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IPB-180 Laura's Ball Club
by Carole Wilson

Chapter 1

Laura Cutter was furious. Even her mother said that a twelve year old young lady
who was beginning to develop like one ought to leave baseball to the boys! Can
you just imagine in this day and age leaving everything to the boys just like it
was 1800 or some ancient time like that! She snapped her long blond pigtails in
the air like two ferocious whips as she turned on her heel and left the sand lot
where the boys in the neighborhood were having a wonderful time playing baseball
and wouldn't let her play! Well, she had the right to have a good time, too,
didn't she? Why were all the fun things left for the boys? She liked to play
hockey, or example, and what did her mother want her to do? She insisted that
Laura take figure skating lessons! Of all the stupid things to do! What good are
figure skating lessons? What you had to do was get the experience so that you
were able to place the puck exactly where it was supposed to go. Figure skating
lessons were sure a laugh when it came to doing anything useful like that! And
now it seemed as if the whole world was against her playing baseball too!

"Hi, Janie," she suddenly called, seeing her pal on the way to the sand lot,
coming at her in the other direction. "They won't let you play," she announced
sourly. "Boys! They think they know everything!" She expected to see Janie get
really angry, because she liked a good game of baseball or hockey as much as
Laura did, but Janie seemed to be looking for someone.

"Hey, Laura, have you seen Mack?" Janie asked, not perturbed about the unfair
conditions for girls in Hobbs Corner at all!

"I don't care if I never see him," Laura spat. "What's it to you to see a boy?"

Now Janie Farragut focused her attention on her old friend, seeing for herself
that Mack Toohey was not at the sand lot.

"Well if you want to get to play with boys, you got to know how to go about
doing it, Laura. You don't be stupid about it."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Laura said, blazing at her old friend, her buddy,
she thought.

"Oh, naw, come off it, Laura. What I mean is these guys ain't the only guys in
town, and there are other baseball games in other places."


"Other places I know," the dark-haired, freckle-nosed Janie whispered
mysteriously. "Only you have to join the club to play."

"A baseball club?" Laura Cutter's pretty jaw dropped in surprise. Then her brow
puckered. "What are you talking about?"

"That's why I'm looking for Mack Toohey," the darker girl explained. "See, to
join a club, you have to be initiated and to do that, there's a number of steps,
you know. Right now I'm supposed to be doing another step in my initiation."

"You mean that Mack Toohey is a member of this club?" Laura had always admired
Mack Toohey. He was a real leader of the guys, and he was extra good in any
sport, it seemed. He could play hockey like a Maple Leaf. The Maple Leafs were
her favorite team.

"He sure is. He's the president, I think. I'm not sure. Before your initiation
is finished, you don't get told very much, not even where you're going to play
when you're finished."

"Why not?" Laura demanded. It sounded to her like more of male chauvinism.

"They have to be careful, of course. If you have a club, you don't let people
know your secrets. If people don't pass the initiation and don't get into the
club, what happens if they know all the secrets?" Laura couldn't imagine what
would happen, if anything.

"I suppose it depends on the secrets," she mumbled. "Who's in the club?" she
asked, still suspicious of the whole idea. She had never heard of such a thing
to do with baseball!

"You can't know that either, not yet. Say, Laura, there's talk they're going to
need another girl for the team. You interested?"

"You mean they have to have a certain number of girls? Why don't they just pick
the best players?" Laura was perplexed and the idea certainly did nothing to
allay her suspicions.

"It's up to you," the other girl said, shrugging her shoulders as though it
didn't matter in the least bit whether Laura, who was supposed to be her best
friend, was on her team or not! Laura could not help being incensed and then
hurt. "I just have to find someone," Janie continued nonchalantly.

"What would I have to do?" Laura asked then. She could not help but recall that
Mack Toohey was in this club, whatever it was.

"First you have to come to a special meeting and talk to the guys, I guess. I'd
have to find out for sure," Janie explained. "What time are going home for
lunch, and I'll call you."

"Can't we just go and find Mack and find out now?" Laura asked.

"If I can find Mack, we got other things to do," Janie told her mysteriously.

"Like what?" Laura asked with a penetrating stare. Since when did Janie Farragut
do things secret from her best friend?

"Oh, Laura, I can't tell you. That's why I want you to join!"

"Well I don't mind going and talking about it."

"I'll call you at noon."

"Yeah, okay," Laura agreed, and they parted. Laura Cutter went home because
there wasn't anything better to do, and she might just as well sit around and
read comics. Janie Farragut went looking for Mack, apparently.

* * *

"First I have to ask you," said Janie later that afternoon when Laura met her
for the club meeting to which she was invited, "if you'll promise not to tell
anyone anything if you decide not to join. I mean, you wouldn't want me to get
into trouble or anything like that!"

"Of course not!" Laura affirmed. What could Janie mean by trouble?

"I told the guys you had a sense of honor and weren't any tattle tale," Janie
smiled, sighing with relief.

"I sure do!" Laura agreed, wondering now why she would be called upon to use it.

They had several blocks to walk before turning into a really beautiful house on
the outskirts of Hobbs Corner. Laura thought it was the DePow house, but she
wasn't sure. Ernest DePow was a former mayor of the town, and the family was the
wealthiest in the whole county, her father often said.

"Hey, won't we get caught in here?" Laura asked nervously. Already Janie had
left the path that led to the front door and was leading her pal over the lawns.
Laura was not accustomed to walking on such beautiful lawns. The only one she
knew that looked anywhere near as beautiful was in the park and it was covered
with signs that warned people not to walk on it.

"So what if we do? Peter has a right to play with kids," Janie told her.

"Who's Peter?"

"Peter DePow. He lives here, and he's in the club," Janie told her importantly.
"He goes to private school," she then explained, suddenly feeling guilty for
enjoying her sense of importance in knowing Peter DePow.

The two girls reached the rear of the house, and Janie led Laura on into the
trees that started to dot the yard sparsely and then became more numerous as the
land began to rise into the hills that backed the property. Suddenly, Janie

"Here we are!" she announced. Before indicating where they were, she enjoyed the
startled look on her friend's face as she looked around herself, hunting for the
clubhouse that Janie had told her to expect. "Up there!" she laughed gaily at
last. She pointed straight up, and sure enough, there was the bottom of a good
sized tree house that had been constructed in the branches of two trees, not
one. The trees were sturdy old red maples, their gray bark folded around them
like the folds of clothing.

"What strange looking trees," Laura noted. Gosh, the wealthy people had
everything, she couldn't help thinking. But she looked up at the tree house with
a strangely beating heart. She never had paid much attention to the DePows or
talk about them, and she had not realized there was a boy in the family. There
was not only a kid in the family, a lover of baseball like herself, she thought,
shakily, but she, Laura Cutter, was going to meet him and ... and play with him
... and maybe be in the very same club!

"Never mind the trees," Janie said impatiently. "We may be a little late. Hurry

"Hurry up what?" Laura asked. Janie had changed something wicked, Laura was
thinking. She was getting so impatient and preoccupied! Could it be this club
that was such a bad influence on her friend? If that was the case, maybe Laura
should think twice about joining, even if it did have important guys like Mack
Toohey and Peter DePow in it!

"Climb up," Janie ordered, and for the first time, Laura noticed the rope ladder
that was only partially visible, lying folded on a low limb. She took it down.

"You go first," she said to Janie. "Why me? I never been here before."

The truth was that Janie Farragut had no idea what they would find at the top of
the ladder. She never knew for sure, and she wanted to climb up behind her
friend so that Laura could not run away if she didn't like what she saw.

"It's the rules of my initiation," Janie told Laura. "I have to be polite and
let you go first," she explained lamely.

Laura snorted. She looked at her friend with a laugh in her blue eyes. Imagine
Janie having to be polite! Well, maybe there was something to being polite when
you were sitting around waiting for your turn at bat and it might not come
because some dumb kid on your team was a lousy player and would sure as hell
strike out. Then there were times when you got mad at the umpire and had to be
sure you didn't start a fist fight and get put out of the game. Maybe practicing
politeness was supposed to stop things like that. Oh, well. She started to climb
the rope ladder. She tried to master the climb so she wouldn't look awkward, but
it was hard getting the rungs of the ladder to stay away from the tree trunk so
she could manage a good foot hold, at least very fast. By the time she reached
the top, she could not help feeling embarrassed and her face was hot, probably
red. Maybe no one would notice.

No one even looked at her when she reached the top. There were two boys, Mack
Toohey with his dark curly hair and brown eyes. Boy, you had to watch out for
that guy on the ice. She wanted to greet him, but was confused by his lack of
attention. He and another boy with carrot red hair and a lot more freckles than
Janie had were busy talking about something. So she turned self-consciously and
looked back down the ladder.

"You coming, Janie?" she asked so the stupid boys wouldn't think she had to
depend on them to say hello. She would show them she had plenty of other
interests, the least of which was saying hello to a couple of guys, especially
stuck-ups like Mack and whoever he was talking to. Maybe it was Peter DePow.
That would explain why he was so stuck-up.

When Janie finally came up, the first thing they did was get introduced. Then
Laura softened. After all, the boys were very likely as self-conscious as she
was. Either that or it was just another rule of politeness not to talk to
someone until you were introduced. Laura didn't know much about that. Still,
Mack knew her, she thought, even though they had never really talked to each

The next thing they did was play cards, and the first thing she knew, she was
learning how to play poker. She wanted to ask about the club, but as far as she
knew this was kind of a meeting and maybe this was what you did at meetings.
That wasn't too bad. But she would really like to know about the sports. Yet,
Janie had said that until after the initiation, she would not be told very much
at all and that it would be useless to ask questions.

One of the surprising things that happened though was how Pete DePow, for that's
who the redhead turned out to be, seemed to deliberately keep his leg pressed
against hers under the card table. Laura had never had anything like that happen
to her before, and at first she was uncomfortable. But Pete smiled at her very
warmly, and finally she began to tingle until she reached the point where she
didn't want him to take his leg away, It was very strange. And very nice. In
fact, he was a terrific guy, she decided. If only he would get around to the
sports things, too, everything would be perfect.

By the time Mack Toohey and Janie had disappeared down the rope ladder, Laura
even forgot to wonder where they were going and why. Pete DePow had her complete
attention. He was very impressive and sounded just like a movie star when he
spoke. Every word sounded smooth as the note of a song. She could not imagine
what it was he found so attractive about her. She began to suspect that maybe
there really was no club and that Pete had simply asked Janie or Mack or whoever
it was he knew to introduce him to Laura. She wanted very much to ask him if he
had seen her somewhere before and where that could be, but she somehow couldn't
get the words out of her constricted throat. Just think of Pete DePow being
interested in Laura Cutter. If it had been any other boy she knew who had shown
this kind of romantic interest, she would have scoffed. She'd rather play
baseball any day!

"I hear you like to play baseball," he finally said after the others had left.
He asked her if she wouldn't like to sit down on the big pillows on the floor in
the corner of the large tree house. Automatically she agreed to move to the
pillow even though it meant losing contact with his knee. However, when they
were on the pillows, he put his arm around her and pressed his leg the length of

"I ... uh ... I like a good game," she said uncertainly.

"Yeah, Janie says you're very good," he said, looking into her blue eyes
intently. His eyes were a lovely gray green, she saw. He was squeezing her a
little and she was sure her face must be flushing by now. She felt hot and her
heart was beating like a trip-hammer. "We play baseball," he said, smiling as
though baseball were just a little difficult to think about right now.

"That's what I thought," she said, but she was having trouble caring, too. Why?

"We have a little initiation," he whispered. "And for you, part of that's
getting to know the coach. That's me. Okay?" What did he mean?

And then abruptly, as she tried to nod her head 'yes,' he put his arms
completely around her and drew her tight against him. First he kissed her just
gently, softly, but then he kissed her harder and she felt her lips being
opened. Oh, she had heard of this kind of kiss. It was supposed to be when you
really liked someone a lot. Could it be that Pete DePow liked her that much? She
could not help herself and she opened her lips almost eagerly to accept his
probing wet tongue. Their tongues met and tasted one another, exchanging an
incredible kiss. Pete's hands were restless on her back and shoulders now,
moving back and forth, up and down, around and over her little white button-down

Laura Cutter felt something very new. It was an almost overwhelming surge of
desire at this nearness to a boy, especially Pete, the intoxicating boy odor in
a relationship that she had never before known. His kisses were eliciting a full
and total response inside the would-be ball player, and when his moving hands
gradually worked their way around to lightly entering the front of her blouse,
the buttons seeming to pop out of the button holes as if he willed them to, and
lightly caressed the beginning mounds of her new tits, she didn't know whether
this was the time to stop him or not. Her mother had said something about not
letting a boy go too far, but what did that mean? And the closeness she felt to
this new friend right now seemed to transcend any parental warning or concern.

And so Pete began to caress her newly ripening titties in earnest then as his
eager tongue probed wetly in and out of her opened mouth. Gosh, his gentle touch
felt so good on her! Unaware of her own response, she wrapped her fingers in his
carrot-red curls, kissing him even more passionately, and then his fingers had
dipped inside her undershirt, which her mother insisted she wear if she wouldn't
wear a brassiere. The contact of his hand on her naked flesh thrilled the twelve
year old more than she could ever have imagined. Oh, she had overheard a lot of
talk among certain girls around school, and she had always pretended that she
wasn't listening. Now she was glad she had. She suspected that it was less
frightening to know that these strange and thrilling sensations were common to
others. Before she knew it, she was allowing him to unbutton her blouse and to
slip the garment down over her shoulders. And then his deft fingers had worked
her undershirt up under her arm pits so that she felt a cool rush of air against
her now-erect nipples as her still firm, not yet very large tits were fully
exposed to Pete's hungry gaze.

Gently with his palm he began to stroke her naked, just blossoming tits, rolling
his hands over her newly forming mounds before bringing them up to massage the
hardened nipples. Taking the taut pink buds between thumb and forefinger, he
tweaked them into a quivering rigidity. Laura moaned with increasing fervor as
Pete's caresses wrung soft cries of delight from her throat. Little shivers of
arousal began to course through her, and she had felt a warm wetness up between
her legs seeping from her excitedly throbbing cunt. She was sure glad she had
heard the girls talk about that or it would have frightened her to death!

Laura felt no panic at all even when Pete's red head dipped down and his wetly
heated lips encircled one of her erect little nipples, tongue swirling wetly
round and round the goose-bumped aureole. Even though this was the first time in
her life she had ever bared any part of her so private to a boy, never mind been
kissed by a boy right there on a nipple, the thought never entered her mind
right away that there was anything she should do to stop this marvelous
experience, that what she was doing might lead to uncontrollable passion. The
young blond twelve year old was still awed by the idea that no less than Peter
DePow was apparently crazy about her, and she felt safe, felt warm and somewhat
drowsy from what he was doing, and very excited as his gently sucking mouth
moved like a hungry child's on her soft, young tits.

All of a sudden, though, one of Pete's hands left her quivering titty and moved
down to stroke her thighs just below her shorts. His fingers hungrily traversed
the silky soft skin of her inner thighs, then moved upward, sliding the hem of
the shorts still higher until the tips of his searching fingers were resting on
her warmly moistened cuntal mound right on the white cotton of her panties. Only
then did Laura feel the first stirrings of panic, for Pete had groaned and
clamped his lips hard around her rigid nipple while his other hand squeezed and
kneaded the resilient flesh of her naked young titty. The squirming young blond
felt confused, uncertain. She wanted to be rid of his moist warm mouth on her
tit, his lusting, nerve-wracking touch on her nakedly exposed flesh, and yet she
didn't want to be free of it either. For a moment she was undecided, and that
was time enough for Pete to unbutton and unzip her shorts so that he could begin
caressing the smooth flat plane of her then exposed belly.

His fingers had slipped inside the elastic waistband of her panties almost
before Laura realized what was happening, and suddenly he was tugging the flimsy
material down, down over her pubic area, sliding her panties from under her
nakedly quivering ass. Needless to say, the shorts went easily. The moist heat
of his palm pressed against her down-covered pussy mound, and rippling waves of
erotic pleasure threatened to blank the young girl's mind completely of the
consequences of his actions. Gently, he insinuated his outstretched middle
finger into the soft warm virginal slit up between her thighs, parting her
moistly sensitive cunt lips and probing at the thin hymeneal membrane which gave
mute testimony to her naivete, had he any question in that regard. Meanwhile, he
was using his thumb to tweak the sensitive nub of her clitoris, teasing over it
again and again and causing a sharp cry of commingled fear and intense pleasure
to bubble out of her throat. Her fingers in his red curls tightened, pulling his
head down harder against her young titties even as her voice was repudiating her
actions by moaning, "No, no, no, no!" over and over again.

Then an unmistakable whispering sound filled the tree house at that moment, the
sound of a zipper being pulled hurriedly down as Pete's hand left her tit
momentarily. Her blue eyes fluttered open in alarm and, in the shaded light of
the little house, she saw for the first time an erect male organ quivering
lewdly in all its blood-engorged awesome passion. Abruptly, the fear routed her
lust so that there was no longer a struggle going on inside her. The sight of
his menacing blood-filled cock decided matters for the terrified pig-tailed
little girl. She had to stop him, stop him right away!

"No, Pete!" she cried, trying to twist away from him. "What kind of club is
this, anyhow? We can't do something like this. We're not married ... or anything
like that!"

"Please, Laura, please!" he mumbled, his voice thick with the lust that was
reflected in his gray-green eyes. His hand was stroking the full length of what
looked to her like his monstrous lust-thick prick. She could see that, and her
efforts to free herself became more panicky. The aroused young athlete was too
strong for her, with all her prowess with a baseball bat. And before she could
escape, she had been forced back down on the pillows. It was then that Laura
felt the smooth hot head of his lust-thickened prick touch her thigh, and she
jumped from the electric contact of pulsating granite hard flesh against her
fevered skin. Groaning in uncontrolled passion, Pete DePow began forcing her not
tightly closed legs apart, and the frantically squirming little girl could feel
his greatly lust-swollen, pulsating cock trembling like an impossibly large
wedge being driven into and splitting a tinder-dry log as he fucked it
repeatedly against her partially opened thighs.

Pete then put both of his freckled hands on her nakedly quivering titties as if
he were in the throes of some consuming pain. He squeezed them painfully before
lowering his head and planting hot, moist kisses upon the new mounds, all the
while murmuring like some madman about not being able to help himself and she
was going to have to forgive him and all that shit.

"I'm ... I'm going to cummmmmmmm!" he said finally, though, and Laura Cutter
thought she would faint away.

She felt his hotly throbbing prick begin to jerk out of control against her soft
white thighs, felt a hot jetting spurt splash against the innocent folds of her
pussy, another, and another, a whole series of eruptions, that flooded her
cuntal area and thighs with sticky semen that flowed down to pool on the pillow
beneath her. Pete had been mewling and convulsively twitching above her,
planting those hot, liquid kisses on her still quivering young tits as his seed
emptied out of his wildly ejaculating cock onto her naked flesh while she tried
to force him off of her.

When he was finally limp with his satisfaction, and Laura was able to get out
from under his body, she never dressed so fast in her life. She was all sticky
and wet, but she would have to hope that no one could see her. It shouldn't be
too bad since her clothing had been out of the way. She only hoped that it
wouldn't seep through things too much, because she sure as hell wasn't staying
around here. Pete even had the nerve to ask her not to go at once but she paid
no attention. Once having broken the spell, her fears returned and there was now
no facade of politeness to keep her so she went. This was no road to a baseball
team; that was clear.

Reaching home, she went straight to her room. Immediately, she stripped off the
soiled clothing and took the hottest shower that she could stand. After soaping
herself thoroughly and rubbing her self hard with the face cloth, she submitted
her body to a harsh and brusque toweling that turned her skin to a hot pink and
all but removed it! She threw herself onto the bed determined to think of
baseball until she fell asleep, but she knew only too well that baseball would
never be the same again. Every time she watched the pitcher getting ready to
pitch, every time she herself went to pitch to the batter, if he was a boy, she
would be wondering what he had on is mind. What a rotten shame! She turned onto
her face for awhile, feeling that surely she ought to want to cry. But all she
could see was gray-green eyes staring at her that way from every player on the
ball field, from every hockey player on the ice.

