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LB-1252 Daughter Horses Around
by Kathy Harris

Chapter 1

Teenaged Micki Harwell leaned against one wall of the main stable, running the
stiff handle of her riding crop between her legs. The young horse-loving girl
frequently stroked her little pussy and jerked herself off. But somehow it never
seemed as good or fulfilling as when she was in the stable near the horses.

Nearby, in one of the stalls, a horse snorted and stamped his hooves. And Micki
pressed the whip a little harder against her tender young pussy, sending warm
waves of animalistic pleasure over her entire body.

Suddenly, one of her father's stablehands entered the stable where Micki was.
She reluctantly withdrew the riding crop from between her parted legs.

Shit! she thought, annoyed at the interruption. I'll have to drive back to the
house and finish this in my own bedroom.

With that lewd plan in mind, Micki left the stable and jumped into the family's
station-wagon, carrying the smell of horse with her, a smell which aroused her
like nothing else ever could.

As she drove toward the big main ranch house and the fingerfucking she needed so
desperately, young Micki thought about the horses she loved so much.

She had been crazy about horses ever since she could remember, and she
considered herself very lucky to have parents who owned a big horse ranch. There
was nothing about the big animals which did not appeal to the young girl. She
loved their large liquid eyes, and their deep snorting noses. She loved to
stroke their warm muscular flanks. But most of all she loved the big thick cocks
of the stallions.

Micki had never actually made it with a horse before, but she knew that someday
she would. She also knew that that exciting day was getting closer and closer.
As the young teenager matured, she found herself less and less able to hold her
bestial desires for the horses in check. She longed to wrap her lips around one
of the long, thick horse-cocks. She was dying to jerk off one of the big
snorting stallions. More than anything else in the world, Micki was desperate to
feel one of those huge horse-cocks fucking in and out of her tight little cunt.

She pulled the station wagon up the long circular drive to the front door of the
ranch house. Then the young horny teenager was out of the car and running up the
short flagstone path breathlessly. She flew into the house and locked herself in
her room.

She quickly pulled her boots off, stripped off her tight riding britches and
threw herself down on her bed. Her little panties were wet.

Now, the teen began to stroke her pussy frantically, in desperate need of an
orgasm. She massaged her pouting little pussy all over. As she turned herself on
more and more, she gently slipped two fingers into the crack between her swollen

Her cunt was dripping wet, and her fingers soon grew wet, too, as she ran them
slowly up and down her tender little cunt slit. She could still smell the horse
aroma on her nearby britches and on her boots which lay near the foot of her

"Ohhhh, sooo good," she moaned, slipping her fingers deeper into her aching
pussy. She could feel her small pussy flex and clench at her fingers as she
fucked herself.

In just minutes, the young girl realized that her fingers were not enough. She
grabbed her riding crop, which was at the foot of the bed. Slowly, very slowly,
she began to insert the handle of that crop into her cunt.

"Oh, God!" she gasped, feeling the braided leather of the handle and the thick,
stiff length of the whip against the walls of her pussy. She slowly pushed it
into herself.

The crop was now half-inserted into her cunt. Her little pussy grabbed and
squeezed against the leather object, as if trying to tug it deeper inside

"Yes!" she cried.

Her hips rose to meet the steadily quickening thrusts as she fucked the crop in
and out of her throbbing pussy. Again and again, she withdrew the handle of the
riding crop to within a fraction of an inch of pulling it all the way out, and
then thrust the delicious-feeling crop back into her hungry pussy.

The girl's shapely legs were wide apart and her mouth was twisted half open in a
silent moan as her orgasm struck with full force. She fucked the riding crop
deeper into her cunt as she came, eagerly impaling herself on the end of the

As she continued to fuck herself with the crop while she came, she moved her
free hand down to her golden-haired pussy and began to massage her jerking clit.

"Yeeeee!" she groaned, her pussy spasming and quaking under the talented
stroking movements of her fingers and the riding crop which was still fucking in
and out of her.

When her orgasm subsided, Micki let the whip rest inside her pussy for a long
time, enjoying the lewd sensation. She could feel her throbbing pussy-walls
still squeezing against the sides of the crop, and she moaned again.

A full ten minutes after the last bone-jarring spasm of her tiny cunt, the
muscles of her pussy continued to squeeze. They tried to get a grip on the long,
thick whip handle.

She groaned as she finally pulled the whip out. As she pulled the length of
braided leather from her twitching pussy, she could feel its surface rubbing
against her cuntlips, as if trying to arouse her all over again.

She brought the handle of the whip up close to her eyes to examine it. It was
soaking with her pussy juices. The handle was glistening lewdly with her own

She brought the handle close to her nose and smelled it, turning it slightly at
the same time. The crop smelled a little like the stables, she thought
excitedly. Then she moved it to her lips and stuck her tongue out. Touching just
the very butt of the whip's handle with her pink tongue, she tasted the musky,
salty flavor of her own pussy.

"Mmmmm, good!" she said with a little giggle.

She stuck her tongue out a bit more and gave the handle of the riding crop a
solid lick.

"Oooh!" she cried, feeling an erotic pleasure shoot through her loins.

Slowly, using the same types of movements she had used with her pussy, she let
the thick butt of the crop slide between her sensuous lips.

She ran her tongue over the smooth surface of the crop, swallowing down her own
fuck juices. Her tongue made slow circles around the whip's handle, circling
again its very butt where the leather was wrapped the thickest.

Finally having licked every stray drop of juice off of the crop, the girl sighed
and drew it out of her mouth. Then, she put the riding crop next to her on the
bed and lay there silently, thinking back to the very first time she had ever
gone horseback riding on her daddy's ranch. It was a ride that had changed her
life for all time. For it was that ride that had given her her very first
orgasm. It was that ride that had taken her little cherry. And it was that ride
that had made her fall in love with horses.

The thrilling experience of her very first horseback ride was forever etched in
Micki's young mind. She had been hoisted up on the imposing- looking tan horse.
She had sat uneasily in the slippery saddle. As the horse began to move with
her, the saddle felt even more slippery.

At first, her father had led the horse about to give the young girl a chance to
get used to the feel of the horse beneath her. As she gained more confidence,
her father urged her horse on with a few jerks of the guide rope.

At the very beginning, Micki simply concentrated on just staying on the horse.
But in a surprisingly short time, she could feel the horse come under her
control. And, little by little, she had felt her pussy start to tingle

The horse began to trot, bouncing jauntily up and down under Micki's body. And
she had felt the most pleasurable sensation between her legs.

The horse and her pussy's steady contact with the saddle turned young Micki on
unbelievably. She had never felt anything like it in her life.

Later that same day, because she had learned so fast, her daddy allowed her to
take her first jump. It was a low hurdle, only about fourteen inches high. She
started from one end of the long arena and let the horse gather as much speed as
he wanted.

Micki and the horse cleared the small obstacle easily, rising a good two feet
above it. But, at the moment of the jump, she had felt a tearing deep in her
pussy and a sharp pain which accompanied that sensation.

And she had come. It was her first orgasm, and its power and intensity had left
her breathless and tingling all over. Later, when she discovered that her cherry
had been ripped apart by the jumping horse, she felt even more excited. Now,
lying on her bed and running both of her hands all over her pussy mound as she
recalled every detail of the exciting incident, Micki smiled, thinking how
appropriate it was that she had lost her virginity to a horse.

As she continued to rub her pussy, Micki now pictured herself riding naked,
bareback across a stretch of white beach. She was riding the horse of her
dreams, a horse she had yet to find. He was the ultimate stallion--tall, regal,
and black as coal. He ran like liquid fire and had wild, hungry eyes that seemed
to devour her every time he looked at her which was often.

"Ohhhhh, yesss," Micki moaned, running two fingers up her cunthole now as she
saw herself galloping across the white sand on the gorgeous stallion. Both of
their bodies moved together in perfect sync. They were totally together as they
moved, each of them intensely aware of the other.

As she galloped along, she could feel the hard muscles and animal strength
between her legs. She could feel the horse's thick furry body held tightly
between her knees as his powerful hooves pounded the sand.

Faster and faster they galloped in her fantasy. The young girl had handfuls of
the stallion's fiery black hair in her grip, and she groaned with pleasure,
feeling his powerful body moving beneath her.

Then she felt herself coming, both in her fantasy and in reality. She felt her
pussy exploding with pleasure as, in her mind's eye, she galloped along the
beach on the large beast. The harder she came, the faster the animal moved,
carrying her with him. And, as he moved with greater speed, she felt his silky
hair and strong back rubbing against her tender naked cunt.

"Ohhhhh! Commmiiinnngg!" she cried as the powerful orgasm tore through her
aching cunt. More and more fuck juice flowed out of her little pussy, forming a
lewd pool between her legs on her bed.

Suddenly, a loud knock at her door interrupted her pleasure just as her orgasm
began to fade.

"Micki? Come on downstairs, honey. I have a surprise for you!" her father's
voice boomed and then she heard his footsteps retreating along the hallway.

She sighed and rose from the bed. She changed into a simple skirt and blouse and
went downstairs to the den where she heard her father's voice on the telephone.
She idly wondered what new surprise he had for her. The young girl was much
loved and her mother and father often gave her lavish gifts.

"Hi, Daddy," she chirped, settling down into the chair opposite the man's desk
just as he hung up the telephone.

"Hi, baby, what do you think of this horse?" the man asked with a grin as he
held a photograph up for her inspection.

"Oh, wow!" Micki gasped, her eyes widening as she gazed at the photo. She could
hardly believe what she was seeing. It was the horse of her dreams. It was the
horse of her sexual fantasies. It was the image of this gorgeous creature which
had made her come so many times, not that she could tell her father that.

He was unlike any horse she had ever seen before. He was jet black in color and
his thick coat seemed to shine and glisten, even in the large photograph. His
eyes were liquid and glowing, standing out in stark contrast to his black, lush
coat. Large muscles stood out under the dark coat. Even the legs of the beast
seemed exceptionally muscular and powerful.

"Good God! Who is he?" she asked, still unable to tear her gaze away from the

"He's my latest addition. He's a stallion," Mr. Harwell said.

"Yeah, I figured," Micki responded, although to her regret, the animal's cock
was not visible in the photo.

"He's all yours now, baby. I bought him for you." Mr. Harwell said, watching his
daughter for her reaction.

"Mine? He's mine? All mine?" Micki asked breathlessly, feeling her little pussy
beginning to tingle with renewed desire.

"That's right, baby. He's all yours," Mr. Harwell chuckled, obviously delighted
at the girl's excitement.

"Oh, Daddy, thank you! I can hardly believe it!" Micki cried, jumping up from
her seat and running around the desk to where her father sat. She threw her arms
around him and gave him a big daughterly hug.

"You're happy about your gift, aren't you, baby?" Mr. Harwell asked, patting the
girl's back affectionately as she hugged him.

"Happy? Oh, Daddy, I'm ecstatic!" she cried. Tears of joy filled her eyes.

"That's all that counts, baby, just so you're happy," Mr. Harwell grunted as he
pushed his daughter gently away from him. The man was always a bit uncomfortable
at displays of affection, even though he was crazy about both wife and daughter.

"What's his name, Daddy?" Micki asked eagerly, her eyes glowing as she studied
the photograph of the magnificent-looking stallion again.

"I've left that up to you, baby," Mr. Harwell said.

"Midnight," Micki said decisively.

"Midnight? You're sure? I mean, you decided on his name pretty fast and you
haven't even met this horse yet," Mr. Harwell said.

"Oh, yes, I'm very, very sure, Daddy. Midnight is his name," Micki said with an
indulgent smile at her father. She didn't tell him that this horse was no
stranger to her and that she had long ago named him in her sexual fantasies as
she had pictured him bouncing beneath her body, making her come time and time

"Where is he? Is he here now?" she asked, dashing over to the large window in
the den and peering toward the stables, as if she would be able to see the horse
from there.

"No, honey," Mr. Harwell with an indulgent smile. "Tomorrow. He'll be delivered
tomorrow. Think you can wait until then?"

"Gee, Daddy, I don't know! I'll try," Micki said.

Her father laughed, thinking she was kidding. But Micki was very serious. Just
the thought of the marvelous stallion and of the huge cock which he was bound to
have was enough to make her mouth water and her pussy drool.

Chapter 2

During the ride out to the stables the following day, Micki kept looking
anxiously at the car's speedometer, and now and then she asked her father to
drive faster. He laughed and patted her knee.

"Don't worry, baby. Midnight is waiting for you. He's not going anywhere," Mr.
Harwell said.

"Oh, Daddy, I can't wait!" Micki cried, her little panties already wet with her
flowing juices. She had been unable to think of anything else since her daddy
had told her about the gorgeous stallion of her dreams who was all hers now. She
had skipped dinner the night before, and breakfast that morning. And she had
been unable to sleep more than a few hours the night before.

As they neared the stables, Micki could see the trailer that had delivered the
horse to the stables. The sight only made the youngster more excited.

When Micki and her father entered the stables through the two large double
doors, the young girl breathed in the heady aroma of horsiness and her body
began to tremble all over.

"Take it easy, honey," Mr. Harwell said, patting her on the shoulder. The man
obviously thought his daughter was shaking only with emotion at the present he
had given her. He didn't realize that her body trembled each and every time she
entered the stable, and that those tremors were more from horniness than
anything else.

"He's over here," Mr. Harwell muttered, leading the way to one of the stalls at
the far end of the building. He nodded to the several stablehands who crowded
around the stall, and they moved aside for the man and his little girl.

"Never seen such a powerful-looking horse," Nate, the head stablehand murmured.

Micki moved quickly toward the stall with her father and gasped as she caught
her first sight of the horse. She had never before seen a horse who radiated
such power and majesty.

"Oh, Midnight, it's you!" she breathed huskily.

Midnight pawed the fresh hay with one powerful hoof and returned her gaze
steadily. Every single muscle in the animal's gigantic frame seemed to stand out
and bulge beneath his dark coat. Highlights were caught and reflected throughout
his shiny hair, and his eyes seemed to burn with fire as they looked into
Micki's with an intensity that took her breath away.

"Oh, Midnight, you're so gorgeous! You're the horse of my dreams!" she
whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the magnificent beast. Just looking
at the horse filled her with a profound joy. "Daddy, give me a few minutes alone
with him, okay?"

"Sure thing, honey. Come on, everyone, you all get back to work," Mr. Harwell
said as he led the stablehands away from the stall and out of the building.

Alone with her new horse now, Micki was able to study his cock without being
observed. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Ever since her daddy had
first shown her the photograph of the new stallion, Micki had been dying to see
his cock.

"Oh, yes!" she whispered as she saw Midnight's cock for the first time. His huge
cock was the one of her dreams. The huge stallion in all of her sexual fantasies
had sported a humongous prick just like Midnight's.

She licked her lips as she kept her eyes focused on the horse's mammoth cock.
Like the rest of him, Midnight's prick was coal-black. And his prick seemed to
throb before the girl's horny gaze.

A short time later, Mr. Harwell returned and led his daughter to their car.
Micki kept looking back over her shoulder at the horse as she reluctantly left
with her father.

"But I wanted to stay longer with Midnight, Daddy," she protested as she climbed
into the car next to him. "I wanted to pet him. And maybe ride him."

"Yeah, I could see that," Mr. Harwell chuckled, delighted that his present was
such a big hit with his young daughter. "But you know how it is with new horses,
honey. He's a little restless and even a bit afraid ... new surroundings and
all. You've got to give him at least a few days to get used to things and to get
to know you a little before you ride him. He's a powerful horse and I wouldn't
want you to get hurt."

Micki just smiled to herself, knowing that her beloved Midnight would never hurt
her. Even though the horse was the largest and most powerful one she had ever
seen, she had observed a certain gentleness in his eyes. And she knew that the
stallion already liked her a great deal. She had seen that in his expression as
he gazed at her. She sensed that in no time at all, he would come to love her
just as much as she already loved him.

Micki was quiet for the rest of the ride home. Her thoughts were on Midnight.
Again and again, the powerful horse seemed to appear in front of her eyes. His
strength and grace seemed to hold the young teenager in a kind of sexual
hypnotic trance, and she couldn't get his handsome image out of her mind.

The youngster ran upstairs to her bedroom as soon as they returned home. When
she reached her room, she quickly stripped all her clothes off and lay on her
bed. She was not surprised to discover that her little pussy was wet just from
looking at the horse.

She finger-fucked herself frantically as she closed her eyes and pictured her
new horse. She fucked two fingers in and out of her clinging pussyhole as she
pictured herself riding the muscular back of her huge stallion.

"Commmiiinnngg!" she cried. She had never been able to make herself come so
quickly before, and she knew it was really Midnight who had caused her orgasm.

Micki had been given permission to drive the station wagon around the ranch
grounds for about two years now. And she went out to the stables every day to
visit Midnight.

She would stand for hours at the gate to his stall, looking at him, studying his
every movement. And she would reach out now and then and stroke his powerful
neck and head.

Visiting the horse became a compulsion for the young girl, the most important
part of her life. Even when she was away from him, her thoughts were constantly
on him.

Each time she visited the horse and studied his movements, she would very slowly
run one hand up and down between her legs. Just watching the powerful beast
filled her with a kind of fiery lust she had never felt before.

One afternoon after school, Micki arrived at the stables to discover the
building empty except for the horses. Usually, there were at least a few
stablehands about, doing their chores.

But on this day, she was alone with Midnight. She remembered that it was the
afternoon for her father's regular meeting with his ranch hands and that they
would all be up at the main house. She grinned and stripped.

Micki was naked and inside the stall with Midnight in a matter of seconds. She
could feel herself begin to quiver and tremble just from being so close to the
magnificent stallion. Her breath caught in her throat and her legs felt weak and
trembly from the power that the horse radiated.

She slowly approached her horse. Midnight turned his head and looked at the
beautiful naked teenager who was now only a few feet away from him. His eyes
looked dark and fiery as she moved closer to him.

He gave a slight snort and continued to gaze at her. Micki reached down between
her legs and felt her wet pussy. She ran one finger up and down the damp pussy
slit, stroking the entire length of her aroused cunt.

"There, there, Midnight," she whispered to the horse, feeling a sexual tension
in the air around them.

One hand still on her pussy, Micki knelt down on one knee and looked under the
stallion. His cock, gigantic and ebony in color, hung down from his
hindquarters, and the sight made the teen drool with lust and excitement.

She reached out and touched his prick. A thrill went through her body at the
touch of the large, hard, hairy cockshaft. She felt her little pussy shudder and
grow even wetter when she touched Midnight's cock again.

She was working her hand in and out of her cunt in slow steady movements now.
Her fingers sank to the second knuckle and then slid slowly out. With her thumb,
she gently caressed her stiffening clit.

Again, she reached out with her other hand and touched the horse's big cock. His
feet moved and she could feel him shifting his massive bulk slightly. But, for
the most part, the animal remained fairly still, obviously enjoying the stroking
of the girl's hand on his hard cock.

The horny youngster coiled her fingers around the gigantic horse-cock. Her hand
didn't even come close to reaching all the way around. But the fact that she was
unable to squeeze the entire girth of the horse's humongous prick thrilled the
teenager even more than if she had been able to get her hand all the way around.
And she could tell that Midnight was turning on.

"Oh, Midnight, you're the most gorgeous horse in the whole wide world," she

Her hand was now buried inside her pussy just as far as it would go, all the way
to her wrist. Her cunt was wetter than ever before, and her entire body shook
with animalistic lust.

