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PB-373 Sister's Horsey Urges
by Paul Gable

Chapter 1

Jackie Granger stood behind the wing chair, nervously eyeing the clock above the
fireplace, listening to the steady ticking that seemed to grow louder and more
irritating with each passing second. It was difficult for her to be here, away
from the familiar things of her house; here with her sister Evelyn, and Evelyn's
two daughters and one son.

Evelyn had meant well, inviting Jackie up here to the high chaparral country
after Jackie's marriage to Doug had fallen to pieces. Evelyn was trying to be a
good sister, an understanding woman comforting the spurned wife. But little if
anything could take away the terrible bitterness souring Jackie's life. And the

Even here, Jackie felt deserted, isolated from even her close sister! How could
she tell Evelyn that all this comfort bored and irritated her! Worse - it made
the moist, crawly feeling in her heated cunt seem more itchy and overwhelming
than ever!

Jackie curled her fingers into the green brocade material, her knees braced
against the back of the chair, trembling against one another. It wouldn't be so
awful if there were some reason for her horniness. But there it was, that sly
feeling of sexual arousal, that throbbing itch that ached its way through her
pussy, making her slick cunt-walls buckle now and then, while her clit began to
rise slowly from the surrounding slick flesh. There was no way she could deal
with this - not here, not in front of her sister and her nieces and nephews!

What was worse, Jackie thought, was that dog - that ... that awful German
Shepherd, slinking around the big, two-story, white wooden farmhouse, eyeing
her, even touching her at times with his tongue. There was something in his
stare, something in his eyes that made Jackie think he was laughing at her. It
was silly, she knew.

But Jackie thought there were times when the dog showed more than a slight
intelligence, especially when her sister, Evelyn, was looking the other way.
That was when he touched her with his nose, rubbing it against the soft spots
behind her knees, licking her ankles and bringing a hot, itchy rush to her
pussy. Then she had to close her eyes and push away that sensation with what
seemed to be a physical effort. It left her panting - panting nearly as heavily
as the animal stalking her through the house.

Jackie shook her head, closing her knees together while squeezing her ass-
cheeks. It was nice, very, very nice, to feel that subtle, slick rub of one
cunt-lip against the other as she rocked her thighs back and forth. A hot dew
dotted her cunt-hairs. Maybe she should have a drink. Some Scotch might take
away the need to have something - something or someone - touching her pussy.

Doug! That was the one and only thing he was good for. Whatever he was, her ex-
husband was a super-pistol in the sack, always fucking her, always satisfying
her in the most exotic of ways. Even now, the tall, firm-titted blonde had to
admit Doug was a master in the ways of fucking. It was just all the other things
- the unemployment, the infidelity with her best friend's daughter, all the
other lines - that finally drove her from his side.

Now she was fine, away from the turmoil of her bad marriage. Alone, and lusting
after her sister's large black and white German Shepherd. The bitter irony of
all this made Jackie set her teeth firmly against each other, drawing in a deep
breath and wishing her newly adopted family would come back from the theater
soon. At least, with people around, Jackie was relatively certain Bodego
wouldn't try anything.


The sound! She knew all too well what that sound was! The light clatter of his
claws against the kitchen floor, the skitter of his paws as he approached the
living room.

Jackie tensed, her heartbeat increasing so much that she thought she would have
a stroke. The attractive, trembling woman didn't want to turn, didn't want to
face the doorway leading to the darkened corridor. She knew Bodego was standing
there, watching her, wondering if she were ready to capitulate to him.

This is silly, Jackie thought. A dog! A damned dog doing this to her! She was
acting as if she were some teenaged deviate, thinking about satisfying her cunt
when she had had one of the best lovers in the western world. Perhaps she would
walk right by him, up the stairs to her small room, and sit in the corner,
thumbing through some magazine until her sister arrived. Then she would announce
she was driving back to Los Angeles, back to her apartment where she would lead
the swinging life of a single woman.

Jackie turned her head, letting out a bitter laugh. Behind her, she could hear
the dog creeping into the living room - that slow, padding sound drawing
delicious tingles from the stretched skin around her stiffening nipples.

Jackie looked again at the clock, trying to remember what her sister had said
about returning. Ten? Eleven?

The dog was behind her now, sniffing at her. She could hear him, hear his black
nostrils wrinkling, smelling her hot pussy! The thought of Bodego whiffing her
itchy cunt made her pulse increase a hundredfold!

Jackie was scratching her long nails against the brocade material of the chair
now, breathing in short, shallow pants, wondering what was going to happen next.
She and the German Shepherd had never been alone - not like this. Not with so
much time for something to happen between them.

Just that thought, just the idea of something possibly going on between her and
that handsome animal behind her, made Jackie more vulnerable, more acceptable to
the thought of letting Bodego touch her. She thought of orgasms, climaxes, all
those wonderful things that followed being fucked by a handsome, stud-like man.

Jackie ground her teeth, letting out small, wild sounds as Bodego inched closer
to the backs of her legs. Jackie closed her eyes, half of her praying the dog
would somehow disappear from her life, the other wanting to feel the slick touch
of his tongue against her flesh. Her cunt-lips crinkled together, the juice
deliciously dampening the electric-blue crotch of her dampened panties. Bodego
licked over her skin, licking a silvery path of spit from her ankle up to her

Jackie shivered, and her knees buckled under that wonderful, delightful touch.
She smiled weakly with relief, as if some difficult decision had finally been

"Bodego, this is wrong! Please, please, go away!"

The dog wasn't fooled. Even as she told him to get away, the woman could hear
the nervousness in her voice, the lie that was so obvious.

But could she go through with something as bizarre as this? she wondered. She
had heard about women doing this sort of thing. But wasn't that in Mexico? And
wasn't that for a considerable sum of money?

Jackie's knees trembled as she turned toward the beast. There he was, his legs
braced against the shag carpeting, his bushy tail wagging, his pointy ears
cocked forward, picking up the slightest sound she made. He tilted his head to
one side, his long, pink tongue hanging out over the pointy fangs lining his

He looked friendly, even harmless. But there was something in his eyes, that
look Jackie had thought of earlier, that told her he had something else besides
doggie biscuits in mind.

"This is impossible!" she whispered hotly, putting one icy hand to her forehead
and feeling just how hot and aroused she was. "This isn't going to work. It just
isn't going to work!"

Bodego pushed forward, sliding his tongue over her flesh again, arousing a
desperate cry of delight from the confused woman. She leaned heavily against the
chair, her tits pillowing against the back.

The crawling, itchy feeling between her thighs had turned into a sensation of
burning flame. She wanted to feel Bodego touch her there, there between her
white, shivering thighs. She wanted to feel his warm fur rubbing up against her
flesh, his paws braced against her hips instead of the carpeting, his mouth
dipping down into her blonde, drippy cunt-thicket between her legs. She want him
to lick her into ecstasy.

Doug had done that - had eaten her cunt, making her cum several times before
squeezing his fat hunk of cock-meat into her pussy. How she would squeal at
those times, wondering why the neighbors in the next apartment weren't hammering
their fists against the wall in anger. Perhaps they had been listening, growing
excited while she and her husband fucked late into the night. She would imagine
that at times - all the apartment tenants fucking with the same desperate tempo
as she, cum splashing around like waves while she and Doug enjoyed each other.

And now there was that beast below, licking her, nudging her. What did he want?
Jackie wondered. Was she supposed to get down on her hands and knees like some
bitch and wag her naked ass in front of him? Or, more sensibly, should she just
pick up her pride and stalk from the room, leaving Bodego panting while she kept
her sanity?

"Stop it, Bodego! You can't touch me like that! It's just not right."

Eleven-thirty! That's when her sister said they would probably be home. And it
was only nine forty-five! There was plenty of time, more than enough moments for
her to ... No! What could she be thinking of? Perhaps that glass of Scotch would
be in order now.

Standing behind the chair had been a kind of refuge for her. But now, Jackie
moved toward the bar, her eyes on the amber bottle of liquor. Bodego barked,
moving around, pushing her back with his head, butting it between her shaking

Jackie's mouth opened in surprise. He was growling - not a mean growl, but one
of excitement, one of lust. She felt her skin crawl, as if a million insects
were inching all over her flesh. She struggled back, one leg striking the side
of the coffee table. Jackie let out a sharp cry, feeling her balance go as she
pitched back and wound up on her ass with a back-shaking thud. Bodego took
advantage, jumping on top of her.


Jackie tried squirming away from him, her heels dragging over the ugly, green
shag carpeting her sister had been so proud of. The big German Shepherd followed
her, licking her ankles, nuzzling his mouth against her toes.

Jackie let out another groan, her feet slipping from her sandals as she scooted
back on the carpeting. She couldn't believe this was happening. She had to get
away from this, or surely she would lose her mind. Making love to a stranger
she'd picked up in a bar would be one thing. But - her sister's pet German
Shepherd? It was almost laughable.

Gathering her wits, Jackie began to get up off the floor. Bodego growled,
bringing his head around and grabbing her by the ankles. She could feel his
teeth sinking into her flesh, the slick lick of his tongue over her skin. The
woman let out a gaspy breath, shuddering as she collapsed back to the floor.

"No, Bodego! This is ridiculous!"

He had pawed her dress well over her waist, his paws touching her thighs while
his mouth pushed up against her panties. She could feel his snout rubbing
against her briefs, pushing the damp nylon crotch into her pussy. The resulting
sensation was shockingly good. The silky rub of her panties against her cunt-
walls, the touch of the dog's big, furry head against her inner thighs - it all
made Jackie feel wanted, warm and excited all over again.

A sudden weakness made her fall back to the floor, her knees still raised and
bent, while her ass moved slowly, sensuously from left to right. She was
enjoying this very, very much! Bodego. His tongue. The touch of his mouth
against her cunt. The touch of his body against her legs. It took her breath
away as the big German Shepherd continued licking up and down her crotch.

Her panties were so wet, and they stretched thin against her bloated pussy-lips.
The woman could feel every slight lick of his tongue against her pussy. It was
as if she wore nothing - had no protective wall between her cunt and the
animal's mouth. She brought her arms to her sides, scratching the carpeting
gently with her fingernails as that airy, hot, tight itch grew into a pulsing
ache between her raised legs.

"Bodego," she whispered, surprised at her confusion, as he threatened to lick
into her cunt. His panting turned into savage growls once again. She knew he
wanted more, more than he had right now. The dog wasn't satisfied just sniffing
and licking.

Bodego moved around, twisting his head, opening his mouth against her closing
thighs. She could feel the pressure of his jaws parting as she folded the soft,
white flesh of her legs around his head. He was ripping her panties off! Having
opened his mouth, the animal bit into the nylon material, tearing it from her
ass and cunt.

Jackie cried out. She tried squirming away from Bodego, but his weight was
keeping her down. She just couldn't seem to get her balance to crawl away from
him. And there were his growls, sounds that frightened her. He was bent and
determined to strip the briefs from her thighs, no matter what.

In his excitement, Jackie thought, he might bite her and cause real damage. She
let out a groan of defeat, her arms stretched out from her body, crucifixion-
style, while the dog continued to tear the blue nylon from her body. In the end,
only shreds remained over her ass and belly.

Jackie could feel the velvety wetness of her cunt exposed now. Modestly, Jackie
threw both hands over her pussy, trying to keep the throbbing, hot, swollen
mound of cunt-flesh from the animal's licking tongue. Bodego jumped up a little
higher, his paws striking her belly and knocking the wind from her lungs. He was
facing her now, on her level. The feeling was one that frightened the woman
terribly. Moving back, he braced his paws on her thighs, the claws making her
flesh cringe under his scratchy touch.

His nose pushed into her hot, wriggling cunt-mound. Jackie cried out, her face a
mask of extreme joy as she licked her dry lips and wormed her ass against the
smooth, fuzzy carpeting. The dog enjoyed her excitement as well, whining in
appreciation, wriggling his body back and forth.

Jackie knew she should have thrown him off and run for the stairs. But the
feeling was so good, so wonderful, just like Doug used to make her experience
when he fed on her pussy. A hungry animal. That's what she used to laughingly
call him as he fed on her cunt. And that's exactly what was happening - a hungry
beast was eating her cunt, licking deep into her pussy, drawing up those
delicious, musky-tasting juices.

"My God ... ohhhhh, this is so good, good! I'm going to die!"

She was opening her cunt to him, pulling her dress up and gathering it around
her waist while moving her feet back and forth over the carpeting. It felt good,
it felt sexy, having the piling tickling the sensitive spots between her toes.

Bodego was going crazy over her cunt, tongue slopping over the tender, inner
flesh of her thighs. Jackie tensed them, the tendons bulging against her spit-
flicked skin, each time the big German Shepherd touched a particularly sensitive
spot. Breathing was becoming difficult for the rutting blonde. She spiraled
higher and higher, climbing to that moment when she would lose this world in
flashes of unspeakable delight.

"Bodego ... oh, my God! Wonderful, wonderful animal! Wonderful ..."

Bodego was all over her body, wetting down her belly, drawing his tongue up
toward her tits, then moving back down to her cunt and licking into her hot,
clasping pussy-folds that were dripping with juice. When he touched her clit,
drawing his tongue over her tiny sex- button, Jackie thought someone had stabbed
her in the cunt.

She jerked, her legs kicking out while her ass squirmed. Clawing at the
carpeting, Jackie drew her knees back together, trapping the lapping dog's head
between her legs. She was hot, very, very hot! His touch was doing all this to
her, turning her into some wild beast.


She groaned with delight. She felt his tongue slopping over her pussy, each
touch bringing more and more juice from her fuck-hole. It was wonderful, wet
friction, one that made her push her knees apart more and more until her cunt-
lips unstuck once again.

The dog lapped at her pussy-lips. He had quieted suddenly, as if he wanted to
study how this strange, noisy female was put together. He nuzzled his black
snout between her cunt-lips, sniffing at her, tasting her, touching her.

Jackie felt his long, pink tongue petting around her inner cunt-lips, petting
her clit, petting her everywhere. She shuddered with a fervor that swept over
her again and again.

"Yes, doggie, yes! Do it to me! Oh, Bodego! Oh, Doggie! Fuck me with that

Bodego screwed her with his marvelous tongue until he drew yelping cries of joy
from her! She was shuddering as if twisting and writhing in a spasm. She could
feel his hot breath rustling through her soppy cunt-curls as he drenched her
pussy again and again with his marvelous tongue.

"Bodego, Bodego ..."

Jackie shivered, the hunger of her body forcing everything from her mind except
the desire of making the aching pleasure between her splayed thighs better.
Nothing but want and desire were left in her.

Moving her hands around her hips, she felt the two bones, then she pushed her
hands close together until her fingers met over her pussy. She felt her hot,
slick cunt-meat throbbing under her spit-slicked cunt-hair. Over it all was
Bodego's tongue, licking up and down, touching her pussy, then curling under her
palms as if trying to get at her asshole. It was all so marvelous, all so new!

Jackie let out another cry, pushing her legs up and out while the dog continued
to feed on her cunt.

Chapter 2

Jackie thrust her ass upward, leaving it trembling in the air as she rubbed her
fingers through the animal's dark black fur. She liked the feel of his body
against her flesh - the sensation of fur against flesh, the touch of his tongue
against her cunt-meat!

Slowly, Jackie lowered her ass to the floor, feeling the soft touch of the
piling against her ass. Bodego followed with his mouth, never drawing his tongue
away from her trembling, dripping cunt. The woman felt with her fingers the
steamy, squishy swamp between her legs. Bodego kept loving her with his tongue,
touching her cunt, licking at her until the woman thought she would surely pass
out from all this goodness!

"Oh, oh, Bodego ... oh, wonderful doggie ... yes! Oh yes, lick me there!" Jackie
whispered to the dog, bringing her hands up and cupping her tits. How hot and
heavy they felt. She wished she could take off her dress, slip out of her bra
and let the husky German Shepherd lick her nipples the way he was caressing her

But the happy, panting woman was too involved with what was happening to her
now. She didn't want to frighten the beast! She didn't want to take any chances
of letting him go, now. Not now, when his tongue was slowly moving up her ridged
tendon, touching it ever so gently, leaving a long, silver trail of saliva on
her flesh.

Jackie bit her lower lip until she could taste blood, feeling the delicious,
scratchy sensation of the carpeting against her asshole. Back and forth, back
and forth, the animal's tongue licked, purposely avoiding - it seemed - her
pussy for the moment.

Jackie groaned, throwing her head back while licking her dry lips. She stared,
wide-eyed, at the white ceiling, listening to the clock chime the hour. Bodego
drew his tongue back down her thigh, back down her white slab of quivering flesh
toward her cunt. The woman held her breath, feeling every nerve ending straining
upward for the beast.


That touch! That wonderful, light touch of the dog's tongue against her clit!
She shook her head, feeling the splash of her hair across her flushed face.

Jackie scooted down, bumping her head against the back of the chair. Spreading
her legs a little farther apart, drawing her knees up until they were nearly
touching her belly, the woman invited Bodego to do more with her, to go farther.
Jackie was a desperate woman, rutting freely, saliva bubbling from the corners
of her mouth and streaking down her chin, while cunt-juice frothed from her
pussy and slicked the dog's tongue.

Bodego seemed to love the taste of her juices! She heard him smacking his lips
again and again while he paused for a moment. Then he would go back into her
pussy, bracing his paws against the rounded curves of her ass-cheeks while
curling his tongue into her hot, soppy cunt-hole.

Jackie knew she was getting close, really close to climax! She could feel her
tiny pussy-muscles getting hard, really hard, nearly as hard as the prick she
guessed was sticking out from between the animal's hindquarters. She tried
raising her head, but another powerful spasm shot through her cunt, weakening
her, as if she were no stronger than a baby.