In spite of herself and the rub down she had given her tender skin, the new
pleasantness began to creep back, and she found herself wishing, however much
she accused herself of being silly, that she had not run away quite so soon.
Something was missing. There was something for her that she didn't get, and the
craving for that unknown something made her wriggle on the bed as it became
stronger. Once again she was filling with that same kind of tingling arousal
that Pete DePow had given her. Her mind began to drift with the same kind of
mindless excitement that she had suffered with him, the same attitude of not
caring about consequences as her mind carried her on to further heights of
sexual fantasy. With the whole ball team watching, she imagined herself slowly
undressing. Good grief! And another thing, she imagined she could feel Pete's
warmly pulsing prick inside her trembling cunt. She recalled the touch of his
lips and hands on her naked flesh just as though he were in the room with her
now, and she wished he was! She began to squirm in the growing passion on the
bed, and her wetly aroused cunt began to secrete its liquid excitement,
moistening her fresh panties. There was a tender aching up between her legs and
the need for release of her ever-increasing passion was becoming strong, too

Involuntarily, the twelve year old pig-tailed tomboy's hands began to move down
along her tautly rippling belly. She knew what girls talked about doing, about
playing with themselves until relief came. She knew that's exactly what she
wanted to do to herself so she forced her hands up and away, but they
immediately went back down again as if they had a will of their own. The inside
of her mouth was dry, and she ran her tongue wetly over her lips several times
in an effort to rid herself of the and taste. Oh, gosh, she thought dimly, why
would I do something like this to myself? I want to go back to the way things
were! I don't want to get so worked up.

But in another moment, she didn't care what she was working herself up to. In a
corner of her brain she knew there was no going back to anything now. Her hands
were moving sensuously around to her front, moving across the full firmness of
her only slightly pliant new titties. Gradually, she began opening and closing
her legs as she massaged her sensitive young mounds of warm flesh, the sound of
automobiles and life going on outside the bedroom and the house beginning to
sound like the ominous background music of a film. She began watching,
fascinated, as her own fingers began plucking at the buttons on the front of her
bathrobe, opening the garment all the way down. Her skin was still pink next to
the white of her panties. Her hands traveled almost greedily up and down her
body now, over the mounds of her titties, down to her throbbing pubic mound,
across the smoothness of her taut little belly.

Laura Cutter was looking at herself in a very different way than she had ever
looked before. Instead of noticing her muscles, she noticed the attractive
slenderness of her limbs and how her waist nipped in above her hips, which
looked more fully rounded than she had ever seen them. Her hands seemed to be
seeking knowledge of every inch of her new womanly shape, of her proportionately
lovely flesh. She ran her fingers tantalizingly over the area up between her
thighs, arching her long limbs up and spreading them open to the delicious,
forbidden delights which her caresses were instilling within her body. Her mouth
was parted, and her brain was whirling with the heat of her growing lust. She
flailed her head from side to side on the pillow, her long, blond pig-tails
whipping around like soft whips. She had kicked the covers completely off of her
eagerly trembling body as her hands continued their mad pace up and down, down
and around, teasing her now-fevered flesh into even more intense arousal, her
brain alive with lewd thoughts previously unknown to her, of Pete DePow's long
lust-hardened prick fucking in and out of her wetly throbbing cunt.

Laura arched her back, working her arms out of the sleeves of her robe. She
found herself needing a feeling of great freedom. She wanted to touch the rigid
nipples without the encumbrance of clothing under her arms and bunching up her
sides. She pulled the robe away from her body and tossed it to the floor beside
the bed, and her hands hungrily engulfed the soft warmth of her new alabaster
mounds. Slowly, rhythmically, she began to roll the nipples back and forth,
squeezing them and then releasing them, squeezing, then releasing.

The entire time he was thinking that she ought not to do this, that it was going
to make it harder to give this sort thing up and return to being herself again.
She was masturbating, and that, she knew, was naughty anyway. It was naughty and
evil and perverted and ... and ... it felt so good!

Her right hand left her nakedly quivering tit and moved slowly down over her
stomach to the elastic waistband of her panties. In spite of her self-
recrimination, her shame at what she was doing, she wasn't able to stop herself.
There was only her urgency now, her frantic need for release from the
overbuilding whirlpools of passions inside her shamelessly aroused body.

What was she doing to herself? She was drawing her panties down now, drawing
them sensuously over her satin pubic mound while her other hand continued to
stroke the nipple of one titty. She raised up on the bed, pulling the thin wisp
of a garment down to her ankles, her eyes tightly shut, and then pulling them
off completely so that she was completely nakedly exposed, and although there
was certainly no one else in the room, she had this magnificent feeling of being
looked at by hundreds of pairs of gray-green eyes!

Again she lay back, one hand on her tit, the other stroking first one thigh,
then the other, carefully avoiding for the moment the moist inferno of lust
between her legs. Then when she could stand the pressure no longer, her eager
hand shot to the hotly pulsating folds of her pussy and pressed against the wet
sensitive flesh there as she once again brought her legs up off the bed and
splayed them wide apart. Her tight little cuntal hole was opened wide now as she
gently eased her outstretched finger into her wetly clasping pussy.

She could not help herself. She imagined it was Pete DePow's hand, his finger,
touching her there, stroking her down there. She imagined it was he who was now
caressing her hair-fuzzed cuntal lips until they seemed to be swollen with blood
the way his long blood-thickened cock had been swollen, until her clitoris was
as hard as his lust-rigid cock had been hard. She found her sensitive nerve bud
with the tip of her searching finger and began to tease it back and forth,
running the nail round the quivering tip until the delight caused her to
jackknife her legs back up against her chest, mashing what little mound there
was of her tits flat. Her asscheeks, white moons of the softest, most flawless
young flesh imaginable, jerked and twisted in complete wantonness under her
fingering, and the resulting erotic sensations caused the sweat to bead and
shine on her lust-grimacing face, matting her blond wisps of hair, ever escaping
her braids, to her forehead and neck.

Oh, God, she thought to herself, hoping her parents could not read the swear
word in her mind, but she sure wished Pete were here! All that sounded out into
the room was a groaning through the daze of passion which controlled her brain,
but her thoughts were beginning to be of how stupid she had been to run away!
Wouldn't it be wonderful, she thought, if it was Pete playing with her pussy.
How she wished it was he who was going to put his lovely lust-hard prick into
her ravished cunt and fuck her, fuck her hard, real hard until he came inside of
her instead of all over her skin, where she couldn't feel filled with the warmth
of it but only covered with its cold stickiness.

Faster and faster and faster, Laura's little finger fucked into her moistly
clasping cunt, deliberately teasing her clitoris and her cuntal hole until her
orgasm was only moments away. Her hips thrashed and pounded the bed beneath her
as her other hand squeezed and kneaded her nakedly quivering tits and nipples,
causing wave after wave of pain- pleasure to ripple outward from her sensitive
flesh. There was no guilt, no shame for her in that frozen period of time. There
was only the wonderful, rapturous feelings of impending climax which were
filling her very soul.

"Laura!" she heard vaguely as if from a great distance. "Laura!" she heard a
more demanding tone and started up from her position, the waves of pleasure
rolling back like waves rolling back into the sea. She made a rapid dive for her
underpants and then for her closet, grabbing the first things that came to hand.
It was a dress with rosebuds on it, that she absolutely hated. It was bad enough
that it was a dress, but the rosebuds finished it, in her eyes. She went to
throw it back inside. Her mother liked that dress. It would divert her mother's
attention if she wore it.

There was nothing showing on the little girl from which to divert her mother's
attention, but she was so accustomed to having her mother discover the least
guilty secret she might harbor that she thought in terms of hiding everything,
even the invisible, even her growing up. Although so far, she had done a better
job of hiding her growing up from herself than from her mother, but she didn't

Chapter 2

If her mother noticed the dress, she didn't make any indication. She was too
much in a hurry, had been interrupted in whatever she had been doing, also.

"Telephone," she told Laura briefly as soon as her young daughter appeared. Then
the mother returned to the kitchen.

Laura was a little out of breath, whether from the frustrated and unfinished
love-making or from the strain of hiding her guilt from whoever, specifically
her mother, might see, it would be hard to say. Nevertheless, her breathing was
a little hard, raspy. She paused a few moments before taking the receiver from
the telephone bench where her mother had placed it to await her coming. She sat
down, took one deep breath, and tried to speak in as normal a tone of voice as
she could muster.


"I feel terrible and have to apologize," a voice thinly said after a pause. It
was Pete DePow. Of all the nerve! Yet, she couldn't be too angry. She couldn't
shake the memory that upstairs just now, on the bed, she had just about willed
him to be with her. Who knows? Maybe that's why he was calling. Maybe he knew
she wasn't really mad, at least not any more.

"I guess we might as well forget it," she said sternly. Gosh, she didn't know
what to say! She couldn't admit to him that she ... well ... that she liked him!
And on the other hand, she hadn't really had the time to think it all out, but
she had a sneaking suspicion that it would be better if she made herself get
over all this and went back to concentrating on baseball and hockey.

"I don't know if I can forget it, Laura. I ... you're pretty special, you know.
I decided, though, that I just won't stay alone with you any more. Will that be
all right? You do still want to join the club, don't you? You wouldn't let a
little ... slip like that get in the way, would you?"

It wouldn't hurt to be forgiving, would it? Laura asked herself. And as long as
he promised not to trust himself alone with her, she should be all right,
shouldn't she? A nasty little devil in the back of her mind hinted to her that
she didn't want to be that all right, but she thrust the naughty thought away.

"I suppose," she mumbled. She didn't have time to say what it was she supposed
before Pete's voice came back to her all excited.

"Great!" he exclaimed. "Janie and Mack are at the clubhouse now. I gotta do
something, but you come back and they'll tell you about things, okay?"

"Okay," she muttered. She was just hanging up the telephone when her mother
returned to the hallway.

"Who was that? I didn't recognize his voice," her mother said.

"Oh, Peter DePow." she said, not without some pride that she knew him.

"You look lovely in that little dress," her mother enthused before the name she
had heard registered on her brain. "DePow? Any relation to Ernest DePow?" her
mother asked, stunned.

"I don't know. His son, maybe," Laura said, now sorry she had been proud of her
new friend and had mentioned his name. Her mother was bearing down on her,
forgetting whatever errand had brought her through the hall. She looked as
though she were bursting with a million questions. "Look, Mom, I don't really
know and I got to go in a big hurry."

Her mother's face look disappointed, rejected. Laura, forgetting that she was
wearing a dress, bolted out the door in her usual fashion, like a barn-crazed
colt let out to pasture for the first time in a long winter.

Laura easily remembered the way to Peter's house, and she turned into the yard
not knowing whether she hoped someone saw her going into such an important place
or hoped no one saw her because she understood now that playing with Pete was
going to make of her a social oddity in her family and among her relatives. They
would all stop making fun of her boyish interests and start to talk to her like
a human being, and she didn't know if she could take that notoriety. There was a
price to fame that she hadn't known about before she had seen it in her mother's
avid eyes. Thinking about that, she wondered about something else. If everybody
bugged a person for being a friend of someone important like Peter, what must it
be like to actually be Peter DePow? Maybe that's why he had to go to a private
school and play baseball in some other secret place, part of a secret club.
Gosh, imagine having to sneak around avoiding people all the time! How lonely!

By the time she had finished that kind of wondering, she had arrived at the big
red maples, and there was Janie.

"Mack's gone to get some sodas," her girl friend explained. "Pete will be
awhile. I'm going to get some cookies or something. Would you mind picking up
the club house a little?" Janie asked.

"No, I don't mind," Laura said generously. She was feeling kindly and
understanding now after her sympathetic thoughts of Pete and all the problems he
must have being wealthy and related to a former mayor. She looked around. No,
the boys were not in sight. She had been silly to wear a dress, but as long as
they weren't here to watch her climb into the tree house, she guessed she would
be fine. At the moment she wasn't as worried about being seen as she was about
knowing she was seen, feeling the hot eyes staring at her under her dress. She
doubted it would take much to force those incredible feelings to the front once
more, burning away her will power and her reserve.

"Tell Fido to be good," Janie added. "Tell him I'll bring him a bone if I can
find one!" The dark-haired little girl laughed.

"Who's Fido?"

"Club mascot," Janie explained with a twinkle in her eye. With that she turned
on her heel and started back to the street.

Fido turned out to be a dog. From his name, Laura had guessed he would be a dog.
What she had not guessed was that he would be such a big dog! He was a full
grown German Shepherd, his long hair a soft black color. How in the world had
they gotten such a big dog up into a tree house, she wondered.

"Well, my goodness, aren't you a mystery, though," she cooed gently to the
beautiful dog, lovingly stroking his large head.

The pleasing sound of the girl's soft, crooning voice together with the gentle
pressure of her small, stroking hand filled Fido with warm- hearted relish.
Instinctively, he raised his head and began licking her hand to seal this new
friendship. Imagine getting goosebumps from an animal's licking tongue! I'm in a
bad way, thought the pig-tailed little girl. She kept hoping that the sexual
stimulation that she had now undergone twice without fulfillment, would go away
with the passing of time, yet it seemed to be roused more easily as time went by
instead of less easily.

"Maybe they'll bring something for you, too," she said, patting the dog's head
again but more absently because of her divided thoughts, half on him and half on
the unwanted heat in her body.

The intelligent animal whined, almost as if he knew what she was saying, Laura
thought, unable to repress an urge to embrace him against her thigh and continue
stroking his warm, creased, fur-covered head. He whimpered again softly,
partially in awareness to her melodious voice bestowing kindness and love, but
even more because he had sensed in his closeness against her, a poignant smell
not unfamiliar to him, a heady scent which immediately inspired trained
responses in his glistening muscular body, the human mating aura he had been
skillfully educated by the club members to recognize.

Laura tore herself from the dog with a will. It was time to forget herself and
do the picking up she had promised. Then when the others came back, they would
this time talk about safe things like sports, she hoped. Her mind still a
conglomeration of mixed-veined thoughts, Laura picked up some papers from the
floor and then bent over to fix the pillows on which Pete DePow had introduced
her to a new side of herself earlier. And behind the bent figure, Fido's head
abruptly nudged forward in underneath the hem of the rosebud-studded dress.

The twelve year old girl was frozen into immobility at the feel of the
unmistakable cool wetness of Fido's nose high on the softness of her inner
thigh! Why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least, a smattering of
self-respect, she could only lay to the prurient excitement which still
smoldered inside her aching loins. Instead of doing any of those wise things,
she continued to stoop there, waiting, thrilled by the fact that the big dog's
beautiful head was wedged up under her short dress from behind, animalishly
sniffing. And then, the hot unmistakable lap of his long slippery tongue snaked
up against her still moistened cuntal area! Could a dog know? Could he sense the
erotic state of a human being?

It had to be that, she admitted to herself. His searing tongue felt like a
firebrand caressing the swollen lips of her still feverishly throbbing pussy
just as though she had no panties on at all, and how she would dearly love to
take them down! Again he licked, and she hung there in her stooped-over position
as he drew the long wet length of his tongue undeniably between her partially
spread cuntal lips, licking along the entire panty-covered furrow.

Slowly, Laura raised up, straightening. She turned to gaze in bewilderment at
the handsome black animal who was staring up at her with brown eyes twinkling,
ears slightly cocked, mouth opened and tongue lolling, and graceful tail wagging
in a friendly motion. Then he softly growled.

"What ... what is it, boy?" the frightened little girl asked.

The strange dog uttered another muted grow], and the sensually intoxicated young
tomboy wasn't sure if she were imagining things or not but it seemed he growled
because he sensed the rekindled passion up between her trembling thighs! Oh, how
silly I can be! she told herself, scolding then. I seem to have my mind on one
thing, and now I'm even suspecting a dog of being attracted to me. Wow! That's
really going some! Then, without warning, a shiver of lewd excitement coursed
the length of her body, and for a moment she shook uncontrollably. When it had
passed, she sank weakly to the pillows in the corner. Once again she wished she
were home where she could do as she pleased, hide or sob or ... or ...

It was certainly a long time, and no one was coming. She might easily have been
asleep. Strange sensations of tingling warmth rippled through her abdomen as she
lay limply on the pillows on her back, a maze of disconnected thought-waves
suddenly swirling through her head. Confusion swept through her, and she tried
to move but stopped at the sound of a low, animal-like snarl. She partially
opened her eyes then, yet continued to lie there, unmoving, the strange stirring
sensations in her belly ever-increasing with a weirdly rising excitement. She
opened her eyes a little more. No, the others had not yet come, but further
charges of stimulating arousal raced through her loins and belly. Laura raised
her hands to her throat in instinctive fear, then lifted herself to her elbows
to see what was going on. Her dress was pulled up, and she was lying with her
legs obscenely spread apart and Fido, the club mascot, was standing between her
thighs, his tongue laxly out and his great black head lowered just above ...
above her panty-covered cunt!

Once again a flood of fire-filled sensations charged through the core of her
desire-stimulated body. The warm wet contact of his saliva- drenched tongue was
too much. Like a puppet on a string, Laura slipped her panties down out of the
way and thrilled with the incredible touch of the unhindered tongue as it spread
open the hair-fuzzed lips of her young cuntal crack as the dog began laving her
sensitive inner-flesh with a taunting upsweep that sent uncontrollable shivers
of sudden passion bursting over her! Good God! He was licking her down there
between her open thighs! The unbelievably lewd sight of what was happening to
herself, combined with the realization that Fido was once again licking at her
nakedly defenseless pussy, was about to drive the twelve year old baseball
aspirant hysterical.

She gaped at him and then over to the door of the tree house. There were no
sounds from below. She looked back at the dog and saw his own burning eyes
staring hotly at her nakedness as he continued to obscenely lick and nuzzle at
her exposed cuntal lips. A tremor of incredible sensations caused her to
convulse, and she found her hips rising of their own accord.

Good grief, the child thought, he was almost human. That expression in his
unrelenting eyes was much like Pete's had been, and what the dog was doing to
her nakedly betraying loins was no different from the boy! Ooooohhhhh, what was
he doing to her! She had never known such sensuous feelings in her belly from
the other attempts at arousal today, and her wildly excited little pussy felt as
if there were a hot billowing fire glowing inside it! Even her young titties
tingled in lewd excitement, she realized, as she mentally cupped, then pinched
their tiny, hardened pink nipples. But this was all insane! She had to stop him!

Feebly, Laura Cutter cried out, then attempted to scramble onto hands and knees
and blindly crawl away toward the doorway. Fido waited only long enough for her
to reach the all-fours position before unleashing a savage growl, stopping the
newly blossoming young girl in icy-veined terror. She knew absolutely nothing
about this strange kind of dog. Would he bite her?

From the point of that growl, the huge dog never seemed to hesitate, but he
moved as if his intentions had been pre-determined. He mounted her from behind,
his powerful forepaws, belying the gentleness his silky hair suggested,
clutching at the soft, white flesh of her youthfully curved hips, his tongue
hanging loosely from his open mouth. He was born a hunter. What chance did she
think she had?

Laura dared not breath! She was that terrified with his sudden clamber up behind
her unprotected nakedness, his strong, hairy forelegs clutching at her narrow
waist and the arch of her hips. Her small firm young tits quivered and, hanging
downwards, swayed ever so slightly in fright beneath her chest as the big
animal's hind legs came in closer to her defenselessly upraised asscheeks.
Suddenly then, she felt the coolness of the metal license tag that hung from his
collar grazing the smooth-fleshed hollow of her naked back. Her dress was almost
to her shoulders. He ... he was going to ... to do it to her ... like she had
dreamed of Pete DePow ... as if she were nothing more than a bitch!

"Oh, no, please!" she heard herself whimper as something long, wet, and pointed
probed back between her nakedly raised asscheeks and lewdly spread thighs. Her
brain swam once more! Oh, God, he was going to do it! He was going to fuck her!
He was!

Whatever additional thoughts she had were abruptly swept away when at that
precise moment, she sensed the tapered tip of his hardened animal- prick
prodding at the hair-lined hole of her moistly pulsating cunt. Dear God, no!
Don't let this happen! Desperately, she tried to squirm away from the viselike
grip of his encircling paws, but it was useless, and like a charging, white-hot
lance, the solid thickness of his long animal-cock spread her soft hair-fuzzed
pussy lips and forced its way up into her saliva-slickened little cuntal hole
with a slight wet popping sound, rippling the smoothly yielding cuntal walls
wide apart before its bevel-tipped hardness!

The frightened twelve year old gasped for breath as the huge length of animal
prick stretched and then began slowly sliding up inside her young cuntal hole,
going in deeper and deeper until finally its pointed end smacked against her
sensitive cervix. Her virginity was irretrievable now, she moaned, and it was
taken by a dog! Once again she choked out a whimpering gasp while the great
sandy-blond beast, who was mounting her from behind, snarled out a low
commanding growl of triumph, then began to animalistically hump and fuck up into
her defenseless cunt.

