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ALS-101 Pet Shop Pussy
by Rick Jennings

Chapter 1

Pamela Harper lay alone in her bed with the awareness, the growing concern and
concomitant anxiety, that her life was basically empty. No matter how hard she
tried to structure it, to give it a unifying sense of order or purpose, she
sensed that without someone next to her to share her dreams, her goals and
aspirations, life wasn't really worth a dime.

How many mornings have I awakened like this ... with nothing, just a career, but
no one alongside of me? This question and others passed across her mind. She
looked up and stared at the ceiling as if she was searching for an answer, a
solution to the emptiness in her heart.

Love was the problem, and at twenty-eight it seemed to be her biggest concern.
The daily hassles of making a living, of running a business and making ends
meet, were not nearly as disconcerting as the fact that she was not in love.
Indeed, she was acutely aware of the last time she had felt anything akin to
romantic involvement, and that had been more than five years before, right after
she had graduated from college.

But the past five years she referred to as a desert, a wasteland.

Men had come and gone, in and out of her life. Had she been a woman who was
basically unappealing, physically as well as mentally, she would have been able
to give herself a much needed rationalization for her overwhelming sense of
loneliness. But there was no way for her to convince herself that men didn't
turn somersaults over her.

And that too was a problem, keeping them off of her, getting them out the door
before things really took on a leering shade of carnal red. Like what had
happened last night, for example. She thought of that now, glad too that it was
Sunday morning and she didn't have to get out of bed and get the shop open and
ready for customers.

On Sundays she had a neighborhood boy clean out the pens and feed the animals,
so she didn't have to worry about getting up and rushing out of her apartment.
That was what Dick Truman had told her, too. "You don't have to get up early
tomorrow, Pam, so what's the big hassle, anyway?"

It had been less of a question than a statement. No, time hadn't been the
hassle. Only Dick Truman, anxious to have her on a silver platter like a roast
suckling pig. He's the pig, she said to herself, shuddering at the thought and
then wondering too if she just might be frigid ... or maybe even just a little
bit frigid.

After all, Dick was certainly an attractive guy. But he was too pushy for her,
too much of a hard-drinking bruiser. He didn't have a gentle touch and that had
turned her off from him, from the very first.

I just won't accept any more dates from him, that's all, she decided, right then
and there. Pam wondered if it had been her fault, if she had led the man on,
agreeing to go out with him for what had been four dates over as many weeks. And
last night had been the clincher, that's for sure.

"What are you, some cockteasing ball-buster!" he had shouted when they were
alone in her apartment, when she had once again rebuffed his sexual advances,
feigning first a headache and then a lack of interest in making love with him.

"Just get out of here and leave me alone," she had snapped back, sorry she had
ever been conned--for that was the way Pam saw it--into letting him come into
the apartment for a nightcap. "A nightcap isn't a euphemism for let's fuck, Mr.

"I don't think you'd know how, anyway, kiddo," the man had replied, as cocky and
sure of himself as she had always felt him to be. "Have a good life, baby, a
good long horny life." And with that he had let himself out, slamming the door
behind him.

She hated herself for breaking down after he had stormed out, for collapsing on
the couch, her body racked with sobs. Because what Pamela Harper couldn't deal
with was the fact that whatever Dick had said somehow rang true. She hadn't
enjoyed sex with a man in ages, more than just weeks or even a month or two.

And she knew it was abnormal to stifle her desires, to squelch her sexual
appetites, all in the name of love. It wasn't as if she was a virgin, or even an
old maid. At the ripe young age of twenty-eight she was more of a woman than
ever before. Full-hipped, narrow-waisted, blessed with a plentiful and upthrust
bustline and features which seemed to remind men of the heads adorning cameo
pins, she was a woman who was very much aware of her own allure, her sexual
magnetism, in particular.

Hadn't she caught the boy who helped her out during the week and on Sundays,
giving her the eye? She knew she had, knew that half of the sales she made at
her shop were partly due to the fact that not only was she a natural born
saleswoman, but the fact that she was too lush and seductive to say no to.

Truman had felt that, she decided. But she had been the one who had said no to
him, the one who had denied him not only his pleasure, but also hers in
addition. Not for one minute did she doubt that he would be good in bed. But she
wasn't in love with him and knew that there was no chance in the world she would
ever be.

"But you don't have to be in love to get fucked," he had told her that night,
rephrasing a line he had used on each of their four dates. "It's just nice to
sleep with someone, to give someone pleasure and get pleasure as a result ... of
giving, of giving to someone else, Pam."

He had been earnest, she knew, but it still hadn't changed the situation nor
changed her mind one iota. "They don't understand me, Bix. That's the problem,"
she said aloud. "They just don't know what kind of person I am. I give, I have
feelings ... don't I?"

In response, Bix crawled up from where he had been sleeping at the foot of Pam's
bed. He sat up and cocked his head to the side; his dark liquid brown-black eyes
seemingly reflecting her every questioning thought and turn of mood.

"You're a good boy, Bixie. You understand me ... not like anyone else," she went
on. She reached out and ran her fingers over the top of the Scottish terrier's
head. He yapped happily and scooted up over the covers to sit on top of her

Despite his thirty pounds of hard bone and muscle, his weight was not in the
least bit uncomfortable. Her hands snaked down along the Scottie's flanks and
she ran her fingers through the thicker fur along his sides, then down over his
back where the hair had just been stripped.

It was tough as nails, wiry and jet-black.

"You're a champ, ya know that, Bixie. You're Champion Sir Bix Reliant. That's
what it says on your papers. But you're just good old Bixie to me, feller."

In response, the dog lay down on top of her blanketed body, arched his short
muscular neck and proceeded to lavish her face with kisses. His spoon-shaped
tongue slapped raspily over her cheeks and lips and she smiled contentedly to

At least animals understand me, she thought, knowing she had chosen a perfect
profession. She ran a pet shop--Pam's Pet Palace said the brightly lettered sign
over her front windows. All day she was surrounded by the chattering and
chirping, the barking and meowing of monkeys and parrots, puppies and kittens.

But when she came home at night, all she had was Bix, faithful and there for
her. But still a dog, not a man. Now, the Scottie continued to lick her face
with his rough raspy-edged tongue. Pam hugged him close against her, wanting to
cry but unable to produce tears to sluice down her cheeks.

The anguish was there, but trapped, locked inside of her. She didn't even feel
sorry for herself, either, despite what she saw as an accumulation of thwarted
passions, or perhaps just a lack of emotion, her feelings stifled inside of her.

Whether or not it was a defense mechanism, a subconscious barrier she put up
around herself to ward off men, was something that only a psychiatrist could
tell her. And since she was not in analysis, she had to rely on her own sense of
self. She'd introspected on matters such as these for years, never coming up
with an answer that would somehow save the day and save her life from the
drudgery of being alone.

Now, Bix was there for her and she knew it was better than nothing. The dog was
obviously quite content to lie on top of her. He was slightly oversized for the
breed, though judges hadn't ever held it against him. But now that he had earned
his points and his title of "Champion," she had decided to forego the showing
for awhile, realizing that involving herself with the dog had just been another
way of whiling away the hours, passing the time between working and sleeping. Or
maybe, she told herself then, just living and dying.

Self-defeat, self-pity, were the two emotions she feared most of all, even more
than opening up to others, laying herself vulnerable and bare, naked inside and
out. She gave her affections to her animals, to Bix in particular. And when his
tongue slid down from her lips to move back and forth along her chin and the
edge of her neck, the pleasure it afforded her could not be easily dismissed.

She let go of him then and raised her hands above her head, yawning, tossing her
bouncy honey-blonde tresses this way and that. The mirror right across from her
reflected her every move and she could see her face coming back at her, a face
that was still not alive to the start of another day.

The covers slid down around her waist as she propped the pillows up behind her
back and reached over to the night table to get a cigarette. Pam never wore
pajamas or a nightgown to bed, preferring to sleep in the nude, just the sheets
and bedding touching her naked flesh.

And today was no exception. The covers were crumpled up around her waist and
just as she struck a match for her cigarette, she gave a start and looked down,
amazed by what Bix had taken upon himself to perform.

He was still lying down on top of the blankets. But now, he had turned his
attentions away from her face, his tongue sliding hotly right between her naked
and rounded breasts. She lit the cigarette then, inhaled deeply and pressed her
head back against the foam rubber pillows.

She could see what was happening reflected in the mirror and the sight was oddly
intriguing as much as it was just plain amusing. Bix seemed determined to lick
every inch of her body, as if he was grooming her for the show ring the way she
had so diligently groomed him.

And Pam had no desire in the world to put a stop to the dog's oral attentions.
The slurp of his tongue could be heard and she trembled as he slid his cold wet
nose over until it rubbed against one of her sleeping nipples.

Idly, she reached down with one hand and ran the tips of her fingers over one
nipple and then the other. "See the little nose, Bixie," she giggled, amusing
herself as she caught one flaccid nipple between her thumb and forefinger,
shoving it forward right in the dog's face.

Bix lashed out with his tongue slurping over the nugget of tit-flesh she pushed
in his face. Pam sighed languidly and pushed the covers back, letting the cool
air which circulated through the opened bedroom windows caress her tawny thighs,
the smooth and slightly rounded hillock of her belly.

She watched Bix as he continued to lick this way and that. And when she finally
let go of her nipple, she was not even surprised to see how its previously
flaccid state had undergone a marked change. Now, both of her nipples seemed
perky, taut, standing up stiffly and capping her full rounded breasts.

And as the Scottie kept licking them, they seemed to grow even more turgid, hard
fleshy points like bright pink berries. Another shiver coursed through her body
and she gently eased the dog down. She spread her thighs apart to make room for
him between her legs.

"You're a good boy, Bix, a real gentleman," she whispered with a pleased and
affectionate smile, never doubting the dog's loyalty or devotion to her, a sense
of always being where no man in the last five years had ever convinced her of
truly feeling.

But she missed men and even more with each passing day. She was acutely aware of
her lacks, her needs and it came as no surprise to her when her hands seemed to
move on their own accord. Almost involuntarily, as if they had a mind of their
own, they slid down until her fingers were pressing against the top of Bix's
black-haired head.

"Come on, Bixie. You know how to do it," she said in a whisper that was clearly
authoritarian, the sound of her voice the same tone as when she had first begun
to train the Scottie.

Bixie didn't bark or attempt to pull away, despite the uncomfortable and
insistent pressure of Pam's two hands. Instead, he crouched down and then buried
his face forward, just as she lifted her legs so that her knees were raised up
and the soles of her feet were flat against the top of the mattress.

When she let go of his head, she whimpered softly, savoring the way Bix's tongue
was now moving in almost concentric circles, lashing around her tawny pubic
mound. Her eyes were glued between her legs and she stared at herself, knowing
every detail of her body, but still pleased with her appearance.

The narrow triangular crop of short wiry dark-blonde pubic hair was being licked
again and again. Bix was drooling over her pussy and she knew from past
experience that the very smell of her cunt, even after she had just washed
herself or taken a shower, turned the dog on to a most remarkable degree.

There was no need to tempt him; to coat her pussy with whipped cream or jam. All
she had to do now was lean back against the pillows and enjoy his oral caresses,
the attentive and diligent way his tongue was snaking her meaty pubic mound.

She kept staring even as the first telltale flickers of delight began to grow
more noticeable, welling up inside of her. The walls of her cunt were soon
fluttering spasmodically, gently undulating and fibrillating against each other.

A thin oily trickle of vaginal sap rolled down the length of her canal, oozing
out like dripping syrup, right between the thin narrow lips of her pussy. And
when Bix tried to push his tongue between them, she didn't hesitate to encourage
him further.

"That's it, good boy, keep going; Bixie don't stop," she urged, her fingers
sliding hotly up and down her body, her palms rotating over her stiff-standing
and inflamed nipples. Finally, she reached down between her legs and even as
Bix's tongue continued to probe the damp recesses of her vulva, her fingers
grabbed hold of the twin flaps of puffy and tingling meat that bordered her

She splayed them back with a single fluid motion of her hands. She sucked in her
breath as well as she exerted pressure, peeling her cunt lips wide to expose the
raw glistening meat of her clitoris and vulva. The pulpy button of cunt-flesh
was already jutting out like the tip of a baby's little finger.

Her training now paid off, for the instant she peeled back her vaginal lobes,
the dog took a deep sniff and worked his tongue right over the erect little
nugget of meat that was her clitoris. A spastic shiver of raw delight made her
legs shudder and she gasped loudly as she felt the flicker of delight growing in
strength, welling up inside of her pussy.

It was always like this, this slow and deliciously torturous ascent to the point
of climax, the pinnacle of raw erotic release. "Come on, good boy, more," she
whispered, demanding that the Scottie service her.

She thrust her crotch forward and her hips began to undulate with rhythmic
insistence, her body writhing gently on the bed. More and more cunt juice
spilled down from the shuddering walls of her pussy, only to be gobbled down,
slurped and sucked up by the dog's fast-moving tongue.

And the more Bix licked and tongued her pussy, his tongue actually pistoning in
and out from between the trembling puffy lips of her vagina, the more aroused
Pam Harper fast became. She could feel her climax growing in strength and she
began to buck and heave, jerking her crotch back and forth against the terrier's
lowered face.

Her strenuous shivering motions seemed to spur the dog on and Bix's hard raspy
tongue almost nipped at her cunt as she felt the way the animal was sucking down
the thick rivulets of oily musky sap which sluiced down along the walls of her

Her cunt was swampy and overheated now, but she didn't want to come ... not
right this instant, in any event. So rather than shorten her pleasures, she
sought to prolong them by lifting her legs back until her knees were pressing
down against her tits and the smooth white cheeks of her boyish ass jutted out
in the Scottie's direction.

The gamy sour odor of her anus had, so she had discovered when Bix was just a
puppy, always aroused the dog's oral attentions. This Sunday morning was
certainly no exception, for no sooner had she thrust her bottom out in his
direction when Bix dug deeper, shoving his snout and then his swift-moving
little tongue, right between the warm supple cheeks of her delectable bottom.

A low-pitched sigh of ecstasy escaped Pam's lips the instant she felt Bix's
tongue licking and dabbing at the pink puckered folds of her anus. The hairless
rosy aperture began to clench and unclench like a toothless mouth as she worked
her sphincter muscles as if to egg the dog on to greater and greater feats of
oral--and now, analingual--excess.

He never fails me, she thought to herself as the dog's tongue palpitated the rim
of her anus. She reached down then and pulled her buns as far apart as she
could, stretching the narrow slick opening of her fundament.

Bix's tongue actually worked its way right inside to the inner edge of her
rectum. And as soon as this was accomplished, Pam let go of her buttocks and
rammed her stiffened index finger right down between the twin puffy lips of her

"Shit, do it! More, eat me, lick me!" she cried out, shuddering more violently
as her passions began to erupt with demonic force and intensity.

There was no stopping her, or Bix for that matter, after that.

Her index finger surged in and out as she pistoned it down into her pussy,
farther than the length of the terrier's tongue could allow. The wet slippery
walls of her cunt surged together to embrace her digit and a second finger soon
followed the searing path of the first, the two of them moving in unison, held
stiffly and tightly together.

She scissored them open and shut around the stalk of her steamy cut and the
friction thus produced made her body thrash more vigorously on the bed. Any
second and she knew it would happen, her orgasm descending upon her like a bolt
of lightning.

But she tried to hold it back for as long as possible, the floodgates of ecstasy
about to break down and the rush of pleasure stream like boiling water through
her excited body. And all this time, Bix was still licking and reaming her
asshole, rimming her out and never growing tired of the task she had rather
effortlessly taught him when he was just a pup.

Her two fingers worked like a cock, plunging more determinedly in and out of her
pussy, scraping up against her clit in their maddened rush down into her
shuddering vagina. She closed her eyes then and it was just the same as always,
the identical fantasy taking wing in her mind, filling her thoughts with its
pleasurable and highly arousing images.

Her fingers kept moving, swifter than ever as she consciously dreamed the
fantasy that always consumed her when she was moments away from her climax. In
it, she was right where she was now, lying in bed, with or without Bix. Her
blonde hair was spread out over the white pillowslip like a golden halo and soft
rays of early morning light danced and glinted along the pale blue bedroom

But she was not asleep, for in her fantasy her eyes were half-open, capable of
seeing everything that was about to take place. It started when a shadow moved
behind the drawn lace curtains, a silhouette she instinctively knew belonged to
a man. And then a leg, a leg with a scuffed cowboy boot and a covering of
skintight faded denim, slid over the window sill, followed by another foot and
then a body which pushed the window wider so that the man could gain access into
her bedroom.

And there she was, lying in bed, pretending to be asleep, but seeing everything
that was taking place. It was the man of her dreams, literally as well as
figuratively, who now eased himself into her silent bedroom, invading her home
and her privacy.

But in the fantasy, and now in real life, a smile could be seen etched across
her thin pursed lips as she caught sight of the silent figure staring down at
her while she lay in bed. Languidly, she turned over onto her back, flicking the
covers down as if she was still asleep.

And the man's eyes opened even wider, dark brown eyes that seemed capable of
drilling into her flesh like laser beams. They gazed in awe and delight at the
bristly bush of fur which adorned her tender virginal pubic mound, highlighting
the narrow gash of her cunt furrow, accenting the drooping lips of her twat now
curling in against each other, furry and warm and slightly damp with the juices
which had oozed down her trench during the night.

She could see his excitement branded like a tattoo across his face, the way his
nostrils dilated as he sucked in his breath, the way his thickly sensual lips
opened slightly as if they were linked directly to his wide and staring eyes.

And then, she opened her eyes wider and gave a sudden start of fear, fear that
was dealt with in a flash as the stranger threw himself down on top of the bed.
The bedcovers were pulled back like flimsy tissue paper and he took hold of her
supple thighs and then rammed his flushed and eager face right down between her
spread-eagled legs.

But in the dream she did not scream or fight back, except to give a sudden
shudder of defiance, defiance which vanished the instant the stranger's lowered
head nuzzled against her box and his tongue lashed out across her warm and
inviting pussy.

Yes, do it, lick me, love me, she thought to herself, her fingers still moving
in and out of her cunt as her passions got ready to erupt like molten lava, her
body a volcano about to explode with fiery vengeance.

It was so clear, so lifelike that when she opened her eyes she could still see
the man lying down, stretched out on the bed, his jean-clad legs hanging over
the foot of the bed and his tongue lapping frantically across her juicy pubic

She closed her eyes tightly then, as if to reinforce the potency of her erotic
dream, her lusty fantasy. Yes, it was better this way, Pam decided to herself,
still moaning as she felt her climax about to overwhelm her.

The man no longer frightened her, his startling entrance through her bedroom
window, the way his lips and tongue were plundering and raping her cunt, all
arousing her in a way no man in her real life had ever succeeded in doing

The stranger's hard muscled body turned her on as well and his thick curly brown
hair was soft and baby-fine when she reached down and ran her fingers through
it, gently and lightly caressing the top of his head.

She had seen too his lean and burly physique and the potent rounded bulge
tenting up the front of his skintight jeans. All these visual stimuli served to
inflame her passions and then, as she imagined how his tongue would feel as it
pistoned in and out of her cunt, how the edges of his front teeth would nip and
chew up and down the length of her stubby hot clit, she suddenly threw her legs
down over Bix's head and screamed out, knowing that the moment of pleasure was
finally at hand.

She let her passions take control and as she maneuvered a third finger into
place, she was gasping and shaking on the bed, her limbs shivering involuntarily
and her orgasm erupting with all the fire and delight no man had ever gotten her
to feel.

"More, lick me, love me, love me!" she cried out as if the burly young man in
her dream was actually there, standing by the foot of her bed with a lewd and
lascivious grin etched across his lips.

But when she stared wildly around, even as hot rivulets of fresh cunt juice
streamed down the burning walls of her stimulated twat, she could see that she
was alone with Bix, that no one else had entered her room, either from the
window which led out onto the fire escape, or through the locked front door of
her three-room apartment.

And a look of anger mingled with the rage of her erotic release as Pam kept
writhing back and forth. Bix continued to lash his tongue around her anus,
licking and nipping at her bottom-hole while her three fingers plunged and
darted deeper and deeper into her burning snatch.

She was milking herself of every last drop of cunt juice, every last burning
charge of sexual pleasure. Her orgasm was like a spring suddenly uncoiling
inside of her and by the time she had drained herself dry and Bix had finally
pulled his tongue back to sit up and stare at her flushed and reddened face, Pam
was too exhausted to say or do another thing.

She just lay there on her bed, the rosy-red glow which had suffused her skin now
fading as the blush of fiery pleasure began to expire like smoldering glowing
coals in a dying fire. "Where are you, you prick! Where the fuck are you
hiding?" she screamed out, her face contorted with anger that grew more intense
and vituperative as she stared wildly around the room.

Had her life been a fairy tale, she would have awakened from her reveries to
discover that they had come true. But today, as in the past, fantasy had not
been transformed into the stuff of life. A cool breeze fanned the lace curtains
and through the opened window, which led out onto the fire escape, she could
hear the murmur of voices, of children playing out on the street, of a neighbor
arguing with her husband.

But no one, no burly blue-jeaned cowboy-booted young man, was crouched down on
the fire escape, about to lift the window wide and slide one foot and then the
other into her room, entering her apartment and thus, entering her life.

No tears, not today, Pam said to herself. She patted Bix and got up out of bed,
knowing it was time to face the dull gray languor of reality ... her reality,
her boring and dispassionate life.

Chapter 2

Living as she did in what had formerly been a rent-controlled apartment, quite a
plum as far as the vast majority of Manhattanites were concerned, Pam had the
added luxury of space, space which included a kitchen that not only had a
window, but that was also big enough to easily hold a round oak dining table and
four cane-backed chairs.

Nearly all of her friends bemoaned their fate, the exorbitant rentals they paid
in modern luxury buildings. And almost every one of them were forced to eat in
dining alcoves and living rooms, substituting ventilator grates for kitchen

The late morning sun streamed brilliantly into the kitchen and the hanging
plants, which decorated the window, were lush and full. There's absolutely no
reason to be depressed, Pam told herself as she sipped her third cup of coffee
and idly flicked the pages of the Sunday Times she had picked up at a newsstand
the night before.

Bix lay stretched out on the yellow tile floor, sunning himself after having
consumed his light morning snack. She looked down at his furry black body and
smiled to herself, pleased with his loyalty and doubly pleased with the way he
never failed to excite her, knowing almost instinctively what to do to arouse
her passions.

It wasn't so much her training as it was the dog's temperament and seemingly
natural inclination to lick and tongue her body, her cunt and her asshole in
particular. But that, she knew, was not all that she had taught him, nor was it
the only trick Bix knew how to perform for his mistress.

But this morning she didn't want to think of that, having caught sight of the
terrier's bony penis when Bix had sat up on the bed, moments after she had felt
the last searing convulsions which marked her orgasm.

She wondered if he was capable of disappointment, then dismissed the notion as
anthropomorphic, not wanting to give a dog human feelings, to endow an animal--
even one as obviously bright and clever as Bix--with emotions best left for
people to experience and deal with.

But in her eyes, at least, he hadn't looked all that happy, sitting up on the
bed so that she had been able to see the pencil-thin and triangulated tip of his
penis sticking out from its black hairy sheath.

The glistening flesh of his dog-cock was wet with canine genital secretions, a
thin slippery fluid that she had tasted on numerous occasions in the past,
carnal episodes of bestiality, she had told absolutely no one about.

Shame was one emotion she had learned to cope with quite early on in her life,
for before Bix there had been her first dog, a honey colored cocker spaniel who
made up for his unremarkable behavior and intelligence in other and far more
intriguing ways.

She remembered that first incident with the spaniel, when she had just turned
fifteen. It stood before her mind's eye as if it was happening, right there in
the kitchen. But then she blinked and the image disappeared.

No, she decided, I've done enough fantasizing for one day. It's time to get out
and shake off my depression before I really end up in the loony bin. She did not
think she was headed for a breakdown, but as she got up to wash the breakfast
dishes she sensed that unless things changed, the pattern of her life that is,
no good would come of her burgeoning anxieties and dissatisfaction with the
tenor of her existence.

"Want to romp in the park today, Bixie?" she asked her dog when the last of the
breakfast dishes had been washed and set in the drainer to dry.

Bix yawned and stretched his legs, his carrot-shaped black tail rising up
jauntily, wagging this way and that as he trotted obediently behind her, back
into the bedroom where she picked out the clothes she would wear that afternoon.

Less than an hour later found her standing at the top of what New Yorkers had
dubbed "Dog Hill," a denuded though still fairly grassy rounded hill which
overlooked Fifth Avenue and the 79th Street entrance to Central Park.

