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LB-1047 Her Four Legged Lovers
by Bob Wallace

Chapter 1

Tammy Gunther hurried up the steps to the library, her knees shaking in
expectation. This was her third visit to the library since discovering a secret
place in the back, hidden by bookcases and stacks of books. She stepped into the
large main room and saw Bill Anderson standing behind the long counter, stamping
returned books. She smiled demurely. Her stomach turned to jelly as she passed
by him on her way to the back of the library, where she could look at the
pictures of dogs and ponies in the colorful picture books.

"Hi, Tammy," Bill whispered, seeing the young girl, her face flushed with

"Hello, Mr. Anderson," she said softly, her cheeks flaring red from
embarrassment and her eyes sparkling with her special secret.

"You're kind of late tonight. We're going to be closing soon."

Tammy frowned, her creamy complexion tinted with a pink glow. "I know. I had to
finish my chores before dad would let me out."

"You going back to look at the stack of dog books again?" he asked, knowing
about the child's preoccupation with dogs.

"Uh huh," she nodded, her stomach churning.

"I'll bet you're going to own a kennel when you get out of high school."

"I am," she said. "I'm also going to be a vet." Except for her fascination with
dogs, Mr. Anderson was her only childhood crush since reaching puberty.

"Don't get lost back there," Bill teased, watching her leave. He ogled the
child's long legs, the white knee socks that covered her calves, and the skirt
that touched her knees. His cock twitched. This kid was definitely a hot, primed
virgin. He rubbed his crotch, deciding that tonight he was going to get the
young girl to fuck him.

Tammy hurried to the back of the library and the seclusion of the last aisle.
She had felt Bill's eyes on her and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She
always got one when she talked with him. With not much time left, she selected
her favorite book right away, not bothering to work her way up to it.

She went to the back of the aisle and turned the corner; her hidden cubbyhole
was empty. There were stacks of books lining the walls and piled high on the
floor. She sat in her special secret spot between the stacks of books. Her heart
pounded as she leafed through the pages. She gulped, her hand automatically
going to her crotch.

"Aaaaaaah," she sighed softly as she groped under her red plaid skirt, touching
the velvety lips of her virgin pussy. She was glad she didn't wear panties
tonight. They were always such trouble and, the last time, in her haste to leave
just before closing time, she had almost left them on the shelf.

Tammy moaned, her fingers stroking the soft puffy lips of her tender cunt. She
gazed at the pictures of the dogs, wishing her father would buy her one. Slowly,
she turned the pages, feasting her eyes on the large sleek animals---the Great
Danes, greyhounds, and Doberman pinschers, also the long-haired ones; the German
shepherds and the collies. The juices in her hot bubbly pussy were beginning to
flow, soaking her probing fingers.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she sighed as she imagined their giant animal cocks sticking out
from between their powerful hind legs. Her fingers tweaked her hard and pulsing
clit. She could feel her insides turn to mush and she gasped, soft gasps that
were absorbed by the books surrounding her.

Closing her eyes, she lowered the book to the floor. She squirmed on her soft
ass, her fingers delving into the opening of her sweet tender pussy. The only
thing keeping her from plunging deeper was the thin skin that held her virginity

"Ooooooh," she cooed. Her other hand slid to her tits, rubbing the fleshy globes
through her soft sweater and bra. She kneaded her tittie- flesh, panting as she
rocked on her cute ass cheeks, her fingers working feverishly on her tiny clit.

Bill Anderson stood against the wall; the books on the shelves were discreetly
positioned just right. He watched Tammy, his throat parched, while the
schoolgirl played with her wet, furry pussy. His cock was rock hard. He left,
anxious to lock up the library.

Minutes later, with no one in the library except him and Tammy, Bill returned to
his position behind the bookshelves to watch the horny young teenager. She was
still in the same position; her legs spread, her skirt around her waist and her
fingers playing with her hot gorgeous cunt, a dreamy look in her wide blue eyes.

It was only by accident that he had found her this way the other evening. He had
been looking for her to ask if she wanted to share a soda during his break. It
was then that he saw her playing with herself while staring at the books about
dogs. For two nights, his dreams were filled with the child, his cock fucking
her pussy while hairy dogs licked her virgin body.

Tammy heard a noise and stopped, her ears tuned to any activity nearby. She
heard nothing and returned to her pussy, with no intimation of what time it was
or that Bill was leering hotly at her from the next aisle.

Bill Anderson watched for a few more minutes, and decided to make his move. With
the library closed, he was sure he could devise some way to get into her pussy.
She was definitely a hot and horny kid. He walked around the bookshelf and into
her secret spot. He stared down at her for almost a full minute before she
realized that he was there.

"AHHHHHHH!" she gasped aloud, trying to pull her skirt down in a rush. "What?
What...are...you doing here?" She was about to cry. The shame of being caught
was too much for her to handle.

"Don't be upset," Bill soothed, crouching down. He smiled warmly at the
teenager. "I'm not going to say anything."

Tammy avoided his eyes. She wanted to die! He had seen her pussy. He had seen
her do things to herself. What must he think of her?

"Relax, Tammy," he urged, resting his hand on her bare knee. "What I saw will
never leave this room. I promise."

She sniffed back her tears. "Honest?"

He nodded. His rigid cock was driving him crazy and he had every intention of
taking advantage of this virgin teenager's predicament. "Only if you promise to
do something for me," he added, a sly wolfish grin on his face.

She looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want?"

"I'll tell you later. I'm curious about the books you're looking at. You could
use books from the anatomy section with lots of naked men. Why do you look at
dogs while you play with yourself and not men?"

She gulped. Her throbbing heart felt as if it would leap out from her throat.
Her face burned red. "I saw my older sister doing it with a dog about a year
ago, before she went away to college. I'm shy around boys ..." She shrugged
wondering if what she said made any sense.

"Dogs can't tease you either or tell on you, huh?" He smiled disarmingly.

"Yea," she said, sensing he understood. She really didn't know why she liked to
think about dogs, except that her sister did things with dogs and she had always
looked up to her sister. Ever since that one episode, sex and dogs turned her

"Have you ever let a dog lick you down there, Tammy?" he asked, pointing to her
pussy now covered by her skirt.

"No," she whispered, wishing he would stop talking about it. Talking about sex
with him was arousing, but embarrassing.

"I have a few dogs at my place," he said. "Would you like to visit me sometime?"
He winked. "You might have a lot of fun with them."

Tammy's heart skipped a beat. Her face flushed. This was a chance to do all the
things she wanted to do, to satisfy her desires about animals and let them do
the things she saw the dog do with her sister. "If I came to your place, would
you tell anyone?" she asked suspiciously.

"Whatever you do, or I do, will always be our secret."

He was rubbing her warm thigh, inching under her skirt. Her attention was so
concentrated on what she was planning with his dogs, she didn't seem to notice
him. His hand inched up the warm flesh of her thigh, closer to the fuzzy patch
of pussy hair that covered her virgin cunt.

"What are you doing?" she asked nervously, feeling his hand probe under her

"I want to see your pussy again," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. He
used the word, pussy, intentionally.

"Oh, no," she gasped, squeezing her legs together, trying to push his hand away.

"If you don't let me see you," he threatened, "you can't come over to my place
and see my dogs and I'll have to call your parents and tell them what I found
you doing back here."

"You wouldn't," she cried, tears rolling down her red cheeks. "They'd beat me."

"Let me see your pussy, then." He waited, challenging the child with his eyes,
hoping the threat would work.

Defeated, Tammy frowned, her full bottom lip jutting out in a sad rejected pout.
"Okay," she sobbed fretfully. With trembling hands, she slid her skirt up her
thighs, stopping just before her pussy hair became exposed.

"Sorry, Tammy " Bill gulped, holding his passion in check. "All the way, or I
tell." Ripping the child's clothes off wouldn't do him any good. He wanted her
to do it because she wanted to. He peered under the hem of the skirt, catching a
glimpse of her beautiful virgin pussy.

"Promise you'll never tell," she begged, her lower lip quivering.

"I promise." He rested his hand on her knee, waiting for her to comply.

Her heart thumped as Tammy lifted the skirt to her waist, exhibiting her pussy,
bare thighs, and belly to Bill's ravenous stare. She saw him ogling her cunt and
it thrilled her beyond anything she had ever experienced. It was tremendously
exciting. Her breathing was shallow and she found herself wanting to show the
man more of her body, especially her tits that were nice and big, bigger than
any of her friends at school. The boys, with their teasing ways, had nicknamed
her "Jugs" and she hated it. To wear a 38C bra was something she had always been
ashamed of, until now. Shyness and fear held her in restraint.

"It's beautiful," he moaned, choking on the words as he devoured her pussy with
his eyes. He stared at her damp pussy lips, pearl droplets of virgin juice clung
to some of the silken hair. His hand glided up her thigh, yearning to touch her
with his hand.

Tammy suddenly sucked in her breath. "Don't!"

Bill looked seriously into her eyes. "Spread your legs, Tammy," he said, his
voice firm, with only a hint of his burning passion shining through.

Tammy gulped and spread her legs. She panted hotly as Bill stroked her thighs,
moving closer and closer to her pussy. "Ooooh," she murmured, the fire in her
pussy making her tremble. She stared at his hand, hypnotized by it as it glided
almost in slow motion up her thighs to her exposed cunt.

Bill touched her pussy. The heat exuding from her cunt was like a furnace. It
was unbelievably hot. He stood up, offering her his hand. "Come with me."

Mesmerized by the handsome man she had a crush on and trembling from the touch
of his hand on her pussy, Tammy gave him her hand, allowing him to pull her up
off the floor. "Where are we going?"

"To my office."

Tammy followed him, her legs wobbly from passion and an ache in her pussy for
Bill to touch her again. "Are you going to make me lift up my skirt again?" she
asked as he ushered her into the small office, hoping he would, but too innocent
to realize it.

"Do you want to show me again?" he answered her with a question, knowing the
child was hooked. From here on, it was going to be easy, but only if he didn't
get greedy.

"Yes," she whispered, then blushed.

Bill sat down on a chair and ogled Tammy as she stood in the center of his
office. His cock was in pain, the ache spreading to his groin. He watched her
innocent face fill with lust as she toyed with the idea of letting him look at
her body.

"I'm nervous," she sighed, her fingers fidgeting with her skirt.

"Don't be," Bill soothed, his voice calming her. "Close your eyes and pretend
you're alone in your bedroom."

Tammy closed her eyes and swayed on her feet, her heart pounding so loudly she
was sure he could hear it. Her fingers found the button on her skirt and opened
it, the zipper sliding silently down. Her hand came away and the skirt dropped
to her shoes.

Bill stifled a groan, his hand rubbing his raging cock. He balled his hands into
fists, shaking. He wanted to grab her and throw her to the floor and fuck her
beautiful virgin pussy. He bit his lip, fighting his natural instinct. He glared
at her, seeing the rising and falling of her big tits. "Turn around," he moaned,
his voice cutting the sexual silence that hung heavily in the small office.

Tammy hissed and turned, her eyes squeezed shut. Slowly she turned, letting Bill
ogle and treasure every inch of her naked body from the waist down. She faced
him again, her shyness beginning to dissipate as she opened her eyes. "Am I nice
to look at?" she asked tremulously.

"You're gorgeous," he groaned, swallowing the hard lump in his throat. "Take off
your sweater."

His voice was hypnotic and she obeyed. Her sweaty hands flipped the sweater over
her tits, hiding Bill's lustful leer from her view. She slid it off, her tits
heaving with each deep breath. "They're kinda big," she said, almost

"They're perfect." His eyes were glued to the two huge tits jutting out from her
chest. The fleshy tits strained at her bra for their freedom. His mouth watered
as he contemplated sucking them. Seeing a woman's tits on a child was
emotionally mind-boggling. "Take off your bra, Tammy."

"They tease me at school about my tits," she said, blushing. "'Cause they're so
big." She unhooked the bra and slid her straps off her shoulders, letting it
drop to the floor on top of her skirt. She saw the look of appreciation in
Bill's eyes and it was wonderful. For the first time in her life, she felt like
a woman and not a freak.

"What kind of dogs do you have, Mr. Anderson?" she asked. Her shyness was almost
gone as she stood naked in front of him. The only part of her young nubile body
that was covered were her calves and feet, the knee socks adding just the right
touch of childish delight to her otherwise fully matured body.

"I have a Great Dane and a collie. I also have a pretty Shetland pony," he
added. A vision of her young teenage body being ravaged by his pets was blowing
his mind.

"I can't wait until I see them," she said. "Can I get dressed now?"

Bill smiled at her naive question. "Come here, Tammy. Let me see you up close."

She came to him, a worried expression on her face and in her blue eyes. "You
going to touch me again?" Her heart was drumming wildly and her skin had goose-

"Yessss, my sweet virgin baby," he moaned. She moved directly in front of him.
The fresh scent of her youth along with the aroma that exuded from her wet
dripping virgin pussy, attacked his nostrils in an exotic blend. He caressed her
hips, savoring each soft touch, not wanting to rush. His hands roamed over her
body freely.

"Ohhhhh, Mr. Anderson," she sighed, his hands doing strange and wonderful things
to her body. "You're making me all gushy inside. My legs are getting weak."

"Get on your knees," he commanded, his voice coarse with passion.

She looked into his lust-crazed eyes. "Why?"

"Do it," he said impatiently. "Please," he added gently, not wanting the child
to panic now. "Do it for me."

Tammy, suspecting nothing, dropped to the carpeted floor. She crawled between
his legs, expecting him to touch her tits as they laid on his lap. "Squeeze
them." she cooed.

"Soooon," he promised, leering at her, a lecherous grin on his excited face. "I
want you to take my cock and look at it."

She looked up at him, shocked. "Mr. Anderson!"

"You heard me," he said softly, his voice like sandpaper. "Take it out and look
at it."

Tammy gazed at his crotch hesitantly. Her tits felt as if they were going to
burst. She wanted to see his cock, but she was afraid. Her entire body trembled
as she worked at his zipper, finally getting it down. She wiped her sweaty palms
on her hips, then fished inside his pants for his prick. Her fingertips felt
something hard and warm. It twitched and she gasped as her hand encircled the
hard shaft of his pulsing cock.

"Bring it Out," he moaned, his body taut with passion as he watched the
beautiful schoolgirl grope and fondle his hidden prick. "Take it out and look at

Tammy pulled his cock out of his pants and her mouth fell open in amazement. His
prick was gigantic, a long monstrous thing that twitched in her hand as if it
had a life of its own. She squeezed the cock, curious. His prick throbbed. Her
hand slid along the shaft and she touched the red prick head with her

"Unnnnn," Bill groaned, while she fondled and examined his hard aching cock.

Tammy spread his piss-slit. Her embarrassment vanished, replaced with the
burning desire to learn everything about his cock. She pulled out his balls and
opened his pants completely, not wanting to be hindered in any way as she
learned about her first prick.

Bill lifted up, allowing her to pull his pants down. Things seemed to be going
better than he had expected. Tammy, much to his surprise and delight, was
enthralled with his prick. "Kiss it," he whispered. "Kiss my prick."

She looked at him, not believeing what she heard. "You want me to put my lips on
it?" she asked incredulously.

Bill nodded.

Tammy gazed back at his prick, taking in every nuance of his long veiny cock.
Her mouth dried up as she thought about putting her lips to it. She shivered
nervously and lowered her head, her quivering lips touching the hot meaty shaft
of Bill's aching cock. She twitched, but didn't back off.

Bill didn't move, didn't breathe. He froze, not wanting anything to break the

Tammy opened her lips. Her tongue moistened the flesh of his prick. Becoming
bolder, she moved her lips, now moistened with her spit, up and down his cock.
Her tongue licked and fluttered nervously across his cock.

"Unnnnggggg," Bill groaned, unable to be silent. He squirmed in the chair, her
hot experimenting mouth driving him crazy.

Tammy loved the way he was reacting to her mouth. She became more daring, her
mouth more demanding. She began to suck on his cock, while her own pussy was
aching and dripping juice from between her swollen pussy lips.

Bill groaned and reached down to touch her honey-blonde head. "Ohhhhh, Tammy.
Fuck it in your mouth," he said, preparing the teenager for his ultimate plan.

The idea sent shivers up her spine. She took her mouth away from his wet prick
and leered at it, spittle drooling from the corners of her full glistening
mouth. She flicked her tongue out, her large milky tits heaving as she sucked in
her breath in preparation for his prick. "Fuck it? With my mouth?" she asked

"Go on," Bill urged, his prick aching so badly he hoped it didn't fall off.
"Suck it, inside your mouth."

She was so hot, she was unable to speak. She put her head over his towering
prick, her mouth gaping open. She closed her eyes, swooning as her lips touched
his prick head, slowly easing his cock into her mouth until the entire tip was

"Unnnn," he groaned, from the glorious heat of her virgin mouth. "SUCK!"

Tammy obeyed. She sucked, drawing her cheeks in as he twitched furiously on the

"Ohhhhh, yeaaaaa," he moaned, feeling the pressure of her sucking mouth. It felt
almost strong enough to pull his jism out from his balls. He humped off the
chair, thrusting his prick down her throat.

She gagged, yanking away her mouth from his probing cock. "You're choking me."

"Sorry," he panted, his nerves worn to a frazzle. "Suck me some more."

"Only if you promise not to move and choke me again."

"I promise," Bill groaned, gritting his teeth in agonizing frustration. "Suck

She placed her mouth back over his cockhead. Feeling more confident now, she
eased more of his stiff prick into her mouth, the cockhead hitting the back of
her palate. She forced herself not to gag. The sensation was intriguing and she
wanted to see if she could get it way down her throat.

Taking deep breaths through her nose, she held the base of his cock in her small
hands, squeezing and sliding her fist up and down. She flashed her tongue around
his prick, slurping and sucking, chewing and licking as she listened to Bill's
groans. It turned her on and she pushed his thick cockhead into the tightness of
her throat, choking, then pulled her mouth back to the tip again. Gasping, but
keeping it inside her mouth, she tried again with deep regular breathing to help
her to relax.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he groaned, his ass squirming on the chair as he controlled the
powerful urge to slam his cock into her throat. "Pump your mouth! PUMP!"

She took her mouth off his cock. "You'll cum if I do," she said, knowing from
her more worldly friends at school what happened to boys if they got too hot. "I
don't want that stuff in my mouth."

"If you don't suck me," he threatened, determined to cum off with this hot sexy
teenager, "I'll tell your parents what I caught you doing."

She smiled slyly. "Not now, you won't. Not after this. I'll tell them you forced
me to suck you."

She had him there and he knew it. "Then you can't play with my dogs," he said in

Tammy thought about that for a minute. She didn't want to lose her only chance
to do things with dogs. The memory of the lust and pleasure on her sister's face
when the huge dog licked her pussy flashed through her mind. She wanted that,
wanted to feel that same thing that had thrilled her sister so much.

She knew she couldn't refuse him anything. "Okay." She gave in, gulping
nervously. "I'll do it."

Bill heaved a heavy sigh of relief. There would be plenty of time later to fuck
this gorgeous kid when she visited him and his dogs. For now, a hot suck would
suffice. "Then put it back in your mouth, Tammy," he grinned.