The little pig-tailed tomboy's mind was a vortex of unheralded, emotional
sensations. Her head vibrated with the erotically pounding blood racing through
her brain, while her youthfully naked body that was bent in submission before
the massive silky dog quivered and convulsed in the throes of unknown, sensuous
agony. Her cuntal passage felt as if it had been impaled with the heavy, sawed-
off limb of one of the maple trees that held the tree house, yet, at the same
time, there were weird spasms of intensively rising desire filling her!
Nevertheless, she compulsively fought the sensuality, her sickened, fear-filled
mind concerned only with the horrifying animal fucking she was receiving from

With a twisting lurch of her nakedly exposed, youthful body, her dress almost
over her shoulders now, she tried to shake free from the long, piercing
thickness filling her tight young pussy, but her efforts were in vain. Fido's
fierce growl chilled the very marrow of her bones, while his powerful hairy
forelegs clutched possessively at her waist and hips. Fucking ... fucking ...
like a searing firebrand, the blood- bloated thing slithered in and out of her
wetly clasping cunt, spreading the hole open wider and wider as he fucked like a
hammer his long hot cock up between her trembling thighs. Oh, God, she thought,
oh, God! I can't let this feel so good! I mustn't! And then feeling her savage
arousal building, she moaned and lifted her impaled asscheeks higher.

The panting Fido's sexually stimulated intellect made the mighty hunting dog
aware of the young girl's sudden resignation and surrender before him. Briefly
and in desperation, she had struggled in one last frantic attempt to escape
before hopelessly subjecting herself before his conquering attack. He sensed the
final resistance draining from her naked, human flesh, and a new hunger raced
through his body. He watched the upper portion of her smooth female back just
under the dress, drop until her face and naked titties were flattened down
against the pillows, the rounded little mounds of her soft white asscheeks
raised submissively to his assault.

Suddenly, through his unfathomably keen senses, he felt his long, lust- hardened
prick slithering forward with easier strokes as her cuntal lubricants began
paving the way for his deeper penetration. Soon his hungering cock was entirely
buried in the moist clutching heat of her female hole, while his swollen, sperm-
laden testicles were swinging down and slapping hard against the soft dampness
of her lightly growing pussy hair. Mercilessly, then, he bucked and plunged into
the warmly yielding cuntal flesh, hearing her feminine moans and feeling the
trembling nakedness of her smooth, white asscheeks flattening in a universal
hunger back up against his belly as he attempted to skewer her onto the last
remaining inch of his long scarlet granite-like rod of animal flesh!

Though her poor preadolescent young brain was still overwhelmed with the
incredible obscenity that the suddenly-gone-berserk dog was committing on her
helpless body, Laura could not ignore the sensual excitement his enormous animal
cock had set off inside of her. At first, his savage fucking into her loins had
nearly blinded her with the excruciating agony of its huge hardness bursting so
unexpectedly into her. But now, the stark horror and shame of the shocking
animal- rape itself was forgotten, and only the thrilling presence of the
brute's long thick cock fucking rhythmically in and out of her hotly quivering
cunt registered in her mind. As Fido relentlessly continued to fuck like a
piston up into the liquid, widely stretched flesh between her lewdly upturned
asscheeks, sensations equaling those which his hot laving tongue had first
spread through her trembling young belly returned, more intense than ever! Oh,
God, if she were sinning by succumbing to him, let it be! She didn't know how
she had gotten into this mess, but it was beginning to feel more like a blessing
than anything else!

Now, as unthinkable as it was, the shamelessly aroused young aspiring baseball
star had begun to feel the texture of his silky animal coat beneath his belly
brushing against her nakedly exposed ass, and she pressed her tingling tits
harder into the pillows, scraping her sensitive little nipples against the satin
and cotton pillows.

Her lust-confused brain reeled with the unbelievable intoxication of what was
happening to her! She, a human girl, being attacked and actually raped by a dog,
as if she were a bitch-animal of his own kind! Yet, never in her life had she
felt so wanted! Even with Pete, she had not known this much lewd, wonderfully
obscene desire to be fucked ... fucked ... fucked until she was almost dead from
the joy of it!

"Oh, yes! Yeeeesssss! Do it to me! Fuck me harder, like that!" she was hissing
now, a different tune than before, with trembling lips, twisting her young face
to gape back and up at the magnificent panting beast, whose long wet cock was
fucking in and out of her eagerly pulsating cunt. She was helplessly impaled on
his huge animal-prick and reveling in a newly discovered joy of its natural
possession of her desire-awakened young cunt.

A sensual moan of passion escaped her lust-contorted lips as she began to move
wantonly backwards, rhythmically gyrating her asscheeks to meet Fido's cunt-
skewering fucking. The dog's forelegs clung to her softly curved hips like
strong, furry arms as she began to fuck back at him, using the prick-gripping
undulations of the female whore down through ages.

Forgetting completely where she was, under what circumstances, Laura Cutter was
concentrating solely upon her relationship with the dog now. Though she could
hardly govern her awakened natural desires, her intuition said that she was, in
some weird way, winning the favor of the seemingly vicious animal fucking up
into her receptive young cunt. That insane belief, and that alone, caused to
evaporate the terror and shame she had known in the beginning. Only a youthful,
all-consuming lust filled her now as she rotated her nakedly rounded asscheeks
backward in answering little circles to the silky beast's long wet cock.
Instinctively, she realized that she had given herself fully to the erotic
wonder of the obscene animal fucking she was receiving from this whining hound.

Fido knew and welcomed the hot, wet clasping of the kneeling female's cunt
against his fucking length of hardened animal prick. The beast had no way of
knowing that the lower, more base instincts of the human's body had taken
control at the precise moment her supposedly superior mind fell into complacent
lust. She was relying on an instinctive knowledge, of male and female, older
than either species. It was natural. She couldn't help it, he discerned as he
fucked more eagerly up between her nakedly quivering asscheeks.

Laura wished there was some way she could bend her head all the way back up
under her kneeling body and watch his enormous, pleasure-giving dog-cock
disappearing inside her wildly excited pussy! God, she was little more than a
deplorable bitch. She had seen them when she was playing ball. They didn't even
bother to hide themselves under the stands or anything. But she had never
understood before what erotic bliss they were experiencing. Just to see his
beautiful prick right now, to see it fucking in and out up inside her own wetly
throbbing cunt lips!

Instead she imagined the lewd spectacle, the mere thought of their unnatural
coupling sending an alien excitement raging through her passionately aroused
young body. She groaned aloud in her all-consuming passion and ground her softly
yielding asscheeks back hard against his strong, mercilessly battering animal
flesh as she felt the tiny rivulets of moisture flowing down the crevice between
her rotating asscheeks. Then, as the nakedly exposed young tomboy felt the hot
streams of liquid excitement beginning to dribble down her inner thighs, she
groaned loudly for the sudden mounting pressure in her loins and belly signaled
that she was about to cum. At last! This was her third arousal today and just
had to end in an orgasm no matter what!

Rapidly, the silky-haired Fido fucked in and out of the slavishly kneeling
little girl, a wet staccato of flesh-slapping sounds hollowly filling the dark
open crack between her asscheeks, the dog's keen animal-brain savoring a measure
of vengeance in his human-like rape of her helpless young body. His powerful,
lust-hardened prick was ripping into her as if she were some ripe fruit,
destroying her chaste mind forever. Between each thrust, he felt her tight
cuntal hole swallowing his solid penile length, holding the blood-swollen thing
fast in the hot, hungry clutch of her eagerly working cuntal muscles. Her smooth
white body tensed and relaxed again and again beneath him as she began an
incessant moan. His great organ grew and hardened even more when he felt the
soft fleshy ridge inside her hotly contracting belly giving way before his
unsparing assault.

Once more, she lewdly twisted her head to look back at him, And the shepherd
witnessed her mouth suddenly gasping open, but the scream was half-choked in her
slender young throat. Instead, she began to toss her head wildly from side to
side, her blond pigtails flailing around like two whipping branches in a storm.
She had reached the beginning of a human female orgasm, he perceived, when she
began to savagely swivel her rounded white ass back against him like all rutting
bitches, human or otherwise. His heavy pink tongue hung loosely from his panting
mouth as he fucked with heavy asscheek-flattening humps up between her furiously
undulating mounds of human flesh. Once more she moaned, this time, her cry
piercing the lonely tree house and very likely beyond while she rammed
deliriously back into his huge thrusting hardness as he drove it mercilessly
forward to begin spitting its hot wet semen in bullet-like spurts deep up into
her hungrily clasping cuntal hole!

The big hunting dog felt her ass begin to contract and jerk back against him. He
felt the thick heated combination of their orgasmic release seeping wetly out
around the flushed lips of her rhythmically throbbing pussy lips as her
defenseless cuntal opening squeezed and pulled at his ejaculating prick.

The little blond twelve year old fell forward then, away from him, her legs
still spread wide apart, and in the dim light of the shaded tree house in late
afternoon, her rounded white asscheeks glistened wetly from his expended semen.
He could see her opened pink flesh and the soaked fuzz of her ravished young
loins as she panted in her obscenely spread position. Exultantly, he stepped
over her outstretched nakedness, raised his head, and howled victoriously. For
many moments the satiated young girl lay sprawled face down on the pillows,
breathing spasmodically as the ebb of her cumming washed over her.

"How come I didn't get a dog in my initiation?" a startling, recognizable voice
said and Laura, face down in the pillows, was too frozen to move. She felt as
though her entire body must be a vivid blue, the cold shock was so great.

"Your initiation ain't over yet," said Mack's voice in response to Janie's

Laura's panties had fallen down between two pillows, but her eye happened to
fall on a bit of the material as it stuck up in the air. It was just enough to
motivate her into action. Quickly she grabbed the garment and sought to put it
on. By now the tears started to flow. With her rush of movement came other
steadying hands and from these she tried to pull away. But Pete DePow was very

"We're going on a picnic tomorrow," he whispered, forcibly holding her against
him so that she couldn't move.

"Who wants to go on your old picnic?" she asked scornfully.

"Please don't be embarrassed. We all know you couldn't help it. Fido doesn't
give a girl a chance, and he's a lot stronger than he looks."

"He sure is!" she spat, but her embarrassment was beginning to lessen under
Pete's gentle reassurances.

"We might play some baseball on the picnic," he continued.

"G ... great," Laura said, thinking that she must, but somehow her beloved game
did not light the spark of enthusiasm it used to light. She wondered at it but
supposed it would pass.

Chapter 3

They were to take their bicycles on the picnic. Pete said jokingly that Fido
couldn't come because no one could compete with him. Laura didn't see what there
was to joke about, but she said nothing, smiling wanly. Anyway, it was Fido's
job to take care of the club house while the boys were away, Pete said. Laura
wondered why he didn't say members, instead of boys, but she said nothing
because she realized that if Janie had not yet finished her initiation and Laura
had only just started, they might be the only girls so far. She didn't feel like
arguing. She was a little girl in crisis. All last night she had tried to get
herself excited about baseball. She had thumbed through her well worn baseball
cards. When that failed, she had pulled out her scrap book on the Toronto Maple
Leafs, but one picture blurred right into the other. Yet, blushingly, she could
remember Pete's touch as though she had been feeling it all her life.

In the morning, when she started to dress for the picnic, she found herself
unable to decide between jeans and shorts, when not so long ago the choice of
jeans would have been incontrovertible. Now, having noticed that her legs were
thinning and becoming most pleasant to look at, she wanted to wear the shorts.
She would, of course, get a better tan on her legs if she wore the shorts, so
lying to herself for her own peace of mind, she put on the brief little green
shorts that she had really outgrown. Her mother had despaired of buying more to
keep up with her growth because she had always claimed she wouldn't be caught
dead in shorts!

Pete DePow was providing the sandwiches and Janie was bringing cupcakes. Mack
was bringing something to drink, and Laura raided the refrigerator for fruit.
She was glad she had something easy and could get out of the house before her
mother found her in the kitchen and tried to hold her up with innocent-sounding
questions about the DePow's. Laura knew that whatever she said would turn into
gossip that would circle the town inside of one day, so she had told her mother
that she and Janie were going for a bike ride and were taking lunch.

There had been no mention of boys, but something in her mother's eyes the night
before when she told her of the picnic made Laura suspect that her mother knew
Janie would not be her only companion today.

It was too hot to bicycle very far. Laura congratulated herself on the wisdom
she had shown in wearing shorts, and the boys soon had their shirts off and tied
around their waists. Pete needed the girls to rub him down with suntan oil if he
was to wear no shirt in the sun.

"I'd blister so badly that my freckles would all peel off," he said, and Laura
found the remark so funny she had trouble stopping laughing. She felt a strange
pride, too, that she didn't understand, being out there on the open road,
rubbing a boy down with suntan oil in front of passing cars, what few passed.

Where they stopped for lunch was a wooded area that gave welcome shade from the
sun. They leaned the bikes against the trees, and where they stopped they could
hear the sound of running water.

"It's a brook," Mack explained. "Sometimes there's even fish in there. Do you
like to fish?" he asked Laura. For some reason, Mack had been paying Laura a
great deal of attention since they stopped, and Pete seemed to have gravitated
toward Janie.

"Yes," said Laura, remembering that she once had liked fishing and so probably
would again some day. The only fishing she felt like doing right now though, was
for Pete DePow, and there he was with her best friend, Janie Farragut, not doing
anything terribly suspicious, but paying a little more attention to the dark
haired girl than to the blond.

"Hey, did you ever think of taking out your pigtails?" Mack asked her suddenly.
They weren't eating yet. It was far too early, but they had decided to cool off
with some of the punch Mack had brought in a gallon thermos.

"This punch is good," she said before answering his question about her hair.
"The trouble with cranberry flavor is, though, it makes you drink more, I

"That's why I brought a whole gallon," Mack said, filling her paper cup again
without being asked. "Let's take out your pigtails."

"Why?" she asked. Janie's hair was short enough to wear loose. "It's too hot."

"Is your hair long?" Mack asked. He had never in all their lives paid so much
attention to her, not even when he was on her team and she scored well.

"It sure is," she assured him. "Too long."

"A girl's hair can never be too long," he assured her, reaching for one of the
braided plaits.

At one time, Laura would have instantly retorted that she did not notice he was
wearing his hair that long. She would have asked why a girl's hair had to be any
longer than a boy's. But she was now beginning to feel a reason even if she
could not yet express what that reason was in so many words. She felt Mack
removing the elastic, and she couldn't bring herself to stop him. Her hair was
very long, because her mother didn't want to have it cut. For the first time in
years, she was feeling grateful in some inexplicable way for that long hair and
her mother's strength of will. She knew that the length of it would impress the
boys, and impressing them had become important.

Now she felt Mack's finger drawing the strands apart, combing through it. He
undid the other braid, too. Then he took his own comb out of his hip pocket and
proceeded to comb it, the entire length. He didn't say much but kept combing and
combing. It felt so good, that she watched the trees silently and let him comb.
From time to time, he refilled her glass with the sweet cranberry-tasting punch,
and she found herself growing giddy, wanting to float away, and not knowing at
all what gave her such sublime feelings.

By the time Mack kissed her, Laura was floating on such a pleasant euphoric
cloud, that she didn't even realize how it got started. But she was aware now
that there had been something alcoholic in the punch and that she was drunk!
Gosh, it felt very good to be drunk. Why hadn't she ever gotten drunk before? It
was at that point in her questioning that she felt strong hands pulling her to
her feet so that she dropped her empty cup. She felt strong arms encircle her,
and she saw Mack's smiling handsome face before her blurred eyes. She brought
her arms up as though it were the most natural and accepted action in the world
and clung to Mack's neck as he kissed her, opening her mouth eagerly to accept
his tongue. Pete was a forgotten mirage. Wantonly, she rubbed her blossoming
tits against Mack's naked chest, enjoying the feeling of sensuality which the
liquor had sent rippling through her body and Mack's embrace was magnifying. She
could feel his prick pressing against her belly. She felt it jerk slightly in
his pants, and she knew he was aroused by her passionate kiss.

She thought liquor was supposed to smell, but his breath smelled sweet and warm,
she thought numbly as she kissed him. Gosh, he really knew how to kiss, too. His
lips were so soft. Laura was feeling slightly wicked, letting Mack Toohey kiss
her this way, right in front of everyone else. Suddenly, his mouth pressured
hers open very wide, and his tongue slipped along her wetly parted lips before
plunging in farther than before. She felt wonderful tremors of excitement course
through her at such familiarity, such closeness. In spite of herself, instead of
feeling angry or frightened, she was being oddly responsive to his invasion of
her mouth. She clung to him almost as passionately as she had clung to Pete and
... and the dog! She allowed Mack's moistly flicking tongue to fill her mouth
for a long moment more, swirling round and round her own, before she drew back,
giggling, of all things, to break the embrace.

Pete and Janie watched with amusement for a little while, but the scene was too
much, and Janie was more the temptress than Laura. Her twelve year old lips were
already full and sensuous and often glistened invitingly because of her damn
habit of moistening them constantly with the tip of her little pink tongue,
making a guy want to taste them more and more each time he looked at them. She
had adopted the habit from her mother without thinking.

By the time Pete turned to Janie, she was smiling, and her eyes said that she
knew what he wanted to do and that it was just fine with her. She opened her
arms to him, and he pressed in close to her, feeling the taut, hard-nippled
firmness of her developing tits brand his chest hotly, even through her tank
top. Then his lips were on hers, and her tongue flickered into his mouth to fuse
with his, teasing along the ridged roof and over his teeth.

Christ Almighty, thought Pete. No wonder Mack had given him trouble about
switching girls for the picnic! Janie was a real surprise and knew how to
French-kiss better than he had ever had any girl do it. Now he couldn't wait to
get her other ways as well!

Janie Farragut's hot probing tongue began to flash in and out of Pete's mouth as
if she was trying to rape him with it, and he felt his prick give an involuntary
leap of arousal. The dark-haired, freckle-nosed beauty seemed to sense his
passion and wantonly ground her pelvis against his loins, moving her hips in a
lewd circular motion. Christ in heaven, what was she doing? Wow, she was
something. It felt like she trying to screw him standing up, right there with
all their clothes on! Hell, she dry-fucked better than any girl he knew could
actually make love, and his eagerly throbbing cock was almost erect from her
erotic movements against him.

But then suddenly Janie withdrew her tongue from his mouth and pulled back,
smiling sultrily at him, with her eyes smoky-looking and half- lidded. She
smoothed down her tank top with the palms of her hands, and Pete flushed at the
bulge along the right leg of his trousers. He darted a look to see if the others
were watching, but they were too involved in their own lovemaking. Janie was
laughing merrily as though he had told a joke, and he poured them each another
punch from the jug, hoping his prick would go down. It was not that he would not
use it later, but he and Mack had planned a kind of four-way deal. Still, his
mind was filled with lewd thoughts of Janie alone, how she would look and feel
nakedly spread out beneath him on the ground with her cloud of dark hair tangled
in his fingers while he fucked into the tightness of her hungering cunt again
and again. His restlessly stirring cock ached with a growing lust, and it was
rising again into half-erectness from his thoughts alone.

Pete DePow was sure his face and neck must be flushed red and not with sunburn.
He supposed his pulsating prick could be seen by Janie. He and Mack had meant to
heat the girls up, but Laura would take much longer, and he had to wait. Would
Janie become impatient or angry? She surely knew what was on his mind. Suddenly,
she spoke.

"I can hear water, Pete. Where is it? Let's go see!"

That would be something to do while they waited for Mack and Laura, he thought,
grateful to her. He took her hand and led her up a little hill and through a
ring of trees to a brook that was not more than six inches deep but was fast
enough to sound like a river of miniature waterfalls as it rushed over all the
stones that were scattered throughout its course. They were standing there
watching the water, listening to its refreshing music, when Janie surprised him.

"Do you still have a hard-on, Pete? Let me see," she said, grinning. "Let me see
if that beautiful freckled cock of yours is still hard!"

"What ... what do you mean 'freckled'?" He tried to keep everything light and
easy, just for a little while longer. Mack had not told him that Janie was this
forward. Now he saw her eyes lower to the front of his trousers and her lips
formed a mock pout when she saw that there was no longer a bulge present.

"I didn't think you just wanted to see the old brook," she said petulantly. But
then she laughed softly, sensually. "I was sure you wanted to fuck me. I thought
that you would like to put your big hard cock into my sweet cunt and fill me up
with a great load of your cum. Wasn't I right, Peter DePow?"

