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RWS-181 Present For Teacher
by Jackson Robard

Chapter 1

"God, you're beautiful, Miriam," Roger Trenton said in hushed awe as he stood
near the lovely blonde woman. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

"Nonsense," Miriam Dodge softly giggled. "I'm a thirty-four year old English
teacher past her prime. Flattery will get you nowhere, Roger."

"You know you're every bit as youthful looking as when you were twenty. Why, if
I didn't know better, I'd say you could be my son Mark's older sister."

The handsome, dark-haired man spoke with genuine admiration in his voice as he
rapturously studied her magnificently-proportioned body. She was sitting in a
relaxed position on a striped blanket, their picnic lunch spread around her like
an offering, and her hand was slightly stroking the heavily furred neck of
Roger's German Shepherd dog, Buck. Golden sunlight of the abnormally hot Indian
summer filtered through surrounding pines and gilded her already tanned form
like an admiring spotlight from the Gods. From where Roger stood at the other
side of the mossy clearing, the pretty school teacher was the ultimate he had
ever desired in a woman, and his leanly muscular thighs throbbed to possess all
of her ripely curvaceous flesh.

Miriam Dodge was wearing far less than she really thought to be proper,
considering she had hardly known Roger Trenton for more than a month. He was the
biology instructor and assistant coach at Logansville High School, and she had
met him when she'd joined the faculty in late August, preparatory to the coming
school year. Now, in the third Saturday of September, he had convinced her to
share a picnic with him in the wooded foothills west of the small Northern
California community. She had eagerly agreed, having had enjoyable evening dates
with him almost constantly since they'd met. Unfortunately, she had discovered
this morning that her only clothes casual enough for mountainous trails were
terribly revealing. The thinly sheer blouse barely hid her high-set, widely-
spaced breasts whose rose-tipped nipples were clearly etched in the flimsy
fabric of her thin brassiere. The taut material tapered down over a thin,
girlish waist and flat, smooth stomach to where her hugging pink shorts clung
lovingly to her smoothly sloping hips, pulling against the gracefully jutting
curves of her thighs. Below the cuff of the faded hot-pants, her legs were long
columns of breathtakingly curved flesh which tapered gracefully into thin, well-
formed ankles. And as she'd shed her pair of brown leather flats, her slim bare
feet with their small toes peeked from where she had curled her ripely tanned
legs beneath firmly rounded buttocks.

Miriam's long, satiny blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face that would cause
any male to turn his head when she passed. Her azure blue eyes were set slightly
apart and her dainty, pert nose was dotted with freckles across its bridge. Her
full ripe mouth had the lower lips protruding slightly in an almost perpetual
little-girl pout, which added a sensual look to her round dimpled chin and
softly tanned satiny complexion. She was a mature blonde Venus that would
attract admiring attention from the most discriminating men--and envy from

She blushed under the frankly brazen gaze with which the older man roamed her
lovely body and she squirmed slightly with embarrassment on the blanket. She was
aware that her clothes were more suitable to the flat beaches of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, where she had worn them up to her abrupt and shameful
flight last June. Her first thought this morning had been to postpone her date
with Roger until she could afford some new clothes, but then she had considered
how much she wanted to be with him, and she had rationalized that the day was
warm enough to allow her to appear so skimpily attired. Besides, she'd told
herself as she'd dressed, she wanted to attract him very much and prove to
herself that the evil curse she'd been living under had been broken by her
flight across America to California.

"Darling ..." Roger said softly, "Darling Miriam ..."

"P-Please, Roger," she moaned. "Don't call me that."

"But I love you, Miriam. You certainly must be aware of that by now." He
clenched his eyes tightly shut for a moment, brushing his hand through his thick
black hair. "I think of you night and day, and if I don't say it I swear I'll go
mad. Mad, do you hear? I ... Love ... You!" he said explosively through his

"You hardly know me, Roger," Miriam replied, swallowing thickly, her throat dry
and constricted. "It's only been a month."

"I realize that," Roger sighed heavily. He bent down beside the murmuring stream
and slowly revolved a bottle of red wine that was in the cold water, placed
there earlier in order to chill it. His voice faltering, he managed to say; "I
saw you that first day in the teacher's lounge and I said to myself then that
you were the girl for me. I know it sounds foolish and certainly not very
mature, but believe me, Miriam, I fell in love with you from the very first

The lovely English teacher found that she was near to crying and she felt warm
tears beginning to form around her eyes. She compressed her lips tightly, trying
to control her own emotions, for she was truly attracted to this strong and
virile man. Buck lifted his magnificent head and gently nuzzled her hand,
licking her palm with a softly wet pink tongue as though he understood her
distress. She glanced down at Roger's great and ever-present dog, managing to
smile slightly in spite of herself.

"We ... We better change the subject," she said tenderly as Roger turned and
stood up with the wine.

"I'd hate to ruin your day with my maudlin feelings," he replied, his words
abruptly clipped, his tone an articulation of his disappointment. "I must seem
like an idiot to you now."

"No, Roger," she moaned weakly. "No, you're not. And ... And it's not that I
don't care for you. I do, I do very much."

"Then what is it?" he demanded, walking over to her.

"It's me." she whimpered, brushing the first real tear from her blurring eyes.

"Fine, just fine," he said sarcastically. He sat down beside her and viciously
yanked at the cork of the bottle. "It's not me, which I can be glad about; the
problem is with you. I'm not glad about that."

"Roger ... Give me time. Please give me a little more time." She lowered her
eyes dejectedly, slowly shaking her head as she bit her trembling lip. "Be
gentle with me, Roger."

He studied her for a long moment, then reached out for her other, free hand.
"Darling, I'm sorry." His deep onyx eyes softened and a warm affectionate smile
brought white, even teeth into view. "I guess I'm being selfish. I thought I'd
never love another woman after my wife Karen died eight years ago, but now I've
found you. I ... I want to marry you, Miriam, just as soon as I can."

She was unable to reply, only nodded mutely. She turned his hand so that her
palm was against his and pressed gently, her own lovely blue eyes looking up
into his. She searched his thin, expressive face with its prominent cheekbones
and classic Roman nose, the finely delineated lips and deep dark eyes, and she
intuitively knew at the bottom of her soul that he was sincere. He wanted to
marry her, and, shockingly, she had to admit that she cared for him. He
possessed an affable charm and forceful personality, and with his shirt off and
his chest and back rippling with hard muscle, he was one of the most desirable
men she had ever known. The urge to shout yes to him was nearly uncontrollable,
but to care for him was one thing and to love him another. And then there was
always the black and terrible cloud of her sordid, uncontrollable perversion
hanging overhead ...

Roger thought he could detect a teardrop forming in one of her eyes. "You told
me about your ex-husband," he said in a soothing tone. "I mean, if you're
reluctant because of your bad experience with him, I can understand. But
darling, I'm not like him. I'm not the kind who will beat you or take a belt to
you. I want to cherish you, not hurt you."

"If ... If you were like that beast, I wouldn't be up here with you, Roger. No,
it's not so much because of him ..."

"What then?" he asked plaintively. "You don't even like me, is that it?"

"I didn't say that! I couldn't say that!" she replied sincerely. She tried to
think of something to say, something besides the truth that would inalterably
kill any chance of them ever being together. "It's a reason of my own, and I
simply can't tell you ... yet." A hurting lump crept into her throat, and she
could only stammer, never having felt so inadequate in her life. "I ... I wish I
could explain better; but ... but I simply can't, Roger. I'm terribly, terribly
sorry, believe me ..."

"Well, I guess if you say no, you mean no," he said, shaking his head sadly. He
managed a feeble grin, even though his insides were churning in a bath of
miserable dejection. "Have some more wine, at least."

Miriam watched him pour the wine into their glasses with apprehension. Already
she'd consumed too much of the first bottle they'd shared during the picnic
lunch, and she was feeling a little giddy and hot. She had to keep her head
today, and behave properly ... and spirits of any kind affected her quickly. "I
really don't think I should have any more," she said as Roger pressed the glass
into her hand.

"Don't be silly, darling," he responded in a falsely bantering tone. "Let's have
a toast to the most gorgeous woman in the world, you!" He raised his glass and
saluted the lovely youthfully appearing woman beside him. "May she soon become
my wife."

"Oh, Roger," she murmured disconsolately, but she lifted her glass and touched
his. She sipped the heady red Pinot Noire, feeling it slide smoothly down her
throat to warmly comfort her knotted stomach. She sipped again without thinking
and then again ... before she had realized it, Roger was refilling her empty

Miriam moved on the blanket so that she could rest her chin upon her drawn-up
knees and lean dreamily against his chest. She wanted to let him know she was
having fun and was pleased to be here with him, and for a short while they sat
in silent pleasure, Buck on the other side of her as quiet as his master. She
savored the sweet-smelling fragrance of the air and the featherish rustlings of
the surrounding glade as a gentle breeze stirred the foliage. Above her, there
was nothing in the sky except a dipping, caroling bluejay. Lazily she listened
to the gurgling sounds of water over the rocks in the stream bed a few feet away
... The deliciously dulling illusion of liquor pervaded her worry clouded mind
as she continued sipping the wine in her hand. She was glad to be here with
Roger in this almost idyllic paradise. The last time she had been in the
mountains with a man had been on her honeymoon ten years ago with Gregory Dodge,
high in the Catskills, and that had turned into a hell on earth ...

She couldn't stop her thoughts from returning to that time so long ago, in spite
of the fact that these memories were painful enough to make her outwardly wince.
Miriam's mother had warned her about sex all during her formative years,
instilling in her the warped fallacy that all men are nasty and brutish, and the
result had been a sad farce of marital bliss. The wedding night had been one of
stark terror for her as for the first time she'd seen a man's penis. Unlike the
small non- violent appearing organs she had seen on younger boys in her
childhood, the turgid, blood-filled shaft which had stuck menacingly out from
the much older man's plump white belly had made her cower under the covers and
whimper with abject fear.

Gregory had taken her with unfeeling brutality that night as he had on every
other subsequent occasion he'd had the urge to use her innocent young body. He
had been the beast her mother had warned her a man would be, pummeling and
beating her with a vengeance. By the middle of the first--and only--year of
marriage he'd all but lost interest in sex and had been content to continue with
an orgasm a month.

She had been worried that she was somehow at fault and had sought help. After
reading many sex and marriage manuals she had become increasingly aware of other
women's problems and her own situation, learning two important facts. For one,
she had realized that there wasn't another woman in Gregory's life, as she'd
suspected; but rather a constant stream of whores and sluts that would allow him
to brutally whip them. And two, there came the startling discovery that she was
budding into a sexually responsive young woman. She didn't want sex all the
time, but her education had made her aware of the damage her mother had done;
and this awareness had peeled away the false veneer of her frigidity from her
true self. She had needed loving and she had been refused it by her sadistic
husband. In the end, there had been only one solution--a lover.

To her bitter regret, young Miriam had not been able to respond to another man
in the way she had hoped to. She had tried a number of normal, if adulterous
affairs, but she seemed to subconsciously freeze up every time, and she could
only accept her lovers in stiff and trembling rigidity. In desperation, she had
hoped to direct her interests elsewhere, and had turned to teaching high school,
for which she had earned a college diploma just prior to marrying. And it was
then that all her nightmarish troubles had really begun.

The young boys in her class with their developing young muscles and leanly
tapered bodies had struck an immediate chord in her own unsatisfied body. They
were not men yet, and so to her inner mind they were "safe" for her to sexually
respond to and enjoy--and a slowly growing yearning for fulfillment from any one
of these virile young teenage boys had gradually taken over her thoughts. In the
absence of love and security in her own home, Miriam's lewdly compelling desires
to seduce her boy pupils had grown greater, with more and more insistent demands
for relief. She had fought and fought against her compulsions until that fateful
day a decade ago when she had given up completely and surrendered to the
maddening emotions that had conquered her mind.

She'd never even learned that first one's name, only that he had been the
delivery boy for the grocery store. She had opened the door to him and it was as
though an evil spell had taken control of her mind. Lecherously, she had opened
the thin nylon folds of her dressing gown and displayed her naked vagina,
already wet with her arousal, to him. She had leaned back against the door and
groaned aloud as she'd seen his thin young penis throb larger in reaction
against his tightly clinging work-pants. He followed her down the hallway like a
small, panting young puppy and it had been no time al all before she had
stripped his clothes away and together they had thrashed nakedly against each
other on she and her own husband's bed. For long, interminable hours, it had
seemed, she had taught him almost all there was to do with the slender, virile
young rod of flesh between his thighs. The boy had been everything she had ever
hoped a man would be, and her hungrily waiting vagina had opened eagerly to
accept him as he'd crawled feverishly over her body. And, when her tightly
working vaginal walls had milked the hot youthful stream of his virile young
semen from his small rigid cock, she had known then that she had never wanted
this sensation to end.

After the delivery boy, there had been a succession of other young adolescents,
many of them from her English classes, until, inevitably, she'd been caught.
Even now she relived in her dreams the horror of that disgrace, and how Gregory
had driven her from their home and city. The divorce had been engineered
quietly, but not without her losing her job at the school and having to leave
that up-state New York town. She had migrated all along the eastern seaboard
since then, working where she could find a school district which was not too
careful with its credentials check ... and all the while she'd continued her
unnatural and uncontrollable seduction of all the tender young teenage boys she
could find.

The last forbidden act had been committed in Florida. There had been no excuses
this time; she had clearly picked the young teenager up and seduced him, and
they had been caught by a state trooper, naked in a near-orgasmic session, in
the rear of her car, her hungrily throbbing cunt filled with the hardness of his
young male flesh. It had been three months now without another boy, the
frightening scare of wildly driving from the Southern state before she could be
brought to trial having been a coldly deterring memory. She had been using her
fingers, finding no other way to fulfill her sexual passions, yet masturbation
hardly ever released her drives as did the beautiful filling of her hungering
vagina by a throbbingly virile boy-cock ...

And then out of nowhere had come Roger Trenton, tall and handsome, and his
tender fourteen-year-old son, Mark. Her uncontrollable, perverse hunger had
confronted her with a question agonizing consequence: was it Roger or his son
whom she wanted to possess? Or both? Oh God, she would leave Longansville before
she'd ruin three lives instead of only one.

Suddenly she realized that Roger was drawing closer to her and was whispering
wetly into her ear. "You drive me wild," cooing softly, "God, I want to touch
you, kiss you, make love to you ..."

"D-don't talk like that, Roger, please ..." she moaned. "It's the wine that's
gone to your head." Even as she spoke, she heard her own slurred voice, and knew
that she too had become slightly drunk in spite of her vow to watch herself.

"No, it's you who intoxicates me, Miriam. And ... by God, I am going to kiss
you, right now!"

Before she could find the breath to protest, she was being gently twisted around
and pressed tightly against his naked chest. She could taste the grape flavor of
the wine as his lips enfolded over hers and his tongue slithered easily into her
mouth, rubbing and searching ever so tenderly in the moisture for the softness
of her own tongue. His firm manly body felt good against hers, its sinewy
strength pressing against the pliant supple softness of her own breasts. Her
lips parted and though still trembling, their glistening richness beckoned him
to cover her mouth harder.

Her arms rose involuntarily to his neck and she pulled him closer against her
sensuously responding body. She could feel his lips crush and suck at her mouth
more urgently, and his hand sliding over her slim, softly trembling back. Her
thoughts dulled by the alcohol and strained to the breaking point, her mind
couldn't reject the lewd lascivious tinglings that were beginning to course
through her involuntarily quivering loins. He felt so wonderful to her, and
every delicious sensation and muddled thought worked to deaden the acutely
painful horrors of her memory. Instinctively she began to respond to his subtle
caresses and pressed her wanting body to him with every fiber of her strength.
But all the while, in spite of the intensity of her response, there was a
frightening hollowness alive in the pit of her stomach ...

"Oh God, no Roger," she whimpered, haunted by a fear of what might follow. "We
... have to go now. Late, gotta go home. Please, let me go!"

"Shhhhh, darling," he softly whispered in her ear. "You want me to hold you like
this, darling, I know you do ..."

"I don't! I don't!" she groaned helplessly in his arms. But her words seemed to
have no effect, either on the heavily aroused man or on the ominously pulsing
bulge that was beginning to strain up against her belly. For a terrified moment,
the vainly struggling woman fought even more desperately to escape his unwelcome
caresses, but then, almost as quickly as they had begun, suddenly her
traitorously accepting body ceased its struggle. In spite of her resolve not to,
she was beginning to respond to the urgent passion of his kisses and the gentle
yet firm pressure of his kneading hand around her fully rounded buttocks. She
wished in that wistful moment that she could truly loose her inhibitions and do
what should come naturally to her as the mature woman she with all her heart and
soul desired to become.

God, Roger was arousing her! Maybe there was hope yet, for she was starting to
become aroused in the way a healthy female ought to! Perhaps she could become
normal and not let her lewd, unspeakable desires for young boys ruin her future
with Roger and his son, Mark!

His hands began to teasingly explore her body, caressing the hardening swell of
her breasts. She felt her nipples throb painfully against the sheer netting of
her brassiere, and she felt tiny little butterfly-like sensations fluttering
lightly through her stomach.

"There now, you love me feeling your breasts, don't you darling?" he partially
whispered as his hand continued to stroke her breast outside her blouse.

Miriam moaned in desperation. She couldn't fight him. He was too strong for her
and now her own body was beginning to betray her. The effects of the drink, as
usual, had caused it to turn into a loose bundle of raw nerve-endings and her
mind was rapidly losing control over it. And still came the sharp thought that
she didn't want to stop him or herself ... that this time perhaps she would
respond as she should to a man ...

She made no effort toward stopping the hotly aroused older man as he slipped
inside her blouse and parted the buttons with an outward pressure of his hand.
He cupped her brassiere-encased breasts, sending tiny licking flames of passion
over her flesh. Small pinpricks of delicious feeling raced through the softly
pulsing tips of the firmly responding mounds as he eased up the flimsy cloth
cups and rolled the hardening naked nipples teasingly between his thumb and
forefinger. She felt the heat of his breath rushing against her ear as he moved
his head to bring his lips down to again lock wetly upon hers.

Subconsciously she thrust her tongue hungrily at him and he sucked it deeply
into the wetness of his mouth. Oh God! His kisses were like hot, burning fire to

He eased his head away and whispered: "Let me take your clothes off darling. I
want to see all of you naked ..."

Abruptly, realization of what she was doing struck her, and again the old fears
and horrors returned. She thought about breaking away and running ... running to
get lost ... but she doubted now that her legs would ever carry her!

"Come on, darling," he groaned in his all consuming desire for her.

Weakly she rolled her head back and form in limp protest but he moved over her
regardless his arm embracing her as her hand went flat against his warm muscular
chest, the soft patch of silk-like hair tickling her palm. His mouth was glued
to hers once more, his tongue sliding between her lips and past the barrier of
her small white teeth and she discovered she was sucking it and thrusting back
her own tongue.

Unconsciously she let his hand slowly slide her blouse off and then his
fingertips were raking the tiny, erectly throbbing nipples, squeezing and
rolling them as he had done to her before.

Miriam's breath came in tiny mewling gasps, and the muscles of her body were as
taut as bow-strings as she reacted involuntarily to the delicious teasing of
Roger's fingers. She jerked as one of his hands left her throbbingly exposed
breasts to trail a slow, tantalizing trail down her softly quivering belly to
the zipper of her shorts. She felt the restraining hot-pants suddenly become
free and she gasped breathlessly as she felt his hand working itself smoothly
beneath the elastic waist band of her panties. It played for a thrillingly
tormenting moment at the pubic curls rising from the crevice of her tightly
clenched thighs, and then moved downward into the moistly ready vaginal slit.
His fingertip teased hotly at the tiny bud of her clitoris and sent it quivering
up into warmly springing life. Miriam jerked forward slightly as his hand curled
further down into her sheer white panties and parted the soft fleshy lips of her
vagina. Then, she groaned heavily up into his mouth as she felt it snake
teasingly up inside the tight elastic opening of her cunt. Wild electric shocks
of pleasure stabbed through her, and she ground up against Roger's hand,
spreading her legs with unwanted passion as his thrusting finger slithered wetly
and deeply up into her hungrily welcoming vagina.

Gently Roger pushed the aroused young woman down on her naked back, and she
squirmed her buttocks around and undulated her thighs with rising passion as
though her body was responding to some wickedly controlling mind other than her

She tightened her arms around him in alcohol-dazed passion as his hotly searing
mouth and tongue pressed hard against her open lips. His tantalizing fingers
continued to tease sensuously along her naked breast and then down over her
belly to slide between her smooth inner thighs and vibrant mound of her wetly
spasming pussy.

"Ohhhhh, Roger ... Don't, Roger don't ..." she moaned, but her feeble pleas for
mercy were unheeded by the passionately aroused man.

"Ohhhhhhhh, Rogerrrrrr ...!"

She gasped with shuddering excitement as she felt his strong hands slowly and
steadily draw her wetly moistened shorts and thin nylon panties down over her
tightly clenched buttocks. She couldn't help herself from clenching her thighs
harder together so he could easily slip the unwanted clothing down ... down over
her softly trembling thighs and her legs ... They lay useless now on the mossy
ground beside her, a flimsy flag of her ultimate surrender. She could feel with
obscene delight the cool mountain air softly caress against her naked inner
flesh and moistly pink vaginal crevice as her legs parted to him in lewd,
uncontrolled invitation. "Oh God!" she panted up into Roger's lust-contorted
face, her desire racing away with her mind. "Oh, God, we mustn't ... I'm--I'm so

"We must, darling. You know we must, and you want me to touch you between your
legs as much as I do." He groaned with the boiling urgency now to possess with
his rigid surging penis the warm pink-rimmed vagina that was slowly and
inexorably devouring his fingers up inside. Her nakedly exposed flesh was making
him quiver with delicious animal-like desire as he ground himself as tightly as
he could to her passion- throbbing body. His burgeoning hardness surged with
small aching throbs in his pants while he slid along the hot smooth skin of her
slowly undulating thighs. Jesus, he couldn't remember when a woman had excited
him more! He had to have her! He had to fuck her now, or his balls would burst
wide open!

