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RWS-149 Mother's New Boarder
by Peter Jensen

Chapter 1

"I understand there's an apartment for rent over this store."

Marleen Franklin looked up from the counter she'd been cleaning, turning to look
at the stranger who'd addressed her. He had a face which matched his warm,
friendly, deep tone of voice; full and expressive with finely delineated lips
and a rather prominent Classic Greek nose, and dark agate eyes. He was also big,
with a massive chest and lean, tawny thighs; and he was tall, standing over six
feet in his checkered wool shirt, faded Levi's, and Wellington boots.

Oddly, a faint embarrassment flushed Marleen's face, confusing her momentarily.
"W-what?" she asked, flustered, brushing back a stray wisp of coal-black hair
with her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

She had, but his sudden presence in her store and the charisma that had hit her
as she stared at him--it had taken her breath away, and she could feel her skin

the man, not much older than her own thirty-six years, she estimated, grinned,
and his eyes bored into her as if he knew that she'd heard him all along and was
feeling so damned foolish. He said: "The room. I saw in the paper's want ads
about the owner here having an apartment for rent. I'd like to see it."

"Why, yes ... yes, of course."

"M'name is Preston. David Preston, and I'm new here in Reedsport," he said as
Marleen walked from behind the counter, wiping her hands on a dust cloth. "I'm
hoping to find work."

"I'm sure you will, Mr. Preston. Reedsport is a growing community, especially
with the new cannery. Is that what you do? Work with fishing?"

"Hardly," he replied with a chuckle. "I'm a diver. I'm going down to see the
harbor dredging company. I know a man there who's promised me a job." He
followed her as she walked down the aisle to a rear entrance. "One of the
reasons I wanted to live here is because of this."

Preston waved his arm and gazed around at the tackle and dry bait, assorted
poles, out-board motors, small boats, and other athletic equipment. "Who owns
the sporting goods shop?"

"I do," Marleen said with a wry smile. "Does that surprise you? A woman owning a
sports store?"

"Yeah," Preston smiled, eyeing her with a different appreciation. "Yeah, I have
to admit it does. Then you'd be the Franklin I'm supposed to rent from, right?"

"Right. Marleen Franklin."

If Marleen had been stunned by the impact of meeting David Preston, similarly
Preston was blinded by her, and he caught his breath as she continued to talk
and was leading him gracefully to the back door. She was better looking than
Gloria nine ways from Sunday, and must be smart as well, to run such a shop, he
thought hungrily. Looking at her smooth rounded buttocks moving under that
skirt; he had the impulsive urge to reach out and run his fingers over the lithe
moons undulating so softly and teasingly ahead of him, and then to crush her
shoulder-length hair, kiss her full, pouting lips and suck that pair of large,
proudly- cresting breasts that strained against her thin green blouse. She was
beautiful, and he instinctively knew that she'd be hell on wheels in bed. She'd
fuck. She'd fuck and fuck passionately, and his penis throbbed with impatient
anticipation at the joys her wet, warm cunt could provide.

Sexy, obviously not bad off financially, and with the manners of unconscious
yearning, the smell of a bitch in heat about her. As the ancient Chinese say: it
is a happier state to sleep with a dead pig than an uncomplying woman ...

"My husband left it to me when he died," she went on to say. "He was drowned six
years ago."

Preston licked his lips. Then she was alone ... no husband ... "I'm sorry to
hear that, Mrs. Franklin. It must be rough to be alone and run the shop all by

"I have my daughter to help me. Speaking of her--" Marleen was standing just
inside the rear entrance now, and on her right was a flight of stairs which led
up to a hallway which ran the length of the back of the second floor. "Wendy!"
she called up the stairs. "Wendy!"

A small, muffled voice cried back: "What is it, Mom?"

"Watch the store for a minute, will you?"

"Aw, Mom!"

"Don't 'aw, Mom' me, young girl. Do it."

There was a slam of a door, and then a young teenage girl, all of sixteen,
bounded down the stairs. She wore brief black shorts rolled tight and even
shorter against her smooth thighs, and her aqua blouse was open a button too
low, the material clung to her budding but prominent breasts electrically. She
was barefoot, her slim legs firm and downy golden with tan, and her auburn hair
was drawn back tightly from her temples into a single long, thick braid which
fell across her shoulder and bounced invitingly against her right breast.

Preston couldn't be sure, but it seemed to him that the daughter, Wendy, had
hastily buttoned her blouse over her and that she wasn't wearing any bra
underneath. Puckers were evident in the cloth about where her tiny, dark-ringed
nipples would be. Christ! This would be some place to rent if he could ...

"Wendy, I want to show this gentleman the other apartment. I'll only be gone for
a few minutes."

"Well, hurry," Wendy complained. "I want to get back out in the sun some more."

"You have the rest of summer to get a tan," Marleen said primly. "And you
shouldn't be out on the porch without--" She hesitated, glancing quickly at
Preston. "You know what I mean, Wendy."

"Aw, nobody can see," Wendy grumbled, walking into the store.

Marleen and Preston went up the stairs, and David was glad that the woman was in
front of him, leading the way. His cock was now rock hard and pressing painfully
against his underpants and trousers. First the mother, seductive ... and then
the more blatant daughter, running around half naked after sunning topless on a
porch. He stifled a groan of sheer lewdness. This was the hottest potential he'd
stumbled into since he and a couple of buddies took three sisters out in the
woods when he was in the Navy, and they all had turns on each other, the sisters
holding hands the whole time ...

The apartment was small and the furniture used and cheap, but it was what he'd
expected to find for the money he had, and it was clean. Which was more than he
could say for the cockroach farm he was temporarily hoteled in. There was a
combination livingroom and kitchen, the distinction between the two areas drawn
by a dinette set lengthwise against one wall. The floor was carpeted in the Old
Rose pattern popular with hotel lobbies, and the few pictures on the walls were
strictly Woolworth Pastoral. Against the far wall was a gas heater, and when he
looked in the bedroom, he was glad to see that the heater had a small duct to
pipe hot air into it as well as the main room.

The bedroom--well, what was there to say about a bedroom? It had the usual
double bed, closet, lamps and bureau. The rug was newer and a different color,
but same pattern. He shut the door.

"There's a porch which is actually the roof of the storage room below," she
said, nodding over her shoulder towards the hall and beyond. "You can't see it
from here, but you get to it from either end of the hallway; there's doors
leading out onto it."

"I'd like to see it if I may," Preston asked ...

The porch was railed and its flooring was of redwood slats. It had a magnificent
view of the whole Reedsport harbor, of the frosty blue Pacific lapping gently
against the sandy, boulder- and driftwood-strewn shore, of the verdant green
lacery of trees and shrubs which enclosed the sheltered harbor like a crescent-
shaped cove. To his left was the main part of Reedsport, a community of some
twenty thousand, nestled in the heart of the fishing and timber producing area
of fertile Northern California.

Reedsport was in between Crescent City and Eureka, and not much different than
its sister town along the Oregon Coast further north. However, here the lumber
mills and catch basins for the wood weren't in the immediate vicinity, so the
air was fresh and clear and without the dull haze of burning sawdust. The
cannery Marleen Franklin had referred to lay over the crest of a large hill, out
of sight and smell, built along a sand and rock jetty, which had once been the
home of an oyster processing plant during the Depression. Reedsport itself had a
quiet but not sluggish atmosphere, the residents going about their affairs with
civic pride and shrewd dignity, without the paranoiac hysteria which can so
easily infect a growing area. Not the target for hordes of invading tourists,
the zoning laws permitted motels and amusements only along the strip of US 101
Alternate, the old Coast Highway which ran through the center of town.

To his right, David Preston could see the residential area, sprawling for some
distance around the peninsula, its homes covert and blended with the firs and
pines and redwoods, showing logical and ecological building rather than the
flattened bareness of tract developments. While the fishing harbor was at the
bottom of the town and increasingly more at the Cannery, the bay was dotted with
piers and boathouses of the shore-owners; Reedsport was the perfect mix of
pleasure and business.

Directly ahead of him was the back yard of the sporting goods store. It also had
a pier, a wooden finger of planks sticking out in the water; a klinker-built
Thompson fourteen footer with some sort of outboard attached bobbing in the
salty swell, covered with a green tarp: and high wood fences on both sides
running from the building out into the water.

"Excellent," he said. "I really do want to stay here, Mrs. Franklin. Or ... may
I call you Marleen?"

His smile was so winning, his charm so overpowering, that again Marleen felt the
heat of redness stain her cheeks. "I ... I suppose so."

"In that case, call me Dave."

"We haven't decided the details yet, Mr. Pre--Dave," Marleen said, feeling
almost schoolgirlish at her silly way of responding toward this man. What was
wrong with her? She was around men all day, running the shop the way she did ...
She cleared her throat, getting a grip on herself. "The rent is seventy-five
dollars a month, including utilities, first and last months payable before
occupancy. And there's a deposit of fifty dollars which I'll refund when you
move out."

"Deal," Preston said emphatically. "That is, if ..."


"Well, one of the reasons I like your place is that it's fenced in back--"

"Naturally," Marleen broke in hastily. "I don't want burglars to break in the
back or children to wander through and possibly hurt themselves." She realized
that she was all but babbling, over-eager as if she wanted this strange man to
move in, to be pleased and without any problems. What was the matter with her?

"Well, you see, I own a dog." He looked at her, trying to see her reaction. Dogs
and little children screwed up more situations, including the renting of
apartments. "He's a friendly cuss, loves people ..."

"We'd have to see him first of course, but personally I like dogs. I mean, if
they're real dogs, and not those little dust-mops that run around biting ankles
and yapping all the time."

Preston laughed warmly, and Marleen found herself joining in. "No, Marleen, this
isn't a dust-mop. King is a German Shepherd, only he's not quite pure-bred. His
mother was, but the kennel she was at didn't watch her well enough one season,
and she mated with an Alaskan Husky. King was the result--almost all Shepherd,
only a little shorter and thicker, and much more even tempered--and I got him
for nothing. But he'll be a good watch-dog around here, especially if I can
build him a kennel out there, maybe by the rear door there. He won't be any
trouble, I promise."

"I'm sure he won't, David."

Preston opened his wallet, a battered and dog-eared brown leather with frosted-
plastic picture windows and bits of paper stuck haphazardly to its pockets. He
gave Mrs. Franklin two hundred dollars in twenties. "I'll move in this
afternoon, if you don't mind. I don't have much stuff. It's all at the
Buckingham Hotel, on--"

"I know the place," Marleen said, wrinkling her nose in disdain. God forgive the
fancy name, it was over a garage, entered by a flight of stairs narrow and dark,
open to the street. No door, no entry way, the place from the outside had the
sleaziest look imaginable. Window shades were dirty and cracked and crooked, and
the curtains, where they existed at all, were limp, bedraggled, and filthy. It
was a fierce looking place, and Marleen had never been prompted to set foot in
the place. But it was about the only reasonably priced place for transients in
Reedsport, which didn't cater to "outsiders" much--beyond the expensive and
garish motels along the Strip.

She took the money offered. "I'll write up a receipt later," she told him. "Your
mail can be addressed to the store, and will be in with mine. I'll sort it." She
handed Preston the key with which she'd opened the apartment door, telling him
she'd air it out if he liked, and that there was a side entrance separate from
the store at the foot of the stairs, connecting with an alley-way and gate
leading to the sidewalk. "The key works the gate, too. You're free to come and
go as you wish; I'm not a nosy woman.

"Good," he grinned, and she thought she caught a glimmer of risqueness in his
eyes. "I was afraid that you'd mind if I had, ah ... visitors now and then."

Visitors ... Polite euphemism for girls in his room. Mrs. Franklin found her
throat suddenly constricting and a weird, loud pounding of breath in her chest.
Girls, to make love with ... Her head whirled, but not with shock. That was the
galling part--she was a good woman in her own mind, a respectable grass-roots
widow with a child to raise, who had successfully placed sex in the back of her
mind since her husband's death, and she should be shocked. But she wasn't.
Stoically she had spent six years with only the memories of Howie's wonderful
love-making and his delightful ways of causing her utmost joy, and though she'd
been on dates now and then, there'd never been a man among the fishermen and
other acquaintances she and her late Howie had known that had attracted her.
Even then it wouldn't have meant sexual contact, for she would save herself for
marriage, as she had the first time.

But as she looked up at the frank, open expression on David Preston's face, she
felt no bitter and righteous indignation. She felt something in its place--what?
It was a shock, then, a heart-quickening, blood- pulsing shock to realize then
what was causing the turmoil in her mind. She was saddened! She was standing
there, having met a man for less than fifteen minutes, and she was dismayed to
learn that he knew other women, that he was interested in making love to them
instead of ... instead of her!

Mrs. Marleen Franklin, a woman who had always prided herself in being honest
with herself above all, of accepting her frailties but determined to overcome
them and be a strong and resourceful person, of taking on life's
responsibilities and working without rancor for a better day, a happier life,
felt her body quiver inside, though its fleshy shell of skin remained
motionless, if slightly blushing. She was actually jealous of the other women in
her new boarder, David Preston's, life, and that was a bruise to her disciplined

No, she couldn't turn him out, not for being a man. And what a man he was, she
had to admit, a secret tingling of excitement spreading through her loins. He
stood in a lord-like, animalistic splendor, not arrogance or cruel
maliciousness--only with the innate healthiness of an earthy, hedonistically-
oriented male. He took his women, a modern- day Ghengis-Khan or Viking; from his
flaxen, wavy hair down to his strong, muscular legs, he was the conqueror. No,
she couldn't turn him out or deny him his physical pleasure any more than the
maidens of Rome could do anything but melt to the ravishments of the Visgoth
barbarians. She couldn't, because the pure and basic magnetism between a man--a
true man--and a healthy woman wouldn't allow it. She felt this without knowing
it, without admitting it.

Her mind, a product of puritanical society, was no match for her body, the
evolution of hundreds of thousands of years of instinct. Adam and Eve didn't
worry about proprieties, only about the heat and needs of one another, and their
mingling seeds had been refined and sophisticated, but were still the foundation
for both Marleen and David.

Dizzily, she heard herself reply in a way which an hour ago she would have
labeled as impossible. From a mouth which seemed not her own, came the echoing
words: "I'm an adult, David, and once was happily married. Have your visitors as
often as you like, but all I ask is that you be discreet. Not for my sake as
much as for my daughter's."

"I understand," Preston said huskily.

Marleen returned to managing the shop after David Preston left. She took care of
the customers in a peripheral, dazed way, her mind still charged with the
emotion of meeting a man who attracted her tremendously, who had awakened her
drives and needs and made her aware that she was a woman. It was a tremendous
jolt to her nervous system, and though she had no intention of throwing herself
at him, or even of being other than the distant, courteous, and civil neighbor
and landlady that she had always been with her tenants, she still couldn't get
the piquancy of his masculinity out of her nostrils or the tight band of
jealousy from around her chest.

She ached, and her firm inner thighs and pubic mound swelled with heated blood
... the blood of unwanted, subconscious arousal. It scared her, and she solidly
resolved not to let David Preston know how he'd affected her, or let herself go
beyond this stage of, she thought, mild interest.

* * *

Night had settled on Reedsport. From the set of three small-paned windows
overlooking the street, David Preston stared out at the building across from the
sporting goods shop and his apartment. Not that there was anything especially to
see--the building was an old grey stucco apartment house, and the few windows
that were lighted were covered with curtains and shades. The street was empty
below, and only faintly could he hear the crumbling surf from the ocean behind
him and the occasional bark of King in the yard.

His eyes weren't particularly focused on the non-existent events anyway; his
thoughts were turned inward, and he was mulling over and over the fantastic luck
at finding this apartment, and the desirability of his new landlady. Not to
mention her daughter! Sweet, virginal pussy--it was enough to make his balls
explode, just thinking about it! He'd fuck them both, given the opportunity, and
as he stood there in contemplation, he decided to let fate have a few nudges so
that the opportunities might present themselves.

"Davy-boy," a high yet throaty voice said to him. "You want a beer?"

He didn't turn. "Mm."

"Well, do you?"

He turned then, and smiled. "Sure, Gloria. Sure, I'd love one."

"Me too. Boy, is it hot, especially after all this moving."

Preston watched her as she walked to the kitchen and opened the small
refrigerator, comparing her body from behind mentally with Marleen Franklin's.
Gloria Talbot came out damned good, but second place. Not because of her body,
which was actually lusher than the Franklin woman's well-proportioned form, or
her walk--it was the other things, he decided. The things which make a
relationship lasting and never boring; but from the sexual aspect, Gloria had
been one of the finest swingers he'd ever picked up.

She was bending over, picking out the two cans of beer, her perfectly
proportioned buttocks tight in a pair of shorts shorter than the ones young
Wendy Franklin had been wearing. She wore a white velour blouse and a half-bra
which thrust her magnificent, globular breasts out, their upper portions clearly
visible as being bare almost to her pink nipples. Seductive, that way. Her legs
were the kind he never tired of running his hands along, and her back was smooth
and creamy, and he could span her waist with both of his hands, flaring into
thighs and hips that were invitingly succulent in their shape.

Then she straightened languidly, a beautiful feline cat, and opened the snap-
tabs over the sink to catch the foam. She swiveled around, thrusting her hip out
slightly, and extended her hand, which held one of the beers.

"Here, lover ..."

"Not there," he replied, feeling the stirrings of sexual arousal in his gut.
Damn, she could always do this to him, always, even in opening a God-forsaken
can of beer. She was a walking sex machine, he thought lustily. Absolutely
without scruples or restraints, and her eyes sparkled as she undulated
seductively toward him, her expression of promised salaciousness, and he knew
that she was primed and ready for him to make love to her. No, not to make love
to; to fuck.

And that was the main difference between Gloria Talbot and Marleen Franklin, and
what made Gloria runner-up in his private contest. Preston demanded a challenge,
a game in which he could pit his experience and cunning against a woman's pride
and virtue. He loved the searching for clues and vulnerabilities and making the
adjustments, the inexorable moving into intimate channels, retreating and
advancing with skill and daring, chancing his abilities against hers. Marleen
Franklin had that air of steadiness and sincerity about her which promised such
action and made him want to give chase. The tension of the chase excited him,
answering a need to master the female sex. He'd been a scrawny little bastard in
school, a thyroid condition preventing him from developing when his friends had,
and the girls had totally ignored him; when he had found a few years later that
girls were attracted to him, once he had grown, he'd been afflicted by the
subconscious drive to compete, to continually prove to himself that he was a

Gloria Talbot had been sitting in a bar, hungry for a man, when he'd met her up
in Portland, Oregon, hungry but not starving. The bar had been smoke-fogged and
Preston had been whisky-dulled, yet there had never been a question in his mind
as to whether she would or wouldn't; only the one as to how good she'd be, and a
single look at her had assured him that she'd be active and tasty. He'd known
she'd put out-- it was in her eyes, the loose, cock-sucker quality of her smile,
the way she would move her long, too-yellow hair back over her ears with a
movement of her arm and head that made her breasts jiggle slightly. That had
been four months ago, and she'd been with him ever since, an awful lot of woman
for a guy that was practically broke and living the ramshackle life. She was the
best thing that had come along, up to now, up to when he'd met the Franklins,
mother and daughter ...

"Here, Davy-boy," she purred. "Let's take them in the bedroom."

"In a minute."

"Now ..."

He laughed and put his arms around her, against the soft muscles of her back,
and sliding his hands down, he cupped one full, hardening breast. "Aren't you
tired after carrying all my things up here?"

"Yes, but not that tired."

"When are you moving in with your brother and sister-in-law?" That was one of
the reasons he'd ended up in Reedsport. He was a diver by profession, but he
didn't know anybody at the dredging company, the latter a white lie to allay any
fears about him drifting that Marleen Franklin might have had. But Gloria knew
some people, including her brother, and Reedsport was an excellent town in which
to find a job, so when she had said she was heading south, Preston had decided
to go along. Nothing to lose--he'd just been blackballed from the Union in

"Tomorrow," she replied. "But let's think about tonight."

He laughed again and let his hands rove further down, around her slender waist
and onto the roundness of her quivering buttocks. The shorts were so tight that
he could tell that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath--there wasn't the
tell-tale ridge of elastic.

"Don't you ever wear panties?"

"I can't afford to lose any more of them, and you keep ripping them off of me,"
she said and pouted in mock anger. "I'm down to Saturday, Sunday, and Monday."
She was talking about the set of French Day-of- the-Week panties that he'd
bought for her as a present some time ago. "Thursday was torn beyond repair."

"Sorry about that," he chuckled and kissed her. Her lips were parted and wet,
and she did some wild motions with her tongue, making him suddenly feverish with
desire, and she ground her pelvis into his loins, her pubic mound pushing
circularly against his penis, which grew hard with impending lust. He began to
breathe harshly, and then with the coyness of her teasing ways, she broke his
clasp and stood back, letting her wet pink tongue slowly moisten her soft, full
lips. Provocatively, Gloria unbuttoned her blouse and let him gaze lewdly at her
burgeoning globes which trembled in their barely sufficient halter. She let her
blouse hang open, and then she unbuttoned his shirt and she pressed her warm
breasts against his naked chest, writhing a little as she kissed him ardently.
He'd seen and possessed her body innumerable times, and they both knew what
positions they liked, what foreplay they liked, what would turn each of them on
and off, but Gloria was practiced and charming and could somehow make each time
seem the first time. It was incredible and uncanny to him how she could do it,
and a hell of good substitute for the desire to conquer which ran so strongly
through him. And he could do anything to her he wanted in bed, and she loved it;
she loved cock. She wouldn't do one trick he'd ever asked her, but then few
women would. Which was too bad, because the ones who did loved it.

Yes, it was too bad that Gloria wasn't a virginal, naturally reluctant woman--
but then, once a woman had let her passion overcome her inclinations, she never
was. And it was too bad that Gloria didn't like King. As David Preston had told
her: love me, love my dog ...

But at that moment, fired with the building heat of his loins, his penis and
testicles swollen and painful with arousal that wanted to burst the confines of
his clothes and spew orgasmically into the hungry, wet tunnel of Gloria's hotly
sticking vagina, he didn't care about her drawbacks. He reached for the button
and zipper on her shorts, but she stopped him.

"The bedroom, Davy-boy. Let's try out your new mattress, hmmm? Let's throw our
own, private little housewarming party. Just you and me and that lovely big cock
of yours ..."

They entered the bedroom and Preston took his shirt and threw it on the room's
single chair and Gloria slid her blouse off, using her palms, and rotating her
loins salaciously as she inched the tight shorts down along her long, curvaceous
legs until they lay puddled at her now shoe- less feet. Her eyes were heavily
lidded and smoky, and she watched his face intensely as she undressed, reaching
behind her and unhooking her bra, pulling the sheer, white cups away from her
firm breasts slowly, making sure that the aroused, berry-sized nipples were the
last to meet his hot, flickering gaze. She dropped the bra on her shorts and
then raised her hands to mold her full, rich mounds, kneading them the way he
would be doing soon.

"You're slow, Davy-boy," she whispered. "Take off your pants and let me see that
hard cock of yours."

"Christ, you fucking whore!" Preston exploded with an evil grin. Gloria reveled
in his lustful words and leering, hot eyes for a long moment, and then she
stepped over to the bed and pulled the coverlet down to lie on the blankets and
spread her legs wide in a wanton, provoking position, exposing to his eyes the
total expanse of her wet cuntal slit. She rotated her hips lasciviously, arching
them up and down in a measured, intoxicating way. Preston threw his pants across
the room and stood over the bed with his great, trembling penis standing from
his groin in full erection, the unseeing eyes of its glans oozing thin clear
droplets of lubrication. And Gloria stared at his rod-hard cock, moistening her
lips with the tip of her tongue as if tasting the seeping fluid already, as if
it was deliciously swirling around in the warm, sucking cavern of her mouth.