Quite involuntarily, Pete's prick jumped once more into erection at the
continued lasciviousness of Janie Farragut. It was throbbing wildly in his pants
and his brain was reeling. He and Mack were supposed to be initiating these
girls into sex, not the other way around. What was the matter with her; was she
over-sexed? Christ, maybe she had made every kid in her school and he and Mack
were just fools. She leaned close to him now and put her hand on his still naked
chest. She let it remain there for a moment before she moved it slowly down over
his stomach and began tantalizingly stroking the pulsating bulge in his pants.

"Well, Pete?" she asked, her breath like hot flowing honey against his cheek.
"Did we come here to fuck or didn't we? Don't you want to fuck me?"

He didn't know what to think or say. Maybe it was the alcohol in the punch that
affected her this way, although Laura had been given far more than Janie.

"Say, if you could wait a bit, Janie," he begged her. He thought he ought to
turn and walk down stream a little, cooling her off that way, but he was rooted
to the spot. The pressure of her gently kneading fingers on his balls and prick
brought great swirling billows of heat rising upward through his loins, and his
testicles ached almost painfully with sexual need.

"Wait for what, Peter?" she asked. "My cunt is on fire! Can't you tell? And your
cock keeps getting big. What are we waiting for?"

Pete DePow was vainly trying to remember what his and Mack's plans had been for
the girls, but his attempts were in vain. His mind was a blank. Janie was
rhythmically stroking his lust-swollen cock and balls now through his trousers,
moving closer to him so that the tips of her still not full tits touched his
chest. Then she leaned forward, and her lips touched his cheek. Her tongue came
out like a molten firebrand and traced a quick, liquid path down over his
jawline and then back up over his lips before she drew her head back again.

"Gosh, Janie!" he managed to say.

"I want to fuck, Peter," she pouted but in a sensuous tone of voice. "I want you
to fuck me, and I want to fuck you. Don't you like to fuck?"

Christ, what a silly question. He was trembling almost uncontrollably, his mind
awhirl with panic. He wished he could remember what the plans had been. He
didn't want to spoil anything, but this was a staggering situation, and he
simply couldn't think. He could feel the heat of lust rising still higher inside
of him from her ministrations, from her lips and tongue, threatening to consume
him completely. His whole being was crying out for release.

"First I'll suck you," the twelve year old offered, and the licentious words
tore through Pete like a hot knife. "First I'll take your big cock in my mouth
and suck you. Maybe I'll even suck you until you cum, if you want, until you
fill my mouth with your hot sticky semen. Then later we could fuck, too."

It didn't seem to Pete at this point that there was any reason why he couldn't
make love to Janie first and then move on to whatever those magnificent group
plans were that they had made. And they couldn't be that great anyway, he
decided, if he couldn't even remember them!

"You think you want to?" he asked, not knowing whether he hoped she would say
yes or no.

"Yes," she answered sensuously, squeezing and stroking down between his legs.
"You do want me to suck you don't you, Pete? You want me to suck you and fuck
you, suck you and fuck you, suck you and fuck you ..." She was bearing down at
him while she crooned the obscenities, grinning, her eyes sparkling now where
they were sensuously half-lidded before. It was as though she were trying to
hypnotize him. Jesus! As though he had to be hypnotized to let himself get
sucked off! What had Mack been teaching this girl? Well, man, it was Mack's
fault if he couldn't wait for later. Pete had to have Janie right now. Nothing
mattered but the acute pleasure-pain in his groin, nothing but this hot-blooded
little pixie who was stroking and caressing him.

"Yes!" he hissed savagely. "Yes, goddamn it, Janie. What do you expect? Of
course I want you to suck me. Do you think I'm nuts or something?"

Janie laughed throatily and stepped back, releasing his cock and balls. "Let's
go swimming," she suggested.

He stated at her. "Swimming!" he exclaimed. "In there?" He pointed to the
shallow brook.

"Sure. It's hot, and you know how much hotter it gets when you're fucking.
Besides, wouldn't it be fun to sit in the water while I suck you off?"

Pete's temples were pounding with the liquor and the passion she had set to
burning inside of him.

"Don't you think we should wait for the other kids?" he asked.

"Why?" she wanted to know, and he had no answer.

He wasn't sure he liked a girl to be quite this pushy, even if it was in sex,
yet he was powerless to do anything but obey. Mutely, he stepped forward,
intending to take over the initiative, to lead her somewhere, but she seemed to
want to go not back into the woods as he led, but toward the water as she had

"It'll be so nice and cool," she purred. What could he do? "You know, my mother
and father sometimes take baths together," she confided as she started to
unbuckle his belt. "They probably don't think I know, but I do!" she said,
smiling mysteriously. "I know a lot of things."

"Yes, I guess you do," he couldn't help agreeing. But she wasn't offended, even
though his tone was a touch sarcastic.

Still her idea was beginning to arouse Pete to even more passionate heights. He
and Janie fucking together in the water while Laura and Mack might come upon
them at any minute. The very lewd boldness of doing it outdoors, not in the
shelter of the trees but in the brook, a rather open area, where they could have
company! He was sure there were other people who knew this was a great picnic
area. It was quite a chance to take, and yet the gamble made it all the more
lewdly exciting. Would she keep her word about sucking him off if they were out
in the brook? Imagine getting a blow job so exposed like that? Imagine getting a
blow job at all, actually! He had hardly expected such a thing. Never in his
wildest dreams had he expected to have such a thing happen, although he had
heard of it, of course.

He noticed that although Janie had unbuckled his belt, she had left him to
undress herself. His blood-swollen cock palpitated maddeningly as he watched the
sultry little girl reach down and pull her tank top over her head. He saw her
tits were beginning to form, just like Laura's. It was exciting to think that
someday they would be big and full like his mother's. He felt as though he were
in on the ground floor, a political expression that his father often used.
Success was always a matter of getting in on the ground floor, his father said,
meaning starting at the right place at the right time. If Pete could fuck every
little girl in town, he reasoned, and keep them interested while they grew up,
why, when the time came, he would have his pick. Wasn't that what his father

Janie was unzipping her shorts now, shrugging out of them, letting them fall and
puddle around her feet. Now all she wore was a pair of cotton panties that
covered too much of what was turning into a beautiful ass, Pete's practiced eye
noted. He watched her as her hands stroked her sides and again she moistened her
lips provocatively, never taking her eyes from Pete's face.

"Did you learn that from your mother?" Pete asked, almost breathless.

"Everything," she whispered. "We have gigantic keyholes in my house." She lived
in an old farmhouse.

Slowly now, her hands slid down to her hips, to the waistband of her panties.
With that same tantalizing slowness, she drew the flimsy cotton triangle down,
down over her scarcely showing pussy hair that was dark, what there was of it,
and so contrasted startlingly with her white skin as did her white skin with her
tan. Then the wet, petal-like lips of her hair-fuzzed cunt came into view. Pete
sucked in his breath. His wildly burgeoning cock jumped, and he could feel
seminal fluid ooze from the glans opening.

Janie finally stepped out of her panties and stood nakedly unashamed before him.
Her legs were beginning to shape like Laura's were. They were thinning, looking
longer and tapered. Her ass, though, was the masterpiece, Pete thought. It was
satin smooth and enticingly dimpled. She stepped forward, still letting her pink
tongue flick over her lips.

"Do ... do you like me?" she asked in a teasing young voice. She cupped her
titties as much as they would cup. "I guess they aren't very big yet, but I
can't help that," she explained glumly.

"Oh, they're fine," he hastened to assure her. "I think they're great ... for
... for twelve years old!"

"And my cunt?" Her hands dipped lower, framing the little white satin pouch that
looked as though it had been pencil-sketched on, the hairs were still so sparse.
"It isn't very soft yet, I guess."

"Don't be silly," he chided her. "You have to expect to grow up, and since your
skin is soft ... well ... you don't need hair!" he ended lamely.

Janie laughed with appreciation. "When are you going to take off your clothes?"
she asked. "Get naked, Pete. Get naked so I can see your beautiful big freckled
cock." She laughed as she called it freckled.

"I guess once and for all," he said, laughing himself, "I'd better show you just
where my freckles are and are not."

"Mine are all on my nose, see?" she said, turning around to show him the smooth,
tanned and white skin of her entire body.

"I see," he breathed. And he could see. Janie Farragut was going to have one
hell of a beautiful body some day. All ready, her waist nipped in and her ass
was firming. The dimples were adorable. As soon as her tits filled out, which
wouldn't be long, she would be a good looking broad. His mind was now blank to
all but the provocative little girl who stood naked before him, to all but the
billowing heat of building cum that bloated his balls. Feverishly he tore at his
clothes, throwing his shirt and belt to the ground, unzipping his trousers and
letting them fall. He kicked off his tennis shoes without untying them, stepped
out of his pants, pulled off his socks and then finally removed the last shred
of a barrier between them, his shorts. At last, he, too, was naked. He forgot
all about his tendency to sunburn. His long hard lust- swollen cock jutted out
from his loins like a huge, quivering standard, the head an angry purplish red
and sheened with his seminal fluid. Of course, it wasn't anywhere near the size
of his father's yet, but his father would wink from time to time and say that it
just needed practice! His balls hung swollen in their soft swaying sac below,
swinging lightly as his chest heaved with excitement.

Janie thought, too, how he wasn't as big as her father, but that, she figured,
was something to be grateful for. After all, Pete was no more than thirteen or
fourteen. He still had a long way to grow! She wanted him to feel good.

"Wow," she exclaimed. "You sure have a beautiful cock, Pete," she told him.
"Even if you don't have any freckles on it," she pouted in mock distress. "But
I'll give it something better than freckles," she announced then, smiling again.
"I'm going to lick it and suck it until I milk every last drop of cum from those
gorgeous balls of yours!"

A small, tortured cry erupted from Pete's throat, and he lunged forward,
gathering Janie Farragut in his arms, pressing his lust-rigid shaft against her
belly. His hands roughly caressed her soft warm titties, kneading and squeezing
them, rolling the turgid nipples between thumb and forefinger. He was almost
mindless with lust for her now, making little mewling sounds in his throat.

Janie giggled teasingly, disengaging him. "Now don't you be impatient, Peter
DePow," she said with mock reproof. "We aren't in the water yet." She took his
hand and together they walked down to the edge of the brook and then along the
side, looking for a likely place to carry out their desires.

"I bet that would be a good place," Janie said shortly. She was pointing to the
middle of the narrow brook to a place where there were no stones jutting out
above the surface of the water. Dropping his hand suddenly, she moved into the
water, toward the spot she considered a possibility. And then, instead of just
testing the depth of the hollow with her foot, she leaned forward to test it
with her hand, presenting her soft, velvet asscheeks to his eyes, as well as,
when she moved a foot forward, the small dark asshole between them. He knew that
she was doing it on purpose, and he nearly went out of his mind.

Pete DePow's impatiently pulsating prick gave a convulsive leap as he saw the
soft, fluted lips of her cunt flower open too, right before his eyes. He gulped
at the sight of the moist teasing slit, gleaming in the sunlight. Then slowly,
tantalizingly, she sank into the hollow, and he was mesmerized to see the water
flowing around her, bubbling against her skin. Her eyes were once again
sensuously lidded.

"Come on in," she invited. "It's lovely and cool here."

Pete, his brain containing nothing in that moment but overwhelming lust, needed
no further urging. Trembling, his massively lust-thickened cock swaying in front
of him, he joined her in the bubbling hollow of the brook, sitting down opposite
her, his feet sliding along the outside of her legs as he settled down. His toes
touched the satiny skin of her hips and sides. The water was quite chilly, in
his estimation, but he could still feel the warmth of contact with her send
little ripples of pleasure along his groin. They would soon have the little
brook boiling, he thought with satisfaction.

Janie Farragut wiggled her toes and giggled, stretching forward, and he felt her
toenails tickle his balls deliciously. Again she giggled with delight as she saw
the purplish head of his blood-bloated cock shoot up like a periscope out of the
water. She raised up so that her tits felt as though they were floating on the
water. Someday, she knew they would be large enough to look as though they were
floating, too. She drew her toes along the inside of his thighs, rising up onto
her knees then, staring at him, licking her sensually parted lips.

"Do you want me to suck you now?" she asked innocently. "Do you want me to suck
your big hard purple cock, Pete?"

"Oh, yes, please! Please suck it, Janie," he begged.

Janie lowered her head, and Pete watched her mesmerically as she first took a
mouthful of the cool brook water and shot bubbles of it out of her mouth through
her teeth. Her teasing further increased the passion which was seething inside
the redheaded boy's body. She eased forward, positioning her head directly above
the jutting head of his swollen rod, her dark hair floating around it, and her
hand sliding through the cool water to grasp his cock at the base, like a skin
diver sliding for treasure, her little finger teasing his bloated scrotum below.

The breath burst from Pete DePow's lungs in staccato explosions as he felt her
hand on his genitals. Her cheeks were puffed out again from more water that she
was retaining there.

Then, like a striking copperhead, her dark head darted down and her lips came in
contact with the head of his swollen cock, parting to take the lust-inflated
head between them. At the same time, she released the water which she had been
holding inside her mouth, and it cascaded strangely down like warm flowing water
over the length of his throbbing shaft until the coolness of the brook quickly
dissipated its heat.

A cry of wanton delight came from the very core of Pete's being, and his hands
came out of the brook involuntarily to tangle themselves in the dark wet tresses
of Janie's head. He levered up as he did so, driving more of his excitedly
throbbing prick into the warm, incredibly soft cavern of her mouth. The back of
his head felt the dangerous heat of the sun. He would surely get a burn, but how
could he care? It was a small enough price to pay for this!

He could look down now to see half of his thick blood-burgeoning prick disappear
into her ovalled red lips, see her lust-contorted features as she allowed the
shaft of hard pulsating lewd flesh to remain in her mouth without moving her
lips on it, without touching it with her tongue. Pete's testicles were boiling
cauldrons of semen now, and he knew it wouldn't be long before it would come
spewing out of his hardened pole like a flow of hot molten lava. Just like an
island erupting in the sea, he thought.

"Suck me!" he now commanded bravely down to the top of her head.

He even tried to push her head down on his cock with his hands wrapped in her
now soaking wet dark hair, but she resisted, tickling his balls maddeningly with
her fingers. She pulled out of his grip to smile teasingly up at him.

"Do you like my mouth wrapped around your cock, Peter?" she asked unnecessarily.

"Yes! Of course! Suck me, Janie, for Christ's sake!"

Once more her head dipped and her tongue came out wetly then to lick circles of
liquid fire around and around the head, flicking into the glans eye, lapping up
the excited pre-ejaculate seeped from there. His hands tightened painfully in
her hair, and he endeavored to bury his rigidly erect, blood-swollen prick
inside her incredible mouth again. But still she resisted, licking and washing
the head of his cock tantalizingly with her saliva, twirling her tongue faster
and faster around the blood-inflated head.

Once again she drew back, leaving his wildly jerking rod of lewdly swollen flesh
and lowered her head to the water another time. Again, her mouth filled with the
brook water, she waited until she had warmed it in her mouth and then again
bobbed her head down over his excited prick before taking the head between her
lips carefully. She began to suck him slowly, rhythmically, trying to keep the
warm water in her mouth, and to a certain extent was able to do it.

"Aaaahhhhh!" Pete moaned in rapturous passion as the combined sensations of
Janie's soft lips and tongue and the added warm moisture that she was gurgling
around his cock made him almost insane with desire. Never had he imagined
anything to be this good! He wondered how long it would be before he would ever
find anything this good again!

"Hmmmmnnnn!" Janie hummed as she washed his cock again and again with the warm
water she was holding in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down, up and down on
his shaft. Pete was watching her slave on him, jerking his hips upward into her
face and driving her head down with hard thrusts of his hands in her hair, and
the sight was one so lewdly exciting that he began to chant to her between bared

"Janie baby, suck it! Suck it! Suck it!"

Janie Farragut's tongue, with a nerve-tingling lap on the outstroke, was like a
separate entity, a mad thing, as she sucked him. Her mouth worked hungrily,
greedily, trying to recall everything she had ever seen in the bathroom at home,
her concentration full and complete on the task she was performing, swirling the
water in her mouth around and around his lust-swollen cock without losing a
droplet of it after awhile, with practice, churning it more and more expertly in
the cavern of her softly ovalled mouth. Her new tits quivered and her hair
looked like a dark garment being drubbed up and down in wash water as her head
pumped. The soft wet skin of her lips puckered outward and then back in again as
she fucked her mouth the full length of his hotly pulsating cock.

Oh, man, it sure won't be long, he thought numbly, completely abandoned now to
the orgasmic mouth-fucking he was receiving. It wouldn't be long before he came,
before he filled her mouth and her throat and her belly with his cum. It
wouldn't be long before he shot a creamy load like he had never shot before,
before he had an orgasm that would put all other orgasms he had ever had to
shame. It wouldn't be long at all, yet he sure could wish that it would be

Chapter 4

"I didn't see them leave, did you?" Laura suddenly asked, pulling herself out of
Mack's passionate embrace.

"Who cares?" was all he seemed able to mutter. He pulled her toward him again.

But Laura was feeling hungry and a little upset by the fact that Pete could so
easily switch from her to Janie. It was not that she didn't like Mack or find
his kissing very nice, but that she knew people who jumped around from mate to
mate did not make very good reputations around school. Pete had started to make
love to her yesterday, which by every rule she knew, was an expression of
interest in her, Laura Cutter! Why was he now giving his attention to Janie
Farragut? She didn't understand, and she was jealous.

"I'm hungry," she said, pushing Mack away. "Let's find out if they'll eat now."

Mack Toohey sighed. With all the alcohol he had poured into her by way of the
punch, she still had her defenses up. Laura Cutter was not an easy lay, as the
saying went, nothing like Janie Farragut! In fact, if he knew Janie and Pete ...
Hey! Maybe that was the answer! There was no doubt that wherever Janie and Pete
were, they were surely making love. What else did a guy do with Janie Farragut?
And since that was unarguably true, their love-making might very well be the
solution to his problem with Laura! If Laura could watch someone else, someone
who really knew how to make love, wouldn't that inspire her to want some of the
same? Now Mack was excited! Yes, he too wanted to find Pete and Janie.

"Are you hungry? Really?" he asked Laura. "Gee, I seem to be hungry also. Funny,
I hadn't noticed it before." He rose to his feet and pulled her up by the hand.
He watched her hair cascade down over her ass ... "Boy, it sure is long," he
murmured, without realizing that he was saying anything out loud.

"Have they been gone long?" she asked surprised. "Did you see when they left?
Which way did they go?"

"I ... uh ..." Mack looked around himself. Then he heard something. He heard
what sounded like a moan. They were human sounds, at any rate, and they came
from over the little hill, toward the brook. "I believe they went this way," he
told her, reaching for her hand.

At the top of the little hill, almost through the trees, in sight of the brook,
Laura froze in abject horror. Involuntarily, a small cry burst from her throat
but was lost like a bird song in the woods. She felt as though someone had
kicked her in the stomach. She couldn't seem to find her breath, and she stood
stock still, gasping, her eyes bulging wide with sheer disbelief.

What she saw was a rite as old as time itself being performed like a tribal bath
in a primitive spring. It was the perverted rite of fellatio, a disgusting
practice which Laura had heard about at school amidst obscene tittering and
blushes. She had heard women did this sort of thing for money but that a woman
had to be pretty degenerate to do it for pleasure. It was something pimps got
their whores to do for them, maybe, but not something a decent man expected of
any decent woman. She wondered who of Pete and Janie was to blame.

Janie was no prostitute. She couldn't be, and somehow Pete DePow was just too
nice to be as evil as she had always thought a man must be, one who allowed such
things to be done to him. Yet there had to be some explanation. Janie Farragut
was kneeling now in the rushing stream of water amidst the stones and a naked
tree root, her head slaving up and down over Pete DePow's groin, her lips
sliding around his huge, erect blood-swollen prick hungrily as if it were some
obscene peppermint stick or licorice. His hands were wrapped in her dark hair,
urging her on to even faster bobbings and lickings, and there was on his face a
mask of pure and mindless lust. His lips were pulled back over his teeth;
spittle was dribbling out onto his chin, and he had both his legs spread wide,
one heel resting on the banking and the other on a stone on either side of the
sucking dark-haired twelve year old kneeling between them.

Unable to help it, a strangled gasp escaped Laura's throat, a gasp of
nightmarish rejection of the sickening picture burning the retinas of her eyes.
She thought it was the sun in her eyes, but she was still standing in the shade
of the trees. It was tears. She staggered backward, wanting to turn and flee,
run, get out of there, blot such a terrible scene from her mind! For the first
time, she realized that she had worn the shorts for Pete DePow, and this was the
way she was repaid!