Sunday, she knew, was the worst day of all, when the park was crowded with
families and Dog Hill was a sea of barking running canine bodies. The good
weather, the first taste of summer in what had been an unusually rainy spring,
had brought the people out in droves and as she stood and looked around her,
surveying the view while she kept a diligent eye on Bix, she suddenly stiffened
and refused to believe her eyes.

I'm dreaming, she thought to herself, ignoring Bix so that she was able to train
both eyes on the tall athletically built figure who stood some distance away
from her, halfway down the rise of the gently sloping hill.

She could see his profile, the straight aquiline line of his nose, the thick and
in her eyes sensual lips, now set in a slight and almost dazed bemused little
grin. Dark piercing eyes stared out, open and devoid of deceit, from under a
pair of thick bushy eyebrows.

Even the same hair, Pam thought to herself, for the young man who now was
causing her to stare almost blatantly and rudely, had a thick mop of shaggy and
curly dark-brown hair, hair which almost seemed to be the identical shade of
brown as his eyes.

She shook her head and held herself more stiffly, aware of the way she had been
trembling. Her fingers clutched Bix's leash and the yapping and scurrying all
around her did not serve to break her mood of silent and watchful amazement.

It's him, the same guy, the one who comes in the window, she thought, still not
sure if she was somehow hallucinating, seeing a mirage, imagining the young man
as he stood below her on the hill, his own eyes trained on a powerfully built
liver-colored Doberman pinscher.

As in the dream, the stranger wore faded and skintight blue jeans, even scuffed
square-toed cowboy boots as well. A work shirt as equally faded and bleached as
his dungarees covered his muscular torso and Pamela smiled nervously, wondering
if she was finally going off the deep end.

But when she blinked rapidly, the image before her didn't waver or fade away in
the least. If anything, she could see the young man even more clearly. All the
details of his face and body, details she had memorized as if the dream had come
to her full-blown, not a product of her own subconscious yearnings, matched one
against the other.

She shivered again, spooked out by the apparition that had magically come to
life. She had waited so long to meet a man like the one who raped her, alone in
her bedroom, that now she didn't know if she should just turn around and run off
in the opposite direction.

But before she could even recover from her surprise, or regain her self-
composure, their eyes met and for the life of her she neither wanted to nor
could she even pull away from the young man's wide and unswerving stare.

He turned his head to the side and looked up at her and if there was such a
thing as love at first sight, Pam knew that she was the victim of it, of Cupid's
dart. Her knees felt weak and bravely, feeling silly and as adolescent as a
blushing schoolgirl, she curled her lips up into a smile.

It was not ignored.

The fellow grinned broadly, just as she saw Bix race into view, running circles
around the liver colored Doberman. The pinscher was a male, but surprisingly
enough he and Bix seemed to get along fine, enjoying each other's company,
enjoying too the canine games the Scottie so delighted in.

Bix yapped merrily and darted right underneath the Doberman's body. The smooth-
coated dog barked loudly and sprang off down the hill, Bix's short stubby legs
flying out behind him as he hurried after in hot pursuit.

"Holmes!" the young man called out as the two dogs raced down the hill, so
involved in their own games and animal pleasures that, at least for the time
being, they were oblivious to their masters.

"Bix, get over here!" Pam cried out, her feet moving in front of her. Almost
mechanically she strode down the hill, one foot placed before the other as if
she was just learning how to walk. She was headed right towards the young man
and a smile still played across her lips.

"Holmes, get your ass over here ... now!" the guy yelled out.

The Doberman stopped short, lifted his fox-like snout and then began to race
back up the hill. Bix was right behind him, a black streak against the
pinscher's short liver-tinted body. By the time the two dogs had arrived at the
young man's feet, Pam was standing right before him, still clutching Bix's
leather lead.

"That's a good boy, Holmes. Now just quiet down and sit still for a minute," the
fellow said good-naturedly.

Pamela knew she was in love and the very notion made her shudder once again. She
wiped her forehead with the tips of her fingers, able to feel how she had
suddenly begun to sweat profusely. "You too, Bix," she said, her voice cracking
and her throat gone dry and parched.

"Bix? Why Bix?" asked the young man, turning to stare at her the way he had done
earlier. And, for a second time, their eyes met, the stare held rigid and

"Why?" she heard herself replying to his question. "He's just ... just a little
Bix, that's all. Silly. I can't remember why I decided to name him that. It just
came to me when I saw him, that's all."

"You're right," the young man agreed with another disarmingly open and good-
natured grin. "He does look like a Bix."

"And Holmes?" asked Pam. "Where's his double-brimmed cap and his drooping pipe?"

"Oh," the young man laughed, "I only let him wear those things in the privacy of
my apartment. Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. Actually, it was the
look in his eyes that made the decision for me. Seemed so piercing, so
inquisitive, even when he was just a pup."

Pam glanced over at the Doberman. He was sitting at his master's feet, his great
wet tongue hanging out of his mouth. Her eyes slid down, caught sight of the
long thinly furred sheath that concealed the dog's cock and then jerked back to
the young man's smiling face.

"Want to go for a cup of coffee?" he suddenly blurted out, almost as if he was
now as nervous as she was.

"What?" she said, startled by the swiftness of the stranger's invitation. "I ...
I don't even know your name."

"And if you did ... would it make any difference?" he said. "But to set your
mind at ease, I'm listed in the Manhattan directory, under W for Whitlock.
Justin Whitlock."

"Pam Harper," she replied, finding herself extending her hand as they grinned
back at each other and shook hands like two businessmen meeting each other for
the first time before sitting down to lunch.

"Good, then it's settled," he said, whereupon he attached the chain leash he
held to Holmes' collar.

Pam clicked Bix's lead into place and the two of them, led by their two
straining panting dogs, moved down the hill towards the 79th Street exit from
the park. Pam felt at a complete loss for words, nodding her head numbly as
Justin spoke to her.

She was growing acutely aware of the way he kept glancing at her from the corner
of his eye. It was a look she had seen before, as recently as the previous
evening in fact, when Dick Truman had taken her out for dinner.

But whereas Truman's leering wolfish grin had turned her off, had frightened her
in point of fact, she accepted Justin's obvious interest in her with something
that resembled downright pleasure and considerable delight.

She had never met a man this way, a complete and total stranger. For all she
knew he could be a homicidal maniac, a psychotic, sexually maladjusted. But even
if all that was true, nothing was going to stop her from finally taking a chance
with her life and doing the one thing which now came to her as naturally and
easily as the very act of breathing, of inhaling and exhaling as she walked
alongside of him.

When they reached Fifth Avenue they turned left, heading uptown. They walked
past the crowds surging in and out of the Metropolitan Museum, past some of the
embassy buildings that were located along Fifth Avenue, in view of the park.

She didn't ask him where they were going, if he intended to stop at a coffee
shop or head straight back to his apartment. Secretly, she hoped he would choose
the latter and when he caught hold of her elbow and guided her across Fifth
Avenue and down Eighty-eighth Street, she smiled to herself and didn't utter a
single word of protest.

"Five flight walkup," he announced when they reached the unrenovated brownstone
where he rented an apartment. "Sorry about that, but I refuse to be subsidized
by dear old dad."

"I don't care. I like to walk," she replied, shy again as she followed him up
the granite steps which led into the pocket-sized vestibule and lobby of the

Justin dug into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a ring of keys,
selecting the correct one to unlock the front door. Then, moving down the dimly
illuminated and narrow hallway, he led Pam upstairs to his apartment.

She followed right behind him; able to hear the way her heart was beating like a
steam-hammer in her breast, able to feel the nervous pulsing throb of blood in
her temples. But even more than that, she was becoming acutely aware of another
sensation, one that she had experienced in the past, but rarely if ever as a
result of being in the company and presence of a man.

Between her legs she could feel how juice was seeping down, trickling along the
walls of her cunt and oozing over her hairy pubic mound. She was wearing a skirt
and she was almost startled at the way her crotch had gotten suddenly wet and
swampy, juice threatening to actually drip down along the insides of her thighs.

The walls of her cunt could be felt fluttering again and again and she could
hardly believe her body was responding like this, for she had not felt this kind
of sexual reaction to anyone in so long that she had almost forgotten what it
could be like.

But now, she knew exactly what it was like, for she was unable to stop shaking,
unable to stop staring up at Justin's muscular back, his tight boyish ass
outlined beneath the skintight covering of his jeans, or the long thickly
muscles back of his calves and thighs.

His body seemed to radiate the same kind of intense animalism as Holmes' wiry
and powerful build, dog and master appearing in her eyes to be even more suited
to each other than she had first thought. This is insane, she told herself. What
am I doing here, following this guy upstairs to his apartment, when I don't even
know who he is, or anything about him?

Nevertheless, she made no move to turn, nor did she even voice her doubts. Her
disbelief, the fact that the longer she was in his company the more he came to
even more closely resemble the man she had almost fantasized about, all got the
best of her, squelching any thoughts to the contrary.

She paused at the top of the fifth floor landing to catch her breath. She had
taken Bix off the leash and now he was wagging his tail, delighted with his
outing and his new friend. Holmes stood attentively behind Justin as he unlocked
the door to his apartment, turning around to usher Pam inside.

One glance was all she needed to put her fears to rest. The studio apartment was
warm and inviting, with soft browns and tans the predominant color scheme. "I'll
fix a pot of coffee ... I can't stand instant," he told her. "Just make yourself
comfortable, put some music you like on the stereo."

Dumbly, she nodded her head and moved into the large airy room. She put her
shoulder bag down and moved to the stereo, flicking through the stack of record
albums until she had found something to her liking. It was Franck's "Symphony in
d," one of her favorites. She slid the record out of the album sleeve and put it
down on top of the turntable, doubly pleased that he had it in his collection,
that already their similar tastes were showing through, joining them even more
closely to each other.

Bix and Holmes seemed exhausted and they lay near the couch, their tongues
lolling out of their mouths and their eyes half-closed, dreamy with the need for
sleep. That too was fine with her. She didn't want them to turn into a hassle, a

The soft strains of the symphony came back to her as she sat down on the couch,
a straight-backed tweed-covered sofa whose down pillows gave way under her
weight. She sank down and sighed to herself, still finding it all too difficult
to deal with.

I should be lying in a bed, she thought. And Justin should come in through the
open window and take me ... just like that, without a single word.

Pam closed her eyes, an unspoken sentence on her lips. One part of her was more
afraid than she had ever been before in her life, afraid of caring too much, of
giving everything she had and getting nothing back in return, of laying her
feelings before Justin's feet, not knowing if he would kick them aside or bend
down to hold them lovingly and caringly in his cradling arms.

But the other side of her thoughts, the side which had first compelled her to
hold his stare, to move down the hill with the full intention of meeting Justin,
wanted her to cry out to him, to tell him to take her, to rape her in any way he
desired, right then and there.

She could hear his booted feet moving back into the room. But Pam kept her eyes
closed, her breath coming in short shallow gasps, her tits rising and falling
like the lilting strains of music Franck had written for moments just such as

Let him see me like this, she thought. Let him know how open I am, how
vulnerable, naked ...

She pictured how he was now standing at the threshold to the room, for the sound
of his heavy footfalls had stopped abruptly. She imagined what he might be
thinking and she smiled to herself just as the footsteps resumed, coming right
in her direction. Still, she made no move to open her eyes or acknowledge the
fact that he was walking right towards her as she leaned back against the down-
filled sofa.

And then it happened, though not like in the dream.

She felt his legs pressing down against her knees and then his lips moving back
and forth against her mouth. She took a deep breath then and opened her eyes. He
was leaning forward, bracing himself with his hands clutching at the back of the

She looked into his eyes and then smiled as he grinned back at her, lightly
licking her lips with the tip of his outstretched tongue. Her hands moved up as
if invisible balloons were lifting them. And then she clutched at his arms and
responded with all the pent-up passion and stifled desire she had lived with
these past five years.

Justin could not have been more pleased.

He rammed his tongue right between her parted lips, moaning softly as her
fingers slid up and down along his arms. Each passing second made Pam more
impatient. She no longer cared what he might think of her behavior, of the way
she was demanding him to take her, to do whatever he desired.

Nothing mattered but how she felt and she rubbed her thighs together, acutely
and agonizingly aware of the way her cunt had begun to burn and itch with
feverish impatience and desire. Justin's tongue slid in and out of her mouth,
licking her lips and palate, her gums and teeth.

Their lips were glued hotly against each other and her fingers slid higher, up
along his arms. His muscles bulged tautly inside of his faded blue work shirt
and the power and strength she had imagined him to possess was now becoming more
and more obvious, exhibiting itself in the hard bulge of his steely muscles.

Justin slid his tongue out of her mouth and then sucked on her chin, gently
sliding his tongue down along her neck, even as he began to ease his body into a
crouch. He crouched between her legs, flicking his tongue against her smooth
alabaster neck, his knees digging into the carpeting and his hands now moving
from the back of the couch to rest along Pam's shoulders.

She felt dazed, dazzled by the swiftness of their meeting, by the fact that she
knew, long before it was going to take place, that they were destined to go to
bed together, destined to explore every inch of each other's naked bodies.

And that pleased her to no end. She pushed her crotch forward, whimpering more
excitedly as he sucked and licked her neck, gently unbuttoning the front of her
thin linen blouse. Yes, do it, anything, she kept telling herself as Justin grew
more animated, more impatient, finally ripping the tails of her blouse out from
around the waistband of her skirt.

She thrust her tits forward, glad that she hadn't bothered to wear a bra for her
afternoon jaunt to the park. Because now, an instant later, she felt his lips
sucking down over one of her nipples, the edges of his front teeth nipping and
grazing lightly and delightfully along the entire length of her turgid and
stiff-standing berries.

"Yes, oh do that, yes, anything," she whispered, her body twisting from side to
side as he used his lips with expertise, sucking on one taut nipple and then the
other. He licked and tongued them until they felt on fire and then he began to
stuff one of her tits right between his gaping lips.

Pam kept looking down, staring at his lowered head as his hands pushed her jugs
closer together and his lips and tongue sucked and slurped with growing passion
and maddened delight. He was doing everything she had wanted him to do, and
performing in a manner which left absolutely nothing to be desired.

Glancing over his shoulder, she could see the two dogs, the Scottie and the
Doberman, watching what was taking place between their owners. Their seeming
look of interest amused her and Pam giggled, even as the hot flickers of
pleasure began to grow more and more potent.

He wasn't saying a word, but his caresses spoke far louder than anything she
knew he might say. His fingers were kneading and toying with her jugs and she
had never felt her nipples so inflamed before, so on fire, tingling as he
flicked the tip of his tongue back and forth against one and then the other,
stimulating her with each successive swipe of his raspy-edged prober.

She was all eyes, having gone without this kind of pleasure for far too long.
The backs of his hands were covered with short black hair and she imagined that
he was a bear, attacking her, ravishing her body with bestial fervor and
animalistic delight.

Like paws, she thought as she watched his fingers moving, tweaking her love-buds
and then trailing ticklishly down along the gentle incline of her body. He
reached for the zipper to her skirt and still she made no move to stop him, nor
would she ever.

"You know me, don't you?" he asked her then, even as he found the side zipper to
her skirt and yanked it down with a flick of his wrist.

"I ... I've known you for ... for more than five years," she whispered, her body
shivering involuntarily, a nervous twitch which made her voice tremble ever so
slightly. "In ... from a dream. You've been coming to me in a dream, the same
dream, over and over again, week after week."

"If I told you the same thing, I'd only be lying. But it doesn't really matter
or change anything, because I'm here now, and that's all that counts," he
replied, his voice soft and soothing to her ears.

"You've been sleepwalking for five years, that's all," she said with a grin.
"You come to my window at dawn, pull it open and slide first one leg and then
the other inside. And then, then you ...

"Then I what?"

"You ... you do it," she stammered. "You rape me, Justin. You fuck me; you do
everything to me, everything. And I love it, I love it, all of it, everything."

He grinned almost devilishly at her emotional outburst and without saying
another word, pulled impatiently at the hem of her skirt. Pam lifted her ass off
of the sofa so that he would be able to pull her skirt completely off. She was
glad she had said what she had, as if it had been a stone around her neck,
weighing her down. He hadn't laughed nor had he been anything but highly pleased
and flattered.

And now she was ready to make good her words, for even then her skirt came down
and she kicked it off of her ankles, pulling her blouse off with the same kind
of wild sexual impatience her voice had reflected moments before.

Justin's dark brooding eyes opened to their farthest limits. He sucked in his
breath as she sat there before him, her naked creamy-white jugs rising and
falling; each rounded melon capped by an exquisite little finger of taut and
erect flesh.

She could see his excitement mirrored on his face, the way he was literally
devouring her with his eyes, gobbling her down like a succulent sweetmeat, a
choice morsel fit for an epicurean feast. His eyes slid down over her upthrust
and firm young breasts, farther still to the soft rounded hill of her belly.

And then he did exactly what he did in her dream. He threw himself forward with
a loud bull-like roar, a bellow of wild sexual impatience and maddened physical
hunger. His tongue probed the narrow recess of her navel and then licked down to
the waistband of her slim little bikini briefs.

Pam moaned wildly and thrust her crotch forward. Justin was using his tongue
with an instinctive skill that even Bix had never demonstrated before. He slid
its very tip right underneath the ring of elastic and then moved it back and
forth as if he were loosening her panties, pulling them off of her merely by the
use of his lips and tongue.

He came quite close to that, actually, for a moment later, as she kept pushing
her hips up and down towards his flushed and reddened face, he grabbed hold of
the waistband of her briefs, catching the elastic between the edges of his front

She cried out with excitement as he pulled down, using his teeth rather than his
fingers so that she could feel his wet slippery lips grazing against her naked
body. Once again she raised herself up as he tugged her panties down, succeeding
in pulling them past her waist and lush rounded hips, farther still until his
eyes could see the first stray ringlets of mossy pubic hair which grew thickly
and luxuriously across her meaty box.

"Oh please, please, yes, do it, hurry," she begged, so impatient that she
couldn't stop herself from skinning her undies down. She pushed them past her
thighs with both hands and as they fell to her ankles he was already moving
forward, even before she had managed to kick them off of her legs.

A scream of excitement flew out of her throat the instant he plunged recklessly
forward, his thick sensual lips glued hotly against her pussy. His warm breath
fanned her puffy cunt lips and she was whimpering and straining, pushing her
crotch up against his mouth.

"More, yes, do it, anything," she blurted out once again, so on fire that she
couldn't pull her thoughts together. The room reeled around her as if she was
riding a horse on a carousel, a merry-go-round of spinning whirling erotic

Never before, not even when she had known what it was to be in love, five years
earlier, had Pam Harper ever been so aroused, so sexually stimulated, so
maddened by the artful caresses and erotic skills of a man.

It was all new to her and she spread her thighs demandingly wide, watching the
way his tongue slid around her hairy cunt, licking every tendril of blonde pubic
fur, sucking on the twin slippery lobes of flesh whose inner secrets he now
sought out. Justin rammed his bristling invading tongue right down into her
crimson gash and the scarlet wet wound of her cunt furrow dilated visibly, even
before she grabbed hold of the top of his head and pushed his mouth down even
more firmly against her pussy.

"Please, yes, eat me, eat me," she whimpered, so out of control by now that she
couldn't believe this was all happening to her, finally and at long last.

But it was no dream and she didn't have to pinch herself or scream out to awaken
from her reveries. She had gone home with a young man whom she knew nothing
about, a young man named Justin Whitlock. But if she did not know who he really
was, or what he did with his life, or what his goals and aspirations might be,
she still knew him from all those fancied moments when he had snuck into her
bedroom to take her in the stillness of early morning.

And now, the last thing she wanted him to do was stop his frenzied oral caresses
to sit back and calmly recite the story of his life. Needless to say, that was
not what Justin intended to do. Not now, in any event.

Chapter 3

This was no dream, no reverie, no imagined meeting.

It had happened and now Justin Whitlock was just as inflamed as Pam Harper. He
stroked the tops of her smooth white thighs, glad that she hadn't been wearing
stockings or panty hose, glad that he could caress and massage her tender and
supple flesh.

And even as he caressed her, his tongue was digging deeper into her cunt,
lapping up the hot spicy rivulets of sap, which were streaming down the
fluttering walls of her swampy twat. He had seen the liquid stain of cunt juice
that had covered the front of her panties and he knew how aroused she had

The intensity of her response, the way she was holding his head down and
writhing back and forth so that his tongue hit against one smooth slippery cunt
wall and then the other, pleased him to no end. He was determined to arouse her
until she would be insane, unable to control herself.

And so now he strummed her body as if he was a musician getting harmonies and
chords from an instrument. His fingers tickled the insides of her thighs,
finally sliding higher until he was able to take hold of the edges of her thin
girlish cunt lips.

These were no scarlet rooster combs of flabby drooping flesh, but taut elastic
lapels that he now eased back, stretching them wide as butterfly wings. Pam
thrust her crotch up again and again and when she let go of his head, Justin
eased his tongue back. He lifted his face and stared down at her meaty box.

Between a narrow and gristly set of cunt lips he could see the swollen meaty
button of her clit and it was to this delectable tidbit that he now centered his
attentions. He rammed his face down with rising impatience, nipping at her clit
so that she could not stop moaning and crying out with pleasure.

Her cunt gave off a strong heady odor, at once musky and pungent. And her juices
tasted salty and spicy against his lips and tongue. Delighted with the way she
was responding, he kept at it, nipping and frictioning his teeth and tongue
against the tender shaft of her clitoris, then ramming his tongue as far inside
of her tight girlish split as he could.

Her vaginal muscles jerked against his invading tongue, nipping at it with such
conclusive force that he knew she was going to prove to be even more wild and
arousing when they were in bed together. And that, needless to say, was
something he didn't doubt would happen whenever he was ready to make the move.

But what he knew she still didn't understand were the kind of things he wanted
done to her, the lurid sexual acts he had long imagined, never having been able
to see them brought to life, consummated before his wide and staring eyes.
Something told him that Pam would do anything he wanted, that the heated
excesses of her sexual reaction were a product not only of his erotic skill, but
also because she had fallen for him, head over heels.

That she seemed to be in love, or at least infatuated, certainly was no
hindrance. And though he was yet to experience the same kind of breathless
emotional involvement, his physical appetites were just as overheated and
insatiable as hers.

Behind the front of his faded blue jeans he could feel how his cock was jerking
angrily. It thrust out like a bar of steel against his fly, imprisoned, stifled
inside of his dungarees. He wore no underwear and, as a result, he was acutely
aware of how clammy and sweaty his groin had become, pre-come dribbling out of
the bulbous and blood-engorged head of his tool to seep over his pubes and soak
into the denim material of his jeans.

But Justin was a young man who knew how to exercise proper control; at least
when sex was involved. He wasn't worried about coming in his pants, though not
because he feared he wouldn't be able to climax a second time, but simply
because he had trained himself to hold back until the last possible moment.

As a result, women had always found his sexual pyrotechnics unbeatable. His
ability to sustain an erection without any artificial devices, his skill at
holding his orgasm back until he had milked a woman of several climaxes, one
right after the other, had all stood him in good stead with the women who had
passed in and out of his life.

And Pam, he knew was not going to be the exception to the rule. He could feel
how she was shuddering, how her vaginal muscles had already gone out of control,
signaling her imminent release. But he did not want to milk her of an orgasm,
not yet at any rate.

No, there would be time enough for that, when the moment was right. So he
finally eased his probing licking tongue from out of her cooze, tickling her
clitoris and then lifting his sweaty face. He let go of her cunt lips and they
sprang elastically back, their hairy outer edges all wet and glistening,
slippery with a mixture of saliva and cunt juice.

Pam slumped back against the couch, breathless and wild-eyed. She had no idea
why Justin had stopped, especially when she had been riding a kind of stoned
sexual rush, floating up towards the very moment of release.

But that, needless to say, was all part of his technique.

He edged back to rock against his knees and the backs of his legs, taking her in
with a single wide and all-encompassing stare. She was naked, her flesh
glistening and white, dewdrops not only beading the furry triangle that marked
her tender mons veneris, but also dotting the fine down along her upper lip and
right below her hairline.

Her breasts rose and fell and he saw her then as the very personification of
tenderness and vulnerability. "I ... I don't know what to say," she whispered
when she had recovered a modicum of self-composure.

"Don't say anything ... just do," he replied in a whisper, as if he didn't want
to break the spell that had been cast between them. He got abruptly to his feet
to turn over the record, for Franck's symphony had come to its side one halt
just moments after he had finally slid his tongue out of her juicy little muff.

And as he rose up before her, Pamela Harper's eyes opened even wider than
before. She was now able to see that which she had tried to glimpse earlier. And
what she saw, she liked, plain and simple. Justin caught her staring, held
himself steady, facing her like that for a silent moment before turning around
to change the record.

But the few seconds he had stood there, frozen and unmoving in space and time,
had enabled Pam to see what she had lusted after.

