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LLP-260 The Animal Urge
by Carlotta Graham

Chapter 1

The Oak Tree estate and grounds were as typically lovely and idyllic as ever in
their late summer garb of fading green meadows and mellow, wilting flowers. The
undergrowth of the heavily-wooded area was dark with knobbed shrubs and the
oldest trees stood gnarled and sprawling, like old men colored brown with age.
Glistening dew drops of rain splashed down on the leaves and dribbled earthward
through the thick networks of foliage, finally to fall on the rich black soil
below. And yet, strangely enough, the sky was a bright clear blue that seemed
somehow separate from the woods, which languished obediently under the
inexorable rules of the season's end.

The Hartley home, a large rustic house with an ample amount of partially-cleared
acreage surrounding it, nestled cozily in a small shallow valley running on a
rocky irregular level between two gently sloping ridges on either side. Behind
the house, off to the right and slightly downwind, there was a spacious modern
dog kennel with half a dozen central shelters and a maze of long fenced runs in
which a number of handsome German Shepherds, of varying sizes, ages and colors,
could be seen either dozing quietly or pacing nervously to and fro, whining and
occasionally barking at some barely perceptible movement in the nearby

In one of the longest runs, an immense black-and-fawn-colored male stood by
himself, completely motionless and at the alert, as he stared upwards at a tiny
rag of grey sky that was framed overhead by a small circle of evergreen
branches. The imposing thoroughbred dog gazed longingly, almost defiantly, at a
bird flying in a cramped orbit far above the treetops, its spread wings catching
flashes of yellow and silver light from the sun. The bird drifted around and
around, seemingly fixed to some invisible track in the air. After a while, the
magnificent German Shepherd's strong legs began to tremble, his massive muscular
body tense and straining with his natural instinct to somehow, impossibly, snag
the feathered creature from the safety of its lofty circling and destroy it with
one crushing swipe of his forepaw.

"Jesus, look at Wolf out there. The bastard looks better than ever," Bill
Hartley enthused proudly as he stood gazing out the living room window at the
kennels. The good-looking twenty-four-year-old young man did not wait for his
young wife's reply and added, "If I'm lucky enough to buy Pete Sangler's prize
bitch up in New Hampshire, just think what a beautiful litter she and Wolf will
produce. We'll make a goddamned fortune out of the pups!"

Diane Hartley, his wife, an extremely pretty twenty-one-year-old blonde, sat in
haughty silence across the room, sipping daintily from her whiskey sour cocktail
as she fought down the impulse to say what was really on her mind. She resented
the fact that she would be left alone again while Bill was off on another of his
frequent business trips, selling some of their own valuable dogs and negotiating
for new championship breeders to upgrade their stock at Oak Tree. As usual, she
would be left in charge of running the kennels by herself, a demanding
responsibility that both intimidated and frightened her. God knows, the
voluptuous young blonde thought bitterly to herself, her wealthy aristocratic
parents had socially-groomed and educated her for far more important things than
playing hostess to three dozen hairy brutes, no matter how valuable and
expensive they were, while her thoughtless husband deserted her for days ...
sometimes weeks ... at a time.

"What's the matter, honey?" he asked suddenly, interrupting her thoughts. "Now
don't tell me you're going to start complaining again just because I've got to
make a business trip."

"Oh no, not really," the satin-skinned blonde answered in a sulky, slightly hurt
voice, her full lower lip pouting out to give her the appearance of a beautiful
little girl who has been unfairly treated. "It's just that ... well, we've only
been married for eight months, and you've been gone almost half of that time,
while I stay home and take care of the dogs ... You know they frighten me."

"But honey, dogs are our living ... a damned good living, too ... and someone
has to handle the business end of things," the handsome dark- haired husband
protested, shrugging his shoulders in a gesture of helplessness. "I've got to
travel and visit other breeders. We're in a highly competitive business and need
the best dogs available to keep our line where it is--at the top."

"Yes, Bill, I know, but--"

"And that means scouting around," he continued, ignoring her attempted
objection. "Unless, of course, you'd rather we just sat back and lived off your
parents, always dependent upon them and without any real say about our own

"No, darling, I--I didn't mean that at all," Diane assured him weakly, hating
herself as she felt the last of her self-righteous indigence fade away in the
fact of his solid common sense and logic. Despite how lonely and deprived she
always felt when he was gone, she could think of no effective way to communicate
her feelings to him about the task of caring for the dogs and the sense of loss
she experienced as a young bride when he was not home with her. As conscious as
she was of her social background and upbringing, it was true that she also
wanted independence, not to be enslaved by the large sums of money her mother
and father would gladly give them if only they would abide with the older
couple's wishes. The exquisite blue-eyed girl felt her irritation waver and
finally topple over altogether as she faltered helplessly in her own rising
sense of shame and guilt.

She felt a flood of relief as he crossed the room to where she sat on the plush
sofa and eased himself down beside her, his brawny right arm automatically
encircling her shoulders, enfolding her. She dropped her head against his firm
chest, her breath quavering as he drew her closer against him, his warmth
mingling with hers. Gently he rubbed up and down along her bare arms, craning
his head forward to nibble softly with his lips at her slender neck and
sensitive left ear lobe.

"Ummmm, you certainly feel nice," he whispered hotly into the tender tingling
flesh of her ear, sensing her anger and resistance flow away to nothing as he
touched her with his breath. The light fluttery warmth relaxed and yet
exhilarated her, causing a maddeningly light throb of anticipation in Diane's
loins and at the small, bud-like tips of her full breasts. Without thinking, she
began to rotate her rounded flaring hip against her husband's sinewy male flank,
pressing the softness of her still-clad flesh against him.

"You feel nice, too," she purred, wiggling even closer to him on the sofa.

"You know, I've got to leave in less than an hour," Bill reminded her huskily.
"Maybe we ought to use the time for action instead of words." Feeling herself
slipping further into the intoxicating warmth of his touch, she nodded her head
in wordless agreement and ran her fingertips tremblingly across his cheek, her
long red nails tracing the distinctive contours of his strong masculine face. In
a corner of her passion-dimmed mind, she could hear the tempo of the falling
rain increase, the drops now pattering on the roof and in the trees with a
steady staccato sound that seemed to match the pulsing beat of her blood.
Suddenly, she felt him shift beside her and ease himself off the couch and down
to his knees on the floor. He knelt forward then and caught her long smooth
legs, his palms eagerly clamping against the soft insides of her thighs as she
giggled and struggled halfheartedly in an attempt to free herself. She could see
him hunched down on his knees between her open legs, grinning up at her through
the deep valley of her upstanding breasts like a conquering warrior about to
partake of a feast as he pressed outwards against her with his hands.

Slowly, he reached up under her short skirt and hooked his fingers into the
elastic waist-band of her silk white panties, tugging gently downwards on the
flimsy garment until the sheer, flimsy material slipped softly over her
slightly-lifted buttocks and down over her shapely, well-tapered legs. The pink
moist flesh of her naked vagina was presented up to his searching eyes in an
almost lewd, sexually inciting position of sacrifice. She lay back against the
cushions of the couch and reveled for a moment in the delicious languor of her
young husband's exciting touch. She watched his tongue slowly circling his lips
in rapt anticipation of the ravishment about to take place. He moved closer,
placing his thumbs on the soft fleshy edges of her cunt. With a deliberately
slow, torturing outward movement, he pressed the blonde hair-lined lips of her
pussy apart and pressed his mouth forward against it, his long slippery tongue
darting snake-like into the throbbing warmth of the smooth inner walls. Her
tummy twitched and she felt a convulsive spasm of delight course up and down her
spine as he began to suck slowly, teasingly, at first, nibbling at her erect
clitoris with the sharp tips of his teeth. It was almost more than she could
bear. Despite the thought that what he was doing to her down between her legs
with his tongue was shameful and obscene, her nerves were ablaze with rising
lust and she made no effort to prevent him from continuing to lick her there and
give her this exquisite pleasure.

"God, it's too bad we can't manufacture and sell this feeling," Bill rasped as
he pulled back from her naked loins a few inches. "Hell, we could make a mint."

His crude words sent a sudden jolt of alarm through her, one that gradually
changed into a heavy sinking weight of depression. The stiff arch of excitement
in her spine gave way and she collapsed back on the couch cushions as though in
defeat. It was the same as always, the same thrill-shattering attitude he had
had towards their sex-life since they had been married. Like everything else, he
looked upon sex as a kind of commodity, something that could be used and sold,
as though their deepest, most intimate emotions were mere products that might be
turned into profit. She realized that it was important to Bill, as well as to
herself, to be self-sustaining and not to have to rely on the money and advice
of others in order to succeed as a newly-married couple. But God, he carried it
too far! Sometimes she thought she would go crazy with self-doubt and
frustration as a result of their crippled sexual relationship. Not that she
wanted him to make love to her constantly-- nothing like that--but she
desperately needed to believe that he desired her as a woman more than just a
vehicle through which he could prove his personal sense of worth and his ability
to succeed. After all, she mused inwardly, she was a woman, a wife, and deserved
to be treated with consideration just as much as he thought he deserved to be
respected as a capable man.

He seemed oblivious to her lack of response and continued to nuzzle his face
between her tantalizing loins. She groaned suddenly, watching with fascination
as his head bobbed hungrily back and forth down between her thighs with the
effort of his assault. She whimpered involuntarily and threw back her head on
the top of the sofa, her hands clutching unashamedly at his face to pull him
tighter against her now hotly squirming cunt as the lewd wet sucking noises of
his tongue swirling deep in her vagina filled her ears.

As if sensing her sudden unwilling submission, Bill reached up and placed both
of his hands over the front of her soft woolen sweater, cupping his work-
calloused fingers around the roundly rising mounds of her heaving, nipple-
hardened breasts, while with his wide shoulders and brawny upper arms, he forced
her delectably-shaped legs even further apart. As his mouth and tongue worked
hungrily in bestial subjugation of the throbbing wet moistness of her widely
flowering vagina, his excitedly bulging eyes remained open, ogling with vulgar
excitement the impassioned contortions of her lovely young face.

"Come on, honey, make it good," he grunted encouragingly from between her
splayed-open loins as he kneaded lustfully at her heavily palpitating breasts
through her clothing. "When you cum, pretend we're getting a dollar for each
little tingle."

With a tiny guttural cry, Diane involuntarily ground her ivory-like hips forward
against his face, burying his hotly flicking tongue all the way to the roots
again as he renewed his lewd attack up between her open thighs. She was
powerless now to struggle anymore against the unrelenting wonderful thrill that
rocked her very soul, even though she felt a simultaneous quivering of distaste
at the lewd, inconsiderate meaning of the words he had just uttered. A wildly
rising erotic fire replaced her sense of revulsion and wounded dignity ...
replaced everything. Seldom in their still-new marriage had she ever so quickly
felt so utterly wanton with him, so wild to be shamelessly and deeply satisfied.

"How many dollars have you got now, honey?" he asked abruptly, once again
pulling away his pussy-moistened mouth to grin lewdly up at her. "Would you like
to earn more?"

"Ohhh, yessssss, Bill," she crooned responsively, hardly conscious of what she
was saying. Spreading her long legs wider and wider to give him greater access
to her cuntal crevice, she begged without thought of shame. "Hurry, darling,
hurry. Kiss me ... kiss me down there. Faster! Oh, God, I'm almost there!"

Every young muscle the silken-haired girl possessed was alerted as she strained
her naked, creamy-white buttocks upward towards the exciting red probe swirling
deeply and wetly up between her legs. Her up-drawn thighs opened and closed
tightly around the tormenting face that was sucking and licking gluttonously at
her eagerly responding cunt. She kicked her heels hard against his back,
spurring him on to suck her harder, harder, until a loud rushing sound rose to
fill her ears, a great resounding and echoing torrent of sound. The tensed cords
of her long graceful neck stood out under her golden skin as she pulled with all
her strength against the tangled dark hair of her husband's head.

"Oh, darling, I'm almost ready to cum! Don't stop licking me, please!" she
pleaded. At that moment, just as the hot sweet flow of emotion and sensual
abandonment was nearing its crest, she saw a self-satisfied, smirking grin light
his face, the very same expression that he often wore after closing a
particularly profitable deal for one of his prize German Shepherd pups.

"Cum, baby, cum a million dollars worth," he urged with a gloating smile.

Suddenly her excitedly writhing body switched off automatically as though
someone had pushed a button in the center of her aroused senses. She was
instantaneously swamped with a feeling of loathing at the idea that her handsome
young husband, kneeling with his face buried between her wide-split legs, could
actually have said something so horribly insensitive, like comparing her own
blissful orgasm, so near now, to the filthy thought of dollars that seemed to
preside over their life together. Was nothing sacred in their marriage, she
wondered bitterly, afraid that she already knew the answer. She was beginning to
suspect that Bill, her own husband, was more attached to his stupid account
books than to his wife.

"Oh, Bill, stop it, stop it right now!" she sobbed, fighting to loosen his
fierce grip on her still brassiere-clad breasts and squirm away from him. "How
can you be so revolting? How can you be mean enough to say something like that?
Don't you love me at all? ... Or do you want to get paid for that too?"

"Aw, I was only kidding, honey. Come on now, don't be such a baby," he said
between breaths in an irritated tone of voice, struggling to spread wider her
now tightly-clenched thighs and continue his lurid tonguing of her still visibly
throbbing vagina. Then, mustering all of her female strength, she jerked
violently away from him and rose to stumble to the other side of the room,
trembling from head to foot with rage as she pushed her rumpled skirt back down
over her whitely exposed hips. Bill remained a few moments longer in his
kneeling position on the floor, then sighed heavily and climbed up to seat
himself in the place on the couch that she had vacated. He stared wordlessly
down at his trousers where, beneath a dark wet stain of seminal fluid, his erect
penis was rapidly deflating, finally curling up limply in his trouser crotch
like a small wounded creature. After what seemed an eternity, he raised his head
and opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing and lowered his eyes again in an
attitude of distant thought.

From where she stood stiffly near the far wall of the living room, staring out
miserably at the steady autumn drizzle outside, Diane began to feel the first
stirrings of real guilt, and she imagined how painfully humiliated Bill must
feel after her indignant outburst and the abrupt halt she had brought to their
love-making. Despite the annoyance she had often felt at his coarse, thoughtless
comments during sex acts, she had never actually dared to follow her immediate
impulse and walk away from him in plain disgust. But now that she had done it,
she felt her heart swell with pity for the young, dark-haired man whom she
really did love with all her being. She ransacked her unsettled mind for
something comforting to say to him.

"I ... I'm sorry, darling. I guess I'm just not in the right mood today," she
finally said, her honeyed voice gently breaking the long embarrassing silence
between them. But he seemed not to hear her and continued to peer down
disconsolately between his legs, his gaze fixed on something secret and known
only to him. Then, without warning, he straightened up with a wry, almost
sardonic smile illuminating his face.

"Now don't worry, Diane. After this trip, we'll have enough money to buy you a
big bed with velvet draperies and gold tassels on it, whatever it is that
royalty like you and your family need to sleep on ... Maybe then, you'll feel
better about my terrible preoccupation with dirty, disgusting money. Who knows,"
he went on dryly, "you might finally turn into a decent fuck for your husband,
despite yourself."

"Oh, Bill!" she cried out in disbelief, shocked by his lewdly cruel comment.
Refusing to acknowledge his sadistic sarcasm further, she turned quickly away
and stomped off toward their bedroom. As she slammed shut the door, and leaned
her unsatiated young body back against it, she heard him call out in a
contemptuous voice:

"Could you please stir your aristocratic little tail long enough to hand out my
suitcase before you lock yourself in? I've still got a business trip to make--if
you don't mind too much."

Chapter 2

The next day dawned cool and misty but Diane found herself humming a little tune
and smiling, almost in spite of herself, as she moved slowly from pen to pen of
the kennel in the early morning dampness, feeding the hungry German Shepherds
and cleaning out their living quarters. Just as always, after Bill had left on a
business trip, she felt her innate resentment toward the big, thoroughbred dogs
fading away in the face of their obvious delight in her presence around them.

"It's not your fault, Sissy," she murmured warmly to a large gold and white
bitch who was devotedly licking her hand as she scooped out a generous ration of
dog meal into one of the many long feed troughs. "You poor dumb animals don't
even realize that you're coming between Bill and me. Oh, God, I sometimes wish
you'd manage somehow to dig under the fence and just run away--every last one of
you beautiful brutes."

With a resigned sigh and a shrug, Diane rose to her feet again and picked up the
heavy bag of meal, slipping out of the wire gate to the bitch's kennel and
moving toward the one dog that was left to feed. Wolf, the son of one of the
three finest German Shepherd champions in the country, lived in solitary comfort
with the biggest shelter and the longest run of the yard to accommodate his
sleek, powerful body's need for exercise. Except at mating time, he was seldom
allowed to run with the other animals for fear that some mishap might mar the
dog's perfect lines, lines that had proved to be worth almost as much in dog
show prizes as in stud fees. Wolf was her husband's pride and joy. For that
reason, she thought quizzically, Diane could never quite sort out her feelings
about the monstrous black and tan beast.

Pulling her trench-coat more snugly around her against the sharp damp chill of
the sunless morning, she stared inside the wire-fence enclosure for some sign of
the magnificent brute. Like the true aristocrat he was, Wolf often slept later
in the mornings than the other dogs, and Bill had frequently warned her not to
step into the pen without first announcing her identity to the dog. It was
dangerous to surprise him in his sleep because, as her husband had often warned
her, his instincts were to attack a stranger, and besides, the dogs were always
a little crazy when the bitches were in heat, such as some of them were now. It
was several young bitches this time, ones that they had raised from puppies, so
they would have to wait one more season before they could be mated. But the
worried young dogs did not know that, and neither did the anxious males who had
yelped and howled all last night against the fences that separated them from
their breeding partners.

Wolf too must have worn himself out with his anguished cries of frustration last
night, Diane decided as she reached his compound and saw no sign of him. Letting
the heavy bag of dog food rest against her shapely sun-bronzed calf, she reached
out and lightly shook the wire gate.

"Wolf. Wolf," she called timidly, preparing herself for the sudden explosion of
growling and snapping that always came if he was awakened too quickly. "Wake up,
boy. I've got your breakfast."

She could hear nothing over the noise of the other dogs yapping and rough-
housing with each other and, half-fearful of the eruption of fierceness she
expected at any moment, Diane pressed her young curvaceous body up tighter to
the fence and summoned him more loudly:

"Wolf, come on out here, boy! Wolf!"

From the inside of his wooden kennel, she thought she heard a low whining, and
suddenly fearful, she unlatched the gate and slipped inside, dragging the food
bag along behind her before she closed it again. Deliberately walking heavily on
the hard-packed earth beneath her shoes, she stepped inside the dog's shelter
and gasped with dismay as she saw him curled up on the floor, his great hairy
back toward her as he licked frantically at his lower mid-section.

"Wolf, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?" she gasped aloud,
alarmed. She took another tentative step forward to see what was wrong with the
valuable beast. At the slight movement and the sound of her fresh young voice,
the massive creature became aware of her presence in his kennel for the first
time and with a menacing growl, he sprang to his feet, whirling around to face
her. The girl's breath caught sharply in her throat and she froze involuntarily
on the spot as she suddenly saw the real reason for the dog's preoccupation with
his lower body.

The mammoth dog's long scarlet penis was glistening wetly as it stood out in
full view beneath the hairy curve of his belly, thrusting excitedly in and out
of its thick furry sheath, the heavily tapered cock-tip dancing obscenely in the
air. My God, she exclaimed inwardly, he had what looked like an almost full

Wolf's bushy tail started to switch rapidly back and forth over his
hindquarters, showing his undisguised delight as soon as he recognized the human
intruder in his pen, but the expression of pure, unadulterated fear did not
leave Diane's face even at his obvious change of attitude. Her sky-blue eyes
were wide and round with shock and disbelief as she gazed helplessly at the
almost obscene spectacle before her. In the months that she and Bill had owned
the kennel, buying and selling and caring for the purebred dogs, the beautiful
blonde young woman had sometimes seen such things, but it had always been from
the safety of outside the fence--and always a smaller, less imposing animal had
been involved. Now, not even four feet away from the sexually excited beast, she
stood staring, transfixed, barely able to believe the shocking size of the dog's
fully-aroused sex organ. On a man, perhaps its hefty thickness and length would
seem normal, or even maybe a little larger than normal, but to see this long
scarlet shaft on a dog, a savage hot-blooded animal who probably weighed more
than she did, filled her with a quivering dread that she could barely control.

"Lie down, Wolf," she commanded shakily, trying to keep her mounting sense of
fear out of her voice. She knew that dogs were able to detect fright in human
beings and with a great effort of will, she forced herself to turn her back on
the tense-muscled animal and walk slowly out into the center of his run. With
trembling fingers, she tore open the top of the feed bag and bent down to
hurriedly scoop out a large portion of the rich meal into his food tray.
Steeling herself, she resisted the impulse to look back at the dog, and by the
time she had filled the tray, she knew that Wolf had obeyed her and remained
inside his shelter. Her feeling of apprehension gradually faded to relief as she
realized that what she had seen was not really so extraordinary. After all,
there were several young bitches in heat in nearby pens, and most of the other
male dogs had been behaving a little strangely that morning anyway. No, she told
herself, her fear had been completely unjustified, the same kind of selfish
hysteria that Bill had often accused her of.

As she closed the feed bag again, she calmly resolved to take a firm hold of
herself or she would never be able to make it through three more days alone with
the dogs. Even so, before she mustered up enough courage to call Wolf out of his
house for the bit of affection that was as much a part of the daily schedule at
the Hartley Kennels as was the carefully-chosen food, she cautiously unlatched
the gate for a hasty exit if necessary.

