she finally choked out, tearing her
fear-widened eyes from the heavy, sperm-bloated balls swaying down between his
strong, hairy thighs to search desperately his angrily twisted face. "I-It's not
exactly what it seems!" she attempted, realizing the absurdity in her half-
truth. "Please ... let me explain ...?"

"That's hardly necessary, Carol honey!" Mark glaringly rasped. "A picture's
worth a thousand words, and I just watched a whole goddamned reel! No, Baby!
While your husband chases down a wild pack of vicious animals at the risk of his
life, I've made up my mind to fuck the living shit out of you, and my sweet
little wife, Jeannie, can watch and help! Who knows, you both might learn to
love a good, man-sized cock shoved up between your legs more than eating pussy!"

Jean was still too dazed by her young husband's unexpected interruption to grasp
the full meaning of what was happening, but Carol Foster did! She readily
realized that they had been overtly caught in a questionable act of uninhibited
lesbianism, and any explanation she might attempt was only going to make matters
worse, especially for Jean! Mark was obviously still in the dark concerning his
young wife's being fed LSD the night before, and what they had done to her; plus
the story behind her accident! He couldn't understand that she was still
partially under its influence; and God knows, she just couldn't betray Jean's
confidence, regardless of what happened to herself. And their dual affair with
the dog, Caesar ...? Had Mark witnessed that ... or had the beautiful animal
left before he'd arrived on the scene ...?

Yet, even as she thought fleetingly of the handsome illusive beast, her dark,
incandescent eyes again locked on the huge thrusting hardness of Mark's heavily
stiffened cock, his graphically stated intentions echoing with roused anxiety in
her brain! He'd moved to the edge of the bed, coarsely stroking the long fleshy
rod, working the thick foreskin back and forth over the huge turgid head not a
foot from her face!

"Oh ... oh God, Mark ... th-think of Steve!" Carol huskily breathed, the tears
welling into her penis-mesmerized eyes more of frustration than principle.
Uncontrollably lewd sensations of rising arousal at the nearness of its lengthy,
pulsating thickness began to race wildly through her! Though she had cum
beautifully beneath Jean's feverishly licking tongue and lips while Caesar
fucked the drugged blonde from behind shortly before, her satisfaction, as
always, had been superficial! Only a man's excitedly hardened cock could truly
do that for her, but ... but ...! "P-Please Mark, no ... don't do it to me ...
not in front of your wife ... like this ..." she almost desperately pleaded.
"Steve ... he'll kill you ... me, all of us ...!"

"And what do you think he'd do if he stood here instead of me, Baby?" the
enraged husband sneeringly threw down at her from his domineering stance, one
hand still lustfully clutching his blood-engorged cock. "Would he kill you ...
or just whip your cheating little ass to a rosy glow ...?"

"Mark, my God ... stop this vulgar show!" Jean confusedly managed, trying to
raise herself upright, her firmly rounded young breasts quivering and swaying
with the effort. Momentarily, her smokey-blue eyes rolled to show their whites
as she struggled, moving between her nakedly stripped husband and Carol whom he
was intimidating! "Stop it, you hear! Cover that ... that thing up! You ought to
be ashamed of yourself ...!"

In his rage, Jean's glazed expression completely escaped her husband's
wrathfully blinded eyes, her unbelievable attempt to protect her lesbian
partner, topped only by her contemptuously stupifying words feeding unneeded
fuel to his infuriated, lust-whetted anger. It was just too goddamned much for
him to swallow all in one dose! He ought to be ashamed of himself! Jesus Christ,
everything was turning a brilliant crimson before him! Nor did he pay the least
attention to the vivacious brunette who was trying to force his nakedly
intervening wife back out of the way! Instead, Jean's tempting, upthrusted
buttocks caught his seething view, and with a lashing open hand he mercilessly
smacked her three times across their softly quivering whiteness!

"You adulterous little cunt!" he snarled, his hand tingling from the force of
the slaps. "I'm going to teach you a lesson about shame that you're not about to

In squealing surprise, Jean cried out her stinging pain, her hurt-dimmed eyes
wetly filling with tears. She looked in blank astonishment up at him, at the
same time reaching back to soothingly caress her crimson flushed ass-cheeks.
"Wh-What did you do that for ...?" she almost innocently whimpered.

"Stop, Mark! Don't! My God, don't please?" Carol begged, grasping his hand to
keep him from repeating the act. "I'll do anything you say! Only don't punish
her! S-She's not herself ... the accident ...!"

Mark caught himself, but hardly with any feeling of guilt. "And what's your
goddamned excuse, Mrs. Foster?" he spat at her. "Or is licking cunt part of your
regular diet?"

"Oh God!" Carol desperately groaned. "Please ... I'll do whatever you want ..."

"You're fucking well told you will!" the enraged young husband fumed, breathing
heavily. "You both will, damnit! You, darling wife, take my cock in your hand!
Go on! Wrap those dainty little pussy-fingers around it! Hurry up, or I swear,
you won't be able to sit down for a week! Do it!"

Though mentally stunned, as well as physically smarting across the mounds of her
nakedly trembling buttocks, Jean couldn't deny the rekindled sensation of erotic
excitement her husband's sadistic spanking licked into flame within her
sensuously revolving belly! Her LSD-warped brain had already begun to erotically
spin, the pointed sight of his hard; upraised penis abruptly adding to the
sensual stimulation! She stared at it for a long moment in growing captivation!
It suddenly seemed that she could actually see the hot, rushing blood pounding
through its long, thick hardness, through the tiny intricate veins of its
flushed, heavily palpitating head ... even the microscopic spermatozoa swimming
and fishtailing wildly around in the little pearls of escaped semen adorning the
tiny split in the tip of his cock ...!

"Damnit, bitch, do it, I said!" her husband barked down at her.

"Y-Yes ... yes, darling ... yes!" Jean gasped, whimpering as she moved on the
bed, sitting up to its edge, her feet touching the floor. Obediently, she
encircled her small hand around its thick base, the bottom of her little white
fist buried in his wealth of curling black, pubic-hair. "D-Don't be angry with
me ... please don't ...?"

While Mark shuddered in rapidly suppressed delight at Jean's soft warm touch,
Carol felt a surge of growing desire boil through her own naked body at the
provocative sight. She stared enviously at Jean's small fisted hand unable to
fully encompass her husband's thick, hardened length of throbbing penile flesh.
Her own excitedly panting breaths shortened covetously and her eager eyes were
glued to the lewdly arousing scene as once again Jean pleaded for her coldly
glaring husband not to be angry with her.

"Oh fuck!" Mark luridly rasped in his obvious, pyramiding lust. "J-Just do as I
say ... both of you! W-We're going to play some very interesting little shame-
games ... just the three of us, until you two learn the real meaning of the
word!" Then, to Carol, still lying back on raised elbows in trembling nakedness:
"Now you come nice and close, Mrs. Steve Foster! You're going to worm out your
hot little tongue and lick all the tasty cum-juice off it, so my prick will be
nice and clean when I fuck it up into your lesbian little cunt! Come on, damn
you! Lick it clean while my bitch-wife holds it out for you! Hurry up ... move!"

Carol's brief hesitation was based on little more than her closest friend's
anticipated feelings; for licking and sucking a man's cock until she made it cum
in her mouth had always been her foremost sexual weakness! Her hungrily locked
eyes had hardly left his huge pulsating rigidity nor the promising fulfillment
of his heavily filled balls, and the lustful craving within her nakedly aroused
body had obliterated nearly all thought but the delicious possessing of it! His
obscenely vengeful command for her to suck his cock sent spasms of swirling heat
burning through her, but ... but she ... someone, had to think of Jean! The
wrong move or act might set her wild ...!

"Do it, Darling! Do it!" Jean, in her naked voluptuousness exclaimed, ending
right there Carol's brief fearful concern! "Do what Mark says! Lick his cock all
nice and clean while I hold it out to you! ... All that sweet love juice ...!
Hurry ... do it!"

"Shit!" Mark mentally blurted at his gorgeous blonde wife's lewd prompting! He'd
never even know her! There was absolutely no relation between this naked,
wantonly acting slut and the sensuously innocent girl he'd married! Christ, what
had happened to her ... or had he been that blind right from the beginning? His
brain whirled! Goddamn, if this was punishment for her, she was loving it! He
tried to remember if she'd really been a virgin when he'd first fucked her! He'd
thought she was! She was that tight ... but how the hell could you actually
know? The old crap about the blood on the sheet, or the cry of pain when you
burst into their so-called chaste little pussies ... he couldn't remember any of
that because it hadn't happened ...!

"Aaaaaauuugggghhh!" Mark grunted, his thoughts shattered before the hot, wet
contact of his wife's girlfriend's saliva-moistened tongue with the lewdly
pulsating head of his cock in Jean's tightly clutching hand! He gaped down to
see Carol's moistly pink tongue flick out, snake-like over the tip of his
throbbing cocktip with unhesitant eagerness! Jesus Christ, he wildly reasoned,
they come in pairs! How do you punish the unpunishable ...? Or were they about
to teach him a lesson? He watched in lustful fascination the vivacious
brunette's extended face, her lushly opened lips and tiny pink tongue licking
out to bathe his lust-swollen knob while his own nakedly stripped wife actually
held it for her in her grasping, girlish little hand! Then, he saw the riveted
eyes of the voluptuous creature he'd married; they resembled sparkling gems
filled with greed, the comparison of which he'd never before seen ... or noticed
in her! Oh shit ... Christ ... fuck! The whole goddamned world was turning
upside down ...!

"Unnnnnnnggggghhhhhhhh!" Carol gasped within at the pungent taste of Mark
Blakely's warmly secreting sperm! Feverishly, she lashed her passion-inspired
tongue over the spongy warmth of his turgid cock-head, wiggling the tiny tip
into the sperm-filled slit, hoping to extract one more drop from its enraged,
swollen head! "Skin it back, Jean!" she excitedly hissed. "Milk it out for me
... then, pull the foreskin way back!"

Mark, in his own desire-inflamed reverie watched almost as if his penis was
detached from his body ... watched his own young wife responding eagerly to
Carol's obscene request! He stared in absolute lechery, suddenly aware that the
orgiastic scene was of his own making! They were doing no more than obeying his
salacious demands, that thought causing the rage he'd known to blend with his
seething lust like delectable rare wine with gamey meat sauce! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
He'd cum all over her face in a second! Christ, he would ...!

"Is that better, darling?" Jean stressed, working her tiny, white hand back and
forth along his throbbing, hard cock-shaft, its heavy, outer layer of skin hotly
searing the thick, rigid length of blood-engorged flesh to a point of making him
cry out! "Milk more out of it, you little bitch!"

The poignant sight and taste of his hotly seeping seminal emissions had already
fired Carol into tremoring spasms of frantic desire! Even the thought of her
husband, Steve, whom she loved so much, couldn't lessen the burning need growing
like wildfire within her! And she did love him ... she did ...! Then, there were
more tiny droplets of Mark's warmly escaping cum to feed her sexual hunger and
fire her feverishly tingling loins ...!

Christ, he couldn't take anymore of this! He'd spurt his cum right out in her
mouth, and he didn't want that, Mark reelingly thought, watching Steve Foster's
naked young wife move her tongue-moistened lips forward to suck the whole of his
cock up inside her soft warm mouth!

"No damnit ... wait!" he blurted, jerking his rock-hard penis back from her
sensuously ovaled lips, remembering at the last second that it was the deceiving
little blonde bitch, his own wife, Jean, eagerly clutching his throbbing
hardness whom he wanted to shame and teach the lesson to! Punish them both, yes
... but his fraudulent, lesbian spouse first and foremost! "Another time,
maybe!" he rasped, pushing Jean's hand away and climbing onto the bed, his
earlier plans of vengeance racing through his lust-enraged brain. "I'm going to
fuck the living hell out of you, cunt!" he spat down at the supple brunette who
had rolled apprehensively onto her back and was staring wild-eyed up at him.
"Then, when Steve comes, we'll tell him all about it ... everything ... and
maybe you can suck me off then while my queer little wife sucks the cum up out
of his balls! Meantime, baby, I'm going to fuck you silly, until this little
blonde slut wife of mine cries right along with you!" Carol moaned out beneath
the approaching, naked husband of her girlfriend moving wrathfully toward her,
his filthy worded intentions sending uncontrollable spasms of mixed sensation
rippling through her helplessly cringing belly! Oh God ... how could she stop
him without betraying Jean's confidence ... and eventually Caesar ...! She had
done many forbidden things ... but no man had ever fucked her except Steve! In
that, she'd somehow satisfied her fidelity to him! The other girl-episodes, few
as they were, and even wildly sucking Caesar that first night, she could
inwardly smother without remorse, but this committing adultery with her
husband's best friend ... oh God ...!

Jean, kneeing her way along beside her angered, naked husband, made no sound.
Only her quivering lower lip gave away her confused, inner feelings. The
unpredictable moments of the LSD reoccurrence cycles were lessening, the
normalcy creeping over her was momentarily unreceptive to the lewd situation
surrounding her! Wh-What was happening ...? Where ... why ...? She ... they were
all naked! And ... and that was her girlfriend, Carol, lying obscenely on her
back ... with Mark spreading her legs apart and moving up over her! Mark ... his
hardened penis pushing forward as if ... if he were going to ... to f-fuck her

"M-Mark ... Carol!" Jean stammeringly exclaimed, a little less than dumbly
shocked at what was the obvious and about to take place! "Wh-What in God's name
do you think you're doing ...?" Yet, even as she spoke, lurid flashes of her own
passionate acts which must have preceded this obscene moment flittered through
her drug-entangled mind! She and Caesar ... then Carol ... and finally, Mark
catching them ...! Oh God ... the LSD again! Ooohhh ... she felt so strange ...
so resentful ... still, she masochistically wanted them to fuck ... right there
in front of her! S-She was so hot ... down there between her legs again!

Mark, in his burning arousal, hardly threw his indignant sounding, young wife
anymore than a glance. At least, he hoped it was indignation he'd caught in her
tone, because he well knew what he was doing and why, as he crawled between the
slender, shapely legs of her suddenly, fear-stricken, closest friend!

"Spread 'em wide and lift 'em high, Baby!" he lewdly ordered, placing his big
hands against the soft, satiny flesh of Carol's inner thighs and pressuring
outward. He heard her whimper along with a choking whine from Jean as he gaped
down with ever-building lust at the intriguing little mouth of the willowy
brunette's dark, hair-fringed cunt. Its pink secret flesh separated the flushed,
moistly pulsating lips to send powerful jolts of desire surging through him.
Christ, he was going to fuck her silly even if she was Steve's wife!

"Mark! Please ... stop ... stop!" Jean feebly moaned, edging close and placing
her hand on his taut buttock, the mere feel of his furious vibrance almost
instantly pregnant with meaning to her! He was punishing her ... and ... and she
deserved it! Yes ... yes ... both of them deserved whatever he chose to do to
them she lucidly reasoned, her eyes abruptly transfixed on Carol's hesitant
response to Mark's command. She watched her best friend slowly raise and draw
back her slender tapered legs, lifting the helplessly vulnerable vaginal opening
between them up hesitantly toward the blood-swollen head of her husband's hugely
throbbing cock!

Mark moved further up over her, locking his arms behind her uplifted legs and
forcing her calves high up over his shoulders, his muscular thighs tight against
the smooth white flesh of her tautened, wide-spread buttocks. She gasped out
beneath him, her flattened breasts trying to heave upward with her sudden intake
of fearful breath.

"Oh God, Mark, please! You'll kill me this way! Please ... don't do it to me
like this ... not at first ...!" Carol gasped, desperately raising her head to
gape down between them at his thick, fiercely threatening cock!

"I had killing you with it in mind, bitch!" he obscenely leered, flicking his
hips mockingly forward to stab at the sensitive pink flesh of her nakedly
exposed cuntal mouth with the blunt, rubbery head of his angry hardness. She
winced, whimpered, then tremored all over at his teasing jabs, crying out louder
when the smooth, swollen tip slithered upward to splay through the sensuously
moistened flesh and torment the tiny, erect bud of her clitoris! "How does this
little game strike you for fuck-openers, Carol baby?"

"Oh ... oh ... oohhhh! Damn you ...!" she uncontrollably groaned to the
tormenting of her quivering nerve-plexus beneath his hotly massaging cock-head.
"Ooooohhhh ... go on ... fuck me if you're going to! Do it ... do for God's
sake!" she hissed lewdly up at his triumphantly grinning face, the fire licking
through her incited loins and belly from his harshly tantalizing, cock-caresses
nearly driving her insane with desire. Her sheer defenselessness and the obscene
position he was holding her in, plus his own wife, her own best girlfriend,
helplessly watching spurred her wildly mounting passion on all the more! "Well
...? Do it! What're you waiting for? Go ahead and fuck it to me!" she moaned
sensually, wiggling her nakedly upturned buttocks up at his groin in wanton

Mark needed no coaxing, but he intended to satisfy his vengeance to the
ultimate! He snapped a look at the rekindled erotic expression on his naked
wife's beautiful perplexed face. "All right, you little cunt, reach between my
legs, take my cock and put it into your girlfriend's pussy hole! Hurry up! Get
back behind my ass and do it! Move!"

Afraid to disobey him even had she wanted to, Jean skirted on hands and knees
partially behind her luridly positioned husband, the feel of her full, vibrant
breasts swaying beneath, obscenely stimulating her. She extended her arm between
his spread thighs, a moan escaping her when his heavy sperm-bloated balls
brushed hotly against her slender wrist, and she grasped hold of the hardened,
sinewy heat of his thick cock-shaft, then moved half-way around beside him to be
able to see it going in better! Again, she unrestrainably whimpered as she
guided the long, solid length of hot, rigid flesh from its thick base, working
the smooth, turgid head with lustful captivation through the softly curling
pubic hair and up and down the full length of Carol's pink, wet cuntal slit! Oh
God, the erotically enticing sight was setting her right off again! He was
punishing her ... both of them, and they deserved it. She excitedly moaned to
herself as she pressed the hugely bulging knob into the small, wetly throbbing
mouth of Carol's vagina!

"Now, Baby, I'll fuck it to you!" Mark spat down into the whining brunette's
apprehensive, lust-slackened face. "This is one little cunt reaming you'll never

Carol heard Jean's quick intake of breath along with her own as Mark leaned
forward and forced her legs back even further! Her tortured, naked body was bent
double, the sudden pain of her strained muscles raising a new agonized little
groan from her constricting throat. The glistening, flattened plane of her
helplessly vulnerable loins was presented up to him to use however he chose, his
raging thick cock poised within the wet, nibbling lips of her totally
defenseless vagina!

"Oh ... oh God!" Carol choked in helpless anxiety, and then, suddenly his
powerful male body crushed down on her twisting form, smashing her full, softly
yielding breasts tightly back into her chest! His huge, lust-hardened cock
plunged into her unresisting cunt like a blunt fence-post, plowing the hot
liquid folds of her tender vaginal flesh in rippling waves before its ravaging,
blood-engorged head!

"Aaaaaaauuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh!" the willowy brunette wailed at the wrathful,
skin-splitting impalement, tensing breathlessly as its heavy-veined thickness
fucked rapaciously up into her again and again, battering a painful tattoo deep
back against her sensitive cervix! She whined wincingly beneath the punishing
agony, but it was only a temporary torment that she knew would, and did, pass!
The greedy, elastically absorbing walls of her hungrily welcoming cuntal passage
clasped tightly around the invading spear of hardness, the thinly stretched
hair-lined lips slithering hotly upward to devour its full length all the way to
the hilt! His cum-filled balls smacked hard down into the moist, nakedly split
crevice of her wide-spread buttocks, and she moaned out in a low guttural
subservience to the pleasurable pain spiraling frantically up between her legs
with mind-shattering rapture ...!

Chapter 2

The light coming through the open bedroom window caused the golden medallion
hanging from the massive German shepherd's throat to reflectively glitter, but
there was no one to witness it in the warm darkness of the summer night. He
stood unmoving in the shadows, far enough from the window to watch all that was
and had transpired since his exit through the opening. Ordinarily, he would have
been far into the hills by now and joining his pack, but he had heard his
golden-one's human-mate enter the front of the shelter and had intuitively
waited to be certain she was all right.

Only once, had he nearly leaped back through the open window, fury quickly
mounting within him when the male-human had struck her naked white flanks,
bitter noises of anger coming from him. But his golden-haired one had not seemed
injured, not had she made painful sounds, and Caesar had held himself ...
waiting and watching.

The powerful animal's uncanny brain soon measured the abnormal situation. In his
wrath, the male-human was transferring his affection to the fiery-eyed one,
while his golden mate watched and helped them ... a situation that Caesar could
not quite understand. His keen animal intelligence had long since established
the warm feeling between the golden-one and her male-human ... yet, she was
assisting him in his unnatural mating with the other! All was not well, the
huge, wild dog instinctively reasoned as he glared through burning, amber eyes
at his golden-one placing the swollen rod of male cock flesh into the fiery-eyes
one's mating split!

He would wait. She might well need him for one reason or another ...!

* * *

Jean stared in hurt, and yet at the same time, feverishly aroused fascination at
the sight of her young husband's naked buttocks heavily tensing as he fucked
down and forward between the wide-held legs of her helplessly spread
girlfriend's legs with unmerciful force! She gaped at his thick sinewed cock
sinking all the way into Carol's greedily clasping vagina until only a narrow
white stretch of its lengthy hardness showed unswallowed, through the softness
of her pubic curls, his heavy sperm-filled balls swaying rhythmically beneath!
She cringed excitedly, hearing the flatly resounding smacks of his pelvis
against her friend's soft, upthrusted loins, tiny whimpers of pleasure pain
escaping her as her husband fucked into and withdrew, fucked into and withdrew
in ever increasing rhythm, the underside of his cock's wetly glistening head
becoming visible with each outpull of his leanly working hips!

Oh God ... it was sensually intoxicating, yet mentally anguishing to her at the
same time! Yes, yes, he was punishing her to the fullest ... chastising both of
them ... but did they deserve it? How could she tell him what had really
happened the night before, or how the naked embrace he had caught Carol and her
in had come about? Did he know that Caesar, her beautiful animal-lover, had been
there with them? She doubted it; he would have screamed it out had he known! But
instead he was gasping lustful chokes as he furiously fucked into Carol's wetly
seething pussy ... and she knew her best friend had to be searingly excited
between her legs, for her own hotly tingling cunt was a liquid furnace of
revitalized passion!

Tiny ripples of masochistic sensations fired Jean's naked belly and inflamed
loins as she eagerly drank in the forbidden sight of her husband fucking wildly
up between the widespread legs of his best friend's obscenely writhing wife. Her
desire-swollen breasts throbbed at the lewdly provocative spectacle of two
completely naked people fucking right before her eyes ... her very own husband
thrusting his angrily hardened penis into the soft wet folds of her best friend!
She wanted to cry with the painful happiness lustfully torturing her! Mark ...
oh, Mark, her darling, and he was loving every second of it ... his chastising
revenge ... as was Carol! They were in an enchanted world of their own,
completely oblivious to her ... a world of impassioned cock and cunt! Oh ... she
loved them so ...!

Jean saw him free Carol's long, slender legs then, and quickly they wrapped of
their own accord high around his heavily pounding hips, her heels tight against
the cheeks of his lean buttocks, straining to keep his wetly plunging cock as
deep up inside her as she possibly could! The cords on the insides of Carol's
smooth white thighs flexed tightly when she ground the warm wet walls of her
soft, hair-fringed young cunt back up over his hotly thrusting hardness. Her
whitely hollowing buttocks lifted inches off the bed as she struggled upward in
wild desperation, trying with all her passion-driven strength to absorb the
entire length of his long, thick cock back into the fleshy pink folds of her
hungrily working pussy. The wet, viscid sound of rhythmic intercourse filled
Jean's ears as they frenziedly fucked against each other, causing wild spasms of
insanely crazing desire to overwhelm her! Uncontrollable tremors rippled
sensuously over her prickling, naked flesh, and a moment of lewdly rising
eroticism guided her own soft hands caressingly along her smooth naked curves,
until she heard the little whimpers of fervid desire escaping from her own
trembling lips.