Slowly, the horny teenager began to jerk the horse off. Her squeezing hand
traveled up and down the length of the prickshaft in slow, teasing strokes.
Midnight snorted a few times as he instinctively shifted his position, giving
the girl even greater access to his prick.

Micki's hand was now fucking furiously in and out of her pussy while she jerked
the animal off. She felt as if she were literally on fire with desire. The touch
of the animal sent waves of passion and joy through her body.

She was down on both knees now. It was the best way to maintain her balance with
one hand moving up and down Midnight's cock and her other hand fucking in and
out of her seething little pussy.

The teenager's lily white hand was in sharp contrast to the black cock which
filled it. Her flesh seemed to glow, as if catching fire from the hot, hard cock
in her grasp.

She pumped her hand up and down the horse's cock, moving faster and faster with
each stroke. Finally, her hand was moving so fast that it was a blur.

Midnight whinnied again and again, stomping his hooves into the hay- strewn
floor of his stall.

Micki saw a drop of clear liquid forming on the end of Midnight's cock, and she
trembled all over as she licked her lips. She knew that before she left the
beast's stall that day, she would have to suck him off.

"Ohhhh, God, Midnight, I love your cock!" she cried.

Micki moaned with lust when she felt the mammoth prick twitching and flexing in
her grip. Again, the animal moved, kicking at the floor of the stall with his
hooves. Again he made a loud snorting sound.

More and more pussy juice oozed out around the girl's thrusting hand as she
continued to fist-fuck her pussy while jerking the stallion off. The horse's
huge prick was the most thrilling thing the teen had ever held in her hand.

She pumped her tight fist up and down the full length of the horse- cock. When
her hand touched the broad cockhead, the entire prick jerked again, making the
girl's body jerk too. Midnight whinnied again, and two more drops of pearly pre-
cum dripped from his piss-slit.

Micki lifted the enormous horse-cock until its head was near her nose. She
flared her nostrils and breathed in the heady aroma of aroused horse-cock. The
pre-cum dripped off onto her apple-sized tits and she moaned as she felt the
warm cream coating her naked flesh.

Hot pussy juice bubbled out of her spread-open cunt, coating her hand lewdly.
The smell of aroused teenaged cunt and stiffened horse-prick filled the air of
the stall. Both aromas served to further arouse the youngster as she knelt there
by the stallion, jerking him off.

She lifted the huge horse-cock up higher, inspecting it closely. She licked her
lips again as she stared at the vein-laced underside of the animal's cockhead.
Another drop of pre-cum dripped off, this time onto her lips. Micki stuck her
tongue out and licked the goo off eagerly. It tasted good!

Still keeping one hand on the horse's cock, Micki fucked her other hand faster
and deeper in and out of her aching cunthole, desperate to come now.

She pressed the stallion's prick to her face and rubbed the pulsing prickhead up
and down her cheeks. She squirmed, her pussy muscles squeezing her hand lewdly.
More pre-cum dripped off Midnight's prick and coated the girl's flushed cheeks.
She moaned again, breathing faster and harsher.

"Oh, God, Midnight, you turn me on sooo fucking much!" she whimpered, sounding
like an animal herself.

She continued to move her hand up and down the immense cockshaft, which quivered
beneath her touch. She moved her fist faster and faster, excitedly jerking off
the big horse-cock while she fucked her little pussy deeper and harder with each
thrust of her hand. She could feel her stiff clit pulsing madly beneath her
stroking thumb and she knew that her orgasm was not far away.

Suddenly, Midnight came.

"Ohhhhh, yesss, Midnight, come all over meee!" Micki wailed hornily.

Huge jets of thick horse-cum rained from Midnight's prick and splashed over the
girl's pumping fist.

Micki felt herself beginning to come along with her horse as she watched his
thick, hot jism coating her pumping, squeezing hand. Waves of thrilling orgasm
passed through her. They built deep inside her pussy, then broke out over her
cunt in intense waves of animalistic pleasure.

As Midnight continued to come, Micki pulled her hand out of her pussy and shoved
it under his cock, catching a handful of the warm fuck cream. She began to jerk
him off with both hands, using his own cum as a lubricant.

"Come, Midnight! More! More cum!" she cried.

As she continued to jerk the animal off, she could feel herself coming again.
This time, it was a spontaneous orgasm, for she was no longer touching her

When Midnight finished coming long moments later, Micki gently kissed his
prickhead. Then she let the cock swing back into its normal position.

The young girl brought both of her hands up to her face and washed her face in
the horse-cum. It had a rich animal smell and a thick texture. In seconds, her
face was lewdly covered with the sticky substance from the stallion's balls.

She could feel the horse-jizz beginning to dry on her face. She stuck her tongue
out and tasted the delicious cum again. It tasted of horse, her most favorite
taste in all the world.

Again and again, Micki extended her tongue to its full length in order to taste
the forbidden sweetness of her horse's cum. She found herself wishing she could
get pregnant with Midnight's foal. It was a weird thought that made her laugh.
But it also made her little pussy quiver with excitement.

She brought her cum-soaked hand up to her mouth and licked all the animal's jism
off of her fingers. She used long, lazy strokes of her tongue, licking one
finger at a time.

"Ohhhh, uhhh," she moaned happily as she swallowed the cum.

She turned on with renewed lust when she suddenly realized the delicious cum she
was now swallowing down was but a trickle when compared to the huge amount of
horse-jizz she would be eating when she sucked him off.

The thought of Midnight's huge prick inside her cunt ignited her lust anew.
Again, she began to fingerfuck herself. Her two fingers fucked in and out of her
dripping little cunt. She was on her back now. Her legs were spread wide, and
her hand was moving in and out of her pussy.

Her fingers fucked deep into the very depths of her pussy as her thumb massaged
her bursting clit. Dreamily, she looked up and saw the long, thick, hard, black
cock of the stallion looming over her. She kept her eyes trained on that
humongous prick as she continued to fuck her hand in and out of her dripping wet

Then she came. The powerful orgasm rocked her entire body. Her hips lifted high
up from the hay-littered floor to meet the hand that relentlessly fucked in and
out of her spasming cunt.

"Ohhhhh, Midnight, you big stud! Your cock is so big and hard and beautiful!
Just looking at it is making me come sooo fucking hard! You're making me come,
Midnight! It's you! But this is nothing like the way you'll make me come when I
suck you off! And it's nothing like the way I just know you'll make me come when
I fuck with you! Oh, God, Midnight, just the thought of you and me fucking each
other ... it's sooo ... ahhhhh ... comming!"

As long as she continued to stare at the stallion's huge prick, Micki continued
to come, one huge orgasm giving way to another. Wave after wave of orgasm tore
through her body. Her cunt closed tightly around the two fingers she was still
fucking in and out of her steamy cunt.

Finally, she forced herself to tear her gaze away from Midnight's cock. That was
the only way she knew to make herself stop coming. As much as the teenager
thrilled to the intense orgasmic spasms wrenching her body, they were draining
her, leaving her spent and weak. And she knew she had to stop coming.

Finally, with her gaze away from the big horse's prick, she stopped coming. She
lay on the floor of the stall, covered with sweat.

"Now I can suck you off!" she cried excitedly.

Just then, she heard the stable doors opening and closing, and she knew the
meeting was over and the stablehands were returning to work.

"Oh, shit, it'll have to wait!" she gasped as she jumped up and scrambled for
her clothes.

Chapter 3

It was a full week before Micki Harwell found her chance to suck her stallion's
cock. She had to wait until the next meeting of her father and his ranch hands
before she was able to sneak into Midnight's stall and wrap her lips around his
prick, as she had been longing to do ever since she had first seen the beast's

But all during the week, while she waited for her chance to be alone with her
horse, she rode him every day. She thought about sucking him off, possibly even
fucking with him during one of her long rides up in the hills surrounding the
ranch, but she never knew when she would run into someone. Her father employed
many men, and they were all over the ranch at all times, inspecting the fencing
and such. So, unwilling to take a chance on being discovered sucking her horse
off or fucking him, Micki resigned herself to waiting until the meeting when she
knew she could be alone with the stallion.

Each time she grew especially horny and was tempted not to wait that long, she
reminded herself that if she should be caught with Midnight's cock in her mouth
or up her pussy, it would be all over for her and Midnight. Her father would
hear about it and he would be furious with her for her depraved ways. He would
see to it that Micki never had a chance to be alone with the virile horse again.
God forbid, he might even go so far as to take Midnight away from her forever.
She made herself wait for the afternoon of the next meeting.

In the meantime, she finger-fucked herself time and again while lying on her bed
and imagining Midnight was fucking his long, thick horse- cock in and out of her
pussy. And, she had orgasm after orgasm while riding the huge stallion across
the fields, orgasms caused by the humping motion of the horse's muscular back
and rubbing against her little pussy.

Finally, the day came. It was the day of her father's meeting with the ranch
hands. Micki wasted no time. She rushed to the stables right after school,
wearing a light sun-dress. She didn't want to even take time to change her
clothes. Midnight was waiting for her in his stall, and she had to be with him.
The time had come to give her magnificent stallion his very first blowjob.

The teenager slipped into the horse's stall. She knelt down beneath the animal,
aware that his eyes were on her every move, as if he sensed something new and
exciting was about to happen.

Micki's long legs sprawled out on the new hay of the stall's floor. Just above
her head, and within her reach, she saw Midnight's huge cock.

She grabbed his prick with a little groan and eagerly began to stroke.

Bending her head even more under the horse, Micki stuck her long pink tongue out
and licked the very tip of the stallion's prick. He stamped his feet once and
whinnied excitedly.

The humongous horse-cock was far too big to take completely into her mouth. So
the young girl had to satisfy herself with licking and sucking along the sides.

As she sucked and licked the hard horsecock, Micki also ran her hands up and
down the sides. In no time at all the big cock was slick with saliva, and she
was running her tongue up and down the full length of the cock.

"Unnhhh," she moaned, her mouth now moving very quickly over the thick length of
the hard prickmeat. As her mouth picked up speed, so did her hands. Soon she was
moving both as fast as she could.

Faster and faster she sucked and caressed her stallion's prick. She broke out in
a sexual sweat all over her body.

She took one hand from Midnight's cock and slid it up slowly beneath her dress.
She moved the crotch of her panties aside and stroked her pussy, which was
dripping wet by this time. The horse smell and taste of Midnight's prick had
made her wetter and hotter than she had thought possible.

She caressed her entire pussy mound. Then she fucked three fingers in and out of
her cunt-hole, ramming them into her as far as they would go and then pulling
them out again.

Suddenly, the teenager realized that, no matter how impossible it seemed and no
matter how much it may hurt her, she just had to suck more of her horse's cock.

She opened her mouth just as wide as she could, stretching it painfully open
until it was gaping wide. The corners of her mouth were stretched tautly and her
jaws ached with the effort.

With her mouth opened up just as wide as possible, Micki sucked the tip of
Midnight's prick between her pink lips.

"Unnhhh," she moaned, thrilled by her own actions. She could hardly believe
that, at long last, she was making her dream come true. At last, she was
crouched beneath her stallion, eagerly sucking him off while he trembled and
snorted above her.

She groaned, thrilling to the feel of the huge horse-cock pulsing between her
moist lips.

As she continued to suck the broad cockhead, she took her hand out of her pussy
and used both hands to stroke up and down the immense cockshaft.

She moved her hands faster and faster, excitedly jerking off the big horse-prick
while she tightened her lips about the pulsing cockhead and hollowed her cheeks

As the horse-loving teenager continued to suck the head of Midnight's cock, her
trembling hands jacked him off and her little horny pussy contracted wildly. Her
cunt spilled out juice, which dribbled down her quaking legs and dripped onto
the floor of the stall below.

She moaned thickly, sucking the horse off, swallowing down his delicious, oozing
pre-cum. She twisted the tip of her tongue into the gaping piss-slit on the end
of the gigantic horse-cock. And, all the while, her hands never stopped moving
up and down the full length of the throbbing prickshaft.

The mighty stallion whinnied and snorted, pawing at the floor of the stall with
his powerful hooves. His beautiful body trembled with the force of his lust.

As Micki continued to suck her horse's cock, she rubbed her juice- soaked inner
thighs together. She groaned with pleasure about the thickness of the big
cockhead that filled her mouth even though she was sucking only the head of the
massive prick.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and little squeals of joy burbled out of her
throat. Her lips tightened around the head of Midnight's colossal cock.

Midnight began to snort more loudly now, and he shuddered powerfully. His long,
thick cock bucked in the girl's stroking hands and in her mouth. It was all
Micki could do to maintain her tight grip on the long, pulsing prick.

She buried her tongue-tip an inch up the animal's cum-slit and she twisted it
lewdly, rotating it from side to side. The beast bucked up and then pounded his
front hoofs down hard onto the straw floor. Huge, violent shudders passed
through his flanks, and Micki gasped with excitement, feeling the big cockhead
grow still bigger inside her mouth.

As she kept sucking Midnight's cockhead, Micki moved her hands to his huge,
furry balls. They were huge. And the feel of them overflowing her hands filled
the teen with a red-hot lust. Her little pussy drooled with more hot fuck juice.

"Mmmmmfff," she moaned as she worked her sucking mouth on the huge horse's

Midnight began to pump his massive hindquarters back and forth in a wild fucking
motion. With the head of his cock pumping in and out of her hotly sucking mouth,
Micki continued to squeeze and fondle his mammoth balls which throbbed lewdly
against the palms of her hands.

Growing hornier by the second, the young girl decided that it was time to find
out if her mouth could possibly accommodate even more of horse's cock. She
stretched her mouth open as wide as she possibly could. The next time Midnight
pumped backward, another few inches of his enormous prick slid into the
teenager's hungrily sucking mouth.

"Mmmmffff," she moaned, thrilled to feel even more of her beloved horse's prick
inside her mouth. She could feel the huge horse-cock throbbing against her inner
cheeks and tongue and she felt her pussy burning and growing wetter in response
to the lewdly thrilling sensation.

The magnificent ebony-colored stallion humped his big prick in and out of the
girl's mouth as her lips sucked and milked at the delicious- tasting meat. The
erotic, forbidden sensation of the enormous cockshaft sliding in and out of her
mouth, and the sensual feel of his lust- swollen veins rippling over her licking
tongue, was the headiest experience of Micki's life.

Beads of sweat broke out all over her body as she sucked and slurped noisily on
the horse's mammoth prick. The big beast continued to thrust his cock in and out
of her wetly gripping mouth. She released the head of his cock from between her
lips and, once more, she began to suck the entire length of his powerful
prickshaft, running her hot tongue up and down the sensitive underside of the
enormous cock.

The snorting, whinnying animal lurched violently as the teenager continued to
knead his lust-laden balls.

The huge horse-cock filling her mouth to the brim sent hot tingling sensations
through the girl's loins. Again releasing the head of Midnight's enormous prick
from her grasping lips, Micki once again began running her wet tongue up and
down the throbbing underside of his tasty meat.

Now the tip of Midnight's mighty cock nudged at the back of Micki's throat. Her
mouth continued to suck, taking in a bit more of the humongous prick as the
animal helped by humping backward and sliding more of his cock into the teen's

Micki groaned with excitement and Midnight whinnied with pleasure as the girl's
tongue went to work, swirling over the meaty rod she held in her mouth. Her
cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked the horse off harder.

"Unnnhhh," she moaned, sucking in earnest, her head bobbing slowly but steadily.
Her lips never again released Midnight's prick from their lewd embrace.

The stallion trembled all over, making strangled sounds from deep in his throat.

Crouched there beneath her horse, Micki closed her eyes in ecstasy and gave
herself up completely to the exquisite pleasure of sucking the animal off.

She groaned continually around the thickness of the horse's prick. She breathed
hard through her flared nostrils and her nips grew stiff and began to pulse. Her
pussy drooled more and more, releasing streams of thick pussy juice which ran
down the girl's legs in a steady, flowing river.

She made a series of whimpering noises in her throat and she began to suck the
horse's cock even harder. Her whimpers turned into high- pitched nasal sounds.

She speeded up her movements, bobbing her head faster and faster on Midnight's
cock. She was pumping him frenziedly with her mouth, twisting her head from side
to side, lashing with her tongue.

The teenager felt her stallion's prick swelling inside her mouth, pulsing
violently against her inner cheeks and tongue. His cock seemed to stiffen more
inside her mouth, too, and Micki trembled violently, thinking of the huge,
delicious load of horse-cum she would soon be swallowing.

The youngster's long hair swung sexily from side to side as her wet lips moved
rhythmically up and down the horse's cock. Again, she felt the broad cockhead
nudging against the back of her throat. She bobbed her head and pumped her

Midnight whinnied loudly and thrust his hips to fuck more of his cock into the
girl's sucking mouth.

Her horse's excitement aroused Micki still more, and she felt her little juicy
cunt burning uncontrollably. She could hardly wait to feel her stallion's huge
cock fucking in and out of her cunt. But first she longed to make him come and
to swallow his entire load of cream which she felt he had been saving in his
balls just for her.

The teenager sucked harder and harder on her horse's cock, enjoying the taste of
the pre-cum that oozed into her mouth. She was beside herself with lust and
pleasure as she felt Midnight's prick pulsing lewdly. She knew that what she was
doing was totally depraved but it was the very depravity that heightened the
pleasure of the act.

Suddenly, Midnight humped his hindquarters savagely, much harder than before. At
last the entire length of his prick was impossibly stuffed inside her mouth,
sliding down her throat.

Micki gasped around the big cock impaling her mouth and throat. She had never
thought it would be possible for her mouth to accommodate Midnight's entire
prick. But she hadn't counted on the animal's lust- filled movements.

She was thrilled to finally feel her horse's whole cock inside her mouth. As if
her very life depended on it, she fervently sucked the horse-cock, tightening
her throat muscles about the pulsing sides of the long, thick horse-prick.

She sucked harder and harder on Midnight's prick, delighted by the delicious
flavor of the pre-cum. But she knew that the little rivulets of pre-cum were
nothing compared to the huge gushers of horse-cum she was about to swallow.

Midnight came. He whinnied loud and long as he let loose.

"Oh God, this is it! Come, Midnight, come you stud horse! Give me all your
horsey cum!" Micki thought excitedly, still sucking hard on the animal's prick
and tightening her throat muscles. The mammoth horse- prick lurched wildly
against the walls of her mouth and throat as Midnight came.

She gripped the shuddering cock tightly with her lips as huge wads of horse-cum
shot into her mouth.

Oh yeah, she thought to herself excitedly. More, Midnight, more cum!

As if able to read the girl's mind, the huge orgasming stallion shot more cum
into her mouth and down her throat. It was an incredible amount of horse-jism.
Micki had no way of knowing this but it was the most cum the horse had ever
unloaded. Just as Micki was thrilled to be sucking a horse off, for the first
time in her life, this was Midnight's very first blowjob, and he was every bit
as excited by all the lewdly thrilling sensations which rippled through his

The thick, hot horse-cum continued to gush into Micki's mouth and she had to
swallow hard and fast to keep from choking on the creamy mass. When she thought
the stallion had finished coming, she pulled her mouth off his prick. To her
surprise, he released still another wad of cum and it struck her in the face,
running down onto her heaving tits.

"Oh, God, Midnight, that was great!" she gasped in a little moaning voice.

Suddenly, the animal's cock quivered violently.

"Oh, God, you've still got more cum, haven't you?" Micki asked excitedly.

Midnight snorted, as if answering her question.