However, Mack caught hold of her, restraining her, preventing her from taking
her gaze from the wildly jerking couple in the brook. He smiled with knowing
satisfaction as he watched with admiration the way Janie's mouth and tongue were
working around Pete's lust-hardened cock. Damn, but she could really give a blow
job! His own cock leapt into instant arousal, watching her, and the feel of
Laura Cutter's soft resilient flesh trembling under his hands sent little
ripples of heat flashing through his groin.

"Pete's quite the lover, isn't he?" Mack said but with his eyes glued to Janie.

"Gollleeee!" Laura wailed in undisguised misery. "How could he? How could he?"
She leaned back against Mack almost without realizing it while her mind fought
to accept the reality of what she was seeing, that the lover she had thought was
hers ... wasn't.

"Do you realize what's happening there, Laura?" Mack asked softly, his voice
almost hypnotic. "That's Pete and my girl friend, and they're making love, oral
love, the best kind of love."

"Yes! Oh, no!" The words tore from little Laura's throat in almost pleading
tremolo, as if she was trying to convince herself that it couldn't be happening.
Her brain seethed with tumbling, reeling thoughts and emotions.

Christ, what if she had told her mother she had a date with Pete DePow? The
whole town would have had its collective eye on her. How embarrassed she would
have been! Pete had to think of things like that. It wasn't fair! All Laura
could hope for was that her mother didn't guess at the reason for her dress and
shorts today if she had seen them. Ever her mother's wild guesses were apt to
circulate through the town. She had seen that happen.

And what about this so-called wonderful Pete? He certainly wasn't very faithful!
Here he was, the very next day, lying with another girl's mouth on his blood-
bloated prick, letting her kiss him there, obviously enjoying it, the way his
face was twisted like some beast in beat, letting Janie do that to him while the
girl he had first made love to ... but had she been first? Well, Mack said that
Janie was supposed to be his girl! What a sick, foul, perverted, disgusting
thing to happen, right before Laura's and Mack's eyes.

And speaking of Mack, he was holding her very tightly now, and she suddenly
became aware of a prodding against her asscheeks and the pounding of his heart.
She shuddered, trying to turn. Did Mack have an erection watching this? Gosh all
fishhooks, was he aroused? How could anyone, any decent person, get aroused from
watching something like this?

As if sensing her thoughts, Mack Toohey moved his pelvis against her ass
lightly, and in her ear, he whispered in the same mesmeric tone as before, "It's
really exciting to watch, though, don't you think so? I kind of like watching
Janie make love to someone else. It arouses your passions, doesn't it? It makes
you want to make love yourself, doesn't it, Laura?" He was petting her very long
blond hair.

"Oh, noooooo!" she moaned. What was the matter with Mack? Had he taken leave of
his senses, acting this way, talking like that? Was he crazy or something? She
didn't know Mack at all, in spite of the years they had spent playing baseball
and hockey on the same or opposite teams, that was plainly evident. She didn't
know what kind of boy he was deep inside at all. Why, it was almost as if he
were reveling in the sickness before their eyes, in the horrible thing his own
girl and best friend were doing together, as if he had known all along that it
would happen and maybe was waiting expectantly for it.

"Will you look at the way Janie moves her mouth up and down a guy's cock?" Mack
intoned behind her, his breath hot in her ear. "Just look at the way her mouth
works on his prick. Man oh man! That's exciting, isn't it? You feel aroused
watching it, don't you, Laura?"

"No! I sure don't!" she flung at him, struggling to break free, but his grip was
like iron on her. She felt anger rising, replacing the shocked horror which had
numbed her mind until then. Here in front of her was the end of her first love!
This had been the love for which she had given up everything! She had lost all
interest in baseball, in hockey, in everything! Did Mack expect her to be
pleased about that? Was he kidding? The line between love and hate was a lot
thinner than she had ever suspected as she crossed it while she watched what
should have been the breaking of her heart. But she wouldn't let herself be
hurt. Not by the likes of Pete Depow. No sireeee!

And she hated Mack Toohey, also, hated him almost as much as she did Peter
DePow, for he was a party to this animalistic depravity. Somehow she was sure of
that. No wonder there was alcohol in the punch.

She twisted and jerked in the young athlete's grasp but in vain. She was
breathing hard, her eyes locked on the tableau before her, watching Janie's
undulating ass lashing the rushing water in lewd motion as she slavered her
mouth up and down around Pete's long hard lust-bloated cock. Her wet dark hair
shone in the sunlight with glints of dark gold and the tips of it were fanned
out, floating in the water over Pete's belly, and her tongue was lashing
furiously around and around the head of the cock in her mouth on the outstroke.
There was the same mindless lust, contorting her features as was contorting

"Watch them. See that? Watch, Laura," Mack commanded hypnotically, holding her
still, "Watch my girl suck Pete's hard cock."

His salacious words brought a gasp from Laura, but even so, she found herself
obeying Mack's words for some reason. She was watching, watching with widening
eyes, and her struggles ceased in spite of the fact that the hot anger of
moments earlier, tempered somewhat now, still remained. The strong boy behind
her began to whisper more obscene remarks into her ear, and his hand moved
around under her titties, the forearm raising them up as he held her. He was
telling her again how exciting it was to watch the perverted lovemaking in the
brook, how it gave vent to rising passions to see other people doing it.

Suddenly, in spite of herself, Laura became aroused. She could feel her nipples
harden beneath the shirt she wore, beneath the brassiere she had finally felt
inspired to wear. She could feel her cuntal juices begin to flow as they had
yesterday when Fido, the black-haired German Shepherd had brought her to her
first climax. She tried to will the unwanted desire away, tried to turn her eyes
from the lascivious sight of Pete and Janie, but she could do neither. The
passion was growing inside her now, for once kindled, it was spread rapidly,
like an inferno consuming her flesh, causing her to tingle deliciously all over.

Mack Toohey, sensing her arousal, felt a growing triumph. It was going to work
out even better that the plot he and Pete had hatched after all! Laura Cutter
was going to come across; he felt sure of it now. He had been right in his
appraisal of the hidden depths of this girl, whom he had noticed in several
baseball and hockey games for a couple of years now. He had suggested her to
Pete before he had wanted her himself, but now, he could hardly wait!

He renewed his whispering into her ear with more and more lewd words and
suggestions, and his hand moved up to cup one of her tits, lightly kneading it.
Christ, some day she was going to have nice tits, he suspected! She wasn't
protesting now, either. She was watching Janie sucking Peter off, and she wasn't
fighting his advances. He pressed his blood-swollen erect cock tighter against
her asscheeks, insinuating the hardened bulge into the soft yielding crevice
between her asscheeks.

"My girl and Pete, Laura," he breathed into her ear. "My girl and Peter DePow
fucking. That's what they're doing, you know. Janie is mouth- fucking Pete.
Janie and Pete making love. Why shouldn't we make love, Laura? Why shouldn't you
and I fuck? I want to fuck you, Laura. I want to fuck you right here, right now,
while we watch your Peter and my Janie. I want to fuck you standing up here
between the trees with your long hair blowing."

Laura Cutter's twelve year old mind was still a seething turmoil of anger and
hatred and confusion, made irrational by the amount of liquor she had consumed
in his cranberry punch, but she was rapidly becoming swamped by her rising
passion. Mack's words were taking their toll now. She could feel his hand on her
titty, knew she should take it away, stop him from touching her like that. She
could feel his prick, hard between the sensitive cheeks of her ass, barely
protected by the skimpy shorts, and she knew she should stop that, too. But the
feelings they evoked were pleasant, adding fuel to her excitement, and she
didn't want to stop. She wanted to ... wanted to ... make love! She wanted Mack
Toohey, handsome Mack Toohey to make love to her!

The sudden, overwhelming realization made Laura's head pound rhythmically. Yes,
God help her, that's what she wanted! She wanted him to do what he was
whispering in her ear, wanted him to ... to fuck her! She wanted to be fucked!
If she could enjoy being fucked by a dog, surely she would enjoy being fucked by
a boy even more! Of course, she had hoped it would be Pete, but Mack was real
nice and ... and ... a bird in the hand, as her grandmother always used to say,
was worth two in the bush! Nothing else seemed to matter right now, anyway. And
if Pete no longer mattered, why not be fucked by Mack? What could Pete say,
seeing what he was doing! If he was going to hurt her, well, she could just as
well hurt him, she thought irrationally. Besides, the prurient desires which
were raging in her flesh had as much right to be satisfied as his did!

"Laura," the handsome dark athlete was whispering, "Laura, I want to fuck you
while we stand here watching Janie suck off Pete! Doesn't that sound exciting?
Laura? I want to fuck you while we ..."

"Yes! Yes!" she heard herself hissing. "Yes, Mack, yesssss! I want you to fuck

Mack's hand squeezed her small titty harder, and his breath exploded into her
ear. Those were the words he had waited through glass after glass of cranberry
punch to hear! He cupped both of her young tits, moving his pelvis tight behind

"Right here! Right now," he whispered.

"Yes! I want to! Yes."

"While we watch Pete and Janie sucking him," he whispered while nibbling her
neck between words. He had to burrow in under her hair and it tickled both of

"Lean forward and put your hands on these trees here so you can still see," he

Laura complied, past all caring now, wanting only release from the floods of
passion surging like combers on a stormy beach, like desert sand in a wind storm
through her being. She wanted him, wanted his blood-swollen prick inside her
hungering cunt, wanted him, wanted him, wanted him!

Mack Toohey's dexterous fingers were on the buttons of her blouse now, snapping
them open one by one. Slowly he drew the garment off her shoulders, down over
her limp arms and then off her body altogether. She raised one foot as he then
unbuttoned her shorts and let them fall. Then she stepped out of those with the
other foot. She was now wearing only her new brassiere and panties. Mack
unfastened her brassiere snaps, letting it fall away, and her taut nipples burst
out like newly emerging twigs. Her tits quivered in the fresh air. Even in her
humped over position, there was little pendulous effect to her blossoming
titties yet.

Laura felt the athletically strong fingers of Mack Toohey teasing along the
silk-encased material of her little white asscheeks, his nails digging lightly
into the resilient, passion-warm flesh. Then he was tugging at the waistband of
her panties, pulling them slowly down so that she could feel them dropping ...
dropping. She could almost feel the gaze of his eyes as they hungrily watched
the gradual revelation of her ass flesh. Although she felt a rush of fresh air
blow along her nakedly exposed skin, she was not sure whether it was the heat of
the sun that made her feel so or whether she really was blushing back there! Now
she dimly realized that she was completely naked, her full, rounded asscheeks
presented to the lusting gaze of her long-time teammate with total abandonment
and surrender.

Watching the couple in the brook, the water rushing and gurgling around them as
though they were a couple of stray boulders fallen in the way, Laura could see
Janie Farragut pulling Pete DePow's blood-swollen cock into her hungering mouth
voraciously, the lewd shaft sliding along her tongue like butter along a hot
knife as she endeavored to take every single inch of his monstrous shaft into
the soft wet folds of her cheeks. Janie's white ass undulated madly in the
sunlight, and Pete was jerking and twisting in wild frenzy under her
ministrations. The water lashed around like a stormy ocean sending its tidal
waves up on the banking, and still Janie sawed up and down with enraptured,
frenetic movements on his bloated veined prick, her lovely rosy cheeks puffed
out and contrasting with her dark hair and white skin but not with the
strawberry-colored, blood-engorged shaft, her mouth so tightly sucking him that
her lip-flesh pulled out grotesquely as her head bobbed up, then turned into
almost complete disappearance as she lunged downward again and he levered up to
meet her bobbing thrust.

Why, he's going to cum in her mouth, Laura thought numbly. What else can he do?
He's going to fill her mouth with his creamy seed, strangle her on it, drown her
in his hot semen. The thought was, for some reason, perversely exciting, and
down between her legs she felt her pussy begin to secrete her fluids in ever-
increasing amounts as she watched Janie Farragut suck and lick the redheaded
former mayor's son's swollen cock. Behind her, Mack Toohey was massaging her
ass, kneading and squeezing the bare flesh with his long, sure fingers, pulling
the crevice of her tight, firm asscheeks wide apart to reveal the salaciously
enticing furrow which nestled glistening between Laura's newly slendered
tapering legs. Then he brought one hand around to manipulate one of her budding
tits, fingers rolling and teasing the rigid nipple at its peak; his other hand
dipped into the soft, hair- fuzzed slit, middle finger extended and teasing,
down and under along the incredibly soft cunt of the young twelve year old
neophyte. He found her clitoris, rigid and tingling with its electric blood, and
began to tease it with the tip of his finger. Laura mewled with unwanted delight
at the electric flashes his probings were sending through her every fiber.

At that exact moment, she felt his one hand leave her titty and, a second later,
heard the unmistakable whisper of a zipper being drawn down. She tensed, opening
and closing her legs around his invading finger, waiting for what she knew was
to come. Mack pressed forward again, and Laura felt the hard, rubbery tip of his
erect prick rub along the velvety surface of her asscheeks, dip into the moist
crevice, and move down toward where his finger was sliding into the moist, warm
folds of her cuntal mouth.

Oh, God! He's going to do it to me with his big, hard prick, she thought. She
knew he was going to do it to her, but then she had asked him for it. After all,
she owed Pete nothing. In fact, she had not let Pete do it. Of course, there had
been the dog, Fido. Imagine, losing your virginity to a dog! Would anyone
believe it? And why wasn't she ashamed of it? Why wasn't she ashamed of any of
this? Maybe she was no better than a whore! Maybe her mother was right, that
there were two kinds of women, ladies and lewdies. It was a great joke to her
mother, and Laura had never known quite what she meant by it, but she knew now.
And she, Laura Cutter, might well be the opposite of her mother. She might be a

Mack Toohey worked the blood-engorged knob of his long, very purple- veined cock
up and down in Laura's moist, soft cunt with increasing fervor. Christ, this was
really going to be good! he told himself. It was going to be one of the best
fucks he had ever had. He could sense it, feel it in the marrow of his bones.
His balls already felt as if they contained lead weights, and his blood-swollen
cock throbbed and jerked with the need to fuck her. He was going to get his nuts
after about ten strokes, he was so goddamned excited! But what the hell, this
wasn't going to be the last time he would screw Laura Cutter. Once he had done
it, she was a member of their club, and he was quite sure she would have lost
all interest in playing baseball!

"I'm going to fuck you now, Laura," he whispered lasciviously. "I'm going to put
my rock-hard cock into your hungering cunt and fuck you until you scream your
little head off! How's that?"

"Oh, yes, Mack!" Laura heard herself agree in a half whisper. "Please fuck me.

"Better reach behind you then and take my cock into your hand," he commanded.
"Put it into your cunt, Laura. Put it in!"

Laura, groaning with the billows of fire that were racing through her
bloodstream, obeyed the order, reaching behind her to grasp the fleshy,
lubricated, slick head of Mack's magnificent hard cock. God, it seemed so big to
her! Could she take all of such a thing inside? It seemed incredible, and yet
she had to do it! She had to! Yes, of course she could take it. Laura splayed
her legs wider apart, bracing herself against the tree with her eyes feasting on
the lewdly jerking couple in the brook just beyond the trees and guided the
young fourteen year old athlete's lust-thick cock to her cuntal orifice, placing
it there at the door of the tingling, expectant hole as if it were a battering
ram at the huge doors of some medieval castle. Then she eased the blood- swollen
head inside, reveling in the delicious sensations which were reducing her to
nothing more than a quivering mass of lewd flesh.

"Fuck me, Mack!" she pleaded. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurrrryyy!"

"Yes, I'll fuck you," Mack murmured, and he couldn't control himself any longer.
He levered forward with all the power in his hips and pelvis, sending his huge
lust-hardened cock tearing along the warm, wet, yielding walls of her cunt like
some terribly destructive machine created to wreak havoc by a madman. He felt
like a doomsday machine! The fleshy head slammed against her cervix, and his
loins ground against her jutting asscheeks, and his balls bounced resoundingly
against her wet pubic mound below.

"Aaahhhggg! Oh, God, gosh, Mack! You're so big!" Laura grunted as he withdrew
slightly and levered forward again.

The fourteen year old boy's hands came around to cup and knead her tits, his
breath hot and ragged on the back of her neck. He couldn't control himself now.
There weren't going to be any preliminaries, any slow and easy build-up. He was
just going to fuck her, fuck her as if they were two rutting beasts, fuck her
the way he wanted to fuck, the way he knew instinctively that she wanted to
fuck! He began to saw into her, back and forth, withdrawing his long lust-
hardened shaft almost all the way out and then fucking forward again to bring
groans of tormented pleasure bubbling from Laura's young inexperienced lips.

"Do you like it?" he hissed. "Do you like my hard cock in your belly like this?"

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes, I love it inside of me, Mack! It's so big, so good in my

"You know I'm going to fill you up with my cum, Laura!" he moaned, fucking
faster and faster into her wet, butter-soft cuntal hole. "I'm going to fill you
up like a bottle is filled with cream!"

"Yes! Fill me like that, Mack! I'll like that. I'll love it! Fill me with cum!"

It felt so good inside of her, she thought in her punch-fogged, passion-addled
brain. The forbidden, illicit prick violating her body felt so good, so
wonderful. She decided that if she was a lewdy, so be it. The next time her
mother spoke of there being two kinds of women, ladies and lewdies, she would
really have a laugh, Laura would. Well, she wanted to be a lewdy now. It felt so
fantastically good. She had been a lady long enough ... well, a tomboy lady,
anyway! She could see Pete's freckled face. She watched how he was twisting and
jerking. He was going to cum any second now, she guessed. So was she herself! So
was Mack!

Laura watched Janie's mouth work harder and faster on Pete's lewdly bloated cock
in the swirling water of the brook, work with incredible speed until her dark
head seemed to be a blur of motion. Pete was levered up almost out of the water
now, driving his loins into the pretty face, thrusting her flailing head down on
his blood-hardened too] to bend it from side to side with her insatiable lips
and tongue. Her hand kneaded and caressed his balls, urging him on to climax,
and suddenly Laura Cutter saw Pete DePow's mouth fly open as he fucked upward
maniacally. A strangled scream that must have been heard for miles, it seemed,
tore from his throat!

"I'm cuumminng!" he howled, and Janie pulled her head back so that only the dark
head of his blood-engorged cock was between her churning her mouth and lips
crazily as the first molten jet of his hot creamy cum burst into her mouth from
his overflowing scrotum. Janie's cheeks hollowed and bloated, hollowed and
bloated as she milked his erupting cock, swallowing voraciously to keep from
choking as he flooded his wan-n white sperm deep into her mouth.

Laura watched Pete's cum dribbling out around Janie's wildly sucking mouth,
rolling down over her wet and bubbled chin to commingle with the gushing waters
of the little brook, and the sight of such salacious perversion triggered her
own climax. She buffeted back against Mack's thick still-fucking cock like some
barnyard beast, her hips churning against his loins, reveling in the lewd
slapping sounds of his balls smacking down against her pussy and the wet sucking
noises of his hotly pulsating cock as it fucked into her convulsing young cunt.
Her entire being was filled with her beginning orgasm, and her wildly exalting
body trembled and vibrated at the onslaught of the dark young athlete's invading
lewd shaft.

"Mack! Oh, Mack! Mack!" she wailed mindlessly. "Mack, I'm going ... going ...
I'm going to cum! Oh, Mack, I'm there! I'm there! I'm oooohhhhh!"

"I am ... too ... cuummingg," he groaned behind her, unable to control the
spinning heat in his balls. With one final almost sadistic lunge, he came in
time to her cumming, spewing forth a great, burning surge of churning white
semen far, far up into her wildly quivering womb. He was moaning in orgiastic
rapture, filling her belly with his sperm, inundating her with it. Laura's young
avid pussy flowered open around Mack's wildly spasming cock, and her juices
exploded to mingle with his deep inside her still-contracting belly.

Well, she couldn't compare him with Pete, but she could certainly compare him
with Fido and safely say that she had never known an orgasm like this in her
life! At least, not so far!

It was just as if she had been transported out of her own body, transported to
some far-reaching galaxy on soft, gentle clouds. She knew nothing but
incomparable rapture for long soulless, mindless minutes, floating, her mind
drifting and expanding as if with an injection of some hallucinogenic drug as
Mack Toohey's lusty cock gave one final jerking spurt of cum and then began to
rapidly deflate, draining in her cunt as it went limp. Finally it slipped from
her sperm-flooded passage with a soft, obscene popping sound, trailing sticky
strands of cobwebby semen from her saturated cuntal slit.