Tammy obeyed. She slipped her red glistening lips over his cockhead, her tongue
snaking around the bell-shaped tip. She used her teeth lightly against the
sensitive skin as she slid her mouth up and down his prick with slow determined

"Ohhhhh, Tammy," Bill groaned, feeling the pressure build in his balls and his
cock swell larger as he tensed in the chair, ready to cream this young girl's
mouth and face with his hot jism. "Don't stop! Don't stop, Tammy. Suck it! Suck

Tammy used her hands on the length of his cock, stroking his skin slowly up and
down the hard throbbing muscle. Her mouth sucked, her teeth gnashed against the
shaft below his cockhead. Slobbering drool trickled down her chin as she sucked
voraciously. Her hands squeezed his thick pulsing prick, feeling the blood
surging through the tense muscle. It sent her pussy reeling into spasms.

Bill began slamming up off the chair, driving his aching prick into the girl's
hot sucking wet mouth. He groaned, holding the edge of the seat as he fucked her
face in a frantic effort to blast his load of cum into her dribbling mouth.
"Harder! Suck harder!"

Tammy sucked with all her might. She felt his prick swell in her mouth and in
her tight grip. She began to slide her head up and down, the tip of his cock
scraping against the roof of her mouth, the head bumping the back of her throat.
She squirmed, her own pussy jealous for the prick she was sucking. It was
something she didn't understand and at the same time, too afraid to even

Bill's pace quickened as he reached his peak. He jabbed his prick into her
flushed and excited face. "I'm gonnnaaaa ... cummmm!" he howled, his ass jerking
up and down, his prick slapping into her open mouth as she held her head steady.

Tammy, in her innocence, never expected the torrential flood of jism that
blasted from his cock. She pulled on his cock shaft with her hands in short
quick jerks and tensed, waiting fearfully for his cum, frightened, yet
erotically aroused.

"AGHHHHH!" Bill hollered as his prick exploded. A thick jet stream of hot white
cum splattered the back of her throat and gushed down her gullet in thick great

Tammy gagged, gulping down the fiery liquid in a desperate effort not to drown
in it as he continued to pound her face with his exploding prick. Her hands
involuntarily squeezed his spurting prick, jerking the flesh over the exploding
muscle. His gooey cum gushed from her clinging lips and down over her jerking
hands that wraped around his cock.

The prick swelled enormously in her mouth as wad after wad of his hot cream
splashed against the back of her throat. She kept her eyes closed, concentrating
on the exploding prick. She sucked on it, swallowing as much as she could, the
rest filling her mouth and oozing out from her clinging lips.

Her small hands flashed over his pulsing cock, cum dripping from her mouth and
onto his slapping balls. His loud animal groans made her body tremble and she
wondered how long it would last. If he didn't stop soon, she would surely drown.

Squirming and twisting on the chair, Bill lashed at Tammy's gulping mouth as he
emptied his sticky load. His balls swelled and exploded again, a thick wad
hitting the back of her throat and dripping down her gullet. "Unnnnn," he
groaned, convulsing from Tammy's fabulous blow- job. He twitched for a second,
then dropped back on the chair, his chest heaving while catching his breath.

Tammy came off his cock and looked up at him, her eyes bright with desire. Her
body ached for some kind of release from the passion that was raging like a
furnace in her pussy. She looked desperately at him, wanting him to put out the
fire, but afraid to ask.

She wiped the cum from her face, swallowing the last few drops that were still
clinging to her mouth.

"Did I do good?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't change his mind about her
visiting him and his dogs.

"You did terrific, Tammy," he moaned, rubbing his wet limp prick. "Maybe next
time you might want to let me stick my cock in your pussy. That way, you can cum
with me."

"Oh, noooh," she sighed, her voice filled with fright. "It hurts. My friends
told me."

"Did they also tell you how good it feels?" he asked, still ogling her fully
developed body for only a child.

"No," she answered. "They never said that."

"When you get yourself to cum with your fingers," Bill asked, "do you like

"Yes," she said, blushing. Everytime she did it, she wished it was a dog's
tongue instead of her fingers. She kept that part to herself. There was no
reason to tell him everything.

"Fucking is a whole lot more fun and it feels a hundred times better."

She looked at him skeptically, but didn't tell him she didn't believe him. She
didn't want to upset him and not get to see his dogs. "When can I come to your
place and see the dogs?" she asked, changing the subject.

"How about Saturday morning? You can spend the whole day with them." He brushed
her cheek with a finger. "I'll pick you up in front of the library and you can
tell your mother you'll be gone for the day."

She nodded eagerly. "How early do you want me to be ready?" she asked

"How about nine-thirty?"

"Great!" She stood up, forgetting all about her nudity, her heavy tits bouncing
as she retrieved her clothes.

Bill ogled her beautiful fully proportioned figure and watched her dress, a
knowing smile on his handsome face. Sometime Saturday, this beautiful child was
going to lose her cherry to him. He was sure about that.

"I'd better go," she said. "Mom will be wondering where I am, since the library
closed an hour ago."

Bill remained seated in the chair. "Remember Saturday."

"I won't forget," she said. She looked at his cock one last time, wondering if
what he said was true about how good it felt inside your body. He must be lying
just to fuck me. Otherwise, Katy would have fucked guys instead of letting dogs
lick her pussy. Anyway, the girls she knew at school who fucked, only did it to
keep their boyfriends. "Bye!" she said happily, her heart pounding with
excitement as she waved good-by and left.

Chapter 2

Tammy stood impatiently on the corner, glancing at the clock across the street
in front of the drug store. It was almost nine-forty-five and Bill Anderson
wasn't there. She was horrified he wouldn't show and that all he had really
wanted was that blow-job. She frowned, wishing she had let him fuck her. He
might have remembered their date. She paced in front of the library, figuring he
was mad because she refused him and now he wasn't going to show up.

"Damn!" she muttered under her breath, hurrying up the stairs to the library,
deciding he might be inside working.

She came back outside, feeling worse than she had felt before. She was positive
he wasn't going to show now. They had told her he called in sick. He didn't even
want to face her. She sniffed back a tear, knowing she would never be able to go
back to the library with him working there. Rejected, she trod heavily down the
stairs and turned up the street toward home.

She reached the corner and heard a horn toot. She looked up. It was Bill
Anderson and he was waving to her! He didn't forget! She rushed across the
street, oblivious to the traffic, and climbed in the car, a happy smile on her
beautiful face.

"Sorry I'm late," Bill apologized as he quickly pulled away, not wanting anyone
to see him with such a young girl. "I got held up at the house for awhile."

"Ohhh, it's okay," she gasped, delighted, her heart pounding. "I was so afraid
you changed your mind."

"I'd never change my mind about you," he said. "I've been thinking about you
ever since you sucked me off in the office Thursday night."

Tammy blushed. She had thought about that night too. Her dreams were filled with
the memories of his cock and his hot cum squirting in her mouth. Her dreams were
filled with images of dogs, too. She hardly slept a wink or did any schoolwork
thinking about what she'd do once she got to Mr. Anderson's house. She had
waited all day yesterday for today to begin.

She turned her head, spotting a huge dog lying on the back seat of the car.
"Ohhhh, Mr. Anderson. He's beautiful!"

"I brought Laddie to meet you," he said, heading out of town for his small place
in the country.

"Ohhh, thank you," she cooed, stretching over the seat to pet the huge gorgeous
collie. "He's so furry and pretty!" The juices in her pussy began to flow and
she sighed soft little purrs as she stroked the collie's sable and white coat.
She scratched the tip of his nose and the dog opened his eyes, his pink tongue
flashed out and swept across her hand.

"Ooooo," she crooned, her imagination running rampant as she imagined the dog
licking her pussy with his pink tongue, the same way she had seen her older
sister get licked by her friend's German shepherd.

Bill swallowed hard as he glanced occasionally from the corner of his eye to
leer at the exuberant horny teenager. His cock had ached all morning and
everytime he thought about sticking his prick in her virgin cunt he groaned.

Tammy felt terrific and she snuggled close to Bill, her thigh pressed against
his leg while he drove. She had tried going out of the house without a bra, but
her mother, always watchful, caught her and sent her back to her room, and
almost refused to let her out. It had taken some fast talking before her mother
changed her mind. She rubbed her tit against his arm, wishing she didn't have a
bra on and was naked. She blushed at her own boldness, shocked at her dirty

"Touch my cock, Tammy," Bill suggested. "Take it out and play with it."

Tammy giggled. The idea of playing with a man's cock in daylight, in a car, was
almost as daring as being naked.

"Go on," Bill urged, wanting to set an erotic mood before they reached his

Tammy put her hand on his lap, feeling the hardness through his pants. She
pulled down the zipper, her mouth already dry as she anticipated the feel of his
cock. Her young vulnerable mind was so impressed from her first adult sex act
that night in the library.

"Mmmmm ..." she cooed, pulling out his long thick prick. She stroked it, the
memory of its touch and strength all rushed back to her as she hypnotically
played with his throbbing cock. Her mouth and throat constricted, remembering
how his cock had felt squirting its gooey cream into her gobbling mouth.

"Ohhhhh, Mr. Anderson," she purred, pulling the skin up and down his rigid
steely prick. She fondled him lovingly, her pussy pulsing. She felt all grown-up
as they drove along the highway, her hand on his cock, her other hand betweea
her legs, rubbing the heel of her hand against her jean-clad crotch.

"What are you going to do with the dogs?" he asked, his head spinning with the
thought of this young girl naked with his dogs.

"I don't know," Tammy said. "I think I'm gonna let one of them lick me."

"How about Laddie back there?"

Tammy let go of Bill's prick and turned around to the back. She reached over and
stroked the dog's fur, trembling in anticipation. "Aaaaaaa," she mewed.
Stretching over the front seat, she rubbed his belly. The dog automatically
rolled on his side, lifting his leg. Tammy gasped. Peeking from between his legs
was the red tip of his giant cock.

"Mr. Anderson! He's getting hot!"

Bill gulped, wishing they were at his place. He wanted to watch her, not driving
and missing everything. He sighed with relief when he turned off the main road,
heading down the dirt path that led to his house in the woods. "He likes to be
rubbed between his legs, Tammy. Just like I do."

Tammy giggled, her hand boldly stroking closer to the dog's peeking cock. Her
eyes widened in awe as she gaped at Laddie's cock inching out more and more from
his hairy sheath. "Ohhhhh, shit, Mr. Anderson. This is going to be fantastic! I
can't wait!"

"NEITHER CAN I!" He pulled to a stop in front of the old house and turned the
motor off. "Let's go, Tammy."

She nodded, tearing her eyes away from the cock that held her captivated. She
followed Bill into the house, with Laddie right behind her, sniffing her ass as
she walked, his long pointed nose jabbing between her thighs.

"He's horny, isn't he?" she asked innocently, gently pushing the dog away from

"Why don't you suck my cock while Laddie here, licks your sweet little pussy?"
he suggested, sitting down on the large overstuffed chair.

Tammy looked at him, embarrassed. Now that the time was upon her, she wasn't
sure if she could go through with it, especially with Mr. Anderson watching. "I-
I don't know," she stammered.


"No! I just wanna do it alone the first time," she said softly, hoping he
wouldn't get mad. "Do you mind?"

Bill looked warmly at the young teenager. He understood. There was plenty of
time. Let her go at her own pace, he decided. "Whatever you want, honey," he
soothed. "Later though, I want to watch, okay?"

"Okay," she said, a happy smile spreading across her pretty face. "You're not

"Not at all. I have a lot of things to do. You get to know Laddie here." He
petted the dog on his large head. "I'll be back later and you can tell me about

"Ohhhh, thank you," she bubbled. She rushed into his arms, kissing him
gratefully on the mouth.

Bill held her tight, relishing the feel of her body against him. His cock still
raged from Tammy playing with it in the car and he rubbed his groin against her
belly. "Have fun, honey." He kissed her hard and left, rubbing his cock and
imagining Tammy being licked by his dogs.

Alone, Tammy's heart skipped a beat. Her moment of truth was upon her and she
began to shake with both anticipation and anxiety. With trembling hands, she
petted the dog's head and long pointed snout. "Okay," she whispered. "It's just
you and me, Laddie."

She unfastened her jeans, her hands shaking so much she could hardly unsnap the
button. Her jeans dropped to the floor and Laddie began wagging his tail as if
he knew what was going to happen.

"Ohhhh," she moaned aloud, standing before the dog in a pair of pink bikini
panties and a sweater. She pulled the sweater over her head and laid it on the
chair, then unhooked her bra, and laid it across her sweater. She bit her nail
nervously and looked at the beautiful collie who was sniffing between her legs
at her moistened panties.

"Yesssss," she sighed. "You're gonna get it real soon," she said to the horny
dog. Speaking to him helped settle her nerves, even though he couldn't

"You're the first dog, Laddie," she said, rolling her panties down with sweaty
shaking hands, leaving them hugging her thighs. Her cunt was finally exposed to
the large dog. He picked up her scent and jabbed his pointed nose at the nervous

"Aghhhhh," she gasped, quickly pulling up her panties. Heavy short gasps filled
the empty room as Laddie began to whine for her juicy pussy. "Not yet, Laddie.
Not yet!" She patted his head and sat down on the floor with him, propping
herself against the couch and folding her legs. She made a kissing sound with
her lips. "C'mon, boy. C'mon."

The dog's snout came straight to the girl's face. His tongue slapped out,
licking her blushed cheeks. He slurped his pink broad tongue, wetting her face.

Tammy gasped at the exuberance of the playful dog. Panting, Laddie's tongue
accidentally hit her open mouth, darting in like a wet snake looking for a warm
hole. She gurgled on his tongue as it slithered in her mouth.

"Uhhhhh," she moaned, pulling her mouth away from his tongue. "Good, boy!" She
petted his flanks, yearning to touch his prick. Alone with him now, and without
the safety of the car seat between them, she was afraid.

Laddie licked her neck, whimpering as he flashed his tongue across her
shoulders, soaking her creamy flesh with his doggie spit. He crouched down,
attempting to rub his cock against her leg, wanting to get himself off.

Tammy noticed this and giggled. The tension in the room mounted as the girl's
passion grew in intensity. She giggled again as Laddie began licking her tits.
Her own giggles seemed to calm her in this unfamiliar room that reeked of the
sex she dreamt about for such a long time.

"Ohhhh, Laddie," she moaned, resting back, her head lying on the sofa cushions.
"Lick them! Lick my big titties!"

She squirmed on the floor, her virgin body being caressed by a tongue for the
first time. "Ahhhhh," she sighed, feeling like she was in heaven as Laddie
licked her huge globes of tit-flesh. She shook them at him; and giggled
gleefully. The nipples ached and she wished he could suck them instead of just
licking. She shook them in his face again and Laddie nipped on her tender tits,
his teeth snipping her nipples.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried out in joy as the little prickling pains from his fangs
drove tremors up her spine. "Laddie! Laddie!"

Laddie slobbered his doggie spit all over her large jiggling tits. Picking up
the sweet heady aroma of her pussy, he pushed his pointed nose against her
thighs, aiming for her crotch, but she closed her thighs tight. The erotic smell
of her heated pussy agitated the huge dog and he growled, his head squirming in
a concerted effort to spread the child's thighs apart.

"Not yet," she gasped, not quite ready to give into her secret desires just yet.
She slid herself down until she was lying flat on the floor. She gazed up
between Laddie's legs, catching sight of his jutting cock seeking out menacingly
from its hairy covering.

"You're sooo big," she purred to the animal. She rolled quickly over on her
belly, crushing her milky tits against the deep-piled carpet. "Lick me all
over," she sighed, wishing the dog could understand her. "Lick, Laddie. Lick me
all over."

Laddie was only interested in the juicy scent of Tammy's pussy as it reeked
passionately. He forced his nose between her thighs, jamming it against her
panties, and into her heated virgin cunt. The panties, a pink barrier, annoyed
him and he barked.

"Shit," she cursed. She reached down and slid her panties to her knees. Using
her feet, she kicked them off, spreading her legs in a wide erotic vee. She was
now ready to accept the dog's tongue and give herself up to the climax she had
craved ever since watching Katy with a dog.

"Go ahead. Lick it!" She wriggled her ass cheeks in his face, becoming impatient
now that her panties were off and her pussy was uncovered for the horny collie.

Laddie, somehow knowing he could have the sweet-smelling pussy anytime, ignored
her. He whimpered and moved up her back, licking her sides and hips, his broad
pink tongue driving Tammy insane as she wriggled hotly on her belly.

"Ohhhh, Laddie," she sighed, squirming brazenly on the floor, her exposed clit
brushing against the coarse nap of the deep-piled rug. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, God,

She wrenched her body, her fingers going between her parted legs, stroking her
pussy and clit, humping her soft jiggling ass, fucking her clit into the floor.
"Lick me, Laddie," she sobbed, craving the dog's tongue to be swiping across her
hot bubbing cunt. "CHRIST! Lick me for God's sake!"

She rolled over on her back, pushing the dog's head, forcing him to go down to
the oozing sticky hole of her cunt. She humped up off the floor in a frantic
effort to make the dog lick her pussy. "Please," she begged, wishing the damn
collie could understand. "Pleeasssse!"

Laddie again picked up the heated scent of her hot pussy. His tongue slapped
across her belly, licking her tiny belly-button as Tammy squirmed, frustrated.
He licked, his own passion making him frantic. He growled, his nose finally
coming in contact with her pussy.

"Ohhhh," she wailed, as his cold wet nose hit the hot hard clit. "Ooooooh!" She
reached down, spreading her cuntlips in hopeful expectation that Laddie would
lick her cunt like she remembered her sister getting licked.

Laddie burrowed his long pointed snout against her cunt, his tongue slurping
out, darting between the outer folds of her virgin pussy. He lapped noisily at
her gaping succulent cunt. He dropped on all fours, growling as his long cock
rubbed the carpet. His long snout inched up into her pussy.

"YESSSSS!" she howled as his tongue slapped across her bloated clit and slurped
on her cunt. She began to have spasms. The erotic sensations so long in coming
were now happening, drowning her in a sea of perverted lust.

She thrashed like a contortionist on the floor, her body twisting as she tried
to get the dog to rip her virginity from her and feel her cunthole with his
tongue. She wanted to feel his tongue deep and to be rid of her cherry---the
barrier that was now betraying her. "Ohhhhh, my fuckin' Christ," she cried out
in frustrating anguish. "Noooooo!"

She slammed her pussy at the horny dog, grinding her clit into his snout. She
banged and humped her soft bottom on the floor. Her hands rubbed frantically
over her body in a desperate attempt to get off on the dog's tongue.

Laddie gobbled on Tammy's oozing cunt, his doggie tongue lapping up the juice as
fast as it could seep from her cunt. His tongue squirmed into her pussy, licking
as far as it could go while Tammy slammed down on him. He growled, frustrated by
her repeated banging on his muzzle.