"Bodego ... oh, God! What are you doing to me, you wonderful, wonderful dog?"

Jackie moved her hips in a soft, fucking motion, jerking them up toward the
animal while tensing her thigh and ass-muscles. It was the best thing she had
felt in such a long time - since her awful divorce nine months ago!

"Uhhhh, oh th-there, Bodego! Oh, God, God!"

Jackie went crazy, jerking her legs apart as if someone had touched her with a
sparking electric wire! One leg folded over the other, as if protecting her
cunt. Bodego growled, wedging his head between her moving thighs while he dug
his paws furiously around her now-hidden cunt.

Jackie groaned, her face contorted with lust, as she made jerky up-and- down
movements with her ass. Rolling onto her side, she drew her knees up to her
tits, flailing away at the air with her curled fingers, feeling her cunt on
fire. Close.

Have to hold back, have to ...

Jackie told herself that again and again, not wishing to cum right now, not when
she was experiencing the best fuck since her marriage. She breathed deeply, her
chest heaving with each inhalation, while she uncurled her legs and stretched
them in front of her.

"Yes, Jesus in heaven! Oh, God! God, it's so good, so goooood!"

Bodego was wedging his head more powerfully, more forcefully, between her
clenching thighs. She could feel the threatening touch of his hard, crisscrossed
fangs against her flesh. He wanted her cunt back against his tongue, back
against his mouth!

Jackie flipped her legs back over her head, more certain of herself now, moving
her legs back until they were nearly parallel to the floor. Bodego licked the
very bottom of her ass with his hot tongue, lapping back into the split of her
ass-cheeks until Jackie could feel his bubbling saliva oozing down her crack
into her shitter. It was a delightful feeling, a sensation of being completely
overwhelmed by the powerful, growling animal. It was a feeling she liked, one
she was cultivating as she opened her cunt once again to the tongue-fucking
German Shepherd.


Her clit was burning steadily from the constant lapping friction. It seemed as
if Bodego were determined to make her cum, no matter what. Jackie felt incapable
of rolling away from him a second time. His weight was pinning her to the floor,
while his wonderful, delightful tongue was raking pure, keen pleasure from her

Jackie let her knees fall out to either side of her squirming, spit- slicked
body. The tension from that awkward position opened her pussy- lips all the way,
until her dark, wet cunt-meat was completely exposed to the dog's tongue. Jackie
gasped and babbled to the dog as he raped her with his mouth. Bodego whimpered
louder, more insistently, bracing his sharp claws against her ass and burrowing
his tongue in her pussy all the way.

It was when the stiff tickle of Bodego's fur against her thighs nearly made her
cum, that Jackie realized she needed more from the animal than just his tongue.

"Oh, oh, doggie! Oh, God, can I go through with it?" she whispered, pressing her
cheek against the carpeting.

All sorts of images raced through the woman's mind as she lay there on the
living room floor, her body halved by the big dog's tongue. Trying to catch her
breath, Jackie thought of how she must look - half-naked, her dress curled up
around her waist, her legs spread-eagled while her body was covered by the

A sharp, achy sting bit into her clit, making her body twitch once again. She
thought of how she might look - crouched down on her hands and knees, her head
tucked under her arms, her white ass wriggling while the dog slowly crawled over
her and held her down. Then he would fuck her - fuck her like a street bitch,
driving his cock into her cunt again and again, until she came in yelping fits.

"No! Oh, no. Good. Good, good dog," Jackie panted, rolling her ass back and
forth. She tried to suck in enough oxygen through her burning nostrils to feed
her pitching body.

She had to do it. She couldn't let herself cum this way, not after she had been
fucked so well and so professionally by her ex-husband. She had to have
something more than that lovely friction burning her up. Gasping, shaking the
loose hair from the corners of her mouth, the blonde woman took Bodego's head in
both her trembling, white hands and stared him in the eyes.

"You're going to fuck me, you understand, Bodego? Yes, you're going to climb
onto me and ... oh, what am I doing to him?"

Jackie laughed, tossing her hair about lightly, feeling good for the first time
in months! Jackie glanced at the big clock and saw she still had nearly one hour
to satisfy herself. That would be more than enough time to reach the heights she

"Uhhhhhh! Oh, doggie ... oh doggie!"

Bodego struggled free of her grip, twisting his head away and diving back to her
cunt. He was feeding on her pussy-meat greedily, rolling his tongue in, slurping
it around and around, touching her cunt all over until it was all Jackie could
do to keep from climaxing in his mouth. And when he rubbed his fangs against her
cunt-meat, she exploded, her legs kicking in, the balls of her feet striking one
another hard, while another powerful spasm exploded in her clit.

"No! No, not yet! Oh, God!"

She felt the big muscles in her ass and thighs cramp. Jackie knew she was
shivering on the feverish edge of her climax. It couldn't happen now - it just

"No, Bodego, leave me alone with your tongue!" she said as sharply as she could,
pushing the cunt-hungry animal away with both hands.

Jackie knew she had to move quickly or Bodego would be back on her pussy, trying
to stick his tongue up her cunt once more. She couldn't take anymore. She would
cum. She folded one leg quickly over the other. He was going to fuck her in that
crouched, doggie position. She wanted it - wanted to be bent over that way. She
wanted to be fucked by the animal while he held her around the belly, and fed
his cock into her pussy from behind, his claws raking her skin.

"Come on, boy! Come on, fuck me! Fuck me, now!" she whispered.

Jackie was on her hands and knees, her knuckles whitening while her knees
scraped over the carpeting. The clock above her chimed the quarter-hour, the
steady bongs rattling around in her confused head as Bodego sniffed her upturned
ass. Jackie had gathered her flowing dress around her belly, still keeping her
ass and cunt freely in view. The dog let out a little yelp, nuzzling his muzzle
again between her buttery cunt-lips.

For a moment, Jackie thought he was just going to lick her again in this
position, and she felt a stab of disappointment through her soul. Then the woman
felt his paws scratch inquisitively against her naked, white ass! Jackie bit her
lower lip, bobbing her ass up and down invitingly. She felt the tentative touch
of his paws against her ass- checks, the feathery touch of his tongue. Jackie
thought she would scream from the frustration of waiting. Her heart was in her
throat as she crouched there, praying to God that Bodego would finally come to
his senses and fuck her.


Jackie felt Bodego's paws on the rounded tops of her ass-cheeks. He was leaning
forward and about to climb atop her. Jackie groaned, closing her eyes until her
eyelids wrinkled as she fought back the desire to cum.

She remained still as Bodego climbed forward, his paws scratching maddeningly
along her sides. Once or twice, the big animal snagged his claws in her dress.
But he pursued his goal, groping his way along her body until Jackie felt a very
hot and long and thick cock bumping blindly against her cunt-crack.

Bodego was whimpering with confusion and frustration now, indicating to Jackie
that he was unsure of what to do. She could feel the jerky movements of his
hindquarters rubbing up against the backs of her legs. His prick was sliding up,
but not into, her cunt-crack. A woman was built differently from a dog, but
somehow, Jackie had thought the animal could fuck her easily.

Jackie began lowering her ass, then raising it and tilting it forward, doing
everything she could think of to ease the animal's cock into her pussy. She was
about to reach back and put his hot, knobby cock in her cunt, when Bodego found
just the right angle and struck forward with the force of a Pershing missile.

Jackie squawked, her head snapping back, her fingers curling into the dark-green
shag carpeting while her knees nearly left the floor from the force of Bodego's
fuck-thrust! His cock was actually in her cunt, pushing his cockmeat down hard,
shoving it into her cunt.

"Uhhhhhhh! Oh, doggie! Oh, doggie! Fuck me, doggie! Need that cock! I wanna
cock! I wanna cock!" Jackie moaned as she rutted freely under the German
Shepherd's fucking thighs.

Jackie was going out of her mind. She bucked back against the animal, feeling
his angry-red cock poking against the sides of her pussy. All those delicious
little bumps and knobs were rubbing up against her cunt-walls, stimulating the
nerve endings, making her gasp. Her cunt was filled, actually filled, for the
first time in all these months.

The feel of the German Shepherd on top of her, his body pressing against hers,
his paws scratching along her sides while his big, furred head nestled between
her jutting shoulderblades, was too much to bear. Jackie lowered her head,
swallowing hard while flexing her thighs and bucking back a second time. She
shifted her hips from side to side now, droplets of perspiration breaking out on
her forehead from the effort of fucking with the dog.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Jackie cried out each time Bodego slipped his cock into

He fucked in and out, in and out, making the woman wriggle her slim, pert ass
faster and faster. Jackie couldn't believe the way that hot, slick friction was
warming her cunt, making her clit quiver right on the brink of climax. There
wasn't going to be any holding back now. She was going for the gusto all the
way, loving the sensation of her pussy being caught on his stabbing prick, as
Bodego worked his cock in deeper and deeper.

He was whimpering, air whistling through his nostrils, while stabbing his cock
down deep into her pussy. Jackie liked that a lot, arching her back while
pushing away from the couch in front of her. Delightful explosions were starting
down deep in her body, making that golden, unraveling ball of lust in her belly
spin faster and faster.

It was so wild - wonderful - that a dog was doing this - a damned dog mounting
her, fucking her, giving her such pleasure! It was like nothing in the world!
Again Jackie cried out, the heat in her cunt getting hotter and hotter until she
swore her clit was burning up from the singeing heat.

Bodego was holding onto her more tightly now, his front paws gripping her rib
cage firmly while his head pressed harder against her shoulderblades. Jackie
knew what was going on. The big dog was ending his fucking spree, getting ready
to dump his load of doggie jism in her body!

Jackie thought about it, thought about taking that animal's cum. Shivers raced
through her flesh, making it pucker up in goose-pimples while she shook with
increased ecstasy. He could do anything to her and she would have taken it.

Jackie felt her climax boiling just below the surface and threw her ass around
in tight, little circles to hurry it up. The heat rushed through her cunt again
and again, taking her breath away. Jackie's long, blonde hair whipped across her
whitened knuckles as that moment of white-hot madness approached.

"Oh, Bodego! Doggie, do it to me! Oh, God in heaven, do it to me! Make me cum!"

Just one moment more, just one second, and it would be all over!

Jackie was all cunt now - hot, milking, bucking, holding onto that fat hunk of
greasy dog-meat that slipped back and forth with loud, squishy sounds. Bodego
was growling, his tail brushing over the tops of her heels. Jackie heaved a
deep, sobbing breath. Her cunt felt even more full as the dog's pistoning prick
rammed in.

Her cunt-mouth hurt from the friction. The loss of sweat and her growing thirst
made her cunt-juice start to dry up while a fire started at her cunt opening.
But the gathering rush in her veins was too strong for her to stop. Her entire
belly seemed to bulge with the animal's cock, swelling up and tightening with
growing excitement.

"Do it, doggie! Oh, God, do it to me! Fuck me all the way!"

Her whispers were barely audible above the growling of the German Shepherd
topping her. She grunted, ramming her cunt down onto his rock- hard bar of dog-
cock. This was it! She felt her body blow to pieces while her brain fried from
the force of her climactic explosion.


Jackie's climax exploded, her mind blasting into millions of pieces. The hard,
heavy jolt of the dog's cum blasted against her cunt-walls, creating such
delightful, debilitating, itchy aches that grew and grew as their spasms
increased in strength. The woman wept and struggled, her fists striking the
floor while catastrophic waves of ecstasy tore through her body.

"Ohhhhh, Bodego! Ohhhhhh!"

Jackie felt her cunt-walls gripping down on his prick as if they would never let
go. Her pussy milked at the bucking rod of his prick. She bounced her ass,
losing the noises of the clock, the deserted house, everything, except her
whimpering and the dog's howls. Her head snapped back while her tits jiggled and
slapped together from the force of her gigantic cum-spasms.

Oh, oh, it was the best, Jackie thought, the very best thing that had happened
to her in such a long time. Even when Bodego's cock-thrusts had faded, the woman
felt her cum go on and on and on. The last thing she knew for the moment was
that her body had been fucked by one of the best pricks in the world - and it
had been attached to a dog!

When she came to, Jackie found herself sprawled on the floor, one leg folded
under the other. Her head was resting on one hand, while her other hand covered
her cum-smeared cunt.

Her sister! Evelyn! All of them would be traipsing in here any moment. Jackie
jerked up, her eyes focusing on the clock. They should be driving up at any
moment! Quickly, Jackie rose, steadying herself against the chair until her head
stopped spinning. She caught sight of Bodego in a corner, curled up, lazily
licking his prick and balls. He eyed her for a moment, then went back to his

"Damned dog!" she said in a low voice, unable to suppress the smile on her lips.

Just as she reached the stairs, she heard the unmistakable sound of a car
pulling into the drive! Thanking God that she had risen from the floor in time,
Jackie climbed the stairs.

Chapter 3

Two days had passed - two days filled with more boredom than Jackie could have
possibly imagined!

Jackie sat on the couch, staring at the television and marveling at the banality
of the program, though she doubted any of the other stations had anything
better. Evelyn was knitting, every now and then glancing up to check the plot,
then dropping her eyes back to the dark-red garment she was creating.

Nothing around here, except the dog, seemed to be important. And how she burned
to have him touch her body once more! By yesterday, Jackie had felt her cunt
tensing each time Bodego trotted by, the dog stopping and sniffing at her pussy
before going on his way.

There was just too much happening around them to have any spare time. Evelyn was
always around, giving advice or just hanging out. Jackie's nieces were a little
more sympathetic, leaving her alone, while Evelyn's husband spent most of his
time preening the new horse he had just purchased for stud services.

I think I'll get a job, Jackie thought.

She watched yet another car on the television screen fly into the air and crash
down. It burst into flame just before the scene fade-out. As another commercial
blurted across the screen, Jackie found herself tapping her fingers nervously on
the chair. She was going to go out of her mind if she sat there for one more
moment. It would have been better if she had crawled into bed and finger-fucked
herself, thinking of Doug, thinking of the dog, thinking about anybody except
the family she was vegetating with.

"I think I'll get some air, Evelyn. It's a little stuffy in here for me," Jackie
said, smiling at her sister as she rose from the chair.

There was that silky, sexy rub again, her cunt-lips rubbing sexily against one
another as she moved across the floor! Jackie did her best to control her facial
expression, not wanting her sister to guess just what kind of hot slut she had
for a house guest.

"Be careful you don't step in anything, Jackie. Oh, and tell Jack, if you see
him, his favorite program's coming on in ten minutes. Sometimes he forgets,"
Evelyn called out.

"I'll do it."

Jackie felt relief wash over her as she walked quickly through the kitchen and
out the back porch. The night air felt good against her bare arms - cool,
refreshing, bracing!

Jackie rubbed her upper arms briskly with her long, slender fingers, stepping
from the porch and walking slowly across the courtyard. The barn was there, one
sole light illuminating the double doors. Farther to the right, she could see
the silhouette of her nephew hunched over a car, his head swallowed by the big,
red hood while the sounds of wrenches and hammers clanking against metal filled
the night air. She would tell him his program was about to come on, then stay
outside, enjoying the night air and scenery.


Jackie stopped dead in her tracks, her flesh chilling as she heard a cry of joy
from inside the barn. She was right by the double doors now, her arms folded
over her tits. A light breeze lifted her long, blonde hair from her shoulders.
There! There it was again! Someone was inside the barn, doing something.

Reaching to the right, Jackie opened the barn door and slipped inside, closing
the door behind her.

She felt her feet sinking comfortably in the soft straw. Then, that cry of joy
shattered the silence once more. Jackie bent over, creeping forward while
holding her breath. Someone was fucking. She knew that. She knew that familiar
sound of a woman crying out in joy.

But who was it? Jackie wondered. Had someone sneaked in to use the barn as her
private trysting place? There was the sound of rustling straw now as Jackie
approached the rear stalls. Her heart was beating faster and harder, so hard
that she was certain whoever was thrashing about back there would have heard it
if they weren't so involved for the moment ...

"Oooooooh! Oh, God, yes! Yes, fuck ... fuck yes, yes!"

That voice! It was familiar, even in a whisper.

More thrashing sounds.

Jackie slowed her pace, down on her hands and knees now, and holding her breath
until her eyes swam. She wanted to make sure she spotted whoever was fooling
around in the hay before they spotted her.


Just as she heard that name, and froze with terror and shame, there was another

"Isn't he nice? Wow, and to think we've been ignoring him all this time!"

Nancy and Claudia, her two nieces! Jackie recognized their voices, and knew
exactly what they were talking about. There were more rustling sounds, followed
by the dog's muted whimpering.

"Oh, wow, he's doing it to me! Doing it!"

Jackie burned. Deciding not to go any farther, she moved into the next stall,
reaching up and bracing herself against the short wall. She partially stood up
and peered over the top.

There they were - both girls, stark naked, their young bodies squirming and
twisting on the floor. And there was Bodego, smelling one ass, then moving
around and licking the other. One of the girls would jerk her taut ass up,
presenting her asshole and cunt for him. That was when he was happiest, licking
his tongue down into the girl's tight, hairless split. He would move his tongue
in and out, in and out of her pussy until she cried out with that tell tale
"ooooooooooh" that had attracted Jackie's attention in the first place.

"You gonna let him fuck you?" Claudia, the redhead, asked, laughing lightly as
she rolled onto her back and spread her legs for the German Shepherd. He was
presently lapping Nancy's thighs, wriggling his muzzle into her cunt-hole while
burrowing his tongue as far into her pussy as he could.

"I dunno," the girl gasped, her eyes rounded and glazed with obvious, rutting
delight. "I never thought about getting fucked for the first time by ... by a

"Oh, wow! Fucked ... fucked by a dog!" Claudia groaned, putting both hands down
around her cunt and moving her fingers back and forth, back and forth over her
swollen pussy-lips.