Micki opened her mouth wide and aimed the next spray of horse-spunk into her
gaping mouth, catching the large spurt of cream in the back of her throat. Jism
coated her tonsils lewdly before trickling down her throat where it joined the
pool of horse-cum that had already spilled into her belly.

Micki groaned loudly. She swayed back and forth, feeling literally intoxicated
from all the tangy horse-cum she had swallowed. She fastened her lips to the
stallion's cock again, sucking just as hard as possible.

Her tongue moved in and out of the piss-slit, which was opening and closing. The
big black horse whinnied again, stamping his hooves violently.

Her horse's actions just thrilled the teenager all the more. His frenzied
movements let her know just how much he loved the way she was sucking his prick.

The aroused youngster writhed back and forth, rubbing her juicy thighs together
frenziedly, squeezing her pussylips between them. She felt her own orgasm
mounting in her cunt, and she knew she was about to have a come every bit as
powerful as Midnight's.

The horse's spunk was still flowing into her mouth. As Micki's orgasm began to
pound through her, she sucked the stallion prick harder than ever. Thick strings
of horse-cum dribbled out the corners of her mouth as her pussy exploded.

Her cunt spasmed violently and she moaned with erotic pleasure, feeling more and
more fuck juice flowing from her bloated pussylips and running down her legs.

Oh, God, I'm coming so hard! she cried silently, still sucking Midnight's cock.
More cum slid down her throat and filled her hungry little belly.

A mind-blowing climax shot through her loins. Violent spasms made the teenager's
pussy convulse powerfully. She felt Midnight's cum decreasing to little
trickles. She slipped her mouth off his prick and fell to the floor of the

She ground her orgasming pussy against the floor, desperately trying to vent
some of the pleasure that threatened to overpower her. Her orgasm finally began
to subside. She looked up and, through lust-glazed eyes, saw the final drops of
cum dribbling out of Midnight's prick.

"Wait! I want it! Give it to me!" she cried, crawling beneath the heaving
stallion and opening her mouth wide to catch the last of his cum.

Oh that tastes so good, she thought happily. Now Midnight and I can fuck!

But, again, the teenager's plans were foiled. Just as she thought that she would
be able to feel the stallion's prick inside her pussy at long last, a voice
spoke to her from the doorway of the stall.

"Well, well, well," a masculine voice drawled.

She whirled her head around to see who had discovered her with her mouth wide
open beneath Midnight's dripping cock.

"Looks like you're one little girl who really knows how to love her horse."

The head stablehand grinned at her and rubbed the obvious hard-on he had inside
the crotch of his jeans.

Chapter 4

"Well, now, little girl, I'd say that you've got some tall explaining to do,"
Nate said, still grinning as he let himself into the stallion stall and closed
the gate behind him.

"Nate!" Micki cried, humiliated and frightened to have been caught eating
Midnight's horse-cum. "It's not, uh, what you think!"

"Oh, yeah, right," Nate said with a loud, mocking laugh. "I guess you were just
examining your horse's cock to be sure he's in tiptop condition."

Micki hung her head, feeling herself flush all over. She realized Nate was
right. There was only one possible explanation for what he had seen.

"You sucked him off, didn't you? You sucked your horse's cock and made him come,
didn't you, little girl?" Nate asked.

"Yes," Micki said faintly, her head still hanging low.

"And you swallowed all that horse-cum down, didn't you?" Nate asked, his voice
strained with lust as he continued to rub his hardening cock through his jeans.

"Yes," Micki said weakly.

"And I'll bet you've even fucked your horse, haven't you, little slut?" Nate
asked, moving closer to the girl who trembled with fear.

"No!" she cried.

But then she flushed again as she admitted to herself that it was that very act
that she had been craving. And it was that very act which she still planned to
carry out with Midnight, if Nate would just leave her alone with her stallion.

"Ha! Well, if you haven't fucked with this horse, it's probably only because you
haven't had enough time yet," Nate said, moving still closer to the girl.

Suddenly, the stablehand reached down and gripped Micki painfully by the arm,
hauling her up against his muscular body. She struggled in his grasp, then
quickly realized that she was no match for his brute strength. She sagged
against him.

"That's better," Nate husked as he put one finger beneath her chin and forced
her head up, looking penetratingly into her fear-filled eyes.

"What do you want from me?" Micki asked.

"Well, now, I'd say that's up to you, little slut," Nate said with an evil grin.

"What-what do you mean?" she asked.

"I think your daddy would be very interested to know what you've been doing with
the horse he bought you," Nate said slowly, as if savoring every threatening

"No! You wouldn't!" Micki gasped.

"That's up to you. I'll go straight to your father right now and tell him that
you've been sucking this horse's cock. I'll even stretch the truth a bit and
tell him that you and this stallion have been fucking each other!" Nate said.

"No! That's not true! We haven't been fucking!" Micki protested as she felt
tears fill her eyes.

"Maybe not yet, but probably only because I interrupted you. Admit it, little
horse-slut. You do want to fuck this horse, don't you? You want to feel his huge
horse cock filling up your whole little pussy, don't you?" Nate asked nastily,
tightening his painful grip on her arm.

In spite of her desire to deny his words, Micki felt her little pussy drooling
at the thought of fucking Midnight. She flushed furiously.

"Ha! You don't have to say anything. You just answered me! You do want to fuck
this horse! Okay, Micki, I'm prepared to tell your father everything, except
that I'll let him think you and this horse here have already been getting it
on," Nate said.

"No! No! You mustn't tell him! You can't!" Micki cried, desperate with fear ...
fear that she and her beloved Midnight would be separated forever if her father
found out about her lust for the majestic stallion.

"I can! And I will! Unless ..."

"Unless what?" Micki cried, looking at the stablehand with eyes filled with
sudden hope.

"Unless you let me lick your little pussy, and then I want to fuck you," Nate
said, his cock hardening at his own words.

"You can't be serious!" Micki gasped.

"Oh, yes, I am. Look at this! Doesn't it look serious?" Nate asked, gesturing
toward the hard-on that was visibly pulsing against the crotch of his tight

In spite of herself, Micki lowered her head and gazed at the man's crotch. She
gasped again when she saw how big and hard his cock was and the erotic way his
prick strained against the confines of his pants.

"You like it, don't you? You like what you see! Okay, Micki, I'm telling you,
all you have to do in order for me to keep your little secret about you and your
horse is to let me lick your pussy until you come. Then you have to let me fuck
you. And judging from the way you're staring at my crotch, you won't mind that
one bit," Nate said knowingly.

Micki groaned, knowing what the stablehand said was absolutely true. Even as she
stood there in his powerful grip trying to deny her desires, she felt her cunt
burning and itching with lust for his cock.

"All right," she said softly, a few seconds later, "I'll let you do what you
want to me. But only because I don't want my father to find out about me and

"Oh, cut the crap, Micki! That's not the only reason. You want my cock! Admit
it!" Nate cried, pushing the hapless youngster down onto the floor of the
horse's stall.

"No! That's not true!" Micki lied.

"Never mind now," Nate said as he crawled between the teenager's legs, spreading
them wide and forcing her skirt up over the top part of her body. "Maybe you
won't admit it now. But once I get my tongue up your cunt, you'll be begging me
to fuck you!"

Micki didn't dare respond lest she betray herself and the desire that pounded
through her loins. She felt the man's warm breaths on her inner thighs. She
looked up and over toward Midnight, who was standing only a few feet away. She
gazed at the stallion's big cock, the bestial sight turning her on incredibly as
she waited for Nate to begin eating her out.

Nate pressed his hungry mouth against the young girl's cunt. His tongue rammed
between her puffy cuntlips and he began to lap up the honeyed cuntjuice which
was already flowing thickly from Micki's throbbing pussy.

Suddenly, the tip of the man's tongue stabbed against the teenager's pulsing
clit. He felt her clit growing more and more rigid against his demanding tongue.
He fucked his pointed tongue up Micki's cunthole and was thrilled when he felt
the girl's cunt muscles immediately grabbing his tongue, hugging his tongue hard
inside her.

"Oh, God!" Micki cried, no longer able to deny the sweet, heady erotic pleasure
which swept through her entire body. She loved the way the stable hand was
tongue-fucking her. And staring at Midnight's big thick horse-cock all the while
just served to make the lewd act all the more exciting for Micki.

"You love it, don't you, little horse-slut? Admit it!" Nate growled, pulling his
tongue out of the girl's pussy.

"Yes! Oh, God, yes, Nate, I love it! Don't stop! Keep shoving your tongue up my
cunt like you were doing! Make me come with your mouth!" the girl shrieked,
lifting her hips up from the floor of the stall and humping her crotch up
against the man's mouth as he lowered his head to her pussy once again.

Again and again, Nate stroked the teenager's trembling clit with his hot tongue.
Then, just as Micki was sure that she was going to come, Nate pulled his tongue
away from her clit and shoved it full-length up her tight cunthole.

"Ohhh, God, Nate! That feels sooo fucking good! Fuck me with that wet tongue of
yours! Fuck me good and hard until I come! Fuck your whole tongue right up my
cunthole, Nate! And lick my clit too! Yes, oh, yes, Nate, lick my clit! Bite it!
Suck it! Do it all! Do whatever you want to my cunt with your sexy mouth! Ohhh,
Jesus, you're making me so hot! And you're making me feel soooo good! Keep it
up, Nate, keep eating me out!" the teenager shrilled at the top of her lungs.

Nearby, Midnight whinnied and stamped his hooves in response to the girl's high-
pitched screams of pleasure. He swung his big hairy head to gaze at the girl who
was being so expertly tongue-fucked and he whinnied excitedly again.

Micki looked up and met the gaze of her stallion. She gasped, seeing the burning
intensity in the animal's eyes. She trembled all over, realizing that in a weird
sort of way, she and Midnight were sharing the obscene act she and Nate were

Even though the horse was not touching her at all--even though he was only
watching the girl as she humped her crotch up against the stablehand's mouth--
Micki felt strongly that she was more sexually involved with Midnight at that
moment than she was with the man who had his tongue in her pussy.

The teenager's long legs thrashed wildly on the floor, her hips lifted high in
the air, the man's tongue fucking faster and deeper inside her aching pussy as
she finally began to come.

"Arrrghhhh! Yessss! I'm coming!" she cried loudly as a shuddering climax shot
through her.

Gushes of hot, creamy fuckjuice leaked out of her cunt, soaking Nate's tongue
before dribbling on down her quaking thighs.

Midnight whinnied again as if understanding that the girl was coming. And Micki
returned the horse's intense gaze as her orgasming cunt shook violently against
the sides of Nate's tongue. Her strong pussy muscles grabbed his tongue, holding
until he cried out in ecstasy.

Nate pulled his juice-slickened tongue out of the teen's pussy. Making savage
growling noises, he tore the girl's skirt and panties and blouse off.

Now she was lying on the floor of the stall in complete nakedness.

Micki moaned.

The stablehand's warm lips were on her taut nipple, sucking the swollen tit-
flesh into his hot, wet mouth as hard as he could. He stroked her clit and it
vibrated with the last tremors of orgasm.

"You're one hot little girl, Micki!" Nate groaned, pulling his mouth off of her
tit and gazing down into her eyes. "Did you know that I've had the hots for you
ever since I started working here?"

"But I was just a little girl then," Micki said.

"Yeah, I know. But even then there was something so goddamned sexy about you ...
and I watched you growing up and I saw your tits getting bigger and your body
developing ... and your hips filling out like a young woman's ... and I vowed to
myself that someday I would get to fuck you! Yeah, little horse-slut, I've been
carrying a hard-on for you for years now!"

His obscene words made the little girl tremble there on the floor of her horse's
stall. She knew then that she wanted this man to fuck her. She wanted to feel
his big cock up her horny little pussy.

But to her surprise, Nate knelt between her legs again and she gasped as she
felt his strong hands sliding beneath her ass, gripping both of her asscheeks in
a powerful hold.

"I'm gonna eat you out again, honey. I want you good and wet and ready before I
give you the fuck I've been dying to give you for years!" Nate groaned, raising
his head from between her thighs and looking up at the youngster between her
apple-sized tits.

"Yesss, Nate, yesss!" Micki squealed, her thighs spread lewdly apart. Her pussy
was thrust toward the man's drooling mouth. "Suck my pussy again, Nate! Make me
come again! Then I want you to fuck me!"

"I knew I'd get you to admit you want my cock!" Nate said with a triumphant grin
as he lowered his face and began to lick Micki's clit once again.

Micki trembled with fuck-lust as she felt the stablehand's mouth on her cunt

"Ohhh, it feels sooo good! No one has ever licked my pussy as good as you! Do
it, Nate! Eat me out! Suck meeeee! Make me come again!" Micki wailed.

Thrills of erotic pleasure swept through the teenager's loins, and her clit
pulsed and twitched violently against Nate's licking tongue. As he continued to
lick her pussy, his hands moved up to her bursting tits. He captured the medium-
sized mounds, one in each hand, and squeezed and fondled the hard, pulsing nips.

"Ohhh, yesss," Micki moaned, growing more and more aroused as the stablehand ate
her out.

Nate groaned with lust, the sound muffled by the wet, quivering cuntflesh
pressed lewdly against his mouth. He had never tasted such a deliciously sweet
pussy in his life. And it thrilled him beyond belief to realize that, after so
many years of lusting for this tempting little girl, he was finally knowing the
pleasure of eating her cunt. Just the knowledge that he would soon be thrusting
his cock up her tight little pussy was enough to make his prick harden and
thicken with more and more lust-filled anticipation.

He worked his tongue hard against the girl's little twitching clit, wanting to
bring Micki off again soon. Then he fucked the full length of his tongue deeply
up her tight cunthole. As he stabbed into her pussy repeatedly with his tongue,
he felt her pussy-walls clamping about its sides. The idea of ramming his huge
prick up such a tight and tiny little hole made him shudder with excitement.

"Ahhhh, yessss, that feels soooo good!" the youngster squealed, fucking her
pussy up hard against the stablehand's sucking mouth.

The lewd feel of the girl's wet pussy thrusting up against Nate's face, and the
feel of her trim little ass trembling in his strong hands, aroused the
stablehand powerfully. It took every single bit of his self-control to hold
himself back, to keep from coming.

"Oh, God, Nate, it feels even better this time! Don't stop eating my pussy,
Nate! Don't stop until you make me come again!" Micki cried, her pussy on fire
from the man's expert cunt-sucking.

She could feel his hard prick nudging her leg. She trembled with excitement
knowing that, soon, that very prick would be stuffed up her tight little pussy.

Nate moved his tongue faster and harder, fucking the girl's little cunthole with
it, lapping up all the sweet pussy honey that poured freely from her fuckhole.
The expert fucking motions of his tongue made Micki's body jerk wildly there on
the stable floor.

"Ohhh! I'm almost there, Nate! Make me come! Keep sucking my cunt until I come!"
she shrieked, so aroused that she hardly knew what she was saying.

She tugged at the stablehand's hair, mashing his face even harder against her
humping pussy. She fucked at his face with hard, savage jerks of her hot, wet

Suddenly, she felt her orgasm building. She shuddered all over with excitement.
Her body tensed and shook violently.

"Ohhh, yesss, Nate, I'm commmiiinnnggg!" she screamed, closing her legs about
the man's face as she came hard.

She humped her ass up higher off the floor, allowing the man to fuck his hungry
tongue even deeper into her pulsing cunthole. Over and over again, Nate stabbed
his tongue deep into the teenager's fuckhole. He felt the thrilling vibrations
of her powerful orgasm tingling against his tongue.

"Yeeeeeee!" Micki screeched as the full force of her climax thundered through
her. This was an even more exciting orgasm than her first.

As her orgasm ended, Micki looked down between her legs at the man's head. She
was panting hard from the force of her climax.

Nate raised his juice-stained face from her cunt and grinned up at her.

She could not help but grin back.

Micki glanced over at Midnight and could have sworn that she saw a grin on the
stallion's face as well.

Suddenly, moving up on her body, Nate pressed his wet mouth against Micki's.

She shivered with excitement as she tasted her own pussy cream on his mouth.

Their tongues mashed together and Nate's hands roamed over her soft, curving
body, lingering on her throbbing tits and her juice-drenched pussy.

"Time to fuck, little girl," the man groaned.

"Oh, yes, Nate, I want you to fuck me! And I know just how I want you to do it!"
Micki cried hornily.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to fuck you dog-style or something?" Nate
asked with a slight frown as he rolled off the girl's body.

"Oh, no, that's not what I mean at all!" Micki said with an excited little laugh
as she sprang up nakedly from the floor and jumped up on Midnight's broad,
muscular back. "I mean that I want you to fuck me up here on top of my horse!"

"Why, you crazy little horse-slut! You just can't stay away from that damn
horse, can you?" Nate growled. But he was grinning as he got up from the floor
and approached the horse.

"Hurry! Fuck me on top of Midnight, Nate!" the teenager cried. She was
straddling the large black stallion, her bare legs grabbing around Midnight's
shining coat. She was already moving herself up and down over his muscular back,
as if in search of yet another orgasm.

For a few minutes, Nate stood there, shaking his head and grinning. He watched
the teenaged girl humping her naked little pussy against the horse. The sight of
her lily white legs, in sharp contrast to the animal's ebony-colored coat,
turned him on. And it turned him on even more to see her juicy little pussy
rising up and down on the horse's broad back.

Nate's eyes traveled up and down the girl's shapely body, his cock growing
harder with each passing second.

Micki glanced down at the man and laughed with delight when she saw how much his
hard-on had grown within his pants.

"Hurry, Nate! Strip! Take your clothes off! Then get up here and fuck me on top
of Midnight!" the girl cried.

Still shaking his head at the teenager's blatant horniness, Nate eagerly
stripped, revealing his naked body to the youngster. Her eyes devoured him
hungrily while she continued to bounce up and down on the stallion.

"Oh God, Nate! I had no idea that you had such a huge prick!" she cried
excitedly, bouncing her pussy even higher and slamming down harder against the
horse's back.

Midnight whinnied and stamped his hooves obviously enjoying the feel of the
girl's naked pussy against him.

"You sexy little slut," Nate growled, looking at the pinkness of her cunt
peeking out at him between her legs.

"Come on up here, Nate! Come on!" Micki squealed, reaching one hand down to him.

Nate eagerly mounted the horse. Midnight shifted a bit. He was carrying more
weight on his back than he was used to but he didn't really seem to mind. It was
as if the big black beast was aware that something exciting and forbidden was
about to take place on top of him and he was all for it.

The man and the little girl sat facing each other on top of the strong stallion.
Nate took Micki into his arms and gave her a deep tongue- kiss. Micki responded
eagerly, shoving her own tongue against his and moaning with pleasure as she
felt their saliva mingling obscenely.

Nate held the girl tightly, running his hands over her tits, letting his fingers
wander down to her aching pussy.

"Unh, good," she moaned.

Her two pear-shaped tits were pressed tightly against his chest now and his cock
grew still harder. Suddenly, Micki pulled back slightly from the man who was
about to fuck her. She slowly reached out and grabbed hold of his hard cock.

"Oh, God, Nate! It's so big and hard!" she cried excitedly. But even as she said
that and the man flushed with pleasure at the compliment, the teenager thought
about Midnight's cock which was so much bigger and harder and thicker. Still,
for the time being, she knew that Nate's prick would give her the satisfaction
she needed at that moment. And, most important of all, by fucking with Nate, she
would be giving him what he wanted so that he would keep her secret and not tell
her daddy about her sexual activities with her horse.