Tammy, half out of her mind with passion, worked her pussy into a bubbling
lather as she rocked and bucked on the slurping dog. She pushed down against
him, her clit throbbing. Her pussy ached for a stiff cock. She wished now that
she had let Mr. Anderson fuck her in the library that night. It didn't matter
anymore that it would hurt. It only mattered that Laddie would be able to get
his tongue all the way up inside her hot pussy hole.

"Ohhhhh!" she wailed, her face flushed, her eyes dilated with overheated
excitement. She wriggled on the floor, trying to climax, trying to satisfy the
burning desire that for so long haunted her dreams. She thrashed at the dog's
muzzle, her eyes rolling, as the frustration of not getting all of his tongue
blended with the best feeling she had ever experienced. Being licked by a dog
was better than using her fingers, much better, but not as good as being fucked
to the hilt.

Bill entered the room, staring down at the squirming hot child. Her naked body
glistened with sweat, her tits jiggled from her frenzied jerky movements. Her
head lolled from side to side as she gasped and panted to cum. "Fuck him,
Tammy," he urged, his voice cracking with the strain of being denied her pussy.
"Fuck, Laddie! Let me watch you cum!"

Tammy looked up at the man standing above her. He was naked, his cock was
sticking out invitingly from between his hairy thighs. "Oooooohhh, Mr.
Anderson," she sobbed, her body thrilled with the joy of Laddie's tongue-
fucking. "Watch me! Watch me!"

"I am, child," said, plopping down in the big chair. "I wanna see you cum all
over Laddie's face."

"Yes! Yes!" she cried out jubilantly. "I'm getting ready. I'm soo close!"

Bill gulped. His mind envisioned the teenager doing the same wild gyrations with
his cock stuffed up her virgin cunt. His prick ached with passion as he thought
about how tight and juicy she would be. "Cum, baby. CUM!"

"Ahhhhhh, yessssssss, Mr. Anderson," she cried out in glorious passion. "I can
feel it comingggggg!"

She bucked on the dog. "Lick, Laddie. Lick my little pussy!" Tammy was
delirious, ranting and raving at the dog, her body gyrating and churning on the
floor in a fit of passion. "Ohhh, lick meeee ... Laddie-boy! Ooooohh!"

She felt her body reach new heights of ecstasy. She worked her ass against the
floor, her pussy banging against the dog's long snout as she tried to fuck his
entire head. She wanted his tongue all the way inside her pussy.

Laddie slurped in heat on her cunt. His own prick was throbbing, exposed to the
fullest extent from its hairy sheath. He growled at her cunthole, his tongue
dancing along the outer lips of her pussy and inside the tight entrance, his
tongue denied the full length of her delicious cunt.

"Oooooooohh," she cried out, grabbing her tits and crushing them in her hands.
"I'm cominggggg!" she screeched, not believing the magnitude of her orgasm as it
took control of her young virgin body.

"Ohhhh, God!" she shouted, thrashing about on the dog's snout as her orgasm
exploded in a myriad of exquisite sensations. She felt the explosion, her cunt
throbbed. She screamed, her fingers digging inside her cunt, her hips jerking
and humping at the dog. She came again and again on the dog's penetrating tongue
and her fingers.

"LADDIE!" she cried out in joy as she bounced on the floor, her ass making a
dull thudding noise each time she whacked her asscheeks against the carpet.

Laddie slapped on her cunt, his tongue tunneling into her pussy. Blocked by her
cherry skin, he began nipping on her hard exposed clit, growling and squirming
on the floor between her outstretched legs.

"AGGGHHHH!" she shrieked as his fangs nipped on her tiny clit, making her bolt
in agonizing pleasure. She bucked and jerked. Her head snapped from side to
side. "WATCH ME! WATCH ME!" she cried, wanting Bill to see her cum wildly on his

"I am, baby," he said huskily. His prick was so painful, his groin felt like a
hot poker had been shoved inside him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried out in ragged breaths as she came over and over again on
the dog, her pussy and clit banging into his hard digging snout.

She arched up, shaking uncontrollably, her ass humping a foot off the floor. She
held the position and trembled, then dropped back with a thud, convulsing
against the dog as her climax gradually ebbed. She panted weakly, trying to push
the dog away from her sensitive pussy.

"Pull him off," she begged, unable to stand the exquisite torture of the dog's
lapping tongue and nipping teeth. "Take him away. Please!"

Bill snapped his fingers. "Laddie!" The long-haired dog yelped and came away
from the spastic teenager and sat by his master's side. His long red prick stuck
out from beneath his hairy body as he squirmed in place.

Tammy blinked," regaining her sanity and sitting up. She smiled wickedly. "I
never got off like that," she gasped. "It was fantastic!"

"I could tell." He grinned, seeing the child change more and more. Each new
sexual episode was transforming her into a woman.

Tammy saw Bill's prick with renewed interest. If she allowed him to fuck her,
she could enjoy the dog so much more. It was a tempting idea; but, with the
passion in her body satisfied for the moment, she decided against it. The dog
had gotten her off on a fantastic orgasm and she had plenty of time for cocks
when she was older. A dog's tongue was enough for her.

"If you weren't a virgin, he could really tongue-fuck you," Bill said, as if
reading her mind.

She blushed, looking away. Her eyes caught sight of Laddie's huge cock sticking
out. She gaped at both Bill's prick and Laddie's huge meaty cock. "Oooooooh,"
she cooed. She wanted to touch the dog and Bill at the same time and watch them
cum together.

Bill saw her intense interest in his cock and the dog's. He grinned. She'd be
spreading her legs willingly for him in no time at all. There was absolutely no
reason to resort to force. "How about something to eat?"

"Great idea," she said, standing up, her tits bouncing. "I didn't have breakfast
this morning. Besides, your dog licking me like that really made me hungry."

"I like a girl with a hearty appetite."

"Do I have to get dressed?" she asked, taking his hand as they headed for the

"Not at all. I love looking at your naked body."

"I like looking at you, too," she said, beginning to open up to the handsome
man. With him, all her fantasies were going to come true. "You said you had
another dog."

"You'll see him soon enough," Bill promised, when they reached the kitchen. "I
want you to really get to know Laddie-boy first."

"I did," she giggled.

"There are a lot of other things you'll want to do with Laddie before you start
to take on two dogs at the same time."

"Two at the same time?" Her heart thumped wildly. She had never thought about
having two dogs lick her at once.

"We'll talk about that later. Right now, I want you to sit down and eat
breakfast. You're a growing girl and need all the nourishment you can get."

"Yea, if the rest of the day is going to be anything like a few minutes ago."

"It'll be better," he promised. "Much better.

Chapter 3

"What did you think of Laddie and his tongue?" Bill asked as he watched Tammy
wolf down her scrambled eggs and home-fried potatoes.

Tammy grinned sheepishly. "You saw." She blushed and finished the eggs.
"Breakfast was delicious!"

"Do you want anything else to eat?" he asked, a sly grin on his handsome face.

"I couldn't eat another thing." She stretched, her tits jiggling back in place
as she lowered her arms. "I'm full."

"What about Laddie?" He pointed to the beautiful collie lying in the corner, his
long red cock peeking from its hairy sheath. He was licking it casually, his
long pink tongue flicking on the glistening tip.

Tammy gulped in shock. "You mean ... suck him?" she asked. The idea seemed
ludicrous. "I can't do that!"

"Why not?" Bill said. "He licked you, didn't he?"

"It's different," she argued. "I couldn't put his prick in my mouth."

"How about up your pussy?"

Her eyes widened. "Never!" The way he was staring at her nude body made her wish
she was dressed. "I'll play with him," she said, hoping it would appease him.
She knew that wasn't the only reason. She truly wanted to feel the dog's prick
in her hand.

Bill's cock stiffened as he thought of Tammy being fucked by Laddie. "C'mon
upstairs on the bed. You can play with Laddie-boy up there."

Tammy took his hand, glaring at his bulging cock. "I'll play with you too," she
offered, tingling from the idea of getting them both off. "I'll even suck you

"We'll see," Bill said as they climbed the stairs.

"When am I going to see your other dog?" she asked as he ushered her into the

"This afternoon," he promised. "Why don't you lie down on the bed?"

Tammy, willing to oblige him almost anything, hopped up on the bed, her huge
creamy tits jiggling as she lay down. "C'mon, Laddie-boy," she called. "C'mon up
and get your cock played with." She giggled and closed her thighs, a little
frightened by the way Bill was ogling her red swollen pussy.

Bill saw the discomfort on her face. "You don't have anything to worry about
with me," he said. He snapped his fingers and the dog leaped up on the bed.

"You're such a pretty dog," she cooed, caressing his soft furry flank. Her hand
stroked him lovingly as she thought about taking his doggie prick in her hand.
She looked at Bill who was sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm getting hot all
over again."

"Good," he said. "I want this day to be the best in your life."

"It already is," she mewed. Her hand rubbed the dog's chest and he plopped down,
pushing against her bare thigh. She felt his cock against her skin. "Oooooh,
he's all wet and sticky."

"He wants to cum," Bill said, his own prick throbbing.

"Do you want to cum, too?" she asked, her voice sweet and innocent. "I have two

"Later." An evil grin passed over his face. Later."

Tammy shrugged. She rolled on her side, preparing to have fun with the pretty
collie. "Nice, Laddie-boy," she sighed. Hugging the dog against her naked skin,
she tingled at the feel of his silken coat. "You're so soft and furry," she
moaned as the dog squirmed in her arms. She put her leg out, allowing the dog to
fuck it. "He's fucking my leg!" she squealed jubilantly. "I can feel his sticky

Bill leered at the naked child and his collie. He rubbed his crotch. The erotic
sight of a naked teenager lying on his bed and letting Laddie fuck her leg was
an overwhelming aphrodisiac. "Play with him," he said huskily. "Play with his

"Ooooh, yeaaaaa," she giggled. She pushed the dog away from her thigh and glared
down at his menacing red prick. "He's sooo big!" She rubbed his belly, her hand
moving closer to his long glistening prick.

"Touch it," he whispered, the emotional impact of the moment blowing his mind.
"Touch his cock."

Her eyes shone with passion as she looked at him. "I will," she sighed. "I don't
want to rush." She let her lower lip fall into a pout.

Bill restrained his desire. "Okay, baby," he moaned, his prick swelling so much
the pain was becoming unbearable. He rubbed his prick in his huge fist. "You
just take your time."

Tammy ogled his meaty cock and his hand stroking the long veiny shaft. She
remembered how good his cock had tasted in her mouth. "You want me to suck you
off first, before I jerk Laddie-boy into doggie heaven?" She giggled again.

"You take care of Laddie-boy, I'll wait." Waiting would only make it better when
he finally broke her cherry. There was no way this sweet, hot bundle of flesh in
a woman's body was ever going to get out of this bed still a virgin---even if it
meant raping her. His patience had vanished. Only his passion and desire were
alive and waiting.

"I might be a long time," she said, teasing him. "I want Laddie to have a good
time, like you said. Remember, he licked me and didn't rush." She was using his
words to taunt him.

His jaw tightened. He grabbed her ankle, squeezing it in his large hand. He
hissed in his breath, his eyes burning coals. "Take as long as you like," he

"You're hurting me, Mr. Anderson," she whimpered, wiggling to be free from his
powerful grip.

Instantly, Bill released her. "Sorry."

He stood up, knowing he couldn't control himself. He went to the chair, putting
some distance between them. "Have fun, baby."

"I am," she purred, returning her attention to the dog. She stroked his belly
gently, her eyes glued to his sheath and the exotic tip of his prick peeking
out. Her hand slithered past his prick to his balls. "You got lotsa cum in your
balls?" she sighed to the dog. "They're nice and heavy."

Laddie whimpered, his hindquarters squirming on the bed as Tammy felt his furry
balls. His soft whimpering echoed in the silent room and he gazed blankly at the
child who was tormenting his body with soft caresses.

"Nice, boy," she cooed. Her hands caressed the inside of his hind legs. She
spread his legs, leering down at his cock. Almost half of his doggie prick was
exposed as she stroked him into a frenzy.

"Get nice and hot, Laddie," she whispered as if he could understand her words.
"I wanna see how much cum you can shoot."

She inched down on the bed, wanting to be closer to the magnificent prick
jutting out from the hairy thighs. Her fingers touched his prick for the first
time and shock waves ran through her body. "Aaaaaaaa," she sighed raggedly. She
placed her fingertip back on the exposed flesh of Laddie's prick. It was sticky
and she thrilled to the touch. Her heart thumped.

She licked her lips, moistening her mouth. She put her hand around the dog's
long cock and squeezed. The dog trembled" and squirmed against her grasp.
Whining and whimpering, he tried fucking her tiny clenched fist.

Tammy pushed back his sheath, exposing the entire length of his gigantic cock.
"It's sooo nice and hot," she mewed, pulling on his cock, her hand sliding along
the greased prick.

Laddie frantically began fucking her hand, his fangs bared. His tongue was
lolling out as he fucked the tight hand around his cock in a pursuit to empty
his load of doggie jism. Yelping, he squirmed on his side. His hind leg was high
in the air, affording the girl room to attack his prick with her jerking hand.

"Oooooooh," she moaned, her body trembling as she slid her hand up and down the
hot doggie cock. "I think he'd going to cum soon, Mr. Anderson. Watch!"

"Yes, baby," he said, his voice gravelly and low.

She glanced over at him and saw the lust glowing in his eyes. "I'll suck you as
soon as I'm done with Laddie," she promised. Her hand was slowly gliding up and
down the dog's prick. She wanted the experience to last.

"I'll be waiting," he said, knowing that a blow-job wasn't what was going to
happen. He was going to fuck her---fuck her good and proper--- like a virgin
should be fucked!

Tammy gave all her attention to the hot lust-crazed collie that lay whimpering
by her side. She squiggled on her belly, both of her hands wrapped lovingly
around his giant cock. She stroked it fast, then slow, driving the dog mad with
her teasing.

Laddie lashed at her hands, humping his furry body, yelping and whining at being
denied satisfaction.

Tammy felt the blood surging through his cock as it grew larger in her hand. She
squeezed his cock hard. Laddie jerked and whimpered. She squeezed his cock
again, thrilled with her power over the dog. She wondered if her sister Katy had
ever jerked a dog's cock.

The hot and horny dog began to yelp in a mindless rhythm as he neared the
threshold of his orgasm. He jerked harder at Tammy's hand, his hindquarters
picking up speed, slamming his meaty pulsing cock through her fists.

Bill leered at both Tammy and his collie, his mouth parched with passion. He
glared at her soft ass cheeks as she squirmed on her belly. Her legs were spread
and he saw the juices of her virgin cunt moistening the silken hair of her
gorgeous pussy. He stroked his cock, his mind on fire as he contemplated
breaking the beautiful child's cherry after Laddie blasted his load of doggie

"Ohhhhh, he's getting ready," she squealed with delight. She quickened her pace,
sliding her hand rapidly up and down the dog's hard throbbing cock. "He's gonna

The collie's neck strained, his fangs bared as he approached orgasm. He jerked
on his side, ramming his prick repeatedly into her tight fist.

Tammy gulped. Her eyes were wide with fascination as she was anxious to see the
jism shoot out from his prick. "He's comingggg!" she shouted excitedly. She felt
the pressure mount inside the prick and his driving cock swelling to a new size
in her hand. "Shit! He's comingggg!"

The dog yelped and exploded. A thick steady stream of doggie cum shot out of his
piss-slot drenching Tammy's face as she peered curiously at his jerking cock.

"OOOOOHHH!" she howled with surprise. Being sprayed with doggie jism was blowing
her mind. "He's coming on my face!" The doggie cum splashing her tits and face
made her squirm hotly on the bed. Her hand moved in a blur, flying up and down
Laddie's squirting red cock.

More cum gushed from the overheated dog, soaking her flesh with great gobs of
hot gooey jism. Laddie whimpered. His cock was spurting and squirting the hot
cream in Tammy's face and all over her wriggling tits.

Her hand squeezed his cock hard in a steady tempo, draining the last few drops
of his cum. "C'mon!" she cried, urging more of his cum to splatter against her
hot trembling body. "Cum! CUM! CUM! CUM!" she chanted, wanting the dog to squirt
more. She was crazed by his spewing prick. Her eyes glazed with desire. She
jerked his cock quicker, feeling it begin to shrink inside her hand.

Laddie barked, jerking away from her as she released his prick. He leaped off
the bed and ran to the corner. He curled up in a furry ball, his eyes half-
closed in a dreamy expression.

"I think he liked that a lot," Tammy said proudly, believing she had done
something her sister wouldn't do. Droplets of doggie jism oozed down her pink
tittie-flesh. "You ready for my mouth?" she asked, becoming brazen. "I'll suck
you just like I did in the library,"

Bill stood up. He glared into her face, covered with his pet's cum. "Let me
clean you up first."

She lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She really felt like a
woman. She had just jerked a dog's cockmeat off, letting him squirt her in the
face. Now she was going to suck a man's prick and let him squirt his cum into
her mouth.

"Did you say something?" Bill asked, coming back in, the room with a washcloth
and towel.

"No, just thinking out loud," she said, her cheeks reddening slightly. "I can't
wait until I suck you." It was true. Ever since Thursday, she had been having
dreams about Bill Anderson and his cock, along with her usual dreams of doggie

"I believe you, Tammy," he said, climbing on the bed next to her.

He washed off her tits. The soft warm cloth felt sensuous against her flushed
and tingly skin. He washed away the white gobs of doggie jism, then wiped off
her beautiful face.

"You're all clean," he said, drying her body gently with the big fluffy towel.

"Ummmmm," she moaned. "It feels soooo gooood." She squirmed sensuously on the
bed, closing her eyes, reveling in the man's touch as he lingered extra long on
her succulent tits.

"Except for that one time back in the library when you touched my pussy," she
murmured, "I've never been touched. Will you feel me all over?" Her eyes opened
and she stared at him.

"Yessss, my sweet little virgin. For as long as you like." His fingers blazed a
path between her tits, across her belly to her light brown strands of silken
pussy hair. He toyed there, running his fingers through her soft hair.

"MMMMMmmmm," she moaned, rocking her soft ass on the bed. She reached down and
held his raging cock in her tiny hand. She squeezed it and Bill groaned.

He spread his fingers apart, the tips sinking into the warm tingling flesh of
her belly. He inched up to her tits, milking the hot flesh in his burly hand.

"Ohhh, Mr. Anderson," she whimpered in delight. "It feels so wonderful." His
expert hand deftly caressed and kneaded the soft flesh of her big tits. She was
glad she had big tits---it gave him more to play with. Her hand clasped over his
hand, making him squeeze her tits harder.

Bill obliged by squeezing and kneading her tits forcefully until Tammy whimpered
in pain. He moved down her body to her pussy again, his finger tantalizing her
cuntlips. "Spread your legs, baby," he groaned, stroking his finger through the
puffy folds of her outer cuntlips. "You're all wet and hot down here."

"I know," she sighed. Having a man talk about her pussy so openly was really
turning her on. She squirmed against his finger, a hungry gleam in her eyes.
"I'm real hot too."

"So am I, Tammy," he growled, stroking his finger through the hot wet gash of
her virgin cunt.

"You want me to suck you?" she asked, hoping he would decline. What he was doing
to her body with his fingers was fantastic!