At the sound of her voice, the huge, beautifully-formed dog came bounding
happily out the door of his shelter. In the split second before he jumped
playfully up on her, pinning her with his weight against the wire fence, Diane
saw thankfully that his huge penis had withdrawn and disappeared back inside the
hairy sheath beneath his loins. She laughed openly and tousled his silky dark
ruff as he licked joyfully at her face and long smooth neck. She was still a bit
anxious around him but could not help but admire his raw animal magnificence.
Standing up on his hind feet, he was strikingly large and feral, exciting. His
chest was as broad as a young boy's, and she allowed her eyes to roam from its
huskiness down along his fawn-colored belly to the ominous sheath aiming up
between his powerful hindquarters. For some reason, the dog's flesh-encased sex
organ reminded her of the sight of male penises, ones belonging to the boys she
had dated before Bill in college. She remembered how they had jutted up under
their trousers during seemingly innocent petting sessions in parked cars--and
she also remembered that she had been mysteriously excited. The handsome German
Shepherd's ensheathed maleness now had the same alarming fascination about it,
like some mighty hidden masculine strength that was threatening and yet oddly
thrilling as well.

Suddenly aware of what she was doing, she quickly raised her eyes and stood
there in confusion for another long moment, wondering if the dog understood her
thoughts. What if, somehow, he knew how intrigued she was by her view of his
heavy, animal sperm-filled testicles swaying softly down between his back legs?

It was not until she escaped his playful caresses a few minutes later and
slipped regretfully out of his run to carry the meal sack back to the store
shed, that she felt something wet dribbling down over her ankle from the calf,
something lukewarm in the chill, damp air. Unconcerned, she did not even look
down to see what it was until she had placed the heavy bag in the storage
building and was walking back across the yard toward the house. Glancing
casually down at the drying moistness on the naked skin of her leg, she felt a
cold shiver run through her and had to fight to suppress the surge of nausea
building up in her stomach.

God, the dog had done something unspeakable during those last few minutes she
had spent with him!

She crouched down immediately and plucked a handful of the dew-soaked grass that
grew just outside the house, struggling against the revulsion rising in her as
she scrubbed frantically at the long white streaks on her calf and ankle. She
knew instinctively that the enormous champion dog had somehow managed to leave
the stain of his animal lust on her human body and the thought sent strange
tremors of sensation racing through her mind. To make matters worse, the bunch
of wet grass did nothing more than spread the thick cream-like wetness over her
soft skin more widely. With sudden tears of frustration running down her face,
she tossed aside the useless grass and raced into the house, heading toward the
bedroom where at last she threw herself down on the bed and shook with the half-
angry, half-shameful sobs that wracked her whole body.

It was all Bill's fault, she raged to herself, her nerves smarting with
indignation. After the carefully-sheltered life she had led, including expensive
boarding schools and cultured society, how on earth could he expect her to be
able to cope with these obscene animals of his? It was one thing to talk of
raising puppies, as they had when they were still in college, but an entirely
different thing when it came to enduring the disgusting experience she had
suffered only a few minutes ago. Even imagining how the hulking animal's shining
red penis must have silently slipped out of its sheath to rub against the
unprotected flesh of her naked leg made her quake anew as uncontrollable waves
of emotion rippled continuously through her curvaceous young body huddled on the
still-unmade bed. The memory of Wolf's dark powerful flanks as they had appeared
that morning when he had risen to greet her in his kennel, and the thick pointed
rod of flesh that had jabbed lewdly into the air beneath his furry belly, was
stamped _indelibly into her mind and she cringed into the sheets, trying to
erase the appalling vision from her brain.

Then, as she struggled with her shock and hysteria, Diane unthinkingly placed
her hand inside her coat to warmly cover her own full breast, a gesture that had
often brought her comfort during the days when she was alone in boarding school,
far from the security of her home and parents. It was a childish comfort left
over from her life before she had met Bill and learned that there was more
solace to be found in the touch of a man's hand than her own, but even now her
agitated body's reaction to the innocent touch was anything but child-like. An
insistent ache suddenly rose deep in her belly, and she was instantly aware of
her own soft white limbs, her curved hips and taut buttocks pressing down into
the mattress through the fabric of her light coat and cotton dress, her high
proud breasts jutting out against the tight confinement of her lacy white
brassiere. It took her another moment to wholly understand the fact that she was
strangely aroused and the trembling in her body was of excitement and passion,
not of shame and anger.

For a panicky moment, Diane scoured her brain for some justification of the
unbelievable thing that was happening to her mentally-unprepared body, and she
quickly remembered the unsatisfactory love-making session that she had shared
with Bill the afternoon before. Of course, that was it, she mused with a
breathless surge of relief. Her young husband had aroused her and had then left
callously on his business trip while, by her own choice, she had still been
locked up in their bedroom, fuming over his cruel sarcasm. It was no wonder that
she was aroused this morning, she nervously rationalized to herself. Obviously
it was all a result of that disastrous experience yesterday afternoon ...

As her slender hands began to roam restlessly over her own warm curving body,
she resentfully recalled how loving and considerate Bill used to be when he made
love to her--but that was before they had gotten the loan from the bank to buy
the kennels! Now, everything in their existence, even their most private sex
life, seemed to revolve around those stupid barking animals outside the house.
Though she hated to think about it, the newly married young woman had been
learning, little by little, to resort more and more often to her own devices to
satisfy the natural yearning that always seemed to well up in her body just at a
time when her husband was simply too involved in taking care of his dogs to pay
much attention to her.

But it did not really matter right now. Paramount in her thoughts were the
insistent demands of her sex-starved body, the sharp tingling feeling down
between her tightly-clenched thighs. Casting all of her natural inhibitions
aside, Diane began to knead her ripely throbbing breasts, pinching the soft
pliant nipples into rubbery hardness under her blouse. Then, with a soft,
impatient moan, she rose from the bed and began at once to take off her clothes.

In another moment, she stood completely naked in front of the full- length
mirror in their bedroom, gazing questioningly at her voluptuous, exquisitely
formed body. At least, Bill had never been able to complain about the way she
looked, the golden-haired girl breathed heavily as she eyed herself approvingly.
Flaxen blonde and perfectly proportioned, Diane had long ago grown accustomed to
the fact that men automatically thought of sex when they first met her and, to
tell the truth, she suspected that her classically beautiful face and desirable
body had first attracted Bill to her in college. It had not mattered then, for
they had fallen rapidly in love with each other, but now she almost wished that
Bill felt a bit more of that electric sexual excitement that had caused their
first quarrels when she was still a frightened young virgin.

Now that they were married and Diane had learned some of the exciting delights
of physical love, she wondered if perhaps something about her had changed to
make him so cold and uncaring. Her worried gaze traveled over her lush young
breasts standing firm and high above a waspish hour-glass waist, her full
rounded buttocks topping the long sun-golden columns of her perfectly tapered
legs. No, there was nothing wrong with her body, she finally decided, and
certainly her face with its wide blue eyes and sensuously pouting lips was just
as pretty as it ever was. What more could Bill want?

Well, she didn't know, she shrugged, and she did not feel like worrying about it
right now. Slowly, she placed her palms under her full, milk- white breasts and
lifted them slightly until they hardened out in full bloom. She held the softly
pulsating nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, tweaking them gently into
erection, a little moan of excitement in her throat. Her left hand began to
slide down along her awakening body, down to the flat plane of her sides and
across her stomach to rest on her pale blonde pubic mound, pausing there to rub
sensuously back and forth over the silky softness of the curling blonde strands
of vaginal hair. She could feel the wetness flowing down out of her strangely
inflamed pussy on the insides of her smooth ivory thighs, a moisture that was
flowing freely now as she edged back to sit down on the bed.

Complete surrender to the warm sexual need building inside her showed in her
passion-glazed eyes as her naked buttocks twisted tensely on the mattress,
writhing there until she could feel the crisp sheets brush thrillingly against
the tender swelling of her cuntal lips. Her long beautiful legs scissored open
and closed slowly as she teased herself with the rhythmic pressure of the
bedclothes against her tingling clitoris. Her breath quickened and the
passionate force of her yearning grew stronger in her hungry loins.

Diane was astounded that she could feel so thoroughly aroused after the
disgusting thing that had happened to her this morning but the slight shame she
felt only stimulated her all the more. Her lipstick-circled mouth opened in
sensual rapture as both of her hands teased lightly over her body as if no
longer under her control, floating over her soft sleek belly, then coming to
rest once again on the golden vee at the entranceway to her burning loins.
Groaning at the sudden contact of her fingers against her sensitively pulsing
clitoris, she spread her legs far apart, exposing to the air the glistening
hair-lined furrow nestling between them. Her trembling fingers slid down further
on the soft swollen lips, pulling them gently outward until the deep pink
opening was fully exposed to the open room and the mouth-like orifice throbbed
and sucked greedily inward like the mouth of a gulping fish.

Slowly and tenderly, she wormed her slim middle finger into the moist pulsating
hole and forced it downward until it was deeply embedded in the tight smooth
passageway, while at the same time she flicked at her throbbing bud-like
clitoris with the middle finger of the other hand. Afraid to pause as her
excitement soared higher, Diane quickly worked in another finger alongside the
first, sliding it into herself between the crimson-colored ridges of her desire-
drenched cunt, pushing the soft hair-fringed lips outward as she rotated the two
fingers in a slow, ever-widening circle. Incoherent images of her husband
fucking into her with his long, lance-like cock flashed through her mind and in
a frenzy of lust, she levered her legs far back up against her naked breasts and
ground her buttocks upwards to meet each penetrating stroke of her fingers. Her
face contorted strangely with the soul-jarring effort of her frantic fingering
of her open vagina.

It was not enough!

Clenching her teeth tightly together, she squirmed even another finger into her
ravenously hungry pussy as it contracted spasmodically around the instruments
she was using to give herself pleasure. Deep moans of animal ecstasy issued from
her graceful young throat as her loins started a hungry, more rapid fucking
rhythm, straining toward a wild blissful orgasm, thrusting upward into herself
to bury the invading fingers deep into the tight pink opening between her wide-
spread thighs. Her blonde flowing hair rippled sensuously around her rising and
falling head as she groaned out in helpless frustration, trying more and more
desperately to bring herself to the much-needed pinnacle her body desired.

Suddenly a loud whine seemed to answer her own frantic cries. It was a high-
pitched sound from outside the house. Then another howling whine broke through
the stillness, and another. She ceased her abandoned movements for a moment, her
fingers still buried deep inside her hotly aching cunt, and she raised her head
to listen in surprised wonder. From behind the house, she could hear several of
the dogs whimpering and yapping, and above it all, came the deeper, huskier
timbre of Wolf's voice howling mournfully from his private kennel. She knew that
the dogs were only crying because of their yearning to be with the young bitches
in heat but she could not discard the strange feeling that somehow the males
were answering her own moans of sexual frustration. In her mind, the nakedly
squirming young woman pictured Wolf as she had found him that morning, his
strong animal body curled up on the floor of his shelter as he licked his naked
unsheathed cock with his long slavering tongue.

The great dog, Wolf, seemed to understand the way she felt, the young beauty
reasoned vaguely as her long delicate fingers began to twitch again inside the
wet, impatiently throbbing walls of her pussy. She thought of the handsome
animal that was trapped out there in his locked kennel, his primitive instincts
all straining toward the tantalizing scent of the lusting young female bitches
in heat that he would not mate with for at least another season. Like him, she
was also trapped, a virtual captive in her own house, with a thoughtless husband
who seemed to care nothing about his own wife's needs. Secluded as she was this
way in the lonely Oak Tree region, she might as well be a sour old widow or a
crotchety spinster who has given up on the notion of ever fulfilling her natural
female desires. Then, a peculiar thought crossed her mind: If only she too could
be a wild bitch in heat just this one morning and join the great champion in his
pen, maybe they could both be satisfied. The idea caused an embittered but
wicked little smile to twist her pretty mouth.

Suddenly, as her wet fingers pushed in and out of her burning vaginal channel,
Diane's cheeks flushed a deep rose color and she felt the long-awaited orgasm
approaching, building inexorably with an almost paralyzing force in her hotly
squirming belly and in the tortured nerves of her loins. She was teetering on
the delicate brink of orgasmic release, her entire youthful body vibrating with
maddening expectation.

Then, at last, the dam of her passion spilled over the edge, the hot female
juices rushing out of her wide-stretched vaginal lips and around her
rhythmically fucking fingers and running down between her hotly quivering thighs
onto the sheets beneath her. Her mind whirled crazily and blacked out as the
storm of her cumming shocked her system for an endless moment, her throbbing
cunt clasping spastically around the fingers inside her that she was using as a
pitiful substitute for a hardened male penis.

"Oooooh, God, moooorrrre," she gasped deliriously, her voice crying out and
bouncing off the walls of the bedroom, signaling the intense moment of
sensuality she was feeling throughout her whole naked being. But gradually the
waves of pleasure dwindled, becoming weaker and weaker, until finally she was
afraid they were over altogether. The passion- crazed girl wanted more, the real
thing, and she stayed glued to the edge of the mattress, her long, sensuously
shaped legs bent back crab- like up against her huge billowing breasts. She
could not bring herself to withdraw her submerged fingers from the hot wet
passage between her upraised thighs until the last dying spasms of orgasm had
almost completely stopped in her still-unfulfilled body.

Finally, when the frenzy of the half-satisfying sexual bliss had died away
completely, she felt a brief flurry of anger and removed her hand from between
her moist thighs, her fingers slithering wetly from her partially-satiated cunt.
She lowered herself back until she lay stretched full-length on the rumpled bed
and felt her own cum stain cooling where her buttocks pressed against it.

When she had regained her breath a little, she rolled limply over on her side
and thought about what she had just done. Every time she had fingered herself
since her marriage to Bill, she had always felt a nagging sense of guilt, for
she realized that it was shameful and unfair to him to give in to her self-
indulgent desires this way. She chastised herself now, feeling guilty and
ashamed, until suddenly she remembered the true reason that she had allowed
herself to behave so disgracefully this morning. After all, she decided, it was
just as much his fault as hers that she had to resort to such humiliating acts
to quell the sex drives that sometimes overwhelmed even her normally proper
conduct as a decent and respectable young lady. It was not as though she were
some kind of sex freak but only that, just like anyone else, she needed to feel
loved and desired as a person.

After a few minutes, she raised herself a bit unsteadily from the bed and pulled
at the cum-moistened sheets to remove them. When they came free, she dropped
them in a heap on the floor, pausing then to notice again the now-dry white
crust of the great dog, Wolf's, sperm on the lower part of her leg. She felt her
earlier revulsion return for a moment but defiantly shrugged it away. Actually
the huge dog had done nothing more immoral than she had done herself right here
on the bed, the very bed that she shared with her inconsiderate husband. And
Wolf, lusty dumb animal that he was, had every bit as much right to a periodic
lack of self-control as she did.

Chapter 3

The next morning promised a pleasant warmth later in the day. As she stood
peering out the kitchen window, Diane could see that, although it was still
slightly overcast, the sun already shone cautiously through the light blanket of
mist over the trees. The woods were a silvery shade of green and she was able to
make out several patches of new violet-blue flowers that had blossomed open on
the outer fringes of the garden at the side of the house. To add to the peaceful
scene, there were perhaps a dozen or so black and yellow songbirds flitting here
and there among the branches of the scrub pines just beyond the clearing,
warbling like feathered sopranos in the overall symphony of color and sound
outside. The young blonde wife could not help but feel buoyant and high-
spirited, despite her distress of the day before, and she actually looked
forward to going outside to feed and water the dogs.

After draining off the last of the lukewarm coffee still in her cup, she started
off toward the main bedroom to change from her heavy yellow bathrobe into a pair
of jeans and a warm flannel shirt, but just then the piercing howl of one of the
German Shepherds set off the rest of them. Within a minute, the lot of them were
barking and whining like a small army of banshees and Diane became so rattled
that she decided to attend to them right away, without even bothering to dress
first. She knew that they were complaining because it was almost a half hour
past their regular feeding time. She had slept a little later than usual, as she
sometimes did when Bill was away on business, and the dogs always let her know
when she failed to conform to the established schedule.

She hurriedly donned the pair of slippers she had kicked off under the breakfast
table while having her first cup of black coffee and headed for the door at the
rear of the house. As she descended the steps outside the living room, she was
surprised to find that the robe was warm enough to protect her against the mild
morning air, even though she wore nothing at all under the garment. A few
moments later, she had fetched the weighty sack of dog meal and was within
twenty yards of the kennel when the dogs heard her and renewed their ear-
splitting din. Even Wolf was awake and pacing back and forth in his run, his
louder barking seeming to lead the others on to greater noisy impatience.

"All right, all right, I'm coming," the young flaxen-haired woman muttered
irritably under her breath as she lugged the heavy sack across the yard toward
the kennels. In the clearing behind the house she saw the dogs bounding about
and prancing anxiously in their exercise runs, pawing impatiently at the wire
fences as they watched her approach. They were behaving as though they had not
been fed in a week, she thought crossly, as at the same time she struggled to
keep her robe closed and the dog meal from spilling out of her arms. God, if
they only knew about all the dinners that she had prepared, ones that had waited
for hours on the table until they were cold, while Bill was out here doctoring
one of their running noses--or whatever it was he did for so long in the
kennels--maybe they would not be so loud and demanding.

"Hush up, Daisy. Quiet now, Gypsy," Diane sternly admonished two gangly half-
grown bitches as she approached their pen and unlatched the gate. They were two
of the ones who were in heat, two of the females who had indirectly caused her
distressing ordeal with Wolf the day before. The flaxen-haired girl scowled
grouchily as she slipped through the barely- opened screen-gate and quickly
kicked it shut behind her. Ignoring their enthusiastic lickings and jostlings,
she filled their trays with meal and walked back to the gate. The two fledgling
dogs were virtual balls of energy but they soon forgot her presence as they went
to work on their breakfast. Watching them for a moment, she felt her heart
soften toward them in spite of the rumbles of hunger in her own stomach. She
knew that these magnificent purebreds were altogether dependent upon her while
Bill was away and, ironically enough, it made her feel rather maternal to
realize it. She moved hastily to let herself out and go on to the next enclosure
full of hungry animals.

Kennel by kennel, she filled the feed troughs and the dogs quieted then as they
heartily gulped down their slightly tardy breakfast. Finally, only Wolf was left
to attend to. The irritation that she had felt a few moments ago faded with the
diminishing racket from the other dogs as she stood watching Wolf's antics,
smiling to herself as he whined and scratched at the fence enclosing his run.

"Don't worry, boy," she consoled in a light mocking tone as she set the open
feed bag to one side so that she could pull open the latch to his pen. "Your
royal majesty's breakfast has arrived."

She giggled to herself at his unabashed delight to see her as she picked up the
meal sack and slipped heedlessly into his compound. It made her feel warm and
good that the dogs depended so much on her and she knelt down on the dirt floor,
digging her fingers into his thick ruff of sable fur and wrinkling her nose at
the sloppy licking kisses he planted on her face and neck. She knew he must be
hungry but when she tried to rise and carry the feed bag over to his empty tray,
he pushed her imperiously back down to the ground on her plush haunches with his
hairy muzzle. The beautiful girl experienced a brief flash of fear but then
smiled affectionately at what seemed to be the grand champion's demand for more
attention, reminding herself that he was isolated and alone almost all the time.
She patted his stately head without fear, dropping the burden of the sack in her
arms to one side as the giant German Shepherd's cold wet nose poked boldly under
the top of her robe and sniffed interestedly at the full snowy mounds of her
naked breasts under the fluffy yellow material.

"Hey, boy, I think you've got me mixed up with one of those hot-blooded young
pups over in the other pen," she giggled with perceptibly strained gaiety, her
bright blue eyes widening with the beginning of alarm. The forced laughter died
in her now-exposed throat as his massive head nuzzled further downward, nosing
more brazenly at her housecoat until the sash slipped loose and the front of the
garment fell open. She was startled enough to utter a tiny cry of fear,
especially when the huge creature lowered his head even further down and began
to sniff daringly at the naked, unprotected mound of her exposed vagina. This
was not right, was unnatural, she thought as she cowered and tried to move away
from his slavering mouth. Maybe it was only the scent of the young bitches in
heat, the scent that had rubbed off on her when she was in their pen, that
attracted the big male brute to her in this strange way. Whatever it was, she
was afraid and wanted to finish feeding him and get out of his pen as soon as
she possibly could.

"Back, boy! Get back!" she commanded with as much authority as she could manage
to fake under the circumstances. Then, with one sudden movement, she made a
futile attempt to close her bathrobe and rise to her feet but a low rumbling
growl from Wolf caused her to freeze in terror just as she got to her knees. Her
glazed blue eyes popped open wide in fearful surprise and she pressed the back
of her hand tightly over her gaping mouth to keep from screaming out in the
stillness of the surrounding forest. In her unreasoning dread, she thrust out
the flats of her palms in front of her in a vain effort to ward off any attack
upon her that the hulking German Shepherd might make, but the miscalculated
movement only made her lose her balance. The frightened young blonde toppled
helplessly over to the ground on her side, her long white legs sprawling out
under her as the animal growled ferociously, standing menacingly over her
prostrate form. It was impossible for her to move without bringing another
threatening snarl from him. Her instinctive fear of the dog had returned with
such paralyzing force that she knew now it was useless to make any attempt to
intimidate him into obedience with her feeble commands. Just as he could sense
her helpless panic, Diane could sense his savage confidence growing stronger and
stronger as he hovered possessively over her voluptuously young cringing body.