Jackie could see the obvious pleasure on her niece's face - the way Claudia's
cheeks reddened while a slight tremor passed over her forehead. Yes, they were
good and ready to have Bodego take care of them. Nancy was even making soft
fucking motions with her hips.

Jackie bit her lip. A tear of shame and frustration rolled down the woman's
cheek. Her heart pounded harder and harder, while her cunt seeped hot moisture
and seemed swollen against her nylon panties. She wanted to go in there, chase
the girls out and have Bodego for herself. But how could she explain her
presence without arousing her nieces' suspicions. No. She would have to stay and
watch, biting her lower lip for security. Perhaps, after they had finished and
hadn't ruined Bodego, she would have a chance to take care of herself as she had

"Ohhhh, Nancy, let me have him! Don't be a pig! You've had him all night!"
Claudia whined petulantly.

"Oh, all right," Nancy groaned, pushing the German Shepherd away from her cunt.
"You'd be screaming at me for the next week if I didn't let you have your way."

"Come here, boy! Come here and touch me ... ooooooh, like that!"

Jackie curled her fingers against the soft wood, peeling some of it from the
stall divider. In the back, she could hear nervous pawing. It was the horse, the
one her brother-in-law had purchased to stud. Wild thoughts whirled about her
head as Jackie listened to the horse. She lowered her eyes once again and
watched her nieces sprawled on the floor, taking care of the yelping dog.

"I think I'm gonna let 'im do it," Claudia said, biting her lips mischievously
and spreading her thighs a little more.

"You're gonna pop your cherry!" Nancy cried out, looking at her sister in
amazement. Claudia frowned, shaking her head fiercely back and forth.

"I'll be careful. You just watch," Claudia said, rolling back onto her ass and
kicking both legs in the air.

Looking down, Jackie could see the girl's moist, dark-pink pussy-crack shining
beneath her thick crown of red hair.

Bodego bobbed his head around, barking happily when he saw Claudia's hot cunt
coming into view again. He lowered his head, licking his tongue across her
pussy, drinking up the thick, warm juices that were continually flowing from the
teen's pussy-crack. Jackie could see from Claudia's expression that she was
loving every second of this. The girl's toes curled until they cramped, while
her legs waved and shivered each time the German Shepherd touched a particularly
sensitive spot.

"Oh, wow! Wow!"

As the dog put one tentative paw on Claudia's raised thigh, Claudia brought her
hand down to her ass, cupping her fingers around her pussy so the dog couldn't
shove all of his cock into her cunt. Nancy had moved up, lying next to her
sister to watch with a mixture of horror and fascination.

Bodego had both forelegs on Claudia's thighs, and he moved forward, his long,
thick, meaty cock jerking and twitching between his hindlegs. He looked as if
his cock were going to explode with jizz at any second. Bodego was whimpering,
moving his head from side to side, unsure of what he was supposed to do.

"You might have to put it in for him," Claudia gasped, trying to reach the dog's
prick with her hand, but failing to do so.

"Touch that thing? You've got to be kidding!" Nancy exclaimed.

"Oh, please, Nancy, please! Oh, God, I'm so hot! Gotta have that cock! Gotta
have that cock!"

Jackie licked her dry lips, feeling her nipples scratching angrily against her
bra, while her buttery cunt burned with a fire that frightened her. She was
about to blow her cover and rush in to aid her niece, when Nancy relented,
stroking the animal's coat and reaching around his belly. Nancy hesitated
several times, her face reflecting the uncertainty the girl felt rushing through
her. Finally, she found the needed courage to help her sister, turning her hand
around and stroking the dog's pointy cock.

"Oh, he's gonna bite me!" Nancy cried, pulling her hand away the moment Bodego
turned his head around and snapped at her.

"Don't be silly! Please, Nancy, please!"

Nancy's hand went back to Bodego's prick, her fingers wrapping around his cock.
This time the animal didn't flinch, his eyes staring straight ahead while his
ass dipped just a bit at the girl's touch.

"It feels so ... weird, Claudia ... I mean, touching him that way. I haven't
even touched a guy yet," Nancy said, her face wrinkling up.

"Oh, hurry! Hurry!"

The urgency in her niece's voice caught Jackie's ear. Claudia was experiencing
the need to purge herself of this excitement - of having to have a climax, even
if it were with this animal.

Claudia rolled back a little more, the weight of her body now on her
shoulderblades. Her knees raised and parted just over her face. Nancy let out
another gasp as she put the animal's prick right into her sister's juicing fuck-
hole. There was a cry, a delightful cry of joy, while Claudia wormed her body
over the straw. The girl's legs quivered, her knees closing in and touching the
dog's body as Bodego began sinking his thick prick into her pussy.

While Jackie watched with interest, she saw that Claudia kept her hand at her
cunt, using her fingers as a brace to prevent the anxious, panting animal from
fucking his cock all the way into her cunt-hole. And Bodego was excited, his
heavy panting audible throughout the barn. His ears flattened against his
handsome head, while the fur around his neck stood on end.

Jackie watched with curiosity, seeing how the animal reacted while fucking. It
was exciting, breath-taking, one of the most beautiful things she had ever
witnessed. While being fucked, the woman had had little opportunity to see the
beast and how he looked while fucking her. Now, she saw the way his long back
humped each time he threw his cock-meat into the girl. The way his tail
stiffened at times, jerking from left to right while his powerful haunches
hunkered down and trembled with each fuck-thrust.

Jackie closed her eyes, the burning itch in her pussy turning into a throbbing
ache each time the animal howled. No! she thought. She wasn't going to cum like
this - not while watching her nieces getting fucked by that beast! She would
hold off, keep herself together until the girls left.

They couldn't be here all night with the dog. And when they walked out ...

"Ohhhhhh, God! It's so good having something like that inside me!"

"What does it feel like?" Nancy cried out, her eyes glazing over.

"Like nothing you've ever felt in your whole life! It's like ... like having
something so hard knifing through you, and all those itchy feelings are getting
worse and worse ... no, better 'n' better!"

Jackie couldn't have agreed more with her wild niece as she leaned heavily
against the stall wall and watched the fucking. She was moving her hips from
side to side, feeling that slick rub of cunt-lip against cunt-lip. There were
times when she had to stop moving, the spasms resulting from that slick friction
taking her breath away. She couldn't take her eyes away from Claudia.

The girl's body looked so beautiful, so strangely beautiful, the way it was now
- split in two by the dog's red, meaty prick, half-covered by the animal's
black-and-white furry coat. Claudia's arm was still tucked down around her ass,
her fingers keeping Bodego's prick from tearing through her cherry. Her other
hand was rubbing his coat frantically, her knees closing tightly around the
dog's humping back.

Claudia ran her toes through the German Shepherd's fur, gasping and groaning as
she rutted closer and closer toward climax. Claudia arched her back, wallowing
her shoulders in the straw while kicking her legs up. There was that desperate
cry of urgency, a groan Jackie was all too familiar with. The girl was going to
cum, and cum hard. Bodego was fucking her faster, his body rapping tight and
hard against her pussy.

"Uhhhhh ... oh! Oh! Oooooooooh!"

It sounded as if someone were tearing the girl to pieces with a knife! Claudia
beat her heels wildly against Bodego's humping back, her face turning red and
pinched while she came hard. Somehow, she managed to keep her fingers down
around her pussy, preventing the animal's cock from touching her cherry.

"You all right, Claudia?"

Nancy was concerned, still petting the big dog as he finished humping the

"Yes! Oh, God, yes! It's the best thing ever! I mean ever!"

"I don't think I could do something like that - not yet, anyway," Nancy said
dubiously, drawing away from the strange couple.

"Sure you can! Go on, Bodego, go and fuck her!" Claudia ordered.


The dog had pulled his cock from Claudia's cunt, obviously not having cum yet.
His prick was wet and shiny with her pussy-juices and his pre- cum. Jackie
licked her lips. Nancy was trying to crawl away on her hands and knees when the
animal jumped her.

"No, get away! Get away from me, Bodego! I'm not Claudia!"

Nancy was slapping angrily at the humping animal. Claudia had pulled herself up
in a sitting position and was eyeing her sister with unmasked boredom.

"Don't be such a prude, Nancy. Go on, it's lots of fun! Just keep your fingers
around your cunt so he doesn't go in all the way. Here, I'll help you," Claudia
said, pushing herself away from the stall wall.

Jackie ducked, nearly giving her position away as Claudia, stood up halfway to
help her sister.

"No! I don't want that! Please!"

Bodego jumped atop the screaming brunette, knocking her to the ground and
mounting her. She turned onto her back, hitting him with her tiny fists. Nothing
helped. Claudia only laughed at her, drawing back and watching the scene.

Jackie thought it was more exciting than what had happened to the redhead. A
rape - a doggie rape! Jackie pulled her head up all the way once more, watching
as Bodego twisted his head around and bit down on Nancy's thigh. Nancy let out a
scream, jerking her head from side to side as the big animal watched her

Finally, the young teen gave in, opening her pussy to him. He let out a yip of
triumph and wriggled his nose into her cunt-crack. Slowly, gradually, the girl's
resistance caved in. His tongue was licking around her clit. She soon lost the
desire to tuck her ass under and away from him. She lay there, her legs spread
wide as the dog rested on his belly and fed on her pussy-juices.

"No! Oh, no, won't fuck ... won't ..."

Somehow, the girl managed to keep Bodego at bay. She pressed her pussy up to
him, giving him all her cunt, but keeping him from fucking her. She came,
spasming, convulsing, as if touched by madness.

Nancy curled into a fetal position, the dog wedging strongly between her thighs.
She cried out and held onto his furry back. She scratched him hard, digging her
fingernails into his back. The dog wriggled his narrow ass, his paws braced on
the ground. The girl bucked back, rolling and squirming onto the straw as her
climax tortured her with a pleasure too intense to stand.

Long, stringing, hot wads of doggie-cum suddenly spurted from Bodego's prick,
striking the teen's hips and making her hotter than ever. Bodego was humping
forward with rapid, crazed movements. Each time he thrust, his angry-red cock
shot out dog cum. The girl babbled, trying to get up. Her fingers clawed at the
stall wall and she fell to the floor.

"No, ooooooh, no!"

Nancy managed to keep him away, crawling toward her sister and gathering straw
in both hands to fling back at the animal. Finally, Bodego took the hint and
trotted away, curling in one corner and licking his shrinking prick. Nancy
collapsed, sobbing into her hands while pushing away her sister's comforting

"No, you made me do this! You made me do it!" she cried.

"You didn't have to come in here! I thought I'd have some fun with the dog and
you trotted in right behind me, so don't try to give me some guilt trip!"
Claudia sniffed, reaching out and grabbing her short- shorts and squirming into
them. "Now get dressed! We don't want Mom and Dad coming in here and finding us.
Or, old nosy Aunt Jackie looking around."

"Yeah, come on!"

Jackie stood there, mortified, as the girls dressed hurriedly and crept out.

Chapter 4

"Nosy?" Jackie whispered, wrinkling her forehead as she stood in the stall,
smelling the stale piss and shit that hung over the air like a fetid perfume.
And old?

Jackie winced, her shaking knees braced against the stall wall. She was young -
at least comparatively, and experienced. Never would she have carried on the way
Nancy had, pushing the dog away when all he wanted to do was satisfy her and
himself at the same time.

Jackie shook those insults from her, looking back down at the animal and seeing
that he was nearly finished cleaning his cock and balls.

That's it for the night, Jackie thought. It would be another fuckless evening -
the third in a row for her. Her damned nieces! Jackie closed her eyes, squeezing
them so tight that bright, yellow lights popped in front of her. They had done
this to her, left her high and dry with a burning cunt, while the dog lay there
licking all those delightful bumps and knobs she remembered so well. She was
alone. Alone in the barn with nothing more to do than turn off the light and
creep silently back to the house.


There was a sound nearby. Jackie froze. She lowered herself back to the floor of
the stall, flattening herself against the wooden partition and waiting to see a
shadow cross her body.

With sighs of relief, Jackie realized what it was. The horse! Her nieces had
made mention of it even while they were rolling around in the straw with the
pooch. He was whinnying, stomping in his stall at the back of the building.
Perhaps he had sniffed her scent and was growing nervous at her odor. She would
go back there and calm him down, and then leave for the house.

Stepping from the stall, Jackie picked her way down the corridor, looking down
into the next stall, her eyes meeting those of Bodego. He didn't seem at all
surprised to see her there. In fact, she thought, he had probably smelled her
and hadn't bothered to acknowledge her presence. Jackie sighed, letting the dog
go back to his licking and she made her way to the horse.

He was in the very last stall. He was jerking his head up and down when she came
into view. The beast froze, his big, brown eyes widening as he took her in.

"Don't worry, boy. I'm not going to hurt you. I swear I'm not."

Jackie had never seen a more magnificent beast in her life! He was so handsome
the way he stood there - so arrogant, so cool, while his tail swished jerkily
from side to side. His ears were pointed forward, cocked to catch every sound
she made. His shiny, black coat shivered with nervousness. He whinnied again,
his nostrils snorting while he jerked his head up. Jackie could hear him pawing
the ground, looking at her as if he couldn't quite make up his mind whether she
were friend or foe. Jackie knew she could end this little stand-off by simply
turning and walking quietly away. But she wanted to stay to make friends. She
talked softly in gentle tones, this time tentatively stretching out her hand and
spreading her fingers in front of him. The animal stretched his neck out a bit,
sniffing at her fingers, watching her carefully.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt you around here."

He seemed to be listening to her, his snorting and whinnying having stopped.
Moving forward, touching him for the first time with her fingertips, Jackie
wondered if he had heard her nieces squealing and groaning in the next stall.
Had he realized what they were doing? Was there a kind of inter-species language
that transcended all others - especially when it came to the grunts and cries of
female delight as they were being tongued and fucked? Jackie shivered at her
questions, uncertain of the answers.

She brushed the backs of her fingers up and down the horse's head, feeling how
warm and slick his coat was. How handsome, how wonderful he was! The hot, tight
feeling in her cunt came back again, a renaissance of feeling, and this time for
a beast far bigger than Bodego! Looking about, Jackie found the stall padlock
and opened it, swinging the door forward and stepping into his stall. He moved
back, his back dipping slightly while he turned his head, eyeing her with that
nervousness again. She would have to calm him, or he could rear up and stomp her
to death with those killer hooves.

"Nothing to worry about, boy. Oh, God, wish I knew your name! Just calm down. I
won't hurt you, I promise," Jackie whispered.

She kept talking, her voice steady, even soothing. He pushed his head against
her tits, licking the rounded tit-mounds through her blouse. It was a sudden
move, one that made Jackie nearly jump from her skin. She hadn't counted on
doing anything with the horse. What could she do anyway?

She thought of having the beast fuck her ... but how? He was so big he would
certainly kill her! But there could be no denying the tremor passing through her
cunt, making her clit curl once again as her pussy- juice began to flow.
Jackie's fingers moved up around the buttons of her blouse, unfastening them,
pulling open the garment.

"I don't know what I'm doing! I really don't!"

She felt her breathing become more and more labored. The horse was watching her,
his eyes seeming to grow large as she slipped the blouse from her shoulders and
let it float to the stall floor. Unbuttoning her skirt, she unzipped it as far
as she could, then wriggled from the confining garment.

Jackie stood before the stallion only in a bra and panties, surges of delightful
sexual arousal exploding again and again in her cunt. It took little at this
point in the evening to arouse her. The dog, her nieces, and their delightful
fucking spree right in front of her had taken care of arousing her. Now, all
Jackie had to worry about was satisfying her lust.

"Ohhhh, nice, boy, nice horsie!"

If only she could lean against the horse, Jackie thought. Feel his powerful body
against hers, pressing against her tits, rubbing up against her nipples. Surely
there would be no harm in that, no harm in letting him touch her that way. He
couldn't object to that. She would have to take off her bra and panties, but no
one would be here. No one would come back to the barn and see her. She could do
as she pleased, and no one would be the wiser - just she and Bodego and the

Jackie liked that idea. Reaching around, she unsnapped her bra, sighing as she
felt her tits tumbling from the cups and slapping gently together. Reaching up,
she rubbed her palms over her tit-nubs, enjoying the scratchy feel that sent
shivers racing through her body. It was wonderful, so wonderful, feeling so
free. Next came her panties. The silky rub of the material over her thighs, her
ass, her knees, her ankles made her breath catch once more.

Stepping from her panties, Jackie looked up at the stallion, feeling a surge of
electricity race through her cunt, sparking out in sputters through her clit.
She was unsure of what to do, moving forward slowly, still talking to the beast

He looked on with mild curiosity, snorting occasionally, shaking his head while
his tail swished. The woman put one hand to her throat, wondering what on earth
she was doing.

"Nice horse."

Jackie moved one hand up, touching the horse lightly on his side. He whinnied,
but remained in one place, his flesh quivering under her hand. She continued
moving her hand around, caressing the animal's long, black mane. He was
handsome, all right. Her brother-in-law had done the right thing in buying this
beast. He would be perfect for studding some mare in rut, some female horse
prancing about the yard, cocking her tail at him, arousing the male beast until

Jackie shrugged, feeling that rush of cunt-heat blast through her pussy a second
time. Bodego and the girls had done quite a job in arousing her. She rubbed her
pussy up against his side, almost embracing the muscular stallion. She felt his
hard muscle through his skin.