She ran her fingers up and down the man's cock, enjoying the way it throbbed
against her touch.

Micki wriggled closer to the man and he reached out and grabbed her tits. His
hands made slow, sweet designs over the white tender flesh of her two perfectly
shaped tit-mounds. In seconds, her nipples were stiff and erect once more as
Nate continued to tease them with the very tips of his fingers.

She inched a little closer and bowed her head. She had perfect balance on the
horse and in one swift movement, she reached the man's prick with her drooling

"Unnhhh, you sexy little horse-whore!" the man grunted, running his hands
through the girl's long, thick hair.

The teenager licked and caressed the stablehand's cock with her tongue. At the
same time, she was excitedly grinding her cunt into the shining coat of the
animal beneath her. Her legs were wide apart, her feet far beyond the flanks of
the powerful stallion.

Nate groaned with pleasure as he felt the beautiful girl's mouth working on his
cock. He stretched out as best as he could, his head touching the mane of the

Micki had the man's entire prick inside her mouth now. Her tongue flutteringly
caressed his cock. Nate moved his hips a bit, pumping his hard cock deeper and
deeper into her throat.

"Yeah, baby, great! Suck me!" he cried.

"Unnhhh," Micki moaned. Saliva dripped from the corners of her stretched-out
mouth. She took Nate's prick deep into her throat. She let his cock slide way
back until its entire length was buried inside her mouth and down her throat.
Her lips were close to his thick patch of prick hairs, and she was also close to
Midnight's coat and to the horse smell which she loved so very much.

Micki ran her tongue over the length of Nate's cock as she worked her head
slowly back and forth. Both Nate and Micki were good riders. They had no problem
staying on top of the horse. And Midnight did his part to help, slightly
shifting position those few times one or the other of the couple on top of him
threatened to slip off.

Micki raised her head, letting the hard cock slide from between her full lips.
Nate's prick stood straight up, and he grinned at the teenager, obviously
pleased by the way she had cock-licked him.

Micki returned Nate's grin as she inched her way toward the middle of the
stallion's back. Nate followed her lead and did the same. The couple met each
other in the exact center of the animal's back.

Nate's prick was right up against the teen's cunt fur. She made a few more
wriggling movements. Then, before Nate even knew what she was doing, his cock
was buried up her pussy.

"Jeeesus!" he groaned, big eyes widening, his body shuddering.

In only a matter of minutes, the horny couple got the hang of fucking on top of
the horse's back and they settled into a smooth, steady rhythm.

Nate raised his hips tentatively at first, afraid to throw the girl off balance.
When he saw how secure she was on her stallion, he began to fuck her harder.

"Ohhh, yeah, fuck me good and hard, Nate! I love it!" Micki cried.

She was stretched almost completely back now. Her head rested on the rump of the
big stallion while her feet played around near beast's neck.

Nate's feet shot straight back and were also near the horse's neck. He began to
really fuck his throbbing prick into the pussy of the teenager who was sprawled
out lewdly before him on the back of the big horse.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, Nate! Shove that big hard cock of yours right up my wet
pussy!" Micki moaned as she thrust her hips up from the horseflesh to meet the
man's ramming cock.

"Yes! Fuck that hard cock into my cunt! Fuck it into me hard just like that!"
she cried, urging the stablehand on.

With each mighty thrust of Nate's cock, Micki's feet bounced and jiggled. The
man had a firm grip on her tits now, and he ran his hands over her stiff,
pulsing nips while he fucked his prick in and out of her aching pussy.

"Ooh! That's soooo good!" Micki gurgled. But even as she said that, she knew
that, as good as it felt to have Nate's cock inside her, Midnight's prick would
feel even better up her cunt.

Nate continued to fuck her hard and fast. Micki could feel the warm body of her
horse beneath her. She could feel every single movement and shift of position
which Midnight made.

Again, she had the strange sensation that she and Midnight were sharing this
obscene sexual act, that Nate was only peripherally involved, even though it was
the man's cock that was fucking in and out of her pussy. As Micki and Nate
continued to fuck each other on top of the horse, she felt a strong communion
with the stallion, a connection which she knew she could never feel with Nate or
with any other human being.

A small puddle of pussyjuice rapidly pooled on the horse's back, just below
where Micki's cunt was being fucked by Nate's big prick.

"Ohhh, Midnight," the youngster groaned as she felt the powerful stallion's body
twitching beneath her. She sensed the animal was well aware of what was taking
place on his back, and that he was turned on by it. She only wished she could
see the horse's cock, which, she guessed, must be growing bigger and harder by
the second.

Nate was too far gone with lust to hear Micki's lust-thickened voice crying out
Midnight's name.

Suddenly, the man began to come. He shot jet after jet of hot cum into Micki's
twitching pussy. He could feel her strong pussy muscles gripping his prick. He
continued to shoot into her.

"Ooohhh, yes, come! Pour all your cream into my cunt!" the girl sang out.

She closed her eyes and pretended Midnight's cum was shooting into her pussy
when the man continued to gush more jism into her pussy.

Suddenly, her own orgasm began. She groaned with pleasure as the first ripples
of orgasm began to rush through her loins. She felt Nate's prick fucking faster
and deeper into her. They came together and she moaned with more and more
ecstasy as her climax intensified.

"Yesssss! Yesssss! Comnmiiinnnggg!" the teenager yelled, grabbing tightly onto
the horse's firm flesh as Midnight shuddered beneath her. "Yesssss, Midnight,
I'm coming!"

This time Nate heard Micki cry out the horse's name instead of his own. He shook
his head and pulled his softening prick out of her, quickly dismounting from the

Micki was only dimly aware that Nate had left. She sat up there on Midnight's
broad back, patting his sides and cooing love words to him.

Nate stood next to the horse, looking up at Micki with a sad expression in his
eyes. He realized that he could never replace the animal in the teenager's

"You're just fucking crazy," Nate murmured. "There's something wrong with a girl
who would rather fuck a horse than a man. I could give you a lot of lovin',
Micki. A lot more than a dumb beast."

"Look, Nate," Micki said, "I kept my part of the bargain. I let you eat my cunt
and fuck me. Now, I want to be left alone. My father might not take too kindly
to the idea of me fucking a horse, but I know he wouldn't like at all the fact
that you fucked me."

"Oh, all right, go ahead and fuck that stupid horse of yours," Nate said,
pulling on his clothes. "See if I give a flying goddamn."

Micki watched the stablehand get dressed and turn away from her. He opened the
stall gate.

"Maybe we can have some fun later, Nate," Micki suddenly said, feeling guilty.

Nate looked back. "Yeah, sure," he said. And then he was gone.

Micki told herself she didn't care what happened to the stablehand or care how
he felt about her. After all, the man had forced her to fuck him, practically
raped her on top of her horse.

Anyway, no matter what, she had Midnight, and, more importantly, she was alone
with him.

But, damn her luck, it was getting late.

Chapter 5

The first thing Micki did when she climbed off Midnight's back was bend down and
look under his belly. Sure enough, his cock, always big, had grown into an
immense hard-on. His prick was thick and throbbing and the mere sight took
Micki's breath away.

"Oh, Midnight, I do want to fuck with you! And I will! But I think that right
now I'd better be getting home," Micki said sadly. "After I get dressed, that
is." She giggled, scooping up her clothes and quickly dressing.

Midnight snorted and watched her. When she was fully dressed, the teenager
stroked Midnight's long, powerful neck and whispered love words into his
pricking ear.

"But I'll be back tonight, Midnight, I promise! I'll sneak out after everyone
else is asleep and that way you and I can fuck and fuck and fuck without
worrying about someone catching us in the act!" Micki said, feeling her little
pussy drooling at the mere idea of fucking the big horse.

* * *

Micki sneaked out of the house after her parents were fast asleep. She didn't
want to drive to the stables. She was afraid that the sound of the car engine
would alert her parents. Instead, the horny youngster ran the distance to the
stables and to the stallion. The moon was climbing high in the sky, lighting
every step of her feverish, lust- filled run.

Micki arrived at Midnight's stall, breathless and flushed and panting.

"Oh, Midnight ... I ... I made it," she panted harshly, trying to catch her

The long run from her house had turned her on more and she felt her little pussy
growing wetter and wetter with thick cuntjuice. She entered Midnight's stall and
led the horse toward the bales of hay that were stacked in one corner.

"This is where we can fuck, Midnight," she said breathlessly but this time her
shortness of breath was caused more from excitement and lust than from her run.

Midnight nudged his nose between her legs.

She moaned softly.

"Mmm, that feels good! But wait until I undress," Micki said as she rapidly
peeled off her clothes and stood naked before the horse.

The stallion snorted excitedly and began to lick the girl's pussy with his huge,
rough tongue.

When the horse stopped licking her pussy, Micki climbed up on a bale of hay,
positioning her little cunt right at the edge so her horse could get at it with
his huge horse-cock. As soon a she was in position, Midnight pushed his nose
between her spread legs again. His nostrils flared as he breathed in the
arousing scent of the girl's steamy young cunt.

Snorting wildly, the stallion once again began to lick her wet cunt with his
huge tongue.

"Up here! Jump up here with your front legs, Midnight!" Micki squealed, hoping
to God that the animal would get the message. "Get up here with your forelegs so
you can fuck me!"

To Micki's delight, Midnight suddenly reared up and planted his powerful hooves
up on the bale of hay, on either side of the teenager's shoulders.

"Ohhh, what a good horse!" Micki cried as she reached down and grasped the
stallion's long, black cock in her hand. She began rubbing the bloated cockhead
between her hot, juicing pussylips.

Midnight suddenly reared his hindquarters back, then plunged forward, fucking
several inches of his humongous horse-cock into the girl's cunthole.

"Aieeeeee! Yesssss!" Micki screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt her
stallion's cock entering her pussy. She felt as if this were the thrilling
moment she had been preparing herself all her life. She trembled violently. She
had never had so much raw cockmeat packing her pussy to the brim, and she
thrilled to the lewd sensation.

There was a wild look of bestial lust in Midnight's eyes. He began to foam
around his lips and nostrils as he felt the teenager's cunt-walls gripping his
prick tightly.

"Ohhh, yessss, Midnight, fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Micki cried lustfully. "Jesus,
you've got the biggest prick ever! Fuck me hard with it, you horny stallion!"

The black horse pulled his prick out until only its head remained between
Micki's snug pussylips. Then, the animal reared back and drilled his thick hard-
on back into her small, wet cunt.

Micki and Midnight quickly established a steady fucking pace. With each forward
thrust of the horse's prick, the girl eagerly slammed her hips upward.

"Jesus, Midnight, the way you're fucking me ... it feels sooo good," Micki
panted breathlessly, "and you don't even have your whole cock inside me yet!"

Midnight snorted and pushed his prick a little deeper inside the girl's juicy

"Oh, God!" Micki cried, tears of both pain and pleasure filling her eyes. "Your
cock is so goddamned huge! It's gonna tear me up! It may even kill me! But I
don't care, Midnight! I don't care what happens or how much it hurts! I have to
feel your entire prick deep inside my cunt! I want to feel your huge cockhead
hitting the back wall of my little pussy! Do it, Midnight! Shove your whole cock
into meeee!" the teenager wailed.

Even as she begged her stallion to fuck his whole prick into her, Micki trembled
with fear. But she was trembling with excitement, too. She had never been fucked
by such a huge cock before, and she longed to know what the prick would feel
like deep inside her. Fucking Midnight was a dream come true for Micki. The fact
that the animal's prick was humongous, even by horse-cock standards, made her
little cunt drool with arousal. She knew that she would hurt like hell if the
beast finally gave her what she wanted and rammed his entire prick into her
aching pussy. But she didn't care about that. She had to have it all. She simply
had to. She knew there was no way she could feel completely satisfied with this
fuck session if Midnight did not give her his whole fat cock.

She spread her legs wider and humped her crotch harder than ever against
Midnight's pumping prick, hoping that he would get the hint and fuck all the way
inside her.

Midnight had never known the excitement of fucking into such a small, tight cunt
before. The animal was half-crazed with lust. He rapidly increased the tempo of
his cock-thrusts. In just minutes, he was fucking much of his enormous prick
into Micki's cunthole with a brutal ferocity which took the teenager's breath
away. Each driving plunge of the stallion's juice-coated cock lifted the girl's
quaking ass off the bale of hay.

Micki could feel the prickly hay scratching against her naked back, asscheeks,
and thighs. And somehow the itchy sensation just served to arouse her all the

"Unnhhh, ohhh, Midnight, you're fucking me soooo good! I love it! I love you,
you gorgeous, big-cocked horse!" Micki cried. She reached up and scratched at
the animal's underbelly.

The tight wetness of the teen's pussy spurred the snorting beast on. Each savage
thrust of his gigantic cock forced a bit more of his prick inside her.

Micki sighed as she felt more of her stallion's prick entering her. Soon she
would know the exquisite thrill of having the entire horse- cock buried to the
hilt inside her and she could hardly wait for that heady moment. She just knew
that it would be the most thrilling moment of her life. And just as thrilling
would be that ultimate moment when Midnight's horse-cum gushed into her cock-
stuffed cunt.

"Ohhh, Midnight, I love it! You're fucking me soooo good!" the young girl cried
as she rolled her head from side to side. She cried out with more and more
pleasure as the black stallion continued to pound more of his meat into her
pussy, feeding her an inch or so at a time.

This was what Micki had been waiting for all of her young life: naked on a bale
of hay with a magnificent stallion fucking her with his outsized cock. She could
think of no greater happiness in the world.

"Go, Midnight, Go!" she cried, urging the rutting beast on. "Fuck me! Harder!
Faster! Deeper!"

Micki felt the moisture within her pussy growing thicker and she knew that the
animal's pre-cum was dribbling out, mingling with her pussy- juice.

"Unnhhh, ohhh, fuck me good and hard, Midnight! Gimme all your cock! You have no
idea how badly I neeeeed it!" Micki wailed, breaking out all over in a hot
sexual sweat.

Froth foamed out between Midnight's lips as he increased the intensity of his
feverish fucking. He heard the intense sexual need in the girl's voice and it
matched the heightened level of his own lust.

"Yessss, oh, God, yessss, that's great! Keep fucking me hard just like that,
Midnight!" the teenager groaned.

She found herself digging her bare heels into the horse's quivering flanks,
trying to urge him on. Her lewd actions opened her thighs up even more to the
beast's rapidly plunging prick.

"Fuck meeeee," Micki whimpered.

She stared down under the horse's belly, where she could see his gigantic prick
pounding in and out of her obscenely stretched-out cunt- hole. The thrilling
sight of the stallion's thick prick fucking in and out of her lust-bloated cunt
was the most beautiful and exciting thing Micki had ever seen. And the obscene
sound of Midnight's enormous prick sloshing through the thick juices and his own
pre-cum as he fucked in and out made Micki's entire body shake with lust.

"Aaarrrghhh Midnight, I love this fucking soooo much!" she cried.

Midnight snorted and whinnied.

"Oh, yesss, Midnight, I really do love the way you're fucking me! I know you
still don't have all of your prick inside me ... but you're shoving more into my
cunt each time you thrust into me ... and it feels sooo big ... and soooo thick
... and soooo hard ... it's filling me all up ... I don't even think you can fit
any more of your cock inside me ... Midnight ... Midnight ... you're turning me
on so much I feel as if I'm losing my mind ... I have to come ... and I have to
feel all of your cum shooting into my pussy!"

Her words turned the powerful stallion on even more. He fucked still more of his
prick into her on the next lunge.

"Fuck me! Unnhhh, oh, God, more of your prick just went into my cunt ... oh,
Midnight, do it! Shove it all inside me! Fuck me good and hard! Fuck my brains
out!" Micki begged, grinding her dripping pussy about the animal's plunging

Micki had lost all sense of reality. At that heady horse-fucking moment, nothing
else existed in the world for the teenager except the obscenely huge prick that
continued to rip brutally into her. Only that enormous cock and the amazing
animalistic pleasure she felt seemed real to the horny little girl.

Each time Midnight fucked his cock savagely into her trembling pussy, Micki
tightened her cunt-walls, hugging hard, reluctant to let go. But then the
stallion whinnied and she relented. She loosened her muscle- hold on his prick,
allowing him to pull out of her pussy until only his outsized cockhead was still
in the lewd grip of her bloated cuntlips. Then, Midnight snorted and fucked into
her again.

"Ohhh, yesss, I need more cock!" Micki shouted, spreading her legs just as wide
as she could. She humped her fuzzy crotch up violently against the animal's
pounding prick. "Gimme your whole cock, Midnight! I have to feel it inside me! I
don't care if your huge prick rips me all up! I don't care if it kills me! All I
care about is your cock! And I need all of it! More, Midnight, more!"

Midnight blustered his lips and whinnied. The next time he fucked into the girl,
he fed her still more of his cock. But there were still several inches of meat
to be shoved into Micki.

"Now, Midnight, now! Fuck me with your whole cock!" Micki pleaded, feeling as if
she would literally go mad if the rutting stallion did not give her what she
needed so desperately.

Midnight whinnied excitedly at the pleading note in the girl's voice. And then,
as if the beast understood exactly what she was begging him for, he suddenly
fucked the entire length of his long, thick prick up into Micki's clenching

"Yeeeee! Yeeeooowww! Owwwww! Aieeeee! Ahhhhh! Aaarggghhh! Unnhhhh! Omigod!
Omigod!" Micki squealed with pain and pleasure as, at long last, she felt her
beloved stallion's humongous cock fucking fully into her.

Midnight's bulbous cockhead pounded against the very back wall of the teenaged
pussy, fucking into its very depths. And for just a few seconds, the youngster
was afraid that she had been too hasty in begging the horse to fuck his whole
cock into her, afraid that the mammoth-sized prick was actually going to rip
right through her body and come out on the other side.

"Ohhh, Midnight, it hurts so much ... my little pussy is on fire ... oh, God, I
had no idea it would hurt this much," the little girl moaned, flopping about on
the bale of hay like a wriggling fish caught on a hook. "Oh, but I love it,
Midnight! It hurts but it feels good too!" she quickly added in case her horse
caught on to how much he was hurting her and tried to take his cock out of her.
God forbid! That was the last thing Micki wanted.

Already, the teenager felt a deep, intense ecstasy filling her pussy, an ecstasy
that mingled with the red-hot pain still lancing through her loins. The pain
only seemed to heighten her pleasure and she thrilled to the lewd combination.

She glanced down to where her crotch met Midnight's and her eyes widened.

"Ohhh, uhhh, Midnight," she groaned, turned on to the sight of her little cunt
fully impaled on her stallion's gargantuan horse-cock.

"Good it hurts ... but, oh yes, it feels good too," she panted, breathing
harshly through flared nostrils as she felt her pussy-walls convulsing
erotically about the huge prick filling her cunt.

The little girl's cock-stuffed cunthole was quickly adapting to the invasion of
the mammoth-sized prick. Her little pussyhole poured out more and more juice,
easing the animal's fucking movements.

"Aaarrrghhh, you're such a dear horse to give me your whole cock just the way I
asked you to do, Midnight! Unnhhh, it feels sooo fucking good to have your
entire prick inside me! Keep it up, keep fucking me until we both come
together!" Micki shrilled.

Again and again, the youngster groaned out her enormous pleasure. Her little
pussy had never before been so deliciously stuffed full of hard cockmeat and she
adored the thrilling sensation.

Midnight whinnied over and over, obviously delighted, to be finally able to fuck
his entire cock into the girl's tiny cunt that had him half out of his animal
mind with sexual joy and excitement.