Maddening patterns of indecently delightful sensations continued to consume the
rapidly weakening Miriam. She could feel the fleshy blonde- haired lips of her
moist wet cuntal furrow assaulted with his ever- burrowing fingers and she
groaned from deep in her throat as his probing finger tips taunted every inch of
the fully exposed wet, slit. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and
whimpered moistly into his ear, trailing soft, hot kisses while uncontrollably
rotating her passion-driven thighs in helpless response. She splayed her
trembling legs wide apart until one shoe-less foot was on the grass and the
other was grazing against the thick comforting fur of Roger's dog, Buck. She
knew in dazed, subconscious anguish that his German Shepherd was eagerly
watching his master enflame her naked loins with wantonness and craving, but
somehow the forbidden pleasure of being viewed by the huge animal only increased
her unwanted passions. She rolled her head from side to side and ground her
warmly quivering buttocks down into the blanket in a futile effort to escape his
insistently probing fingers, a soul-searing moan of self-loathing and indecision
bubbling from between her tightly clenched lips. Yet Roger's hands never stopped
teasing the sensitive surrounding little fringe of blonde pubic curls as he made
ecstatic contact with the straining pink bud of her erectly throbbing clitoris.

"Ooooooh God, darling," she groaned helplessly into his open mouth. There was no
escape for her now and her affection for the older man only incited her further.
She wanted him! Oh, God, at last she wanted a man, this man! Ohhhhhh, how she
wanted him! She was fighting a battle with herself that she had desperately
desired to lose for years!

And then she heard a short, quick hissing sound and knew it was the unmistakable
sound of his pants being unzipped! She could feel that his hand was away from
her breast and he was struggling to lower his jeans. She tried to scream in
protest, but her voice froze in her tightly constricting throat. Spread-eagled,
she could only stare with tear-wet eyes up at the crouching naked body of the
man over her. To her pain- flecked eyes, Roger's heavily pulsating penis hovered
rigidly, menacingly there, the huge, sperm-swollen testicles hanging soft and
sensate at its base.

It was at that moment the vision of her ex-husband, Gregory, loomed back up in
Miriam's tortured brain. He was there leering nakedly over her again--not Roger
Trenton--and the face she imagined above her was contorted with a contemptuous
sneer of lewd hatred. She could feel the thick rubbery head of his cock press
down against the nakedly exposed lips of her cunt and she knew it was burgeoning
with sexual ecstasy--an ecstasy she was still mortally afraid to accept!

She froze for an initial second and then her mind snapped with a spontaneous
bursting of shattering force. "No! Oh, God, no!" she cried frantically. She came
to life hysterically and squirmed and struggled with insane strength as she
raked her fingernails into the flesh of his chest.

Roger grabbed her arms, pressing them down tightly to the blanket on either side
of her wildly flailing head. "Miriam ... darling ... God, I want you!" he gasped

"Let me go! Let me go!" she babbled in near frenzy. "I won't let you! I can't
let you!" She fought him savagely as he rolled over on top of her and guided his
angrily throbbing penis toward her defenselessly open vagina. She tried to close
her legs and lock her thighs together and cringe away from his relentlessly
pressing hardness, but his strength was too great for her to resist.

"Miriam ... Darling, I've got to fuck you ...!" he breathed heavier, his chest a
great weight upon her naked breasts.

"No! No! No!" she chanted in a high-pitched squeal, but the insanely struggling
woman was unable to stop him from insinuating the huge throbbing head of his
immense penis up between the softness of her desperately straining thighs. He
ground his cock hotly down through the soft resilient curls of her tightly
clenched vaginal slit, fighting madly to reach the mouth of the smoothly
inflamed passage which she was holding from him between her tightly clamped
legs. To Miriam's deliriously terrorized mind, Roger Trenton was now just like
all other men who desired nothing more than to shove their lewdly brutal penises
deep into her defenseless belly. She squeezed her thighs together until their
muscles stood out in aching tautness and she squirmed and heaved against him in
her wild efforts to dislodge his unwanted invasion.

"Good God, I can't wait any longer!" he cried out heatedly. "I'm going to cum
and I want to cum inside you!"

"No, Roger!" she screamed in helpless torment. "I don't want it! Not ever ...
ever ... ever!" She reached her hands down between their grinding sweat-
slickened bodies in despairing panic and grasped the full throbbing length of
his rock-hard shaft. She could feel the spasmodic throbbings against her tightly
gripping palms and the wetness of the warm white seminal fluid that oozed in
excited droplets from the blunt, lust-inflated head. She steeled herself to hold
his penis back from between her desperately straining thighs in a final effort
to keep its hardness from contacting the still fearfully cringing lips of her

"Damn it!" Roger shouted. "You can't stop me now, Miriam! Let go of me and let
me fuck you! Ohhh, God, let go before I cum on your thighs!"

"No! Never! I don't want a man up in me!" She grasped tighter around the thickly
ramming cock as he pumped wildly against her fear-clenched thighs. She squeezed
and pulled with her tightly grasping fists until at last he gave forth a harsh
half-strangling cry.

"Ahhhhh!" He shuddered violently. She could feel his penis expand and contract
uncontrollably in her palms and she could dimly hear the heavy grunts of his
frustrated passion pouring out from between his tightly gritting teeth. "Miriam!
Miriam! I told you ...! I ... I'm cummmiiinnnng!"

His penis jerked spasmodically against her thigh and she could suddenly feel a
great flood of hot wet liquid shoot out from the tip of the lust-bloated head.
The white-hot sperm flooded down over and inundated the soft golden fleece of
her pubic hair, seeping hotly on down through the still tightly locked crevice
between her legs to moisten her tautly clenched buttocks on the blanket below.
It felt as though she was being drowned by a seemingly never-ending torrent of
creamy liquid fire as the heavily perspiring male body writhed and panted
explosively over her hopelessly resisting nakedness.

At last, his testicles now empty, Roger collapsed on top of her in almost
sobbing passion. They lay together in shameful silence for a long moment and
then he slowly rolled away from her and sat up, not able to face her. Miriam
placed an arm over her eyes and began to softly cry, while Roger, subdued of his
sexual frenzy, was awkward with guilt and embarrassment as he tried to comfort

"I ... I'm sorry, Miriam. Really I am. I ... I don't know what came over me. I
... I've never tried to force myself on a girl before."

"It's me," the lovely teacher sobbed. "I told you it was me. I'm more to blame
than you because I should have stopped you sooner. You ... you're a man, after
all." She felt soiled and humiliated as if a thousand tiny insects were invading
the very pores of her skin. "You're a man, but I ..." she ended the sentence in
a woeful sigh.

"And you're a woman," Roger muttered softly. "One hell of a woman."

Am I? she questioned herself mournfully. No ... not in the sense Roger means it.
If I was really a woman, I'd be loving him up inside me right now instead of
feeling like this ...

For an agonizing moment, Miriam debated whether she could unburden her troubled
heart to Roger. But she knew if she did blurt out the truth it would twist
whatever love he held for her into coldly repugnant hatred. He would reject her
as all other normal people had when they'd discovered her horrible perversion.
She rose in mute agony and recovered her white nylon panties and then spread her
thighs slightly in a humiliated effort to cleanse herself. She wiped away the
wetness of his sperm with them as best she could, trying not to show any outward
sign of her inner misery. She threw the semen-drenched panties away from her,
shivering thankfully as they landed out of sight behind a clump of shrubbery.

"I think we should go back to town, Roger," she said in a dull voice.

"Look, darling, we can stay and finish our picnic. I won't touch you again. I

"No," she said, swallowing thickly. She slipped on her shorts without the
panties and smoothed them over her still nervously trembling buttocks. "No, I
really want to leave here. I can't stand the place anymore, Roger."

He shook his head sadly, realizing that he had drunkenly ruined his chances of
making love to Miriam today by being overly insistent. He hadn't properly
estimated the extent of passion he had aroused in her and had moved to fuck her
before she was ready.

Christ, he wanted her all the more for this and he secretly promised himself
that the next time he wouldn't fail. He looked sad-faced at Miriam, but even now
his apologies were so shallow that he feared she'd see through it.

"Well ... if you insist," he said. "But I want to see you again."

"I--I don't know, Roger. After what happened--"

"But that's just it darling. It happened. We both got carried away and it just
plain happened. Don't let us ruin an otherwise wonderful relationship because of
one mistake."

Miriam thought about it for a few minutes as she buttoned her blouse. She truly
was attracted to him and believed that he was telling her the truth, and the
gnawing desire to continue to see him overcame her fears and apprehensions.

"All right, Roger," she replied in a soft tone. "Not for a few days, though. I--
I want a chance to rest and think things over."

"I understand, darling. How about next Friday night?"

"I'm afraid I can't. Our principal, Mr. Bixbee, has picked me to help him
chaperone the Freshman-Sophomore dance at school. But Saturday would be good."

"Then Saturday it is, darling. We'll spend the whole day together if you like."

"I'll try to hold myself back," he offered good-naturedly.

"All right, Roger." She smiled tentatively and gently touched his cheek with her
fingertips. "And you better."

"Hey, wait a minute," he kidded. "This isn't a forever promise. Every man has
the right to unlimited tries. Particularly with the woman he loves."

She turned away from him, stooping down beside Buck so she could pick up the
picnic plates and hide from Roger a sudden surge of tears that were blurring her
eyes. Yes, try, Roger ... Try and maybe some day I'll be the woman you think I
am ... Oh God, I pray I will ...

Chapter 2

The brilliant California sun streamed into the bedroom of Miriam Dodge's back-
street cottage. She turned on her bed, sleepily shielding her eyes from the
brightness that played over her face, and tucking the thin sheet higher over her
otherwise naked body as a slight, cooling breeze blew gently over it from the
partially open window. It was the morning of another beautiful, warm Indian
summer day, but the troubled woman was too upset to enjoy the unseasonably
delightful weather.

As she slowly came awake and the thickness of her sleep filtered from her mind,
she realized that it had been the distant tolling of church bells which had
awakened her. Now other sounds began to dimly reach her ears, and she could
faintly hear the soft rustlings of the bushes beneath her window and the
laughing shouts of boys playing in the field across the street. But then came
the whirring of a hand mower cutting grass nearby, and she could feel blood
rushing to her head and her body shiver uncontrollably beneath the sheet as if a
cold wind had passed over her.

She tried to blot out the mower's sound, for it was her yard that was being cut
as it was every Sunday morning--and the amateur young gardener earning a few
spending dollars was none other than Roger's handsome son, Mark Trenton. With
every passing sweep he made, Miriam was reminded of what had happened with the
boy's father the previous afternoon. She could again feel the heady influence of
the too much wine she had drank ... and her hungry response to the man's intense
advances ... and the rising fires of her own passion as she had surrendered to
him while he'd slowly removed her clothes. Once more she could see herself
writhing in naked passion upon the picnic blanket before him and his German
shepherd dog, and could feel the yearning passion as he'd softly caressed her
naked breasts and genitals to a fever pitch of excitement ... And then the
unwanted panic gripping her mind as she'd felt his erect, throbbing hardness
against her trembling thighs and the uncontrollable horror that had clutched her
when she'd felt him spew his hot white semen over her fear-cringing vaginal lips

Oh God, even when she loved a man she was unable to sexually respond the way she
should. The threat of his love-making had turned her into a desperately
terrified woman. It was still as it had always been with her; only the vibrantly
eager penises of young boys could drive her insane with lusting desire, and she
terrifyingly knew that what she'd not been able to bring herself to accept from
Roger she would hungrily welcome from his teen-age son. And the lovely, handsome
fourteen year- old youth was just a few feet away, innocently unaware of her
unspeakable desire for him ...

Miriam thrashed miserably on the bed for a few more minutes, but gradually she
regained most of her control. She couldn't stay in bed, if for no other reason
than Mark would soon be finished with the yard and she had to be dressed when he
came to be paid. And besides, she firmly resolved, staying here was no answer;
she had to bravely face her lewd weakness and learn how to conquer it somehow.
Resolutely, Miriam rose up naked from her bed, her golden-tanned body gleaming
radiantly from the streaming sun. She started across to the bathroom, trying to
avert her eyes from the temptation to look out the window, but in spite of her
best intentions, she found she was unable to keep from glancing outside. Her
eyes locked in shameful hunger on the grassy field across the way, and she felt
herself lingering in front of the window as she studied the lithe young
adolescent bodies as they excitedly practiced football.

She moved to one side where she was partially hidden by the gossamer material of
the curtains and continued her uncontrollably hungry gazing, her tiny pink
tongue tracing nervously over her full glistening lips. Once again the old
familiar desires for their nude young flesh spiraled electrically through her
softly tingling nerve-ends, making her gasp with growing yearning. She had been
able to somehow control her lewd passions up until yesterday, but Roger Trenton
had built her seething frustration into a raging fire with his fingers and lips,
and now the mere sight of all those tender young teenagers out there was enough
to set her body wild with prurient desire.

Oh God, she had to get control of herself! Shuddering guiltily, Miriam forced
herself to pull away from the tempting window, when she suddenly saw a glimpse
of young Mark Trenton coming toward her. He was going to mow the lawn right by
her window! Move away ... she had to move away ...! But the tantalizing sight of
the innocent teenage boy temporarily hypnotized her into immobility, and she
could only stand behind the thin gauzy drapes with unquenchable yearning.

God, he was a beautiful boy. He was wearing only a pair of tight, cotton-twill
pants, his tanned satin-smooth back as exposed and naked as his father's had
been the day before. The ripple of his developing young muscles and the
glistening film of perspiration as he worked to push the mower brought tingling
little quivers of wicked delight through Miriam's naked loins. She covetously
watched the boy, the firm round flesh of her breasts and her buttocks quivering
slightly from the slowly intensifying passions which were running rampant
through her mind. She moaned pitifully under her hotly panting breath, and she
could feel that once again her body was inexorably beginning to betray her, in
spite of her most insistent promises to hold check on her forbidden hunger.

Miriam groaned with the humiliation of knowing that the mere sight of a young
teenage boy could drive her to so high a state of helpless passion, and when she
realized that Mark had stopped mowing and was staring directly at the window
where she stood, her shame was complete. Yet even then she was incapable of
stopping herself from smiling provocatively with a blatant taunt, before easing
back out of his view. God, she couldn't let herself do it again! She had to get
hold of herself! Quivering with self-loathing, she hurriedly rushed into the
bathroom in an attempt to evict the inciting image of the supple-limbed youth
from her tormented mind.

With franticness born out of desperation, she twisted the handles of the shower
and stepped into the small stall. She sighed gratefully as hot cascades of
needling water beat against her firm, round breasts and softly curling pubic
hair, hoping she could wash some of the unseen mental stains off and down the
drain. The hot spray was a masochistic delight as it ruthlessly pelted the white
flesh of her breasts like dozens of tiny daggers, the pin-pricks not enough to
really hurt, but enough to send her small, hardening nipples rising in taut
erectness. She lathered a small washcloth and began a brisk soaping of her
fevered skin as though she wished to punish her sinfully reacting body still
further, but the smoothly sliding cloth only seemed to cause more teasing little
sensations of sensual arousal. God, the shower was supposed to cleanse her of
her sexual desires, not perversely stimulate them!

She shivered and undulated unhappily, moaning from the unwanted feather-like
sensations, telling herself over and over that what she was feeling was wrong
and crazy ... But as she ran the cloth over her flat, rippling belly and down
around the two ivory cheeks of her buttocks, small curling tendrils of lewdly
sensuous fire began to lick wickedly at her throbbing loins. She slipped her
fingers down between them pressing softly into them with the soapy material
until its wet slippery smoothness tauntingly caressed the tiny hairless opening
of her rectum.

"OOOhhhhhhh, God!" she groaned softly, feeling an intensely erotic spasm of
excitement burn heatedly in her rapidly responding flesh.

"Ohhhhhhhh," she moaned again in unwilling defeat. But it was pointless to
struggle against the deliciously searing flames, and she surrendered helplessly
to the maddening, ever-rising sensations. Oh God! She was glad she was alone,
guiltily; at least, she told herself. No one else would know of her weakness ...

"Mmmmmmmm," she mewled aloud as her thoughts again wandered back to yesterday.
But this time the images created no fear, they only fueled her unsated passions,
and now she could excitedly imagine herself naked on the ground with the lust-
raging body of Roger Trenton over her. Standing in the shower she could envision
herself doing all the things that he wanted her to do, eagerly letting him make
love to her in a hundred different positions, and accepting his hardness between
her legs. But as the mental image of his rigidly throbbing penis began to slowly
worm its way into her openly waiting vagina, her mind wavered with uncertainty
and the picture began to slowly inexorably change ...

Miriam began to dream of another penis ... a penis belonging to a younger, more
innocent male body ... the lean, hard erection that lay heavily up between her
open thighs now throbbed hotly from between the naked legs of Roger Trenton's
teenage son, Mark. "Oh, Mark, oh God, Mark," she gasped, rubbing the cloth
smoothly in her left hand as though it was the boy's rhythmically pumping organ.
"Oh, Markkkkkkkk ..."

She reached down between her legs with her other hand to warmly part the water-
drenched curls of blonde pubic hair aside, sending another electrical spasm of
delight coursing through her nakedly displayed body. The cloth teased its way up
between the fleshy pink lips of her hungrily waiting vaginal slit, brushing
lightly against her pink budding clitoris and sending it hotly jerking into
hardened invitation for more. She swayed uncontrollably, building toward an
explosive climax as she dreamed of Mark's boyish hardness delightfully sliding
up into her soft, hair-lined vaginal opening and tenderly filling the yearning

"Oh, Marrrkkkk ..." she moaned passionately. "Oh yes, Mark, do it to meeee ...
little baby ... oh, Mark ..."

Marrrkkkk ... echoed sensuously through the steam-filled bathroom ...

And young Mark Trenton, his eyes bulging wide in disbelief rubbed his hands
increasingly faster down over the rapidly rising hardness in his pants, his thin
strong cock pulsing heavily with a stiff, uncontrollable ache. He had been
standing in the doorway of the mist- shrouded bathroom for several minutes now,
watching the nakedly twisting, woman with awe-struck fascination. His English
teacher's wantonly contorted facial features were a reflection of his own
budding young sexual fires which had been sent roaring hotly through his
immature mind by the lewd sight of her mewling, writhing masturbation.

Christ! Mrs. Dodge bare-ass naked and fingering her snatch like she was going to
blow her mind! Ohhhhh Jesus! So that's how girls do it to themselves! His mouth
hung loosely open and his wildly peering eyes were like glistening hot marbles
set in his red-flushed cheeks. He knew he shouldn't be watching and that she
would be awfully mad if she caught him, but frig! He couldn't tear himself away!
It was the hottest thing he'd seen; even better than the dirty pictures he had
hidden in his bedroom!

Roger Trenton's young son stood rooted in mesmerized fascination while his slim
virile penis jerked excited against his trembling abdomen. Man, his prick was as
hard as a wooden ruler and longer than it had ever been before! He could only
squeeze and fondle its blood-throbbing length in breathless agitation
unbelievingly as he gasped at the erotic spectacle before him. He was barely
able to stifle a loud groan as he pantingly watched the voluptuously curved
woman gently spread the soft blonde curls of her pubic hair to either side of
her fleshy vaginal lips and reveal all of her moistly smooth pink slit to his
fevered eyes. Crap! He'd had no idea that a pussy would look so soft and
glistening, and he could even see her tiny ass-hole as she slithered her wash
cloth around and round, faster and faster in the heat of her sexual frenzy.

Mark breathed in twitching excitement as his hardened rod of youthful flesh
painfully swelled in his pants. Ohhhh, shit, wait until he could get back home
and take his pants off! He was going to beat his prick until he came twice, he
was so excited! And he wouldn't be looking at those sex photos, either! Shit,
he'd be dreaming about shoving his prick right up inside his English teacher,
Mrs. Dodge, and making her moan and shake just like she was doing to herself

Miriam was oblivious to being viewed as she strained for her climax and deep
breathless gasps of animal pleasure rose from her heaving chest. She splayed her
quivering thighs wider apart in a desperate effort to bury the invading wash
cloth deeper into the tightly pulsing passage of her wet vagina, her toes
curling as she attempted to keep her balance in the slippery shower stall. She
could feel herself spiraling toward the explosive orgasm she had to have and
flailed her head from side to side as her burning mind thought sensuously of
young Mark Trenton's tender penis spewing its fresh boyish sperm deep up into
her belly.

And then ... then she saw the slight motion out of the corner of her eye. She
stopped her desperately working fingers as though they were made of stone and
she slowly twisted around to face the door, afraid and yet feeling unexplained
quiverings of excitement. Oh God, no! Not him!

"Mark!" she gasped in horror. "Wha ...?"

"Oh no!" came a high-pitched moan from the boy. He could only stare at her in
helpless immobility, his mind filling with uncertainty whether to try and say
something or simply run away and hope she didn't tell his father on him. "Oh,
Mrs. Dodge, I ..."

The shocked and confused woman hunched automatically over with her washcloth
still implanted lewdly between the open lips of her passion- drenched pussy,
crimson shame flushing her breasts and face. She had been caught fingering
herself with Roger's son Mark in her mind and now suddenly here he was in the
flesh, nearly as naked as she, with nothing covering him but his worn and
tattered work-pants. Miriam's shocked eyes slipped unconsciously to the crotch
of his pants and the sight suddenly filled her with an overwhelming rush of
passion. She could see clearly a stiffly slender roundness pressing outward
against the soft faded material; little Mark had an erection from watching her
play with herself!

She forced her head to turn away and she quickly shut off the shower so that her
hands would not reach out of their own accord and release his swollen young
penis from the tightness of his pants. God, the aching desire in her loins was
too much to bear, and she prayed that the heavily breathing boy would not sense
the tormenting passions that were gripping her own hotly aroused body.

"Mark," she managed to whisper in a trembling and faltering voice. "Mark, what
... what are you doing here?"

"I, I heard you calling me," he whimpered timidly. "I, I was mowing the lawn and
I thought I heard you calling my name."

"Oh, no," she groaned, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. She had been calling him
... calling out his name in her passion ...

"I ... I know I shouldn't be watching you, Mrs. Dodge." Mark was near the verge
of frightened tears, and his distraughtly quivering tone tugged with threatening
excitement at the older woman's ever-lessening control. "G-Gee, but I couldn't
help myself, honest!"

Miriam could feel a light tremor coursing through her thighs and with a lewd
urge too powerful to control, she stood and exposed all of her satiny nakedness
to the wide-eyed boy. She shuddered from her act, knowing it was perverted and
would only lead to more temptation to reach out and touch his tender young
genitals, but in spite of her revulsion she was incapable of stopping herself.

"G-Golly," Mark gasped in arousal. "You-you're the most lovely woman I've ever

She smiled coyly at him, the lewdly rising flood of her need overcoming her as
she stepped purposefully out of the shower stall. Hungrily she studied his
smooth teenage features and marveled at how handsome and masculine he was to be
only fourteen, and felt the inflamed center of her loins tingling in wickedly
lewd response to the sight of his viriley bulging young penis throbbing in his

Get him out of here! Miriam heard a part of her mind frantically warn. Oh, God,
get him out before it's too late! But her mind wouldn't function while she
luridly basked under the blatant hot gaze of his increasingly bulging young eyes
roaming hotly over her naked breasts and buttocks.