Gasping, Jackie moved her fingertips along his powerful sides, feeling his
muscles tighten, then quiver under her gentle caress. She laid her head gently
down against one side, closing her eyes and feeling like she were floating
inches above the floor. He was so good for her! Jackie thought for one mad
moment that perhaps he was excited as she was, that he wanted her as badly as
she wanted him. Was his flesh growing warmer? Was he trying to tell her
something, something she couldn't understand because of her unfamiliarity with

"Easy, boy, easy ..."

She rubbed her fingers along the stallion's side, tracing the rounded contours
of his thighs, his sides, his ribcage, his hindquarters. More than once, the
woman felt his tail swishing playfully up against her hand while the horse
continued to shiver at her touch. Again, Jackie thought of those stories of
women in Mexico who took on donkeys for dollars, letting the animals rape them
while drunken sailors and Marines hooted and shouted from the bar crowd. This
was better, though, far better. She wanted the beast for her own pleasure.

She sighed again, pillowing her tits against the stallion's side and rubbing her
nipples back and forth over his slick flesh. He wasn't moving much now. He
seemed to be waiting for something - perhaps for her to do something more.
Jackie shivered at her thought. What more could she do? It would take at least
one more person for her to do anything with the horse. How could she position
herself? But perhaps he could do something for her.

Moving forward, keeping her fingers touching the stallion's sides, Jackie walked
until she was nearly in front of him. She slid her fingers up, up to his proud
head, then added pressure, trying to force his head down. Her cunt burned! Would
the horse understand her move? Could he do anything about her hot, wet pussy?


The stallion spread his forelegs apart slightly, dipping his head and lolling
out his flat, pink, wet tongue. Jackie nearly fell to the floor as the beast
began licking her up from the knees, his tongue touching her flesh, then sliding
up her inner thighs. Jackie wrapped her fingers through his mane to keep her
balance during the long, hot drag of his tongue through her cunt-bush.

Jackie steadied herself, leaning heavily against the stallion and spreading her
thighs just a little more. He was doing it again, lapping her, as if her pussy
were a salt lick. He bobbed his head, drawing his tongue through her cunt-hair
and halving her pussy easily with the strength and breadth of his tongue.

Jackie trembled, shivering against the big, powerful horse while her toes curled
into the soft straw. That touch - that hot, wet licking touch against her cunt
was enough to bring her off. She grabbed onto the animal's sides, holding
herself up while her brain whirled about in her head.


How wonderful! Jackie thought. First the dog, now this! It was almost too much
to ask for.

The beast was making soft, whinnying sounds, shaking his proud head every now
and then while his tail flicked across his back. Jackie straightened her legs,
parting her thighs just a little more and bending her knees. He was moving his
tongue down into her cunt again, peeling back her wet pussy-meat with his
tongue. He nuzzled her cunt with his muzzle as he sniffed at her hot pussy.

Jackie wrinkled up her face, her pulse leaping through her throat. It was too
good to stand! The force of his tongue, of his muzzle, was making her so very,
very weak. Jackie nearly dropped to her knees, feeling them knocking together.
She leaned heavily against the black stallion once more while he licked and
lapped, his bobbing head nearly knocking her to the ground. She was reeling,
grabbing anything for support, while the stallion licked deep into her cunt-

"Oh, yes, horsie! Yes ... oh, God!"

There was a wild, forceful difference between his tongue-fucking, and the one
she had endured with Bodego. The horse lapped his tongue down deep into her
pussy, drawing his tongue up, up to her clit, then licking back again slowly,
methodically, driving her to climax. Orgasm! Cumming! The thought sent fiery
chills rushing up and down Jackie's spine, flames of incredible goodness licking
up into her cunt.

She drew back from the horse, looking with heavy-lidded eyes at the animal's
cock. His cock was so big, so thick, so long! His prick was bigger than anything
she had seen in her life! And yet, its very size made his cock all that more
delicious for the young woman. She licked her lips, moving away from the beast's
tongue, one wild thought rattling around in her head suddenly.

"Oh, horsie, you're going to like this!"

She dropped to her knees, still keeping her hands in touch with the stallion's
sides. He snorted nervously, unused to having a presence under his belly. Unsure
of exactly what to do, Jackie raised one hand up, keeping the fingers of one
hand brushing against his soft belly, while she stroked the insides of his legs
nearly to his hooves.

Jackie moved her hand back up in a caressing movement, her cunt still burning,
her heart pounding like mad while her head spun, as if she had just downed a
stiff martini. Gradually, the animal quieted, shaking his head and snorting
through those large, black nostrils. Jackie caught movement from the corner of
her eye. Looking around, she saw it.

His prick! Oh, God, his cock was so huge, so very thick and fat and long! Her
cunt went into spasms, her wet cunt-walls slapping against one another while her
clit seemed to burn with a life of its own.

She couldn't fuck the animal. The position was all wrong. But ... but she could
take that cock in her mouth. To have something that big and thick in her mouth
made her salivate with excitement!

Still caressing his hindquarters, Jackie scooted over on her knees, the straw
scraping against her flesh and making her wince. She moved slowly, deliberately,
careful not to startle the animal. Jackie knew she was in a dangerous position
and could get hurt if the stallion were to start stomping about the stall

Bringing her face under his belly, she stared at his fat cock as it wagged
invitingly inches from her mouth. It was almost as if the animal sensed what she
was contemplating and was doing his best to accommodate her. Jackie was

Tilting her head forward, she opened her mouth as far as it would go. Her jaws
ached somewhat as she parted her lips and stretched them around his fat, black,
bulbous prick-head, careful to keep rubbing her fingers over the horse's belly
and legs to keep him quiet.


It was good having a cock between her lips again, just as it had been wonderful
having Bodego fucking her cunt days before! She could feel the horse's black,
ridged, glossy cock-head pushing over the top of her tongue, making her cheeks
puff out. She breathed more shallowly, her head bobbing back and forth.

Jackie couldn't stand it any longer, leaving her cunt unattended. Dropping one
hand from the stallion's belly, she laid it in her lap, sticking two fingers
into her sticky cunt and twisting them around and around until she felt her
pussy-muscles grab at her fingers. She was close, so very close!

The heat increased as she wriggled her tongue sexily around the animal's fat
cock, pushing her head up until she felt his rounded cock- tip brushing over her
tonsils. Jackie swallowed hard, inhaling sharply through her nostrils while
keeping as much of his prick in her mouth as possible. The stallion stomped his
hindlegs nervously, stopping after a moment and snorting heavily. His sides
heaved mightily as he shook his mane, obviously excited by the hot, wet feeling
sloppily engulfing his prick.

Jackie twisted her mouth around and around, flicking her tongue, doing
everything to excite the beast above her while drawing her fingers in and out,
in and out of her grasping cunt. It would take little, she knew, to get off now.
It was only a matter of moments before she would cum. The woman bobbed her head
up and down, up and down more sexily now, feeling the silky sweep of her long,
blonde hair against her tits and belly. She could taste that salty, bleachy
flavor of cum - the same taste she had savored years before when she sucked her
husband dry.

Jackie slowed her movements for a bit, the buzzing, spinning flashes exploding
from her clit nearly knocking her to the floor. She sighed deeply, letting out a
tiny groan. She flicked her tongue back and forth over the wide groove
separating the two hot, black balls at the tip of his meaty prick.

Now, she thought. She would do it now, would bring him off while that fire
stinging her clit stayed.


She hadn't noticed the sudden change in the stallion's breathing, nor his jerky
movement to the rear. Suddenly, Jackie felt her mouth bloated with a hot shot of
horse-cum, her tonsils slimed with jism while the white thick fluid frothed
around the stretched corners of her lips. She pulled away, coughing, gagging,
one hand on her throat while the other stretched in front of her. She blindly
groped her way from under the horse's belly.

How she managed to twist her way out and get to the opposite end of the stall,
Jackie had no idea. Spitting out the cum, she threw her head back, gasping in
lungfuls of air while the black stallion jumped and reared in the narrow
quarters. More than once, she feared he would surely kill her with his hooves.
But he was too engrossed in his own climax to notice the terrified woman cumming
her brains out against the stall wall.

"My God! What am I becoming?" Jackie whispered.

She gathered up her clothes and stumbled from the stall. She remembered to lock
the gate, shambling away from the still-neighing horse. Jackie finally collapsed
in the stall where she had watched her nieces fondling and fucking the dog.

Bodego had been sleeping, and now he reared his head, blinking his eyes at her.

"Oh, no! No, not now ... not now!" Jackie groaned, scooting back while keeping
her clothes over her cunt. Having been satiated by Claudia and Nancy, Bodego
simply sniffed at her, then laid his head back over his forepaws and dozed.

"My name is Jackie. My name is Jackie," she repeated to herself, wondering when
this roller coaster ride she was on would end.

Chapter 5

"You sure don't look thirty-four, Aunt Jackie," the tall boy said, running his
fingers through his sandy-blond hair.

Jackie smiled, putting down her lemonade and smiling appreciatively at him. She
was lounging in her bikini, enjoying the afternoon sun by the small pool after
having helped Evelyn all day in the house. Her nephew, Jack, had surprised her
here alone in the backyard. Shuffling his feet a little nervously, he finally
took a chair next to hers, sitting on the edge, folding his hands and staring at

Jackie's smile grew. She knew he was a little nervous. She had caught him
staring at her body more than once while she was staying there. He was a typical
growing boy - horny, curious, looking at every attractive woman who passed by.
And now he was staring at her.

Jackie wore a pale-yellow bikini she could wad up in one hand. It didn't amount
to much more than a couple of tiny pieces of satin with strings attached. It was
very exciting just to wear it. In fact, the woman had been hoping Bodego would
trot by and spot her. It had been several days since he'd touched her.

Jackie felt she was ready for something now. Her cunt was starting to itch all
over again while those crawly, tingly sensations up and down her flesh
increased. Yes, it was time to take on the dog ... or pay another sneak visit to
the barn.

"Where are your sisters?"

Jack frowned, scratching his head and letting out a long sigh.

"Don't know. They're dumb. All they do is giggle around me all the time. It's
worse now that they're getting older."

"Oh, and you're more serious, are you?" she teased, looking over the top of her
sunglasses and seeing her nephew turn scarlet.

"Well, no, not exactly, but I don't run around and laugh all the time."

"No, I don't think so. You've been given a lot of responsibility on this farm.
That's nothing to laugh at," Jackie agreed, surveying her nephew more carefully
this time, and finding she liked what she saw. Feeling a little shocked, the
woman went back to sipping her drink, hoping Jack would tire of this game and

"I've ... uh, got a question for you, Aunt Jackie, if you don't mind. Kinda
personal, too."

Jackie settled herself in the chair, feeling the material tugging at her
nipples. Her tit-buds were getting hard, much as she tried to keep herself under
control. She could feel her nipples stiffening, poking up against her bikini top
while a furnace was starting to glow between her white thighs.

She wished she were wearing a dress, or some other kind of bathing suit, now.
She almost felt as if she were naked and Jack was staring at her, licking his
lips, contemplating rape. The sun didn't help, hitting the tiny crotchband of
silk, starting to get her pussy excited.

"I've got to change position," she said, rolling onto her tummy. "My back is
hurting me."

He was watching her every move, sucking in a sharp breath the moment her
rounded, firm ass came into view. The rear portion of her bikini bottoms was a
little larger than the front, but not by much. Her full ass-cheeks peeked out
from under the tightly drawn, yellow material, inviting any onlooker to hunt for

"What is it?"

"It's this girl at school. She's pretty, and wants me to see her a lot," Jack
began, working his fingers together nervously.

"There's certainly nothing wrong with that!" Jackie said a little breathlessly,
feeling the crotch band working into her cunt. The feeling was shockingly good,
one that made her clit quiver, while her cunt tightened. Jack's baritone voice
seemed to roll over her, making her cringe on the chaise lounge.

"Well, she goes pretty far, Aunt Jackie, and I'm a little afraid of her taking
me too serious. I don't wanna get that serious with a girl yet," Jack said
firmly, nodding his head.

"What do you mean by serious? Have you two been ... well, sleeping together?"
she asked, the word fucking having been on her lips. But she didn't want to
shock her nephew. He probably thought of her as his maiden aunt, relegated to
the scrap heap in a few years. If he only knew what she had been doing the past
few days, his opinion of her would certainly change. Jackie smiled at the

"Well, sort of. I mean, I always pulled it out before I came, and she's been on
the pill and all that, but ... gosh, I guess I shouldn't have said that, huh?"

Jackie blushed scarlet. It wasn't from the shocking statement, however. She
suddenly had an image of her handsome, well-built nephew fucking the eyeballs
off some bubble-headed girl from high school. Jackie had the desire to show him
what a real woman would make him feel like. She pictured herself squirming under
his hard-muscled, tanned body, taking his prick into her cunt and fucking his
cock until the two of them came and came and came.

Jackie picked up her drink, nearly spilling it on the gray flagstones of the
patio as her fingers twitched and grew icy.

"Well, it doesn't matter now, Jack. You've got to make that decision on your own
- I mean, about you and your girlfriend. Just don't get caught, if you know what
I mean. Girls are very clever that way."

Jackie felt as if she were actively sabotaging this unseen girl's advantage,
tearing her down in front of her nephew while running up her own banners.

She took another sip, feeling her cunt raging between her legs. She would have
to hunt up Bodego soon and have him lick her into ecstasy before fucking her.
She had that need - that clawing, overwhelming need - to have something very hot
and hard tunneling through her pussy, stretching her cunt-walls apart and
finally sending streamers of white- hot jizz spurting through her cunt. She had
to have a fuck, and talking like this to Jack made the woman need it all the
more desperately.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the high-pitched laughing of Claudia and Nancy
on the other side of the high bushes. Again Jack frowned, nodding at his aunt,
then rising from the lounge. Before he turned, Jackie thought she had spotted
his cock - long and hard - pressing up against the front of his faded Levi's.
Perhaps it was her imagination. It had been playing havoc with her thoughts
lately, especially with those erotic dreams she'd been having.

Jack muttered something, then walked away, his hands jammed in his front
pockets. Jackie watched him, her body alive with lust. Oh, she thought. She
should run up to her room and pack immediately. Unknown to her sister and
brother-in-law, Jackie was turning this farm into a Sodom!

"And you think there's nothing wrong about it ... I mean, the dog fucking you?"

"Shhhh! Aunt Jackie's out here. She's gonna hear you if you blab like that."

Jackie nearly fell from her chair, stiffening as the sounds of her nieces'
voices filled the air. She closed her eyes, letting one hand fall onto the patio
as she heard footsteps behind her.

"It's okay. She's asleep. Come on, I have to have a dip in the pool. It's awful
hot, and my cunt's burning up," Nancy said.

"Just call on Bodego, then. He sure fucked you good last night!" Claudia
sniffed, peeling off her jeans, then jumping into the pool with a splash.

"Well, he was doing okay with you, the way you had your fingers in his fur and
your legs wrapped around his back!" Nancy retorted, sitting on the edge of the
pool and moving her legs through the clear, blue water. Claudia reappeared at
the surface, shaking the water from her hair and swimming with few strokes to
the edge of the pool.

"She's sure asleep," Claudia said, looking at Jackie, then getting back to the
conversation, her voice growing a bit louder and more confident. "I heard that,
by the way. Not to worry. You'll have your turn. Wow, I sure wish we could get
some guys up here, though. I'd like to have a guy doing that to me, you know?"

There was a pause. Jackie shifted position, feeling her juices sopping up the
nylon crotch of her bathing suit. She thought she would scream, listening to
these two girls talking about fucking, especially about fucking Bodego.

No wonder they'd been disappearing after supper, showing up an hour later all
flushed and out of breath. She should have guessed something like that was going
on, particularly after what she'd witnessed in the barn. But she had been busy
with her sister, helping her with one thing and the other. And Jack had been
eyeing her, making her feel a little giddy, almost like a teenager herself.
Jackie hadn't thought of the girls much. But now, after having heard their
confession, she would certainly keep an eye on them far more carefully.

"Sh! I think she's waking up," Nancy cautioned, putting one finger to her lips
and warning her sister.

"Okay. We'll talk later. Hi, Aunt Jackie!" Claudia called out, Jackie pretending
to have just awakened.

The woman stretched her thin arms high above her head, drawing her knees
together and hoping her nieces didn't spot the dark strain on her bikini
bottoms. She was far enough away. Besides they were young girls, unobservant
when they wanted to be. And right now, she guessed all they desired was for her
to be out of the picture so they could continue their filthy conversation.

Jackie smiled, draping the red towel around her shoulders and rising from the
lounge. Holding her half-finished drink in one hand, she thought about her
nephew and how he had sat right there, shifting his position uncomfortably while
staring at her tits, her cunt, her ass. Wouldn't the girls be surprised - about
their brother!

"I'm going in to help your mother, girls. I guess dinner will be at the usual
time," she said, sweeping by Nancy and Claudia and wondering if they would be
creeping from the house this evening to find Bodego.

"Oh, Jackie, thanks for helping me out the other night with the cleaning in the
kitchen. I've got so much to do around here, the jobs keep creeping up on me!"
Evelyn called out from the kitchen as Jackie passed by.

"Don't worry about it, Ev. I'm just going to take a quick shower and I'll be
down to help out," she called over her shoulder, climbing the stairs. Jackie had
to get a good grip on the hand-rail, the rubbing of her cunt-lips together
taking her breath away.

She was nearly to the top when she saw something that surprised her. Bodego!
After all these days, he was there - stretched out in front of her bedroom door,
waiting for her. She saw him staring at her, those big eyes glittering in the
semi-darkness of the corridor.

Jackie paused, looking down to the foot of the stairs. No one was there. No one
guessed that Bodego had crept up the steps to find Jackie in her room. She
licked her lips, remembering her nephew, remembering the conversation of her
nieces. Smiling, Jackie walked confidently down the hall, opening her door after
the German Shepherd rose and made way for her.