It was as if she couldn't restrain herself, anymore than she'd been able to
exercise any control over her reoccurring lust the past two days! Abruptly, with
a tiny mewling cry, she collapsed down on the bed beside them and began fondling
and massaging the tiny, ruby-like nipple of Carol's whitely heaving breast!
This, she did with one hand, while with the other, she reached around between
her girlfriend's widely spread legs to grasp with thumb and forefinger the hot
slipperiness of her husband's rigidly, plunging cock! The frictional heat and
familiar thickness of it as it pounded beautifully into Carol's fluid, pink
cuntal channel maddeningly increased her wildly, building passion! With panting
breaths, she began to slip her slender middle finger into the hot, yielding hole
alongside Mark's pistoning rod of lust-hardened flesh ... feeling it fucking
like a searing firebrand back and forth against the length of her probing

Mark felt his young wife's exploring thumb and finger encircle the base of his
burning cock ... then, slither up into Carol's steaming cunt-passage to wriggle
probingly and damn near trigger off his cum! For a moment, he couldn't speak,
his every concentrated effort needed to hold back the massive eruption boiling
in the swollen reservoir of his churning balls! Yet, subconsciously his
satyrical brain reasoned that he'd done anything but punish, shame, or debase
her! Christ, she was going right out of her skull with flagrant wantoness, while
beneath him, Steve Foster's naked wife was writhing and jerking, her moans and
whimpers of ecstatic pleasure coming in gasping breaths as she strained and
fucked back wildly on the inflamed length of his heavily impaling cock!

"Ooohhh ... ooohhh ... yes, yes! Fuck me! Harder, Mark ... harder harder!" Carol
breathlessly choked.

Goddamn! They were going to emasculate him ... that's what was going to happen,
he reelingly thought, gaping down to see his wife's small, white hand beginning
to move once more alongside his rapidly pistoning cock, the lewd, lust-inspiring
sight spellbinding him ...!

Carefully, Jean adjusted her obscenely positioned hand until she was able to
withdraw her finger from Carol's hotly nibbling cunt and slither her thumb up
inside in its place beneath her husband's cock. Then, with her free forefinger,
she slid it down along the smooth, dampened crevice between the tautly jerking
mounds of Carol's wide-spread buttocks until she felt the tiny, puckered hole of
her smoothly working anus! The willowy brunette's naked hips squirmed, spasming
convulsively at the sensuous contact. Very gently, Jean began to press her
finger-tip between the small, baby-like lips, forcing the tight little opening
wider and wider apart as she wormed it almost imperceptibly ... deeper and
deeper up into the rubbery, clutching warmth of her writhing girlfriend's
desperately clasping asshole!

Then, through the paper thin wall of heated flesh separating Carol's dually
filled genital orifices, Jean felt the urgent thrusting of her husband's long,
thick cock driving against the pressuring contact of her thumb, sensations of
lewd passion blinding her to all but the lurid nakedly writhing threesome they
formed ...!

"Oh Christ!" Mark blurted out at the absolute mind-bending sight of his wife's
slender white finger and thumb buried in Carol's asshole and cunt alongside his
aching pole of hardness! Fuck, between them they were flipping him right out of
his gourd ... and ... and that was like the tail wagging the dog! "Goddamn you,
you little Bitch!" he suddenly spat down into his wife's lust-contorted face.
"Get down behind me and lick my balls while I fuck Steve's wife! Hurry up, damn
you! Lick 'em all over! Do it ...!"

Jean never hesitated, nor did she extract her buried finger and thumb from the
desperately clutching heat of Carol's wetly seething vagina and rectum. With her
hand still extended between Mark's strong legs, she kneeled down on all fours
behind him, working in close and lowering her face below his momentarily stilled
buttocks. She could both see and feel Carol's straining hips desperately rising
and falling in a lewd little fucking-rhythm up and down the length of her young
husband's fiery, hard cock. He spread his legs further and with her free hand,
Jean eagerly cupped his cum-bloated testicles holding their soft heat tenderly
and moving forward with greedy, extended tongue to begin licking and teasing at
the soft, velvety flesh! Frantic sensations of masochistic lust raged through
her nakedly inflamed body at the obscene act she was so voluntarily committing,
the mere thought inspiring her to tremblingly trail the tip of her tiny pink
tongue moistly upward to his small, puckered asshole!

"Oh Christ!" Mark choked at the sensuously searing contact, feeling her wet,
stiffened tongue-tip stabbing at the tiny clenched mouth of his rectum, along
with the insane thought that once again he was getting more than he'd asked for!
Christ, there was no doubt about it ... they were going to drive him mad ...!

With her head filled from the pungent aroma of her husband's and girlfriend's
wild forbidden fucking, Jean hungrily began tonguing and licking of her
husband's sperm-inflated balls and anal lips, while Carol whimpered beneath him
and spiraled the wetly clinging walls of her open vagina up and down his
furiously swollen cock. To the tempo of her tongue-bathing, the naked blonde
wife established an in and out rhythm of finger and thumb in the liquid heat of
the desperately clutching passages tip between Carol's widespread thighs. It was
at that moment, to Mark's building groans of lust, that Jean felt the sudden
springy weight on the bed behind her nakedly kneeling body, then the familiar,
fierce growl ...!

"Jesus Christ!" Mark swore, twisting enough to see the ferocious reflection of
the wild German shepherd in the vanity mirror! Caesar ... the sonofabitch ...
and there was no question in his salaciously grogged brain what the goddamned
brute intended to do! He'd witnessed it all before! The vicious bastard intended
to complete the most obscene of daisy-chains ... and fuck his Jeannie from
behind like he did before! Oh shit ... he was too far gone to even try to stop
him ... and poor Steve was out there someplace in the hills trying to run the
raping beast down ... while he, Mark Blakely, fucked his wife, and the brute
they sought was right behind him about to ram his huge animal-cock into his own
nakedly twisting wife's waiting cunt! His brain whirled with the incredulousness
of it all!

He heard Jean passionately moan, her hot breath a billowing draft against the
bloated vat of his cum-stretched balls, and knew that she was aware of her
fucking animal-lover's presence! Suddenly, her mouth was opened wide, as if she
were trying to stick his testicles inside it's hot wetness, while beneath him,
Steve's wife began to toss her head in wild flailing motions of crazed desire!
Her long, slender legs wrapped tightly around his waist were providing all the
leverage she needed to strain her seething, wet cunt up and down the blood-
thumping hardness of his over-swollen cock up inside her and Jean's deeply
imbedded thumb in her anus!

Then, in the mirror, he saw it as the goddamned wild brute mounted his wife's
whitely rounded buttocks ... his huge scarlet cock slipping wetly from its
concealing sheath!

Jesus, he'd never seen a prick more menacing that that dripping, bevel-tipped
rod of long, thick hardness, and for one brief moment he stupidly pitied his
moaning blonde wife still omnivorously sucking at his balls for what she was
going to have to take up inside her ...!

With her free hand, Jean had reached back to lovingly caress the huge head of
her welcomed animal-lover. Fondly, his hot, moistened tongue had licked over her
stroking hand as sensations of utter joy raced through her at his presence. She
could hardly fathom why he had not left after their first love-making, but her
heart throbbed with delight that he hadn't! The ecstatic thought of licking and
sucking her husband Mark's cum-bloated balls while her Caesar fucked up into her
voluntarily raised ass-cheeks from behind was almost beyond the realm of
imagination to her! She felt her lover edging his powerful, hot body in closer
between her upthrusted buttocks that she had spread wide for him, his strong,
furry forelegs tightening around her naked hips, and she reached back between
her legs to locate his slippery, throbbing hardness and place its tip at the
feverishly excited mouth of her open vagina!

Her breath was thrillingly whipped away before the piercing charge of Caesar's
long, thick, animal-cock soaring up into the inflamed, dilated channel of her
wetly grasping pussy! She felt its huge cone-shaped hardness spreading open her
sensitive inner cuntal flesh with blissful delight, smoothing out every tiny
fold and wrinkle of the eagerly accepting pussy in semi-painful ecstasy!
Unrestrainably, she cried out her intensively blinding rapture to the immediate
rhythmic thrusts of her mounted animal-lover's vigorous fucking into her from

Mark had long since given up his vengeful notions of punishment, even the basic
reason behind them escaping him in his brain-steeped lust. The sounds and
feeling of his young wife's hot, sucking mouth and tiny, wet, tongue licking the
tingling flesh of his volcanically filled balls while the powerful, wild brute
fucked into her with ass-flattening fury from behind was peaking him toward the
most cyclonic orgasm ever known! In the mirror, he could see the bastard's long,
thick dog-cock plunge like a well-oiled piston into his young, beautiful wife's
golden-fringed cunt! With every extraction, her pink, inner-vaginal flesh
appeared, clinging as might a hungrily sucking child's lips to the beast's huge,
coral hardness, the color contrast alone enough to flip him!

Jesus, the whole world was nothing but a whorehouse, and all its actors merely
cunts and cocks fulfilling its obscene destiny! What else ...? And how could he
tell Steve anything, now? He was fucking the living shit out of his wife ... his
best friend's wife, while his own beautiful young wife licked and sucked his
balls at the same time and the very goddamned wild brute his friend and that
drunken posse hunted was fucking her just like she was another bitch dog as he
watched! Yes, watched, he reasoned, his lustful eyes riveted to the mirror to
see her thrusting the fully rounded mounds of her lushly smooth buttocks
backward at his piercing cock in white, satanical hunger! Her naked, curvaceous
body quivered with every brutal, animal thrust, her lusciously hanging breasts
doing a rhythmic dance of ripples and sways to the jolting hammering she was
receiving from behind by her mercilessly humping animal-lover!

Beneath Mark, Carol was unaware of all around her except the burning need in her
fire-filled cunt and quivering belly! She panted from near-exhaustion in her
efforts to fuck upward onto the magnificent cock filling the liquid depths of
her hotly sizzling belly! Suddenly, Mark grunted out a vile oath and began to
plunge his pleasure-giving rod into her with a final, desperate fury! Wildly his
jism-ballooned balls slapped against the wetly upthrust crevice of her ass! She
moaned pathetically, sensing the tears of joy streaming down the sides of her
face as his long, thick cock burrowed deeper and deeper into the hotly inflamed
hole between her legs! Oh God ... it was going to happen ... any second ... any

Lost in her own overwhelming passion, Jean withdrew her fingers from Carol's
hotly clutching rectum and cunt and began to uncontrollably toss her head from
side to side in crazily driven flailing motions, her long blonde-hair whipping
wildly about her naked shoulders. Vaguely, she heard Carol's climaxing wails and
saw her tensed hands clawing at Mark's desperately driving buttocks! White,
sticky liquid began to wetly spill from the slaving brunette's cock-filled cunt,
flooding Mark's frenziedly plunging hardness and dribbling down the widened
split of Carol's spastically convulsing buttocks to drench his balls below! She
heard her young husband grunt out an obscenity and blurringly saw him forcing
Carol's legs back even further over her head ... but then, Jean could no longer
concentrate on anything but her own intensively pyramiding rapture!

"Oh ... oohh God ...!" she breathlessly whimpered, her widened blue eyes gaping
unseeingly as her magnificent animal-lover fucked into her faster and faster
from behind. With every head-jarring, breast-quivering plunge of his long
scarlet hardness rushing into her, the young blonde wife thrust rhythmically
backward to meet it! Deeper and deeper his wild, ever-thickening cock skewered
up into her raging vagina and on into her openly contracting belly from behind!
Furiously, his savage, muscular body battered and thudded against her yielding,
wide-spread ass-cheeks, his huge, feral cock a relentless, thick arrow of
searing joy sinking to its full length up into the lust inflamed walls of her
widely stretched cunt! With shameless, whimpering wails, she began to lewdly
rotate her desperately working buttocks back harder onto his thrusting cock with
a growing fury, grinding them over the thick length of his hardened, impaling
animal-flesh with unimpeded cries of flagrant passion!

The signal flashed through her lust-fired young nakedness and she knew it was
time! She raised her slackened face to grunt out an animalish sound from deep in
her throat! "Aauuuggghhh ... oh lover ... f-fuck it hard ... I-I'm goinggg too
cuummmmm ...!" And her voice died in a strangled mixture of sob and sigh! Her
head continued to toss insanely, her honey-colored tresses wildly flailing as
she began the first blissful convulsions of her climax! Wantonly, she threw her
passionately undulating buttocks back onto his deliciously fulfilling animal-
cock ...!

The first spasm struck her then and she shrieked, slamming her trembling,
resilient ass-cheeks back hard and onto the hugely expanding rod of hardened
flesh with a desperate, frantic lunge! At that precise, synchronized moment,
Caesar responded with a forward thrust and growl of animal release, his massive
cock beginning to spew its wild, boiling sperm deep up into her hotly
constricting young belly in an unceasing deluge of volcanically heated liquid!

Again, Jean wailed out, her smoothly tautened ass-mounds beginning to
spasmodically contract to the grand eruption pleasurefully tearing her apart up
inside her seething loins and belly! She threw her head from side to side,
weeping in her erotic rapture ... at last sensing the combination of her own and
the animal cum thickly spilling from her tightly clenched cuntal mouth that was
hungrily sucking at her beautiful animal-lover's suddenly sperm-drained cock.
The rivulets of their sticky, white fluid dribbled hotly down the tremoring
columns of her satiny inner-thighs ... and when she could no longer hold herself
up, she pitched forward, gasping a great sigh of blissful relief ...!

It was sometime later before Jean could organize her faculties enough to
determine all that had happened. Caesar was gone, of course, and only Carol lay
beside her, gently stroking her dampened brow.

"Wh-Wh Mark ...? Where is he, Carol ...?"

"Back in the guest-room, Darling ... don't worry," the vivacious and still naked
young brunette consoled, continuing to tenderly brush her hand over Jean's
smooth forehead. "He left here quite passively, saying something about the tail
wagging the goddamned dog."

Jean lifted her head to stare into the other's smiling face and twinkling dark
eyes. "You mean ... he wasn't angry any longer ...?"

"I think he was too exhausted, Darling," Carol calmly replied, "Anyway, I asked
him if he still intended to tell Steve everything ...?"

"And ...?"

"How the hell can I?" he blurted at me, his face flushed with what I would call
an attack of belated shame.

"Oh God ... my poor darling!" Jean gasped, starting to climb from the bed. "I'm
going in to him ..."

"No, Jean," Carol said, gently catching her soft arm to restrain her. "Not
tonight, Darling ... let him sleep on it. Let's all sleep on it and see what
happens in the morning ...?"

"But ...?"

"Please, Honey ... it's the best thing to do," Carol insisted. "Tomorrow, in the
light of day, things won't look so bad ... then you can make it up to him ..."

"Well ... all right ... maybe it will be better that way," Jean sighed, relaxing
back onto the pillow beside the naked white suppleness of her closest friend,
sleep quickly coming to her as she quietly stared at the opened window, her mind
still filled with the ecstatic joy her darling Caesar had brought her again this
night ...

Chapter 3

Link Morgan, Crescent Valley's police chief, was more than a little surprised at
Lydia Newell's visit to his home that morning. Though saddle-weary and crotch-
sore from leading the hunting posse throughout the night, the big barrel-
chested, red-faced man found a ready smile for the daughter of the valley's
wealthiest and most influential man, Aaron Newell.

The attractive auburn-haired bachelorette with the ravishing green eyes neither
smiled nor waited to be invited inside the big man's modest, Cypress Street
home, but merely brushed past him into the living room once the door was opened.
She felt no obligation toward formalities with this local racketeer whom she'd
already formed a corrupt alliance to gain her own vengeful ends. His crooked
purposes had made their association a natural, inasmuch as their mutual,
ultimate goal was to destroy Mark Blakely ... but unsuccessfully to this point.

In the center of the worn carpeted room, the tall, curvaceous girl, dressed in
her usual blouse, leather riding skirt and boots, spun to face him. "Well ...?
Did you destroy that raping, wild bastard?" she demanded in a sharp, throaty
voice. Then, before he could answer, a nasty little sneer twisted her
attractive, if, too often vicious mouth. "Of course you didn't! That goddamned
brute-animal is too smart for the lot of you drunken slobs!"

"Christ, Lydia, we rode all night and never saw one sign of him or his goddamned
wild-pack!" Link edgily replied, though well aware of her logical anxiety after
the way the ferocious sonofabitch and one of his pack had attacked and raped her
out in the woods the day before.

"I told you I wanted him dead!" she glaringly spat. "You men won't be satisfied
until that whole pack sweeps down and gang bangs half the females in Crescent
Valley! Damnit, I wish my father would get back from Europe! Then, we'd see some
action around here!"

"Hell, Lydia, I'm doing my best," the big man said, trying to control his own
anger. "After all, wasn't it my own niece, Annie, the bastard raped first ...?"

"Did Mark Blakely ride with you last night?" she questioned, interrupting his

"Hell no! That writer friend of his from L.A. did, hoping to get some sort of
story, I guess," the Police Chief grunted, taking several steps toward the
kitchen then stopping. "But Blakely stuck to his guns, claiming both the posse
and me were off-limits invading his jurisdiction. He tried to order us to lay-
off and wait for those tree-planting conservationists he's sent for to handle
it, but he could see that the men weren't about to wait one more goddamned
minute after what happened to you!"

"And he didn't push the order for you to do nothing?" Lydia questioned,

Link grinned. "He'd have been a fool too ... unless he was prepared to take on
the whole goddamned town. Those husbands and fathers were in no mood for his
jurisdiction bullshit!"

"Those drunken husbands and fathers you mean," Lydia derided completely aware of
Mark's reasoning. Hadn't his own father been shot to death by the very man
standing before her while riding in a posse hunting down a sheep-killing cougar?
An accident, they said, but she'd heard her own dad question that. Link Morgan
had hated the man for publicly beating him to the ground before half the men in
the valley, and had often drunkenly vowed to even the score.

Momentarily, then, the green eyed girl progressed to an on-rush of more
personal, exciting memories, all of which revolved around Mark Blakely. She knew
now, and had known ever since he'd gone to the Police Academy in L.A.,
unexpectedly returning with a wife, that she wanted him for her own! God, and
they had been inseparable ... fucking and sucking every, every, every day! Yes,
she might have married him if her father hadn't insisted he was beneath her ...!
Nevertheless, he still belonged to her, regardless of the legal hold that blonde
little bitch of a wife had on him! No one took Lydia Newell's play-things away
from her!

Suddenly, she shot at Morgan: "Does Mark know that Caesar and that other
sonofabitch dog attacked and raped me?"

"Hell, everybody in the valley knows it, Lydia," the big, middle-aged Chief of
Police replied, running a beefy hand through his grey-hair. "Look ... come into
the kitchen and have some coffee. I've got a bit of choice news you're going to
be interested in hearing. Come on ..."

The auburn-haired bachelorette followed, but her embittered mind was seething
with rage at the new young husband she considered to be a possession of her own.
Damn him, she venomously thought, he hadn't even come to the ranch to
investigate the vicious attack on her, nor find out how she was ... nothing!
Goddamn him! If only that raping bastard, Caesar, hadn't stolen the pictures
they'd taken of Jean Blakely getting fucked silly by Link Morgan and eating her,
Lydia Newell's pussy at the same time ...!

She threw herself down at the soiled kitchen table and snapped: "I told you I
wanted Mark Blakely's balls to tack up over my bed, Link! Well now I want them
more than ever!"

Morgan's red-face broadened into an obscene grin as he dropped down across from
her, the coffee-pot in his hand. "And maybe I've just got the secret to that for
you, Honey," he said, his mean, lecherous eyes fixed on her full, pointed
breasts which had performed a little quivering dance for him when she threw
herself onto the chair. Shit, like his sixteen-year old Annie, this hot cunted
little bitch preferred the braless feel. It must give them some kind of hot
charge when they ripple and sway, he lewdly reasoned ... and she had a pair of
beauties that he'd already seen naked, along with the rest of her sexy, white
curves! Goddamn, he couldn't help wonder if she was as good a fuck as she
looked. Not that he'd trade his dead sister's daughter for her, but a piece of
that haughty young ass of hers would be nice, he thought, remembering the naked
sight of it when she was between Jean Blakely's spread legs licking that
luscious creature's pink, wet cunt! "G-Grab a cup there, Doll," he managed, his
lecherous brain beginning to follow a thought pattern he'd intended to hold off
for a while yet. "Here, we'll spike it with a little of this bourbon, eh?"

Lydia didn't answer, but set the saucerless cup before her for him to fill. As
for the bourbon, she welcomed the offer, deciding she needed something to help
soothe her. Subconsciously, she watched him spill a heavy measure of whiskey
into the black liquid, while her mind filled with flashes of scenes from their
salacious compromising of a drugged Jean Blakely and the stack of lurid pictures
they'd taken to blackmail Mark. Damnit, it'd been a perfect plan! She would've
had him right where she wanted him ... if that goddamned brute dog, Caesar,
hadn't out-manuevered her, finally making off with both the snapshots and
negatives! God, it was unbelievable ... the massive dog's uncanny brain ...! It
was damned near human! Still, if she hadn't so sluttishly lost her own wits
beneath his huge, sodomizing animal-cock ...!

"Suppose I tell you that Annie admitted a little secret to me this morning,
Lydia baby?" Morgan was saying, shattering her lusty thought pictures.

"W-What ...? What kind of secret?" she questioned, not certain that she liked
his use of intimate endearments. Theirs was nothing more than a mutual, working
association. "Let's not play games, Morgan. I'm in no mood for it!"

"Okay, Honey ... here it is! The other day when you saw Blakely and Annie go
into the old quarry ... well he did it!" the barrel-chested man said with a
gross smirk.

"He did what ... and what the hell are you drooling so slovenly about?" the
twenty-six year old bachelorette irritably jabbed, taking half of her spiked
coffee in two needing swallows.

Link Morgan clenched his big hand into a fist beneath the table, dirty nails
digging into its toughened palm. No, he wouldn't let himself get up-tight with
her, and Christ knows it would be easy enough with that acid-tongue of hers and
him with no sleep for twenty-four hours! But he had other ideas that were a hell
of a lot more cock-throbbing as well as securing. He couldn't help but wonder if
she would be as good a fuck as Annie, or Jean Blakely had been ... even as fiery
as she was? It was a gamble. Aaron Newell would destroy him sure as hell if he
found out, and he was going to need him on his side if Mark Blakely's goddamned
nosing around gave him anything concrete to work with! On the other hand, how
would he find out ... unless Lydia told him? And that wasn't feasible ... not if
she willingly put-out for him ...! No, he couldn't afford to get sore at the
sexy little bitch. Instead, he broadened his smile and lewdly said:

"He fucked her, Lydia baby! Mark Blakely fucked my sixteen-year old niece ... a
minor! Now, how does that grab you?"

"Like a saber-toothed tiger!" she hissed at him, his filthy, four-letter word-
use having its usual lust-inciting effect on her, while his over-all statement
cut through her like a knife. Mark Blakely, the sonofabitch! Damn him! Damn him!
Who else in the valley had he dared to fuck? "How do you know it's true?"

"Because Annie told me, Doll ... and my sweet little Annie wouldn't lie to her
loving uncle," Link replied, his mean eyes narrowing as he let his guttural
voice trail off with suggestive meaning.

Lydia's intense, green eyes studied him. Finally, she hissed: "You incestuous
bastard, Morgan!" Then, she lifted the cup to her lips to partially hide the
sensuous little smile his revelation had aroused. "What've you got in mind,

The big man proudly chuckled. He picked up the coffee-pot and poured into her
cup, following with an uncorking of the bourbon bottle. Lydia sat waiting, her
deep green eyes leveled on him as he added the whiskey to the steaming liquid.

"Supposing she could make it happen again," he said, " ... lure our young Deputy
Sheriff into another little fuck-match, and we're prepared with the camera ...?"

Once more, the graphic, four-letter word set off a tiny rippling sensation
through Lydia's liquor-warmed belly. "The question is, will, and can she do it?"
the curvaceous ranch-heiress put to him.

Link made a goatish little chuckle. "As far as 'will', there's no question about
that. But the 'can' ... that remains to be seen. I think of Blakely as being
caught up in a loose moment when he laid her. I don't have to tell you that he
stinks with principles. Whatever happened that day, my Annie caught him right
... but she's willing to give it a try ... providing ..."

"Providing what?"

"She wants ten-grand for her performance," Morgan lied, but he wasn't about to
let it be known that his niece would do it just out of her love for fucking.
Besides, he could use a little nest-egg if things got too hot in the valley, and
he figured his offering the use of Annie was worth that.

"That's a hell of a lot of money, Morgan!" Lydia said, her eyes narrowing.
"Where does she think it's coming from?"