There could be no doubt in her mind that he was as well equipped as she had
always imagined ... no, felt ... her dream-image to be. Behind the front of his
provocative skintight jeans she had seen the long swollen outline of his cock
and she wanted to throw herself at his feet the way he had done to her. Not
slavishly, but merely so that she would be able to lunge forward and rip his
jeans off, feasting upon the thick bloated length of his manly cock.

Justin had exactly the same thought in mind.

He turned the disc over to side two. The second movement Allegretto began, its
moderately fast tempo setting the rhythm for the delicious bout of fellatio he
planned to enjoy. That she would be ready and willing was something he didn't
doubt for one second and when he turned back to her, he thrust his crotch
forward as if to demand she gape and stare at the silhouette of his rigid and
throbbing hard-on.

His dick had slipped down along the inside of one dungaree leg. The denim was
tented out so distinctly that Pam had no difficulty making out the exact
dimensions of Justin's turgid member, even down to the shape of his leaking
glans and the slight depression at the neck of his cock.

His rounded stones seemed full and loose, a swollen bag she could see stuffed--
no doubt uncomfortably, she supposed--inside the crotch of his jeans. "Is it
crazy that I'm staring?" she asked.

"By whose standards? You dig looking at it--cool. You dig playing with it, even
better," Justin told her.

He sauntered forward, half play-acting, half-serious. But he was totally earnest
about having her rub her lips and tongue over his boner and no sooner had he
moved in front of her than Pam lost the last vestiges of her self-control.

She lunged forward, nearly toppling him over. Her hands clawed at the front of
his jeans and she slid her horny fingers up and down the inside of his stuffed
trouser leg, fondling the stiff and steely projection that was his pulsating

Justin smiled to himself; delighted with the intensity of her reaction, with the
way she was really anxious to have him. She rapidly unbuttoned and unzipped his
jeans, not even thinking of what she was doing. Having sex with Bix was one
thing. But this was something else, neither better nor worse. Just different ...

But the gist of it was that she had gone without this kind of "difference" for
far too long. Now, it was as if Pam Harper was making up for lost time. She
pulled his fly open and rather than reaching inside to haul out the stiff
projection of his dick, she shoved his tight faded jeans down off of his waist
and hips.

Justin watched her, a smile of pleasure etched across his lips. Her flushed
naked body beckoned to him, calling out as he gazed at the musty smelling tangle
of blonde fur that covered her thin yet puffy labia.

The folds of meat clung to each other and pictured the pleasure that would soon
be his when he peeled them wide again. Only then, it would be as a result of the
insistent invading pressure of his cock, not his fingers.

She tugged more vigorously, surprised that his jeans were as tight-fitting as
they looked, difficult to remove as if he had worn them in the bath to get them
to shrink to the very lines and proportions of his burly figure.

And then, even before she was rewarded with the sight and feel of his cock, even
as he pulled off his faded blue work shirt, she was able to see the damp thick
forest of his wiry black pubic hair. It made a thin furry line down over his
flat washboard stomach and the hollow depression of his navel. Then, it
thickened abruptly, fanning out across his groin, barely concealing the braided
blue veins along his crotch.

Then the jeans were pulled lower and seconds before his dick was released, she
was able to stare at it as if she had never seen a man's organ in all of her
life. It had been a long time, in actuality, and though she couldn't say that
she had forgotten what a penis looked like, she still stared as if she had never
seen one before, or at least, never one as vigorously proportioned as that which
Justin Whitlock now sported.

"Pull 'em down," he said with a note of impatience. He was shuddering, wanting
her to suck him off before they would really get down to business. The latter
was going to be a surprise, he decided. But first he fully intended to enjoy the
wet slobbering embrace of her horny little mouth.

Pam certainly wasn't adverse to opening her lips wide and taking in as much of
his dick as she possibly could. So her fingers pulled his jeans still lower
until she had freed his cock. It sprang out at her like an uncoiling spring, the
bulbous cap of his penis hitting her right across the lips.

After that, nothing seemed in the least bit surprising.

She didn't even have time to stare, to take in the details of his genitalia.
Almost as if the motion was a reflex action, she opened her mouth, her jaws
aching as she thrust her reddened and eager young face right down over the
leaking head of Justin's penis.

"Perfect, perfect," he groaned, swiveling back and forth so that his glans
banged against one side of her mouth and then the other. He didn't rush into
things, nor push forward to greedily and excitedly impale her mouth over the
entire length of his swollen member.

No, for he took his time, letting her get used to the virile dimensions of his
manly rod. He could see how she was straining, how her lips were spread
grotesquely wide, no doubt wider than she had ever opened her mouth before.

His cock was nearly as thick around as her girlish wrist and Pam was doubly
amazed by its sheer length and breadth. Seven inches had always seemed large and
certainly adequate. Eight inches of surging manflesh had been tried only once
before. But Whitlock was hung to the length of nearly nine hard inches and the
additional thickness of his throbbing member made it doubly difficult for her to
get her lips all the way around his gristly cock-shaft.

"Take your time ... and use your tongue," he whispered. He bent his knees
slightly and kept his hands on his hips, his fingers dangling down towards the
deep inguinal indentations that set his crotch off from his thighs and belly.

She slid her head closer, feeling the way she was taking in more and more of his
joystick. And when the head of his cock banged against the back of her throat
she gagged slightly and stopped, trying to grow accustomed to the unusually
energetic dimensions of Justin's penis.

He is the guy in the dream, she told herself, for even down to this, the size of
his dick, he had not disappointed her or proven to be in any way different from
that silent stranger whom she had known through her fantasies, the jean-clad
figure who stepped into her bedroom for his ritualistic round of early morning
rape and forced sex.

This too was almost forced, but she rather enjoyed that as well. He didn't grab
hold of the back of her head the way she had done to him, but stood there,
almost cocky, his hands on his hips and his penis buried a good six or so inches
between her tightly clinging lips.

She couldn't take in the entire length; having never learned how to avoid
gagging when her mouth was so completely filled. But he didn't thrust or jerk
forward. Rather, he slid his pecker halfway out, savoring the friction and
tactile stimulation produced as he grazed his shaft along the edges of her small
even white teeth.

She slapped her tongue along the ridge of muscle that bulged out on the
underside of his tool and as she pressed her knees down onto the carpet,
kneeling before him, her fingers reached down to lift up the dangling weight of
his hairy scrotal sac.

His balls were like hen's eggs, heavy and filled with come. She ran her fingers
over the folds of wrinkled flesh and let his sac dangle against the palm of one
hand. And then she explored the muscular expanse of his hairy thighs, loving the
very sense of strength, of power and animalistic fury, which seemed to be
radiating from his body.

Justin had seen chicks go wild over him in the past, but none had ever carried
on the way Pam Harper was doing. He didn't fully understand where he stood in
the scheme of things, the true importance of being the reincarnation of her
dream-figure. But even if he didn't understand what she was going through, he
certainly could comprehend the way she was deriving just as much pleasure as he
was. She shoved her face back and forth, slamming her mouth over his bulging
dong so that the head of his cock tickled her tonsils and bent them back.

His tool was leaking pre-come at an almost alarming rate. The bittersweet oily
fluid slid down her throat and she inhaled deeply, getting off on the smells of
his body, just as he had enjoyed sucking up the heady scent of her pungent muff.

His crotch exuded a musty and sweaty aroma, piquant and intoxicating. Here was a
man, she thought to herself, a man who would bring her out of herself, who would
give her love and security and the pleasures of the flesh.

He made her feel more like a woman than anyone she had ever known and she slid
her hands up along his wide-set thighs, moved them around and finally grabbed
the tight muscular cheeks of his boyish ass, one in each hand.

She pulled him closer to her then, squeezing his buns, feeling the way they were
hard and firm, silken as a result of the almost invisible gossamer down which
grew over his rump. By this time, her cunt was leaking copiously and hot drools
of sap trickled down along the insides of her shuddering thighs.

She could feel her sexual appetites flaring up and she wanted to jump up on him,
wrap her legs around his waist and ass and let him slam his pecker right into
her pussy, impaling her on his sword-like cock. Then, so she imagined at the
moment, he would carry her around the room and she would feel the full length
and thickness of his penis sliding in and out of her cooze, setting her passions
on fire, milking her of every last ounce of erotic bliss.

She pulled her head back until just the plum-shaped glans was stuffed between
her lips. Her tongue probed the slit of his piss-hole, tasting more pre-seminal
fluid as he rocked back and forth, his jeans down around the tops of his cowboy
boots and his body naked and shiny with sweat.

She looked up at him then and he was staring down at her with a grin across his
thick sensual lips. The hard virile lines of his burly torso enticed her and she
studied the definition of muscles that traversed his chest, pleased to see that
he was the bear she had hoped he would be.

As with animals, his torso was covered with a thick luxuriant pelt of jet-black
body hair, chest hair, which fanned out over his pectorals and nipples and then
tapered down to a V which became a narrow line over his belly, thickening again
at his groin. It was a pattern, like the pattern of fur along Bix's belly and
the more she looked up at him, the more animalistic and savage he seemed to

Having satisfied her sexual urges through the use of Bix's thin carrot-shaped
penis, she now was contemplating satisfying her libidinal needs with a bear, a
gorilla, a man-ape. His features grew blurry, wavering before her eyes and she
smiled to herself, knowing then that he was no ordinary man, that he had begun
to release the animal she had long known to be lurking right underneath the
surface of his skin.

Animals reacted instinctively, maddened by the grunts and smells of sex. So Pam
kept licking Justin's boner until he too was sobbing with pleasure, his chest
heaving as he sucked in his breath and gasped with astonished delight, amazed at
the skill she was demonstrating, the expertise of using her lips and tongue to
give him incredibly potent erotic delight.

She'll love it, all of it, everything I have planned for us, he told himself
then, knowing it was high time they got started. He glanced over his shoulder,
not surprised to see how the Scottie and the Doberman pinscher were sitting
there across the room, their tongues hanging out, drool collecting on the carpet
and their eyes riveted to their two owners.

Their look of intense concentration was one thing. But what intrigued him more
was another facet of their canine interest and curiosity. He was certain that
both dogs could easily smell the sexual aromas, which emanated from his as well
as Pam's body. And when he looked lower, squinting slightly since they were
half-hidden in shadow, he smiled to himself and knew that everything was going
to work out just fine, exactly the way he had long imagined.

He too was a person fond of fantasies, erotic daydreams in particular. And one
of these numerous recurring sexual reveries centered upon a man, a girl, and a
dog. Now, he was the man. Pam was the ripe and succulent young woman, and
Holmes--and even Bix, he decided in a flash--was the dog.

For now, arching up along the underside of the pinscher's liver-hued and short-
coated belly, was the hard bony length of his half-exposed penis. Having seen
and felt the Doberman's pecker in the past, Justin knew exactly how long it
could grow. In fact, he had once measured it out of curiosity, pleased and
surprised when the ruler had declared that at its fullest, Holmes' reddened and
slippery cock was exactly seven inches long, from the base of its hairy sheath
to the pointy triangular head.

Although just about as thick around as his middle finger, its hard spike-like
length would suit his purposes admirably. Now, as he continued to shudder and
experience the pleasurable rushes that Pam was enabling him to feel, he winked
at Holmes and nodded his head at the same time.

As with Bix, the Doberman was well trained. No sooner had its master nodded his
head, when he got to his feet, stretched for a moment and then trotted
obediently forward, his long wet tongue hanging out from between his jowls.

Pam was so involved in sucking off Justin that she didn't even see the Doberman
moving forward across the room. She had let go of his buns, sliding her fingers
back around so that even as she rubbed the swollen and leaking cock head against
her lips and tongue, she was able to slide her fingers up and down along the
hard jutting length of his ivory-white cockshaft.

Blue veins corded the muscular surface and she pulled his cock down so that
instead of rising up nearly parallel to his lean washboard stomach, it now made
a ninety-degree angle from his belly, pointed and aimed right between her lips.

Justin smiled wickedly to himself and motioned Holmes to move around. It was not
so much a question of canine intelligence as it was simply a matter of instinct.
The dog's naturally inquisitive nature, coupled with the training it had
received from its master, enabled Holmes to make all the right choices.

Foam flecked his jowls and the air was steamy with the odor of sweaty randy
naked bodies. Justin managed to pull his boots off so that he could step out of
his jeans and be as stark and invitingly naked as Pam Harper.

And no sooner had this been accomplished than he slowly sank down onto his own
knees, forcing Pam to lean forward until she had to press her palms flat against
the carpet. She was now on her hands and knees; still sucking on his burning

"Don't stop, not yet," he muttered hotly, goading her on, thrusting gently yet
insistently forward so that once again her mouth was filled with more than half
the length of his hard and throbbing member.

It was then that Holmes got into the act, just the way Justin Whitlock had long
imagined. No sooner had Pam positioned herself on her hands and knees, oblivious
to anything but Justin's hairy crotch and the promise of sexual pleasure his
huge burning organ would soon be giving her, when the Doberman moved around and
suddenly jumped up onto Pam's back.

Pam gave a muffled scream of surprise, her cry stifled since she still had
Justin's dick moving in and out of her mouth. Immediately, sensing her rising
panic, he grabbed hold of her shoulders to steady her and pin her down to the

"Just relax. You'll love it," he said hotly, glad that he had cut Holmes' nails
just the day before. They were short and filed smooth so he knew that she
certainly wasn't going to feel any pain from his claws.

Meanwhile, even as she tried to jerk backwards, feeling the weight of the
Doberman's powerfully muscled body bearing down along her back, Holmes was
jerking blindly forward, baying and howling as he thrust impatiently, trying to
ram his fully exposed and glistening wet pecker right between the lips of Pam
Harper's overheated cooze.

Her anus would have been easier to penetrate, but now, for this first
experience, Justin wanted her to feel the dog's cock surging in and out of her
snatch. That she had enjoyed this kind of bestial activity with her own dog,
Bix, was something he still knew nothing about.

As for Pam, she was indeed panic-stricken, trying to pull free, not
understanding what was taking place, if the dog had done this on its own accord
or if Justin had really planned it to happen this way. The fact that he was
holding her down on the floor, thrusting forward so that the head of his thick
dick actually passed into her throat, soon made it quite clear that even if
Holmes had acted instinctively, Justin did not intend to see her put a stop to
the Doberman's frenzied bout of canine balling.

"Come on, relax. It won't hurt," he told her then, greedy to see the act through
to the bitter end. His pubes nuzzled her lips and cheeks and she was choking on
his pulsating organ while, right behind her, Holmes was barking frantically,
still trying to shove his long thin pencil of a cock down into place.

Justin decided to act and he let go of her, keeping one hand on the back of her
neck so she couldn't pull free. Pam kept gasping, but even then Justin was
reaching down between her legs, bending forward so that he was able to grab hold
of the edges of the Doberman's slick wet pecker.

It took all of five seconds for him to shove the pointy head of the animal's
penis right between the puffy dilated lips of Pam Harper's muff. And the instant
that Holmes' dong made contact, he let go and reached back to hold her down on
the floor.

Only now, he was the victim of surprise, not Pam. For no sooner had Holmes
succeeded through Justin Whitlock's help in ramming all seven carrot-shaped
inches of dog-cock into place, when she gave up and sank down, whimpering with
undeniable pleasure, her muted gurgles audible even as her tongue lashed
defiantly up and down along the bloated length of his penis.

He slid his boner back until just the head was within her mouth. And then that
too slid out into the open as he leaned forward and relaxed his grip on her
shoulders, knowing that she was not about to stop the Doberman from finishing
what he had started.

That could not be denied. She had enjoyed Bix's canine attentions ever since the
Scottie was a pup. But Bix's equipment was not nearly as long and dagger-like as
the Doberman's bony tool. And now, it felt like a super-long finger was pumping
in and out of her cooze.

She tightened her vaginal muscles as best she could, able to feel the dog's cock
striking against one wet cunt wall and then the other.

Hot trickles of sap drooled down and the friction his dick was producing was
getting her off in no time at all.

A low-pitched moan escaped her lips and Justin was frankly astonished that she
was enjoying herself so much. He had always imagined a contest of wills, a show
of brute physical force, the girl he had pictured in his recurring bestial
fantasy always putting up a fight, though loving it in the end.

But now, Pam was loving it, almost right from the start. He slid back and moved
around as she kept whimpering, kneeling there on the floor while behind her,
bucking and heaving and jabbing in and out with short precise strokes, Holmes
continued to hammer his bony dick as far inside of her cunt as its length would

Justin was wild-eyed. He gasped almost as loudly as Pam, pulled Bix out of the
way when the inquisitive terrier trotted forward to see what was happening, and
then bent his head down to look between Pam Harper's shuddering thighs. Sure
enough, he could see the naked red length of Holmes' penis sliding in and out;
right between the puffy lips of her girlish split.

"How does it feel?" he asked, breathless too, shaking as the scene began to
effect him like an aphrodisiac.

"Yes, do it, harder, harder!" she screamed, oblivious to anything but the raw
savage pleasure of the moment. Everything was working in unison, the tactility
of the dog's smooth belly rubbing against her jiggling ass and back, the way his
tight furry balls tickled her bum furrow and, most of all, the intense searing
ecstasy of feeling the Doberman's penis sliding frantically in and out of her
gaping split.

Once again she squeezed her vaginal muscles, trying to make her pussy as tight
and narrow as possible, thus giving her the utmost in sexual pleasure. As for
the dog, Holmes was far too incensed to slow down or change the rhythm of his

The knot along the base of his bony dick frictioned searingly against Pam's
swollen clit and she howled just like a bitch in heat, loving the way she was
getting fucked dog-fashion from the rear, getting balled by a savage barking
Doberman pinscher.

That Justin had wanted this to happen no longer seemed of any importance
whatsoever. Any second and she knew she would come and now she didn't hold back,
letting go and flowing with the rising tide of bliss which was swiftly engulfing
her body.

Justin kept staring, moving this way and that on the floor so that he was able
to view the bestial scene from every angle, from the side, from down between her
legs, from behind Holmes. The Doberman kept yapping, his hindquarters jerking
and bucking again and again.

And the more he fucked her, the more aroused she became. A minute or two later
she couldn't hold back and a loud scream of delight flew out of her throat.

Her body was glowing and she shuddered more violently, coming in a great rush of
supercharged ecstasy. The swiftness of this, her first climax, only served to
inflame Justin's passions to the boiling point. Quickly, hardly thinking of what
he was doing, he grabbed hold of a startled Bix and pulled the Scottie over
until the black-haired terrier was crouched right in front of his naked body.

Something told him that his moves would not be rebuffed or misunderstood, that
Bix was well aware of what Justin expected from him. Indeed, no sooner had he
shoved his hairy crotch forward when the Scottie's tongue lashed over his
pendulous balls, thrilling Justin to the quick.

"Good boy, yeah, do it," he panted, even as Pam continued to shudder and writhe,
her face contorted in a paroxysm of lusty sexual release. She was coming, one
clitoral orgasm merging with another. And Holmes didn't appear to slow down or
approach the point of ejaculation.

The Doberman kept at it while, at the same time, Bix was now openly licking the
hairy outer surface of Justin's heavy come-filled balls, slobbering over his
nuts and even trying to wiggle an inquisitive wet nose right underneath the
young man's balls to get at his brown puckered asshole.

The gamy ripe smell of his anus no doubt turned Bix on, or at least made him
curious enough to want to explore further. Justin certainly wasn't going to put
a stop to that either. Still keeping an eye on Pam, he leaned back, rested on
one hand and squatted so that Bix was able to wiggle underneath him, his raspy-
edged tongue striking right along Justin's hairy bum furrow.

"Good boy, do it, come, keep coming!" Justin cried out, speaking to the terrier
and to Pam Harper, both at the same time. He spit into the palm of his hand, not
about to interrupt her as she continued to come.

He knew from past experience that Holmes was rapidly approaching his own point
of no return, ready to send his thin yellow dog-come splashing down into the
churning depths of Pam's overheated quim. Justin couldn't wait to see that
happen and he wanted to come as well, to cream just when his dog did.

So he rubbed his slobber up and down the length of his shuddering hard-on,
lubricating his hard column of meat. His fingers slid up and down, his palm
rotated over his glans while, between his legs, Bix was trying to invade his
ripe gamy asshole.

Unable to pull his buns apart, for he was balancing himself by pressing one hand
down against the carpeted floor, he could only thrust his ass forward, hoping
that Bix would get excited enough to push his tongue more forcefully between his
muscular buns. Sure enough, that was exactly what happened.

Bix's tongue slapped against the hairy corrugated folds of Justin's manly
asshole while, at the same time, Pam was moaning and shuddering, experiencing
the after-throes of her tumultuous multi-orgasmic release. With reddened and
dazed eyes she glanced over at Justin, not surprised in the least to see what he
and Bix were doing.

The dog was shoving his face down against Justin's backside while Whitlock kept
jerking himself off. And then, even before Justin could get off, the Doberman
suddenly snarled savagely and stiffened, the first hot wads of his dog-come
surging out like molten bullets.

She could feel the muscular contractions of the dog's ejaculating cock and the
knot of his prostate gland rubbed more strenuously and almost abrasively against
her inflamed clitoris. She sank down, exhausted and completely fulfilled. More
and more thin dribbly yellow dog semen spurted out of Holmes' deeply buried
pecker, lubricating her already wet and swampy twat.

Justin was wild-eyed, delighted with Holmes' display of canine sexual ecstasy.
Here, at long last, his fantasies had been put to the test, reality substituted
for personal daydreams. And it was even better and far more arousing than he had
ever dared to imagine. The sight finally triggered his own pent-up release. Bix
was still licking and tonguing his bottom-hole when Justin stiffened and
screamed out with demonic force and wild delight. "Oh shit, watch me, watch me
coming, watch!" he groaned as he gripped the base of his throbbing member,
squeezed it hotly and watched the first thick wads of his jism spurting out of
the head of his cumbersome weapon.

Pam just kept gaping, even as Holmes began to quiet down. To see Justin coming,
to see how creamy-white bullets of jism spurted thickly out of his cock and into
the air, splashing at his feet like raindrops, aroused her beyond belief. There
was something as equally bestial in his performance too, as if she was watching
a monkey at the zoo, masturbating and performing before her startled yet
delighted eyes.

Delight was certainly what Justin Whitlock was experiencing. And the look of
pleasure he saw mirrored on Pam's face turned him on all the more. Her
excitement reflected his own wild pleasure and he kept milking his tool, one
thick spurt of semen followed by another until he had succeeded in draining his
balls of every last hot drop of come they had held.

Finally, Justin sank back and rested on his elbows. Bix was still licking and
tonguing his asshole and Whitlock smiled dreamily at Pam Harper, absolutely
content and pleased with himself and the way everything had worked out exactly
the way he had long desired. He made no attempt to push Bix aside and right then
and there, Justin knew that the Scottie had been just as cleverly trained as
Holmes, that he had met someone who shared his same wild passion for bestiality
and torrid animal sex.

Needless to say, he couldn't have been more pleased.

Chapter 4

"I'd just turned fifteen and Sparky was a stupid name, but I was a kid. Besides,
he was a pretty stupid cocker spaniel. Except that he had a tongue on him that
went on for days," she giggled, accepting his offer of a joint as they sat
cross-legged on the floor, knees touching, eyes drilling right into each other.

"Go on. I'm listening," Justin replied, waiting for her to inhale some grass
before he took the joint back from her. He was already cresting a high, stoned
on the dope and stoned on her sheer physical presence. It was as if there was so
much to catch up on and he was content to watch her as she spoke, to listen to
her telling him about the first time she had had sex with an animal.

"So there I was, fifteen; the product of a bloody awful first fuck with this
jock prick in high school named ... yeah, I still remember. His name was Barry
Galena and he was a shithead, Justin, a real stupid ass," Pam went on, rushing
from the dope and becoming just as stoned as he was. "So anyway, I was alone in
my room with Sparky and well, I don't know, he started licking me when I was
playing with him. It was right before I was ready to go to bed. And ... and I
liked it, that's the point I'm trying to bring out. I really dug feeling his
tongue going in and out of my cunt."

"Did you let him fuck you that night?"

Pam nodded her head, a blush creeping across her cheeks. She had never told
anyone about this before, not even her closest friends. But in front of Justin
it seemed perfectly normal. Indeed, that's just what he had called it after they
had recovered from their searing bout of bestial sex.

"It's cool, normal. You dig it; I dig it so there's no hassle. What two
consenting adults and two consenting dogs do in the privacy of their own home is
their business and their business only," he had told her, half-joking but
totally serious in his intent.

She believed him. Or at least, she wanted to believe him. But it was still
strange talking about it, describing how she had "discovered" Sparky's cock, how
she had rubbed her fingers up and down his hairy sheath until his slim pink
doodle had slid out into the open and how, when she had gotten it all the way
out into the open, she had turned over, letting the dog take over from there.