"Come on," she urged heatedly, "lie down beside me, Davy-boy and see what
happens next."


"I'm going to take that big cock of yours and suck it dry, suck every drop of
hot cum right out of it."

Shit! Preston thought, she can really turn me on. His prick throbbed as he sat
down beside her, and she snaked out her hand and encircled his cock, beginning
to stroke it up and down and massage its turgid length, rubbing the shaft and
cradling her hand underneath his testicles slightly, caressing them softly, like
precious jewels in her palm. He groaned with the pleasure of her touch, and lay
down, stretching out lengthwise alongside her palpitating, hot flesh, letting
her manipulate his cock with expertise until he thought it would shoot off all
by itself, without ever letting her suck it.

She rose up in a kneeling position, her tongue still flicking along her lips,
her eyes resting feverishly on his loins, and then she began to trail soft,
moist kisses across the girth of his large, well-muscled belly, making him groan
uncontrollably again and raise his hips upwards from the stimulations she was
sending through his body. Her fingernails scratched lightly over his cock now
and then they reached downwards, probing briefly at the puckered ring of his
anus, retracing their path back to his straining, quivering penis.

"Goddamn it, Gloria, suck it! Suck it before it goes off by itself!" He thrust
upwards, his head lifted so that he could look down at her lust contorted
features as her beautiful face was poised over his blunt cock-head, and he could
feel his semen boiling in his testicles, and knew it wouldn't be long before it
would come spewing out of his shaft like a flow of molten lava. "Hurry, hurry!"
he begged. "Suck it, baby, suck it!"

In obeisance, the woman plunged her head downwards, and Preston felt the
incredible, hot moist softness of her lips close over the sensitive flesh of his
cock, felt her firebrand tongue lick circles of liquid flame around and around
it, flicking into the glans opening and swallowing the beginning drops of his
seminal fluid. He entangled his grasping hands in her blonde hair tightly, and
guided her as he jerked upwards, and he drove the entire length of his massive
penis deep into the warm, butter-smooth folds of her mouth, feeling his cockhead
graze against the back of her throat.

"Mmmmmmm!" she mewled around his hardened rod of flesh.

"Ahhhhhh!" he cried out in lust-crazed agreement. "That's it, baby! Stroke a
little, too! That's it! That's it! Run your fingers along my balls ... easy,
damnit! Ahhhhh!"

And through the paper-thin walls, in the bedroom next door, Mrs. Marleen
Franklin sat up in her bed, listening. She was recoiled in abject revulsion, her
breath catching in her throat, for she couldn't believe what she had been
hearing. Dear God, this new tenant, this David Preston, was forcing a woman to
perform the debasing act of ... of ... she couldn't bring herself to mentally
say the word! It was a perversion, an act which only filthy old men and whores
engaged in! What kind of man had she allowed to rent the apartment!

She sunk back on the covers, a disappointed and thoroughly confused woman ...

Chapter 2

Wendy Franklin was very close to her mother. With her father dead for many
years, the two of them could have split apart, as so often and tragically
happens, but her mother had always been fair and understanding, directing
without being domineering, and above all, loving.

And Wendy loved her mother deeply in return. Her mother might be old and no
longer interested in men, for example, but she had once been young and knew what
it was like to be Wendy's age. She allowed her to go out on dates and lots of
other things without a bunch of silly regulations some of the other mothers
placed on their kids--like being home from a school prom at midnight, and not
allowing the girls to go on anything but double dates. Her mother had always
insisted that the mark of maturity was trust, and so she made sure that her
daughter was instilled with the proper ethics and morals and then trusted her to
do the right thing. She never tried to cling to her growing child, nor
constantly think in terms of her as her "baby," and was more than pleased when
Wendy was interested in the ways and morals of sex and reproduction, of
explaining the mysteries of monthly cycles when Wendy had first begun to
menstruate when she was eleven, went out of her way to buy training bras and
then larger ones as Wendy developed.

There was no false prudery between them; they'd seen each other naked, and had
once even taken a shower together, but again, her mother was a modest woman, and
taught Wendy the healthy outlook to like her body and hold it ready in pride for
a man she loved to take. And in the course of dating and going steady, Wendy had
been aroused to seething, panting excitement by a boy's touches and kisses, been
driven to almost the point of total abandonment by her sexual instincts, which
were alive and always seemed just below her surface. But that was the
difference: almost. Her mother's love and trust and honor had always stuck
somehow, and Wendy Franklin was still a virgin, unlike most of her class-mates,
vowing to save her cherished gift of sex for the right man--the man she would
love and who would love her enough in return to slip a gold ring on her finger
first. Sometimes, after a long drive-in movie or heavy petting up in the woods
in a car, it took everything she held dear for her to stop, to fight off her
urges and the boy and will herself back to calmness so that she could control
her passions.

So she loved her mother, respected her and stayed chaste because of her, and
while she complained and fought now and then as any two people will do when
together, she understood and appreciated the strain and burden that raising a
daughter single-handedly can bring. Like that afternoon, for example, when that
adorable man came to rent the apartment. She bitched and moaned about having to
dress and watch the shop, and her Mother snapped back at her, but it meant
nothing. It was just part of their way, and let the steam out, for when the big
problems arose, they were always together, always communicating. No generation
gap between them!

Wendy thought of this as she stood in the livingroom of Clyde Brook's home,
looking at Clyde and then at herself, both of them chilled and drenched to the
skin and tipsy from drinking too much. What would her mother say if she saw her
daughter like this! What was she going to say, because of course Wendy was going
to relate this silly situation to her first thing tomorrow.

Clyde looked like a drowned rat, and a very unhappy and mournful one at that,
she thought, choking down a giggle. It wouldn't do to laugh at him, she knew;
Clyde was a very proud boy, and was her latest beau, and a swell catch. After
all, she was only a junior--or would be that September when school started
again, and Clyde had graduated last June. He was going to college in Los
Angeles, so their two-month romance would be cooled to nothing in another two
months when he left--but in the meantime, he was the mayor's son, lived right on
the best part of the shore, up by the Point, and had spent lots of time and
money on her. She was the envy of her friends and she was always thrilled when
he took her out in his little red sports car, and to make it even better, Clyde
was a groovy, foxy-looking guy who was very popular and "In." He was tall and
muscular, with brown hair cut long and pale-grey eyes stink deep in prominent
cheekbones. His nose had a crazy little bend to it after it had been broken in a
football game--he'd been the high school's fullback, and known as "Battlin'
Brooks"--and a crooked smile which was both captivating and somehow guileless.

And at the moment, he, like Wendy, was making a dark wet pool of sea- water on
the expensive carpet in his father's home. He was chagrined and red in the face,
angry at himself and very, very tender to any comments. She'd soon found that
out about him, his egotistical tenderness, and curbed her often biting and
sarcastic tongue when she was with him, and after the events that had happened
already tonight, she didn't want anything to go wrong. But, still, it was funny,
and how differently the evening had begun a few short hours before ...

After her mother had come downstairs and told her that the man--what was his
name? David Prescott? No, Preston--had rented the apartment next door, she
returned to sunning herself, stripping off her blouse and lying on the porch on
a grass mat, letting her breasts soak up the tanning rays of the hot late June
sun. It was titillating to think what the girls in the shower room would say
when she returned in the Fall with a golden glow all over, with only her dark
brown nipples accent points on her otherwise evenly tanned young body. They'd
eat their hearts out, just like they did because she was dating Clyde, and she'd
never let on that she'd gotten the tan innocently, either, and not on the deck
of Old Man Brook's mansion, or out in the water with Clyde.

And then she showered, still tingling from the excitement of the simulated
wickedness which lying out there nearly nude had given her, and went into her
little bedroom to dress. Her room was hardly big enough for her bed and
wardrobe, but unlike the single bedroom apartment her mother rented, she at
least had her privacy this way, and she never considered complaining about the
inadequacies. She wasn't that kind of girl, and was simply happy that her mother
was able to make the sporting goods shop make money. Her mother had never said
so, but Wendy had the feeling that she was scrimping and saving to send her to
college, though Wendy was having serious doubts that she wanted to go.
Secretarial school, perhaps, or something like that, but college never really
interested her much, and she had been thinking about asking her mother if she
could maybe work in the shop after she graduated and continue her real interest:
sports. Both her parents had been athletic and her father had been a tremendous
fisherman--not commercially, but only for pleasure--and it had only been a fluke
that she hadn't gone along on the salmon trawler with him that fateful day he'd
drowned. Mother, with the store to run and everything else, had not been able
since then to do much though she liked to fish and hunt as much as Wendy's
father had, and Wendy, weaned on books and fly- casting and shotgun powder,
wanted to be able to be around that kind of life, and perhaps, she thought while
she dressed that afternoon, she could work with her mother in such a way as to
allow them enough free time to do the things they liked ...

Wendy Franklin, not exactly alike physically with her mother, had the same
interests, the same concerns, the same filial bonds; she considered her loving
and devoted attitude only natural, and never gave it a second thought. But it
was stronger than she suspected, than either of them suspected--

She put on a nude-look, flesh-colored bra and panties, the panties snug tight
and shockingly sheer around her buttocks and the soft mound of her young,
virginal pussy. She looked in the mirror and saw the panties crease in the
crevice between her cunt lips, accentuate them with an indecent line which ran
between the elastic band down to her vaginal area and slipped between her firm,
naked thighs. A moment of tiny misgivings crossed her mind, her body somehow
more blatantly sexual than pure nudity, and then she quickly put on her thin,
frilly rayon blouse and darker green mini-skirt. Her bra showed through the
blouse and the hem of her skirt was high enough so that when she wasn't careful,
her barely clad buttocks and upper thighs were visible, and though she was
dressed, she still gave off the aura of being without anything. A good, summer
outfit, she thought; good for keeping a boy like Clyde Brooks interested in her.

Interested--but not successful in his desire to make love to her. She'd handle
him if he got too passionate, just as she always had, she thought as she waited
for him to pick her up. He'd be here at seven, as he had every night, and they'd
go to a movie or ride around or dance or whatever, and eventually they'd start
necking. She liked necking with him, and had even gone so far as to let him play
with her titties; she sat in the livingroom and blushed at the remembrance of
that incident. The Sunday before she'd been out in his father's cruiser,
sunbathing with Clyde beside her, and they'd began kissing, kissing until she'd
felt the hardened bulge in his swim trunks against her thighs. She remembered
his strong but gentle hands on her bikini top, and how after a while she'd made
no attempt to stop him from undoing the straps, and the tender tingling
sensations of his fingers as he'd traced over her hot, naked flesh and then
kissed her exposed, hardening nipples. A dryness crept in her throat at the
recollection, and how close she'd come to not stopping his hand as it had
continued to wander, tauting her flat, pulsating stomach madly, down to the thin
wisp of her bikini bottom, attempting to pull them off. She'd made the big
effort then, and they'd argued; he'd threatened, cajoled, and at last, had
pleaded, but in the end, he'd gotten up disgustedly and walked around the deck,
smoking a cigarette.

She'd had only the uncomfortable wetness between her legs to remind her of how
close to the edge she'd strayed, and as she sat and waited for him to come this
evening, she'd made a resolution to never let it happen again.

So far, this evening wasn't presenting any threat to her virginity. His parents
were out, so they came to the house, raiding the pantry for dinner, which she
cooked, and the liquor cabinet for some wine. A couple of bottles later, she
wanted fresh air and he wanted to go out in the cruiser, and they walked down to
the dock and boat-house, where he carefully and with studied slowness removed
the tarp and started the inboard engine. Then he climbed on the boathouse dock,
took her hand in an exaggerated courtly bow, and lost his footing, falling in
the water beside the boat, taking her with him. Now they were back in the house,
sopping messes, and she felt like laughing. It was so stupid of him, and yet so
human, and it made her like Clyde all the more.

"I'm drenched," she heard herself say thickly, still giddy from wine.

"Lord, I can't let you go home like that, Wendy. Your mother would kill me. I
mean, we've drunk too much and show it, too."

"No, she'd understand."

"Maybe, but I don't want to take the chance. Anyway, the night's still young,
and once you dry off, we can go do something else."

"I can't stay in these things," she noted, holding up a part of her sopping
skirt in emphasis. "I'll catch my death of cold. I'll have to go home first."

"No, you don't. You can use the guest room and take all your things off. There's
a bathrobe in there and towels in the john, and I'll go upstairs and change
myself. A couple of minutes in front of the heater and everything will be
toasted dry. Hell, that stuff you're wearing is drip-dry, isn't it?"

Wendy cocked an eyebrow. "No funny business?"

"Hell, I can't promise that," he said impishly. "Not with the cutest girl in
Reedsport running half-naked around my father's house. What kind of red-blooded
American boy do you think I am?"

"Well, in that case--"

"But," he continued, "you'll have more on with that bathrobe and what- all than
when you're in your bathing suit. And I'll be changed."

"I recall what happened to me when I was in my bikini," she said wryly, then put
her hands on her hips jauntily and eyed him, her head tilted to one side.
"Still, I handled you then ... I guess I can handle you again."

It was all in fun, this teasing, and helped soothe his wounded pride, and she
knew that it would be a mistake to demand that he take her home. Besides, it
gave her a certain sensation of excitement at the thought of being near-nude
around him in a bathrobe, a little bit of prurient mischievousness that appealed
to her sporting nature. She let her boy-friend lead her to the guest room and
show her where everything was, and then he shut the door. In the bathroom, she
undressed quickly, stripping the cold wet garments from her skin and grabbing a
towel to rub herself. She caught her reflection in the mirror on the back of the
door and paused to study the naked image she made, her creamy-smooth skin now a
reddish hue from her rubbing. She sat on the edge of the tub and dried her feet,
and the soft, silky hair curling in the triangle of her young, innocent vagina
caught her eye. The wine was still in her blood, had made her just reckless
enough to agree to this absurdity of removing her clothes, and she suddenly felt
very hot. God, she was going to have coffee from now on tonight, because she was
going to have to keep her head ...

Suddenly she bolted upright and held the towel in front of her, for the bathroom
door had opened and Clyde stood in the entrance wearing only a tight pair of

"Clyde! You promised!"

He came toward her, shaking his head. "No, I didn't," he grinned maliciously,
and she saw the heavy sag in the front of his shorts and the big protuberance
pointing in her direction through the stretched cloth. Before she could protest
further, he was tugging the towel away from her and gathering her into his arms,
her naked flesh pressing tightly against him as he kissed her with fury,
flattening and spreading her lips open until she uncontrollably splurged her
tongue into his mouth. A frightened hollowness came alive in the pit of her
stomach, and she felt herself being transported out and across to the large
double bed of the guest room, where he laid her gently on the coverlet.

His hands commenced to explore her defenseless body as they had the previous
Sunday, only this time there was no hindering piece of cloth to stop them from
reaching her tingling pussy. They caressed her swelling breasts, and she felt
the nipples distend, and then he sucked one into his searching mouth, causing
her to whine feebly.

"No ... No, Clyde," she begged, sensing the danger.

But it was as if she'd never spoken, his hands prowling with insane intensity
over her ribs and belly, brushing the velvety pubic hair until she prickled
between her legs and tried to squirm away. Still his fingers followed, splaying
the tender lips of her virginal young cunt and he did his mouth upon her own,
and she groaned against him, unable to contain herself as she writhed on his
touch and embrace.

"Clyde ... Oh God, Clyde, we mustn't!" she panted into his face. "You know we

He slipped out of his shorts and she heard him breathe harshly at his own
nakedness, and felt the huge, hot throbbing of his exposed penis press into the
smooth flesh of her hip. His fingers continued their assault on her tingling
vaginal passage, burrowing deeper and deeper, and she jerked and tossed, a soul-
searing moan escaping from her chest as she arched her young body and rolled her
head from side to side and ground her sweat-beaded, trembling white thighs down
into the mattress in a vain attempt to escape his worming finger down between
her legs.

"No, no, no," she chanted, gnashing her teeth as the word ricocheted around the
walls of her mind, knowing she must stop him but not knowing how. His penis slid
down over her trembling belly, closer to the softly fuzzed furrow where his hand
was spreading the thin, slightly throbbing lips wider and wider, but when she
clamped her thighs together in protest, she sucked in a gasp of hot air for his
fingers, trapped in the hair-covered lips of her vagina, were suddenly all the
more tantalizing. He flicked the tip of her erect clitoris, teasing it and
sending insane spasms through her whole body, and she found to her anguish and
dismay that no longer would her flesh obey her mind; her cunt splayed open, her
legs widening on their own, and he thrust his fingers deep into the pink, moist,
demanding hole of her smooth, throbbing passage.

"Ohhhh," a long groan gurgled from deep in her throat, and she heard herself
moaning: "You've got to stop, Clyde ... You can't ... No, no ..." And to her
amazement and confused horror, he took her unresisting hand and placed it on the
fleshy shaft of his cock and when he moved his hand back to her pulsating
vagina, she let her fingers remain there, on his penis! She'd never seen a
naked, aroused man before tonight, much less felt one's cock!

God, it was enormous! She'd never been aware of their size before, only having
seen small boys' penises when she'd baby-sat and had to change their diapers. It
would kill her if she allowed him to put it inside her, it would split her tiny,
unstretched pussy right up the middle! But the feel of it pulsing with heated
passion in her hand was a delight to her, and instinctively, she began to stroke
and massage it, rubbing the firm skin back and forth, and with the boldness of
her actions blending with curiosity, she couldn't keep herself from moving her
other hand and feeling his testicles, their hairiness and silky texture, and
with loving abandon she held them in her palm. Clyde was grunting, his mouth
firmly on hers, and she felt a wetness between her thighs where his cock-head
was throbbing against her, and she wondered if he'd cum. No ... his penis was
still hard as concrete; it must be the lubricant that men produce ...

"Wendy ... Wendy, I've got to have you!" he gasped frantically.

"No, god, no ..." she moaned, the shock of his plans sending lewd excitement
through her, and her pussy quivered with her physical desire for him. She wanted
him ... she wanted that huge penis she was holding to bury itself deep, deep up
in her trembling belly. God, how she wanted him!

"Wendy ... Wendy, I can't wait any longer ..."

He rolled on top of her and tried to lever his swollen cock between her thighs,
down where his fingers were still massaging her inflamed, pink flesh. She kissed
him hard as he continued thrusting down through the upper portion of her wet,
hair-lined slit, fighting madly to reach the mouth of her smooth, virginal
passage, his every stroke sending wild sensations through her as his cock-head
rubbed the erect bud of her clitoris.

Then, once again, something snapped inside her brain, making her revolt from the
act she was about to commit. His long, hard penis bearing down in determined
concentration against the softness of her tender thighs and pulsating, but still
intact cunt sent warning signals charging to her mind, its physical touch
awakening her and breaking through the haze of wine-induced abandonment. The
nearly forgotten vestiges of her principles, the morality her mother had taught
her to hold sacred, came rushing back to her with tidal wave force, even as her
young pussy angled upwards in its own betrayal to her prurient desires.

"No! No, Clyde, stop! I won't let you!"

"Damn you! You can't! You can't! I'm ready to cum! Don't chicken out, baby ...
you'll love it! Ohhhh!"

She pleaded, but he didn't seem to hear or care, and she reached down between
them and took his hardened cock in her hands and squeezed it only seconds before
he would have entered her with his thrusting, pummeling shaft.

"Ahhhh! You bitch! You teasing little bitch!" he groaned at her. "I'm cumming!
God damn it, I'm cumming!"

As she grasped the thick, ramming penis and he continued to pump wildly, and cry
out harshly, she felt his cock expand and contract in her clutching hands, and
the helpless gasps of passion poured out of him. Hot sticky fluid spurted and
soaked her white thighs and matted her soft curly pubic hair, running down the
open crevice of soft pink flesh he had almost succeeded in conquering, pooling
on the bedspread between her open buttocks. He collapsed on top of her, sobbing
and spasming, and she warmly caressed his cock, letting the last of his cum
drain out of her vaginal slit in a wanton display of perversion.

Slowly he sat up, not looking at her. He eased over to the side of the bed and
let his feet touch the floor, and then he rose and took his underpants from the
carpet and wiped himself. He threw the damp, soaked pants at her, and sneered:
"You bitch. What a miserable thing to do to a guy. You're nothing but a prick-

Wendy, ashamed and humiliated beyond endurance, felt the sting of his
castigation and tears welled in her eyes. "Clyde--"

"Shut up. Just shut up, will you? Clean yourself up and I'll take you home." His
words were spit out as if he was talking to a street whore of the lowest kind.
"I don't know what ever made me want to waste my time with a little baby like

He pivoted on his heel and stalked out the door, slamming it behind him, his
loathing and disgust a thick, heavy entity in the room long after he'd left.
Wendy sat in utter mortification and desolation for a long moment, her heart and
soul tormented to their extremes. She took the sodden underpants he'd thrown at
her and wiped her nakedness, opening her legs to clean the sticky, white seed
from her vagina and burning loins, the pain in her unsatisfied and still
seething tender pussy almost as much a sore reminder of what she had almost
lost--and what she had lost in the way of a boy-friend by her refusal--as the
persistent ache in her mind.

Slowly and disheartedly, Wendy rose from the bed and went into the bathroom to
retrieve her clothes. Her mind whirled with doubts and self-abasement, a
torturing melange of hating herself for almost succumbing, for allowing herself
to get so carried away, for not letting Clyde fuck her and thereby keep him ...
God, what should she have done? What was the right way, the best way? The noble
words of her mother's philosophy sounded extremely hollow in her ears at that
moment, the victory for her virginity a Phyrric one at best ...

She'd talk to her mother when she got home. Mother would know what was the best
thing for her to have done ... and do ...

Chapter 3

Marleen Franklin closed the shop at seven o'clock, five minutes after Wendy's
current boyfriend, Clyde Brooks, picked her daughter up in his sports car. She
thought of Wendy as she walked up to the dark and empty apartment after she'd
done the ledgers for the day, thought of how much a boon and companion she'd
been as well as a child of which to be proud. She wasn't worried about Wendy
being with boys; the doctor had assured her that Wendy was still a virgin as of
the last checkup, and she was a good girl by nature. Marleen was well aware of
the traps and snares young people could fall into in this day and age, and she
was doing her best to keep Wendy from falling into any of them. She'd thought
she'd fairly well succeeded, and looked forward to the day when Wendy would be
an equal, an adult and mature, and no longer her little child.

Not that Wendy was a child any longer; one look at her in the shower and soaping
her full-shaped breasts or now matured vaginal area told her that. And Marleen
had looked, and looked whenever Wendy was displaying herself, because she was
proud of having produced such a fine girl-woman and drawn with loving tenderness
to her daughter. And yet ... there were times when she'd watched Wendy's snub-
nosed, freckle-faced innocence combined with the lush provocativeness of
upright, taut breasts and flat belly and gently sloping thighs where her
triangle of soft pubic fleece lay between so prominently, and Marleen had been
worried that perhaps Wendy was emerging into maturity a little too fast. But
then she'd laugh away her silly fears, for the world was simply spinning faster
these days, and hadn't she gotten married at nineteen?

Upstairs, she puttered around the kitchen, a bit sad and feeling lonely with
Wendy out. The new tenant was constantly on her mind, and as hard as she tried
to dismiss their new boarder, Dave Preston, from her thoughts, the more he
seemed to come back to haunt her. He'd been in and out of the apartment all of
that day, with his flaxen-haired girlfriend, Gloria something-or-other. She
looked like a whore, smelled of cheap rose water, and chewed gum; Marleen had
not thought much of her, although she had to admit that the woman had a fine and
sensual body and knew how to move it. She didn't walk--she strutted! Not that it
was any of her business what Preston did or didn't do with that woman, she
chastised herself ...

She undressed for bed early, deciding to go to lie down and watch some TV from
the portable set in the bedroom and just plain relax. It had been a harrowing
day what with one thing and another, and she was awfully tired ...