She tensed automatically, wincing throughout every pore of her being, and
whimpered as the black and tan dog inched his great head forward and searched
with his dark spongy nose between her soft fleshy thighs, nudging them further
apart until the tender pink folds of her hair- fringed pussy were open to the
coolish draft of the autumn air. She heard him begin to pant excitedly, his
thick cords of muscle quivering as the full lust-inciting aroma of her female
scent filled his nostrils and ignited his interest in her nakedly spread vagina
even more. It was as though he had cornered a bitch in heat, a beautiful, fully-
aroused female whose enticing aroma and smooth hairless skin maddened him to
unheard-of daring. Without warning, his hot pink tongue snaked out and began to
lick wetly up and down the slightly moist slit between her cream-white thighs,
probing and swirling eagerly at the inviting female odor of her defenseless
vagina. A bone-chilling shudder ran through her as the long dripping animal
tongue slaked hotly up and down on her naked genitals, all the way from the top
of her naked young cunt to the tiny puckered ring of her anus cringing below it.
It was almost more than Diane's tortured mind could bear as she lay frozen and
helpless under the huge dog's explorations of her sensitive loins with his
lapping canine spear of flesh.

"Oh, no, God, Wolf, stop, stop," she begged tremulously, her panicky voice
breaking into an uneven wavering tone, but the enormous dog seemed not to hear
her despairing pleas and continued his efforts to burrow his relentlessly
flicking tongue up into her, to find the vital source of the teasing sexual
scent that was crazing him. With a harsh forward thrust of his head, he drove
the helplessly writhing young woman down flat on her back in the dirt and wedged
his salivating muzzle deeper into her trembling loins. For a moment, the
terrified girl tried weakly to twist away from the stubborn attack but another
sinister snarl from the brute monster crouching over her vulnerable young body
made her collapse back to the ground. His mercilessly spearing tongue ran
searingly along the full length of her narrow moist crevice again and again,
flicking relentlessly between Diane's wide- spread legs. Then, suddenly, it
darted deep into her vaginal opening, spreading apart the blonde's wispy down-
lined cuntal lips like a knife slicing through butter. Fear-stricken moans
tumbled from her fright- ovalled lips as the dog's hot lingual lance flicked
fluidly into her openly-spread loins. She repeated over and over to herself, as
if in a trance, that she must remain motionless and not provoke him in any way,
for he might become really violent and hurt her seriously out of sheer
frustration and animal rage.

And yet, despite her horror and revulsion at what was happening to her, the
helplessly-trapped girl began to feel something unexpected taking place inside
her, something like tiny chills of forbidden excitement beginning to flutter all
along her spine from the perverted stimulation of the dog's feverishly sluicing
tongue. Good God, she thought, surely her mind was temporarily deranged by the
reeling shock of this grotesque mistake of nature, for certainly no normal woman
could be aroused by this weird thing that was taking place. A thing like this
could happen only in nightmares or lewd fantasy stories written by perverted
people with unbalanced minds. She vaguely remembered that the gate to the kennel
was behind her, that there was a way to escape if only she would reach out and
open it with her hand. If she called upon her dwindling reserves of strength,
she could crawl out of the wire door on her hands and knees, but the weirdly
rising thrills that were coursing through her drained off the last of her will
and courage. And besides, the little prickles of pleasurable sensation that
Wolf's rampant tongue set off in her hungry body left her too weakened to drag
herself even that short distance.

"Oooh, don't, pleeease, Wolf," she moaned futilely, feeling her resistance
disappear more with every passing second as he licked harder up between her open
thighs with ever-increasing urgency. She was completely at the mercy of the
ruthless dog and found herself pushing her nakedly trembling buttocks
unwillingly upward toward the fiery lance that was drilling in and out of her
now moistly secreting cunt and slurping obscenely at the tiny puckered lips of
her anus. In her blurred brain she was dimly aware of the sounds of the other
dogs barking and whining excitedly as though in a medley of applause and bestial
frustration. Oh, God, were they all watching her lewd surrender to Wolf, she
asked herself through her haze of confusion as the champion brute's mouth opened
and nibbled softly on her wet, dilating pussy and lapped away the final reserves
of her resistance to the strange bestial attack. All around her the general
clamor and low sexual whines in the kennel seemed to grow louder and Diane felt
the first needling worry and concern about the noise they were making. Soon,
soon she would have to escape ... somehow ... find a way to make the dog release
her ... to speak to him in a tone that would make him obey.

The other dogs were setting up a raucous unbridled uproar and she knew she had
to do something right away.

"I mean it, get back, Wolf!" she shouted at the huge worked-up German Shepherd
whose head was thrashing unceasingly between her lewdly-spread legs, his thick,
hungrily-licking tongue slobbering voraciously in and out, up and down and back
and forth on the ravishing young woman's now steadily-pulsating vaginal slit.
"Back, boy! Please, please get back."

But her own voice betrayed her weakness and sounded even in her own ears like a
frail useless mewling that came from far away, a sound that was not at all what
she had intended. Her brain was fogged with haziness and nothing was real to her
but the teasing burning sensations that flowered throughout her obscenely
ravaged loins. The riotous barking from the other pens went on, unabated, and
she finally let her head fall back on the hard-packed dirt as she at last
admitted to herself how hopeless it was to try to master her own wanton desire.
She knew now that she could do nothing but lie here and allow the lewd incident
to run its course, until the great German Shepherd was finished with her and she
had reached the unnatural climax that was driving her nerves ruthlessly toward
the point of breaking. She labored, gasping for air and began to moan wickedly
as she pressed her involuntarily responding loins upwards, trying to make firmer
contact with the wet, excitedly swollen lips of her cunt up against the passion-
inciting hotness of the dog's hungrily drooling mouth.

Then ... just as her self-control was moments from deserting her completely,
"Get away from her, dog," a deep male voice sounded from outside the kennel. In
the next few moments, everything happened so fast that the impassioned young
blonde could barely comprehend it. The huge dog, Wolf's, hotly-slaving mouth
lifted immediately from her lust- saturated loins, depriving her of the wildly
rising sensation of the animal tongue fucking up between the pink, wide-split
edges of her throbbing young pussy. Next, she heard the thin metallic click of
the gate to the pen as it opened, and a few seconds later, a pair of strong
calloused male hands grasped her shoulders, pulling her bodily from behind, her
heels dragging in the dirt. It all took place so quickly that even the immense
dog was surprised and had no time to snarl out his protest at being cheated of
his gorgeous human victim.

Diane's first, shock-dazed reaction was frustrated resentment that the delicious
erotic sensations had been so abruptly interrupted but then, as she slowly
regained her wits, a crippling tide of dismay and horror flooded her
consciousness. Scalding tears of shame overflowed from her tightly-closed eyes
as she searched her dazed brain for some kind of excuse, some logical
explanation, for her vile lascivious behavior. But at least she was being
rescued from this horrible, shameful ordeal by her husband, the man whom she had
been accusing of inconsideration and selfishness for the last two days.

"Oh, Bill, Bill, thank God you're home," she sobbed wretchedly, forgetting in
her hysteria that he was not due to return home for another two days. "Wolf
trapped me, darling ... I--I couldn't get away from him ... it was awful!"

"Well now, it didn't look that way to me, lady," a brusque masculine voice
drawled sarcastically from behind her. "Sure, you were fighting a bit, that's
true, but it looked to me like your hot little pussy was twitching like a live

Oh, my God! she groaned inwardly, realizing in that instant that it was not
Bill. How could it be? Her husband would not be back before Wednesday at the
earliest! At the sound of the unfamiliar voice, Diane's girlish, fear-flushed
face blanched pale white and she clutched reflexively at the front of the soiled
yellow robe that was bunched up beneath her, attempting to cover her nakedness.
Her eyes flew open wide, blinking several times as she tried to focus through
the blur of her tears and the sudden blinding brilliance of the sunlight. She
could not identify the shadowy form towering above her still partially- exposed
body as she endeavored to draw her bathrobe around her on the ground.

"Who--who are you?" she finally managed to ask in a stilted voice, after she had
concealed her exposed front from his leering view.

"I'm Jack Green, ma'am, and I'm the caretaker over at the Taylor place," his
mockingly-amused voice drifted down to her. "And listen, you sure don't have to
worry about covering yourself up for me. I don't mind at all seeing the sweet
young curves on a gal like you."

"Oh, no! You're a caretaker over at the Taylor place?" the embarrassed young
woman asked, truly flabbergasted by his announcement. My God, she moaned, this
on top of everything else! As if it were not bad enough to be caught red-handed
in such a humiliating position, her rescuer turned out to be a common hired hand
from a nearby estate! Not only that, the man was rude and insulting, an oaf who
was obviously incapable of understanding the circumstances that had led up to
her being in such a compromising situation with their prize German Shepherd. She
wrenched herself up into a sitting position, curling her legs under the skirt of
her robe as she gathered the top of the garment more tightly together over her
upper torso.

"Now tell me, ma'am, what do you mean by that? What's wrong with being just a
caretaker?" Jack Green inquired in a sterner tone, his sarcastic grin and the
bantering sarcasm in his voice swiftly dissolving as he stiffened his shoulders
in indignation. "Maybe you'd like it better if I put you back in there with that
hot-blooded dog of yours?"

His ominous suggestion caused Diane to look up and carefully study the man who
had suddenly appeared out of nowhere to rescue her from the lewd advances of the
huge animal. Just the sight of the man, this Jack Green, increased her sense of
humiliation and debasement all the more. His face had a rather grizzled
appearance and he was well into middle- age, perhaps forty-five or even fifty
years old. He wore khaki trousers and an ancient moth-eaten sweater that drooped
sloppily down from his broad but slouchy shoulders like a shapeless sheath of
worn-out drapery. As he stood there with his arms folded across his barrel
chest, the man's natural strength was apparent even though hidden under his
shaggy sweater. She remembered how easily he had dragged her out of Wolf's
kennel, as though she were a mere feather and no challenge whatsoever to his
well-tempered muscles. Another thing seemed curious about this stranger: the
wry, impertinent glint in his watery hazel- colored eyes. It was certainly more
independent and arrogant than that she had seen as a child in the eyes of the
servants who had been employed by her father on their family estate. This Jack
Green, an unshaven man whose hair was greying, met her gaze evenly and made her
sheepish embarrassment of a few moments ago turn slowly into haughty anger.
Momentarily, she forgot her awkward state in relation to him and felt her blood
begin to boil with resentment at his insulting attitude toward her.

"Thank you, Mr. Green, but I'm finished caring for the dogs this morning," she
said glacially as she rose to her feet and stood facing him with a patronizing
expression on her exquisitely featured face. In a cold, measured tone of
exaggerated formality, she added: "Actually, I would like to know exactly why
you're on our property. I must thank you, of course, for your timely arrival and
the help you gave me, but I'm certain my husband would disapprove of a stranger
wandering around our grounds without permission."

"He's away, is he?" Jack grinned suggestively.

"Well, yes, he is ..." Diane blurted out, suddenly angry with herself for
volunteering information that was none of the caretaker's business and might
even threaten her safety. "But he's due back very soon ... any time now."

"Is that so?" the middle-aged man smirked, nodding his head toward her with a
significant wink of one of his twinkling greenish-brown eyes. "I wonder what
he'd think if he'd found you in there with that horny dog ... I mean, if he
turned up before, I did." The man's insulting gaze raked over her soft
curvaceous form and, although Diane clenched her robe tightly around her
nakedness, she could not quite avoid the disturbing sensation that this lonely
servant was staring right through the material and devouring the naked curves of
her body with his burning eyes. This was really impossible, she rankled, her
lush upper lip arching slightly upward in ill-concealed distaste at the
caretaker's presence. One thing, she was relieved that Bill was not here now,
since he had been raised in a less sophisticated household than she had been,
and he had no real understanding of how to deal with lower class people such as
this common vulgar man. This Jack Green should be put in his place--despite how
undemocratic that might seem to the blonde's less refined husband--or perhaps
she might not be able to live down the awful mortification that she had
undergone this morning.

Staring at some undefined point beyond the older man's unkempt grey hair, she
smiled faintly in a manner that she had often seen her striking, well-brought-up
mother smile when coping with insubordinate servants.

"If you'll come to the house with me," Diane said frostily, "I'll pay you a
little something for your trouble this morning." Despite her feigned reserve,
she heard her voice waver slightly from the after- effects of the unnerving
experience she had just endured, but she stretched her graceful aristocratic
neck arrogantly straight, her head held high, and turned on her heel to set off
toward the house without another word.

Standing in the grassy clearing near the dog, Wolf's, kennel, the middle-aged
man stared after her for a moment, his hazel eyes darkly pensive as the
beautiful, excitingly-shaped young woman's haughty words registered fully in his
mind. Despite his shabby clothes and generally disheveled appearance, Jack Green
was a proud man and had the single distinction of being one of the earliest
residents of the still relatively undeveloped Oak Tree area. His father had
cleared land and worked hard to eke out a skimpy living from the untamed forest,
and Jack's own status as caretaker of the Taylor estate was no more than a
symbolic token of admiration and respect from the wealthy Taylor urbanites who
had purchased the property that old Mr. Green, Jack's father, had never bothered
to gain ownership of from the government. Among the local citizens in sparsely-
settled Oak Tree, Jack was regarded as a bit of an eccentric and a loner but
certainly not the stupid clod that this prissy little blonde seemed to take him

The crow's-feet around his greenish eyes deepened as the wiry man recalled how
he had first seen this stuck-up little bitch as he had been strolling through
the woods this slightly hazy autumn morning. Despite what had sounded like cries
of terror at first, she had actually been squirming like an over-heated little
wanton on the dirt floor of the kennel as that fired-up German Shepherd had
lapped ravenously at her stark-naked pussy. He felt his rancor kindling anew as
he remembered how she had treated him ... her cold, snobbish dismissal of him
and his willingness to be friendly ... and maybe even more ... after he had
helped her out of the dog's pen. It was just too damned bad that she was such a
tight-assed little slut, he frowned, shaking his head disgustedly as he ambled
off slowly toward the house into which she had already disappeared. Hell, he had
already been courteous enough to service several of the lonely wives in Oak Tree
while their husbands were busy working in the city or out drinking with their
friends, and he had been eagerly looking forward to a pretty young sexy addition
to his personal rural harem.

After the interesting little show the gorgeous young blonde had staged with that
big stud dog, he had pretty well decided that he had just discovered the
prettiest, most available piece of ass for twenty miles around. Now, though, his
keen sense of frustration only added to the annoyance that he already felt and
he hoped to get her down flat on her back and fuck her silly to even the score.
He walked dourly through the front entrance to the house, not even bothering to
stamp the dew-soaked leaves and caked mud from his heavy work boots before he
trod across the deep-pile beige carpet just inside the doorway.

Diane was waiting in the living room, wearing an impassive expression on her
face to conceal the consternation she felt as she sat primly in an easy chair.
Her yellow bathrobe was cinched tightly around her tiny willowy waist as she
rummaged with studied nonchalance through a purse she had snatched off a peg on
the clothes-horse in the entranceway. Unfortunately, the purse contained little
more than some loose change and a dried-up container of mascara--nothing she
needed to spruce up her appearance in a hurry.

She lifted her eyes automatically when she heard her neighbor's hired hand's
heavy footsteps grow louder as he approached, her gaze intensifying with
glowering indigence as she watched the unkempt character striding indifferently
toward her, heedless of the trail of muddy prints he was leaving behind him on
the expensive carpet that she and Bill had bought with her parents' generous
cash wedding gift.

"Please, Mr. Green, the carpet!" she burst out in dismay, horrified at the man's
insolent lack of consideration, but before she could protest further, he had
already settled himself in his grimy old clothes on the plush velour sofa that
they had also purchased with a portion of her parents' wedding gift of money.
God, what a boorish man, she rankled, and yet for some unknown reason she found
herself wishing that she could retreat to the bedroom and make herself
presentable in a nice dress as well as apply make-up to enhance her appearance
... anything to give her more confidence with this crude, incorrigible man. Her
bedraggled-looking state, her robe still smudged from the floor of the dog
kennel, made her feel helpless and unable to do anything but stare at him in

As if things were not bad enough, here she was with only a few loose coins and
some useless cosmetic in her pocketbook. She had no idea how in the world she
was ever going to get rid of this disgusting man now-- not without something to
give him as a little reward for his timely arrival when she was at the mercy of
Wolf's sexual attack upon her.

"Hey, why don't you just relax, honey?" Jack Green asked huskily, grinning
suggestively at her from his seat on the sumptuous couch. "Let's just have a
little drink together and be friends about this whole thing. And if you really
do want to give me something, how about a good pup when that big hairy stud of
yours decides to get interested in something else besides your pretty little

"Friends?" Diane sputtered in fury and disgust at the shabby man's unbelievably
crude comments. In the space of a second, she remembered just what kind of
person he was, that he was lower class, and her anger cooled slightly, gradually
turning into a mere cold distaste for him. Her eyes blazing blue with sparks of
contempt, she spat out, "I don't associate with people like you, Mr. ... Mr.,
whatever your name is."

Rising then, she crossed the room toward the bedroom, disappearing for a few
moments only to return with a bundle of garments that she had grabbed out of a
closet just inside the door. Hurling them across the living room toward Jack,
she shouted, "Here are some of my husband's old shirts so you'll have something
clean to wear--if you ever decide to take a bath!" Then, pointing one trembling
finger toward the front door, she punctuated her insult by adding, "Now get out
of our house and don't ever trespass on this property again!"

The patiently-indulgent smile disappeared from the middle-aged man's weather-
toughened face as he slowly lifted himself from the now dust- blemished couch.
Diane shuddered and instinctively pulled her robe more snugly around her throat
as she felt his penetrating yellowish-brown eyes roving boldly over her sensuous
curves. He ignored the shirts that lay in a rumpled heap on the floor where she
had tossed them and walked slowly across the spacious room toward the spot where
the beautiful twenty-one-year-old blonde stood quivering with uncertainty.

"You can keep those things, little lady," he informed her, pointing at the
shirts with a contemptuous glint in his eyes that was contrary to the friendly
drawling tone of his voice. "But there's something else of your husband's I'd
like to have ... something he doesn't seem to use very much."

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Diane stammered feebly, a sinking
sensation growing suddenly in the pit of her stomach. The grim realization was
slowly dawning on her that this unusual man was not responding as she had
intended him to, that he was not at all intimidated the way she had expected he
would be.

"Yep, honey," he continued, a salaciously-knowing grin crossing his face as he
came closer to her nervously-trembling body, "you wouldn't be half so mean ...
and you sure as hell wouldn't be playing around with that dog out there ... if
you just got enough hard cock to satisfy that tight little pussy of yours. As a
matter of fact, I'd say that a nice man-sized fuck would be a fine reward for
saving you from that damned animal out there. Wouldn't you say so, honey?"

Diane gaped incredulously at the ungroomed, foul-mouthed stranger, the full
meaning of his lewd words registering with a stunning impact on her shock-numbed
brain. Under her bathrobe, she felt the muscles of her naked, unpantied tummy
contract with dread and a chill helpless feeling crept along the length of her
spine. Still, though, she could not tear her fixed gaze away from his face as he
stood before her, his calloused hand resting cockily on his hip as he waited for
her answer to his obscene proposition.

"You're ... you're crazy!" she finally gasped, reeling a little. "You don't mean
that you want me to ... to let you ... to ... to pay you that way?"

The shoddily-dressed man chuckled in a vulgar tone at her obvious distaste for
him. Well, she would change her tune soon enough, he assured himself with
unswerving confidence as he felt his cock begin to jerk to life in the crotch of
his khaki trousers. His intrusive eyes roved down the front of her robe, ogling
the smoothly-rounded contours of her large heaving breasts and her thinly-curved
waist where the yellow material of the housecoat flared outward over the
luscious swells of her perfectly-formed young hips. Christ, he gasped to
himself, there can't be a more perfect body than that, not anywhere, not only
for the perfection of every beautiful line but also for the pure potential of
untapped sexual energy that seemed to radiate from it. Christ, she was a
flawless little bitch and he could hardly wait to get his hands on her soft
white flesh, to turn her into a mindless mass of animal lust like that dog had
almost done a few minutes ago. Actually, he had never had to take advantage of
an unwilling woman in his entire life but this little bitch's high and mighty
attitude pissed him off--especially since he had seen her almost having a wild
session with the big German Shepherd behind the house. Goddamn it, if a dog
could make her go crazy that way and make her forget all of her snotty ways,
she'd go absolutely berserk when her hot little cunt was stuffed full of a real
man's cock, the same one that had kept so many of the so-called ladies and
untouchable wives of Oak Tree happy and smiling all this time.

"Yeah, baby, that's right. I'm going to fuck you," the middle-aged caretaker
informed her bluntly, relishing the expression of shocked, unbelievable horror
that distorted her proud young face. "I'm going to fuck you until you beg for
more, and you will too. They all do."

His filthy words made Diane want to scream, to cry out in disbelief, to do
anything to put a stop to the incredible series of events that had victimized
her ever since Bill had left on his business trip two days ago. That this
horrible unsavory character could even conceive of her allowing him to use her
body and commit adultery as though she were some kind of common tramp was the
greatest of all possible insults!

"You pig, you! You insane pervert!" she shrieked at him. "My husband would kill
you with his bare hands if he ever found out what you just said!"

Jack exploded into a long convulsive quaking of gruff sadistic laughter before
he quipped, "You can just tell him that big dog stretched your hot little pussy.
Hell, he'd understand."

With a tiny cry of maddening frustration, the dazed young wife whirled quickly
around and made a break for the front door but her attempted escape was stopped
short by the older man's long, sinewy arm that snaked out around her waist. She
stood staring at him frantically, like a wild animal at bay, then made a move to
retreat backwards but her way was blocked by the living room wall behind her.

"No, you can't do this to me, my husband will kill you, I told you!" she gasped
fearfully, her eyes searching desperately for another means of escape. "No one
but my husband has ever ... done it to me."