"Damned fickle dog!"

Bodego hesitated at the doorway after Jackie stepped in. She had a mind to slam
the door on his snout. Then she thought better of it - thought of her burning
cunt, of the way her clit felt, of the way her nipples itched teasingly,
maddeningly against her bikini top. Jackie gave in.

"Here, Bodego, here! Here, come to me," she whispered, patting her knees with
both hands.

The animal needed little more encouragement. She whispered his name again, the
animal wagging his tail and looking up obediently. He wasn't showing any of his
forcefulness, like the first night. Jackie stood in the middle of her room,
turning about and catching her reflecting image in the full-length mirror by the
dressing table.

There they were, woman and dog - woman and lover - more accurately, Jackie

Reaching around, Jackie pulled off her bikini top, letting it fall to the floor.
Bodego moved around and sniffed at the yellow material, then came back to her
side, rubbing up against her. Jackie let out a gasping sigh, closing her eyes
while drawing her fingertips teasingly up her flat belly. She touched her tits,
cupping them, thumbing her nipples. She knew she had to have that animal fucking
her, driving his cock into her cunt while pinning her to the bed.


A flash of fire raced through her cunt, making her pussy-muscles quiver and
constrict while her nipples tingled and throbbed to the beat of her clit. Bodego
whined, moving his head around and licking her ankles and the backs of her
calves. Jackie felt a feverish tingle sweeping through her belly. She kept
watching her reflection, watching how her jaw slackened at his touch.

Petting the animal, she walked to the bed and raised one leg, bending it at the
knee and parting it from the other one. She was opening her pussy to the beast,
feeling her cunt-lips unsticking for the German Shepherd.

"Come on, Bodego! Come on and lick me! That's what you want, isn't it? That's
what you've been doing with Claudia and Nancy for the past few nights - that,
and fucking them. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" she asked reproachfully,
shaking a warning finger at him.

The beast whimpered, bowing down his head while tucking his tail between his
hindquarters. But still, he didn't stop licking her thighs, drawing his tongue
along her flesh, enjoying the musky, salty flavor of her perspiration as she
stood there, quivering.

Jackie made a tiny crying noise in her throat. Bodego was sniffing at her pink,
puffy cunt-lips. When the tip of his tongue pressed along her closed slit, she
let out another cry, putting her hands to her lips and fighting down the desire
to scream. The windows were open. It was too hot to close them. Only sighs and
gasps were permissible at this point.

Jackie felt her body swaying, the backs of her legs brushing against the bed as
if she were about to faint. Bodego moved to get a better licking angle. She
could feel the long, hot, wet sweep of his licking across the underside of her
cunt-mound. She saw her mouth slacken even more in the mirror, saw her drooping

"Good, real good!" Jackie moaned.

The woman swayed even more. She felt Bodego's sloppy, pink tongue licking deep,
raking across her clit. Sparks burst through her delicate clit, making her heart
thud wildly. A new flow of pussy-juice oozed from her slit, coating her cunt-

Bodego seemed to love the taste of her cunt-juices. He was whimpering happily,
his tail wagging excitedly while he continued licking his tongue over her cunt-
slit. Jackie put both hands out to her sides like a ballerina, keeping herself
from falling. She fought for her balance as the cunt-hungry German Shepherd grew
more and more aggressive.

"Oh yes, boy, yes! Do it! Lick me! Lick into me!"

Jackie found it curious to compare the two - that horse, the dog. The stallion's
tongue was much stronger, more wild, more ... Intense! But he could only do so
much. There was the problem of size, of position. Bodego continually moved
about, angling his tongue in, moving his head and body about to give her
differing sensations. And, just as important, there was the question of fucking.

"Fucking ..."

Jackie closed her eyes, feeling her cunt-muscles tense as she pronounced the
word again. Her body shivered and her flesh crawled. Looking down, she saw his
red prick. His cock had slipped out from his furry sheath, dangling wetly under
his belly. She knew it would be working into the steamy folds of her cunt soon.

Oh, God, she thought, soon, very soon, and he would have her on the bed, fucking
deep into her cunt, spreading her pussy open while working that cock into her

Jackie couldn't take it any longer. The foreplay was over. More images of the
horse, of Jack, of the girls getting fucked in the stall, flashed through her
mind. Jackie fell back on the bed, working her fingers down around the strings
of her bikini and pulling her bathing suit completely off. Worming up toward the
head-board, she laid her head against one of the pillows, opening her pussy to
the dog, bending her knees and parting her thighs for the big beast that had
leaped upon the bed after her.

"Oh, Bodego, you're so handsome, so very, very handsome," she cooed, drawing one
hand over her cunt-bush and feeling his hot spit still drenching her pussy-hair.
"You're so good, and you're going to fuck me, aren't you? You're going to make
me feel very, very good!"

The animal barked, then pressed his muzzle against the sloppy folds of her cunt
to get at her pulsing, dripping clit. The animal wriggled his snout against the
mouth of her pussy, making Jackie suck in a ragged breath and push her head
deeper into the crushed pillow. Wallowing her shoulders against the mattress,
the young woman whimpered, making the bed groan as she moved and squirmed with

"Oh! Uhhhhh!" Jackie panted, feeling dizzy as the dog gained yet another inch.

He growled, rimming the edges of her cunt-mouth with his killing tongue. There
were times when she thought she could feel his fangs. His touch - that hard,
hot, slick touch - drove her wild! She thrust her hips in the air, rocking them
from side to side, rolling her ass around as the animal continued eating her

Bringing her ass back down against the mattress, Jackie raised her knees,
letting them fall farther apart. Bodego yipped, scooting forward on the
mattress. His soft tongue lapped and lapped. Her clit being pressed down against
her cunt-lips made her moan with lust. The dog was breathing hard, too, the
sounds of his panting mingling with hers as the two of them writhed together on
the queen-sized bed.

"Oh, doggie, doggie ... oh, God, I'm going to make you fuck me until I cum three
times!" she gasped, digging her fingernails into his coat and drawing him more
tightly against her.

Jackie thought she would lose her mind. She had been so hot, so very, very hot.
And now, she was paying the price for waiting this long for satisfaction. She
wanted that beast on top of her, fucking her, licking her, doing everything
possible to her.

Jackie let out another moan. She had begun to move her ass up and down against
the steady, slick rub of the dog's mouth. She couldn't keep still. She tilted
her hips to one side, then jerked them back the other way, feeling her tender,
glistening cunt-flesh stretch open tantalizingly for the animal.

"Oh, sweet Jesus! Good God in heaven, this is going to kill me!" she cried,
waiting for the magic moment when Bodego would leave off his tonguing and get
down to far more serious business. It was a moment Jackie wasn't fighting

Chapter 6

Jackie arched her back, raising her body above the mattress so that only her
shoulders and heels stayed in contact with the bed. Bodego was touching her in
all the right spots!

She felt him barely licking around the base of her pussy, increasing pressure as
he brought his tongue around the quivering, wet flesh between her inner and
outer cunt-lips. Then he touched her clit, licking up her tiny sex-spindle,
making her cry out again and again while she beat the mattress with her fists.

"Wawwwhwhwhhhh! Oh, God, it's so good, ... so good I'm going to die!"

Jackie remembered the opened windows and shut her mouth. She froze, listening
for the sounds of her nieces. Yes, they were still screaming at one another,
diving in and out of the pool.

She doubted that her sister could hear her all the way downstairs. But she would
have to be careful.

Again, she put her fingers over her mouth, doing all she could to keep from
shouting as the dog continued to lick into her cunt. She could feel herself
getting close, really close to cumming. The wet mess between her legs was
throbbing hard now. Her cunt was feverish, swollen. She bobbed her ass around in
tight, little circles.

Bodego brought her closer and closer to that final rush of sexual excitement.
Her fingers curled in the fur of his neck as she bobbed her ass up and down.

Her calves cramped as she dug her heels frantically against the bed. She didn't
want to climax right now, not in the dog's mouth. She could wait until he
finally put his cock in her, swelling up her belly with his doggie-cock,
drilling in his prick until she whimpered as loudly as he. "Bodego, oh, God! Do
it to me! You've gotta do it now," she prattled.

Backing away from the frantic blonde, Bodego gave her toes a few final licks,
then moved back, giving her time to turn around and get in a crouching position.
But this time, Jackie didn't want that to happen. She wanted to take him on as a
human lover, as a woman with her master.

Jackie remained on her back, raising her legs up, up, until her knees were
nearly touching her chin. She patted her inner thighs gently, calling to the
dog, whispering softly to him while stroking her hands up to her hot cunt.

"Here, boy! Here! Come on and fuck me this way, Bodego. I don't want to be on my
hands and knees," she whispered softly.

What was taking him so long? Jackie wondered. He was just standing there, his
head cocked to one side, that delightful tongue hanging from the corner of his
mouth. Jackie squirmed her ass on the bed, feeling the coverlet gathering up
under her ass-cheeks. She wanted him - wanted him right now!

Finally, he began moving forward. She felt his sniffing around her pussy,
putting up one tentative paw, then another. It was so good having him mount her
this way. The way her pussy-flesh stretched with her legs in the air added to
the delicious, scratchy touch of his claws over her skin. Jackie curled her toes
until they cramped, drawing her legs farther apart while trying to coax the dog
forward with her fingers.

"Here, boy, here ... that's it! That's the way, Bodego, that's ... Uhhhhh!"

His paws scraped along until they were pressing right behind her knees. He was
nearly all the way up on her, whimpering, looking down at either side and still
unsure of what was going to happen.

Jackie smiled weakly, reaching up with one hand and stroking her fingers lightly
through the fur of his head. He pressed up against her, closing his eyes for a
moment and wagging his tail happily. Then she could feel his cock, feel what was
making the pooch so damned happy! His prick - nice and hot and hard, rubbed up
against her turned-up ass.

"Bodego ... ohhh ... Ohhhhhhh!"

Her cunt felt hard, almost as hard as his prick, as the wild animal began
lowering his hindquarters, dipping his cock-meat into her cunt- hole. Images ran
through her head, of dogs fucking in packs, as she babbled with excitement. He
was pushing his cock-meat into her. She readjusted her position, scooting down a
bit to make his fucking easier.

There! She felt it, felt that angled, pointy cock-tip splitting her cunt-lips
and pushing into her pussy. Jackie opened her mouth, gasping at the touch of his
hot bumps and knobs tickling her cunt-walls. Her thighs tensed while her white
legs shivered at the dog's touch. Rolling her legs and ass back a few more
inches, the panting blonde took on the dog with growing excitement, her fingers
racing back and forth through his thick fur.

"Bodego! Oh, yes! Do it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Her voice was cracked and hollow as she twisted under the dog's fucking prick.
Split in half, raped by that cock biting into her cunt! That thought hurried
Jackie on to her final cum, her legs kicking high in the air.

The dog was increasingly more forceful, pounding his cock-meat into her pussy as
she clung to him like a mewling, weak kitten. Her plump ass quivered with each
fuck-thrust, as her clit burned with the tickle of his cock-meat against it. She
dug her heels into his powerful sides and shut her eyes.

"Oh, it's driving me insane! Oh, God, it's so good! So good!"

The dog whimpered, jerking his head up and snapping at thin air. She knew she
was grabbing at his cock with her pussy, contracting her cunt- muscles and
holding his prick.

It must be driving Bodego wild, Jackie thought. Surely he wasn't this excited
when fucking the girls. It gave Jackie a sense of pride, a sense of
accomplishment as she fucked back. Her cunt throbbed, the flesh around her clit
glowing as more floods of pussy-juice oozed out to soothe the friction. Jackie
shut her eyes tight and fucked for all she was worth. Her ass bounced against
the mattress, and the woman felt her ring of cunt-muscles cinch down hard around
the dog's prick.

"Oh, my God!"

It was the moment both had been waiting for. Bodego was howling, his body
shaking mightily as he dumped squirt after squirt of his doggie- jizz into her
convulsing cunt-hole. Jackie joined his groans, her legs kicking him again and
again while her twisting body threatened to toss the animal onto the floor. The
dog was jerking helplessly on top of her. She knew her pussy-muscles were tight,
so tight that she could feel the steady pulsing of his prick as his cock
unloaded all the jizz from his hairy balls.

"Ohhh, give it to me! Give ... Uhhh!"

It hurt to hold the dog's cock this hard. But now she could feel the rushing hot
tickles that maddened the ruby-red bulge of her clit. She flailed the air with
her feet while digging her fingernails into the dog's sides. She released the
tension, feeling her cunt soften around the German Shepherd's cock.

Bodego lunged and grunted, stabbing deep into her cunt, making that golden
fireball in her tummy explode all over again. Jackie cried out, rubbing her
ravaged cunt against the animal. Somehow, Jackie managed to keep her ass flat on
the bed, maintaining the dog's position atop her. She cried out a second time,
inhaling sharply, then feeling the world fading away from her as the beast shot
in more of his doggie-jizz.

It was as if she were trapped in a beautiful dream. Those throbbing pulses still
raked through her cunt. The dog still remained atop her. But soon he was
crawling off, leaping from the bed, anxious to start licking his cock and balls.

Jackie lay on her side, resting her head in her hand while watching the big
animal bob his head up and down between his hind legs. There was something so
wonderful about watching Bodego lick his cock and balls, watching that tongue
scoot up and down over his prick and knowing that, moments ago, his cock had
been in her pussy satisfying her.

She groaned, rubbing her fingers on either side of her cunt. It had been awfully
good - real good. But now she had to get the animal out of her room, or surely
her nieces would suspect something.

"Have to go, Bodego. Have to leave," she whispered, sliding her legs off the bed
and padding to the door.

Jackie cracked it open, feeling the refreshing, cool rush of air from the dark
hall against her face. Bodego looked up as if he couldn't understand what she
was saying.

"Go! Come on, go!"

Bringing one foot around his ass, Jackie forced the whimpering animal onto his
feet and into the hall. He walked several paces, then stopped, turning around as
if to look for some sign that she wanted him back. Jackie bit her lower lip,
making a movement with her hand for him to continue going. She wished the two of
them could romp together in bed for hours. But there was her family to think of
- especially Claudia and Nancy.

Jackie heard their squeals take on a new tenor. Rushing to the window, Jackie
pulled the curtains aside and saw Bodego running around them, his tongue hanging
out and his mouth opened as he barked wildly. They were splashing him playfully
with water.

Jackie's fingers tightened around the material, tugging at it. They always had
the last word, it seemed. There he was, circling them, barking as if nothing had
happened the moment before. Tonight they would be together, the three of them in
the barn, fucking their brains out, while she scurried around the kitchen trying
to help her scatterbrained sister in the kitchen again.

No! Jackie thought. It wouldn't happen again. This time she would put a stop to
it. They would share, but on her terms.

"Oh, Bodego! Oh, God, wow!"

Nancy was laughing, throwing herself shamelessly onto the dog and giving him
several love-hunches before letting him go. No one would be the wiser if they
weren't privy to the fact that both girls had been fucking the dog for the past
few days.

Jackie pulled away from the curtain, feeling the animal's cum oozing down her
inner thighs, a plan formulating in her brain. She would control this situation,
she thought with a smile. She threw her light- blue dressing gown around her
shoulders and stepped into the hall.

Showering quickly, Jackie dressed even faster, hurrying down the stairs and
apologizing for having taken so much time upstairs.

"I fell asleep. I'm sorry," she apologized to her sister, who took little

Nancy and Claudia came in, followed by Jack, who continued to look shyly at
Jackie. But there was something behind his diffidence, a kind of strength
waiting to come out. Jackie took note of that as she dished salad onto her
plate, unsure if something would come of it or not.

Dinner went quickly, both girls wolfing down their food while staring knowingly
at one another. Jackie knew what was on their minds and nearly burst out
laughing at times. The plates were cleared, Nancy and Claudia helping their
mother with the dishes, while Jackie and Jack cleared the table. Once his hand
touched hers - purposely, Jackie thought. She pretended nothing had happened,
though she saw the color rising on his neck when she turned and walked slowly -
even sexily - to the kitchen.

"Oh, where are the girls?" Jackie asked with fake surprise.

"Oh, out again. I just hope they aren't meeting boys out in the fields. Girls
around here do that sort of thing, you know, Jackie," Evelin said, her forehead
wrinkling with worry.

"I'm almost certain they aren't doing that," she said truthfully, aware of
Jack's eyes focusing on her tight ass. She had purposefully worn a pair of
shorts that evening, brief shorts that revealed her ample figure. Was it to
arouse the dog, shame her nieces, or torment her nephew? Jackie wondered. She
peered out the window and saw Nancy and Claudia rushing toward the barn, Bodego
behind them.

"It sounds terrible and all that, but," Evelyn said, her hands in the dishwater,
the concern on her face obvious, "do you think you could, well, follow them
around and see if anything is ... you know - happening?"

Jackie hadn't planned on things going so easily. She agreed, wiping her hands,
then slipped from the kitchen into the night air. Unlike her sister, Jackie knew
exactly what the girls were up to. She wasn't about to stop their fun. But,
Jackie felt, they were going to learn a few things this evening, about her and
about sharing.

She crept up to the barn, peering over her shoulder to make certain Jack hadn't
followed her. No one. Cracking the door open, she slipped inside, closing the
door behind her, keeping a low profile as she tiptoed toward the rear of the
barn. In the last stall, she could hear the stallion snorting, the beast having
caught her scent. Jackie smiled, one hand to her lips as she moved toward the
next-to-last stall. There, she could hear Claudia's muffled squeals and Nancy
breathing heavily.

"Oh, wow! He's got it in already! Wow, you're greedy, Claudia!"