Laura slumped forward onto her knees on the ground and emitted a long blissful
sigh of satiation as she saw Janie collapse across Pete in the water and kiss
him passionately on the mouth with his cum still painting the twelve year old
dark-haired beauty's lips and chin. Laura was almost comatose in the aftermath
of her tremendous orgasm, and she only vaguely felt Mack's strong arms lift her
up from the ground and, scooping up their clothing in a few fast movements,
guide her back to their picnic area. There was a question on her mind, but she
didn't have the energy to ask it and would have been embarrassed to do so
anyway. What she wondered was whose girl was she now.

"Well, that was as good as hitting a home run, wasn't it?" Mack asked as they
were dressing.

Home run? After that, was baseball still the only thing on his mind? Laura was
sure that Pete DePow would never make such an absurd simile! She said nothing
while she finished dressing but she decided that if she had any say in whose
girl she was, it wasn't going to be Mack Toohey. He could have his old baseball
... and his hockey, as well, for that matter.

Chapter 5

When Janie and Pete finally returned to the picnic area, Laura busied herself
with putting lunch out for everyone and avoiding both eyes and conversation.
When they sat down to eat the generous sandwiches that Pete had brought ...
Laura had never seen so much roast beef between two slices of bread ... the red-
haired Lothario started to tell them of his last summer. His family had taken
him out to the Finger Lakes in New York. He bragged about the Muskie he caught
that was nearly as tall as he was when he held it up on the line. He had gone
boating on Seneca Lake and swimming in an Olympic pool.

"One that size, you mean," Janie corrected him, and Laura wondered how she knew
anything about it.

"Yeah, you could fit all the pools in this town inside it," Pete went cheerily
on. Gosh, if Laura's mother had interrupted Laura's father like that, he would
have gone straight through the roof and refused to speak to her the rest of the
day! Laura was impressed by the freckle- faced boy's good nature.

No one else had much to say about their vacations, which were pretty humdrum in
relation to Pete's. He told how he had seen glass being blown through very long
tubes and described how red the liquid glass glowed when it was taken from the
furnace by the apprentice. Laura had watched little glass Disney figures made in
a department store, but what Pete had seen were the beautiful hand blown, hand
etched Stubenware pieces. Laura spoke up.

"I know what those are. My mother has a collection of pictures. She collects the
advertisements for those. Someday she wants one," Laura ended lamely, suddenly
aware of how poor that made her parents look.

"My mother has some. I'll have to show you!" Pete said enthusiastically, then
went on to the surprise toward which he had been building. He had actually gone
to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He had seen the first baseball diamond and had
listened enthralled to Babe Ruth's voice, which they had on a record there and
which one could hear by putting a dime in. He described the great baseball
players' uniforms and gloves and bats as though no one had ever seen pictures of
them ... But of course, it wasn't the same just to see an old picture, Laura
knew. Her heart had begun to sink more and more, and a story that she supposed
should have filled her with excitement and joy only made her desolate.

Peter DePow was definitely out of her league! She was plain envious of his trip.
She didn't care about the old glass or anything like that, but just imagine
swimming with Peter in a pool as big as he described! Goodness, it would take
them all day to get just from one end to the other, it seemed! She pictured
herself hiking with him all alone through Watkins Glen Gorge, into the caves,
over the rocks, his red hair aflame in the sunlight. He said you could catch
trout in Seneca Lake, too. She would like that, especially with Peter. She
wondered if you could try on Babe Ruth's uniform, but of course not, she
chastened herself. Now she was getting silly. Suddenly she noticed that Peter
was looking at her rather steadfastly. They were eating Janie's cake, and he was
eating an orange that Laura had brought.

"You look like Hector Falls," he said suddenly when she looked at him
quizzically because of his staring. "I mean your hair is falling so long and
over your shoulders like that all in waves because of the way you had it
braided. Hector Falls is like that, broadening waves of falling water."

It sounded as though he had meant to go on, but forgot what he was going to say
as he contemplated her. It was most complimentary, and Laura could not help
blushing. Well, maybe he wasn't out of reach, at least temporarily.

After they had finished eating and were once more on the punch, and after Pete
seemed to have run out of stories, although Laura rather doubted he had, Mack
was restless and so was Janie. Janie had never been a person who could sit

"Let's hike along the brook and see where it starts," she suggested.

Peter did not answer at all. He was lying back, supported on his elbows, his
eyes nearly closed, with a spear of grass hanging from his mouth. He looked
sleepy, but Laura knew that wasn't it at all. He was looking at her, Laura
Cutter, and right at the moment she felt like a princess of some kind. The last
thing on her mind was getting up from here and going on any old walk! Mack
jumped up as though the walk was mandatory if Janie Farragut wanted it.

"Let's go," he said. Neither Peter nor Laura stirred.

"Come on, Laura," Janie said, but Mack took her arm and turned her in the
upstream direction of the brook and started walking her toward the sound of the

"Come on," he said. "You and I will go and leave these old fuddy- duddies to sit
around and be sleepy if they want."

Laura never looked up to see their expressions, whether Mack seemed to
understand that Laura and Pete wanted to be together or whether Janie's face
revealed any jealousy at the change in the coupling. She only heard them walk
away, sensed when they were gone. Pete suddenly got up and came over to sit by
her. Wordlessly, though she meant to chide him for his infidelity in some way,
she pulled his head down and held it cradled against her, feeling the soft
moistness of his lips pressed against her chest just above the top button of her

Oddly and perversely, in that moment, Laura began to remember the lewd fucking
she had been given by Mack Toohey. She began to remember his fleshy, blood-
enraged cock fucking in and out of her defenseless cunt, his hands cupping and
kneading her nakedly quivering young tits, his hot breath blowing maddeningly
into her ear. She remembered how it felt with his lusty cock sliding in and out
along her cuntal passage harder and faster. She began to remember her own
cumming in tune with his, and how she had been floating, wonderfully floating in
the throes of a climax like she had never known, that was totally unlike any
other experience she had ever known!

And now, with these lewd memories flooding over her, she didn't even notice that
Pete was undressing her. She moved, humped, bent to help him as he removed each
article of her clothing as though she were some kind of automaton in which he
had merely to turn a key for her to obey. She never noticed how exposed to the
air she was though her nipples began to harden on her young beginning mounds of
tits, and down between her legs her cunt mouth moistened with her softly seeping
feminine juices. She could feel her loins tingling. She was aware that he pulled
away briefly, but soon he was in her lap again as though he had never left, this
time cradled in her warm nakedness. She began once more to stroke his red hair
as though she had never stopped, stroking it gently, positioning his face so
that it was pressed into the hollow between her developing tits. Her breath
became ragged and pulsating as the obscene images from earlier darted back and
forth in her mind.

What a strange and wonderful thing was sex. She was becoming aroused again, she
thought in surprise. She was becoming aroused with the need for sex, for
release, even though she had just had that very satisfaction an hour ago at
Mack's lewd bidding. She really was a lewdy all right. She seemed to have no
control over herself whatever. First she ought to straighten out this business
of jumping around from partner to partner. She couldn't let Pete have her with
no explanation at all about why he had taken Janie the way he had. Yes, she
would put a stop to this right now.

But she was only deluding herself, for her whole body was beginning to seethe
with passion once again, her brain unable to remain with any rational
considerations, instead dwelling on the prurient sensations of her flesh and
pushing away all other thoughts, pushing away any need for justice or
explanation as easily as it had pushed away all other self-controls. She spread
her legs far apart, opening her cuntal orifice erotically wide, and in a voice
that was strange and muffled in her own ears, heard her talking about those
things once again.

"Pete, oh Peter, I want you!"

There was a moment of silence before he answered.

"What do you want?"

"I want you! Pete, I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside of
me hard and deep. Now! Right now!" Gosh, she was beginning to sound bossy to
herself, bossy as Janie.

He raised his head staring down with those marvelous gray-green eyes. He

"I'm still not sure I heard you right."

"Oh, yes you are!" she said petulantly, a new kind of energy flooding her, the
energy of the lewdy, she thought with surprise. Yes there was a definite change
in her blood. "I want you to fuck me!" she demanded. "I want you to fuck me
right here and now in this woods under these trees. I want you to fuck me, Pete!
Of course, if you don't want to ..."

Pete DePow's cock leapt into involuntary erection in his trousers at the obscene
words and Laura felt the material. He still had his trousers on! She had thought
he had got undressed when he left her, but she looked down and saw that he had
merely poured some more punch. She started to pull away, hurt somehow. Why had
he undressed her and not himself? Was he just embarrassing her? Now she
remembered his getting sucked off by Janie and it seemed suddenly more important
than it had.

"Maybe you'd rather have Janie," she said pointedly, freezing under his touch.

"Janie? God, no, Laura. I'd much rather have you!"

"Sure," she spat. "I'll bet you got undressed for her without being asked!"

First he grabbed her and kissed her with all the strength that he had, forcing
his tongue into her mouth until finally she accepted it and began to melt into
softness once more, then he let go. He jumped to his feet and began to pull of
his clothes in a great hurry, wanting to be naked before the softness wore off.
He certainly knew how to handle a woman! Actually, he was so incensed with
passion as his brain dwelled on this beautiful young blonde's words, that all
his instincts arose to help him, like a giant army under the command of the most
demanding general of all: Fucking!

When Pete was completely naked, he felt like a superman, his blood- engorged
cock swaying menacingly like a cobra with its thick mushrooming head and ridged
expanse, he lay down on the grass beside the lovely little Laura and gathered
her into his arms. Her hands immediately searched out the bloated sac of his
sperm-filled balls, lovingly caressing the swollen softness. Then her hand
closed around the base of his shaft and began to rub it lightly as her lips
pressed hotly to the side of his neck as if trying to fuse with his skin.

Pete's hand moved down between their tightly clasped bodies to fondle the moist,
hair-fuzzed furrow between the gorgeous girl's velvet-soft thighs, little groans
of rising pleasure escaping his lips. This foreplay was driving him to the brink
of explosion, and the heat in his balls was so intense he thought he might come
right then and there. He wanted to fuck her! He wanted to fuck her right now,
this second. He couldn't wait to shove his long, throbbing lewd cock deep up
into her soft, nearly-virginal, anyway, belly. Of course, all Pete was sure
about was the dog!

"Laura!" he groaned, wanting to use the words with her that a boy likes to use
with a girl, "Laura, take my cock and put it in your pussy! Do it now baby! I
want you now, baby!" He forgot that she had used the word, fuck, and he was
praying she wouldn't mind the use of obscenity.

"You want to fuck me!" she asked. "You want to fuck my cunt?"

Surprised, Pete could only nod. He would worry about how she learned those words

Laura, too, was on fire though, thinking only of fulfillment from the still
burgeoning desire consuming her nakedly exposed flesh. She raised herself
quickly beside him, up onto all fours on the ground. Then she dipped her fingers
down between his splayed legs, seizing his obscenely bobbing cock again and
teasing the hardened head maddeningly with her thumb, making Pete squirm and
groan with the intensity of her manipulation. After a moment, she moved forward,
raising one leg and sliding it across him so that she was straddling his belly
with her knees pressed to his sides. The tight, elastic opening of her cuntal
mouth was spread invitingly wide above the quivering head of his blood- bloated
cock still held in her hand. Slowly, she guided the hot, fleshy monster up to
her desire-moistened cunt, teasing the glans along the butter-soft slit with
tantalizing slowness.

Pete groaned ecstatically, and she crooned, "Do you like me to do that? Is that
what you like, Pete?"

Christ, where had she been since yesterday? What had she been learning in such a
short time?

"Ooooohhhh, yeeesssss!" he bubbled ecstatically.

All of a sudden and without warning, Laura dropped downward and impaled herself
on his lust-burning shaft as if it was a knife and she was committing some kind
of cleansing hara-kiri which would make her spirit free and pure again.

"Aaauuughh!" she groaned as the full length of her new boyfriend's lust-engorged
cock filled her devouring cunt, slamming painfully against her cervix deep
inside her quivering belly. She sat hard against his bloated balls, feeling them
bulging against her asscheeks, and she began immediately to bob up and down,
leaning forward on her hands spread wide out on either side of Pete's shoulders.
Her brand new, blossoming titties shivered like the belly of a belly-dancer,
wildly back and forth and around with her effort, the nipples occasionally
dipped down with her to brush against his chest. Her hungering cunt nibbled its
way lewdly up his cock to the very crest, fell back to sheath it completely and
then climbed to the tip once more. The sensitive muscles of her warm wet cunt
clasped the turgid rod of lewdly inflated flesh tightly, squeezing it, releasing
it, squeezing it again as if it were a cow's teat and her tender but insistent
pussy a strong milker's hand.

"Oh, wow, baby! That's it! That's sure iiiittttt!" a surprised Pete DePow
screamed up at the lovely blond girl, taking one tautly slaving asscheek in
either hand and kneading them almost savagely in his passion. "Fuck it, Laura,
oh Laura! Oh Laura, ride my aching hungry prick and make me cum like you did to

Laura's devouring cuntal hole was one throbbing mass of exquisite joy, so great
a joy that she strove as she had never striven before in either baseball to get
a home run or hockey to get a goal to reach the pinnacle of the orgasm which was
surging through her in swirling waves. Dear God! Dear God! Dear God! her brain
cried like a great swinging chiming bell. It was all so beautiful! It was all
wonderful! Never had there been anything as good as this! How could she have
failed to even try anything this good until now? How could she have played ball
with all these exquisite males all these years and been so blind in sexual
matters? the twelve year old wondered. She had been afraid of her mother's
categorizing, that was it. She had been afraid of being a lewdy, probably, back
in some deep recess of her mind. Because to tell the truth, never having tried
it before, how could she have known what a miracle sex was, but she didn't
understand all that.

All she really understood was that she was blossoming into a new womanhood now,
realizing it for the first time. Her mother had pointed it out to her with dull
warnings and urgent requests for her to begin to behave like a lady, but words
often sounded like the empty wind. Words often floated around, in one ear and
out the other, because they had no meaning. Only some kind of experience can
give meaning to words. And the experience that Laura Cutter was having was not
going to make a lady of her, she decided, if to be a lady was to be like her
mother. Oh, no! Laura would prefer to be a lewdy! A lewdy, as far as she could
tell, had a wealth of desires and passions and thrilling moments that ladies
never knew or even suspected were there! Laura liked feeling so alive!

Pete's strong fingers were now digging wildly into the soft firm flesh of her
ass, manipulating the perspiration-soaked slick mounds. The hard fingers slipped
into the softly sensitive crevice between them, spreading them wide to expose
the tiny, puckered ring of her naked asshole. He could feel with his fingertips
the outward pulling of her cuntal lips as she drew sensuously upward on his
hardened lewd shaft, the inward contracting of her fluted pussy mouth when she
drove down on his blood-swollen member. The crazy feeling only further excited
him, and he teased his right index finger back up to probe at her asshole,
slipping the tip just inside and eliciting mewls of both pleasure and pain from
the twelve year old tomboy's nakedly bobbing form above him. He was seized in
that moment with a wicked urge to degrade this straddling beauty and fuck his
finger deep, deep into her rectum, and he cried out to her.

"I want to shove my finger in your asshole, Laura, baby! I want to fuck my
finger all the way up your beautiful sweet asshole."

"Yeeesssss!" Laura heard herself answer, further excited by the salaciousness of
the idea of her virginal asshole being penetrated by Pete DePow's freckled
finger. "Yes, Pete, put it up my asshole! Fuck it up there now!"

Almost brutally, Pete excitedly fucked his finger hard up into the spongy
orifice to the first knuckle, spreading the fleshy circle wide to accept his
unnatural probing.

"Aauuugghh!" Laura screamed. "Goollleee, it hurts! It hurts! But don't stop it.
Please, don't stop!" However, then as her rectal hole became accustomed to the
forbidden invader, the writhing little blond felt a pleasure even more acute
than the pain she had just experienced. Loving it, wanting it, she drove
backward and down on Pete's rotating finger, skewering it into her rectum to the
second knuckle, all the way to the palm of his hand. At the same time, she
heaved and clasped her warm, moist cuntal sheath down on his upward-jerking cock
as she endeavored to draw all of it into her lust-incensed belly.

"Aaaaiiiee!" she wailed. "Uuuuggghh, oh, God! Pete, I love it! I love having
your cock in my cunt and your finger in my asshole at the same time! I love it!
I love it! I love it!"

Oh, yes, she thought through the kaleidoscopically spinning lights of her
approaching climax. I love it, and I love you, Peter DePow! I don't hate you for
what you did with Janie because I never would have let you go this far with me
if I had not seen that and gone farther than you know with Mack Toohey! I even
forgive you for siccing the dog on me! Well, Fido hadn't been so bad. In fact,
she had rather enjoyed the dog, now that she recalled. She only wished she
hadn't been a virgin for the experience. She undoubtedly would have enjoyed it
more! Oh yes, she was going to like the obscene degrading life of a lewdy. She
would have to hide her new interests from her parents, of course, but she would
go on pretending to be a baseball and hockey nut, that's all. The only trouble
was that her father expected her to be his source for scores and play-by-play
descriptions of certain games that he wasn't able to see because of work. Still,
maybe as things began to get more normal, she would regain enough of her
interest in sports to be able to remember what she had to do in order to keep up
the pretense.

"Harder!" she suddenly screamed out to Pete beneath her insanely undulating
body, tossing her head from side to side in wild abandon and swirling her long
blond hair like some ritualistic dancer about her face. "Fuck me harder, Pete,
darling, fuck me harder with your great bloated cock and your strong fucking
finger! Make me cum at the same time you cum!"

The obscene words spewing unbelievably from the lips of this young virgin-of-
only-yesterday caused Pete to lever up off the ground, drubbing his cock even
deeper into her hungrily welcoming belly, worming his finger around madly in her
rectum. She thrust down and back, down and back in a lewd rocking rhythm,
ramming the swollen head of his blood-bludgeoning cock hard against her cervix,
imbedding his finger to its fullest length in the soft moist darkness of her
asshole. The exquisite unison of the two invading members and her own frenzied
and abandoned jerkings were completely attuned now, perfectly in time. She
reveled in the lascivious gushing sounds his cock and his finger made as they
withdrew and then jerked back into her yielding cunt and rectum. They increased
her lust so that the spiraling crescendo of her orgasm climbed higher, higher
and finally reached the peak. And she was there!

She was cumming, cumming for the first time like a real grown woman, she was
sure! She was cumming like she had not with Fido or Mack at all but far more
deeply and completely than ever before. Oh, God, she was really cumming with her
own Pete DePow's cock buried deep and rock-hard inside of her. At least, she
hoped he was going to be her own!

"Oooaaahhh! Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm sure cuumminng!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Pete chanted as he felt his own orgasm hit, the hot
torrents of his thick white semen searing like molten lava up along his lewdly
bloated cock from the sanctuary of his balls.

Glowing flames of his obscenely jetting semen washed against her cervix and
filled her cunt with heat as intense as any blaze, then overflowed back out of
her clasping, twitching cavern to cascade down around Pete's madly erupting
shaft like some impossibly lewd waterfall to pool on his belly, drenching their
just beginning pubic hairs with sticky connecting strands of milky white liquid.
And Laura's cum, too, was added to the lustful flood as she floated away once
more into that strange, ecstatic galaxy of mindless delight, floated even
farther away than was imaginable, to the mind-boggling reaches of the universe,
like a ball that sprouts its own wings after it's hit and keeps on going out of
the park to be lost in space. Astride Peter DePow, whose flushed skin was
getting suspiciously redder, she jerked and bucked and twisted, riding his
spurting cock and his twisting finger, riding them like they were the finest of
stallions and she an expert bronco buster. She half expected to hear the cheers
go up from the crowd!

Finally, she returned to sanity as Pete withdrew his now-deflated shaft and his
finger simultaneously, the two escaping hardnesses of her lover making equally
soft wet swishing sounds at her cunt and her rectum. She collapsed across him,
still half-insane with satiated rapture, and she nuzzled her head into the
hollow of his throat, feeling their commingled juices coagulating between their
tightly pressed stomachs as if it was some irremovable glue binding them forever

A long time later, Pete tried to whisper softly and not alarm her to spoil the
effect of what they had done. He stroked her tangled, sweat- dampened hair.

"That was really great, Laura! Oh, that was just the greatest, but ... but ..."