She stood naked after stripping her clothes off and hanging them up, examining
herself critically in the light of the bedroom before switching on the TV. She
took the pins out of her hair and let the long silky strands fall; they covered
her breasts partially, with only the dark aureoles and nipples peeking through,
and the bottom crest of translucent flesh mounded below the hairline. She let
her eyes move across her still flat plane of stomach, past the few stretch marks
left over from Wendy's birth, down to the softly curling pubic hair which
covered her pinkly hidden vaginal lips. Then she stretched, throwing her hair
over her shoulder, and looked at her smooth satiny buttocks, the rippled muscles
in the back of her slim, tapered thighs, and shapely, slim legs.

I have a good body, she thought. I really do. Some day, for some man, it would
please with the same intensity and passion with which it had pleased Howie, her
late husband. Until then, all she could do was hold it in reserve. She hadn't
been bothered by the possible aging of her charms until today, strangely to
say--oh, she'd noticed her reflection in the mirror and looked at herself as she
was now, but today she'd made the startling discovery that the original fires
Howie had kindled in her many long years ago weren't cold embers but banked
coals, threatening to burst into flame from the nearness of an attractive,
magnetic male beast.

Marleen lay down on the cool sheets on the bed and stretched out with a low,
grateful sigh. That's what had been the matter with her today: she'd found to
her surprise, and yes, to her fear as well, that she was still sexually
responsive and yearning for love and the chance to love in return. She tossed
fretfully, naked and uncovered on the bed, the stifling summer heat less
oppressive to her than her own inner fires, and kept asking herself the two most
important questions of her life: when a woman is widowed early in her married
life, how much does she owe her child? And: can romance live in life at thirty-
six and after?

Damn that David Preston for coming here today! she cursed. Damn, damn, damn! He
was the one who'd made her so horridly aware of the gifts she had to offer, and
the unrequited pangs of not having a man to whom to give them totally and
forever, who would appreciate the extent of those gifts ...

"Mmmmmmmm!" Then: "Ahhhhhhh!" in a voice which obviously belonged to Preston.
Marleen lay rigid on the bed, holding her breath, realizing with blushing
embarrassment that she was unwontedly overhearing her new tenant and that blonde
girl 'visitor" making love in his bedroom ...

"... Run your fingers along my balls ..."

"... Suck, baby, suck my cock!"

She couldn't continue listening! That woman, that Gloria was taking her
boarder's throbbing penis in her mouth! How utterly perverse ... But Marleen was
only able to lie motionless, caught in a strange series of involuntary
sensations as she listened against her will and judgment to the salacious
conversation muted by the thin wall separating the two bedrooms.

"Ahhhhh, baby ... oh, the inside of your mouth is like melted honey. Oh Jesus,
that's nice..."

I've got to get out of here! the distraught widow cried out to herself. But it
was as though iron shackles were fettering her to the bed ...

"You really love to suck cock, Gloria ... Ohhh, ahhhh, mmm!"

Stop it! Stop it! Marleen screamed silently. But as she struggled mentally, she
looked down the expanse of her smooth, taut body, and saw that physically she
was reacting in a way entirely opposite to what her head was telling her. The
nipples on her gently curved breasts were peaking out of their folds, becoming
hard and raised, like cherries on top of whipping cream. A tender aching was
beginning to tingle between her legs, and when in wonderment and disbelief she
actually touched one of them, the contact of her fingers intensified the
throbbing in her loins to where she could no longer ignore its presence or what
it signified. Dear heaven above, she was becoming sexually stimulated by the
lewd actions taking place next door! No, no, it couldn't be happening ... but it
was, and her entire being quivered on the bed.

"Gloria ... suck harder milk my cock dry, you little hot bitch! Ahhhh!"

The inside of Marleen's mouth was dry and she ran her tongue moistly over her
lips to dispel the arid, cottony taste, and though she tried to blank her mind,
it seemed to lewdly insist on projecting the image of what must be taking place
the few feet away. David was on the bed ... yes, that was it, and Gloria was
kneeling over him stripped naked, her long lemon-yellow hair fanning over his
belly and abdomen, and she was taking his blood-swollen shaft in her mouth and
sucking it, up and down, up and down ...

A wave of shame caused her to flush a violent crimson. She'd never allowed Howie
to kiss her between her thighs, or kiss him down there in return ... and here
she was, dreaming of the carnal, degenerate act and working herself up to an
impossible frenzy. She was aroused, all right, and for the first time in six
years at that, and there was no use trying to delude herself any differently. If
Howie had been there, she'd have gladly opened her legs wide and accepted his
penis up inside her, for she needed it ... she needed release, and needed it
desperately ...

"That's wonderful ... tickle my balls, baby. Ohhhh, I'm about ready to cum in
your mouth, Gloria ... ohhh, suck harder!"

Marleen continued to mold and knead her breast, slowly capitulating to her
physical hunger, her anguished needs which were spreading like an insidious
cancer through her flesh, and only the reassured knowledge that what she was
doing would be a secret to everybody but herself helped tame the shame and
horror of her manipulations. Her other hand was moving to her wide-splayed
thighs, wet with the secretions of her excitement, and gently she fingered her
soft, writhing skin, teasing her still softer pubic hair and inner vaginal lips
as she was held in the overwhelming grip of her powerful passions. Her finger
contacted the trembling erection of her throbbing little clitoris and she gasped
then in total defeat, rolling helplessly on the sheets with the obscene delight
of touching herself down there.

From next door, David Preston was yelling: "I'm going to cum, baby ... ahhhh,
suck it, suck it nowwwww!"

The fire burned more insatiably in her cunt, and demanded more to feed its lewd
furnace of cravings. Marleen pictured the nakedly locked bodies next door and
she inserted her finger deep into the passion moistened mouth of her pulsating
vagina, drawing her knees up and her buttocks off the bed, high in the air as
she arched with the maddening rhythm of her finger--now two fingers--screwing
deeper and deeper up into herself. She could see in her mind's eye the naked
woman's hotly ovalling lips and David Preston's humping, jerking motions as he
thrust his hips up toward her slavering mouth, and Marleen finger-fucked herself
faster and faster, nothing existing except the delirious coming of her impending
climax with theirs ...

* * *

"Get out of the car, and don't ever come around again," Clyde Brooks sneered. He
gunned the small engine in his MG with impatience. "I want to go out and find a
real woman now and take the bad taste out of my mouth."

"Clyde, please--"

"Stop your mewling, baby. Out."

Crying abjectly, the terrified and brow-beaten young girl flung herself out of
the sports car and ran to the gate, having a difficult time unlocking it with
her house key because of the tears streaming wetly from her swollen eyes.

Her mascara was running down her cheeks, staining her livid skin, so red and
mottled from her anguish and tormented heart. She trembled as she unlocked the
door to the apartment, pausing to take a deep breath and smooth out her still
damp skirt and blouse. Her head was whirling confusedly with the enveloping
whirlwinds of her thoughts and emotions, the effect of the traumatic evening,
the wine, the nearness of being fucked for the first time filling her marrow and
blood with quaking distress.

She had to talk to her mother--Mother was her Rock of Gibraltar, her foundation
for what she believed, her point of faith for her morals and actions ... But
Mother wasn't in the livingroom, even though the lights were on. She must be in
the bedroom, the daughter concluded, seeing the light on in there and a strange,
squeaking noise coming from within ... She crossed hesitantly on the carpeting,
her flats making not the slightest noise, and then she was at the open doorway
... and stood stone-still, drinking in the unbelievable scene ...

She recoiled, choking back a cry of astonishment! A dreaded chill shot up her
spine, blinding her brain momentarily from the shock of the carnal exhibition
before her, and she slumped against the door-jamb, utterly speechless with
incomprehension. Insensibly, she wasn't filled with loathing and hatred, even as
her mind recovered sufficiently to put into mental words the lustful tableaux on
the bed.

Her mother was lying on her back in an unnatural position of love- making, only
there wasn't any partner! She was fingering herself and rubbing her breasts, the
whole of her soft, hair-lined vaginal slit pinkly open to Wendy's wide-eyed
stare, and she was moaning with passion-crazed, clenched-mouth delight, the
chant slurred.

"Ohhhhh ... Ohhhhh, ohhhhh ..."

Marleen's hollowed buttocks were lifted several inches off the bed as she
struggled upward desperately trying to absorb the entirety of her hand in her
hungry cunt, a wet slavering sound drifting across the room to burn her
daughter's ears, and she flexed her thighs, squeezing them rhythmically up and
down the smooth poles of her fingers and then Wendy heard the muffled shouts
from the next door apartment: "That's it, Gloria ... I'm going to cummmm! I'm
going to cum in your mouth. Suck, baby, suck my cock!"

That new tenant! Wendy reeled inwardly from the brazen, lewd implications, and
she blinked the way an owl does as she tried to sort out and rationally absorb
the total knowledge of what was going on. David Preston was in his room with
some girl named Gloria ... and she was sucking his cock ... and here, before her
uncomprehending view, her mother was reveling in the depravity of their acts,
obscenely masturbating with all the abandonment of a slut off the streets, doing
to herself what Wendy had been taught to consider as one of the more loathsome
practices, a defilement and degradation on the parts of a female which should be
kept clean in spirit and flesh. Hadn't her camp counselor warned her about self-
abuse? Hadn't Old Lady Witherspoon in her Health Class told them all that such
practices can turn you mad and cause pimples and only degenerates did such
things to themselves? Hadn't her mother always told her to keep her vagina and
breasts holy and to keep her respect in her soul?

My God, she'd never dreamed of such a pagan display of abandonment, for while
the cries of craving filtering from next door were terrible, the idea of kissing
a penis so unthinkable, it was to be expected of others, of weaker mortals ...

But now, twisting obscenely in front of her was her own mother!

Her Rock of Gibraltar crumbled, her foundation cracked and dissolved like sand
before her eyes ... She had placed her mother on a pedestal, made her God-like
the way a child does when dependent on the wisdom of the parent; but the time
must come for disenchantment, or the child can never fully grow and reach mature
independence. Most often the awareness that Mother--or Father--is not perfect
and has feet of clay comes over a period of time and is apt to be called
"teenage rebellion," and in healthy situations this eventually turns into a
young adult seeking his own way but regarding his parents in a new and better
light, in the respect due a human being by another, not in adoring worship.

The trouble was, Wendy had not let herself evolve to that point, for she was
extremely close to her mother and had always thought of her in terms of someone
superior. This, now, was cataclysmic to her, a sudden rupture of everything
she'd deemed holy and untainted, and when added to the rest of the evening's
horrors, made her teeter on the brink of insanity, like abruptly finding out
that God doesn't exist after having devoted your whole life to priest-hood, or
discovering that the absolute Rights of the world were Wrongs, or at least only

So as she watched her mother play with her nipples, peak them and roll them
between her forefinger and thumb, and jerk and lunge her lower body as if devil-
possessed with her other hand swirling among the dark black hair of her widely
stretched cunt, Wendy was shattered, gaping wide-mouthed at the bouncing bed.
Her brain was angered to a furious pitch of illogical rejection: her mother had
only been spouting trite phrases, hypocritical platitudes which were said but
not believed! All the lecturing, all the warnings to watch out for hands and
mouths and the saving grace of waiting for the uncarnal love was a basket of
crap! In practice, her mother was as debauched and lewd as any whore imaginable!
What a God-damned fool Wendy had been--she should have let Clyde fuck her silly
tonight, and should have long ago spread her legs for every boy who came along.
Actions speak louder than, and are worth a thousand of, words--and Wendy saw the
truth. Or, she thought she saw the truth ... for Marleen Franklin, having fallen
off the pedestal she had been placed on in Wendy's mind, was no longer a white
icon, but a black devil ... the truth of being a little of both, of being grey
and human, hadn't yet entered Wendy's small world ...

Wendy told herself to go in and tear her mother from her wild spectacle of
unadulterated passion, but she couldn't. She couldn't even turn away and leave
her mother to her own ungodly revelries, for she found herself still not
revolted and sickened by seeing the naked body spread-eagled in lewdness on the
bed, but wildly fascinated--and why not? she asked herself ... isn't that the
way she should be now, not that she'd woken up to the facts? But as much as she
wanted to reject her mother, there was still the unconscious tug of love and
devotion running below the surface of her immediate reactions, making her keep
her eyes on that black pubic mound of hair that was being so blatantly aroused,
making her stay for the exact opposite reason she was telling herself was the
force which kept her at the door. Love ... hate; often the difference is hard to
distinguish, frequently co-mingling in ambivalent attitudes.

"Ohhh ... Umm ... Ohhhh ... Suck, Gloria, suck ..."

Wendy heard the sounds and saw her mother's eyes grow glassy and sticky
lubrications seep from between her smooth, fleshy buttocks as they ground and
bumped in her wild ride to ecstasy. Then, Wendy groaned inwardly, her breath hot
and heavy in her constricted chest, there was where I was born, between those
long legs and downy soft black curls was the heart of my conception.

Marleen, unaware that her daughter was so enraptured, yet so destroyed, by
watching her finger herself to orgasm, was squirming lewdly in the throes of her
passion, seeing mentally their boarder's huge, glistening cock ramming in and
out of the hotly sucking woman's clasping mouth, and her hands became that cock,
and her gasps matched those of the surging bodies on the other side of the wall.
Oh, how she wished Howie was here to pump his cum into her hot, searing passage,
for the fingers weren't enough as her thoughts centered on the thick member
ravishing the other woman's lips, and she had to have more but there was nothing
except her fingers. In desperation she reached up over her buttocks with the
hand which had been working her breasts and searched the wet anal crevice, and
squirmed a finger in the tiny puckered rectum between her moon-shaped buttocks.
She gasped from her haste, as the finger dug painfully into the soft, rubbery
walls of her ass, sending a sharp jolt through her, then electric tingles of
darting pleasure raced through her again and her face colored crimson as she
felt her climax coming, coming with a great roar--

"Ahhhhhh!" Preston screamed through the partition. "I'm there!"

Wendy shuttered with emphatic identification as she sensed that the people in
the other apartment were cumming and her mother was responding, and her own
barely tried genitals ached like a seething volcano, ready to burst but not
stimulated to that apex yet. She projected her own wishful fantasies as she
looked at her mother's vaginal mound and tight, hairless anus being insanely
ravished by her own fingers, sucked in her breath as she saw a mighty shudder
break in waves across her lust-filled face, and clenched her thighs shut as her
mother moaned out her self-induced orgasm--

Marleen's whole body vibrated and then hot, sticky juices gushed from around her
fingers, covering her hand and running in rivulets down the inside of her
excitedly quivering thighs and other hand. A piercing scream reverberated
through the wall, followed by a low male groan, and then there was utter silence
from the savage couple. Pinwheels of light burst in front of her eyes as she
cried out once, twice, with the acute pleasure of her own release, and she
arched her back, squeezing her cuntal area as hard as she could, then sunk to
the bed, completely exhausted.

She couldn't bring herself to withdraw her fingers from herself until the last
dying throbs had stilled inside, but finally she allowed her hands to slither
wetly from her satiated pussy and anus and she rolled limply over, burrowing her
head in her pillow, tiny tendrils of guilt beginning to crawl over her. She
didn't hear David and Gloria as they changed position so that he could suck her
blonde-haired cunt, nor did Marleen hear the child creep away and to her own
room, closing the door and locking it. But Wendy couldn't lock out the numbing
pain in her soul and the images of what she'd just witnessed, alone and confused
with torment. Her mother was no longer a sanctuary, a place to run and find
peace and salvation; she was now the opposite, the causation of agony and
disruption, not the reliever of it.

Marleen was sick with the knowledge of what she'd done as sanity returned to her
slowly. What was the matter with her now? Was she so starved, so wrought up by
this David Preston, whom she hardly knew, that she was having to resort to
masturbation for satisfaction? Would she repeat it time and again now? Her
stomach churned, and the guilt- ridden mother clenched her eyes shut and took
the other pillow from beside her and covered the back of her head. Little by
little her spasming muscles relaxed. With the lethargy of post-sex release, her
physical calmness spread to her mind, which was dazed to the point of welcoming
the relief, the escape from her agony. A drowsiness drifted over her, and a
blissful, healing sleep let her sink into unconsciousness, stopping her from
reliving the purgatory to which she'd condemned herself.

Tomorrow, she thought just before she slept. Maybe tomorrow things will be
better ...

Chapter 4

Morning arrived all too soon.

The alarm clock went off, awaking Marleen, and she slowly came around to
consciousness with a fuzzy, distant, half-jointed awareness. She turned over, at
first curious as to why she was naked and on top of her covers--and then she
recalled the previous night, what she had heard and done, and a wash of shame
and self-loathing flowed over her. Quickly she padded to her closet and put on a
chenille robe, not wanting to be reminded further of her indiscretion by seeing
her nakedness openly displayed, and she buttoned the robe all the way down and
up to her neck, covering her flesh. Barefoot, trembling and clutching the hem
with her hand, she stepped into the livingroom, almost fearful that Wendy would
see her like this, and crossed to the kitchen, where she plugged in the

The apartment was strangely quiet and solemn, the way a tomb might be ... she
wondered if her daughter was awake yet, then saw that her bedroom door was ajar.
She glanced at the clock over the stove: eight- thirty. Wendy was up and gone
awfully early, but then that wasn't incredibly unusual, and Marleen didn't worry
about it any more than she'd worried about Wendy being out with Clyde the night
before. She'd open the store in an hour, and sooner or later Wendy would come
home ...

She poured herself a cup of steaming hot coffee and sat down, staring stony-eyed
at nothing in particular, her thoughts hazy and tormenting. Poor little Wendy;
she had no idea what kind of mother she had, and had Marleen caught her
masturbating the way she had last night, she'd have made quite a scene. Her
shoulders slumped and her head bowed with the knowledge of her self-abuse, and
she asked herself over and over the sickening question whether her six years of
sexual chasteness had left her so weakened that she had to resort to
manipulating her own breasts and vagina for satisfaction, whether she was on the
verge of nymphomania, unable to control her emotions ...

No, no it was because of David Preston. Not that she blamed her tenant for being
the way he was, getting that girl of his up to his room and having her suck his
penis ... it was because there was something about him which seemed to release
all of the locks she'd carefully placed on her body and feelings, and that if
she'd heard some other man doing the same thing last night, it wouldn't have
affected her anywhere near as strongly ... and so for her own sake he'd have to
leave at once before things got out of hand. It might not solve everything
perfectly, she told herself, but it would be a start. As soon as she saw him,
she'd tell him to go.

It was useless to chastise herself further about her masturbation; she couldn't
wipe it off the slate of her life. It was done and the best thing to do would be
to learn from it, and that she'd have to watch herself more closely in the
future, even after David Preston was out bag and baggage. She hated to part with
the two hundred dollars he'd given her, but that was a cheap price to pay for
her sanity, and she was only lucky that no permanent harm had been done. After
all, nobody had seen her finger herself while listening to the nakedly groaning
couple next door, and it wasn't very adult of her to torture her mind with
childish guilt as if she had been viewed by others. Yes, she said to nobody in
particular, yes it was very lucky indeed that Wendy was out on a date last night
and didn't know the horror her mother was experiencing ...

* * *

Wendy awoke an hour earlier than her mother, one of the many times she'd woken
during the night. It was useless to try and sleep, she decided, and she wanted
to be gone before her mother awoke; she didn't know what she wanted to do, but
she knew that she didn't want to face her, not yet, not until she had sorted
some of her confusion and resentment out and resolved a few things in her own

She decided to sun herself on the porch, though because of the new tenant she
knew that she couldn't go bare-chested as she had been doing, and so she slipped
on her magenta colored bikini and her terry- cloth beach robe that came just
below her thighs, and silently padded out the apartment door and to the porch.
She was deeply troubled by the shattering knowledge that her mother was a
sensual and carnal woman, not at all saintly and above the "sins of the flesh"
she had warned Wendy to avoid. There was nobody Wendy could turn to, nor was she
sure of her own feelings, sensing little save a kind of reeling numbness; not
hating, not loving, not really anything but confusion.

She was surprised to see David Preston down in the yard, playing with his dog.
He was only in a pair of faded dungarees, and she gasped with admiration at the
way the early morning sun rippled across his fine, exposed chest, his muscles
firm and his skin copper. God, but that man's built, she thought peripherally,
and so confident and virile. Clyde's only a boy compared to him. He was so
graceful and lean as he played in barefoot happiness with his large, romping
dog, throwing a rubber ball against the fence for it to catch. And the dog was
just as magnificent, whipcord taut and large, with a glossy coat that wasn't too
hairy and yet gave a shining covering of rich, fur-like texture.

David Preston laughed and King barked joyfully at the exercise as he took the
ball from King's massive jaws, and he was about to throw it again when he saw
the figure of the lovely young girl on the porch. He stopped, transfixed as the
sunlight caught her beauty, her lithe, innocent ripeness. Her terry-cloth robe
was untied, because the day was already uncommonly warm, and the creamy down of
her smooth skin was displayed, barely covered by the thin strands of her bikini.
Her mouth was parted and her teeth slightly bared as she looked down at him, and
the sun seemed to focus on the triangle of her petal-like vagina, presenting it
to him as if it was an offering there to be taken by his huge, stabbing cock.
Her high, inviting globular breasts were barely restrained by the tight top,
jutting out like twin hillocks, waiting to be climbed, and legs, so slender, so
smoothly curving into her inner thighs and firm buttocks seemed to beg him to
step up to her and bury himself between them. His cock strained against his
pants as he gazed with increasingly lusting eyes up at the beautiful teenager,
his mind devilishly churning with lascivious and devious thoughts as to how best
bring her under his control and body ...

Suddenly laughing, Wendy held her pose for a moment, thumbs pressed against her
slender, sculptured sides, fingers splayed across her belly. "Mr. Preston?
What're you doing?"

"Exercising King," he called back. "Come on down."

"All right." She giggled delightedly and disappeared from view, only to appear a
few minutes later at the back door. She came across the yard, provocative in her
walk and stance without even being aware of her natural sensuality. "Gee, you
have a nice dog, Mr. Preston."

"Call him King," he grinned at her as she patted King's head. King lolled his
tongue out appreciatively and panted. "And call me David; it's a lot less formal
between friends."

"Oh? Are we friends?" she said coyly.

"Aren't we?" He knew this was a game, a teasing game that teenage girls love to
play and never mean. He knew it and went along with it. Lose a battle, win the
war ...

"Sure we are, I guess, David. And I'm Wendy."

"I know. I heard your mother call you yesterday."

"Oh her," she grimaced.

Normally, such a reaction would be expected of a girl, it being no more than the
usual unmeant disdain for parents, but Preston caught a deep undercurrent of
true feeling behind her casual remark. Being the man he was with his devotion to
seduction, he felt that there might be a weak point in which to drive the wedge
of his cock; with the jungle instinct of a predatory lion of long experience, he
began shaping a plan of attack around that innocuous throwaway comment.

"Where's your girl-friend?" Wendy asked slyly. She hadn't forgotten about the
moans and growls of lust which had been emanating from his room while her mother
masturbated. That didn't bother her--after all, David was a man, and such things
were to be expected of him; her mother was the seed of her anguish. "You know,
the blonde one you had in your room last night."

If Wendy had the impression he'd blush like the boys she knew would have, she
was mistaken. He threw back his head and laughed uproarishly. "You know about
Gloria, then?"

"Sure, the whole block does, you were making so much noise."

"What the hell, can't two people enjoy themselves?"

Wendy changed the subject, feeling it was getting a little too intimate for her;
she wanted to escape lewdness, not get more of it. "I thought she'd be over here
today with you," she said casually, but she felt her cheeks beginning to burn.

David chuckled, the man catching the blush on her pretty face. "Yeah, she left
early to go to her brother's place. She'll be living there, you see."

"Oh ..."

"You planning to sun-bathe?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Well ... there isn't anything else really to do," she replied. "But I'd sure
like to get away from here. You have a car?"