"I'll play with you first," he said, knowing that was what she wanted. Besides,
when he was finished, he was going to rip her cherry wide open. He could wait.
It added more spice to the event.

"Ohhhhhhhh, thank you," she purred, her voice cracking with emotion. She slid
her hands down her trembling body to her pussy, touching his hand as he caressed
her wet swollen cuntlips. She shivered, her fingers getting wet from the hot
bubbling juices of her cunt.

She held his hand steady, humping her clit on the heel of his hand. "Un! Un!
Un!" she grunted. The pleasure was overwhelming as she fucked his hand. Her eyes
rolled. It was exciting, like doing it with Laddie. Everything was better than
the old way with her fingers.

Bill, seeing the child trying to get herself off, pulled his hand away from her
pussy. There was no way he was going to allow her to cum now. He wanted her
hotter than a firecraker when he climbed on top of her virgin body and plundered
her pussy with his stiff aching cock.

"Whyja do that?" she moaned, humping her ass as she pouted. "I was getting ready
to cum."

"You can cum later," he said. "Right now, I'm going to have a little fun with
your body." He spread her thighs, gazing at her virgin cunt, the thin cheery
skin hidden from his view.

Tammy gasped as she saw his head between her thighs. "Ohhh, my God!" she cried.
"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to finger you," he exclaimed, his fingertip exploring inside the
tight channel of her teenage cunt.

"Don't break me!" she cried out in panic. "I wanna stay a virgin."

Bill inwardly grinned. "Sure, baby," he lied. "I want you to stay a virgin too.
It makes it more fun."

She sighed with relief and relaxed, giving in to the erotic handling of her
cunt. "Okay," she gasped. "Do anything else you want."

"I will," he muttered under his breath. "Anything."

Tammy didn't hear him and she closed her eyes, spreading her legs as wide as
possible. She shuddered. She could feel his hot breath on her body. Her hands
cupped her tits and she squeezed them, feeling the nipples swell and pushing
against the palm of her hands. "Ohhhhh, Mr. Anderson!" she cried out in joyous
relief. "I'm in heaven!"

"You soon will be," he promised, keeping his voice low so the hot and excited
teenager couldn't hear. "You soon-will be."

He stroked her cunt, probing inside, feeling the barrier that kept him from
entering deeper. He grinned, knowing that soon it would be torn away like a
piece of paper. He made soft sensuous circles on the tip of her clit. The tiny
button bloated as Tammy became hotter and hotter with each expert manipulation
of his hands.

"Aaaaah," she whimpered, arching up to meet him. She rocked her hips, pushing
her clit against his hand. He was tantalizing her, not letting her clit receive
any hard pressure, keeping his touch light and delicate.

"Harder," she ranted, her voice tight. "Do it harder!"

Bill ignored her plea and continued tormenting the tiny blood-filled clit. He
pushed back the skin that kept her clit protected. He moved the skin up and
down, making Tammy whine and twitch like Laddie had done while she was playing
with his cock.

"I can't stand it," she sobbed, humping her cunt at him in a delirious manner.
She wanted to get more than just a light tormenting sensation from his deft
touch. "Make me come! Pleeeeeaaaase!"

He had her under his power now. It wouldn't be long. He looked at her, feasting
on her pink tingling flesh as she squirmed and twisted under his perfect
manipulations. "You'll cum, my child, when I'm ready." His voice was like
gravel, harsh and rough.

Her eyes showed fear, mingled with passion. "What are you going to do?" she
asked, noticing the subtle change in his manner.

"Nothing, my little hot pet. I'm just going to make you happy."

Tammy believed him. She dropped back on the bed and took up her action again,
humping her clit on his teasing fingers. She rocked on her ass cheeks and

Bill scraped his fingers down her cunt to her sticky ass cheeks as she squirmed
fretfully on the bed. He slipped his huge hand under her quivering ass and
kneaded her flesh, his fingers teasing her crack.

Tammy's eyes widened in pleasure. "Ohhh, Mr. Anderson!" she cried out. "Please
get me to cum! Please! I'm going crazy!"

"What about me?" he asked, devouring her body with his piercing eyes. "You
didn't get me off yet. I thought you were going to suck me."

"Yes! Yes!" she moaned, her head reeling with passion. "I'll suck you. Hurry!"
She clawed the air, trying to grab him, wanting his cock to fill her mouth. The
sooner she sucked out his cum, the sooner she would get off with his marvelous

"What about Laddie? You want him to lick you while you suck my cock?" he
tormented, driving the young girl crazy with eroticism.

"Anything!" she begged. "Anything! Just get me off!"

"Whatever my sweet virgin baby wants," Bill said smugly, taking his hands away
from Tammy's trembling body. He leaned over her, leering into her flushed and
excited face. His cock touched her belly and Tammy jerked in spasms. "Unnnnnn,"
he groaned, reveling in the pleasure of his cock's touch against her hot flesh.

"Bring your cock to my mouth," she wailed, too hot to realize that he was going
to ravage her virgin pussy with his prick, instead of feeding it to her hungry
mouth. "Hurry!"

"I'm coming, baby," he soothed, sliding his prick up her belly until he was
straddling the child's face. His hard swollen prick was at her lips. He held his
cockshaft at the base, moving it over her mouth, denying himself the pleasure of
her cherry until the last possible moment. He pushed, sinking it between her
parted lips.

She gurgled as his prick pressed into her gullet. She sucked like a starved
animal, gobbling and chewing, her tongue snaking around the piss-slot and bell-
shaped tip. She humped up, her hips moving in rhythm to his shifing prick.

Bill gazed down into her lust-filled face. He pulled his spit-soaked cock out of
her mouth, her face registering surprise. "I'll be back," he said. "I want to
rub my prick all along your body."

Too hot to debate with him, Tammy sighed heavily, knowing that he was going to
drive her crazy before getting her off. "Hurry back," she cooed, licking her
lips, trying to make her mouth look as appetizing as possible. "I wanna suck you

Bill nodded, his wet cock sliding between her full creamy tits. He stopped, his
prick buried in the valley of the two delectable tits. He squeezed her tits
together, covering his prick shaft, the cockhead peeking out. "Lift up and

Gasping and panting passionately, Tammy lifted her head. The erotic sight of
seeing how he was using her tits made her whimper. Her head swam in desire. Her
eyes rolled as she tried to focus on the fantastic sight.

Bill fucked her titties. His cock jutted out from her creamy tits, the cock tip
hitting her lips as she lifted her head to greet it. "Unnnnnn," he groaned.
"Open your sweet fuckin' mouth."

Tammy parted her lips, giving him a wide tunnel to shove his cockhead in. Her
hips squiggled and her ass cheeks rubbed against the sheets as she squirmed and
twisted under his straddled legs. Each time his prick popped into her mough, she
sucked, flashing her tongue on the cocktip, nipping as he pulled out.

"Aghhhh," he grunted in pleasure as her mouth tortured his prick until he could
stand the excruciating pain no longer. He slipped his aching cock from her hot
jiggling titties and slid the wet, throbbing prick down across her belly.

"What are you going to do?" she gasped, hungry for his prick. "Let me suck your

"I'll be back, pet," he moaned. "I want to drench my prick in your pussy juice
before you suck again."

Her eyes widened in innocent delight.


"Uh huh," he panted, his prick slipping along her belly through her soft cunt
hair to the wet swollen lips of her hot virgin pussy. He balanced himself on the
powerful arm, his other hand stroking his long aching cock through the furnace
of her puffy pussy lips. The scorching heat of her cunt was tremendous and he
had to grit his teeth to keep from slamming his cock into Tammy's unsuspecting

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she panted, her mouth drooling as he stroked his stiff cock along
her hot bubbly pussy-slit. She jerked and humped his prick, getting his cockhead
to bang against her swollen clit.

Bill positioned his long thick prick at the entrance of her hot cunt. He pushed
gently, his cockhead sinking beyond the outer limits of her pussy and into the
entrance of her virgin cunt.

"Ohhhhh, don't" she cried, afraid of what he might do. "Please don't put your
cock in me!"

"I'm not," he lied. "I just wanna get my prick all wet and gooey for your

In her innocence, the teenage sex kitten believed him. She spread her legs,
wanting him to have as much room as possible to drench his cock with her pussy
juice. The fact that she was going to suck his cock and taste her own pussy
cream was intriguing. She worked her hips up and down, the hot cream of her cunt
greasing his cockhead.

Bill groaned and pushed his cock in easily, touching the barrier that blocked
his way to her hidden delights. His mind was drowning in its own lust as he
prepared for the first violent assault on the child's virgin cunthole.

"You're pushing too hard," she whimpered, feeling the pressure of his cockhead
against her cherry skin. She caught the gleam in his eye and knew he was going
to fuck her. Oooohhhh, nooooo!"

"Yessssss!" he shouted. At the same time, his cock thrust headlong into her
body. His prick ripped her cherry skin like it was paper, sinking deep into her
hot tight cunt. He felt her body beneath him surge in an effort to expel his
invading prick, yet her cunt swallowed his cock up as if it had been always
waiting for this one special moment.

"AAAAYYYIIIEEE!" she screamed, her voice a shrill piercing sound of agonizing
pain. She thrashed against his body as the searing pain raged within her. Her
tight pussy was stretched beyond belief by Bill's long penetrating cock.

"Take your cock OUT!" she howled, beating his back with her tiny fists. "You're
killing me!" She was crying, wriggling frantically beneath him, her hips
bucking, her legs slapping as she fought her assailant. Bill remained motionless
while the young girl lashed at him in a vain effort to free herself from his
demanding prick. He rode out her fury until she lay docile beneath him, until
she was ready to be taught the fine art of fucking.

Gasping and fighting for air, Tammy conceded the victory to Bill. Her arms fell
limply to her side, her legs lay motionless and her body gave up all effort of
fighting the painful piece of cockmeat stuffed inside her.

"You ready to accept my cock?" he asked, his prick feeling the beginning of a
response inside her pussy. The cunt muscles clinging to him during her violent
tirade, began to pulsate ever so faintly against his buried cock.

"Why?" she sobbed, hating him for destroying her virginity. The fact that he had
satisfied her secret fantasy was meaningless. The girls at school were right! It
was painful and wasn't any fun at all! She sniffed back a tear. The only bright
spot in this terrible mess was that Laddie would now be able to scoot his tongue
all the way up her cunthole. She decided to endure the pain of Bill Anderson's
cock for the sake of Laddie's tongue; that is, if she decided to stay after this
horrible ordeal was over.

"You'll see," he said, easing his prick out to the cock tip. The muscles of her
cunt clung to his prick as if the cock were going to leave forever. He grinned.
Her body began to respond to what her mind would soon know; a cock brought great
pleasure and should be fucked as often as possible.

He pushed his rigid prick back into her cunt. The move was easier now and with
each successive pump, Tammy's cunt grew more receptive. The cunt muscles were
beginning to throb more powerfully. Her body seemed to rise up to meet him, each
time he eased his prick back and forth in her pussy.

"Mr. Anderson ... Ahhhhh!" she cried out, not believing the wonderful things
happening to her body, especially in the hot bubbling cauldron of her cock-
stuffed cunthole. The pain subsided. It was replaced by a warm glow that spread
outward, encompassing her entire body. "OHHhh! OHHHHH!" The glow was becoming a
fire and her hips began to jerk up to meet his cock as he jabbed his prick
deeper with each successive pump.

"Yessss, baby," he groaned, his cock swelling, stretching the elastic muscles of
her pussy. "I told you!" He picked up his pace, jabbing at her in long even
strokes. She matched him this time and he knew the rest would come naturally.

Tammy, still not believing the wonderful feeling in her cunt, clung to him,
waiting for each filling jab of his cock. She rocked on her soft ass cheeks,
lifting her ass to meet his magnificent prick as it sent ripples of glorious
pleasure throughout her quivering body.

"FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" she found herself pleading for more of his cock, wanting
more of his fabulous feeling. Her friends were wrong! It was fantastic! She
squirmed and twisted beneath him, experimenting with her cunt, learning about
the new erotic sensations that were bombarding her body from Bill Anderson's
fantastic prick.

"Yes, my sweet little pet," he groaned. He picked up speed and power, ramming
his aching cock deep into Tammy's hot pussy each time he lurched forward. Each
time, he held his cock buried completely in her cunt for a split second,
twisting his prick in a vicious arc inside the tight confines of her pussy.

She screamed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, attempting to pull him
down on top of her. She arched up, hurling her clit into his prick each time he
slammed down into her pussy. She quivered and squirmed against his hairy body as
he twisted his prick in her pussy like a corkscrew.

"MORE! MORE!" she howled, caught up in her fantastic first fuck. She wrapped her
legs around his hips, digging her heels into the sinewy muscles of his lower
back. She humped up off the mattress wanting it harder, wanting it deeper,
wanting it faster!

Bill knew what the woman-child wanted. He pulled his meaty cockshaft out to the
cocktip, watching her squirm beneath him in flustered passion. "Now for some
heavy fucking, kid!"

She stared at him wide-eyed and ready for anything he could dish out. "Yessss!

Bill lashed at her pussy in powerful thrusts, pounding his cock into her tight
cunt in short rapid jabs, his mind set on coming now. Games were over, his
passion had to be satisfied. He fucked her with a vengeance, slamming and
jamming the exuberant body beneath him into the mattress.

Quickly his prick swelled with the boiling jism from his balls. He was ready! He
glared into her face and saw the unbridled lust on the child's face. She was

Tammy, even in her innocence, sensed she was about to experience the most
fantastic orgasm in her young life. Her first orgasm with a cock, a man's cock!
She welcomed him pulling him down on top of her, crushing her tits into his
broad masculine chest. She squirmed under his thunderous body, scraping her sore
nipples into his hard manly frame.

"I'm gonna cummmm!" she cried out in delight. "Ohhh! Yessss! I'm cominggggg!"

Bill concentrated on his slamming cock. A blurring series of quick powerful jabs
brought him to the summit seconds behind Tammy. His prick erupted all at once in
a steady stream of thick heavy cum.

His head stretched and strained back and he growled deep inside his throat. His
successive powerful strokes kept them both at the climax peak for what seemed
like an eternity. Then in one explosive moment, the two bodies rammed each
other, each bent on their own pleasure and satisfaction. They whacked each other
with their naked sweaty bodies, slapping mindlessly. The squishy cream of his
jism mingled with her exploding pussy. For the first time, her climax was all
powerful, all encompassing. Her cunt erupted like a volcano, hot white cum
seeping and spreading like molten lava.

Sobbing hysterically after her first fuck, Tammy drove her pussy up at his
raging prick in a relentless pursuit of selfish desire. She jerked and twisted,
her mind a blur of passion as Bill's prick did things to her that had only been
hot wet dreams before. Now, they were actually happening!

Bill struggled against the powerful tugging of her greedy pussy as it clenched
tightly around his pounding cock. Her cunt was like a hot boiling vise and he
ground his cock into her again and again, his prickhead squirting the hot creamy
cum produced by his heavy balls.

"AYYEEGGG!" she screamed, her hand clawing his back as she humped at the
magnificent cock that was maddening her with pleasure. Her body became aglow
with the fire raging throughout her pussy. She arched up one last time, her body
convulsing as her climax shook her senseless. Then, in the next instant, she
collapsed back on the bed, her body like melted butter, no consistency, no form.

Bill jabbed his prick into her one last violent time, the last thick wad
exploding from his piss-slot. He droped heavily on top of the young girl, his
prick embedded deep inside her mushy cunt. They lay that way, drifting to sleep
until Bill eventually rolled off her, his limp cock glistening with the white
filmy juice of her insatiable pussy.

Chapter 4

Tammy opened her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face as she remembered losing her
cherry. She rolled over, her arm seeking out the man who had turned her into a
woman. Her hand groped at the empty space. Bill wasn't there. The realization
started her and she sat up in bed, the sheet coming away from her jiggling tits.

"Bill!" she called. "Bill!"

There was no response and Tammy threw the sheet off her legs and climbed out of
bed. She picked up the robe that was lying at the foot of the bed and slipped it
on. It was short, covering only the firm cheeks of her sweet creamy ass. She
tied the sash around her trim waist. Padding barefoot, she left the bedroom.

Outside in the hall, she detected voices coming from downstairs. Nervous about
strangers being there, she wanted to go back in the bedroom. However, her
curiosity was stronger than her fear and she tiptoed down the stairs. The voices
were louder and one was a woman. She headed for the kitchen.

She stood outside the kitchen door, wondering if she should walk in. She felt
naked in the short robe. It would have been fine if it was only Bill in the
kitchen, but not a stranger. The voices stopped. Tammy held her breath, about to
run back to the bedroom and wait until the woman left.

"Is that you, Tammy?" Bill called.

Tammy was silent.

"Tammy?" Bill got up from his chair and walked quickly over to the door and
pushed it open. "What are you doing hiding in the hall?" He smiled warmly at the
nervous teenager. "Come on in! I want you to meet a friend of mine."

Tammy blushed as Bill led her into the kitchen. Tammy stared at the beautiful
woman sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee. Her hair was long and black,
and fell loosely over her bare alabaster shoulders. It made Tammy wish that her
own hair full of blonde curls, was more adult-looking.

"So, this is Tammy!" Her words were soft, like her mouth. Her full red lips
contrasted exotically with the ivory skin of her sensuous face.

"Tammy, say hello to Jennifer." Bill pulled out a chair for Tammy.

"Hi," Tammy mumbled shyly, her voice barely audible. She sat down, glad she
could hide her long legs under the table. She felt gawky and awkward in front of
this exquisite woman.

"Hello, Tammy." Jennifer ogled the pretty teenager, loving the innocent glow on
her rosy face. "Bill has been telling me all about you."

Tammy's face turned beet red.

"Don't be embarrassed," Jennifer said quickly. It had been a long time since she
had seen someone get embarrassed and it was refreshing. "He's only had good
things to say about you."

Tammy wished she was in the bedroom hiding under the sheets. She couldn't face
this woman, knowing that Bill might have told her the things she did with him.

"Have you always liked dogs?" Jennifer asked, cutting into the child's private

Tammy felt like dying. He did tell! She nodded, looking over at Bill, her eyes
glared at him. She hated him for betraying her.

"Don't be angry with Bill," Jennifer said. Her voice had a gentle lilt to it. "I
have the same interest in dogs that you do."

Tammy was astonished with the woman who looked like a gorgeous actress. She
couldn't like dogs! She was beautiful and could have any man she wanted.

Jennifer knew what was going through the teenager's mind. "My cousin introduced
me to dogs when I was very young," she explained. "It was the best way to have
sex and not get pregnant." She winked at Tammy whose mouth was agape while
listening intently, taking in every word she said. "I never got over liking

"Are you teasing me?." Tammy asked suspiciously.

"I wouldn't tease you about something like that." She reached over and patted
Tammy's hand.

Tammy believed her. She wanted to know everything about what she did, how it
felt, everything! The questions had been bottled up inside her for so long.
Asking her sister Katy was out of the question and here was a woman she could
ask. "Did ... did ... did you ever ...?"