"Well, baby, there's a first time for everyone," the older man replied
callously, without the least sign of compassion, his lust-glazed eyes traveling
even more directly up and down her deliciously young trembling form. An electric
shock jolted her every nerve as she felt his extended hand slither out and
around her ribs and on down to the flat plane of her tummy as he edged closer to
her, his leathery unshaven face now only inches from her own fear-twisted face.
Traveling down to the base of her tremulous belly, his rough fingertips rotated
in small teasing circles against the soft hair-covered mound of her vagina,
pressing against her robe until the fluffy fabric wedged into the narrow crevice
between her thighs. To her horror, the young wife felt her knees buckle
momentarily and yet somehow she managed to shake the sudden giddiness enough to
keep from toppling over onto the floor.

"Tell me, honey," the hired hand taunted as she leaned back against the wall for
support, "tell me that you don't want me to fuck the shit out of you. You're
still as hot as a firecracker from that big dog licking your hot little cunt,
aren't you?"

Diane stiffened as though suddenly she had been doused with ice water. Her lush
mouth fell open loosely and her blue eyes widened in utter horror as she felt
the faint beginnings of betrayal in her own young body add to her sense of
helplessness against this crudely arrogant man. She felt his powerful arms
drawing her tightly against him, his big rough hands slipping down further to
encompass the full rounded spheres of her buttocks. The blood rushed hotly to
her face at the horrible shame of having this complete stranger pawing her
tensed fear- stricken body with his hands, hands that were heedless of her
mounting dread.

"Stop it, stop it, do you hear me? I'll scream for help," she threatened

"You go right ahead, little lady. Scream your head off, because nobody's going
to hear you but those dogs out there," he grinned evilly into her lovely face,
adding, "I locked your furry boyfriend's pen before I came in, so don't count on
him to cheat you out of the fucking I'm going to give you."

She could do nothing but gawk at him, aghast, searching for some tell- tale sign
of mercy in the caretaker's face, but there was nothing but lust in his features
and she quaked helplessly as his teasing fingers massaged and stroked her
cringing, tightly-clenched buttocks as he pulled her more firmly against the
huge bulge in the crotch of his trousers. God, why was he doing this terrible
thing to her? she groaned to herself. Desolately, she wondered how she would
ever be able to face her husband, Bill, again after all that had happened during
the seeming eternity since he had left to scout for additional breeding stock.

Even through the layers of their clothing, the shuddering girl could feel the
intruder's lust-aroused penis rising to greater hardness against the soft plane
of her belly, its hot pulsating rigidity sending little shivers of unwanted
excitement shimmering up through the walls of her vagina. If only she could
clear her head she might be able to think of a way to escape from this debasing
situation ... She had only been doing her job, feeding the dogs, when suddenly
everything had gone haywire and something strange had taken control of her life,
tearing its control from her hands ... And now, she could hardly think of
anything but the insistent pressure of the hidden rod of flesh jabbing out and
throbbing suggestively against her tender vulnerable flesh.

Again, she struggled in his arms, trying to free herself, but she was powerless
against his greater strength and slowly he lowered his head until his lips
closed over hers, completely engulfing her soft pink mouth, his tongue working
deep between her lips and into the warmth between her teeth. She moaned weakly
as his big hands jerked her pelvis more tightly forward against his, the harsh
throbbing bulge at his loins causing an uncontrollable flutter of excitement to
ripple through her soft flesh and center in her helplessly tingling vagina. The
caretaker suddenly reached up with one hand and pinched hard against the soft
rubbery nipple of her right breast through her robe igniting a flash of mixed
pain and pleasure in the futilely-struggling young woman's captive body. She
uttered a low helpless groan which was quickly choked off by the harsh pressure
of his saliva-moistened lips clamping down hard over hers once again.

Great surges of fiery shame washed over her as she felt the forbidden pleasure
of the man's experienced touch relentlessly overcoming her desire to resist him.
After these last few days of constant sexual stimulation and frustration, she
felt her passion snowballing suddenly, beginning to drown out her fear and
intense humiliation. Her breath caught in her soft milky throat as she felt the
man, Jack Green's, invading hand slip audaciously under the front of her robe,
slithering lizard-like up and down over the smooth fleecy flesh of her quivering
hips. He let his hand brush lightly several times over the blonde curling
strands of her pubic mound, his fingers pressing gently but insistently on the
outer flanges of her pink swelling pussy-lips. She groaned and quailed with each
gently pressured touch against her tingling genitals, her brain desperately
fighting to gain control over the flowing tide of passion creeping through her
passion-inflamed body.

"N-no ... no, p-please, don't," she beseeched him weakly as she felt the grey-
haired man's strong hand burrowing deeper into the crevice between her tightly-
clenched thighs. Suddenly his thick blunt finger began to trace the thin, pink-
furrowed slit of her naked cunt and, against her conscious will, her muscles
began gradually to relax until her legs opened slightly to his touch.

Diane's slender hands flew up to his powerful shoulders, her long nails digging
into his tough flesh through his ragged sweater. Even as a brief sensation of
repulsion swept over her, lascivious waves of involuntary desire spiraled
crazily through her burning loins and in her belly as he parted the soft sparse
pubic hair and slowly, deliberately, teased his middle finger deep up between
her warm moist vaginal lips.

"Oooooooh, God nooooooo," she moaned in protest even though she sensed her own
sexually-aroused dampness spreading from the unwanted excitement that was taking
over her entire being and she bit down on her lip to hold back the noises of
delight that were rising up from deep in her graceful throat.

Heated tears of humiliation streamed hotly down her flushed cheeks as the
horrified young housewife suddenly recognized that her traitorous body was
actually giving in to the thrill of this man's fingers probing into her hotly
throbbing vagina. Her eyes closed despairingly as her hips began to thrust
slowly back and forth of their own volition, matching the lewd rhythm of his
teasing finger-fucking up between her slightly-spread legs.

"That's the spirit, honey," he crooned triumphantly in her ear. "You're starting
to like old Jack, eh? That tight little cunt of yours is getting nice and wet
just like it does for your hubby. You're about ready for me to fuck you now,
aren't you?"

Diane could not speak. Words of indignant horror formed in her tortured brain
but died in her throat, lost in the sensual shock of his thick fingers teasing
and flicking mercilessly around her now hotly quivering clitoris. Her
shamelessly aroused young body jerked responsively as she unwillingly allowed
herself to sink deeper and deeper into the waves of delectable sensation that
were coursing through her. Every muscle in her exquisite body was taut as she
unconsciously worked her loins forward now toward the maddening probe between
her open legs.

"Well?" he demanded again, thrusting his finger up into the tightness of her
pussy walls with a quick, unexpected rush that shocked the breath out of her
lungs. "Do you want to fuck, honey?"

"Oh, God," she moaned, miserably torn between her guilt and her female body's
electric demands. "I ... oooooh."

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that," he chuckled knowingly as he felt
her supple young pussy muscles rippling excitedly around his buried finger.
Bringing his other hand up to clutch at her long flaxen blonde hair, he drew her
tear-streaked face back to him and kissed her wetly, his thick wet tongue
sliding deep into her mouth as his fingers began to torturously tease up into
her quivering cunt once more. Then Diane felt him begin to pull her across the
room, slyly edging her captured body toward the plush red velour couch as he
continued to deftly titillate her excitement-drenched vagina. Somewhere in her
anguished brain she knew that the moment of her ultimate defilement and
subjugation was drawing ever closer but she could no longer find the will to
resist. There was nothing she could do but moan defenselessly as his hands took
the most indecent liberties with her helpless young body, causing convulsive
little twitches of unwanted delight to race through her glistening wet genitals.

"Let's take that rag off you, honey," he whispered hoarsely into her ear. "I
want to get another good look at what I'm gonna put my cock in."

Diane hung her head in shame and did not even struggle as she felt him tear open
the knot of her belt and slip her fluffy yellow robe down over her naked
shoulders. She closed her eyes, deliberately refusing to think about what was
happening to her, assisting him by her passive submission until she felt her
single protective garment fall into a soft, useless heap down around her slender
ankles. As the cool air of the room rushed over her beautiful naked body, she
heard the older man's sharp intake of breath. His big work-hardened hands
clutched hotly at her full heaving breasts, kneading, squeezing, rolling the
tiny pink nipples until they became hard and distended, throbbing almost
painfully under his fingers. Finally she felt his wet, passion- heated mouth
encircling one of the tiny erected tips, his tongue flicking maddeningly over
the taut point of flesh. And then his hands left her swelling breasts, drawing
his fingers down along her ribs to her hips to push her gently down on her back
onto the sofa. Her eyes were still clenched shut against the harsh reality of
what was occurring in her own living room as the young wife lay motionless and
defeated on the plush cushions of the couch. She could hear a rustling of
clothes as he undressed beside her.

There was nothing left for her to do now but submit, she thought numbly, as she
lay completely naked in the muted light of the living room. Where could she run
without any clothes on and who would ever believe her if she tried to explain
exactly what had happened to her? Her own husband already thought that she was
silly and self-indulgent, she thought bitterly, so why not give in to the
selfish desires that were coursing through her blood-stream like a conscience-
killing drug? And yet she did not want this ... this horrible, older man forcing
her to satisfy his lewd desires with the softness of her body. No, no, she
couldn't go through with this! It wasn't right for a married woman to commit
adultery like this, no matter what the circumstances.

Suddenly her wandering mind was forced back to the reality of the present by the
knowledge that another weight was settling down on the couch, down below where
her long white legs dangled uselessly over the edge of the cushions to the floor
below. She felt harsh hands grasping her right ankle, lifting it high in the air
and finally placing it down high over the back of the sofa. The springs squeaked
as he crawled between her now widely-parted young thighs, causing her to stiffen
in apprehension of the brutal rape she knew was about to begin at any moment.

"All right, honey, let's open up those baby-blue eyes," he commanded gloatingly.
"I've got something I want you to see."

She obeyed slowly and reluctantly. She saw him kneeling between her wide-spread
thighs that he, himself, had spread open, his sinewy body completely naked now
and his weathered face twisted in a lewd salacious grin. Her gaze trailed
downward along his broad muscular torso to the thick hardened penis standing out
from beneath the little overhang of his slightly paunchy belly.

Her eyes began to widen in mounting revulsion and frightened disbelief as she
visually measured the abnormally large penis that pointed toward the ceiling
like the shaft of a large menacing weapon. God, it was enormous!

Jack Green stared directly into her awe-rounded eyes and his licentious smirk
broadened as his hand lustfully stroked the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back
and forth over the hard blood-engorged head.

"Think it's big enough, baby?" he asked her, a triumphant gleam burning in his
eyes. "Now, aren't you glad that your hubby's not home?"

At the sound of his cruelly-taunting voice, loathing and nausea swept over her
again, nearly destroying the erotic sensations that possessed her. Even so, she
could not help but gape at the massive size and thickness of the fleshy hardness
dominating her vision. She sensed that the middle-aged man was enjoying the
devilish brutality that he was subjecting her to but she could not tear her
incredulous gaze from the heavily-veined rod of male cock-flesh that he was
still holding and stroking in his hand.

Still, she could barely believe its fantastic size and wondered how any normal
woman could safely take such a huge thing inside of her without stretching her
vagina unbearably. She tried to imagine that great monster buried inside the
narrow, hair-fringed folds of her tight young pussy and a quiver of paralyzing
fear coursed through her.

"It's ... oh, God, it's too big," the blonde-haired girl managed to stutter in a
last ditch effort to voice her resistance.

Jack Green continued to massage the granite-hard tower of flesh, slowly,
tantalizingly. "That's what all the wives around here say ... the first time,"
he leered at her. "But you're going to take every inch of it, honey, every hard
throbbing inch of this big baby ..."

Once again, the tears dribbled down Diane's flushed cheeks as she realized that
there was no appealing to this vile man. He was not her sensible Bill, nor any
of the other men who had jumped to fulfill her every wish all her life. She
tried to steel her senses for what she knew was to come, refusing to listen to
his insulting words and filthy implications any longer. Her anguished brain was
too occupied with the hopelessness of her position and the horrifying dread of
knowing that there was no escape, that she must endure his lewd assault. With
Bill gone away, she was utterly alone and subject to this man, Jack Green's,
every ruthless wish.

"I'm going to make you lick my balls before I'm finished with you," he rasped
down at her. "You're going to cry for me to fuck that snobbish little cunt of
yours ... beg me to bury this cock so deep up in your high and mighty little
belly that you'll be able to taste it ... just wait and see!"

"Please, please, don't," she begged pitifully, trying a last time to appeal to
his conscience but knowing as she looked into his rugged, triumphantly-smiling
face that he would show no more mercy to her than he would to any common whore
that he had paid for off the streets. She whimpered in terror as he crawled up
over her prostrate spread-eagled body, pinioning her shoulders to the cushions
with his strong arms and hands. Then he lowered his head and sucked the tiny,
erect nipple of one breast into his mouth, biting into it painfully until her
nakedly- trembling buttocks writhed in agony beneath him.

Chapter 4

Diane lay unmoving beneath him, her fear-clouded eyes fixed on the workings of
his mouth as he blurted out the obscene filth to her, its lewdness penetrating
and echoing throughout her dazed brain.

"Now take it in your hand, honey and guide it into that hot little pussy of
yours," he ordered, his sex-glazed eyes gleaming sadistically down at her.

"No ... no ... I can't."

"Put it in, you stuck-up little cunt," he snarled in furious impatience at her
hesitation. "Do it now or I'll slap you silly."

Diane had no doubt that he meant what he said. Trembling with dread and
humiliation, she reached down between their bodies with one hand and encircled
his thick throbbing cock with her soft white fingers. A sudden cowering
expression crossed over her face anew as she felt for the first time the true
size of the mammoth rock-hard shaft.

"Oh, God ... God, I can't. It's too big ... please ..."

The grey-haired caretaker opened his mouth to torment her further, then quickly
decided that he could stand this waiting no longer. With a savage grunt, he
grabbed her parted legs behind the knees and shoved them roughly all the way
back against her tightly-pinned shoulders, dropping his weight on her body to
hold her fast. His long rigid cock brushed against the soft down of her pubic
hair as her slim delicate ankles wedged tightly around behind his head. He could
look down between their prone bodies and see her upturned young ass-cheeks
completely exposed to his lusting view. The narrow cunt-slit was visibly
throbbing as he held the moist pink furrow wide apart with the outward pressure
of his thighs pressed tightly up against hers.

Diane trembled, her brain whirling with a confused mixture of fear and
anticipation as she felt the hugeness of the older man's fleshy hardness lying
on the full length of her helplessly-open vaginal slit. Her eyes widened in a
sudden, unexpected delight at the sensation of this first soft rubbery contact
against the smooth sensitive edges of her naked pussy. The blunt jerking head of
his cock rested pulsing between her wide-spread buttocks, insinuating itself up
and down, up and down, in a maddening teasing motion as her soft smooth hips
jerked involuntarily upward and she felt the rubbery mushroom-shaped tip slip
hotly down over her distended clitoris. The young blonde housewife clenched her
teeth tightly together, fighting with all her will against the subtle
titillating sensation that was gradually firing all her senses again. Her shame
and mortification slipped gradually out of her consciousness as the man gently
moved his lower torso, sliding his long thick cock back and forth over the
sensitive exposed flesh of her vaginal lips.

She groaned again, praying that her body would not betray her further as it
almost had earlier out in the kennel with the dog, but his expert ministrations
on the tender, unprotected parts of her defenseless body were already forcing
her into surrender. After a long moment of desperate struggle within her blurred
and confused mind, the flood gates of her sexual desire burst open once again.
All the hurt and frustration she had been holding secretly within herself ever
since her husband, Bill, had begun to seem more interested in his dogs than in
her, suddenly reached a peak and she knew that she could not wait one more
moment for the desperately-needed release that she had been trying to cope with
so unsuccessfully. It didn't even matter now that his man, this stranger, was
dirty and unshaven, that he had sadistically tormented her in her weakest
moments ... nothing mattered but the long thick length of hard flesh teasing
mercilessly at the thin hair-fringed mouth of her cock-starved vagina.

Shamelessly abandoning the last of her scruples, she ground her wide- spread
buttocks upward toward his huge, heavily-throbbing penis, her hungry wet cunt
searching desperately for the bulging blood-filled tip.

Oh, God, no matter whose it was, she had to have it in her!

Frantically, Diane reached down between the softly-gyrating cheeks of her ass
and tightly grasped the full length of the rock-hard penis, heedless now of the
threat of its size as she felt it throbbing excitingly in her fingers. This was
what her body was screaming for! Being careful not to scratch the precious
fleshy hardness, she carefully guided it up into the cleft of her buttocks and
wedged the thick pulsing cock-tip in between the wetly-swollen lips of her cock-
starved pussy. She held it there with one hand and placed the other on Jack's
backside, drawing him downward with all of her girlish strength to push him into
her blazing hot pussy, to quench the gnawing need that was driving her
completely insane with animal lust.

The caretaker grinned obscenely down at her beautiful, flawless face. It was all
he could do to keep from shoving forward to skewer the squirming little bitch's
cunt on his painfully aching cock but the desire to punish her for her
disdainful attitude when he had tried to be friendly with her, overcame his
immediate passion. He wanted to see her suffer a little, to realize just how
much she truly wanted a long hard male cock to be shoved into her proud little
belly. Haughty and spoiled, she was a classic example of the type of city people
who were unthinkingly changing the sylvan peacefulness of Oak Tree into just
another characterless suburb and this wild fucking he was going to give her
might be the best opportunity he would ever have to wreak vengeance on the
people who were ruining his beloved woods. Besides, if anyone ever needed to be
taught a lesson, this arrogant little blonde housewife did. Well, he would do
it; he would fuck her until she couldn't even walk. The lewd satisfying thought
caused him to flick his hips forward, pushing his cock-head harder against her
naked young cunt.

Diane gasped as she felt the super-sensitized lips of her now hotly tingling
vagina being forced wider apart. The tight elastic opening momentarily resisted
the hard cruel pressure of the older man's bluntly-pressuring cock-head, then
suddenly gave way, allowing the huge blood-filled tip to slip just up inside.
The pain was excruciating and she automatically resisted, whimpering out loud at
the monstrous painful intrusion into her tightly-clenched cuntal channel.

The hired hand felt a wave of sadistic pleasure wash through him at her soulful
protest and he was unable to conceal the evil grin that immediately formed on
his lips.

He shoved again.

"Oooooooh, noooooo stop, you're hurting me!" Diane screamed. Her upthrust legs
jerked spasmodically on either side of his heavy body, kicking futilely into the
air to escape the cruel impalement. She stared pleadingly up into the grey-
haired man's face but found no pity or compassion in his expression, only a
sadistic lust that made her blood run cold.

Slowly, he forced his massive span of lust-hardened flesh into her constricting
inner passage, filling her moist, vainly resisting cuntal cavern inch by inch.
Jack Green could barely contain the excitement that the helplessly protesting
young housewife gave him as he slowly and relentlessly penetrated further and
further into her futilely- resisting cunt and again and again he flexed his hips
against her wide- split loins, until at last, he could stand it no longer.

He had to fuck the snooty little bitch and right away!

He rammed brutally forward, dropping his weight down on her, smashing her full,
firm breasts flat beneath his powerful chest as he rammed his hips forward at
the same time. His thick hard cock plunged into her moist, squirming cunt with
the cruel force of a battering ram, bruising the soft tender walls of her warm
vaginal flesh in rippling waves before it. There was no stopping it until he
felt his balls smack resoundingly against her tiny wincing anus that had screwed
itself deep down into the cushion in an attempt to escape the sudden vicious

"Oh, my God, you're ripping me apart! Aaaaaaaaggggh!" she wailed, her skewered
form pinned helplessly to the sofa. Her arms were outstretched, palms against
his hips, trying to ward off the blood- filled head of the prick that pressed
like a hot heavy rock against her fragile womb. Her vagina felt battered and
stretched as though she had been impaled on a sawed-off young sapling tree. In
agony, she fought the hard, fleshy invasion, squeezing tightly together the
muscles of her helplessly-upturned buttocks to keep the rampaging prick from
burying itself further into her tortured young pussy but with every struggling
movement the hugely throbbing cock-head seemed to burrow even more deeply into
her. The man's outstretched arms held her shoulders pressed tightly to the
cushions, his wide-spread knees wedging her quaking thighs far apart. She felt
as though her body was being torn down the middle, that the fiery cock had gone
all the way up past her breasts and was about to come out of her throat.

The heavily breathing man's lips curled into a lascivious grin as he saw her
face cloud with the pain of his first cruel lunge into her. Glancing down
between their joined bodies, he could see his greying pubic hairs tangled lewdly
with her golden blonde ones, the gleaming base of his tremendous cock buried to
the hilt between the moist, curl- lined lips of her wide-stretched vagina. He
only wished that he could record this moment in a photograph, so that the
aristocratic little bitch would never be able to deny, even to herself, that she
had been spread-eagled and fucked senseless this way by what she thought was
only a low class caretaker. By God, he was certainly making her scream and yell,
and he was about to give her a fuck that she would never forget for as long as
she lived.

Beneath him Diane struggled uselessly against the agony of his sudden forced
entry. Though she tried desperately to push it out by flexing the muscles within
her straining pussy, each throb of her insides seemed only to excite him more
and he plowed even deeper into her wide- split cuntal passage. She could feel
his huge sperm-laden balls lying down against the tiny, softly-flexing lips of
her rectum as he lay buried deep up inside her futilely-straining belly. There
was not one ridge or vein on the mighty hammer-headed cock that she could not
feel as the tender wet walls of her cunt clasped around it like a tight- fitting
elastic sleeve. At the very end of her anguished vaginal passage, she could feel
the huge rubbery tip throbbing against her cervix like a second heart in her
body. The gentle pulsing of the thick shaft within her sent tiny jolts of pain
and faint pleasure flitting through her trembling body and she moaned softly
beneath him.