"Gloria's got it."

"Oh, yeah. Gloria."

"Come on, Wendy, she's just a friend. I'm not married to her."

"You sleep with her, don't you?" she blurted out before she'd realized what
she'd been thinking. She averted her eyes, angry at herself, and embarrassed at
the way David laughed at her again.

What do you know about sex, little lady?"

"More than you think," she said grimly. "More than you think."

He chortled again. David lewdly thought about the pawing, groping hands of the
local kids on her tender breasts, and her passion-filled kissing in the drive-
in. She was still a virgin; Christ, he could almost smell her quivering little
hymen stretched across her cherry cunt ... well, if he had his way, she'd sure
have a lot of knowledge about sex, straight from his throbbing cock! But he'd
have to get her away from here, away from the prying eyes of her mother--another
luscious cunt he wasn't forgetting to consider ways and means about--and all the
other distractions. Someplace quiet ...

"Well, how about the boat?" the older man suggested, thumbing towards the
Thompson outboard.

"Heck, I've seen everywhere that's anywhere around the bay, and the boat's not
big enough to take out in open water."

"Well, I haven't seen everywhere and anywhere. Show me."

She looked up at him. Why not? A beautiful day, and it would give her something
to do, and he was such a nice, understanding and cool guy. He might be over
thirty, but he's not square, she thought, nodding her head in sudden agreement.
"I'll get the keys," she said.

"And I'll get ... some other things," Preston added, grinning with intense
pleasure. Some extra special other things ...

It had been a very fine suggestion, Wendy thought dreamily some hours later, the
day blue-and-white, the sea Lucite clear and of long, low waves. The ride around
the bay had been beautiful, the magnificent dog, King, barking at the swooping
gulls and frothy spray, and she'd had fun pointing out all the homes and points
of view as she stood in front, her hands on the windscreen, letting the salty,
tangy breeze blow her hair and cool her skin, while David skillfully maneuvered
the boat while sitting alongside her at the controls. Then they'd decided to go
someplace and just relax, someplace out of the way and secluded, and she'd liked
that idea as well, because she was still disturbed by the events of last night,
and wanted a little peace and quiet in which to contemplate.

She knew just the spot, too. The pines were thinned out, allowing a small
section of sandy beach about thirty yards long and half as deep-- just enough to
drop anchor and wade ashore and relax on the sand, alone and unsullied, the
world going by without noticing them. She lay back on the towel, the warm rays
baking her, feeling the nearness of the older man next to her, but not caring,
not afraid ... King slept in the shade, but ready should he be needed.

Preston sat up, stretching and yawning. "I could go for a cigarette. You want

"No, no thank you."

"You don't smoke?"

"Well ... sometimes." She didn't want to act unsophisticated in front of him,
make him think she was a child or something. "Okay," she nodded impulsively.

He grinned at her and stretched himself so he could reach into his pocket for
his pack. They were odd looking, she thought as he handed her one. Loose, with a
funny brown-colored, shaggy tobacco. He saw her hesitation and explained:
"They're Mexican, Wendy. I got them down there. Mild, but lots of flavor. That's
what you smoke for, isn't it?"

"Yeah, sure ... I guess so." She placed one in her mouth and cupped his hand as
he lit it with his lighter. She inhaled, and was pleased to find out that he was
right, that the cigarette was peculiar smelling but very tasty, sort of
sweetish, in fact. But a small tendril of giddiness hit her, in spite of their
mildness, and suddenly the ocean was a different color of blue. "Whoo! They're
sure different, all right, but I like them."

"I thought you would," the man said insidiously. He thought to himself that this
girl must be awfully stupid and very ignorant not to know that she wasn't
smoking Mexican cigarettes, but marijuana. Hell, he'd never even been to Mexico.
He watched her carefully as she smoked, keeping her mind off what she was doing
automatically by a constant patter of lively jokes and remarks, making her
giggle and her eyes sparkle and her lungs inhale the curling fog of the euphoric
drug ...

Slowly and without her realizing it, the young teenager began to fall under its
magic spell, making her feel free, uncaring, devil-take-the- hindmost. She felt
warm comradeship to David now, grabbing his arm as he told jokes and she
laughed, giving him side-long glances of provocativeness, loving the world and
herself and wanting him to like her as well. Wendy rested her chin on her drawn-
up knees and dreamily leaned against David Preston to let him know that she was
enjoying the day, and his company ... and the delicious illusion festered by the
marijuana he continually gave her pervaded her slim, untouched body, giving her
a tingling sensation deep inside, so deep that she couldn't imagine its bottom.

"Oh, I don't want ever to leave here, David," she said.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to go home. My mother--" She caught herself just before she was
going to tell all about what she'd seen. She put her hand to her mouth in a
gesture of silence.

"Go on, what about her?"

"I can't tell you."

"You should tell somebody, Wendy. I can see you've been very upset and worried
about something, and that's no good."

"You did?" she asked thickly. "It's not?"

"No," he answered smoothly, "it's not. And it was obvious that you've been
bothered all night, because when you came downstairs this morning, you were
almost shaking." She hadn't, but it was a good lie at the moment, and he knew
that she wasn't in any condition to think rationally about this morning and
contradict; she shook her head in agreement.

"Well, I have been, but it's not a nice subject. It's about ... sex!" She said
the last word in a hushed, excited tone, her eyes wide. "Sex, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, Wendy," Preston said. "But everybody has sex lives--you, me, your
mother--and there's no use trying to hide the fact or pretending it doesn't
exist." He felt her shoulders trembling, and he placed a protective arm around
her, patting her other shoulder like a father would. "Go ahead and spill it,
Wendy. I'm not going to spread it around, and you can't keep it bottled up
inside you forever."

The marijuana-induced freedom lowered her gates of natural reluctance, just as
if she'd been drinking all afternoon. She felt hot tears brim in her eyes, and
while she felt silly for bursting into crying, she couldn't stop herself,
feeling doubly all of the bitter emotions she'd been nagged with since she'd
been almost de-virginated by Clyde Brooks. Haltingly, letting the whole
confession pour out unstopped and uncensored, she lay bare her innermost heart,
telling Preston in a babbling, choking slur about everything.

It didn't take much imagination for the man beside her to unravel her distorted
and unconnected train of thought, and an excited glow flickered into his eyes,
and the stirrings of lewd and excited passions boiled in the pit of his belly.
Hot damn! Her mother fingering herself off while listening to me get sucked by
Gloria! That only shows that the old lady is hot to trot for cock, especially,
if her kid is right, she hasn't had a steady man around for six years. God, I'd
burst apart if I didn't get my balls emptied for half that time! And this little
virgin teenager, who's a virgin just as I thought, almost got some cock rammed
into her last night, only leave it to some inexperienced kid to get over-anxious
and ruin the pitch ... But I won't screw things up. This one is as good as
fucked right now ...

Finished her agonizing story, Wendy pressed her face tightly against his cheek
and cried softly, and in a muffled voice, said: "Oh, David, I'm so miserable. I
don't know what to do!"

"Wendy, tell me something. Did you enjoy seeing your mother playing with

"What? No, no, I just told you--"

"Come on, tell the truth. You watched her for a long time, not doing anything,
and if you were excited, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Watching people having
sex is almost as much fun as doing it."

"You ... you sound as if you approve of what she did!" Wendy broke away in
horror. "As if ... As if you think that everybody ought to have their kicks any
way they please!"

Preston shrugged, gazing at her through lidded eyes. "No, I'm saying that we
ought to be honest with one another. If two people--or in the case of your
mother--one person--enjoy what they're doing, who are you to castigate them? Sex
is good, clean fun, and it can't hurt anybody, only make people closer."

"You ... you mean like me and Clyde last night? I ... I should have let him do
it to me?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you weren't ready for him, didn't really want him, and
he was unable to prepare you properly. A girl's first time is very important."

"Then, then what should I do about Mother? You think she feels the way you're
describing I should be?"

He shook his head ruefully. "I doubt it. She's of her generation." He laughed
out loud. "What the hell, so am I, but of a different school. I believe the way
you young kids do, that this is the age of freedom, and what's the use of being
free on the outside if you're not that way inside? But your mother, Wendy, your
mother has a lot of hang-ups, I bet, and she probably feels right terrible about
what she's done. And she shouldn't."

His talk was unnerving the pretty virgin girl; so much had happened in so short
a time, and her mind was confused and uncertain, the marijuana in her blood
fogging her perceptions and sense of impending danger ... She cradled in the
warmth of the older man's arms now, still shaking with nerves and sobbing with
emotion. The smoke hazily filled her with warmth, and enhanced the pungent aroma
of his masculine body, and his gently stroking hand on her naked arm was
beginning to give soft, feathery tickles of excitement in her pubic region. She
tightened her inner thighs, even squirmed her sensuous young buttocks slightly
on the warm sand so as to choke off the unwanted agitation that were tingling
down there ...

"David, David, you're so kind to me. You understand me," she whimpered. She was
wide open to new suggestions and directions now, vulnerable because the old way
of her mother's had been proved to be only a facade. Or ... was her mother
right? She couldn't accept this man's philosophy, not after so many years of
being ingrained with a strict puritanical morality, in spite of the fact that
she considered her mother a hypocrite and her ethics unquestionable. But David
Preston did seem to understand her, for he'd been right about her being excited
by watching her mother fingering herself ... Oh God, she didn't know what to do,
what to think ...

"I don't want to talk about it any longer," she said. "I need time to think. You
understand me, but I don't believe I understand myself, and ... and ..." she
couldn't continue, and more hot tears spilled from her blurred eyes, down over
her flesh and wetting her bikini top. She was so disturbed and crazy from the
marijuana and her tribulations, and she let the salt water rain on them both
like a Spring shower.

David Preston felt the warm, resilient flesh of the young girl tight against him
as she quivered violently with her emotions, and saw the streams of her
bitterness run unheeded down her face and fall in rivulets between her heaving
young breasts. God, it was going to be good! The blood in his penis was pounding
like mad now, and his testicles ached with anticipation of the way her tight,
virginal little pussy was going to feel throbbing around the hardness of his

"Well, then, don't think about it, Wendy," he murmured in her shell- like ear.
"We won't talk about how your mother was fingering herself until she came, and
how I was undressed with my hard cock being sucked by Gloria ... We won't talk
about it any longer ..."

His words were mesmerizingly soothing to Wendy, and as he continued to stroke
gently her satiny skin, he knew that though he was telling her that they
wouldn't talk about it, the longer he did, the larger the recollections would
grow in her drugged mind. Nothing like a little grass to get the ass, he always
said ... He felt her warm, hard breasts pressing against his chest and her
nipples hardening slightly, and figured that already she was thinking about last
night, conjuring up the lewd, depraved scenes over and over like an unending
strip of film. "Don't think about it ..."

Wendy tried to will herself not to, but the twitching in her belly and the
moistness which was seeping around her young, secret cunt was beginning to
overpower her. She moaned softly and all the while he kept whispering words in
her hair, words constantly bolder and more corrupting.

"... your mother's pink cunt, and her fingers rubbing up and down along the lips
of it ... don't think about the way she looked, arching, straining to climax,
her hand deep inside her pussy, her pussy which is just like yours ... and don't
think about my girl waiting to put her lips around my hard cock, to suck the cum
out of my balls ... No, don't think about it, Wendy ..."

She was breathing faster now, and then casually Preston brought his hand around
and lightly touched one swelling breast, rubbing his palm slowly over her bikini
top. She gasped and shuddered, and convulsively stiffened from his touch, but he
didn't stop and somehow she didn't want him to ... and the words he'd spoken
about being honest and free ran along with the lurid images of her mother and
him, naked and abandoned, and she had to admit that his fingers felt so good, so
gooood ... Then she gulped fresh air, a warning bell of what was happening to
her, what she was allowing to happen to her, tolling in her brain, and she jack-
knifed against him, squirming her hips on the sand and turning her body away,
but in doing so, her mouth came up and brushed against his, and suddenly she
felt him kissing her.

His kiss was intense fire, the kiss of a lover, not the unpracticed slaverings
of the boys she'd necked with. It was like the difference between a tiger and a
pussy-cat on her system, and her primeval urges, unleashed by her torment and
the marijuana, engulfed her. The young teenage virgin allowed her mouth to open
wider and accept his flicking tongue in a French soul-kiss which made her head
spin and her blood boil.

Preston pushed the bra up now, grazing his touch on the firm, tight breasts,
kneading the nipple around with his thumb and forefinger the way her mother had
done to herself last night--and he knew that she'd remember the similarity and
it would excite her more ... and it did, it made her fantasizing mind weave a
magic spell around what she was doing ... she mewled abjectly, capitulating by
stretching out beside him, pressing herself to the older man all the harder with
the urgency of her liberated, lithe body. Then his lips were sucking one
distended nipple, making her delirious with uncontrollable joy, the marijuana
highlighting her physical pleasure a hundred-fold, while dulling her denials and
rejections to a nonexistent level.

Surely he would stop there, her mind told her wildly. Surely he would-- he's old
enough to be her father after all; but then Preston's fingers began teasing the
mound at the base of her smooth little belly, though unable to dip lower because
of the way she'd automatically contracted her thighs, squeezing them shut in a
last-ditch attempt to salvage something of this lewd rape of her being, but the
flood of lubrications was already showing through her thin bikini, and she felt
the soft wetness against her flesh, and then his fingers wormed their way firmly
in between her legs, the delights rationalizing away her indecisions and fears.
It was wickedly good ... and she was doing no worse than her mother had done,
the difference was that a man was playing with her instead of herself--and who
was to say which was the worse sin?

His hand became bolder as her desires overcame her resistance, and Wendy allowed
her legs to gradually widen to his teasing probings, and then before she was
aware of it, her thin bikini bottom was down, stripped off of her thighs and
around her ankles, the gentle ocean breezes a cooling shock against her softly
curling fleece of sparse young pubic hair. She could feel the tender wall of her
pussy seep its fluids into the palm of the man's hand as he slowly, expertly,
worked his fingers into her, expanding her tight little hole and teasing her
genitals until she was almost out of her mind. She was ready to crawl into the
ocean to quench the fires raging out of control in her hungrily contracting
little cunt, her lust-glazed, marijuana-smoked eyes staring at Preston with
incomprehension, her mind reeling so fast that she couldn't tell whether this
was actually happening to her or not, if the beach and David and her nakedness
were figments of her dreaming brain or if time really was standing still for her

Preston, over twice Wendy's age, was holding his breath from the sight of the
young teenager's nude body before him, and he could barely believe himself so
lucky as to have her lying flat on her back breathing wildly and passionately,
all his ... All his, and it would be the first time for her, too! He stared in
delight down at the soft silken down that covered the junction of her slightly
spread thighs and at his rummaging hand that was teasing maddeningly at the thin
pink slit which ran between her little clitoral bud and her tiny puckered anus.
He'd fucked a lot of women, but never anything as pure and innocent and young as
Wendy Franklin! The mere thought of the uncontrollable, helpless moans escaping
from those barely touched lips goaded his cock to rock hardness and he felt it
press against his pants with its lusting to be free, to be inside that virginal
little pussy.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhh," she gasped and groaned, her pussy opening and closing and
sucking at his fingers which were tormenting her wet, hotly throbbing little
mouth of lust, and the cords of her neck stood out as she pulled the very last
of her strength to somehow control the whirlwind of passions which had seized
hold of her loins. This was where she had to stop! This was where, last night,
she had stopped Clyde ... but when she rolled against Preston, forcing him to
remove his hand as she had done with her (now) ex-boyfriend, she could only roll
back again and lie gasping like a goldfish out of water, twitching and
undulating, unable to stop the maddening surge inside her belly and vagina. This
couldn't be happening to her! It couldn't! But it was ... and when with a
malicious groan of uncontrollable depravity, the man unzipped his pants and
exposed his hardened penis to her, the remaining remnants of her vow to retain
her virginity until marriage shattered like crystal glass.

Preston couldn't stand it any longer, and his cock was goaded to the very limit
of its fevered endurance. It was all he could do to keep from ramming his
boiling cock forward and impaling this sweet, undefiled child, but his desire to
have her again and again made him slow down and work her further into a state
where she would demand more, more ... and never stop wanting his cock in her. He
rolled on top of her, his rigidly bloated shaft brushing against her matted,
moist pubic hairs. He planted his hands on either side of her shoulders so that
he could see between their naked bodies and watch her uptilted cunt as it was
throbbingly exposed to him, her narrow vaginal slit so inviting with its pink,
hair-fringed line held wide apart by the pressure of his thighs pressing tightly
against hers.

The virgin girl could see dimly through her passion and drug-filled cloud, and
she could feel the hugeness of his fleshy hardness lying the full length of her
quivering vagina, its jerking cock-head blunt and hot between her splayed
thighs, softly insinuating itself in a maddening tease that caused her to jerk
her hips upwards as her hungry cunt searched desperately for the hard, blood-
filled shaft. Then Preston pushed forward, and Wendy sensed the lips around her
pulsating vagina push open to receive his penis, and the elastic tightness of
her hymen resist painfully as he drove harder at the door of her womb. He flexed
again, and suddenly there was a ripping pain, sharp and prickling, and warm
blood flowed from her cunt to wet the white sands beneath the crevice of her
buttocks. Preston liked that, liked the idea that he was bagging a cherry ...

He shoved again, sinking his lust-inflated penis all the way inside her wide
stretched pussy until his heavy testicles slammed resoundingly down against her
jerking anus. Wendy screwed herself down in the softly giving sand in a vain
attempt to escape the cruel, inhuman impalement, her legs kicking futilely in
the air.

"Oh God, nooooo! Nooooo!" she screamed, not caring about anything except the
pain in her belly which was burning deeply and irrevocably. But Preston pinned
her down with his body and arms and burrowed his large, rod-hard cock deeper
with jerking, sliding motions, the fiery, plunging shaft filling her until the
tip of his cock-head was battering far back against her cervix. Then the pain
slowly began to recede as she flexed her cuntal muscles and her vaginal tunnel
clasped his shaft like a moist, warmly living glove, and flames of tingling
desire started to shoot up from her loins as she slowly became accustomed to the
alien invasion.

"Ohhhh," she groaned through emotion-bared teeth, fighting desperately that thin
line between pain and pleasure.

Preston waited a moment and then pressed again into the full wetly clinging
folds of her vagina, watching her face contort more intensely now below his.


The girl began to respond now, her wet pussy answering his pumping penis with
soft pulsations of its own, and she unconsciously rotated her hips and her
vagina dilated in time to the man's beating rhythm. She began hesitantly to
grind up against his loins now as he initiated long, hard strokings into her
steaming channel, her excited vaginal juices rivuleting down her buttock cheeks
as she surged back and forth to his sawing motion ...

Dear God, this is wonderful! Is this what I've been missing, for so long? Dear
God, I'll never be able to get enough ...

Her nails gouged a path down his back and she drew his thick, slavering tongue
voraciously in her mouth, swallowing it greedily as she squirmed and rocked, her
legs wrapped tightly around his flexing hips, her ankles locked together and
pulling him deeper inside her, the full length of his driving cock sinking into
her freshly ravaged vagina ...

"I'm ... I'm going to cum, Wendy," Preston panted.

"Yes, yes, fill me with your hot beautiful cum," she babbled, and felt her own
release--her very first orgasm--billowing from the furnaces of her passion.
"Yes, and I'm ... I'm going to cum toooo!"

And as she grunted, Preston reached behind and grasped wildly at her spasming
buttocks of white, firm flesh, slamming his spewing cock into her soft, now
totally unresisting cunt, flooding her inside walls with his hotly cascading

Wendy felt the sweet agony of his deeply imbedded penis in her pussy as it
flared and spurted, and she could feel the delicious hot fluid surge against her
womb and burn its fiery trails through her whole cuntal passage. Her very
vaginal pores opened to receive the unending stream of his sperm, and then her
body quaked and a volcano of emotions burst through her sinew and bones,
blinding her mind and emotions with phosphorescent brilliance as her own orgasm
tornadoed insanely through her naked young body; oh God, it was magnificent, the
finest experience of her whole life! She mustn't ever let it end!

"I'm cummmiiinnngggg!"

Her cries tumbled from her mouth as their bodies became one, and she screamed
incoherently as her passion juices whirlpooled hotly together with his cream-
like cum and overflowed out the tightly clinging lips of her still spasming
vagina, as her whole lower body and breasts heaved and rolled in death-throe
convulsions. Then, it was over and Preston fell forward on top of her in
exhaustion, and she, too, felt totally collapsed, and quivered in final
limpness, her legs sprawling lifelessly out on either side of his naked body.

She sighed raggedly. Wendy Franklin had experienced her first taste of sex, and
she was void of all emotions and creeping satiation filled her like a warm
blanket. She was now a woman in a very literal sense, and she could never return
to her old, naive, virginal world; the revelation that she'd allowed a man twice
her age and almost a stranger to take her, to deflower her without even token
affection on his part, hit her only dimly. Maybe later she would feel bad about
it, but at the moment she was satisfied and not at all sorry. Maybe later, but
not now ...

"Are ... are you going to take me home now?" she asked Preston. "David? Are

His laugh was less friendly now, and he moved his hips so that his penis,
deflated but still imprisoned between her vaginal lips, was felt by her all the
way to the nerve-endings in her breasts. "Not a chance, kid," he told her,
looking down. "The day's still young, and we've just begun."

"I need a rest," she admitted. "This was my first time, you know ..."

"Yeah, I know. And you hurt a bit. Well, practice makes perfect, and I won't do
anything to you for awhile."

But it wasn't out of kindness that he was being patient. David Preston needed a
rest himself before he could get another erection, for the teenager had milked
him with an unrestrained passion which more experienced bitches had never had or
had lost, even though Wendy wasn't as skilled. She would be, he gloated; she had
that natural talent to fuck which must have come from her mother and only took a
little direction to mature. In a while his balls would be tight with more sperm
and his cock would rejuvenate into a new and lusty life. In the meantime, he'd
just let his limp cock lie there in her flooded little cunt and soak itself back
to life.

And while he was doing that, he'd set to thinking about how to get into her
mother's panties. Christ, seeing how good her daughter was right off the line,
he couldn't wait to try his cock out in the long-unused cunt of Marleen
Franklin. He bet she'd fuck his Goddamned toenails off! Already his brain was
getting the glimmerings of an idea, just from what Wendy had told him about last
night ...

Yeah, yeah, he thought it might work. He'd have to talk to this boyfriend of
Wendy's, this Clyde Brooks--hell, he sounded like a real young stud and he
wouldn't be any trouble to convince. But all his lewd and salacious thoughts had
begun to arouse him again. He looked down at the smile on the young teenager's
cherubic face, and he grinned victoriously. It was about time to start again,
and this time, he'd really fuck her shitless!

Chapter 5

The shadows of dusk fell across the warm, ocean-side community, and though there
was enough light to see outside with, the sun just setting with streamers of
orange and red, Marleen turned on the lamps of the shop.

It had been a slow day, allowing her to contemplate life and her small segment
of it, and worse, she'd allowed herself a few "medicinal" sips of brandy over
the hours, and she stood teetering behind the counter, having just thrown the
once-new, now-empty fifth of brandy into the garbage can. She knew that she'd
drunk too much, and her head was spinning dizzily, but somehow that soothed the
aching in her heart, deadening some of the creeping foreboding which stilled her
heart with cold, skeletonous fingers.

Wendy was out with that David Preston.

She had been since early morning, Marleen sensed; there hadn't been any note,
but her daughter hadn't come home yet, and neither had the new tenant or his
dog. They had all been missing along with her boat right from the time she'd
gotten up ... so they had to be together. Doing what? Was darling Wendy safe
with that man? Would he attack her, him and his brutal, savage, animalistic ways
of sordid love-making, and would Wendy return with her mind warped and her body
filthy by the corruption Preston would force upon her? The idea, the potential
terror of such a happenstance made her almost want to vomit.