"And he did it. He didn't have to be told or even pushed into place," she went
on. "And all the while I was loving it and thinking that it served Barry right
for taking my cherry the way he had, so violently ... so lacking in feeling that
when he had finished ... and I hadn't even come, besides ... I felt used, like a
dirty piece of toilet paper.

"But Sparky was devoid of emotions; He was an animal and what he did to me was
just plain animal sex. I didn't have to communicate with him, or even trust his
loyalties. I just let him pound his dick in and out of my cunt and that night I
came, came like I'd never come before.

"It was just ... just unreal," she concluded. "But it's silly talking about it,
isn't it. I mean, I had that dream about you, a man I mean. Not a dog, for God

"I haven't told you what ol' Holmes here does for me on occasion," Justin
announced as soon as she had finished.



"No, I can't, that's unfair," Pam giggled. "Wait ... I know. He ... he goes down
on you, right? You've trained him to suck you off, and rim you, too," she added
quickly. " Just the way Bix does for me. Is that it? Did I guess right?"

"Well," he hesitated, grinning at her and loving everything that was happening.
"You're halfway right. I mean, he does do all that, lick my cock and slurp my
come down, to be gross about it. But he does something even more way-out than
just all that tonguing shit."


"Well, you don't expect me to describe it; do you? I mean, I'll just have to get
him to do it to me. Would you dig that, Pam?" he asked.

She nodded her head, stoned and feeling like a little girl, playing house. There
they were, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, stark naked and now stoned and
delighted to just be able to stare at each other. Pam couldn't stop looking at
Justin and though she was yet to experience the pleasure of feeling his cock
tunneling in and out of her pussy, she knew that before he walked her back to
her apartment that part of their affair would be consummated. And consummated to
the point of absolute success and sheer exhausted delight.

She had recovered her strength and her sexual appetites, blocked for what seemed
like a lifetime, rather than five years on and off, were more insatiable than
ever. She gazed in awe at his hard muscled body, the planes of his torso, the
ringlets of black chest hair. And drooping down so that the head touched the
floor, his limp yet sizable cock made her eyes open wide with lust and desire.
It was draped over his balls, limp yet not shriveled as she had noticed so many
other cocks got when they were detumescent. Justin's pecker was all white and
smooth and she could tell from its size that once it got erect again, it was
going to be just as impressive as she had first thought.

Unable to resist, she reached out, lifted it up off of his balls and fondled it
in one hand. He sighed with stoned delight and his red-rimmed eyes drilled into
her, still able to see the thin yellowish clots of drying dog-come which adhered
to her blonde pubic nest.

He knew she would freak out when she discovered what he had taught Holmes to do
to him. Few chicks were into any of this kind of sexplay, but Pamela was right
there with him, sharing his taste for all that was bizarre and bestial.

"That feels so good, the way you just tickle my meat," he whispered, licking his
lips and then wiggling his tongue at her.

Her nipples were still hard, taut little cones that projected from the ends of
her knockers. They were surrounded by the rosy-red flesh of her aureoles, small
as silver dollars. The smooth lines of her figure, the lushness of her hips and
the tight gripping warmth he knew her cunt was capable of exerting, all combined
to arouse him in no time at all.

And the more he stared at her, the more secure within herself Pam became. She
stroked lightly, gently, sliding her fingers back and forth; threading them
through the wiry thicket of coarse black hair that grew around his thickening
member. It delighted to watch his peter grow, to increase in length and width.

She was inducing this growth and for the moment she ignored the two dogs, even
her own curiosity about what he had taught Holmes to do. Whatever it was, she
didn't doubt for one minute that it would be just as exciting as what had
happened earlier. But now, she wanted to feel his cock moving inside of her, not
an animal's.

Justin leaned back and stretched one and then the other leg out alongside of
her. He threw his head back and closed his eyes; concentrating on the pleasure
she was giving him.

His palms pressed down onto the carpeted floor and he thrust his crotch up
demandingly. By this time, his cock was almost fully erect, filling her hand
with its surging strength and warmth.

Quickly, Pam drooled into the palm of one hand and used her saliva to lubricate
the smooth vein-braided surface of Justin's dick. The rounded head of his cock
continued to engorge with blood until it was a veritable swollen plum, bulbous
and velvety to the touch.

Even his balls seemed to fill out, some of the wrinkled folds along his scrotum
disappearing so that his nuts seemed to grow more tight and firm. But the minute
his cock became fully engorged, Pam replaced her hand with something infinitely
more pleasurable and exciting.

She squatted so that she was soon enough crouching, right over his lap. His dick
jerked as he contracted his muscles and then he opened his eyes, it was to smile
at her, knowing what it was she intended to do. "Take your time," he whispered.

"I intend to," she said, even as she moved forward, aiming her paintbrush of
blonde pubic fur right over the straining and swollen cap of his pecker.

She reached down, took hold of his dong and pushed forward at the same time,
aligning her cunt with the leaking glans of his penis. Justin didn't move a
muscle, all eyes to her delightful display of sexuality. It was perfect to just
lay back and let her call the shots, to act the role of aggressive and dominant
one for a change.

Already, her juices were seeping down to lubricate her cooze; the yellowish dog-
come adding to the natural moistness of her swampy cleft. She pushed forward
until she was able to rub the head of his penis back and forth against her cunt
split. An ache of searing pleasure shot through her body and with her other
hand, still crouching there so that her buns grazed against the tops of his
thighs; Pam pulled apart the top edge of her cunt furrow. She spread her lips
wide so that her pulpy little clit could now be seen, touching the surface of
his meat.

She groaned more hotly then, the tactile stimulation arousing her passions to
the boiling point. And still Justin didn't move, content to lie back and watch
her as she thrust down with a sudden surge of maddened desire.

"Oh shit, shit yes, yes!" she screamed, incoherent now as she sought to stuff
the head of his penis right into her cooze. She pushed down a second time, let
go of her cunt lips and then watched and felt the way her tender vaginal lapels
were pulled tautly back. The pressure of his cock thrilled her to the quick and
his glans was rubbing more briskly, back and forth against her swollen clitoris.

"It's so good. I can't stand it," Pam whimpered, struggling to thrust forward.
She pressed her hands flat against his shoulders and lunged down, wiggling left
and right and feeling his dick sliding deeper, passing from her vulva into her
vaginal canal.

Justin groaned just as hellishly, loving what he had suspected would be a tight
juicy quim. It was proving to be just that, tight and deliciously gripping. He
could feel the way his cock was tunneling deeper and deeper into her muff. His
shaft rubbed along her wet and slippery vaginal walls and the dog-come, which
still adhered to her cunt flesh, only served to heighten the swampy wetness of
her pussy.

It had been a long time, too long in fact, since she had enjoyed a man like
this. Now, making up for lost time, she thrust down even more demandingly, not
content until she had stuffed the entire length of his virile boner all the way
into place.

It wasn't as easy as she had first suspected.

The width of his cock necessitated a bit of caution, for her cunt walls were
pulled back vigorously as a result of the thickness of his member. She gasped
for breath and relaxed her vaginal muscles, feeling her cunt flesh sticking
against the surging smooth sides of Justin Whitlock's penis.

The dogs, whipped up to a near frenzy by the hot smell of sex, stood around
them, licking their arms and legs, barking loudly and unable to contain
themselves. Justin pushed Holmes and Bix away, not ready to demonstrate what he
had alluded to a few minutes earlier.

All in good time, he said to himself, too content now to worry about that until
he was certain Pam could deal with it. And of that, he didn't have the slightest
bit of doubt. He knew her better than she knew herself and understood where he
fit into the scheme of her life. She hadn't had sex like this for months, if not
longer, and Justin didn't need Pam Harper to tell him what he already sensed to
be a fact.

And that, needless to say, was that he was succeeding in arousing her as no man
had ever aroused her before in her life. She didn't have to say a word to make
him understand that and a smile crossed his lips, a smile of egotistical
pleasure and physical delight. Now, he jerked his crotch up, meeting her next
downward thrust.

By this time, more than three-quarters of the length of his boner was stuffed up
into her gaping muff. The lips of her cooze adhered tightly, clinging to the
rounded sides of his pole. He savored the warmth and mounting heat of her cunt
and as his dick frictioned and slid in even deeper, she ground her hips down
against his hairy crotch, wanting even more and more of his boner.

"Watch it going inside," he told her. "Just watch the way it keeps getting

"It's ... it's so big inside, like it's growing, so alive," she said, barely
able to speak as she kept pushing forward.

Justin thrust his hips up a second time, spearing deeper. He let out a piercing
wail of pleasure as he felt the head of his cock actually making contact with
her cervix. It hit the end of her vaginal canal, banged against the door to her
womb and he stopped short, the entire length of his sturdy engine completely
ensheathed, right up to the root.

The dense tangle of his wiry pubic bush, so dark against her fleecy and blonde-
haired love nest, tangled with her pubes and she held herself steady, the two of
them almost looking amazed at what had just taken place.

Between their legs the dichromatic bush of hair marked the point of entry. The
very base of his swollen shaft could also be seen, her cunt lips adhering
tightly to his meat. He squeezed his muscles as if to move his cock inside of
her and she, in turn, signaled back by clenching and then loosening her vaginal

The sudden pressure made him groan once again. It was as if she was gripping his
dick with her fingers, squeezing and milking his hose. "So ... so much. I'm
afraid to move," she whispered, licking her drying lips with the tip of her

"We'll go slow," he promised. He spit into the palm of one hand and then
proceeded to anoint her nipples with his saliva. When they were both glistening
with his spittle, he began to rotate the palms of his hands over her jugs.

Pam threw back her head and moaned with delight. She raised herself up so that
half of his boner slid out into the open. Almost immediately, she thrust down
again, his cock hurtling back into her pussy. The friction made her claw at his
chest and she ran her fingers through his thick pelt of body hair.

"You're ... you're my bear, my big hairy teddy bear," she giggled, jerking back
and forth, undulating her hips so that she was able to feel his cock pressuring
one vaginal wall and then the other.

Justin laughed and kept stimulating her jugs, finally letting go of her boobs.
He slid his hands down along her flanks until he was able to reach around and
grip the twin naked cheeks of her ass. He kneaded and fondled her gluteal flesh,
pulled her buns apart and thrust up, ramming into her even as she sought to
pound down on top of his mallet-sized and mallet-hard pecker.

"Now move with me," he groaned, knowing what he wanted to do next. Still
maintaining his grip on her ass, he began to push her gently back, forming a
rocking human boat, fused at their genitals. She stretched her legs back along
his sides, one and then the other. Her back bowed out in a graceful arc and she
held onto his arms for additional physical support.

Once she was leaning all the way back, her hair trailing against the floor,
Justin began to rise up, pulling his legs back until he first moved into a
kneeling crouch. And all this time he was still keeping his cock in place. The
complicated gymnastics delighted her and she flowed with her pleasure, watching
him as if she had never known such complete and total happiness in all of her

Now that he was resting on his knees and the backs of his legs, her own legs
stretched out before him, he didn't hesitate to slide his feet back so that soon
enough he was in the position he desired, facing her and penetrating her
frontally. He bent his knees and pressed his palms down, right alongside of her

"Lift your legs, over my shoulders," he told her.

She lifted up her feet, her ass now raised off of the floor. Another heated
whimper escaped her lips, for the moment she had hooked her knees over his burly
wide-set shoulders, even more of his cock slid into place, the very base of his
hose now rubbing in and out of her inflamed and swampy vulva.

"Oh, do it, yes. Fuck me, pound it in," she said. She winced when he started to
give her what she wanted, all eyes to their tangle of pubic fur.

He pounded in and out, his cock-strokes fast and sure. Each downward plunge
brought her closer to her climax and her cunt muscles began to fibrillate,
clenching and unclenching around the surging moving length of his penis.

Her cunt was hotter than ever and the underside of his dick created a delicious
friction against her clitoris. She howled more excitedly, trying to meet his
back and forth rhythmic strokes. Justin was sweating profusely, droplets of
perspiration, trickling down his chest and underarms.

It dribbled onto her naked body and each time he dug into her, his ass muscles
tightened accordingly, his meaty buns dimpling as he thrust with maddened fury
and intensity. "Faster, faster," she begged. He quickened the tempo of his
insertions; rapid dog-like jabs, choppy and swift.

"Don't come, not yet, not yet," he gasped and he looked beyond her then to
Holmes, knowing it was time to demonstrate the trick he had taught his dog to
perform. He had fantasized this too, fucking a chick while being fucked at the
same time. But not by a guy, certainly. No, for now he fully intended to have
his prostate massaged as if by a hot wet finger. And that, needless to say, was
what Holmes was going to give him by using his long thinnish bony pecker.

He knelt there, gripped her more firmly and thrust his naked buns back in the
air. Holmes leaned over and gave Pam's tits a perfunctory lick before trotting
around to face his master's outthrust backside.

Pam saw the Doberman moving around. She thought the dog was going to rim out
Justin's asshole. But then she remembered that she had guessed just that and he
had told her the act would involve something else entirely.

When the pinscher threw his front paws up over Justin Whitlock's back, Pam
opened her eyes wide with disbelief. "But how?" she muttered "What's ... what's
he going to do to you?"

"He's gonna fuck me up the ass, kiddo," smirked Justin, enjoying the look of
sheer amazement and surprise which flashed across her flushed and reddened face.

"He's gonna do what?"

"He's gonna stuff his dick right up my hole, that's what. Haven't you ever
finger-fucked a guy's asshole before?"

"No, no never. Doesn't it hurt?"

"Shit no. The swelling of the prostate gland is right inside a guy's asshole and
when it's massaged it makes everything so much more exciting, like unreal,"
Justin explained patiently, even as Holmes was jerking behind him, trying to fit
his naked and glistening red dogcock right into his master's hairy asshole.

Pam shook her head. It was all too new to her. But it certainly didn't turn her
off. She could smell the randy odor they were all giving off, the humans as well
as the dogs and now she lifted her face and strained to see what Holmes was
about to perform.

"Did you ever let Bix fuck you up the ass?"

"Once ... well, a couple of times," she finally admitted, a little embarrassed
that buggery and corn-holing were yet another facet of her bestial repertoire.

"Well, it's the same thing, only it's the prostate that gets stimulated," and
saying this he reached back with one hand, sliding his fingers down past his
balls and underneath to his ass. He immediately could feel the hairy sheath at
the base of the Doberman's penis and he squeezed it hotly and loosened his anal
muscles. He wiggled his buttocks back against the dog's smooth furry belly,
trying at the same time to manipulate Holmes' dick so that the pointy wet tip
would make contact with his anus.

It took about a minute, during which time Holmes was yapping and howling,
refusing to sit still. He kept jerking, fucking blindly until the head of his
bony article finally made contact, right where Justin felt it belonged.

He pulled the dog closer against him, his muscles loose and relaxed. His bottom-
hole was slightly dilated, enough for the dog to be able to push his pointy cock
head right inside his master's rectum. And when this point of entry was
accomplished, Justin let go of Holmes' boner and slid his hand back, pressing
his fingers over Pam's mouth.

"Lick them. Smell the dog," he said with wide and excited eyes.

She inhaled the cloying musty smell and lashed her tongue over his fingers,
tasting the same oily secretions she had previously sucked down whenever she had
taken Bix's cock between her lips. And that too was something she decided, right
then and there, to indulge in, sensing the way it would arouse both her and
Justin to an even more maddened degree.

But before she called Bix over to her, the Scottie was already leaning over her
sweaty chest, his hard raspy tongue flicking across one of her tits. The terrier
licked and drooled over her inflamed and turgid nipple and shivers of pleasure
flooded her body, mingling with the pleasure of Justin's deeply buried hardon.

He still hadn't begun to stroke again, waiting for the Doberman to fully insert
his pencil-thin dick. And that was accomplished even as Pam licked his fingers.
Behind him, his front paws pressed down against his back and shoulders, Holmes
kept licking along the nape of Justin's neck. The dog was bucking and jerking,
stabbing forward so that more and more of his tool slid into place.

Justin moaned the instant the dog's cock passed over the chestnut-sized swelling
of his prostate gland. Wonderfully massaged, tickled and stimulated, his
prostate burned and his balls smacked fitfully against Pam Harper's upraised

"Come on, boy, more," he moaned as the dog shoved deeper until nearly seven thin
inches of bony canine cock was buried into place. It was housed right inside the
dry tight confines of Justin's rectum. The dog's pecker had been glistening wet,
lubricated with oily secretions. Suitably lubricated it now moved even more
easily than a finger would have done, surging in and out as Holmes really
started ass-fucking in earnest.

Dog drool slid down Justin's back and once Holmes started thrusting, using the
same short heated jabs he had done when he had pounded in and out of Pam's cunt,
Justin began to move, almost in unison. He thrust back and forth, slamming his
burning tool deep within Pam's muff.

And when she reached out and pulled Bix over so that she could wrap her lips
around the terrier's naked and exposed pecker, Justin was more aroused than he
had ever felt before. He hadn't even expected her to do this, nor had he even
dared to ask her to perform fellatio on her pet.

"Oh yeah, do it, right on," he said with a leering grin. "Suck on the pooch's
pecker, baby. Lick it good and make him come. Taste his come going down your
throat, nice and hot and slimy."

Pam squeezed her cunt muscles more vigorously, wordlessly responding to Justin's
heated cries. She could feel the additional weight of Holmes, ramming his boner
in and out of Whitlock's ass. And though she was not able to see it actually
taking place, she could tell by the look of wild-eyed delight that Justin
exhibited, that he was loving every fierce and frantic stroke, even as much as
he was loving plowing in and out of her hot and slippery muff.

"I'm ... I'm gonna come!" she squealed, breathless now as she felt her climax
suddenly rearing over her like a leaping beast, hurtling through her body with
all the maddened force of her wild delight. She stiffened and hungrily pulled
Bix over so that she was able to turn her head to the side and ram her mouth
down over the Scottie's wet and slippery penis.

Bix licked her face and yapped with delight the instant she glued her lips
around the thin finger of his meat. And then she began to come, her climax
triggered by the wild pleasure that was surrounding her. Justin thrust more
angrily, hammering in and out, ramming so hard and fast that he knocked her

Her groans were muffled now as she tightened her oral hold around Bix's tool,
tasting the oily secretions which lubricated his reddened and glistening dick.
The odor of his body turned her on as well and she kept on coming, hot gushes of
sap drooling down her shuddering vaginal walls.

The additional lubrication coated Whitlock's penis. He was being whipped up into
a frenzy of wild passion, stimulated front and behind him, pounding mercilessly
and vigorously, the Doberman kept at it with howling ecstasy. Justin squeezed
his sphincter muscles as tightly as he could, exerting additional pressure and
friction around his prostate gland.

And Pam still kept on coming, so beyond control that she stuffed the entire
length of Bix's short carrot-thin cock right down her throat. Her lips nuzzled
his black tight little balls and the Scottie was already imitating Justin and
Holmes' wild bucking movements, humping in and out of Pam Harper's mouth.

She kept shaking, twisting her body left and right as Justin continued to milk
her of pleasure. She had never known sex like this, never before having
experienced the intense pleasure, which now flowed through her body.

"Do it, come, keep coming," he begged, milking her dry as he kept on pounding
his meat in and out of her pussy. He wanted to shoot his own thick hot load, but
he waited until the two dogs had reached the point of ejaculation before letting
loose his own brand of seminal acrobatics.

And since he was a man who had learned the meaning of self-control, he was able
to hold back and stop himself from shooting before he wanted to. Pam finally
sank down on the floor, her body soaking wet and her skin suffused with the
ruddy hue of her sexual release.

But even then, despite her fatigue, she didn't stop working on her dog's pecker.
She kept her lips glued tightly around the thin slippery hard length of Bix's
cock. Training had taught the dog how to deal with her, how not to move too
vigorously, but to allow Pam to do the back and forth thrusting.

And this she did, spearing her tongue over his wet surging boner while she
pulled her lips over his cock and moved her head back and forth. The sight
turned Justin on even more. Behind him, his prostate tingling and seemingly on
fire from the unending barrage of fast penetrating cock-strokes, Holmes was
about to explode.

The Doberman howled and bayed into the air, thrusting madly now, fucking with
short precise strokes. And then he let loose so that Justin was able to feel the
sudden series of muscular contractions that signaled the dog's canine

"He's coming!" he cried out to Pam, tightening his sphincter muscles as best he
could so that the additional grip he exerted around the dog's penis made Holmes
bark wildly, yapping again and again, even as runny spurts of dogcome began to
splash into the depths of Justin Whitlock's asshole.

He could just about feel the come spurting into his ass and he threw himself
forward, grinding his hips down against Pam's cunt as if he fully intended to
stuff his balls into her slippery and tightly gripping muff.

The head of his tool banged against her cervix, triggering yet another orgasm.
Her clit was pressed down against his meat and she shuddered and thrashed about
on the floor, sucking more heatedly and excitedly on Bix's bony article.

The Scottie, heated up by the smells and pleasures of sex, was about to release
his own load of semen in just another moment. Holmes was still howling, still
jerking so that the knot of his prostate gland kept rubbing around the hairy rim
of Justin's inflamed and stimulated poop.

And then it was Whitlock's turn to demonstrate what he had to offer in the way
of hot cream. He suddenly stiffened and didn't fight himself any longer,
allowing himself to experience the pleasure of releasing his pent-up load of
jism. Though not nearly as thick nor abundant as his first copious load, it was
still a good strong spend, all things considered.

Open-eyed and delighted, Pam squeezed her cunt muscles as tightly and grippingly
as she could, able to feel the way Justin's penis suddenly convulsed as hot
goblets of come began to pour out of the head of his burning quivering rod.

"Yes, do it, feel me coming, feel it, all this come. Suck on Bixie, suck his
cream, his cream," Whitlock groaned incoherently, his body glowing as he plowed
down and held himself stiffly, shooting one thick gushing wad of cream after
another. He wanted to flood her cunt with his load, wanted to feel his sap
dribbling down over his ejaculating hose, oozing out like syrup around the puffy
and tender lips of her twat.

Holmes slid back until his own cock eased its way out of Justin's inflamed
asshole. Thin rivulets of dog-come oozed out around the hairy reddened aperture,
dribbling down along Justin's bum furrow and trickling over his pendulous hot

Holmes yapped and then, as more come spurted out, Justin milking himself by
squeezing his muscles again and again, Bix went over the edge, joining him in
the explosive bestial passion of the moment. Suddenly, Pam's mouth was filled
with thin salty dog-come, pasty tasting fluid which she sucked down, savoring
the animal taste and smell of the terrier's crotch.

Her loud gurgles of pleasure mingled with the uproar echoing all around her.
Justin was groaning and bellowing with pleasure while Bix yapped loudly, shrill
barks which pierced the warm close air. Holmes lay down on the floor, his tongue
hanging out from between his jowls, too exhausted to move or partake any further
in the wild sexual fun and games of the afternoon.

And all this time Pam was still sucking down dog-come, still feeling Justin
Whitlock's cream shooting into her cunt. Her cooze was now flooded with semen
and at last, having succeeded in helping Justin to come, his balls depleted like
eggs sucked from their shells, she finally relinquished her grip on the
Scottie's pecker and eased Bix away from her face.

Yellow curds of canine semen flecked her lips and he leaned over and pressed his
mouth over hers, tasting Bix's cream. He swallowed the unctuous slippery fluid
and sank down against her, cradling Pam in his arms.

His sweaty hairy chest rubbed over her tits and she shuddered, so content, so
totally pleased and delighted with what had just taken place, that words were
unnecessary and inadequate to express her satisfaction and sense of complete and
total sexual and emotional fulfillment.

Justin clung to her, sucking on her lips and tongue, cradling her in his arms.
He held onto her and gently rolled over so that they were now lying on their
sides. His cock was beginning to go soft and limp inside of her come-filled
twat, but he made no move to pull himself free and ease his pecker out of her

"Just be like this, just the way you are, and we'll never have to be alone
again," he whispered. And when she smiled and nodded her head, Justin leaned
back against the floor and tried to catch his breath.

Chapter 5

The afternoon was not yet over.

When Justin Whitlock's cock had gone limp and detumescent, a soft yet meaty
sausage floating inside of her swampy and come-filled twat, he gently eased it
out into the open. She gripped it hotly, wanting him to get hard again; wanting
to be fucked a third time.

But Justin had satiated his appetites and didn't want to push a good thing. He
had one more ace up his sleeve though, for no sooner had he removed his cock
with a loud and resounding squish, when he eased her back onto the floor and
swiveled around like a monkey in a cage.

Pam didn't have to be told what to do after that. Justin straddled her body and
immediately plunged his face down between her legs, wanting to feast on the
abundant clots of slippery viscous semen, which were now oozing out around her
gaping cunt furrow. The taste of his own come turned him more on than off and he
cleaned her puffy cunt lobes with his lashing tongue, swallowing cream before
drilling deeper as if he was searching for buried treasure within the depths of
her seminalized quim.