"Ever what, Tammy?" she asked, reveling in the girl's innocent manner.
Jennifer's cunt was tingling with anticipation. An evening with Bill and his
dogs was always special, but having a young innocent girl to share the night's
fun was mind-blowing.

"You ... know," she stammered.

Jennifer was amused and having a ball. She wasn't about to let the girl off the
hook that easily. "I have no idea what you mean," she said, keeping her face
from breaking into a smile.

Tammy's cheeks burned and she looked to Bill for help out of her dilemma. He
just winked at her.

"Tell her, Tammy," he urged. "Don't be ashamed of your curiosity about sex. It's

Tammy took a deep breath. Her throat constricted and she coughed nervously. "Did
you ever do anything with a dog besides let him lick you?" she asked in one
breath. She lowered her head demurely, avoiding Jennifer's dancing eyes.

"Oh, yes!" Jennifer said emphatically.

"What?" Tammy asked, wishing the woman would stop teasing her.

"I've been fucked by dogs!" she said bluntly, watching Tammy's expression turn
into awe. "I've been fucked in my pussy and I've been fucked in my asshole!" She
said it slowly dragging it out, stressing the words more than necessary, wanting
Tammy to savor the sound and meaning.

Tammy gulped. "Really?" It was hard to believe.

"Yes, Tammy. I love getting fucked by dogs! I even suck their cocks off and
drink their doggie jism!" She wanted to see if she could shock Tammy, but was
pleasantly surprised to see in the child's eyes that she had harbored the same
perverted desires.

Tammy was dumbfounded.

"Would you like to have a dog fuck you?" Jennifer asked, her voice low,
soothing. "It feels good having a doggie prick inside your pussy."

Tammy swooned at the idea. She closed her eyes for a second, her head spinning
with all this new sexual knowledge.

"Hey, I'm a pretty good fuck myself!" Bill chimed in, a wide handsome grin on
his face.

"I know that," Jennifer said. "Tammy knows it too, don't you honey?"

"He broke my cherry a little while ago," she said, entranced by this beautiful

"I know. Did you like it?" Jennifer asked, wanting to know everything about the
pretty girl who shared a rare exotic interest with her.

"Ohhhh, yesssss!" she crooned. "It was really the most fabulous thing! I thought
I was going to die!"

"The first fuck is always the best if someone who knows what they're doing
breaks your cherry!" She winked again at Tammy. "We both know Bill is an expert
at fucking. I don't just fuck his dogs." She giggled. "Do I, Bill?"

"Hell, no," he grinned, rubbing his crotch. "Sometimes, you fuck me senseless!"

"Bill thinks I'm insatiable," she explained to the stunned teenager who really
wasn't quite sure whether this was some fabulous dream or reality. "I just crave
cocks!" Jennifer looked at Bill, a sly sensuous gleam in her dark eyes. "Other
things too, huh?"

The implication went right over Tammy's inexperienced head. Her curiosity wasn't
even aroused. "Are you going to be doing anything with his dogs today?" Tammy
asked hopefully, eager to see how a dog fucked a woman.

"Ohhh, yes!" Jennifer sighed. "In fact, if you hadn't come down, I was going to
come up and get you. Bill wants you to meet his other dog."

Bill snapped his fingers and a large black and white Great Dane bounded into the
room. The huge speckled dog sat by his master's side, his tail wagging
furiously. Bill petted the animal on the head. "Good, boy! Good, boy, Apollo!"

Jennifer leered hungrily at the majestic animal, remembering all the other
Saturdays she had spent with Apollo and his master. She brought her attention
back to Tammy, her cunt twitching. "You're gonna love this dog," she purred.
"You're gonna love him to death!"

Slightly embarrassed, Tammy glanced at the gigantic animal. "He's almost as big
as a horse!" she exclaimed. "WOW!"

Jennifer giggled. "Have you told her about your pony, Studs?"

In all the excitement, Tammy had forgotten all about Bill's pony. "Can I see him
later?" she asked, staring at Apollo. She swallowed hard, imagining the size of
Apollo's cock. Her hand turned sweaty as she imagined jerking his prick off like
she had done with Laddie's cock.

"You most definitely can," Jennifer said, ogling the teenage sex kitten. "Right
now, why don't you get to know Apollo better? He can be a bundle of fun!"

"C'mon, Apollo," Tammy called, patting her lap.

"Go on, boy," Bill said.

Apollo stood up on his long legs and walked over to Tammy, lying his head in her
lap as she moved her chair back. She realized being shy about her bare legs
seemed silly.

She sighed audibly and trembled as Apollo kept his huge broad head on her lap.
Tammy's robe parted slightly, exposing some of her creamy tittie flesh. She was
caught up now in the eroticism of what was happening and she didn't bother to
close it. She spread her legs, the robe opening, her cunt bared to the dog if he
wanted to sniff or lick it.

"You're very pretty," Jennifer said, getting up from her chair and eyeing
Tammy's partially exposed tits. She stood next to Tammy, gazing down the dark
cleft of her milky tits. Jennifer gulped, her cunt aching, her fingers trembling
as she contemplated touching the child.

Tammy looked up at the beautiful woman. "Can I watch you fuck Apollo?" she
asked, her voice cracking, her desire more demanding than her shyness.

"Whatever you want, Tammy," Jennifer sighed, mesmerized by the size of the
teenager's gorgeous tits. She looked over at Bill. "We're going upstairs for
awhile. Don't disturb us." She wanted no competition for this girl. She planned
a wickedly erotic afternoon with Tammy and the dogs.

Bill grinned. "I'll give you two a few hours to get to know each other. I'll be
grooming Studs." He winked at Jennifer.

Jennifer shivered with the idea of Bill out in the barn stroking the glossy coat
of that beautiful Shetland pony. It was almost tempting enough to give up her
interlude with this beautiful teenager, but not quite enough. "Let's go, Tammy."

Tammy followed the beautiful woman upstairs into the bedroom. She watched from
the bed while Jennifer slowly and methodically stripped down.

"Am I pretty?" Jennifer asked, her body tingling with joy as the girl gaped
hungrily at her tits and hairy cunt.

"You're beautiful," Tammy moaned, her own body quaking from the exquisite sight
of Jennifer's luscious body. She watched as Jennifer exhibited herself, posing,
giving her every possibility to see all of her rich naked beauty.

Jennifer, turned on by her brief exhibition to Tammy, climbed on the bed and
called Apollo up beside her. "Now, I want you to play with his prick, like you
did with Laddie."

Apollo rolled on his side, trained to know what to expect from the scent of
horny women. Tammy stroked the sleek powerful Great Dane as she lay beside
Jennifer. Apollo was different than Laddie, short-haired and muscular, unlike
the soft, hairy collie. She stroked his flank, feeling his muscles ripple under
her caressing hand.

"He's a big boy!" Jennifer rasped, watching Tammy move her hand tentatively over
the dog's long sinewy body. "Wait until he starts to get hot. He's got a long
wet prick!" Jennifer was almost drooling thinking about it.

Tammy saw the hunger in Jennifer's eyes and realized that she must appear the
same way. Tammy's own pussy was aching, pulsing on the empty cunt that craved to
be filled. She moved her hand over Apollo's belly, stroking closer to the object
of her desire---his long red cock!

"Touch him," Jennifer said impatiently, her tits bouncing as she shook with
expectant desire. "Get him hard! I want to see his prick sticking out all the

Tammy, her own curiosity aroused to the peak, put her hand around the thick
hairy sheath, feeling the hardness of his cock inside. Tammy stroked, pulling
his skin back and exposing the read spearing cocktip. "Ooooh!" she cooed,
pullind his prick again and again, each time exposing more of the dog's meaty

"Yes! Yes!" Jennifer moaned, her eyes bugging out every time Apollo's prick
peeked out from its sheath.

Apollo began to whimper loudly as Tammy started to get him hot with her
persistent hand. He lifted his head, his tongue reaching for Tammy's body to
lick and caress.

"Good, boy," Jennifer cooed, petting his head. "You relax and let me and Tammy
make you happy."

The dog seemed to understand the soft spoken words. He lay his head back on the
bed and allowed the two women to touch him as they pleased.

"He's very well-trained," Jennifer explained as she watched Apollo's cock grow
stronger and longer with each pull of Tammy's small hand. "Trained to be docile
since birth, except when he's got that God damn wonderful cock buried in a wet
pussy! Then, honey, there is nothing docile about him!"

Tammy gulped, envisioning the cock inside her own tight pussy. The teenager
shook the thought from her mind, believing she would never be able to do it.
Letting a dog lick her was all she thought she could do, without feeling like a
pervert. She looked at Jennifer, speculating. She didn't look like a pervert.
She frowned, knowing she was just chicken.

Tammy continued stroking the dog's cock until the entire length of Apollo's
stiff rigid prick was jutting out of its hairy covering. "He's gigantic!" she
cried out to Jennifer in admiration and a slight touch of fear. "He'd rip you

"He never has yet!" Jennifer said with a haunting smile. "He's tried a couple of
times though." She moaned at the sweet memory. She put her hand alongside
Tammy's, touching the red menacing cock shaft, his cock almost the color of her
fiery nail polish.

Tammy's pussy began to seep, wetting the sheet beneath her. With her free hand,
Tammy rubbed her swollen pussy, her body shivering with pleasure.

Jennifer saw Tammy playing with herself out of the corner of her eye. "Take off
your robe, honey. No sense in you being dressed." She was dying to see the huge
tits that were partially hidden by the terry cloth.

Tammy, hot and horny, quickly pulled off her robe, tossing it on the floor. She
proudly showed off her tits to Jennifer's appreciative eyes. "I'm as big as

"I see," Jennifer said, her throat parched. "I was that big, too, when I was
your age. It's another thing we have in common."

"Did they call you Jugs?" Tammy giggled, rubbing her tits as she gazed at
Jennifer's long delicate fingers massaging the Great Dane's prick.

"The called me Boobs!" She laughed, cupping her own tits, hefting them up in her
palms. "I didn't grow much bigger. Got them all my first year of puberty."

"I hope mine don't grow any bigger," Tammy sighed. She tore her eyes away from
Jennifer's voluptuous tits and went back to playing with the Great Dane. Tammy
felt his balls, the furry sacs giving her goose-bumps as she fondled them.

The beautiful black-haired Jennifer gripped Apollo's cock in her hands and began
jerking him off. "I really get turned on with his prick in my hand," Jennifer
gasped, squirming her ass cheeks down on the bed. "I think I'm going to burst
any minute."

"I feet the same way," Tammy added, her own pussy throbbing for Bill's fabulous
cock. Tammy put her hand on the dog's prick, stroking and massaging him with

"I feel like sucking this gorgeous hunk of doggie meat! How about you?" Jennifer
licked her lips and made a sucking sound with her mouth. The dog must have known
what it meant. He began whimpering and squirming on the bed as if on cue.

"See," Jennifer said, making the sound again. "The damn horny dog knows I'm
gonna suck his big prick!"

"I can't suck it," Tammy said, unable to bring herself to putting the dog's
prick into her mouth. "I can't!"

"Sure you can," Jennifer encouraged. "I saw the way you were looking at me in
the kitchen while I told you all the things I did with dogs. I could tell you
wanted to do them, too. Now's your chance."

Tammy knew she was right. She had to admit it to herself. She nodded, realizing
her hidden desire. It was buried so long in her sub- conscious, she never knew
it before.

"Get on your belly and I'll show you how," Jennifer suggested as she rolled
over, getting close to the dog's cock with her fiery red mouth. She propped
herself up on her elbows and waited for Tarnmy to join her.

With her heart beating like a drum, Tammy rolled over, her naked body pressed
against Jennifer's as she tried getting as close as possible to the dog's red
glistening prick with her head. The hot erotic contact with the sensuous woman
made her tremble and yet, in her innocence, he had no idea why. They were alike,
both women. There was nothing sexual between them.

With the dog at their faces, Jennifer felt Tammy's reaction to her nearness and
she smiled secretly to herself, sensing that they had more in common than just
dogs and big tits. It was a distinct possibility that Tammy might like sex with
women, too.

"Watch me," Jennifer said, her voice husky with pent-up emotion. "I'm going to
put his prick in my mouth!"

Tammy watched, hypnotized by the most erotic sight of her life! It was even more
Earth-shattering then seeing her sister Katy get licked, or when she had
actually jerked Laddie off, letting the dog cream all over her face and tits.

Jennifer trembled with passion as she lowered her head to the dog's magnificent
prick. She licked up and down the long muscular cock shaft, slapping at him with
the tip of her tongue. She slurped as the dog twitched under her tongueing.
Jennifer lifted her head. "You lick our strong handsome friend!" She lifted up,
giving Tammy enough room to bring her mouth into play on the dog's long red

Tammy shook, her mouth dry as sand. She looked at the enormous cock, her
breathing constricted as her chest tightened.

"Go on!" Jennifer prodded. "You'll love it!" She smacked her lips in an
exaggerated motion to show the hesitant girl how much she would enjoy eating
doggie cock.

Tammy's lips touched Apollo's monstrous red cock. She sighed breathlessly from
her first erotic contact. She closed her eyes, pretending it was Bill's
marvelous prick as she adjusted her mind to the simple fact that she was now
sucking and licking doggie cockmeat.

"You're doing fine." Jennifer said, stroking the child's bare back. "Put it in
your mouth."

Tammy could feel the burning heat exuding from the red fiery cockshaft of the
Great Dane's prick, touch her lips. Her lips felt as if they were on fire as
they glided sensuously up and down the long doggie prick. Her mouth reached the
cocktip and she slid her lips over it, covering it with her entire mouth.

"Oooooh," Jennifer cooed. "You're doing great!" She stroked the child's ass
tenderly, her fingers teasing the gorgeous crack separating the two creamy ass

Tammy, caught up in sucking and licking the dog's prick, never noticed
Jennifer's exploring hand on her ass. Tammy flashed her tongue around the dog's
cocktip, snaking it around his prick. She glided her mouth up and down, gulping
on his fat prick as she sucked, her cheeks drawing in, teasing the white and
black Great Dane with her fervid mouth.

Apollo began fucking her mouth, his jaw slack as he whimpered with joy. Having
his cock buried inside her wet and warm mouth drove him insane. Apollo squirmed,
slamming his prick into Tammy's mouth, his legs jerking frantically on the bed.
He lifted his head, his black eyes glazed from being sucked off.

Jennifer petted him. "Lie down, boy. Enjoy!"

Whining, Apollo lay back, jabbing his cock at Tammy's sucking mouth. The bed
squeaked under him as he jerked his prick in and out of Tammy's clinging lips.

Gasping, she came off his prick. "I don't want him coming in my mouth!" she

Jennifer took her hand quickly off the girl's ass. "Ohh, shit, Tammy!" she
moaned. "Don't be chicken! I was really getting off watching Apollo fuck your
pretty little face!" She caressed Tammy's flushed cheeks, running her fingers
through the child's curls. "Please!"

Tammy was trembling from the woman's touch and the fact that she just had
Apollo's cock in her mouth. Everything was moving too fast for her. Tammy's head
spun deliriously as hot sensuous sensations pierced her body. She numbly agreed
to suck the Great Dane off. Before returning to Apollo's cock, Tammy noticed
Jennifer's voluptuous creamy tits. The image of her tits burned into her fuzzy,
lust-soaked brain as she eyed them curiously.

She leered hotly at Apollo's doggie prick for a moment before slipping the
menacing red prick directly into her hot greedy mouth again. She felt Jennifer
place her hand back on her soft, creamy ass cheeks. She sighed, the woman's
touch emotionally shocking. A woman was actually touching her ass! Hot and
hungry for Apollo's cock, she didn't bother with Jennifer's exploring hand. She
licked his furry balls. The sensation of his hair against her tongue was
stimulating and exciting!

"Suck him!" Jennifer urged, her hand caressing the sensuous crack of the child's
ass. Her hand slithered down between Tammy's milky thighs. She pushed her finger
against the teenager's pussy, feeling the penetrating heat. It drove her insane
and she almost fainted with desire. "Make him cum! Make him cum! Jennifer

Tammy, burning with passion and getting turned onto Jennifer's probing fingers,
slipped the dog's meaty prick between her moist hungry lips. She sucked, drawing
in her cheeks. The dog whimpered and she began fucking the Great Dane's prick
with her mouth, pushing her face up and down on the dog in an effort to suck the
jism out from his furry balls.

"Yes! Yes!" Jennifer cried, seeing the intensity with which Tammy was sucking on
the dog's cock. She ran a finger into her own pussy, the juices scalding her
fingers as she jabbed into her cunt.

Hearing Jennifer's gleeful cries spurred Tammy on, and she put more effort into
her sucking. She used her teeth along the sensitive cock shaft, scraping the
meaty prick and making Apollo whimper in agonizing pleasure. She used her hands,
running them around to the dog's ass, helping him jam his prick into her hot
suckin mouth. She wanted every hot doggie drop of his boiling jism to go inside
her mouth when he came.

Tammy's fingers accidently touched the dog's asshole. She shuddered, but instead
of pulling away, she explored his asshole with her fingers, her mouth a vacuum
on the dog's gigantic cock.

Apollo went mad as her fingers teased and tormented his asshole. He jerked and
twisted on his side, unable to get any power behind his fast and furious jabs
into Tammy's hot slurping mouth.

"Oooooh, Tammy!" Jennifer exclaimed, caught up in the child's hunger for the
dog's prick. "Suck him good for me, too!" Jennifer slid her hand along Tammy's
cunt, soaking her fingers in the warm pussy juices. Tammy sucked the bulky Great
Dane's prick with abandonment, her fingers prying his tight asshole apart. Her
body trembled as she licked and chewed on the cock that was pounding her face.
She found herself pushing back against Jennifer's hand as she suckled the Dane's
beet-red prick. Tammy's fingers danced at the entrance to Apollo's asshole. She
wanted to ravage his asshole, like his cock was ravaging her mouth.

Jennifer, her dark sensuous eyes glued to the child and the dog, saw what Tammy
was doing to his ass. "Ohhhh, Christ! Finger-fuck his asshole! Fuck his
asshole!" Jennifer squealed, rocking on her soft bottom as she stroked Tammy's
pussy. "Finger-fuck'im!"

The excited cries Jennifer made was the breaking point that threw Tammy over the
edge. She plunged her finger inside the dog's asshole. It made her shiver and
she kept plunging her finger in and out of his asshole like it was a cock.

Apollo yelped and whimpered, his body thrashing, his muscles rippling beneath
his sleek coat. He pawed at the bedspread, the whites of his eyes rolling. Tammy
gobbled ferociously on the dog's overgrown cock. She sucked harder, wanting the
dog to fill her mouth and throat with his jism. She pushed her face to him,
taking his swelling prick into her gullet. It gagged her, but she was too
excited to care. She forced the doggie cock deeper into her throat, her teeth
sinking into the fleshy meat of his cock. Her finger probed the tight tunnel of
his asshole, scraping and pushing against the walls that clung to her exploring

Jennifer, her dark eyes full of lust, rammed her finger into Tammy's squirming
pussy, into her cauldron of tasty cunt juices. She fingered the spongy cunt
walls and watched Apollo, almost on the brink of coming. Jennifer's mouth
watered. She wished it were her that was going to get the hot doggie jism in her
mouth. "He's gonna cum, Tammy!" she cried, wanting the teenager to expect it.

