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PB-364 The Family's Animal Fun
by David Crane

Chapter 1

"Poor Daddy," said Debby Johnson.

Frank Johnson was seated in an easy chair by the fireplace, idly glancing
through a magazine and looking rather glum. His wife Jennifer had gone to visit
her sister for a week and, although she'd only been gone one day, Frank was
already beginning to feel neglected and lonely.

He was also starting to get horny.

Debby came over to stand behind his chair, placing her hands on his shoulders.
Debby was a teenager with sun-streaked blonde hair, big blue eyes and a full,
sensual mouth. Her body was ripe and nubile. She was wearing a short skirt and a
halter, leaving her midriff and most of her shapely thighs bared. Smiling, she
leaned forwards. Her full tits rolled in the halter, the deep, smooth cleavage
exposed, the stiff nipples poking out in twin peaks against the stretchy

Frank felt her tits brush against the back of his neck as she bent over his
chair. He blushed. Christ, didn't the little minx realize how easily she could
turn him on?

"Don't worry, Daddy," she said. "I'll take good care of you while Mom is away. I
can cook and clean the house and--" She paused, an impish look in her blue eyes.
"And I can do just about anything for you that Mom can you know?"

"You're a good girl," he muttered.

For some reason, Debby giggled.

Frank was well aware that her nipples were hard as she squirmed against him.
Those stiff tit tips were branding the back of his neck. He was also aware of
the fact that his prick was starting to get hard.

Blushing, ashamed of himself for reacting that way to his little girl's touch,
he pretended to be concentrating on the magazine. She looked over his shoulder.
It was a glossy men's magazine, and Debby found herself gazing at a photograph
of a semi-nude woman.

"Gee--you hadn't ought to be looking at stuff like that, when Mom's out of
town," she said. Her eyelashes fluttered demurely.

"Huh?" Frank said. He hadn't even realized what he was pretending to be so
engrossed in. Now he blinked at the magazine and quickly closed it.

"You'll make yourself all excited looking at naughty pictures, and since Mom
isn't here ..." She let the words trail off and gave a little shrug that shifted
her tits against him. "Why, Daddy! You're excited already!"

Frank gulped, realizing that the girl had noticed the swelling in the front of
his trousers. He was mortified that she had noticed his hard- on and amazed that
the girl had been bold enough to mention it. But at least she didn't seem to be
disturbed by her discovery. She was, if anything, amused, he thought.

"Errr--sometimes those things happen," he said.

"But what will you do about it?" she asked, sounding rather concerned and
solicitous. "I mean--will you have to find yourself a girlfriend or pay a whore
or what?"

"Debby! That's enough," he muttered, starting to feel distinctly uncomfortable
and all the more embarrassed because his daughter wasn't embarrassed at all.

"Come to that, I wonder what Mom will do if she gets to feeling horny while
she's away," Debby speculated.

Frank groaned. He had been wondering about that, himself. Jennifer wasn't the
sort of woman who could go very long without fucking. He didn't know if she had
ever cheated on him in the past, but he doubted her capacity for prolonged
chastity. A whole week was a long time for Jennifer to go without a fuck. She
liked it at least once a day and often more, a schedule that was very agreeable
to Frank when she was at home but worrying when she was away.

At the thought that his wife might be cheating on him, his cock tingled and
swelled more. The idea was painful, yet stimulating, too, in a perverse fashion.
Jealousy, he knew, was an effective aphrodisiac--and the fact that his teenaged
daughter was rubbing her tits against him didn't help.

"Think she'll find a lover?" the girl said teasingly. "I bet she will."

"Debby, don't say such things," he rasped.

"Why not? I'm old enough," she replied. "I'm old enough for lots of things,

Incestuous images danced in his fevered mind. Frank shook his head, to clear
those disturbing fantasies away--and, doing so, rubbed against her plump tits.
He turned to stare at the girl as she hovered behind him. She held his gaze, her
own gaze searching and speculative.

"Anything I can do to make you feel better?" she asked, her voice husky.

"What--what do you mean?" he asked carefully.

"Well ..." She hesitated and had the grace to blush slightly. "I mean, you gonna
jerk off, or what?"