God, Micki thought excitedly, this is it! This is the very ultimate in sexual
fulfillment. To think that I'm actually lying here on this hay being completely
fucked by the huge cock of my own stallion! At that thrilling moment, the little
girl realized she loved her ebony horse more than she had ever loved anything or
anyone in her entire life.

"Oh, yesss!" Micki cried, "this is most definitely it!"

It's the thrill of a lifetime, she thought excitedly.

The young girl moaned and groaned with a hot passion as she threw her cunt up to
meet each lunge of the huge, pounding prick of her stallion. Digging her heels
into his trembling flanks, she arched her back and thoroughly opened up her
pussy to the beast's cock, taking the full force of his battering.

"Ahhhh, more, more," she sighed, only half-conscious now as the rutting horse
relentlessly fucked his monstrously large horse-cock fully in and out of her.

The gaping lips of her bloated, juicy cunt sucked at the base of Midnight's
hard-thrusting prick, as if trying to tug in even more of the large cock.

"Ohhh, Gaaawwwdddd," Micki groaned as she felt her horse's broad cockhead
swelling even bigger inside her.

The enormous prick slid in and out between her sucking cunt-walls, and she knew
that both she and her stallion would be coming soon. Jesus, Micki thought as a
lewd thrill ran through her, what a cum this is going to be!

"Awwwww, yesss, Midnight, yessss, fuck meeee," she moaned weakly as the snorting
stallion fucked harder and ever deeper into the little girl's ravaged cunt.

Each brutal thrust of the animal's wildly plunging cock drove both the horse and
the teenager closer and closer to orgasm.

"Unnhhh, fuck me harder, Midnight! Deeper! Faster! God, I never felt anything so
goddamned good in all my life!" Micki cried thickly.

Each time she felt the blunt prickhead of the horse banging up against the back
wall of her pussy, she trembled. The feel of having her little pussy so
completely impaled on the full length of her horse's prick filled the youngster
with a joy she had never experienced before, and best of all, it was a joy that
just seemed to grow stronger with each slamming thrust of Midnight's prick.

She spread her thighs even wider apart and humped her crotch up hard against the
beast's ramming cock. She was desperate to come and to feel Midnight's jizz
shooting deep into her belly.

"Oh yes, Midnight, fuck the holy shit out of me!" she whined.

Micki heard Midnight snorting and whinnying in a way she had never heard before.
The sounds were louder and higher in pitch than usual. And Micki groaned
excitedly, realizing that her horse was probably about to come. At last she
would know the thrill of having her little pussy flowing with Midnight's horse-

Midnight snorted and whinnied again. And he stamped his hooves hard against the
floor of the stable. His fuck-thrusts into Micki became suddenly jerky and

"Oh, yes, do it, Midnight! Come! Shoot your wad! Dump it all inside meeee!"
Micki wailed, licking her lips with excitement at the thought of all the
delicious horse-cum that would soon be overflowing from her aching pussy.

Midnight lifted his hairy head and whinnied again, this time even louder than
before. And, suddenly, just as she had dreamed about for so long, Micki felt his
thick, warm cum gushing into her.

"Yesssssss!" Micki shrilled. She had never felt anything so lewdly thrilling in
her entire life. She knew that her horse had only begun to come and yet already
her pussy was full to overflowing with his sticky spunk. At that instant, she
felt as if she could gladly die, for she had known the ultimate pleasure. What
the young girl did not know was that even more erotic joy was in store for her.
Suddenly, her own much- needed orgasm burst through her loins.

"Commmiiinnnggg!" she cried, tears of pleasure streaming down her lovely face.
"Oh, God, I've never come this hard before! Ohhh, Midnight, I love you sooo
much! Your big prick ... and all your cum ... is making me come sooo hard!"

The peak of her orgasm struck the teenager with a force and fury that took her
breath away, the mighty black stallion continued to pour his enormous load into
Micki's pussy.

"Oh, God, Midnight, you're making me come again! Keep shooting your cum inside
me! More cum, Midnight, I need more cum! And don't stop fucking me! For God's
sake, don't stop fucking meeee!" Micki cried loudly as wet waves of bestial
pleasure washed over her, releasing gallons of frothy cuntjuice which drenched
the stallion's still-rutting prick.

Chapter 6

Micki idly rubbed her naked crotch and sighed with sexual frustration. She lay
on her own bed, wishing that at that very moment she had a big thick cock
fucking into her horny little cunt.

It had been a week since her thrilling fuck session with her black stallion,
Midnight. And the very next morning, the horse had been taken to a nearby city
by the chief horse trainer for a horse show. There, the magnificent beast would
be put through his paces to see how he fared in competition with the other
horses. Then, when Midnight was returned to the Harwells' ranch, the trainer
would know exactly what kind of training the stallion needed in order to become
the kind of show horse the Harwells wanted.

Micki sighed again. She missed Midnight so much. Ever since that exciting night
when the animal had fucked her, she had been unable to think of anything else,
and she felt as if she were living only for that wonderful moment when she and
her horse would be reunited. Then she knew that she would be happy again.

During the past week, she had finger-fucked herself so many times, she had lost
count. And she had even let Nate fuck her again a few times, even though the
man's cock paled in comparison to Midnight's. Just this evening, as she lay in
her bed, Micki had finger-fucked herself over a dozen times until her hand had
grown numb and she was forced to stop. But even though she had brought herself
off many, many times, the orgasms she gave herself were nothing compared to the
tremendous orgasm which Midnight's cock had given her. That was what she needed.

Suddenly, Micki tensed, hearing her parents' voices right outside her bedroom

"Yeah, that's right. He's bringing Midnight back tonight. Probably won't arrive
for several hours yet," Mr. Harwell said to his wife as they made their way
toward the master bedroom.

"Would you like to wait up so you can talk to the trainer, dear?" Mrs. Harwell

"Huh? No, that's okay. It'll keep until morning," Mr. Harwell said, and his and
his wife's voices faded away as they walked farther down the hall toward their

He's coming back tonight! Micki thought excitedly, feeling a sexual rush pass
through her body. My Midnight is coming home tonight! A big grin spread over the
teenager's face as she realized that very soon now she would be reunited with
her beloved stallion. Although she felt sleepy, she resolved to stay awake until
Midnight returned. She would then run out to the stable and give him a welcome-
home fuck.

She was hornier than she was sleepy.

Over the next few hours, Micki struggled to stay awake. She would begin to doze
off and then she would rouse herself, thinking how worthwhile it would be when
once again she felt the horse's huge cock in her pussy.

Finally, just as she was beginning to drift into a light sleep, Micki heard the
sound she had been waiting for--the far-off rumble of a big truck. She eagerly
jumped up, ran to her window, and peered out into the darkness. Way out by the
stables, she could just barely see the headlights of the big truck which the
chief horse trainer always drove.

Her heart leaped to her throat as she turned from the window, ran out of her
room, and flew down the stairs. She flung the back door open and ran into the
darkness, heading straight for the stables.

About halfway to her destination, the teenager laughed, realizing that she was
completely naked. She had been so excited about seeing Midnight, and so eager to
get to him and fuck with him, that she had forgotten to put any clothes on. She
laughed again, feeling turned on by the fact that she was nakedly running
through the night to be with her horse-lover.

It's better this way, she thought. Since I'm already just as naked as Midnight
is, he and I won't have to waste any time. And it's dark so no one else will see

When she reached the stables, breathing hard from her run and from the sexual
excitement that pounded through her veins, Micki hid around the corner until she
saw the trainer leave.

The instant that he drove away, Micki dashed in. She remembered to slow her pace
inside so she would not frighten or alarm the other horses.

Finally, Micki was standing inside Midnight's stall, patting him lovingly,
cooing love words to him, and giving him little kisses all over his hairy face.
The stallion had whinnied excitedly when he saw the young girl and Micki had
turned on more, knowing that her horse had missed her every bit as much as she
had missed him.

"You've been missing my little pussy, haven't you, honey?" she crooned. She bent
down and gasped when she saw the size of the huge thick hard- on the animal was

"Oh God, Midnight! You really did miss me, didn't you?" the youngster asked with
a high-pitched little giggle. "Well, we'll just have to do something about that,
won't we?"

Micki led her horse out of his stall over to the corner where he had fucked her
a week ago.

"Remember when we fucked here, Midnight?" Micki asked thickly, feeling her
little pussy drooling with excitement.

She sat down on one of the bales of hay and parted her slender thighs. She
glanced down at her pussy and was pleased to see thick cuntjuice foaming from
between her bloated pussylips.

"Mmmm, look, Midnight! Doesn't this look good?" she asked with a little girlish

She wriggled on the hay, panting heavily. She felt her horny cunt burning with
animalistic desire. Her young face twisted with lust as she stared openly at
Midnight's hard-on. Micki reached out with one hand and stroked Midnight's long
neck. Midnight snorted and blustered his lips.

"You love me too, don't you, boy? I know you do," Micki said softly.

Her little cunt grew juicier and hotter as she stroked her horse. She swallowed
hard, trying to restrain her fuck-lust. While she continued to pet the stallion,
Micki craned her neck to look under his belly.

"Oh, God, Midnight!" she gasped. His balls were bloated and his already huge
prick was growing thicker and harder before her very eyes. His cock-knob was
squeezing out from his hairy sheath. His prick looked very dark and the
youngster knew that that meant his cock was engorged with aroused blood.

Micki licked her lips excitedly as she gazed at the huge horse-cock which she
had been needing and missing so badly all during this past week. The sight of
his horse-prick so close at hand thrilled her beyond belief. She felt her pussy
growing still wetter.

Then, to her amazement, the horse turned sideways, as if he were presenting his
prick to his human lover. Not hesitating for even a second, the teenager reached
down and grasped the stallion's hard prick, and she groaned when she felt it
throbbing lewdly against the palm of her hand.

"Ohhh, my poor Midnight, how you've missed me!" she cried, her little cunt
burning and tingling with desire.

After she stroked her horse's cock for a few minutes, Micki stopped. She wanted
Midnight to come all right, but not in her hand. She wanted to feel his cum
gushing into her cunt, just as she had a week ago. It had been the thrill of her
life and she was terribly eager to repeat it.

Midnight snorted and turned back to face her again. He quickly thrust his horse
face between Micki's nakedly spread legs and, to the teenager's delight, the
animal began to lick and nibble on her horny little pussy.

"Oh, yes, Midnight, good horse! Good horse! Lick me! Lick my pussy!" she gasped.

It felt so good to the youngster that she could hardly bear it. The horse's lips
and teeth were gentle but demanding as they tugged on her spreading cuntlips.
Her rapidly hardening clit burned and pulsed as the horse's tongue began to lick
up inside her pussy.

"Ohhh, Midnight," Micki sighed happily as she stared down at her crotch,
excitedly watching the stallion's tongue licking into her creamy cunt. "Keep it
up, Midnight! You wonderful horse! Lick my pussy until I come!"

While the horse continued to lick the girl's pussy, Micki stroked his ears and
the top of his head lovingly.

"Ahhh, that feels sooo good, Midnight!" she groaned, feeling overwhelmed with

She began to hump her hips forward. Her belly tightened with sexual arousal and
her juicy little ass churned about lewdly on the bale of hay as she worked her
cunt about on the horse's tongue. Streams of hot cuntjuice flowed out from her
pussyhole, and the beast hungrily lapped it all up.

Micki's thick pussyjuice began to dribble into the crack between her trembling
asscheeks, the horse's tongue slid down, scooping up all the tangy sauce from
her ass, then sweeping on back up to her cunt and over her twitching clit.

"Oh, God, yes!" she cried. She arched her back and raised her knees. She clamped
her thighs about that stallion's strong black shoulders and hornily ground her
crotch against his hairy face and long, rough tongue which relentlessly licked
her raw pussymeat.

Midnight thrust the full length of his tongue deep into Micki's trembling

"Aieeee!" she cried, clamping her pussy muscles around the raping tongue.

Again and again, the black horse rammed his tongue in and out of the girl's
cunthole. Then, just when she was sure that she could stand it no longer, the
pleasure being too intense, Midnight brought his tongue back to her clit.

She gasped as she felt the rough surface of her horse's tongue playing over her
stiff clit, licking again and again.

She squealed, only moments later, as a fresh flood of cuntjuice announced her

"Ahhh, Midnight, you're making me come sooo good," she sighed, a big grin on her
face as she felt intense orgasmic spasms washing over her, leaving her weak.

She felt her orgasm beginning to fade. Micki slid off the bale of hay and
squatted next to the stallion, her hands already greedily reaching for his hard

Midnight whinnied excitedly when he felt the girl's hands running up and down
the length of his thick hard-on.

"Ohhh, Midnight, I think your cock is even bigger and harder now than it was
before!" the teenager groaned. She felt the humongous horse- prick throbbing in
her hands and her pussy burned with renewed lust.

Her tits grew firmer and her nipples stiffened and began to pulse almost
violently. A beet-red flush covered the girl's body from head to toe and her
heart pounded so hard that she was sure it would burst right out of her chest.

Midnight blustered his lips. Then he made a low whimpering sound from deep in
his throat. The sound of it made Micki's flesh break out in goosebumps all over.

She moved one hand to his bloated balls.

"God, Midnight!" she exclaimed when she felt how heavy they were. She knew that
they were filled to the brim with horse-cum, and that soon that cum would be
inside her. What a thrilling thought! she told herself.

She fingered the underside of the animal's cockhead, making the broad cock-knob
flare and throb even more urgently. The horny little girl cupped both hands
about the beast's enormous cock. She began to jerk him off, moving her hands up
and down, and tightening her grip.

A few bubbling drops of pre-cum trickled out, trembling on the head of the
stallion's prick.

"Oh, Midnight!" Micki cried as she saw them. She licked her lips hungrily as she
began to inch forward. Using both hands, she jerked the full length of
Midnight's prick up and down.

The big black stallion made a growling, whimpering noise.

Micki stared at the huge cockhead right before her eyes. She was turning on so
much she could hardly believe it, wondering if there were any limits to the
intense lust she felt for this magnificent stallion and his huge prick.

She felt her tits heaving with excitement. Her little cunt grew hotter and
wetter. Her hands pumped faster up and down Midnight's cock, and the animal
began to hump back.

"Yes, Midnight, do it! Fuck my hands with your big horse-cock!" the youngster
screamed shrilly.

Midnight fucked his cock in and out of the teenager's hands, pushing his prick
almost into her face. She knew that he was going to shoot soon and she wanted
that to happen. This time she was ready. She arched her back, thrusting her
naked tits and parting her lips.

She slid her wet tongue back and forth across her full, sensuous lips. Her eyes
were totally glazed over with fuck-lust as she squatted there next to the black
horse, greedily jacking him off.

Midnight whinnied loud and long. He was humping vigorously against Micki's hands
as they flew up and down on the length of his prick. She stroked fast up to his
prick-knob, then slid back down toward his cock- root and his churning balls.

"Yes, Midnight, come now!" she demanded as she felt his prick give a mighty
lurch in her hands.

The young girl gasped as a huge warm gusher of cum spurted from the horse's
cock-knob and struck her right in the face. Horse-cum splashed all over her chin
and her cheeks. Streams of the creamy spunk drenched her lips, and she slid her
tongue out hungrily to catch the delicious jism.

"Mmm, good!" she groaned with a smile as the horse continued to shoot his load.
This time, most landed on the teen's lips and inside her mouth.

Micki squealed with excitement and dropped onto her back, wriggling beneath the
hoof-stamping stallion. She raised her face and took the cum-drenched cockhead
of the animal's prick between her lips. She moaned as she swallowed all of the
thick horse-cum. Warm spunk poured furiously into her mouth and slid down her
throat, warming her belly as it pooled there.

"Ungh," she groaned around Midnight's prick as she came again. The savage thrill
of eating his horse-cum had brought her off. She gasped around the thick
cockmeat as tremors of animalistic ecstasy coursed through her loins. Her pussy
spasmed violently.

When Midnight finished shooting his enormous load of horse-cum, Micki sighed
with contentment. She reluctantly slipped her mouth off the cock. To her
delight, the stallion's prick was still hard and throbbing lewdly.

He wanted more.

And so did she.

With a high-pitched squeal of sexual excitement, the teenager got up on all
fours, wriggling her ass at the randy stallion.

"Come on, lover, fuck me! Pleeease, Midnight, fuck me now! I know you need it
really bad and believe me, so do I!" she cried hornily, thrusting her naked ass
toward him.

Midnight whinnied excitedly and quickly moved forward, straddling Micki's body.
She was crouched directly beneath him and the head of his cock was nuzzling her

Micki whimpered. She spread her legs apart. She reached beneath her legs with
one hand and peeled her juicy cuntlips wide open. She pulled the fleshy folds of
her wet pussy over the tip of the horse's prick.

"Now fuck me!" she cried.

She began to shove her ass back, working her cunt over the length of the big
hard cock. The horse snorted and lunged forward, skillfully impaling the girl's
pussy with his enormous prick.

"God, yessss!" Micki gasped.

The horse's cockhead was halfway up her cunt and already she felt stuffed to the
brim with his hard prickmeat. But she knew from happy experience that her little
pussy could easily take a lot more than that. And she also knew from experience
that this horse definitely had a lot more to give.

Inch by ecstatic inch, the black stallion fucked his cock into Micki's cunt. She
thrust her ass back, eagerly helping the beast.

"Ummm, ohhhh, Midnight, I love you sooo fucking much! No one can fuck me like
you can! No one!" the youngster cried. Tears of joy filled her glazed eyes.

She felt her clit rubbing erotically against the smooth prick fucking in and out
of her. She trembled all over with pleasure.

She gasped as still more of the horse's cock slipped inside her cunt. Creamy
fuck liquid overflowed her lust-swollen pussylips and slid down her legs,
splashing onto the hay-strewn floor below.

"Midnight, I can feel you throbbing inside my pussy!" she cried.

Her pussy began to automatically work on the hard prick. Her inner pussy muscles
tightened around the cockshaft and squeezed hard. Midnight made loud snorting
sounds, obviously getting off on what his human lover's cunt was doing to his
pulsing prick.

Micki pushed back hard as the horse pushed forward. More of his humongous prick
went into her cunthole. Her tits heaved, her hips pumped, her ass ground, and
her cunt took inch after hard inch of the enormous horse-cock.

"Unnhhh, yesssss!" she squealed with joy when, at long last, Midnight's entire
prick was in her snug pussyhole. She ground her asscheeks against the very base
of his cock.

Now Midnight began to fuck his lover in earnest. Slowly at first, he pulled back
until all but the head of his pulsing prick was in the thrilling embrace of the
teenager's cunt. Then, he fucked forward again savagely, knocking all the air
out of Micki's lungs.

"Yesssss!" she cried when she got her breath back. "I love it when you fuck me
hard like that, Midnight! Do it again like that! Just like that! Again and

Her cuntlips turned almost inside out as the stallion withdrew his cock once
more. Only his cum-slickened prick-tip was inside her. Then, with a fluttering
of his horse lips, he rammed back into her.

"Omigod!" Micki cried, her entire body shuddering with the impact of the beast's
brutal cock-thrusts.

She threw her head wildly from side to side, turning on incredibly. Her ass
churned frantically as she increased the pace of her humping movements, and the
horse fucked his prick into her with more and still more force.

More and more juice streamed out of Micki's little pussy and the shiny- coated
stallion fucked into her with more ease, thrusting the full length of his cock
into her faster and deeper with each bone-jarring stroke.