She'd thought crazily about phoning the police as the hours wore on, but that
seemed a foolish thing to do. For one thing, she had no idea that Wendy was in
danger; it was still daylight, and Wendy had always been able to handle herself
before, and since it was her boat that was gone, it was obvious that her
daughter had gone along willingly-- perhaps even invited David along for a ride.
If she should call the police and have them pick Wendy and Preston up, and it
was all innocent, she'd never live it down, and Wendy'd never think that she was
trusted anymore. And Preston--well, his being friendly to the girl might lead
him into a mistaken charge of molestation, the police aggravated by a hysterical
mother ... No, she couldn't call the police.

Besides, as sure as she was that Wendy was out with Preston and King, she had no
proof. She could be jumping to conclusions, and Wendy was somewhere else, with
somebody else. Like Clyde Brooks for instance. Yes ... yes, there was a good
chance that she was with Clyde! She'd call the Brooks home right now; why hadn't
she thought of that before? Quickly she stepped over to the counter with the
cash register and small desk with its phone. She looked up the number--not being
as familiar with the Brooks family as her daughter was and dialed. The phone
rang and rang ...

Hurry up, please ... Her agitation was more emotional than rational, and even as
she stood there, receiver pressed to her ear, she couldn't understand her
driving sense of urgency. Hurry.


"I'd like to speak to Clyde Brooks, please."

"Speaking. Who's this?"

"Marleen Franklin. Wendy's mother."

"Wen--! Listen, Mrs. Franklin, I can explain about last night. You see- -"

"Last night? I don't know what you're talking about. Is Wendy over there with

Clyde sighed with audible relief. So the little bitch hadn't squealed on him,
had she. But now he didn't understand; he sat down in the chair beside the
phone, ham sandwich in one hand and the receiver in the other, a frown creasing
his forehead. "No, no Wendy isn't here. We ... had a fight last night."

"Oh God." Marleen's voice was a dull, hollow mournful tone.

"What is it, Mrs. Franklin? What's the matter? Has Wendy disappeared?" He knew
he'd been rough on the girl, more out of anger and frustration than anything. In
fact, Clyde had been sitting around, wrestling with the idea of apologizing to
Wendy. Now her mother was calling, obviously worried to a fearful pitch.
"Listen, Mrs. Franklin," he repeated, catching the fever of hysteria. "Listen,
is she gone?"

"Yes. I don't know where, only that the boat is gone and my new tenant and his
dog are gone as well. I'm afraid that she'd go out with him, and--"

"Stay right where you are, Mrs. Franklin," the boy said sternly. "Stay there,
and I'll be right over and we'll go looking for them."


"In my father's cruiser. Stay there, all right?"

"Yes ... Yes ..."

Clyde hung up and dashed out of the house, not bothering to change from his
bathing suit in his haste. God damn that Wendy, going off with some other guy
... he'd teach her, he'd fix her wagon good when he found her ...

Marleen placed the phone down and took a deep, shuddering breath. Well, she was
doing something at last, even if it was only with her daughter's boyfriend. She
staggered a bit, clutching the glass top of the counter, and thought to herself
that if she was going to go out on the search with Clyde Brooks, she'd better
start locking the store up for the night. Why not? Business wasn't going to pick
up at this late hour, and she didn't want to wait on any more customers anyway.
She was far too worried ...

David Preston would have laughed with delight at the turn of events, and as sure
as Heaven above, Satan below was having his devil's chortle. The plans which
were churning that very moment in Preston's lewd brain weren't half as
diabolical as the coincidence which fate had in store for the Franklin daughter
and mother ...

Twenty minutes later, Marleen and the boy were dashing across the tide waters of
Reedsport Bay, searching all the nooks and crannies of the shoreline for signs
of the Franklin boat. Clyde handled the craft expertly over the water, and the
sun glistened in its last setting rays as if it had been wounded and was
bleeding over the ice-blue frostiness of wet skin. But the mother wasn't
enjoying the view, not in her agitated condition.

"She must be here someplace, Clyde," she kept moaning. "She has to be ... She
wouldn't take the boat out past the breakwater. She knows better than that,
especially with the tide changing."

"Sure she does, Mrs. Franklin," the boy replied, and looked at her as she sat
huddled against the bulkhead, staring through the glass without really seeing
anything. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, off the rise and fall of her large,
taut breasts and the smooth curve of her thigh through the short summer shift
she wore. It was like looking at a reproduction of Wendy, he thought; not
exactly twins, but the mannerisms, the way they act and talk and feel ...
Christ! He'd never really noticed the resemblance before, considering Mrs.
Franklin just another mother to cope with and be around as little as possible
while taking her daughter out, but she was quite a woman in her own right, and
if this is how Wendy was going to look in twenty years, wow!

"Mrs. Franklin," he said, "you're all wound up, like a watch spring. It isn't
going to do any good, the way you are."

Her head swiveled around and she managed to smile wanly at the boy. "I'm afraid
I've already had a little too much brandy trying to calm down."

"Well, there's a little pint of brandy in the shelf beside you, some very fine
French cognac my dad keeps for chilly nights."

"No, no thank you."

"Well, I could use some," he said with a shiver. "I'm cold inside, if not

Without thinking about his age or the consequences, Marleen rummaged around in
the shelf and produced a flat pint bottle of cognac, with only a couple of sips
taken from it. She unscrewed the top and handed it to the boy, who took a large
swallow of the dark amber liquor, and then he handed it back to her. "Go on,
Mrs. Franklin. You're pale as a new sheet."

She raised the bottle to her lips, suddenly in need of the strong alcohol in her
blood, and gave a shudder as the smooth brandy coursed down her throat. She
smiled at Clyde then, feeling herself blush with the pervading warmth of the
liquor as it rushed from her stomach to her skin.


"Yes, thank you," she said, and took another large sip.

Clyde laughed and had some more himself. He was a nice boy, Marleen thought;
considerate and polite, and terribly handsome, with broad shoulders and boyish
curls and strong legs bulging with the muscles from his athletics. No wonder
Wendy was attracted to him, and in a strange, slight way she felt a little
envious of her daughter for being so young and just starting out on her road of
sexual relationships. Sexual was a strong word; she blinked at the audacity of
her thought, and quickly corrected it in her mind to mean not necessarily the
physical mating, but the whole involvement of two people. Yes, like she and
Howie had had, and which now seemed to be denied her, her life as a woman dead

And reflexively she raised the bottle to her mouth again and drank deeply,
coughing slightly as the hot liquid fired her belly. She was beginning to feel
numb again, and wondered if she shouldn't stop drinking, because she wanted a
clear head when she finally found her daughter and/or David Preston. Or did she?
Did she really want to be perfectly aware of what was going on, what veneer she
was going to have to paint on herself in order to act the proper mother toward
Wendy-- when after last night she knew that she wasn't that kind of person
underneath? No, no she wanted to be a little high so that the play- acting could
be easier, and so that she wouldn't have to think about her own guilt so much

Once more she tilted the cognac bottle, and it felt good and warm and comforting
inside her, and she began to feel better, much better, able to handle the
situation, whatever it might be ...

They passed the old landing site for the Prohibition rum-runners, and then the
sprawling Garbonzo estate, now mostly in advanced decay, and turned into a small
inlet which Clyde knew to be a popular area for moonlight "parking," full of
flat little beaches and overhanging trees, with the tall, statuesque pines and
covering shrub climbing on steep hills on both sides, adding to the privacy. He
slowed, idling the engine because the water was shallow and his father's cruiser
had a larger draft than most of the other craft that used this inlet, and he
didn't want to chance shearing a cotter pin or breaking a prop. To Marleen, the
inlet was strange and the darkening shadows of the trees over the lapping water
filled her with portent; she shivered, drinking the brandy in a vain attempt to
ward off the icy grip on her heart ...

Suddenly, Clyde said: "Look! There, Mrs. Franklin!"

Marleen strained forward, trying to clear her somewhat blurred vision; yes,
there was the boat, and she could see the large German Shepherd, King, and the
indistinct outlines of two people on the beach. She couldn't quite make out what
they were doing, however, and asked the boy beside her: "Dear God, what are they
up to?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "We'll have to go and find out."

"I-I'm afraid," she said, drawing back.

"I thought that's what we came out to do!"

"Yes, it is, Clyde, but ..." She couldn't tell him the truth that she was
mortally afraid of what she would discover, of the scene she would be forced to
witness and react to, with the certain knowledge of the horrid consequences. The
bodies she was peering at seemed to be together, so joined, as if ... as if ...
God, she couldn't even let herself think of what it reminded her of! "I've never
spied on Wendy before, Clyde," she said for lack of anything better. "I wouldn't
want her to believe I don't trust her any longer."

"We have to do something," the boy said impatiently. "You'll feel better if you
knew what she was doing, and so would I. But if you don't want me to drive the
cruiser up on them, then we'll stop over there--" he pointed to a similar cove a
hundred yards from the beach on which Wendy and Preston lay, and almost directly
across from him, "--and wade ashore and walk around so that we can see them
without them seeing us. Then we'll know what to do, and they'll never have to
realize they've been watched if we decide to go."

"All-all right, Clyde. I guess that's the best."

He moved as close to shore as he could and killed the engine. He slipped into
the water, and then helped Marleen over the side and into the warm, salty
current. She had her shoes off and held her dress high, the water lapping around
her lower thighs; Clyde could see the outline of her sheer pink panties, the
elastic at the bottom as it hugged her slim, well proportioned legs, and he
couldn't help thinking that her legs were every bit as good as her daughter's,
and when a wave bit her high, drenching her from the waist downwards, the dress
clung to her firm buttocks and he recalled the way Wendy had looked last night
... there was a surge of tingling in his loins, and unwontedly, his cock began
to swell in his trunks, adding a bulge of noticeable size. God damn! He was
actually getting excited by this woman ... what a hell of a thing to happen!

They reached the shore, the dress was lowered, and she put her shoes back on her
slim feet, but her body was still a graceful attraction, distracting the boy
more and more in sheer lascivious fascination. He wrenched his thoughts back to
what he had to do now, and led the frightened mother to a small path at the back
of the clearing, which he knew from experience meandered behind all of the
little coves in a connecting foot trail. They stepped silently along the needled
ground, and had gone about seventy yards when the path dipped on a slant towards
the clearing where Wendy was. King, sensing the approach of strangers, sat up
and barked.

Marleen stiffened. "The dog! Do you think that now they'll know we're here?"

Clyde placed his hand gently on her arm. "Shhh. Let's wait a minute and see. I
don't think so, though ..."

King barked again, and then there was a gruff command which Marleen immediately
knew came from her tenant.

"King! Goddamn it, stop making all that noise ..."

The dog ignored the order, for it began to bark even louder.

The mother and the boy stood in the underbrush, their breaths caught in their
throats, his hand now tighter on her arm, and she in turn was responding by
leaning somewhat toward Clyde for protection.

"King!" Preston snapped, and then strangely he laughed. "Stop it, King, stop
licking my ass! Go on, go over there and lie down. Easy there, big fellow."

Stop licking my ass! His words were like shrapnel to the mother, exploding in
her head with shattering impact. And then, adding insult to injury, making
Marleen stagger backwards and almost fall down, she heard her daughter's higher
voice, thick and distorted, squeal out with intensity she'd never heard before.

"Ohhhh, to hell with that dog, David. More, more, more!"

"Wendy!" Marleen gasped. She bolted for the clearing, and only the hand on her
arm restrained her.

"No, Mrs. Franklin, no!" Clyde hissed. "Let's be careful. That's still the best

"Yes, but hurry," she moaned. She allowed him to guide her to a small spot which
because of the low overhanging tree boughs, she was forced to kneel on the thick
grass and part a bush in front of her in order to see. Clyde was right behind
her, hunkering down so that he could see into the clearing as well ...

There was King, again lying off to one side, eyeing them because he naturally
knew that they were there, but following his master's orders not to interfere
again ... Marleen's vision moved from the dog to the sand and water and ... My
God! to the nakedly writhing couple on the sand, her only daughter and that

"Ahhhhh, fuck me, David, fuck me as hard as you can!" she heard her Wendy cry
out in rapture.

"You little hot vixen, you'll kill me at this rate!" she heard David Preston
rasp cynically. His sinuous body glistened with perspiration, and was on top of
Wendy's beautiful, naked young body, wrapped between her slender, straining
legs, while his powerfully flexed buttocks pumped maddeningly and his lips
nibbled hotly at one tender breast. There was the soft slap of their bodies
meeting and the wet surge of Preston's giant penis as, hard and shining, it
penetrated the soft, once virginal little cunt. Their expressions on both their
faces were of pure lust, their bodies a blending tempo of passion ...

Wendy's mother's mind whirled convulsively, unable because of the brandy to
fully fathom the scene. Her daughter ... but it couldn't be, because Wendy was a
virgin! No, no it's some other girl ...

"Jeee-zus!" Clyde whispered behind her. "Look at Wendy go!"

Marleen wriggled with shock and revulsion, trying to crawl backwards and away,
to go out and stop them, but the boy held her steady.

"Let me go!" she hissed. "Let me go! That's my daughter!"

"I know, I know, but you can't go out there now," Clyde argued. "You do, and
it'll ruin everything. Christ, she'll never forgive you. Talk to her later
tonight, when she's cooled down and you're rational. Talk it out and be
sensible, but don't go out there now!"

"Ohhh," Marleen mewled, tears beginning to flow. "My darling Wendy ..." She
instinctively realized that Clyde was right, that for her to run out and break
them up would only lead to a wild, emotionally uncontrollable scene which might
very well tear the fabric of their filial relationship. She had to be calm about
it, accept the fact that Wendy was experiencing the physical embrace of a man,
and then to confront her later when they could both be more logical ... She
slumped against the boy, delirious with the view of Preston's gleaming cock
sliding fiercely into her young child's wide-splayed belly, sinking his blue-
veined shaft far into her tender cunt lips. Wendy squealed again from the
delights of being so brutally fucked, and her mother winced, thinking in her
dazed, drunken stupor that that was how she had reacted to Howie when he was so
forceful and hot.

Clyde was sucking his breath fervently, his eyes shimmering with the lust-
provoking lewdness of the coupling. His penis jerked painfully in his trunks,
his balls burgeoning with a huge build-up of cum, the cum he'd saved up from
last night's abortive attempt to fuck Wendy. Christ! Wendy loved cock! He'd
never seen anything so utterly abandoned as that little girl's hungry
responsiveness to being pummeled ... and she'd acted the innocent last night,
swearing she was a virgin! What shit that was! Well, he'd get her next time,
he'd see to that; he'd fuck her and fuck her and then drop her prick-teasing
body on her doorstep like the garbage she was ... And as he dreamed of being the
one shoving his cock into the hotly sucking little hole between her legs, he got
more excited than ever, and unwittingly, drawn by the carnality, he pressed
against Mrs. Franklin, his hardening cock sliding in the crevice between her
buttocks as she leaned forward in front of him ...

Marleen was unmindful that she was resting back against the swelling length of
the boy's throbbing cock, causing it to grow larger and stiffer and seep tiny
drops of seminal fluid. Her mind was clouded by the alcoholic miasma of shock
and recollections of what delights a man's penis could bring, and though a
warning voice sounded that she was slipping over the edge again as she had last
night, she didn't hear it or pay any attention. She was beyond all rationality,
her flesh a separate entity from her mind, and she couldn't command her lovely
body to break free from her own bondage or the tightening, thrusting physical
hold that the boy behind her was increasingly pressing upon her. She couldn't do
anything except kneel there and peek through the brush and watch the flagrant
defiling of everything she'd ever considered sacrosanct.

Clyde was moving his erect penis along the smooth, warm curve of her rounded
ass-cheeks, his breathing harsher than ever and he knew that he was becoming
aroused to the point where he'd fuck anything, even that fat pig Rosey, to
relieve the burning pain in his loins. But in front of him was a very desirable
woman--a little old for him perhaps, but like fine wine; this one had mellowed
with age and not turned into vinegar like so many others had. She was there and
she was allowing him to rub his cock up and down her buttocks, and she could be
his to fuck ... He knew it, and he wanted her, he wanted to fuck Mrs. Franklin
while they watched her daughter getting fucked, and not only would that pop his
nuts, but it would be just the right revenge to play on the girl. Crazed with
increasing lust, spurred on by the lascivious sight they'd happened upon, he
began to knead the mother's buttocks gently while he stroked her crevice with
his shaft of hard flesh, and said:

"Look at them, Mrs. Franklin. They're really fucking ..."

"Don't talk that way!" Marleen groaned pitifully. "And ... and take your hands
off of me, Clyde. This instant!"

But Clyde wasn't about to release his hold, and he pressed his stiff member
firmly into her quivering ass, bunching her dress up into the soft yielding
crevice. Then, unable to control himself, he moved one hand forward and around
underneath Wendy's mother, caressing one distended breast, making her squirm and
moan and shake uncontrollably.

"Stop it, Clyde ... Oh God, please stop it ... You don't know what you're
doing," she whispered back at him.

"Yes I do, and you do too, Mrs. Franklin."

Marleen's liquor-crazed, shock-torn mind comprehended then, and she tried to
stop what was going on, but it was futile. She couldn't move, her position a
concrete statue, and his hand on her breast was somehow too pleasant to fight.
And then she became aware for the first time that the boy's penis was hard and
was teasing along the crevice of her buttocks, moving with the same rhythm as
Preston's was in and out of her daughter's open vagina!

Clyde! He was excited by this! My God how could he be!

She was seared by the terrible carnage of her daughter that was happening before
her burning eyes, and she was confused and torn with conflict ... and now her
daughter's boyfriend was kneading her buttocks and breasts while his penis
pressed against her! She had to fight this! She had to fight with all of her
strength, but in such a way that her daughter would never know that she was
here; Good Lord, she must! But the soft fingers gently teasing her breast and
the erect shaft caressing her unresisting cleft was too much for her to bear,
and all she could do was whimper as lascivious crudities were continued upon her
flesh, murmuring over and over:

"No ... No... No ..."

And slowly, intensified by the brandy and frozen by the horrid orgy she was
witnessing, the hapless young mother began to feel strange stirrings of new and
lewd emotions, becoming a mindless cretin hypnotically staring at the perverted
intercourse between Wendy and Preston. She couldn't allow herself to admit that
she was being aroused, that the revolting ugliness which was straining her soul
was being replaced by a tighter, freer sensation coming from deep within her
thighs. The insides of her mouth were dry, but she felt a growing wetness around
her vagina, and she clamped her legs together to shut the unwanted ticklings
off. But the lewdly fascinating sight of her daughter, acting so much the way
she had with Howie when she hadn't been much older, overran her barriers and
defenses, and she couldn't resist the tempting strokes of the boy behind her,
which added fuel of passion to her already hot, drunken brain. Bared to the bone
and marrow of her needs and drives, Marleen Franklin allowed herself to become
what she'd so long denied herself to be: a woman.

A woman!

And the woman, viewing two other humans mating, responded as the basic, natural
female human would: heatedly, passionately, sensuously ... She couldn't fight
it, couldn't put the lid back on after the pressure of the situation had blown
it off. It was too late, and due to the many years of satisfied sexual life with
her late husband, her body was like a Phoenix bird, rising from the ashes of her
past, rather than like her daughter, from the new-birth of discovery. And though
repulsed by the conscious knowledge that it was Wendy out there on the sand
being fucked, at the same time she was drawn strongly by that fact,
subconsciously watching herself as a young girl relishing sex. She felt each
powerful thrust of Preston's cock as if his long shaft was buried deep in her
own cunt, and that only excited her more ... Her nipples were hard nubs of
passion, and lances of prurient desire soared ever stronger through her body;
she had gone without sex too long, and now she was fevered with the
uncontrollable urge to mate, a raging inferno consuming her vagina and hips, and
involuntarily, she thrust her buttocks back against Clyde's prick, drawing it
closer and tighter into the valley between her smooth rounded ass cheeks, moving
her chest so that her breasts rubbed harder against his probing fingers. Breath
spewed in and out in gasps, her nostrils flared, her glazed eyes locked on the
wildly fucking couple a few yards away.

The boy bent Marleen forward slightly with the pressure of his body, his hands
working on her swollen breasts and buttocks, and then he took his hand away from
her backside and lifted the hem of her damp dress upwards, until her bare thighs
were white and shiningly presented to his lusting gaze. He bunched her dress
around her waist and then his nimble fingers slowly caressed the soft silkiness
of her sheer panties, tracing around their secretion band and the deep cleft of
her vaginal lips.

Marleen moaned softly so as not to be heard by the lewdly fucking couple on the

"It feels good, doesn't it?" he whispered lewdly in her ear. "It feels good ...
but it's going to get better!"

The mother tried to pull away, but a ravishing shock rippled along her belly as
Clyde Brooks slipped his hand under her thin panties and inserted his middle
finger into the narrow, sensitive slit of her wetly throbbing pussy, slowly
parting her curly pubic hair and making electric contact with her clitoris. She
sobbed, choking, but there was nothing Marleen could do against the mounting
pleasure suffocating all thoughts of resistance, and to her horror, she
discovered that she was reacting with wetness flowing around his hand and an
unintentional flexing of her loins in a mockery of the act of love. Weakly she
rolled her head back and forth in protest, but couldn't fight back when the boy
bent forward a little more and slid her panties down her full, ripe buttocks and
voluptuous thighs, or when he raised first one leg and then the other to remove
them altogether and throw them aside, stained and dirty.

"God, Clyde, this is insane! Stop it! Please, stop it!"

"Why?" he asked throatily, his fingers once more exploring the now swollen,
aching lips of her vagina. "I want to fuck, you want to fuck ... look at your
daughter, Wendy, and that naked man, Mrs. Franklin, and you'll see that they are
loving it!"

Marleen gaped, her attention riveted momentarily on her daughter and their new
boarder, seeing his thick, fleshy column slide in Wendy's wet, hair-fringed
little cunt, and the cords along her inner thighs hard and gripping as she
pushed her tight pink pussy up over his gleaming shaft, slithering up Preston's
cock, her heaving thighs and buttocks churning the sand, his hairy balls
slapping in time against her faintly puckered anus.

"See that, Mrs. Franklin?" Clyde taunted, and he began to wrench his bathing
suit down, his urge to fuck his girlfriend's mother beyond all control. "See?
She's got her legs spread wide open so that his cock can fuck her deep, right up
to her belly!"

"Ohhhhhh, God," moaned the abjectly defeated woman. She saw out of the corner of
her eye that the boy was removing his trunks, and saw his hard, thick cock in
his hand as it leapt full-sized from his loins. Then she felt him spread her
buttocks and guide his penis forward, its thin shine of lubrication over its
purplish head wetting unnecessarily her already matted pubic hair. She groaned
as the first hard pressure teased against her pussy lips and she automatically
moved her buttocks around so that it was just right and poised rigidly at her
moistly waiting channel ...

"I'm going to fuck you now, Mrs. Franklin," Clyde wheezed.

"Yes, oh yes!" She no longer cared who it was, whether he was a boy or an old
man, just so long as he had a cock to shove in her. She spread her thighs wider
and he slid his penis into her tender flesh, and slammed all the way until every
last throbbing inch of his fleshy shaft was gripped deep up in her unresisting
vagina. She felt fantastically warm and was reduced to a state of quivering,
seething womanhood. Oh God, he feels good inside me ... I'd forgotten just how
good a man can make me feel ...

Clyde drew his swollen cock out of her hotly clinging cunt and then slid it home
again, drawing it out once more to stare down at its full glistening length,
slick with her lubrications, and then he surged forward into a pattern of
fucking, a pumping into her cuntal passage in the same tempo as Preston was
fucking Wendy.

"Ahhhhh," Marleen crooned delightedly, unable to restrain her agonizing yet
rapturous moanings which burst like bubbles from her lungs. "Ahhhhh, yes ...
Yes!" Her legs twitched and her toes curled and dug into the soft grass and moss
and she lurched back to receive more of his heavenly pounding cock, her fists
gripping the bush in front of her. "Ohhhhh, yeeeeesssss!"