Frank's mouth dropped wide open. It didn't surprise him that his daughter should
know about such things. After all, she was a very sexy girl who had plenty of
dates and probably had some sexual experience, herself. Frank had often wondered
about that, in fact--and fantasized. Sometimes, while fucking his wife, he even
pretended that it was his daughter he was shoving the cockmeat to and, although
he always felt a little bit guilty afterwards, those incestuous musings
certainly made for an exciting climax.

But to have the girl come right out and ask him a question like that was a
different matter, shocking and sordid--and very, very stimulating.

"Oh, come on, Daddy--I wasn't born yesterday," Debby said, amused at his

Frank started to reprimand and admonish the girl, his jaw set tightly and his
expression stern. But his resolve wavered. His cock was set a lot tighter than
his jaw and the thought of discussing sexual matters with the girl was
intriguing. It was harmless, he assured himself, rationalizing cleverly. Mere
words weren't the same as acts and, anyhow, a father certainly had the right to
talk about the birds and the bees with his nubile young daughter.

His face flushed, and he gave her a sheepish grin. "Well, it would be better
than having to find another woman and cheat on your mother, I guess."

She shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "It's kind of a waste, doing it for
yourself. Oh, it's better than nothing. I know," she added, giving him a
mischievous wink.

Frank groaned, a flash of the sexy girl playing with her pussy blasting into his
aroused imagination.

"But I know you're used to lots of sex. I hear you and Mom fucking all the

Frank might have blushed again, but by this time his handsome, lean- jawed face
was flushed so hot with arousal that it was impossible to say.

"And, since Mom is away and I have to take care of her duties--all of her
duties--" Debby continued, breathing rather hard now, those splendid tits rising
heavily in the tight-fitting halter.

She gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, then moved away and came around to the
front of his chair. Frank eyed her warily, torn between conflicting emotions. As
her father, he was concerned by her suggestive behavior but, as a robust man
with a hard-on, he was thrilled.

Debby gracefully sank down onto the carpet in front of him, curling onto one
flank. She placed an open hand on his thigh, just above the knee. Frank stared
down at her. The front of his trousers was lifted so high, by this time, that he
seemed to be looking at her across the head of his prick, as if it were a

"Am I embarrassing you, Daddy?" she breathed.

"A--a little I guess," he said.

Her hand moved up an inch or two, then stroked back toward his knee. The muscles
in his thigh were jumping violently under her caressing palm.

"I'm not embarrassed," she said, almost defiantly.

"Apparently," he muttered.

"I've seen the way you look at me sometimes, you know? When I come out of the
bathroom wrapped in a towel or when I'm kind of sprawled out in front of the
television--with my legs sort of open--"

"Jesus!" he hissed. His head was spinning. A sense of unreality had fallen over
the tormented man, and he wondered if he had fallen asleep in his chair and was
dreaming this whole erotic scene--and, if so, if it was going to turn out to be
a wet dream!

Her hand moved higher, toward his cock-bulge.

Frank raised his own hand, thinking to nip this in the bud. His hand hovered
over hers, open and trembling. Then it dropped back to his side. Debby smiled

"I'm not a virgin, Daddy," she whispered.

He closed his eyes. "Debby--I'm your father! We mustn't make love!"

"Fuck, you mean?" she giggled.

Frank nodded.

"I guess not," Debby sighed.

Frank surged with divided emotions, relieved that his daughter had agreed, yet
grievously disappointed at the same time. The forbidden fruits of incest were
juicy in his mind.

But then the naughty nymph said: "But there are lots of other things we could

Again her hand slid up his leg, her splayed fingers stroking close to the top.
His huge prick bucked like a bronco, threatening to burst right through his
trousers. He sprawled back in the chair, feeling perfectly helpless, unable to
resist anything. He was putty in her hands. She was molding him like clay. She
rested her cheek against his thigh. He could feel the warmth of her breath waft
up the inside of his leg.

"Nice things, Daddy," she whispered.

Incest is taboo! his conscience screamed.

But his id, that clever definer of terms, asked: What is incest? Fucking,
certainly. But other things--those nice things at which she hinted--were they,
too, incest?

Stop this, Debby, he silently pleaded. But when he tried to speak, no words came
out. His vocal cords seemed as stiff as his prick.

Then her hand moved across and cupped the bulging swell of his prick. Frank
gasped, his whole body vibrating. She gently squeezed his balls, then traced her
fingers up the outline of his elongated cockshaft.