With burning, glazed eyes, Micki stared down at her tits as the horse continued
to fuck her with deep, driving strokes. Her budding tit- mounds were swinging
and bouncing from side to side with each jarring impact which the stallion's
thrusting cock was giving her. Her nipples were long, red with engorged blood,
and visibly throbbing. They could not have been any stiffer. On each inward
plunge of the animal's big hard cock, the teenager's body was shoved forward and
downward so that her aching nips scraped across the hard surface of the stable

"Oh, God, that hurts! I love it!" she cried as she felt her nips tingling and
burning each time they dragged against the floor. She knew that they would be
bruised and sore the next day, but she didn't care. All she cared about in the
entire world was the huge horse-cock fucking in and out of her, and the intense
orgasm she needed so desperately.

She moaned and groaned with animalistic pleasure as she threw her cunt back to
meet each lunge of the long, thick fucking prick.

"Yesss, harder, Midnight! Fuck my cunt harder! Deeper! More!" Micki cried as she
spread her thighs even wider, opening up her little pussy to the beast's
relentlessly thrusting cock.

The horse and the teenager were fucking each other even more savagely now and
more wildly than they had done before. It was as if each time they fucked or
sucked each other, their lust for each other grew stronger instead of slaking
off. So that each time they made each other come, far from being sexually
satisfied, their desire for one another only became more intense.

Micki had never experienced such a hunger for a cock before and she sensed that
Midnight felt exactly the same way about her juicy little pussy. Her heart sang
with happiness.

"Fuck me more, Midnight! Harder! Faster! I can't get enough of your huge horse-
cock!" the teenager wailed, throwing her head from side to side in a frenzy of
bestial lust.

Suddenly, the little girl and the powerful stallion began to come together.

The animal's thick gooey cum gushed into Micki's quaking cunt in hot torrents.

"Yesssss! Come, Midnight! Come inside my pussy! Dump all your horse- cream
inside meeeeee!" the teenager wailed, half out of her mind with orgasmic

Her own orgasm began to pound through her. The incredibly thrilling sensation of
Midnight's horse-cum splashing against the back wall of her cunt intensified
Micki's climax, and she came even harder than before.

"Commmmmmiiinnngggg!" she screeched.

More bolts of horse-cum shot into the girl's trembling pussy and more pleasure
coursed through her loins. She was shaking all over with ecstasy now. Her pussy
was a swamp of cunt-juice and horse-cum. The stuff oozed down her legs and
spilled out onto the floor.

Micki had never felt such enormous ecstasy in her entire life. Each time
Midnight's prick spurted still more cum into her, as if there were no end to the
thick spunk, the girl's orgasm just grew more intense. Finally the little girl
had to wonder if she could possibly endure such heady pleasure. She knew she was
sure as hell going to try.

Midnight gave whinny after whinny as he continued to come, shooting more cum
than he had ever had before up into Micki's cunt.

Each time the thick goo splashed into the girl's cunt, her pussy-walls spasmed
violently. Jolt after jolt of animalistic ecstasy drilled through Micki's cunt,
making her pussy-walls clench the sides of Midnight's orgasming prick with a
violence that startled her. But it thrilled her, too, and she could tell from
the way that the stallion was whinnying and pounding his mighty hooves against
the floor that it thrilled him too.

Chapter 7

Micki began to sneak out to her horse every night to be with her stallion. The
stolen hours which the teenager spent with Midnight became her whole world. They
were the only part of her life which held any reality for her. And they were
definitely the only times which gave her any real pleasure. She lived and
breathed for her powerful black horse, for her late-night trysts with him.

On this particular night, Micki crouched on all fours on the floor. It was her
favorite position for fucking her stallion, a position which never failed to
arouse her. As she crouched there, waiting for the animal's huge prick to enter
her, she could feel her juicy pussylips gaping open. She could also feel her
asscheeks parting lewdly.

Midnight stood over her, as he had done before. This time, when the beast nudged
Micki's pussy with his mighty cock, Micki scooted back a couple of inches,
forcing Midnight's prick to press against her asshole instead.

"Fuck my ass, Midnight! I want to feel your entire cock fucking right up into my
bowels!" Micki cried, thrusting her ass up and back, against the animal's prick
as hard as she could.

The intelligent horse quickly got the message and shoved his hard cock into the
teenager's tight little asshole.

"Aieeeee!" Micki screamed in pain and shock. This was not exactly what she had

Her little asshole was being torn apart by the huge battering ram of her
powerful stallion's cock. She could feel her flesh ripping as the horse
frantically tried to fuck his entire prick into her tiny asshole.

"Ohhhh, Midnight, it hurts sooo much!" she wailed, sobbing hard.

She wondered if she had made a mistake in getting the animal to fuck her ass.
She tried to move away from the rutting animal, but Midnight was excited by her
actions. He whinnied and moved with the girl, his body hovering over hers,
keeping his prick embedded in her tightly gripping ass.

"Yeeeeooowww! It hurts! God it hurts sooo fucking much!" Micki groaned.

She writhed in pain, wishing she could make Midnight pull his searing prick out
of her asshole. But she knew it was hopeless. Her frantic wrigglings only served
to turn the beast on more. The youngster knew that she was no match for his
brute strength. She had no choice but to crouch there and let him fuck her ass,
just as she had earlier begged him. She could only submit to the stallion's
bestial desires and let him fuck her ass until he finally shot his load up her

Midnight continued to shove his huge throbbing prick into the little girl's
super-tight asshole.

"Oh, God, Midnight!" Along with the pain, she felt the first stirrings of sexual

The horse's huge prick continued to rip her ass apart with a savage intensity.
Micki began to enjoy it somewhat. Her little cunt was awash with fuckjuices now.
And liquified shit was beginning to lubricate the horse's cock.

She moaned again, this time with joy. Her tight ass muscles formed a snug ring
around the horse's cock. They gripped the buggering prick so hard that the
stallion stamped his hooves from the sensation.

"Unnhh, oh, Midnight, I'm so sorry I complained before. Now ... now, it feels
good! Don't stop fucking me in the ass, Midnight! You're making me feel soooo
good, better than ever ... I love it! Forgive me for trying to get away from
your big cock! I must have been out of my mind!"

The teenager began to thrust her asscheeks up and back to meet her horse's
mammoth cock. Her cries of pleasure grew louder, almost hysterical. The big
strong horse continued to drill his cock up into her snug little shit-chute.

The animal gave a sort of unhorsish grunt he pulled his cock so far out that
only its knob remained in his lover's grasping asshole. Then, he fucked his
prick back into her with all his enormous strength, this time sending the full
length of his prick up her tiny ass.

"Aaarrrghhh! Good! My ass feels so fuckin' full of your hard meat! Ohhh, my
darling Midnight!" Micki loved the way her stallion was fucking her ass with the
full length of his thick prick. But she was already anticipating that glorious
moment when she would come, and when she would feel the beast's cum filling up
her asshole.

The snorting stallion had his gigantic cock balls-deep up the little girl's snug
asshole. The tender walls of that narrow fuck canal were stretched painfully
around the animal's cock.

"More, Midnight, more! I love it! Keep fucking meeee," Micki whimpered happily.

Slowly, Midnight again slid his cock almost all the way out of her ass. Then,
pausing for just a second, the horse plunged his prick in to the hilt, his
loaded balls slapping lewdly against her asscheeks, nearly knocking her over.

Time after time, the muscular horse rammed the young girl's asshole with
skillful in-and-out strokes. Each time, he buried the entire length of his prick
up her ass.

"You're the greatest, Midnight! You're fucking my ass better and harder than
it's ever been fucked before!" Micki yelled, a happy grin lighting up her
flushed face.

The tone of lust which thickened the teenager's voice made Midnight's ears prick
up alertly. And his cock swelled even more inside the grasping shit-chute.

Midnight's mouth was gaping open now. His thick tongue flopped out of one side
of his mouth, and his warm saliva dripped down onto the floor. His eyes were
covered with a film of desire and they were unfocused, making everything look
blurry to the beast.

His nostrils flared wildly and his rapid breaths could be heard rushing through
them. His lush mane swung back and forth as he fucked his prick in and out of
Micki's aching asshole. Every single muscle of his body was at work with the
hard fucking he was giving the teenager. His strong muscles could be seen
rippling powerfully beneath his dark shining coat.

The animal was filled with a savage lust. He had never had such an enormous
hard-on in his life. And he was super aroused by the moans and writhing
movements of the girl beneath his hairy body.

Each time Midnight fucked his whole cock into her quivering bunghole, Micki
eagerly raised her ass to meet him.

The youngster twisted and turned beneath the rutting animal. She knew that she
would come soon. She longed to feel an intense animalistic orgasm rushing
through her loins. And she also craved that moment when she would feel
Midnight's thick cum filling up her little asshole, maybe even blowing her apart
in ecstatic destruction.

Micki's stallion was giving the girl a brand of sexual pleasure she had never
experienced before. Each time they made it together, the animal managed to fill
the girl with even more ecstasy. Now, he was giving her a deep, intense bestial
pleasure she knew she would never forget. And she knew too that she loved him
even more for giving her so much.

"Ahhhhhh! Ohhhh! Unnhhhh!" she gasped as the beast continued to fuck his cock in
and out of her savagely clinging ass walls. She tightened and loosened her
strong ass muscles, giving the horse's cock a tight squeeze which aroused him
still more.

She continued to clench and unclench her tight ass muscles, feeling the animal's
hard prick throbbing deep within her ass-tunnel. Each time she squeezed his
black prick, the stallion whinnied as if to thank the little girl.

Suddenly, Micki reached down and, maintaining her crouching position, grabbed
both of her budding tits. She pulled on her pulsing nipples until they stood
straight out, stiff and hard.

"Oh, yes!" she shrilled.

While the girl continued to stroke her tits and pull on her nips, the big black
stallion fucked his stiff prick into her tightening asshole.

"God, Midnight, this is the greatest!" she groaned.

Just then, a powerful orgasm rushed through her, taking her by surprise and
driving all the air from her lungs.

She wriggled about frenziedly on the floor of the stable as she came hard. She
threw her ass up and back at the stallion's hard prick, as if trying to capture
even more cock.

Just as her orgasm began to subside, another one rose up to take its place,
overwhelming the teenager with its intensity.

"Ohhh, I'm coming again, Midnight! Keep fucking me while I come, you gorgeous

While Midnight continued to bugger Micki's little asshole, she came again and
again, shocked but thrilled by the number of orgasms which were coursing through
her, making her entire body tremble from the force of them.

And as she came, she kept squeezing her tits. She tugged her nipples so far out,
pinching them so hard, that jolts of pain shot through her. But with the pain
was a heady pleasure that pervaded every single fiber of her naked body.

Orgasm after orgasm thrilled through Micki's body, causing more and more juice
to flow from her little pussy. She continued to squeeze her lover's horse-prick
with the tight walls of her ass. She felt the pace of his ass-fucking increase
as he approached his own orgasm.

The stallion snorted several times in a row. He obviously enjoyed the feel of
his human lover orgasming beneath him, writhing and twisting and groaning as she
came and came again. His huge balls tightened up, and his hot cum boiled within

Still coming, Micki tightened her ass muscles harder and tighter around the
stallion's prick, crushing down on the hard, throbbing meat that was deep inside
her bowels.

"Shoot, Midnight!" she cried. "Give me all your cum! Shoot your thick jism up
inside my ass!"

Just then, a huge spurt of horse-cum shot from the tip of Midnight's cock and
poured into Micki's spasming asshole.

"Omigod! Yesss, Midnight, I feel it! I feel your cum up my ass! More, Midnight,
more cum!"

The animal whinnied and stamped his hooves as his cock continued to shoot out
more and more of the thick, hot fuck cream.

The horse-sauce lewdly coated the walls of Micki's ass, shooting into her
bowels. There was so much of the gooey stuff that it began to back up, running
out of the little asshole and streaming down the backs and sides of her naked
thighs. It mingled with her pussyjuices, forming an obscene mixture which
finally spilled out.

"I'm still coming, Midnight! Oh, yes, you're making me come and come and come!
Ahh, I love the way you're still fucking your big hard cock into my asshole
while I come!" the youngster cried happily.

And she came still again as she felt even more of her stallion's cum shooting
into her asshole, then running down her legs along with her juices and finally
splashing into the pool of cum-and-juice on the floor below.

Chapter 8

A few days later, the teenager arrived for her nightly rendezvous with the randy

She had already let the big black horse out of his stall, and now the animal
moved between her legs. His prick bounced up and down beneath his hairy belly.
He buried his nose in her already-juicy crotch and began to lick her hot cunt.

"Yeah, Midnight, go for it! Lick my pussy!" Micki cried, gripping her tits in
both hands and squeezing them lewdly.

She sighed and trembled with pleasure as she felt the horse's long, rough tongue
eagerly licking her juices from around the edges of her little pussy-slit.

"God, that feels good!" she gasped when she felt the horse's tongue sliding
through her swollen cuntlips and begin to lick at her exposed pussymeat.

Midnight nickered, and Micki giggled, loving the way it tickled her gaping cunt.
The animal turned his big head from side to side, burrowing his long tongue into
Micki's cunthole.

"Wheee! You're really inside me now, lover! I can feel your big wet tongue
licking the very back of my pussy!" Micki cried excitedly.

The stallion's licking tongue washed against the walls of Micki's pussy. She
tightened her cunt muscles against the sides of the big tongue.

Midnight hungrily lapped up the tasty juices deep inside the teenager's
quivering cunt.

"Mmmm, sooo good," she moaned, running her hands all over her tits. She dug her
fingertips into her firm titflesh and used her thumbs and forefingers to pinch
her nipples. She moaned as she felt her pink nips stiffening in her lewd grasp.

The aroused animal thrust his tongue in an out of the girl's cunthole.

"Yesssss!" Micki gasped when she felt the horse's wet nose rubbing against her
hard clit.

As Midnight pushed even deeper inside her, the teenager began to hump her crotch
up harder against his slurping mouth. She could feel his warm saliva drench her
pussy and she shivered. Her head rolled from side to side, and her long, glossy
hair swished wildly around her flushed face.

She was half out of her mind with the bestial pleasure she was receiving from
the horse's wildly swirling, fucking tongue.

"Ohh, Midnight, how well you know me! You know just how to make me feel soooooo
damn good!" she sighed as her vision blurred and the sound of her own racing
heart pounded in her ears.

"Oooh! I'm commmiiinnngg! Keep licking me while I come, Midnight!" she cried.

The youngster's entire body jerked with orgasm and the big stallion began to
fuck his tongue in and out of her cunthole even harder and deeper, as if he
sensed that that was what she needed just then. And he could not have been more

"Ohhh, God, God, I can't stand it, it feels sooo good," the girl groaned,
feeling as if she would pass out from the intense ecstasy that wracked her body.

She began to recover from her orgasm. The teen's little pussy felt so sore and
raw from the savage licking it had just received that she tried to push
Midnight's mouth away from her crotch. But the horse was not to be so easily
dissuaded from continuing to eat her out, and he resisted her attempts to stop

"Midnight, no! My pussy's too sore! God, you're licking me raw!" Micki cried
tearfully, still pushing at the horse's powerful head to try to force him away
from her.

Midnight took his mouth away from the little girl's crotch only long enough to
nip at her hand with his teeth. The message was clear. He was letting her know
in no uncertain terms that he wanted to continue to lick her cunt and that she
had better not try to stop him.

"Midnight!" Micki gasped, shocked by her horse's action. Never had he been
anything but gentle with her, although she had always been excitedly aware of
his powerful strength.

Again she tried to push his head away from her juicy pussy, sure that she had
misunderstood his behavior. Maybe it was just an accident, she told herself,
hoping she was right.

But again the muscular stallion nipped at her hand, even harder this time, not
drawing blood, but almost.

"Midnight!" Micki cried again, even more shocked this time and feeling a little
frightened too. The horse had just made it painfully clear to her that he would
do exactly what he wanted to her and there was nothing she could do to stop him.
Absolutely nothing.

The stallion continued to lick the girl's raw, aching pussymeat. She moaned with
pain. But she no longer tried to stop him. She had learned her lesson.

Suddenly the horse moved his slobbering mouth away from Micki's cunt and licked
his long, rough tongue all over her tits.

"Mmmm, good," she sighed, beginning to relax again. She was sure the stallion
did not want to hurt her, that he would leave her little pussy alone now.

Midnight worked his tongue all over the sweet-tasting titmounds, leaving them
glistening with his saliva. Then he concentrated on her nipples which pulsed
lewdly against his tongue.

"Oh, God!" Micki cried as she came.

She closed her eyes as she came. Just as her orgasm began to fade, she felt the
horse's mouth against her furry crotch again.

"Noooo," she whimpered.

But the horse ignored her now just as he had ignored her pleas before. He jammed
his hairy face against her pussy, searching for her juicy slit with long, upward
sweeps of his extended tongue.

"Oh, God, it hurts!" Micki gurgled as she felt her pussymeat being scraped raw
by the animal's tongue.

Suddenly, Midnight thrust the full length of his tongue up into her cunthole.

"Yes, Midnight, fuck me with your tongue again!" the teenager groaned as all
pain left her crotch. She felt only a deep bestial pleasure.

Midnight snorted, as if pleased with her reaction. He ran his tongue as far into
the tight little hole as he could force it, feeling the juicy walls of her pussy
clenching about the sides of his tongue.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Micki cried, closing her eyes tightly and swaying back and forth
on her naked ass as she felt the incredible animalistic thrill of her stallion
eating her out again.

She was pumping her hips frenziedly now, feeding more and more of her horny
pussy to the hungry horse. She moaned continually, now clasping the sides of the
horse's head with both hands. She tightened her grip, mashing his big powerful
head even harder against her wet cunt. At the same time, she fucked her pussy up
to his mouth just as hard as was possible.

"Make me come again, Midnight!" she whimpered. "Tongue-fuck me haaaard!"

Midnight began to lick and tongue-fuck her cunt even harder than before. He
rammed the full length of his horsey tongue in and out of her tight cunthole.
Micki groaned with excitement as she felt the tip of the animal's tongue
bouncing off the back wall of her pussy.

The aroused stallion licked the walls of the teenager's cunt as fast and hard as
he could. Her fuck-juices were flowing out steadily. The black beast sucked most
of the tasty liquid into his mouth.

The horse fucked the entire length of his tongue into the little girl's pussy,
tongue-fucking her relentlessly. Her hips were jerking brutally and she was
crying out with pleasure in a deep, throaty moan. She could hardly believe that
only moments ago, she had been begging the horse to stop licking her little

"I'm gonna come, Midnight! You're making me come again!" she cried. "Shove that
big tongue of yours deep inside meeee!"

She felt her horse's wet tongue fucking into her cunthole even deeper than
before, and felt her cunt muscles convulsing.

She moaned in ecstasy.

An orgasm pounded through her. Even more juice drenched the stallion's mouth. He
swallowed it all down thirstily.

She collapsed back onto the floor. The horse lowered his neck and followed her,
licking his juice-slickened tongue all up and down her quivering body. Micki
whimpered with excitement as the last of her climaxes pulsed through her.

"Ahhh, Midnight, you really knew what you were doing! That was the best ever!"
Micki whispered, panting for breath as she grinned up at her beloved stallion.

To her surprise, Midnight again moved down her body and thrust his tongue
between her bloated cuntlips. He found her clit at once and licked hard and

"Yeeooowww! Commmiiinnnggg! Jeeesus, you're making me come, Midnight!" the girl

Each flick of the animal's tongue against her clit sent a fresh wave of
animalistic pleasure shuddering through the teenager's writhing body.