The naked man felt the slight throbbing pressure she exerted against his deeply-
buried penis and smiled delightedly at the hot sensual urgency he felt. He had
waited patiently for this and hovered motionless over her quivering prostrate
form until she became accustomed to his thickness rammed far up inside her white
little belly. Still not moving his body, he flexed his heavy, blood-filled prick
inside her, stretching her vaginal walls ever further apart.

"Ooooooh, God, noooo," she whimpered, her eyes tightly shut as she fought the
fine line of pleasure-pain.

He throbbed the stiff rod again in the hot-channeled depths of her tight narrow
passage, watching her wincing face below.

She groaned again, but more softly as she felt the embedded cock expanding the
tight-stretched walls of her throbbing passageway.

"Ooooh," she gasped breathlessly as the older man flexed again.

"Noooooooooo, pleeeeeease," she pleaded, her eyes clamped tightly shut as she
seesawed between the tiny throbs of pleasure and the lingering pain. He flexed
the stiff rod again deep in the interior depths of her cunt, relishing the
responsive grimace of pain that distorted her now slightly-perspiring face. She
groaned again but this time with less suffering in her tone as she felt the
deeply-embedded cock expand and press outward against the tight-stretched lining
of her vagina.

"Gaaaaawwd," she gasped breathlessly as he flexed again and again, setting a
teasing rhythmic pattern to his tormenting movements. Her pain-tensed face
relaxed slowly and he could feel slight, still- uncertain answering throbs
around the pulsing head of his deeply imbedded prick as her prostrate body began
to slowly respond to the maddening flexing of his member. She groaned helplessly
beneath him as her smooth, milk-white buttocks began the gradual involuntary
rolling that signaled the unmistakable rekindling of the uncontrollable fires
smoldering deep in her naked loins. He could barely contain himself as he felt
her hungrily-nibbling young cunt begin to clench tightly around his achingly-
hard penis.

Diane could also sense her soft warm body reacting, sparking into the beginnings
of an ecstasy that she had never known before. The agonizing pain had given way
to another sensation, a deep thrilling tingle that rose from deep in her womb
and seemed to saturate her entire body with an urgent need to have even more of
the brutal impaling cock deep up inside her viciously-filled belly. Her smooth
silken flesh seemed totally alive now with lewdly swirling sensations that
throbbed out in tiny dancing waves across her white skin from her head to her
toes each time the huge buried penis lurched far up in her belly. A burning need
centered hotly in her upraised loins, making her heavily-filled cunt
involuntarily dilate and twitch around the rock-like pole that was stuffed into
her. She wanted more of it, wanted to feel the swollen cock drilling in and out
of her moist hungry passage. Instinctively, she drove her young buttocks upward,
grinding herself against his pelvis but he remained motionless, above her, his
weight pressing her back down into the cushions. She could not move and she felt
like she was about to go out of her mind with the fiery frustration that blazed
inside of her helplessly-pinioned body.

"Oh, please, please, do something," she gasped, looking pleadingly up into the
unshaven face above her. She saw a sadistic grin of lewd delight crease the
caretaker's weathered face.

"Did you say something, little lady?" he taunted, sending a particularly
forceful throb into the very depths of her being.

"Oooooooh," she breathed helplessly, as she rotated her lush young hips up
around the hard fleshy rod. The dilated lips surrounding her pink wet slit
nibbled hungrily at the inflated prick, sliding moistly down the penis for
several inches then working slowly back up until his curling dark pubic hair
meshed with hers and the full length of him was again embedded deep in her
softly heaving belly.

"What? What did you say?" he insisted mercilessly, pulling his muscular loins a
teasing few inches away from her. He watched gleefully as she strained upward,
trying to capture his length again as he kept pulling his monstrous, wetly-
glistening cock just out of her reach.

"Oh, God, please do it to me," the distraught girl begged, her eyes wide and

"You mean you want me to fuck you?" he demanded loudly. "Say it! Tell me to fuck
your cunt!"

"Oh, no, I can't! I just can't," she moaned. This, Diane knew, would be the
final humiliating surrender. Her resistance this way was the last thing she had
left. She couldn't let him have the satisfaction of hearing her grovel and beg
for him to do it to her. After that, there would be no escaping the fact that
she had wanted it as much as the caretaker did and she would never be able to
face herself or her husband again.

"Do you like that?" he mocked her, rubbing the broad rubbery tip of his thick
cock up and down the full length of her hungrily-starving pussy. "Doesn't it
feel good?"

"Oh, God, yessss," she gasped.

"Do you want me to stop now?" he demanded, throbbing the huge fleshy shaft just
up inside her hotly-contracting pussy. He flexed it harder and harder. "Do you?"

"No ... Yes ... Ooooooooh, I don't know! No, no, don't stop. Don't stop!"

"Then beg me, bitch," he snarled, losing patience with this waiting for her
surrender. With a low growl, he grabbed her naked shoulders and dug his fingers
painfully into their ivory softness. As he roughly shook her trembling body, he
commanded again, "Say the words!"

"Oooooooh, nooooo, I can't ... nooooo ..." she moaned, but even as she uttered
the words, the overpowering knowledge of her guilt and helplessness melted her
last defenses and she knew it was useless to struggle anymore. Though her own
weakness sickened and repulsed her, the urgent demands of her aroused body had
completely conquered her protesting conscience. It was no longer a matter of
right and wrong. All that mattered was that she wanted him now, now, wanted his
lust- hardened cock to be set in motion to match the desperate desire that was
churning within her. At last, through tightly-clenched teeth, she hissed
bitterly, "All right ... fuck me right now. FUCK ME!"

As she closed her eyes in humiliated defeat the older man's face twisted into an
obscene smirk of victory. Savoring his sweet revenge, he levered himself up into
a push-up position and slowly withdrew his deeply-imbedded length until only the
bloated mushroom-like head still rested within the moistly glistening lips of
her tender young pussy. His anger was quickly forgotten as he felt the
intoxicating friction of his massive gleaming staff against the smooth moist
walls of her cunt and as a new wave of intense passion pulsed through him, he
gathered all his muscular strength and rammed forward again, the broad fleshy
head of his thick cock pushing the soft flesh of her warmly-welcoming cuntal
channel before it like buttered velvet, until the entire length was buried once
more in her wide-stretched pussy.

This time there were no cries or pleas for mercy, only the throaty animal sounds
of a lustful woman reaching out for pleasure. To his delight, Jack Green felt
the aroused young housewife's trembling hands snaking up around his body to
clasp around behind his buttocks, pulling at his tightly-clenched muscles to
draw him even deeper into her aching belly. Confident now of her unconditional
submission, he began to slowly grind his loins up between her open thighs,
pistoning his great thick cock in and out of the tightly-clenched cavern that
was now wet and slippery from the delicious young blonde's unchained passion.
The velour sofa shook and squeaked wildly beneath them as Diane jerked herself
desperately up to meet his every slamming thrust, grinding her nakedly-writhing
buttocks higher and higher to get more and more of his wonderfully-skewering
cock deeper up inside her.

Her neighbor looked victoriously down to see the thin soft ridges of her pink
cuntal flesh pulling outward with every outstroke and then disappearing back
into her as his moist glistening length was swallowed whole back into the tight,
greedily-working opening. He slowed, fascinated by the utter abandon of her
labors as she strained against him, a half-crazed ecstatic smile playing across
her curving red lips. Her motions became faster by the second, the tempo of her
thrusts becoming more urgent, and he knew that she was straining to cum. The
inner fluids of her hotly-milking vagina were beginning to flow and he could
hear the wet sucking sound of the in and out fucking movement of his huge jack-
hammering cock driving in and out of her freely. Suddenly her back arched almost
a foot off the jiggling sofa and she bucked wildly against him.

"Oh, God, yes ... yes, I'm cummmmmmmmmmmming!" she wailed. "Oh, fuck it! Fuck it
harder, fuck it harder!!!"

With a deep-throated groan, her desperately-writhing body began to quiver
uncontrollably, creamy viscous fluids oozing out from her hot vibrating pussy to
cover his impaling rod with its sticky warmth. It trickled down the valley
between her smooth rounded buttocks and over his still sperm-loaded balls that
smacked hard and noisily down against the tiny brown-puckered ring of her anus.

The middle-aged man lost the last of his self-control as the young blonde wife
of his neighbor jerked spasmodically against him, trickling the last of her
orgasmic juices against his hair-matted pelvis. He reached up, grabbing her
ankles and pushing them viciously back over her shoulders until she cried out
from the pain of her inhumanly-bent body. Half mad now with lust, he pulled his
deeply-buried prick from her until only its excitedly-oozing tip penetrated the
soft swollen lips of her vagina. Then he rammed forward with all of his stored-
up strength, burying the full throbbing length of his sex-incited cock deep into
her wholly-exposed pussy. The slap of his sperm-bloated balls slamming against
her upturned buttocks resounded loudly throughout the room.

She had had her fun and now it was his turn.

Clamping his mouth tightly over hers, he slipped his tongue deep between her
open lips, muffling the gasps forming in her throat. His broad shoulders pushed
against the back of her symmetrical-rounded calves, locking her in that
defenseless position as he fucked deeper and deeper into her. Snaking his sun-
bronzed hands beneath her whitely- grinding buttocks, he tightly grasped each
full soft cheek of her ass, cupping them in his spread fingers and palms,
squeezing the warm fleshy orbs and pulling them wide apart.

He began long hard strokes into her seething vagina and the quivering walls,
lubricated from her climax, clasped hungrily around the fleshy hot rod,
slithering up moistly to devour its length all the way to the hilt. His sperm-
filled balls slapped into the dampness between her buttocks and his own
breathing came in short angry bursts. The sight of her magnificent young breasts
dancing wildly with the buffeting her lower body was undergoing, the tightly
erect pink nipples bobbing before his eyes, made him plunge even more deeply,
driving her several inches back on the soft cushions and making her neck arch
with the sudden lewdly-inciting sensation.

"Oh, yesssss, ooooh," Diane groaned out her submission to the obscene sensations
racing through her cruelly ravished young body. There was no longer any reason
to fight the lewd flames of desire coursing through her veins. She had lost the
battle against the obscene feelings and even the agonizing thought of her total
surrender to this perfect stranger she had met only a half an hour ago sent
lascivious chills of increased desire prickling around the base of her spine as
she responded to the measured rhythm of the caretaker's heavy cock driving in
and out of her now-voluntarily-upturned loins. She could feel each movement of
the huge fleshy shaft in her hotly-clasping cunt walls, the giant head
slithering up and down the warm slippery passageway, and hear the sharp slap of
his bloated balls against her tiny hairless anus as he lunged forward with each
in-stroke. Maddening rushes of cool air eddied between her wide-splayed thighs
each time he withdrew, teasingly cooling the thin rivulets of sweat that
trickled hotly down from his powerfully straining loins.

Her womb flared and the now completely unresisting lips of her hair- lined
vaginal furrow flowered open to receive the delicious rape of her secret
genitals. Her hands forced themselves desperately from under her legs to slip
around his back. Her fingernails clawed a red-streaked path down to his
muscularly-flexing buttocks as she pulled him deep and thrust her fleece-covered
cuntal mound up hard to skewer herself deliciously on the hotly-driving hot
flesh of his wildly-pumping cock. She sucked voraciously on the thick wet tongue
that was shoved deep in her throat through the older man's widely-opened lips
and in the lewd excitement, she swallowed greedily the droplets of his saliva
that ran down it. Her body began to match his pounding lunges with her own
rhythmic thrashing.

The heavily-straining sofa squeaked loudly in time to the two tightly- entwined
bodies struggling wildly against each other. The sound of deep straining grunts
and groans filled the sunlit living room, mingling with the flat smacking sounds
of sweat-soaked flesh banging against sweat-soaked flesh and the wet viscous
slurp of his pile-driving cock ramming in and out of her slippery, passion-
drenched cunt.

"Christ, honey, you're a good fuck," the caretaker grunted, fucking faster and
faster into her with a maniacal frenzy, his heavy-lidded eyes filmed over by the
force of his sexual excitement. He could feel his hot white cum boiling up in
his heated balls as they beat hard against her uptilted ass. He was ready to
explode. He savagely shoved his tongue far down her throat and with harshly
kneading hands pulled the wide-spread cheeks of her hungrily-grinding buttocks
hard up against his jack-hammering pelvis as he rammed his expanding cock all
the way to the hilt inside her soft, now gratefully-welcoming cunt.

Diane was rocketing to a new and thrilling height of pleasure and her breath
whistled and rasped from her throat in short cries of passion. He fucked
mercilessly into her willing vagina and with the depth of each lunge, she
screamed from the sheer lust and pleasure that she felt. The young blonde
housewife could feel her insides stretching painfully as the head of the deeply-
sunk cock suddenly flared into a hugeness that threatened to tear her belly wide
open and then it began to spurt out its thick creamy load like a firehose gone

She could feel the delicious hot white liquid shooting into her like molten
fire. The pores of her cunt clasped around it, absorbing it, erupting in reply!
Again her cum juices flowed out around his jerking prick.

This was what she had been needing for so long and now she could not bear the
idea that it might ever stop. Reaching frantically around under her hungrily-
squirming buttocks with both hands, she began to desperately milk at the
excitedly-emptying balls pressed tightly into the split of her wide-spread
buttocks. Her long shapely legs kicked out, quivering uselessly in the air on
either side of his heavily plunging body. The huge, rhythmically-throbbing cock
continued to jerk out its orgasm, the white hot spurts filling her womb to the
bursting point and foaming back out of the hotly-contracting lips locked so
tightly around it.

"Oh, fill me, fill me some more," she babbled incoherently. The smooth hot walls
of her cunt clasping and unclasping wildly at him, milking at the jerking male
organ like a sucking starving mouth, until it gave one last spasmodic jerk, the
last drop sucked dry from it.

The exhausted man collapsed limply across her wetly sweating young body, feeling
her insides still gushing forth around his rapidly- deflating cock. It seemed to
go on forever until, at last, she too sighed and quivered to limp stillness. Her
legs fell lifelessly out on either side of his semen-drained body and one arm
dangled wearily over the edge of the couch. Her still warmly-contracting young
belly was filled to the point of bursting with the obscene mixture of their hot
sticky cum.

Green lay panting for a moment to recover his strength and then slowly dragged
himself off the exhausted young housewife's still form, his almost limp cock
sliding slowly and wetly out of her battered and bruised cunt. Diane's blue eyes
fluttered open at the withdrawal and she felt an immediate sense of loss until
she remembered what had happened and who was standing beside the couch on which
she lay.

A sudden spasm of horror and shame took hold of her mind as she imagined how she
must look, lying there exposed, her belly sperm- filled, next to a strange man
standing nakedly over her. Raising her head, she could see that they were still
obscenely connected by a thin gleaming string of sticky sperm that stretched
downward from the head of his limply hanging cock and across her thigh to
disappear down the blonde curling valley between her thighs. It pulled taut and
then broke as he turned away to pick up his grayish cotton shorts that lay on
the floor beside the couch.

"How'd you like it, honey?" the naked middle-aged man grinned pervertedly as he
stepped into his underpants. "Now, aren't you glad your hubby wasn't home

"Oh, God, can't you just leave me alone?" the young wife said miserably. "You've
gotten what you wanted from me, now just go away ... please," she whispered
meekly as she saw a now-familiar sardonic grin spread across his grizzled face.
"Won't you please just leave me alone now?"

"Hmmph, it's hard to believe that you're the same hot-assed little bitch who was
screaming and twitching for more cock only a minute ago," he said, staring
pointedly at her still-trembling body. "Maybe you need another round to settle
you down."

"Oh! God, no, I couldn't," she gasped in horror, then blushed at his chuckle of
amusement. It was impossible to deal with this ruffian, she self-righteously
decided, and quickly grabbed her robe up from the floor to cover her nakedness
from his laughing gaze. Even that meager gesture seemed to give her back a
little of her self-respect and lifting her chin with as much dignity as she
could muster under the circumstances, she impatiently watched him don his pants
and ancient sweater.

"Don't feel bad, honey, not many women could do it twice in a row with me," he
assured her conceitedly as he sat at the other end of the couch to put on his
heavy boots and lace them up. His eyes sparkled as he added, "When you feel up
to a good fuck again, you can always find me down the road."

That was the last straw for the humiliated blonde girl. Heedless of the yellow
robe that slipped to the carpet as she rose to her feet, Diane strode over to
the chuckling man, her hands clenching tightly into angry fists. Never in her
life had she been so angry and insulted and without thinking, she drew back her
arm and prepared to deliver the most powerful wallop she could to the
caretaker's smirking face. But he was faster than she and in the next moment she
felt both of her hands being held together in an iron grip and, before she knew
what had happened, she was lying on the sofa once again, her arms and legs
sprawling obscenely in the position of her fall. Above her, Jack Green hovered
menacingly for a moment, then stepped back, laughing out loud.

"Damn, I can understand now why your hubby doesn't want to mess too much with
that pretty little pussy of yours," he rasped as his hilarity subsided. He shook
his head in mock disbelief. "Never heard of a woman who didn't like to be fucked
before. Maybe you've been spending too much time with those goddamn dogs,

His mocking comment came altogether too close to the real truth of the situation
and Diane's eyes lowered shamefully as she remembered how the man had found her
earlier that morning. Unable to bear one more word of the man's teasing banter,
she pressed her palms tightly against the sides of her head and silently prayed
for some sort of merciful end to this seeming eternity of torturous degradation.

Miraculously, when she looked up a few moments later, he was gone. She could
barely believe that it was over ... almost. For above the whining and barking of
the dogs that had suddenly begun outside, she heard the stranger's mocking
laughter ringing loudly in the woods around the house. It was not until it faded
into the distance that she could bring herself to move from where he had flung
her onto the sofa ... and then, at the sight of his muddy footprints on the rug
and her soiled yellow robe, she broke down completely and wept out her torrent
of shame and regret at the lewd adultery she had just committed on her own
husband's couch ...

Chapter 5

Late that night, the snug rustic Hartley home in Oak Tree had an almost festive
appearance from the outside, little blazes of light shooting out through the
windows to brighten the clearing surrounding the structure. Inside, however,
Diane Hartley paced around like a caged tigress, opening and closing doors as
she manufactured one excuse after another to search through the rooms, reacting
to some undefined fear that had lodged in her unsettled mind after the sun had
set over the forest.

Having made what was probably her twentieth tour of the house since darkness had
closed in around her, she sat down at the kitchen table still heaped with Bill's
clothing that needed mending. She picked up the needle and thread from the floor
where they had fallen when she had thought she heard some peculiar sound outside
a few minutes before, and went back to work repairing a torn pocket on one of
her husband's wool shirts.

It was silly to be so nervous, she admonished herself, for, after all, she had
spent many evenings alone in their house and not been afraid. But that was
before she knew that the dense woods out there harbored other creatures more
menacing than the gentle deer and shy rabbits that occasionally she had seen
there. She strained her ears for any sound from the kennels but the German
Shepherds were evidently peacefully asleep and no other sound interrupted the
woodland quietness.

She knotted and cut the thread she had been using, then tossed the mended shirt
beside her on another chair. After several soundless moments had passed, she
rose and walked back toward the living room. She winced slightly as she entered
the room and glanced at the red velour couch on which Jack Green had crawled
between her wide-spread legs and fucked her into submission that morning. A dull
ache still throbbed in her bruised loins and she tried vainly not to think about
the cause of it. The memory was impossible to evade, though, and she found
herself realizing all over again that she had actually betrayed her own husband
behind his back. She had allowed another man, a low class stranger, to seduce
her and had actually responded to the debasing experience like some cheap whore
whose existence depended upon the presence of a hard male penis between her
legs. The slight soreness in her ravaged genitals was a small enough price to
pay for the adulterous way that she had behaved that morning.

"Don't think about it, just don't think about it, or you're going to start
crying again," she said aloud, finding comfort in the sound of a human voice,
even her own, in the house. She had spent most of the afternoon weeping as she
lay stretched out on the bed, reliving her shame and guilt over and over again,
but not even that great flood of tears could soften the horrible memory of what
she had done, had allowed to happen to her young body in the throes of her own

Later that afternoon, she had dozed off, exhausted by her racking grief and by
the intensely emotional and physical ordeal itself. When she had wakened, she
had felt relieved at first, certain that it had all been nothing but a bad
dream. She a risen from the bed, in which she had been cowering like a criminal
for hours, and felt the tender soreness of her harshly-used breasts. Even the
soft nylon nightgown that she had put on sent sharp pangs of pain running
through the firm white mounds as the material rubbed against the raw, tooth-
marked tips. And yet, worse than the pain, there was the awful knowledge that
she, a formerly faithful young bride, had truly enjoyed the caretaker's fiendish
rape of her succulent young body. There would never be any way that she could
justify the wantonness that had over-powered her, had caused her to lurch and
writhe toward her own vulgar fulfillment under her attacker's pounding body.
Before today, she would never have believed that she could have behaved like
such a common slut and now she could not help but be terrified as she wondered
what was to become of her and her marriage after this. It was an ominous and
frightening thing for her to face by herself and as dusk had fallen around the
house, Diane had felt her fear building to unmanageable proportions. Irrational
as it seemed, she was terrified that there might be someone outside the house,
someone waiting for the right opportunity to slip inside and ... and ... well,
she didn't know exactly what might happen, but she was no longer so self-assured
that she could handle any difficult situation that confronted her.

Prowling through her home, Diane considered turning on the radio or television,
anything for company, but she knew she would not be able to sit still long
enough to listen or watch. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight and
made no effort to try. A night-owl's mournful cry outside the house made her
shudder and, when she realized that there was really nothing to be afraid of,
she sat down in the kitchen again, wearily brushing a blonde curl away from the
side of her pale, worried face. She knew that she would have to calm down soon
or go out of her mind with fear and irrational dread.