"Ooooh--your prick is so big and hard Daddy--and your balls are so full," she

She drew her hand down his cockstalk. The contours of his swollen cockhead
swelled in his fly and a damp patch spread out as his piss hole began to weep.

"Can I take it out, Daddy?" she whispered.

Did Frank try to shake his head in the negative? He willed his neck muscles to
do so--but he nodded, instead. I'll let her touch me, his tortured mind decided.
Just her hands--no more. That isn't really so wicked.

He stared down through slitted eyes, watching the lithesome teenager fumble with
the zipper of his fly. She drew the clasp down an inch or two, then drew it back
up. The zipper rasped. Frank's breathing rasped, as well. Teasingly, she pulled
the zipper lower. Tauntingly, she pulled it up again. His cock was rampaging
wildly in his pants, raging to be free. Debby glanced up at him from the tops of
her blue eyes, impishly gazing through lowered lashes.

"Don't worry," she said. "I'm not a cock-teaser."

Then she pulled the zipper all the way down. Frank was wearing white cotton
briefs. His prick was trapped in them. It shot from his open fly, shrouded in
the white material, dragging the elastic waistband out from his flat belly.
Debby gazed at his groin for a moment, fascinated. She opened the belt and
unfastened the top of his pants. His fly fell open in a wide wedge. Encased in
the white cotton, the outline of his cock and balls was fully displayed. Debby's
face was close, and he felt her breath drift over his thundering cockmeat. Where
the head of his cock bulged in his shorts, a slimy patch spread out. Debby
cupped his balls in her upturned palm, lifting them as if judging the weight of
his cum-load.

She made a little purring sound, squeezing, feeling the hard balls shift inside
the hairy sac.

Her fingers traced up the underside of his cockshaft and her thumb rubbed
against the sensitive spot where his prick-knob swelled out from the cockrod.

The damp, sticky patch spread wider as more pre-cum seeped from his parted piss

Debby's face was a mask of desire now, her eyes narrowed and her sensual lips
parted and panting. She tucked her fingers under the elastic of his shorts and
tugged them out wide, pulling them down from his rampant prick and tucking them
under his balls, leaving all of his crotch bared.

"Gee--you got a lovely cock," she murmured.

Frank wondered how many cocks his sweet little girl had known before. The
thought tormented him. Was his daughter promiscuous? Did he want her to be
promiscuous? His conscience was losing the struggle with his id and parental
propriety was yielding to pure passion.

For a long moment, she simply looked at his cock and balls in admiration. Her
face was close to him. Just as he could feel her warm breath on his cockmeat, he
knew she could feel the heat of his pounding prick waft into her radiant face.
Her blonde head tilted from side to side as she studied his cock from all
angles, intrigued.

Her left hand slid up and cupped him under the balls again, fondling them gently
and lovingly. Frank thought that he could actually hear his massive cum-load
slosh around inside his balls as she caressed them.

She folded her other hand around the thick root of his cockshaft, squeezing,
moaning when she felt that iron-hard fucker throb in her fist. His prick was so
fat that the girl could barely span it in her delicate hand.

Her fist skimmed up lightly, just brushing over his hot cockstalk. His cockmeat
was so hot that the randy little minx half expected it to blister her palm and
singe her fingers. She tightened her grip and stroked again, very slowly. As her
fist pulled up, his foreskin curled over the ledge of his swollen purple
cockhead, and when she pulled back to the hilt that cockhead flared out wide.

She was staring at him so intently, so longingly, that Frank felt he could feel
her gaze burning into him, branding his flesh like laser beams. She pumped him
again. His cockhead was a huge, mushroom-shaped wedge of meat. When she stroked
down toward his balls, that slab loomed out like the head of a hooded cobra
about to strike. Cum oozed from his cleft, all frothy and slimy on the flushed
cockmeat. Debby rubbed her thumb against the underside, where the dark, thick
ventral vein spread out under the prick-knob. Frank was groaning pitifully in a
torment of lust. His prick was so hot that as the pre-cum came bubbling from his
piss hole, it steamed away.

His daughter's head was lowered over his cock. A strand of golden hair brushed
against him, trailing across the slimy tip of his prick. He was very much aware
that the girl's face was only inches above his cockhead, her eyes crossed as she
stared at his fucker.