Jackie was in front of the stall now, watching Claudia stretch on her hands and
knees while the dog crouched over her. The girl's face was hidden by her hair.
But Jackie could hear her - hear the girl's groans and pants of delight - as
Bodego fed his prick-meat into her cunt.

Nancy was behind the animal, stark naked, her tits on his back while she reached
under his hindquarters and toyed with his balls. Both girls were oblivious to
Jackie's presence, their attention focused on the fucking German Shepherd.

"And to think your mother was concerned about you having sex with boys!"

Her words rang out like gunshots. Nancy was the first to react, pulling her hand
away from Bodego's balls as if she had touched something hot and disgusting. She
scooted away from her fucking sister, who apparently had not heard Jackie,
covering her cunt and tits with her hands and looking up with tremendous guilt.
She opened her mouth as if about to explain. Jackie put up one restraining hand
to silence Nancy, entering the stall and folding her hands over her tits. Nancy
looked miserable, her eyes clouding with tears.

"Claud. Claud! Stop it! Aunt Jackie's here watching us!"

"Uhhhhh! Oh, Bode go, fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhh, God, Nancy, he's doing it real
nice this time!" Claudia groaned, her body twisting under the dog's while her
tits jiggled together, her stiffened nipples trailing over the barn floor.

"Claudia, stop it! Aunt Jackie's here!" Nancy repeated, her voice breaking with

Claudia jerked her head around, shaking the hair from her flushed, sweat-
dampened face. To her horror, Jackie was standing in the center of the stall.
She let out a cry of horror, shaking her body, knocking the animal from her
back. Bodego growled, snapping at her, then twisting around to see who had
interrupted his fucking scene.

"Aunt Jackie, I can explain, I really can!"

Claudia began, her face blank with horror.

"Can you, now? I tend to doubt that. But then again," Jackie said, looking
around and smiling. "I don't want an explanation. I know about this. I saw you
both the other night fucking the dog. I was right there."

Jackie nodded her head toward the stall to the right. Both girls looked at her
as if she'd just dropped in from the moon.

"Then I stayed," Jackie added.

"For what?" Claudia finally asked, as she continued pushing the dog away from
her pussy.

"The horse - for him, whatever you call him," Jackie said, keeping her voice
calm as she started pushing her shorts down. It was a move that escaped the
girls' notice for the moment, but not Bodego's. He moved back, sniffing her ass,
and apparently pleased to find the scent he wanted.


"Whatever your father named him. He's very good - I think he'd be a better fuck
than Bodego. I was with him for some time, as I was with Bodego this afternoon
while you girls were playing in the pool."

They were both staring at her as if she announced she were about to kill them.

"You mean, you and ..."

Jackie liked the girls' expressions of shock, their looks of disbelief, as she
slipped off her shorts, then removed her halter top, standing there as naked as
her two young nieces. Bodego moved around, sniffing at her pussy, then licking
his tongue up into her cunt. The stiffening of her spine, her slight cry,
convinced the girls that what she had been telling them was the truth.

"Aunt Jackie!" Claudia said, her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Nothing unusual, girls. Now, don't tell me you're surprised and disgusted,
especially considering what I've seen the two of you doing lately."

"But that's ... different, somehow," Claudia protested, noticing with increasing
dismay Bodego's interest.

"Only because it's me having the dog now and not you. I'm not here to steal him
away. I need your help," Jackie said, throwing back her head and letting the
animal's tongue slither into her fur-edged cunt-slot before speaking again in a
normal voice. "I want you to help with Lightning. I think we'll all have a good
time, but one woman can't do it alone."

"The horse?" Both girls chorused, their eyes wide with disbelief as the dog
yipped around them.

Jackie bent over and slapped Bodego lightly on the nose to be quiet. Bodego
shuddered, moving away from the women and looking at them reprovingly. Claudia
was the first to break, her thin lips curling into a smile.

"Come on, Nancy, it'll be fun!"

"I knew I could count on you to be the first one to help out. Yes, Claudia,
let's do it!" Jackie said, her voice thickening as she thought of Lightning and
of the way he had touched her the last time. She had sucked his cock, feeling
his cum spatter against the back of her throat and slide down to her belly. Now
she would have his cock in her cunt!

"I think you'll need something to rest on. The crate," Nancy said, getting up
unsteadily and moving past her aunt.

Jackie watched breathlessly as the girls rushed from the stall and searched
about, Nancy finding the crate, Claudia getting a blanket for the top. Jackie
walked to the stall in the back, finding herself face- to-face with Lightning.
Now she knew his name, wondering if it would live up to the way he would fill
her cunt.

Like Lightning, Jackie thought, feeling her pulse burning through her arteries
as her nieces readied her for the fuck of her life!

Chapter 7

"Like this, Aunt Jackie?"

The girls had shoved the crate into Lightning's stall. The horse moved back, his
big eyes rolling nervously. Jackie soothed him, rubbing her hands up and down
the stallion's powerful sides while peering down between his hind legs. His cock
was hard, hard the moment she had walked in and he spotted her. He knew what she
was going to do and was neighing for it.

Jackie nodded, taking the cloth-covered crate and pushing it underneath the

"You'll have to help me, both of you. Claudia, you can help put his cock in,"
Jackie said, eyeing her niece with a smile and seeing a jolt of excitement
shiver through the teen.

"Oh, wow! This is freaky! I mean, like it's totally freaked!" the girl cried,
her eyes wide with delight as she watched her aunt disappear under the big
horse's belly.

Jackie crawled under Lightning, kneeling on the crate and rearing her ass in the
air. She could feel the balls of her feet rubbing up against the horse's legs
while Claudia and Nancy coaxed the stallion forward. She heard them trying to
calm him down, soothing the beast while urging him a little more forward in his

Claudia inched down behind Jackie, reaching around for Lightning's cock. The
woman trembled with delight. That wonderful long, fat, black cock was going to
stick up her cunt, forcing her cunt-lips to stretch to the tearing point. That's
exactly what Jackie wanted.

She felt another rush of cunt-juice rise to the surface of her pussy, bubbling
out, running down her thighs as she kneeled sexily atop the covered crate. She
drew her knees up, flattening her body while jerking her ass up a little more.
Jackie could sense the stallion's growing lust as he padded around, his prick
brushing up against her ass.

"Okay, Aunt Jackie. I'm gonna do it!" Claudia announced.

Jackie held her breath, her fingers working against the side of the crate. She
felt his hot prick-head brushing up against her cunt, the pressure increasing as
the stallion above her lowered his hindquarters. He was going to mount her in
his own special way, pushing his ass down, while easing his cock into her cunt.
Lightning knew what was down there. He couldn't see her as he could see a
rutting mare, but he knew the feel of a hot, wet pussy anxious to receive his

Jackie winced. His fat cock-head had finally pushed into her cunt, stretching
her pussy-lips paper thin, making the woman gasp. Bright lights exploded in
front of her eyes. She perspired heavily, her body twitching and jerking against
his impaling cock as more and more of that animal's cock-meat slipped into her

"Wow, Nancy, she's doing it! She's taking his prick all the way!" Claudia cried
out, her eyes wide with surprise as she moved her hand away from her aunt's cunt
and sat, watching Lightning fuck the woman.

"Christ! She's not screaming or anything. She likes it!"

Jackie did like it! Rolling her eyes upward, the woman saw Lightning's belly
tensing, rippling with excitement while his tail jerked from side to side. She
felt his wonderful prick stretching her cunt, a piece of red-hot iron stabbing
deep in her cunt, drawing delicious, tantalizing, hot tingles from her pussy.
Her tiny cunt-muscles pulsed and throbbed against his invading prick, milking
it, stretching to accommodate his black, funnel-like cock.

Jackie could still hear her niece's cries of delight as she crouched there, her
body split in two by that horse's cock. The woman could feel his bulbous prick-
head rummaging around in her pussy, stretching her cunt-walls even more, then
sliding down, down, pushing aside her guts. The animal pulled back a bit, then
pushed down with all his muscular weight.

Jackie squawked, her arms and legs jerking out as if someone had stabbed her in
the lower back with a spear. She cried out again, her cunt heating up more and
more as the incredible pressure deep in her cunt turned to incredible delight.
The stallion's cock-meat, that long hunk of wrinkly, black prick-meat, was
rubbing up against her clit, sending her closer and faster toward climax.

Jackie worked her ass around and around jerking it up, feeling that tight
sensation deep in her cunt turning into an itchy heat that robbed her of all
will and strength. The feel of Lightning's black, leathery prick-skin squeezing
in and out of her fuck-hole drove her to distraction. She was his rutting mare,
his mate, his fuck-buddy - there under his belly, taking all his prick-meat.

Jackie wormed her ass up a little higher, squeezing her cunt-muscles for all she
was worth. She heard the horse snorting loudly, his cock trembling between her
cunt-lips. White flashes of delight burned through her clit as the animal came,
sending massive spurts of his horse-cum into her cunt.


His cum spattered against her cunt-walls, the force of it nearly sending her
skittering off the overturned crate. His tail jerked, and his coat shone with
sweat, as if he had just come in from a hard ride.

Nancy and Claudia had become so entranced in watching their aunt rut, they
nearly forgot that Lightning could trample Jackie. They held onto the cumming
beast, soothing him, talking to him while Jackie's cunt exploded again and

Jackie felt her cunt squeezing his shooting cock-meat, holding onto his
quivering black prick and milking it. His cum frothed out from around her
stretched pussy-lips and squirted down her legs. It was good. Very, very good.
Shivering, Jackie slid out from under the horse, falling from the crate and
pulling her cunt free of the animal's cock. She dug at the soft straw with the
tips of her toes, while Lightning still whinnied above her.

"Come on, Aunt Jackie! He's freaking out!"

Jackie rolled over, scooting out from under the big stallion's stomping hooves.
She crawled with every ounce of strength she could find, feeling her cunt still
stinging from the touch of Lightning fucking her, filling up her pussy with his

Jackie caught half-images of her nieces helping her from the stall, pulling her
forward until she collapsed once again in another area. Something was licking
her face. Bodego! She felt his tongue sloshing across her cheeks while he

"You're not going to take him too, are you, Aunt Jackie?"

Jackie laughed, pushing the dog away and shaking her head. The girls squealed
with joy, Claudia being the first to spread her legs over the animal's head and
squat down.

Bodego was taken by surprise, the girl's red-furred cunt setting down over his
snout while her fingers caressed his sides. Claudia was in front of him,
squatting down, running her fingers slowly on either side of her red-gashed
pussy. Both girls were hot, Jackie noticed. They had helped her get fucked by
the horse, and now they wanted relief.

Bodego was more than willing to provide it. He leaned forward, opening his mouth
and taking Claudia's cunt in his powerful jaws. The girl screamed, her head
snapping back while her eyes cinched tightly shut. She was crying out, biting
down on her lower lip. He shook her pussy as if it were a bone.

Claudia's legs kicked out like those of a frog as she reached up and cupped her
tits, squeezing them hard until her nipples popped out around her massaging
fingers. The dog moved forward, growling, his paws braced up against the girl's

Jackie could see from where she was lying that Bodego was holding Claudia's cunt
and shaking it with his fangs while licking down deep into her cunt. The young
redheaded teen was going wild, her back arching, her hips making fucking
movements against the German Shepherd's face as she edged close to climax.

Claudia let out a moan, looking up at her sister Nancy, who was moving her pussy
back and forth. Bodego was aware of the teen above him and, after having given
Claudia's pussy a strong lick that drew a cry from her throat, he twisted his
head around and lapped deep into Nancy's cunt.

His touch was enough to bring the girl down to the floor of the stall. Her knees
buckled, as a hot, washing sensation rushed through her pussy and weakened her
legs. She let out another sharp cry and tumbled next to her sister, spreading
her legs, reaching down, and peeling back her sticky cunt-lips. She exposed her
rich, dark-red cunt that glistened with juices, throbbing to be touched by the
German Shepherd's tongue.

Jackie breathed heavily, clearing her head, not believing the orgy she was
witnessing. Both girls were out of their minds with sexual excitement - the
woman could see that by the expressions on their faces as they confronted the
dog, each one vying for his attention.

Bodego was bracing his paws against both girls, at times licking deep into
Claudia's cunt, then burying his mouth in Nancy's cunt-thicket and growling, as
if he had found something deep inside her pussy. Finally, Nancy could take no
more, getting up from her supine position and turning over, offering her cunt to
the dog.

"That's unfair, Nancy! You didn't give me a chance!" Claudia cried petulantly.

"You never gave me one!" Nancy retorted, reaching with one hand and stroking her

"You'd better keep your fingers around your cunt, then. He's real hot, and he's
gonna fuck right through your cherry!" her sister warned.

"Uhhh ... Ahhhhh!"

Nancy didn't heed the warning. She was kneeling there, her arms stretched
slightly forward, while her knees spread wide apart. She let her ass sag a bit,
then jerked it up the second she felt the dog's paws scratching tentatively
against the tops of her ass-cheeks.

Bodego slid atop the girl, his tail jerking from side to side, his fur standing
on end while his forelegs slipped tightly around her body. Nancy let out a groan
of delight, nodding her head, closing her eyes and licking her dry lips. Again,
Claudia warned her, but the girl only wagged her ass as if she were a bitch
waiting for her mate to fuck her.

Getting up, Claudia walked to the front of her sister, straddling her, offering
the fucking animal her pussy to lick. Bodego at first ignored her, looking down
at the floor contemplatively while positioning his cock.

Jackie saw his hind legs pattering around nervously behind the crouched Nancy,
his tail sticking straight out as if he were going to take a shit. Then she
heard the girl groan, a sign that the animal had finally struck home with his

Nancy shivered, her head snapping up, her hair splashing across her flushed,
sweat-dampened face. Nancy was fucked, fucked all the way up her cunt by
Bodego's cock. Only then did he move his head around and sniff at the other
girl's offered cunt. Thrusting his powerful hips in and out of Nancy's cunt, he
began licking at Claudia's cunt. Her face was reddening as her cheeks puffed out
with her effort to breathe. Everyone was so excited, they hardly heard Nancy cry
out in pain - the cry of a woman who had just lost her cherry.

"Uhhhh ... Aghghghhhhh! Oh, hurts! Oh, God, it hurts!"

Jackie looked down and saw Nancy trying to crawl away. The girl was scratching
at the soil, her fingers creating little puffs of dust from the stall floor. The
teen was crying, tears running down her blanched face. But still, the German
Shepherd held on, fucking faster than ever, working those powerful furred hips
back and forth against the girl's shivering ass.

"It's all right, Nancy. Every woman has to go through this," Jackie said

"But I did it with a dog ... oh, God, I forgot about stopping him, I forgot ..."

Her voice trailed off as the animal continued fucking her cunt with wild
abandon. In a moment, Jackie saw that her niece had changed attitude, having
apparently forgotten her horror at having lost her cherry to an animal. She was
enjoying the fucking now, swaying her body from side to side, apparently liking
the warm, fuzzy feel of Bodego's body pressing down against her back while his
prick pushed down hard into her cunt.

Claudia was the first to cum, her back stiffening while her head snapped back.
She was gripping the animal's head with both hands, her fingers fanned along his
pointy ears, while her cunt hunched up and over the German Shepherd's mouth.

Jackie could hear the girl's cries, could hear the animal's slick tongue licking
in and out of the girl's convulsing cunt. Claudia jerked her hips back and
forth, at times slowly to feel every spasm, at times more quickly to heighten
the hot, itchy feeling cutting through her cunt like the blade of a rusty saw.
Bodego enjoyed her movements, growling happily, while still fucking the crouched
Nancy beneath him.

"Ohhhh, no! Nooooooo!"

Nancy let out another cry. This time, Jackie knew her niece was in the throes of
joy, not pain. The young teen was bucking her ass up and back, digging and
scratching her nails into the ground while basking in the sensation of the dog
cumming in her.

"I can feel it! Yes, oh, God in heaven! I can feel him cumming in me!"

Jackie watched, another climax brewing in her own stretched cunt as she saw her
nieces roiling in the throes of their orgasms. Behind them all, Jackie could
hear Lightning neighing and stomping his hooves nervously, excited by the
obvious sexual cries of the two girls in the stall.

"Uhhhh! Oh, Bodego, oh, fuck me! Give it to me! Give that cock to me!" Nancy

Jackie felt her cunt explode, the sparks showering around her clit, taking her
breath away. She and the girls had done it again.

"Uhhhhh!" Jackie rolled onto her back, kicking both legs up and bending them at
the knees, while letting her thighs part.

There was no shame here, no guilt, no worry about what the others would say when
she climaxed like this. They were too busy with their own orgasms - Claudia
still stretched like a fleshy bridge over the dog's head, Nancy crouched and
buried by the dog's still-humping body, her cunt drinking in the last of
Bodego's cum.

The woman dug her fingers deep into her pussy, not minding the warm, slimy feel
of the horse's cum against her probing digits. She was soft and hot and wet down
there. It was sexy, really sexy, she thought. No wonder the horse and dog went
wild the moment they dipped their cocks in there!

Jackie probed some more, loving the scratchy feel of her fingernails, loving
even more the way her clit tingled as her knuckles bumped teasingly against it.
She felt straw gathering up in her ass-crack, some of the straw tickling her
asshole as she spun around on the floor, her fingers still fucking her cunt.

"Good, really good!" Nancy groaned, her elbows buckling out from under her. The
girl fell to the floor, gasping to catch her breath.

Claudia was on her hands and knees now, her hands cupped around her pussy, her
fingers pinching her clit and wringing out the last of her orgasm before she
fell back onto the straw and squirmed invitingly. She was licking her lips a
lot, batting her eyes and staring at the ceiling.