She picked up one of Bill's sports-jackets that had a button hanging loosely
from the side pocket and dropped it on the breakfast table, but not even her
guilt could make her like the prospect of repairing the garment. It seemed so
useless now, as though everything had changed forever and it was senseless to
even think of her husband's wearing clothes that she had mended. If only he were
here, she thought somberly, somehow she might be able to explain everything that
had happened and he would understand, comfort her. He would somehow know that
none of it had been her fault, not really, and he would kiss away her wretched
unhappiness and tears of shame.

In the next moment, her gaze fell on the blue wall beside the kitchen sink and
lingered thoughtfully on the telephone receiver hanging there on its cradle.
Maybe ... maybe she would call him ... She rose abruptly and walked to the
bulletin board on the wall beside the telephone. As she flipped through the
tacked-up notes that Bill always left there each time before he left on a
business trip, she smiled with the anticipation of hearing his deep masculine
voice. At last, she found one of the business cards with the address and
telephone number of the kennel he was visiting. If she got in touch with the
owners, perhaps they would know the name and number of the nearby motel where
Bill was staying.

She lifted the receiver and began to call the long-distance number but when she
had finished dialing the area code, an unexpected stab of doubt caused her
outstretched hand to stall and then finally drop to her side. No, there was no
way to explain this, she suddenly realized; at least, she could never make
everything sound right and true over the telephone. He would probably be all the
more upset by her sketchy emotional account of the affair than if he heard it
first-hand from her in person.

If he had not taken their only car, maybe she would have driven up to see him,
even though it would mean that the dogs would be left alone for a whole day. But
there was no car and, now that she thought about it, she would no doubt have
just as hard a time telling him what had happened face-to-face as over the

The hopeful smile drained away from her pretty youthful face as she realized the
true futility of her position. God, how do you tell a man that his own
supposedly-faithful wife spent the morning groaning and writhing adulterously,
legs spread shamelessly wide under another man's hard-driving penis? Even to
her, it sounded too shocking and insane to be true, and even if she were able to
convince him that it had all happened as it did, why should he ever forgive her?
Even she was not certain that the horrible episode had happened as she
remembered it now. Maybe her own mind was playing cruel tricks on her now and
she had been far more responsible for the obscene interlude than she dared to

Well, it was her responsibility to protect Bill from the ghastly truth, she
decided, because she loved him too much to cause him suffering simply for the
sake of clearing her own conscience. She would try to stick this out in silence
and suffer alone for her terrible mistake. And yet, it would be hard. She knew
that she would never be able to curl up in his lap again and nip playfully at
his ear in girlish innocence without remembering Jack Green and how she had
actually submitted to his filthy rape of her shamelessly-willing cunt. It would
be like a penance that she would have to bear by herself, a scar that she would
have to hide for the sake of her husband. Yes, time might dull the memory but it
would never completely erase it.

Chapter 6

"Hey, hey Wolf, slow down boy," Diane commanded as she tugged at the plaited
leather leash that the huge animal had almost wrenched out of her hand. The
enormous animal had apparently caught some interesting scent in his nostrils and
wanted to follow it but the flush-faced young blonde fought to guide him back
onto the trail. It was a magnificent day, unexpectedly warm and sunny, and the
forest ground was springy under her feet. The usual gray haze of the morning had
dissolved and now, just after mid-day, the sun was blazing down brilliantly,
cooled only by a light breeze from the south that ruffled and swept away the
last traces of clouds. She was aware of the late hour, troubled by the thought
that this was grooming day for the dogs and she had to be home in time to brush
and comb each one of them carefully while there was still enough light.

It was the day after her indecision about confessing to Bill and she had
awakened that morning feeling slightly better. In the clear light of the dawn,
she had resolved that her conclusion last night, not to tell Bill anything about
what had happened, was a good idea and now she should make every effort to
forget the nightmarish experience. It would do her no good at all to dwell on
the horrible memories of the cruel rape and besides, she had made up her mind to
avoid any further contact with that common man, Jack Green, again. Surely he
realized that she could get him into serious trouble legally if she ever wanted
to go to the police with the story of how he had sexually assaulted her ... in
her own home. No matter what kind of woman the caretaker had thought she was
after finding her in that compromising position with Wolf, he had no real right
to force her to make love with him, to mock and taunt her through it all as
though she were some kind of sluttish idiot.

Yet ... yet, if she was so certain of her position, why had she backed out last
evening when she started to telephone Bill via the kennel owners? It returned to
her with full force that her rendition of the last three days' events would
sound to anyone, especially to a husband who was extremely conscious of his
masculinity, like a girlish fairy- tale or simply a deliberate lie. She heaved a
deep sigh and continued on along the trail as she thought back on the seemingly
normal events of that morning.

She had risen from her lonely bed, slipped into blue-jeans and a soft black knit
shirt, and then made herself a hearty breakfast. The day before, she had been
too upset to even think of eating and this morning she had gulped down a massive
breakfast of toast, eggs, and coffee to counteract her overall feeling of
weakness and to help her think more rationally.

It was as though she were suspended in some kind of delicate balance between
right and wrong, frustration and happiness. Though she still felt unspeakably
disgusted about her own spontaneous lusting reaction to Jack Green's obscene
usage of her helpless body yesterday morning, she had begun to consider again
the idea that much of what had happened was really partly Bill's fault. Then,
there was the unavoidable fact that he often did leave her alone out here in the
woods, heedless of her loneliness, while he went off for days on his frequent
business trips ... and more important, as far as her guilt was concerned, she
recalled how he had not bothered to take the time and trouble to really satisfy
her when they had made love before he had gone away Sunday afternoon. If he had
been only a little more loving and thoughtful, she had decided as she sipped at
the steaming black coffee earlier that morning, she undoubtedly would not have
been so vulnerable to the strange sexual occurrences that had filled her days
alone since he had departed. Not that she was trying to avoid her true share of
the blame, she rationalized, but it was comforting to know that she was not evil
through and through, a woman who would spread her legs for any man who made an
offer to satisfy her. After what had happened yesterday with the grey-haired
caretaker and the strange incident with the dog outside, she had been almost out
of her mind as she had sat at the kitchen table, with a look of worried distress
on her face about the actual nature of her personality. Now, though, she was
slowly beginning to understand the terrible sexual strain she had been subjected
to ever since Bill had left the house. She found that she could at least live
with herself now. It was a good thing, too, because she was certain that she
might have been capable of trying to run away, or even an attempt at suicide, if
she had gone on feeling the way she had been feeling last night.

Panting from the exertion of keeping Wolf's monstrous black and tan bulk from
pulling her off the trail and into the forest, Diane decided to sit down on the
thick trunk of a fallen tree. It was the first time that she had taken any of
the dogs for a walk this way in the woods behind their house, and as she rested
her curvaceous young body on the hard, damp log, she mulled over the
practicality of exerting herself so much. But yes, she felt that she owed Wolf
at least this little treat after she had found the feed sack lying outside his
kennel this morning, when she had walked out of the house to start her chores
with the dogs and had realized that the poor brute, like herself, had spent the
whole day yesterday without a bite of food. She had felt a pang of pity when she
had seen the starving animal straining against the wire fence of his run, his
fierce golden eyes fixed on the open bag of dog meal. She had felt guilty about
her negligence of the dogs and had rushed through her feeding and watering of
them so that she could have enough time to exercise Wolf and herself while it
was still light enough to see.

The two of them had been strolling through the forest for almost twenty minutes
now, farther than Diane remembered ever having walked here before.

She knew they probably should turn back soon, but she hated the idea of
returning to the house and the kennels. Here among the towering trees, she felt
free of sadness and the disappointment that had been marring her married life
with Bill. She could almost imagine what it might be like to be a little
woodland creature whose existence was uncomplicated by guilt and emotional

As she sat there lost in thought, her eyes full of the poetic scene around her,
she noticed Wolf sitting patiently at her feet, his massive head resting lightly
on her knee.

She lifted her hand to good-naturedly scratch his head and wondered how this
gentle creature could be the same dog whose slithering tongue had invaded her
most secret flesh, lapping hungrily at her tight young vagina until she was out
of her mind with ecstasy.

Even the memory of the strange happening sent a little flash of excitement
through her soft belly and she wondered whatever could have possessed the dog to
make him do such a thing. At the time, she had been numb with fear, too
terrified to think of anything but that the huge dog had actually wanted to rape
her. Yet, after yesterday morning with Jack Green, she knew more what a real
rape was. In retrospect, the gentle ministrations of the animal's long pink
tongue seemed less horrifying. Undoubtedly, the dumb brute had had no idea of
what he was doing, had been attracted only by the light enticing scent of her
female parts. Certainly he could not have known what effect his thick wet tongue
would have on her sex-starved body, she decided calmly.

Impulsively, she slipped down off the flat-topped log to sit on the leaf-covered
earth beside the great furry animal, encircling his warm body with one arm.
Obviously delighted with the amount of affection he was receiving that morning,
Wolf whined happily and covered her face with moist licking kisses. Diane smiled
and ducked her head away, hugging him as she did so, and thinking ruefully that
he was perhaps the best friend she had at the moment. He did not make fun of
her, as her own husband often did, and she admitted to herself with a downcast
melancholic little grin that this animal had unwittingly given her a truly
pleasant sexual experience. At least Wolf had not talked about their money
problems when he was licking her vagina yesterday morning. Little by little, it
occurred to her that she was thinking erotically again, that she was exciting
herself by just thinking about what had happened in the dog's kennel yesterday.
The very idea shattered her mellow mood and, in irritation, she quickly tied
Wolf's leash around a nearby sapling and rose to try to walk off the unwanted
excitement. But, aroused as she was, even the brushing of her clothes against
her body seemed to feed the passion that had crept up on her as she contemplated
yesterday morning.

It was crazy, she knew, but even now she was tempted to let the exciting animal
lick her again. Who would see her out here in the forest? Did one more time
really make that much difference now? she wondered longingly.

Before she had even taken two steps away from the fallen tree, the lovely
flaxen-haired girl stopped and looked back, almost longingly. Wolf was still
sitting where she had left him, his liquid eyes trustingly reflecting her own
gaze. Perhaps she could just play with herself a little bit, she thought
wickedly. There was nothing wrong with that and she did need release so badly
just now. Almost as soon as the thought had entered her mind, Diane found
herself starting to slip out of her blue-jeans and shirt, shivering a little as
her creamy flesh was exposed to the light, cool breeze that moved gently through
the trees. She discarded one garment after another on the shade-mottled path,
then moved back to settle herself on the ground again beside the log, delighting
in the light pricking sensation of the fallen oak leaves against the smooth
naked cheeks of her buttocks.

The young blonde wife leaned back against the rough surface of the fallen tree
trunk, closing her wide blue eyes as her hands lifted to her full jutting
breasts. Her nipples were already diamond-hard and she felt as though she would
be able to reach orgasm in a matter of minutes. Wolf whined softly for attention
and she absentmindedly reached out to pet him as her other hand drifted down
over her tiny waist to the blonde curling triangle of her pubic hair below. Her
full curving hips lifted in willing acceptance of the tiny electric chills of
sensation that danced lightly over her satin-like skin when one finger of her
left hand brushed down over her nakedly exposed cuntal slit.

"Well, little lady, you just don't ever get enough, do you?"

Even though the sound of his voice was immediately familiar, Jack Green's words
made Diane's eyes jerk open in horror. God, he was not more than a few feet away
from her on the narrow tree-lined path. He was holding two dead rabbits in his
right hand and a wide, lewd grin creased his face.

"What ... what are you doing here?" was all she could manage to say as she drew
her naked legs tightly up against her body in a futile attempt to hide herself
from his piercing eyes.

"Just catching my dinner, honey," he said, waving the dead animals at her, "and
I've been thinking about your hot young pussy, too. I didn't want to rush you
again right away, but if I'd known you wanted to get it plowed good and proper
again so soon, I would've been over here a lot sooner."

"I don't want it--I only want you to go away," she said coldly, regaining a
little of her composure, not bothering even to excuse her embarrassing situation
to the older man. After what he had done to her yesterday, she did not care what
he thought of her now. She wanted only that she should never see him again.

"Now don't be like that," he chuckled, dropping the rabbits and walking toward
her. "You don't have to use that damned dog while I'm still in good shape,
honey." His eyes flickered appreciatively over her huddled body causing the
young girl's mind to suddenly rebel against his attitude of possessive

"Mr. Green," she said, glaring at him icily, "I am not your 'honey.' I did what
... what I did yesterday because you forced me to do it. Now, if you don't leave
me alone this minute, I'm going to call the police when I get home and tell them
about what has happened."

"You gonna tell them how much you liked it, honey?" he said, smiling, his watery
greenish eyes staring straight back into hers.

"Liked it!" Diane spat back at him. She wanted more than anything in the world
to somehow hurt this vile, small man because of the indescribable humiliation he
had heaped upon her defenseless body. "I don't know how anyone could like being
even close to you, let alone ... let alone letting you touch her. Look at you,
you filthy old man. You're stupid and you smell and you make me sick. You're
revolting and disgusting!"

Almost before the words were out of her mouth, Diane was sorry. In her sudden
uncontrollable desire to revenge her own weak surrender, she had forgotten how
capable this man was of cruelty. She almost reached out her hand to apologize
and say that she did not really mean those things but his hard cool stare cut
her short.

"You do that, little lady. You go to the police, but you better do it fast,
because I'm heading home myself right now. And I'm going to tell all my friends
exactly how I found you yesterday morning and again today naked on the ground
with that dog. I'll probably get to see quite a few of my friends before the
police catch up with me, and your hubby's going to be mighty surprised when the
neighborhood gossip catches up with him one of these days."

"Oh, my God, you can't! You wouldn't dare!" she gasped. Her blue, horror-
stricken eyes followed him as he turned to walk back down the path away from
her, off into the woods. She leapt to her feet and started running after him,
her full naked breasts jiggling heavily with each jarring step she took.
"Please, wait! I didn't mean it! I won't call the police or anything! Just don't
tell anyone what you've seen and done! Please!"

He stopped walking away and turned around to face her, running his eyes greedily
over her naked flesh. "Well, I might just keep my mouth shut," he offered, "if
you convinced me just a little bit."

"Oh, God, I'll do anything, anything! Bill would never be able to forgive me!"

Jack Green's lust-filled eyes quickly locked on the soft enticing sight of her
firm erect breasts, the memory of their smooth hard-nippled fullness causing his
big hands to twitch hungrily. Suddenly he reached down and caught hold of her
wrist, jerking her body close against his. Diane could hear Wolf snarling behind
her, straining at his leash, but she had tied him tightly to the slim young tree
and she knew that there was no hope of his coming to rescue her.

"You're a sexy little bitch," Jack hissed down into her face. "I knew you and I
would have to get together again sometime soon. My prick's already aching to get
into that sweet little cunt of yours." He pulled her to him roughly and
smothered her soft wet lips with his fleshy open mouth. She struggled against
him instinctively, but it was useless. His callused hands clutched brutally at
her bulging tender breasts, the delectable white globes that were still
sensitively sore from yesterday's bruising treatment. Her frightened struggles
seemed only to incite him further and he ground his rough dirty palms into the
palpitating fleshy mounds, panting heavily. "Okay, tell me what you want!" he

"I--I want you to fuck me again like you did yesterday on my living room couch,"
she said dully, barely able to believe that she was in the same situation all
over again. "Just do it to me quick and get it over with."

Diane felt him stiffen and then suddenly he pushed her away from him with such
force that she fell down to the soft coating of leaves at his feet.

"You stuck-up little bitch!" he spat out viciously. "I probably gave you the
best fuck of your life yesterday and now you tell me that! All right, then, I'm
going to teach you a thing or two about respect, and you'd better do exactly
what I tell you to do or your hubby's going to be the laughing-stock of Oak

Diane did not answer ... she was unable to speak ... she was too frightened and
too ashamed. She could not put aside the thought of Bill's ever finding out what
she had been doing. There was no question in her mind but that this horrible man
intended to do everything he had threatened to do and she knew that her marriage
to Bill would never survive something like that. Somehow, she would have to make
herself do whatever he commanded so that Bill would never know about the
horrible adultery she had committed right in their own home.

"What ... what is it you want me to do?" she heard herself question in a meek,
quavering voice.

A wicked salacious leer curled the grey-haired man's lips. His red tongue shot
out of his mouth and began to lick at the dry corners of his lips as he stared
down at the delightfully ripe contours of her naked body cowering on the ground
before him. "First, get up on your knees in front of me," he snarled, taking a
step closer toward her still-prostrate body.

Diane crouched before him, chilled with terror, unable to cry out or even to
think as the realization of what he was going to make her do filled her fogged
brain. She had never done such a thing, even with Bill, her own husband, and now
the very idea of such a depraved act like taking a man's prick into her mouth
filled her with nausea. And yet, she would do anything in the world she could to
keep Bill from finding out about her betrayal. She had no choice but to submit.
Slowly and reluctantly, she rose to her knees and stared dumbly out in front of
her. "Well, damn it, take out my cock! Why do you think you're down there?" He
entangled his hand in her long, golden hair and twisted it cruelly, pulling her
head down and forward, grinding his crotch against her face at the same time so
that she could feel the hardness of his already- erect penis beneath the rough
material of his pants.

She closed her eyes in bitter submission, determined to somehow live through
this ... this trial ... without any further struggles. Reaching upward, she
fumbled awkwardly with the zipper on his trousers to take out the giant
throbbing cock underneath.

"Hurry it up, honey," he barked cruelly down at her, impatient with her slowness
in unzipping his fly. "I'm gonna cum in my pants before you ever get it out!"

A moment later the zipper came free and the huge fleshy instrument burst out
into the air through the opening in the material. Jack grabbed her hand and
wrapped it around the thick fleshy cudgel, slowly skinning it back so that the
giant red fleshy head popped out from the thick foreskin a scant few inches from
her face and her bulging eyes.

"Come on, you know what to do with it, honey," the caretaker taunted hoarsely.
"Rub it around on your lips and then lick it clean from top to bottom. It's
still got some of your dried cum on it from yesterday. I just couldn't bear to
wash it off!"

The nauseating thought almost caused Diane to gag. She was certain she could
still detect her soft feminine vaginal odors on him.

Oh, God, she could never suck that horrible thing ... it was more than she could
bear ... but then she thought of Bill and what this man would tell the neighbors
and submissively closed her eyes.

Her long pink tongue darted out tentatively and she licked down the full length
of the rigid thick flesh. She was sickened by the thought of her mouth being
used this way, as a receptacle of lust for this horrible man and the lewd sperm
he was going to pump down into her unwilling throat. She had no doubt that he
would expect her to swallow his gushing semen and she knew she would probably
choke and be sick for a long time afterwards.

"All right, little lady, suck it now! By God, it better be good, too," he
barked, grinning.

To her surprise, the taste was not nearly as bad as she had anticipated, merely
a pungent earthy tang that she slowly decided must be mostly from her,
yesterday. Her full lips parted and she lowered her face uncertainly to place a
wet tickling kiss on the huge rubbery head, and she lifted up her hands,
reaching toward his smooth, heavy testicles with one of them, grazing her dainty
tapered nails tantalizingly over the hairy flaccid flesh. The other hand she
placed at the thick base of his cock where it soared from the crinkly grey pubic
hair covering his lower stomach. She squeezed it, her fingers unable to fully
encircle the huge girth, and pulled up and then down hard, skinning back the
foreskin until the large gleaming head stood alone and naked against the
softness of her thirsty lips. She began planting moist warm kisses around it,
beginning at the tip and tracing a path down the full length of it to the bottom
and then wetly back up to the tip again. She caressed it longer than she knew
she should, not being able just yet to bring herself to put it in her mouth.

But the caretaker could wait no more. With a gurgle deep in his throat, he
reached down to lock his hands behind her head and thrust his loins upwards with
the strength of a bull. Diane resisted for a moment, doubt colliding with desire
in her mind, but it was too late. He was pushing against her, forcing the wide
head of his thick prick into her mouth. She mumbled out the first sounds of fear
she felt and tried to shake her head away, but he held her tightly and she could
not move. She could only clench her lips and teeth firmly together and try to
keep the monster away. But he would not be denied. He increased the pressure; it
felt as though her lips were being pushed back through the sharpness of her
teeth. He groaned and struggled against her resisting lips, feeling them
parting, bit by tiny bit, until suddenly with the aid of an extra lunge he
slipped his cock-head into her helplessly gasping mouth, penetrating through her
soft, moist lips and into the warm, wet cavern beyond. She could feel the
hugeness of it slithering up the length of her tongue and filling her mouth
completely with its hot slippery wetness.

"Ooooh, baby," he said, "that husband of yours don't know what he's missing.
Your sweet little mouth slips over my cock like melted butter." Diane heard him
gasp harshly as he began a slow lascivious rhythmic undulation of his hips up
into her helplessly upraised face. She closed her eyes to keep from choking as
more and more saliva seemed to fill her mouth everywhere except where she was
filled by Jack Green's great flexing penis now protruding banana-like from her
thinly stretched lips. Her oral orifice was ovalled and seemed ready to split
open at any instant.

The grey-haired man groaned above her as he slid his thick lust- inflated cock
in and out of her sucking mouth with a wet sluicing sound, guiding her head with
his hand, his fingers ensnarled in her pale hair. He watched her cheeks puffing
out as he filled her warm mouth, bobbing up and down on the turgid head of his
huge prick. His sadistic grin widened with each thrust he made into her trapped
face and he forced his thick sword of flesh deeper and deeper between her red
straining lips as she groaned in servile acceptance between his hairy legs. He
suddenly jerked his rock-hard penis away from her mouth, taunting her.