The mother's firm breasts danced wildly below her churning body, her bra barely
able to contain them. Clyde bucked and twisted, kneading her naked white
buttocks convulsively, wrapping the hot, moist, shimmering flesh tight around
his pistoning shaft, his mind insane with the pressure of his impending climax,
his testicles a ferment of lust, Wendy's mother was lost in the throes of lewd,
unchecked sensations which she realized signaled an orgasm ... God! An orgasm!
How long had it been since a man had given her an orgasm? Years! Six years ...
and how could she have been so blind to deny her body this delight! The very
thought of her near climax made her join in and match the hardened thrusts which
her daughter's young boyfriend threw into her cunt with ever increasing
rapidity. She had to cum ... she had to cum ... she had to achieve that
rapturous and ultimate release!

She continued to stare at her daughter, her grown seed, as Wendy bucked and
howled from the same building demand for orgasm. Marleen watched with lust-
fogged eyes as the teenage girl jack-knifed her legs straight up in the air and
a high, thin wail bubbled from her lips. Her daughter was there! Wendy was
cumming! The girl beat her hands on Preston's glistening back, her lips pulled
over her white, sharp teeth, her eyes clenched shut.

"Ahhhhh! I'm cumming again, David! I'm ... cuuuummmmiinnnggg!"

Preston's large body hurtled downwards without restriction in an insane fury as
his own climax hit, and his balls convulsed with their spasming shoots of hot
sperm, inundating the tight pink belly of the girl beneath him for the third--or
was it the fourth--time that day, mingling with his other orgasms and her
lubrications, gushing from her tightly locked hole and spewing onto her buttocks
and the sand below.

The mother's vagina gaped in greedily responding passion, taking all of the
young boy's penis that he was now sawing mercilessly into her, and then she felt
his cock expanded like a huge, unrelenting animal, filling her with a raging and
hurtling torrent of thick, sticky cum. It was a dream ... a delirious nightmare!
God, may she never wake up from it! Gusher after gusher poured through his
virile young shaft, filling her eagerly milking cunt to its brim.

"Yesssss!" she squealed loudly, unmindful of where she was or who might hear,
overcome by the heated spurts of boyish semen which lashed her cervix and the
tidal wave of her own climax. She came. Oh Lord above, she came! "Ahhhhh!"

It was the most beautiful thing that she could remember ever having happened to
her since Howie died. The last time she'd been made love to was so dim in her
memory that it was almost like this was her first time all over again, and
incomprehensible gurglings rose ecstatically from her slender throat, and she
was all but rendered unconscious by the sledge-hammer blow of her orgasm. Her
legs grew limp and she slid forward, off the now limp penis of the boy behind
her, blissfully satiated ...

But after a moment's respite, a semblance of sanity returned and she saw now
with clear vision her daughter, barely old enough to know what sex was about,
wrapped in the arms of their boarder, David Preston, but sitting up with her
legs bent in such a way as to show the soft matted pubic hair of her recent
climax, the older man's glistening white sperm clinging in tiny droplets to it.
And Wendy was staring, her eyes as big as saucers, right at her mother.

Marleen froze, humiliation and terror replacing the joy of a second ago, and
tears flooded down her face as she realized that her cry of orgasmic release had
been heard by her daughter and Preston, and that she and Clyde had been

She slowly staggered upright, bent over to retrieve her flimsy panties, benumbed
and sick, her senses a whirlwind of contrition. Without really thinking about
what she was doing, only feeling that it was the only thing, the best thing
under the circumstances, she turned and slowly started for her daughter.

"Wendy ..."


Chapter 6

Marleen's shrill yell of orgasmic release, as loud and tremulous as it was,
blasted at Wendy's brain, sliced through her own climactic satiation, her first
reaction being that she had been discovered in this lewd spectacle by strangers.
She didn't know who or what had come along, only that somebody had and was
screaming with terror or indignation or revulsion, and she raised herself from
the warming, loving arms of David Preston, nearly fainting with fear, shaking
the last comatose vestiges of her passionate response from her terror- stricken
mind, the delights of cumming with this man's penis ejaculating in her lost as
the need for escape ran rampant through her mind.

Then, with a terrifying burst of recognition, she saw her mother! Her mother! Oh
God above, nothing could be worse than this, the young teenager thought in
wretched horror, that split second of comprehension that her mother was a few
feet away searing itself on her reeling brain like a branding iron. She moaned
as her eyes locked with her mother's, and then she looked down at herself, at
her fresh, young skin flushed pink with her excitement, her dark-tipped breasts
heaving and glistening with beads of sweat, and her pubic area nestling in
between her clenched thighs, with their swollen, inflamed lips and abused cunt;
at the whole of her naked, curvaceous body--and she wanted the beach to open up
and swallow her into the hell she deserved.

Her vision took it in, her mind absorbed the view, but what happened next came
so suddenly as to blot out evaluation other than the immediate one of who and
where she was, and who had caught her nakedly entwined with a man like this. Her
mother stood up from behind the concealing shrubbery, and a whole new picture of
the depraved scene presented itself to shock the teenager almost insensate. Her
mother wasn't standing in gaped-eyed horror at her daughter's lewdness, ready to
bolt in tear-filled disgust--she was tottering in shame, holding a pair of wet,
pink panties in her hand, her face blanched the color of white flour and her
expression that of shame and humiliation!

Wendy's whole chest and throat felt as if a steel band was being tightened, for
she tried to speak, but couldn't. She was immobile, held rigid by
uncomprehending, tormenting, disbelief, but as the bushes parted and her mother
started slowly across the small distance of sand to her, she saw for the first
time exactly what the whole, filthy situation was like, and, in total
disillusionment, the force of pent-up air inside her burst forth:


"Wendy!" The wail sounded as if coming from the death-bed of a terminal patient
in the last agonies of pain, and Marleen Franklin crossed toward Wendy and
Preston the way a condemned man is led to the gallows- -without a choice, but
devoutly wishing there was one ...

The stunned daughter stared wildly at the rumpled dress and ivory, naked thighs
and the long rivulets of sperm which were staining trickles of consummated
intercourse down the insides of her legs ... and if there had been any doubt in
Wendy's mind as to what had been going on, it was dispelled by the naked torso
of Clyde Brooks behind her, crouched on the ground, his drained young penis
rapidly deflating, but still hard enough and glistening enough to show the
traces of what he'd been doing to her mother. In that instant, Wendy realized
that her mother had just been fucked by her boyfriend while spying on her and
David! It was impossible but true! She couldn't ignore the facts, and the facts
made her fling herself from the older man she'd been fucking, her face drained
of blood and her soul surging with loathing and horror.

Her own mother! That was the horrible part, for such a decadent act as this was
to be expected from such a boy as Clyde--but it was her prudish, Victorian
mother, that pillar of do-goodism and purity, that she couldn't control the
unreasoning anger which seized her, and emitting an animal-like growl of
disgust, and vengeance, she cried out:


Marleen staggered from the blow of castigation, flinging an arm across her eyes.
"Wendy, please Wendy ..."

"Don't talk to me! Don't say one word of explanation!" the girl shrieked, her
emotions swirling in her head, "You're nothing but a nympho!"

"Oh God," Marleen moaned, sinking to the sand, unable to make her feet go a step
further to her daughter. This was the final point of no return. No longer could
she hope to hold her darling child in her lap and cuddle her, or warmly and
tenderly give her advice, or offer her security or mothering; tears flooded down
her dress from the soul- sickness and self-loathing with filled her, and she
shook as if infected with yellow fever from the knowledge that she had lost her
daughter by the betrayal of her body and the moral turpitude that she'd allowed
to blank her mind. Her guilt had been bad enough the night before, but then
she'd been alone and could make adjustments--but now, this time it wasn't in
private, it was in front of two men and Wendy, and she knew that she was sick,
no better than the whore her daughter spat as an accusation.

"What the hell are you so upset about, Wendy?" Preston said, still sprawled on
the sand and grinning a knowing smirk. At first he'd been as afraid as Wendy,
but having adjudged the situation, realized that the mother had been fucking
right along with them, he was feeling damned good. He was safe, and perhaps he
could turn things around now and score with Marleen, making a mother-daughter
combination out of things ... "I mean it, little one," he said as Wendy turned
to stare incredulously at him. "What was your mother doing that you weren't?"

"That's different!" she yelled hotly, standing naked and wet, but defiantly with
her small fists clenched to her firm, smooth hips. For Wendy was being ruled by
hurt and pride, determined to believe that what had happened to her was somehow,
some way all her mother's fault, refusing to admit to herself in the heat of the
moment that any blame could be attached to her or that there was the slightest
excuse for her mother's actions. And again, the closeness which had tied her and
her mother so strongly since her father's death had instilled an image of her in
Wendy's mind that no human being could possibly live up to, and a love which
bordered on adoration--the combination once so binding was now reversed, and the
girl was enraged and bitter with the feeling of having been betrayed.

"Sure it is," Clyde said snidely, coming over. He, too, was now enjoying the
scene. It was the perfect aftermath to his revenge, and after seeing that the
older man wasn't the least bit concerned about covering himself or trying to
stammer out some stupid reason for having fucked the girl, he saw that where
once the two females might have caused him and the man untold damage--legally
and socially--now the tables had been turned. And Wendy had been the one to do
it, with her stuck-up, snotty bitchiness; he didn't want Mrs. Franklin to suffer
however, and only wanted to make things more difficult for the daughter, so he
sneered at Wendy, contemptuous of her facade of righteous indignation. He ogled
her outrageous stance, the sticky cum from Preston's many orgasms plastered to
her pubic curls and alabaster skin, her nipples still hard from their arousal
and wet from their many kissings, and her firm, tender body which was covered
with the prints of the strong hands which had gripped her.

"You're a fine one to talk, you little prick-teaser," he snarled. "Wouldn't let
me fuck you last night, but you sure loved it here with this guy. So what makes
you Miss Snow-White when you find out that your mom isn't any saint? It's not
different at all."

"You--" Wendy was beside herself with fury. "You bastard! Don't you dare talk to
me like that! I could kill you!"

"What for?" Preston asked calmly, looking up. "Why should you want to kill him?"

"For ... For ..." the girl gasped, choking. She waved her hands at her mother.
"For this!"

"Mm," the man said, pursing his lips. "Would this be your boyfriend you were
telling me about? Clyde?"

"He's no boyfriend of mine!"

"But he was fucking your mother, and now you want to kill him."

A low moan of agony bubbled from Marleen's lips and she sobbed in a limp heap on
the sand in a futile effort to cover her shame.

"Yes!" Wendy snapped at Preston, "for fucking my mother!"

"In that case, doesn't your mother have the right to kill me first? Weren't we
fucking before they were? Well? Aren't you naked, caught in the act? You call
your mother a whore and a nymphomaniac, but if that's true, aren't you the

"But she's my mother!" Wendy cried out, shaken by the onslaught of the two
males. "Was she horrified that her daughter was being practically raped? No! She
got turned on and ended up rutting like some beast, like a bitch with your
damned dog, only with a boy half her age! That's the difference, Mr. Preston!"

"Ohhhh," the mother wailed, cringing as if the words she heard were lashings
from a barbed whip. "God forgive me, God forgive us all." She stretched up, her
hands clasped imploringly in front of her toward Wendy. "You forgive me, my
child. Please say you do."

Wendy only turned her back. "I'll never forgive you for what you did. Spying on
me like some horny old voyeur in a peep-show, getting your kicks, ending up
screwing Clyde."

"Oh, darling, I couldn't help myself. You mustn't hate me, Wendy, you mustn't.
I've been so long without a man ..."

"So she saw us," Preston threw back. "Big deal. So she got excited by it, well
that's human, too. Sex is exciting, Wendy; why do you think there's so much of
it around? Look at the ads, the books, the films. Jesus, grow up and stop being
such a prude."

"A prude!" Wendy blurted. "I'm not a prude!"

"You sure the hell are. You loved fucking with me, and yet you refuse to allow
your mother the same God-given privilege, and refuse to admit that you were
doing the exact same thing, right down to getting hot watching! You did get hot,
didn't you, watching your mother fingering herself last night."

"No," she said too quickly, blushing. "I was sickened."

"You ... you saw me?" Marleen asked incredulously and in a hushed, hoarse voice.
"You saw ...?" Oh God, it was worse than ever!

"Well, I don't care if I did get hot," Wendy snapped defensively at Preston.
"You sound as if you think it was great that my mother was doing it with Clyde
while watching us."

"I do ... as long as she enjoyed it," he replied smugly.

"And, and I bet you'd like to fuck her yourself!"

"Yeah, I would, she'd be damned fine." He grinned lasciviously. "Fuck a hell of
a lot like you, I'd guess."

"Ohhhhh!" the disturbed teenager moaned, and she whirled around and dashed from
the beach, tears of humiliation and confusion, anger and bitterness flying from
her eyes, the shock of finding her mother making love to Clyde coupled with her
own loss of innocence and the smarting remarks by Preston too much for her
dazed, benumbed senses to handle. Her only thought was to run--run anywhere as
long as it was away from there. She crashed and stumbled down the path, not
minding the briars and whipping branches that seemed to try and stop her. There
was no more she could say or do, not now, not at any time. She'd never go back
to her mother; never, never, never!

"Wendy!" Clyde yelled, and spun to start after her, but Preston placed a
restraining hand on his arm, preventing the boy from hurtling in chase for the
girl. "Let go! Let go, you son of bitch!" Clyde roared at the man. "I've got to
get to her before--"

"Before nothing," Preston said sternly. "There's not a thing you can do for her
right now, and you'd only make matters worse. Believe me. Stay here."


"Her mother is the one who should go after Wendy."

From the quivering, wretched woman lying on the ground came the murmuring,
trembling chant, "No ... No ... No."

"Yes, Marleen," Preston said, hunkering his naked body down beside her. "You
must talk to her, somehow convince her that what she saw and did wasn't some
horrid sin."

Mrs. Franklin felt as if she was made of molten lead, her muscles ties of
spasming knots which made her want to jump, but the pain in her mind throbbed
with an irrational heat which forced her to lie still. She couldn't think,
couldn't act ... everything was secondary to the shame and remorse she wallowed
in, the indelible self-accusation that she was everything her daughter had
called her far more damning than Wendy's invectives. What difference did it make
whether Wendy was being made love to, what excuse was it that her child was
doing it first? None-- for that was what Wendy was, a child, easily led astray;
she as her mother should be there to save her, to defend her innocence from
sensuality instead of becoming a lewd partner in the wild debauchery. Her long
entombed desires, bursting into freedom from the erotic presence of Preston, the
brandy, and then the lascivious sight on the beach were the reasons for her
actions, but not exonerations. She wanted to die ...

"Listen to me, Marleen," Preston said softly.

"No, go away," she mewled defenselessly. "Leave me alone ..."

"You want your daughter to forgive you, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, but she won't. She can't."

"Nonsense! She shouldn't have to forgive you, because there's nothing to forgive

"Oh God, there is," she croaked fervently. "I was like an animal, just like your
dog's bitches in heat, just like Wendy said."

"You were a human being. A woman, enjoying a man the way nature intended you to,
and built half of your body to, and regulates your chemistry too. I told Wendy
to be honest with herself, and I'm telling you the same thing, and if you'll be
honest, you'll see that you had one hell of a good time and nobody was harmed,
not as long as you don't go around thinking sex is dirty."

"I never had another man except my husband," Marleen groaned. "Marriage ... love
... fidelity ..." she babbled in a husky broken shell of a voice.

"Sure, and when you find a man to love again, then the sex you have will be
fuller and more meaningful than any other, but there's also the sensible truth
that sex for physical gratification is also an important part to a healthy
person's life. Now stop blaming yourself for being what you are and go after
Wendy. She needs you ..."

For a moment, the mother hesitated in mindless turmoil, trying to sort out her
upheaval of moral outlook. The amorality which Preston was propositioning was
against everything she'd ever believed in or taught Wendy to revere, and he was
wrong ... And yet, she had liked seeing her daughter and Preston making love,
liked it and became excited by it and had reveled in Clyde's young penis driving
hotly up inside her vagina-- and it had been all too obvious that her daughter
had loved Preston's cock inside her, too. She shook her head; how could she even
admit that she wanted it this way? The revelation that she did made matters even
worse, bothering her still more, for now she was sure she was sick and
perverted, feeling no true shame for her actions, but only an emptiness and ache
inside her belly which was even now crying out for more. Her flesh had not only
betrayed her, but she knew intuitively it would again and again, if and when the
opportunities arose.

Slowly, like an automaton, she rose and straightened her wrinkled dress. She
averted her eyes, wet and puffed, from Clyde and the man who had taken her
daughter's virginity, a shiver of nausea rippling through her as she considered
once again Wendy and her hatred. But in the one fact that she had to go after
her daughter again, Preston was right. She had to make every effort to reconcile
their disgraces, to rebond the tight adhesion between them. It was with that one
slim hope, and the prayer that Wendy would have cooled down a little by the time
she reached her, that made Marleen lurch forward in the direction her daughter
had fled.

"What do we do now?" Clyde asked, puzzled.

"We wait," Preston said confidently. "We wait and let nature take her course.
And then, in a little while, we'll go looking for them. You, me ... and King."

* * *

Wendy Franklin, once virgin, once so sure of herself, slumped to the moss-
covered ground in a small glade, panting exhaustedly from her running exertion
and emotional frenzy. Her skin was pale and flowing with cold water in place of
blood, and she was as confused a little girl as any could have been. She lay
down, letting the last warming rays of the sun filter through the trees and
dapple her soft skin, and she tried to sort out her ambivalent feelings now that
the first, blushing shock of all that had transpired was wearing off.

Mentally she was enmeshed in the guilt of having succumbed to temptation and
allowed herself to display her sweet; tender pussy to Clyde last night, and
abandon herself to David Preston today, and she swallowed and looked ashamedly
down at her young, firm body with its snowy breasts and flat stomach and dark
triangle of fleecy pubic hair, and she had to admit that there weren't any signs
of dissipation, that outwardly there was no way of telling that she had just
been soundly fucked--except for the dried patches of Preston's sperm on her
matted pubic hair and white, trembling thighs. Miserably, she realized that
although her dream had been hopelessly shattered, that now her husband- -whoever
he might be someday--would no longer be able to tenderly enter her and possess
her as a virginal bride, she wasn't entirely filled with abomination. There were
the long-standing agonies to contend with, but they were in the back of her mind
now, all of the warnings she'd been weaned on so much hot air after seeing her
mother and Clyde.

Her mother. She couldn't believe it about her, a woman so prim and proper about
sex and morality, suddenly rolling in lewdness as if she was ... she was ...
Wendy sat up, her eyes wide open and her mouth agape at the shock of the
realization which tore through her reveries. Say it, she commanded herself; be
honest with yourself if with no one else--and to the woods and the silent world
around her, she said it out loud:

"My mother was acting like me!"

The trees bounced her words, making them echo in her ears, and for the first
time, the young teenager saw the wisdom in Preston's remarks. There was no
difference between her and her mother; both of them were capable of sex! She saw
now that her lashings were irrational, her accusations unjustified, and her
mother's anguished plea to be forgiven and understood the really important
thing. She bit her lower lip, wishing she could go back and change what had
happened, and beg her mother for forgiveness and understanding and love in
return, and then perhaps the two of them could make a joint effort to face their
collective lives ahead with meaning and pride.

Wendy was no longer filled with anger or loathing, but with a new and consuming
closeness and love for her mother who had also just been fucked soundly by her
boyfriend, just as she had been fucked by Preston. She wanted to rush back and
tell her mother this discovery, for she vowed that from this second on, there
would be no more false pretenses, no guilt or shame about what they were or
would be in the future, and this knowing and sharing would bring them together
closer than ever before.

The lovely young child smiled, suddenly free, and she stretched out and thought
that later, when things had calmed down, she and Mother could have a real heart-
to-heart talk privately and openly. And she would tell her mother all about how
she had lost her virginity today and wasn't sorry about it, any more than she
was sorry that Clyde and her mother had been watching her and doing it at the
same time. It was exciting thinking about that ... about the way David Preston
had split her little hymen, ravished her cunt, her breasts swollen and aching
from his hands and lips, and the way she'd willingly allowed the man to fuck her
over and over ...

And hidden behind her had been her mother, on all fours, her dress hiked around
her waist, writhing in some lewd dance of lust, her body arching and quaking
from the glistening hard cock that was being pumped demonically into her
vagina--the vagina which had produced Wendy ...

The marijuana, fed in such large quantities into her system, but temporarily
balanced by the trauma of being found by, and finding out about, her mother,
came back stronger than ever, making the erotic scenes vivid in Wendy's mind.
Once more her heated blood beat headily with its effects, forcing her brain to
dream and her flesh to react ...

She looked down at her nakedness once more, the little girl exploring her
breasts and loins as the salacious thoughts filtered behind her eyes, and she
found her body still sensitive in a delightful, tingling way, her moist young
pussy still swollen and pink, her soft fringe of curling pubic hair parted to
show her wet, tantalizing little vaginal hole. She slowly drew a finger there in
curiosity, wondering what it was like now that a man's penis had invaded it, and
she concluded that it was only slightly larger and far more sensitive than
before; she let her finger draw its way from her tiny hairless anus to her
throbbing little clitoris ... David's cum is still wet and deep in my tight,
newly awakened pussy, she thought warmly, no longer subject to the shameful
feeling of sordidness she'd felt before.

Wendy placed a hand on her tender breasts then, and she recalled how she'd
watched with lewd fascination as her mother had massaged her own breasts while
masturbating last night, and then she remembered how Preston had taken hers and
made them come alive. Yes, alive, taut and puckish in uplifting supplication,
and made her beg for his huge, ramrod cock to salve her palpitating cunt. She
squeezed her breasts, feeling the surging of passion, and her thumb flicked
gingerly over the hard, quivering nipple ...

God! What is the fire I feel? Wendy gulped, her breath ragged and pulsating.
Control yourself ... She gazed at her nude loins, seeing them outwardly calm but
sensing them to be already burning with newly kindled desire. I just got fucked
... I can't be wanting more ... But she was, partly because of her freedom and
introduction to the adult world of sex, and partly due to the aphrodisiac
qualities of the marijuana which the unscrupulous David Preston had tricked her
into smoking, and which was a rampant fog obliterating her normal tendencies.
Her pink-rimmed cunt lips twitched and spasmed through the slight covering of
pubic hair, and as sore as her vagina was, she spread her legs and drew the lips
apart so that her pink flesh and clitoris were visible to her, and she gazed
spellbound by the darker, wetter opening where Preston had so recently shoved
his merciless cock over and over, and into which he'd spewed his continual loads
of seething white cum. Groaning, she lay back on the soft mat of grass and moss,
the blood fermenting as still more memories of Preston's thick, pulsing cock and
heavy testicles and her mother's full-breasted and desire-hot body responding

Her hips dug into the earth and before Wendy could gather the strength to resist
the compelling flames in her belly and pussy, she began rubbing her hand up and
down her dark, moist vagina and smooth, satin- soft inner thighs, her fingers
moving gently over her coral-tinged pussy lips. A roaring tide of arousal flowed
over her as she did, and she started to heave and pump as she became more
engrossed in her naked abandonment.

I can't stop myself ... But I don't want to, not any longer. I want to do
everything, feel everything ... and this isn't wrong, it can't be wrong ...
because Mother was doing it to herself ...

Marleen walked in a sort of stumbling, determined lurch, coming upon Wendy wide-
splayed under a tree before she really knew what she was witnessing. She sucked
in her breath, her eyes bulging as she saw her daughter jerking her hips off the
ground and exposing her moist, hair- rimmed cunt to the world, and she was
horrified to see Wendy's slender fingers pistoning with the regularity of a
penis inside her throbbing hole. She stared, enamored for some unknown reason,
unable to tear her eyes from the wanton display of self-arousal, at where she'd
seen Preston's cock slide in and out and overflow it with his sperm, and which
now was being ruthlessly manipulated by Wendy herself.