Bodego was in a corner, curled up again, licking his prick and, every now and
then, eyeing the women he had been so lucky to service that evening.

"We have to be careful, girls. We can't let anyone find out about this," Jackie
warned, crawling up to them when she felt they were rational again.

"Oh, we know, Aunt Jackie! We've been careful. Mom's in her own world. She
thinks we're meeting some guys or something behind the haystack," Nancy said,
propping her head on her hands and smiling at her aunt.

Jackie smiled, feeling close to the girls - as if she were their private
confidante, rather than being the spy Evelyn had wanted her to be. She shifted
position, feeling the horse's cum ooze from her cunt- slot and wet her thighs.

"I have to tell you a secret. Your mother wants me to watch you, for that very
purpose," Jackie confided. "I can tell her the truth - that you haven't been
with any men this evening, and I doubt you will for some time."

"It's not that we don't want guys, or something like that," Claudia added a
little defensively, stroking her hand over Bodego's head. "It's just that ...
well, these guys were more available than some of the duds we have to put up
with at school."

"Yeah! I mean, Aunt Jackie, they're real dumb and slow. At least, Bodego and
Lightning - well, they've got natural instincts, or something that keeps them
going. They're real good, but you know that already," Nancy added, giggling as
she stared at her aunt's cunt.

"You know," Claudia said, smiling. "I wouldn't mind doing something like that -
I mean, with Lightning someday. I think that'd be real fun, having the horse do
that to me."

Jackie shook her head, lifting a warning finger and pointing it to the girls.

"Not until you've had experience with men. You could get hurt doing something
like that, with a cock that large. Now, we'd better get dressed and get on our
way. Your mother trusts me, but she still might start wondering where we are if
we're not back soon," Jackie said.

She was surprised at the candor with which she was speaking to the girls. It was
unusual, she thought, but perhaps their common experience with the animals was
the reason for it. In any case, she was glad it was all out. It made life far
more simple. They were allies she could depend upon for secrecy, as she followed
her own natural instincts.

Chapter 8

Another week had gone by. Unknown to Evelyn, Jackie and her nieces had been
having the time of their lives with Bodego and Lightning.

Jackie had shown the girls how to jack the stallion off, Claudia having gone one
step farther as usual and given the animal a blow job. From the way he neighed
and pawed the ground, Jackie could tell he loved it tremendously. Claudia did
too, although she couldn't swallow the cum without gagging and nearly vomiting -
something Jackie assured her would go away as she became more used to doing it.

Jackie had avoided the horse's prick. Her cunt was a little sore from the last
time. But Bodego had more than done his duty, licking her off many times, then
fucking her, while the girls watched and fingered their cunts into orgasm.

It had been fun, but now, Jackie felt she wanted something else, something
different from the fun and games she and her nieces were playing. The horse and
dog could satisfy her desperate and ever- increasing needs at times. But there
were emotional needs, a need to be held - something neither of the animals could
help her with.

Jackie was thinking of this one evening as she sat on the steps of the back
porch, half-listening to the radio. Evelyn and her husband were in the living
room watching television, and the girls were at a study group, crashing for an
exam in school the next day.

It was good to be alone for a change, Jackie thought.

The air was so cool and clean, blowing against her gently, while the sounds of
the country were pleasant to her ears. Stretching her legs just a little in
front of her, Jackie wondered again why she would ever want to leave such an
idyllic setting and return to Los Angeles.

Fucking, she thought, feeling her cunt crinkle with a sudden rush of heat.
Surely she could never settle down by fucking the farm animals. She had to have
men, had to have that manly touch some of the time.

Jackie sighed, leaning her head against the pole behind her. She had enjoyed the
touch of Bodego as he fucked her. That was the closest to the kind of sensation
she wanted - the feeling of a male holding her tight while fucking her, pressing
her hard against him while drilling her cunt until she thought her body was
coming apart because of her climax.

"A penny for your thoughts."

"Oh! Oh, Jack, you ... you startled me!" Jackie cried, one hand to her throat.

She snapped from her reverie, her head clearing as she studied the big- muscled
silhouette standing in front of her. He was shuffling his feet again, a habit
she found just a bit irritating.

"Here, come on and sit down next to me. The night's simply too beautiful to
watch it alone," she said, smiling up at her nervous nephew.

"Thanks, Aunt Jackie. I just finished working on dad's car and saw you out here.
Thought I'd just talk a little, if you don't mind."

"That's what aunts are for." Jackie smiled. "You know, you're a very attractive
young man, Jack. I don't understand why you don't date."

Again Jack shuffled his feet, looking down at the ground for a while before

"I've dated around some, but most of the girls around here are pretty silly.
Never found one I particularly liked," he said, staring right into her eyes.

Except you, Jackie guessed he was saying, feeling her pulse quicken. She was
acting like some crazed matron, she told herself. And yet, damn it, she wasn't

Jack was touching her hair.

"Jack, perhaps we'd better get in the house."

But she couldn't move. As she started getting up, Jackie felt how hot she'd
become. Her panty-crotch rubbed wetly against her pussy, slipping briefly into
her ass-crack and touching her clit ever so lightly, ever so deliciously. Jackie
bit her lip, sitting back down and looking up at the stars again.

"No, I don't want to - not yet, anyway."

Could he smell her hot cunt? Jackie wondered. She couldn't catch her breath. She
put one hand to her throat, closed her eyes, and concentrated on breathing
evenly. She managed to get herself under control. Now, Jackie thought, all she
had to do was get this situation under control and they would be all right.

Jack was staring at her, studying her with that intense, boyish gaze of his. He
was smiling, a kind of confident, yet diffident, smile that stripped the veil of
her indifference away.

"No! Jack, don't do this! It's just not right!" she whispered, trying to push
him away.

But something had started, something over which she had no control. He was
kissing her hair, one hand on her shoulder. Jackie trembled, feeling his fingers
burning through her jersey. She could hear a door opening and shrank away from
Jack's touch. It was Evelyn, bustling in the kitchen, opening the refrigerator
and taking something out.

"Are you all right out there, Jackie?"

"Oh, yes, everything's fine," she answered, trying to hide the tremor in her
voice. "You just go back in and enjoy television. I'll be inside - in a bit."

The door closed again, leaving the two of them alone. It was dangerous, very
dangerous. She was contemplating committing incest with her own nephew - and
nearly under the roof of her own sister! But she did nothing to stop it, sitting
there, back straight, eyes looking ahead as if she were at attention, while Jack
pushed his luck and leaned toward her.

He was kissing her now on the neck. His lips were hot and wet. He was touching
her all over with his mouth, touching all the right spots in the right way. He
had more than a little experience. That shy, foot- shuffling little ploy of his
was a good defense, a good way to work his way into a woman's heart. Jackie
could feel more than a little confidence in his moves now, as he zeroed in on
her like a fighter pilot. Jackie almost giggled. She had to be crazy, or a

"Jack, what are you ... you can't do that sort of thing with me ... not here,
not anywhere," she protested, raising both hands and pressing them lightly
against his chest.

"I can do it anywhere. That's what you want, isn't it, Aunt Jackie? Or should I
call you Jackie?"

It was a completely different Jack, one she liked a good deal better. She felt
herself surrender her matronly guise for that of a woman wanting a man, a woman
attracted to and needing that special warm touch only a man could give. Her hand
fluttered up to his neck. She could feel him holding her harder, could feel his
tongue and teeth against her neck. She thought of the dog and shivered.

"No, please, not here!"

"You're right. Come on," he said, getting up and taking her by the hand.

Nervously, Jackie looked back, sure no one had seen them. The dim light in the
living room flickered, indicating her sister and husband were still watching

She and Jack were nearly running down the small hillock toward the barn. The
building loomed like a giant in the darkness. Jackie pulled back, slowing down.
She didn't want to fuck in there - not in there, where she had done so many
other things with the animals. It just didn't seem ... right!

"It's the only place. I don't wanna take you to town and go to a motel. Come
on!" Jack said, tugging her into the building.

She could hear Lightning stomping and whinnying the moment they entered. But
Bodego. Where was he? Jackie wondered. She had seen him shortly after dinner
romping outside, playing with his shadow, then romping up and trying to catch
low-swooping birds. Now she had no idea where the animal had taken off to. How
awful if he should show up while she and Jack ...

Jackie shook her head. No, she didn't even want to think about it.


He lay a blanket over the straw in the first stall, straightening it, then
taking her by the shoulders and gently setting her down on it. Jackie liked his
firm manner. Now she could see the change in his face. Where there had been
uncertainty earlier, there was now the firm confidence of an experienced lover.

She trembled as he untucked her jersey from her shorts, raising it over her
head, the soft material frictioning her stiff nipples and making her gasp with
its teasing touch. Jack threw the garment to one side, staring down at her full,
high-riding tits. He raised a hand and brushed the backs of his fingers against
her nipples.

Jackie liked that! He dropped his head, his tongue gingerly wetting one dark
aureole. The boy's hand fell to her lap, unzipping her shorts, squirming them
down from around her hips. She helped, raising her pert little ass from the
blanket for a moment, feeling the material rubbing sexily against her thighs.
She was trembling now, as she felt his hand grazing her belly, touching her ever
so lightly, ever so wonderfully!

"Jack ... oh, God!"

She felt her cunt getting wet while Jack slipped his hand over her cunt. He was
groaning into her mouth, battling his tongue with hers, drinking in her spit
while sealing their mouths together. She groaned back into his throat, feeling
his finger slipping into her flooding cunt-crack.

Jackie thought she would explode with that touch. It was the lusty touch of a
man, a man wanting her, a man wanting to stick his cock into her and make her
cum all night! She thought about that and groaned once more, her legs kicking
apart, her thighs spread wide for that event. She was kissing him back - a
yearning, hurried, hungry kiss, the kiss of someone wanting to be fucked as hard
and fast as possible.

Jack's fingers eased up into her cunt a little farther. The woman tightened her
cunt-lips around his touch, clamping one of her hands over his to push him
deeper. Yes, she wanted him deeper, wanted him all the way into her pussy,
touching her cunt completely, sticking into her cunt until she felt her body
halved by his touch.

Jackie let out a shivery groan, bouncing her ass smartly against the soft
blanket underneath, that movement making her tits jiggle and slap together. The
woman couldn't believe she had let this go ignored for so long, here at her
sister's house!

"Wow, you're really something else, Jackie! I've been watching you for a long
time," Jack confessed, pulling free of her lips for the moment and staring at
her. "I've wanted to do this to you for a while. I've been jacking off, thinking
about fucking you, thinking about sticking my prick into you and getting off."

His filthy words excited Jackie all the more. She thought about him alone in his
room pounding his cock-meat, rolling his ass, thinking about her fucking him
while she was in the barn jerking her ass around, letting Bodego and Lightning
fuck and lick her.

She should have been ashamed of herself, she knew. But somehow it all fit
together - the animal fucking, the incest she was now committing. It was all
fitting into her life, making it far less grim, and certainly far more exciting
than it had been since her husband had walked out on her.

Jackie was on her back, her clothes having since been completely removed. She
was in a woozy, high haze. Jack was bending over her, licking her, drawing his
tongue over her tummy, making the muscles shiver and tighten with that touch.
Just like the dog, Jackie thought, rocking her ass, feeling the buttery slide of
her cunt-lips against one another as her pussy-juice oozed out of her cunt.

Jack was taking off his clothes, having pulled off his t-shirt, and now slipping
off his faded jeans. His prick was big - very, very big - nearly as long and
thick as the cock that had stuck out from between the stallion's hind legs. Only
Jack's cock was shaped far differently Jackie noticed. So pink, his cock-head
being purple, and those blue veins throbbing regularly against the tight-skinned
outer flesh!

Jackie licked her lips. His cock was large, bigger than Doug's.

"I ... I'm older than you are, Jack. I still don't see why ..."

He put a restraining finger up against her lips. He pressed down against her
while touching her in all the right spots.

"You're just what I want ... and hell, you've got a better body than most of the
girls at school!" Jack countered, stopping her protestations with a long,
sucking kiss.

Jackie responded, falling back to the blanket. He was spreading her thighs,
licking his tongue up and down her thighs, purposely avoiding her cunt for the
time being. It was so like Bodego, Jackie thought, but there was a difference.
Jack licked slowly, touching her just behind the lick, rubbing his fingertips
against her flesh while sliding his tongue up, up toward her cunt. Jackie liked
that. She tensed her ass, thrusting it upward, begging silently for a touch, the
touch of his tongue against her clit.

Jack held her thighs farther apart now, his pressing into the soft, shivery
white flesh of her thighs and spreading them more and more. His tongue was
rimming the tense, rubbery edge of her pussy, his mustache tickling her hard,
little clit.

Jackie ground her teeth together, making little rutting sounds, while jerking
her thighs. Sparks seemed to fly in front of her eyes, blinding her to
everything but the sight of her new lover licking her pussy. She twisted around
and around, going down a black vortex as Jack finally licked into her cunt. He
pushed forward in a wet, sexy kiss, his tongue fucking her, his nose crushing
against her clit.

"Huhrhhhrhrr! Huhrhhrhrrrrrrr!"

Jackie made whirring sounds, beating her naked legs against the blanket, while
holding tightly onto his skull. She felt that up-and- down movement of his head
as he ate into her cunt. He curled his tongue, at times stiffening it and
sending it down, almost to her womb, while scooping up her pussy-juices and
slurping them up. Occasionally, he relaxed his tongue, caressing her sore, itchy
cunt-walls, sucking down her pussy-hair, then tickling the sensitive rim between
her inner and outer cunt-lips with just the tip of his tongue.

Jackie thought she would die! Jackie rolled and jerked her thighs, begging him
for more pressure, more touching, for more anything to end the tantalizing

Jack moved back, licking her thighs again, his strong hands gripping her hip

"Jack ..."

Jack rolled her onto her tummy, scouring her cunt once more with his tongue,
then shoving her forward until Jackie found herself on her hands and knees. It
was a position she had become more than a little used to in the past few weeks.
But now her nephew was back there, licking all the bumps and hollows of her
spine, while pounding his greasy prick-meat faster and faster with his hand.

She could hear that slick, clicking sound and knew what was happening. He was
getting his cock ready for her cunt, getting his prick hard and hot. She could
just imagine his cock-meat burning through her cunt like a branding iron through
lard! She shivered, groaning, rubbing her tits, while moving her ass slowly from
side to side.


Jack was touching her cunt with his finger, the stiffness and length contrasting
sharply with the gentle sucking of his tongue. She felt his finger exploring
deeper and deeper, until she grunted with that teasing sensation of her cunt
almost being filled.

She was a bitch in heat again, and she was in the right position for it. Her
cunt was so hot, so wet, so ready to be rimmed and reamed. Jack reached forward
now, looping his hand under her belly, reaching down until he touched her
nipple. Jackie groaned, bobbing her ass as the big stud squeezed and pinched her
tit-tip. It was more than she could have expected, more than she could have
hoped for! Again, the woman groaned. Jack had both hands forward now, rolling
and pinching her nipples until Jackie thought he would surely tear them off.

"Fuck me! Fuck me now! Oh, God in heaven, give it to me! Give it to me! I wanna
cock! I wanna cock!"

She was rutting shamelessly in front of her nephew, backing up into him and
jerking her ass from side to side. Jackie managed to look between her legs. She
could see her nephew hunkered low behind her, his knees spread wide for power.

"I don't believe all this ... you're going to fuck me, going to ...

Her breathy protest was ended by the touch of his cock-meat in her cunt. She
felt his cock, felt it sliding into her cunt, stretching her itchy pussy-walls -
the cock of a real man! Her ass pranced for it.

Ohhh, Jackie thought, how good his cock felt, thrusting along the seepy, velvety
lining of her pussy, the force of his forward fucking thrust lifting her knees
from the blanket in the horse stall.

"Jack, no! No, don't ... oh God, it's so deliciously good, so good!"

Jackie gasped with delight, tossing her head. It was the best fuck she had ever
had, the culmination of all the others. Jack held her, drawing her to him while
he fucked down and deep. How she wished they could remain like this for an
eternity, while the world spun around them to destruction.

Chapter 9

"It's going deep, real, real deep!"

Jackie gathered the blanket in her fingers, clutching and grabbing at it as the
sparks flew in her cunt. Jack was bending over her, kissing her between the
shoulderblades. It felt so lovely, so normal.

Jackie didn't care what he thought of her, of what anyone would think of her.
She was a woman now, a woman taking on a man who wanted her desperately. She
could easily tell Jack had been around the track more than once as he fucked
easily into her cunt, crooning soothing words to her while touching her tummy,
her tits, her cunt.

"Ohhhh! Fuck me, Jack! Oh, God, I wanna feel your cock deep in me! Oh, oh, oh!
You don't ... hhuuhhh ... you don't know how long I've been waiting for
something like this to happen to me!"

"I can guess. God, you're real hot and wet down there, Jackie."

She felt him moving his hands around his cunt-sinking cock, caressing her pussy-
walls, rubbing his hands over her clit, making her feel as if she were going to
die. Long strings of drool leaked from the corners of her mouth as she crouched
there in the stall, bucking back against his fucking prick. She liked this kind
of insanity - this kind of madness - sweeping through her mind. She liked his
hair, his young, strong body. He knew just how to touch her, and her body moved
back against his eagerly.

"Oh, Jack! When you pull it back like that ... real, real slow ... oh, God, I
know I'm dying!"

Jackie had her head down between her arms, rubbing her flushed cheeks against
her forearms while her long, blonde hair trailed onto the barn floor. Her arms
trembled, threatened to collapse, then fell. She kept her ass high, prancing it
around as Jack dug his fingers into her hips and fucked deep again.