"God, Midnight, how do you do it? Just when I think you've made me come harder
than I ever have before, you make me come again and it's even better! I don't
get it! But I don't care! Just keep it up, Midnight. Keep making me come and
then I'll give you the blowjob of your life!"

Midnight continued to lick the teenager's clit, and she continued to come. She
felt orgasm after orgasm coursing through her loins, releasing still more juice,
which the animal drank.

Finally, he pulled away from her crotch and looked down at her. He snorted
loudly and Micki laughed hoarsely, realizing that her horse was probably letting
her know that it was her turn to make him come now.

With a little squeal of joy, Micki slid her naked body between the horse's legs,
wriggling beneath his hairy belly until his big cock was poised directly over
her mouth. She looked up at the gigantic prick and licked her lips with
anticipation. Somehow, the stallion's cock looked bigger and harder.

The horse-cock thrust out like a fifth leg, hard and throbbing. The opening and
closing cum-slit oozed a clear, slippery drop of pre-cum. The shaft of the prick
whacked up against the animal's taut belly with repeated jerkings.

"Wow, Midnight! Your cock's bigger than I've ever seen it!" the teenager cried
out with a grin.

In the next instant, she was sitting up beneath the powerful horse. Her eager
fingers curled around the stiffened prick and slid beneath it to cup his huge
balls with a gentle but horny pressure.

She held her horse's cock in position while she raised her head and her hungry
tongue began lapping at the slick cock-knob. She moaned as she tasted the
delicious pre-cum.

Her lips encircled the flared cockhead and her tongue twisted around the pulsing
cum-slit in search of more horse-jism. She was pleased when Midnight began to
pump his hips downward. Obviously, the touch of the teenager's warm, wet tongue
against his hard-on was driving the stallion up the wall with lust.

Micki licked upward, shifting her fingers so her tongue would not lose contact
with the throbbing underside of his cock. She covered his huge bloated balls
with little moist kisses, massaging them with long sweeps of her tongue.
Midnight's hips were pumping fiercely downward now as he urgently tried to fuck
his prick into the girl's drooling mouth.

The youngster licked downward now, her tongue pressed harder against the thick,
pulsing veins. Her tongue flared out and curled around the prickshaft, licking

Midnight stamped his hooves hard against the floor in response to the girl's
tongue on his cock.

Micki moaned with pleasure. Her eyes closed. Her tongue flicked in and out over
the animal's aroused cock. Saliva drooled from the corners of her mouth, lewdly
coating the big prick.

Another pearl of pre-cum oozed from the slitted eye at the top of Midnight's
cockhead. Micki groaned again and quickly slid her tongue down, drawing the
tasty drop into her mouth. Her lips formed a tight, wet circle and eased down
over the throbbing cockhead.

As Midnight thrust his hips downward, Micki raised her face and let the horse-
cock slide far into her mouth. She tightened her throat walls against the sides
of the pulsing prick.

The youngster was half out of her mind with excitement and lust now. She always
loved sucking off her stallion's prick. But somehow, just as it was with every
other sexual act they performed together, each time they did it, it got better
and more thrilling.

With her horse's prick inside her mouth and halfway down her throat, Micki used
her tongue to lick all over the surface of the cock, which was lewdly pulsing
against the walls of her mouth and throat. She felt her little pussy growing
wetter and hotter with each lick of her tongue over the hard horse-cock.

Spasms of bestial pleasure made Midnight's furry flanks jerk convulsively. He
pumped his hindquarters down fast, fucking his hard-on into his human lover's
wet mouth. Then he pulled back out until her lips held only the slippery prick-

"Unnhhh," Micki moaned. She sucked harder on the sweet-tasting prick fucking in
and out of her mouth.

The horny youngster groaned and bobbed her head hungrily, taking her stallion's
cock into her throat. She hollowed her cheeks, sucking hard, as if trying to
milk the horse-cock. At the same time, she swirled her tongue all around the
aching prickmeat.

Midnight whinnied with obvious excitement and pleasure as he continued to fuck
his prick in and out of the girl's sucking mouth.

Micki was sucking the animal's cock so hard now that she was panting heavily
through her nose with the effort. And her body was flushed and covered with a
fine sheen of sweat.

"Ummmfff," she moaned happily around the thickness of the huge horse- cock
plunging in and out of her mouth.

As the black horse-prick throbbed more and more violently inside her mouth,
Micki groaned again, turning on more and more. For the lust- driven teenager,
only one thing in the entire world was important at that cock-sucking moment--to
keep sucking the full length of Midnight's huge cock until his balls exploded
and she was rewarded with his pumping horse-cum.

The girl's little pussy poured out more and more cuntjuice. The pussy sauce
overflowed from between her trembling cuntlips and ran unchecked down her
quivering legs, soaking the straw that littered the floor of the stable.

The youngster eagerly swallowed down all of the pre-cum she could suck out of
Midnight's throbbing cockhead. She loved the taste, and she trembled with
anticipation of the huge cum-load that would soon be pouring into her belly, a
cum-load which she sensed was only moments away now.

Her right hand slid up to the very base of his cock and she gripped him tightly
there with her fist. At the same time she began to mouth-fuck the horse with
longer, lower bobbings of her head. She moved her left hand to his balls and
stroked them gently.

"Unnhh," she groaned excitedly as she felt the horse-cum churning in those
bloated balls.

Midnight lifted his head high and gave an extra-loud and long whinny. He loved
the feel of his cock being gripped by the girl's lips, her mouth sucking hard on
him, and the relentless lashings of her wet tongue against his pulsing cock.

As the girl continued to suck her horse off, the wet slurping sounds made by her
mouth combined with her moans and the animal snorts and whinnies. The air around
them was filled with the thrilling sounds of sex and the musky aroma of sexual

Micki moved her mouth up and down faster and faster on her horse's hard cock.
She was desperate to feel his heavy load of horse-cum shooting into her mouth.
And she longed to come again herself.

As the horse pumped his hips downward, fucking Micki's face with his prick, the
teenager felt his furry muscular belly brushing against the top of her head. She
thrilled to the lewd sensation, delighting in sitting beneath the powerful
animal as she sucked him off.

Again she fondled the beast's churning balls and again she trembled as she felt
the thick horse-cum tumbling about inside.

The next time Midnight pumped his hips downward, fucking into her mouth with his
cock, Micki rose up a bit from the floor, raising her head higher than before.
Now, her flared nostrils were buried in the hairs surrounding the base of the
stallion's prick. His shaft was rammed all the way into her wet mouth. The
pulsing prickhead shot between her tonsils and slid down her throat.

"Unnnhhhggghhh," Micki groaned, closing her eyes in ecstasy as she deep-throated
her horse's cock.

She tightened her throat muscles against the sides of the big impaling prick.
Midnight snorted in response, stamping his hooves. The thrill of having his
prick deep-throated by the sexy girl made the black horse's muscles tense
painfully and suddenly he came.

Hot, thick horse-cum jetted through his cock, exploding into Micki's sucking

"Ummm, aaarghh, ohhh," she gurgled as she felt the thrill of her horse's cum
shooting into her mouth at long last. She swallowed hard and fast, determined to
drink down every single drop of the tasty spunk.

Her hips jerked violently as her own orgasm shot through her. More and more cunt
juice overflowed from her cunt, running lewdly down her thighs.

As they came together, Micki sucked the horse-cock with wild, slobbering sounds.
Her greedy lips slid rapidly up and down the full length of the orgasming prick.
And, as the animal's cum continued to pour into her mouth, Micki came again.

Chapter 9

About a week later, as Micki was making her nightly run toward Midnight's stable
under the cover of darkness, the young girl thought it would be fun to have a
different kind of fuck with the black stallion.

Usually, Midnight fucked Micki while she was crouched on all fours as if she
were an animal, too. Now and then the horse fucked his thick prick in and out of
her wet pussy while she lay spread-eagled on a bale of hay, facing the
magnificent animal. Midnight had even buggered the little girl numerous times.
And, of course, they had sucked each other off on countless occasions. The ebony
beast had even licked Micki's tits.

So, as Micki ran into the stable and slowed down to a fast walk, her heart
pounding with anticipation, she was hard put to think of any sexual act which
she and her horse had not already experienced together.

As she turned the corner that led to the row of horse stalls where Midnight was,
Micki gasped in shock and immediately retraced her steps, hiding around the
corner. It was very late at night and the stables were always deserted at this
hour, but Nate was standing there in front of Midnight's stall with the chief
horse trainer.

She couldn't imagine why they were there at that hour but she told herself to
calm down and not to worry. It looked as though the two men were about to leave.
Then Micki could get it on with her beloved horse. Fragments of the men's
conversation drifted around the corner, and she frowned at their words.

"Nothing to worry about, huh?" Nate asked.

"Naw, not a thing. When the vet gave Midnight that tranquilizer ... out like a
light. Should be waking up soon," the horse trainer put in.

"Looks like he might be waking up now ... look at the way he's stirring there,"
Nate said.

Micki strained to hear. The two men were obviously talking about her horse and
their words worried her. She couldn't imagine why Midnight would have to be
tranquilized, and she wondered if the stallion were ill. Her heart raced in

"Yeah, he'll be okay. Let's get out of here," the chief horse trainer said, and
the two men walked away from the horse stall.

As soon as they were out of the stable, Micki ran around the corner and down the
corridor which led to Midnight stall. Startled, the other horses whinnied when
she ran past their stalls.

Micki reached the stallion stall and she gasped with horror when she saw that
her horse was down on his side, his eyes closed.

"Midnight!" she cried, tears filling her eyes. "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

At the sound of her voice, Midnight slowly opened his eyes as if it took a great
deal of effort to perform that simplest of movements.

"Ohhh, Midnight," Micki wailed as panic struck her.

Then, as she continued to stare down at her horse, wondering what was wrong with
him, she began to smile. She suddenly remembered something she had overheard her
father discussing with the horse trainer that very morning. She put that
conversation together with the exchange between Nate and the trainer just
moments ago, and sighed with relief. There was nothing to worry about after all.
Absolutely nothing.

"I understand it now, Midnight!" she said. "You just had your physical today,
that's all! They had to tranquilize you so the vet could do certain kinds of
tests on you! Oh, Midnight, what a relief! You're just fine! You just have to
wait until the effects of the tranquilizer wear off, that's all. I know we won't
be able to get it on tonight like we usually do but that's okay. I'm just so
glad that you're okay and ..."

The little girl's words trailed off. She suddenly realized that the horse's cock
was swelling before her eyes. Just the sound of her voice was arousing the beast
in spite of his weakened state.

"Oh, Midnight, you're getting a hard-on!" Micki giggled. "Mmmm, your big cock
looks so good and hard and juicy. Gee, it's really too bad you're not able to
fuck me!"

She felt a pang of sadness as she turned away from the stall, realizing that she
had better not stay around the horse any longer. Obviously, her being there and
talking to him was turning him on, and since he was physically unable to fuck
her, she felt like something of a cock-tease.

"Bye, Midnight," she said as she began to move away from her horse.

She had gone only a few yards when she heard Midnight whinnying. She stopped
dead in her tracks and listened. The animal whinnied again. And again. Each time
the horse whinnied, the sound grew more and more frantic.

Well, I'll be damned! Micki thought, realizing that the stallion was trying to
stop her from leaving him. She felt pleased he wanted her that much. But she
felt frustrated, too. So what good did it do for her and her horse to crave each
other if the animal were too weak to get it on? She sighed, about to continue
her walk out of the stable. But then she stopped again, her heart racing with
excitement. She had thought of a way they could fuck even with the animal lying

"Oh, Midnight, it's gotta work, it's got to!" Micki cried as she turned and
raced back.

Midnight looked up at her with an unfocused but excited gaze and the teenager
grinned down at him.

"Don't worry, Midnight, honey. Micki's not going to leave you. We're gonna have
that fuck after all. Only this time, I'll be on top, that's all!" Micki chirped
with a little laugh as she let herself into the horse's stall.

For a few minutes, the youngster stood there, gazing down lovingly at her horse.
She wondered if her plan would really work. She had fucked on top of many guys
in the past, but never had she gotten it on with a horse that way. She stood
there, watching Midnight's cock growing thicker and harder by the second. She
was determined to try. Not only were both she and her horse terribly aroused,
but if she could manage to fuck Midnight with her on top of him for a change,
she would be succeeding in giving both of them a different exciting kind of fuck
that she felt their relationship needed. If she were on top, she would be the
one doing most of the hard fucking. Her horse could just lie there and enjoy
himself. He wouldn't have to strain himself one bit.

"And, besides, you need me, don't you, boy?" she asked.

Midnight whinnied and tried to raise his head.

"No, Midnight, don't tax yourself! The tranq's wearing off more now and you're
gonna be just fine. But don't rush it. You just lie there and enjoy it while
Micki gives you the kind of fuck we both need so badly."

Micki quickly tore off the short little dressing gown she had been wearing,
revealing her naked body to her animal lover.

Midnight looked up at her, and Micki laughed with delight. She saw that her
horse was staring directly at her little pussy.

Micki squatted next to Midnight. She rested one hand on his furry flanks and
gasped with excitement when she felt his body trembling beneath her touch.

"Wow! You really are turned on, aren't you?" Micki asked, pleased that she had
such a powerful sexual effect on the stallion.

She moved her hand to the animal's crotch. Hot fuck juices flooded into the
girl's cunt when she closed her fingers around the head of Midnight's ever-
swelling prick.

"Oh, Midnight!" she gasped. She felt her nipples hardening and a strong surge of
bestial desire shot through her as her clit became engorged with the hot blood
of lust.

The young girl released her horse's swollen prick and stood up, licking her lips
excitedly as she gazed down at him with eyes that were already glazed over with
desire. Somehow, she was hornier than she ever had been before.

She stood there for a couple minutes, just looking down at her big- cocked
stallion and savoring the growing lust in her loins. She admired the animal's
muscular body and huge cock and relished this short period of sexual
anticipation. Then she bent down and whispered into the beast's ears.

"I want you to lie more on your back, honey. Be a good horse and help me to roll
you onto your back," Micki whispered as she used both hands to pull and push the
huge animal. She felt a moment of desperation when she realized that she would
never be able to move the horse into just the right position without his

After all this, she thought with disappointment, am I just gonna have to forget
about getting it on with my horse tonight?

But just as Micki began to lose all hope, she felt Midnight move weakly beneath
her touch. To her delight, the horse, obviously understanding exactly what was
expected of him, rolled slightly. Now he was lying dead center on his spine, his
legs thrown out to the sides, his huge cock sticking straight up into the air.

"Oh, you great big wonderful horse!" Micki sang out happily as she quickly
straddled the horse's hips.

Micki held herself above him while her hand moved to the base of his cock. As
the tip of the animal's huge prick began to part her swollen pussylips, she
moved downward so that it was directly centered on her pussy-slit.

"Unh, I can hardly wait to feel your big cock shoving up inside me, Midnight!"
Micki groaned thickly, chewing on her lower lip in concentration.

She lowered herself a bit more, adjusted the stallion's cock again and moaned
with pleasure as she felt the broad, smooth head of his gigantic cock pressing
against the rim of her pussyhole. She felt her thick fuck juices flowing out of
her aroused cunt, already drenching the horse's prick.

Midnight whinnied excitedly and Micki could feel and see the horse's big black
body trembling all over with excitement. She glanced down and trembled herself
when she saw that his black prick was coated with a fine film of pre-cum, which
continually oozed out of the little piss- slit.

"Aw, Midnight, I need to have your big cock deep inside me so, so deep."

The eager young girl let her hips fall. The head of her horse's prick began to
enter her.

"Oh, yes, I want us to fuck each other so badly!" Micki whimpered.

She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling dizzy with savage lust that threatened
to overwhelm her. She took a deep breath and lowered her body more.

"Omigod!" she cried as she felt the flared rim of Midnight's black cock
stretching her cunt.

Midnight shuddered, pawing at the air with his powerful hooves, his legs
sticking straight up from his body.

Micki shivered all over as she felt the pulsing cockhead inside her. She
released her hold on the base of the gigantic prick. Then she eased herself on
down in a smooth, steady movement.

"Ohhh, Midnight, we've never done it like this before. It's so, so thrilling!"
she cried, gazing down lovingly at the weakened horse. She continued to lower
her body over his enormous prick.

The base of his cock seemed a long way off as she pushed herself slowly down on
the trembling prickshaft. The horse's prick was so long that she still had a
long way to go before she would experience the thrill of having the entire
length inside her. And his cock was so unusually thick that the pulsing meat
scraped against the walls of Micki's pussy.

"Ooh, this is it!" Micki gasped. She had finally shoved herself the rest of the
way down the stallion's huge cock. She stopped only when there was no more
cockmeat left to shove inside her pussy. Her crotch was grinding against
Midnight's now and she moved her hips in a slow erotic motion against the

For just a few minutes, the young teenager remained in that lewd position before
beginning the serious business of fucking hard. She could feel the animal's
gigantic prick shuddering against the tensed walls of her pussy, and she moaned
at the obscenely delicious sensation.

She felt more and more of her fuck juices flooding needfully into her cunt. They
swirled about the thick cock filling her pussy, and she could feel those juices
overflowing her swollen pussylips and oozing down her straining thighs.

Micki's clit grew hard and stiff. She was sure her clit would explode right
against the horse-cock pressing so excitingly against it. She felt more of her
aroused blood engorging her little clit, and she knew she had never before been
so sexually stimulated.

The walls of her cunt automatically clenched about the sides of the enormous
prick filling her. Her pussy muscles tightened so hard that both she and
Midnight gasped with pain. The horse looked panicked. But in the next instant,
the teenager moaned with pleasure and the stallion whinnied with delight.

The horse's thick cock was pressing against the walls of Micki's pussy harder
than ever before. His cock was stretching her little pussy to the absolute
limit, and there was a delicious kind of pain which blended with the ache of
desire in the girl's loins, giving her more and more pleasure.

Micki continued to delay the beginning of this most thrilling of all possible
animal fucks, she was amazed to feel the unexpected movement of Midnight's hips
beneath her. The animal, obviously tired of waiting for the teenager to start
fucking him, was trying to lift his ass and hips up from the floor.

The stallion continued to move, and Micki groaned as she felt the head of his
cock pushing demandingly against the back wall of her cunt. A shiver of bestial
excitement raced up and down her spine.

"Ohhh, Midnight, you sexy horse!" She laughed in a strangled way.

She was delighted by the animal's eager movements beneath her. And she was even
more thrilled by the sensational feel of having her little pussy completely
impaled on the full length of his throbbing prick.

The animal's cock penetrated her still deeper. Micki felt as if his prick were
filling her tiny pussy in a way she had never experienced before.

Maybe it's because I'm on top and Midnight and I have never fucked each other
this way before. Or maybe it's because this way, he can get his cock deeper
inside me. But then again, maybe it's because each time we make it together,
it's just more and more exciting, Micki thought.

But then she realized that she didn't care why this fuck was already the most
intensely satisfying one of her life. It didn't matter. All that mattered was
sharing a good hard fuck with this magnificent stallion.

"Ahhhh, Midnight, your cock feels even bigger than ever inside meeee!" Micki
cried, tears of pleasure filling her eyes. "It's filling me all up like it's
never filled me up before and I love it! Do you hear me, Midnight? I love it and
I love you!"