Link grinned. "Now where do you think, Lydia baby?"

For a long moment, she sat silently contemplating the unscrupulous man across
from her. She sipped at her coffee, sensing the effects of the warming liquor
flowing through her. "And supposing I agree," she probed, "how do we know she'll

"Simple. You don't pay unless she does ... and successfully. What's to lose,
Doll ... except time and energy?" Morgan answered.

Lydia had already made up her mind. Anything to entrap Mark Blakely and force
him back to her. Damn him ...! Then: "You have any pot here?"

The big police chief grinned and arose from the table. He left her there, going
into the other room, and her thoughts quickly reverted to the huge man and his
attractive teen-aged niece involved incestuously, triggering something lustfully
deep inside her. Obscene, imaginary visions of them involved in forbidden sex
intrigued her erotically working imagination. God, the lecherous bastard had the
biggest, stiffest cock she'd ever seen on a man! Only yesterday she'd vowed that
when she was hard-up enough she was going to enjoy the whole solid length of it
all up inside her ...!

Morgan returned with two joints, re-seated himself and lighted them. He saw the
transformation in her eyes, the lewd sparkle causing the heavy length of
swelling cock-flesh inside his shorts to jerk convulsively as it began to grow.
She sucked the smoke deeply into her lungs and continued to stare at him, while
its sweetish aroma reminded him of other problems that he didn't want to think
about at that moment. Blakely ... the sonofabitch ... nosing around ... lousing
up his whole goddamned pushing program. He could wind up in prison! Shit, three
of his high school boys were still hiding out in the hills because of that
deputy prick! To hell with it! He wasn't going to think of that now ... because
something wild and cock-thumping was budding right in front of him! He could see
it in the uncontrollable flagrant eyes of Aaron Newell's hot-assed young
daughter ...!

* * *

Mark Blakely doubted that he had slept two full hours the whole damned night.
His plagued brain had been too jammed with the obscene reveries he'd not only
been a part of, but had lustfully forced into being with his blinded vengeance.
But those long, wakeful hours hadn't been in vain; they'd provided him with the
necessary time to come to his senses and determine what he had to do!

They had also given him the darkened solitude he'd needed to reexamine his
marriage and feelings toward Jean. Christ, he loved her beyond reason, and
marrying her was the greatest thing that'd ever happened to him! It made no
damned difference what she ever did ... he could and would forgive her! As far
as the lesbian bit between her and Carol ... what the hell could he expect, the
way he'd played rabbit with her right from the beginning? She had to have sexual
fulfillment from somewhere ... and she'd gotten it, all right ... from a
goddamned wild dog and her best girl friend!

His own purely lustful act in vindictively fucking Carol had even produced
positive results, aside from the fact that he could never justify it with Steve
... and never intended to even try ...! He doubted that Carol would ever tell
her husband, and there was nothing to be gained in his blurting out the story,
then hoping Steve would somehow understand in man-to-man shit! The most
considerate thing he could do for his oldest friend was not tell him ... and he
wouldn't! But whether it'd been his rage, or Carol's overwhelming knowledge of
the act of fucking, he'd seen her right through to the end, bringing her climax
off like a cloudburst, then, in proper order, his own! Now, he could do it with
Jean, too ... he was certain of it! He'd discovered the secret, thanks to both
of them ... but there was something else that had to be done first!

That goddamned raping brute, Caesar, had to be destroyed! There wasn't any
question but what the wild bastard had his lovely Jeannie mesmerized ... yes,
and maybe Carol, too! How many other women and girls in the valley the massive
dog and his vicious pack had fucked and claimed, he had no idea, but now he
realized that there was no alternative! He'd get with Link Morgan and organize a
chosen posse! They had to be wiped-out, all of them, including Caesar ... no
matter how handsome an animal he was to his Jeannie, or anyone else ...!

With those thoughts in mind, Mark had literally hopped from the guest-bed with
the first morning sun-rays, a feeling of mental accomplishment inspiring him.
Christ, he even felt rested, he thought beneath the needled spray of the shower,
and later when he'd walked into the kitchen where the girls and his red-bearded
friend sat, he couldn't control the grin spreading his face.

"What the hell ... you look like the cat that ate the birdie!" Steve said,
moving with obvious carefulness on the cushioned seat of the breakfast nook.
Beside him, Carol looked anxiously up, while opposite them, Jean's smokey-blue
eyes raised apprehensively to center on him. "You should ride a horse all night
with a flock of drunken idiots, sometime."

"Morning Carol ... morning, Doll!" Mark greeted, bending to kiss his young
wife's smooth white cheek, his tone of voice anything but what they'd expected,
he thought, as he slipped into the seat beside his wife. Then, still smiling
into her beautiful, almost awed face, he said: "A bit of coffee for the
husbandly deputy sheriff?"

"Christ, why the hell didn't you tell me they were drinking maniacs?" Steve
said, swallowing from his coffee-mug.

"I did," Mark replied with a grin. "Of course, you didn't do any good out

"Of course! We never saw hide nor hair of anything but a rabbit ... and a half-
dozen of those fried gunman shot at that!" the red-bearded writer exclaimed.

"I told you," Mark said with a smile as he added sugar to his coffee and read
the thank-you expression in Carol's vivacious, dark eyes. Then, he caught his
wife's small white hand and gently squeezed it in a warmth he felt from his very
soul. "You look so fresh and rested, Baby," he half-whispered to her. "You
feeling better?"

"M-Much, Darling ... much."

"That's good. Just take it easy for a few more days. That concussion is nothing
to fool with," he said, leaning forward to kiss her offered, lush lips.
"Everything is going to be okay ... and don't worry ... understand?"

"Y-Yes ... yes, Darling," she whispered.

"Hell, that syrupy slush is fine, lawman, but what do you intend to do about
that wild pack?" Steve Foster said slurping from his coffee-mug. "Shit, I didn't
realize it was as bad as it is until I heard those men talking ..."

"Relax, Darling," Carol sultrily soothed, clinging to her husband's arm while
she looked to Mark with gratifying eyes.

"We're going to take care of that today, Steve," Mark said, avoiding all of
their glances. "I'm putting together a selected group of the more capable men.
There's no question ... that pack of wild brutes has to be destroyed!" He felt
Jean's small hand clutch tightly at his arm and tried to understand ... but
there was no other way, and she had to know!

"What about the conservationists?" his friend asked.

"I've waited long enough for them. I owe protection to my jurisdiction first and
foremost," Mark said, ignoring Jean's clutching hand. "I can't wait any longer.
Those animals have to be destroyed before they make a carnage of the whole
valley ... and I'm sure there isn't anyone here who doesn't understand that ...
is there, Darling?"

Jean couldn't speak; she could only stare at him. And later, fixing breakfast
for them with Carol, each girl did little more than transmit their apprehensive
inner thoughts to one another through the fear-filled expressions of their
worried eyes ...!

Chapter 4

Between the effects of the pot and the bourbon, plus the lustful impression Link
Morgan's huge cock had indelibly etched in her sensuous mind, Lydia Newell was
experiencing her not unusual, quickly aroused salacity. Fiery sensations of lewd
craving had begun to hotly tingle between her legs and at the base of her soft
belly as she sat staring across the kitchen table at the lecherous, barrel-
chested man whose mean eyes were obscenely reflecting her own lewd thoughts.

"A-Are we thinking along the same lines, Doll?" she heard the massive grey-
haired man who was old enough to be her father rasp in a dry-throated voice. "I
mean ... don't get me wrong ... I wouldn't want to be out of line, Lydia ... or
do anything to spoil our ... our working friendship ..."

He was clever, the evil old bastard, letting her know he was aware that there
would be nothing amorous on her part, and that she liked him. A stud service was
more in keeping, she wantonly thought, again mentally picturing the lascivious
spectacle of his long, thickly hardened cock. Further sensations of building
desire churned intensively in her moistening loins and she rubbed her smooth,
full inner-thighs together, massaging the hotly flushing lips of her simmering,
pantyless cunt.

"A-As long as we understand one another, Morgan," the auburn-haired girl
throatily smiled her emerald eyes sensually flashing as her full straining
breasts began to rise and fall with quickened breaths. "I'm not ... not adverse
to the idea ... just as long as you realize that it gives you no goddamned claim
on me!"

Link Morgan swallowed the tightness out of his throat. "Hell, you know I'm not
about to think a thing like that, Baby," he hoarsely whispered, purposely
shoving back his chair and standing so that she could see the bulging outline of
his rock-hardened cock throbbing inside his pants. "We ... we can go upstairs to
my room ...!"

The sight of the massive swelling pressuring his fly and pantleg outward like a
hefty billy-club had its desired effect. Additional sensations of sheer lust
boiled excitedly inside her. She sensed her tiny tongue licking out to moisten
her lushly fevered lips. Then, she lewdly hissed:

"Take your cock out! I want to see it! Go on, take it out for me!"

"Shit!" the big police chief choked, fumbling at the zipper and reaching inside
to unleash his huge length of thick, heavy-veined hardness. His beady little
eyes burned with goatish lust as he watched her sudden intake of breath, her
pretty young face flushing with intensive desire, her avid stare locking on the
exposed, jerking rod of rigid cock-flesh!

Lydia sensed the hot wetness seeping from her stimulated pussy, while her loins
and belly began to seethingly jerk inside at the obscenely provoking sight of
his naked, long thick cock extended toward her over the kitchen table! Christ,
it was even bigger and harder than she remembered it! And as she hungrily filled
her pot-gleaming eyes, Link began to lewdly work its thick foreskin back and
forth over the bulbously growing head until little drops of thin white liquid
oozed from the tiny split at its tip!

"God almighty! It's the biggest cock I've ever seen on a man!" she groaned
softly. "Come around here ... bring it to me! Hurry ...!"

Morgan was around the table in three steps while the auburn-haired girl swiveled
eagerly around on her chair to meet him, her slender white hand quickly darting
out to grasp the hot, thrusting rod of hardness!

"Oh Jesus!" Lydia heard him vilely choke out to the feel of her clutching hand,
but she hardly cared what emotions she was raising in him! It was her own wild
passion she selfishly intended to satisfy! Eagerly, she began to work its heavy
foreskin back and forth as the big man grunted and thrust his hips obscenely
forward. The sudden movement caused the thick layer to skin lewdly back, until
the smooth, wet glans were naked before her face! Excitedly, she leaned forward
and with a snakelike swipe of her greedy little tongue, licked away the warmly
seeping drops of his escaped semen before ovaling her full lush lips to slide
through smoothly and wetly up over his eagerly pulsating cock-head!

Link Morgan sucked in his breath from the hot, moistly clinging sensation of her
inner mouth-cheeks around his hardness, chills ripping upward along his spine,
another grunting oath escaping him. He could see her eyes filming over with
erotically rising desire as she slid her already intently sucking mouth farther
onto the hot vibrance of his painfully swollen cock, her softly working lips
enclosing its pulsating head in a moist, burning pressure and locking tightly
around it!

"Goddamn!" he grunted, gaping down at her outwardly bloated cheeks, abruptly
reaching forward to undo several buttons of her blouse and slip his big itching
hands inside! He clutched at her hardened-nippled breasts, their smooth
resilient flesh yielding hotly beneath his kneading fingers. Sonofabitch, he
could hardly believe it! Aaron Newell's snotty-assed young daughter was actually
sucking his cock while he played with her lush, naked tits, their tiny pebble-
hard nipples searing into the toughened palms of his hands like flowing-hot

Then, she was pushing him away and anxiously rising to her feet. "Enough of this
damned playing and teasing, Morgan!" she luridly hissed. "Where do we go to get
naked and fuck? My pussy's on fire ... look!"

Link Morgan's ugly mouth dropped open in lecherous astonishment, his eyes
reluctantly leaving the provocative spectacle of her partially revealed breasts
as she suddenly lifted up her short riding skirt! She stood there with her
pantyless little cunt thrust forward, legs slightly spread in a whorish stance,
her silken pubic curls triangling teasingly between the spread, white columns of
her firm, shapely young thighs! The unexpected lewd act, as much as the mind-
shattering sight itself, sent tongues of urgent flame licking through his big
frame! His heavy, blood-pounding cock lurched in its poling hardness toward the
glistening wet pinkness separating her swollen, hair-lined cunt-lips!

"Jesus Christ!" she watched him choke out, his unhideable excitement at the
obscene exhibition of her naked pussy to him firing her own pyramiding desire
all the more. God, she was going to fuck herself silly on that huge, ravaging
cock of his ...!

"Come on Baby ... come on with me!" he rasped, reaching for her hand.

"No, big daddy ..." she half-whispered, catching his arm and moving inside it to
place his massive hand on her firm, nearly naked breast. Then, she reached down,
grasping hold of his rigid throbbing cock, her slender fingers hardly going
around it. "Like this, Morgan, with me holding your cock ... now, lead the way!"

Morgan wanted to pull her hot little body to him and kiss her, but he didn't
dare! She was unlike any bitch he'd ever known, and the wrong move could sure as
hell break the spell! So instead, he walked beside her, his heart pounding in
his chest as he held her tight against him, his mauling hand squeezing and
massaging the vibrant mound of her fully rounded tit! She clung to his aching
cock with her hot, small hand, slowly and teasingly pumping its thick foreskin
back and forth over the inflamed, hardened flesh ... breathing heavily all the
way up the stairs and into his bedroom, but with never a word passing between

Lydia didn't want to talk ... wanted nothing to happen that might interfere with
the sheer lust furiously propelling her until she'd impaled herself completely
on his inhumanly huge cock! She let free of it, but never wavered her view from
its cleaving, long thickness as she quickly stripped her clothes away and got
naked as Morgan did the same, finally standing beside the bed as if waiting for
her directions.

It was a wild, almost masochistic sensation that raced electrically through her
sensually exposed curves as she saw him standing there! His powerful, aging
body, though she had seen it naked before on the night he'd fucked Jean Blakely,
didn't seem to belong to the vigorous, long thick cock poling out from his
greyish, hair-covered loins, nor the massive sperm-bloated balls that hung
heavily down between his legs. There was a sagging paunch that bulged around his
middle, and the once mighty shoulders and expansive chest were respectively
slouching and sinking. The entire picture he made gave her a weirdly exciting
feeling that she was about to get fucked by her own father ... or maybe, her
grandfather ... and suddenly she realized how a whore might feel on any paid

"Get on the bed, Big Daddy!" she hissed, moving toward him. "Lydia's going to
give you a ride ... going to wear that great big cock of yours right down to a

He did, rolling onto his back the way he figured she wanted him, and after all,
it was her fucking party wasn't it! Christ, he hoped to hell he didn't suddenly
wake up from a goddamned dream ...! But then, he saw and felt her hot,
curvaceous young body moving with quivering ripples up over him in a straddling
position, her long, white legs locking snugly into his ribs! Her hardened, ruby-
nippled tits hung swayingly in their white fullness above his heavy-breathing
chest, and she was reaching down between her wide-spread thighs to clasp his
lecherously hardened cock! She smiled down at his choking gasp, then tauntingly
insulted him with:

"I think I'll open me a home for the aged, Morgan! Just think of what this
treatment could do for my male patients ... and me?"

He didn't answer ... couldn't, not with her splaying open the soft, warm, hair-
fringed lips of her moistened cunt with the tip of his painfully screaming cock!
He gurgled again as she placed it at her hotly nibbling young vaginal mouth ...
then, with sudden glazed eyes, she ground her hips downward and began to slither
the intoxicating hole of her open pussy wetly down onto it! She partially raised
her upperself, her slender white arms posted, hands beside his shoulders, eyes
druggishly vacant and mouth hanging wantonly open, her soft, curl-lined cunt a
vulnerable delicacy with its receptively wet channel absorbing him inch by inch
as might some omnivorous, bottomlessly sucking cavern!

Shit, he couldn't believe it! She'd taken all of him up into her hot little
belly without a whimper or hesitation! Sucked up into her his whole massive cock
all the way down to his balls without stopping once or even losing a breath ...
and the wild, erotically driven expression on her face was telling him she loved
it! And ... and then, it really began, her voluptuously curved hips starting to
rise and fall at an unbelievable cadence, while her strikingly attractive face
contorted in selfish passion!

Oh, Christ, Lydia moaned. His rapidly flailing cock was an unimaginable huge
reaming joy! She'd cum in a minute this way! It was fucking so beautifully up
against her cervix, and she couldn't resist the squirming and writhing she was
lewdly performing for Link Morgan on its long, thick hardness! Again and again,
she ardently sucked her tightly clinging cuntal passage up off of it then
plunged downward to feel the swollen, rubbery head mash hard against the
delicate parts up inside her belly that had never before even been brushed! Oh
God ... fuck ... fuck! It wouldn't be the end for them! She'd have him again and
again ... and there wasn't a damned thing he would do about it! She had the big
lecherous sonofabitch right where she needed him ... just the way she would
again have Mark Blakely ... but there was no time to think about that now ...!

* * *

Annie Purcell hadn't stood there long, in fact, she'd just arrived on the scene
after ditching stupid classes for the remainder of the morning, a touch of
uncaring laziness inspiring her. However, her idolence quickly passed when she
climbed the stairs toward the bedroom she'd incestuously come to share with her
Uncle Link and heard the telltale sounds of wild, untamed fucking pouring
through the opened doorway. She paused there in the house's aged hall, brushing
back her long, chestnut hair, her brown eyes alert as she listened. She had
expected the big police-chief who had truly looked after her for six years to be
at home and probably sleeping, after being up all night ... but by the sound of
it, he was doing anything but getting rest!

Cautiously, the voluptuous teenager moved into viewing range, her shortening
breaths catching in her throat at the erotically naked performance taking place
on the bed! Instant spasms of scintillating excitement rippled through her
suddenly taut belly and over her readily incitable sixteen-year old curves. The
pornographic scene required no explanation for her! In the simplest of
ultragraphic terms, which she had become most descriptively familiar with since
the night Caesar had raped her, a beautifully naked Lydia Newell was wildly
fucking herself silly on the hard, upthrusting cock of her likewise stripped
Uncle Link!

The attractive young niece stood immobile for a long moment, captivatedly
watching the lust-stimulating spectacle, while a series of questions which had
been troubling her since her uncle had first near-effortlessly seduced her, were
finding answers. No ... absolutely not ... she felt no jealousy ... and no, she
certainly wasn't stupidly in love with the aging man, anymore than a strikingly
beautiful girl like Lydia Newell could be! It was his cock ... his big, long,
thick cock that she, Annie, wanted and had greedily needed ever since beautiful
Caesar had wildly opened the hot, tight hole between her now, it seemed,
continuously tingling thighs! It even figured, for Annie, that the exact same
reason was responsible for the exciting white nakedness of the auburn-haired
girl being where she was at that very moment ... straddling and fervently
fucking the massive shaft of hardened cock up into her hungrily devouring pussy!
Hadn't she, too, been attacked and raped only yesterday by the raving, wild
German Shepherd ...?

Yes, and there might be the same lustful type of vibrant, hot blood flowing
through Lydia Newell's curvaceous body as fierily raced through her own, she
excitedly thought! Could it be? God, she hoped she wasn't the only one of her
kind ... plagued with the incessant urge for wanton sex, and so far in her young
life never quite getting enough ... just as the burning compulsion was rapidly
consuming her while she stood there at that moment watching their maddeningly
arousing performance!

Annie realized that she'd begun to tremble uncontrollably. Little tongues of
carnal flame licked hotly at the moistening, little vaginal crevice up between
her warmly tingling thighs!

Eagerly, she riveted her young dark eyes onto the rounded, wide-spread moons of
Lydia's whitely grinding buttocks. They watched the tiny raised circle of her
puckered, rose-colored anus, and the long, thickly rigid penis splaying wide her
thin, hair-lined cunt-lips as it vanished up into the wetly stretching channel
of her open vagina! Almost frenziedly, the naked auburn-haired girl was lifting
and plunging her smoothly curved hips, sucking up off the glistening rod of
heavy-veined hardness until the underside of its turgid, inflamed head was
visible! Then, she would spiral it back down the long, thickly glistening cock
until Uncle Link's swollen, cum-bloated balls were pressing hard up into her
tiny babyish looking rectum.

"Come on, you lazy bastard!" Lydia suddenly gasped down into his red, flushing
face. "Fuck that big cock up into me! I'm not going to split, Daddy! Don't be
afraid ... hurt me if you can!"

Bitch! Morgan grossly thought ... hot, spirited bitch! She was a hell of a lot
more than he'd figured her for, but damn her beautiful luscious ass, he wasn't
crippled yet, either! He grasped her slender waist just above the arc of her
rounding white hips and began to mercilessly bounce her up and down on his
heavily impaling cock! Immediately, her breaths expounded in short, convulsive
bursts, his burning eyes sadistically enjoying the voluptuous sight of her full,
pointed breasts rippling and swaying in their thrusting buoyancy above him! She
bit at her lower lip as if in unexpected surprise as he raised his powerful
loins to drive his rock-hard cock forcibly up into her tight, hair-lined cunt-
hole with evil delight!

"How's that, Baby? Better ...? Better ...?" he taunted, his dry lips drawn back
in a lecherous grin. "Getting enough now? You aren't saying much ...!"

"Shut your gloating mouth and fuck, you lecherous bastard!" Lydia half-choked,
more seething lust than gall in her obscene demand. "Give it to me ... as hard
as you can, Daddy ... oh Christ yes! Deep like that ... like that!"

Lydia had no desire to hide the deliciously painful pleasure his huge, ramming
cock was violently bringing her. She clenched her greedily working buttocks
tightly to her own selfish advantage, meeting his every upward impalement with
frenzied, rhythmic down-plunges that smashed his bloated cock-head against the
soft underside of her wildly tremoring belly deep up inside!

Morgan felt the hot release of new seminal secretions spilling from the
clutching, liquid walls of her searing locked cunt-channel! They bathed his
blood-pounding cock like scalding cream, while the lurid, slapping sounds of
their nakedly smacking genitals filled the stuffy room! Christ, her incredible
cunt was swallowing up every fraction of his aching hardness with a muscularly
sucking action that threatened to pull out the very lining of his jism-stretched

Lecherously, he clamped his big hands onto her dancing, swollen-nippled tits,
their yielding white flesh resiliently oozing between his brutally clutching
fingers. She groaned masochistically beneath his sadistic hands, her pumping
wide-spread buttocks increasing their fucking fury, her omnivorous cunt, he was
certain, set on devouring him whole! Christ, she was a goddamned fucking
machine, insanely loving it even though he knew she damned near loathed him ...!

Lewdly mesmerized in lustful fascination by their frantic sounds and action on
the rumpled bed before her, Annie became aware that her impassioned hands, of
their own volition, had begun to ardently massage the firm fullness of her
straining, braless breasts. Through the sheer cotton of her blouse, her eager
fingers were trapping their hardened little nipples, making them hotly tingle to
her pinching and pulling of the swollen quivering mounds. She couldn't choke
back the gasping moan of sensual tension that escaped her, and it was that give-
away sound that brought her Uncle Link's greying head abruptly up from the bed!

"Shit!" he blurted out, his lust-glazed eyes dazedly gaping at her. "Wh-What the
hell are you doing home this time of day ...?"

It sounded like a stupid goddamned question under the circumstances even to
Morgan, himself! Yet, it was the first thought that rushed into his mind, the
second being what effect her catching them this way was going to have on their
own incestuous relationship! The final brain charge, before Lydia twisted her
head to see who he was addressing, had to do with how the naked, spirited bitch
riding his screaming cock was going to take their being discovered! Goddamn
little cunt, anyway ...!

"Well ... unexpected company!" the green-eyed bachelorette shamelessly
exclaimed, sitting back and upright over his naked loins to absorb the full
length of his hardened cock-length up into her hotly grasping cuntal passage!
The lurid smile adorning her attractive face was from the agitation Morgan had
feared. In fact, her licentious expression was suggestive enough to fire
scorching sensations all the way up from his heavily simmering testicles to his
confused brain! And then, she added: "Come on in, Honey, and join the orgy! I've
a feeling by the look on your face that you're not as shocked as you are
envious. Come on, Baby, don't be shy ... just get nice and naked and climb up on
the mattress!"

"Jesus!" Link vilely swore with his swirling head still raised, the sudden wild
thought of having both of the hot young bitches in an orgy all to himself was
damned near enough to bring him off up in her hotly contracting belly without
her making another move! Christ, she was the hottest fucking female he'd ever
tangled with ...!