"Thank you, Mark dear," she heard herself tell him. "That's a nice thing to

"It's true, Mrs. Dodge! Oh gosh, I bet you're even prettier than my mother was!"

Miriam moaned softly, swaying slightly as she remembered with new-felt passion
Roger Trenton's proposal of marriage ... God, to be Mark's mother ... I may love
Roger, but I love his young son more .. her pink vaginal slit throbbed teasingly
against the soft silky curls of her pubic hair, and the small nipples of her
firmly pulsing breasts tingled with hardness as she took another wet, shivering
step toward the gasping, wide-eyed youth. "You poor dear," she cooed eagerly,
"You must miss your Mommy very much."

"Aww," young Mark murmured in blushing embarrassment, "It ain't so bad."

He manfully struggled to keep his wide-staring eyes off his curvaceous teacher's
fleshy exposed slit of her pussy that was so teasingly close to him now ... but
even her warmly sympathetic face smiling down at him was enough to send his hard
little cock jerking in his pants. Oh Jesus, his prick wouldn't go limp for
anything, and if she got any closer and saw him with his hard-on, she'd be mad
at him for sure! Shit, he shouldn't have ever stopped mowing when he'd seen her
standing naked through the window, 'cause now look what's happened!

"I know you want a mother, Mark dear." Miriam's voice was sultry with her
longing to hold the tender boy to her. "I know you miss a warm and loving older
woman to comfort you, don't you?"

Oh shit, he did, he really did! Mark thought helplessly. He tried to say
something to Mrs. Dodge, but his throat felt as though it was made of sandpaper,
and all he could do was quiver with wildly throbbing sensations he had never
felt before in all his young life. Jesus, what was she trying to do to him? In
another second he'd be bawling like a baby and wanting to have her hold him. She
was so close now he could smell her warm breath and clean fresh skin ... Ohhhh,
she was reaching out with a hand now ... Jesus, if she touched him, he'd melt
right into the floor, he knew he would!

"Go-golly, Mrs. Dodge," he finally managed to falter. "M-Maybe you want me to
go, huh? I can ... I can finish the lawn next week."

Tell him, Miriam's weakening conscience screamed desperately. Tell him before
you touch his tender young body ... but her demanding, unsatisfied loins were
overwhelmed with her uncontrollable perverted hunger for the young boy. Her
exposed breasts heaved high and swollen only inches in front of Mark Trenton's
confused youthful face and her voice turned soft and husky as her surrendering
body was no longer able to resist the sweet torment of her mounting desires.

"No, don't go, Mark dearest." She lay cool, trembling fingertips on his smooth,
unlined forehead. "I want you to stay here. With me, with your new Mommy! Mark
... come, come to Mother!"

A strangled cry escaped from between her moist lips, and wildly she threw both
of her arms around him in a sudden surge of uncontrollable desire. She pulled
the innocently unresisting youth close against the billowy softness of her
breasts, crushing him hungrily to her nakedness. Miriam tried to tell herself
that what she was allowing herself to do was wrong and wicked ... but her
inflamed senses were too fevered with lust for the hard young penis she could
feel pulsing down against the naked flesh of her thighs. Every tingling nerve in
her voluptuous body was reacting with overwhelming sensations, her vows and
promises feeble barriers that were swept aside by the demand for ultimate
fulfillment. She couldn't help undulating her trembling hips seductively against
his tightly pressed abdomen while she planted several warm, loving kisses on his
cheeks and face.

"You sweet darling," she sighed with her unquenchable passion. "You dear, lovely
boy. Kiss your make-believe Mommy ..." She gazed delightedly as she brushed her
full throbbing breasts across his warm parting lips, and felt him tremble from
the aroused excitement which rippled heavily over his young body. Delicious
sensations raced out of control through her belly as she lewdly watched Mark
Trenton kiss her white eagerly offered mounds of flesh with his innocent young

She drew his lips closer to the distended nipple of the one breast he was
kissing, moaning softly as she guided the hardened little bud into his open
mouth. "Suck my titty, dear Mark. Suck and feel it with your tongue like you
were a hungry little baby ..."

"Ohhhh, Mrs. Dodge," she heard in a muffled groan.

Miriam gently cupped one of her hands behind his head. "It's all right, Mark. I
like you kissing my titty, really I do. Ohhhhh, yes, yes ... Mmmmmm, like that.
Oh Mark dear, you're so good to your Mommy ..."

Young Mark Trenton couldn't stop his mind from wildly spinning. Jesus! He was
actually sucking his teacher's big tits! Her nipple in his mouth was the
craziest taste he'd ever had! The other kids would never believe him! Shit, he
loved it! He loved it!

Miriam's uncontained passions had reached that aroused, sensation- filled point
where nothing could have stopped her from continuing her lewd seduction of the
young fourteen year old boy. She gently smoothed her hand down over his naked
back, feeling all of his golden flesh with slowly circling fingertips ... God,
his tender skin was just like a baby's, like new and untouched satin! Oh God, oh
God, it was too much to bear ... Her other hand slowly eased around to the front
of his pants and softly caressed the swollen outline of his straining young
penis, she felt the boy tremble and gasp while he sucked harder at her breast. A
searing flame of desire raced hotly through her belly and loins while she
teasingly traced up and down his young cock, delicately squeezing it between her
thumb and forefinger.

Mark sucked in his breath when he felt her gently ease down the zipper of his
pants and slip her hand tantalizingly inside his open fly. He could feel her
velvety fingers as they taunted with a soft grazing motion beneath one leg-band
of his thin cotton undershorts and around the smooth flesh of his inner thigh.
Then he moaned with quivering delight as her hand lovingly began to stroke the
naked flesh of his rock-hard young cock. Ohhhhh, he couldn't have stopped her if
he'd wanted to! Rising tingles of sexual excitement spiraled up from between his
youthful loins and swirled maddeningly through his lean and hairless belly. She
had his prick right in her hand, and was playing with it! And ... and, oh,
Jesus, now she was feeling his balls too!

"Mmmmmmm," he groaned around her soft, delicious breast which throbbed between
his firmly sucking lips. He couldn't control his moans and sighs as she
continued to tenderly fondle the pulsating shaft of his young penis and the
fleshy sac of his tautly sperm-swollen testicles. "Ohhhhh Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. Dodge

"Don't be afraid, Mark lover," she whispered. "Mommy wants to undress you now
and let you be as naked as she is ..."

Miriam gently eased her breast free of his eager young mouth and slowly dropped
to her knees on the wet tile of the bathroom floor. She trailed her long blonde
hair teasingly down over his heavy-breathing chest, kissing his seed-like
nipples until he groaned and quivered as he stood above her. She played her
moistly sliding tongue down further to lave his belly and wash his tender navel,
while her softly curling hand traced along the waistband of his pants and
unbuttoned the top of his open fly. She smoothly drew his pants down, slipping
his white cotton shorts with them, and then she tenderly lifted each of his
slender young legs to remove his clothing along with his scuffed brown loafers.
Her passion-hungry eyes greedily absorbed the sight of his arching rigid penis
as it throbbed nakedly between his strong young thighs, and she felt heavy
sensations of salacious delight flutter through her own fully exposed belly and

"You're beautiful, darling," she exclaimed. Her body was lewdly tingling with
rising excitement and her brain was sensually afire with obscene passion as she
wrapped her moistly stroking hand once more around his swollen young penis. Oh,
God, it was just the perfect size, perhaps five inches and fat for its length,
its bulbous head a richly glistening crimson at the tip where the tiny moist
slit creased it. And ohh ... his lovely young testicles were so tight and round
with their sensitive textured scrotum of a fine velvet skin.

Mark looked down in wild-eyes amazement, having given up trying to believe what
was happening to him ... only that it was! He watched mesmerized as she taunted
his hardened prick with her fingers, pulling the foreskin down so that its head
stood out like a beacon, her glistening lips less than an inch from its tip.

"Ohhh ..." he whimpered and squirmed above her. "Ohhh, shit!" he gulped, truly
shocked by what she was doing to him.

"Darling Mark, you feel so good to your Mommy," Miriam breathed hotly against
his youthful, soft chest. "Let's go into my bedroom where we can have more fun!"

OOOhhh, he knew he shouldn't ... but he was going to! Oh Jesus, she was so
beautiful and her tits were like honey in his mouth ... and damn, the way she
was stroking his prick was too much to take! He gaped down at her trying to
swallow the parchedness that had dried his voice from his throat, and when he
couldn't answer her, he simply nodded his head with enthusiasm. She laughed in
warm, seductive delight, standing up to take his hand and draw him out of the
bathroom and across to her bedroom. Jesus! He knew he'd never be the same after
this, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything except the fun she was
promising him!

"Crawl onto the bed now, dearest," Miriam crooned with wanton anticipation. He
eagerly obeyed, lying on his back with his hard, virile penis standing high and
proud while she nakedly stretched out beside him in lewd display. Then she began
to smooth her hands tantalizingly down over his developing muscles and into all
of the secret hollows and crevices of his tender, youthful body. Her lushly
glistening lips fastened wetly onto his, her tiny moist tongue darting between
his teeth to explore his warm, wet mouth while she pressed her fleshy hair-
covered pubic mound tightly up against his hips with a tiny provocative circling

"Tell me, Mark, did you like watching me play with my pussy in the shower?"
Miriam whispered in a throaty, sensuous voice. "Tell me the truth now ... did

He rolled his head from side to side on the pillow, fretfully looking up at her.
"Y-yes, yes, I did!" He gasped excitedly. Crap! He was going right out of his
mind! "I liked it! I liked it a lot, Mrs. Dodge!"

Miriam's blue eyes were smokily glazed from the lewd desires running wild
throughout her flesh, and the awareness that Roger Trenton's son was nearly
frantic with his own sexual lust only fanned the flames of her maddened passions
more. She couldn't remember when she'd coerced a more helpless and defenseless
young boy, and the thought alone was enough to drive her wild, even though she
knew that later ... afterwards ... she would hate and revile herself for what
she was doing to the immature boy. Slowly she raised her knees beside him, her
thrusting breasts swaying sensuously with her movements as she pulled his naked
body slowly over to a kneeling position between her thighs. She spread the full
white columns of her shapely legs wider apart, kneeing outwards until the silken
triangle of her vaginal slit was entirely exposed to his straining young eyes.

"Mommy's pussy is soft and silky and wants you to pet it the way I did. Put your
fingers in it, darling. You want to, don't you?"

"Oh ... oh God Almighty!" Mark's face was now hovering only a few inches from
the golden curls which so softly fringed her moistened cuntal opening, and his
breath caught in his throat as he watched it sensuously rotate with lewd
expectancy. "Oh, I sure do want to touch it!" he gasped in lustful fascination
as he gaped down at the narrow, coral-hued slit which started at the bottom of
her smooth white belly and trailed downward into the white rounded spheres of
her buttocks. He could even see her little pink asshole! Jesus, who wouldn't
want to touch it?

His heart was pounding erratically in his chest as he leaned forward and touched
the warm hair-fringed lips of her cunt and began to slowly press them apart with
his thumbs until all of its pink passion-flushed flesh lay exposed to his eyes.
He gradually eased more of his hand into her moistly glistening vaginal mouth,
delightedly feeling its smoothness twitch and palpitate with spasming vibrations
against his hand.

"Put it in, Mark darling. Put your little finger right up inside my little pussy
hole! Ohhh, finger my cunt, darling, finger your Mommy's cunt!

The lust-driven English teacher raised her head with eager lewdness so she could
stare down at the naked young student from between her sensitive, desire-swollen
breasts. She watched in breathless desire as Mark Trenton brushed his hand
gingerly between the silken strands of her blonde pubic curls and gently
pressured his slender middle finger up inside the fleshy wetness of her
throbbing, hungrily welcoming pussy.

"That's it, darling, rub it ... rub it just like that, in and out ... in, and
oohhh, yes, out ..." Miriam gasped, undulating her hips and buttocks up against
more of his sliding, prodding young hand. "Ohhh, that's so nice, Mark ... Ohhh
God ...!"

Mark was speechless from the wild erotic picture which lay spread before his
innocent eyes. His teacher's legs were arched in spreading wideness while he was
pumping his finger as deep as it could go up into the warm, exposed hole between
her thighs. Man, it was just like he was fucking her! He'd never dreamed that a
woman's snatch could be so soft and moist inside, and so pink and sparkling all
around it! Shit, what would his prick feel like up inside her? Better than his
finger, he bet ...

Miriam quivered from head to toe from the enrapturing sensations that his
pistoning young hand was causing up inside her tightly clenched vaginal passage.
She mewled deliriously as she felt its inexperienced prodding massage and taunt
every inch of the hotly clasping inner walls, and passionately, she pulled him
up over and pressed her firm, full breasts down over his hard slim chest and
began to kiss him again in warm lecherous delight. She raised and lowered her
thighs hungrily on his sliding fingers, her belly an inferno of forbidden
sensations more avid than she could ever remember before. The feel of his tender
young hand inside her and the feel of his virile young cock so close to her were
driving her almost to orgasm alone! God, the young boy was so helpless, so
completely subject to her every lascivious whim! She couldn't wait a second
longer! She had to have the feel of him deep up inside of her belly! That would
be the ultimate, to coax and drain the fresh young sperm from his tender cum-
heavy testicles!

"Have you ever fucked a cunt with that beautiful young cock of yours before,
Mark?" she asked breathlessly.

"N-no, no honest I haven't," he managed in panting gulps of breath. Jesus, she's
said fuck! Fuck and cunt and cock! "N-never, Mrs. Dodge!"

"Well, you're going to fuck one now, Mark ... you're going to fuck mine with
your beautiful prick!"

Miriam slowly removed his wetly slipping fingers from her throbbing vaginal
channel and tenderly grasped his now painfully swollen young penis. With loving
tenderness she placed the blunt blood-engorged head against the wide-splayed
legs of her hot moist cuntal flesh. She began to move her buttocks up and around
his tightly-held prick, pressing it deeply against her vagina with her own

"Ohhh," Mark Trenton groaned loudly. He thrust his slender naked pelvis down
over her loins in bewildered ecstasy, wild pinpricks of sensations stabbing him
up through his belly. "Ohhh, Mrs. Dodge!"

She spread her legs widely on either side of him so that the boy was cradled
firmly between her high-lifting thighs, and he could feel his hard bulbous cock-
head slip wetly along the pink hair-lined crevice he had been so recently
finger-fucking. She raised her welcoming cunt up to his penis, and then the
entire length of his boyish shaft of flesh felt to him as though it were being
sucked right up inside her hot, moist pussy mouth!

Oh damn! Oh crap! He was really fucking her! He was really fucking a woman, his
first very own naked woman! Shit, he wished the guys could see him ... he wished
the whole world could see what a man he was now! The youngster was filled with a
sense of limitless power, and with a wild cry of delight, he pressed down upon
Miriam's body, his weight smashing her full rounded breasts tightly against her
chest. He thrust his lean hips forward to slide deeply into her cunt like a
driving piston, pushing the softly smooth walls of her pussy in rippling wet
waves before his rampant young cock. Miriam felt his small sperm-laden testicles
slam hard against the cheeks of her tightly clenched buttocks and she groaned in
submissive rapture as the blunt head of his penis stretched wide the long-unused
elastic channel of her cunt.

"Ohhhhh, yesssss," she sighed loudly in delight as she kicked her feet out into
the air and locked her arms and legs back tightly around his tense young body.
The thrill of being satisfied by so young a boy sent chills coursing up and down
her spine, and the inner muscles of her wetly pulsing vagina tightened around
his throbbing young penis and began a softly pressuring action of their own
volition. For a crazy moment she was able to imagine how she must look--a
thirty-four year old woman letting her uncontrollably straining pussy absorb an
innocent fourteen year-old boy's virgin genitals--and she gasped for breath at
the mind-shattering vision. But then she felt Mark begin to thrust his hips back
and forth in his effort to penetrate further and further into her dilating womb
and she deliriously abandoned all of her fears and doubts.

His slim young cock plunging smoothly between her desperately working thighs was
all the reason she had to have! She bent all of her mind now to the delicious
enjoyment, eagerly yearning for when he would shoot out his thick streams of
adolescent young sperm and fill her thirstily sucking belly as she'd never been
filled before! Yes, oh God, yes ...

Mark Trenton's eager young face glowed with the sexual pleasure he was
experiencing for his very first time, and he bucked his lust-hardened penis
harder and harder into the delicate moist walls of his writhing teacher's
moistly gripping pussy. The sight of Mrs. Dodge's full white breasts jiggling
beneath him with their rose-tipped points, and then the fleshy pink folds of her
tightly clenching vaginal slit as they drew against his prick with every stroke
he made, was more than his inexperienced young mind could stand. Ohhh, and now
she was slipping a hand down around his bottom and was cupping the firm,
youthful cheeks with a kneading motion he could feel all the way to his balls!
He could sense that his testicles were swelling with their ever-building load,
and it wouldn't be long now until he shot all of his cum right up inside her!
Right up inside a real woman's belly! Ohhh ...

"Ohhh, God, Markkk ... Yesss ..." Miriam moaned ceaselessly up into his face,
her eyes opening and closing in the lost daze of her passion. She was no longer
ashamed for having seduced this innocent young boy into becoming her lover; she
was reveling in her lewd wickedness now like the perverted slut she knew she was
at heart. His pounding, all- consuming young cock pumped deeper and faster up
into her hotly willing vaginal passage, and she wrapped her thrashing legs more
tightly around his heaving loins, rhythmically massaging his satin-soft buttocks
with her passion-driven fingers. Their moist deep partings and soft mewling
cries of spiraling enjoyment mingled with the squeakings of the bed to form a
sexual cadence which echoed erotically around the two closely entwined bodies

And then ... then suddenly Miriam gasped with her delirious excitement as she
could feel his boyish young cock begin to flex and pulse deep up inside her
greedily sucking cunt, its hard rubbery tip flaring out inside her belly until
she thought she would scream with delight. Her hands grasped harder into his
smooth hairless buttocks so she could pull him tightly closer into her expectant
thighs, and she ground up against him as her own long-frustrated climax began
with a force of a sensual tidal wave.

"Yes, Markkk ... Oh, yes, cum ... Cum into Mommy's cunt! Cumm!" She undulated
beneath the young student's hardness, thrusting her yearning, lust-squirming
pussy up and down over his burrowing, expanding, virile penis. "Oh, God, I'm
there! Ahhhhh ...!"

She squealed with rapturous delight, her flesh trembling all over, and the dark-
haired youth paused for a single moment, astounded by the older woman's wildly
spasming convulsions beneath him. But then he felt his own body lose control of
his newly discovered passions, and frantically he heaved his pelvis down against
her again and again with his furious need for sexual release.

"OHHH, Mrs. Dodge!" he cried out in a high-pitched yell. His warm, creamy young
semen suddenly erupted from the pulsing blunt head of his cock and spewed deep
up into her wide-stretched pussy, swirling deliciously together with the juices
of her own insanely spiraling orgasm. "OHHHHH, teacher! I ... I'm cumming,

Miriam's mind whirled in delirious sensuality as she felt his boiling virile
liquid squirt out from his adolescent penis like a never-ending stream of lava.
The starving walls of her pussy clenched and unclenched spasmodically around his
ejaculating hardness, desperately milking it of all his warm, wet, whiteness.
His fresh young cum filled her insatiable cunt and the combining fluids of their
releases overflowed around her wetly drenched vaginal lips, trickling down
between the soft, passion-tensed valley of her undulating buttocks. Until at
last, Roger Trenton's naked son fell exhaustedly across her body while her
throbbing vaginal walls squeezed their last quick spasms around his rapidly
deflating cock.

Miriam too lay dazed, quivering stillness, her legs collapsed on either side of
the gasping youth's flesh and her thighs and buttocks limply resting in the
excess of hot wet liquids which had so completely filled her belly a moment
before. But although her body lay drained of all its energy, she could sense
that her mind was beginning to return to reality and that the expected aftermath
of shame and disgust was slowly filtering into her slowly awakening mind.

Miserably she lay sprawled out in her lewd spread position beneath the boy,
watching with sickened self-loathing as his eyes flashed in caressing
fascination over her nakedness. Then, before she could turn away, Mark Trenton
threw himself down upon her, kissing her face and cheeks with childlike
desperation, and she was able to feel the warm salty wetness of his tears as he
cried softly against her breasts.

"Ohhh, Mrs. Dodge," she heard him blurt out chokingly. "Oh, I wish you were
really my Mommy! Oh, I'm so glad I fucked you! Don't be mad at me for telling
you that. Please, Mrs. Dodge."

"God, oh God," Miriam whimpered, clutching his delicious young body tightly to
her and kissing the crown of his head. "No, Mark, baby ... I'm not mad. I could
never be angry with you ..."

The impossible situation of forbidden love and lewd desire clawed at her brain
until she thought it would tear her apart. The hatred for herself for having
taken this innocent young boy's natural loneliness and perverting it to satisfy
her own degenerate needs loomed more ugly now than ever in her mind. God, what a
depraved and corrupt woman she had become!

Chapter 3

The late afternoon cast shadows into Miriam Dodge's living-room, stretching
darkness across the worried English teacher as she sat slumped in an overstuffed
easy chair. She gazed with sightless eyes out of the open side window, blankly
staring at the same grassy field she had been able to see earlier from her
bedroom. Now the park was empty, the teenage footballers having left for their
homes and Sunday dinner. Just as well, she haplessly thought; she doubted she
could stand the sight of any more virile young boys frolicking innocently around

Idly she took the glass of vodka from the table beside her and sipped it,
feeling the hot alcohol burning all the way down to fill her empty stomach. She
had been nipping at the soothing liquor ever since Mark had left and she'd risen
naked and trembling from her wettened, rumpled bed.

Miriam's first wild emotion had been to purge herself of the boy's warm wet
semen which had glistened whitely on the soft blonde curls and pink wet lips of
her vagina. But turning from the lewd sight of her semen- soiled sheets, she had
faced the open bathroom door and been gripped by an almost insane sense of
revulsion. To have stepped into the shower stall again or even to have douched
in that bathroom would have been a mocking reminder of where she had finally
surrendered to her lewd perversion. As unclean as she'd felt, she had hurriedly
dressed in a short, pleated skirt of navy blue and matching thin pullover,
wanting nothing more urgently than to cover her betraying naked flesh. Her
second reaction had been to rush into the kitchen and open an upper cabinet to
reach for the still sealed bottle of vodka ...