Laura whipped her head up from him. "But? What was wrong?" But he didn't have to
answer because she could see immediately. A burn had taken him, and it looked
severe. His skin was beet red and looking redder all the time.

"Your weight on me kind of hurts now," he sputtered.

"That's what you get," she admonished, but she was smiling to herself. She was
pleased with herself. "That's what you get for fucking out in the brook under
the sunlight with no protection. It's lucky your ass was under water or you
wouldn't be able to wear pants."

"Hhhmmmmm," he murmured, contemplating the possibility. "I might like that. I
could live in the tree house if you'd feed me."

She looked him over from a standing position now. He would be utterly
untouchable for some time, she decided.

"Who'd feed me!" she wanted to know.

"Fido?" he asked with mock despair.

Chapter 6

When they finally got back to Pete's house, as stiffened as he was, he wanted to
make a mess of spaghetti and have them all stay and eat with him. His parents
would not be home for two days, he explained, and the cook would just love a
vacation from having to cook dinner for him. It was not very difficult for Laura
to get permission from her mother to eat at the DePow's house, and probably
Janie's mother would let her eat anywhere. Mack had no trouble winning
permission because he frequently ate there. And so they had a spaghetti party
downstairs in the family room.

They had no sooner finished eating when Pete asked them if they wanted to see a
movie. Mack, apparently, knew to what his pal referred.

"Let's play cards, Pete," he said. "You're in no condition to watch any movie

"Sure I am! What are you talking about?" he asked, trying to keep a straight
face without any luck.

"You're nuts," Mack laughed as his friend set up the projector. Mack went to the
wall and pulled down a screen.

"It's just that I'm going to need help, you see," Pete muttered, giggling all
the while. The two boys were finding something very funny.

"You girls better sit over there," Mack ordered. "I'll run the projector and
Pete has to be kept on ice."

The girls were mystified. Laura could understand, though, that a dark room was a
temptation that her new boyfriend couldn't afford with the painful sunburn he
now had. Even holding hands in the dark, something that was bound to lead to
other things, would be mean to him. Suddenly, Pete got up and left the room. He
came back leading Fido.

"Should you let the dog in the house?" asked Laura.

"It's okay to let him in down here," Pete said, still grinning mischievously. He
and Mack passed a look, and Mack responded with an amused shake of his head.
Then he flicked out the lights and began the film.

The film was in color and the room it showed was more luxurious than anything
Laura had ever seen. She wondered at first if it was a home movie of something
upstairs in this very house. But then a sweet-faced little girl of about their
own age appeared. The camera came down over the draperies to light on her,
spread naked and exposed on a lovely large bed with a bright lavender and pink
flowered spread, her long legs spread wide to reveal the pinkly glistening folds
of her cunt, that had more chestnut brown hairs than either Laura or Janie yet
had. Her tits, though, were small and taut, with tiny nipples ruby and
succulent-looking on petal-like aureoles, which further added to an aura of
innocence and purity about her that even her lewdly exposed position could not
deny. Her pubic mound was covered with her thin, softly curling chestnut hair
that matched her long chestnut tresses. She was simply lying on the bed in that
splayed position, her eyes tightly shut, and her head to one side as if she were
peacefully sleeping. There was a soft, beautiful smile on her soft-looking red

Suddenly the camera left the child on the bed and, pulling back, revealed the
fact that she was in a cage with gold glistening bars that reached from the
floor around the bed to the ceiling. Perhaps she was supposed to be Sleeping
Beauty, thought Laura, who, despite the girl's nakedness, still was unsuspicious
of the film.

And then the scene changed to an old set of creaking stairs with cobwebs
stretching from one side to the other like flying buttresses. Coming up the
stairs was a dark figure, and as the camera zoomed in, and the figure turned, it
proved to be a witch with a hooked nose and bushy eyebrows, just the way you
would expect a witch to look.

But then, amazingly, the witch reached the top of the stairs, pushed open a door
there, and entered upon the luxurious room with the naked little girl in it. Oh,
no, Hansel and Gretel, Laura corrected herself. Of course, it could be Snow
White! Just then, before Laura could do any more speculating, the witch shook
out of her enveloping robe. It seemed to melt down to the floor and she, too,
was naked, with large, proudly upthrust tits and a bushy triangle of gray pubic
hair that seemed to cover the entire area up between her thighs. Her lips were
spread in a wide lascivious grin as she looked over her hooked nose at the
sleeping lovely girl on the bed, and one of her hands began to move slowly up
and down her side while the other passed lightly, tantalizingly, over the side
of her full, high-set titties. For a witch, thought Laura, she sure had a
gorgeous body. Laura had always thought of witches as something akin to

After a moment, the witch turned and looked back at something in the hallway
outside the bedroom. Momentarily, she made a motion with the hand which had been
stroking her hip and there was a wand in it. With a wave of the wand, a huge,
black furry form materialized, sitting on the floor at her feet, just inside the
bedroom. God, it looked like a panther! Laura had never been to the zoo. There
was none in her town, but she recognized the muscular and dangerous cat from
pictures. The witch stared at it a moment, scratching that hooked nose and waved
the wand again. The big cat transformed into a huge German shepherd, as black as
the cat, but even more ferocious looking. Now the witch seemed to chuckle. She
was satisfied with herself. Apparently the cat had been a mistake. The dog's
long red tongue lolled wetly out of the side of its fanged jaws like a red tie
hanging out of a black suitcase. It stared up at the gray-haired witch almost
anticipatorily, its thick bushy tail wagging to and fro with excitement.

Now, on the flickering screen, the witch and the huge dog were walking across
the bedroom to the teenager on the bed. As they approached, the girl's eyes
flashed open to stare first at the woman, then at the dog, in what was obviously
mounting horror. She tried to slide away to the far end of the bed, but there
was obviously nowhere to go because of the bars. Her lips were parted in fear,
but the witch, opening a gate, caught the girl's arm and held her, pulling her
down into a prone, spread-eagled position. Laura felt Janie cuddle against her,
in fearful reaction, she supposed although by accident, one of Janie's hands
brushed against Laura's budding tit, and then she felt Janie's nipple on her
arm. Also, Janie's hand came to rest against the outer swell of the blonde's
curvaceous thigh. It didn't feel so bad, thought Laura, and focused her
attention back on the screen.

The gray-haired witch began to speak to the child then, gesticulating and
motioning with her hands, and after a moment the teenager nodded convulsively.
The witch lay down on the bed, spraying her slender legs wide and smiling
salaciously as her yawning hair-lined cuntal mouth, with its glistening wet,
petal-like lips was exposed to the camera.

The young girl licked her innocent and tender lips, still with the fear on her
face, and then gave a quick shudder as if a chill had passed through her. Then
she moved down on the bed, moving on all fours in between the witch's widely
spread legs. She looked back over her shoulder once to see the big shepherd
guarding the open gate to her cage, and then she leaned forward to dart her head
between the opened legs and bury it against the witch's flaming cuntal slit. The
gray- haired ogre arched her hips, drawing her knees up almost to her tits,
flowering wider the huge lust-inflamed cavern as the girl's young tongue snaked
out to flick inside the burning circle, lick up along the moistened furrow to
locate the quivering, blood-red clit. The child took the miniature phallus
between her teeth and began to nibble it, her actions somewhat looser now, her
obscene mouthings of the witch's pussy becoming a little more frenzied, her
fingers digging harder into the milk-white thighs of the woman she was suckling.

The horrible witch flailed her head from side to side in ecstatic rapture,
totally committed with mind and body to the lascivious nibblings down between
her legs. She wrapped her hands in the child's hair and urged her on, her legs
jerking spasmodically into the air above her. Neither she, nor the teenage girl
nestled between her legs seemed to notice when the giant German shepherd leaped
up onto the bed and began to edge forward to tentatively sniff the obscenely
waving, yet still completely virginal asscheeks of the little girl.

Laura was breathing raggedly now, intensely aroused by the lewd performance she
was witnessing on the screen, by the eagerly awaited entrance of the dog for its
role in the silent sexual game being enacted on the dancing movie screen before
her eyes. She sat immobile, moistening her lips again and again, her mind a
blank, and when Janie's hand moved up all the way along her thigh to dip up
against the moist, silk-encased slit between her legs, she first opened her
thighs so the fingers could get under her shorts and then imprisoned them there.

Laura understood and knew there was going to be no holding back. Desire had
risen in her in great swirls of reason-drenching heat. The twelve year old had
learned that feeling and knew there was no denying it. It had happened to her
... how many times ... in the past maybe thirty six hours? Let's see, she had
touched herself with her own fingers once, and before that there had been Pete's
attempt to fuck her. Fido had succeeded. Mack had taken her from behind. Pete
she had straddled and ridden herself. God, yes! She was a lewdy and might as
well go all the way!

She should be abhorred by the thought of doing anything with another girl, but
she wasn't. There was no stopping it. Delicious waves of passion flowed through
her like warm honey, and she squirmed down against the cushions of the couch on
which they sat, squeezing her suddenly insatiable pussy tight against Janie's
hand. Her other hand moved up to caress one of Janie's taut young tits, kneading
the spongy mound, bringing the nipple into turgid erection beneath her garments.

Janie began whispering softly in her old friend's ear, lewd words that caused
Laura to squirm harder and harder on the couch. Then Janie was insinuating her
finger under the tight elastic leg band of Laura's panties, into the waiting wet
folds of her cunt, teasing along the sensitive inner walls. Instinctively, Laura
reached out a hand to return the manipulation, eyes fastened to the lewd picture
on the screen, thinking only of the passion which was coursing through her body
at that moment, realizing with a dim part of her mind that at last she was free
from all inhibitions, free from her mother's syndrome of guilt and shame,
totally abandoned to the delicious rewards of lewdyism. And she was supremely

On the screen, the young chestnut-haired girl was still wildly licking and
sucking the witch's cunt, her tongue lapping insanely at the passion-drenched
furrow in which her head was flailing up and down. The woman's legs were now
clasped tightly around the girl's neck, locked together at the calves, and her
asscheeks were raised up toward the ceiling as if they were some salacious
offering to the spirits of her want. But now, the furry German shepherd was
taking an active role, and the camera zoomed in very close as the animal's
tongue flicked out once, twice to lick the quivering moons of the young
teenager's milk- white asscheeks. Then the dog rooted its cold nose into the
crevice between the girl's invitingly rounded asscheeks, and the sudden contact
caused the girl to momentarily discontinue her mad lickings. But the witch's
hands wrapped in the girl's chestnut curls forced the teenager downward to her
task once again, and she resumed her lewd sucking of the moist blood-inflamed
loins between the gray-haired witch's jackknifed thighs.

This time the dog's wet tongue furled out to lick the soft-petaled edges of the
child's tender and innocent young pussy, licking upward the full expanse of her
cuntal split from her clitoris to her asshole, then back again, and then up
again. The girl was trembling almost mindlessly now at the incredible contact of
the animal's hot wet tongue on her naked genitals, and her head raced like a
wild thing in the 'V' of the older woman's thighs while she tossed and flailed
her ass and ground her pelvis into the child's secretion-drenched face.

Laura was in a fever pitch of excitement. Oh, God, how she needed release, and
there was no sense going to her sunburned boyfriend now! She wanted to be fucked
more at that moment than she had ever wanted it! What she wanted was Fido's hard
animal-cock flicking into her again, and most of all, she wanted to cum with him
cumming inside her, cum while Janie was there, too. Maybe the boys wouldn't
notice, but they wouldn't care. She had already learned that.

She emitted a soft strangled gasp and turned to Janie, breathing hot fire into
her ear. "Janie," she gasped. "Janie, I'm going to show you something that will
put this movie to shame! Do you hear me? I'm going to put Fido's big hard cock
inside my pussy!"

"In front of the boys?" Janie asked, incredulous. God, Laura sure had changed!
"Will you lick me while Fido grinds his big animal cock into your devouring
pussy, Laura?" she couldn't help asking.

"Go on and beg me," Laura hissed.

"Oh pleeaasse!" the impassioned freckle-nosed Janie Farragut pleaded.

Then, in perfectly attuned agreement, both Laura and Janie began to shed their
clothes stealthily in the flickering light from the screen. Neither of the boys
turned around, so absorbed were they in what was going on there. Then both of
the live girls right in the room kneeled beside Fido, each with a hand stroking
the now eagerly sniffing dog, each with the other hand exploring her friend's
newly blossoming curves. Hands gently kneaded and squeezed, fingers fondled
naked titties and bellies and asscheeks, and simultaneously, Fido found one soft
white hand encircling his unsheathed rod of flesh while another lovingly cupped
his massive hairy balls.

And on the continuing film before the eyes of the passion-stimulated trio, the
huge German shepherd had mounted the teenage girl from behind while she
continued to wildly mouth the witch's cuntal passage and moist red slit. The
animal's long scarlet cock stood out from its furry loins like some obscene
sentinel, and its hind paws danced crazily on the circular bed in lewd time to
its forepaws caressing the child's sides and flanks.

The little girl's ass was rotating dervishly in anticipation of what was about
to happen, licking and sucking the widespread cunt of the old witch. The girl
suddenly reached behind her and grasped the dog's slick member firmly between
her fingers. Then she guided it toward her own nakedly exposed loins, spreading
her knees out wide on the bed to open her own pussy. She placed the hot slippery
animal cock at the entrance to her innocent hole, so defenseless and virginal
before the eye of the camera, aiming the great blood-engorged member and then
inserting its blood-swollen tip inside her churning cuntal opening.

The great black beast didn't hesitate a fraction of a second. Once he felt his
cock touch the soft warm folds of the young girl's tender cunt, he slammed
forward to savagely drive his immense cudgel deep, deep up into her moist pink
cunt. The dog's huge, sperm-bloated balls bounced against her passion-drenched
pubic hair as the animal bucked and thrust into the young chestnut-haired
beauty's pussy with machine- gun rapidity. Its tongue hung out of the side of
his opened, puffing jaws, its forepaws circling her midsection now. The girl's
small, tight young tits seemed to be alive with swirling motion as they danced
against the bed beneath, and her face seemed to be flashing with incredible
sucking and licking movements in the hot, desire-flushed slit in which it was

Janie and Laura, driven to new heights of mindless lust by the lewd, debauched
activities in the witch's castle and by the hard, throbbing animal cock and
scrotum twitching in their hands, collapsed in a heap of swirling, churning lust
upon the family room rug. Fido was upon them in a flash, licking and nuzzling
between their wantonly splayed loins as the film played out its conclusion for
the boys.

The witch's mystery shepherd jerked and bucked into the teenager's defenseless
cunt with its long hot lubricated animal-cock, heaving faster and faster as it
approached its climax. The girl's torso was whipping crazily from side to side,
and the gray-haired witch's head rolled like a broken puppet's on the bed as the
child's obscene sucking of her cunt increased to an unbelievable tempo. The girl
rammed her ass back against the pile-driving animal with renewed frenzy, faster
and faster and harder and harder.

Suddenly her orgasm took hold of her.

The camera panned in close to fully capture the abandoned ecstasy which was
contorting almost grotesquely her lovely, fragile young face as the child licked
the other woman's glistening cunt with long precise strokes like a cat lapping
cream. The woman jerked upward with a convulsive thrust suddenly, and she too
was cumming, flailing her head madly, scissoring her legs up tight around the
climaxing girl's neck in a strangling human necklace.

The dog was the last to cum. A furry blur until its climax hit, it pounded its
long red cock deep into the teenager's spasming pussy. Hot, spewing animal sperm
shot out of the slippery scarlet prick to fill the girl's belly, fill it to
overflowing so that some of the milk-white liquid flowed back out of her tender
young cunt and down onto the bed to mingle with the lust-fired secretions still
pouring from the witch's widely splayed cunt, to be sniffed and licked at by the
great beast after it had withdrawn its deflating cock from the child's pussy,
and the girl had fallen forward over the witch, whose cunt she had just sucked.

Neither girls nor dog noticed when the lights went back on in the family room,
but the scene before their eyes took both Pete and Mack by surprise. While their
powerful German shepherd mascot humped staccato- like between the waving,
upturned asscheeks of the blond, the little brunette was writhing unashamedly
beneath the obscene tongue-fucking of her girl friend.

Mack Toohey wasted little time in joining the game. As he rapidly stripped off
his clothes, his eyes leered and, coupled with the sounds of lewd wet smacking
and slurping, his prick, already hardened by the activities on the screen, came
to a rigid, blood-pounding attention. Before he was completely undressed, a
welcome cry of ecstatic pleasure burst upon his ears.

"Ooooohhhh Goooddddd! Laura! I'mmmmm cuminnggg! Shit! Harder! Bite it! That's
it! Ooohhh, shiiitttt!"

With haste, Mack Toohey crossed the short distance to his pleasurably shrieking
girl, knelt, and peered with delight at the slaving lips and tongue of young
Laura, whom he felt he had maneuvered along the path to lust-filled freedom in
the early hours of that very morning in the woods.

The touch of another hand should have been startling to Laura, but in her
mindless search for release, in her writhing, ass-pumping quest for fulfillment
from the huge dog fucking into her from behind, the newly freed woman only
welcomed yet another player on this stage of blissful sensation. And Laura
Cutter knew now that she was indeed a woman! When Mack began slowly stroking his
blood-swollen rod of hardened male flesh, which had already brought her own
soul-rending climax, she should have felt shamed and degraded, but she didn't.
Her mother had completely lost! She was no lady!

When Mack Toohey gently took the place of Janie Farragut, positioning himself
before her very eyes with his rigid, thick-veined cock throbbing threateningly
at the portals of her saliva and cum-smeared lips, she should have been
terrified, for she had never before tasted the swollen hardness of a male prick
in her mouth! But she wasn't! And when that dully gleaming shaft passed between
her full red lips, invading the confines of her virginal mouth, she should have
screamed with terror, but she didn't.

The sensation of that hot, fleshy member passing between her tightly ovalled
lips, sliding smoothly up over her tongue and filling completely the moist warm
cavern of her mouth until it threatened to lodge firmly and chokingly in her
very throat, was the purest of ecstasies. In that moment, all that had gone on
before, every nuance of pleasure, even the deliciousness of the animal-cock
burrowing incessantly into the core of her belly, could not match the bolt of
electrifying passion that surged with muscle-twitching reality throughout her
entire body. Nothing, absolutely nothing, had ever given her so much pleasure.
But that was only the beginning.

In a matter of moments, man and beast coordinated their thrusts, quick jolting
blows that hammered together, completely stuffing mouth and cunt, skewering
unmercifully into throat and cervix and setting up a jarring vibration that
seemed to the ravished young girl as if they were crashing in mortal thudding
combat somewhere between her quivering titties and convulsing belly. And as the
tempo of rhythmically pounding cocks burrowed ever deeper, ever harder into
Laura's unnaturally stretched orifices, her mind began to drift, to float away
into another plane. There she had been nearly ready to climax under the ravaging
attack of the dog alone, the newly freed preteen now found herself, under the
dual pummeling, spiraling upward through a swirl of sensual pleasure that should
never end, must never end. So lost was she in the rapturous pursuit of never-
ending sensuality, that she scarcely felt Janie begin kneading and squeezing her
swaying white tits in ever increasing and painful pressure. Indeed, so lost were
they all in their mind-blown pursuits, that none was aware of Pete's decision
that he could not be held back by a measly old sunburn!

The lust-inciting scene of seductive white bodies squirming nakedly against one
another, satin-smooth feminine flesh yielding to erotically squirming flesh, was
more than he, in his violent agitation from the movie, could restrain.

God Almighty, it was insane to even try to reason what had happened with all the
roaring furnace of lust bubbling in his balls! The huge German shepherd
violently fucking into Laura's luscious pink cunt and Mack Toohey's cock driving
into her mouth made his own cock ache with lewd desire!

Now as Pete watched, Laura began mewling with the wild, wonderful sensation of
her two lovers' beautiful, lust-hardened cocks, as both of them prepared to
spill their hot, liquid fire into either end of her body. In passion-filled joy,
the young girl ground her widespread young ass back hard against Fido's furry
loins, feeling the tiny rivulets of moisture building in the smooth crevice
between their excitedly bucking bodies. She sensed tiny streams of perspiration
dribbling down the backs of her smooth inner thighs, while the mounting pressure
in her desire-inflamed loins warned of the climactic moment that was finally so
near at hand!

Damn it, Pete thought, she looked like an animal herself with her lips locked
tightly around the length of Mack's raging big cock, increasing her unbelievably
hungry little sucking motions until he thought his balls would turn inside out!
Great swirls of unbearable heat were massing in their secret depths as he
watched his girl's passion-infused face pulling hungrily on his friend's blood-
engorged cock. His painful sunburn was long forgotten!