"Wait a minute," he commanded as he stepped back from her swaying body. She
raised her eyes in an expression of mixed dread and anxiousness as the caretaker
began to remove his trousers. "We might as well make this fun for both of us,
right, honey?"

Diane stared apprehensively as he walked a few feet down the path to where the
great dog lay uneasily beside the tree to which he was tied. Jack lay down on
the ground, settling his feet on either side of Wolf's furry head. Underneath
his grimy sweater, the caretaker's loins were naked and completely exposed, his
massive, upthrusting shaft of hard flesh jutting out like a log over the huge
sac of sperm-filled balls hanging beneath.

"All right, honey, get over here," he ordered crisply. "Get down between my legs
and kneel up on all fours. Let's see if your hairy friend here has taught you

The pretty, young housewife felt chills run up her spine at his words. As she
crawled over to him in a semi-stupor of terror and humiliation, afraid to
disobey, not allowing herself to think of what she was doing for fear she would
lose her mind, she pictured clearly the lewd position she was in.

He grasped her head between both hands, pressing the huge fleshy penis between
her forced-open lips, slipping her saliva-soaked mouth down over its full rigid
length. Nothing mattered to her anymore except to get this horrible ordeal over
with and to do what she had to do, no matter what, to get away from this
despicable man.

"That's fine, little lady, just fine," Jack rasped, pushing his giant cock
further into Diane's warm velvety mouth. Then, lifting his head to look beyond
her crouching form to where the massive German Shepherd lay, he called, "Here,
boy, come on. She's all ready and waiting for you."

The beautiful twenty-one-year-old bride tensed as she heard Wolf whine softly
behind her but she continued to suck slavishly on the thick pole of flesh,
milking at the loathsome man's prick to end the ordeal as soon as possible.
Then, she heard the rustling of dead leaves as the champion dog lumbered to his
feet and she felt something cold and wet back between her upraised buttocks a
moment later. She stiffened and jerked at the cold, moist touches against her
sensitive genitals, as the dog began to lick her, and when the huge animal
growled in warning for her to be still, she realized it was not his loins
against her, but his nose. Oh, God, he was going to lick her between her legs
again! She felt her fear of the animal returning with full force and
instinctively withdrew her mouth from the caretaker's long straining cock, her
wide- open eyes fixed on the stranger named Jack Green.

"Don't try to tell me you don't like that dog's tongue on your pussy, honey," he
chuckled sarcastically. "I saw you yesterday morning, remember? Now you just get
back to sucking MY cock before I decide to spread around the word about you

He entwined both of his hands around her lowered head and pressed it downward,
thrusting his hips upward at the same time. Diane felt as though she would choke
to death as the fleshy shaft penetrated deep into her mouth. She gagged slightly
at the choking entry, struggling to regain her breath. It came in great gasping
rushes as she sucked in air as Wolf's cold searching nose suddenly rubbed
against her tiny cringing anus. Grunts of protest escaped from the thin-
stretched tightness of her lips and she clenched her buttocks against the
taunting torment of the brute's icy touch. Then, as the dog growled ominously
behind her, she began to relax in humiliated resignation, realizing that there
was little hope for her to avoid this perverted act. There was nothing she could
do. She felt Wolf begin to lap hungrily at the deep cleft between her parted
thighs, his hot tongue sliding wetly over the area of her loins from the tiny
hairless little anus up to the warm hair-lined lips of her vagina, flicking
finally against the tiny jerking bud of her clitoris. Electrical tingles of
intoxicating pleasure followed its path as it laved relentlessly between her
opened thighs, pausing occasionally to lunge deeply into her narrow vaginal
channel. Diane struggled valiantly against the effect of the gentle dog-licking
of the vibrant flesh back between her open buttocks but, slowly, the very
lewdness and helplessness of her situation came clear to her. She pictured
herself as she was now, her body trapped obscenely between two rutting male
animals ... a human male's cock sunk deep in her unwilling mouth and a dog's
long wet tongue slavering ceaselessly at her naked behind. A strange masochistic
excitement began to well up from deep in her belly, up to the tips of her
swelling breasts, as she envisioned how she must look in this debasing kneeling

She was doing this for Bill! she reminded herself desperately. She had to
remember her husband. She mustn't forget ... mustn't let herself ... again.

She groaned aloud as Wolf's relentlessly probing tongue shot deep up into the
moist passage of her vagina. The hot, unwanted desire rising deep in her
trembling belly became a rapid torrent once more and she began to move her naked
buttocks high up behind her in a small grinding circular movement, constricting
the outer lips of her tight little cunt muscles back over the obscene animal
tongue burrowing relentlessly into her.

Suddenly, insanely, she wanted to exploit it to the limit, to feel her entrails
filled with it and to cum as she had the day before. She sucked wildly at the
caretaker's massive pistoning cock in her mouth, almost gagging, her cheeks
hollowing and filling with his every thrust. It was the first time she had ever
tasted cock and now it was sliding deep down into her throat as she fought for
breath, managing to catch quick gulps of precious air on the outstroke of his
thrustings. The caretaker's soft, swollen balls slapped harder up against her
chin as he fucked happily between her widely-ovalled young lips, giving her
almost all he had. She was beyond fighting this lewd rape of her mouth and cunt
from behind. She could no longer even visualize what was happening to her ...
she was all sensation and mentally raving like a slave to the erotic fury that
had taken control of her within a mere matter of minutes. Even the stale odor of
sweat that was now around Jack Green's loins, maddened her, filling her nostrils
with a constant reminder of the perverse attack she was being subjected to at
both ends of her desire-inflamed body. Dazing pulsations thumped at the bounds
of her brain and she was growing close to bursting with ecstasy, was twitching
and twisting, slavering saliva and semen from the corners of her tensely out-
stretched lips.

"Well, now, look at you ... you don't think it's so awful now, do you, honey?"
Jack gasped as he raised his shaggy head from the ground to watch her soft wet
mouth clasped greedily around his huge throbbing prick fucking lewdly upward
into her lovely, penis-filled face. His pubic hair was saturated with the juices
dribbling from the edges of her warmly-milking mouth and her entire body was in
fierce and total motion. The thin tensile rim of her lips clung to his stiffened
rod of flesh as though held there by some unseen force as her now passion-
contorted face licked and sucked hungrily. Even the caretaker himself was
surprised by the increasing wantonness of her demonical attack. She was sucking
at his swelling member like a starving whore and the thick pummeling instrument
seemed to disappear completely into her face as he rammed upward, trying to bury
it all the way in her throat. He felt her soft warm hand reaching again under
his cock to cup and squeeze his balls, pulling on them lightly as her head was
driven obscenely upward with each lunge he made into her.

Diane had begun to pray inwardly ... pray to some pagan god that the magnificent
animal-lover behind her would lick her to completion. She was aflame with the
fires of lewd passion that were about to consume her and she prayed that the
huge hairy beast would satisfy her as he almost had before. All reason had left
her and she thought of herself as nothing more than a mass of sensitive flesh,
created for this lust- maddened moment. Behind her she could feel Wolf's tongue
snaking deep into her torturously flaring cunt then slithering out to lave at
the erectly tingling bud of her clitoris. She felt that she was going mad ...
but, oh God, what an exquisite insanity! She was changing, beginning to want the
grey-haired man to cum in her mouth, to spurt his white thick sperm far up into
her suddenly uncontrollably-hungering throat. Already she was wild with
anticipation, groaning out her submission to the lewd desires racing through her
doubly ravished body.

"Tighten your lips harder around my cock, you cocksucking little bitch!" he
snarled at the slaving girl, his voice harsh and dry with passion.

Diane followed his bidding unthinkingly, at the same moment feeling herself
tighten all over with the heat of increasing excitement rising throughout her
sex-possessed body.

Suddenly his moment arrived like a surprise hurricane.

The middle-aged caretaker jerked suddenly as though lashed with exquisite pain
and jammed his wiry hips up tightly into her face, sinking the whole fantastic
length of his long hard cock deeply into her wide-stretched throat. She could
not breathe, could not care, as the incredible prick erupted hotly into the warm
soft interior of her silky sucking mouth, and vile oaths of passion spewed from
his gasping lips. His hot thick sperm squirted into her distended throat like a
rush of raging lava through a storm-drain and she sucked and swallowed wildly,
her smooth cheeks inflating and deflating from the pressure of the man's hotly
bursting dam of cum. It lasted forever, it seemed, her throat barely able to
accept the torrents of warmly-cascading liquid. She swallowed faster to keep
from choking as he grunted out his last spurts in final fulfillment, the
monstrous prick slowly deflating inside her wide-stretched mouth. She kept on
sucking, milking every last drop of his warm white cum from his deflating cock
while behind her the great German Shepherd continued to lap hungrily at her
upturned young cunt with his wildly-licking tongue.

Now, at last, her senses were completely conquered, no longer her own, and she
clung to their neighbor's caretaker's rhythmically-jerking hips as her own
reeling orgasm stiffened her body, flooding out in wet sensual waves of cum
around the thick wet dog tongue buried deep in her hotly-quivering cunt. The
scalding fluids ran out of her in hot streams, making her pink cunt-lips glisten
as it ran down the insides of her soft trembling thighs. It was indescribably
satisfying and the whole of her back-thrust loins felt wet and ravished beyond
words. She was actually crying tears of ecstasy, the shiny drops pouring from
her blue eyes and down her cock-impaled face like liquid jewels. After the man
had shot the last of his sticky hot sperm into her mouth, she released the
caretaker's softening cock, its thick length slipping from her widely-pursed
lips with a slight pop. She fell forward then across his exhausted body, her own
strength sapped as never before.

"Did you say your hubby'd never forgive you?" the older man gasped after a few
minutes of silence as they both fought to catch their breath.

Oh, God, he's going to start it again, Diane thought despairingly. She did not
even answer but merely rolled her naked young body over on her back on the dank
ground with her arms and legs obscenely spread, not caring. She could feel the
caretaker's lewd wet sperm drying on her chin where some of it had spilled from
the corners of her bruised mouth. She could also sense the wetness of her own
cum juices still flowing out of her dog-lapped vagina, running down the
sensitive insides of her loins like tickling trails of warmth.

She had not even noticed when Wolf's saliva-drenched tongue had pulled away from
her orgasm-flooded backside and was unaware that he had moved off to the end of
his leash to curl up at the foot of the sapling, sound asleep. At this point,
she could not move or even care about covering her shameful nakedness.

The combination of satiation and humiliation was more than the young wife could
cope with just now. God, she was a worse whore than she had thought! Not only
had her willing body reacted to the perverse act of sucking this man, Jack
Green, a lowly caretaker's cock, but she had also gone wild with the slurping
wetness of the dog's ravishing tongue on her genitals again. It seemed useless
to fight anymore, to even try to think of herself as anything but a cheap wanton
tramp ... not at all a loving wife who deserved any consideration or affection
from her husband. In the span of three short days, she had been brutally raped,
forced to suck a strange man's cock, and had shamelessly allowed to be
overwhelmed by the indecent slavering of a dumb animal's hot tongue in her
pussy. No, it was pointless even to pretend to be angry and indignant now, for
she realized that her own primitive desires had helped, if not actually caused,
everything that had happened.

"I take it that you're pretty much in love with your husband, aren't you?" Jack
said in a strangely perceptive way, as though he could read into her befuddled
thoughts. "You've had a good time, all right, but you've been fighting me right
down the line. I've got to respect you for that, anyway, and I don't mind
admitting that you're one of the hottest little bitches I've ever worked over."

"Yes, I do love my husband ... very much," Diane assured him in an impassive
tone of voice. She had no energy left to combat what she supposed was only the
beginning of another of the older man's tormenting games. If what he wanted was
to fuck her again, to use her already defiled body to satisfy himself, it could
hardly matter now. She had nothing left to lose--her honor was forever stained
by the lewdness of what she had submitted to and no amount of repentance could
clear her conscience now.

"Christ, that's too bad, baby, because you're one hell of a lay and I wouldn't
mind straightening myself out a little just to settle down with you," the ill-
kempt older man said softly, almost regretfully. She watched silently, blindly,
as he stepped over to where his trousers lay and bent over to pick them up. A
moment later, when he was fully dressed again and had zipped up the front of his
pants with an almost tragic slowness, he gave her a gallant little nod and
swooped down with his right hand to pick up the two rabbits he had dropped
earlier. After walking a short way along the trail, he paused as though in
thought and turned to face her again.

"Yep, you were pretty damned bitchy toward me," he said, "but I sort of respect
you for it. I think by admitting to yourself you like to be fucked, you're going
to respect yourself more now, too ... in the long run, I mean."

With that, he spun around and walked off rapidly along the trail, disappearing
around a bend between the trees. The worn-out young blonde could not restrain
herself from calling out to him.

"Wait, please, wait!" she shouted, using his Christian name for the first time.
"Jack! Please, I want to talk to you!" It was more than she could handle to have
him just walk off this way, without any final resolution to all that had
happened between them, and she forced aside her pride in an attempt to make him
turn around and explain his thoughts and feelings.

Jack Green smiled to himself as he walked thoughtfully along the leaf- carpeted
trail, uncertain for one of the first times in his life that he was justified as
a real man in dealing with a woman. Well, whatever happened, he had had a
helluva time with the sweet little bitch. She had been worth every bit of the
trouble and he knew that she would be much more receptive to a healthy man's
sexual advances toward her than she had been before his encounter with her that
morning after her session with the mammoth dog. She was a real woman now ...

Chapter 7

Bill was due home today! Diane glowed.

It seemed like years now since he had left and she hummed a tune along with the
radio as she dusted and polished the interior of the house in preparation for
his arrival. She knew that he would question why she was in such a happy mood
when he arrived home. Usually when he left on one of his important business
trips, she spent the days building up resentments and frustrations until she
could barely keep from exploding the minute he walked in the door. But this time
was different, in more ways than one. For some reason, she felt as though she
had changed, had grown up in the last four days.

Maybe it was just the first time she had ever really been forced to face
something alone, the lovely, blue-eyed girl mused as she withdrew the carpet-
sweeper from the hallway closet and began to drub it back and forth across the
rug. God knows, it was a dreadful enough ordeal for anyone to endure and yet she
was not completely sorry it had happened. She still felt just as regretful and
ashamed as ever of having enjoyed another man pumping his wildly excited sperm
into her behind her husband's back but Jack Green's words yesterday afternoon
had given her her first taste of personal pride. All her life, people had been
wonderful to her because they admired her or thought she was pretty or something
else like that, but the grizzled caretaker from the next estate had praised her
because he thought she had truly earned it. There was a world of difference.

She felt a strange new sense of power, as though she could do almost anything
she set her mind to. And the really odd thing was that she had realized after
she came home last night that she had never really disciplined herself about
anything, except maybe making herself comfortable. Out of this newfound self-
confidence, she had perked up and groomed the dogs, even cleaned all the kennels
from top to bottom before darkness fell.

Ordinarily, it was a job that Bill did on Saturday afternoons, usually while she
dawdled around the house, resenting the time he was spending away from her.

It was astonishing, she thought to herself as she looked over the freshly-
cleaned living room, actually horrifying that she could have been such a silly
selfish idiot all this time. It was not that she was kidding herself into
thinking that all her problems had suddenly been solved miraculously by the
adulterous sexual encounters with Jack Green in her home, and in the woods
yesterday afternoon, but at least it was a start. For the first time in several
months, she felt real hope that she and Bill would be able to work out their
petty marital differences. She still thought the wisest course would be to keep
silent about all that had occurred this week: It would be such a waste to have
Bill's natural jealousy interfere with the new mutual understanding that was
going to bloom between them after he arrived home today.

She had finished her housecleaning and realized with a start, as she wandered
around the house looking for any odds and ends that still needed doing, that the
dogs had not been inspected for several hours, not since she had taken care of
them very early this morning, and now she still had several hours to kill before
Bill arrived home. She gazed thoughtfully out of the living room window toward
the kennels behind the house, then impulsively walked out of the living room and
across the back yard toward Wolf's compound. After her wonderful experience with
him yesterday afternoon, she felt a new affection and respect for the fantastic
beast, one that not even her uneasiness about the rightness of what had happened
could diminish. She would bring the dog inside to keep her company until Bill
arrived home.

"Hey! Down, down, Wolf!" Diane laughed as the huge dog almost knocked her over
in his eager rush to get into the house, a treat he was unaccustomed to. A light
rain had fallen the night before and, as he jumped up joyfully on his beautiful
mistress, slobbering wet kisses all over her face in gratitude for being let
inside, his muddy paws smeared his footprints all over the front of her frilly
blue housedress.

"Oh, Wolf, look at me!" she scolded after she pushed the big dog back down to
the kitchen floor and saw that the outfit she had worn especially for Bill was
marked and streaked with huge black and brown paw prints. The excited German
Shepherd had also smudged the linoleum- tiled floor with wet splotches of mud
from his feet.

"I guess it's my own fault," she sighed as Wolf began to race happily around the
kitchen, sniffing inquisitively at everything from the dishes drying on the
drainboard to the huge steak she had taken out of the freezer for that night's
celebratory dinner. The dark tracks over the floor showed exactly where the
tremendous creature had been and she realized that now she would have to mop up
the kitchen all over again. "I should have made you wipe your feet," she said
lightly as she moistened a terrycloth dishtowel to wipe all the mud and wetness
from the animal's furry paws.

"Come on, boy, you can wait in the living room while I change clothes," she
ordered as she tossed the dirty towel into the kitchen sink. The obedient dog
followed happily behind her as she led the way into the next room. She watched
him settle down on the carpet in the middle of the room and then, satisfied that
he was relaxed, headed off toward the bedroom, stripping off her soiled dress as
she went.

She could not decide what she wanted to wear. With Bill gone, she had not even
been able to go to the laundromat in town and nearly everything she owned was
either dirty or inappropriate for his homecoming. Her fair young face drooped
into a thoughtful pout as she stared into the closet, rifling with one anxious
hand through the array of garments inside. The young beauty considered wearing
one of the sexy nighties that he liked so much, to surprise him, but she shook
her head in a negative back and forth motion, obviously displeased with the idea
... Even though her enterprising young husband would never know about all that
happened to her during his absence, it seemed unfair of her to try to lure him
into bed so soon after she had been fucked half senseless by another man ... not
to mention her obscene delight in his canine hero's unnatural licking of her
naked loins. She was sincerely remorseful about everything and knew that it
would take some time before she could overcome her guilt sufficiently to feel
right about making any genuine sexual overtures toward Bill. She had resolved
most of her anxiety, it was true, but she was also aware of the fine line
between her stoic acceptance of what she had done and the strong self- doubt
that had made her life a nightmare after she had responded to Jack Green's
obscene caresses.

She was slightly sweaty from the exertion of her work that morning and decided
to take a shower in an hour or so, and let the final decision about what to wear
wait until then. Stripping off her panties and brassiere, she dropped the soiled
lacy garments into a heap with the muddied dress and slipped into a pretty
gingham-checked smock that was decent enough if anyone happened to come to the

The beautiful young blonde woman walked back to the living room and sat down on
the sofa, picking up a ladies' magazine from an end table beside her. She leaned
back into the cushions and stretched her legs out casually in front of her. It
was the first peace and quiet she had really experienced since Bill had left
last Sunday and she was enjoying the change of pace. An item in the magazine on
the care of pet dogs caught her eye and in a minute she was thoroughly engrossed
in the article.

Then she felt the couch stirring slightly and she looked up to see that Wolf had
clambered up onto the cushions beside her. She frowned at the dog and snapped
her fingers, pointing to the floor at her feet. But the big dog only whined
softly and dropped his mammoth head on her sun- tanned knee, his cold nose
nuzzling under her cotton dress to rest in the warm crevice between her smooth
creamy thighs just below the blonde patch of her pubic hair. She shuddered and
chilled from the unexpected sensation of the dog's cold wet nose on the
sensitive flesh on her inner thighs and the warm blast of his breath against her
uncovered genitals beneath her dress.

"Oh, no, you're not going to start that again," she warned him sternly. But he
paid no attention and renewed his effort to reach the hidden source of the
female scent that fascinated him. With a powerful downward push, the big dog
succeeded in opening Diane's tightly- clenched thighs with his nose. He ran his
tongue wetly over the full length of the narrow pink slit that came into view.
Her clitoris came immediately to life and throbbed as the hairy beast's long
moist tongue slid wetly over the sensitive bud. She found herself responding
without conscious thought, her hips writhing back at the dog, moving of their
own volition, until it fully dawned on her what she was doing.

"Back, Wolf, back!" she snapped, pushing his face away determinedly with both
hands. The huge brute moved off the couch reluctantly, only to sit and place his
front paws on the back of the sofa beside where she sat, his hindquarters
beginning an obscene humping motion against the edge of the couch. Diane watched
aghast as his glistening, scarlet penis slipped out from its hairy sheath,
dripping lewdly. The tapered point jabbed and danced in the air as he tried
futilely to bury it in the cushion. The hot scarlet of his stabbing member
contrasted startlingly with the darker muted color of the plush couch cushion.
Unnerved, she wracked her brain for some way to stop the great beast before his
untimely animal lust got completely out of hand. She moved to rise to her feet,
planning to lead the mountainous German Shepherd by the collar out to his run,
but a sudden snapping growl from the huge creature froze her where she sat.

"Get down, Wolf! Stop it! Stop it ... right ... now ..." Her strident
authoritative tone began to fail her and then died out completely as the dog's
long, prong-like fangs appeared in a menacing snarl. She was paralyzed, numb
with fear at the dog's abrupt change of character, not daring to move as Wolf
lowered his forepaws from the sofa and prowled the carpeted floor around her
feet. Ominous sounds rumbled up ceaselessly from deep in his powerful chest and
he suddenly thrust his snout between her slender ankles, wedging his brawny
shoulders between her curving calves as they came unwillingly apart. Feeling the
panicky sense of helplessness returning like a chronic disease, Diane tried to
clench her thighs and buttocks tightly together but the dog muscled powerfully
between her straining knees.