The tormented woman felt a little ashamed at the way she'd been drinking, but
she couldn't help being grateful for the faint lightheadedness that swirled
through her blood and eased the torture that was paralyzing her brain. The hours
she's spent catching up on her housework had helped as well, but everything was
clean now and she had no more to do to keep her mind off her misery. Even her
ravaged bed had been changed, though just the feel of the sheets in her fingers
had sent queasy despair rippling through her.

Now, alone with nothing but her own morbid thoughts to occupy her time, Miriam
was afraid she would go crazy. She lifted the glass and took a deep swallow,
choking to hold down the burning liquor. Her repugnance toward her depraved
seduction of Roger Trenton's son was worse than she had feared, for that was
exactly what it had been--a lewd, seductive rape. He had run frightened and
confused from the house once she'd allowed him to dress, and there was no
telling what he might do once out of her sight. She'd warned him not to say a
word, but a child of his age had so little control. A horrible nightmare welled
up in her mind as Miriam envisioned the boy bragging to his friends how he'd
fucked his English teacher, and what would happen to her once everybody in
Logansville knew she was a child molester. Or would Mark confess to his father
out of shame and bewilderment? The mere idea of what Roger might do then made
her take another mouthful of the strong alcohol.

Little Mark's cum is still lying pooled in my belly, too, she moaned in helpless
dejection. His virile sperm was the ultimate souvenir of how quickly the
cherished promise had crumbled completely before her monstrous desires. She
refilled her glass from the nearby bottle while images of Mark Trenton charged
heavily through her head, his young black-haired handsomeness immediately
stimulating her even as she cursed her animal-like cravings. Needfully, Miriam
drained the last of the bottle into her glass; but as she drank, she became
aware that she had consumed almost a fifth of straight vodka on an empty
stomach. She was, she realized dizzily, becoming increasingly drunk. And, oh
God, every sip she took seemed to incite her internal hungers more!

Minute tongues of carnal fire were beginning to lick tauntingly at the soft
inner flesh of her white thighs and she could sense an unwanted moisture seeping
from between the tight lips of her vagina. She could feel the strength steadily
leaving her body as she kept remembering vividly the boyish penis pistoning in
and out of her warm, willing cunt until it came and filled her wide-stretched
pussy with wildly spurting young seed. Slowly and inexorably her breathing
became more ragged, and beneath her short skirt and tight sweater she could feel
her smooth warm flesh begin to seethe with newly-kindled desire ...

"Stop it! Oh God, stop it!" she moaned incoherently to the silence of the tomb-
like house. But deep down inside her heart she knew that she could not stop the
chain of inexorable events she had unwittingly set in motion. Like a motor
throwing its circuit breaker because of a short, Miriam's tortured mind could
not take any more, and defensively it counteracted by spreading a sense of warm
lethargy over the stricken woman. Aided by the alcohol she'd drunk, it let her
drift drowsily ... God, what was she going to do? Was there anything she could
do at all ...? She leaned back with her head resting against the top of the
chair and stared at the ceiling above her, and for a long while she lay unmoving
... and then her head drooped and she sunk into a fitful, restless sleep ...

While Miriam Dodge was sleeping the sleep of the guilty, young Mark Trenton was
visiting with Joey Gore, one of his friends from school, and another close pal
named Donald Watson. The other two boys were freshmen students as he was, though
both were a little older and more developed for their age. Mark had always been
the junior member of the trio, often ignored and left out when Joey and Don
would do things that were sort of "bad." His father had often told him that the
boys were wrong influences on him, and that his grades would suffer if he
continued hanging around with them, but in his youthful spirit of rebellion, his
father's disapproval only made him want to be like them more than ever.

They'd been fooling around with Joey's model airplane collection, buzzing them
around in mock dog-fights, recreating an imaginary air fight over Vietnam. But
now they were tired, and were resting until a science fiction horror movie they
wanted to watch came on the television. They were talking in loud whispers in
Joey's bedroom at the back of the Gore house, Joey sprawled on the bed while
Mark sat in a chair and Don read a comic book ...

"Man, tomorrow starts another week of grinds," Joey sighed. "Shit on school, I
say. I can't wait until I'm grown up and don't have to go anymore. Then every
day can be like a Saturday and Sunday."

"Yeah, that would be keen," Don said, turning a page of the comic. "I'd sure
hate to be a teacher like your dad, Mark. He has to go to school all his life.
That's for the birds, all right."

"I dunno," Mark retorted, wanting to defend his father. "He's pretty smart, and
he told me he'd hate to work in some factory where he was around nothing but
dumb men all day."

Joey Gore laughed. "Yeah, you got something there, Mark. Hell, the scenery's
better at least, especially with a knock-out like Mrs. Dodge around now. Man,
she must have the finest set of knockers I've ever seen on a broad!"

"You ain't a-kidding," Don Watson chimed in with a low, appreciative whistle.
"And what a nice ass she's got, too. She sure beats Miss Flannigan we had for
English last year."

"At least Old Flannel-face put out for us." Joey snickered. "Only way I
graduated grammar school was by sticking it to her every week. She had a snatch
like a berry-bush, but I got the passing grade, anyway."

"Same here," Watson boasted. "She wanted me to go down and lick her once, but
that's where I drew the line. I'll stick my prick into anything but not my

"I'd sure love to get my nose down between Mrs. Dodge's legs, though," Gore

"You'll never get that," Watson sighed. "None of us will. Crap, and that's
really a shame too. All that meat going to waste."

Young Mark Trenton suddenly wanted to brag about what he'd done that morning,
unable to resist the chance to have the boys look up to him for a change. Shit,
he'd never even gotten into Flannel-face--Miss Flannigan--on account his grades
were always high enough otherwise.

But now, this time, he had something on Joey and Don! Eagerly, he dropped his
voice to an excited whisper. "Yeah? Well, I've news for you two," he blurted. "I
got into Mrs. Dodge!"

"Flake off, Mark," Joey snickered. "You've been dreaming too hard while jacking

"Right. You gotta be a real stud before that kind of pussy falls," Watson added.
"A babe like her would chew your pecker clean off." And both the older boys
laughed lewdly, tauntingly.

"I did!" Mark heatedly protested. "I sure as hell did! I saw right up inside her
snatch and--"

"Bullshit," Joey sneered. "Only hole you ever saw is the one in your ass when
you bend around and look at it in the mirror."

"Listen, you guys," Mark said, red in the face. "I tell you true. I was over at
her house mowing the lawn like I do every Sunday, and Jesus! I look up once, and
there she is, standing naked as a jaybird in the window!"

"Hey," Don said in a new, awed voice. "You're serious!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," Mark retorted, and seeing that he'd
caught their attention, he talked on without thinking of what he was doing. "So
then I heard her calling me a few minutes later, so I went in to see if
something's the matter. This time I see her naked in the shower, and she's
fingering herself!"

"No!" Joey blurted, his eyes widening with excitement. "Got her hand right up
her pussy, huh? Then what happened?"

"Well, she saw me and stopped. Then instead of screaming or telling me to get
the hell out, she stepped real slow out of the shower, like she was a stripper
or something, and peels my clothes off until I'm as naked as she is! Then she
takes me in the bedroom and before I know it, I've got my prick sliding up her
cunt! She moaned and groaned, begging for it! Fuck me, Mark, she yelled at me.
Fuck me hard!"

"Jesus Christ," Joey Gore groaned, "she ever say that to me, and I'd ram it
clean out her belly for sure!"

"Why the hell did she pick a kid like you?" Watson snapped.

"I dunno. Maybe because I was there and you weren't. All I can tell you is that
it happened, and man, she is one fine piece of ass!"

"Ain't that the shits," groaned Don Watson. "I'm dying for some of that, and
look who ends up throwing a fuck to her. There ain't no justice in the world, I
tell you true."

"No ...?" A vicious gleam began to glitter in Joey Gore's beady little eyes.
"Well, now, maybe we can work something out so there is. I mean, hell ... if
Mark could do it, I oughta be able to slide my meat into her with no trouble at

"How you going to get the chance?" Watson scoffed. "Take over mowing her lawn?"

"Naw. I could take her up in the hills, though. You could come along and hold
her down if she gets scared. Then I'd do the same for you while you throw one
into her."

Mark was suddenly very sorry he'd ever opened his mouth. Jesus, if Joey and Don
ever roughed up Mrs. Dodge that way, he'd never forgive himself. He liked her,
liked her a lot--and inwardly he blushed as he remembered how he'd confessed to
her about wanting her to be his mother. "Hey, you rape her, and she can have you
arrested," he said, attempting to persuade them from their plot.

"Right," Watson agreed. "If she said anything, we'd sure be up shit creek,
that's for sure. I'm too young to go to jail."

Joey Gore rubbed the lobe of his large ear for a moment. Then he nodded, saying.
"Maybe you're right. But hell, I sure want to grab a piece of that cunt for
myself ..." Then his eyes began to sparkle with new-found lewdness. "Okay, then
we'll get her Friday night, during the dance."

Watson gasped. "How?"

"Simple. First we act real nice to her this week, so she won't think something's
cooking. Then we'll give her drinks of that stupid punch during the dance, only
we'll spike them first."

"Right on, man," Watson chuckled lewdly. "We get her soaking drunk. Then what?"

"We get Mark here to lure her up to the gym storage room. You know, where all
the wrestling mattresses are kept. She'll believe him more than us. Then we'll
be waiting for her, and ... pow! She'll be so boozed up that the rest will take
care of itself."

"Hot damn, that's a fine idea," Watson said. Then he frowned and turned to young
Mark Trenton. "But you in this with us, kid? Come on, are you chicken-shit?"

Yes ... yes, he was! Mark's mind told him over and over. He was scared of the
whole idea of helping Joey and Don fuck Mrs. Dodge ... but then, this was his
big chance with them! If he backed out now, he'd never get another chance of
getting in with them. Crap, what could he do?

"You want to tear into that pussy of hers again, don't you?" Joey said. "Well,
you help us, and you get some of the action, okay?"

"Well ..." Damn it, the mere thought of that tight wet pussy sliding up and down
over his prick was making it grow hard in his gym shorts. Shit, he sure wanted
more of her! "Well, all right. I'll do it. Only you gotta promise you won't hurt
her none."

"Naw, we won't," Watson said.

"Hell, for the way you tell it, Mark," Gore added lewdly, "we won't have to.
She'll be like a mink in heat for all of us! All ever-loving, fucking three of
us guys!"

Miriam Dodge was late for school Monday morning, the result of a throbbing
hangover and a fearful reluctance to want to see Roger Trenton or his son ever
again. She had been foolish enough to hope she could change her warped sexual
desires, but that had been before yesterday and her depraved actions with young
Mark. Now she could see that when at last she did face the loving, gentle
widower again, it could only be to tell him she could not marry him, not ever!
As for his handsome boy, she just prayed that she'd be able to seal away the
unspeakable sordid episode with him in some dark recess of her mind. Eventually,
if she could stay as far away from the temptation he presented, she might be
able to feel nothing except a guilty scar to remind her what she'd done to him.
She knew that she had to keep her mind off her nightmarish situation, or she'd
never be able to go on, and that simply being around either of the Trentons
would only make her wounds fester ...

Yet as she thought of her alternatives, she realized with sinking heart that her
only choice was to somehow continue her life here in Logansville as though
nothing had happened to her. A hasty, feigned sick-call would only delay the
inevitable, and she would have to go back to work sooner or later. In the
meantime, Roger might become concerned and drop by--and then what could she tell
him? A quick resignation and a sudden leaving of town would only place her where
she'd been when she'd arrived--running in a fugitive-like panic. And this time,
she didn't even have enough money to travel, her savings used up just to get her
cross-country to California! She had to stick it out here, to somehow brazen
through and hope things didn't get any worse. But God, how could they get worse
than they already were?

She dressed hurriedly, not even taking time for breakfast. She'd lost her
appetite anyway, the mere thought of what she had to look forward to making her
queasy in her stomach. She speedily drove to the school, a thick lump congealing
in her throat and her eyes constantly threatening to burst into tears.

Logansville High was a century-old, three-storied brick cube, situated in the
midst of a tree-shaded park near the center of the small downtown area. By the
time Miriam had parked her car, the first bell had rung and only a few
stragglers were to be seen scurrying across the broad expanse of lawn to the
building. She was walking quickly down the almost deserted corridor to her
classroom, when she bumped into the school's principal, Harlow Cartwright.

Cartwright was a large man, balding and plump, with a round, moonish face given
to grinning at things which displeased him. He adjusted his pince-nez glasses as
he regarded Miriam with a thin, disapproving smile.

"Indeed, Mrs. Dodge," he said in his thin, nasal voice. "Late, aren't you?"

"I ... I'm sorry," she apologized, blushing. "I ... I had a little trouble with
my car this morning. A flat tire," she lied. "I had to have it repaired."

"I see."

"M-my class must be waiting for me," Miriam said, now completely flustered. "I
better be off, Mr. Cartwright."

Cartwright pursed his thick, rubbery lips, still studying her intently. "I'm
glad we did run into one another, in spite of the fact you're tardy, Mrs. Dodge.
I wanted to tell you, you don't have to be at the dance Friday night at seven
o'clock as we'd planned."


"Yes. My wife has decided to come, too." The principal made a small grimace, his
mouth tightening as though in a grin of rigor mortis. "Agnes insists on taking
care of the decorations and refreshments beforehand, so you can come around
eight, if you wish."

"Thank you. That would be wonderful."

"Oh, and Mrs. Dodge ...?"


"Do try to be on time."

"Of course, Mr. Cartwright. Of course I will ..." Miriam hurried down the hall
as the principal turned away in the opposite direction. Damn, damn! Why did she
have to run into that wretched fat man on this of all mornings? She could feel
herself unraveling at the mental seams, what with everything bearing down on her
the way they were ...

She reached the door of her classroom, and then a deep, shuddering tremble
rippled over her body. Mark Trenton was one of her pupils, and would be in there
just beyond the door, sitting and waiting for her with the memories of yesterday
still fresh in his young, immature mind. God, did she have the strength? Well,
if she didn't she'd better turn around right that instant and run, run as fast
and far as she could ...

Resolutely she took a breath and with chin held high, walked into the room and
directly to her desk. She saw the boy almost immediately as she turned to face
the class. He sat in the front, alongside Gore and Watson, who were too
mischief-making to allow to sit in the back of the room. Mark was staring at her
in an oddly serious manner, and in response to his intensely soulful expression,
her throat suddenly went dry and tight. She could feel that rather than
blushing, her blood was draining from her face, almost leaving her too weak to

Fortunately, the other students were chattering and asking questions, and she
was able to occupy her mind with the day's assignment and the establishment of
order. It was not an easy thing to do, but she managed to slowly get control of
herself by blotting out Mark Trenton's presence and concentrating on the
remainder of her two-dozen charges.

Unfortunately, however, she unwittingly looked directly into the eyes of Joey
Gore. He was leaning on his elbows, his chin resting in his hands, his eyes
lewdly raking up and down over her body. She suddenly felt as if he was
undressing her mentally, and she flicked her eyes away in burning shame ... only
to see the twisted, crude grin on Don Watson's face next to him. Even as she
watched them, Watson leaned over and whispered something to Gore, and then they
both broke into a meaningful series of suggestive snickers that brought the
blood racing back to her cheeks.

Automatically, Miriam rapped her knuckles on the desk for silence, while in her
mind loomed the appalling thought the perhaps they knew! Both husky young boys
were maturely developed for their ages, and if Mark had bragged to them of what
he'd done with her, they wouldn't laugh it off with childish disbelief. They
would see the horrid truth behind his exciting, if fantastic, story! Oh God,
what was she going to do if that was so? But maybe, she prayed, it was only her
over-vivid imagination ...

"Joey, please go to the blackboard," she heard herself say. "Diagram the
sentence that I'll give you to write."

Gore rose slowly, grinning even more suggestively. "Sure thing, Mizz Dodge. I'm
right proud to do anything you like for such a pretty teacher like you."

"Right on, man," Watson hooted derisively to his friend. "Show her how it's

A low giggle rippled through the class, but Miriam's sharply brittle voice
silenced it abruptly. "That will be enough!" she snapped. "And when Joey is
finished, we'll just see how good Donald is on declining verbs."

Through sheer self-control Miriam had never known she possessed before, she
painfully lasted through the inner throes of her shame and fear for the rest of
the class period!

And the balance of that day, and the following few days ... Miraculously, things
began to look a little better for the miserably haunted woman by the day of the
Freshman-Sophomore dance. She could look back over the week and say that the two
young ruffians, Joey and Don, had been uncommonly quiet, and she'd been able to
avoid a head-on meeting with both Mark Trenton or his father, Roger. She was
even beginning to feel an initial degree of peace of mind almost too good to

Chapter 4

Friday evening, Miriam bathed and changed from her sober wool suit she'd worn
that day into a more informal short beige dress with buttons all down its front.
She drove back to the high school building and arrived punctually at eight
o'clock. The dance was being held in the downstairs cafeteria, which had a side
entrance that opened out on the parking area reserved for the staff, but which
already was lined with a few older cars and pickups she recognized as belonging
to some of the students.

She could hear music as she walked inside the cafeteria, and saw that a five-
piece rock group was warming up on the small stage near the back. They were
obviously local talent, equipped with drums and electric guitars, and they were
filling the low-ceilinged room with ear- splitting squeals, thumps, and twangs.
Around the sides of the room, the usual dining tables and benches had been
replaced by small round tables and folding chairs. On the tables were candles,
the kind that were inside rose-tinted glass bowls, and the regular lights were
dimmed almost to complete darkness, so that the cafeteria was bathed in a warm,
romantically flickering glow. Bunting and streamers festooned the walls, and the
snack-bar at the end had been converted into a gaily- decorated "bar," where a
large crystal bowl of punch sat among stacks of glasses.

The dance was supposed to go from eight to midnight, and although there were
some boys and girls standing around, Miriam didn't expect things to become fully
swinging until eight-thirty or nine o'clock. She walked over to the punch bowl,
and was dipping herself a glass of the non- alcoholic drink, when Harlow
Cartwright and his wife came out of the door leading to the kitchen.

"On time, I see," the principal said, running his tongue around his lips. "Good.
It looks better if the kids see us all in force when they arrive. Tones them
down right from the start."

"You're not expecting trouble, are you?" Miriam asked nervously. "Surely the
students wouldn't be--"

"Don't be naive," Cartwright interrupted. "They would try anything. They'll
sneak in liquor or even drugs if we let them. Times have changed, and where we
were taught to know our place, nowadays they think they can get away with

"Yes, sir," Miriam replied, not wishing to argue with him.

"You haven't met my wife, have you? Agnes, this is our new English teacher, Mrs.

Agnes Cartwright was a round-faced, chunky woman somewhere in her mid- fifties.
She was at least half a foot shorter than her husband, wore her coarse, graying
hair in an old-fashioned bun, and layered cheap makeup over her age-lines and
the sagging flesh of her cheeks. Her small, moist dark eyes bore an
uncompromising expression, making her remind Miriam of the old pictures of
Victorian suffragettes axing saloons and other devilish places.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm sure," the woman said, appraising the blonde- haired
teacher critically. "Harrow's description of you didn't do you justice. You seem
so much younger and ... prettier than he'd let on."

Her wet eyes continued to bore hostilely into Miriam with cold penetration.
Miriam felt extremely uncomfortable, and she tried to think of an excuse to
leave them. "Perhaps I should wait by the door," she suggested. "I could greet
the students as they came in."

"Good idea," Cartwright said, nodding. "That way you can give them a quick
glance to see if they're carrying any bottles or not. Damned marijuana, though.
I can't find a way of stopping them from smoking short of stripping them down to
their skin."

"Yes," his wife added. "You keep a sharp eye out, Mrs. Dodge. If you see
anything or have any trouble, you find Harlow, you hear?"

"I'll know how to deal with those young whippersnappers," Cartwright promised,
his lips taut and thin.

Miriam took her glass of punch and hurried to the side door. God, what an old-
fashioned, narrow-minded attitude the pair of them had! No wonder juvenile
delinquency was as rampant as it was, with such deplorable people as the
Cartwrights in charge of education. She'd hate to have to turn in a child who'd
committed some silly little prank, for she could see that the punishment would
outstrip the crime. No, if there were any problems tonight--she doubted that
there would be--she would try to find a way of handling them herself.

The auditorium gradually filled, the students filing in long streams through the
door beside Miriam before finding tables and beginning to dance. The time sped
swiftly for the blonde, curvaceous teacher, and soon she found herself enjoying
the young teenaged scene. The band kept a heavy, throbbing beat which seemed to
infiltrate through her body, even though the five boys of the band were playing
with more enthusiasm than professionalism. The dancing was of the modern style
in the small, open clearing surrounded by the ring of tables, the couples
gyrating in arm-waving, leg-twisting abandonment. She'd read somewhere that this
was the current form of ancient African Tribal fertility rites; a type of make-
believe, clothed sexual mating--and she could well believe it. Just standing by
the door and tapping her foot in time to the music, she could feel a strange,
light-fingered pulsing begin deep between her own thighs as though she were
sexually responding to the heady, jungle- born rhythms.

Along about nine-thirty, when the room was thronged with kids she couldn't even
remember the names of, Mark Trenton appeared at the door with his two buddies,
Joey Gore and Don Watson. The sight of the three of them, especially young Mark,
seemed to bring her back from her giddy enjoyment to grim reality with a sharp,
shuddering jolt of pain.

"E-evening," Mark said in a low voice, turning his eyes away from meeting hers.

"Good evening, Mark," she replied calmly, even though his sudden presence was
causing unexpected flutterings to ripple through her belly. "Didn't you bring a
date for tonight?"

"Naw," Don Watson answered for the boy. "Ain't no girls we know pretty as you,
Mizz Dodge."

"That's for sure," Joey chimed in. "You going to save us a dance, maybe?"

"I can't, she declined even though she loved to dance. "I'm supposed to be a
chaperone here, not join in the fun."

"Aw, sure you can," Joey persisted. "All the teachers do. Look, even old Marble-
hea--I mean, Mr. Cartwright is having a fling."

Miriam turned to glance at the dance-floor, and indeed, the husky youth was
right. Harlow Cartwright was holding his wife sedately at arm's length,
attempting a jogging fox-trot to the music. She had a hard time stifling a
giggle at the ludicrous sight. "Well, maybe later on then," she agreed. "I'll
see how busy I am."

"Right on," Watson said. "I'll be looking forward to a dance, too. Come on,
gang, I need some of that punch, first."