Tammy already knew Apollo was ready. She felt his cock grow, stiffening and
swelling with his flowing blood. Her head bobbed frantically, matching the
rhythm of the dog's driving ass. She gurgled, her ass twitching as she felt
Jennifer fingering her foaming pussy. She wanted to stop her, but the dog and
his jism were more important. She gave herself up to Apollo and his cock,
keeping her fingers buried in his ass. Her head stopped bobbing, allowing the
dog's hindquarters to drive his prick into her face at his own frenzied pace.
The dog's trembling movements pushed her squirming fingers deeper into his
asshole, making him yelp.

Apollo's cock exploded in Tammy's gulping mouth, her teeth sinking into his
pounding cockmeat. A thick gooey river of hot doggie cum gushed from his
exploding prick, filling Tammy's cock-filled mouth. The cum shot down her throat
in great heavy wads.

Tammy gulped the hot boiling cum, swallowing it as fast as the dog emptied it
from his cock. She sucked, the cum coming faster as the dog yelped louder,
howling like a wolf in heat as he weathered the storm of his orgasm, his long
sleek body jerking and jolting on the bed.

Tammy sucked deep, forcing her mouth down, taking his entire spurting cock into
her throat. With his prick buried so deep, it gave her relief, the hot jism no
longer needing to be swallowed. The cum just gushed down her gullet in a steady
outpouring stream. She pushed her fingers deep inside his asshole and spread
them apart, driving the dog crazy.

Apollo whined from her greedy mouth and probing fingers, the last of his cum
filling her mouth with white liquid. His prick, all but the tip, shrunk back
into the safety of its protective sheath, away from Tammy's feasting mouth.

Tammy lifted her head up, a mouth full of doggie cum still mushing around inside
her cheeks. She didn't want to swallow it right away. She wanted to savor it,
swish it around, before gulping it down. She squirmed out of Jennifer's grasp,
and at once was sorry. The fingers she had been squirming on for the past few
minutes were now missed in her empty cunt.

Jennifer noticed that Tammy's mouth was still full of doggie cum. A mischievous
grin played on her mouth. "Let me have some of it!" she gasped, tingling from
the idea of swapping doggie cum with the sexy child.

Tammy's eyes gleamed with delight at the idea of swilling dog jism with the
beautiful, luscious woman. The idea of having her lips against hers was
exciting. She nodded, coming close to Jennifer, feeling wanton. She shivered,
waiting for their lips to meet.

Jennifer's mouth hungrily sought out the child's. They kissed and Jennifer
opened her mouth, trembling for the taste of Apollo's gooey, milky cream. She
held Tammy's arms, waiting to crush the child to her body and suck the cream out
from her mouth.

Tammy shook, the contact with Jennifer's lips was electrifying. The teenager
opened her mouth and tongued the doggie cum into the horny woman's waiting
mouth. Her cunt was in spasms as they swapped the Dane's cum back and forth
until, in her exuberance, Tammy swallowed what was left.

"You drank it all!" Jennifer pouted. The beautiful woman plopped back on the
bed, hoping Tammy would join her. She wanted to experiment with the girl. Later
she would show her Studs, Bill's prize Shetland pony, and maybe they'd share a
fuck with Laddie or Apollo.

Tammy lay down, making sure their bodies didn't touch. "All this sex is making
me sleepy," she sighed.

"You rest, honey," Jennifer suggested. "I'll stay here and keep you company."

* * *

Tammy lay still on the bed, extremely conscious of Jennifer's naked body
alongside of her. She remembered how soft and inviting Jennifer's lips were
while they shared Apollo's cum. True, she felt it was perverted to think of a
woman sexually, but the memory of Jennifer's finger in her pussy while she
sucked the Dane's cock burned in her mind.

She looked at Jennifer from the corner of her eye, seeing her large tits rise
and fall with each breath the gorgeous woman took. She felt extremely close to
her at this moment. Their common interest in animals was a bond between them.
She remembered when she had lifted her own tit to her mouth and sucked the hard
nipple; it had been wonderful! Licking the juice from her fingers after stroking
her own pussy had also tasted great.

Without thinking, Tammy rolled into the beautiful woman's arms, cuddling close
to her naked warm body. "Hold me, Jennifer," she sighed, resting an arm and leg
across the woman's soft body.

"Yes, my sweet innocent baby," Jennifer moaned, taking the cuddly teenager into
her arms. Her fingers trailed down Tammy's back, along the warm flesh of the
child's hip.

"Sucking Apollo with your finger inside me, made me all crazy." She squirmed in
her arms, rubbing her soft tender body against the older woman. "I'm sooo hot!"
Tammy purred, sensing the attraction between them.

"So am I," Jennifer mewled, not sure if she could take much more of the child's
tempting body before going down and ravaging her pussy with her mouth. She
closed her eyes, remembering how hot and juicy Tammy's pussy was while her
finger was exploring her cunt. Seeing Tammy suck off the dog had kindled a flame
inside her cunt too, and she squeezed the child tenderly. Both of them were

"Suck my pussy!" Tammy moaned, the words coming out of her mouth before she
realized what she was saying.

Jennifer needed no further invitation. She squirmed out of the child's arms and
slithered down the bed, gaping at Tammy's outstretched legs. "Your pussy is so
sweet, baby!" she moaned, enthralled with the sensuous beauty of Tammy's
dripping cunt.

"Lick it!" Tammy cooed, squirming her soft ass. "Lick meee good!"

"Yes, baby," Jennifer moaned as she lowered her mouth to Tammy's waiting cunt.
She sucked the child's pussy lips into her hungry mouth, her tongue darting into
the wet tight cunt.

"Ohhhh," Tammy sighed breathlessly. The exquisite feeling of Jennifer's mouth
and probing tongue in her cunt sent jolts of heavenly pleasure throughout her
body. Tammy's hands slipped down over her own creamy tits and hard pointed
nipples, down her taut belly, to her silken pussy hair. Her fingers delved into
her pussy, spreading her cuntlips apart, dying to feel Jennifer's tongue as deep
as possible in her hot bubbly teenage cunt.

"Suck me! Suck me!" Tammy whimpered, reveling in Jennifer's snakelike tongue in
her cunt. "Uh! Uhh! Uhhh!"

Jennifer squirmed on her belly, rubbing her own stiffened clit against the
sheet, receiving hot exciting tremors through her body. She eagerly stroked the
child's flesh, her fingers doing a tantalizing dance along her hips and trim
waist. Stretching her arms, she spread her fingers to encompass the jiggling
flesh of Tammy's tits as she sucked at the flowing cunt juice gushing freely
from Tammy's open pussy.

"Ohhh, fucking Christ!" Tammy wailed. "Let me see your pussy! Let me see your
cunt!" She humped frantically at Jennifer's mouth, her body embroiled in the
passion of the woman's heavenly sucking mouth.

Shivering with delight, Jennifer angled her body around, never letting her mouth
leave the squirming kid's pussy. She straddled Tammy's head and wriggled her
gaping cunthole at the child's astonished face. Jennifer lifted her mouth off
Tammy's pussy for a second. "If you wanna suck my cunt, pull me down!" She went
back to Tammy's pussy, gobbling, her head contorting, making it possible to
snake her tongue into the tight pulsing gash of Tammy's hot wet cunt.

"Ooooohh," the horny teenager sighed, shoving her pussy against Jennifer's face,
her clit hitting the hard teeth. She gazed up at the heavenly pussy above her,
staring in wonder at the magnificent piece of pussy flesh, its hot cuntlips
open, hinting at its hidden delights.

"Uhhhh," Tammy grunted as Jennifer's tongue and sucking lips made mush out of
the young girl's body. Tammy returned the favor, stroking the loose lips of
Jennifer's cunt. The brazen teenager tweaked the erect clit. She felt Jennifer
tremble and shake from having her clit pinched. She did it again. Jennifer
responded once more.

Jennifer gurgled as the tasty juices filled her mouth and oozed down her throat.
She gulped on Tammy's cunt, drinking the hot juice and spastically twitching
from Tammy's tormenting fingers. She squiggled her ass at the child and
continued to suck, desperately wanting the blonde teenager to cum all over her
face and clinging sucking lips.

Tammy began humping at Jennifer's face in earnest now, her orgasm mounting,
ready to drench the feasting woman in frothy hot pussy juice. Tammy became
frantic, pulling and caressing Jennifer's thighs, running her fingers over her
ass, to the dark crack of her asshole. She licked her lips, her body beginning
to shake uncontrollably from her approaching climax.

"I'm getting ready!" Tammy cried. "Ohhhh, shit! I'm gonna cum all over youuuu!"
She whacked her pussy against Jennifer's mouth, brutally smacking her clit
against her teeth. She whispered, clawing at the firm cheeks of Jennifer's
jiggling ass. She wanted to taste pussy, wanted to taste the tangy delights of
this beautiful woman's hot cunt. "I'm gonna suck youuu!"

Tammy, delirious with joy, pulled down Jennifer's hips, licking the red open
gash of her cunt and the white frothy juice that clung to it. Jennifer's pussy
dropped to her mouth and Tammy sucked with abandon. Gobbling like an animal on
Jennifer's pussy triggered her own orgasm. The power of Jennifer's sucking mouth
brought Tammy into a screaming climax.

"I'm cominggg!" Tammy screamed, her hot cries of passion cut by the bubbling
pussy on her lips. She buried her face inside Jennifer's cunthole---sucking,
licking, and chewing on her first cunt.

Tammy's body went into spastic convulsions, humping her hips, driving her clit
into Jennifer's greedy mouth. Her legs flailed wildly in the air, she clawed at
Jennifer's ass, her lips and mouth soaked with pussy juice. She arched up off
the bed, slamming at Jennifer in a wild uncontrolled frenzy. She sucked on
Jennifer's pussy, rubbing her body against the woman's hot flesh.

Jennifer felt her own orgasm begin to build inside her pussy. The hot mouth of
the child in the throes of her climax was exquisite on her pussy, and she ground
her own pussy against Tammy's face and sucked the teenager into oblivion. She
captured the young girl's clit between her teeth and shook her head violently
from side to side. She could hear the muted screams of the delirious girl,
thrashing beneath her.

Tammy gulped on the hot bubbling juices that oozed from Jennifer's cunt. Her own
pussy was flooding Jennifer's mouth as she came again and again on the beautiful
woman. She humped and jerked, her nails digging into the soft flesh of
Jennifer's ass cheeks.

Jennifer began humping her cunt at the teenager. She wanted to cum, wanted to
put out the fire in her pussy against the hot clinging lips of this woman-child.
She worked frantically on Tammy's cunt, sucking the gushing, filmy cream into
her mouth. She held her head steady, Tammy's clit between her teeth.

Tammy, gasping for air, screamed. Her mouth was agape as she humped up and down
on the bed, almost ripping her own clit out from its sheath as she mashed it
against Jennifer's expert sucking mouth. She screamed again, dropping back on
the mattress, releasing Jennifer's pussy and panted for air. "STOP! STOP!"

Jennifer, frustrated by not having climaxed, rolled off the exhausted child,
hungry for satisfaction. She caught a glimpse of Bill standing in the doorway.
"Fuck me, Bill! Fuck me to death! I'm so God damn fucking hot!" She was
hysterical, overcome with passion.

"As soon as this little sweetheart calls her parents and tells them she's
spending the night at her girl fiend's house." He stripped slowly, enjoying the
hungry look in Jennifer's eyes as she devoured his cock with her stare.

"Let me catch my breath!" Tammy wailed. "I can't talk to my mother like this.
She'll think I'm dying." She giggled in spite of her exhaustion. "Fuck Jennifer!
I'll suck out your cum when you're done, then I'll call home."

"Yessss! Yessss!" Jennifer pleaded. "Listen to the child. She's right!" She was
wriggling on the bed, exposing her pulsing oozing cunt to Bill's horny stare.
"Stick your cock in my cunt!" She ran her finger in her pussy.

Bill climbed on the bed. "You put my cock in, Tammy," he said, climbing over
Jennifer's luscious body. "You put my cock inside her hot pussy."

"Ohhhh, yessss!" the hot and horny teenager squealed, forgetting about her
exhaustion. She scrambled down and grabbed his cock, guiding the long thick
cockhead toward Jennifer's hungry cunt. "Push!"

Bill did, sinking his prick into the hot steamy depths of Jennifer's scalding

Tammy sat back and watched, spellbound by the fantastic sight. Her mind raced
over all the different things she could do with these two marvelous people, now
that she was staying overnight. She shivered, her eyes glued to the two fucking
bodies and rubbed her hands gleefully together.

Chapter 5

The night's sleep did Tammy a world of good. She stared across the kitchen table
at the two adults, contemplating her new and exciting sex life. It all seemed
like an erotic sex dream---making it with Bill, jerking Laddie off, getting
licked off by Laddie, then sucking Apollo and him coming in her mouth. It was
all so unbelievable! What she did with Jennifer still didn't seem real, either.
The rest of the night, after calling her mother and lying about staying with her
girl friend, was still fuzzy, blending in a fantasy world of Bill's cock and
Jennifer's pussy.

"What are you thinking, honey?" Jennifer asked, relaxing over her morning cup of

"Everything," she said, blushing, avoiding Jennifer's penetrating eyes.

"I hope it was about my pussy," Jennifer teased.

"My cock, too," Bill added, enjoying Tammy's innocent discomfort. With all that
Tammy had done, Bill marveled at her obvious innocence and the fact that she
still was embarrassed to talk about sex.

"What about Apollo and Laddie?" Jennifer said. "You thinking about their

"Yes," Tammy whispered. She finished her coffee. "Do you mind if I walk around
outside for awhile and get some fresh air?"

"Not at all," Bill said.

"You can go out to the barn and see Studs," Jennifer suggested. "He's a real
good-looking pony."

"Is it all right, Bill?" she asked. She didn't want to go anywhere she wasn't

"Sure, baby," he said, winking at Jennifer. "You look at Studs all you want."

"Thanks." She hurried out the back door to the warmth of the new spring day. She
walked across the yard to the barn as Bill and Jennifer watched from the kitchen

"I wonder if she'll take to ponies as well as she took to dogs?" Jennifer

"I think Tammy would take to anything that has a cock," Bill joked, cupping
Jennifer's ass.

"We'll have to go out to the barn later and check," she said.

"Right after I throw a fuck into you," Bill said, leading the beautiful woman

Outside, Tammy wandered around the yard, enjoying the fresh air. Since arriving
yesterday, this was the first time she had been outdoors. She giggled, rubbing
her worn but happy crotch.

She climbed over the fence in the back and headed around to the rear door of the
barn. She peered inside. It was dark and the smell of hay permeated the air. She
stepped in and looked around, wide-eyed and curious.

She heard a noise, a pawing in the earth and she investigated, slightly nervous
about what she might find. Her face broadened into a happy smile when she saw
Studs, Bill's Shetland pony.

"Hi, boy," she said softly, not wanting to frighten him. Her hand reached out
tentatively, allowing the beautiful pony with the long silky mane to sniff her.

The pony whinnied and licked his lips on her hands.

Tammy giggled and pulled away. "You must be hungry," she said. "I'll get you
something." She walked across the barn to a basket of apples, picking one and
going back to Studs. "Now I have something for you to eat." She held it out to
him and watched, fascinated as the pony gobbled up the shiny apple.

"Oooooh, you were hungry!" she cooed. She felt as if they were friends now and
all of her fear vanished. She stroked his long head, standing alongside him.
"Good, Studs," she praised. There was something exciting happening to her inside
as she leaned against the animal. She petted his rough coat, pressing against
his back. He seemed sturdy enough and she put her arms around his neck and
pulled herself up on the horse.

With her legs straddling his flanks, she sat there, rocking back and forth on
his powerful bare back. She leaned forward, hugging him, her tits rubbing
against his rough coat. Without a bra, the coarseness of the animal's coat sent
shivers down her spine, giving her an idea.

She climbed carefully off the pony and stood in front of him. "I'm gonna ride
you and get off on your back," she explained to the contented animal as he stood
in the stall. "I'm gonna get hot pussy juice all over your back."

Tammy giggled. It was crazy talking to him, but saying it out loud made her
hotter. She couldn't wait until she was back on the pony, her bare pussy rubbing
against his tough short coat.

She peeled off her light cotton blouse, her milky titties gleaming in the stream
of light shining in from the window of the small hayloft. "Like these, Studs?"
she asked hotly, jiggling her tits brazenly in front of the pony.

Studs stepped forward and began nibbling on her tits with his big lips, like he
had licked her hand.

"Aaaaaah! Ooooooh!" she whimpered, from the tantalizing sensation of his tongue
and lip action on her tits. She pushed her fleshy tits at him, wallowing in the
perverted pleasure of getting licked by a pony.

"Ohhhh, stop!" she gasped, stepping away from his gobbling mouth and tongue. She
looked at him, wondering if she should let him lick her pussy the way Laddie had
done to her yesterday. It sounded great and her pussy began to seep in heated
anticipation. She rubbed herself and pulled down her jeans, the heavenly scent
of her cunt drifting up to his nostrils.

She saw Studs react to the smell by whinnying and shaking his head. "You just
might get a chance to lick my pussy!" she said, spreading her pussy lips,
exhibiting her cunt gash to the pony.

Studs dropped his head, trying to get his quivering lips on the hot little pussy
that was being revealed to him.

"Not yet, you horny little pony!" she giggled. "I'm gonna cum on your back

Trembling with anticipation, Tammy went over to the pony's side, rubbing her
naked flesh against his short-haired coat. "Ohhhh, Christ, Studs!" she groaned,
her tits and belly getting red from the coarseness of his coat. She felt the
juices in her pussy drip from between her swollen pussy lips, soaking her
thighs. "My God!"

Unable to stand teasing herself any longer, Tammy again pulled her body atop the
pony, a hot flash of passion sweeping through her delicate pussy. The first
contact with his back made her swoon in glorious delight. She bent forward
again, hugging the magnificent beast, the sensations much more intimate and
erotic this time with no clothes between them.

"Aaaaahhhh, Studs!" she sighed, squirming on the docile pony, her body trembling
in joy. She sat up, balancing herself, her huge milky titties jiggling as she
rocked her soft creamy ass against the pony. Her pussy lips, sensitive and
moist, tingled as the hot bubbling juices oozed from her cunt, soaking Studs's
hairy coat.

Studs remained still, unperturbed by the antics of the horny teenage girl on his
back. He had been through this many times in the past with Jennifer and he
sensed there would be more. His flanks rippled. He became keyed up, his huge
nostrils flaring as the hot scent of Tammy's pussy permeated the stall.

"I love it!." she whimpered aloud. "I love it!" This time, she shouted.

She squirmed on the pony, agitating her pussy to get herself off. It was
difficult keeping her balance and at the same time concentrate on her pussy. She
stroked his neck, runing her fingers through his silky mane. She rocked back and
forth across the pony's wet juice-laden back, her body quivering with passion as
the fire in her cunt grew stronger and more demanding.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" she blurted, her tits flopping, her head rolling on her shoulders
as she swayed precariously from side to side on the animal.