The woman felt her body coming apart. She knew there were times when the only
thing touching her was Jack's cock. He was leaning back, looking down, watching
the progress of his thick cock-meat as it slipped sloppily into her cunt.

Then he was on top of her again, his arms covering hers, his lips kissing and
sucking at the back of her neck while he fucked rapidly into her cunt. He was
holding her hard, keeping his fingers hooked around her hip bones, while riding
her down onto the floor.

Jackie felt her body heating up, her flesh slick with perspiration as she sucked
in air that seemed to burn her nostrils. Fucking. Fucking! It was so good, so
wonderfully good, feeling her pussy burning up like that against his prick. She
could feel his flat, strong belly pressing against her ass-cheeks and lower

Jack was climbing her, actually climbing her, and fucking powerfully into her
drenched cunt. His cock made squishy, sexy noises as it probed deep into her
pussy. The sensation of thick cock-meat chugging through her, spreading her
cunt, made her squeal and cry while she clenched the blanket in her hands and
begged for more.

"Oh, so close, so close! I'm so close to cumming!" Jackie whispered.

She realized that she was talking like her younger self, like she had talked
when just a teenager. It seemed so long ago. She felt reborn under this stud -

"Ohhh! Jack, do it slower, slower!"

Jack eased his cock from her cunt, letting her feel the hot, dribbling streaks
of her pussy-juice trickling down her ass-cheeks. She was soaked, frothing with
that cunt-butter. Jackie swore to herself that she had never been this wet in
her life! She was almost drowning in her own cunt-juices while Jack toyed with
her cunt, pretending to fuck her, then drawing his prick away and letting it
slide across her ass. Jackie bit her lip until she could taste blood. This
tantalizing fucking was driving her out of her mind.

"Fuck me! Oh, please, stick it back in me!" He rolled her over, careful to keep
his cock-meat in her cunt. He had both her tits in his hands, squeezing them,
lowering his head and biting the nipples hard between his front teeth while
throwing his cock-meat skillfully into her cunt.

Jackie liked fucking that way - liked the way her legs stretched around his
body. Her clit was pulled tightly down each time he fucked into her cunt.

As her pussy filled with prick-meat, Jack bit down around her nipple. She jerked
and babbled, excitement rushing along every nerve of her body. She scissored her
legs lightly around his back, feeling him working his young hips with a building

Her pussy-juice seemed to squirt like a fountain from her cunt. She felt it
leaking down her ass and into her shitter. Pussy-juice slicked between her ass-
cheeks, wetting the blanket underneath. Jackie ground her hips around wildly,
feeling her belly rubbing sweatily against Jack's. She knew she was only moments
from climax. She knew she was going to cum soon.

"Oh, Jack! God, you're so good!"

She dug her nails against his sides, raking them until he cried out for her to

"Can't help it! Can't ... oh, no, no, no!"

Her ass shot upward, hanging there, trembling, waiting for that dreadful moment
when her clit would blow to pieces. Jackie could feel the scream building up in
her throat, she felt her belly tensing while her ass cramped from tension. She
cried, and twisted her thighs from one side to the other, her shivering muscles
bucking helplessly under Jack as he raked pure pleasure from her cunt-lips. Her
clit was swollen and hot, throbbing with that maddening tickle that jolted cries
of lust from her throat.

Jackie's thighs were smeared with her pussy-juice. She loved the sensation, the
touch of his cock in her cunt, his arms around hers, his legs pinning her to the
floor. Then that core of explosive joy shot through her cunt.

Jack's fat cock fucked her beautifully. She could feel his cum spattering
against her cunt-walls with the same power she had felt with Lightning. He was
smearing her cunt with his man-slime, filling her cunt while kissing her
ravenously. He tongued down into her throat, cumming hard again and again, while
her pussy grabbed onto his spurting prick and held.

"Uhhhhh ... oh, God! God, I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

The big stud held her to the floor, filling her cunt, squirming over her body
and pinching her nipples until she screamed with pain and joy. Jackie bucked and
thrashed, her mind splintering again and again as she felt her nephew crawling
on her, pinching her, fucking her until she squealed with joy again.

"Ohhh, Jack! You don't know how long I've been wanting this to happen!" she
said, echoing his thoughts.

She felt his cock ease out of her cunt, cum and pussy-juice dribbling from her
stretched cunt-hole and wetting down her ass-cheeks. She groaned, her fingers
working against the blanket.

"I shouldn't have fucked you so hard, I guess, but I couldn't help it."

"It's all right," Jackie said.

Jack was working his fingers around his prick now, shaking it back into action,
Jackie hoped. She could lie here all evening and have him hold her down, raping
her again and again with his prick until she finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Minutes passed, minutes where Jackie lay quietly and stared up at her new lover.
Jack kissed her shoulders, still fingering his prick, while taking one nipple in
his teeth and biting down until she cried with delight.

How wonderful this was, Jackie thought, this foreplay, this kind of silent
communication between a man and a woman. She had missed that so much, and now
she was getting it all back in a deluge. The horse whinnying in the background
made her smile. No more would she lurk in his stall, searching for his favors.
She would have them all here in Jack, this stud, her nephew who would fuck her
again soon.

"Oh ... you're ... you're getting all hard again!" she said, her eyes rounding
as his fat cock swelled.

"Yeah. That's kinda a problem I've got. Can't seem to get enough pussy!" Jack
said, working his fingers over the tip of his cock. "Most girls freak out when
they see me get big so soon. They wanna get out. They think I'm some kind of
freak or something."

Jackie shook her head, her eyes fastened on his prick, then roving up to his
face. She mentally framed his handsome face, feeling as if God had answered all
her prayers for the year.

"They don't know anything, Jack. Any woman worth half her salt would give
anything to have a man like you," Jackie said honestly, feeling her cunt warm.


"Yes, really!" she answered, watching the darkened crown of his prick swell.

"I'm getting close just talking about doing it ... damned close!"

Jackie knew he wanted to fuck again. But she wanted to surprise her new mate, do
something he hadn't expected. She rose from the floor, shaking her loose, blonde
hair from her eyes. She stopped Jack from working his cock-meat, pressing gently
with her fingers in a way that told him she wanted him down on the ground. He
complied, looking up strangely at the young woman.

"I'm going to make you feel good - very, very good - tonight," Jackie promised,
her eyes growing heavy with lust as she started stroking his cock-meat. She saw
that her touch made his belly quiver. He hissed a breath through his tightly
clenched teeth.

Jack watched in amazement as his aunt pushed out her tongue, letting it rest
against the two bloated balls at the underside of his cock-head. Jack grunted
with obvious pleasure. She moved her tongue in small, wagging movements, closing
her lips slowly, gently, over his precious hot cock, until she heard Jack
grunting again, his back arching while he closed his eyes and dug the balls of
his feet into the soft straw.

Jackie saw Bodego's brown, sexy eyes peering from around the corner of the
stall, staring curiously at her. Her heart nearly leaped from her throat as she
started sliding her mouth down Jack's cock, sucking as hard as she could while
wriggling her tongue back and forth, back and forth over the ridged underside of
his prick.

Moving one hand, Jackie signaled violently for the dog to go away. But he
remained, sitting on his haunches and staring at the two of them, his long, pink
tongue hanging from one corner of his mouth as he breathed heavily.

Jackie wasn't surprised that she could take in all Jack's ten inches of prick-
meat. She had, after all, mouth-fucked Lightning. Slowly, carefully, the woman
lowered her mouth, feeling his fat cock-head pushing back over her tongue, over
her tonsils, pressing against the back of her throat. Twice, Jackie had to
struggle to keep from choking. She swallowed hard several times, ridding her
mouth of gathering spittle, as she gobbled his prick. She could feel his black,
wiry cock- hair tickling her nose.

She had done it! She had taken in all her nephew's prick-meat, feeling his cock
trembling between her cheeks as she massaged the underside with her tongue. Jack
sounded as if he were coming unglued, making choked, strangling sounds while
working his body against the blanket.

And there ... there in front of her was the dog.

Chapter 10

"Come on, gimme that head! Oh, wow, Jackie, wow!"

Jack arched his spine once more, feeding his cock-meat into the young woman's
mouth while bracing his fingers on either side of her skull. She liked that,
liked the feel of his hands pressing against her ears while she flicked her
tongue around the sensitive underside of his mouth-fucking cock.

Jackie could feel his thick cock-tube throbbing against her tongue, that tube
through which all his jizz would come shooting. She sucked hard, her cheeks
caving in, her throat hurting from the effort, as she bobbed her head.

Bodego was still there. She felt fear and shame as she peered through her
curtaining hair, watching the big German Shepherd watch her.

Jack was squirming around more frantically now, his hips jerking while his
fingertips danced nervously against her cheeks. He was getting ready to unload
his balls in her mouth.

Jackie dropped one finger down to her cunt, parting her sticky cunt- lips, and
shoving her finger down into her pussy.

Bodego had moved forward. He was licking her ass while looking up at her. Jackie
swatted back at him, eyeing the dog while shaking a warning finger at him. He
moved away, whimpering through his nostrils, making Jackie nervous as he circled
her with his tail drooping between his legs. She watched him, feeling her lips
slackening around Jack's prick.

"Something wrong?"


Tightening her mouth around his cock, the woman began to suck him in earnest
once more, bobbing her head, flicking her tongue around and around.

Bodego took heart when she dropped that warning finger, placing it around Jack's
balls and cupping them lovingly. He moved in for the kill, dropping his head
while drawing his tongue up her hot, fur-edged fuck-slot. The woman let out a
cry, jerking up, tightening her lips hard around Jack's prick and nearly biting
down into the fleshy crown. She swatted back, unable to turn around and give
Bodego a warning look once more.

Bodego was whimpering more and more now. Jack raised his head from the ground,
his face wrinkled with curiosity as he tried to peer around Jackie's shoulders.
She did all she could to keep the animal from her. But there he was, crouched
down behind her ass, licking her ass and cunt-crack while growling happily at
the taste and touch.

"Wow! That's something else, Aunt Jackie! You know what's going on?"

Jackie pulled up from his cock, her hands covering her face in shame as she let
his prick slip from between her lips.

"Yes. Oh, I'm so embarrassed ... this awful, awful dog ... I don't know what's
happening!" she lied.

Jack cocked his head to one side, staring at her carefully.

"You're not squaring with me, Jackie. I'll bet you've been doing things with
Bodego for some time," he said slowly, watching her reaction carefully.

"I ... I don't know what to say," Jackie responded, feeling pinned to the wall
with this accusation.

She fought for words of explanation, but could find none. Instead, all she did
was stammer while the German Shepherd continued lapping at her white, shivering

"Hell, I don't mind! I don't blame him. You're damned beautiful, and smell good,
too!" he said, taking her hand and pulling her head back to his prick.

While he talked, Bodego brought his tongue up through the sloppy mess of her
cunt. She trembled like a bitch in heat, her fingers gripping Jack's cock

Again, she slapped back at the beast, catching him across the nose. Bodego
reared back, barking angrily at the sudden blow.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it! Really!"

Jackie was stunned. He knew what was happening and liked what he knew. For a
moment, Jackie felt she couldn't look at her nephew at all. Bodego was back at
her pussy a third time, wetting the backs of her thighs, her ass, her puffy,
slick-coated cunt-crack.

"In fact, I think I'm gonna let him get more than he bargained for," Jack said,
tucking his legs under his ass and getting up.

"What ... what are you doing?" Jackie gasped, watching his prick jerking in
front of her. She started to rise, but Jack, put both hands on her shoulders and
forced her back on the blanket. His hands were still around her face, framing
it, while he put her into a hands-and- knees crouching position.

Immediately, Jackie knew what her nephew was doing. He was going to make her
fuck the dog while she gave him a blow-job. The thought sent more shivers up and
down her spine as she wagged her ass in front of the now-happy Bodego, opening
her mouth and letting her nephew settle his cock over her tongue. She swallowed
hard, feeling the tension building in her chest and throat as she wagged her
tongue over his two blood-bloated balls.

"Oh, yeah, Jackie, that's the way! That's the way to make me feel real good!" he
said, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back.

Jackie liked this, liked it a lot. It was so good being fucked at both ends.
Bodego was still just sniffing behind her. Jack pulled his cock out and rubbed
his prick over her eyes and onto her forehead. She turned her head just a bit so
she could bite the side of his veined cock-shaft, tickle the hardness with her
tongue until Jack was making strangled sounds in his mouth. And there was that
teasing, tickling wetness behind her - that wetness that was Bodego's probing
mouth rubbing up against her cunt-slit.

Jackie wagged her ass, feeling the slick, slippery sensation of her pussy-lips
rubbing against one another, while the dog's tongue wet her cunt-lips even more
with spit. Jackie moved her head around a little more, swallowing her nephew's
prick. She felt the soft linings of her cheeks caress his prick.

Jack sounded as if he were coming apart, while the dog behind her wallowed his
snout part way into her cunt. She felt her tiny pussy- muscles convulsing around
his invasion. Bodego grunted and drove his tongue in wild, licking frenzies over
her pussy. The hair curled along the sides of her cunt-lips, wet with the dog's
hot spit.

Bodego's fangs gripped her ass. She felt him hold one ass-cheek in his mouth and
shake her gently. The pull of her nipped flesh, the strain of it against her
clit, pushed Jackie close to the edge of climax.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah, man, he's goin' for it! He's bitin' your ass while you're
sucking my prick! Go for it, baby, go for it!" Jack cried.

Jackie struggled to keep her concentration, to keep sucking hungrily at Jack's
bursting prick that jabbed half into her throat. Jack seemed to like it when she
swallowed against his fucking cock. When those delicate swells in her throat
throbbed and convulsed around his prick- head, the young man rocked from side to
side, the pressure of his fingertips against her skull increasing.

Jackie groaned happily, raising one hand and putting her fingers around his
cock-root. She was jacking him off while sucking his cock, adding to the
friction already driving the young man half out of his mind. She felt Bodego
grip her thigh with his jaws, biting down, sinking his teeth into the ridged
tendon and sending delicious flames of excitement burning into her cunt.

"Uhhh! Yeah, let 'im fuck you now!" Jack groaned through his teeth.

Jackie wanted to tell her nephew that she didn't have any control of the animal.
Bodego was independent enough to decide when he would fuck and when he wouldn't.
And then, as if he could understand what Jack had said, Bodego stopped his
licking, moved back and placed both paws on the rounded tops of her ass-cheeks.

Jackie knew what was going to happen, and she held her breath until her eyes
swam. He was on her, his forelegs wrapped around her tummy, his head up against
her shoulderblades while his cock stabbed at her cunt. His pointy, knobby cock-
end was squeezing past her cunt-lips, parting them, teasing the sensitive flesh
of her inner cunt-lips and finally, burrowing deep into the dark-red meat of her

Jackie sighed happily, her lips slackening only for a second as she reveled in
the sexual shivers racing up and down her spine. Bodego was fucking her, driving
his doggie-prick into her cunt while her nephew was making her swallow his cock-
meat. Two males - two hot males - fucking her at either end, filling her up. She
sweat heavily, the fur of the animal's coat warming her flesh.

Jackie bobbed her head more frantically, trying to draw the cum from those
heavy, swinging balls between Jack's spread legs. She wanted to feel his jizz
sputtering against the back of her throat. She wanted to feel his spunk filling
up her mouth, dribbling down her chin, coating her cheeks, while Bodego fucked
all the way into her cunt.

Images of her former fucking, of Claudia's and Nancy's escapades with the dog
and Lightning, flashed through her head as Jack started shouting something. His
words were incomprehensible as she felt the first flat-tasting wad spatter
against the back of her throat, sliding down toward her belly.


Jackie stopped moving her head, wriggling her tongue back and forth against his
cum-tube as more and more jizz shot out and coated her mouth.

"Christ, cummiing! I'm ... uhhhhh!"

He didn't have to announce it. Jackie knew, could feel cum sliding down her
throat. The young woman sighed, her pussy aflame with lust as the dog made
violent, fucking motions with his hips. Each snap of his strong back brought her
closer and closer to the edge. She was close, very, very close to that wild
moment of ecstasy. Then it came crashing over her like an ocean wave, crushing
her into the dirt, while the animal shot his load in her cunt.


Somehow, Jackie kept her nephew's shooting prick in her mouth, sucking like a
fiend. The dog kept firing his cum in her cunt. Thrashing madly atop the
blanket, she thrilled to the star-like jolts of lust exploding in her cunt. She
wanted to fall back - drained, wasted from the ordeal. But Jackie managed to
stay there, drinking in the last of Jack's cum while Bodego finished fucking
her, his meaty prick drawing the last sparks from her clit.

Exhausted, the animal slipped off her, collapsing in a curled hunk and
whimpering from pleasure. Jackie loosened her lips around Jack's prick, pulling
back and wiping her cummy mouth with the back of one hand.

"I suppose you don't think much of me now, do you, Jack?" she said, feeling less
like a matron and more like the town whore.

"Are you kidding? We're going to have fun and plenty of it, now! It's too damned
boring around here. I was hoping you'd bring some life around here when you
came. Never thought it'd be this lively, but what the hell?" Jack said, dropping
to his knees in front of her and holding her tightly.

Jackie sighed happily, closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulders.
Would she tell him about the horse? she wondered. Later, perhaps. And maybe Jack
wouldn't freak if she told him about his sisters. Perhaps all of them - but that
was going to happen later, much later. There was still this night to share, only
with him.

Jackie felt greedy, and felt she deserved this night alone with him and Bodego.
Perhaps tomorrow or the next day she would tell him everything. Perhaps they
would have one massive sex-scene. The thought was exciting. But tonight there
was only the two of them. Jackie was glad - glad she had followed her sister's
advice and come to the country.

The End
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