Mark Trenton didn't say a word, only following the other boys with his head
hanging down sheepishly. Miriam watched the three of them disappear into the
crowd, feeling a sigh of relief pass by her lips. God, poor young Mark must
still be ashamed as she was of their naked coupling on her bed last Sunday
morning. He was an innocent, sensitive boy, and it was obvious that he hadn't
been able to bury what had happened in his mind and forget it any more than she
had. Then, once more, the perverse memory of the lewd intercourse she had
committed with him filtered once again through her head, reviving the tingling
twitch between her thighs until she was forced to squeeze them tightly together
in an effort to end the taunting sensations.

She was still squirming in her standing position at the door when Harlow
Cartwright came up to her, his plump face reddened with exertion, and a fine
sheen of sweat dotting his forehead.

"My, I see you haven't moved from your position, Mrs. Dodge," he said.
"Conscientiousness is the mark of success, I always say."

"Thank you, sir, I thought it best to stay here, since you and your wife were
inside," she said, wondering if the fat elder principal ever talked in anything
but cliches. "I saw you dancing earlier. You made a distinguished couple, I must

"We did?" Cartwright beamed, adjusting his glasses. "Well, all work and no play
makes Harlow a dull boy, I always say," and he chuckled at his bit of quaint
humor. "Haven't you been dancing yet, a young woman like you?"

"No, I haven't. As I said, I thought I should--"

"Well," he interrupted, taking her arm, "we'll rectify that right now, while
Agnes is in the kitchen. After all, everybody who's coming here has come by now.
No sense you standing by the door all night."

Before Miriam could protest, the portly principal was pushing her through the
students to the polished dance-floor. There she followed him in a simple two-
step, grateful that the band had slipped into a slow number as a change of pace.
She was surprised to find that despite his girth, the rotund man proved to be an
agile and smooth dancer, and they were able to keep together. But unlike he had
with his wife, Harlow Cartwright attempted to press his flabby bulk against her
tightly, until she was certain that she could actually feel a hardening bulge in
the front of his trousers pushing into her abdomen.

"Please," she said, endeavoring to loosen his hold upon her.

"What's the matter? Don't you like my dancing?" he grinned at her, and continued
to clutch her to him.

"No, no it's not that," Miriam replied weakly, afraid of offending her employer.
"It's just that it's awfully warm in here." She was certain that she could feel
his penis begin to throb against her lower stomach, and she struggled to back
away from the frighteningly obscene pressure which rubbed sensuously against her
thinly covering dress.

"Please, Mr. Cartwright, we have to set an example for the students. They're
looking at us ..."

"Nonsense," he scoffed, his breathing growing heavy as the pulsating of his now
obviously rock-hard shaft beat hotly into the soft flesh of her belly. "What do
they know?"

Miriam was about to risk offending him and insist he let her go, when young Joey
Gore approached and tapped her obnoxious partner on the shoulder.

"Yes?" the aroused little principal asked him curtly.

"Begging your pardon, Mr. Cartwright," the wiry, thin-faced youth said. "Your
wife sent me to look for you. She wants you in the kitchen."

"Oh, she does, does she?"

"Yes, sir. She said to come immediately."

Cartwright glowered as he reluctantly removed his arm from around Miriam's

"Don't ever get married, young man, or you'll be bullied for the rest of your
life." And with a grunt, he turned and angrily walked away.

Joey Gore stepped in to take his place, holding Miriam in loose but firm
confidence. "Figured you needed some help," he said, looking into her face. "So
I went and told his wife on him."

"I'm glad you did," she replied, feeling a little confused by this odd turn of
events. She could smell the odor of beer on his breath, and added; "But Joey,
you shouldn't be drinking, you know."

"Sorry, Ma'am," he said, his face sobering quickly. "I just had a small one
before coming here, that's all. Say, speaking of that, you look hot and thirsty.
How about a glass of punch?"

"I would like some, at that," Miriam agreed. They stopped dancing as the band
changed into a wildly jumping number, and Joey led her to where Don Watson and
Mark Trenton were sitting at one of the small tables toward the back. As if he'd
expected her to come, Joey handed her an already filled glass.

"Here you are, Mrs. Dodge. Don brought one too many back with him, so you might
as well have it."

"Why, thank you," she replied, taking the glass and lifting it to her lips. She
was thirsty, and the punch was very delicious. There seemed to be an odd flavor
to this glass that hadn't been in her other one, but she dismissed it as being
simply part of another batch made after hers.

"How about me having a dance now, Mrs. Dodge?" Don asked.

"Well, the music is awfully fast, and I've never learned how to dance the way
you youngsters do."

"Heck, nothing to it. You just go out there and do your thing. That's what we
all do. Nobody knows any particular steps. Come on, drink up and we'll give it a
try, what do you say?"

"All right," Miriam said, smiling. "Why not?"

So she danced with him, and afterwards she danced with Joey again. Then came a
succession of eager young boys, all wanting to have a chance of dancing with
their English teacher. She found to her utter enchantment that when she did as
Donald suggested and let herself go with the music, her natural instincts seemed
to over-ride any hesitation she had from not knowing the proper steps, and soon
she could dance with the best of the youths. She was having fun, more fun than
she could remember since her own school days, and she jerked and undulated to
the beat until her face was flushed and her head swam dizzily. And in- between
times, she gulped the refreshing punch that the two lewdly plotting boys had
spiked. She drank it in quantity, never occurring to her that the drink had
achieved its additional tang because they had added potent liquor.

Eventually it took its toll, however, and Miriam suddenly began to feel dizzy
and in need of fresh air. She excused herself from the boy she'd been with at
the moment and staggered slightly as she headed for the entrance door. There she
stood for a long moment, wiping the perspiration from her forehead and drawing
in deep breaths of the cool, pine-scented night air. God, she was acting as if
she was drunk! What a fine way to behave! What would Mr. Cartwright say if he
saw her the way she was right now?

"There you are," she heard a high-pitched voice behind her, and she turned to
stare at Agnes Cartwright, who was framed in the cafeteria's dim light. "I was
wondering where you'd wandered off to, after dancing the way you'd been."

Somehow the wife of the principal had made it sound as though she might have
wandered away with one of the students. Miriam couldn't help blushing in
spontaneous embarrassment. "I ... I only thought I should mix with the children,
Mrs. Cartwright," she said in an effort to defend herself. "The way you and Mr.
Cartwright were doing earlier."

"We were dancing proper," the older woman sniffed haughtily. "But, like
everything else, dancing's degenerated into evil ways."

"It's different, I'll say that," Miriam said. "But when I was in school, we used
to do the Lindy and the Jitterbug, and now the couples don't even hold each

"Really," Agnes Cartwright said through her nose, lifting it parrot- like an
inch or so. "My upbringing was God-fearing and decent. We never indulged in such
fancy carrying-on in my circle."

Miriam compressed her lips in tight little rings of lipstick, angered by the
holier-than-thou attitude and prudish contempt she felt she was being subjected
to. The liquor in her made her want to say all sorts of things, but she knew
that one wrong word could lead to a scene that would mean her dismissal. "Mrs.
Cartwright," she began in arched, virtuous defense of her actions. "I hardly

"That is obvious," the other woman snapped waspishly. "And a good-night to you,
Mrs. Dodge." And with that, Agnes Cartwright turned on her heel and was gone,
swallowed up by the dense crowd of students in the auditorium.

The now hotly incensed teacher could feel frustrated anger and resentment
boiling through her like a well-stoked furnace. Who did that old biddy think she
was? She had no right to insinuate she was acting immoral, no right at all! Why
she had a good mind to go in there and tell that bitch where to get off anyway,
and to hell with the consequences. She could certainly understand why Harlow
Cartwright was interested in other women, after having to live with a wife like
her for so long.

But the sudden thought of how he'd danced with her made Miriam mentally feel the
impression of his long, hot penis jammed against her, and she shuddered at the
thought of it again. It was obvious that she would have to be on guard every
minute she stayed at this horrid school, not only against her own impulses, but
against Cartwright's as well. As soon as she had enough money saved up, she
would find another teaching position and leave Logansville immediately ...

Mark Trenton interrupted her unpleasant stream of thoughts by charging out of
the auditorium. Breathlessly, he shouted to her; "There you are, Mrs. Dodge!
I've been looking all over for you!"

"Mark! What ever is the matter with you?"

"Not with me! With Don!"

"Don? Donald Watson?" She tried to get her wits together, her head still
swimming from the alcohol-drugged punch. "What ... What's happened to him?"

"We were ... we were fooling around up in the gym, and he hurt himself!"

"Heavens! We better get Mr. Cartwright!" she said, aware of her own numbed
inadequacy. "I don't think that I--"

"But you have to, Mrs. Dodge! Don't get Mr. Cartwright! Please don't get him! We
weren't supposed to be up there!"

Miriam paused, thinking of the terrible opinion the older principal had of his
pupils, and of the way his wife had just snubbed her. "All right," she said
suddenly. "Where is Don, did you say?"

"Up in the gym, Ma'am! Come on!" Mark grabbed her arm, propelling her around the
side of the building toward another, dark and unused entrance. "I'll show you
the way!"

As they hurried, Miriam worked desperately to sober herself through mental
concentration, but the results were not very good. She still had no idea why she
was feeling as though she had been drinking, and the answers from Mark when she
asked what had happened were evasive and only served to confuse her further.
Something was terribly wrong with this whole picture, but in her liquor-dulled
mind, she couldn't figure out quite what it was ...

She followed the young boy, stumbling up the almost pitch-black stairs and
across to the gymnasium on the first floor. "How ... how much further?" she
panted, her breathing beginning to tighten across her chest.

"Just on the other side of the gym, Mrs. Dodge. In the storage room where the
tumbling mats are kept."

"Goodness, what on earth were you three boys doing there ...?"

They came to the small closet-like room where all the athletic equipment was
kept, and Mark threw open the door. "In there!" He gestured into the sweat-
smelling, stiflingly cramped enclosure. Miriam could see the oafish Joey Gore
standing beneath the room's single, exposed light, while at his feet was the
moaning, prostrate form of Don Watson. My God, he needed a doctor, not a
floundering, confused English teacher! Quickly she rushed to the "injured" boy,
dropping to her knees beside him.

"What's the matter, Donald?" she asked anxiously, glancing along his body as he
lay there looking up at her.

"It's m'leg, I think," he groaned, rolling his head.

Gently, she felt along the upper portion of his leg where she thought he had
indicated. "Does it hurt when I touch it?" she questioned.

"No, not there ..." he shook his head, a slow, wicked smirk stretching the
corners of his mouth. "You've got hold of the wrong leg, teacher ... It's this

Abruptly, he reached down with both hands and pulled down the front of his
already unzipped pants. Miriam gasped in surprised shock as she saw his
hardened, stubby young penis leap out, its smallish, blunt head throbbing as
though it were staring up at her with one tiny slitted eye.

Again she gasped, falling back upon her haunches as she stared in disbelief at
the sight of him lying there, suddenly grinning lewdly and exposing his rigid
young genitals up at her.

"What ... what's the meaning of this outrage?" she demanded, snapping her eyes
angrily from the taunting exhibition to the smirking face of Joey Gore standing
over her.

"Why, Mrs. Dodge, Don's only trying to show you where he hurts," Joey said with
mock seriousness. "Seems every time he sees you, he gets this pain in his cock,

"Joey Gore!" Miriam exclaimed, her startled face burning with the livid red of
her fury. "How dare you talk like that to me!" She stumbled to her feet, her
body trembling with rage. "Mr. Cartwright's going to have a complete report of
this, and so will your father. And Mark, I'm surprised that you would be part of
this awful, awful--"

"Shut up," Gore suddenly snarled. He took a step toward her and caught her by
the wrist, jerking her toward one of the thin, stained tumbling mattresses which
lined the floor. He flung her down on it, snapping, "Don, lock the door so
teacher can't get out!"

Miriam stumbled to one knee from the violence of his sudden, unexpected shoving.
Her head spun with the force of his whip-like jerk, and she could only look up
with dazed, terrified, eyes, her shock of the moment before giving way to the
first stages of panic. She heard the storage room being locked with the hollow
finality of a dungeon cell door, and she horrifyingly realized that she had
virtually no chance of escape. The boys, young as they were could together
easily overpower her even if she managed to unlock the door, and in this dark
deserted corner of the school building, nobody would hear her muffled shouts for
help. God, how right she'd been that something was wrong about Mark's urgent
request! She'd been a fool, leading herself straight into a trap!

"But--Why?" she heard herself ask feebly. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Well, you're a fine English teacher, Mrs. Dodge," Gore said, the handsome
youth's lips peeled back sharply from his teeth. "But Mark says you're good at
another more basic subject, so we thought we'd like to see just what you know."

"Mark! You ... you didn't tell them!" she gasped.

"Yeah," the boy said, chagrined at first. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Dodge. It sort of
slipped out." But in spite of his obvious shame for what he'd done, Miriam could
see that there was a gleam of hungry arousal in Mark's dark young eyes, and a
small, unhidable grin of licentiousness around his mouth.

Dear God, he was as much an animal as Joey or Don Watson! And then the ghastly
truth struck her that she was the cause of his change from a once innocent
child. She'd perverted him for her own desires last Sunday, and had taught him
lust for lust's own sake without the tempering of mercy or compassion. She had
nobody to blame except herself, and now she was reaping the rewards of her
salacious lessons by an obscene three-fold vengeance!

Miriam heard the boys' laughing grunts, and a helpless sinking sensation gripped
her insides as she speechlessly watched them strip themselves of their clothing
before her. Her eyes remained fixed upon their naked youthfulness, her mind
blanking from sensible reasoning as she stared at their virile passion-erect
penises jutting lewdly out from their firm, hairless young abdomens.

"Don't ... Please don't hurt me," she whimpered cringingly.

"I made them promise they wouldn't, Mrs. Dodge," Mark said reassuringly. "We
just want a little fun with you, like I had. And Jesus, you sure seemed to like
it then."

"That's right, teacher," Joey Gore added in a soothing voice. He moved toward
her, lowering himself down to the mat to sit beside her. "You be nice to us, and
we'll be nice to you. I mean ... like this!"

Before Miriam knew what was happening to her, he was jerking her against his
muscular, developing body, drawing his thick, long cock into the softness of her
flesh as he crushed her tightly to him. Miriam wanted to fight, to scratch and
tear herself free ... But too suddenly for her to react against, he was kissing
her, working his wet, pink tongue deep into her mouth while his friend Don
laughed excitedly from above them.

No ... Oh God, no! But the feel of his youthful rigid penis furrowing into the
quivering flatness of her belly sent cruel shock-waves surging through her body.
She sensed his one free hand smoothing around the back of her tight, thin dress
and down over her buttocks, the other hand clutching her waist tighter against
his throbbing, naked hardness. Finally, he lifted his mouth from hers and
grinned lewdly down into her panic-stricken face.

"Now, that's more like it, Mrs. Dodge. But I can see that since you're the only
girl we invited here, you're sort of uptight, right? We got just the thing for
that. Don, get our pretty teacher here a beer."

"Pl ... please, Joey, don't do this to me. I beg of you ..."

"Why, Ma'am, you're getting yourself all upset over nothing," he said to pacify
her. "We just figure since you like Mark fucking you, you should have your
chance to get your fill of boys. Have you ever thought how nice it would be to
have three cocks gang-banging you all at one time?"

Don Watson thrust an open can of beer at her. At first she refused to take it,
and Joey grabbed it and shoved it viciously at her face.

"Please, I don't want ..."

"Drink it," he snarled, his smile leaving him as abruptly as it had come. "Drink
it, or we'll force it down your throat!"

Miriam felt her flesh crawl at his threat and again she sought for pleading
words that might reach him. But she could tell it was hopeless, and that she was
in the hands of a savage young brute, dull- witted and drunk. Trembling, she
took the can from him and swallowed several deep mouthfuls of the warm, sudsy
alcohol. There was a heavy whiskey taste to it and she could tell it had been
strangely spiked to make her even drunker than she already was.

"That's more like it," he grinned once more, and his hand reached out to gently
stroke her body beneath the dress. His long, thick fingers traveled softly,
pinching and teasing at all the most sensitive areas he could find. "Go on,
drink some more ..."

Miriam did, feeling as though she was in some kind of terrible dream and would
soon wake up safe and sound in her own bed.

She pleadingly looked up at Mark Trenton and then cringed beneath the self-
confident smile on his handsome face. It seemed impossible that the boy she'd so
ardently loved last week could be a part of such a filthy degrading rape--yet it
was true. Worse, she was beginning to wonder if this was going to actually turn
out to be a rape. She couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from the stiff boyish
penises that jutted out from the loins of the other two young boys. Somewhere
deep in her mind, she wondered if they would feel better inside her than Mark's
slender young hardness had. Ashamed at her own weakness, she drank the last of
the whiskey spiked beer and unwillingly accepted another can ...

"Let's get her goddamned clothes off," Mark suddenly yelled out. "Jesus, I want
to fuck Mrs. Dodge again!"

"That's the spunk, kid," Joey urged. "But I get to fuck her first this time!"

"Me, I wanna fuck her in the mouth," she heard Don Watson snicker excitedly.
"Just look at them lipstick covered lips! Shit, I can feel them already around
my prick, sucking like hell!"

As Miriam listened to the obscene conversation being spewed all around her, she
tried to speak, but found that her words were stuck tight in her throat. She
could barely breathe, she was so paralyzed with dread. A numbing sense of
helplessness had overtaken her as she listened to the vile foulness that was
being directed at her from the leering young teenage boys circling around the
mat. Yet as Joey Gore began to touch the top button of her dress, she suddenly
struggled insanely against the boy. She somehow broke free and leaped to her
feet, her drunken mind reacting in one last desperate bid for escape. "Let me
out!" she screamed as loudly as she could. "Help! Oh God, please somebody help

She lunged for the locked door, but they caught her easily, and two of them held
her pinned back down to the smelly, soiled mat as the third began unbuttoning
her dress.

"Don't rip her clothes," Joey warned. "Remember, she'd doing this of her own
free will ... right boys?"

Miriam sprawled helplessly on her back as her dress was slowly removed from her
cringing flesh ... her brassiere was unsnapped roughly by a hand worming its way
beneath her back ... and then her thin white panties were rolled slowly down
from around the fullness of her buttocks and slipped off of her legs ... God,
she was now as totally naked as they were!

Huddling, she watched in frozen horror as the boys moved in on her, their lust-
contorted faces twisted with their animalistic desires. She could barely breathe
the stuffy, unclean air of the storage room, and what she could inhale was
pungent with the erotic scent of their virile young genitals. Don Watson slipped
his hands down over her breasts, cupping and squeezing their firm roundnesses
while his stiff, erect penis pressed along the smooth, tanned sides of her body.
Joey Gore was on his knees in front of her, his big hands running obscenely down
over her belly and thighs, while he crowded in as close as he could to rub his
swollen hardness up against the nakedness of her satiny smooth hips.

"No ... no, it can't be ... God no ..." she mewled fearfully over and over. She
was helplessly locked in a cell-like room, to be plundered in their drunken,
uncontrolled fury! Suddenly, her moans turned to sharp gasps as she sucked in a
savage breath of air. Don Watson had closed his mouth over one involuntarily
swelling nipple, biting it teasingly while his lips sucked hungrily at the
white, throbbing flesh of her uplifting breasts! Weird, masochistic sensations
began to seep through her body against her will as the boys continued to fondle
her naked, exposed body. Her alcohol-dimmed mind was unable to cope with the
tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure that were beginning to swirl up from deep
within her defenseless loins. Shamefully, she had to admit to being unable to
stop the rising excitement their youthful hands and lips upon her were
triggering. Dear God! She must fight it with all of her strength! She must not
succumb as she had last Sunday to the depraved temptation of sweet young flesh!

She whimpered under their brutal assault, her head still raised as she gaped
around the room at the tender, hardened penises thrusting lewdly from the
crouching young boys. God, any one of them would have been enough to set her
wild and that would have been terrible enough ... But here and now there were
three of them, three delicious naked boys, not just one! She mustn't let them
win! She mustn't!

As a last resort, she gazed again at young Mark Trenton, her tear- filled eyes
pleading desperately for his mercy. But the boy was too caught up in his own
frantic lust to pay her any attention, stretching her legs apart so he could see
all of the soft, blonde-haired lips of her defenselessly waiting pussy. With a
tiny groan of utter despair, the tormented woman let her head fall back against
the dirty mattress. There was no hope at all for her, there was nothing she
could do to save herself, no way to escape at all. She was physically
outnumbered and trapped by her own guilt in first seducing young Mark last
Sunday morning. She could only lay in unwilling passiveness as she felt the
eager boy's fingers begin to move as they had before, caressing and kneading the
moist pink flesh of her wide-splayed vaginal slit. The avidly excited Joey slid
down to where Mark Trenton was teasingly fondling the soft blonde-curled mound
before him. "Christ, look at that hot little pussy, will you?" he croaked in his
high-pitched voice.

"Yeah, this is what I was telling you guys," Mark whispered excitedly. "This is
just like she was with me before! Then she wanted me to put my finger in her
hole and finger-fuck it up and down inside her like it was a prick!"

"Shit no, kid," Joey groaned. "With a snatch that sweet, you gotta lick it. Move
over and I'll show you how."

"Right on, man!" Don Watson prompted as he took Miriam's arm and put it around
his neck for a cushion. "I'm sucking her tits, but if you don't go down on her,
I'll be glad to lick her pussy instead!"

Miriam groaned in new-found shame, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she
felt Mark moving away and Joey taking his place between her legs. He dropped
excitedly to his haunches between her open thighs and then to his belly, his
face hovering only inches above her loins. "Ohhh, I'm going to stick my tongue
so far up her hot little hole, she'll be able to taste it up in her mouth!" he
panted lewdly, and then he grabbed her widened thighs and pulled her hips down
closer to him on the mat. The fearfully quivering woman moaned softly in a daze
of horror and humiliation as her body slid unresistingly toward him, her legs
collapsing outward in obscene angles on either side of his naked slim body.
Above her she could see through her alcohol dimmed eyes the other two boys
staring hungrily down at the sight of her velvet soft skin, curving in from her
thighs to form the soft, blonde curls of her pink-hued cunt. With his thumbs
placed firmly on the softly trembling vaginal lips, Mark began a slow,
tormenting outward pressure to peel them slowly apart until the thin, vertical
little mouth of her moist, tender pussy below was cringingly exposed to the
gazes of the other boys. They all stared greedily at her defenseless vagina, for
a thrilling moment, until with a low animal-like groan of desire, Mark Trenton
dropped his head and buried the full length of his long, slippery tongue deeply
into the warm, throbbing walls of Miriam's open cunt.