While Lydia Newell's bi-sexed mind raced in lust-fired imagination, Annie's
young brain teemed with the sensual child-like desire so recently released
within her feverishly excitable, teenaged body. Even if she had wanted to, the
keyed-up, chestnut-haired girl doubted that she could have resisted Lydia
Newell's invitation ...!

Morgan watched his voluptuous niece begin to unbutton her blouse as she entered
the room, the familiar, aroused light sparkling in her dark eyes was sufficient
to let him know that the inherent hot blood of her mother had already taken
charge. Christ, she was a Morgan, all right, every inch of her lushly shaped
young body!

Damn! Lydia intensely thought as she watched the teen-aged girl, who had not yet
spoken one word, enticingly strip into a curvaceously naked young goddess! As if
Morgan's brutally huge cock wasn't enough ... now there was this deceiving
virginal temptation to drive her out of her mind! Her lecherous, emerald eyes
hungrily viewed every inch of the long-haired young girl's smooth, white curves
as she crawled onto the bed to sit beside them. The firmly thrusting breasts
with their tinily hardened, berry-nipples intrigued Lydia, but it was her narrow
waist and her sparsely sprinkled, dark-haired loins between the full columns of
her youthful, creamy thighs that sent the blood racing hotly through her! She'd
caught only a glimpse of the pink ribbon of dampened tender flesh separating her
girlishly pouting cuntal lips before the beauty had crawled onto the bed, and
now she refocused her eyes to the high-set, full fleshy mounds of her firmly
taut young breasts!

"So ...? What do we do now?" Annie half-whispered, a wanton excitement racing
through, her at the intoxicating radiance of Lydia Newell--a breathless feeling
like nothing she'd ever experienced before! Knowing that she couldn't, Annie
didn't even try to understand the sensation ... at least, fully. She was well
enlightened on lesbianism, as well as most phases of sex, but before this very
moment, the forbidden desire for another women had never made any claim on her
... but that was before this very moment! God ...! The whole beautiful world was
suddenly opening for her like a tightly curled blooming rose! She swallowed and
stared into the blazing green eyes of the self-assured woman nakedly straddling
her heavily panting uncle. The erotic thought that this impaling, massively
pulsating cock was entombed to the hilt in the auburn-haired girl's hotly
clutching vagina sent rippling sensations of lewd excitement tremoring over her
youthfully naked body.

"You shivered, Baby," Lydia hissed, leaning forward on her hands. "You're
excited! Come here ... come here and kiss me!"

Annie did, because it seemed the natural thing to do! She stretched close to the
captivating, obscenely positioned girl, extending her eager young face and
mouth, opening her wetly parted lips to the other's tiny, hot tongue and sucking
it deeply into her mouth! Then, she felt the soft warmth of Lydia's hand
caressing her suddenly tingling breast, tenderly smoothing over it before
sloping toward its hardened little nipple ... to touch ... to feel ... to gently
pinch in a loving gesture that only another girl or woman would know ...!

"I'll tell you what we'll do!" Lydia said, suddenly lifting up and pulling her
wetly clasping cunt off Link's long impaling shaft. "We'll start over ... take a
new approach to this little triangle! Would you like that, Honey?"

"Jesus ...! What the hell are you doing ...? Link started.

"Shut up!" Lydia spat, throwing him a half-disgusted glance. "Don't worry,
Morgan, you'll get yours ... but this is my party! If you want to join, we'll
let you! I'm sure we can use your ugly, hard cock, can't we, Baby?"

"Y-Yes ... yes ... whatever you say," Annie gasped, the lust-fired heat between
her weakly trembling legs reaching an uncontrollable fervor. She sensed the hot
fluid passion seeping down from between her moistly flushed cuntal lips that her
full young thighs were squeezing together and ardently massaging, dampening the
entire erotically pulsating area. "But ... but let's not wait ... God! I'm so
hot ...!"

Lydia placatingly ran her hand over the anxious teen-ager's soft, long hair,
then looked at Morgan. She said: "You ready, big daddy, for sensual games? Can
you take authority without it going to your head?"

Morgan hardly knew what she was getting at, but the throbbing ache in his cunt-
hungry cock would have forced him to answer anything ... which he did!

"Hell yes ... you call the shots. Only, let's not waste a lot of goddamned time

"Relax, big man! Relax ...!" Lydia spat out. "If you want to play, you're going
to do it our way ... and we're going to give you the authority to call it! Now
... tell us how you want us, Daddy, and think of yourself as a powerful
potentate ... but make it good, or we might not need you!"

It was a slash of irate pleasure that ripped through Link Morgan's nakedly prone
body. Think of how he wanted them? Jesus! Both of them! The spirited wild bitch
was truly trying to belittle him; yet her own fucking lust was crippling her!
She needed his cock ... his feverish, blood-pounding cock, and he knew it!

Maybe, they both needed a little long hard flesh in their tight little pussies.
Well, all right ... tell 'em what he wanted ... he, the powerful potentate!
Goddamn her, he'd seen her kind before ... wanting to be subjugated; yet she in
her pride was trying desperately to hide it! And Annie ... the poor kid would do
anything, even suck dog-cock at that moment! She was that far gone ...!

"Okay ..." he coarsely ordered, knowing what he wanted of Aaron Newell's proud,
sluttish daughter; this might be the only chance he'd ever have to completely
claim and subject her. After all, he already owned the hot, lust-filled flesh of
his delectable, teenaged niece!

"Lydia ... you get on your hands and knees so that Annie can lick your tight
little asshole and prepare it for me! And ... and how's that for starters,

The naked bachelorette flashed her desire-inflamed eyes at the nakedly reclining
big man. Angrily she searched his flushed, reddened face. "What the hell do you
have in mind, Morgan?" she huskily threw at him.

"Hey ... is that any way to talk to a potentate?" he taunted, clasping his big
hands behind his head. "Or maybe, it's just girl-games you have to play when it
all boils down?" he added, realizing he was stretching his luck beyond all
reason with the likes of this high-tensioned bitch! But maybe he was ready for a
gamble! In fact, maybe he was ready for a lot of things ...!

In kind, Lydia Newell's salaciously infused mind worked with near uncontrollable
flesh-want! The powerful human beast lying stretched out before them had only
served to remind her of Caesar's wildly raping attack the day before, the
effects of his ravaging, animal-sodomy still triggering the vilest of sensual
desires within her! And in all truth, at least to herself, what else was it she
wanted but the most degrading of carnal acts performed on her? Well ... what
else ...?

Lydia shuddered uncontrollably--in flushed shame and delight--as she continued
to stare at the big, naked man. "You filthy sonofabitch!" she wantonly hissed,
moving onto her hands and knees as he'd obscenely suggested. "I never renege,
damn you!" she added, sensing Annie hesitantly moving upright behind her. "Just
be sure that you don't when your time comes, potentate!"

The erotically trembling teenager hardly knew what she was doing as she
unhesitatingly followed the order her lecherous uncle had lewdly commanded. God,
she knew that she wanted to! She had never even conceived of such a lurid act!
To do it to a man might be one thing, but to a beautiful woman ...! She wondered
if she could, even with the wildly erotic sensations that were firing her
inexperience young loins and belly! Then ... then, she saw Lydia waggling her
smooth, enchantingly ovaled white buttocks in expectation back toward where she
knelt ...!

God, they were so breathtakingly inviting! Sleek, moon-shaped mounds of white,
satiny flesh ... and again she avidly stared at the hairless, tightly puckered
opening of Lydia's tiny rectal mouth as the older girl nakedly lowered her
shoulders to the bed, thrusting her succulent white flesh sensually backward
toward her young face! Wild sensations of unprecedented craving licked through
Annie's suddenly watering mouth and loins. She lowered her feverish eyes to
Lydia's long pink cuntal crevice, its puffy hair-lined lips now partially opened
to reveal the moistly inviting inner-flesh! Small, sparkling droplets of viscous
fluid clung to the thin, intimate petals ...!

Suddenly, the young teenager moved her face forward toward the enticing, pink
cleft of warmly perfumed flesh as if drawn by a magnet! Her nostrils quivered
and, without realizing it, she lashed out with her quivering little red tongue,
going down knowingly toward the lewdly poised woman's hidden clitoris, just as
she'd want it done to herself!

She sensed Lydia's convulsive spasm when she found the nerve bud enclosed within
the wetly pungent inner-lips of her vibrant pussy. Her mouth came in contact
with the silky, pubic-haired lips of her outer cunt as she extended her hot, wet
tongue to bring its tip curling up in stabbing contact with the quiveringly
erect bud, raising a deep, erotic groan from Lydia's throat!

From that moment on, the sensually inflamed teenager's mind lost immediate
contact with reality! Only zealous desire guided her fluttering pink tongue
upward, then back to flick several times against the tiny twitching clitoris!
Her taste-buds livened to the piquancy of recent fucking blended with feminine
delicacy bathing them, the heady tang drawing her little tongue to the moistly
nibbling mouth of Lydia's vagina! Eagerly, her hot warming tongue plunged far
enough beyond those outer, clutching lips to feel and taste the rippled walls of
hidden pussy flesh, then out to lovingly caress the tiny urethral slit of her
urethra. Wildly, the tantalizing wet probe traveled on upward along the satin-
smooth vale between Lydia's eagerly trembling white buttocks to the crinkled
mouth of her pulsating little anus! And there, the passionately aroused teenager
did what Uncle Link had ordered ... licked the auburn-haired girl's tight little
orifice in preparation ... but for what she hadn't dared to guess ...!

In truth, Annie hardly cared at that moment, the honeyed taste of wonderfully
warm cunt filling her with love for the girl before her ... even for the man
who'd suggested it ... yes, and narcissistically for her own self ...!

"Okay! Enough of that goddamned, one-sided game!" Link's voice gutturally
interrupted. "Remember me ... the potentate, eh? And I say, let's get down to
the nitty gritty ... that is if you're still up to it, Lydia!"

The auburn-haired girl quickly raised up in passionate excitement. "Goddamn you,
Morgan, I'm up to anything your lecherous mind can suggest!" she snapped, but
without the slightest trace of malice. The quivering tone in her husky voice
revealed the sensual lust that was greedily motivating her, and Annie trembled
in idolistic passion at her new beloved's fearless reply!

"Good, Baby!" Link, with blazing mean eyes, rasped. "I'll just lie here like any
potentate worth his salt should, and you get back into our top-side position ...
then slip my cock right up your tight little ass ...! Unless, of course, you
were just talking big, Honey ...!"

For a long half-moment, Lydia only stared at him, as if contemplating the
ramifications of his absolutely obscene order! But, in fact, she'd already
contemplated and weighed it, knowing his meaning from the moment he'd suggested
that Annie lick her back there! Because of Caesar's attack and the unexpected
results, only a rapidly growing excitement had permeated her hot naked body and
mind at the lewd thought of being sodomized by the big man; yet, nevertheless,
she couldn't mentally play down the unreasonable size of Morgan's huge cock!
Though it was hardly bigger than the wild ravaging dog's, the human element was
involved and there was nothing human about Link Morgan! All the same, she knew
she was going to do as he ordered ... lustfully wanted to, and actually had to
obey him. Yes, she wanted his long rigid penis buried far up in the tightly
excited channel of her tingling ass ...!

"Well, Baby ...?" the huge, naked police-chief lewdly prodded. "Like to try
something a little more simple ...?"

"Go to hell, you sadistic bastard!" Lydia half-leered, her deep, green eyes
lasciviously gleaming as she again straddled his aging, big body, but this time
with her back facing him in a semi-squatting position.

Morgan watched her wantonly eager actions, and at the same time wrapped an arm
around his curvaceous teenaged niece to draw her down to him. He grinned into
her erotically flushed young face and asked obscenely, "You ever lick another
girl's cunt or ass before, Baby?"

"N-No ... never ... honest!" Annie admitted, her youthful dark eyes alive with
obvious sensual excitement. He drew her down and kissed her, running his greedy
tongue over her young lips and into her mouth, tasting the hot tang of Lydia's
pussy there. He clutched at her naked teenaged breast, squeezing its firm
resilience in the fashion he'd taught her, but she hardly responded. Christ,
she'd eagerly fucked and sucked him a couple-dozen times since he'd broken her,
and he'd never known the uncaring coldness from her that he sensed at that very
moment! What the hell ... he'd have to take her in tow ... maybe spank her bare
little ass again and make her cum off like the other time ... teach her who was
master ... but not right at that moment ... not with Lydia tightly gripping his
painfully throbbing cock and trying to insert its lust-swollen head into the
tiny mouth of her tightly resisting anus.

Chapter 5

By ten-o'clock that morning, Mark Blakely had selected some twenty of the more
reliable citizens and sheep-ranchers to compose his hunting posse. Excitement
hummed through-out the town at the knowledge of the young deputy sheriff's
decision to head the men, their confidence in his leadership obvious. There was
good reason now to believe with Mark at the helm, Caesar with his wild-pack of
ravishers and sheep-killing brutes would be destroyed.

It wasn't a task that the young lawman relished. He was not only an animal
fancier, but he knew the depth of affection Jean held for the handsome German
Shepherd ... which was actually part of his motivation in determining to bring
an end to the beast and its horde. A lost cause, perhaps, he painfully thought,
sitting at a table of the Crescent Inn Tavern where he had systematically
interviewed and listed the names of the men he had chosen to ride with him.
Destroy the brute before he completely ruined their marriage ... yet, by so
doing, maybe totally shattering Jean's love for him! Christ! But it had to be
done, he was convinced. Not only was it the lesser of two evils as far as
Jeannie and himself were concerned, but it was his duty to the citizenry of
Crescent Valley. He was sworn to protect them, and he could no longer wait for
the state conservationists the capitol had promised to send.

Whatever utterly weird attachment had grown between his beautiful blonde wife
and that wild, raping animal, it had gotten way out of hand. Now, the canine
bastard was paying nightly visits to his bed and wife! And the unbelievable,
horrifying part of it to him, was, that Jean was always shamelessly overjoyed!
The times he'd witnessed the inconceivable, salacious act, his lovely, naked
young wife had obscenely thrust her spread white buttocks up and back at the
panting bastard like a wanton slut in a Tijuana sex show, going right out of her
passionate mind to the massive sonofabitch fucking his wild, brutal cock into
her ... his wife's own sweet pussy!

Goddamnit! The vicious beast had to die; there was no other way! He'd completely
distorted Jean's entire personality! Mark was convinced that the wild animal had
somehow played a part in the lesbian performance he'd caught her and Carol in
the night before ...!

"What about Link Morgan?" a male voice questioned, interrupting the young
deputy's confused and trouble thoughts.

"Wh-What ...?" Mark asked, looking almost blankly up into the weather-lined face
of ranch-owner, Frank Clifford.

"Chief Morgan! Are you planning that he'll ride with us, Mark?"

"Yes ... yes ... if he will," the deputy finally replied. "We'll co-lead the
posse, Frank. No question but what Link's the most skilled hunter in the Valley,
and I think we need his knowledge with us."

"Whatever you say, Mark ... but for one, I want no torture-killings like he
brutally pulled off in the beginning with the big Shepherd's mate!" Frank
Clifford said. "For my money, that's one reason ... maybe the main reason why
that uncanny brute has plagued us so! I ain't much on superstition, but as old
Granny Albert says, there's never been anything on this earth or any other like
Caesar, and there never will be again! At least, I hope to Christ there won't!"

At the mention of her name, Mark thought of the near-century-old woman and the
way Jean had gone to her to hear the old-wives tales of a similar pack of wild
dogs which had supposedly ravished the Valley almost a hundred years before ...
Its leader, according to Granny, had worn a gold medallion around its neck, a
centurion on one side, an eagle on the other, along with the embossed letters
spelling C-A-E-S-A-R! And this huge, powerful dog wore it, too! Mark knew
because he'd seen it with his own sober eyes!

"I ... ah ... don't worry, Frank. There won't be any of that sort of cruelty,"
the young deputy sheriff answered finally. "Destroy them as mercifully as we can
... but do away with them! There'll be no peace in the Valley until we do!
Christ! Women and girls are afraid to walk the streets here in town at night!
There's never been anything the equal of their animal-raping of human females in
history, Frank!"

"I know, I know. I'm a reader myself, Mark," the rawboned man said with a tight
smile. Then: "I guess that's what makes me give more credence to Granny Obert's
'old-wives tales' ..."

"Maybe ... maybe," Mark said, that implausibility an irksome concoction of
nonsense which had irritated him with Jeannie from the first moment he'd heard
it. Cause and effect: these he understood, while mythology and fairy-tales had
their places in the romance of fiction! They were dealing with a vicious pack of
wild-dogs that had somehow splashed over into the human sexual world, but there
was a logical answer for that, too! And one day soon, some clever scientific
mind would discover it, but his job was to destroy the killing, raping flock
before one of the beasts took a local human life ... and before the word of the
Valley's weird dilemma caught the news media and they were infested with
reporters. Then, would follow the sight-seers, and Christ knows, the Sheriff's
office wasn't equipped for anything like that, especially the protecting of

"Does Link know?" the rancher asked.

"About this posse ...? No. I haven't seen him this morning," Mark answered.
"Probably home sleeping. He was up all night ..."

"You want me to go fetch him?"

"Might not be a bad idea," the young deputy replied. "I'd like to have us
equipped and moving out by midafternoon. Why don't you do that Frank? And ...
and use a bit of finesse with the big-man, eh? He isn't going to like the idea
of his drinking cronies deleted from our group. Just ... tell him Mark Blakely
needs his help; that ought to inspire his ego."

The lean, older man understandingly grinned. "I'll take care of it," he said,
moving a step backward. "Don't worry, hell be back with us, Mark ..."

* * *

"Auuugggghhhh ... oh Christ!" Lydia Newell groaned and swore in her obscenely
naked position above the lewd, stretched-out frame of Link Morgan.

She was tightly grasping the police-chief's long thick cock, her wide-spread
buttocks seated above its hard, bloated knob, as the heated tip wormed its way
into the tightly puckered hole of her brown-starred anal ring.

Morgan wanted to taunt her, but he didn't dare! He'd gone the limit and he knew
it. Besides, the lurid sight of her eager white ass so obscenely spread open,
and her fevered concentration on worming the nozzle of his massively heated
penis into the stretching, babyish lips of her own anal cavity was more than
he'd ever bargained for!

He clutched at Annie's naked young body, both of them watching as the straining
bachelorette worked the spongy, inflamed head into her tiny orifice. Lydia
squirmed and wriggled her lewdly squatting, taut buttocks around and down in her
impatience to get the thick rod of hardened flesh up into her unbelievably
stretched rectal hole!

"Jesus Christ! You ever see anything like that?" Morgan blurted, making teasing
little up and down pelvic motions while Annie passionately watched through lust-
mesmerized eyes.

To the nakedly watchful girl, the sensual heiress seemed almost greedily frantic
as she lowered herself down onto the thick rod of hotly throbbing flesh. The
grunting little whimpers of torment she emitted were wildly charging Annie's
passion-flushed loins beyond belief!

"Oh ... oooohhhh!" the teenager suddenly gasped, as if the massively thick shaft
was impaling her own rectal passage! She writhed away from her naked uncle,
getting to her knees and scampering around to confront the perspiring attractive
face of Lydia. She moved up slightly between Morgan's wide-spread legs and
suddenly took in her tender hand, one of the auburn-haired girl's firm, warm
breasts with a sympathetic--even if masochistic--envy! "D ... Does it hurt,
Lydia ...? Hurt ... beautifully?"

"Oooohhh ... ooohhh God, Baby!" the glazed, emerald-eyed girl cried. "I ... I
... oh ... it's horrible ... horribly beautiful ...! I love it ...!"

Morgan leered in animal lust, watching the naked young woman wantonly gyrate her
full, crescent-shaped white hips down ... down, inch by tortured inch onto his
burning length of hardened, hotly pulsating cock! Uncontrollable grunts of
whorish desire bubbled obscenely out of her as she strained ever downward, until
at last her softly yielding ass-cheeks were pressed flat against his hairy
pelvis. She was so tight that it felt as if she'd ripped his foreskin back; he
could swear there was nothing but bloody, raw meat impaling her hotly
constricting rectum! He choked out a series of lewd sounds, almost fearfully
beginning a circular motion in an effort to lessen the searing stranglehold the
rubbery sleeve of her gripping channel had on his cramming, painfully hard cock!
Momentarily, his stretching actions paid off, and he began to croon out guttural
half-groans of animal delight as he thrust upward with sadistic, hurting
intentions, stuffing his eagerly throbbing flesh to its last fractional measure
up the velvety heated canal between her lewdly offered white buttocks!

"Christ ... what a luscious tight ass you've got, Baby!" he gasped, tensing and
thrusting upward as she continued to squirm her tautened buttocks down even
tighter, forcing his sodomizing spear of hardness even further up into her!

"Oh ... oh Christ, Morgan, you bullish-hung bastard ... it's going to come right
out my mouth!" she lewdly exclaimed, tossing her head from side to side and
making her ripely full breasts quiver in front of Annie. Incredulous, weirdly
erotic torment spread from the depths of her brutally invaded anus throughout
her body in every direction, as she tentatively began to move up and down on his
long hard shaft. Perspiring, she worked to his vicious upthrusting stabs,
feeling his bulbous, blood-pulsing cock-head probing deeper into the tender,
quivering bowels of her belly! Good God ... nothing had ever been more
debasingly satiating!

From his stretched-out position beneath her, Morgan lustfully stared with his
head raised. He watched the long throbbing length of his thick cock vanishing up
into the obscenely stretched opening of her rectum! The reddish, inflamed-
looking inner-flesh clinging to his pulsing-veined shaft obscenely intrigued him
as she fucked it in and out of her. It appeared and disappeared with the mind-
bending up and down movements of her smoothly rounded white hips, the tightly
ovalled brown sheath grasping and smothering it as if she never intended to let
if free again!

Christ! At first, he thought, the pressure had been almost unbearable, but now
it was just rubbery tight and wildly stimulating, the type of potent influence
that promised to draw the boiling cum right out of his bloated balls with the
ferocity of squirting, molten lead at every stroke!

"Oh ... oh God, Uncle Link ...!" he heard Annie whimper and remembered his
potentate duties.

He couldn't help but goatishly chuckle at the wanton plea in her whimpering
teenage voice, additional sensations of lechery churning inside his big, naked
body and bringing new excitement to his gross mind. "All right, time you got
into the act, Honey," he rasped, checking to see if the dresser-mirror was going
to give him adequate viewing. Then, to Lydia: "Come on, Baby, just stretch out
these long, pretty legs so Annie can get up between them! Now, lie back on my
chest ... yeah, like that!"

Lydia sensually moaned as she followed directions, feeling his big hot hands
reaching around her nakedness to clutch the swollen mounds of her hotly
palpitating breasts with a mauling lust. She rested her elbows on the bed to
hold her partially erect so she could watch while Annie stared at both of them
in driving, covetous hunger.

Lydia's darkly inviting cunt gaped up at her, its moistened pink crevice
trailing down to her soft white buttocks. She could clearly see her uncle's huge
glistening cock wedged splittingly between the rounded ass cheeks, holding them
wide apart, its thick brutal hardness buried to the hilt up her wide-stretched
rectum ... and his heavy cum-filled balls seemed to pulsate as she stared in
fascination at the salacious spectacle.

"Well ...? What're you waiting for, Doll?" Morgan choked out. "Put that fiery
little tongue of yours to work!"

Annie needed no further prodding. From her kneed stance, she eagerly lowered her
young face, nestling it to Lydia's sweet, piquant-smelling loins! She started
her excited, hot tongue at the base of Morgan's sperm-seething balls, orally
bathing them before working upward to lick at the underside of the exposed half-
inch of his anally entombed cock. Then, laving her way up through the moistly
pink inner-flesh of Lydia's splayed cunt, she finally sucked the older girl's
blushing pussy lips and quivering little clitoris into her teenaged mouth with a
voracious little slurping sound!

"Uuuuhhhh ... ooohhh yessss!" Lydia gasped, reaching down with one hand to
caress the young girl's long, chestnut tresses, as passionate tremors of lust-
blinding pleasure spasmed her naked body. She began to slowly move her impaled
buttocks up and down on Morgan's plundering, long hardness, at the same time
pressing and grazing her passion-fired cunt against the kneeling teenaged girl's
wildly sucking mouth.