"Shall I lick it, Daddy?" she asked, her voice husky with lascivious longing.

Frank gasped. He saw her moist pink tongue slide slowly across her lower lip.
His cock gave a mighty lurch. It seemed to be trying to launch itself from his
loins like a guided missile, flying up into her face.

Her head bobbed down. Her tongue flicked across the tip of his cockhead, moist
and hot and nimble. Frank saw a streak of his cock slime on her tongue as she
drew back.

"Yummm--yummy," she purred.

Debby dragged her halter down. Her fat, firm tits rolled free. She arched her
back and rubbed her tits against his cock and balls, squirming delightfully. She
cupped the plump tit globes together, lifting them and deepening the cleavage,
and his cock nudged in between them. Frank humped up from the chair, fucking
between her tits. Her face was averted, watching his purple cock-knob squeezing
from her smooth tit tunnel. That bloated wedge skimmed up her breastbone and
nudged into the hollow of her throat, laying a slimy trail, like the track of a

Her tongue pushed out, curled. As his cock-knob slid from her cleavage, she
lapped hungrily at it.

She twisted from the hips, grinding her tits around on his prick as it slid up
and down, her blonde head ducking down to meet the looming cock-knob. Her tongue
laved all over his crown, slurping up the jism. Her slobber poured down his
cockstalk. Frank heaved, pumping his cock between her tits frantically, almost
ready to get his rocks off.

But then Debby drew back.

Neglected for a moment, his prick jerked alarmingly. His cockhead was gleaming
atop the thick cockstalk.

"Wanna come, Daddy?" the minx whispered.

"Yeah--yeah," he croaked.

"Wanna come in my mouth?"

"Oh my God--yes, Debby! Oh, shit!" Frank wailed, abandoned to lust, his mind and
body dazed so that only his fiery prick seemed to have substance.

Debby, naughty little teenager that she was, knew damned well that erotic words
enhanced the action. Gazing bewitchingly at her father, she said: "I'll swallow
your hot, thick fuck-juice, Daddy--ooooh--I'm hungry for your cum!"

But although the horny little cock-sucker was yearning for a bellyful of jism,
she was in no hurry for that creamy conclusion. Debby liked to linger over a
leisurely mouthful of cockmeat before she got to drink the slimy rewards. With a
skill that manifested plenty of previous experience, Debby began to vary her
oral technique.

Tilting her head, so that his prick skimmed up her cheek, she leaned down and
lapped at his balls. She kissed and sucked on those precious balls that were
soon going to feed her such a succulent load. His cock slid up and down her
cheek as Frank humped. Cum glistened in her hair. She licked up his cocklance
with long, flattened tongue-strokes, fluttering her lapper at the underside of
his cock-knob at the top. She crossed her tongue back and forth against the
swollen vein that seamed the under-side of his cockrod, going up and down,
licking his hairy balls at the base and his crown at the top.

Jism poured from his cleft and trickled down his prickshaft. She tongued it up
greedily, her saliva replacing it. She leaned back again, savoring his cock
slime on her taste buds. Her throat pulsed as she swallowed. She whimpered, her
appetite whetted by that first taste.

"Do I do it as good as Mom?" she whispered.

Frank, looking haunted by his horniness, frowned. "How--how do you know?" he

"That Mom blows you?" Debby said. Her grin was devilish. "Shit, Daddy-- she
blows the mailman, and the guy that walks our dog, too."

A strangled cry burst from Frank's lips and his prick pounded like a jackhammer.
He stared at his daughter. Had she merely said that to excite him, or was it
true? Was his dear wife in the habit of giving indiscriminate blow-jobs to all
and sundry? It was a thing to ponder.

But later.

At the moment Frank could think of only one thing--emptying his bloated balls
into his pretty daughter's mouth!

Chapter 2

The dog--the walker of which might or might not be getting sucked off by Frank's
wife--was a large, black Alsatian named Rex. At the moment, Rex was standing in
the hallway outside the kitchen, hoping some human would come along and feed
him. His glossy coat was so dark that the brute looked like a three-dimensional
shadow. Out of that ebony shadow gleamed bright amber eyes, and a moist red
tongue lolled from the side of his jaw. He was a formidable and handsome beast,
both family pet and guard dog--and more. Jennifer usually fed him, and with her
away, Frank and Debby--preoccupied at the moment--had neglected him this

Rex was hungry and he whined, waiting patiently by the kitchen door. But then he
cocked his big, blunt head, one ear pricked up, a curious look in his eyes. His
black nostrils twitched as he sniffed. The brute rumbled softly in his throat,
all thoughts of food fading away. It wasn't dog food that the beast had scented.