"Ahhh!" she jerked, feeling his moist young lips closing hotly over the soft,
wet furrow. A convulsive spasm of delight spiraled up the length of her spine as
she felt his searching tongue spread her blonde curling pubic hairs and lace
snake-like into the naked tight slit of her cuntal mound. She ground her
buttocks down hard against the mat, endeavoring to escape the teasing, youthful
attack, a whimpering moan of defeat bubbling from deep within her chest. But the
slaving boy seemed to know unerringly what to do, and his head burrowed further
up between her open thighs, his gleaming ivory teeth fastening into the soft
flesh of her belly. He spread the woman's fleshy cunt lips wider with his
fingers, and with a maddening liquid suck of the lips, drew the tiny pink bud of
her throbbing clitoris wetly into his hot moist mouth. He nibbled it with the
sharp tips of his teeth, feeling it jerking back to life from the softness that
her earlier fear had brought.

Miriam clenched her eyes tightly shut against the whirlpools of sensation that
were beginning to shoot through her quivering loins against her will. She fought
with all her inner strength against the betrayal of her body again, but the
young boy's tongue continued its maddening licking against the straining pink
bud of her sex, until she could only groan uncontrollably His hot probing tip
worked its way up and down the length of her narrow wet slit, starting at the
lower curve of her belly and pressured its way down over the elastic-rimmed
opening of her clasping vagina and into the crevice of her flexing buttocks,
where it stopped momentarily to do a wet probing homage to her tight, pinkly
throbbing anus. Her hips ground involuntarily into the rustling mat, soft
mewling animal sounds escaping pitifully from between her passion-clenched
teeth. Her loins jerked forward of their own desire, burying his flicking tongue
to its roots. Fire rapidly replaced fear and everything else ... until to Miriam
nothing existed for except her flame-seared cunt.

She was that cunt! Oh God, she was that cunt!

Her entire body was flowering into a great open cavern that had to be filled,
that had to be gorged and stuffed with hot young flesh. Nothing else mattered
now--not fear, not principles, not humiliation; just the crawling reality of the
flicking tongue that had crawled in between the hot steaming vaginal furrow down
between her wide held thighs.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh, yess, suck my cunt like that! Suck it hard, my little darling!
Ahhhhh!" she squealed, splaying her legs wider and wider to give young Joey
greater access.

The lust-incited boy could stand it no longer. "Give me room, guys! I'm going to
fuck Mrs. Dodge now!" He began to trace tiny round wet circles up over her body,
moving forward over her flesh, licking at her navel and breasts and cheeks, his
hot moist saliva soaking her skin. She rotated her passion-twisted face around,
searching with her open mouth for his tender young lips. She found them and
sucked his tongue deep into her throat with a low animal groan. His saliva
flowed into her in unimpeded torrents, and she swallowed greedily, mewling for

Her loins ground frantically up off the mat below, searching with her hot gaping
pussy for his hard virile penis that was going to rip deliciously into her
hungry belly. The passion-aroused boys gathered around the mat gasped as Joey's
throbbing cock-head found her excitedly pulsating pussy opening. They watched
with grinning, eager faces as it jostled for a moment against her pink ragged
edges of flesh, insinuating itself gently between her moistly parted cuntal
lips. Then, with a flick of his hips, the grinning adolescent forced his blood-
filled tip brutally into the throbbing opening of her hair-lined cunt,
stretching her resisting rubbery flesh almost to the bursting point.

Miriam threw her head wildly to the side and sighed delightedly.

His hardened penis sunk a delicious inch, the struggling woman trying
desperately to jerk her hips up and absorb more of the punishing impalement up
inside her wildly aroused belly. Joey Gore levered up on his hands in the push-
up position. He flicked again, his grin widening, and his relentless hardness
slid inside another searing inch.


Another taunting inch--


Hot panting breaths coursed over her naked sweating body as the other two boys
crowded in closer. Their youthful features hung within inches of her straining
nudity, watching hypnotically as their writhing English teacher was being fucked
and skewered like a fresh young virgin by their teenage buddy. Miriam was dimly
aware of the leering boys kneading hotly at her breasts, their fingers and hands
teasing over every part of her flesh until it felt as though she were covered
with tiny crawling animals. The storage room had become to her like a giant
octopus with thousands of grasping tentacles reaching out obscenely to crush her
into helplessness.

"Ohhh ... Oh, Godddd, ohhhhh ..." she moaned hysterically, tears gushing from
her open but unseeing eyes.

Her sobbing, struggling response only incited the immature excitement of young
Joey Gore, and he lunged down upon her, thrusting his virile young penis deep
into her tight resisting passage. Miriam jerked convulsively as the slender
pulsing cock raced into her belly, pushing great ripples of pink soft flesh in
rolling waves before it. It was an uncontrollable monster crawling around inside
her, filling her every crevice and pushing her inner organs into tiny tight
balls that could not breathe or move. It felt to her as if it was coming out of
her throat, curling around her shoulders and neck to crush her life away,
ripping her soul from her body and devouring her in great fires of depraved

"Ahhhhh!" her lips breathed in welcome relief.

Joey flexed his imbedded cock-head, bringing a deep mewl from her lips, her
teeth reclenching. He flexed again--another moan--a lesser moan, as her now
hotly clasping cuntal passage grew accustomed to the young boy's shaft. Then he
began a slow revolving motion with his pelvis, grinding his virile cock tightly
into her naked loins, expanding the still cringing walls of her vagina until she
wanted to beg for more. Dear God, he was torturing her beyond endurance!

"Fuck me, Joey ... Ohhhh, for God's sake stop teasing me and fuck!" She moaned
in rapturous craving. "Ohhh, fuck me hard, you little bastard!"

The other two boys unbelieving eyes leered lustfully within inches of the buried
boyish prick, amazed at how the tight moist little hole they had seen before was
capable of swallowing so much hardened flesh. From both sides of the mat hands
rubbed lewdly over the moon-shaped cheeks of her deeply impaled buttocks,
fingers pulling cruelly at the fleshy hair-covered lips surrounding it. Don's
fingertip curled under Joey's dangling testicles to probe at her tiny puckered
anus, flicking tauntingly at it like another tongue. Miriam winced as it
suddenly popped through the tight surrounding ring and dug deeply at the soft
rubbery flesh inside. He moved around, expanding the tiny tight hole until the
palm of his intruding hand lay flat against her asscheeks, the whole young
finger sunk safely inside her wetly throbbing rectum.

Now Joey Gore began a searing fucking motion in and out of Miriam's moistly
stretched pussy, thrusting forward mercilessly from the apex of his withdrawal
and battering her sensation-filled body back hard against the mattress. Donald
Watson's finger imbedded in her hungrily clasping anus joined the slowly
pistoning cock in a rhythmic fucking duo that brought moans of pain and pleasure
gasping from her bubbling mouth in time to their simultaneous tempo.

The pain in her rectum was beginning to ease and a weird sensation of
fulfillment slowly tingled through her helpless body. Her hips began an
involuntary gyration in masochistic concert with the. increasing speed of the
cock and finger fucking into her.

"Oohhh yes, yesss, fuck me! Oh, you beautiful little boys, fuck me like
thissss!" she crooned, squirming her body lewdly around among the myriad of
hands and fingers that crawled relentlessly over her tingling flesh. God, she
was their prisoner, a helpless prisoner to the delicious ravaging of her cunt
and asshole!

"Ohhh, don't stop, boys! Oh fuck, don't ever stop!" she groaned into the smelly
stale air, gyrating her upturned buttocks faster and faster, trying to keep up
with the glistening boy's penis and the other's drubbing finger. She sensed her
body start to spiral toward her climax, and felt Joey's prick fucking into her
seething cunt begin to throb and inflate. She felt her thighs being pushed wider
apart as the teenager shoved his cock as deep as it would go inside her belly,
and she knew he was ready to cum that instant.

"No! No, not yet! Wait!" she chanted in desperation, but it was too late. The
young boy's eyes rolled around helplessly in his head and his tight round
testicles began to jerk wildly and spew out his hot white semen deep into her
voraciously contracting womb. She ground her naked loins up tightly against his
pelvis to stop the flow for a moment, but her very eagerness defeated her
desperate purpose. The tightly nibbling clasp of her pussy milked it clean, the
last drop of his hot load spurting deep inside her dilated vagina.

The boy rolled useless and drained from her still squirming flesh, helped by the
hands of his eager friends clawing to take his place. A thin string of white
sticky fluid trailed from his cock over her leg to the floor where he collapsed
in exhaustion. "Christ, Mrs. Dodge's the wildest fuck in town! She's gone clean
out of her mind," she could dimly hear through the muffled confusion of her

Then: "Me! God damn it to hell, it's my turn! I'll cum all over the mat if I
don't get in her now!"

Her hips jerked up automatically to receive the familiar thrust of young Mark
Trenton who was hurriedly replacing his friend between her wide-spread legs. He
rammed into her like a jackhammer, needing no foreplay to excite him, the
obscene spectacle alone having been enough.

Together he and Miriam surged hotly for the climax she had been so cruelly
deprived of when Joey Gore had deserted her. Then ... her orgasm hit suddenly
like an angry fist in the stomach as youthful Mark's penis uncontrollably spewed
out his burning fourteen year old seed deep into her hungrily absorbing belly.
Great waves of overwhelming joy coursed through her desperately writhing body,
curling the tips of her toes and fingers like burning twigs in a bonfire. She
wallowed lewdly around in her maniacal arousal, punishing and debasing herself
as her own cum gushed hotly from between her legs and soaked the mattress
between her wildly grinding buttocks. "AAHHH! OHH GOD! FILL ME, BABY, FILL

Donald Watson grinned to himself. Now it was his turn, now after his two young
friends had exhausted themselves. Hell, he'd show them all how a man could
satisfy a woman--after all, the teacher was still screaming for more, wasn't

"Turn over, Mrs. Dodge," he commanded. "I'm gonna fuck you dog-style."

Miriam, all will to resist anything they wanted to do to her gone, rolled her
battered body over in the slippery wetness of their cum, and rested heavily on
her stomach.

"Now kneel," the boy demanded to the half-conscious woman. He grabbed her
impatiently at the hips and helped her to her knees. She rested panting for a
moment on all-fours, her buttocks high in the air and her face pushed hard
against the mat. Her eyes were glazed thickly from the ravishment her body was

Miriam felt fevered young hands on her hips as Donald knelt between her open
thighs. She waved the wide stretched moons of her buttocks lewdly at him,
feeling the blunt end of his penis pressing into the now wetly flooded crevice
in her loins. With a grunt he shoved cruelly forward, causing her to jerk
forward in surprise at the sudden lunge.

"Shit, I'm hard again already!" she dizzily heard Joey Gore exclaim. "Damn it to
hell, I'm going to join in!" She felt him move onto the mattress in front of
her, and then his hands as they lifted her head up to face him. His erect boyish
cock rammed without warning between Miriam's gaping lips, his hands holding her
face vice-like between them so she could not pull away. He ground his young
penis forward into her mouth, forcing Miriam to gag as he rammed it half-way
down her throat, the full length disappearing into her roundly ovalled lips
almost to the hilt. His testicles slapped harshly down against her chin, the
soft fuzz covering them tickling her like a light airy feather.

Oh God, she groaned. They were buffeting her back and forth like a child's toy
between them, using her helpless body as a great receptacle into which they
would pump their burning young sperm. God, how could this be happening to her?
But then, the very helplessness of her position flickered erotically through her
mind. The mental picture of her body being fucked between two hotly excited boys
at the same time incited the hunger in her belly to begin raging out of control
again. She started to undulate her buttocks around in tiny teasing circles,
squeezing with her cuntal muscles at the fleshy cock boring into her, wanting
passionately to wallow in fresh young cum again. She wanted to milk his youthful
prick dry, to fill her belly once more until all of his hot white liquid ran
down her already thickly covered thighs. She sucked voraciously at the penis in
her mouth, her cheeks hollowing and filling with Joey's boyish thrusts. Her
tongue licked wildly at his blood-filled cock-head, the tip probing hotly into
the small gland on its end. She wanted it to shoot in her mouth. She wanted to
swallow his young sperm and feel it running down her throat until her stomach
was as filled as her cunt. She wanted it to run through every pore of her body
in unending torrents of joy.

Her wish came true a moment later.

Simultaneously with the rising tide of her second building orgasm, she felt the
young cock fucking into her from behind inflate and begin to spew its white
seething load deep up her clasping cunt. It ricocheted wildly around inside and
then gushed back out hotly from the hair- covered lips onto the mattress below.
Don's testicles pressed tightly against her exposed clitoris, causing her body
to jump spasmodically forward, burying Joey's virile young prick all the way up
in her madly sucking mouth. Then, it too exploded, flooding her throat with his
pungent youthful fluid, her cheeks expanding like a balloon to keep from choking
on the huge torrent that spurted without stopping deep into her eagerly
accepting mouth. She swallowed in hungry crazed gulps, fastening her lips like
an elastic ring tightly around the ejaculating flesh, fearful of losing even a
drop of the precious young seed. Small droplets ran from the corners of her
mouth as the boy collapsed in front of her, his deflating slender penis slipping
lifelessly from her still, unconsciously sucking mouth.

Miriam screwed her nakedly upraised buttocks back hard against the squirting
cock in her cunt, and with a scream from between her tightly clenched teeth, she
felt her own body explode into what seemed like a thousand tiny pieces. Her legs
could no longer hold her up, and she collapsed on the mat as the penis slid
limply from her semen and orgasm drenched pussy, the room's fetid air rushing
warmly into the unplugged opening.

"Jesus, now I wanna fuck'er again ...!" young Mark Trenton gasped, and time
after that became a meaningless blur, a constant merging of virile boy's cocks
fucking her as they would and where they would. Her body reacted with orgasm
after orgasm, even after her strength was gone and she could only follow their
directions mechanically.

"Get those legs up! Move that ass, teacher! Suck me harder, Mrs. Dodge!"

She felt as though she was nothing more than a fleshy robot for their use,
weakly moving her limbs to comply with their lewd commands. Finally, many long
hours later, they dressed, Joey unlocked the storage-room door and the three
boys left her where she lay. Miriam was too worn out to move, and she fell into
an exhausted sleep on the soiled, stained mattress that would forever be her bed
of shame and surrender to the lowest depths of desire of the flesh.

Chapter 5

Roger Trenton was not a drinking man per se. A martini before dinner or a bottle
of wine during the meal, but not both--otherwise, he was apt to lose too much
control over his reasoning and will-power. As he thought in self-torture, he had
last Saturday with Miriam on the picnic ... But here it was Saturday again, and
he was sitting at two o'clock in the afternoon with his third brandy-and-soda in
his hand, and feeling quite drunk ...

The sadly contemplative biology instructor had been maudlin all week, plagued
with feelings of doubt and guilt over what had taken place up in the hills with
the English teacher from school. Damn! He was such a fool! He'd wanted her
almost from the first time they'd met, his loins firing with sexual need every
moment they were together. With an experienced man's instinct for such things,
he felt she was as attracted to him as he was to her; and more, she was as
sensual as she was provocative. Considering what he thought she was like, he
couldn't blame her for reacting like a feline in heat to him--but neither could
he be angered over her sudden switch back to modesty. Who could respect a woman
otherwise? Christ, she was a voluptuous, curvaceous female; but so was a whore.
He wanted a woman who was sensitive to affection and discerning in her choice of
men, as well as being beautiful to look at.

Roger sighed, scratching the head of his large German Shepherd dog beside him
before taking another deep swallow of his drink. Christ, if his blatant
pressuring hadn't shocked Miriam enough, his impulsive proposal for marriage
must have really jolted her. Hell, it had jolted him! What had ever possessed
him to ask such a thing? Did he love the blonde-haired English teacher, or was
it merely a bad case of the "hots" for her? Well, until he'd made love to her he
wouldn't know if he was in love with her ...

He smiled thinly at the idea. He'd had all sorts of dirty dreams lately about
fucking Miriam half to death, but he could see plainly that he wouldn't get
another chance to score with her soon the way things were going. He'd sat down
with one brandy-and-soda in an effort to calm his misgivings about seeing her
again. He'd had no thought in mind about getting drunk, but as he'd mulled over
the way Miriam had obviously avoided him all week, he had allowed the one drink
to flow into a second, and then into this third. It was past two o'clock in the
afternoon already; he was late for his date with her; and at the rate he was
swallowing the brandy, he might not get there at all.

Last Saturday, she'd told him not to apologize any more, but he knew that she
was still upset and troubled, and he figured it had to be over his stupid
actions then. A half-dozen times during the school week he had set out for her
office after one of his classes to say once again that he was sorry, but
something of pride always seemed to stop him halfway there. What bothered him
were her so-called "reasons" she'd refused to give, and all her crap that they
did not concern him. Horsepucky! If her reasons, whatever they were, were
stronger than her affection, then she was obviously not that interested in him.
Why the hell should he be crawling around on his knees? She wanted to keep their
relationship at a distance, then damn it, he would treat her as an object, not
as a woman whose feelings must be considered!

"Right, Buck?" he said to his German Shepherd. "You don't give a damn if the
bitch is a collie or a husky, so long's you can climb on her and stick it in her
hole, right?"

The dog barked as if he understood, and wagged his tail thumpingly against the

"But Miriam is a human being, I'm afraid," Roger Trenton sighed regretfully. He
sank back in his chair with his drink pressed to his lips. Sure, he could get as
righteous as he wanted to, but he knew deep down he was only kidding himself.
Miriam was much too beautiful a person for him not to be more tender and
understanding toward her. He was acting overly impatient, considering he'd known
her less than a month. Perhaps in time, if she was willing to open into a warm,
intimate relationship with him, they could find a mutual, shared love and trust

"D-Dad?" an anxious young voice called to him.

"Mark?" His father turned around in his chair to survey the boy embarrassingly
standing a short ways away. All of Roger's thoughts about Miriam evaporated with
one look at his stricken child, for he saw the pain in his expression and the
puffy rings around his eyes. "Why, Mark, you've been crying!"

"Yeah, I ... guess I have been," Mark replied, his chin trembling as he tried to
hold back a fresh stream of tears.

In spite of his mind feeling velvety from all the liquor he'd consumed, Roger
was immediately concerned. He'd been both father and mother to the boy for so
long that there was nothing he wouldn't do to help him. He straightened up and
said: "Come here, son. Something's bothering you."

"You ... you won't get mad at me? No matter what?" the boy said in a fearful
whisper, taking a hesitant step forward.

"Hey, don't mink that, son. We've been too close for you to believe such a
thing. I'm your pal, remember? What happened? You flunk a test?"

"Ohhh," Mark suddenly burst into tears, and he crushed his young body to his
father, almost upsetting the brandy glass on the table. "Oh, Dad, I've done
something awful!" The youth was a quivering, guilt- ridden soul. He hadn't slept
a wink all night, constantly thinking of how he'd left poor Mrs. Dodge sprawled
naked and her legs wide open back in the gym. How could he have allowed such a
thing to happen when he loved her so much? Now he'd hurt her, and he didn't know
what to do or where to turn except to his father. It had taken most of the day
to screw up enough courage to tell of what he'd done, but he had to do it and
hope his dad wouldn't hate him or turn him over to the police. He couldn't go on
living feeling this bad, not another day!

Roger was terribly upset over his son's behavior. His first off-hand guess that
Mark was troubled over school work was wrong, he could see-- besides, his child
was too level-headed for that. He tried to recall his own teenaged days and what
had been the source of his problems, and recalled that they had almost entirely
been over puppy-loves. Well, Mark was growing up; it was time for him to
experience some of the agonies of budding sex.

"Hey, I bet I know what it is," he said jocularly, keeping a smile on his face
to show encouragement and understanding. "It's about a girl, isn't it?"

"Y-yes, in a way. A ... a woman. A grown-up woman," Mark sniveled helplessly.
"Mrs. Dodge, m-my English teacher. I love her, Dad, I really love her!"

Roger was gripped with the wildest temptation to laugh out loud. How normal! How
perfectly innocently natural, and to top it all, Mark thought he was in love
with none other than Miriam! But one look into his son's pain-flecked eyes and
he knew that to laugh now would crush him to the core. Instead he soothingly
said; "Well, don't feel bad. She's a lovely woman, Mark, and I bet half the kids
at school have a crush on her."

"But ... But they didn't do what I did to her," Mark groaned.

"What was that, son?"

"I ... I ..." Mark took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes closed together as
though expecting an executioner's ax to fall. "I ... I raped her!"

"You what?" Roger dropped his jaw open like it was shattered glass. "You did
what to Mrs. Dodge?"

"Me and Jo--me and some buddies, we made her drunk at the dance last night," the
boy uncontrollably blurted out. "We got her up to the gym storage room, locked
the door, and then made her lie down all naked on one of the mats. Then we fu--
then we took turns on her, over and over, in her snat--down between her legs and
sometimes even in her mouth! Then we left her there, lying like she was dead.
Oh, I don't care if she wanted us to do it to her, she didn't at first. I hurt
her, Dad, I know I hurt her plenty!"

She wanted us to ... for some reason that phrase burned deeper in Roger
Trenton's brain than all the others of his son's confession. He felt as though
he'd been struck over the head with a baseball bat and his breath knocked
totally out of his lungs. Christ, he'd heard rumors about Miss Flannigan but
he'd chalked that up to gossip. Boys loved having fantasies about being man
enough to make love to a woman, and a desirable woman like Miriam would replace
old Flannigan on this new year's list with no trouble at all. But this was his
own child telling him! God ... was it possible? Mark ... with Miriam, his
Miriam! His insides churned with the lewdness of the very idea, but it was too
wild a story not to believe!

"Now you're mad at me! I can tell! You hate me now!" Mark struggled against his
father in his effort to break free, but Roger held his son tightly to him in a
firm but gentle grip.

"No, son, I'm not mad," he said, trying to calm him. "I ... I simply was shocked
for a moment. I ... I don't understand, that's all. I mean, you called it rape,
but--the way it sounds to me--"

"But I forced her to do it with me," Mark blubbered helplessly. "It wasn't like
last Sunday, when she was nice and kind and told me she was my new Mommy ..."

"She ... she said she was your mother?" Roger gasped in a hoarse whisper. Good
God, what had that woman been up to with his boy?

"Y-yes," Mark said, trying desperately to explain things and make them better.
"When I saw her playing with herself in her shower, she took all my clothes off
and then we got on her bed, and she wanted me ... wanted me to ..."

"Fuck her!" Roger blurted, before he realized that he was talking to his own
son. "She wanted you to fuck her!"

"Uh-huh," Mark nodded, wiping away his tears with one tiny balled fist. "It was
the first time for me, and ... boy, did it feel good! It felt good when we all
did it to her last night, too. That was kind of fun, but I know I hurt her deep
down inside her heart. And I love Mrs. Dodge like I love you, Dad. That's why
you gotta do something, Dad, you just gotta!"