Frantically, Annie lashed her fervid wet tongue around, over, and up, and into
Lydia's moistly clasping pussy, as a feral heat seethed in her trembling young
belly and loins. She reached back between her own spread thighs to the tight wet
lips of her cunt, fingering the warm, down-fringed puffiness apart, and then
began to massage the pleasure-bringing bud of her tiny, erect clitoris!

God, it was beautiful ... beyond any erotic rapture she had ever imagined, Annie
luridly thought, and she never wanted it to end! The aphrodisiacal taste and
aroma of Lydia's nakedly wet cunt was maddening, and the obscene thought that
Uncle Link's huge cock was fucking up the beautiful woman's ass while she licked
and sucked this warmly succulent pussy was spinning her mind into a lust-
enchanting orbit all her own!

Frantically, Annie slid her outstretched finger along the wet crevice between
her feverish cunt-lips to the snugly nibbling mouth of her own dilated vagina,
then unhesitantly rammed it up into the liquid, simmering channel. Almost
immediately, she inserted another, and still another into the wet, burning hole
up between her legs, while both Lydia and her Uncle increased their moans and
grunts! Wildly, she began to fuck her extended fingers in and out of her
inflamed pussy-channel as she licked and sucked in rhythm to the frenzied
sodomizing cadence beneath her!

Morgan was in paradise ... surrounded by the potentate's willing harem, he
luridly reasoned, as he brutally fucked up into Lydia Newell's obscenely
stretched anus. The nakedly voluptuous woman ground her frenzied, softly
yielding buttocks down with sluttish ferocity while he mauled her hot, swollen
breasts ... and gaped at himself in the dresser-mirror! His burning eyes caught
sight of Annie. Christ, the kid was going right out of her young nympho-skull,
licking and sucking Lydia's pinkly splayed cunt while she finger-fucked her own
tight little pussy in fevered ecstasy! Her slackened, pretty teenaged features
glistened wetly with the juices from the auburn-haired girl's passion-drenched
cunt, and occasionally he heard mewling hums of hunger blending with Lydia's to
drown out his own.

Then ... suddenly Annie was reaching back over her wide-spread young ass-cheeks
with her other hand and ... and ... yes, goddamnit, she was shoving her middle
finger into the tiny puckered mouth of her asshole! Oh shit ... this is too much
for a man my age! I'll have a fucking seizure! He saw her worming the stiffened
finger deeper and deeper into the youthful little opening between the ovaled
white moons of her lushly rounded, teenaged ass, until the digit was buried up
to the palm of her hand!

Goddamnit ... if it's an ass-fucking she wants, I'll give her plenty from now
on! He felt his heatedly pulsating shaft jerk in excitement as he saw a sudden
spilling of viscous fluids from her tight pussy bathing her cunt-fucking hand
... and that was just about all he could stand!

Almost frantically, Annie licked and sucked the steaming wet cunt fused to her
teenaged mouth, until suddenly Lydia half-shrieked: "Oooohhh ... Baby, Baby ...
I-I'm going to cum ...! Yesss ... now ... fuck my ass, Morgan! Eat my hot cunt,
Baby ... I-I'm cuummmmiinngggg ...!" Then the ecstatic spasms seized her and her
nakedly sprawled hips fell into an uncontrollably irregular cadence, even
pausing at one point in mid-air.

Lustfully the big, straining man beneath her began to swear. "Pound your ass!"
he raged. "Goddamn you ... don't stop now! Pound your fucking ass ...!"

"Aaauugghhhh ... ooohhhhh ...!" Annie began to chant, in the throes of her own
orgasm as Lydia picked up the tempo once more, her climax seeming unending.

Then, Lydia heard Morgan's obscene oath beneath her and felt the first gushes of
his scalding cum splutter into the remote, eagerly milking depths of her
sodomized rectum! It surged through her body with the torrential force of a
bursting dam, burning into her heaving belly like seething liquid fire! The
delicious sensation tripped her second climax, and she screamed as the powerful
maelstrom of sensuous pleasure overwhelmed her!

Then, at last she felt the unrelenting hardness of his huge thick penis
dissipating, growing uselessly flaccid, and could feel the spilling of his hot
cum beginning to seep out from the widely stretched opening of her spasming
anus. She raised up to a sitting position and saw the collapsed, naked young
loveliness of Annie still gasping between her wide-spread legs. A faint smile
lesbianistically twisted Lydia's moistly parted lips. Once more, she caressed
the young girl's head, then saw the loving teenaged eyes flash up at her in
welcoming understanding.

Lydia climbed off the big man, a lewd, hissing sound escaping her rectum as she
lifted her burning nether-hole from his deflated shaft. Her naked legs weakly
trembled when she stood and then she shuddered as a loathsome sensation swept
through her at the sight of his aging, corpulent body.

"My father would destroy you, Morgan, if he knew about this!" she spat down at
him. "Just don't forget that ... and don't ever think you have any claims on me,

"Shit ... shit, Lydia, I told you downstairs before ...!" the naked police chief
stammered, sitting up, surprised at her uncalled-for anger.

"Fuck you, big man! I know you like a book. There isn't a decent bone in your
lecherous body!" Lydia venomously hissed. "Furthermore, your incestuous little
games with this young girl is over! I'm taking her to the A and B with me where
she can have some of the things she deserves!"

"What ...? Now just a goddamned minute, Lydia!" Morgan, dumbstruck, jumped up
from the bed ... but that was as far as he got. The ring of the front door-bell
interrupted him. He looked to his niece's raised-up, naked young body on the bed
and said: "Who the hell can that be?"

The teenaged girl shook her head, hardly conscious, or even caring about the
sound, the exciting words of Lydia Newell completely taking charge of all her

"Well go see!" Morgan snarled, his confused rage mounting.

"Go yourself, big man!" Lydia put in, laying a restraining hand on Annie's
nakedly smooth white shoulder. "She's all finished waiting on you ... and you
better get to understand that, unless you want the wrath of Aaron Newell right
down on your lecherous fucking head!"

Chapter 6

The moments of relief Jean Blakely had briefly enjoyed at the realization that
Mark was not about to make an issue of the night before, and especially, tell
all to Steve as he'd threatened, were short-lived. The shared emotions were no
less predominant in Carol Foster. Though pleased at Mark's decision to spare her
young husband's feelings, his revealed plans to definitely destroy Caesar and
his pack had nearly sickened her with concern.

Throughout the morning, the two young wives had attempted to console one
another, but by noon when Steve arose and left the house to join the posse, they
knew that their efforts were useless. Both had reached a state of near-panicky
concern for the welfare of the massive wild animal they had uncontrollably come
to love!

"Still, Honey ... he's managed to elude all attempts they've made so far," Carol
reminded her lovely, blonde-haired hostess over their umpteenth cup of coffee.
"Is there any reason to believe he can't go on doing it ...?"

"Only the law of averages, Carol," Jean replied, her small hand trembling as it
raised the cup, her smoky-blue eyes level with the willowy brunette's
incandescent, dark ones. "And up until now, Mark hasn't entered the hunting
picture. He's determined, Carol ... determined to destroy Caesar ... and I can't
let him do that!"

Carol Foster watched the full lower-lip of her closest friend solicitously
quiver, the tears that had been ever present all morning once more dampening the
beautiful young wife's alluring eyes. "But ... but, darling, why do you think
he'll be more successful than Link Morgan, or the others? You, yourself, said
that the Chief of Police is considered the most skilled hunter in the Valley

"Oh Carol ... don't you see?" Jean tried to explain. "Mark is a very capable
hunter, himself, and certainly a much more thorough man than Morgan. There'll be
no liquor passing around amongst the men this time ... and most of all, Mark has
a very personal reason, or believes he has, to want the beautiful animal dead!
Oh God ...!"

Carol needed no resume concerning the latter fact. Though she could well
understand his jealous reasoning, her sympathy was with Jean. Wasn't she,
herself, nearly as much under the handsome animal's spell as the golden-haired
girl seated across from her? Fleeting moments of her first night in the house
when Caesar had mistakenly come to her, flashed through the vivacious brunette's
anxious mind. Yes ... yes, Jean was right; they just couldn't sit there and let
those men destroy the erotic beast ...!

"Oh Jean ... wh-what can we do ...?"

"I-I don't know, Carol, but I've got to try and do something ... at least,
somehow warn him that they're out to kill him!" the young, curvaceous blonde
wife exclaimed, suddenly getting to her feet.

"But how, Darling? I want to help, too!" the other earnestly declared. "But ...
but where do we start?"

"I-I'm not sure ... somewhere out in those hills, I suppose!" Jean wildly
reasoned. "I-I know we'll never find him ... but maybe he'll find us!" She
stared excitedly into Carol's sparkling eyes, her decision to act restoring some
measure of confidence. "I-It's the only way I know to help him! Are ... you with
me, Carol ...?"

"Yes ... yes! It may be crazy, but I agree, Honey ... we have to do something!"

"Then, come on ... let's change into clothes a little more practical for

* * *

Link Morgan was a very infuriated man by the time he reached the Crescent Inn
Tavern. Not only had he not slept in over twenty-four hours, but he'd just been
thoroughly out-maneuvered by a cock-happy, spirited bitch named Lydia Newell!
Without the slightest qualm, she had brazenly devoided him of his luscious,
fuckable, suckable young niece Annie, and he didn't know how nor if, there was a
goddamned thing he could do about it! Then, before he'd had time to regroup his
mental forces, Frank Clifford had stood at his door saying something about a
hunting posse being formed to wipe out the wild-pack with Mark Blakely leading
it, and the deputy would like him to ride with them!

Shit, he could ill afford not to, and that was the truth! With three of his
wanted, teenaged pushers hiding out in those hills, he damned sure didn't intend
that Blakely should stumble onto them! Not that he gave a damn for their
welfare, but sure as hell they'd crack under questioning and implicate him! He
knew well enough where they were hidden and it shouldn't be too difficult to
steer the deputy and his bunch clear of the place ...

Sonofabitch, he thought as he drove toward the Inn, following Clifford in his
pick-up, he'd think of some way to counter that Lydia bitch's lesbianistic
piracy! He wasn't about to give up his little Annie after just turning on the
nympho sex in her! Not by a damn sight!

His powerful legs trembled as he climbed from the car and walked toward the Inn,
a combination, he realized, of no sleep and the wild fucking of lecherous young
Lydia Newell taking their toll. Christ, that part of it had almost been worth
the fee, he luridly thought, but not quite. His niece's sixteen-year old,
rounded white tail of the pair, had a lot more lustful miles in it, and somehow
he intended to reclaim its hot, youthful beauty ...!

"What the hell's going on, Blakely?" the big man growled, grabbing a chair at
Mark's table and dropping down onto it. "What's this about a posse?"

The young deputy sheriff glanced at Steve Foster across from him, then calmly
advised the arrogant police chief of his plans and how he'd selected the other
hunters. Finally, he added: "No liquor, Link ... not on this mission."

"Wh-What the hell's it going to be, a meeting of the A.A. for Christ' sake?" the
big man spat, his blood-shot, mean eyes and whiskey-flushed face twisted in a
half-grin. "Hell, a man needs a nip or two out there to keep him going, Deputy.
I don't know about any of the rest, but I'm taking a pint with me ..."

"Then, we'll count you out of this expedition, Link," Mark said, with a matter-
of-fact pencil-strike through the police officer's name on the paper. "I said,
there'll be no booze on this posse ..."

"And who the hell are you to give the orders in my town, Blakely?" the barrel-
chested man angrily snarled, kicking back his chair and standing, his huge hands
balling into ham-like fists.

The sound of male voices around them suddenly died into silence, but in several
reminiscing minds, a shivering, similar occurrence of years past was vividly
recalled! It too, had dealt with a Blakely, Mark's father, and this very same
police chief had been his antagonist! Even Mark couldn't help but note the
shuddering parallel, for it'd been shortly following his dad's public beating of
Morgan that he'd been accidentally shot and killed while riding in a hunting
posse ... and by the huge man who stood ragingly before him!

With every ounce of effort he could muster, Mark forced his own anger under
control as he stared unflinchingly upward into the big man's fury-reddened face.
"It may well be your jurisdiction in town, Link, but outside those city limits,
it's mine ... and we'll do this my way! That's final! There'll be no liquor
before or while we ride! If you're agreeable, we want you with us ... and that's
the way it is, Link!"

The powerful man's strained breathing filled the room. There was no question to
any tensed occupant there but that he was struggling desperately to determine
his next move, though they could hardly reason how or why he decided as he did.
Only the big police chief, himself, realized that he couldn't chance discovery
of the three wanted teenagers hiding in the hills. But there were other ways ...
one in particular that was evilly forming in his enraged brain. He'd been shamed
in front of everyone, just as the sonofabitch's old-man had publicly shamed him
... and no one could do that to Link Morgan and get away with it ...!

Mark carefully watched the other, trying to anticipate any sudden move he might
make. And then, he heard the massive man's sudden release of breath, indicating
that the immediate crisis might be passed.

"All right, Blakely ... okay," Link Morgan huskily said. "You win this round. I-
It's more important that we finish off that goddamned wild-pack first ... then,
you and me ... we'll settle our differences man to man, once and for all!

Mark shrugged his young, broad shoulders. "If that's what you want, Link. I'm
ready anytime ... after this Caesar menace is done away with."

"Good ... then, let's get to destroying the fucking mutt-rapist and his pack!"
the big man growled. "I'm ready ...!"

"And so are the rest of us, Mark!" Frank Clifford put in. "Okay," Mark nodded,
getting to his feet. "We'll use cars as far as Frank's ranch. The horses are
there waiting for us. Any questions ...? Then, let's go ... .!"

* * *

The sun had reached slightly beyond its zenith when Jean Blakely and Carol
Foster in shirts, slacks and rubber-soled tennis shoes, all that Jean could
find, alighted from their car. Jean had driven the vehicle into the deserted old
quarry at the base of an easily accessible foot-hill, confident that it was not
apt to be discovered there. She had kept presence of mind enough to bring along
a canteen filled with water, which she could carry over her shoulder, and both
girls had stuffed crackers in their pockets, just in case ...

Moving upward at an untiring gait, the young wives talked sparingly, as if
conserving their energies. Often, they stopped to listen to the great silence
growing heavier around them as they ascended, hoping to hear a bark or howl
which could give them a direction to follow. But they heard nothing, with the
exception of the ever-increasing, hushed wildness surrounding them.

If nothing else, Jean thought, following a little apprehensive twinge at one
point when she glanced back, the hushed tranquillity was certainly conducive to
looking into one's soul! And that, she had been doing for the past hour as they
climbed ... wondering how it was all going to end, and what was to happen
between Mark and herself. There was no question in her mind but that she loved
him as much, perhaps more, than ever ... though he might well come to hate her
for what she was doing! But even so, she had to do it, had to try and protect
her animal-lover ... the handsome dog that had brought her such unequalled,
sensual pleasure these past days ... and nights! Dear God ... she couldn't
imagine him dead ... murdered ... a bullet ripping into his beautiful loving
body and perhaps from Mark's very rifle ...!

"Hey ...! Maybe, we should take a little rest, Honey?" Carol said, catching hold
of her arm and moving around to look into her face. "Y-You're crying! What is
it, Baby ...? Don't worry, we'll find him in time ..."

Jean sniffled loudly and nodded her head, making the pony-tail she'd quickly
formed her long blonde-hair into, bob cutely to her dark-eyed friend. "I-I was
just thinking, is all," she said, finding a hankie and blowing her nose.

Carol took the canteen and drank from it, then passed it to Jean who capped it
without drinking. The willowy brunette was looking back toward the general
direction of the route they'd followed, an anxious expression momentarily
clouding her attractive face. Jean saw it, then watched the girl look upward at
the position of the sun.

"I-It's getting on," Carol said. "Did you bring a watch?"


Again, her vivacious partner looked skyward. "Must be around four-o'clock. Still
some four hours or more of daylight. D-Do you think you can remember the way
back, Jean?"

For a moment, the blonde wife didn't answer. Then: "I'm not sure ... but
Caesar'll know the way, once we find him!"

Carol uncontrollably snapped a sharp, discerning glance at the other, reading
the desperation in Jean's wide, blue eyes. God, they appeared almost vacant for
one brief second, and she couldn't help but wonder if the reoccurring effects of
the LSD wasn't again creeping over her! Oh Lord, she hoped not! And there was a
storm brewing off to the east, heavy, dark menacing clouds that were rapidly
moving in their direction! Damn ... had they made a foolish mistake coming into
these deceiving hills this way ...?

"M-Maybe, we should start back down, Jean," the lithesome brunette suggested in
a catching voice. "It's getting late, and there's a storm coming, see ...?"

Jean looked at her in surprise, almost as if she could hardly believe her
friend's words. She began to answer by shaking her head. Then: "I have no
intentions of going back down until I find him, Carol! I've got to warn him,
don't you understand? You go back if you want ... take the water ... but I'm
going on ... right down through that gully and up that furthest hill! I don't
know whether I'm right or not, but it has a remote look ... wild and forbidden
enough to be the sort of place he would go ...!"

"Damnit, Jean!" Carol gasped. "I just can't go off and leave you up here like
this! Please ... try to realize that he's a very capable animal, and that he's
stayed alive this long! We've done our best ...!"

"No, I said! I'm not going back down, Carol!" Jean distraughtly exclaimed. "I've
got to find him! I'd never be able to live with myself if I didn't try to stop
the killing of one of my lovers by another! How could I? Here, take the water!
I'm going on ...!"

"Wait!" Carol called after her when the voluptuous pony-tailed blonde had taken
a half-dozen steps.

"Well ...?" Jean replied, turning to face her friend.

"Well ...? Well, shit! I'm going with you! What do you think ...?"

* * *

Mark's posse, with both him and Link Morgan riding lead horses, ascended into
the hills at a pace-sparing rate, designed to save the animals until something
concrete gave them a sign. The hours beneath the hot, California sun passed
slowly, but by late afternoon they were well into the depths where Mark began to
feel they would find something. After a rest period in which they ate and drank
lightly, they progressed toward a thick wooded and brush-filled area, finding
their first indications.

The remains of a recently killed sheep were scattered about, along with the
obvious stool of dogs, sufficient to advise both Mark and Link Morgan that the
wild-pack had been there not too many hours before.

"What do you think, Link?" the young deputy questioned the older and more
experienced hunter.

"Well ... after this, my guess would be they'd head for water," the big man
said. "Probably off to the south toward Wiley's Stream. That's the nearest," he
added, hoping the other wouldn't see through his lie.

"How about the pond?" Mark asked, nodding his head eastward in the general
direction of a spring-fed, small body of water he was familiar with. "Red Heart
mountain is there, too, and honeycombed with caves ... perfect lairs for them to
avoid the elements, like that storm that's coming up."

"No ... I don't think so," Morgan replied without looking at him. "This
sonofabitch is too smart to pick the obvious. Besides, we scoured that area last
night ..."

"Maybe," Mark said, looking off toward the sky-rising hill called Red Heart, his
own intellects drawing him in that direction. "But I still think that's where he
... they, might hole-up. It's a perfect terrain for that uncanny brute to ferret
out ..."

"I don't know, Mark," Frank Clifford put in. "I don't want to interfere, but
Link's got a good point. Besides, if the posse last night covered that area, no
use of backtracking."

His timely butting-in was all Link needed. Trying not to show it, he leaped onto
the opening. "Well ... the deputy's got a point, too. We covered that ground at
night ... could be more productive in daylight."

"So ...? What you got in mind, Link?" Frank Clifford asked.

"An idea ... that maybe we should split up. There's twenty-two of us all
together ... more than enough divided to take care of that fucking horde should
either group come across them," the scheming police chief said, knowing that
he'd have to somehow slip away from his group to do what he intended. But that
wouldn't be too difficult, and he knew these hills like the back of his hand. He
could find Blakely's posse with little effort, then, completely destroy the
broken-down rifle he had carried in his saddlebag purposely for the job ...
after it was done!

"I don't know," Mark started, somehow uneasy with the idea of splitting the men.
But several more came forward in agreement, finally persuading him. "Well ...
all right, if all of you think it's best," he said, glancing toward Steve who
was constantly making notes. "Chief Morgan will head one group, and I'll handle
the other. We'll plan to meet at Razor Ridge. Whichever group gets there first,
waits for the other. Should any of us hear a lot of shooting, we'll know the
others have discovered the pack. Okay?"

A conglomeration of agreements filled the mountain air. Then, Mark added:
"Should either party come onto them, I insist there be no brutality, understand?
Kill them quick and clean!"

"Right!" Frank Clifford and several others chimed in.

"Okay," Mark said. "Let's decide who's riding with whom ...?"

Chapter 7

Caesar's vantage point was such that he could witness the two groups of horse-
carried, male humans moving in separate directions, as well as his golden-one
and the fiery-eyed female stumbling through the ravine below him. Only the huge
barrier of rocks divided the party of males from the pair of females he had
thought were his friends! Now, his keen animal brain sought other answers! By
chance alone had he, through intuitive instinct, become aware of the mass human
presence and moved above them to investigate! What he saw slowly enraged him!
They had deeply penetrated his domain, with both the golden-one's male-human and
the brute-man heading them! But more hurting than all else was the apparent fact
that his loving, human-mate and the fiery-eyed one had somehow brought them

For a long moment, the great and powerful animal stood picturesquely outlined
against the skyline, his tongue licking out characteristically; then, a deep
whimper emitted from his broad chest. He had been betrayed! How, he was not yet
certain, but retribution for such traitorism he was inherently steeped in! The
handsome, massive animal whimpered inside himself once more before he backed
off, turned, then leaped away as silently as he'd appeared!

* * *

A sudden rumble of deep, distant thunder sent a curdling chill up Carol Foster's
spine. From behind, she called to the girl only yards in front of her and said:
"It's a storm, Jean! Let's find someplace to get out of it!"

The young blonde wife paused to look back, almost as if just remembering at that
moment that Carol was with her. "We'll start climbing right here," she said.
"There's an overhanging ledge up there; it'll shelter us. Anyway, it's just a
little thunderstorm ..."

"We should have turned back!" Carol said, reaching her and grasping onto the
other's arms. "This is crazy, Jean ...!"

"Oh ... ooohhh, Carol, I'm sorry!" the blonde girl exclaimed. "I told you to go
back ...!"

"Damnit, I'm not about to go anywhere without you!"

"Are you afraid?"

"Well, it's getting dark enough to be ... and that storm's almost on top of us,
girl, if you haven't seen it!" Carol half-whimpered. "I-I mean if ... if we only
knew where we were going ...!"

Jean started to console her friend, but she never had to. The sudden appearance
of a horse carrying the huge frame of Link Morgan whipped her breath away. For a
moment, she stood as frozen, then undeniably welcomed the sight of the big Chief
of Police.

"Look!" she said, pointing. "It's Chief Morgan!"

Carol did, not in the least disappointed with his unexpected appearance, though
she could think of others that might be more pleasing! "Oh Goddd ...!" she

"What the hell you girls trying to do, kill yourselves?" Morgan blurted.
Apprehensively, he looked up at the clouded skies. "In seconds, there'll be a
downpour that'll send flash-floods all through these gullies! Come on!" he
ordered, swinging down from his mount. "Let's climb!"

* * *

Struggling on hands and knees into the mouth of a cave, Jean couldn't help but
wonder what would happen to the horse Link Morgan had abandoned below! She
turned to help Carol behind her, and then the big frame of Link Morgan who moved
into the cave opening with surprising agility. She hardly noticed the faint
smirk curling the lips of the police chief as she looked down to see the saddled
animal standing fast ...

Morgan read the concern on her face, his smirk broadening. The horse was in no
danger, he knew, getting to his feet and setting his rifle against the wall of
rock. There'd be no flash-flood ... probably no more than a few drops of rain,
but it'd been the perfect gimmick to scare them up into the cave!

He'd had no problem getting away from his party! Putting Frank Clifford in
charge, he'd used the excuse that he wanted to investigate a distance into the
ravine for signs, and that he'd join up with them later on the other side of
Wiley's Stream. His plan, of course, was to double back and sight Mark Blakely's
group from a perfect ambush point he was well familiar with ... but what the
hell ... here he'd stumbled onto Blakely's wife, along with that goddamned
writer's doll!