No, no, she thought frantically to herself, this can't happen again!

It had finally seemed as though she had gotten everything under control, but now

For a moment, the quavering golden-haired girl tried to twist away from the
strange attack, but another threatening snarl made her fall limply back onto the

"No, no, Wolf! Bad dog! Lie down!" she shouted in desperation, hoping that a new
combination of words would make the rutting animal retreat.

As if in defiant answer, the huge dog brought his great panting head down to the
narrow hair-lined slit between her forced-open thighs and licked at the wetness,
sliding his soft red tongue along the thin hair- fringed slit up to the hot
little tip of her clitoris. It was just as he had done before. She was helpless
against the dog's intense determination to keep her trapped on the couch, and
felt her ripe young body trembling and jerking under the tempting stimulation.
This is sick, she raged to herself; it's unnatural and perverted. But as she
tried to wriggle into a safer position, the monstrous dog's long tongue snaked
out again, licking hungrily at her moist crevice, lingering at her tiny puckered
anal mouth where the pointed red tip pushed and probed, trying to force its way
past the outer ring of soft rubbery flesh. The young housewife's nervously-
tensed thighs quivered at the forbidden sensation and a deep moan spilled from
her open lips. The husky dog's slathering wet tongue was forcing her toward
excitement in spite of her revulsion at the thought of enjoying the unnatural

Diane groaned despairingly as she realized she wanted still more of the mind-
blurring, debasing stimulation. Her natural resistance was fading under the
maddening torture of the German Shepherd's tongue and suddenly the giant lance
stabbed into her vulnerable warm pussy like a thick pink snake, plunging up deep
into her, heedless of the sobbing, tearful objections that came spontaneously
from her mouth. The last remnants of her self-restraint disintegrated and,
oblivious to all morality and reason, she rolled her tempting buttocks against
the face of the aroused animal, drowning in the weird obscene sensations of his
slithering tongue against her shamelessly aroused loins.

Before she realized what was happening, the dark-haired dog pulled away from her
willing vagina and reared up to place its forepaws on the couch above her pinned
shoulders. She gasped as she saw the creature's glistening red penis slip out
from its furry casing, its tapered point dripping and dancing in the hot valley
between her wide-spread thighs. The dog began to shiver and tremble, trying to
bury the blood-red tip into her luscious ready body. Her mind reeling in a
confusing daze of sexual need and debasing humiliation, she looked up at him
through her wide eyes watching him over her nakedness. Then, as though a demon
had taken over her will, she thrust hungrily upward with her buttocks in a
mechanical attempt to capture the lengthening shaft of flesh between her swollen
cuntal lips. She heaved upward towards the long scarlet organ as though she were
a rutting bitch herself, and the very thought of herself as another bitch animal
in heat like those out in the kennel sent another electric tingle reaching deep
into her belly. She could feel the seeping wetness between her thighs increasing
even more and her heart pounded loudly like a jungle drum.

Groaning, she pulled her thighs up tight against her over-spilling breasts,
turning up the flat plane of her silky loins in a frantic effort to capture the
jabby fleshy spear. The desire-maddened dog pushed forward wildly as he
struggled to implant the pointed tip of his dripping cock between her thighs,
striving to shove it into her until his pinkly tapering hardness sank all the
way into the wet opening, popping cruelly into the tightly-clenched little hole
with one quick forward lunge.

With a strangled cry, Diane twisted to one side in an effort to escape the
sudden animal impalement. But having tasted his first success, the lust-driven
dog returned to the attack with all the barbarousness of a Tartar, mindlessly,
savagely humping against her tiny hardened clitoris and slipping his flanks down
to thrust between the naked lips of her white-hot pussy.

At last, Diane grasped the dog's slippery prick without shame and parted her
cuntal opening to assist him, holding her breath as he began to stroke into her,
inch after inch of his long, thick cock disappearing into her with each new
pile-driving thrust of his hairy flanks. Suddenly her frail young breath hissed
out of her body in a high whistling sigh as the great cock slipped into her all
the way and began to slam up into the moist cavern like a fleshy spike being
pounded deeper and deeper into a tight moist tunnel.

Wolf's forelegs dropped down on either side of her smoothly-curved hips,
trapping her, and she began to undulate her quivering young body, her tightly-
clenched buttocks grinding upward in lewd circles, abandoning herself to the
wonderful animal-fucking that she was receiving from the German Shepherd. Her
face was twisted with ecstasy and her full taut breasts jiggled lightly, moving
in time to the throbbing dog-cock as it spiraled up into her vagina like a
rampant drill made of hot flesh.

Oh, God, she moaned, relishing every vicious slam of Wolf's prick into her hotly
raving cunt. She was being screwed senseless by a German Shepherd, his huge dog-
cock filling her slim belly and pushing her inner organs higher and higher until
she was afraid they would rupture and be pushed all the way up out of her mouth.
It was tearing the soul from her body, driving it out of her with every powerful
stroke. She was begging him to fuck her harder and faster, to shoot his hot cum
up into her pussy, aching to be filled with the dog's lewdly-building sperm.
That was all that mattered to her now. She was reveling in her defilement,
uncaring, no longer capable of thinking about sex as right or wrong or thinking
of anything but the tremendous shaft of hard animal flesh pistoning back and
forth in her wide-stretched pussy, causing her to hump back hungrily up against
the dog's hairy, jerking body like a female animal herself.

Small droplets of moisture were forming in the juncture of Diane's erotically-
rotating thighs, glistening and sparkling in the light as they trickled down
over her smoothly gyrating buttocks onto the couch, sometimes sticking to the
dog's sperm-laden testicles as they slapped wildly against her nakedly upturned
anus with each downward stroke. Her rounded ass-cheeks began contracting
uncontrollably, signifying her approaching climax, and she screwed up greedily
against the beast like a woman possessed.

Suddenly a piercing scream came from her passion-twisted lips and she rammed up
violently against the dog just as he hunched forward and his cock began spewing
its sperm in hot searing torrents far into the depths of her voraciously
clasping vagina. The young woman's crazily grinding buttocks began to pitch and
toss wildly on the cushions of the couch as her own thrilling climactic upheaval
exploded deep in her belly. Thick white liquid oozed from her tightly-squeezing
cunt as she milked hungrily at the dog's thickly-jerking penis, drawing out
every last drop of the precious animal sperm. Glistening trails of the sticky
cum fluids streamed down the cream-white fullness of her buttocks, creating dark
stains in the velvety fabric of the couch below.

At last, the deflating cock of the drained beast slipped from her mauled
passageway with a lewd wet sucking noise that echoed obscenely through the
silence of the room. Then, in a last act of bestial depravity, the dog dropped
to the floor and lowered his furry muzzle between her widely-splayed thighs,
lapping at the warm viscous animal sperm still dribbling from her well-fucked
young cunt. He gulped it thirstily until eventually there was none left and then
he turned away to lumber across the living room. Diane listened to Wolf whining
happily and unconsciously assumed that he was searching for a place to rest.
Then suddenly she heard the unmistakable click of the door latching shut,
followed by the soft padding of the dog's paws descending the outside steps.

Gradually the realization of what she had just heard dawned on the blonde girl's
tortured mind. Her blue eyes fluttered open and her face fell in utter
paralyzing disbelief. Bill was home!

"Well, Diane, that was quite a performance. I didn't know that either of you
were so accomplished," her husband's voice rasped from where he was standing
inside the door, his suitcase on the floor beside him. "Do you do that often
while I'm away? Is that why you didn't worry your pretty little head about
putting me off that way before I left? You knew you had something better waiting
as soon as you could get your stupid husband out of the house!"

Diane's shame and humiliation were beyond words. At that moment she wished for
death, for unending sleep and escape from the reality of herself--a wanton slut
who would use anything or anyone at her disposal to quench the wildfire of
passion raging within her.

"Oh, darling," she sobbed despairingly from the couch. "I don't know what
happened ... I couldn't help it ... I ..."

"Yeah, I could see you hated every minute of it, you bitch," he snarled,
reviling her tearful plea for understanding. "I'm just sorry now that I didn't
pick up one of those little floozies hanging around my hotel. After being
married to you, I could use a good lay for a change! And to think that I even
missed you, you slut! Jesus, Diane, I knew you were selfish, but this is simply
beyond belief!"

"No, no, darling, you don't understand! Please, let me tell you what happened?"
she pleaded. Then she gaped in horrified disbelief as her husband began to tear
off his pants, draping his shorts and trousers over the back of a chair at the
entrance to the living room. His prick was jutting out from his hairy loins like
a flashy sword and he wore an ugly grin as he crossed the room to where Diane
sat cowering on the sofa.

"Notice my cock, baby," he spat out venomously as he stood in front of her, his
hands clenched defiantly on his slim hips. Smiling coldly at her stricken
expression, he continued, "That's right, I have a hell of a hard-on. Watching
you screw that goddamned dog is a lot more exciting than listening to you
whining day and night about how I don't love you enough. Hah! That's a joke!
Does Wolf love you enough, baby?"

Oh, God, if she could only tell him about the mind-breaking horrors she had
endured at the hands of Jack Green and his own precious dog, she knew that her
husband would not be cruel. But she had vowed to keep the terrible secrets.
"Darling, you must believe that ... I ... I ... love you," she said weakly.

"Well, that's a thrill," he sneered. Then with an evil grin, he commanded her,
"Turn over, dog-fucker, and lean over the back of the couch. I can see that
normal sex just doesn't turn you on--so I'm going to give you something you'll

Unthinking, willing to do anything to please him now, Diane twisted around on
the sofa, changing positions until she was kneeling with her body resting on the
back cushions. She felt her husband move closer behind her and his rough hands
rudely grasped the smooth oval globes of her buttocks, pulling apart the soft
yielding moons.

"Now, take my cock, you cheating little whore, and put it in your asshole," he
ordered her in a voice thin with anger. "I'm going to give you something you'll
never forget!"

Without conscious thought, his beautiful dazed wife obediently reached back
behind her and took hold of the throbbing hard shaft, aiming the swollen purple
tip at the tiny brown ring of her tight, hairless anus. Her husband's long, thin
cock leapt in her hand and he thrust impatiently against her as she worked the
bloated cock-head up and down the full slit of her naked pussy, lubricating the
long stiff member with the warmly flowing animal sperm that still trickled wetly
from her ravaged vagina. She still had not fully comprehended his curt command
until she felt him reach down and guide the hard rubbery tip of his eager cock
up from her drenched vaginal lips and into the warm valley between her upraised

Behind her, her dark-haired husband gazed down at the gratifying spectacle of
his long thick prick wedged up against her luscious virginal anus. He had always
dreamed of fucking his proud young wife in the asshole and now he had the
perfect opportunity to do it and not worry, for a change, about when the spoiled
girl felt sufficiently loved to bear the initial pain for his sake. His sperm-
bloated balls tingled with angry desire as his fingers sunk cruelly into the
soft flesh of her pliant white buttocks, pulling them apart, wider and wider
until the tiny brown hole parted a little. Suddenly understanding the fiendish
nature of his intentions, Diane began to squirm and whine, but she could not
manage to elude his grasp.

She felt the end of his finger start to probe at the entrance of her exposed
rectum and she clenched the tiny puckered opening tightly in a desperate effort
to prevent the awful penetration that she knew would soon come. Bill continued
to jab for a minute at the sensitive outer edges of the small brown elastic
circle and then suddenly shoved forward with a sadistic grin on his handsome
face, sinking the finger in with a jerk up to the first knuckle. Diane jumped
forward from the pain, a gurgling moan rising from her throat. She suffered as
he moved the finger around in little rotating motions and gradually the agony
lessened. She relaxed a bit until she felt the extra pressure of a second finger
ram unexpectedly alongside the first. This time, it did hurt and she jerked away
in an effort to escape the painful entry. Her husband pulled back, though, and
continued to move the two fingers inside her painfully-stretched rectum.

Oh, God, Diane thought as tears of pain and humiliation rose to her eyes, he was
really going to make love to her back there and there was nothing she could do
about it. She would never live through this--would never be able to face herself
again after this ultimate degradation and subjugation. Even what had happened
with Wolf had been child's play compared to this ... How foolish she had been to
ever think that perhaps Bill would understand what she had been through this
week! she mused as a tiny spark of righteous anger kindled in her anguished
brain. Her beloved husband was a devil, a horrible fiend!

Diane tried again to cringe her buttocks away from Bill but it was useless. He
held her firmly with one hand as he wormed his fingers in and out of her with
the other, turning and twisting them in the tight narrow hole. The pain lessened
more and more until gradually she felt a slight sensation of pleasure from the
unnatural reaming. She was just beginning to enjoy the feeling of the fingers in
her rectum when suddenly Bill pulled them out of her.

The two fingers seemed to slip out reluctantly, the elastic ring of her anus
clinging to them until they popped out with a slight sucking sound. He forced
her lush legs wider with his knees, dropping his head to her buttocks to lick
wetly at the crevice between them, moistening the tiny brown hole with his
tongue and sending delicious shivers coursing over the beautiful girl's back.

Then, Diane felt Bill's hands jerk her hips higher, driving her full breasts
more firmly into the back of the couch. Her flint-eyed husband peered down at
the tiny hairless circle of her anus and smiled bitterly at how completely she
was subjugating herself to his desires ... now when it was too late to make any
difference. He grasped harshly at her soft hips, holding them steady before him
as he impressed his long, slender cock in the moist naked split of her cunt,
running it up and down the full length to moisten it with her own guilty
wetness. Then, he guided the pulsing cock forward until it touched the slightly-
stretched little anal mouth and moved it around, lubricating the tiny cringing
hole. Diane gasped in fear at the first startling contact. God, it would never
fit! It was too big! She tried to move forward again but he held her solidly.

"Darling, don't do this to me ... to us ..." she groaned back at him.

"You weren't all that worried about us when you were getting fucked by our prize
German Shepherd," he mocked her.

She felt his hairy loins behind her and his hard cock searching and probing into
her upturned buttocks. Then, she felt a direct jabbing pressure between his
hands that was soft and rubbery at first and then grew into an unresisting blunt

"Billlll, noooooo! Aaaaaggghh!" she finally screamed as she felt the tight
resisting nether ring giving way before the unyielding pressure of his cock, its
head popping into her with a jerk. She screamed again and then groaned
ceaselessly as the blunt intrusion of her own husband's cruel shaft vibrated
through every fiber of her being, pushing the soft velvety flesh inside of her
widely-stretched anal passage in great waves before it. She groaned with pain as
it sunk deeper, deeper, deeper ... on and on into her until she felt the coarse
hair of his loins smack heavily into the softness of her vagina below.

Bill was inside her, in her asshole, all the way up to the hilt!

He paid no attention to her anguished cries and began to fuck viciously and
without mercy into the soft depths of his young wife's sweet, tight asshole,
bringing further sobs of pain and humiliation from her tortured lips. She had
never felt so soiled and debauched in her life and her whole behind felt wet and
used as he levered up behind her and began to plunge the full length of his
punishing cock into her with long smooth strokes. Her body jerked and quivered
and her thighs, now that her resistance was broken, periodically convulsed as an
extra hard thrust seared into her tortured rectum. She could hear his grunts of
sadistic pleasure floating through the silence of the room around them and
suddenly she hated herself and her body for the joy it was giving him, even
though there was nothing she could do to prevent it. Then, despite the pain, she
clenched her anal muscles tightly together in an attempt to pull out his cock at
its very roots.

"Aaaaaaaah, Gawwwwd," her husband groaned, throwing back his head in ecstasy
from the feeling of her warm clasping anal flesh enveloping his cock. She was
sorry momentarily when he cried out, but she could not stand still and do
nothing while she was being brutally fucked, even though the pain was lessening
now. In fact, the sensation of his cock- head riding deep into her rectum was
starting to send little darts of warm pleasant feeling in her stomach, as though
she had a second cunt and was slowly learning how to enjoy its use.

She moved backward to meet the forward thrust of his stiff prick, undulating her
body and swinging the cheeks of her round ass in little tight circles, clasping
her anus tightly shut as he withdrew mightily on the out-stroke. Bill rammed
into her with fresh power, knowing that she was beginning to like this depraved
ass-fucking, the feeling of being impaled on his long staff like a sacrificial
piece of choice animal flesh.

"Oooohh, yessss," she moaned as he slammed harder up into her belly, pushing her
forward and down until her breasts were smashed flat against the back cushions
of the couch. He felt her tighten her anal muscles again and again around his
hard thick length buried in her back passage. His cock throbbed crazily and he
flexed it up deep in her rectum in an answering signal until he feared the head
would explode from the pressure around it like a burning hot, tight-fitting

Her obvious surrender added to his excitement and in a vengeful effort to
torture his wayward wife, Bill pulled his imbedded cock almost all the way out
of her rectum until just the blood-inflated tip rested inside the hot rubbery
passage, then grinned as he saw her try to squirm her nakedly-writhing buttocks
back tighter on its rigid length.

But the spectacle inflamed his own lust as well, and with a hoarse moan, he
pulled her ass-cheeks wider apart and drove his pelvis into her smooth yielding
behind with a jarring vicious smack. He began to ram rapidly into her, hard and
deep, battering into her quivering backside with brutal slaps that resounded
through the house. His sweating face dripped on her lovely hollowing back,
making it glisten in the pale afternoon sunlight in the room. He had now
completely lost control of his obscene lust and he felt his cock expanding in
the warmth of his wife's stretched rectum. His balls began to throb almost
painfully and his hardened prick felt as though it were about to explode in the
rubbery tight grip of his gorgeous wife's vice-like back-passage.

Below him, Diane was mumbling and whimpering incoherently and he increased the
speed and power of his strokes until the couch began to rattle and shake from
the steady battering of his loins against her buttocks. She could feel herself
being split open wider and wider from the power and pressure he was exerting
deep up inside her. She wanted to shout back obscenities at him and plead for
him to use her however he wanted to vent his pent-up angry lust on her helpless

She wanted him to shoot his great load of seething creamy liquid deep into her
belly, to mingle his juices with the wetness of those of the huge German
Shepherd she had let fuck her moments before.

Then, suddenly, Diane heard him gasp and groan behind her as he hammered the
iron-hard length of his prick into her contracting, velvety rectum, causing her
to whine in a delirium of joy. He did it again, roughly pulling her back onto
him as though he were fitting a tight sleeve on an oversized arm, then rotated
the lust-inflated cock- head deep in her rectum again. She mewled with delight.
The boiling lava of his milky sperm began to churn wildly in his swaying balls
and, with one last tremendous thrust, he crashed into her buttocks, flattening
the smooth globes of flesh against his loins.

Diane felt the warmth of the first delicious torrents of his white hot liquid
spread through her stomach and surge through her blossoming nerve ends like a
volcanic eruption, gush after gush, touching off her own climax. She thrust her
face deep into her arms to muffle her scream as a great surge of animal ecstasy
rippled through her and she felt her own creamy cum fluids streaming from her
open cunt below, trickling down her inner thighs to mix with the dog sperm
saturating the cushions below.

Then she slowly collapsed on the sofa as she felt her husband begin to withdraw
his slowly-deflating cock from her sperm-flooded anal passage. There was a
slight, embarrassing little farting noise as it slipped out from between the
full white globes of her buttocks and a sudden rush of cool air laved the steamy
wetness of her ravaged loins as she sprawled in exhausted satiation, face down
on the couch.

Her body felt pillaged and subjugated beyond belief and her mind was numbed by
the certainty that her marriage was ended.

Chapter 8

"Darling, please don't do anything else to me," she pleaded, waiting dully for
her husband's voice to break the silence of the room. "I'll leave if you want me
to, but ... I can't take anything else right now. Wolf ... I can't say anything
to make you believe me, but, it did, it did happen that way!"

Diane braced herself for the blistering sarcastic reply that she was certain
would soon come directly as a result of her husband's injured pride. Naturally
he would make her pay for what she had done--if he still cared enough to be

God, he had walked in on her this afternoon and found her with a German Shepherd
pistoning in and out of her obscenely-accepting vagina. What else could happen
to her now?

"I believe you, sweetheart, so help me," Bill assuaged in a surprisingly gentle
voice. "When I saw that that dog turned you on, I took a long look at myself,
and I wondered why Wolf could satisfy you more than I could. Sure, I was mad and
did what I did partly out of spite, but Jesus, I've got to admit that I've never
been so hot to fuck you before ..."

Diane was thoroughly dumbstruck by the impact of his words. As she ransacked her
mind for something appropriate to say, she saw that Bill was actually sitting
below her, on the floor, and she could not help but see the understanding
tenderness in the loving expression on his handsome face. It was as though a
miraculous ray of sunlight had filtered through the gloomy reality of the last
few days and transformed the horrible truth into a bright rainbow of happiness.

"But, darling, I--"

"No, don't say anything else," Bill said softly, "because I think I understand
now ... I think I know what's been wrong with our marriage so far ... me."

"Oh, Bill, it's no one's fault," she objected in an unconvincing voice,
snuggling closer to ward off any negative feeling from her handsome young

"It's not important who's fault it is, honey. The real truth is that I've found
out what kind of person you are beneath all that camouflage ... that mask you've
been wearing since we've been married. And I like that new person," Bill
soothed, placing his arm around her shoulders like the adoring husband that she
had always dreamt of.

"Do you mean that?"

"Why don't you ask Jack Green?" Bill answered in a sly voice, his eyebrows
lifting in mock sternness. "He told me more about you in ten minutes than I've
learned in all the time we've been married ..."

The End
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