The teenager was unaware that her mother was watching, whipping her fingers deep
in her lust-dampened furrow, her legs bent wide to allow herself full access as
she desperately massaged her slim youthful pussy-slit, her pink vaginal flesh
red with excitement and her breasts rising and falling as she clenched her
teeth, her head back and eyes shut.

"Wendy," her mother moaned at the depths to which her daughter had sunk.

Wendy looked up dreamily but never slackened her throbbing rhythm. She didn't
care that her mother saw her like this, and in fact was glad, for this was the
only way they could ever get together as she so fervently desired now. That, and
the exquisite pleasure in her loins and flaming cunt was too good to halt; she
had to continue to her climax. She smiled warmly, her answering voice throaty
and in gasps.

"Dear mother ... I love you ..."

"You don't! You're doing this to torture me!" Marleen wailed. "You saw me last
night doing this, and now ... now you want me to feel even worse than I already
do. Stop it! I beg of you to forgive me and stop torturing me!"

"You ... you don't understand, Mother. I love you, I really do ... and I'm
fingering myself because I enjoy it. We both know we play with our pussies, and
there's nothing to be ashamed of. Love me ... please come here and love me ..."

"You, you don't hate me?" Marleen asked incredulously.

"No, no longer--we're alike ... Ahhhh, this feels good, almost as good as a cock
inside me ... We're the same, you and I ... you've got the same right for sex
... as I do!"

"Darling!" Marleen cried out, and dropped beside her daughter, hugging her naked
body to her, unable to comprehend the sudden change, but too relieved to
question it. Her child didn't hate her ... and that's all that mattered. Still
Wendy didn't stop her manipulations, nestling close to her mother's breast, but
her hand a burning, surging slave to her physical drives. Marleen tried to avert
her eyes from the splayed cunt, at her child's loins undulating against her and
the tender agitated pussy.

"Stop it, darling." she moaned. "You must, really."

"No," Wendy gurgled ecstatically. "I watched you ... last night I watched you do
the same thing to your cunt and I ... I got excited as hell. Doesn't this excite
you?" She panted breathlessly and parted her thighs wider and rotated her naked
buttocks around, her fingers moving and encircling her sparse pubic curls and
swollen vaginal lips as she pumped madly into her cuntal tunnel. Her brain was
on fire from her delights, and goaded on to faster and faster action by the
marijuana Preston had made her smoke. She couldn't stop--she didn't want to
stop- -and she had to make her mother understand this.

Marleen's gaze was fixed on her daughter's cunt, her belly a thousand
butterflies. She was awfully mixed up, because she had expressly gone after
Wendy to try and be open and honest with her, only to find out that she was now
the one who was being afraid to face reality. She'd lain in her bed last night
and listened to Preston having his penis sucked and done the very thing her
daughter was doing now, and she'd loved the feeling then ... and as she watched
now, she was drawn strongly by the natural attraction of flesh and blood, and
she cringed, only to be pulled yet closer. It scared her, and made her throat go
dry and as if trying to comfort herself, she soothingly caressed her daughter's
naked back and shoulders, smelling the young, sweet hair and feeling Wendy's
taut breasts against her bra-encased mounds. She suddenly realized that her
child's question had to be answered, and it was with wrenching terror that
Marleen sensed that her thighs were actually tingling with some kind of
unwanted, perverted response to Wendy's immorality.

"Tell me ... tell me, Mother," Wendy demanded. "Doesn't this excite you? Ahhhh,
it feels so goood ..."

"Wendy--" Her mother moaned, a deep moistness pervading her empathetic, dilating
cunt, and little droplets of desire started to form on the fleecy pubic hair
covering her softly swelling vaginal lips. She groaned and tried to fight off
her natural inclinations, clenching her inner thighs together. "Wendy, darling

"I'm being honest! I'm being grown-up enough to admit it," the drug- driven
young teenager moaned. "Please Mother, please if you value our love ..."

"Wendy--" She shuddered as she stared harder at her child's glistening lips and
rosette of her rectal opening, for she was excited, becoming more excited all
the time, and she was forced to admit that she was strangely attracted by her
daughter's dainty pink flesh and nestling clitoris and the delirium of Wendy's
whipping masturbations. "Wendy," she heard herself say chokingly, "Yes, Wendy,
I'm excited. Oh God, I'm excited by you!"

"Mother ... Dearest, loving Mother ..."

She took her hand from her breast then, unable to control the insatiable desire
to touch her mother, and one trembling finger brushed against Marleen's satiny,
firm thigh, moving upwards under the short summer dress. Wendy had always
considered love between women as abhorrent, but as her hand massaged her
inflamed pussy and clitoris, the teenager was charged with the contact of her

"Wendy!" her mother gasped, a sudden electric shock convulsing her body from the
lancing touch of Wendy's fingers on her burning loins. It was the soft, feather-
light creeping to her quivering vagina, the sight of her child's sensitive pink
flesh and the way it flowered to the rubbing hand, the sights and sounds of
Wendy making love on the beach and the joy of the young boy, Clyde's, penis
fucking her ... It was everything mingling with her strong, maternal love--and
it was not to be denied. She trembled and moaned from the salacious and
unwelcome passions gripping her belly and breasts, for now Wendy had reached her
moistly hot cunt and was moving up and down as she was in her own pussy, and
Marleen was unable to stop from arching her buttocks and letting one leg slowly
bend in response.

"Stop, darling ... Ohhhh, stop this. It isn't right ... We're women, we're
mother and daughter ... Ohhh, it isn't natural ..."

"Pleasure is the only thing natural," Wendy said thickly. "The rest is
artificial and false ... Look at all of the pain and suffering we've gone
through. No longer, Mother ... I love you too much to allow it to happen again."

Marleen couldn't reply, her voice caught in her throat, and her body wracked as
her mind cried out in rejection.

"Yes, you are excited, Mother. You like this as much as I do, and your pussy's
so hot that you can't stand it." She stopped her own fingerings now, intent on
sliding her one hand in and out of her mother's cunt and using her other to
unbutton the dress. "You love me rubbing your vagina, just like you love
fingering yourself or having a man's cock inside you ... I want you naked, naked
and beside me, because I want you to love me, love me deeply ..."

Marleen's face grew crimson. It's true, she thought miserably. She trembled with
the ecstasy from her child's hand, realizing what the admission meant. Ripples
of loathing coursed through her, but all was over-ridden by the inundation of
her passion. No ... not my own daughter ... But her body heaved and pumped
against Wendy's invading thrusts, her thighs widening as she was slowly
undressed by the slim trembling fingers of her daughter. She was writhing on the
moss now, more abandoned and out of control than ever before in her life, and
she opened her mouth so that she could breathe better, only to find herself
kissing Wendy's small ear tenderly. A thrilling desire to be released from the
burning flames of the stimulation flooded her tormented mind, and unable to stop
herself, she raised herself up and crossed her arms, removing the partially
opened dress. It was a mute but unmistakable signal of surrender to the forces
which were fully controlling her body and senses, and she didn't care ... she
couldn't have avoided it if she had.

Wendy unclipped her mother's brassiere and threw it aside, and trailed a moist
hand across Marleen's trembling skin, pressing her fingers harder into her cunt
and then bending forward and kissing the tender nipple of one throbbing, white
breast. She sucked as if she was a baby again, feeding at the bosom, nibbling
with her teeth and feeling her mother's flesh palpitate as she curled her tongue
around the enflamed tit.

Marleen sighed from the intense stabs of pleasure which cascaded from the
tingling white flesh of her inner thighs as Wendy's fingers rubbed up and down
her open vaginal valley and grazed her erect clitoris as it teased the moist,
clenched hole of her rectum. She whimpered as her daughter slid down beside her,
nuzzling her whole body with hers, breasts to breasts, thigh to thigh, cunt to
cunt, and she looked into the innocent, sweet face and saw the smile and
sparkling eyes and she quivered with expectation.

"Kiss me, Mother," Wendy whispered, breathing heavily.

What's possessed me? her confused mind chanted. What's possessed us both? She
stiffened as Wendy's warm lips closed over hers, and a darting tongue probed
along her slightly parted mouth. After an instant of hesitation, the mother
surrendered totally and opened her lips and let her daughter's tongue slide in,
and their mouths fused hotly, and she found herself responding with all the
passion she had ever had for her husband, sucking and drinking the warm saliva
from Wendy's tender mouth.

"Yes ... Yes ... Yes I want you, darling Wendy," she murmured as they broke
apart, the wild abandonment to her own lewd desires making her head roll and her
mind abandon itself to lesbianism--to incestual lesbianism--her brain totally
destroyed by the lewd and perverted hot fire of lust consuming her cunt and
breasts and mouth. After all the pain and suffering she'd gone through,
beginning with the slow, torturous progression of years of denial, the
culminating in shame and unleashed drives in one searing moment of libertine
freedom, now nothing mattered except surrender to the crazed desires that
charged electrically through her--and her daughter's--wildly undulating bodies.

"Ohhhhh ..." Wendy mewled with rapture.

"I want to kiss you, Mother ... I want to kiss your cunt ..."

"Oh, no, darling," Marleen Franklin whimpered. "Not that, that's awful ... I
never even allowed your father to do that to me."

Her daughter shivered and moaned, but began to slide away, kissing her mother on
her heaving breasts and running fire-hot trails of tongue and lips down her
soft, flat stomach and rounded abdomen, down farther to where her fingers were
pumping with maddening bliss. Marleen raised her head to watch in half-
revulsion, half-captivation as her voluptuous child moved around--she didn't
think Wendy could do it, would do it-- but the teenager was already wriggling
her lovely young moon-shaped buttocks over her face, her legs and thighs
straddling Marleen's panting mouth and nose, and the mother stared with wide
eyes up at the young, barely mature pink slit of her child's cunt, and the moist
wetness of Preston's sperm still gleaming on her soft, dark pubic hair.

Wendy gasped torturedly, all thoughts of right or wrong melting in the blast-
furnace of her depraved emotions. She breathed in the beautiful bouquet of
genital aroma coming from her mother's softly pulsating cunt, her own pussy
below generating devils of sensuality and lust, and while she kept telling
herself mindlessly that this was disgusting and that she had gotten carried away
with the intensity of her love for her mother and should stop this, the small
tendrils of shame and loathing which still clung to her soul only made what she
wanted to do all the more lasciviously delightful and ravaging. Unable to
control her secret longings any more, she dropped her head forward and blew a
searing flame of hot breath into the open, pink well of her mother's naked

"Aggggghhhhhh ..." Marleen gritted through clenched teeth. But even as she tried
to break free from the warm embrace she and Wendy were in, Wendy was planting
long, fevered kisses around her thighs and lower belly, all around her
passionately throbbing cunt which was roaring with unrequited needs, swelling
and expanding the inner walls and outer lips. Marleen's mind whirled with
indecision as her child caressed her loins with hands and mouth, but she was
able to pull some semblance of resistance together long enough to clench her
thighs and buttocks together. The whole concept of mouth to genitals had
sickened her previously--now it was a hundred times and hundred worse, for it
was a young girl wanting to kiss and suck her vagina, a girl who was her own

Wendy stared at her mother's tightly closed slit, at the way it quivered with
desire, at the enticing pink flesh just hidden by the honeydewed black curly
hair that her own fingers had raised to a froth of excitement, and she couldn't
hold out any longer. She shuddered and moaned: "Open your legs, Mother dear."

Her soft, urgent voice broke the strands of Marleen's will power, and she did,
moaning slightly as Wendy touched the sensitive, blood- pounding skin and flesh.
Wendy flicked out her small, wet tongue and teased one fold of her vaginal lips,
and Marleen rose off the ground in involuntary reaction, and rotated her body
slowly from side to side from the grazing tickle of her daughter's mouthing ...
Wendy eased more of her lips inside the wide-stretched cleft and found to her
sublime horror that she got an enormous thrill from the contact, and she lashed
out suddenly in a torrent of action, her tongue and lips invading with complete
freedom, and she forgot where she was or what she was, or who was under her as
her mind soaked up the ambrosia of excited female juices which poured forth from
her mother's open split.

Marleen groaned from deep within her belly, exploding from the salacious and
unwelcomed passions which were surging from her tingling flesh. She heard Wendy
gasp for air and then bury even her nose in the hungrily grinding mouth between
her legs, and she begged her daughter to stop ... stop before she couldn't
endure the sweet agony and depraved immersion of her cunt. "No ... No ... No
..." she chanted weakly, twisting in the grip of her child's increasingly
voracious tonguing, writhing as Wendy refused to stop, horridly aware that she
herself was unable to break free from the open, hungry mouth which was glued to
her insanely responding pussy. She wanted Wendy to stop ... but at the same time

She gazed upward at the triangle of dark, wet pubic hair undulating a few inches
above, at the swollen ruby vaginal lips of the girl who was kissing her own
pussy, and the lascivious sight of her daughter's cuntal area became beautiful
and sublime. She tentatively brushed her fingers across the quivering stomach
and saw that this made Wendy tremble and little droplets of secretion appear at
the coral-hued edges of her vaginal slit. The skin felt so soft and hot to touch
... Marleen let her hands rove up and down her daughter's body, circling her
thighs and buttocks, though not having the nerve to dip into the pulsating crest
of hair and flesh between the widened legs. She couldn't ... she just couldn't!

And then she was, finding to her shocked surprise before she knew what she was
doing that she was clutching her child's firm white buttocks and drawing her
head upwards, her face tangling in the softly tickling wisps of pubic hair with
near spastic strength. Guilt at their actions surged through her for a fleeting
moment, but all was overridden by her love--by her physical love--for Wendy, and
her lips and tongue burrowed in the soft, recently sperm-filled cunt that was
now resting upon her face, and she licked molten swaths all the way from her
child's anus down to her vaginal hole and to her tiny, quivering clitoris,
tasting the remaining male essence of David Preston's male ejaculation as she
did so.

"Ohhhhh," Wendy cried in a muffled voice. "That's it, Mother ... Ohhhhh, that's
it! Faster! Faster!"

Wendy strained her loins downward into her mother's mouth with all her might.
The marijuana was now working its full effect on her and coupled with the
abandoned welcome to her unmentionable wish, she was beyond the point of
comprehending anything except what she was doing. She salivated as never before
as she tongued and kissed and slicked the pink, trembling flesh, and all the
while Marleen was busy with the clenching confines of her wet, down-turned pussy
as well. Wendy was about to burst from the volcano of lust inside her, and she
thrust harder and harder, every inch of her on fire, and she felt herself
cumming. The walls of Marleen's vagina grasped hungrily around her daughter's
swirling tongue and her clitoris trembled from the driving lips and teeth. The
muscles in her inner thighs and buttocks flexed against the torture of her
untapped, unrestrained fury and she choked and gasped as she strove to bring her
child to the same climax she was nearing ...

* * *

And at the edge of the clearing stood Clyde Brooks and David Preston, and beside
Preston sat the nervously whining King. They were all beadily watching the
mother and daughter simultaneously absorbed in their writhing, undulating
sucklings of each other's wildly squirming loins. Preston and Clyde stared bug-
eyed at the matted pubic hair and pink vaginal slits and the licking, sliding
tongues that slicked from the apex of their respective clitorises to the tender
pink rose-buds of their anal orifices.

Preston patted King's head affectionately. "What did I tell you, Clyde? They're
together again. Heh, heh--and really together this time."

The boy could only groan in reply, his cock a straight, erect post throbbing
painfully from the astounding, lust-provoking sight. He'd never seen two girls
eat each other out before, much less dreamed of a mother-daughter combination!
It was more than his young mind could absorb dispassionately, and he watched
with increasing arousal on his own part as the slaving twosome bucked and
spasmed insanely in their incestual orgy.

Preston also was stimulated, his great penis trembling, its cock-head opening
oozing seminal lubrications, and he stroked his fleshy shaft lightly, afraid
that if he beat his cock too well, he'd cum all over the ground. Fiery sperm
boiled in his testicles as he stared at the two on the grass, and then he turned
to Clyde. He took his hand and began to stroke Clyde's prick as well, feeling
the boy stiffen and then jerk his loins in a lewd pantomime of the sex rhythm.

"You fucked Mrs. Franklin," Preston said as he saw the glitter of savage desire
light the boy's eyes. "And I fucked the girl. Now let's each take on the other.
What do you say?"

"Yeah ... Yeah ..." the boy croaked.

"Only let's do something different this time," Preston suggested. "I've a
surprise waiting for that teenager's cunt, so have her suck your cock--like
she's sucking her mother's pussy now."

"Ohhhh, yeah, yeah," Clyde breathed mindlessly.

"And I'll shove my cock into that tight little asshole of the mother. How does
that sound?"

Clyde didn't answer. Already he'd broken free from Preston and was charging
across the grass, his penis waving out in front of him like a battle standard
showing the way ...

Chapter 7

Wendy rolled and flung her tortured body crazily over her mother's face, hanging
on to the black-haired pussy below her with joyous determination, driving her
fiery tongue harder and faster and deeper into the clasping, sweetly melting
channel of her mother's vagina, her own cunt burning with the intensity of a
forest fire out of control and fanned by winds which made it roar through the
whole of her firm, young flesh. Then she sensed another's presence, a shadow
cross over her, and her heart almost stopped beating. She flailed her head a
moment longer, then stilled, and she fought against the pressure of looking up,
filled with the dread certainty that she would see somebody. But she did, and
she saw Clyde--and something else, something long and glistening and jutting
thickly toward her ...

Clyde Brooks stared at the abandoned girl below him, stroking his throbbing,
blood-erect prick in long, deliberately tantalizing strokes the way Preston had
done to him. He crouched down beside her on his knees, coming ever closer until
his balls were touching her forehead, and he extended his hard, youthful penis
with one hand while with the other he raised Wendy's head harshly.

"Suck me, Wendy," he ordered breathlessly. "Suck me like you're sucking your
mother and make me cum!"

In one gasping, shuddering moment the teenage girl realized that what was being
thrust toward her wet, glistening mouth was his cock, huge and swollen and
palpitating. She wanted to scream, to fling him away, and yet she couldn't, for
the passion from her mother's sucking of her cunt mingling with the aphrodesia
which was steaming rampantly through her nerves made her incapable of anything
except wanting to be a slave to her body. She couldn't reason how or why the boy
was there, beside her ... but she didn't care. Only she didn't want to suck his
penis! She wanted her Mother!

She tried to twist her head away, but he held her roughly in his grasp, and he
pressed his cock forward still more, until his thick glans was against her
cheek; he raised her head until she was feeling his secretions teasing her lips,
and she wanted to gag.

Marleen Franklin was no longer asleep to the situation. She was now fully
cognizant of what was happening to her daughter, even though her position made
it impossible for her to react, trapped as she was under the still demanding,
still undulating white and pink skin of Wendy's quivering vaginal slit. Even
though her passions had been spiraling in spite of her best efforts to reject
them, Marleen was shocked speechless by the impact of Clyde's demand. God! He
was there, wanting her child to suck his cock! They'd been discovered, and the
horror of what she and Wendy were engaged in made her moan in further shame, and
she wanted to somehow run as Wendy had run, escape from the naked and shameless
cavorting against nature and man ... She started to sob, but her hot breath only
inflamed Wendy's pussy more, and the child ground her cunt onto her mother's
face reflexively; Marleen realized then that her daughter, while tragically
terrified of this new event, was still hotly aroused, and she could only lie
there and feel Wendy's warm, excited young secretions around her mouth and smell
the feminine perfume of her daughter's sex. She deliriously began to kiss and
lick as before, her brain refusing any command other than the overwhelming need
for gratification. It was as if her return to her lickings and tonguings was a
form of circuit breaker, stopping her overloaded mental system from shorting
out, her only path to keep the smattering of sanity which still held her
together. She worked slavelike below, her tongue lashing and making Wendy moan
in one continuous stream of bubbling pleasure, unable to stop what was now an
obsession, an overwhelming, crushing need ...

Wendy's cunt flowered open wider and her lubrications increased with the
resumption of her mother's sucking mouth teasing her wide-stretched vaginal
slit, and warm trickles of saliva ran down from her mouth and pursed lips, and
she rotated her wet buttocks onto the woman beneath her harder and faster in a
lewd dance of desire. But she still couldn't take Clyde Brook's penis in her
mouth! She'd never allow herself to lower herself to this degrading act, as low
as she was already by her actions.

"Ohhhh, God damn you, Wendy, suck it!"

"No! Don't make me!" she pleaded, "Please don't make me!"

"Did she cum?" Preston asked, standing beside them.

"Hell no, only stubborn."

"She's never sucked cock before, my boy," the older man chuckled lewdly. "She's
never had any cock anywhere until today. You'll have to force her--like this!"
Preston came over and took his hands to her chin and jaw and pried open her
unwilling mouth. "Now, shove your cock in, Clyde! Shove it in fast!"

The boy thrust forward quickly, and filled the warm, wet cavern between her
cheeks, and she could feel it slither the full length of her gagging tongue as
he filled her with his thick, fleshy hardness.

"You'll love it, Wendy," Preston soothed. "Try it and see ..."

Wendy closed her eyes, feeling numb to the world. In a trance-like state she
felt harsh, pubic hairs at the base of Clyde's penis rub against her chin and
lips, and she ovalled her lips as he began to screw his cock in and out,
Preston's hands still holding her head in a viselike grip. "Suck, baby, suck
..." she heard dimly and she did, not knowing what else she could do. Her lips
slowly began to nibble the thrusting shaft, and she coughed and sputtered from
the unnatural invasion, trying not to think of what she was submitting to. The
boy's testicles bounced against her and her nostrils filled with a new odor, a
male odor that was stronger and not as sweet as her mother's secretions, but
still piquant and spicy and attractive to her.

Underneath her, Marleen sucked and teased faster and faster as she thought of
her daughter having a cock shoved into her lovely face, and her hands stroked
the firm, heated flesh and her tongue lolled in the moist pink flanges of
Wendy's cunt.

The saliva grew in the girl's mouth, becoming slightly sticky now from the
emissions of lubricating fluid from the head of Clyde's sliding cock. She sensed
his hips jerking and straining against her bobbing mouth, and his long, hard
fingers were curling in her dark hair, holding her fast as his penis stretched
and expanded until there wasn't any more room left. But instead of the sickness
Wendy imagined she'd have, she began to enjoy it. Her brain savored the electric
touch of her tongue on his cock, and the throbbing, tantalizing taste of his
shaft. She balanced herself on one hand and took the other up to the base of his
testicles, crooning a little now as she sucked rhythmically, twirling the
softness of her young tongue maddeningly around the glans and coronal ridge.
She'd never dreamed of this before! God, it was exciting, and Preston had been
right again! Had he ever been wrong? God, she loved to suck this cock! She
opened her mouth wider and took still more of the penis inside her butter-soft
interior, swirling faster and faster, causing Clyde to cry out in pure delight.

"Ohhhhh, I love this! I love this!"