Roger felt seething anger begin to boil up inside his chest. Christ, she'd
seduced his own son the day after she'd coldly turned him down. The gall of that
bitch! He looked at his tearfully pleading boy, feeling at a loss to know what
calm and rational advise to give one so young which wouldn't harm his growing
mind further. Yet all the while he tried to contain the increasing flames of
resentment and bitterness that were licking higher at the alcohol in his blood

"Son, you didn't rape her," Roger said slowly, carefully. "If Mrs. Dodge wanted
you to make love to her last Sunday, then she's the type who'd want you to do it
again to her last night. You said yourself that after a little while she did. I
bet it was just that there were so many of you boys that she was scared at

"Gee, you think so?" Mark whimpered eagerly. "You think maybe she doesn't hate
me, and maybe I could go see her again?"

See her again ... to fuck! Roger swallowed thickly, gazing at his young boy
seeing for the first time that despite his tender age of fourteen, Mark had been
forcibly wrenched into the beginning stages of adulthood, whether ready for it
or not. So he doubted that the experiences would shatter his development--but
now, what could he tell his son? Not to ever see Mrs. Dodge again because what
had been done was dirty and sinful? He himself had tried to get into her
panties, hadn't he? Mark would see right through his lie, and much of the trust
he'd tried to bridge between their generations would be lost. He had to play it
straight and honest with his child, as he'd always done with him ...

"Tell me, Mark," he said after a moment, "would you want to continue making love
to Mrs. Dodge if she wanted you to?"

"Gosh yes!" The lights of hope and love sparkled in the youth's dark eyes. "Gee,
Dad, you're really swell. You understand! Do you think you can make things right

"Let me think ..." Roger relaxed against the back of his chair, patting Buck
with one hand idly while he sipped the last of his brandy with the other. He had
to protect his son ... but it was too late for much of that any more. Mostly, he
wanted to punish Miriam. He wanted to punish her so cruelly that she'd never
forget. Half-drunk, smarting with righteous indignation at the way he'd been
taken in by her phony front of modesty, Roger Trenton suddenly was filled with
an insane desire to fuck that bitch like his son and all his buddies had fucked
her. What a fitting retribution for the shameless little child molester, he
thought wickedly ...

"Son, Mrs. Dodge kept saying she was your mother, didn't she?"

"Sure, but we both knew she was only make-believing."

"Well, make-believe or not, how about all three of us going over to her house
now? You, me and Buck. After all, if she's your mother, then I'm her husband,
right--? and husbands have their rights too, you know!"

"Oboy! You mean make it a family affair?"

"That's the ticket, son ... if you don't mind me sharing her with you."

"Gee, Dad, how could I mind that? I think it would be great if you could love
her as much as I do! And Buck too!" he added innocently. "I'll put on a clean
shirt and we'll go!"

He raced excitedly to his bedroom, leaving his father smirking with his
smoldering, liquored emotions. In the momentary silence? Roger was beginning to
feel a doubt, wondering if he could really do such a terrible thing to Miriam.
But then he thought of what she had done to Mark already, and he knew that he
had hit upon the perfect answer. A bitch she was, all right ... he would follow
through and exact his revenge, debasing her in front of Mark's eyes forever. A
harsh lesson, he mused as he scratched the large Buck's furry ears. But a proper
one befitting the crime ...

* * *

Miriam Dodge's Saturday had been one of the most miserable she could ever
remember. Now, alone in her house, she had spent the time since she'd awakened
at noon by weeping silently. The painful and disgusting recollections of her
depraved ravishment by those three sadistic boys last night kept sweeping over
her tormented mind, their vivid images flashing over and over in torturing

She wrapped her thin, pale-blue nightgown tighter around her body, hugging
herself with her arms as if bitterly cold. Her whole naked form beneath the
flimsy, semi-transparent gown shivered in the throes of convulsive tremors as
she tried desperately to shake the lewd memories which filled every inch of her
heart and head. She knew that she should be overwhelmed with remorse and
repugnance, but she was not--and that was the most horrible part of all,
frightening her more than all else combined. For her returning nightmares were
not so much of the vicious horrors that had been done to her on the smelly mat
in the storage room, but rather of her own indefensible submission and lewd
performance ...

Her obscene rutting with those three nakedly abandoned aged fourteen boys,
egging them on and demanding more of their virile young penises hard in her
belly and mouth ... her cumming, cumming, continual cumming ... her awakening to
find herself splayed nude and soaking wet where she'd been heartlessly discarded
when they'd taken their fill of her ... God, her body had been a mass of bruises
that had centered around her breasts and inner thighs. Her flesh had been rubbed
so raw that this morning she'd been too sore to dress, and even the soft nylon
gown pressing against her skin was enough to send sharp waves of pain shooting
through her body. She had dazedly gathered her clothes and slipped them on
despite her agony at their touch, and managed to clean herself up before leaving
the room and stumbling back to the cafeteria. The dance was about over and
Harlow Cartwright had been searching for her. He had grudgingly accepted her
excuse of having suddenly fallen ill "with the flu", though one good glimpse at
the heavy lines marring her preciously fresh skin had been enough for him to
raise an eyebrow of suspicion. But she had remained silent, never hinting to the
principal or his ugly wife what had actually taken place.

And, she promised herself as she sat now in the chair, the appalling truth would
remain locked in the confines of her soul forever. To expose the whole sordid
affair could only add to her troubles, the publicity of the lurid details
opening the door to full disclosure of all her previous sexual perversions. No,
she was emotionally ruined for life, but at least she still had a chance to run
... run again, as she always had when uncovered for what she was.

Before this day was through, she vowed, she would find the inner strength to
dress and pack her suitcase. She would drive out of Logansville and never, ever
return. She would compose a letter of resignation and mail it on Monday from
some far-off place, the sacrifice of the money owed her worth the pain of
another moment in this hellish town.

Her only dread was that Roger Trenton would show up for their day-time date
before she had time to pull herself together. There could be no good-byes with
him, for although she had come to realize that she truly loved the older man,
she had to hide the sickening facts from him more than from anybody else. It
wouldn't be fair to make him or his lovely son Mark suffer for what was
essentially her own doing, her own miserable failings. God, she had to get
started ... but somehow, she couldn't seem to find the will to lift herself out
of the chair.

There was no more question whether she could trust herself or not. It was
obvious that she couldn't stop herself from following her perverted desires once
the evil urges beckoned.

No pledge or promise had been able to endure for longer than a few short minutes
when faced with lewd temptation. God, what would happen to her later on? At this
rate, what would be her end?

A thundering racket snapped Miriam from her tortured thoughts. She realized
after a shocked moment that someone was banging his fist violently against her
front door.

"What ...? Who's there?" she called out fearfully.

"Open up, Miriam!"

"Oh!" Miriam gasped as she recognized the voice of Roger Trenton. Roger! He was
already here! And he sounded so angry! God, had young Mark confessed to him? Had
he seen something was wrong and pried the horrid truth out of the boy? She stood
beside her chair, afraid to open the door.

"You want all the neighbors to hear what I've got to say to you, Miriam?" came a
ferocious yell. "Open this goddamned door before I break it in!"

She unlatched the door against her will, afraid of what he might do or say if
she didn't. "What do you want?" she asked hesitantly, opening the door a crack
... and then she was roughly thrown back against the wall as Roger burst his way

"Shut up," the furiously glowering man sneered at her. She could see he'd been
drinking again, his face all reddened from his heavy dose of alcohol. "All
right, son," he called over his shoulder. "Come on in and bring Buck with you."

"Oh no!" The blood drained from the tormented woman's face as she saw young Mark
Trenton and the giant German Shepherd walk into her livingroom and stand beside
Roger. If there had been any question, the slightest doubt why Roger was here,
the sight of the boy and his dog vanished it from her mind. "Oh God, no," she
moaned again, looking back up into the savage face of the man she loved. But
Roger was no longer that sympathetic, compassionate lover. He was a stranger
now, his features cruelly twisted into lines of ruthlessness, mirroring his
desire for revenge and punishment. He knew ... he knew what she had done!

"Roger, darling ... please listen to me," she whimpered up at him, her words
sounding pathetic and useless even to her own ears, "Let me explain, please ..."

He walked over to where she stood almost naked, and stared down at her with
hard, contemptuous hatred in his eyes. He did not speak, only a silent, rage-
filled expression lining his anger-contorted lips.

Miriam quivered in her fear and shame. "Say something, Roger, say something,"
she prayed to him in desperation. She didn't know him now at all, and her
humiliation was replaced by the fear that he was going to kill her. She almost
wished he would.

"You fucking, kid-sucking bitch!" He spat the words so harsh and cruel that she
winced beneath their impact. He leaned over and grasped her thinly clad
shoulders hard in his hands, digging his fingers deep into the softness of her
cringing flesh. "How many other little boys have fucked you since we've met?" he
rasped. "Your whole English class? The whole goddamn Freshman football squad?

He closed his hands tightly around her throat and pulled her mouth harshly to
him. But the sudden movement and the savage pressure of his hands on her throat
caused her to jerk her face away.

"You bitch," he snapped. "I didn't hear that you were squirming away from Mark!"
He slapped her hard, flat across the cheeks, jerking her head to the side so
hard she thought certainly he had broken her neck. She tried to twist away from
his madness, but he only slapped her again, this time across her other cheek.

"Roger! Roger! You're killing me! You're killing me!"

"Not that way, I won't," he laughed cruelly down at her. "I have a better way of
making you wish you had never been born! Take off your nightgown, Mother dear
... or should I call you my wife? Yeah ... take off that nightie, wife and get
bare-ass naked!"

"Please, Roger," she sobbed mournfully. "Please don't make me. Not like this in
front of Mark!"

"Why, you slut! He's seen you naked more times than I have. And he's fucked you,
remember? I'm the one who hasn't had that pleasure before! Now, strip, I said!"
he snarled viciously, and suddenly gripped the front of her loosely tied gown.
He gave the thin material a twisting wrench, and her nearly transparent flimsy
gown was open down the entire front of her body.

She could feel a cool rush of air slide beneath the opened cloth and begin
caressing her naked flesh beneath. Her hands rose automatically to cover her
exposed nakedness, but she dropped them quickly away as she realized that there
was no more use in trying to hide. Roger was right; he and his son had seen
everything she had to offer. Even the dog, Buck, had watched her naked on a
blanket. Sobbing more quietly, she stood in passive defeat as Roger Trenton
pulled the gown from around her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She
trembled in her humiliation, totally nude in front of everyone she had ever
cared about.

"On your knees, wife," Roger commanded from beside her. "Get down on the floor.

What else could she do? she thought, then suddenly felt the smarting whack of
the enraged man's hand upon her buttocks. "Do as I say, Miriam," he snickered
lewdly. "A husband's word is law!" Another resounding painful smack stung at her
backsides, and she almost leaped as she hurried to kneel and obey his maddened
commands. She helplessly cowered in front of his wide-spread legs, but as she
looked up at him pleadingly, she suddenly gasped for breath.

Roger Trenton was unbelting his pants with almost feverish haste. He dropped his
shorts and slid off his pants, throwing them and his shirt in every direction.
Within seconds he stood towering over the stricken, terrified woman, his naked,
muscular body gleaming softly in the dim room's lamp-light. Miriam's eyes
trailed down his maturely developed chest, and groaned abjectly as her panicked
gaze locked upon his erect penis. She had felt it in her hands and on her inner
thighs before, up there on the picnic blanket the previous Saturday afternoon.
But now she saw its length and breadth for the first time, and its enormous size
filled her with dreaded awe. In comparison to the little teenage boys she'd
known--even in terms of her ex-husband's normal size-- Roger's throbbing fleshy
hardness was monstrous! She could feel her insides cringe at the thought of
trying to accommodate even half of it. He grinned luridly down at her, enjoying
her openmouthed terror, and dropped one hand to lightly stroke the heavy
foreskinned shaft when he caught her stare fixed upon it.

"Like it, my bitch of a make-believe wife?" he leered with vulgar delight. "I
think this will satisfy your hunger where lots of younger boys have not!"

"Roger, you ... you can't do this to me!" she whispered weakly, aware that
little Mark was standing by. "My God, you'll kill me. I can't take a thing like
that up inside me!"

"Yes," Roger smilingly taunted down at her. "You are, Miriam. Or would you
prefer me going to the police?"

"Ohhhh," she groaned, hopelessly sobbing. Tears now streamed in flowing wet
rivulets down the sides of her cheeks, and despite her gripping terror, she knew
she would give in to him. She knew she had no choice even with his fourteen year
old son watching. "Oh, God, then do it to me quick, and get it over with.
Please, Roger, please ..."

Roger gazed down at the moaning, pleading woman, and something inside his heart
began to soften his savage sense of hurt. Damn, Miriam was so luscious, so
curvaceous. He had only to look down at the distorted expression of pain and
suffering which twisted her lovely face ... and at the way she pressed her
thighs back from his expected assault ... and he knew deep down that unwillingly
he was weakening to her charms again. He realized belatedly that much of his
anger at what Mark had told him was envy at the thought of the beautiful woman
being fucked by his young son's cock; that he was as jealous as he was enraged.
He knew that now to be the truth, and he felt a little twinge of shame mixing
with his burgeoning raw lust for her.

"No, my make-believe wife," he said in a slightly softer tone. "No, I'll try and
make you love it, even if it takes me two weeks to do it!"

He dropped to his knees beside her, pushing her backward with his hands upon her
softly trembling breasts, until she lay spread out flat on her back upon the
spongy soft carpet. Miriam closed her eyes tight again to close away the shame
and fear of lying under him stripped naked and defenseless against his cold
cruel gaze. The further humiliation of having young Mark standing there watching
her like this momentarily made her want to scream. She opened her mouth in
torment, but was too paralyzed with guilt to make a sound. Instead, all she
could do was lie still, with her thighs wide apart, her breath coming so fast
she felt as though her lungs would burst. Her belly quivered and heaved as
though he already had the long thick cock extending out from his loins sunk deep
inside her belly.

Roger bent over her prostrate body, fastening his teeth harshly into the nipple
of her heaving left breast. She groaned in pain, attempting to twist away from
the sudden sharp torture, but his hands, playing over the softness of her thighs
and hips, held her tightly to him. His lips and tongue roamed wetly over the
palpitating mounds, and though she tried to stop the feeling, a tiny tendril of
sensation unwantedly descended feather-like to her naked loins below. God, she
couldn't be reacting this way to a full grown man now even in the smallest bit!
It was insane! But as he continued the slow tortuous licking of her flesh with
his tongue, a blissful little twitch made her buttocks begin a slow, hardly
noticeable grinding down into the rug.

"I'm going to fuck you," Roger moaned as his lips caressed over the soft
sensitive skin of her breasts, his eyes still hard and cruel with the greed of
his desire. "I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. I want
little Mark to see you twist and squirm when a man-sized cock sinks into your
baby-loving little cunt. I want him to hear you beg and scream for me."

Miriam lay frozen under the prodding of his obscene words. Their very lewdness
seemed to excite her a tiny bit more, but again she thought of how he wanted to
merely use and humiliate her, and the beginning desire vanished from her mind.
To lie beneath the man she'd thought loved her as nothing more than a receptacle
for his lewdly gushing sperm and lust was a thousand times more degrading than
even the three young boys' rape of her last night. The hateful mauling of her
body by a father whose young son and huge dog eagerly were viewing was too much
for even her to take! She could never respond passionately to him; she knew she
couldn't! She would submit because she had to, but only in tormenting pain ...

Suddenly Roger slipped down on the carpet beside her and wrapped his arms around
her naked body, pulling her tightly to him. They lay pressed together, his rigid
cock insinuating all the way through her soft inner thighs and trapped on the
other side between the crevice of her fear-clenched buttocks, his lips clamped
wetly over hers. He moved his loins hungrily against her hips, and then she felt
his long, sensitive finger slowly smoothing down their naked bodies to teasingly
find her throbbing, tight vaginal mound. He dipped a little lower, down between
the soft, hair-fringed pussy lips, spreading them open against her will to tease
her tiny clitoris. Miriam couldn't hold back a soft mewling cry from the
tingling sensation, and as she parted her lips, he thrust his tongue deep inside
her saliva-moist mouth. She groaned around his long wet tongue with helpless
despair, futilely trying to keep control of her perversely rising emotions.

Then, without warning, the older man rolled her over so she was lying on top of
him. "It'll be easier on you if you ride up and down on my cock," he murmured
huskily. "Kneel on either side of my hips, and ride me like a pony. Come on, do

Miriam complied without hesitation, knowing full well that he would only hit her
again if she defied him further. She levered up on her arms, her long blonde
hair flowing down over her head and sweeping the naked man's chest, her breasts
swaying sensuously with their erect little nipples lightly touching against his
skin. She kneeled, straddling with her thighs splayed widely on either side of
Roger's hips. She could sense his hardened penis pointing directly upward at the
finger-moistened slit of her pussy.

She thought of what was going to follow, and tossed her head from side to side,
tears streaming down the delicate conformity of her cheeks. Through her tear-
blurred eyes, she could see him holding the length of his cock in his hand and
taunting it up against the spread pink flesh of her cunt with its hardened
blunted head. The immediate contact of its satiny warmness against the tingling
skin of her vaginal opening instigated unwanted little carnal sensations which
instantly spiraled upward through her naked loins. But then ...

"Uggg," she breathed as she felt the first harsh pressure against the tight
elastic opening of her widespread cunt lips.

"Oooohhh, no, Roger, you can't! It's too big, too big!"

"Just relax," he panted with a sadistic lewdness. "You don't want Mark to think
you don't like men, do you?"

He wrapped his hands tightly around her twisting waist to hold her securely atop
his cock. Then he pushed upwards again, harder between her cuntal lips.

"Stop it! Oh, please, Roger, stop itttt!" she cried out as the tip of his penis
slipped through, stretching cruelly the tight rubbery opening until Miriam felt
as though her thighs were splitting apart from the relentless pressure. She
jerked her eyes open in fear and pain and saw his triumphant grin. Oh God, he
was tearing her in two and enjoying every moment of it! He and Mark and even the
dog, Buck--they were all sadistically watching with joy as she suffered above
the slow remorseless penetration of her defenseless loins!

Suddenly the grin on Roger's face faded, and a contorted expression of sheer raw
lust replaced it. He would stand it no more! He had to fuck her now! He felt the
overpowering need to possess her, and wondered if it were a sign of love. Damn,
at this moment, he would even be willing to marry her, just to fuck her!
Savagely, he thrust his hips up off the rug, and at the same time, with his
tightly cupped hands pulled her smooth curvaceous buttocks down over his long,
thick cock.

"Arrrgghh!" she screamed at the top of her voice as she felt his raging fleshy
hardness slice deeply up inside her excruciatingly stretching cunt. There was no
stopping him, his throbbing hardness pushing the soft moist flesh of her vaginal
walls in lewdly rolling waves before it.

"Oh God!" she groaned. "You're splitting my cunt!"

She had never been so filled in her life, and his cock felt as thought it had
ripped her vagina in a thousand tiny shreds as he speared into her without mercy
or thought of injury.

There wasn't one tiny ridge on it that she could not feel as it sunk tight into
the soft flesh of her belly, like a blade enclosed in moist warm sheath.

Roger lay still for a moment, his face directly below hers. God, she was tight!
The crazy thought came to him that perhaps she had lied to him, and she had
never been married before. Maybe the only fuckings she'd had before were done by
boys like Mark! Well, if that was the case, then he'd marry her and fuck her to

Miriam, too, lay immobile, afraid to move for fear of the pain it might bring.
Neither made a sound for a long moment, and then suddenly she felt a throb deep
up inside her stomach, the thickness of Roger's cock jerking up another half an
inch as he flexed inside her vagina.

"NNNNngggg," she grunted breathlessly, her face contorting with the throbbing

"So how does it feel to have a man inside you instead of a little boy's prick?"
he tormented below her, flexing again.

"Aggg," she groaned deeper this time, the cords of her neck standing out from
the pressure of her resistance.

"I said, how does it feel with a man's cock inside you?" He flexed again,
grinning up in lewd delight at the pained expression on her face.

"Ohhh, I love it, I love it," she cried, afraid to offend him. The pain was just
too unbearable.

"Beg then," he hissed contemptuously.

"Ohhh, I can't! I can't," she prayed above him. "Not with little Mark here!"

"Beg me to fuck you, bitch!" he repeated. He throbbed his huge, lust- hardened
member deep up inside her quivering belly again. "Beg now and show him what a
real cunt you are!"

"Ohhhh, Roger, don't make me, please!" She fought with all her strength and
courage to escape this one further humiliation. This, she knew, would be the
final surrender. It was the only thing she had left. He had taken all else; her
love for him and his son, and the love they held for her in return, even what
little self-respect she had left-- everything was gone. She couldn't let him
have the pleasure of hearing her beg too. She just couldn't!

"Beg, you bitch!" he demanded, savage fire burning in his eyes. "Let Mark hear
you beg me to fuck you!"

"Ohhh, God," she sobbed, her resistance broken by the pain and helplessness of
her position. "D-do it to me Roger," she managed to whisper. "Do it to me."

"Not like that bitch," he demanded, "Say fuck me."

"Oh, fuck me," she hissed through clenched teeth, tears gushing from her eyes as
she spat out the lewd, obscene word. Her shame and degradation were complete
now. She was a filthy whore now, nothing better than a dirty gutter whore!

The bitter words bored into her mind like evil omens of the future. She was
lost! Lost! He had taken everything that was left of her and crushed it with
unfeeling cruelty. There was no hope left, nothing, nothing but the huge, fleshy
hardness buried deep inside her burning vagina.

Roger sensed the loss of this last remaining ounce of resistance left in her
soul, and digging his finger harshly into the skin of her waist, he began a
slow, rocking motion up between her wide-stretched thighs. He felt her tight
narrow cuntal passage involuntarily widen with each short smooth stroke he took
and heard her cry and groan in helpless defeat as she surrendered above him. It
was rhythmic music to his ears! Even though she fought him, positive in her own
mind that she could never sexually enjoy a man, he was convinced that there was
a latent hot streak beneath her surface that simply had never been turned on
before. The brutal ravishment of her body when she'd been young and innocent ...
the warping teachings by her frigid mother ... no wonder Miriam had turned to
boys for her needed release! Well, he'd stripped her down to nothing but her
naked soul, and perhaps he could now rebuild her into a raw, squealing mass of
unrestrained desire. He'd do his damnedest to fuck her until he turned her on,
he vowed--and this was just the beginning!