"Ooohhhh," she cried, almost falling from his back in her exuberance to get
herself off on the handsome pony. She clasped her arms around his neck, holding
on as she tried to calm her lust-ridden mind and regain her balance.

Panting, she held tight, working her hips and ass back and forth. "Uhhhhhh!" she
whimpered as her clit scraped against the rough coat of the animal's back.

Tammy went into spasms from the rough contact. Twitching, she held onto his neck
as she clenched her legs against his sides for support. "Ohhhh, Studs," she
sighed. "I'm gonna cum all over you!" She sucked in her breath and slowly rubbed
her cunt and exposed clit into the pony's back.

Her entire body quaked as she rode the beautiful pony. Grunting, she slid her
ass back and forth while hugging his neck. Her clit whipped against his hairy
coat and she whimpered in delight. Her cunt juices seeped from her cuntlips and
she knew it wasn't going to be long before her climax seized control of her
body. For a moment, she was terrified about what would happen when she came! The
fear of falling off the pony in the throes of her orgasm was forgotten with the
hungry movement of her ass and the fantastic sensations her clit was
experiencing. Coming with this fantastic beast was all that mattered to the
frantic teenager.

Squeezing her thighs together in an attempt to keep from falling, Tammy clutched
his neck and closed her eyes, blotting from her mind the fact that she was
precariously balanced on the golden-colored pony.

"Here I cum!" she whispered in the pony's ear. "Ohhhh, Studs! I'm gonna cream!
Gonna creaaam!"

Her pussy erupted in a hot searing blast of cunt juice. It gushed from her
pussy, greasing the pony's back as she rode him into oblivion.

"AGGGHHHHH!" she screamed, her body jerking and twisting bareback on the pony.
She slammed her clit into the docile pony's coarse hair. It pricked her blood-
filled clit like tiny needles.

Whimpering in painful pleasure, she bucked, riding the pony as if she was in a
rodeo; her hips jerking, her ass bouncing, and her tits scraping roughly against
him. She screamed again as another more intense orgasm ripped through her pussy.
Her cunt-hole pulsed, gushing its juices freely, greasing the cock that wasn't
there, pulsing against a prick that wasn't buried deep in her cunt.

Tammy's hands frantically gripped the animal's neck as wave after wave of
exquisite sensations enveloped her body.

One piercing scream erupted from her throat as the final throes of her climax
soared through her pussy. The shrillness of it made the pony whinny and paw the
earth. Tammy's eyes opened, trying to focus. Panic gripped the child's heart as
the animal moved beneath her.

Gasping and panting heavily, she held the animal in a fearful hug, terror-
stricken about being thrown to the ground and trampled.

When her screaming stopped, Studs calmed down. Tammy sighed with relief. She
relaxed and the exquisite sensation of her orgasm returned, making her twitch.
She whimpered softly from her tremendous high of coming on top of the Shetland

Trembling slightly and unsure of her balance, Tammy sat up straight, her tits
heaving as she caught her breath. She blinked, seeing Jennifer and Bill standing
there watching.

"Bravo!" Bill roared. "You should have been a bareback rider in the circus!"

Jennifer clapped, adding to Bill's applause. "I'm afraid she'd be coming too
much to do a good job."

"I think you're right." Bill took Jennifer's hand and they walked over to where
Tammy sat wearily on Studs's back. "Maybe a good X-rated circus!"

"Now that's a good idea," Jennifer agreed.

"C'mon, baby." Bill helped the horny kid off the back of his prize pony. "Why
don't you sit here and watch how Jennifer puts our friend through his paces?"

Still dazed from her orgasm, Tammy sat numbly on the bench. "What are you going
to do?" she asked as Bill cradled her naked body in his arms.

"I'm gonna suck this fantastic pony's cock!" Jennifer drooled, stroking his
sleek gold mane. "Wait until you see his gorgeous cum! It's like a fucking

Tammy was in awe of Jennifer's elegant nude figure. She watched her peel off her
clothes, displaying her deliciously sweet body to the pony's soulful dark eyes.
"Did you ever do what I did?" Tammy asked.

"Uh, huh," Jennifer sighed. "I've creamed all over this hunk of horse flesh."
Her hand stroked him with long sweeping caresses. The Shetland's golden coat
rippled with pleasure and his hindquarters swayed. "He's creamed all over me,

Tammy was mesmerized by the sexuality of it all. Her pussy was tingling again
and she had just blasted her load all over Studs. She snuggled in Bill's arms
and moaned as he cupped her tit and began squeezing it. "I can't wait to see his
cock!" she said.

"It's a monster!" Jennifer said. "Maybe next time you come and visit, you can
take him on."

"I gotta fuck the dogs before I can do it with a horse," Tammy giggled, feeling
her pulse beat rapidly from the idea of having a dog's prick ramming inside her.

"You're going to do that as soon as we're done in here," Bill said, milking the
child's huge creamy tit in his massaging hand. "You're going to take on Laddie
and Apollo at the same time."

"Ohhhh, Bill!" Tammy purred. "I can hardly wait!" If he had said those words to
her yesterday, she would have been terrified; but, after all the things she has
been through, the idea itself was enough to make her cunt ooze hot pussy juice.

The beautiful black-haired Jennifer rubbed her tits against the pony as Tammy
had done, but with more assurance, like she had been doing it for years. Sighing
raggedly, Jennifer moved her body around in front of Studs, rubbing her tits
against his flared nose. "Lick 'um, horsey! Lick me nice! Get me all wet with
your horsey spit." She giggled, jiggling her weighty hot tits at the pony,
tormenting him with her swollen pink nipples.

Expecting this from Jennifer and being docile, Studs slobbered on her tits. His
rubbery lips gobbled on her hard pointed nipples.

"Oh, yesssss!" Jennifer wailed, moving her tits back and forth at the hungry
animal, letting him lick all over her mountainous tits. "Oooh! Oooooh!"

Tammy watched the scene unfold before her wonder-struck eyes. Jennifer seemed at
ease with Studs, not at all nervous like Tammy had been. She sucked in her
breath, hoping that by the next time she visited this fantastic place, she would
feel as confident and self-assured with Studs. Already, she was conjuring up
ideas of how to have fun with Studs on her next visit.

"Watch!" Jennifer moaned as Studs pulled on her tits, his slobbering lips
smacking noisily on her flesh. "Jesusss, I'm getting all hot and drippy!"
Jennifer stroked her fingers through her hot boiling pussy and then ran her wet
fingers through Studs's mouth.

The pony whinnied at the pungent odor. His tongue, a broad dark slab of snaking
meat, darted out, circling her fingers like a hot excited serpent.

"Ohhhh, you greedy little prick!" she giggled. "Ya wanna lick the source?" She
stroked her pussy again, her legs turning rubbery as her fingers slapped against
her clit. She offered the pony her fingers again, the scent and the taste making
him shake his head. His long golden mane swishing about in a graceful arc.

"Hot, huh?" the horny woman teased as if the pony understood. With her tits
covered with the pony's spit and jiggling from her twitching moves, Jennifer
dropped down to the straw in front of the agitated pony. "Lick it good, Studs,
and I'll suck your cock like I did last week!"

Tammy's mouth opened in awe, her small body trembling in Bill's arms as Jennifer
exposed her red glistening pussy gash to the majestic pony. "Ooohhh, he's gonna
lick her! Ohh, Christ!"

Studs snorted and shook his head before lowering it to Jennifer's waiting pussy.
He had tasted this delicious cuntmeat before and he gobbled voraciously on her
pussy lips and open cunt, snorting and whinnying between gobbling lips and
slurping licks at her delectable cunt.

"Ohhh, Studs!" Jennifer cried, holding her pussy up to his hungry muzzle by
propping her ass up with her hands. She squirmed on the deeply piled hay in
front of Studs, pushing her cunt up to his greedy licking lips, her tits
floundering on her chest. She worked her pussy on his muzzle, banging her clit
into his flared nostrils, her face beet-red from grunting and pushing.

"Ohhh, fucking Christ!" she cried out exultantly. She thrashed in the hay as the
horny pony worked her pussy into a lather with his warm spit and her frothy
juices. She gazed over at Tammy, seeing the sweet child gape in wonderment as
she watched the pony lick her cunt. She saw the dreamy look in Bill's eyes as he
watched, too, one hand holding Tammy's tits, his other hand between the child's
legs, fingering her pussy in slow, easy strokes.

"Watch this, Tammy!" Jennifer cried out, her voice heavy with passion. She
rolled quicky over on her belly and got up on her knees, angling her body so
Studs could slobber his warm spit all over her delightful ass.

"Aaaah," Tammy sighed, at the glorious sight. Her body was shaking from watching
the pony devour beautiful Jennifer's cunt while Bill's persistent hands finger-
fucked her body. "How does it feel?"

"Like heaven!" Jennifer gasped. "Just like I'm in heaven! OOOOH!" she squealed
as Studs's long probing tongue slurped on her asshole, stretching her asshole
with its immense size. She pushed up at him, trying to get fucked in the ass by
the pony's long pushing tongue.

Her tits bounced, hanging loosely beneath her trembling body as she labored
under the fantastic moving tongue that slapped and sloshed over her asshole and
puffy pussy lips. She wriggled up at Studs, the pony's tongue destroying her
sanity and driving her headlong into the hot sensuous world of blazing passion.
She was no longer concerned with whether Bill or Tammy was watching. Her only
concern was her pussy and the pony's tongue that was driving her mad.

She humped up and squealed with delight as the pony's powerful tongue pushed
into the tight ring of her asshole, reaming the thin narrow channel and
stretching it. "OHHHHH, he's fucking my ass!" she screamed hysterically.

She squirmed against his penetrating tongue, taking it deep in her asshole. "It
feels like a fucking enema!"

The pony, highly agitated by her squirming and heady erotic scent, nudged his
muzzle at her crotch, his tongue writhing into the hot tight depths of her
wrinkled asshole. Studs pulled out as the muscles in her tight asshole tried to
capture his escaping tongue.

Gasping and anxious to blast her load in the pretty pony's snout, Jennifer
rolled over in the hay and offered her pussy up to the neighing beast like a
sacrifice. "Lick it! Lick!" she chanted, her head swimming in a river of fervent
lust. She thrust up at the pony, wrestling on the hay, driving her aching clit
against his teeth. Studs threw back his head and neighed loudly, then wriggled
his head, his lips quivering as he snorted.

"Uhhhhh!" she gasped, dying to have his mouth back on her aching cunt. "Lick
me!" she pleaded, lifting her pussy high in the air, showing Studs the cuntmeat
at the junction of her shapely legs. "Suck meeeee!"

As if understanding the passionate woman's plea, the sleek horse settled down
and began tasting the hairy pussy between Jennifer's legs. The heated scent of
her pussy attacked his large flaring nostrils. His muscles rippled below the
surface of his golden coat and his hooves pawed the stall floor as he gobbled
with rubbery lips at the exotic meal offered up to him by the dazzling Jennifer.

Jennifer was out of her mind as Studs's tongue and lips worked her hot foaming
pussy into an overheated lather. She pushed up at him, smacking her clit into
his teeth. Each time, a shrilly scream escaped from her open mouth adding to the
animal's highly agitated state.

Her body was a greedy piece of flesh, bent on its own selfish needs. Jennifer's
mind and body were no longer controlled by reason, only driven by lust. She
arched up off the hay-strewn floor, wrapping her legs around the animal's neck,
smashing her pussy against his muzzle in a desperate effort to quiet the raging
inferno in her pussy. Practically hanging upside down like an acrobat, Jennifer
struggled to put out the fire that was burning her insides.

She lunged her pussy up at his face, reveling in his broad tongue, stiff like
hard rubber, whipping into the heated depths of her pussy. She wailed, grinding
her clit into the toughness of the animal's mouth. Her tits flounced back, her
arms keeping a delicate balance. She slashed her pussy up at the pony's mouth.

"I'm gonna cum!" she shouted. The pony's tongue reached the hidden rewards of
her pussy and lashed against the sensitive walls of her pulsing oozing cunt. She
basked in the horse's mindless tongue movements in her desire to quench the
furnace that raged within her pussy. Her cunt muscles contracted against, his
squirming tongue. Her hips lifted up, smacking her exploding clit into the
animal's teeth, his lips covering her pussy.

Her head snapped from side to side in the hay, her eyes rolling. Her arms
reached for the object of her passion, the pony's nibbling muzzle.

She came over and over again on the pony, drenching his face, the juice gushing
from her pussy onto Studs's mouth. Slurping on her quivering cunthole, he
snorted her overflowing juices out of his nose as he breathed ragged noisy

She lashed her body against his head, her legs like a gripping vise, clasping
her pussy in place on the tongue that was thrilling her cunt. She screamed,
unable to continue the excruciating position, she collapsed back on the floor of
the barn, gasping and panting from her exhaustive orgasm.

Studs, oblivious to her condition, lowered his head and licked her cunt,
slurping on the foamy juices that drenched her pussy. His tongue slapped up and
down on her sensitive clit and made her twitch in the hay.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she sighed, squirming away from the pony. She stood up, her eyes
glazed with the fire in her soul. It was as if her tremendous climax on the
pony's mouth was only a prelude to what she really wanted. Like a woman
possessed, she grabbed a low bench and slid it under the pony as both Tammy and
Bill continued to watch, mesmerized by the erotic sight.

Like an animal herself, moaning and whimpering, Jennifer lowered her trembling
body onto the bench, angling herself under the magnificent beast. Her eyes were
glued to his monstrous cock between his powerful hind legs. "Ohhhh, Studs!" she
cried out, in her delirious state. "I'm gonna suck you dry!"

Agitated, Studs snorted and whinnied, sensing what the exotic woman was about to
do. His prick throbbed and he neighed wildly as she grabbed him between his
legs, pulling frantically on his pony cock.

"Ohhh, shit!" Tammy moaned, hypnotized by the sight of the tantalizing Jennifer
between the pony's legs trying to get the animal hard. "I can see his cock!"

She was right. In her exuberance with her frenzied hands, Jennifer was getting
the animal worked up into a highly passionate state. "Oh! Ooh! Uhhhhh!" Jennifer
moaned, crazed by the massive cock she held in her two hands. She jerked the
thick prick in both hands, running the heavy skin back, exposing the menacing
cocktip. More and more cock became visible to Jennifer's ravenous stare as she
slipped further down, bringing her mouth to the pony's cock. Her lips touched it
and as she reeled in pleasure, the pony whinnied in delight.

"Fuck her mouth!" Tammy growled, like a bitch in heat. "Fuck her mouth!" She
came out of Bill's arms and got on the floor, needing to be closer to this mind-
boggling sight of pony sucking. Her mouth was dry as she positioned herself on
all fours and watched the cock between Studs's legs grow longer and longer with
each frantic tug of Jennifer's hands.

Jennifer opened her mouth as wide as it would go, taking only part of the
cocktip between her lips. She tried sucking, loud frustrating sucks that echoed
her desire to be able to swallow this hunk of a cock.

Unable to get the monstrous cock inside her mouth, she held the cocktip between
her lips and flashed her tongue against the piss-slot and sucked, making Studs
paw the barn floor with his hooves. She wriggled on the bench, running her lips
and tongue up and down the shaft while jerking him off with her sliding hands.
She glimpsed at Tammy on the floor beside her. "He's so wonderfully big!"
Jennifer sobbed. "You should see him fuck me!"

"Let him fuck you!" Tammy urged, longing to see the pony's cock stuffed inside
Jennifer's pussy. "Let him!"

"No!" Jennifer gasped. "I need to drink his cum this time!" She forgot about
Tammy and went to the pony's gigantic prick. She stroked his cock with care,
caressing the length while nibbling and licking his cock, soaking the menacing
prick with her drooling spit.

Studs rumbled and snorted, his prick swelling in Jennifer's clinging pulling
hands. Her mouth was driving him insane and he started humping at her, fucking
her hands in powerful jabs. His tail swished and his head swayed from side to
side as he rapidly approached the beginning of his orgasm.

Jennifer felt the enormous swelling of his cock and gasped in expectation for
the hot cum that would soon be pouring from the pony's shooting prick. She put
her mouth back on the cocktip, yearning to take the first wad into her throat,
knowing that it would be impossible to drink down the gallons of fiery liquid
that would soon be bursting from the hulking prick she now clutched with desire.

She opened her mouth as far as it would go, the animal's cock hitting her face.
Her eyes were glued to his whacking prick, not wanting to miss his orgasm when
he splattered her face and tits. Her hands moved in a whipping speed along his
cock and she waited, her heart thumping wildly.

With a loud uproarious neigh, Studs's prick exploded. A thick wad of pony jism
shot out of his cockhead in a forceful spurt that was propelled to the back of
Jennifer's open mouth.

Jennifer's head snapped back as the wads found their mark. She jerked his cock
in a frenzied state of hysteria as the colossal prick seemed set on drowning the
beautiful woman in a sea of hot pony jism!

Awe-struck, Tammy watched the gigantic prick drench the hungry woman as Jennifer
tried in a vain attempt to drink the pony's entire load of cum. Tammy swallowed,
pretending it was she that was sucking and drinking at the fountain of pony jism
that was spraying Jennifer's mouth, face, and tits.

Jennifer drank deeply, the hot spurting cum dripping from her open lips and down
over her jiggling tits as she continued to whip his erupting prick with her
hands. She gulped as more of the gooey cream splattered her body. Listening to
the whinnying noises of the over-wrought pony drove her crazy. The beautiful
Jennifer forced her mouth back on the pony's squirting cocktip, taking gobs of
jism down her throat in great squishy wads without swallowing.

Studs's mammoth cock swelled and exploded one last time. Jabbing his prick into
her face, he sank the cocktip between her warm lips, scraping it against her
teeth. He backed up, his prick finally empty, his balls drained.

"Don't swallow it!" Tammy cried, remembering how they had swapped doggie jism.
She tugged impatiently on Jennifer's arm, bringing her out from under the horse.
Once out of Studs's stall, Tammy was all over Jennifer in a crazed state of
passion as she licked the woman's naked body of its pony cum. Covering each
other's mouth, the two naked women rolled in the hay, passing the cum back and
forth as Bill watched, his cock raging in his pants.

Jennifer, exhausted from her session with the pony, pushed the anxious child
from her arms and swallowed the rest of Studs's cum. "Let's go back in the
house. I'll clean up and you can have a turn with the dogs. They're all primed
and waiting!"

Bill stood up and reached his arms down to the two naked women on the barn
floor. They grabbed his hands, both giggling as he pulled them to their feet.
"Let's get the hell in the house! I'm dying to see Tammy with Laddie and Apollo
before I have to take her home!"

They left the barn and hurried to the house, the two naked females' arms wrapped
around the man who allowed them to explore and enjoy their hot and varied sexual

Chapter 6

Tammy sat on the couch in the living room, contemplating her first doggie fuck.
She waited, nervous and slightly afraid, but anxious to begin. Riding the pony
until she climaxed, then watching Jennifer work with Studs made her hotter and
more excited than she had been all weekend. Now the time had come to put her
passion into practice. She was going to fuck dogs, a desire she had ever since
seeing her sister fucking a dog.