Shit, he'd almost tumbled out of the saddle when he spotted them. After all,
they didn't exactly compose the scene a man expected to find in the depths of
this friggin' wild country! But there was hardly time to speculate on why, or
what the hell they were doing there; only that they were starting to scale the
accessible bank was important! And the goddamned cave where those three teenaged
punks were holed-up was directly above them! What the hell, there was nothing to
do but join them and revamp his plans! The deputy was going to win a few more
minutes reprieve ...!

"The horse ... will it be all right?" Jean anxiously questioned the big lawman.

"Don't worry, it'll take care of itself," Morgan replied, his mean eyes ogling
Jean's appealing curves the tight slacks and shirt were temptingly enhancing.
The ripely pointed mounds of her firm breasts were straining the shirt-front,
while the slacks were stretched tautly over the smooth, rounded ovals of her
buttocks and across the small swelling of her belly, snugly clinging to the
puffy "vee" at the adjoining angle her voluptuously full thighs formed. He
couldn't help but remember her naked beauty. The night he'd fucked her at
Lydia's! Christ ...! "The question is, what're you girls up to in these hills?"
he probed, though a crazy goddamned answer was already forming in his tired

"We ... we were hiking and got lost," Carol quickly put in when she saw Jean
struggling for words.

"Y-Yes ... that's it ... we got lost!' Jean followed, nodding her pony-tailed

A grin stretched the police chief's lips. He shifted his glance to the
vivacious, willowy brunette, his lustful eyes rakingly appraising her lissome,
curved, young body. There was something fiery in her expression that intrigued
him, even reminded him of Lydia Newell, that illusion alone enough to cause a
stirring in his heavy loins. He said: "You ah ... you don't expect me to believe
that shit, do you? I mean, with a pack of wild raping dogs menacing these hills,
you dollies just come out for a hike? Let's try another answer, what do you

"I-I don't believe it's necessary for us to give you any explanations, Link
Morgan!" Jean suddenly snapped at him, then turned to Carol. "Come on, let's get
out of this place! The sun is shining again ...!" She paused at the odd
expression on her friend's attractive face. The brunette wife was looking beyond
her toward the back of the cave, with her small, slender nose raised as if she
were smelling something ... "What is it, Carol ...?"

Jean pivoted to follow the direction of her stare before the other could answer,
noticing for the first time that the tunnel was quite deep and arched off to the
right ...! And ... and there was some sort of light ... a flickering light,
similar to what a flame might cause ...!

"D-Do you smell that, Jean?" Carol hesitatingly questioned, suddenly looking
toward the big frame of a grinning Link Morgan. "I-It's marijuana ... pot!
Someone's back there ...!"

When Jean swung around toward Morgan, he had picked up his rifle and was using
it to point in the direction of the flickering light. "Too late now, girls," he
growled, his voice undeniably threatening, his red-face an open leer. "I don't
know what I'll wind up doing with you, but we'll decide that when the time
comes. Get moving, both of you! Let's go back and join the company!"

"Oh ... oh God, Jean ...!" Carol frightenedly hesitated, grasping the young
blonde wife's hand.

"Don't be afraid, Carol!" Jean bravely pretended, taking the brunette's small
hand and holding it tightly in her equally tiny one, even as her flesh began to
crawl at what might await them ahead. She'd already had experience with Link

"Move!" the corrupt police chief barked, slapping them both luridly across their
full buttocks, a lustful charge taunting his groin at the resilient give of
their rounded ass-cheeks. "Maybe, we'll just have a party while we're making up
our minds what to do with you bitches!"

They did, clinging to one another's hand, Jean stumbling once over an unseen
rock, but quickly catching her balance. Then, as they rounded the bend in the
hollowed-out cavern and the flickering light grew more illuminous, they saw
them! Automatically, the two young wives halted side by side in shocked
apprehension! Neither could find her voice ... but before them, stretched out on
what looked like soiled mattresses and blankets, lay three naked men ... no ...

"Good God ...!" Carol gasped, the words choking from her throat! "Wh-What is
this ...?"

Jean had yet to speak, but a myriad of unwanted reflections were racing through
her brain! The three of them were little more than teenagers ... and smoking
crudely-made cigarettes in the candle light surrounding them! The small area
reeked of the sweetish aroma, but it was not that as much as their lewd
nakedness and the still unexplained attack upon her nights ago that sent clammy
chills rippling upward along her spine! Somehow, at that horrifying moment, she
knew that these were the three masked attackers Caesar had driven off that first
night ...!

"You dumb fucks!" Morgan vilely barked out from behind them, each young wife
sensing her own particular reaction to the graphic four-letter word. "A whole
goddamned army could march in here and you pricks wouldn't know it!"

As if some authoritative monarch had spoken, the pair of trembling girls saw the
three naked, teenaged boys bolt erect from their mattresses to face them open-
mouthed, their eyes glazed with the effects of the marijuana.

Jean, as shocked as she was, couldn't keep her unbelieving stare from raking
over their partially hardened young genitals, the thought lewdly occurring to
her that they may well have been carrying on a homosexual orgy ...!

"Geez, Chief ... we didn't hear you, honest!" the tallest, a skinny, pimply-
faced boy blurted out, obviously trying to focus his eyes on them as he absently
clutched at his half-hard penis.

Carol had yet to accept the absolutely obscene spectacle as anything but a lurid
nightmare! She clung to Jean's hand while she watched the thin, acne-faced youth
fondling his naked, half-erect penis, as were the other two, and at the same
time try to talk to the terrible man behind them! God almighty! What had they
stumbled onto?

"By the looks of you cock-heads," Link Morgan obnoxiously spat, "you've not only
been playing suck-suck, but you've been smoking up too much of my profits, damn
you!" With that, he set down his rifle and cupped both Jean and Carol's rounded,
full buttocks in his big hands, moving between them to force them forward into
the hollowed-out, high-roofed enclosure. "But we'll settle that later. Right
now, look what I brought along, luscious, tender cunt ... and you boys ought to
remember the blonde one, our noble deputy sheriff's wife?"

Link Morgan's obscene use of words, as well as his goatish hand manipulations,
were not unfamiliar to Jean. Even so, she couldn't help the unwanted, acid-
influenced sensations they set off in her trembling, soft belly. Though she was
choked right up to her tonsils with unashamed fear, her immediate concern for
Carol was foremost in her aghast mind. Jean continued to cling encouragingly to
her friend's shaking hand, hoping to God that Carol would forgive her if they
ever came out of this horror alive ...!

"Yeah ... I remember her, Chief!" the long-haired, runtish boy of the three
exclaimed, lewdly working the foreskin of his semi-stiffened penis back and
forth before Carol's fixed, disbelieving eyes! "She's the broad we were all
going to rape, eh? You know, the night the goddamned wild dog broke it up ...!"

"You see what I mean?" Morgan roared. "I can't trust you cocksuckers!"

"Goddamn you, shut-up, Billy!" the third, a strong, well-built teenager ordered.
"You want to get us all hung?"

"You're already hung, you pricks!" the police chief spat, sitting down on a
rock-formation? "Maybe, we all are ... but we're going to go out in a blaze of
glory! Come on, damn you, strip these broads! I intend to have my cock sucked!"

With Link Morgan's foul-worded intentions ringing lewdly in her ears, Jean gazed
regrettably into Carol's shocked eyes. God, had she not been such a stubborn
fool; if only she'd turned back when her friend wanted to ...! Yet, there was no
power on earth that could have made her do that, she realized! But more horrible
than all else, now she would never be able to warn Caesar ...! Oh God ...!

Suddenly, the thin, acne-faced boy whom Jean knew to be Leo Vincent, a local
young hoodlum, began to jump up and down in an imbecilic sort of dance, causing
his partially rigid, teenage penis and hanging testicles to luridly waggle and
jounce. "I've got it, Chief!" he squealed in his drugged world. "I've got it!
We'll get 'em high on pot first, then we'll have a real orgy!"

"Hey, that's wild!" Corky White, the bigger, good-looking brother of the
runtish, long-haired one, agreed. "How about it, Chief ...?"

"Fuck, I don't care what the hell you do with them!" Morgan spat, his cruel eyes
reflecting the ungovernable lust again mounting inside him. "Just get 'em naked
and give me the black-haired bitch! She's got that wild gleam in her eyes that I
want to watch as she sucks me off!"

Carol sensed an unreasonable tremor flutter through her sensual loins and belly
at the gross man's obscenely spewed words, even as their vile meaning nauseously
registered in her horrified brain! Whether her nearly paralyzing fear was as
much for her own welfare as Jean's, she didn't know at that point! The entire
abominable scene was such an impossible nightmare! But of one thing she felt
certain, Jean could well go absolutely berserk from the effects of pot on top of
the LSD this brutal man had fed her ...!

The naked, long-haired boy who someone had called Billy was confronting her
then, grinning like an idiot while he filthily posed with his youthful genitals
thrust forward, his hand lewdly massaging his now rigidly hardened young penis!
To her left, laughingly hopping toward Jean with equally salacious gestures, was
the bigger, well-built brother, his long, thick teenaged cock formidably poling
out from his obscenely clutching fist, while the third sat nakedly on the
mattress singing and rolling the mind-bending weed into joints!

"Oh God ...!" Carol gasped as Corky White suddenly began to pull at her clothing
and she half-twisted to look pleadingly toward the evilly watching Link Morgan.
"Please ... do whatever you want to me, but Jean ... she's still not herself
from the LSD! Marijuana could permanently damage her ...!"

"You tug at my heart strings, cunt!" Morgan leered, watching with tired, lustful
eyes as Corky half-tore the shirt from her, then shoved his fingers into the
white lacy front of her sheer bra, ripping it away with one mean jerk! Her firm,
white breasts rippled swayingly in their sudden release, and the long-haired boy
eagerly clutched their rounded, ruby-nippled fullness in his dirty, clawlike
hands, raising a goatish chuckle from the corrupt police chief. "Fuck her! How
do you like to suck cock? That's all that interests me right now, baby!" Morgan
taunted, while her drug-affected tormentor suddenly half-squatted to luridly
suck the tender, pointed tip of one breast into his tonguing, teeth-nibbling

"Oh ... oh please ...!" Jean heard Carol whimper out in pain and tried to turn
and help her. But it was futile! The naked, strapping boy who had immediately
dropped onto his knees before her and was lewdly pulling down her slacks and
panties had already dug his strong fingers into the soft, sensitive flesh of her
nakedly exposed hips! And as she stood there totally helpless, her jerked-down
clothing fettering her below the knees, he forced her to shamefully spread her
legs as he buried his teenaged, good-looking face between her trembling thighs
into her defenselessly naked loins!

Even in her fear-stricken state, Jean couldn't deny the erotic sensations that
surged from her sensuous vaginal flesh through her convulsing belly and upward
to her brain, at the lustfully shocking penetration of his hot, wet tongue
between her pussy-lips! She not only felt, but watched his young face nestled to
her loins, the unmerciful contact of his hotly lashing, ravaging tongue with her
spasming clitoris completely distorting her mental capacities! Yet, somehow, she
restrained the urge to reach down and clutch at his head ... to pull his
youthfully handsome face tighter into her rapidly firing cunt which had
continuously simmered with insatiable want since they had drugged her ...!

The goddamned wild sight was more lustfully stimulating than Morgan had
conceived it! The three bare-assed drug-freaks had stripped the pair of luscious
bitches completely naked and were doing every filthy thing to them their warped
brains could imagine! Screw! After the ball-draining session with Lydia and
Annie, he'd doubted that he'd ever get a hard-on again, but there he sat with
his hugely throbbing cock swollen as rigid as a wagon-tongue! Christ ...! What
the hell was he going to do with them ... not only the broads, but those half-
queer pot-heads, when he was finished with them? Kill 'em? What else? All five
were a destructive menace to his existence! Shit ... he'd take care of that when
the time came ... but right now ...?

His mean eyes burned as they stared at the way Corky White was making Blakely's
wife stand with her shapely white legs spread wide apart, his fucking face
buried in her blonde-curled cunt! But it was the pimply-faced Vincent who'd
kneeled behind her and was making her spread her rounded, full ass-cheeks for
him so that he could lick her little asshole that was really sending the evil-
minded police chief! And his potential cock-sucker, in all of her willowy,
supple nakedness, standing spread-legged while the long-haired Billy ate her
pussy and simultaneously, finger-fucked her ass-hole! Christ! He had to get in
on this act, himself ...!

"Okay ... the pot ... the pot!" Leo Vincent suddenly exclaimed, jumping to his
feet. "It's the weed-time before we really set sail, eh?"

Carol sensed her naked, full-set breasts rising and falling in uncontrollable
arousal as the long-haired teenager abruptly deserted her, the hotly tingling
inner-flesh of her defenseless young pussy seething with the flames he had
obscenely licked into being inside her! Then, he was thrusting a joint between
her lips and pulling her down onto a mattress, as were the other two with Jean!
Oh God ...! There was no way to avoid the obscene things that were going to
happen to them ... to that, she was resigned ... and maybe the pot, after all,
was going to be a blessing ... even for Jean ...!

Chapter 8

Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely held up his hand to the men behind him and reined in
his mount at the approaching rider. He recognized the man as Bill Watts, one of
the hunters with Link Morgan's party, and waited for the other to get close
enough to speak.

"Frank Clifford sent me, Mark," he said for greeting. "Something ain't right!
Chief Morgan left us over an hour ago to do some lookin' on his own, he said. We
were suppose to meet up with him on the other side of Wiley's Stream, but he
should've been there quite a spell ago! Frank wants to know what he should do?"

Damn that Morgan! the young sheriff inwardly cursed. He'd given strict orders
that they all stay together to avoid any mishaps, like what had happened to his
father ... "Frank's taken over for Morgan?" Mark questioned.

"Yep. That's what Link said," Bill Watts replied.

"Okay ... you go back and join your group," Mark said. "Tell Frank to carry on
with the hunt. No use of all of us searching for Morgan. I'll take care of

"Right!" Watts answered with a nod of his head, then swung his mount around and
was gone.

"What do you think, Mark?" Steve Foster questioned, moving up alongside his

"I don't know ... but I don't like it," Mark answered. "There was no reason for
Morgan to separate from the others ... unless he had some private business to
attend to. Otherwise, he'd have taken one or two of the men with him."

"You think he's up to no-good, eh?" Steve pressed.

"Maybe ... and then again, maybe something's happened to him ..."

"Like a fall or something ...?"

"Possible ... but not likely either," Mark said. "He's too skilled, too
competent a hunter ... Whatever, we better find out." Then to the others: "You
men carry on as planned. Foster and I will see if we can find Chief Morgan.
We'll rejoin you as soon as we can. Harry, you and Cal take over for me. All
decisions, make them together. Any questions ...?"

There weren't. Mark waved them on then, while he and Steve headed back to where
they had originally split into two groups, his plan simply to try and follow
Link Morgan's trail from there ...

* * *

It took a small measure of the marijuana smoke which Leo Vincent and Corky White
forcibly made her inhale to send Jean quickly into a space-out high. Stripped
shamefully naked by the two drugged teenagers in their own lewd nakedness, they
had made her lie on her back, sandwiched between them, the rigid hardnesses of
their youthful, heavily swollen penises pressed tightly on either side of her to
the yielding smooth flesh of her rounded hips and thighs. Luridly, they ground
their thickly throbbing lengths of stiffened boy cock against her soft, white
flesh, at the same time, each claiming one of the full, pink-nippled mounds of
her lush breasts to suck and nibble at as they mockingly played with the
moistened, sensitive cuntal flesh between her helplessly spread thighs!

"Oh Goddd ... don't, please ...?" Jean whimpered pathetically in her mounting
opiate state, uncontrollable sensations of lewd degradation beginning to churn
within her exposed, defenseless body at their depraved, sensual acts! Their
near-moronic squeals and sniggers as they mauled, sucked and pawed at her naked,
unprotected breasts and vagina, filled the blonde young wife's whirling brain,
her fears, as well as knowledge of immediate surroundings quickly failing her!

Carol saw and realized this as she sat in equal forced nakedness upon the dirty
mattress facing her friend! Eagerly, the trembling, willowy brunette dragged at
the brown-papered joint, praying for its numbing effects to quickly take its
morally deadening hold of her humiliated senses! She couldn't look at the warped
expression on the long-haired teenager's face, who sat beside and watching her
with his nude hip pressed tightly against her own. He'd drawn up his knees and
made her do the same, then spread them so that she could grasp and massage his
hardened, teenage cock while he played with, and worked his lewdly searching
fingers in and around her rapidly dampening pussy lips!

God almighty! What was going to happen to them before this depraved horror was
over with? Already, the smoke-filled cavern was filled with obscene moans and
gasps, much of them coming from her poor girlfriend, Jean, who lay helplessly
spread-open between the pair of luridly writhing teenagers, both of them with
fingers thrust up into the wet, pink vaginal flesh between her vulnerably
squirming thighs ...!

"All right, let's get a little more action into this circus, cockheads!" Link
Morgan gleefully ordered from his seated position on the rock formation.
"Vincent, you and Corky get Blakely's wife up on her knees. One of you can fuck
her dog-fashion from behind while she sucks off the other one!" Then, to the
long-haired brother: "Bring that other hot little cunt over here to me, Billy! I
want her to fish out my cock and suck it right down into her gullet ...!"

"Aw, Chief! I wanna fuck her ...!" the runtish boy groaned.

"So fuck her, punk!" Morgan leered. "She'll probably love your skinny little
cock playing in her cunt-hole while she sucks me off! Come on, get her over
here! My balls are getting ready to burst ...!"

Though dazed, Jean was anything but insensate to what was happening to her, or
to Carol. Obediently, with tiny moans of debased servitude escaping her, she let
the pair of ridiculously tittering youths manipulate her nakedly up into a
kneeling position on her hands and knees. From behind, one of them ordered her
to spread her legs wide, then she sensed his hands clutching at the soft, ovaled
spheres of her obscenely offered buttocks, spreading them apart with perverted
delight. Abruptly, she felt the weight of the other heavily on her back,
straddling her above the hips, his hard, naked buttocks and hairy genitals
luridly grinding against the smooth, tender flesh of her backbone. Like a
tormenting lust-fired imp, he began to undulate and writhe his teenaged frame,
his weight like a mounted horse-back rider, fully upon her as he made lunatical
squeals before leaning forward to reach beneath her and brutally clutch at the
hardened nippled mounds of her fully hanging breasts.

Even the near-comatose of her own drugged brain couldn't lessen for Jean the
vileness of their deranged acts. She felt the contact of a searing, wet tongue
licking through the exposed, spread crevice between her helpless buttocks,
heatedly stroking up and down, until finally its stiffened tip centered at the
tiny mouth of her rectum, straining to worm its way beyond her tiny puckered,
rectal lips!

"Oh ... ooohhh Goddddd!" she moaned in sensual shame. She stared with glazed
eyes at Carol in her forced nakedness on all fours between the spread, still-
clothed legs of Link Morgan, reluctantly working to release his huge cock from
his pants, while the long-haired Billy White kneeled up behind her exposed,
white buttocks his teenaged hardness luridly clutched in his fist!

"Come on you willowy bitch! Let's lay a little tongue on it!" Jean heard Morgan
lewdly spit down at her best friend. "Lick it all over before you gobble it down

... And those were perhaps the last words that Link Morgan ever spoke in his
corrupt life ...!

What happened occurred so quickly that neither girl in her pot-slowed mind could
quite comprehend it! Only the vicious growl that filled the cave made an
immediate registering in Jean's brain!

Caesar! Dear God, he'd found them ...

Morgan swore, brutally shoving Carol away as he reached for his rifle, but the
powerfully leaping beast was on top of the big man before he could make any
meaningful effort to protect himself! Then, Caesar stepped aside to give the
cringing brute-man over to the gleaming fangs of his massive, wolfish companion!

The huge German Shepherd paid little attention to the naked teenagers who were
frantically yelling as they stumbled to their feet and ran toward the cave
entrance! Nor did he yet look to the pair of young nakedly stripped wives who
had crawled toward each other and were huddled together in a trembling embrace!
Not until the big Chief of Police ceased his helplessly gurgling struggles, did
Caesar utter a restraining growl at his wolf-like companion, the latter backing
away from the unmoving, prostrate body of the dead man. Then, the pack leader
turned his massive head to glare at the huddled, shuddering wives.

"Oh, Caesar, Darling ...!" Jean cried, letting free of Carol and starting to
crawl toward her animal-lover.

"Wait, Jean look at him!" Carol exclaimed, as the mighty animal retreated
several steps with a ferocious show of bared teeth.

"M-My God ...!" the naked blonde wife exclaimed, her lovely mouth dropping open
in surprised shock at the unfriendly sight. "Wh-What is it, Darling! Oh Caesar
... please ...?"

Again she started forward and stopped at his warning growl, the raging flame in
his glowing, amberish eyes undeniable!

"Something's wrong, Jean!" Carol gasped. "Look at his eyes!"

"I-I know ... almost as if he were filled with hatred ... for us ...!" the young
blonde wife incredulously choked. "B-But why? He ... he must know we couldn't
help what they were doing to us ... doesn't he ...?"

"God almighty!" Carol hissed. "I don't know, Jean ... I don't know! L-Let's try
to put our clothes on. M-Maybe, he'll calm down by then ..."

It was the supple brunette's first naked move toward her things that raised the
next warning growl from the huge animal, freezing her into motionlessness. A
second growl to the grey, wolfish beast brought the latter up behind Carol,
while Caesar did the same to Jean, both animals nudging their wet noses against
the girl's naked backs until the pair of young wives climbed unsteadily onto
their feet. Then, Caesar moved in front of them to lead the way, while the grey
one remained behind them.

"He-He wants us to follow him!" Jean reasoned, looking toward her friend.

"W-Without our clothes?" Carol questioned, a little tremor of fear rippling over
her as the wolfish beast behind them gave off a menacing growl.

Jean caught hold of her naked friend's hand, persuasively tugging it as she
began to move forward, confident that her animal-lover would never, never harm
her, no matter what. "Come on, Carol. It's what he wants us to do ... follow
him. Come on ...!"

"Oh ... oh God!" the willowy brunette shivered, seeing for the first time the
small-mouthed opening off the main cave that Caesar was moving toward. "Good
Lord, Jean! Wh-Where is he taking us ... and why, without our clothes ...?"

* * *

What skill Mark Blakely had in wild country had been taught him by his dead
father. All the same, he thought, as he angrily berated Link Morgan to himself,
any boy-scout could have seen where the Police Chief had left the others and
headed toward the ravine that eventually led to Red-Heart Hill ... the very area
the big man suggested they by-pass! Why ...?

Christ! Was it possible? An ambush, maybe? Hell, he'd shamed him before his
friends, just as his father had ... but even a cut-throat of Morgan's caliber
wasn't so stupid as to think he could get away with a second time ... was he
...? Yeah ... he'd been that raging mad back at the Inn ... still it hardly
seemed feasible ...

"What do you think he's up to, Mark?" Steve questioned from a few yards behind.
"Frankly, I don't like it! That bastard would kill you as quick as he'd buy you
a drink!"

"Quicker, maybe," Mark replied, his keen eyes ever alert to the vantage points
above and ahead of them. "Better keep your rifle handy. It pays in this

"Shit, I don't know anything about this damned thing," the red-bearded writer
said, looking down at the weapon cradled in his crooked arm, as if it were some
frightening thing that might explode all by itself any second. "I'd be better
off with a sling-shot."

Mark quietly laughed, welcoming the tension-breaking remark. "All the same,
buddy, better keep it handy," he advised as something ahead moved, catching his
keen eye. "Wait!" he hissed, reining up.

"What is it?" Steve half-whispered.

"Not sure ... but it looks like a horse ... Morgan's horse!" Mark said. "Come
on! Let's take a look!"

It took Mark only a matter of a minute or better to determine that the animal
was, in fact, the Police Chief's mount, and a quick examination of the saddle-
bag produced the broken-down rifle, an uneasy feeling squirming through him at
the find ...

"Look here, Mark! Foot-prints digging into the bank and going upward!" Steve
called. "At least, that's what they look like to me ..."

The young deputy sheriff went over to examine them. No question but what they
were footprints, all right ... but those of more than one person ... more like
three ...!

"What do you make of it?" the writer questioned.

"Let's go up and find out," Mark replied. "This is the back-end of Red-Heart,
and hollowed out with a maze of caves and tunnels, one leading into another!
Used to fool around here when I was a kid. You know ... I figured this to be a
perfect place for the wild-pack to hole-up right from the beginning ... Better
keep that rifle ready, Steve. Do the best you can with it, and stay close.
Unless I miss my guess, there's a cave entrance right up there ...!"