Pam shuddered, her body caught in a nervous tremor. She was still glowing,
mentally as well as physically, bathed in the warmth of her after-pleasure. And
now Justin's tongue was certainly doing a job on her, already getting her body
aroused all over again.

But she knew as well that he expected a similar pleasure from her. She glanced
to the left and caught sight of Bix and Holmes, lying there half-asleep, tongues
lolling out. There was a dish of water in the kitchen and first the Doberman and
then the Scottie got to their feet and trotted off to refresh themselves.

Left alone for the moment, Pam and Justin hardly missed their thirsty exit.
Justin rested on his knees and palms, his body in a perfect position for sixty-
nine. But before he allowed Pam the pleasure of licking his cock clean and dry,
he thrust down, leaving nothing to her imagination.

She knew what the motion was indicative of, what he wanted her to do for him.
And the last thing in the world she felt was revulsion or unwillingness. She
wanted to explore every part of his body, to give him as much pleasure as he had
succeeded in giving her. Thus, she didn't hesitate to reach up and grab hold of
his buns, pulling his ass down over her flushed and sweaty face. He murmured his
approval, loving nothing so much as first coming and then having a chick eat out
his ass, rimming him and turning him on all over again.

And this she did without a second's thought or hesitation.

She pulled his muscular buns down, able to inhale the aroma of sweat and gamy
odor of excrement and the pungent smell of Holmes' yellowish cream. Dog-come
oozed out around his anus and bum furrow and Pan thrust her tongue out hotly,
licking down from the top edge of his crevice all the way to his puckered brown

He muttered with delight and loosened his sphincter muscles, encouraging her to
dig her tongue right inside of his poop-chute. And once Pam had licked his bum
furrow dry of come and sweat, she didn't wait for Justin to tell her what to do
next. She thrust her tongue forward, holding it taut and as stiffly as she

The rim of his asshole trembled as she pushed her tongue right inside, amazed
and turned on by the way short thick wiry black pubes lined his bum furrow and
swirled around his corrugated anus. And when she had succeeded in pushing the
tip of her tongue into place, she tasted even more of Holmes' cream, dribbling
over her tongue and down along the walls of his butt.

He squeezed his anal muscles around her raspy-edged prober and as she pushed her
tongue deeper inside, curious to feel his prostate gland, he pulled her legs
wider apart and shoved his face down, wanting to eat out her asshole while she
performed the same analingual service for him.

The pale naked blossom of her bottom-hole yielded its treasures, the loose folds
of perianal flesh opening wide under the assault of his raspy and stiffly
extended tongue. Pam shivered with pleasure, loving the feel of Justin's tongue
sliding down into her tight dry poop.

He licked the elastic fleshy walls of her clenching rectum, his body shuddering
on top of her. And when she pulled him down more firmly, he rubbed his half-
erect cock right between her tits. After-come trickled out, lubricating her
boobs. His hairy chest grazed over her belly and they were once again tangled
together, joined to each other with rising heated passion.

Don't let it end, Pam thought to herself: Let him be here for me every day. Let
him learn to love me.

That, however, was something neither of them considered discussing. And at the
moment, they couldn't have spoken either, their tongues too busy exploring and
dipping in and out of each other's tight and randy bottom holes.

Justin smiled contentedly to himself. Who would have thought this could all have
happened, that a casual walk to the park to give Holmes his daily run could have
resulted in such a searing display of sexual pyrotechnics, human and bestial
couplings he had never enjoyed except within the precincts of his lurid

But it had happened and if he had his way, it would continue occurring until
something or someone came between them and their wild insatiable sexual

* * *

Pam knew Justin wasn't in love with her not yet, at any rate. But she didn't
push the issue, finding it pointless and unnecessary to discuss the nature of
their emotional and physical involvement. Two weeks had passed since she had
first seen him in the park, since they had gone back to his studio apartment
together, there to engage in acts she had never enjoyed half as much before she
had met him. And in the two weeks since that had taken place, she had seen him
nearly every night. If anything, their sex only seemed to get better, with or
without the active participation of the two dogs, Bix and Holmes. She was
learning things about herself, her body in particular, she had never known

Justin was a skillful teacher, bringing her out of herself, giving her the self-
confidence she had lacked since her first disastrous love affair, five years
before. But if the sex continued to improve with each passing day, she was still
dissatisfied, sensing that there was something missing, something she could not
bring herself to ever discuss with him.

She still knew little if anything about Justin, the story of his life a sketchy
incomplete drawing, a puzzle with half the pieces still missing so that the
ultimate image was not all there. He had told her little bits of things, as if
to satisfy her craving for knowledge about the person he had been before they
had met each other.

She knew he worked part-time at an art gallery, that he occasionally dabbled
with paints. But he gave no indication of knowing what he wanted from his life,
or any sense of wanting something from her other than the complete freedom to
use her body as he saw fit.

And when she had suggested he work with her at the pet shop, that he might
eventually buy into her small but commercially successful enterprise, he had
looked at her with such obvious disbelief and lack of interest that she had
dropped the discussion, right then and there.

Had the relationship been just a straight sex thing and nothing else, Pam
wouldn't have been half as disturbed about it as she now felt. But he had said
nothing about that, about putting emotional strictures on their involvement.
And, as a result, she had let her feelings come out, knowing that he recognized
the way she was already committed to him, long before he was ready--if he would
ever be--to make the same kind of commitment to her.

Finally, she could not hold back her feelings any longer.

"What do you want from me ... the truth?" she asked him. They were just
finishing the dinner she had prepared at her apartment.

Justin pushed his chair away from the table, loosening his pants and smiling at
her with cryptic self-content. He had enjoyed her dinner and now, the intensity
of her query, the very seriousness and earnest inflection of her statement,
stopped him short.

"I haven't thought about it," he finally admitted. "I just dig being with you,
that's all. Why does anything else have to be discussed? Are you so hot to have
a husband, all of a sudden? You're twenty-eight and you're doing fine,
supporting yourself, living well on your earnings. So what's the big hassle, all
of a sudden?"

"There's no hassle, Justin," she replied, annoyed at the way he had successfully
dodged her question. "I mean, well ... it's just that ..." and she stopped
short, not even sure of what it was she had wanted to say to him.

"It's just what?" he asked.

"It's just that I care, and I don't want to be hurt again, like the last time,
that's all. If all you dig about me is the sex, that's okay too. But I feel
something more than that, if you must know the truth," she replied.

"But I didn't ask for the truth, did I?" countered Justin. "In fact, I haven't
asked for anything but the pleasure of your company."

"Well, you have that, God knows," she said, laughing nervously to cover up her
deep-rooted anxieties.

"Do I? Really?" and he screwed up his eyes and stared intently at her, curious
to know the extent of her involvement, how far she would go along with him, how
far she would go to please him.

"Oh course you do. You know that," Pam said quickly.

"If I asked you to fuck a pig, would you do it?"

"A pig!" she exclaimed with disbelief. "What are you talking about, anyway?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I just asked you a simple question. I want to
know how far you'll go to please me, that's all. When you'll draw the line and
refuse to do what I ask," Justin went on. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if
he was trying to picture such a scene in his mind's eye.

"I don't follow you at all," she confessed, having never seen him like this

"There's nothing difficult to follow, Pam. There are things I want you to try,
things you've never done before. Things I've never done, either. I want to test
your loyalties, the extent of your commitment to me," he said.

"You want to test my commitment!" she yelled, recoiling as if he had just
slapped her across the face. "What more do you want from me? I've given you
everything I have. I'm naked in front of you and ... and you haven't moved your
ass in that direction, not one inch. You want me to get fucked by a pig? Find
one, Justin. Find me a pig with a cock and I'll let him fuck me, how's that!"

"You're on, kiddo," he said, grinning almost sarcastically at her. He got up
from his chair and stood by the kitchen table, his thumbs hooked underneath the
waistband of his jeans.

He rocked back and forth on the heels of his cowboy boots, his eyes blazing with
inner excitement. Pam just stared back at him, still not sure how serious he had
been, still not certain of what he needed from her, what he was thinking about
at that very instant.

"I want to teach you things you've never dreamed of before, things you've never
tried out in your life. And maybe, just maybe, if you go through them with me,
we'll end up with something a lot more important than what we have now," he told
her, believing what he said, not doubting for one minute that the plans he had
long ago made for himself were still viable and meaningful for his life.

"What things?"

"Getting fucked by a pig, by a horse. Watching me fuck a sheep, a mare. Letting
a woman make love to you, a child, three other men gang-bang you at the same
time. I want you to be so open to yourself, to your sexual self that is, that
when you've experienced all those kind of things you'll really know what love is
all about."

"You're crazy, do you know that! You're insane!" she yelled. "Is that ... that
kind of depravity your idea of being in love? What you want me to be is your
slave, is that it? Not on your life, kiddo. Get yourself another goodtime girl.
I'm not interested."

"Oh, but you are. And I know it just as much as you do, Pam," he replied coolly.
"Because right now, right this very minute, you're as much my slave as I am
yours. It's equal kiddo, remember that. Even if you don't believe it now, or
don't want to believe it, for two weeks you've done nothing but please yourself
as much as you've pleased me. Not once did I force you into anything, or make
you do something, which you didn't like, which you couldn't stand to do. Isn't
that the truth, Pam? Isn't that the fucking honest to God truth?"

She trembled, her lips pouting as she tried to reply to him. But no words came
out. She was unable to master the situation, to get the upper hand. Nor did she
even want to. She knew he was right, that because of the very nature of her
involvement and commitment, she was powerless to deny him anything, anything, at

And even as they stood there in the kitchen, facing each other with silence and
unblinking eyes, Justin knew that she would go along with him, down whatever
paths of depravity or bestiality he so desired to take her upon, no matter what
might happen as a result.

He smiled mysteriously and she flinched at his unwavering and self-sure grin. He
was exerting a kind of hold on her, a magnetic pull from which she neither had
the desire or the strength to resist. Even as she looked at him, Justin slid his
fingers over to the buckle of his belt.

She stiffened; oddly excited by what she sensed was about to take place. He
pulled the belt off, yanking it through the loops of his jeans. Pam half-
expected him to double it in half and strike out at her, demonstrating the power
and control he could readily exercise whenever it suited his fancy or a whim of
his ever-changing mood.

But bondage, sadism, even mild punishment with whips and straps, was not part of
Justin Whitlock's sexual repertoire. He saw the way she flinched in fear and he
smiled openly at her, as if to taunt her with his silence and his threatening

"When I know that you will not hesitate to do anything for me ... or to me, then
I will also know the truth of your love," he whispered. "And when that moment
arrives, and I believe it will, sooner than even you yourself can believe right
now, you will have me as much as I'll have you. But only then, only then ...
will I be there for you for as long as you need me."

She could see how serious he was and yet she also felt that he was play-acting,
reciting lines of dialogue from a play that was yet to be produced on or off
Broadway. Pam didn't know whether or not she should believe what Justin said to
her. But if she couldn't decide about the validity of his words, not to mention
his unorthodox and strangely disquieting sentiments, she didn't have to think
twice about the way her body was responding to his sheer physical presence, his
sheer sexual and animal magnetism on her; a force field of urges. She was not
being dramatic, reading into things or even misinterpreting what he had told her
in the past few minutes. She knew he believed in what he had said, but it was
now up to her to believe in his theories--for want of a better explanation--and
accept the ultimatum he had given her.

If she did not, she knew it would be over.

And that was the last thing she wanted to happen. Because now, Pam felt that she
could no longer live apart from Justin. Whatever it was he possessed, whatever
spell in the name of love he had cast upon her, was something she was incapable
of defending herself against. The walls she had erected around herself,
defensive barriers to shield out feelings and interpersonal communication, had
now toppled, crumbling like ash at her feet.

So it was that she continued to tremble and stare at him, calling him her lover,
thinking too that he was her teacher, instructing her in the art and artifice of
sex, sex of every shape and description. She hadn't even stopped to think about
that in the past two weeks, to question his physical needs, his attraction to
all that was bestial and bizarre.

The wilder the act the more aroused he seemed to become. And she too had begun
to respond in much the same fashion, needing the animalistic variations he
dreamed up to vary their sexual diet. She tried to hold herself steady, to look
back at him under a set of calm and untroubled eyes.

But she couldn't fake her discomfort of her excitement, anticipating the round
of sexual fun and games she sensed were about to begin, right here in her
kitchen. Justin was still standing by the table. He put his belt down on a
kitchen chair and ever so slowly, enticing her with the languidness of his
physical movements; he slid his hands over to the top of his fly.

He unbuttoned the top snap and then pulled the metal zipper down with a
calculatedly slow and tempered motion of his hand. Pam blinked and wondered if
he was hypnotizing her, his unwavering stare like the eyes of a cobra, a snake
holding her frozen and unmoving in space and time.

Justin kept his eyes opened wide, trying not to blink. Hypnotism wasn't what he
was doing, but his unwavering and piercing stare had a kind of trance-like
effect on Pam Harper. He could see how the color had risen in her cheeks, how
her unfettered breasts rose and fell hotly behind the front of her thin orlon

His attraction to her was just as heated as Pam's desires for him. He knew this
and it pleased him as much as everything else that had taken place this evening.
The ice had been broken and in a far more intriguing way than two Sundays past,
when they had first met each other at the park.

He didn't want her to be his sexual slave. No, that wasn't the term he had in
mind. What he desired from her was far more subtle, a mingling of threads,
psychic vibrations, mystical emotions. Selflessness and complete and total trust
colored his version of love.

And by getting Pam to submit to things, sexual acts in particular, he sensed she
still found appalling or nauseating or degrading, the truth of her affections
and the validity of her love would finally be made clear to him. When that would
happen, he would believe in her completely and he would give himself up to her,
just as she had given herself to him.

As soon as he had pulled the zipper down, he dropped his hands to his sides. Pam
looked down, her eyes boring behind the parted fly of his dungarees. She could
see a tangle of black pubic hair but nothing else, nothing but the bulging
outline of his pecker, still concealed within the confines of his tight-fitting
blue jeans.

Psychic, she thought. Telepathy, maybe.

Because she knew then what he wanted from her, at least what he wanted her to do
at that particular moment. Woodenly, controlled by the passions that seethed
just below the surface of her skin, controlled too by his magnetic and piercing
stare, she found herself moving forward, incapable of conquering her desires.

And at this point, she didn't want to conquer them. She wanted Justin to satisfy
the wild cravings her body was exhibiting. She wanted him to give her the kind
of pleasure that had been theirs each night they had seen each other for the
past two weeks. He hadn't brought Holmes along with him, the way he usually did,
but Bix was there, lying asleep under the table. The Scottie ignored them for
the moment and Pam glanced down at her pet and wondered if there still were acts
she had not yet performed with the terrier.

If there were, she knew that Justin would teach them to her. She was ready for
that, too, as ready as she would ever be. So she stepped towards him, the
silence unnerving, but the bulging outline of his unseen hard-on making her body
tremble, causing hot dribbles of cunt sap to stream down the twitching and
itching walls of her overheated muff.

Insane, she thought to herself; the way he can just control me like this.

Insane or not, it was still the truth. Justin sensed all that she was thinking
and as soon as she had stepped close enough to him, he reached out with both
hands and pressed his fingers down over her trembling shoulders. She was forced
down to the floor, forced to kneel in homage before his hard and muscled young

A smile of sexual cunning played across his full leering lips and no sooner had
Pam's knees touched the floor than Justin released her and she whimpered like a
lost child. She threw herself forward, her hands reaching around his steely
thighs. And as she clung to him, she rubbed her lips over the grossly distended
bulge of his meat, remembering how his cock had always milked her body of
pleasures and ecstasies she had never believed could be possible.

Now, she could feel the hard length of his pecker tenting up the front of his
jeans. She opened her mouth slightly and rubbed her parted lips over the pipe-
like silhouette of his throbbing penis. Justin shuddered with pleasure. He
looked down at her and held himself stiffly, not moving a muscle or betraying
his own intense sexual excitement. To have her doing this, kneeling at his feet,
so in awe of his virile potent member that she was beside herself, mentally as
well as physically, delighted him to no end.

Her attentions fed his ego as well as his libido and as her lips slid up and
down along the trapped length of his cock, her fingers moved higher, sliding
around to cup the twin tightly muscled cheeks of his boyish ass.

Insane, insane, she kept repeating. Justin made her feel not only like a woman,
but like an older woman. Despite the fact that he was only a year younger than
her, twenty-seven to be exact, their relationship seemed colored by an
inequality that made her see herself as the older woman trying to hold onto her
studly young lover. He had never sought to seduce her, not since that first
afternoon together.

If anything, she was the one who was more active in bed, just as she was being
more active now, kneeling in front of his unmoving body, already squeezing his
dimpled buns and rubbing her lips and tongue over the outline of his pecker. But
even though she knew all this to be true, his air of egotistic calm and
passivity only served to inflame her passions all the more, as if she was
seducing and conquering him, winning him over until he was ready to attack her,
a sleepy lion suddenly springing to life with savage and bestial power.

Knowing all this gave her more confidence, confidence that a few minutes before
had been badly needed. She had almost felt as if she had lost him, as if he had
somehow succeeded in escaping her and slipping through her fingers. But now she
knew exactly how to hold him there before her, to keep him as much her prisoner
as she felt herself to be.

She moved her hands around and grabbed hold of the gaping sides of his unzipped
fly. Justin sucked in his breath, held himself even more rigid and unmoving and
watched her as she seemed to frantically tear open his jeans, tugging his
dungarees down off of his waist and hips.

His cock was caught inside, but when she pulled his faded blue jeans down to his
knees, his meaty weapon sprang out at her. In a flash she was upon it, trying to
impale her mouth over the entire nine burning inches of his swollen dart. A low-
pitched moan escaped his lips the instant Pam pressed her own hot and puffy lips
over the head of his cock, tasting the pre-come which drooled out of his

"Suck it, all of it," he hissed, thrusting his hips forward and stabbing more
than four inches of bulky bloated meat into her mouth.

She was learning how to handle it, how to control her gag reflex, how not to
choke as she sucked him off. And so she had less trouble than she had had in the
past, coping with the burly dimensions of his massive dick.

She thrust her face over more and more of his tool, savoring the slick strength
of his rod, feeling it being stuffed deeper and deeper into her mouth until his
glans bent her tonsils back and actually slid through her mouth and down into
the back of her throat. And still she managed to hold onto it, her nostrils
flaring wide as she breathed through her nose.

She pushed forward even more; not content until it was buried between her lips
as deeply as he buried it between her legs. When her mouth nuzzled his sweaty
thicket of black pubic hair, she stopped and used her tongue, sliding it back
and forth along the hidden length of his cock-shaft. She could feel the braided
blue veins, the ridge of muscle along the underside of his slick smooth pole.

Her fingers cupped his balls and fondled them, tickling his nuts as she used her
tongue to stimulate and arouse him. Justin was groaning with pleasure, rocking
back and forth, gently sliding his pecker in and out of her mouth. He never
removed it more than halfway, loving the hot wetness of her lips and tongue, the
way she had learned how to suck him off with such skill and expertise that it
was almost as good as fucking her cunt.

"Rub your finger over my asshole," he whispered, remembering too how just a few
days before he had made her cut her fingernails with just this particular
purpose in mind.

Pam hurried to obey him, not so much afraid of refusing him anything, but
wanting to show the pleasure he gave her, the way it delighted her to turn him
on. Even then, even as she slid her extended middle finger down underneath his
pendulous scrotal sac, she could feel how hot washes of cunt juice were seeping
out around her muff, soaking through the front of her panties.

She wanted to ram his cock between her legs, but first she did what he had said,
knowing from past experience that he never denied her the pleasure of his body,
never teasing her and then refusing to finish what he had begun.

She pushed her finger down between his muscular buttocks, rubbing it along his
sweaty bum furrow until she was able to feel the palpitating rim of his puckered
asshole. Justin sighed with pleasure as she tickled his fundament, her finger
gently pushing forward even as he moved his feet aside and relaxed his sphincter

She had little difficulty penetrating his bottom-hole, gently yet insistently
easing her middle finger right inside of his hot dry ass. She thrust it slowly
into place, not stopping until she was able to feel what was by now the familiar
swelling of his prostate gland. And the more she massaged it with her fingertip,
the more she worked on his cock, the more aroused and excited Justin Whitlock

He knew then what he wanted to do to her, having consciously avoided attempting
it since they had been together. They had done just about everything else but
that and he hadn't even asked her about it, holding back until he himself was
ready to go through with it.

By having denied himself the searing and singular pleasure of corn-holing her,
of fucking Pam Harper up the ass, he had fantasized about it when they were not
in each other's company. It seemed to him now to be the most perfect, the most
apt way to start this second stage of their relationship.

And so he allowed her to work him up to a state of wild ecstasy, unwittingly
preparing him for the act that was soon to follow. Surprise as a part of the
sexual act had always served to arouse him and he didn't doubt for one minute
that Pam's surprise would be anything but heated, to put it mildly.

He saw himself taking her, suddenly, brutally, indifferent to her feelings. But
he also saw the end result, the pleasure not only he would derive, but Pam
herself would experience. Because he was so sure of this, Justin began to grow
as impatient as he was turned on.

A few minutes later, fearing that her skillful bout of fellatio and prostatic
massage would cause him to lose his usually well-tuned self control, he pressed
his hands back against her shoulders and eased her gently yet forcefully away
from him.

Pam hoped she hadn't done anything wrong. She felt him pushing her back and she
reluctantly relinquished her oral grip, first easing her pistoning finger from
out of the confinement of his tight burning ass and then sliding away from his
cock until her front teeth were gently and pleasurably nibbling along the slick
smooth skin stretched over his plum-shaped glans.

That too she finally let go of. She lifted her flushed and reddened face as his
cock plopped loudly from out of her mouth. It jerked up in the air, brimming
over with strength, potency and drooling pre-seminal fluid, pearly liquid that
capped his meatus and trickled down along his jerking bobbing cock-shaft.

"Stand up," he said and she rose shakily and breathlessly to her feet. He
reached out and yanked down the zipper to her skirt. Pam submitted without so
much as making a single sound. She shuddered at this display of sudden violence,
but his impatience to unclothe her seemed to indicate how wildly aroused she had
succeeded in making him feel.

He bent forward, refusing to say anything else, knowing how his silence was far
more arousing for her than if he explained what he was now doing. He pulled her
skirt down, lifted one foot and then the other, forcing her to step out of it.

She continued to shake, frightened and excited by his odd performance. Justin
was panting now and he could see how wet and swampy her cunt had become as a
result of sucking him off. The front of her skimpy bikini briefs was literally
sopping wet, the nylon transparent and sticking to her wet tangled pubic bush.

But at this moment he wasn't interested in once again re-acquainting himself
with the pleasures of her pussy. He reached for the waistband of her undies,
grabbed it between his thumb and index finger, and ripped her panties down so
that the nylon actually shredded as he tore her briefs right off of her body.

She gasped, but still submitted to his increasingly wild and lusty behavior. Her
body trembled and she stood there in the kitchen, bathed in the harsh and
uncompromising glow of the fluorescent light above her head.

She was now naked from the waist down. "Close your eyes. And don't move. Don't
say anything until I tell you to," he whispered hotly. The strange unorthodox
nature of his specific commands startled her, but she found herself going along
with him as she closed her eyes and held her breath, stiffening with a mixture
of fear and anticipation.

Pam had no idea of what he planned. But if she knew Justin the way she thought
she did, she was certain that pleasure--hers as well as his--would be a definite
component of his unexplained behavior.

No sooner had she shut her eyes, than Justin pulled his jeans all the way down,
managing to remove them without having to bother to take off his boots. All Pam
wore now were her shoes and orlon sweater and he made no attempt to pull the
sweater over her head, preferring her half-clothed body, at least for this one
particular episode.

But he preferred to be completely naked, save for his cowboy boots. He
unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off of his burly torso and threw it over the
back of the nearest kitchen chair. Naked now, he was finally ready to consummate
what he had long imagined in his feverish and rotting brain.

As for Pamela Harper, she had played right into his hands. She didn't even peek
as Justin Whitlock smiled lustily to himself, contemplating her half-naked and
seductive body. He reached out and grabbed hold of the butter dish that had been
left on the table.

The stick of soft yellow butter shone dully and Justin no longer hesitated, not
in the least.

Chapter 6

Everything seemed so perfect, at least in Justin's eyes, that he found it almost
hard to believe this was all taking place. He had finally met a chick ... no, he
thought then, a woman ... to whom he could be his complete and totally
uninhibited self. He wanted her to become as completely open to sex as he was
and he knew she had certainly done little if anything in the past two weeks to
make him feel any sense of disappointment or displeasure.

Now, he was certain that she would submit to his needs with the same brand of
willingness she had demonstrated so faithfully in the past. Accordingly, he
grabbed the stick of butter, lifted it up off of the dish and moved towards her.
Her body trembled and a soft ruddy blush had begun to suffuse her skin.