The hot fragrance of Debby's pussy was wafting from the front room and pouring
down the hallway to Rex's sensitive nose.

And that was specialized doggy food.

Rex sniffed again, nostrils flaring wide. His long, wet tongue began to dribble
with slobber. His shaggy tail swished behind him and the muscles in his powerful
flanks began to quiver and tremble.

Rex knew that tangy aroma well.

His balls began to swell and his big prick started to ripple, lengthening and

The fragrant stream reaching his nose was getting richer and spicier as the
naughty little nymph got hotter and hornier, and Rex whimpered with
anticipation. He sidestepped away from the kitchen door and turned down the
hallway. His thick black cock sheath snapped upright and the slick red meat of
his naked cockhead came sliding slowly from the hairy sheath. His balls had
swollen so huge by this time that his hind legs were almost bowed around them,
and his cock loomed out so far that the cock-knob pulsed under his brawny chest.

His head thrust out like a pointer indicating a concealed partridge and then,
like a retriever, the big doggy padded off towards the prey he had scented,
following the fragrant trail of pussy aroma.

He pushed his head around the doorjamb and peered into the front room, wriggling
and wagging his tail eagerly in expectation of a dog yummy.

Across the room, his master was sprawled back in a chair, his legs parted and
extended, his heels drumming against the carpet as his thigh muscles jerked.
Curled up on the floor at his feet, the young mistress of the household was
happily tonguing the flaring head of her daddy's prick.

Rex hesitated. Being only a dumb brute, he knew no such emotions as envy or
jealousy, yet the canine equivalent caused his tongue to tingle and his cock to
throb. He was tempted to bound into the room, yet sensed that the master might
not welcome his presence. Although a whole howling pack of horny hounds might
rush in pursuit of a bitch in heat, she could accommodate them only one at a
time. And Debby, quite obviously, was already spoken for. And yet her cunt, from
where that delightful aroma spread so tantalizingly, was unoccupied. It was a
puzzlement to the dog, although he knew from happy experience that human bitches
were far more inventive and imaginative and adaptable than the canine bitches.

So Rex hesitated. But his prick was thundering, his tongue slobbering. Warily
and nervously, he moved into the room and began to slink up on the girl. His
haunches were lowered, as if he were sneaking up on a juicy bunny--but no bunny
had ever been as juicy as Debby's pussy.

And, although wary of his master, Rex had an advantage. Being only an animal,
Rex had no idea that bestiality was naughty. To Rex, fucking was the most
natural thing in the world, and he advanced without inhibition ...

Debby had been using only her tongue, to begin with, licking up and down her
daddy's long, thick cockshaft, tonguing his bloated balls and slurping on his
cock-knob. His piss hole continued to ooze with pre-cum and the cum-hungry
teenager lapped it up greedily, murmuring with the joy of it. His whole cock was
slippery with her frothy saliva. His jism ran into that wet fluid, thicker and
creamier, and Debby eagerly tongued it up as it ran down his prick.

Then she licked up to the tip of his cock and turned her radiant face down. She
pushed the tip of her tongue right up into his piss hole, causing Frank to jerk
and gasp.

Debby was in seventh heaven. The naughty little girl had been yearning to suck
her father's cock for a long time now. More and more as time went by, she had
fantasized about her daddy in those delicate, intimate moments when she shoved
her fingers up her fuck-hole and creamed on her hand. She envied her mother a
steady supply of his cock and cum, often thinking about the two of them fucking
while she frigged her pussy to a froth. She had even given a few interesting
thoughts to her mother's juicy cunt, especially when she was licking her own
pussy-soaked fingers. It had taken her some time to get her courage worked up
enough to actually approach Frank--and the opportunity afforded now, by her
mother's absence.

Now she was licking his prick and loving it--and determined she would get him to
fuck her cunt, as well. He might be reluctant to go that far, but Debby knew
that if she got him hot enough, anything was possible.

And Debby knew how to make a guy hot.

Or a dog, come to that.