Steve couldn't resist hauling out paper and pencil and making a few fast notes
before following his friend, clawing his way up the steep embankment. Shit, the
young writer thought, the situations he got himself into just to get a story ...

"I was right!" Mark hissed back at him. "There's a cave here. Move as quietly as
you can and don't talk once we're inside. The sound reverberates!"

Steve nodded, clumsily fumbling with the rifle as Mark reached out and hauled
him upright onto the narrow ledge. Then, with a finger-over-lips gesture, the
deputy moved inside, almost immediately stopping and lifting his nose in the
air. Steve did the same ... Christ, there was no question! Pot! He'd smelled
enough of it to know that odor anywhere ...!

Mark was silently pointing toward what looked like flickering light around the
bend ahead, and his friend nodded, a sensation of excitement rippling through
him. Fuck! What a story this was going to make ...!

To the young deputy sheriff moving in trained stealth, the entire picture had
taken on a specific meaning, having to do with the drug situation Crescent
Valley had been confronted with for too long! But as he rounded the arch in the
cave where the illumination and heavier marijuana smoke were coming from, his
rifle at ready, he was totally unprepared for the sight he saw!

"Christ almighty!" he choked out at the lifeless form of Link Morgan sprawled on
the earthen floor! Quickly he moved forward, dropping to his knees to listen at
the big man's stilled chest!

"W-Well?" Steve managed. "Is he ...?"

Mark let off a heavy sigh. Then, he nodded. "He is, all right ... and you can
see how ... his throat!"

"Goddamn!" Steve blurted, moving closer, completely ignoring what the deputy was
looking at ... Morgan's genitals totally exposed from his open pants-front but
unharmed. "The wild-pack, Mark? Did they do it, you think ...?"

"I-I don't know what to think!" the young deputy sheriff answered as Steve
turned to see him on his haunches amongst the three soiled mattresses, examining
what looked like clothing ... woman's clothing! "These ... these look like ...
but, but they can't be, of course ...!"

Steve had already squatted beside his friend, staring at a white blouse with
sun-flower designs ... the exact replica of one he had paid a seamstress to make
for Carol on her birthday! Hesitantly, he picked it up, examining it closer.
Suddenly, he blurted: "This is Carol's! Shit, Mark! No question! This is Carol's

"God almighty!" Mark choked. "I thought these things looked like Jean's ... and
if you're sure that's Carol's, there's no question ...!"

"Christ, Mark! What's going on? Morgan dead, his throat ripped out, the girls'
clothes ...?" the red-bearded writer gasped, clutching the deputy's tensed arm.

"I-I don't know, Steve ... but we better find out in a hurry!" Mark said,
bolting to his feet. "Whatever it is, the girls are involved ... and so, I'm
afraid, is that goddamned Caesar and his wild pack ...!"

Chapter 9

Jean had no way of knowing how far they had nakedly followed her animal-lover
along the darkened tunnels, turn-offs, and ever-climbing way! Nor did she have
any idea in God's world where he was leading them, but she would have followed
him, regardless. Several times, in the near-ink darkness, she stumbled, once
falling onto her knees, Carol, close behind her, helping her to her feet again.

"Oh God, Jean! Where are they taking us ...?"

"It'll be all right, Darling! Don't be afraid!" Jean, with certainty, reassured
her friend. "Don't be afraid! Remember ... it's Caesar, Darling ...!"

From the onset of their forced trek, the willowy brunette had not been that
confident! The expression on the mighty animal's wild face had been nothing
short of rage! Why, she couldn't imagine ... except, after all, he was but a
ferocious beast ...!

Simultaneously fighting the urge to believe differently, Jean, herself, couldn't
help but question her lover's viciously revealed attitude! As she stumbled along
behind him in her trembling nakedness, a myriad of thoughts raced through her
still-drugged brain! It was inconceivable to think that he mistrusted her ...
yet ...? Had ... had he somehow reasoned that she and Carol had led Morgan there
... the boys, too, perhaps ...? And then, came the realization that he would
know of the hunting posse! Did he believe she had led them, too? Oh God ...!

It was then, that they suddenly moved into a lightened place with the brilliant
day-ending sunshine showering down upon them, the very clouds and sky openly
visible! But more awesome to Jean, was the sight of dogs everywhere! They lay in
repose, the bitches suckling their pups, the males moving furtively, a series of
growls filling the little arena as they entered what looked like a great sanded
pit in the center of the clearing!

"My God, Jean ... where are we?" Carol choked, again grasping at the other's
hand. "L-Look at these brutes! D-Do you suppose if we screamed ...!"

"Don't make a sound!" Jean commanded, harshly clutching at her naked friend's
hand. "I don't know what's happening ... but there's a reason ... I'm sure there
is ...!" she insisted, watching her animal-lover with the golden medallion climb
onto a kingly place overlooking all, then raise his huge head to utter a growl
of meaning!

Jean looked around her to see several things happening at that moment. Certain
male animals went back into the cave mouth from which they'd come. Others
climbed upward onto vantage points. But what made her blood cool in her veins
was the unmistakable jealous expressions in the watching eyes of the bitches who
lay with their young, indisputable resentment clouding their canine glares. She
sensed her own small hand gripping tighter to Carol's!

"I-I'm scared, Jean ... scared as hell!" the naked, willowy brunette tremblingly
whispered. "It's weird ... like some insane dream! Wh-What's going to happen

In all truth, Jean had lost a great deal of her own cool somewhere along the
way; yet, she refused to let herself believe that her beautiful animal-lover
would forsake her, even if he did think, wrongly, that she had led his enemy
there! He loved her, as she loved him, and as trite as it was, love triumphed
over all! She'd learned that as just a little girl ...

The growl of Caesar, himself, set her on the extreme alert. It was a different
sound, almost regal, and given from where he lay above all the others in the
natural arena. While Carol backed up to her, their naked buttocks touching, Jean
saw the several male dogs move from their resting-place and hop down into the
pit with them! Before her, there were three, and at least as many had descended
behind her, confronting Carol!

They were wild-appearing beasts, dogs, yes, but with obvious strains of timber
wolf blood also racing through them! The grey one, the wolfish dog, stood before
her, licking his vicious mouth! And ... and then, it struck her! Caesar was
punishing her ... them, for whatever reason his uncanny brain had conceived, but
he was wrong! Dear God ... they hadn't betrayed him ... only tried to help him!
Oohhh ... he didn't understand ... and there was no way she could make him
realize ...!

"Jean ... Jean ...!" Carol cried as the other suddenly ran over to drop onto her
knees before where the massive Caesar had perched himself! "God almighty, don't
leave me ...?"

Please ... please, Caesar, try to understand?" Jean begged, looking upward at
him through glazed blue eyes. "We only tried to help, Darling! We came to warn
you ...!"

When she saw that her pleas to the medallioned German Shepherd were useless, a
wailing little whimper tumbled from Jean's lips, and as she turned to look
toward Carol that desperate whine increased. The wolf, and that he was, caused
her to cringe in building terror! Babbling, she quickly shied back toward the
brunette who was now on her hands and knees, sobbing brokenly as three of the
massive brutes closed in around her helpless, naked friend ... while the wolf
moved ever toward her!

"Oh God ... oh God ...!" the pony-tailed, blonde wife choked, abruptly aware
that two of the dogs were like guards, each moving to either side of her, as if
assuring that she would remain in her all-fours kneeling position, while the
huge wolf eased around behind her! No longer was there any doubt in her dazed,
fear-filled mind what was going to happen to her ... and had there been, the
sight of Carol in her vulnerable, white nakedness being treated the same way
would have removed them! She saw the big, shaggy animal that suddenly mounted
the lithesome girl's defenseless, softly rounded buttocks from behind, the wild
brute's length of thick, wetly glistening hardness slipping forth from its heavy
sheath like a menacing, scarlet spear!

"Oh! Oh, God almighty, Jean! Ooohhhh ...!" the trapped blonde wife heard her
friend's cry of despair, and she looked to Caesar one last time, but knew it was
hopeless! The wolf growled viciously from behind her, its meaning as clear to
her as if the beast had commanded in her own tongue! She had been subjected to
this before, but always by her handsome Caesar! Now, only debased shame filled
her as she obediently spread her trembling, full thighs wide, thrusting her
nakedly unprotected buttocks back and upward to completely expose her moistly
cringing cunt mouth for the animal's raping use!

A forsaken moan bubbled in Jean's throat as suddenly she felt the wolf's searing
tongue snake out and lick wetly up and down the smooth, lewdly presented crevice
surrounding her tiny anal lips, the tip burrowing slightly into the outer fleshy
ring of it. She uncontrollably pulled her arched hips and obscenely poised
buttocks away at the degrading licking, then heard the wild brute's responsive
growl. A shudder passed over her as she realized she must remain still and
shamefully give herself to the beast ... that it was what Caesar was demanding

Again, the long, hot length of wet animal-flesh grazed the baby-like mouth of
her inwardly flexing rectum before starting to lap greedily at the openly
revealed inner-flesh of her vagina. Unceasingly, it licked up through the entire
area of her nakedly presented genitals, from her tightly puckered little anus to
the fearfully flushed lips of her hotly simmering pussy, finally reaching the
tiny quivering bud of her erect clitoris! His thick, burning tongue began to
splay mercilessly through her helpless, passion-mounting cunt, pausing only
occasionally to lunge in a curl deeply up into her dilating vaginal channel!

Even in her heart-broken humiliation, Jean couldn't ignore the quickly aroused
sensations of desire the wolf's relentlessly probing tongue in the moistened
canal of her pussy was exploding in her soft belly and weirdly excited young
loins. Carol's half-scream did little more than penetrate the wall of seething
urge claiming her, and she looked back just as the huge grey brute mounted her
from behind! His powerful forepaws clutched at the tender white flesh of her
curved hips, his wet tongue hanging loosely from his fierce, open mouth!

It was a mixture of crushed love, shameful subjugation, and unrestrainable
growing lust that filled Jean as she felt the wet, beveled tip of his long,
thick hardness probing at the moistened mouth of her tremoring vagina! Again,
she stared pleadingly up at the regal Caesar, but at that precise moment,
whatever additional thoughts she had were abruptly swept away! She gasped out,
her breath eluding her, as the huge length of blood-filled animal-cock thundered
up into and filled her cuntal passage like a charging, white-hot lance!

From that moment, Jean hardly knew any physical pain, only the mental agony that
the loss of her Caesar's love and the still strongly working effects of the
marijuana had despairingly brought. Then, even that began to dilute as she
sensed the texture of the muscular animal's sleek coat brushing teasingly
against the spread, smooth mounds of her naked, upthrusting buttocks! Her
breathing quickened as she dropped her face and vibrant, nipple-hardened breasts
until they were scraping and groveling against the sand beneath her!

"Ooohhh ... ooohh ... Godddd ... yessss! F-Fuck me ... fuck me hard ...!" she
lustfully hissed with trembling whisper, twisting her sand-smeared face to gape
back at the huge wolf fucking into her from behind ...!

Abruptly, no less enthralled, was Carol Foster in her obscenely naked, all-
foured position, bent slave-like before the huge shaggy beast that was savagely
fucking into her like a pile-driver from its lewd, mounting stance! The nearly
choked horror she had first known, she luridly reasoned, had been pulverized in
her trembling belly by the wild dog's heavily fucking cock, pistoning with
unbelievable ferocity up into the wide-stretched channel of her hotly steaming

Her breath had been utterly whipped away at the shaggy animal's initial,
terrifying thrust, along with all thoughts that such a bestial obscenity could
be happening to her! Though her association with Caesar that one time had been
with her mouth, she had seen Jean being fucked by the mighty German Shepherd and
had secretly longed for his lengthy, thick hardness plunging into her, but she
had never conceived in her wildest imagination that another beast could ever
bring her such all-consuming pleasure!

God almighty! No man had ever filled her with such overwhelming sensations! She
exploded a sensual moan of pyramiding passion from her lust-moistened lips as
she undulated her naked buttocks backwards with rhythmic gyrations to meet the
animal's ravaging thrusts! She sensed her loosely dangling young titties
rippling and swaying below her chest with each jar from his brutal plunges up
into her, his heavy, animal-cum-filled balls slapping and taunting the erect,
bud-like plexus of her quivering clitoris ...!

The absolutely obscene spectacle of Carol being so brutally fucked by the shaggy
beast humping into her from behind, was increasing Jean's overwhelming lust a
hundred fold! She watched in salacious fascination, while the burning, thick rod
of hardened wolf-cock plunged up into her own belly with wet, ferocious charges,
scoring its way to the very hilt in her now hungrily clutching vagina, the
animal's heavy, sperm-bloated balls swinging wildly beneath her golden pussy-
hair! At the same time, she could see her girl friend Carol's, openly splayed
cuntal flesh wetly clinging to the shaggy animal's huge, scarlet hardness when
it pulled out of her, then vanishing back up inside again with each thrusting
impalement, the dog's bloated black testicles echoing solidly between the
spread-open lips of her undulating cunt in a heavily smacking clitoral abuse!

Oh God! The signal flashed through Jean's erotically inflamed young body! She
... she was going to cum ...! Carol suddenly wailed out at that moment, her
nakedly writhing curves beginning a series of lewd spasms that Jean immediately
recognized! She, too, was climaxing, along with the shaggy brute fucking
savagely into the hot liquid hole back between the slave-bent brunette's
convulsively working buttocks!

Again, Carol cried out ... and then the shaggy brute backed off of her, his
deflating animal penis slipping uselessly from her wetly saturated loins, one of
the other two wild-dogs quickly mounting her in the shaggy one's place ...! Jean
tried to fathom the meaning behind the frightening animal-relay, but her own
intensive moment was blinding her! It screamed through her fired loins like the
pricking of a million warning needles, gnawing at the base of her heatedly
quivering belly with the promise of ecstatic rapture! She whimpered aloud to the
jagged edges of her peaking, sensual bliss, imagining erotically how the wolf's
long, thick cock must look disappearing up between the yielding whiteness of her
helplessly quaking buttocks, his furious ravaging tempoed in quickened animal-

The first spasm of orgasm struck her then and she shrieked, slamming her
obscenely laboring ass-cheeks back hard against the fulfilling wolf-cock in
desperate, frantic lunges! In response, the huge beast thrust forward with a
growl, his massive hardness beginning to squirt out its animal jism deep up into
her hotly constricting belly in long, blissfully scalding spurts! She
uncontrollably tossed her head from side to side in her dynamic release, feeling
the combination of human-animal cum thickly oozing from her tightly clenching
cuntal mouth, thin rivulets of the hot, sticky fluid trickling down the smoothly
trembling columns of her soft inner thighs ...!

Then, he was gone and new, powerful forelegs were laying claim to the smooth
sensitive flesh of her naked hips, a fresh, burning rod of long, thick hardness
soaring brutally up into her still greedily spasming pussy-hole! Desperately,
Jean raised her imploring eyes to the regally watching German Shepherd, but in
his animal face she saw no respite! God ... he was going to punish them beyond
all human endurance ...!

Chapter 10

Had Steve Foster paid stricter attention to his warning that the slightest
sounds reverberated throughout the rocked-wall tunnels, Mark reasoned, they
might have had a chance! But maybe that was far-fetched thinking, too! The half-
dozen vicious animals would undoubtedly have picked up their scent long before
he or his friend could have known of their presence! Anyway, it hardly made a
damn bit of difference now!

All six of the wild brutes had jumped them at once, knocking them to the earthen
floor in the darkness, their rifles thrown from their grasps with the jolt of
the surprise attack! Mark had tried to get out his pistol, but in the darkness
he'd had no idea where Steve was, and then one of the bastards had clamped onto
his wrist with bone-breaking jaws, forcing him to drop the weapon. Fortunately,
the heavy cuff of his uniform shirt had saved his wrist from being mangled, but
though they hadn't torn them to pieces as he'd immediately expected, it was
horribly evident to the young deputy sheriff that it would undoubtedly be their

The surprising part of it was that they were still alive and apparently being
escorted like prisoners through the labyrinth to some specific place, the
goddamned vicious beasts completely surrounding them as they stumbled on in the

"Christ, Mark, where the hell are they taking us!" Steve's remarkably steady
voice reached him.

"Probably to the German Shepherd ... at least, I hope so!" Mark answered, trying
to keep his own voice level. "If the girls are involved in this goddamned
horror, they're probably with him!"

"Sonofabitch ... why? How did they get here ...?" Steve choked, his tone

"Steady, boy!" Mark encouraged. "Let's try to keep our wits ... Look! Light
ahead ... daylight ...!"

"Yeah ... and it looks like that's where we're going ...!"

If either husband had been unprepared for the sight they had stumbled onto in
finding Link Morgan's mauled body, they were caught totally unaware by the
shockingly obscene performance taking place in the pit-like arena! Mark heard
Steve's gasp of incredulity, his own brain reeling with the unbelievable sight
of their wives nakedly groveling like bitch-animals before the pair of huge,
handsomely healthy beasts lewdly mounting and fucking into them from behind!

"Oh ... oh Jesus Christ!" Steve roared, with all intentions of charging the
obscenely lewd circus of raw animal lust and killing, or being killed!

Though equally horrified and enraged, Mark quickly realized the futility of such
a senseless move, grabbing his friend's arm in strong hands! "Don't be a fool,
Steve! You're not going to help 'em that way! These wild bastards would rip you
apart before you ever got to them!" Mark pointed. "Up there! That's Caesar ...
just waiting for you to rush out there so he would have an excuse for ripping
your throat open like they did to Link Morgan!"

"B-But, my God almighty!" Steve blurted. "Those sonsofabitches are raping the
shit out of the poor girls! Look at them ...!"

Mark did and had been, and there was damned little doubt but what his red-
bearded friend was almost accurate ... except that the young deputy had
witnessed a similar outrage before! What Steve hadn't yet recognized was the
lewdly resigned acceptance their wives were showing to their beastial defilement
... which was maybe, just as well!

Christ, there was no question to Mark but that both of them had already been
sensually driven to the basest of emotions, their submissively positioned, naked
white bodies wildly writhing and squirming in convulsive motions back onto the
long, thick animal-cocks fucking into them from behind! He gaped at his
whimpering Jeannie through helpless tear-dimming eyes, the sight of her being
rapingly plundered by what had to be a grey wolf, while two other huge dogs
stood by and waited their turns with dripping tongues hanging from open jaws,
enough to turn him inside out! Yet, as loathsomely repugnant as the obscene
spectacle was, he still had presence of mind enough to wonder why Caesar wasn't
claiming his share of the pussy as leader! Instead, the handsome, medallioned
bastard was doing little more than a truly majestic, Caesar of his Roman
namesake! Like some weird, mythical monarch, the massive animal lay on his
kingly perch watching the lurid orgy below, while his pack, both bitches with
pups, and males, presented an animal-replica of a Roman coliseum audience being
abhorrently entertained by captive women prisoners!

The glaring, fire-like gleam in the wild German Shepherd's amberish eyes spelled
a rage Mark had not read there the night he had ... had actually shared his wife
Jeannie, with the brute! There had been anger in them that unforgettable night,
but toward him, her husband, a jealous fire that he'd quickly seen; yet, the
flame burning in them at that moment as he watched Jean being fucked by the
members of his pack like one of their own bitches before him was directed at her
alone! Why? What had happened ...?

"Oh shit, Mark ... Carol ... my wife ... you see, she's cumming ... look at her
ass-cheeks quiver!" Steve feebly whimpered. "Christ almighty, I can't stand it!
The look on her face ... she's actually going out of her mind ...!"

Mark had not let free of his friend, fearing the picture in its exactness was
bound to sooner or later penetrate, and once again he held fast to the writer's
arm. "Hold on, buddy ... for Christ sake! Don't make some stupid move! Look
around you! Those bitch dogs are jealous as hell and are just waiting for the
slightest reason to get at the girls, and any commotion might give it to them!
Look at the hate burning in their eyes! Now freeze, will you? It's our only hope
of getting them out of here alive ...!"

"B-But fuck look ...!" Steve choked as Mark saw it, too. "Another one of the
bastards is climbing on to fuck her! Shit ...! Look ... see it? There goes his
cock right up into her cunt ...!"

Mark did see it, as well as the expression of unwanted surprise on the lithesome
brunette's open-mouthed face; but it was his own wife's wanton actions beneath
the hammering wolf that riveted his attention! He gaped at her obscenely
upturned buttocks dancing in white, lustful fury on the length of wolf-cock
fucking into her, their lusciously rounded young mounds rippling and quivering
before the wild beast's savage thrusts! Her soft belly contracted in her slavish
position, her lovely head flailing in pony-tailed ecstasy as the heavily fucking
wolf began to shoot out his cum deep up into her hotly clutching pussy! Shit ...
he couldn't help the unwanted hardening of his own cock he felt in the front of
his pants! Goddamn, he was little more than an animal himself ... getting a
hard-on at a time like this ...!

* * *

From his place of leadership, Caesar watched in gradual, diminishing rage all
that was transpiring before him. Though his golden-haired-one, he intuitively
knew, was submitting herself to the chastisement he had demanded, he could not
help but determine that he had been too severe! Even so, he was aware that he
could never claim her in mating again! Such were the instinctive laws of the
pack! His mates were untouchable, and once given to the other males, became
their own bitches to use as they saw fit!

He whimpered within his powerful body, automatically licking at his ferocious
jaws as he watched the second, and then the third pack-member mount her in
succession. Several times, she looked up pleadingly at him, but that was before
the series of natural releases began to spasmodically sweep over her. Again and
again, he watched her naked white beauty grovel and spasm in the sand of the
pit, knowing in his heart she was feeling the wild sensations that made all that
was, teem with life! He looked to her human-mate, wondering if he, too, knew.
Like the one beside him with the red-hair on his face, he stood unmoving, yet
staring, at last realizing the power of Caesar, knowing that to confront it
would mean death, just as the brute-man had died in the other cave such a short
time ago ...!

And with that, the massive German Shepherd sensed his mission there was done.
The brute-man was dead! Yet ... yet ... with the golden-haired-one, he could not
rid himself of the warm feelings she had brought him, and as several more males
leaped down into the pit for their turn at her subserviently kneeling body, he
growled his command to cease! It was done ... time to bring their punishment to
an end with one final unification!

He saw then that the fiery-eyed one had pitched forward into temporary
senselessness and ordered the pack away from her so that he of the red-hair
could go to her. Rising to his feet, he signaled that the golden-one's human
mate be brought into the arena and made to uncover, while with a second order,
he singled out the Shepherd which was one of his own offsprings! The finale was
now at hand ...!

* * *

When Carol slumped forward onto her face, Mark had all he could do to restrain
Steve from trying to get to her, to say nothing of keeping his own self under
control! But then, Caesar had growled out some goddamned command and one of the
brutes guarding them had nudged Steve forward toward where Carol nakedly lay in
an obvious faint!

The young deputy sheriff hardly had time to watch his friend, or to see what the
wild animals were going to let him do for her! Almost instantly, two of the
beasts were roughly nudging him toward where Jean was still bent slavishly
before a vicious animal fucking furiously into her! The absolutely obscene
spectacle of the ugly dog's huge, hard animal-cock savagely slithering in and
out of the pink sperm-glistening flesh up between her whitely upturned buttocks,
caused his own swollen hardness to jerk involuntarily in his pants! Christ, her
whole smooth-fleshed body was gleaming with perspiration, soft and clinging to
it in patches, her full, half-buried young breasts still resiliently quivering
from every battering stroke the fucking brute hammered up into her ...!

What the hell ... the two wild dogs guarding him had begun to pull at his
clothes with their bared fangs ...! Shit! They wanted him to undress! Jesus
Christ ... what lurid act had that German Shepherd bastard conceived in his
weird brain now ...?

Jean had forfeited every measure of human control she'd ever possessed! How many
of the wild dogs had mounted her one after the other, fucking their rock-
hardened animal-cocks into the seething, liquid hole of her cum-flooded cunt,
she had lost track! Time and time again, she had climaxed, her nakedly exposed
loins a frenzy of continuous, mind-shattering sensations, her brain deliriously
whirling from the intense strain to her nervous system! Carol's presence and
subjugation in the very same sanded ring was no longer a registering factor, nor
was the circle of watching animals! Only her Caesar, who was punishing her
beyond all belief, could she dazedly perceive among the silent, brutal audience!
Unintelligible whimpers and babblings of lewd passion and ecstatic delight
tumbled from her slackened lips as the unceasing rape of her screaming, but
strangely welcoming loins went endlessly on!