Miriam thought he was going to rip her in half and his battering penis would
bore up through her lungs and come right out of her mouth. She gurgled crazily,
suddenly wanting it to hurt. She wanted to be punished like the dirty bitch she
was, and viciously she began to screw her cunt down over his unmercifully
rampaging cock, attempting to destroy it while it too was killing her. There was
no longer any reason to fight the lewd flames of masochistic desire coursing
through her blood. She had lost the battle against the obscene man's angry rape,
and even the agonizing thought of her total surrender sent chills along the base
of her spine. Her body began slowly to respond as it never had before as she
felt the slow rhythm of Roger Trenton's cock skewering wetly up inside her. New
delights were racing through her with every upward lunge he made. God, what was
happening to her? Then she knew, and deliriously she accepted her new
experience. She was being ignited by an older man at last! Whatever he'd done to
her, Roger had found the key!

Her whole body started to twitch and writhe above him and she moaned
uncontrollably as she lowered her head and shoved her tongue with sudden
complete abandon into the moistness of his mouth. Low hums of servile acceptance
came in torrents from deep in her chest, her face contorting with her new-found
passion, a light sweat breaking out on her forehead under the flowing strands of
her soft blonde hair. She could feel the throbbing wet hole of her pussy
flowering open to receive instead of reject his cock, the pain of taking a man-
sized penis up between her legs slowly fading for the first time she could ever
remember. Her eyes were closed and her tongue worked and slaved down into his
mouth as small mewling sounds of velvety pleasure rumbled from her throat. Yes
... God, yes! This is what she had been waiting for! There was no longer any
thought of resisting him ... of anything but the delicious sensation of kneeling
above this man who was fucking her against her will and giving back to him what
he was giving her.

"I love you, Roger Trenton," she gasped when she raised her face for air. "I
never thought I could love a man, but I do. I love you, darling! I love you!"

Roger could only listen and marvel at the words of sweet surrender which were
flowing from her glistening lips. He hardly could believe his ears! Less than an
hour ago, he'd been a savage, punishing brute, but now he was her pleasure-
giving lover! Miriam was offering herself to him ... all of herself, body and
soul, if he wished to have her.

He trailed his hands over the soft curves of her naked body, and felt the long
smooth muscles beneath her tanned silken skin ripple lightly from his hungry
touch. He felt the warm, moist walls of her vagina gripping at his buried
hardness deep inside her belly, and his brain spun wildly from his heady, erotic
victory over her nakedly splayed body. Christ, he possessed her! He really did
... and now he knew that no matter what. he loved her too!

Miriam flattened her knees out so that they pressed against Roger's muscular
sides. She slid lower and lower on his long, thick penis, moaning with newly-
discovered rapture all the way down until she could feel his sperm-bloated balls
pressed tight up into the open crevice between her asscheeks. Then she lifted
herself up on her knees so that his lust-engorged cock, gleaming moistly from
her secretions, came slipping into Mark's view watching from behind. With a
softly dreamy sigh, she drove her thighs back down again, ramming the whole of
his wet fleshy hardness deep up inside her until its head battered against her
cervix. The now deliriously excited woman abandoned herself to all the searing
sensations she'd never thought could exist for her, sliding rhythmically up and
down over her lover's penis until she felt as though she could almost cum by
just her own gyrations.

Unable to stand by and watch the passion-inciting scene another moment longer,
young Mark Trenton jumped up from where he'd been crouched behind his father and
Mrs. Dodge. He'd been told by Dad on the way to his teacher's house to wait
until he was called, but staring at every tiny thing that had been happening had
goaded the youngster's mind beyond endurance. His lean young loins blazing with
desire, Mark quickly shed his clothes and rushed around to kneel beside the
straining couple's tightly clasping bodies. He reached out and cupped the
woman's naked dancing breasts, teasing and kneading their proud round firmness
until it seemed as if they would burst from his fascinated manipulations.

Miriam became aware of the boy's movement near her head, and she moved her face
up, opening her eyes. She could see Mark rubbing the taut full moons of her
breasts, his slender youthful penis jutting erectly from his loins with his hot,
innocent excitement. She gave a small gasp of protest, feeling momentary pangs
of guilt and shame, but then she felt Roger quickening his thrusts, hot and
pulsating and deep, and she groaned in abandoned greedy passion.

"D-Dad?" the young boy anxiously asked. "Gee, I'm going to shoot it off on Mrs.
Dodge's back if I can't do something soon."

"Put your cock in her mouth, then, son," his father said from below. "Have her
suck you off while I fuck her."

"No," Miriam protested momentarily, the humiliation of being pummeled between
father and son flickering lewdly through her mind. "No, that's not right ...
Ohhh, God!"

"We're a family, wife-y dear," Roger grinned maliciously up at her, taking
obvious satisfaction from her distress. "Go on, son. Stick your cock inside your
new Mommy's mouth!"

Mark gripped his hardened boyish prick in his hand, and moved around so that its
rounded virile tip grazed against Miriam's moistly glistening lips. "Suck me,
Mrs. Dodge," she heard the boy pant delightedly. "Like you did Joey's and Don's
last night! Oh, suck me, Mommy, suck me toooo," he moaned ecstatically.

Miriam's unconscious mind rebelled against the lewdness of orally accepting the
darling boy's delicious young flesh. She fought her desire to surrender to Mark
as well as his father, but her body had already betrayed her will to resist. The
only reality was the searing fire that was burning deep in her throbbing pussy,
the flames licking out between her thighs, crying to be drowned by the
tormenting man's penis fucking faster and faster up between their wetness. She
couldn't fight her all-consuming lusts! She loved the both, and was totally
theirs to do with as they wished!

With animal-like groans of passion, Miriam reached up with one of her hands and
began to stroke young Mark's jutting prick. She hovered near him on all fours,
her face a scant few inches from the throbbing moist head of his hardened virile
penis. She held it tightly between her fingers, stroking it teasingly up and
down until his slender loins were undulating in time to her maddening rhythm.

Her head dropped slowly forward to the fleshy penis of the boy, and suddenly her
tongue flicked forward, the tip boring tauntingly into the wet tiny gland at the
end. Mark sucked in his breath from the delightful contact, chills rippling
along the back of his spine, a groan passing between his lips. She brought her
mouth down all the way with a moist, warm, pressure, her lips tightening like an
elastic band around it just below the sensitive head, trapping it completely
inside the warm wet cavern of her mouth. She massaged the soft resilient skin of
his youthful testicles gently with her hand as she began to suck with stroking
rhythm the entire length of his hardened rod of flesh.

"Christ!" the boy groaned, staring down at his teacher's passion- contorted
face. "Christ, Dad, this is the greatest!"

Miriam could feel his throbbing reaction and began to suck his slender penis a
little harder, the tips of her teeth digging gently into the hard resisting
flesh, leaving small white trails where they had scraped the blood from beneath
the surface of the skin. Her tongue swiped furiously around and around the
growing gland as she felt her own loins nearing the bursting point from Mark's
father's rigid shaft pumping deep up in her cunt from below.

"Harder, Roger, fuck me harder lover dear ..." she chanted in muffled rhythm to
his long hard strokes. She wanted to be ripped apart by the two buffeting
Trenton males. Great huge waves of delightful sensation swirled through her. Her
entire kneeling body was growing ... growing ... ready to explode ... burst into
a thousand colored fragments between the twin cocks which were fucking her
simultaneously, her body sandwiched between them as though she were skewered all
the way through and their cockheads were touching on the instroke somewhere
deep, deep up inside. She sucked wildly on the prick surging into her mouth, and
thrust her loins down, screwing herself on the thick pistoning cock splitting up
into the walls of her vagina below. Yes ... Oh God, yes ...! This was heaven! If
only it would never end! If only there was more!

And as if in obscene answer, she heard Roger hissingly order from beneath her,
"Buck! Here, boy! Come here, Buck and hump her in the ass!"

Miriam choked back a frightened gasp, the blood suddenly icing in her veins.
God, what was he trying to do to her? No, oh no, he wasn't meaning for that
great huge dog to ...! Her mind whirled frantically and she moaned with rising
horror around the thrusting boy's slim cock in her mouth as she heard the German
Shepherd trot closer from the corner in which he'd been waiting.

"No, Roger! Oh god, don't let him fuck me too!" she moaned around young fourteen
year old Mark's cock in her mouth. "Please, don't let Buck do anything!"

"Relax, Miriam," Roger chuckled with salacious delight. "I love you, Miriam, but
you're a bitch at heart. A bitch in heat, and besides, consider this all in the

"Ohhh noooo!" Miriam moved to close her thighs, but the dog stood and growled
viciously as if in warning. She froze in her lewd fucking position--thighs
spread wide over Roger's hips and with her legs drawn in against his ribs. She
didn't dare move as the huge beast growled menacingly over her, his great
panting head just above her defenseless, upturned buttocks. "Roger! I'm afraid!
He'll hurt me!"

The man below her laughed again in obscene desire. "Don't worry. Buck is trained
well. He won't harm you--as long as you do as he wants!"

The giant German Shepherd lowered his head to the helpless woman's smoothly
upturned buttocks and sniffed them appreciatively. His tail wagged and trembled
as though he had truly found a bitch in heat. Miriam moaned in terror as the
cold nose suddenly made contact with her tiny, puckered anus. She tensed as his
tongue snaked out and licked wetly up and down, the tip curling and licking
around the hair-fringed softness where Roger's penis was inserted and then
moving wetly up to the burrow slightly in her outer fleshy anal ring. For a
moment she tried to squirm away, but the dog growled again and Roger's hands
grasped her tightly around the waist, impaling her immobile upon his rigidly
thrusting cock.

"That's it, Buck," Roger urged excitedly. "Now lick her! Go on, lick the little
bitch's pussy slit and asshole!"

The dog began to greedily lap his narrow pink tongue between her thighs. He ran
his tongue wetly the full length of it, from the tight- filled pink edges of her
cunt up to the tiny, sensitive little circle of her tightly puckered anus. His
great tongue spread through the soft, hair-covered valley like a knife through
soft butter, curling and flicking relentlessly between Miriam's wide-spread
buttocks. She jerked spasmodically as she squirmed under the Shepherd's lapping
and sniffing of her loins, shuddering and chilling from the lewdly evil
stimulation he was forcing her to enjoy. He worked like the savage beast he was,
and his rutting lust was slowly driving her mad, his merciless tongue lashing
her to servile defeat. The huge tongue was crushing her resistance with its
vigorous and unrelenting attack upon her sensitively responding genitals for
interminable minutes.

Miriam's body became lost in the fire of the moment. Every muscle in her body
was tensed as she strained her hips back against that maddening probe between
her buttocks. Oh God, the dog's tongue felt good back between her legs! She had
never expected it could be like this, that an animal could bring such feelings
from her body. Her love for Roger and his son incited her further. Her updrawn
thighs opened and closed around the tormenting cock that was still fucking
gluttonously up into her flame-seared vaginal hole. The lips of her mouth
clasped tighter as she sucked with all her might around the excitedly sliding
young prick of Mark before her.

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!" she moaned, splaying her legs wider and higher to give the
magnificent dog greater access. "Mmmmm!"

Then she heard his master's voice command: "Fuck her Buck, fuck her!"

The huge German Shepherd leaped to obey. He mounted the spread mounds of
Miriam's buttocks, paws on her back. His glistening, scarlet penis slipped wetly
from its furry sheath, its tapered point sliding and dancing in her hot, wet
anal crevice as the animal trembled and jerked over her naked body. The narrowly
expanded crevice was visibly throbbing in lurid invitation; the wet moist furrow
held wide apart by the pressure of her thighs pressed tightly down against
Roger's hips. Miriam could feel the hugeness of the dog's fleshy hardness
jerking between her wide-spread ass cheeks, insinuating itself up and down, up
and down, in a maddening search for some hungry hole in which to thrust the
heavily throbbing point of his animal cock. But where? Where could Buck fuck
her? Roger was already in her cunt ...

"Reach back around and put his cock in your ass," Roger commanded suddenly. "Go
on, reach back and put it in your asshole!"

God, no! Not there! Not in her rectum! To be sodomized by a giant German
Shepherd! That would be the ultimate of degrading perversion! But strangely, the
tiny bit of whore in every woman broke forth into a tingle of masochistic
excitement. She suddenly had to have it in her! Her belly was screaming for it!

She took her hand from young Mark's testicles and reached down underneath the
grinding flesh of their bodies to grasp the full length of the dog's heavily
pulsating cock. Her tightly closed fist stroked it softly in reverence. She
could feel the spasmodic throbbing against her palm and the moistly seeping
liquid of excitement trickled from the blood-inflated tip. She guided it up the
valley of her buttocks, not letting it lose contact with her flesh until it was
poised at the pinkish round hole of her puckered little anus. She held it there
with her one hand drawing with all her strength to pull it into her rectum. God
yes! She wanted the dog to fuck her in the ass!

"Yes, Buck, fuck me there," she mumbled through her cock stretched lips as the
beast thrust his giant penis in an urgent probe against her for several seconds,
trying to lodge itself into the tight, straining anal hole.

And then Buck did.

With a growl of bestial delight, he jerked forward and she felt a slight pop at
her anus--and then a sudden pain so unbearable that she twisted and groaned,
trying with all her strength to get away. She no longer felt human as the huge
dog-cock slithered far up into her rectum, pushing against the bottom of her
belly inside. She jerked back up at him, trying to throw him off, but as she
jerked up, the dog rammed down and imbedded his thick, rock-hard penis all the
way to the hilt in the soft flaccid tunnel of her anus.

"Ugggg, God!" she grunted in pain.

The triumphantly smiling Roger Trenton leaned his head up off the carpet, his
emotions still mixed, and hissed near her ear! "Like being fucked in the ass by
a dog, honey?"

And that made it a million times worse, to know that her every reaction was
being watched and enjoyed by another man and a fourteen year old boy. His words
and victorious smile was mockery and insult to her, droning on until some of the
pain in Miriam's rectum from the giant dog's entry began to ease a little.

But then, "Uggggg!" she grunted as the dog began fucking into her in a frantic
humping rhythm. His giant animal cock seemed like an unrelenting fist pummeling
into her mercilessly, expanding with each thrust down into her tightly gripping
rectum. Miriam could feel the monstrous animal cock racing brutally into her
raw, torn backsides, and she strained back against the grinding assault,
groaning incessantly as the pain slowly subsided. A masochistic pleasure slowly
replaced the searing firebrands of pain that raced from her totally filled anus
to the rim of her own still dutifully sucking mouth. Her rising sensations of
overwhelming lust were fed by the very helplessness of her lewd squirmings
beneath the rapacious dog. The German Shepherd fucked inhumanly into her
hopelessly impaled rectum, giving her no respite from the growing pleasure
building--building--deep in her belly.

It was alive in her! The hard rubbery tip pressing up against her stomach lining
inside, the thin folds of flesh between its length and that of Roger's cunt-
imbedded cock, the tickling hairs of the dog's testicles brushing in the crevice
of her buttocks ... they were all part of her! She was one with them ... and in
spite of her pain, her tongue involuntarily began sucking even more hungrily at
the youthful hardness between her lips. Her nostrils flared again, drawing in
the delicious pungent scent of the excited boy's genitals deep into her body,
and it mingled there in a strange erotic marriage with the feelings of the two
throbbing cocks lodged deep in her soft white backsides. They all seemed to roll
together into one great fiery ball of aching hunger for more. Her cunt
contracted around the older man's penis as the lascivious sensations raced
through her flesh.

Miriam's body felt itself coming to life now. The pain had receded to where she
could only feel a maddening electric fire that burned uncontrollably deep within
her backsides. It seared relentlessly through the raw nerve ends of her flesh,
licking through her cunt and anus and dancing across the milky white flesh of
her widely splayed buttocks, spreading up through her greedily contracting belly
and out to the tips of her pink palpitating nipples, which peaked into hard tiny
buds. Thin rivulets of sweat rolled down the sides of her full pulsating
breasts, which were sensitive to even the brushes across Roger Trenton's heaving

She rotated her thighs from side to side around the two fleshy impaling cocks,
her vagina and anus dilating in time to their harshly pumping thrusts. They felt
as though they were fusing deep up inside her bowels with the young boy's penis
fucking her mouth, becoming one with all her being. They had crawled into her,
had become a part of her! And she was one with them! She and Roger and Buck and
darling Mark--they were all one fleshy mass of wild erotic sensation, merging
magically together by their love and nakedly locked genitals!

"Fuck me!" Miriam hissed through her sucking lips. "Oh God, all of you darlings!
Fuck me harder! Fuck me until I can't stand it anymore!" The fire licking
through her body was fanned yet-hotter by the knowledge of her sheer
helplessness and the obscene position in which the three were holding her. She
drove on unheedingly, almost ready to cum and unable to stop. Sweat was pouring
from her writhing naked body as she strove wildly for her end--an infinitesimal
second away.

"Hot bitch, hot bitch," Roger Trenton beneath her mumbled over and over as he
ceaselessly rammed his blood-filled cock deep up into her mucous lined cunt. He
could feel the white hot cum building up inside his bloated testicles as they
beat hard against his own upturned buttocks. He was ready to explode!

"I ... I'm cummmmiiiinnngg!" he groaned wildly, and Miriam could feel her
insides splitting painfully apart as the head of his deep-sunk penis suddenly
flared into a hugeness that threatened to split her in half. It began to spurt,
and she could feel his delicious hot white liquid shooting into her like streams
of hot molten lava into the cavern of her pink quivering passage. The hot walls
of her pussy milked spasmodically as the boy's father continued to spew out his
completion, filling her womb and foaming out the contracting fleshy lips around
the base of his cock.

She was being driven insane!

She couldn't let it stop!

"Oh fill me too, Mark!" she groaned incoherently around the young cock fucking
crazily in her mouth. "Cum in my mouth. my darling!"

Fourteen year old Mark Trenton groaned over and over again; his hips working
crazily as he felt his own moment had finally arrived. He could feel his fresh
virile sperm begin its mad dash along the full length of his glistening, pumping
cock and begin to suddenly spurt out in hot thin surges into her hungrily
sucking mouth. Her cheeks expanded and hollowed fish-like as she swallowed the
warm flooding gushes to keep from choking. She went on sucking wildly as he
emptied his youthful sperm deep into the wetness of her throat. His hands
tangled cruelly in her hair, holding her head to the throbbing of his loins as
he shoved his squirting hardness as far up inside her widely ovalled mouth as he
could. He moaned his last and grunted finally in complete fulfillment, his cock
deflating slowly between her lips. But still the woman continued her gentle
sucking, drawing every last drop of the warm boyish seed from his slender prick.

"Oh, God ... oh God ..." she shivered beneath him, her face contorted in an
unrecognizable mask of wild abandoned passion. "I'm cumming ... I'm cumming!

Miriam screwed her buttocks insanely back against the dog so that his penis
bored far up into the expanded rubbery recesses of her rectum. Her breasts
heaved and quivered down against the skin of Roger's sweat- gleaming chest, the
tiny hardened nipples brushing across his skin like little diamond chips. The
giant animal's tongue hung from his mouth as he pantingly fucked into the waving
buttocks from behind, saliva dripping from his jowls onto the gleaming sweat of
her naked back. She screamed again and rammed harder against the dog just as he
jerked forward and his cock began spitting its burning semen in hard thick
spurts deep in her greedily clasping anus.

With a deep-throated groan, Miriam began to vibrate uncontrollably as she could
feel Buck's animal sperm shoot deep up into her gratefully welcoming belly. Her
head whirled in depraved sensuality as the thin, powerful squirts surged wildly
up into her open bowels, her smoothly rounded buttocks contracting spasmodically
as the hot wet passage of her rectum squeezed desperately at the jerking cock.
Thick white fluid oozed from her tightly locked anal muscle, and small trails of
his warm wet animal cum trickled slowly down between her thighs to mingle with
Roger's cum and her own orgasmic secretions. Her backsides glistened, displaying
soaked pubic hair and pink flesh, as, nearly unconscious, Miriam slowly rolled
off the three now-limp penises which had so completely filled her every orifice.
She lay half comatose between the sprawled naked bodies of Roger Trenton and his
son, her legs falling open loosely from the warm sense of total satisfaction
which flowed through her lifeless flesh.

The German Shepherd stood above her, wagging his tail in obvious satisfaction.
In a last act of obscene depravity, he dropped his head to the wide-spread split
of her loins and licked at the white sticky liquids flowing from her still
quivering cunt and anus. He gulped at it hungrily until at last there was no
more, and Miriam was entirely clean along the crevice of her buttocks. Then he
lay down contentedly between her open legs, his giant head gently nuzzling into
the soft, blonde- curled slit of her dually ravished pubic mound.

Chapter 6

Slowly, Miriam Dodge's senses began to return to her, and her warm glow of
contentment began to fade as she remembered that at last she'd been fulfilled by
a man ... a man who hated and despised her. Roger had conquered her, and she had
truly given herself to him and his dog ... to anybody he'd wished, his hold over
her was so strong. But it was too late for her. With returning bitterness she
knew that he dominated her out of vengeance and fury, not love and compassion

"Gee, Dad," she heard young Mark gasp in a trembling whisper. "That was too
much! Wasn't Mommy great, fucking all three of us at the same time?"

Miriam cringed, waiting for the blistering sarcasm she was certain would come
from his father's lips as soon as he realized the boy called her "Mommy".

"She sure was, son," Roger sighed in reply. "She's the finest Mommy you could

Miriam was struck dumb by Roger's gentle words. Unable to stop herself, she
stared unashamedly at the handsome older man, and saw an infinite amount of
tenderness in his expression as he gazed back at her. She opened her mouth to
speak several times before she managed to say anything at all.

"But ... But, I'm not really Mark's mother," she gasped. "I mean ... you hate
me, Roger. You hate me too much to let him call me that."

"I did," Roger Trenton confessed. "When I came here, all I wanted to do was hurt
and punish you. But not any longer." He looked at her with passionate eyes.
"Darling, I love you."

"And ... and I love you, my dear," Miriam confessed.

"I want you to marry me. I want you to really be my wife, and be a mother to my
son. We'll be the happiest family in the world!"

"And we'll do this every night?" Mark gasped delightedly.

"Twice on Sunday!" his father promised.

"I'll suck for you, my two wonderful men," Miriam exclaimed. "And fuck, whenever
you want me to ... and even when you don't."

"Oh ... Oh, and Buck, too?" Mark asked excitedly.

"I promise!" she whispered in return. "All of us together!"

"Then you'll marry me, Miriam?" Roger joyously questioned. "You ... will ... and
always be our own forever?"

Miriam sighed, her heart pounding powerfully against her chest. God, how
fulfilling her life would be! It was going to be beautiful for all of them! Yes
... everything had turned out right after all! "Forever," she fervently

The End
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