Pam strained to hear him, wondering what he was doing, what he was preparing to
enact, using her as a silent and unmoving partner. When she felt him spinning
her around, she gasped. She was pushed up against the side of the kitchen table
and he shoved most of the dishes out of the way, suddenly pushing her chest down
against the top of the table.

"Don't say anything!" he hissed as he felt her muscles tightening in fear. He
moved behind her, pulled her trembling white buns apart with one powerful and
determined hand, and then proceeded to shove the stick of soft melting butter
right up against her pink and puckered fundament.

"Oh God no, no don't!" she moaned the instant she felt the greasy butter being
rubbed into her asshole, completely lubricating her bum furrow and the folds and
creases which marked her tight little anus.

"Don't what?" he snickered, actually succeeding in shoving half of the stick of
butter right up her ass. The idea, the very notion of buttering her poop and
then slamming his cock into place, delighted him to no end. He saw his pecker as
an ear of corn; soon to be buttered as it slid back and forth inside the tight
lubricated depths of her rectum.

Pam tried to pull back, her arms sweeping over the table. She banged her fists
in anguish, but before she could even attempt to pull free and straighten up,
Justin was already in position to consummate yet another of his searing erotic
fantasies, a reverie he fully intended to transmute into the stuff of reality
and brutal savage actuality.

He rubbed what was left of the greasy butter all along the hard pulsating length
of his mule-cock. "Hold steady, baby," he warned her, letting go of his dick to
use both of his hands. He pulled her shuddering buns as far apart as he could,
stretching the tightly contracted perianal flesh that surrounded her sunken and
pitted pink asshole.

"Oh please, please don't do this to me, Justin," she whimpered, knowing that she
could not pull free or escape his steely and determined clutches. His violent
display, his sexual insatiability, were things she could not cope with and even
as she felt him pulling her buns apart, she knew that she would have to submit,
that this was indeed just the beginning, just the start of the new rules he had
explained would now be taking effect in their relationship.

"Bix has done it, so why not me?" Justin asked. "If it's good enough for a
fucking dog, isn't it good enough for your lover?"

She had no answer to that, but she still held her sphincter muscles as tightly
as she could, fearing the pain his anal assault would result in, the tearing
burning agony of being forced to submit to his sodomizing wrath.

Justin ignored her sobbing whimpers. If anything, her fear, the way she looked
upon this as a rape, only served to turn him on all the more. She had inflamed
him through fellatio, and now he fully intended to stoke the fires of his lust
by a savage bout of buggery.

Accordingly, he now let go of one of her shuddering buttocks, his fingers
curling around the middle of his steely cock-shaft. He pulled his pecker down
until the rounded bulbous glans, still leaking pre-come at a fast and furious
rate, was perfectly aligned with the tight rosy aperture that was her bottom-

He pushed his thighs up against the backs of her legs, pinning her down against
the top of the kitchen table. And then he thrust forward with maddened and wild-
eyed excitement. The head of his battering ram made contact with her tight rosy
anus and Pam screamed out in horror as she felt the insistent pressure of his

But Justin was not about to stop. Her display of terror added to his excitement
and he clapped one hand over her mouth, stifling her cries of protestation, not
wanting any of her neighbors to hear her moaning as she struggled to break free
of his sodomizing grasp.

"Relax, bitch. You love me, don't you? Well, love this, sugar," he sneered,
thrusting down a second time even as he pressed his palm over her mouth and kept
her buns apart with his other hand.

The muscular pressure, his weight seemingly centered all along the bottom half
of his torso and the column of throbbing quivering man-flesh all combined to aid
him in his quest. Pam was groaning behind his hand, incensed too that Bix had
done nothing to come to her defense.

The terrier hadn't even barked, but that was no doubt due to the fact that the
Scottie was quite accustomed to Justin's presence, having never been shown this
violent side of the man. He saw Justin as a friend and so even as Whitlock tried
to shove his cock up Pam's ass, the terrier trotted out from under the table,
wagging his tail and looking up at them with canine curiosity.

Justin hadn't even thought about the dog. Now, seeing Bix out of the corner of
his eye, he was glad that the Scottie wasn't fucking up his plans. He would come
in handy too, Justin decided, once he managed to stow the entire length of his
rod right up her poop.

Pam kept shaking. She tried to keep her asshole as tightly clenched as possible.
But all of her efforts to maintain its inviolability were in vain. Justin, much
stronger than her, was emboldened by his excitement. He was not about to take no
for an answer, to fail where he had always succeeded with Pam in the past.

And, as a result of this determination, he was able to feel the way the head of
his cock was pushing her perianal folds apart, digging deeper and slowly but
surely making headway. She too felt the way her anal aperture was being wrenched
wide and she gasped, her sphincter muscles loosening for an instant.

But the sudden cessation of constricting pressure enabled Justin to shove
forward until the head of his cock was completely buried inside of her ass. It
rubbed along her buttered rectal walls and she sobbed, her body racked with
fear. "Relax," he said again, calming down a little bit now that he felt the
worst was over, now that he had begun to make contact.

She shuddered against him and he eased his dick forward, more gentle now, taking
his time. He looked down and finally let go of her mouth. She was still
whimpering, but she didn't scream out any longer. Justin pulled both of her buns
wider apart as he watched the way her previously tight little slit of an anus
had now spread grotesquely wide, distended by the invading bulk of his rigid

He thrust down against her, easing one hard hot inch of meat after another into
place. His shaft rubbed against her quivering rectal walls and the more he
thrust forward, the calmer Pam became. She was responding, despite her initial
fears to the contrary. Her ass felt blocked and stuffed, but the pain was
diminishing the deeper he stroked.

And when she shoved her buns back, wanting still more of his hard manly weapon,
Justin licked the back of her neck and smiled to himself, knowing that from then
on in everything was going to work out fine, absolutely perfect.

He pushed down until his pubes scratched her bum furrow, the entire length of
his penis hidden from sight, stowed within the tight buttered depths of her
quivering rectal canal. Pam groaned more hotly, able to feel the way her cunt
was also distended by the pressure of Justin's dick sliding into her rectum.

More juice sluiced down her overheated vaginal walls and she wiggled her buns,
riding his pole of steely man-flesh. Justin was getting wildly turned on. Just
as he had suspected, Pam's ass was even tighter and far more gripping than her
virginal twat. Fucking her pussy was one thing, and a pleasurable and highly
satisfying thing at that. But corn-holing her was something else altogether.

One was neither better nor worse than the other. They were merely different
sides of the same erotic coin and he eased his meat halfway out and then thrust
forward again, frictioning and scraping his boner against her rectal passageway.

"Relax, keep your muscles loose and it won't hurt at all," he told her. His
balls flicked against the drooping bottom edge of her muff, adding to their
rapidly mounting pleasure. "I told you you'd get off on it. This is all part of
trusting me, baby."

She was too aroused to reply, concentrating upon the pleasure which was building
up inside of her ass and pussy. He quickened the tempo of his back and forth
strokes, thrusting his dick in and out of her ass as she began to clench and
unclench her sphincter muscles in response.

The rhythm of their dual movements made him howl like an alley cat. He was so
turned on that he couldn't hold back and he rammed into her ass with all of his
strength. She groaned, but it was not a sound of physical pain. If anything, the
harder he stroked, the more vigorously and wildly he pounded his joystick in and
out of her burning poop, the more turned on and hot Pam fast became.

He plowed into her tight little heinie, kept himself completely horsed and
ensheathed, right up to his swatting fist-like balls, and then proceeded to pull
her back from the table. Careful not to hurt her, for he knew pain could result
if he moved too quickly, Justin maneuvered his body and Pam's down to the floor.

Soon she was squatting on all fours and he was kneeling right behind her,
holding onto her waist and not her jugs and pounding in and out with renewed
excitement. But now, they were in such a position that Bix could finally get
into the act.

There could be no doubt that the terrier knew what was taking place. The sights
and sounds and aromas that filled the kitchen were all sexual in content and Bix
crawled down between Pam's outstretched arms. She had her palms flat on the tile
floor and she leaned forward, making room for her dog, delighted then that Bix
was going to add to her rapidly mounting sexual pleasure.

"Tell me ... everything," groaned Justin, able to see where Bix was headed, tail
wagging and tongue extended.

At that moment, even as he doubled the tempo of his battering cock-strokes,
loving the way she was getting so accustomed to corn-holing that she worked her
buns hotly around his pole, Bix was just beginning to use his tongue with wild
canine expertise.

Pam cried out with delight the instant she felt the Scottie's raspy file-like
tongue sliding over her juicy quim. Hot sap streamed down between her cunt lobes
and Bix licked her moist overheated mons, his cold wet button of a nose tickling
her cunt furrow as he tried to push his tongue even deeper inside.

To aid him in that, Justin slid one hand around until his fingers made contact
with the top edge of Pam Harper's gaping cunt split. He pushed her cunt lips
wider apart, letting go only when he could feel Bix's tongue digging right
inside of her dilated split.

"Yes, more, harder. Oh do it, fuck me, pound it in, give it to me," she wailed,
the combination of sensations, the bestial tongue sliding around her clit and
vulva and Justin's bestial mule-cock ramming in and out of her tight burning
asshole, all served to arouse her to a fever pitch of imminent release.

Her cunt walls fluttered again and again and Justin ground his hips against her
buttocks. He held onto her waist and thrust with maddened delight, knowing that
at this rate he wasn't going to be able to maintain his usual tempered control
for too much longer.

"I'll come ... make me come. It's so big, so fucking thick. You're an animal, a
fucking bear!" she groaned. He pulled her sweater up to her neck, leaning
forward so that he could rub his hairy chest over her back. His fingers pulled
at her tits; squeezing them and tweaking each ruddy turgid nipple.

Every part of her body was on fire and she felt her climax rearing up inside of
her, ready to take flight, to explode with passion and unbelievable delight.
Justin's nuts kept tickling her cunt lips and Bix continued to lick and sponge
down her muff with his hard rough-edged tongue.

It was then that Justin saw another searing erotic image flashing across his
mind. His imagination took wing, fed by the rare pleasures of Pam Harper's hot
young body and her hot tight ass, in particular. He hadn't even thought of this,
but now he was determined to see the new idea through, to make it happen just as
he had made her accept his hard bristling pecker.

So he stopped short and gasped for breath. "Don't ... don't come yet. Wait," he
stammered, his hard muscular chest rising and falling as he tried to calm down
and not shoot his load prematurely.

It was all she could do to hold her own orgasm back. And when he urged her to
push Bix away from her cunt, she was more than just reluctant to do so.
Nevertheless, she followed his orders, knowing that he was not doing this merely
to prevent her from enjoying herself.

"Now just move with me," he told her then. Ever so carefully, still keeping his
pecker completely buried inside of her shuddering clutching poop-chute, Justin
eased his legs out from under him, first one and then the other.

He stretched them out as Pam kept kneeling on all fours. When he managed to
slide his legs out, he was thus able to lie back on the kitchen floor. "Now
stretch your legs out and lean back against me," he said, gasping loudly. He
pushed forward, making sure that his cock didn't slip out of the delicious
confinement of her tight little bottom.

Pam grunted and with some difficulty finally managed to change positions without
losing his hard jutting cock. She was soon enough leaning back against him.
Justin pulled her sweater down, hoped the positioning wouldn't prove to be a
hindrance, and stretched his arms back behind him, palms flat on the floor to
support his weight.

He lifted himself up, bending his knees and rocking back and forth with his cock
completely buried inside of her ass. Her back was against his chest and she bent
her own legs, spreading them wide and suddenly realizing why they had gone
through all of this complicated repositioning.

Because now, she didn't even need him to tell her what to do next. Her meaty
cunt was thrust out and she called Bix over to her so that she was soon enough
able to pull his black-haired body right up against her chest. The sweater
prevented his nails from digging into her tit-flesh.

She hadn't even considered the fact that Bix's bony doodle wouldn't be hard and
glistening, exposed and sticking out from its protective hairy sheath. It was in
exactly that rigid erect state and no sooner had she urged him to throw his
front paws up against her chest when Bix jerked forward, blindly attempting to
ram his bony article right between the twin gaping lips of her shuddering cooze.

Justin grinned broadly; doubly delighted that they had not only succeeded in
moving into this new position, but that Pam had known what had motivated him to
do so. He hadn't even had to tell her to call Bix over. And that delighted him
to no end, demonstrating that she was becoming more sympathetic to his vibes, to
his every thought patterns and erotic yearnings.

At that moment Bix succeeded, thanks to the kind attentions of his excited and
horny owner. Pam grabbed the dog's bony penis with one hand, pulled Bix down
with the other and didn't stop maneuvering him until she felt the pointy head of
his wet hot dick rubbing right between her puffy vaginal lips.

And then she let out a low-pitched groan of delight as Bix managed to stuff the
entire length of his short though stimulating penis right into place. It scraped
delightfully against her inflamed and burning clit and it was then that Justin
too began to use his cock with renewed vigor and determination.

He leaned over, able to see exactly what Bix was doing. The sight of the dog's
glistening red cock sliding and humping in and out of Pam's muff inflamed his
senses and he thrust upwards, even as she alternately ground her ass down over
his meat, her cunt muscles shuddering too as they sought to clutch and nip at
Bix's bony doodle.

Pam gave in to her delight then, so turned on, so filled with excitement, that
she let her climax overwhelm her less than a minute after Bix had rammed the
entire hard length of his spike-like pecker into her muff.

Her wild lusty scream of ecstasy aroused Justin to a fever pitch. He pounded in
and out, scraping his huge throbbing boner deep within the buttered recesses of
her clutching churning ass. "Do it, baby. Shoot it, come, come," he begged,
holding onto her even as he corn-holed her ass and watched Bix pumping his dog-
meat in and out of her cunt.

Justin could just about feel the invading presence of the terrier's prick,
sliding along the other side of the septum that divided Pam's pussy from her
ass. It intensified his own sense of pleasure and he worked still harder,
wanting to let loose and flood her ass with hot molten jism, thick curds of come
to soothe the raw and ravished flesh of her bottom.

As for Pam, she was riding the crest of her climax, overwhelmed by the intensity
of her release. Bix's cock was moving at a breakneck rate, pistoning so quickly
that Pam could barely see the way the entire length of the dog's boner was
hammering in and out of her tight juicy muff.

Hot floods of sap streamed down, oozing out of her cooze and then down past the
bottom edge of her pussy to further lubricate her already sweaty and buttered
bum furrow. Justin could feel the warm oily liquid and he pulled her up and down
against his meat, his cock squishing impatiently, the folds of penanal flesh
surrounding her anus adhering tightly to the sides of his steely member.

"Yes, keep going, don't stop coming," he told her then, panting as he felt
himself about to lose control. He kept his hands around her waist and kept
pulling her down, forcing her to twist left and right so that his cock seemed to
corkscrew in and out of her burning ass.

The pressure of his hard-on and the way Bix was ramming his own pointy stiff
dick in and out of her pussy, made Pam continue to shudder, one climax melting
imperceptibly into another so that all she could do was moan and shake on the
floor, completely out of control.

And then it was Justin's turn, time for him to give in to his own searing brand
of erotic release and sexual fulfillment. He rubbed his chest over her back,
wrapped his hands around her waist and let loose, no longer interested in
holding back. He pumped vigorously and determinedly, pulling her down against
him so that she was soon enough lying right on top of his hot naked body. Pam
squirmed and thrashed about, feeling the driving power of Justin's meaty dick as
it tunneled and scraped in and out of her shuddering poop.

She would never have believed this possible, the intensity of pleasure she was
now experiencing, the way more and more cunt juice flooded her quim, the way her
orgasms seemed to merge one after another into an incoherent burning peak of
erotic fulfillment.

"Please, oh please ... yes, come, come with me," she begged, barely able to
speak straight as she held Bix in place, savoring the swift penetrating jabs of
the Scottie's bony tool.

Even Bix was getting close to the point of ejaculation. He yapped and whimpered
the way he did when he slept, pounding his dick deep inside of his master's
pussy. The way his cock rubbed over her clit made Pam go berserk and she kept
twisting herself on top of Justin's body, feeling the way his skin was touching
her flesh, the two of them so completely and totally at one with each other that
she wanted it to go on like this forever.

But forever is a long word and Justin couldn't hold back any longer. With a
feverish bellow of delight he let loose. His balls seemed to tighten, drawn up
high within his dangling scrotal sac. And then, with a supreme physical effort,
he hurled himself up against Pam, plowing his cock as deeply inside of her
heinie as he possibly could.

Her screams of excitement mingled with Bix's wild yapping and Justin Whitlock's
frenzied low-pitched groans. Hot spurts of come began to jettison out of the
swollen and deeply buried head of his pecker, splashing thickly into Pam's
stuffed and well-filled ass. She could feel the increase in lubricity, the way
his boner was shuddering convulsively.

"Yes, shit, feel it, feel the load. Oh shit, so much come, all this fucking
come," he panted, babbling incoherently as he was caught up in the throes of his
own tumultuous and searing release. They rolled from side to side a moment
later, more come still pouring out of the head of Justin's cock, Bix finally
joined them in the pleasure of their lusty release.

The dog seemed to stiffen and he howled almost eerily, jerking his wet bony
pecker all the way into place. Pam held him down and closed her eyes as the
first swift gushes of dog-come poured into her feverish and overheated cooze.

The combination of Bix coming and Justin still shooting his powerful and
abundant seed deep within the recesses of her cunt and asshole, served to
trigger another series of multiorgasmic tremors. Her skin was ruddy, glowing
with color and breathlessly she tried to keep Bix on top of her, not wanting to
either relinquish the spearing pleasure of the dog's tool or Justin's hard meaty
mallet, filling her ass to the breaking point.

But he could only give her so much. Even as Bix continued to come, Justin sank
down on the floor, bathed in the sweat of his delightful exertions. It had been
better than he had even dared to imagine the intensity and depth of his orgasm
something that still filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

A minute or two later Bix slid back and sat up on the kitchen floor, yellow dog-
come dribbling out of the spikey tip of his bony pecker, More yellow jism matted
Pam's tawny pubic bush and she closed her eyes and lay flat on top of Justin,
feeling too how his pecker was slowly but surely losing its stiffness and steely

He hadn't lied, she knew then. She had been forced to go along with him, at
least in the beginning. But now she was glad that she had, that she hadn't put
up that much of a fight so as to discourage him completely.

If anything, the way Justin had overpowered her, using mental as well as
physical force and violence, now seemed pleasing, especially in retrospect. The
element of human and canine rape and forced sodomizing sex had only turned Pam
on all the more. As she lay there, she wondered what would happen next, what
stage their relationship would move into, taking on another set of values and
concepts, strangely perverse, bestial to the extreme, yet unquestionably
exciting and erotically rewarding.

She might be wondering what was going to happen. But even then, Justin Whitlock
had it all worked out, down to the smallest detail.

Chapter 7

In the back seat of the rented car, Bix and Holmes had their front paws up
against the edge of the car door. The side windows had been lowered and the
Scottish terrier and his companion, Holmes the liver-hued Doberman pinscher,
kept their muzzles forward, watching the cars that passed them on the road,
moving in the opposite direction from the one Justin was taking.

In the front seat, Pam lit another cigarette and crossed her legs, displaying
her inner state of nervousness and anxiety. Justin had told her little about the
weekend's outing, only getting her to make the necessary preparations so that
the young man who helped out on the weekends could be trusted to run the shop
properly that Saturday, as well as to close it up for Sunday.

"Where are we going again?" she asked him, casting Justin a petulant and almost
exasperated grin.

"Sidonville my darling. To the sleepy yet lusty little hamlet of Sidonville,
U.S.A., located in the very heartland of historic and scenic New England,
precious," grinned back Justin. He slid one hand down off the wheel, reached
across the front seat and patted her gently on top of her nearest leg. "Now
don't get uptight, so early on in the day. After all, it's not even noon. And
what are surprises for, anyway, if you know what they're going to turn out to be
before they even have a chance to happen."

"Well," she began, unable to come up with the right words. "It's just that ..."

"It's just what?"

"It's just so mysterious, that's all. I mean, we're taking this trip, we've been
on the road since nine o'clock this morning, and I still haven't the foggiest
idea about what's going on, or where we're supposed to end up."

"We're supposed to end up at Sidonville. Or, to be perfectly exact about it, at
a small farm ... for want of a better word ... five or so miles from the town
proper," Justin announced.

At the mention of the word farm, Pam sank down against the front seat, not sure
if she should be sad or happy, nervous or animated and filled with positive
expectations. She recalled then what he had said to her the night they had
discussed their relationship, the night which had culminated in a bout of
searing anal and animal sex. She cringed slightly, almost as if she could still
feel his powerfully thick virile member surging in and out of her stretched and
burning asshole.

But the pleasure had been just as intense as he had promised. Now, she wondered
why she felt such a strange morbid sense of apprehension and discomfort, ill at
ease about the prospect of visiting a farm with Justin Whitlock.

"Whose farm is it?" she asked him then.

"Well, I can see that surprises are useless, so I might as well get down to
basics and tell you," he decided after a moment's pause for silent
introspection. "It's actually a big old New England colonial house where my
friend lives. He keeps a lot of animals around, though not for any great
commercial or business reasons. I mean, he doesn't support himself running a
farm, milking cows or raising chickens."

"Then how does he ... support himself, I mean?" she asked, growing more curious
and thus more interested in what he was finally revealing.

"He's one of those fortunate people who don't have to do any work at all, to
tell you the truth. He lives off his investments, or his daddy's investments, to
be more exact about it. He was left enough to live quite decently without having
to hassle himself about a nine-to-five job."

"Which you approve of, wholeheartedly, I take it," she added.

He looked at her, not sure if she was annoyed or not. "Shit, yes. I mean, why
not, kiddo? Lloyd paints a little, like me. And he's an amateur photographer.
And he grows vegetables and raises animals. He's perfectly content."

"But unmarried."

"Yes, as a matter of fact," Justin replied. "Is there anything the matter with
being a bachelor? I thought you were the kind of woman who relished her
independence, not having to suffer the slings and arrows of male chauvinist

"And so your unmarried bachelor friend with enough money up his ass to live the
life of Riley, just happens to invite us up to his farm for the weekend. How
convenient," and she pouted, folding her hands across her chest.

At that instant, Justin swerved the car violently to the right, the wheels
spinning over the gravel shoulder. He pulled on the brake as Pam was thrown
forward; just able to grab hold of the dashboard before her head struck the
windshield. Bix had toppled off the front seat, but now he scooted back into the
seat, none the worse for wear.

"What was that all about, may I ask!" Pam snapped.

"Listen kiddo," he said, trying to control his temper. "Let's get one thing
straight, right here and now. Either you go along with me and stop acting like
some fucking spoiled brat, or else I'll just turn the car around and head back
to the city and we can call it quits from now on in. The choice is yours. I told
you last week what I expected from you. You went along with me. That's what
commitment is all about, kiddo. Not acting the way you've been doing, sticking
your nose in the air and pretending to be something that you're not."

"Such as what?"

"Such as a ball-busting cunt, for starters," Justin barked. "I said I wanted you
to fuck a pig, baby. Well, Lloyd has just the right porker we've been looking
for. And he has a couple of sheep, some goats, a nice tight-assed little mare,
the whole works. Any more questions? Or are you still not interested? Yes or

She had never really expected him to attempt to make good what he had told her
that night at her apartment. She had never dreamed he would go this far,
actually taking her to a farm to consummate some of his perversely bestial
schemes, his erotic fantasies. But now, Pam knew that he wasn't bullshitting,
that the moment had finally reached the proportions and colors of black-and-
white reality. And it was now up to her to either accept his ultimatums or else
refuse to go along with them.

If she chose the latter tack, she knew that their relationship would be over,
right then and there. And now, as she looked over at him as he sat with his
hands on the wheel and his face bristling with ill-concealed annoyance, the last
thing in the world she wanted was for Justin Whitlock to disappear from her

To return to an existence of loneliness was something she could no longer even
bear to think about, let alone handle. "Okay," she whispered. "You win. Whatever
you say, Justin, whatever you say."

He started up the car in silence and didn't say a single word to her until she
could see the white clapboard farmhouse filling her field of vision. They had
arrived and now, she was about to embark on a journey she had never even
contemplated before, a journey into a world that was one of complete and total
sexual abandon, a world where everything was possible and everything could
happen. And what made it all the more difficult for her to deal with, was the
fact that she didn't for one minute doubt what the outcome would be, how Justin
would emerge victoriously, getting her to perform according to the vagaries of
his every sexual and erotic whim.

No sooner had Justin pulled up in front of the farmhouse, than he rubbed his
hands together and turned to glance over at Pam Harper. She was staring straight
ahead, her eyes having taken on a kind of lost and glassy look. He watched her
for a moment and then let himself out of the car.