She gulped as the two dogs pranced into the room and sat stiffly at her feet,
their eyes bright, their ears perked as if knowing what the child was planning
to do.

Tammy gazed down at them, seeing their red cocktips peeking out from between
their legs. They were ready and, so was she! She looked at the door, waiting for
Jennifer. There was no way she intended to satisfy her desire without the added
spice of an eager, participating audience!

She smacked her lips and spread her legs, content to allow the dogs to toy with
her pussy until Jennifer and Bill joined them. "Ahhhhhhh!" she sighed as
Laddie's tongue found the red dripping gash of her pussy. She squirmed at the
two horny beasts while Laddie licked her pussy and Apollo was content to lick
her legs.

Tammy rolled her hips in an exotic fashion, arching her soft ass off the couch
as she wallowed in the two wet snaking tongues. The dog tongues delighted her
senses and soaked the flesh of her seething cunt.

She wanted her entire body licked and soaked with doggie spit while lying down.
She sprawled out on the floor, her legs wide, her arms out straight, exposing
every inch of her lush teenage body to the overanxious dogs. "Lick me! Lick me!"
she cried, wanting to be, soaked and burning hot before Jennifer and Bill joined

Apollo's broad slurping tongue slashed at the quivering teenager's face and neck
while Laddie slapped his tongue on her seeping pussy as she rocked on her ass

Tammy reached up, taking the broad head of the Great Dane between her small
hands, caressing his face as he licked her, his warm spit soaking her all over.
"Ahhh, Apollo!" she whimpered, remembering how delicious his prick had tasted.
She licked the dog with her own pink tongue, sucking Apollo's tongue as he
snaked it into her greedy mouth.

She humped her soft shaking ass at Laddie whose head was between her legs, his
tongue reaching the inner depths of her pussy, no longer barred by the nuisance
of her cherry.

Sucking on Apollo's tongue, she squirmed on Laddie's snout as it made mush out
of her pussy. She gurgled in her throat, her flesh succumbing to both doggie
tongues slapping wetly all over her body. Her pussy pulsed against Laddie's
tongue as he plunged deep, lapping on the throbbing walls of her hungry cunt.

Gasping for air, she fell back on the floor, her body squirming on the carpet as
Laddie continued to plow his long worming tongue into her hot bubbly pussy hole.
Apollo licked haphazardly on her face and jiggling tittie flesh.

"Ohhhh, you fucking dogs! You're driving me crazy!" she ranted, her head lolling
from side to side. She wallowed in the exquisite pleasure of their hot
persistent tongues. She clawed at the thick-piled rug with her fingers, her cunt
humping up at Laddie. She caught a glimpse of Apollo's magnificent prick jutting
out from its sheath as he became more excited. She reached for the doggie cock,
grasping it in her hands. She stroked his cock, reveling in its power and size.
His prick was hot and throbbing to her touch and she whimpered in gleeful

She lifted her head, wanting to play with Laddie's stiff cock, too. She called
him away from the hot juicy delights of her pussy. The collie came to her and
licked her face. The smell of her creamy hot cunt was all over his pointed
snout. It made her head spin and she captured his tongue in her mouth as he
licked her face.

"Ohhh, Laddie!" she moaned, reaching under and grabbing his cock in her free
hand. With her small delicate hands, she stroked both dog's huge pricks at the
same time, one in each tiny fist. She writhed on the floor, a bundle of sexy
teenage joy, reveling in the perversion of jerking two red-hot doggie pricks.

The two dogs licked her quivering tittie flesh, slapping their broad pink
tongues across her pink tits and swollen nipples. They whimpered together,
dropping to their bellies, trying to fuck the exuberant child's hands as they
slurped noisily on her tender body.

"Ohhh, Apollo! Ahhh, Laddie!" she cried out. She squeezed their weighty cocks.
Her mouth was parched. She had an idea. She sat up, releasing their pricks from
her hot sticky hands. She pushed them away from her tits, panting and sighing.

"Lie down," she ordered, patting them both on the rump. "Lie down!" Her voice
carried the authority she had seen Bill use. The two well-trained dogs complied
with the sensuous teenager's wishes. They dropped to a sitting position, their
tails wagging, their long tongues drooping from their mouths.

"Down! Down!" she ordered, pushing at them to lay on their sides. "Down!"

The dogs whimpered loudly at being denied her lush tasty body and rolled over
onto their sides, their cocks sticking halfway out of their sheaths.

"Good, Laddie! Good, Apollo!" she praised each of them, her breath catching in
her throat as she ogled their handsome pricks. "Oooooh! This is going to be such
fun!" She rubbed her hands together in exhilarating joy. She licked her lips
impishly and sighed. "I'm gonna suck you both off!"

She lowered her head to Laddie, the beautiful collie who had started it all. Her
eyes glistened with passion as she came closer and closer to his long exposed
doggie cock. "Aaaaah," she sighed breathlessly, then took the red pointed
cocktip in her mouth and sucked, bobbing her mouth up and down his cockshaft.

Laddie whimpered happily as Tammy's mouth engulfed his fat prick, his eyes
rolling. He felt the pressure of her clinging lips and mouth, attempting to pull
the jism out from his furry balls. He yelped, wriggling and moving about the
floor in a frenzied delirium.

She popped her mouth off the collie's cock. Her face was flushed With passion,
her lips drooled spittle. "Now for you, my handsome Apollo!" She put her mouth
to the Great Dane's long menacing prick, swishing her tongue around the length
of his firm muscled cockshaft. She licked on his balls and his soft underbelly,
then back up to his prick, where she captured his cock in her sucking mouth. Her
cheeks drew in and she fucked his prick with her mouth for a fast furious
minute, then pulled off, gasping for air.

"You're a hungry little girl, aren't you?" Bill said, snickering in the doorway,
naked. His arm was draped around Jennifer's shoulder, his hand milking her
fleshy big tit.

Tammy, lost in her uncontrolled lust, grinned at her two adult friends. "I'm a
growing girl. I need all the meat I can get!" She looked at Bill's limp sticky
cock hanging down his thighs. "It looks as if Jennifer fucked you all out! I was
wondering what took you two so long!"

Jennifer giggled. "Licking that fucking pony off, then romping with you in the
damn hay turned me on! I needed this hunk of male cockmeat bad!" She caressed
Bill's meaty limp prick. "I fucked him senseless!" She pulled on his prick and
they both plopped on the couch. "I can see you weren't too worried about us. You
got your hands full!"

"Yeaaaaa," Tammy cooed. "I was just giving them a suck!"

"We saw," Jennifer said. "I think they'd like to fuck you though. What do you
think, Bill?"

"I feel the same way," Bill agreed, eyeing the child and her perfectly molded
tits. "I also want to watch the dogs fuck my pretty little friend. How about it,
Tammy? You haven't chickened out, have you?"

"Ohhh, noooh!" she assured them. "I was just fooling around until you two came
down. I wanted you both to be with me when I got my first doggie fuck."

"Two dogs!" Bill reminded her. He held up his fingers. "Two!"

Tammy giggled cheerily. "I know! I wanna fuck them both!"

"Let's get started!" Jennifer said, getting down on the floor with the hot young
girl. "How about one in your asshole?"

Tammy looked at her, unsure. "Really?" She bit her lower lip and looked at the
two dogs trying to decide if she wanted to have her asshole fucked. Tammy wanted
to do everything before going home! She wanted to experience every thrill and
erotic sensation of sex, but her asshole was so tiny. The memory of Studs
reaming Jennifer's asshole with his tongue flashed in her memory. "Okay!" The
idea was intriguing and watching the pony's tongue on Jennifer had whet the
child's appetite for a treat of doggie cock inside her pussy, and even her ass.

"C'mon over here, Tammy, Bill said, patting his thighs. "Rest your head here and
Jennifer will help get the dog on top of you."

Tammy, her blood bubbling through her veins in anticipation, crawled over to
Bill, resting her head on his lap. The odor of his limp cock, smelling of
Jennifer's cunt, reached Tammy's nostrils and she delighted in it. She waited
nervously, her eyes closed, preparing for Jennifer to mount the dog behind her.

"Who's going to fuck me in the ass?" Tammy asked.

"Laddie," Jennifer said. "His cock isn't as big or as thick as Apollo's."
Jennifer petted the long-haired collie and brought the excited dog over to
Tammy's quivering body. He sniffed at her pussy and exposed ass crack, his
tongue slapping out onto her fresh teenage cuntmeat.

Laddie whined for a second, becoming impatient for a place to ram his cock.
Tormented by Tammy's mouth before, he was already climbing on top of the flushed
waiting girl.

"Easy, boy!" Jennifer soothed, petting his silky coat. "Relax, Tammy!" She
stroked the teenager's ass, her mouth drooling to suck out her virgin asshole.

Tammy felt the weight of the collie as Jennifer helped the horny animal into
position behind Tammy's virgin asshole. She sucked in her breath, preparing her
body for the exciting stiff cock to slice into her asshole.

Yelping frantically, Laddie desperately fucked the child's body, trying to drive
his prick into her accessible asshole. His paws weighed heavily on Tammy's naked
back as he danced in a heated frenzy on his hind legs.

Jennifer grabbed the dog's stabbing cock, easing Tammy's ass down. The dog's
cock found its mark! His prick sliced through the tight ring of Tammy's virgin
asshole, into the inner depths of her narrow ass tunnel.

Jennifer, a veil of pure lust on her face, watched Laddie spear his restless
prick into Tammy's hot body. Jennifer settled back on her haunches to watch the
fantastic sight and took comfort in holding Apollo's cock, keeping it hard for
the time when he would fuck Tammy's foaming pussy.

"Aaaayyiieeee!" Tammy screamed as the doggie cock pierced her asshole. Laddic
plunged his prick fast and furious inside her tight hole. Tammy gripped Bill's
legs tightly, holding herself steady, as Laddie lashed at her asshole in short
powerful jabs that ripped through her tightness, stretched her asshole to the
fullest, the pain searing through her lower body.

Bill stroked the child's head as she dug her nails into his thighs. "Easy,
baby," he soothed. "Relax. Relax those muscles!"

Tammy trusted him and heeded his advice. She took a deep breath, exhaling it
noisily and repeated the deep breathing over and over again until her body
adjusted to the ravaging cock that was slamming fiercely into her asshole.

"Ooohhh, yesssss!" she cried out. "It's feeling gooodd! Ohhhh, sooo good!" Bill
was right. So right!

She pushed back at the collie, readily taking his cock into her asshole,
relishing the twinge of pain as it blended with the fabulous sensation of his
cock reaming her ass. It was fantastic! She loved it!

"Fuck meeeee, Laddie!", she squeled, burning with passion as the dog fucked her
wiih feverish plunges. She squirmed against his driving prick, taking it deep
and clinging to it, pulling the cockshaft inward as it swelled with each
powerful lunge into her body.

She felt his hairy legs and weighty paws on her back and she looked up at Bill,
her head whirling in madness. "He's driving me crazy!" she whimpered. "His cock
is tearing me apart!"

Bill grinned. "You love it, baby!"

"Yessssss!" she hissed, sinking her teeth into Bill's limp, sticky cock. She
chewed on his cock in hysterical gulps as the collie slammed and tortured her
asshole with his prick.

Laddie yelped, his head straining backwards, his mouth open and his teeth bared
as he rammed his long red prick into the young girl's vulnerable body. Faster
and faster the collie slammed into Tammy, his cock inflaming to the exploding
point. His fucking became more frenzied, more furious.

Tammy felt the dog was about to spill his load of cum, "Ohhhh, shit, Jennifer!"
she wailed. "He's gonna cum all inside me! In my asshole!" She held Bill tight,
resting her face on his growing prick, the head of his cock at her moist lips.
Her tongue lapped on his cock in an erratic fashion as she waited to feel the
hot jism of the doggie prick squirt into her asshole like an enema.

"He's comingggg!" she shouted deliriously as the first wad of boiling doggie cum
reached up deep in her ass. "He's comingggg in my fucking belly!" She threw back
her head in ecstasy, reveling in the magnificent prick that was ripping into her
asshole and creaming it with hot white cum.

She pushed back, milking his cock with her ass muscles, feeling the sticky jism
squish inside her each time Laddie pounded into her ass. Her body trembled as
she rocked on her knees, taking the last few drops of cum. She felt Laddie ease
up, then pull out of her ass. A spray of his jism splashed onto her ass cheeks.

"When is Apollo gonna fuck my pussy?" Tammy asked, wanting the pleasure of being
fucked by these beautiful animals to continue.

"In a second," Jennifer said, releasing Apollo's giant stiff prick. "First, I
have to clean you up with my tongue!"

Tammy, swimming in pleasure, giggled as Jennifer's tongue lapped at her ass
cheeks. She squiggled her ass at Jennifer. "Lick out my asshole!"

Jennifer spread the child's ass cheeks apart. She put her lips to the delicate
hole of the teenager's ass and sucked, running her tongue around at the gobs of
jism that oozed from her tight little ass. She licked her asshole, sucking and
drinking down the gooey cum, her heart swelling with desire to fuck this child
again, or anyone, or anything! Fighting her own growing passion, she pulled her
mouth away from Tammy's ass and helped the horny speckled Great Dane onto
Tammy's back.

"Now, you're gonna get your pussy fucked!" Jennifer said, angling the Dane's
gigantic cock at Tammy's tender red pussy.

"I can't wait!" Tammy cried out. "Hurry!" She pushed back, craving to have her
cunt filled again with doggie cock.

"Here it comes!" Jennifer wailed as Apollo tore into the child's cunt with his
red bloated prick.

Tammy's pussy swallowed the doggie prick, devouring the entire length of his
meaty cock in one fleeting moment. The hulking cock was ramming her cunt, making
Tammy howl in ecstasy. She used her cunt muscles on him, tugging and pulsing
against his cockshaft as the dog pumped her pussy with hard powerful thrusts.

"OOOOHHHH!" she crooned, her pussy stuffed full of doggie prick. She twisted and
churned on her knees, grabbing Bill's now rigid cock. Tammy stroked it, wanting
to watch his cum fly while Apollo blasted her pussy with his hot cream.

Jennifer petted the huge Dane, hungry for Tammy's pussy when the magnificent
animal was done fucking her. She glanced up and saw Tammy jerking Bill's cock in
rhythm to the dog's pounding in her squishy wet pussy.

"Ohhh, Christ!" Tammy cried out hysterically. She jerked Bill's cock in her tiny
hand, running her clenched fist up and down his cockshaft. The cock throbbed in
her grasp, and she moaned as much from the pleasure of the pounding doggie prick
as she did from the wonderful feeling of Bill's prick in her hand.

Jennifer watched, feeling left out. She stroked Apollo's jerking hips and hind
legs, her fingers toying with the animal's asshole. She wanted to finger-fuck
him, but another idea popped into her beautiful head; a way to participate while
Tammy enjoyed the fabulous fucking of the Great Dane.

She scooted under Tammy's jerking naked body, watching the child's swaying tits
as Apollo whacked his cock into her pussy. Jennifer licked Tammy's swollen
nipples and hard rubbery tips. She heard Tammy whimper. It thrilled her to
contribute to the sex-crazed teenager's pleasure. The frantic woman moved down
on her back, bringing her mouth to where Apollo was ramming his red glistening
prick into Tammy's cunt. The sight was marvelously erotic! She was hypnotized by
the fast and vehement action of the whipping doggie cock. The teenager's cunt
sucked it up like it had been fucked for years. Juice dripped out from Tammy's
cunt onto Jennifer's face and the woman licked the cunt juice with her pink
slithering tongue.

Tammy, her mind spinning in an ocean of lust and pleasure, realized that
Jennifer was beneath her. Tammy trembled, her body quaking uncontrollably from
the fanatical pounding of the dog's giant prick in her pussy. She squeezed
Bill's tremendous prick in her hand sensing that Apollo was getting ready to
flood her pussy with his doggie jism.

Tammy's eyes widened in ecstasy as she felt Apollo's cock swell to enormous
proportions in her young cunt. At the same time she felt Jennifer's mouth
encompass her exposed and blood-filled clit. She screamed, her hand clenching
Bill's prick as she snapped her head back in glorious ecstasy.

Yelping whines of doggie passion, Apollo's cock erupted in a fiery blast of
doggie cum that splattered the girl's pussy. It drenched her already juice-
soaked cunthole, cum gushing from the tight pussy with every plunge of his cock.

Tammy's mouth opened. For a split second, nothing came out. Then the room filled
with her voice. "AGHHHHHH! OHHHH! AGGGHHHH!" Her pussy erupted from the steady
powerful onslaught of Apollo's cock and the sucking action of Jennifer's mouth
and lips on her clit and pussy lips. Jennifer lapped, sucked, and chewed on
Tammy's cunt and Apollo greased his glistening wet cock in her pussy.

Tammy screamed again, her body in the throes of the most powerful orgasm of the
entire weekend. She thrashed, floundering back against Apollo's squirting prick,
his jism flowing from her pussy in great thick wads. She humped at Jennifer's
sucking mouth as her orgasm ripped through her pussy. Tammy's hands jerked
Bill's cock as he watched her gyrate and churn on the dog's cock and Jennifer's
sucking mouth.

"I'm COMINGGGG!" Tammy screeched at the top of her lungs. Her body weakened, her
muscles and bones melting under the tremendous pressure of her extraordinary

She bucked and thrashed like a wildcat. Her hips rotated in quick frenzied
circles. She fucked Jennifer's sucking mouth and, at the same time, slammed her
body back at the doggie prick invading her worn pulsating pussy. She threw back
her head, her honey-blonde curls swishing across her face as she mindlessly
jerked Bill's monstrous cock.

Her pussy exploded again as Bill's prick erupted. Jism squirted from his prick,
splattering her face, hitting her in her open mouth, gagging the scream erupting
from her throat. Apollo, his doggie prick all but drained, continued to fuck the
girl with his powerful sleek body, driving, ramming his cock into the tight wet
clinging cunthole. Jennifer's mouth never stopped sucking on Tammy's hard
exposed clit, licking and nibbling until Tammy went berserk, her body jerking
and convulsing on the floor.

"Aghghghgh!" she screamed one last time, then collapsed on Bill's squirting
prick, whimpering.

"STOP! STOP!" she sobbed hysterically as the overpowering orgasm soared
throughout her body.

She twitched, her eyelids blinking, lights flashing in her head. She shuddered
as Apollo's cock popped out of her clenching pussy. He ran from the room, his
tail between his legs.

Jennifer ate the child's cunt, her lips and mouth working her cunt as she sucked
out Apollo's doggie jism. After sucking, the child dry, she gently lifted her
off Bill's prick and laid her on the floor.

Tammy looked up at them both with a sated dreamy smile that was her way of
thanking them for a wonderful weekend. "Can I come back?" she asked, her voice

"Yes, baby," Bill said. "Next weekend you can take on Studs along with

"I'd love that!" she sighed. "I'm going to rest awhile." She closed her eyes and
curled up in a ball on the floor, sleep overtaking her in seconds, her mind
filling with pleasure dreams of her fabulous weekend.

The End
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