Kissing her father's cockhead, Debby let her lips slowly part around it, feeding
the throbbing purple slab into her mouth.

Frank groaned as those sweet lips enveloped his thundering cockhead. He stared
down at his daughter in awe. Her lips had collared his thick stalk behind the
cock-knob, turning outwards as they slurped, and her cheeks were hollowed inward
as she sucked avidly on the meaty mouthful.

"Ummm--ummm--ummm--" she purred as she nursed on his succulent prickhead.

With his cockhead in her mouth, his long stalk stood out between them, bolting
his balls to her lips. Her saliva poured down that stalk as she slobbered on his
cock-knob. Her tongue slithered around against the underside of the wedge. Debby
was an expert and talented cock-sucker, no doubt of that. It caused Frank
anguish to imagine how many pricks his sweet little girl must have milked off to
acquire such skill--as his own iron-hard prick pounded in that magic mouth.

Her eyelashes lowered and she gazed up at him through the fringe, delighted to
see the way his handsome face was twisted by bestial lust. He gazed back at her,
thinking she looked almost innocent and demure as she nursed on his cock, a
dutiful daughter doing the chores.

Debby began to bob her head up and down a little, feeding more of his cockshaft
into her maw. The naughty teenager always enjoyed a drink on a stick, not even
caring what guy happened to be on the other end of the rod. She liked big cocks
better than small ones and hard ones better than soft ones, but she had never
met a cock she didn't like. Her daddy's cock, however, was the best she had ever
had in her mouth. It was huge and hot and hard as a stone and his swollen balls
gave promise of an abundant bellyful of fuck-juice. But the most thrilling
aspect was the fact that he was her father--that she was indulging in oral
incest. It was a very naughty thing to do, Debby knew, and all the more
thrilling because of that.

How boring sex would be if it was always sanctified and wholesome, she thought.
And on that wholesome cockmeat she sucked with unsanctified greed. She loved the
taste and the texture and adored the way his cockhead throbbed in her lips and
pulsed against her flashing tongue and dribbled slime onto her taste buds.
Slippery ribbons of spunk flowed into her cheeks, sloshed over her gums,
dribbled from her pursed lips and trickled down her chin. Frank hadn't shot his
wad yet but he had already, in his preliminary seepage, fed her as much jism as
the girl was accustomed to milking from a cock and balls in a climax. Her tongue
was floating in a sea of slime like a pliable pink raft in a swamp. Pearly
strands of cum ran down from both corners of her mouth. Frank whimpered as he
stared down and saw his fuck-juice flowing from his daughter's mouth.

Gooey ribbons of cum traced across her lower lip. She slurped and sucked the
stuff back into her mouth. Her eyes watched him, her lips smiled around a
mouthful of cockmeat. The girl was obviously enjoying her daddy's reactions
almost as much as she was avidly savoring his cock and cum.

Frank reached down and stroked her head paternally. She ducked down, feeding
more prick into her mouth. His cockhead jammed at the entrance to her throat. He
could feel the little fleshy pendulum brush his cock- knob.

"Unghhh," she gagged as his flaring cock-head clogged her gullet. But she held
it there for a moment, then pulled her mouth up, sucking through every precious
inch of his cockshaft.

She nursed on his prick-knob, with the long stalk pounding between them, then
she bobbed down again, as if she were ducking for apples in a barrel.

She took even more prick in this time.

His cockhead lodged in her throat, then slid right down her gullet as she deep-
throated him. Frank gasped, amazed, to see all of his monstrous cock disappear
in his daughter's mouth. Where the fuck was it all going? How could she swallow
that much cock?

Debby gulped. Her lips had pushed down to the very root of his cockstalk. Her
nose nestled in his wiry crotch hair and her chin brushed against his balls.

She held that mouthful in, whimpering on it, then slowly drew her lips back to
his cock crown. Her tongue folded into a little wet bridge over which his
cockhead and stalk slid as it went in and came out.

Frank knew he was going to cream at any moment, gasping with the physical thrill
of his riding crest and with the dark knowledge that it was his own daughter's
mouth into which his cum would squirt.

His hand moved behind her blonde head, gently pushing her down into his groin as
his ass hiked up from the chair and he buried his pounding prick.

Then he saw the dog.