The air was thick with the smells of verdure, lush vegetation and clean mountain
air. But even more than that, Justin could smell the characteristically animal
aromas, which wafted through the air. It was a scent he had always relished, a
heavy earthy smell, manure and sweaty livestock, all mingling into an elusive
perfume which began to immediately arouse his senses and heighten his sexual
plans and expectations about the weekend's singularly uninhibited activities.

Pam followed him out of the car, a little surprised that Lloyd hadn't come out
of the house to greet them. She let the dogs out and they scampered off, running
around to the back of the house. Leaving Bix and Holmes to their own inquisitive
canine devices, she moved towards Justin.

He was seemingly lost in thought, but the minute she reached out and put her
hand on his shoulder, he jerked to attention and looked down at her with a broad
and toothy grin, a smile that was at once comforting yet disarming.

"Methinks friend Lloyd is up to some tricks of his own," Justin said with a sly
little wink.

He took hold of her hand and having been to the farm before, he had no trouble
leading Pam around the back of the silent house to where he remembered Lloyd
kept his livestock.

Sure enough, a ramshackle but still upright wooden structure behind the house
proved to be the barn where the animals were paddocked when they weren't out
grazing in the fields which stretched out around them.

And, even more than that, Justin could feel the tension in the air, the silence
broken by the rustle of leaves in the trees, by the droning buzz of insects and
honeybees. No birds broke the quietude with a restless chirping call. But if he
failed to hear birds singing, he didn't fail to hear something snorting and
whinnying with loud and almost painful insistence.

Pam heard the sounds too. They emanated from the barn and Justin led her right
in their direction. They grew louder, painful neighs and whinnies, a cacophony
of snorting thunderous cries and stomping hooves. "What's going on in there?"
she whispered, a little frightened as she held onto his hand, clutching at his
arm while they stood by the sliding door which led into the old wooden barn.

"Want to take a peek?" he said, winking at her once again. He knew exactly what
was going on inside of the barn, having enjoyed the act the last time he had
spent a weekend at the farm. But he didn't intend to tell Pam, wanting to
surprise her, curious to see how aroused she would become. And not only by what
his lusty and sexually insatiable friend was doing, but also by the fact of
Lloyd's singularly amazing generative parts.

"A disease, the result of some childish malaise, fever of the brain," he had
once said jokingly to Justin.

But it was no disease which had given Lloyd his exceptionally vigorous
equipment, equipment which Justin knew Pam would not believe real, even when she
saw it with her own two eyes. The stomping of hooves echoed in the air and he
pulled the barn door open and stuck his head inside, motioning Pam to silence.
Then, tiptoeing forward, he led her into the musty wooden structure, trying not
to betray his presence as dry straw cracked and rustled beneath their feet.

"Shh," he whispered, pointing to the far end of the barn where a wooden stall
obscured the frenzy of activity taking place within its narrow confines. "Don't
say a word."

Pam still had no idea of what was happening. But she trusted Justin to the
letter and followed him, trying to be as silent as she could. Once they reached
the paddock, the sound of hoofbeats and snorting equine whinnies was louder than
ever. She looked down, able to see the inside of the stall, visible between the
space of two warped and weathered boards.

And when she saw not only four equine hoofs, but a pair of booted human feet,
she knew what was happening even before Justin hoisted her up so that she could
peer over the top edge of one side of the wooden stall.

No sooner had she trained her eyes into the stall, when she gave a gasp of such
incredible disbelief that her breath stuck in her throat and her eyes remained
wide and glassy, stuck open with the sheer intensity of her amazement.

Fortunately or perhaps not, the mare within the stall was bucking and snorting,
squealing out so loudly that the man who was positioned right behind the
frenzied animal failed to hear Pam Harper's loud gasp of complete and utter

Justin pulled himself up until he too was able to peer inside the narrow
confines of the animal's pen. It was Lloyd all right, busy as always and now so
intensely preoccupied that he was oblivious to their presence, to their twin
looks of sheer and dumbfounded amazement, their faces reddened with hot blushes
of awe and wonder.

Even Justin, who had experienced exactly what Lloyd was doing, who had seen his
friend performing in this manner on several occasions in the past, was still
shocked and filled with wonder as well as envy. For now, as he and Pam kept
staring with wild-eyed astonishment, marveling at Lloyd's unique and
unparalleled performance, they could see exactly what was causing all the racket
inside of the wooden stall.

Lloyd was positioned directly behind the outspread legs of a chestnut mare. She
was no oversized quarter horse, ill suited to this kind of activity, but a small
Shetland pony, not very many hands high. And her short compact size suited
Lloyd's needs and bestial desires perfectly.

He did not have to perch himself on top of a wooden box to gain access to the
pony's swollen and oversized violet genitals, but merely had to position himself
directly behind her hindquarters, taking care to avoid an occasional backward
kick from her stomping hooves.

Pam just couldn't believe her eyes, to put it mildly. Her nostrils winced as she
inhaled the strong biting odor which now wafted up in the air, a pungent steamy
aroma that became more heavy, more cloying and intense with the passage of each
second. And as her nostrils kept flaring open, as she kept her eyes glued
straight before her, she watched the way Justin's friend was slamming his cock
in and out of the mare's swollen and lubricious hole.

He had seemingly rammed his hose right through the horsehair of her tail,
ensheathing himself up to the root. His pistoning member hurtled back and forth
with engine-like force and Lloyd was sweating as copiously as the pony, his
hands gripping the mare's flanks and his feet planted stolidly behind her.

His jeans were bunched around the tops of his boots and he wore no shirt, his
naked body bristling with the same kind of muscular energy his cock was now
vigorously displaying. But it was no ordinary cock and that, coupled with the
sight of a man fucking a horse, all combined to make Pam feel weak with
disbelief and sudden unprecedented desire.

A violent tremor seized her body and she clung to the top edge of the stall,
nearly falling back and losing her balance as she suddenly began to come, right
then and there. Hot curds of sap streamed down her feverish cunt walls, dripping
down along the insides of her shuddering thighs.

Had there been a stallion in the barn, she would no doubt have thrown herself
upon the animal, exhibiting the same kind of insatiable sexual frenzy Lloyd was
demonstrating. If anything, it was what had turned her on so completely and now,
shivering and caught up in the throes of her inexplicable release, Pam could
only hold onto the top edge of the stall as if for dear life.

It was then that Lloyd heard her and the red-faced man turned his head in her
direction. He broke into a broad and toothy grin, never stopping his strenuous
exercises for one second. Justin winked back and said nothing. He didn't know
that Pam was coming, all eyes to the way Lloyd was slamming his penis in and out
of the mare's slobbering and juicy trench.

The pony was whinnying frantically and the biting aroma filled his senses. But
what amazed him even more than this, was the way Lloyd was going at it with
superhuman endurance and delight. Justin had done the very same thing. But
despite the handsome and far from puny dimensions of his own stiff-standing
pecker, he had found the pony's pussy far too big for him to really enjoy the
rare bestial pleasure of plowing in and out of her ravished twat.

Not so for Lloyd.

Justin could tell at a glance that the fit was perfect, that the Shetland pony's
cunt afforded Lloyd excellent tactility and a stimulating, frictioning grip.
Fuck, he thought to himself, she doesn't need a stallion ... she has one.

Pam was thinking along identical lines, still not believing her eyes or the fact
that she had orgasmed so spontaneously, not even having touched herself before
her passions had exploded, clutching at her insides.

More cunt juice dripped down between her legs. Her panties were soaking wet and
she knew that if she took them off, she would be just about able to wring them
out like a dishrag. But before that happened, Lloyd--now made aware of their
dual presence in the barn--put on the final surges of energy, heading towards
the grand-slam finish.

His fingers gripped the pony's flanks as tightly as he could. He thrust
maddeningly, his heavy grapefruit-sized balls smacking like a cudgel between his
straining loins. But it was his cock that felt the tight tension of the pony's
burning cunt. The mare kept neighing and the muscular walls of her lubricated
vagina seemed to ripple burningly again and again, clutching as if to evacuate
Lloyd's preposterously Brobdingnagian tool.

For that and that alone was what had gotten to Pam Harper. Not the pungent
cloying sexual aroma of the man fornicating with the horse. Not the way the pony
was whinnying in heated animalistic response. It was not these things, highly
arousing unto themselves, or even the fact that Lloyd was built along similar
muscular lines as Justin.

No, it was simply the man's cock that had made Pam nearly topple off the wooden
railing against which she now clung as precariously as the last leaf on a wind-
lashed branch. Her eyes were glued between the man's legs and even as she
stared, Lloyd suddenly stiffened and let loose.

A loud frenzied scream bubbled forth from between his lips. He hung onto the
pony's flanks as if for dear life while she, in turn, neighed frantically and
raised her front hooves, striking the side of the stall with stomping agony.

"Yes, here it comes, Babe, now, feel it, Babe, now!" Lloyd screamed out to Babe,
the Shetland pony he had decided to bugger that afternoon.

Whether Babe was responding or not was something neither Justin nor Pam even
worried or thought about. It was Lloyd's response that was getting to them and
no longer able to control himself, the muscular "farmer" flung himself forward
and pressed his chest down against the pony's back.

Another series of muscular tremors coursed through his body and then, as he
began to moan with frantic pleasure and delight, his balls contracted. The first
lightning-like bolts of semen flew up the deeply ensheathed length of his tool,
splashing out of his unseen glans.

A veritable flood of semen now began to pour mercilessly into the pony's
ravished vagina, hot curds of lubricious jism that cascaded like a fountain or a
fire hose gone out of control. Babe slowly began to quiet down as more and more
cream surged into her muff.

And all this time, even as Pam and Justin kept staring, open-mouthed with awe,
wonder and wild lusty delight, Lloyd kept moaning like a lunatic. He was barely
able to see straight, having purposely denied himself a fuck with Babe for
nearly a week. Now, his pent-up sexual needs and passions were exploding and he
could think of nothing but the insensible pleasure he was deriving.

But finally, his balls were drained dry and he could come no longer. He leaned
against Babe and gasped as he tried to catch his breath. Pam and Justin said
nothing, still staring, dazzled by Lloyd's frenzied and supersexual performance.

Justin had seen his friend in action before, but rarely as heatedly and
frenetically as he had been during these past few minutes. Pam let out a soft
low-pitched sigh and shook her head, waiting to see what would happen when
Justin's friend pulled back, releasing his cock from Babe's tight vaginal grip.

It happened less than a minute later. Suitably recovered, Lloyd wiped his hand
across his forehead and gently eased back, pushing Babe away from him. She
lowered her head and shook her mane, no doubt thankful that the ordeal was
finally at an end.

Then, with a loud lubricious sound, a series of squishing noises, Lloyd pulled
his unerect cock out into the open. Pam opened her eyes even wider, took one
look at the length of hose which now dangled about the man's knees, and fell
back as if she was going to faint dead away.

Justin caught her as she toppled off her perch. He grabbed her up in his arms
with a laugh, gently slapping her across the face. She looked at him; unable to
speak; still not believing that what she had just seen had not been a mirage,
some freaky erotic hallucination.

But as she stood upright again, the stall door opened and a grinning amused
Lloyd stepped out before them, his jeans still down around his ankles, his pride
etched across the surface of his skin. "What's all the big excitement about?" he
said, staring right at Pam with a look of leering wolfish desire.

And once again, Pam gaped, still not sure if this was all real, if it was
happening, and happening to her, right then and there. For she could not stop
staring at the immense swollen length of meat which swayed and dangled obscenely
between the man's grizzly thickset thighs. Even now, in a flaccid and unerect
state, she could immediately ascertain the kind of dimensions it would
ultimately achieve when blood was once again pumped and trapped inside the
inhumanly oversized weapon.

More than ten inches of proud ivory-white cock hung down to Lloyd's knees,
swinging like a length of cream-colored rubber hose. Devoid of foreskin, the
naked exposed glans was like the size of her fist, split down the middle by the
line of his meatus, his piss-hole capped with a large opalescent drop of after-

Flecks of viscous semen adhered to the length of his rod and he allowed her the
unspoken privilege of staring at his equipment, letting her gape and take it all
in with her wide and disbelieving eyes. Pam could see how the thickness of his
shaft nearly matched the same dimension as the circumference of her wrist.

"Unbelievable," she finally said aloud.

"I'd be inclined to agree," seconded Justin, his own potent hard-on still
tenting out of the front of his blue jeans. He moved over to Lloyd and extended
his hand, thumping his friend good-naturedly on the back. "Pam Harper, I'd like
you to meet Lloyd Nichols."

"Pleased to meet you," she whispered as Lloyd hitched up his jeans and with some
difficulty managed to stuff his unerect pecker down inside of his dungarees.

"There's a pot of coffee on the stove. How about a cup of coffee before I show
you around," Lloyd suggested. And when Pam nodded her head agreeably, he winked
at her once again and returned to Babe's stall just long enough to feed her
several sugar cubes he kept for just that purpose in one of the pockets of his

After that treat had been dispensed and Babe's sore and ravished vulva soothed
with some medicated ointment, a lotion which Lloyd also kept handy whenever it
was necessary to use the stuff, he led them out of the barn and through the back
door of the house, right into the sunny and cozy kitchen.

Coffee was certainly in order and the strong brew helped calm Pam down. She sat
at the oak table as Justin and Lloyd exchanged small talk, catching up on what
had been happening in their lives since they had last seen each other. Her
fingers trembled as she recalled all that she had seen, heard and smelled.

Now, more than ever before, she was beginning to understand what Justin had been
trying to tell her, what it was he had tried so persistently to explain about
the meaning of openness and the definition of commitment and love.

Her reveries and introspective pose were interrupted when Lloyd turned around in
his seat to address her. "Tell me, since we really haven't gotten a chance to
know each other better, not yet in any event ... what did you think of my ... uh
... my performance back there, in the barn?"

Pam grinned and held onto her coffee mug with both hands. She knew he didn't
need her around to flatter him or give him ego-feeding compliments. He was
asking a serious question for reasons he alone understood and she cleared her
throat and stared him right in the eye, saying, "I won't be content to leave
your farm unless you've tried that trick out with me, instead of your horse."

Justin laughed and banged his hands down against the tops of his thighs. "Told
you this one was a winner, Lloyd," he announced. "She's got everything going for
her. Smarts, looks, the whole number. All we have to teach her this weekend is
the meaning of complete and total abandon, giving herself up to hedonism, to sex
of every type and description."

She was about to interrupt when she let out a startled little gasp, her hand
coming up to her mouth as something trotted unperturbedly into the kitchen. The
animal stuck its snout up against Lloyd's leg and waited for Justin's friend to
reach down and rub his fingers up against its head.

"I told you all about Chester," Justin grinned.

"Chester?" whispered Pam. She looked down at the animal. It was a solid white
pig, its sparsely haired skin glowing as healthily as the coat on a well cared
for dog or any other house pet. That reminded her of Bix and Holmes. "Where are
the dogs?" she asked.

"Out back, having a ball," Lloyd said, pointing out the kitchen window so that
she followed the direction of his out-thrust hand until she saw Bix and Holmes
chasing after each other, heading right behind the barn to the alfalfa fields.

She turned her eyes back to stare at the pig, still pushing its snout against
Lloyd's knee. "Well, it's time you met Chester here, instead of just hearing
about him. Mr. Chester, this here is Miss Pam Harper," Lloyd laughed.

Surprisingly, at least as far as Pam was concerned, the pig turned a pair of
doleful interested eyes in her direction. She could swear it was nodding its
head at her. Though she had had experience with numerous kinds of animals
before, she had never handled pigs in her pet shop.

Having always felt a kind of unspoken aversion to the species, she was now
doubly surprised by the fact that she was grinning, not even thinking of Lloyd's
porker as your common everyday run-of-the-mill farm swine. "Chester here is a
genuine native breed. Comes from Pennsylvania. A Chester White is what they're
actually called. I got him when he was just a wee little piglet. And Chester and
me have been friends ever since," Lloyd explained.

"Friends?" asked Pam with a look of surprise.

"Sure thing. He's a pet, you might say. Except when he goes off for a good
wallow, I give him run of the house. Pigs aren't particularly easy to tame, but
Chester here took to house life the way your Scottie must do when he's home in
your apartment. And not meaning to brag, pigs are a helluva lot smarter than
man's trusted companion, the good old mutt."

"And ... and he lives here, in the house?" Pam asked with surprise.

"Yep," grinned Lloyd. He reached out and rubbed Chester between his ears. The
pig lifted its snout and looked up into the farmer's amiable face. "He's house-
broken, too, needless to say."

"And most amazingly trained," added Justin, knowing what this was all leading up
to. Lloyd had demonstrated Chester's unique anatomical distinctions the last
time he had spent some time at the farm. But despite their efforts in that
direction, they hadn't been able to get a girl to consummate their sexual
desires, using Chester as the male half of the bestial combination.

Now, Justin was certain that Lloyd's presence and his own uniquely proportioned
genitals, would serve to induce Pam to shed her clothes and the last of her
inhibitions. "Did you recall what I asked you to do for me when we spoke in your
apartment?" he asked her then.

She looked up at him and then over to Chester, the pig placidly allowing its
master to rub his fingers over its snout and ears. Finally, knowing what Justin
was talking about; she nodded her head with vague discomfort. "I--I remember."

"Then you remember what you promised me you'd do," he went on.

"I ... I said it you found me a pig, I'd let it fuck me," she whispered, dry-
mouthed, her eyes darting nervously over to the white stocky figure of Chester.
"But ... but I'll be crushed, Justin."

"No problem about that. I've got it all arranged," Lloyd said matter-of-factly.
"Chester here isn't much older than a yearling. And he's pretty small for the
breed. Adult boars can get up to something like eight or nine hundred pounds.
Last time I took the trouble to find out, Chester weighed in at about three
hundred. But I've got him trained, little lady, so well-trained you won't
believe how nice and gentle and easy going Chester here actually can be."

She wasn't so much worried about the pig's temperament as she was about the
three hundred pounds of solid flesh and muscle pressing down against her body.
"I'm ... I'm afraid," she told them.

"Of course you are. But you'll get over that quick, when Chester gets started,"
Justin said, wildly aroused now by the very thought of what was soon to take
place. He pulled his chair away from the table and got impatiently to his feet.

Pam took one look at Justin and knew how aroused her lover had become; just by
the way they were all alluding to what was going to be taking place in the next
few minutes. She didn't feel anything even remotely resembling disgust or
loathing at the notion of being maneuvered into position so that she might get
fucked by a pig, by this pig in particular.

No, it wasn't that that disturbed her half as much as the fear that the animal
would crush her with its weight and the force of its bestial sexual excitement.
When Lloyd too got to his feet and her eyes alighted on his own trapped and
gigantic tool, the sight of that finally persuaded her to put herself in their
hands, to trust them explicitly.

"All set?" Nichols asked.

She nodded her head and joined them, draining her coffee cup dry before getting
warily to her feet. "The pulley setup still in working order?" Justin asked his

"Perfect working order, as a matter of fact. I just checked it out this morning,
when I got up. Everything's gonna work out fine, just real nice and fine," Lloyd
said with another one of his characteristically leering wolfish grins.

Then, turning to the door, he led Pam and Justin and the shuffling figure of
Chester, out of the kitchen, through the living room and up the flight of narrow
stairs that led to the bedroom on the second floor of the house.

The floorboards creaked under the pig's weight, but Chester--much to Pam
Harper's considerable surprise--succeeded in rather easily albeit gracelessly
mounting the stairs, one step after another. And when they reached Lloyd's
bedroom at the far end of the second floor hall, Pam took one look inside and
knew that nobody had been bullshitting her, that now, within the next few
minutes, she was going to be fucked by a pig, balled by a Chester White boar
whose own anatomical distinctions she still knew absolutely nothing about.

Chapter 8

The large paneled room was airy and bright; the strong unfiltered afternoon sun
streaming in through the opened bedroom windows. Pam stood in the middle of the
room, all eyes to what was being prepared, and prepared for her and her alone.

But if she was curious about how they were already beginning to manipulate and
maneuver Chester into the complicated set of harnesses and pulleys which were
bolted to the bedroom ceiling, she was more intrigued with the stanchion that
was Lloyd Nichols' bloated cock, visible behind the tightly stretched denim
cloth of his overalls.

It was now even larger than she had seen when he'd pulled his stupendously
oversized cock from out of the mare's pussy. She wondered too if it had been the
result of a disease, or if he had been born with that kind of genetic makeup to
produce such an amazingly horse-like weapon. If anything, the man's penis seemed
to have been grafted on from a stallion and she shuddered at the sight,
picturing what it might feel like if she rode that immense arm of flesh, blood
and gristle down to the finish line, to the searing and exhausting point of

It would happen, she knew, but not until she had begun to demonstrate her
willingness to give in to their own brand of bestial passion, allowing Justin
and his friend to set up the pulley system and arrangement of ropes and leather
harnesses so that Chester could fuck her without crushing her under his heavy
solid bulk.

A few minutes later all seemed to be in order, good working order, at that. The
leather straps had been cinched around the pig's middle and all during the
proceedings, Chester had stood unmoving, allowing Lloyd and Justin to prepare
him for the next stage in their bestially oriented plans.

"Raise him up now. He won't be hassled, I've done it before, to get him used to
it," Lloyd said.

Justin began to pull on one end of the ropes and as Pam watched, sitting down on
the edge of Nichols' four-poster bed, she was able to see how the pig was being
hoisted up, his front lifted up off of the floor so that he seemed to be walking
on his hindquarters like an ambulating human being.

But before she could say anything to them, her eyes alighted on that which was
the entire point of these complicated and strange proceedings. Projecting up
along the pig's nearly smooth and hairless underside was a short stubby length
of skin she knew contained the animal's still unseen penis.

It was neither arousing nor disgusting and with the calm objective look of a
student of anatomy, she stared at the grayish-pink sheath that obscured--at
least temporarily and for the time being--Chester's pecker.

The straps and ropes tight and secure, Chester's doleful staring eyes moved
calmly about the room as he allowed himself to be lifted up until his front
parts dangled in the air. He seemed to Pam to be looking in her direction as if
he knew what this complicated set-up was really all about.

Then, satisfied that all was ready and that no physical harm could come to Pam
now that the swine was suitably harnessed, the two men turned their eyes to her
and waited for Pam to get shakily and uncertainly to her feet.

"We're all ready. Take off your clothes," Justin announced, even as he began to
unbutton his work shirt.

Pam blushed, but did as she was told, aware of the way the two of them were
staring at her, ogling her body as she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her arms
out of the short sleeves. Her unhaltered jugs swung liltingly before their wide
and delighted eyes. Each nipple began to swell as a result of their unwavering
and lascivious stares.

They grew taut and turgid and she unzipped her skirt and pushed it down off of
her waist and hips, even as Justin threw his shirt onto the floor and rapidly
unbuckled his belt. Lloyd still remained motionless; all eyes as her skirt came
down to reveal the soaking wet front of her skimpy bikini briefs.

He took one look at the easily seen outline of her lush little pussy and smacked
his lips, no longer hesitating to unzip his fly. Even before Pam removed her
panties, having first stepped out of her skirt, she stopped undressing and
returned Lloyd Nichols' unflinching and intense stare.

By now, the entire inside of one leg of his jeans was tented out, nearly down to
his knee.

And then, as his pants came down, she opened her mouth and teetered as if she
was once again going to faint, going to swoon with a mixture of awe, disbelief
and wild sexual excitement.

"My God, my God," she said aloud as he dropped his jeans to his ankles and began
to kick them off of his feet. For even then it was growing at a most alarming
and unbelievable rate, blood being pumped and then trapped inside. It was as if
he was involuntarily attempting to hoist it upright like an unsheathed sword and
the color drained from her cheeks as she took in the unbelievable and inhuman
dimensions of the man's gigantic penis.

The huge arm of man-flesh began to jerk fitfully, slowly but surely thickening
and lengthening and arching out from its hairy root. His equally prodigiously
sized balls swung between his muscular thighs, filled with another load of
abundant hot come. Justin stepped out of his own jeans and flung them onto the

He didn't have to touch himself, his cock already arching up towards his hairy
stomach. It was fully erect and he was just as turned on, both by Pam's sexual
presence as well as by what was soon going to take place. And he knew as well
that she could not tear her eyes off of Lloyd's penis.

Jealousy was the last thing he felt, for he wasn't going to be happy until he
had seen his friend attempt to sheath his lusty dick right between the tight
little lips of Pam Harper's pussy. If it would fit--and certainly not its entire
overlarge length--was something he still couldn't tell. But he knew that she
would give it her all and try to make it work.

But now, Chester was her partner, not Lloyd Nichols.

So he moved towards her as she finally pulled her panties down, letting the two
men take in the tight juicy contours of her girlish split. The sexual
stimulation that seemed to cling to her like mist now caused her cunt lips to
actually flutter and dilate. They grew puffy and thick rivulets of sap began to
run down the sloping walls of her itching vagina.