Marleen sucked in subservient lust, and heard her daughter's moaning of agony
change subtly to a tone of enjoyment. It was a strange kind of masochistic joy
which filled the mother now, for the lewd, obscene picture of her child being
sucked and sucking in return was too much. She was falling into deep,
unmitigated desire now, the perverted menage a' trois no longer causing her
shame or remorse. What was the use of deceiving herself? Wendy was loving what
she was being forced to do, and her own flesh was swamped with churning, waving
prurience at the mere thought of it. Desire--she was truly reveling in the
salaciousness she was partner to, and vanished were her inhibitions and
prudishness then, for she was obliterated by desire, and there couldn't be
anything more important at that moment than the heavenly feelings which were
flowing through her like warm claret. Desire--Dear God, how could she not have

Clyde looked down at the beautiful young girl, and the sight of his hard shaft
absorbed in between her ovalling lips increased his sensation a thousandfold.
She was massaging the soft, resilient sac of his balls and running her thumb and
forefinger around the hardened base, and he could feel the softness of her
tongue twirling crazily over his cock as he pumped in and out, her head beating
in the same tempo as simultaneously she worked her still wide-splayed little
cunt in hungry undulating circles over her mother's mouth. Wendy sensed the
boy's throbbing reaction and sucked his prick still more fervently, the tips of
her teeth digging gently into his hard, rubbery surface, leaving small white
trails where they had scraped slightly. She was responding from instinct alone,
and felt herself the most blessed of teenagers to have his cock in her mouth
while her mother tongued her to certain orgasm beneath her, and the ecstasy rose
and billowed in her ... She loved this, and strove now to suck his sperm into
her throat and belly, the powerful stimulants of the marijuana and her mother
churning in her flesh with a spasming need that she'd never dreamed existed and
which was driving her to climactic madness ...

David Preston removed his hands from her cheeks, knowing that they were no
longer required, that the girl was filled with the crooning pleasure and was
insensate with her own greedy lusts. He wondered that she didn't choke as she
continued to suck on and on, and he could see tiny rivulets of sweat rolling
down the side of her face and body as she bobbed over Clyde Brooks like a female
demon. The muscles in his own stomach tightened, great swirls of heat building
in his testicles as he gazed with lewd intensity at Wendy's thin pink ridges of
inner mouth flesh pulling and clinging to the boy's throbbing, thrusting penis.
He had to join in now! He had to ...

"Marleen!" he cried out, "Marleen, I want to fuck you!"

"Ohhhhh!" the mother replied abjectly, still pressed to the warm, wet,
undulating cunt of her daughter's pubic slit.

"Move from underneath ... No, you don't have to stop sucking Wendy's pussy, just
move your lower body out ... Then you can get fucked and suck her at the same
time ..."

Marleen hesitated, her body quivering with the agony of her degradation, but
only momentarily before she slipped her legs and buttocks out from beneath
Wendy's body, sliding without hindrance now that the child had one hand around
her boyfriend's genitals. She thrust her hips and loins toward Preston, still on
her back, her mouth glued to Wendy's vagina, and she raised her legs and
stretched them wide, bending them as close to her chest as she could so that her
displayed pussy was a helpless toy for this man to use in his animalistic quest
for satisfaction ... She groaned and squirmed, the pink, smooth flesh glistening
from her daughter's saliva and her own secretions, the lessening of her anguish
and fear a release from her mind's horror and the result of her sexual frenzy.
She felt a rising bowl of passion building deep in her belly, in her very soul,
as Preston knelt between her wide-splayed legs, and her red cunt lips throbbed
with anticipation, making her automatically ease her rear farther upwards and
widen her thighs still more to allow him full, salacious viewing of her open

Preston gaped at the ivory moons of her buttocks as they were offered up to him
in sacrifice, and at her hair-ringed cunt, moist and palpitating in uncontrolled
lasciviousness. God, he was excited! He couldn't wait to feel her squirm and cry
beneath him, and his balls tingled and hurt with the desire racing through his
groin. He moved forward, aching with lewd thoughts, and pried her wider with his
fingers and thumbs until she was unprotected and stationary before him. He held
his blood-heavy, bloated penis in the crevice of her vaginal slit, its angry red
cock-head poised mercilessly before the tight, elastic opening of her anus. He
taunted her, rubbing his prick up and down the sensitively spread channel, then
introduced his massive shaft into her saliva-coated pussy, constantly pressuring
until his entire length was submerged by slow, tormenting inches into the depths
of her womb.

She tried to cry out, not knowing why, only that this devastating, constant
plunge was what she wanted. He was ripping her internal organs ... and she
wanted it so, and then the man spread the soft curls of her pubic hair and
caressed the tiny throbbing bud of her clitoris, stroking and taunting it as she
thundered his massive purplish penis lasciviously between her open cunt lips.

Dear God ... I want to die with this in me!

Preston removed his hardened penis then, the purpose of his penetration
accomplished--to lubricate it well. He lowered his pulsing shaft until its
unseeing eye was leveled with her tiny hairless anus. He might have prepared her
further seeing that she was a virgin in her rectal opening by stretching the
sphincter ring with his finger, he thought lustfully- -but the pleasures derived
were better unannounced.

He fucked his hips forward, driving his throbbing cock-head into the resisting,
tight rubbery anal mouth. Marleen winced as she felt the lips around her rectum
being forced open, its elastic snugness resisting momentarily, then giving way
before the harsh, brutal pressure. The agony shattered her and she endeavored to
mechanically resist, squealing out with a choked, muffled cry. Preston reveled
in the elation of hearing her painful groans, and rammed forward again, sinking
more of his lust-inflated cock into her rectum. He felt his testicles thud
against her upturned buttocks as she ground against the earth in an attempt to
escape the cruel impalement, and her legs jerked out wide on either side of his
long, lean body, kicking futilely in the air.

"God! Nooooo! Not back there! Nooooo!" she choked, her naked, white body pinned
between her daughter and Preston's impaling cock. She was helpless, and with
every surge of his penis she seemed to be forced yet more firmly onto his
sodomizing penis. She was certain that her body was being split up the middle
and that she would rent in half from his giant plunging shaft, its blunt head
thrusting in her bowels in excruciating waves of torture. All sense of balance
had long since left her, her brain a maze of distorted thoughts, the only
feeling that of searing, hot pain from his sudden entry and cruel tearing of her
rectal tunnel. She flexed her buttocks tightly together in an attempt to hold
off further invasion, but the throb of her internal sinews only incited Preston
more, and he plowed his way deeper and deeper into her vainly resisting passage.
She sensed its every ridge and vein as her nerve ends transmitted its enormous
form in minute detail to her muddled mind, and the hard, spongy shaft pressed
relentlessly on, folding her rubbery flesh along in front of it. "Agggghhhh!"
she groveled. Then she held her breath as the buried cock expanded more,
stretching the narrow passage walls farther and farther apart. Then, he was all
the way in, and the tickling hairs of his loins and the full weight of his
testicles grazed her buttocks, and she became united with it.

"Ohhhhhh, noooooo ..." she mewled in horror, and she shuddered as Preston began
to saw rhythmically and without the slightest mercy deep up into the soft
confines of her back channel.

She dug her nails into her palms as slowly the pain eased a little, although it
was still a mixture of hurtful discomfort and stimulation, and she felt
strangely wet between her buttocks and also strangely ashamed. She was being
sodomized and she tried to concentrate on this thought, but each time her
concentrations were destroyed by a skin- splitting thrust which jolted her and
made her squirm in a weird, masochistic joy. She realized that she was heaving
backwards to meet the forward thrust of his loins, and she was undulating her
hips and moving her buttocks in tiny lewd circles, beginning to feel excited
through the pain.

Her tongue snaked out and started licking her daughter's cunt once more, the
pungent odors of Wendy's secretions flaring her nostril. Her whole body twitched
and writhed under the two persons, and she groaned incessantly up into the
moistness of Wendy's vaginal orifice, thrusting her lips and tongue deep into
her crevice. Low hums of passionate, servile acceptance came in torrents from
her throat, her beautiful face twisting with erotic arousal, her mouth working
like a fish out of water, her neck straining as a light sweat broke out over her
flesh. Her head rolled from side to side as her hips began an unwitting surge
beneath the man's impaling cock, and her hungry anus screwed itself up tighter
against his hair covered pelvis, forcing Preston to clench his teeth tightly in
an effort to control himself.

There was no longer pain, she reasoned nebulously. Her body was surging and
vibrant, raw electricity rippling through her rectum and out her nipples,
whirling in a vortex of madness through her belly and legs and mind ...

"You like it, you like it now, don't you?" Preston grunted.

"Yes! Yes! Oh, keep fucking me in the ass! Ohhhhh!" she babbled, the thought of
her own lips spewing such sick words into her own child's cunt sending a new
lascivious thrill swirling through her. She revolved her buttocks around his
thick, rigid penis, her anus dilating in time to its rhythmic beating. Furiously
she lapped at her daughter's delicious tasting pussy, her unsated passions
building until she couldn't breathe, and she thrust her white, round buttocks as
high as she could for more of the cruel fucking that Preston was pumping into
her ass.

David Preston looked up and watched avidly as Wendy's soft, ovalled mouth
clasped greedily at Clyde's growing wet penis, her thin, tensile lips clinging
to it as if held there by some unseen clamp. The boy grinned lewdly and winked
at Preston and then ogled once again the lust-contorted face as the teenager
sucked his cock like it was the last piece of candy on earth. Preston could see
thick, oozing seminal fluid trickling now from the corners of the girl's mouth,
Wendy reveling in the cruel humiliation that she was being subjected to, a
strange light shining in her glazed eyes.

Then the man watched the reddish skin of Marleen's little round hole draw back
with his cock, clutching it as if it didn't want him to ever come out. At first,
the pressure of his penis had been almost too much to bear, but now it was just
tight enough and exhilarating, the type of squeeze that promised to draw his
sperm out of his testicles with the ferocity of a sump pump. Intensely he leered
at the thin, pink ridges as the gleaming length of his prick was consumed into
the salaciously quivering opening, and he let her strain up to him for awhile,
watching the complete abandonment to her labors, a dazed ecstasy making her body

He grinned to himself as he felt the raw slap of his naked testicles against the
unprotected valley of her anus. It was time for the further subjugation of these
delicious bitches ...

"Wendy!" he called out to the girl. "You're sucking like mad; you want to be
fucked as well?"

"Mmm hmm!" the teenager mewled, nodding as best she could while slavering at the
ramming cock in her mouth. "Mmmmmm!"

"Then raise your ass up and get ready! You're going to get the best fuck of your


Preston whistled. Suddenly, the large German Shepherd stood from where he'd been
on his haunches at the side of the clearing, his ears pricked up, his body tense
and eager. Preston whistled again and King trotted over as Wendy's little whines
grew into deep-chested mewls, her hips gyrating above her mother's face in her
need for fulfillment. The great dog went straight to her hair-covered crotch,
his training long and complete by his master, and King began sniffing, his tail
wagging and his brain remembering previous pleasures from past commands. A bitch
in heat! Wendy moaned as his cold nose rubbed wetly against her tiny, cringing
pussy, unable by her position and the fetter of Clyde's cock in her tender mouth
to turn around and identify her new lover, but not caring who he was so long as
he could satiate the seething cauldron of lusts which was burning and scalding
her hungry little vaginal slit.

King began to lap the narrow pink slit between her thighs, running his enormous
tongue wetly the full length of it, from the tightly clenched anus down the
fluted pink ridges to the tiny erotic bud of her clit. His thick, rough tongue
spread through her soft, fleece-covered swelling like a keen blade through
butter, and it slaved relentlessly between her widened legs, pausing to curl
deeply into her cunt hole. Wendy spasmed convulsively as she writhed under the
masterful beast's tongue as it lapped and sniffed at her loins. Soft moans of
delight filtered from around her sucking lips as his tongue unfurled up her
moist channel like a red runner-rug, ravishing her upthrust crotch mercilessly.
King worked like the vicious animal he was, the primeval lust of the jungle
motivating him.

Marleen stared upward in utter horror, mumbling incoherently as she watched in
wild-eyed disbelief at King lapping lasciviously at her daughter's pussy, and
Wendy's obvious enslavement by the huge panting dog, her young body offered to
the thick, slithering lizard-like tongue in her exposed vaginal crevice and
white buttocks. She knew that more than ever before she should do something to
save her child, but somehow the total subjugation and helplessness of Wendy
shaking with erotic bliss beneath the beast sadistically fascinated her, and she
couldn't look away. The lewdness was so overwhelming, that shivers of revulsive
curiosity erupted along her flesh, and she felt terribly cold, but then Preston
surged again inside her rectum and the wet ring of her anus responded with a
hot, urgent, stabbing delight. Her mind was recoiled by the venial bestiality,
the fact of what was being done to Wendy so awful that it was almost desirable
to her, and she couldn't do anything except respond to the magnified pumpings of
Preston's cock in her rectum, drawn to the perverted scene a few inches from
her. It was like a magnet of sex, and the sight of King licking the girl's pussy
made her both nauseous and craving, the pull of both poles threatening to split
her brain apart.

Preston moved so that he could thrust more of his penis into the pink- rimmed
fist of the mother's ass while he watched with gloating eyes as his wonderful
dog, King, worked the girl into the proper mood. Already the brute's large
animal penis was stiff and red and sliding from its hairy sheath like some
round, tipped, wet sword which trembled with unquenchable fire. And then he
called out the order, the final command which would send the dog into its well-
trained act.

"On King! On, you husky!"

Wendy never heard the command, for in her drugged state, she was no longer
human. She was a quivering mass of flesh that wanted to be released, and she was
only interested in grinding her buttocks back against whoever was tonguing her
so magnificently and have him sink his cock deep inside her agonized cunt.
Suddenly she felt a furry clasping around her waist and something hard and wet
slip along the valley between her buttocks. Again and again it floundered as she
spread her legs wider and her hips higher in an effort of supplication to the
stranger's penis. My God, get it in! Get it in! Why does he torture me like
this? My pussy is on fire!

Marleen was too engrossed with the incredulous ramming attack on her defenseless
daughter to be able to breathe. The dog was mounting Wendy and holding her to
his belly as if she was a bitch in heat, and she saw the animal's glistening,
scarlet penis hard and free of his hairy covering, the tapered point of it
dancing in its endeavor to bury the rock-like shaft into the young, impatiently
squirming body. Sobbing now, she stared stony-eyed as the sharp tip missed and
missed again, and heard Wendy cry as the evading, upthrust animal penis hit her
soft, hair-nestled clitoris, the hot scarlet of the dog's jabbing cock
contrasting lewdly with the fevered pink of the girl's passion-inflamed cunt.
And to her startling shock, she saw her child shift her quaking, round buttocks
in an effort to capture the lengthening animal prick and lead it to her
voraciously grasping vagina, spreading herself wider as his still unsheltered
organ rubbed around her slit.

In obvious desperation and frustration, Wendy reached between her legs and took
hold of the slippery rod of bestial flesh, guiding it to the entrance of her
throbbing, wet hole, arching her backsides so that there would be no further
trouble with being speared by the cock she had to have. Marleen groaned in
terror and sickness as she saw the huge dog hump forward then and bury its cock
into her daughter's hungrily accepting little pussy with a rush until it was
interred to the hilt and his hairy, canine testicles swung below her wetly
matted pubic hair.

It was when she reached back and grasped the dog's penis that Wendy finally
realized who and what was fucking her. King jerked forward, and as she felt the
strangely thin, long prick soar into her, spearing her hungry, wet vaginal walls
like a flint-tipped arrow, she pictured the furry case that she had felt with
her fingers and the hairy abdomen and long, muscular shanks, and the true nature
of the cock she'd sought so avidly came to her with a crushing impact.

Oh God! It's David's dog. It's King! The teenager choked on the cock sliding
wetly in and out of her mouth, a scream changing to only a small wail of
anguish. King's penis is inside me, getting bigger and bigger ... Ohhhhh ... my
God, it's like a jack-hammer! Oh, Christ, forgive me, but it feels so goooood
... It's beautiful!

The beast behind her was hammering with pile-driving thrusts that were reaching
her very womb, the thin cock swelling to fill all of her cunt. It was a miracle,
dispatching the maddening demons which had been driving her crazy with desire,
and she licked and sucked shamelessly at the delectable cock in her mouth,
wanting to be fucked by this hairy monster if it would make her cum. She thrust
her loins back against King as if she was another animal, and felt the tiny
rivulets of moisture building in the crevice between her cheeks and sensed them
dribbling down the sides of her inner thighs, the mounting pressure in her belly
and cunt signaling that the dog was rising her excitement to orgasm ...

Marleen could no longer contain herself at the lewd, ruttish sight of her
daughter being willingly raped by Preston's dog. She looked upwards at the dark,
sparsely haired pussy, its long pink slit trailing to where King's animal cock
split it, its length pulsating in and out of the slippery vagina, his hairy
balls swinging below. She could see Wendy's hungrily working little cunt lips
clamping hotly around the surging penis, and the beautiful moon-shaped buttocks
as they swayed, and the enticing young flesh that sparkled with her passionate
droplets as they clung to her pubic curls. The musky scent was overpowering and
suddenly Marleen lashed out with her tongue again, going around her child's
clitoris and cuntal petals, and then with uncontained lust, she reached higher
and nuzzled the canine testicles, taunting the dog's half-exposed member with
the tip of her tongue as she swallowed the open cunt, sucking inner-lips and
clitoris and the bestial penis simultaneously. She raised her own buttocks off
the ground so that Preston could shove more of his sodomizing cock into her
insatiable rectum, furiously tasting the sweet delicious cunt and the tangy
saltiness of King as he fucked, her own unsatisfied passions growing and growing

Suddenly Clyde Brooks screamed shrilly. "I'm ... I'm there! Suck me harder,
baby! Suck me harder!"

In her quest for her own climax, Wendy sucked as never before while the boy's
pummeling instrument fused with her mouth, his testicles bouncing off of her
chin below. Then, as his climax rolled out from his balls like a bursting dam,
Clyde jerked his cock from her sucking lips, holding his huge red shaft about
two inches away from her pleading mouth.

Before the girl could protest, the boy's penis spewed forth with hot, white
sperm directly into her ovalled cavern, the thick creamy seed streaming from his
cock-head to her lips like milk from a cow, filling her waiting mouth. Wendy
swallowed, not wanting to lose a single drop of the delicious, lust-inciting
fluid, her throat working rapidly in its attempt to keep up with the wild

Preston groaned at the obscene picture of the young boy pumping out his semen
into the humiliated girl's face, and at the way the thin streamers of his cum
splashed her cheeks and nose and trickled down like splatters of paint. The
gushing torrent as Wendy felt the first taste of male sperm deep in her gullet
and stomach was a billowing wave of heat which set off her own climax then, at
the same time that Preston began to jerk convulsively and send his boiling cum
into her mother's soft, unresisting rectum.

The depraved man thrust the last of his length into Marleen's wide stretched
anus, and she felt his hot surge of seed spurt into her belly violently,
ricocheting against her heated passage walls, its steaming heat setting off her
long overdue orgasm. She was there! At last! She screamed and screamed again,
heaving her buttocks against Preston's penis as he continued to empty his
throbbing testicles into her, her brain shattering into a million reflective
shards that dazzled her with pinwheels of internal light.

Wendy's climax made her body contract as if in an epileptic fit, and the young
teenage girl buffeted back on King's brutish shaft, gulping Clyde's semen as her
vaginal muscles milked the dog's superbly expanding cock like an angry glove.
She gurgled through her mouthful of sticky seed, suddenly without a feeling of
time or space--only the unbelievable pleasure of her orgasm as she was hit again
and again by King's tempestuous release of his canine semen. The dog howled
mournfully, baying to the twilight above as he pounded her pussy and unleashed a
torrent of alien juice in thin jets, making Wendy's belly quake and ripple, her
insanity traversing all bounds. There was nothing save that wonderful beast's
jack-hammer lunges and fiery liquid ... nothing!

Wendy's mother, heaving her thighs and buttocks against the last of Preston's
cock's ejaculations, continued to squeal out her tremendous orgasm, shaking as
if hit by bullets, thoroughly lost in her world of lusting release. She gazed in
sweet fascination as her daughter's vagina flowered with the thick white ooze as
Wendy milked and squeezed the dog's penis with her contracting cunt muscles, the
animal's viscid liquid bursting from the small hole in which it had shot so
much, and rivulets of bestial cum ran down the quivering ivory columns of her
girl's legs to puddle on the grass below. King was magnificent, Marleen thought
deliriously ... like a wonderful machine ... and as she thought of the brute
filling her child's womb, she wildly licked and kissed Wendy's flooded slit,
tasting the alien seed on her tongue and lips and finding an odd pleasure in its
peculiar flavor. She couldn't rid herself of the tremendous desire to clean all
of Wendy's cunt, even as the dog slipped its now deflated cock out of the
draining orifice, and she swallowed the still hot cum and secretions from the
warm, pink skin and matted pubic hair, on a pinnacle of delight that threatened
to burst her mind from the sheer physical pressure of the dizzying height.

Finally, she collapsed, allowing her daughter to do the same. Her stomach was
burning, and she thought with satisfaction that it was the blending of King's
seed and her child's juices, all flowing in a swirling flow of abandoned carnal
satiation ... She rolled over and wearily smiled at Wendy, who smiled back in
return, and the mother knew that there was no longer shame or remorse or the
slightest binding restraint between them. She and her daughter had joined in the
most perverted, pagan exhibitions of the flesh, and what had been could never be
again ... she never wanted to return to the old ways, the incomplete and
unsatisfying ways, and from now on she and Wendy would live for each other.

Later the four of them and King returned to her apartment, and through the wee
hours of the morning they alternated in frantic searches for lust, until at last
Wendy went to sleep, exhausted, and King curled up contentedly on the bed beside
her. Marleen, filled to capacity by then with the semen of Preston, Clyde
Brooks, and the dog, went off to her own room, and cuddled naked with the two
men, a happy and satiated woman of the flesh.

In the morning they'd start all over again, she told herself drowsily. In the
morning and forever after ...

Chapter 8

The hot water of the shower cascaded over Marleen as she lathered her firm, full
breasts. She hummed to herself, recollecting to herself the wonderful time she'd
had last night--the wonderful times she'd had most every night and during the
day as well since the evening two weeks ago when she and her daughter had given
themselves over to a life of sexual pleasure. There was nothing better, she
admitted happily, and thank God she had found herself--and Wendy--before more
delay could have parted them forever. She soaped down between her legs, widening
her thighs to let the rich froth of soap bubbles cleanse her black pubic hair
and her pink cunt lips, remembering how David Preston had washed them with his
tongue last night, only to moisten them again with his next load of shooting
sperm ...

David was sharing the apartment now, an integral part of the Franklin family,
which one day might become the Preston family. Wouldn't that be nice, she mused

Her reverie was interrupted by David, who thrust the shower curtain aside and
stepped in beside her, grinning hugely. "Morning, lover," he said, and cupped
one of her still soapy breasts.

"Stop it," Marleen giggled, not meaning it. She laughed and kissed him, and
fondled his penis and brown sac of testicles provocatively, sensing that he was
getting an erection ...

"Three's not a crowd, I hope," came another voice, and naked Wendy, happy and
smiling, squeezed her lovely young body into the stall. Marleen shrieked
delightedly, for the girl placed her hand familiarly on her mother's pubic
mound, fucking her finger inside her vaginal slit and digging for her little
clitoris. "Mm!" Wendy said, rubbing her buttocks against David's now firm cock.
"Looks like we'll be making a little sex under the shower!"

"Jesus, don't you ever get enough?" the man taunted.

"Why do you think Clyde gave up and won't see me anymore?" Wendy retorted. "I
wore him out."

Marleen started soaping her daughter, tenderly but with those motions she knew
would raise the fervor for lust, filled with that special possessive love only a
mother can give and receive. And she had given and received wholeheartedly and
would continue to, with every sinew and muscle of her and Wendy's bodies. She
opened her legs a little wider letting her child have more room in which to
stroke and play with her cunt, using her other hand to guide David's hard,
pulsating penis into Wendy's ass cheeks ...

When the hot water ran out, and they had to run laughing and wet from the sudden
inundation of ice-cold spray, they found the dog waiting, wagging its tail.
Marleen patted King affectionately, and he licked her pussy hair, nuzzling her
loins with impatience.

"I think he wants to be fed," David observed.

"What'll we feed him?" Wendy asked slyly.

"Oh, I don't know," the man said, grinning lewdly. "Whatever's handy. He'll eat
most anything. Or anybody ..."

The End
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