A thousand times, it seemed to her, that she had looked beggingly up at her
forsaking lover, only to see the vindictiveness still burning in his wild,
amberish eyes. No longer did she even notice the presence of different, strong
forepaws as they came and went, clutching tightly at her naked, defenseless hips
and thrusting their animal cocks of driving hardness deep up into the flaming,
wet depths of her incessantly spasming belly! In her nearly detached mental
state, only the oppressive heartbreak of Caesar's lost love mattered, and though
she might well go mad from the sensually carnal torment he was forcing upon her,
she knew she would readily accept it to win back his love ...!

Abruptly, a pause in the perpetual line of wild-animal rapists behind her caused
the naked young wife to raise her pony-tailed, blonde head to Caesar once more!
Through glazed eyes, she saw that the terrible wrath had lessened on his
handsome, canine face ... and then, he growled a deep-throated, meaningful sound
that was answered by another dog to her rear! From her still, obscenely debased
position, Jean started to look back, and it was then that she saw Mark beside
her! He ... he was stripped naked and ... and dear God ... his own long, thick
penis was swollen rigidly in erection!

"M-Mark ... oh, darling ... how what ...?" she stammered, gaping in utter
confusion at the almost unbelievable presence of her young husband, whom two of
the wild pack were forcing down into the sand beside her!

Mark saw the tears immediately dampening her glazed blue eyes as the pair of
dogs made him know that they wanted him on his back and he complied, at the same
time trying to talk to her! "Don't break down now, Baby!" he encouraged reaching
over to take her small hand inside of his. "I don't know what that German
Shepherd sonofabitch wants, but whatever it is, let's try to give it to him ...
and get out of this alive! A-Are you with me?"

"Oh ... oh God, yes Mark darling ... whatever you say!" Jean whimperingly
managed, suddenly aware that the two animals were nudging her toward her
husband's stretched-out nakedness ...!

"I'm not much on dog-meaning, Honey, but unless I miss my guess, they want you
to straddle me in the wife-above position," Mark said with a little heartening
smile, somehow hoping to buoy up her courage as well as his own. "Christ ... can
you take anymore after ... after what you've been through ...?"

His compassionate words immediately reached to Jean's very soul, and as she
spread her trembling sperm-dampened thighs and climbed astride his hips, she
bent down to hungrily kiss his handsome mouth. "Oh ... I love you, Mark! I can
take you anytime, Darling ... anytime!" she hotly whispered, clutching his
stone-hard cock in tiny curling fingers!

Mark couldn't help his releasing gasp of breath to her soft hand's gentle grasp.
He reached up to cup the pair of full thrusting mounds her firm, pink-nippled
breasts made as she placed his cock's turgid throbbing head to the mouth of her
hot, wetly flooded pussy and effortlessly slithered the slickly lubricated walls
down onto it, consuming his long, thick hardness all the way down to the depths
of his bloating balls!

The young deputy's brain spun to the searing liquid flesh of his young wife's
hungrily clasping vagina, even as the lewd act they were being forced to perform
before an uncanny wild beast and his raping pack, sought reasoning in the midst
of unbelievable madness ...!

To Jean, the absorbing of her young husband's hot male hardness up into the
boiling channel of her intensively churning loins after what she had already
endured, was causing wild, feverish sensations of joy to sweep through her! It
was as if she had been totally exonerated from Caesar's revenge and forgiven by
all. She sensually began to raise and lower her hotly clutching pussy on Mark's
long, thick cock, waves of loving warmth sweeping through her naked, electrified
body, while she looked up at her standing, animal-lover with an expression of
gratification lighting her face ...!

But it was a short-lived expression! The massive animal made one of his
guttural, meaningful sounds and once again she heard it answered from behind
her! Responsively, she twisted to see a young German Shepherd ... a beautiful
animal with amberish-hued eyes that might have been stolen from her Caesar's own
head! Even as she stared at the fiercely noble young brute, he moved in between
Mark's spread legs toward her nakedly exposed buttocks in the pattern that had
been set by those that had already fucked her tonight!

"Oh ... oh God, Mark! What ... what's he going to do ...?" she shudderingly
whimpered down at her husband's ever slackening face.

"Easy ... easy, Baby ...! Don't lose your control now!" Mark choked, unable to
keep from thrusting his tingling, hard cock upward into her now hesitantly
working loins! "J-Just don't panic ... keep f-fucking ... y-yeah ... like that,
Doll ... don't be afraid ...!"

God ... she would not have been afraid if her husband's huge rod of hardened
flesh wasn't filling her hotly simmering channel to capacity, Jean
apprehensively reasoned ...! And now, she felt the young, wild beast's cold, wet
nose between the lewdly spread mounds of her vulnerably upraised buttocks, his
scorching tongue making sensual contact with the forbidden hole of her tiny
puckered anus! It began to lick up and down the smooth, unprotected crevice,
while her husband beneath fell into an upthrusting cadence with his rhythmically
impaling cock!

"Oooohhh ... ooohhh Mark!" Jean shiveringly groaned to the strapping German
Shepherd's tongue licking wetly once more at the tiny lips of her helplessly
cringing rectum, its hot tip curlingly attempting to worm its way beyond the
sensitive, baby-like mouth! Ooohhh ... she inwardly gasped, to the undeniable,
lewd pleasure his licking of the tiny orifice was bringing her as Mark
uncontrollably fucked his hugely hardened cock up into the animal-cum drenched
walls of her frenzy-filled cunt.

Her sensually taxed, naked young body convulsively spasmed to the added arousal
of their lewdly grinding coupling! Her legs and belly quivered, revived, shrill
gasps of lust-infused delight squealing from her slender throat! The young brute
mounted her then, and she strained to look back in confused passion! God, Mark
was fucking into her, completely filling her belly! Wh-What did he, this
beautiful young dog, expect ...? She saw and felt him gripping with his paws at
the rounded white curve of her naked hips, the unveiling bevel-tipped length of
his youthfully thick cock slipping obscenely from its concealing sheath! Dear
God ... it was like Caesar's own ... a-a pointed arrow of gradually thickening,
hardened flesh that seemed to have no ending to it! In wanton fascination, she
stared, watching it continue to grow out of the protective covering, the
handsome, young animal's virile black balls bloating with his animal-semen in
front of her eyes! Oh ... oh God, he was so beautiful ... so much like her
darling, Caesar ...!

Jean's entire naked body ripplingly quivered in its straddling position above
her husband's belly-impaling loins! Her brain swam in its vortex of lust! There
was no self-pretense any longer! The powerful young dog intended to force his
long, thick cock up inside her rectum! There was not the least doubt, with the
manner its hardened, wet point was probing along the wide-spread crevice
separating the openly exposed mounds of her buttocks! Oh God! He ... he intended
to sodomize her ...!

"Oh ... oh God, Mark ... Mark ...!" she choked, the full meaning behind the
huge, young animal's eagerly obscene goal sending breathless gasps of anxiety
surging through her! Had there only been the youthful Shepherd alone, that might
be one thing, but with Mark's huge length of hardened male cock flesh filling
her cuntal passage at the same time ... my God! "Mark ... Mark ...! He's going
to shove it right up my ass!" she pathetically whined down at her perspiring
husband clutching tightly at her waist, while he drove his rigidly pulsating
cock forcefully up into her, it's bloated, rubbery head expounding the breaths
from her with every upthrusting plunge into her softly giving belly!

"J-Just hold tight, Baby ... don't panic! It'll be all right!" Mark gurgled from
beneath her, his hips beginning to work as if jet-propelled! "Fuck ... just f-
fuck, Darling ... d-don't be afraid ...?"

The uselessness of looking to him for help needed no further personification in
Jean's frantically, fired mind! His own lustful desires had temporarily blinded
him to all else, and God knows, she could understand that! But ... but ... no
one ... nothing had ever entered her back there in the tiny forbidden channel of
her rectum! The thought alone was enough to make her whimper out, and she did,
looking up at Caesar once more with pleading eyes!

"Oh ... oh no, Darling ... please, don't let him!" she begged. "Oh please ...
pleassseee ...?"

Before she could even read the answer on his animal-face, she groaned and
clenched tight her sphincter muscles, dropping her head as she tried to struggle
against the wetly beveled tip of the young dog's cock worming hotly now between
the outer lips of her tiny, cringing ass-hole!

It happened then, her fruitless rectal resistance like a flimsy dam before a
wild torrential deluge! Intensely, she sensed the tapered length of his huge
hardness moistly popping up inside and penetrating the tiny, mercilessly
stretching hole of her ass as if she were inviting him into her there! Slowly,
the stiffened, scalding spear of young animal-flesh wormed deeper up into her
virginal rectum, ever-expanding the vainly clutching lips as she gasped and
whimpered beneath the unnatural, beastial intrusion into the hot, rubbery depths
of her defenseless back-passage ...!

"Aaauuugghhhh!" Jean grunted out helplessly, her pony-tailed head flailing to
the vicious shock of stabbing pain screeching back through her wide-split young
buttock cheeks! With a responsive, wrenching lurch, she desperately tried to
shake the impaling lance of hotly searing dog-flesh from her inhumanly pierced
rectum, but her husband's lustfully clutching hands at her waist made it
impossible! As she grunted and strained to rid her horribly expanding ass hole
of the agonizing intrusion, the young brute's fierce growl filled her ears! His
strong, hairy forepaws clutched ingrainedly at her now mottled, naked hips, then
he whirled triumphantly aloud and began to furiously fuck up into her now
forever stretched nether-channel from behind!

Along with her own pained babbling from the dual ravagement of her helpless
loins, Jean heard both Mark's lustful moans and the young Shepherd's deep-
chested whimpers as they both humped with unmerciful rhythm up into the intimate
confines of her obscenely stretched, genital passages! Only the erotic fire that
her husband's long incessantly plunging cock had fed into the liquid core of her
heavily perspiring body, made the torment bearable! Gradually, the pain began to
lessen, though it was still a hurtful mixture of misery and weird stimulation!
She felt saturated with wetness over the entire area of her nakedly defenseless
buttocks and loins, a new debased shame sweeping through her at the lewd,
obscene thought of being sodomized from behind by a wild untamed dog, while her
own young husband heedlessly fucked up into her from below at the same time!

But there was little time to think with the skin-splitting thrusts joltingly
charging up into her lewdly stretched rectal channel, while Mark's thick,
pulsating cock brushed seethingly at the underside of her desperately churning
belly! Maddeningly, she hung on a plateau of sensual pain-pleasure! She felt the
powerful young dog's cone-shaped penis bursting rapidly up into her deeper
depths pushing the spongy, resilient flesh of her rectum before it, and plunging
all the way up to the hotly constricting opening of her very bowels!
Unceasingly, it ground into the softness between her upturned buttocks, his
bloated young animal-balls slapping hard against the flushed, cock-stuffed lips
of her cunt below! Her belly and loins were absolutely filled to the hilt on
blood-swollen cock, masochistic sensations at the thought beginning to ripple
masochistically through her!

Uncheckable moans and whimpers passionately tumbled from Jean's lips as she
tried to move with their man-animal rhythm. Dear God, she had never been so
completely and thoroughly fucked in her young life! She wished there was some
way she could look back between her open legs and watch their beautifully huge
cocks disappearing inside her wetly swallowing holes, but she could only
mentally visualize, and the mere thought of their luridly unnatural coupling
flashed erotically driven sensations through her nakedly slaving young body: She
saw her hanging, full breasts dancing beneath her, their tiny hardened nipples
occasionally grazing Mark's hair-covered chest, while her own pony-tail bobbed
as she tossed her head from side to side. Yes ... yes ... their beautifully
fucking cocks were growing ... ever growing inside the seething passages to her

Steve Foster sat in the arena-like pit holding the naked form of his still-
spasming wife, Carol, cuddled in his arms, his own cock as hard as a fence-rail
as he absently stroked the rounded curve of one of his wife's exposed, white
buttocks and stared at the obscene troilism taking place not two yards from
them! He'd watched the dogs force Mark into the act, but oddly enough, he
thought, it hadn't taken a great deal of persuasion! Christ, maybe they were all
just animals at that! He could almost fuck a chicken right now, himself! And
Jean, Mark's wife, the voluptuous, sensual little bitch ... she was going right
out of her luscious young skull ...!

He couldn't help but stare in licentious fascination, his own aching prick
jerking inside his pants beneath Carol's whimpering cuddled nakedness, at Mark's
big, thick cock fucking with fury up into the pink wetness of Jean's tightly
clinging, blonde-fringed pussy, while the goddamned dog drove in-and-out of her
obscenely stretched asshole like a trip-hammer! On his back, Mark looked as if
he were about to blow his lid ... lifting right off the ground with his every
upthrust, and raising the curvaceous, wide-spread ovals of Jean's vulnerably
naked ass up to the in-and-out batterings of the young Caesar-like, German
Shepherd! Christ! In-and-out, in-and-out, the relentless animal-cock drubbed ...
in and out of her salaciously stretched asshole with savage strokes ... both man
and beast finally striking a rhythm that was buffeting her helplessly sandwiched
body smoothly between them! Goddamn ... it was just about the lewdest fucking
sight he'd ever seen ...!

The red-bearded writer was that close that he could clearly watch the pair of
wetly glistening rods racing sleekly into the lovely naked Jean's grotesquely
expanded cunt and rectum. The sight of the frayed, pink edges of her inner-cunt
being extracted on Mark's heavy-veined cock on the down-stroke, then
disappearing back up inside again when he rammed it hard up between her full
white thighs, damned near mesmerized him! But even a more lewd spectacle was the
young wild dog's thick animal cock wetly sucking back out of her, tugging the
tight coral ridges of her hungrily clasping rectal flesh with it, to moistly
vanish again when the savage brute lunged back into her ...!

But wait a minute ... what the hell was going to happen now? Goddamn, Caesar had
leaped down into the pit ...!

Chapter 11

Jean's first knowledge of Caesar's presence in the circle was when he suddenly
appeared before her, his great head level with her own above Mark's face in her
naked, straddling position. Before she could even speak, the massive animal
moved forward to lick his tongue over her desperately gasping lips, and she
sighed, knowing then that he had truly forgiven her!

Almost simultaneously, she saw the scarlet rod of his heavily swollen hardness
emerging from its concealing sheath, the mere sight of it so long, thick and
familiar, firing a new, more lewdly exciting passion within her! She felt
herself voluntarily now squirming back on the young dog's tapered, thick
hardness, then downward onto Mark's rigidly pulsating shaft of flesh, increased
masochistic feelings of depraved joy boiling in her soft, quivering belly!

Abruptly, Caesar raised up on his hind legs, his forepaws on her shoulders as he
moved in closer to her! Wildly, Jean stared down at the wet length of his
nakedly jerking penis, unresistingly moving her head forward as she undulated
her body obscenely on the huge cocks fucking maddeningly into her! Her brain
screamed, her soft buttocks yielding before the young brute's hot, battering
body, his virile rod of hardness racing up into the very depths of her
feverishly tingling anus, while her churning belly and inflamed cunt quaked and
tremored to the mind-shattering fucking Mark was giving her! Eagerly, Jean's
small hand reached out and sought the long poling cock before feeling Caesar
lurch as she curled her warm fingers around its wet, scarlet thickness; after a
moment, she slid her hand back along the hardened rod to circle its base and cup
his sperm-bloated, heavy balls!

Yes ... yes ... she was a bitch, her darling Caesar's own bitch, the blonde
young wife insanely reasoned, pressing her face closer and opening her lush,
tongue-moistened lips! Her blue eyes gleamed as she slipped her wetly ovalled
mouth over the hot, beveled tip, working her tiny curling tongue along the
thickening length of it until her mouth was filled with the moist sweetness of
his animal-cock! Blindly, she locked her avid lips around it, and immediately
the upraised Caesar began to obscenely pump his loins forward into her face! She
nearly gagged as his long scarlet penis shot back to the back of her throat and
then slid down, its entire length almost disappearing between her tightly
compressed lips!

Voraciously, Jean began to suck, her lust-glutted mind completely devoid of
thought. Her cheeks hollowed and bloated as she worked her head back and forth,
her little tongue uncontrollably exploring the forbidden delights of his warm
living penis. Softly, her hand cupped and cradled his heavy, sperm-filled balls,
while simultaneously, she thrust her flame-seared genitals back and down in an
obscene rhythm onto the ever-growing hardnesses of the savagely plundering cocks
totally cramming her stretched channels ...!

Mark had long since lost any measure of restraint he had once so proudly thought
he possessed! The incredible orgy had raced beyond all human depravity ... and
why shouldn't it, with two goddamned wild dogs involved! Of all things, he'd
never been a hypocrite, and he'd be just exactly that now if he tried to deny
his own intractable lust! Christ, he'd willingly leaped into the center of it
all, half-conning his beautiful Jeannie with meaningless words of encouragement,
just to get his hard aching cock up into her! And that he'd done ... shit yes
... her fire-filled, milking cunt about to sap his screaming balls to the very
marrow of his frigging spine!

The pistoning animal-hardness racing up her ass-channel only a membrane away was
about to drive him insane as it scraped heatedly against the burning length of
his own blood-thumping rod of swollen cock-flesh! So if her full white breasts
hanging and swaying lushly above his demented face wasn't exciting enough,
Caesar had to move into position right above Mark's gaping eyes ... and now his
own, beautiful young wife was sucking the massive brute's huge cock!

Goddamn ... oh, goddamn ...! He couldn't believe it was happening, or that he
was playing an integral part in it, even though he knew that it, along with his
role, were realities! Christ almighty, if they ever came out of it alive, how
could she ever forgive him ...? She probably wouldn't ... couldn't ... God
almighty, the way she was sucking that wild canine bastard! The brute's long
scarlet penis was almost disappearing into her locked and ovaled lips, her tiny
nose brushing against his furry belly as she sucked! The sonofabitch was shoving
it right down her throat ... and ... and she was loving it! Oh ... oh shit,
Granny Albert had been right after all! Once the supernatural wild bastard
claimed them, he claimed them forever ...!

Oh ... oh, dear God! Jean maddeningly reasoned. What would it taste like ... her
magnificent animal-lover's cum? Less than human? She wasn't much of a judge,
having tasted hot sperm only once--and then it had been her own husband's! Would
it be gamey? Sweet, perhaps? Even tangy ... and as hot and pungent as Mark's?
Ooohhh ... it didn't matter! She wanted it ... wanted it shooting hotly into her
mouth ... to swallow his beautiful, wild jism and feel it dribbling smoothly
down her throat, filling her convulsing belly just as Mark's and the young
German Shepherd's huge cocks pummeling into her frantically seething cunt and
ass-channels were going to flood her! All together, they would drown her in
their scalding, life-giving sperm ... and she would cum again like some volcanic
eruption! Y-Yesss ... a-any minute now! Oh ... ooohhh ... if only they would all
cum together ...!

She sensed, then, the oncoming eruption of her darling, Caesar, and began to
suck with loving fervor as his hardness abruptly swelled and pulsated in the
hot, wet cavern of her mouth! Hungrily, she tongued and pulled on his
wonderfully heated cock, feeling the tremor rippling over his powerful body, a
deep whimper raising from his thick chest as the first squirt of his hot,
bestial cum shot into her mouth! It began to spurt then in an unending stream of
thick, creamy liquid, the delicious tang of the wild which she would never,
never forget! It was almost as if some pagan sacramental wine were flowing down
her throat, Jean ecstatically thought in her happiness! Her cheeks bloated and
contracted as she rapidly swallowed to keep from choking on the gushes spewing
from its jerking hot tip! Hungrily, she drank it in thick gulps, locking her
lips around the wildly ejaculating cock, determined not to lose the tiniest drop
of his precious, fiery semen!

The young German Shepherd growled fiercely from deep in his excited throat!
Uncontrollably, Jean whimpered around the deflating hardness of her animal-
darling's cock, suddenly feeling the thick, boiling cum of the young dog
beginning to shoot far up into her warmly quivering rectum! Reluctantly her
sucking lips gave up Caesar's wilting, drained penis, strings of white animal-
sperm covering her glistening lips and chin as she cried out in lust-filled,
sexual abandon!

"Auuuooohhh ... fuck me ... fuck me hard! Oh God ... I can feel both of your
burning cocks inside me! Auuuggghhh ... faster ... harder ... I've got to cummmm
...!" Jean begged, as Caesar retreated to watch ... and she mentally envisioned
her husband's and the young Shepherd's obscene ravishment of her defenselessly
naked loins, the imagined picture driving her toward a vortex of cyclonic lust!
"N-now ...! Nowww ... ooohhh ... cum in me together! Fill me ...! Oooohhh I-I'm
cuummmiinnggg ...!"

Again, Jean felt the young brute's scorching squirts of jism flooding her rectum
and bowels, while delicious spasms of pleasure rocketed through her ecstatically
convulsing young loins and belly! She could feel every contraction of his long,
thick, animal-cock rifling its load of feral cum up into her ...!

Then, Mark choked and swore obscenely as she plunged her flaming cunt hungrily
down in one mighty stab onto his towering, throbbing hardness. The breath
rasping from her tortured lungs, she held his penis then and wildly undulated
her naked hips in furious little circles as his huge pumping hardness began
spitting its thick jets of raging semen up into the far recesses of her
violently quaking belly ...! She held his massively jerking shaft fast with the
vibrant muscles of her inner-cunt sucking and pulling at it, her own orgasmic
secretions blending and puddling with his as an almost insane convulsion of
enchantment momentarily enveloping her ...!

* * *

Much later, Jean learned that she, like Carol, had fainted in the throes of her
overwhelming ecstasy, and that both Mark and Steve had carried them, while
Caesar led the way through the maze of passages to where the body of Link
Morgan, along with their clothing still lay. They had both dazedly dressed then,
but Mark was determined they should spend the remainder of the night there,
rather than to try and struggle through the wild country in the darkness.

Once Mark and Steve had removed the grisly, still form of Morgan from their
sight, the four of them had slumped down onto the mattresses, cuddling silently,
the need for words unnecessary amongst them. Jean was almost sleeping when she
heard the mournful, eerie howl, and suddenly felt Carol's hand clutching at her

"Caesar ...!" Carol whispered. "It's him, isn't it ...?"

"Yes ... yes, it's him," the blonde young wife answered thickly, tears filling
her eyes. "I-It's all over ... he ... the wild-pack is leaving ... He's saying
goodbye ..."

"Ooohhh ... we'll never see him again ..." the willowy brunette sadly hissed.

Mark moaned uneasily in his sleep and Jean withdrew her hand from her friend's
so as not to disturb him further. God knows, the poor darling hadn't had a
decent night's rest since it had all begun ...

A sound ... a tiny whimpering sound coming from the small mouth of the almost
hidden cave where Caesar had first taken them, caught Jean's attention. She
raised up to her elbow and listened as it came again ... louder this time! Then,
she saw it approaching ... saw the amberish glowing eyes in the faint flicker of
the single candle ...!

"Oh God!" she sighed aloud, a warm sensation of joy rippling through her as she
quickly got to her feet and went to where it stood looking up at her. Lovingly,
she reached down and picked it up, hugging the little animal tightly against her

"Wh-What is it, Jean?" Carol questioned, both of their husbands raising upright.

"A pup ... a German Shepherd pup they must have left behind!" she exclaimed,
cuddling him as she returned to the mattresses and folded down onto them once
more. "Oh Darling, isn't he beautiful? Can ... can I keep him ... please, Mark

The young deputy-husband couldn't help the tightness in his throat as he stared
at the harmless appearing young brute. He had only to look at its eyes to know
who had sired it! Christ, he wanted to say no ... but how could he? How the hell
could he ...?

"Please, Darling ... I want to keep him so bad ...?" his young, blonde wife
pleaded, strange sensations rippling through her soft body at the feel of the
little animal's warmth and ... and the inherent hidden strength within him.

"Y-Yeah ... yeah, sure, Honey ... if you want," Mark said, affectionately
slipping his arm around her slender waist and kissing her on the cheek. What the
hell, there was only one Caesar! What was he getting all up-tight about ...?

Oh, he was so beautiful, and he, her darling lover had left him for her, Jean
was certain of that! She raised him up, holding him in her hands before her face
to stare deeply into his glowing, amber-hued eyes. God, he was going to grow
into such a big and handsome animal ... and she would teach him so many
wonderful things ...!

The End
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