She shuddered, all eyes to Justin and Lloyd, so turned on now that she was ready
and willing to try just about anything, including a stallion. But it was a pig,
at least for now and she moved towards Chester as he kept watching her,
remaining placid within the confining straps and harnesses.

"Get down on your knees and suck him off," Justin whispered.

"He was soaped down and hosed this morning," added Lloyd, degradation not being
part of his sexual repertoire.

But Pam hadn't even considered the fact that the animal might be physically
dirty. She was shuddering and she moved more assuredly to Chester. She got down
onto her knees and bent forward; curious now as she ran her trembling fingers up
and down the short stubby length that concealed the boar's penis.

Chester squealed softly, but made no attempt to either mount her or move with
any kind of physical violence. And so as he remained just about motionless while
she rubbed the tips of her fingers along the fleshy sheath, able to feel
something thick and hard moving behind the rubbery length that seemed to
resemble an overlong male foreskin.

"Harder, rub your fingers back and forth more quickly," she heard Lloyd whisper.

She turned her head over her shoulder to see him leaning over her, his cock now
arching out at nearly a ninety-degree angle from his belly. He kept his fingers
tightly pressed around the extreme base of his huge tool so that when she
glanced back, she had but to move her head forward a few inches to be able to
rub her lips across the livid mauve peach that was the head of his dong.

"Chester first," he told her then, excited by her growing desire, by the way she
didn't need him to tell her to lick his pecker.

Barely able to tear her eyes away from Lloyd's massive dick, Pam nevertheless
finally looked back down at Chester's meat. And, sure enough, her manual
manipulations were beginning to have the desired effect.

Something wet and glistening, the color of her pink tongue, could be seen
gradually emerging from the opened end of the boar's penile sheath. Her fingers
clutched more securely and she rubbed them back and forth again, trying to get
Chester's dick fully hard and erect, ready for penetration.

But when the first two inches slid out into the open, her eyes opened wide and
she shook her head with amazement. "Something else, isn't it?" grinned Lloyd,
watching the way she was nearly stunned by the sight of Chester's cock.

Pam just kept staring. If was the shape of the porker's dick that amazed her,
for the animal's penis was built along the lines of a corkscrew, a twisted shaft
like the head of a bit or a drill. And, what was more, it was getting larger and

With a single cry of acceptance, she flung her face down and pressed her parted
lips right around the first two raw and exposed inches of pig-meat. Chester
squealed more loudly, his trotters banging against the wooden floorboards as Pam
sucked on his cock.

The strong musty animal smell of his genitals made her tremble and the shape of
Chester's dick made her imagine the kind of unique bestial pleasures coupling
with the pig would soon be affording her. She took in even more, urging his cock
to blossom into a hard and fully erect state.

And when, after having induced just about five or so inches to glide between her
lips and into her mouth, she felt Chester suddenly pumping forward, Pam knew it
was time to finish what she had started. She licked quickly until she was sure
that Chester's corkscrew-shaped penis was fully hard and erect.

Then, she slid her lips over the entire length of his twisted and uniquely
proportioned member, letting it slip out of her mouth. Chester continued to
squeal and thrust forward into the air, aiming his pig-cock with blind animal

And his bestial excitement was communicating itself to Pam, Lloyd and Justin.
Kneeling there in front of the white hog, she looked back at the two men, still
shaken by the sight of Nichols' penis. She was certain it was a foot long,
twelve, if not more, inches of hard throbbing man-flesh.

And now, arching up along the pig's belly, was Chester's amazing twisted
corkscrew of a cock, glistening wet and ready to be used to impale her to the
quick. Her cunt walls trembled against each other at the thought and when they
told her to turn around and get down on her hands and knees, she didn't hesitate
to assume this position, pig-fucking being like dog-fucking, both more readily
consummated through the rear.

The drooping outer lips of her puffy cooze dilated even more and she didn't
think twice about reaching between her legs with one hand. She pulled her
vaginal flaps wide apart, opening her split so that the pig would have no
difficulty locating her cunt furrow and the entrance into her hot and itching
vaginal canal.

Meanwhile, Justin and Lloyd were maneuvering her body, pushing her back towards
Chester. The boar kept squealing and jerking fitfully until, a moment later, Pam
looked down between her legs and let go of her cunt, able to see and feel the
way she had finally made contact with Chester's twisted corkscrewing cock.

"That's it, shove it in, all of it," she said breathlessly as he pumped forward
and his cock seemed to twist inside of her like a screw being drilled into a
soft giving wall. Her cunt muscles quivered and she moaned, the speed of
Chester's penetration almost instantaneous.

Meanwhile, now that the pig was in action, Justin and Lloyd got down onto their
knees and looked between Pam's legs, shaking with excitement. "Unreal, just
unreal," Justin said with disbelief as he watched the way Chester's spiral-
shaped dick was pumping in and out of Pam Harper's twat.

As for Pam, for the moment she was too into her pleasure, too excited by what
was happening. The bestial nature of the act was equally as compelling as
Chester's unique spiralling performance. The boar squealed loudly now, no doubt
delighted to be afforded such a unique kind of sexual pleasure.

He jerked his cock in and out; grazing against Pam's pulpy hot clit and inducing
her to squeal like a sow. She jerked her buns back until they were flat against
Chester's smooth belly while he continued to lash out, bombarding her cunt with
one volley after another of stimulating penetrating strokes.

To watch this thickish spiral-shaped pigcock moving in and out of the girl's
muff turned the two men on to an incredible degree. Justin kept sliding his
fingers up and down the length of his stiff and throbbing boner, panting as Pam
panted, groaning when she groaned.

That she had accepted this kind of treatment, that she was now loving it even
more than they were--since she was the active participant and at least for the
time being, they were still passive--only served to turn him on all the more.

He groaned hotly at the sight and as for Pam, she was shuddering against
Chester's underside, tightening her cunt muscles around his swift stimulating
boner. As a result of the unique shape of the pig's genitals, her cunt was being
stimulated and frictioned against in a way she had never experienced or enjoyed
before. It was as if she was twirling a French tickler in and out of her pussy,
but a tickler that was at once totally real, live flesh and blood moving
breathlessly back and forth between her clutching cunt flaps.

Chester's porcine squeals echoed loudly in the air and it was then, even as
Lloyd judged his pig to be fast approaching his orgasm, that the unbelievably
well-hung young man moved around until he was able to kneel right in front of
Pam's flushed and reddened face.

She braced herself, her hands flat on the floor and her body twisting and
bucking with wild delirious ecstasy. "Yes, harder, shit, I'll come, so fast, so
fast," she whimpered, the fact that she was being screwed by a pig only serving
to inflame her maddened sexual desires all the more.

It was raw animal sex, devoid of feeling or emotion, devoid of intellectual
recriminations or interpersonal communication. And, as a result, she gave in to
the way her body was responding, loving this even more than she loved to feel
Bix or Holmes pounding their bony dog cocks in and out of her snatch.

No, this was far more exotic and wild, to be balled by a pig.

The thick cloying smell of coitus filled her nostrils, mingling now with the
equally heavy musky smell which permeated Lloyd Nichols' dank and hairy crotch.
She caught sight of him getting into position before her and she lifted her
flushed sweaty face as if searching for an answer to the look of wild-eyed
sexuality imprinted upon his face.

"Yes, more, do it, do it!" she wailed, shaking then as she felt herself finally
coming. The friction the pig's cock was producing got her off and she reached
out and grabbed the bony caps of Lloyd's knees, supporting herself while a
series of violent sexual convulsions coursed through her body.

"Yes, that's it. Oh shit, do it, come, come, baby!" Justin Whitlock screamed
out, whipped into a frenzy that was nearly as potent as Chester's or Pam
Harper's wild sexual delight. The boar was getting closer to his ejaculation,
thumping in and out, humping up against Pam's back.

Lloyd reached out then until he was able to rub his fingers against the opening
of Pam's muff, able to feel the way Chester's dick slid in and out at a fast and
shuddering rate. Hot curds of cunt juice glistened over her fleecy pubic nest
and he kept on smiling, even as he lifted his cock up like a crowbar, aiming the
great mauve head right towards Pam's lips.

She raised her head and still coming, now found herself staring heatedly at the
young man's titanic cunt-rammer. It was now fully engorged with blood, fully
hard and erect. The huge fist-like glans was smooth as velvet and she pressed
her lips against it, inhaling the hot smell of his randy crotch.

It's unreal, so unreal, she kept telling herself. She was still coming; the raw
blazing flickers of pleasure sluicing through her body. Behind her, his trotters
tattooing against the floor, Chester was squealing and grunting and about to

The moment was at hand, but even before the boar shot his load of semen, Pam was
licking circles around the head of Lloyd's dong, wondering if she would be able
to accommodate it, either between her lips or more pleasurably, between her

"Just take your time. We have the entire weekend," she heard Justin pronounce,
his lack of jealousy delighting her so that she let herself go, releasing the
last of her inhibitions. And it was then, as she kept licking and tonguing the
head of Nichol's massive arm of meat, that Chester finally let loose, releasing
his load of porcine jism.

The violent series of bestial tremors which went through the animal's body
signaled Chester's climax. Pam clutched at the pig's corkscrewing penis, her
vaginal muscles fibrillating as she felt the boar's cock shuddering as it moved
like a screw, pumping in and out of her wet tingly pussy.

"Shit, now, he's coming, the fucker's shooting!" Justin cried out triumphantly,
deranged with excitement, with the sight of Pam being balled mercilessly yet
lustfully by a white male pig.

He didn't want to come though, and dropped his hand off of his cock, his eyes
narrowing as he stared intently. And then the first thick gooey splashes of
semen poured down Pam's shuddering hole. She could actually feel the swift
ejaculations, one short burst of jism after another, bullets of pig-come pouring
into her muff.

In front of her, all eyes to this uniquely bestial performance, Lloyd Nichols
was having a hard time controlling his own sense of wild sexual delight. Chester
kept squealing and grunting until there was no more come left in his testicles.

Quickly, more impatient than ever, Lloyd pulled Pam away from the pig, letting
Justin handle the responsibility of unharnessing the hot tired beast. This
Justin did, sending Chester trotting out of the bedroom. He would have enjoyed
seeing Pam take the pig's load in her mouth, picturing what it would be like to
see her swallowing a hot load of pig-come. But that, he knew then, would happen
before they left the farm. So now, he turned back to watch Lloyd as his friend
thrust almost viciously forward, trying to ram his dick right between Pam's

She stretched her lips and jaws wide, opening her mouth to the ultimate breaking
point so that she would be able to push her face down over the head of Lloyd's
huge bristling boner. The heat of his meat consumed her and her tongue slapped
hotly against his leaking bulbous glans.

"That's a good girl," Lloyd moaned, looking down to see how pale-yellow pig-come
was oozing out like syrup from between the raw puffy lips of Pam's vagina. But
even more than the pleasure of a blowjob, he wanted to experience firsthand the
delicious tight grip of her girlish split.

And now, the fact that her cunt was still brimming over with Chester's abundant
load of cream, only served to inflame his bestial passions all the more. He had
always relished fucking seminalized cunts. But now, the very notion of pounding
his titanic cunt-rammer through a sea of pig-come, fresh hot gooey porcine semen
at that, aroused his passions to the boiling point.

Impatiently he wrenched his glans out of Pam's busily sucking mouth. She
whimpered, her jaws aching and her tongue feeling swollen and exhausted as a
result of the way she had been using it to tickle and caress the entire surface
of the man's blood-engorged cock head.

"I want you now," he told her with a look of wild excitement, anticipating the
pleasure balling her would afford him.

"This I have to see," Justin told them, knowing what his friend had in mind. It
appealed to his voyeuristic side and when Lloyd lifted Pam effortlessly,
cradling her exhausted sweaty body in his arms, Justin Whitlock moved towards
the bed, not about to miss the chance to see his friend in action.

Having seen Pam fucked by a dog and now a pig, he was doubly excited about the
prospect of seeing her impaled by a man who was as well-hung--without any
exaggeration whatsoever--as a stallion. Now, more than twelve enormously thick
bloated inches of meat strained forward between his legs, an infant's jerking
arm, the fist of which drooled hot sticky rivulets of pearly pre-seminal fluid.

More gooey fluid seeped out around her fleecy pubic bush and Lloyd lowered her
gently down onto the bed. Working with the swiftness that betrayed his violent
excitement, he stuffed the two down and feather pillows up under her ass,
elevating her cunt to a more accessible angle.

The arm of his meaty weapon bobbed back and forth and Pam could not tear her
eyes away from it. And when she glanced over at Justin, now standing by the side
of the bed, she knew that he was just as turned on and anxious to see Lloyd
Nichols performing, just as he had done earlier, back in the barn with Babe, the
Shetland pony mare.

She wondered too if it would really hurt her, but when he climbed up onto the
bed and attached what seemed to be stirrups or folded leather straps to the two
posts at the foot of the bed, she knew they were meant for her, designed to get
her thighs spread as far apart as was physically possible.

Silently, Pam submitted to his plans, allowing him to slip first one raised foot
and then the other into the stirrup-like ankle supports. She was now resting on
the top of her back, her legs spread achingly wide, held steady by the twin
leather stirrups.

When this had been accomplished, he got off the bed and moved just as quickly to
his chest of drawers. From the top drawer he pulled out a shriveled tube of
ointment. The condition of the shrunken tube told Pam that it had been used on
numerous occasions before. And before she could even ask him what it was, he was
back on the bed, kneeling impatiently between her shuddering and spread-eagled

"It's a kind of local anesthetic. It'll numb your muscles so that by the time
your cunt has gotten used to the size of my hose, you won't have felt much pain
at all. If I didn't use it, you wouldn't be able to handle this big fucking
beauty. No one can, 'cept Babe, of course."

And saying this, his infectious grin putting her more at ease and off her guard,
the inhumanly hung young man uncapped the metal tube of ointment and squeezed a
good healthy gob of the anesthetic lotion into the palm of his hand.

He covered his fingers with more of the white translucent jelly, tossed the
shriveled tube to Justin Whitlock, and then leaned forward. Pam held her breath
as the warm yet chilling ointment was rubbed over her twin shuddering cunt lips.
Then, Lloyd proceeded to insert two of his fingers, spreading her vaginal canal
wide, rubbing the stuff all along the length of her cunt walls and around the
swampy come-filled basin that was her vulva.

He grazed against her swollen pulpy clit and she shivered, her legs twitching
against the ankle stirrups. Dreamy-eyed, she moaned softly as she felt the way
Lloyd was pistoning his greasy fingers deeper and deeper into her cunt, trying
to cover every inch of her pussy with the pain-killing ointment.

He could feel her vaginal muscles first shuddering and then gradually going numb
and unmoving. Hot curds of Chester's come adhered to the sloping narrow walls of
her pussy and even Lloyd, as determined as he was, was rather uncertain as to
the ultimate outcome of his next sexual act.

"She'll handle it. I know her better than you do," Justin said, seemingly
reading the look of doubt which had flashed across his friend's set and
concentrating face.

Pam nodded her own head and opened her eyes wide, taking in for the umpteenth
time the entire length and breadth of the young man's super-sized penis. His
equally oversized balls hung down like a wrinkled hairy sac, swaying back and
forth against the insides of her thighs.

As muscular and handsome as Justin, he was more of a man than she had ever
imagined, a man like a horse. That was the image--Lloyd the stallion, just as
she had always seen Justin as a bear--which now consumed her thoughts. He eased
his fingers out into the open, satisfied that he had used the anesthetic
ointment as best he could.

He wiped his hands dry on the sheets and then took hold of his cock, wiggling
his body up against her. Her harnessed hoisted thighs shuddered once again and
she held her breath, all eyes--as was Justin--to what Lloyd Nichols was about to

"Just relax and I'll go slow, real slow, promise," he whispered hotly, eager to
begin what he had thought about ever since Justin had called him on the phone to
make the necessary arrangements for the weekend.

And now it was time to show her what the next thirty-six hours were going to be
all about. Chester had been a good start. There were still the ewes now grazing
out behind the barn, as well as the two dogs and Babe, the animals all to be
used for their own bestial gratification.

And if Pam could handle his stupendous weapon, both Lloyd and Justin knew that
she could handle just about anything else. Pam held her breath then as Lloyd
thrust forward, aligning the leaking glans with the gaping dilated opening of
her pussy.

Wanting his cock as much as he wanted to give it to her, Pam thrust her crotch
forward. She used her hands to splay her cunt lobes back, pulling them as wide
apart as she possibly could. The elastic and youthful labial flesh spread open
like a pair of fluttering butterfly wings, revealing the slick wet blood-rich
inner surface of her cunt lips.

"That's a girl," Lloyd whispered, all eyes as he gently pushed down so that his
glans made contact with the raw wet ball of her pulpy clit.

It was not yet fully anesthetized and the instant she felt his meat grazing and
frictioning against her button of erectile tissue, she began to shudder and
pant, wanting to have him inside of her with a kind of ruthless determination
and desperation that even Justin found hard to believe possible.

His plans were shaping up into a whole and he could see, even now from the look
in her eyes, that she was evolving into the kind of woman he had imagined her to
be, a woman who was willing to accept and try all and everything, just so long
as sexual pleasure was the ultimate result.

That Lloyd's cock would give her pleasure she was yet to know was something else
that Pam Harper didn't doubt and she was determined to handle his tool, even if
she felt considerable pain as a result. But for the time being, she felt no pain
at all, only a mounting electric pleasure as he took his time and continued to
rub his leaking cock head back and forth against her clitoris.

Almost imperceptibly, knowing exactly what he was doing and how to deal with the
tight and narrow dimensions of Pam's girlish twat, Lloyd gently and slowly
pushed down. He began to exert more and more pressure, trying to stuff his glans
right into her vulva.

Her gasp signaled her growing awareness and they were all eyes to what was
taking place between her legs. Justin held his breath, watching the way Pam's
cunt was beginning to look grotesquely distended as if he himself was between
her legs, using his fist instead of his cock.

For if anything, the fist of Lloyd's glans was pounding up against her come-
filled twat and she groaned and tried to stretch her legs wider apart to
accommodate it. He thrust down with more energy and a wild scream of pain and
pleasure gurgled forth from between her parched and puffy lips.

"No ... stop, one sec ... stop," she gasped as she felt the incredible pressure,
the way her vulva was stretched tight as a drum, filled to the breaking point by
the presence of his leaking cock head. "Yes, now, but slow, slow," she went on,
cautioning him to take his time as she tried to get accustomed to the searing
pressure of his cumbersome weapon.

Her cunt walls were growing numb and relaxed as he eased himself forward, able
to feel the lubricant of pig-come and lotion rubbing over his own meaty dart. He
knew from past experience that the chilling anesthetic effect didn't interfere
with the ability to maintain an erection.

It tapered off within ten minutes of application and he judged that he had a
good seven minutes of time left to house as much of his penis as he could. So he
stroked ever so gently and carefully, his hands seeking out her hot button-like
nipples. He winked at her and tweaked her love-buds, but she ignored his
reddened eager face, unable to stop looking down with disbelief at the sight of
her shuddering flanks.

It was moving into her, an arm, a human arm that tunneled deeper and deeper. Her
ravished cunt walls were pulled back to the limits of their elasticity and her
resilient and youthful cunt flesh still had difficulty stretching as wide as the
width of his cock demanded.

"That's it, relax, keep relaxing," Justin coaxed her when more than four inches
of hard burning manflesh had been drilled slowly into her overstuffed twat.

But relaxation was the last thing she could feel.

Her body felt on fire and she strained and bit down on her lower lip, feeling a
flicker of agony as he plowed forward, digging a hot mercilessly wide canal down
into her pussy. But she wanted it, as much as Lloyd did and she didn't stop him
after that, trusting him to take his time.

Even the local anesthetic he had applied along her cunt walls didn't completely
blot out the searing pain of having her cunt fisted into by a stallion-sized
penis. The bloated active weapon hammered deeper and now, she could see that
half the length of Lloyd's boner was already buried and hidden from sight, right
between her legs.

"Unreal, it's just not to be believed," muttered Justin with amazement. He was
almost afraid to blink lest he miss anything and as he continued to watch, not
even bothering to fondle his own stiff jutting horn of cock meat, his friend
groaned savagely and pushed his pole of manflesh even deeper into place.

Pam met his next stroke, raising herself up. A droplet of blood appeared along
the surface of her bottom lip. She had bitten down so hard, rather than scream
out in pain and pleasure, that her lip had cracked. The sight of the blood
seemed to trigger a moment of wild excess and Lloyd swung his hard muscled body
down against her, pounding even deeper inside.

She choked as if he was stuffing his cock down her throat, not into her pussy.
And when she looked down between her legs, she could see that he had already
given her nearly the entire length of his boner. Just then his glans burned
against her cervix and she whimpered, signaling him to stop.

Less than two inches of thick bloated meat were now visible, the rest of his
penis hidden inside of her pussy. She kept gasping as he bent his head down and
licked her jugs, sucking on one hard taut nipple and then the other.

"Oh shit, shit so much. I can taste it, slow, go slow," she murmured as he
gently pulled back, only to slide forward again with a display of hot stroking

The extreme tightness of her pussy rubbed his meat raw and he was burning up,
sweating and moaning as he slowly began to quicken the rhythmic pulsing tempo of
his searing cock-strokes. And just as gradually as he quickened his rate of
insertion, the anesthetic began to wear off.

She could feel how he was pounding into her, her cunt walls stretched so taut
and wide that she thought he could easily rip right through her vaginal canal.
But Lloyd was exercising more control than even Pam was able to realize. He
thrust straight down so that the head of his dick tipped her cervix again and
again, rather than pushing against one wall of her quim and then the other.

His come-filled balls smacked against the upraised shuddering cheeks of her butt
and she was moaning more loudly now, able to feel the way her body was reacting,
the way her clit was being ripped left and right as he moved his hammering sword
in and out of her muff.

"Yes, more, harder, good, I want it, I need it," she whimpered, trying to slide
her legs over his burly wide-set shoulders so that he might be able to push down
even deeper than at present.

He maneuvered her legs into place, the backs of her knees hooked over his
shoulders. And then he sank down another inch, crying out victoriously. "Baby,
watch it, watch the stallion baby! Look how it's moving. And you're filled with
pig-come, pig-come and a horse-cock, baby. Yeah, you need it. You need this big
fucking hot beauty. And I'm gonna flood you with come. I'm gonna make sure you
float away on a puddle of cream, little lady, good hot horse-come!"

Wild-eyed, panting as loudly as she was, Lloyd Nichols began to move even more
quickly, certain now that most of her pain and discomfort had vanished. And as
Pam moved in time to his volley of gut-wrenching strokes, Justin Whitlock
decided that it was high time he got into the picture and the action.

Accordingly, even as he heard Holmes and Bix barking downstairs, he swung
himself up over the bed and clambered around until he was able to squat right
over Pam Harper's flushed and sweaty face. "You want to take a nice long suck on
it, sugar?" he said, holding his cock down as she glanced back at him.

She didn't have to reply, wanting to do anything he asked. For by this time, her
first climax was about to descend upon her like a ton of bricks. The swifter
Lloyd moved, the more turned on and accustomed to his massive cock she became.
The last burning flickers of pain were fading, replaced by an intensely
gratifying glow of imminent release and orgasmic ecstasy.

Grunting and slobbering over her tits, Lloyd kept pistoning in and out, one raw
wicked cock-stroke after another. And as he felt her cunt muscles shuddering
tautly around his powerfully thrusting organ, he could see how she was also
beginning to take in one hard hot inch of Justin's cock after another.

"That's it, more, nice and easy," he panted, easing his meat deeper and deeper
into her mouth and down her throat, bending her tonsils back in his impatience
to store the entire length of his hard-on into place.

Pam gurgled and slobbered over his tool, even as she suddenly shuddered and
began to come. And as the fiery pleasure consumed her, as she sucked Justin off
and felt Lloyd Nichols bombarding her pussy with his arm of throbbing meat, Bix
and Holmes suddenly burst into the room, whipped up by the hot searing aroma of
sexual congress.

They jumped up onto the bed, licking at random, their tongues striking out
until, even as Pam continued on creaming, Holmes was right behind Lloyd Nichols,
licking between his heaving buns and down to his huge wrinkled scrotal sac. Bix,
on the other hand, had squeezed around until he was beginning to rim out Justin
Whitlock's hairy puckered asshole.

Pam heard what was happening and she let loose, slamming her eyes shut and
flowing with her inhuman pleasure. Justin had asked for commitment and lack of
inhibition. And now, less than an hour after they had arrived at the farm, she
knew that she had neither disappointed him nor disappointed herself. If
anything, this weekend of complete and total bestial and hedonistic abandon was
going to be their honeymoon, no doubt about that.

The End
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