Midnight trembled beneath her as he whinnied in response to the obvious love in
the girl's voice. But it wasn't just the love which the randy animal was
reacting to. It was also the bestial lust which made the teenager's voice hoarse
and needy-sounding.

With the throbbing meat of her stallion's cock deep inside her pussy, Micki
moved forward a bit so that his prick pushed even more snugly against the upper
part of her cunt-slit. The pressure of the enormous hard-on against her
twitching clit sent a new wave of lust and pleasure racing through her.

"Unnhhh, yesss," she moaned, wiggling her hips from one side to the other. Lewd,
cunt-drooling sensations ripped through her with more and more intensity.

Her breathing grew labored. Her nostrils were flaring as wildly as the horse's
now as they both panted for much-needed oxygen to fill their parched lungs.

Micki glanced down and saw her nipples growing as hard as rocks. They were so
stiff now that they throbbed with a painful sort of aching desire. She used both
hands to lift her apple-sized tits to her mouth.

She squeezed both of her trembling tit-mounds hard together until they almost
formed one obscenely big tit. She was squeezing her tits so tightly together
that her nipples were actually pressed against each other.

Micki moaned as she felt her nips pulsing violently against one another.

Then, as Midnight gazed up at the girl with glazed eyes, Micki sucked both of
her nips into her hungry mouth.

She moaned as she used her tongue to lick all over the twin buds. She wrapped
her lips about the bases of the trembling nips and she sucked just as hard as
she could. Next, while the horse continued to watch her every action, she sank
her teeth into the blood-engorged nipples.

She groaned with both pain and pleasure as she kept her teeth buried into her
nips for a few thrilling moments.

The young girl loved sucking and chewing her own tits. It seemed to her that
whenever a guy tried to suck or nibble on her tits, he either did it too hard or
not hard enough. That was just one more thing the teenager like about making it
with horses. They didn't try to bother her tits at all--except for Midnight, of
course, but he seemed to know just how to lick them.

Watching her lewd behavior, Midnight whinnied excitedly and again he pawed at
the air with his hooves. Micki grinned down at him. It seemed to her that the
horse was throwing off more of the tranquilizer's effects, and she trembled as
she realized that soon now he would be alert enough to fuck her while she
crouched before him on all fours. She released her tits and they bounced back
into place.

"Later, Midnight," she panted. "Later I want you to fuck me really hard. But for
now, I'm gonna fuck you! Ah, Midnight, your prick feels so good in my tight
little cunt!"

Midnight snorted, enjoying the feel of the girl's strong cunt muscles gripping
the sides of his cock and squeezing harder than ever before.

The horse twisted his head from side to side now, basking in the wet heat that
embraced and squeezed his pulsing prick. The usually powerful stallion had been
reduced to a weak, wriggling mass of flesh by the teenager's pussy. He was weak,
not only because of the tranquilizer he had been given earlier, but because of
the savage desire that coursed through his entire body.

With every bit of his strength, he moved beneath her.

"Okay, boy, take it easy, I get the message," Micki said with a high- pitched

She raised her hips and slid her pussy partly off of the horse's cock. She held
herself in that lewd position for a moment, smiling down at the animal she loved
so much.

"Okay, Midnight, get ready. I'm gonna fuck your big prick back into me!" she
said in a little whimpering voice.

The horny teenager suddenly lowered herself again, taking Midnight's mighty cock
all the way into her. She trembled, and Midnight whinnied as his broad cockhead
struck the back wall of her cunt.

The stallion rolled his big hairy head back and forth on the hay-strewn floor.

Micki raised herself up on his prick again, but this time she continued to rise
until only his pulsing cockhead was still inside her pussy. Then, hovering over
her horse for a breathless moment, she thrust herself back onto the hard cock,
fucking down harder than before.

She grunted as she felt her pubic bone grinding into the horse's muscular body.
"Ooh, Midnight, your cock is all the way inside me again! I love it!"

Micki rose up on the long thick prick that pulsed so insistently inside her. She
grinned down at Midnight, and the horse returned her gaze, his eyes growing
clearer with each passing second.

"Here goes!" she chirped as she rammed her pussy back down over the thick cock,
which stretched out her cunt-walls so deliciously. The savage force of her
movement buried the animal's cock even deeper inside her cunt. The walls of her
pussy ached painfully, ecstatically.

Micki gasped as she tightened the muscles of her little pussy about the sides of
the shuddering prick.

As she felt her horse's cock filling her all up so erotically, the little girl
felt as if the prick were somehow a part of herself, a part she wished she could
keep inside her for all time. The very thought turned her on more, although she
had not thought it possible to feel hornier than she already was.

Her mouth was gaping open, her saliva drooling out. Her face and tits were
flushed with desire, and more and more juice seeped into her cunt, sloshing
about the thick impaling prick.

She rocked back and forth on Midnight's cock. She enjoyed the way the thick meat
stretched her pussy-walls, and she moaned continually with pleasure, her moans
mingling with the stallion's whinnies and snorts.

Again, the youngster rose up on the horse's enormous cock. And again she slid
back down the meaty prick until her crotch hairs were grinding against
Midnight's cock-base.

"Oooh, I'm gonna fuck you faster now!" she cried as she began to rise and fall
on the animal's prick with steady, rhythmic movements, which grew faster and
more frenzied.

More cunt sauce filled her little pussy. Every single nook and cranny of her
cunt burned hotly, pulsed lewdly around the horse's cock. Micki felt as if her
entire body were on fire. From the way the horse was thrashing about and
whinnying loudly beneath her, Micki knew that the stallion felt exactly the same

"Aaarrrgghhh, ohhh, Midnight, I love fucking you sooo much! I always love
fucking you! But this time ... this time ... for some reason, it's even better
... more exciting, Midnight ... the way your huge cock is filling me all up ...
every time I slide down on you, your cock gets bigger ... harder ... I can feel
it pushing hard against ... the back of my pussy, God ... it's killing me ...
hurts ... I love it, I do ... I love you, my wonderful stallion!"

Midnight whinnied louder than before, catching the note of sexual hysteria in
his human lover's voice.

Micki fucked her feverish pussy faster and harder up and down the length of
Midnight's mammoth horse-cock. She was deliberately positioned so that the shaft
of the big prick scraped over her throbbing clit with each thrust, making her
moan with increasing pleasure.

Micki slid up and down on Midnight's cock with greater speed. She let her pussy
slam against the rod of prickmeat with more and more force.

"Oh, God, yesss!" she screamed, overwhelmed by animalistic pleasure. And the
ecstatic sensations only grew stronger as she continued to fuck her black

She could feel Midnight's prick swelling even more inside her. His cock was
pushing painfully against her already-stretched pussy-walls.

"Unh! It hurts! So good! Yes!" Micki cried, throwing her head back and howling
like a wild beast.

Midnight let out a series of whinnies. Micki laughed with delight when she heard
the lust which thickened the sounds coming from the horse's throat. The
teenager's laugh abruptly changed into a sob of pleasure as again she fell
downward, eagerly impaling her little pussy on the horse's mighty cock.

"Yes, yessss, it's sooo fuckin', friggin' good!" the girl gasped, her pleasure

Her up-and-down movements grew more and more frenzied as her lust heightened.
She was rising and falling on Midnight's prick faster and harder now, grunting
with satisfaction each time she felt the huge cockhead smacking up against the
back wall of her cunt.

As she continued to fuck her horse, Micki honestly felt as if she had lost all
control over the action. Her body was responding automatically now. It was as if
her little pussy had taken complete control of the situation. She felt a heady,
delicious feeling and the teen thrilled to it.

She no longer had to think about what she was doing. All Micki had to do was to
continue to gaze down at her horse's magnificent, muscular body and think how
much she loved him and how much she adored fucking him. And, all the while, her
body continued to rise and fall over him, fucking her little pussy on his thick
prick with each savage downward thrust of her pussy.

Micki pounded herself into the horse with growing force. Their hips slapped
obscenely against each other. The sound thrilled the teenager. Another sound
excited her too: the wet sound of the animal's huge cock sloshing in and out of
her juice-soaked cunt.

The young girl gazed lovingly down at the stallion as she rammed her cunt up and
down his cock again and again. The beast lifted his hips and ass up from the
floor, eagerly meeting each downward thrust of Micki's pussy. Midnight's face
had a twisted look to it, a lust-twisted look and seeing that very unhorse-like
expression just made Micki all the more excited. She knew that her own face must
be twisted just like that at that exact moment.

Midnight whinnied again and again. Micki trembled with excitement. She knew what
the horse's whinnies meant, that she was making this fuck just as good and
thrilling for him as he was for her.

"Ahhh, ooohhh, Midnight, I've never enjoyed a fuck so much! God, your cock just
keeps growing bigger inside me!" she whined, feeling consumed with a deep,
intense bestial pleasure.

Still, the little girl knew she needed more. She would never be satisfied, she
knew, until both she and her beloved stallion were totally fucked-out, until
they came together and the animal's thick cum overflowed her cock-stuffed cunt.

Then and only then would the teenager feel satisfied. Then and only then would
she be willing to take her little pussy off of the horse's cock.

She rose up the long, thick prick inside her pussy, until only the flared
cockhead remained in the grip of her tight pussylips.

"I love you so, Midnight!" she cried.

She took a deep breath and shoved her pussy down just as hard as possible. Every
single inch of the enormous horse-cock brutally and suddenly was buried inside

"Oh, God, that is sooo good!" she groaned, loving the way the thick prick filled
up every bit of space inside her cunt, and the way the heavy cock meat pulsed
against her tensed pussy-walls.

She tightened her cunt muscles as much as she could, grunting with the effort.

Midnight shuddered violently, showing his obvious appreciation of the girl's
erotic movements. Micki's own body shook violently. The powerful sexual
sensations inside her built up, and the pressure inside her loins was becoming
almost unbearable.

She felt as if she could keep fucking the horse's cock for all eternity. But her
little pussy was rapidly reaching the point where Micki knew that she needed
release from the intense sexual tension. This pressure was becoming so strong
that she knew it could not be denied for much longer. Each new surge of pleasure
added to the pent-up pressure consuming every fiber of her body.

Micki felt torn. She hated to give up the thrill of fucking her horse. But at
the same time, she needed to come so badly that she felt almost sick with need.
And she also desperately needed to feel Midnight's cum gushing into her ravaged
little cunt.

I guess all I can really do, she thought, is to just keep fucking and let Nature
take its course. We'll come when it's time for us to come. In the meantime,
we'll just keep fucking each other. And what a fuck this is!

Micki's loins were on fire. Her clit was twitching violently, and she felt as if
her clit would burst wide open. Her pussy-walls were tensed so hard around the
pulsing sides of Midnight's prick that they made a deep, aching pain fill her
cunt. Goosebumps broke out all over the teenager's body, joining the erotic
flush that already covered her from head to toe. Every single inch of her naked
flesh burned and throbbed and her skin felt super-sensitive.

"Unnhhh, ohhh, Midnight, this is the greatest! You're the greatest!" Micki

She felt her tits aching and her nipples throbbing violently. As she had done
before, Micki gathered both her tits in her hands and lewdly squeezed them
together. Her nips burned as she raised them to her mouth. She lowered her face
and moaned with pleasure as she sucked the nipples into her mouth. Along with
the nips she sucked in as much of the surrounding tit-flesh as she could. She
began to suck hard at once.

She groaned, enjoying the way her nipples pulsed against her tongue. She licked
all over her nips and titflesh until they were obscenely coated with her warm
saliva. Then she sucked her nips again, sucking so hard that the surrounding
titflesh grew red and purplish, bruised- looking. Finally, just as she had done
before, she sank her sharp teeth into the sides of her nipples, savoring the
jolting pain that lanced through her tits.

She moaned, bouncing up and down on Midnight's cock as she continued to suck and
nibble her tits.

Finally she released her tits, watching them bob back into place. They jutted
straight out from her girlish chest. And her well-sucked and bitten nipples
stuck prominent out from her aureoles, over an inch long.

She continued to rise and fall on the stallion's hard, thick prick. Micki's
little pussy twitched and spasmed almost painfully, making the black horse
whimper. But the teenager knew that it was a whimper of pleasure and that he
loved the way she was so violently fucking him now.

She bounced up and down feverishly on the animal's hard prick, her entire body
shuddering with bestial pleasure.

"Unnhhh, oh, God, Midnight, I've never felt your cock so big inside me before
... I love fucking you, Midnight ... you're the best, most wonderful, most big-
cocked horse in the whole world!" Micki cried lewdly.

She bent forward at the waist and let the top half of her body fall so that she
was now lying on top of the horse's shuddering, furry belly but she was careful
not to dislodge even one inch of the stallion's magnificent prick. His cock was
still buried up her pussyhole.

"Mmmm, Midnight," she crooned, pawing at the horse's exposed chest and neck with
her hands. She caressed the animal all over, and he whimpered in response.

All the while, as the girl lay between his outstretched hooves, she pressed her
naked body tightly against his furry body. Micki continued to rise and fall on
his hard cock. She had not missed one beat and she continued to fuck him harder
and faster, knowing that their orgasms were only moments away now.

Jesus! she thought as she felt her hips, ass, and thighs straining to keep up
the intense fucking movements while she lay on top of the horse. It's a damn
good thing that I've been taking gymnastics for two years!

Micki threw her arms out to the sides as far as possible and embraced her horse.

What a great fucking position this is, she thought happily, realizing that this
was her first opportunity to hug the animal as if he were a man. But he was
better than any man.

She groaned with heightened excitement and pleasure as she and Midnight
continued to fuck each other, harder and faster with each passing second.

"Ohhh, Midnight, my little pussy's squeezing your prick so hard now ... feels
like my pussy's trying to tug your cock right off of you ... what a thought ...
then I could keep you inside me all the time ... I'd never take your cock out of
my cunt, Midnight, I wouldn't."

She felt her stallion's prick growing even thicker and harder inside her
twitching pussy, and she felt more cuntjuice gush out from between her swollen
pussylips. The thick sauce soaked into the horse's cock and finally spilled
down, pooling into the junction where their crotches met and ground together.

"Oooh, I wanna kiss you, Midnight!" she cried as if her lover were human. She
raised her head from the horse's chest and gazed up at him. When he didn't move,
she realized that there was no way the animal could understand what she needed
from him now. Guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands, she thought
with a little husky laugh.

And, with that in mind, Micki stretched her arms just as far as she possibly
could, gripped the sides of Midnight's powerful head and tried to pull it toward
her face.

Midnight snorted as he felt the girl's hands tugging his head. He went with the
movement and finally his eyes were gazing directly into the teenager's.

"Ahh, kiss me, Midnight!" Micki gasped as she strained her neck to move her face
toward the horse's.

No matter how much she strained, and no matter how much she pulled the animal's
head toward hers, there was no way their mouths could meet. The stallion mouth
was simply too far from Micki's.

Micki groaned in disappointment, thinking that now she would not be able to kiss
her lover. It's not fair! she thought with resentment. If Midnight were a man,
we'd be kissing! Why can't I kiss my horse?

Just as she was about to release her grip on the sides of the animal's head,
thinking it would be impossible for them to kiss, Midnight surprised her by
letting his long tongue flop out of his mouth.

"Oh, great idea, Midnight!" the youngster cried excitedly as she saw the tip of
the beast's tongue hovering just above her face. She strained again to raise her
face as high as possible and she shivered all over as she felt her mouth
touching Midnight's tongue.

She gasped as she pursed her lips and kissed as much of the horsey tongue as she
could reach. Then she stuck her own tongue out and licked all over the long
tongue. She felt her saliva mingling with Midnight's and she shivered again. She
continued to lick Midnight's tongue. The horse began to move his tongue, licking
back at her.

"Mmm, good," she sighed, still rising and falling over the animal's prick.

Suddenly, Micki felt her pussy spasming violently and she knew that she was
starting to come. She raised her mouth from Midnight's tongue and concentrated
solely on the strong orgasm that was beginning to pound through her.

"I'm coming, Midnight! Commmiiinnngg! Oh, God, you're making me come soooo
hard!" She felt a mind-blowing explosion of animalistic pleasure throughout her
body. It was the most powerful orgasm of her life, and she knew it could only
get better when Midnight finally came inside her.

She shrieked, howling with ecstasy as her orgasming cunt convulsed around her
stallion's prick.

Midnight moved his ass and hips up from the floor even harder and more
powerfully than before.

"Oohhh, yesss, Midnight, fuck me hard! That feels so good!" the girl wailed, her
little pussy spasming hard.

She continued to jerk her body up and down on the stallion's cock. Her entire
body was shaking violently with the sexual release that overwhelmed her with its
intensity. Her orgasm had barely ended before another struck her. Amazingly,
this new climax was even more thrilling than the first, and the spasms deep
inside the girl's pussy were stronger, gripping Midnight's prick tighter.

"Unnhhh, arrgghhh, shoot your cum inside me now, Midnight! I want to feel you
coming inside me! Do it, Midnight, give me your cum! You know how much I neeeeed

She cried out loudly as still another orgasm throbbed through her loins. She
threw her head back and wailed loud and long, completely surrendering to the
bestial ecstasy sweeping through her.

Orgasm after orgasm pounded through her, each one somehow more exciting and
containing more fury than the one before. Her cunt was spasming and clenching
uncontrollably now. Her vision grew dim, and she felt as if her lungs would
burst as she struggled to breathe.

"Come, Midnight, come!" she begged desperately.

She felt her lover's prick growing even thicker inside her orgasming pussy and
suddenly there was a gush of hot cum flooding into her. A blistering, blazing
orgasm assaulted her. The bursts of sticky spunk splashing into her twitching
pussy only intensified her own orgasms.

"Yessss, Midnight, yessss! Now we're coming together! I love it!"

The black stallion and the little girl were coming together now. His enormous
load of horse-cum mingled with her pussyjuice thickly until the whole load
backed up, ran out of her cuntlips and dribbled down into their joined crotches.

"Oh, I love you so much, Midnight! And you love me too, don't you?" Micki gasped
as, once more, she threw her arms out to her sides and embraced the animal as
hard as she could, hugging him hard against her trembling body.

Micki knew now that she could never go back to men again after fucking her
horse. Midnight was better than any of them, individually or taken as a whole.
She would continue to let Nate fuck her, of course, but that was just to keep
him quiet about her bestial activities.

Above all, she knew her father must never find out that she was fucking
Midnight. He would surely sell the horse, maybe even kill the animal in a fit of
rage. No, she could never take the chance of having her father find out about
what she and Midnight did under the cover of darkness.

The horse, his back aching from the unnatural position, finally rolled onto his
side, and Micki stepped out of the way. She rested beside her horse, moving
against him, feeling his cock-sheath against her knees. She couldn't explain her
attraction to his horse and didn't care to.

She was so lost in her thoughts and emotions that she did not hear the soft
shuffling of careful steps in another part of the building. Nor did she hear the
opening and closing of the stable door as her father went into the night, a wet
spot staining the crotch of his pants.

Her father had known about her and the horse for quite some time, although he
still had no idea that Micki was fucking Nate the stablehand. At first, he had
thought about putting an end to his daughter's escapades. Then he had seen the
ecstatic expression on her face as she had sucked the stallion off.

He was her father, and he wanted her to be happy.

If having sex with a horse made his little girl happy, who was he to stop her?
Besides--he touched the wet spot at the crotch of his pants-- there were his own
feelings to consider.

He cast one final glance back through the cracked door at his daughter lying
with her horse, then carefully pulled the door closed.

Micki deserved all the happiness she could find.

The End
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