And on the rug of the family room, Mack Toohey too, thought his sperm- bloated
balls would soon burst. He felt the muscles of his stomach tighten and he arched
forward, pushing his throbbing hardness up even farther into the searing heat of
her greedily sucking lips! He gaped at the pink ridges pulling out from her
mouth, clinging voraciously to it as she pumped her head up and down and
undulated her smooth white hips back at the humping shepherd in a wild
uncontrolled frenzy!

"Oh, shit, no!" Strangled noises forced their way up into Mack's throat! "Oh,
Christ, Laura. Suck it hard! I'm cuumiinng!"

Laura heard his cry at the very moment it burst, his desperately jerking cock
gushing forth hot, steaming jets of pungent male cum, flooding her mouth and
throat with its delicious liquid heat! Her cheeks bloated and contracted as she
swallowed in greedy thick gulps, fastening her lips tightly around the spasming
cock so as not to lose a single drop! On and on, his wonderful balls continued
to pump milky- white sperm into her mouth, while his hands clutched at her head,
pulling her face harder down onto his convulsively softening prick.

The ecstasy of it was even greater than Laura had imagined! She thrust her
nakedly grinding asscheeks back harder at her panting animal-lover, wanting the
full benefit of his expanding cock-flesh raging in and out of her wildly flaming
cunt! Every muscle of her body strained to feel the erotic release of rapture
that would soon explode deep down in her screaming loins and belly! She
continued to gulp and suck wildly at Mack's erupting rod of lust-bloated flesh
as her hard-clenching cunt opened and closed like an angered fist in its mad
rush to milk Fido's hotly fucking animal-cock.

"Oh, God, fuck me, you magnificent darling!" she cried. "Fuck me like you've
never fucked before!"

The huge shepherd whimpered in eager response as he fucked far up into her from
behind in the only depth of expression his basic instincts knew. The soft wet
warmth of her human cunt was greedily clenching at his aching dog-cock, as if
she were his own bitch mate, and his great heart pounded lovingly in his chest
for her. He was completely unaware of his master, Pete, watching rather
jealously from a few feet away.

Fucking bitch! She really liked a dog, he thought. He watched Laura hump
demonically back at the dog. All the rationalization in the world he might
summon would never eliminate his memory that Fido had her first, too! Now there
was this obscene picture of this forbidden embrace etched in his fuming brain
but so was his own vengeful lust mounting. He would teach that female slut a
lesson she would never forget, he decided.

Abruptly, Laura raised her lips from Mack's now flaccid prick to whimper out a
guttural, animal-like groan from deep in her throat. Her glazed eyes grew round
and unseeing.

"Ooooohhhh, you darling dog! I can't stand it, Fido! Do it to me harder! Please
do it to me, lover!"

Fido responded with a forward thrust and a growl, his massive hardness beginning
to spew its heated animal sperm deep up into her wildly constricting young belly
with long hard spurts.

Again, Laura cried out weirdly, her crazily jerking ass beginning to contract in
insane rhythm to the violent eruption exploding hotly in her soft white belly
and loins. She threw her head from side to side as her tightly clenching cuntal
mouth continued to clasp and milk at her animal-lover's slowly deflating cock.
Thin rivulets of the dog's sticky, white fluids ran hotly down the smooth white
columns of her inner thighs. She was almost there ... almost!

Suddenly then, Fido pulled his now softened prick from her wildly writhing ass.

"Oh, Fido! Please! Come back! Come back!" she cried with mindless arousal.

But he didn't, and as seconds passed, Laura realized that he wouldn't. Oh, what
would she do? She couldn't hold back the tears flooding into her eyes. What had
he done to her? Oh, God, I have to have a cock! Wildly, she crawled after Fido,
feeling the heat of his animal sperm still puddling deep in her unsatiated

To this unrestrained exhibition, Pete pulled lustfully at his clothes, feeling
almost drunk without benefit of a drink in the bitter sexual arousal that had
overwhelmed him.

Then Laura saw him. Gasping, she watched her new lover drop his shorts and a
choking sound burst from deep within her throat.

"Oh, good! Good! Pete!" she called happily, gurgling with delight.

"Yeah, it's Pete," he mockingly repeated, standing naked with hands on his hips,
his long, thickly rigid cock cleaving the air like a length of cement-hardened
hose! "Thought I'd join the party, if Fido doesn't mind!"

"Oh, Pete ..." she started to say, both surprised and perturbed.

"Oh, shut up and turn over!" he suddenly ordered. "I'll be the first somewhere,"
he mumbled incoherently. "Get on your knees with your ass high in the air,
Laura, right now!"

Laura wasn't sure what was happening. She knew only that she was still terribly
frustrated from Fido. "What are you going to do?" she asked him.

"Just turn over and do as I ask," he told her. It was a little painful for him
to move or bend, but he couldn't stop now.

Laura wondered at his attitude and then recalled his sunburn. Well, it was his
own fault, stimulating everyone with a film when he himself was out of
commission like that! It was his own fault!

Obediently, she assumed the instructed position, somewhat ashamed now because of
his apparent anger. She remembered this position as the one Mack had used with
her in the woods, and she spread her knees and opened herself before all of

"Now then, Laura, I'm going to fuck your asshole, sodomize you to seal and
forevermore enjoin our going steady! How's that? It's also the only way I can
think of to get at you where you're still a virgin!"

Janie had sat up at Pete's request, and Mack had sat behind her, holding her
inside his arms while she clung to his flaccid prick.

Good God, Janie thought. He was really going to do it! He was going to fuck her
ass! Oh, God, she thought, imagining how that would feel, a long thick lust-
hardened cock burning its way right up her rectum! Dear God in heaven! She
couldn't help the lascivious sensations the mere thought caused her!

Almost transfixed, she watched, as Pete dropped to his knees, clutching at his
massively throbbing member, while Laura knelt in abject submission with her
asscheeks thrust upward only about a foot away from him.

"I'm not going to do it until you tell me to, baby!" Pete said suddenly. "You're
doing this, okay? You want me or you don't! You want to give yourself to me all
the way out or not! So decide!"

Janie held her breath. Her belly and loins were like a sensual beehive. She'd
never get enough, and she could tell by the expression in Laura's eyes that she
felt the same.

Laura's cunt felt as if it were bubbling like a pit of lava, as if nothing in
this world could possibly fulfill its need, but to be sodomized! Then, almost
mystically, she heard herself say:

"All right! Please, Pete, do it! Fuck me there in my ass! I want to go steady
with you more than anything else in this world, even more than playing ball or
hockey or ... or anything! Fuck me with your cock in my ass right now!"

Pete felt a surge of new blood racing toward the hotly throbbing head of his
extended blood-engorged shaft. He half-grinned at Mack, who was watching closely
as he kneed himself up between her widely spread thighs and open asscheeks. They
could all see her moist cunt, but it was the small puckered dark opening between
her whitely rounded asscheeks that held their attention. They gasped in excited
anticipation as he positioned himself behind her, and then gently he dipped his
finger between the hair-fuzzed lips of her cum-drenched cunt, watching her hips
and asscheeks jerk from the erotic intrusion.

Pete smeared the viscid moisture up and over the crinkled, tight little hole of
her rectum as they all gaped licentiously. He did it several times, before
suddenly grasping and dipping the head of his pulsing cock between her swollen
cuntal lips, and then he nuzzled it tightly up against her stretched asshole.

Laura heard him give a frightening little half-laugh, a salacious sound that
struck terror into her fearfully quivering belly. Trying to fight down the
rising tide of panic, she clenched her hands into fists and closing her eyes
tightly, she thought to herself. I really want him! I really want him! I really
don't care about playing ball! Yes, Laura had changed!

Then, without hesitating another second, he thrust forward, and she felt an
agonizing pop and stretching at her rectal hole. Her breath choked in her throat
as a vicious spasm of pain ripped through her.

"Aarrgghhh!" she screamed, trying to get free of the wickedly torturous cock
reaming into her defenseless back hole. "Pete, wait! You're killing me!"

Oh, God! What had she let herself in for? She had thought all along that she
could take him, but she had sorely misjudged the size and capacity of her
rectum! He was going to split her wide open back there, she now realized, her
rounded white asscheeks beginning to thrash insanely, and then she heard her new
boyfriend laugh again and felt his strong hands gouging into her tender flesh.
He was holding her viselike, and her every attempted move only served to drive
his huge bloated rod of solid male flesh deeper and deeper up into her cringing
back hole.

"Push back! Shove that sweet ass back onto it!" Pete commanded, grasping at her
tensed, upper thighs and straining his narrow hips forward obscenely. "It's too
late to run now, baby! You've made your choice so grin and bear it!" He knew
that in a way he was being unfair because of the pain of his sunburn, but he
couldn't help it!

"Oh, oh, God!" Laura choked, unable to restrain the tears of agony nor the
guttural moans of shame that were abruptly sweeping over her. Yet it was more
than a debasing humiliation of the perverse ass-fucking he was subjecting her to
before the others, it was a renewed questioning of her own self-image. Maybe
there was something to being a lady after all.

He's ripped me open back there! Oooohhhhh, it's tearing my rectum apart!
Oooohhhhh. But I don't care! I don't care! she cried at herself almost angrily.
I want him! I want him! I do want to be a lewdy! I dooooo.

Laura hunched back, determined, as Pete thrust forward, and she felt the
excruciating torment of his thickly throbbing shaft surging into her, pushing
the rubbery, persistent flesh before it until at last, with one final ass-
flattening lunge, he ground it all the way up inside the warm, constricting
depths of her salaciously stretched rectum!

At last! At last! Her brain reeled in her strange masochistic torment, then she
felt his strong pelvis smack solidly into the softness between her obscenely
upturned asscheeks, his balls swinging down hard against the open lips of her
pussy below. She was impaled to the hilt, and she was afraid to breathe with the
unbelievable racking pressure that felt as if her thighs were splitting apart.

And watching this lewd tableau, Janie Farragut clung to Mack Toohey's now rock-
hard prick with one small, gripping hand as she sat within the circle of his
arms and viewed with lust-inflamed eyes the lurid spectacle of Pete's heavy cock
moving in and out the lasciviously stretched little hole between his new girl
friend's asscheeks. Sensations of desire raced through her loins and she could
not resist slipping her other hand down between her fevered cunt lips to gently
stroke the tiny swollen bud of her clitoris while she gaped at the magnificent

God, she had never in her life imagined that it was possible to have it that
way! Yet, Laura's masochistically building pleasure was contagious, and suddenly
she turned to Mack.

"I want it that way, too, Mack! In the ass! Please, hurry!" the little dark-
haired twelve year old hissed, scurrying quickly up onto her knees up on the
couch and thrusting her lusty white asscheeks back at him. "Hurry Mack lover,
before I go out of my mind!" she gasped, twisting her head to look back at him
passionately. "Fuck it! It's yours, my virgin asshole!"

Mack Toohey needed no prodding. His own libidinous mind had been peaked carnally
by Pete's sodomizing of Laura, and his throbbing shaft felt as if it would
shatter into bits if he didn't get it off damned soon! His own girl knelt before
him then, and he saw her dark tanned fingers appear between the pink-petaled
lips of her cunt to smear her viscous cuntal secretions back up over her tiny
puckered pink asshole. Then, she moved slowly backward, reaching out hungrily
for his cock.

He gasped as she took it in her hand and not only placed its turgid head, but
while pressing her ass back toward it, wedged the pulsating head inside the
raised little circle of nether flesh, grinding and undulating her hips in a
desperate effort to worm it deep inside her from behind.

Mack could not hold back. He shoved his hips up, clutching at her waist and
pulling her down onto his lap at the same time, driving his thick cock deep up
into the sucking hot channel of her rectum. She grunted a low, throaty groan
that wracked her whole soft body, and she tried to rise again, but he held her

"Oh, oh, my dear God," Janie wailed with the sudden agonizing shock. It was much
more painful than she had been prepared for. "Ooooohhhh, what happened? Did it
go in? Ooooohhhh, stop! Stop!"

But Mack was not about to stop. His brain had become an inferno of lust, and the
feel of her warm velvety rectal flesh wrapped hotly around the base of his lust-
thickened cock was maddening. He crushed her soft asscheeks back tightly against
his loins and reaching around and down between her thighs to her pussy, felt the
viscous moisture from the pulled open lips of her cunt. His eyes locked on his
own hardened rod disappearing entirely up into the tight, widely stretched oval
of her asshole, and it drove him crazy with lust. He grunted, drawing it out
slightly, watching with bated breath the tender ridges of pink anal flesh
pulling out with it, then being absorbed inward again with his forward thrust.
His breath came faster and suddenly he was sawing rhythmically in and out of her
rectum with no thought of anything but the release of his own lustfully seething

And on the floor in front of Mack and Janie, in the same obscene position, Laura
still felt torn and horribly expanded from the unnatural invasion of Pete's
massive lewd cock buried deep in her rectum. Yet, at the same time, she realized
that she was strangely beginning to enjoy a strange sensation of atonement, or
some similar feeling. She felt she had to go through the pain, the punishment if
she insisted upon becoming a lewdy. She didn't mind. She was sure that in the
long run it would be more than worth it! She might never get to be on a ball
team now, but she sure enough had a team!

Laura saw then, for the first time, Janie's widely splayed legs and Mack's thick
cock disappearing up into her rectum. That sight alone was enough to send wild
fermentations racing through her, and suddenly she was caught up in the
lascivious salacity of it all. At first, it had been a matter of enduring the
pain, but now the agony had reached a startling new stage. Galvanic tingles of
excitement were rippling through her cock-splayed loins, and ... and the
masochistic pleasure in bending before her new boyfriend like some kind of
slave-whore overwhelming! There were still traces of pain as his massive blood-
swollen cock raced deep up into her asshole, but there was obscene pleasure,
too, a combination of both pain and pleasure, and then, suddenly, she could feel
Pete's fingers playing in her cunt, tweaking her clitoris in rapturous delight!
Oh, oh! She was going to cum this way! She was! Thank God! Oh, Pete, she
thought, I love you! I love you! I love you! How she loved all the people in the
room! How she loved the whole club, whoever they were! How she loved the whole
team! Yes, and she loved Fido, too!

"Oh, lover, Pete! Fuck my ass!" she gasped. "Fuck it hard, Pete!"

Mack Toohey had reached his tripping point and Janie Farragut was groaning
meaningfully. He doubted if he could last another full minute. In his lust-
crazed drive, he had lost all sense of reason for a time, clutching savagely at
her hips and thundering into his little dark- haired girl's widely stretched
rectum with demonic fury. Then, he'd felt something happen to her. She turned
and he saw her teeth clenched and bared in ecstatic delight, her tongue flicking
out in time to the ravaging strokes he was fucking deep into her. Her beautiful
dark hair flowed out in a cloud over her heaving shoulders, flailing wildly as
with a violent self-sodomizing thrust she would grunt and toss her head to the
other side.

Then he gasped and watched in lewd rapture, realizing now why she was writhing
in ecstatic delight. Fido had moved in between Janie's widely spread legs! He
heard the beast whimper eagerly and saw him lash out with his tongue, ravenously
lapping over the entire area of her nakedly exposed cuntal crack! Wildly, then,
Janie began to moan as again and again, the huge hound repeated the lust-peaking
act, his lewdly probing tongue knifing savagely through her soft, sensitive
flesh, spreading her open until she began to twitch and jerk in uncontrollable

"Oh, oooohhhhh!" Janie chanted. "Oh, my God!" she wailed. "I ... I'm cummiinng!
Oh, Mack, I'm cummiinng!"

That was all the young dark-haired athlete needed. Her magnificent climax was
causing her nether hole to tighten and relax like a desperately clutching fist
around his pulsating cock! This was all too much, he thought. This was too damn
fucking much!

"Oooohhhhh! Aauuugghh!" Janie Farragut cried out once more as it began all over
again for her. Her senses blurred to all around her in the enchanting, rushing
release. Then, dazedly, she heard Mack mouth a foul obscenity and felt him
thrust into her so hard she was certain his cock would touch her throat. She
sensed his strong loins jerk convulsively against the widespread flatness of her
asscheeks, and then a great surge of swirling hot sperm flooded deep up into her
ravaged rectum, filling her quaking belly almost to the bursting point! Still,
Fido licked at her pulsating cuntal lips! Then, once again, she was cumming!

"Oooohhhhh!" she screamed, then collapsed in a dead faint!

On the floor, Pete watched Mack pump his load into Janie Farragut's quivering
asscheeks, and he saw the dog lapping at her devouringly hungry cunt, and then
heard her cry of rapture. He felt the sweat streaming from his brow onto his
cheeks while he fucked his heavy blood-swollen cock into the widely stretched
opening between Laura Cutter's pumping asscheeks. Staring down at the
lasciviously grasping little hole, he pulled the young blonde's asscheeks apart
with his fingers, so that he could see the ridges of pink flesh that pulled out
and clung to his lust-thickened cock when he extracted it, could see them
disappearing again when he rammed it forward. He did it several times with fury,
feeling his sperm-bloated balls slapping into the split of her pink cunt with
the force of his thrust, his fingertips reaching between her swollen pussy-lips
to continually tease her wildly throbbing clitoris.

He wanted so much for her to cum with him, but he couldn't last much longer! His
balls were ready to spill with all the enchanting love- juice they possessed.
Her warmly sucking asshole was extracting the very marrow from his loins. He
levered up behind her and thrust his cock deep, tearing the soft, white
asscheeks apart and letting them flatten back against his pelvis and thighs by
her own will while he fucked into her fiercely!

"Ooohhhhh! Oooohhhhh, lover!" the perspiring young baseball aspirant moaned,
quite oblivious to any game at this moment but this! "Now! Now, Peter! I'm going
to ... yeeesssss ... it's ... it's ... oooohhhhh, I'm cummiinng!"

Pete's eyes rolled wildly in his head as he shot his powerful load deep into her
wanting rectum and his beautiful young twelve year old girlfriend continued to
convulse and scream in wanton bliss.

Man, he thought hazily, this was going to be some ball club after all! What
beautiful, magnificent love they would all remember! They had all cum so
beautifully! Then, he too collapsed.

* * *

Four months had passed since that wild, orgiastic night at Peter DePow's home.
Of course, there was no hiding from Laura's mother that she had made friends
with Peter DePow. It was all over town. She patiently explained that they were
in a club that was practicing baseball to make up a mixed team. She swore there
was nothing personal involved. And if she ever wanted to wear a dress for Peter,
she had to smuggle it out of the house while wearing her jeans and a baseball
cap as a cover-up.

This afternoon, she was climbing the rope ladder to the tree house. Pete was
just finishing some homework, and he, too, was dressed in faded jeans and an old
sweatshirt. They were somewhat sad, all of them, because the cold weather would
be coming on and it would be difficult finding excuses to spend time together in
the frigid tree house.

Fido met her at the top of the ladder, head down and sniffing, wondering in his
doggie brain if there was going to be anything in it for him today.

"Hi, honey," Pete said as he gathered her into his arms, his fingers moving up
and down over the firmly rounded mounds of her asscheeks. "How was school

Laura rubbed her pelvis suggestively against his strong athletic loins, smiling
contentedly as she felt his cock begin to harden from her lewd movements.

"I didn't learn a thing," she admitted, "at least not something useful like you
teach!" She grinned at him.

"What's useful about fucking?" he asked her, pulling her tighter against him.
Then he forgot his question and began to kiss her, opening her lips with his
tongue and fucking it inside her warm sweet mouth. It was exactly what he needed
after the examinations he had been through this morning.

Laura giggled into his mouth and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let her and
pulled her still tighter against his chest. That's the way he always did things!
He would ask her a question and then not expect any answer but begin kissing her
instead. She was beginning to think that Pete DePow didn't think she had any
mind at all! Finally, with one mighty shove, she wiggled free of him.

"What do you mean, what's useful about fucking?" she wanted to know.

"Well, what is useful about it except for its being nice!" he challenged.

She wanted to tell him that it was the best way to grow up in the world. She
wanted to tell him that it made her sleep and have the pleasantest dreams she
had ever had. She wanted to tell him how happy it made her, wasn't that useful?
She wanted to tell him that it was certainly useful to feel as though you belong
to another human being.

But he didn't want to hear anything that serious. Besides, Laura suspected he
already knew those things anyway.

"Well," she said, thinking as fast as she could. "it always leaves me so
exultant and so perspiring that when I walk in the door at night my parents
always ask me if I hit a home run."

"Two of them, I sometimes say!"

The End
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