Rex came slinking up behind Debby's ass, his tongue lolling out and his prick
hard as a stone under his shaggy loins. Frank blinked in surprise. Debby's head
was down in his crotch and her trim little ass was tilted up, and Rex was
obviously following his nose toward the girl's pussy.

Frank's mouth opened to shout a warning. But, hovering just below the crest,
words failed him. He gurgled incoherently.

Rex shoved his big head out and his snout slid under the hem of Debby's short
skirt. She blinked. A sound came from her lips but, muffled on her daddy's
cockmeat, it was hard to tell what sort of sound it was.

Had she giggled?

She kept sucking, regardless--and the dog kept shifting his head around in her

Then Rex flipped his muzzle up, tossing Debby's skirt up over her ass. Frank saw
that the naughty girl was not wearing any panties. Had that been by design? Had
she planned to seduce him all along? Frank leaned down, staring at Debby's
crotch. Her pink cuntlips were unfurled like the petals of a fleshy flower,
streaked with her pearly dew. Her clit was stiff and tingling. Then his view was
blocked--as the dog thrust his muzzle into her crotch again.

Shocked, Frank hovered there, just under the spurting peak, his ejaculation
delayed for a moment by the unexpected entry of the dog into the situation. He
wanted to drive the dumb brute off--but Debby did not seem to mind! She was
sucking his cock as eagerly as ever, not missing a stroke. Jesus! Didn't she
know the dog was tonguing her cunt? Didn't she care? Oh, shit! Did she like it?

And with that thought, his raging lust consumed him. He arched his back, fucking
his huge prick deep into her mouth, tilting her blonde head back on his lunge.

He heard Debby whimper and slurp on his prick and he heard the moist sound of
the dog's tongue as it slapped into the girl's smoldering pussy. Her head bobbed
steadily up and down and her ass began to jerk as she ground her cunt around on
the Alsatian's buried snout.

She pulled her lips up until only the tip of her dad's cockhead was in them and,
speaking right into that meaty microphone, she whispered: "Come, Daddy--shoot in
my mouth--feed me your hot, thick fuck-juice."

Her words inspired Frank almost as much as the physical contact. He howled in a
frenzy of need. Debby's mouth pushed back down on his prick, greedy, hungry,

As Frank's cock vanished in his daughter's mouth, his balls erupted
volcanically. The hot jism came rushing up his buried cockrod and spurted from
his piss hole in a creamy deluge, pouring right down her gullet.

"Ugh! Ummmm!" she gasped, her throat pulsing as she gulped his jism down

Her lips pulled up his slippery prick, sucking to the cock-knob. His second
thick dose squirted out, skimming over her flailing tongue, and Debby whimpered
as the succulent cock slime flooded over her taste buds.

Frank fucked his prick in and out of her mouth, shooting cum out as he plunged
in and squirting more out on the backstroke. The stuff was pouring down her
throat, warming her belly like a fine vintage brandy. Her mouth was working like
a suction pump, pulling his spunk out from his balls through his prick. Frank
was jerking and twitching, ramming his loins up from the chair frantically, his
cum pouring out in a steady flood, a rope of slime linking his balls to his
daughter's belly.

Debby was gulping the savory fuck-juice down as fast as she could, but her
daddy's cum-load was too much for her to swallow. Cum bubbled from her lips,
overflowing her mouth and streaming down her chin in creamy cables, slimy
strings, frothy strands. His balls swung up and slapped her under the chin as
her mouth sped down.

She sucked back to his cocktip and moaned, "Don't stop--keep coming-- drown me
with jism, Daddy!" Then her head ducked down as he spurted again. The thick
stream hit the back of her throat. He almost blew her head right off the end of
his cock as that powerful jizz-jet shot out. She was pushing her head down on
the steaming geyser like a salmon struggling upstream to breed. His cock-knob
went down her gullet again and he fed her another dose straight into her belly.
Then he hosed her with another spurt on the backstroke, giving her the joy of
tasting it before she swallowed.

The last spurt of cum ripped from his pulsing cockhead and Frank leaned back
into the chair. His balls had collapsed, but his big cock still throbbed in her
mouth, swollen and hard. Debby nursed a few last trickles from his piss hole.
Her hand folded around his prick and, with his cockhead in her lips, she frigged
him with her fist, pumping a few more slimy drops out by hand. Her lips drew
away with a slurp. His cockhead popped from her mouth like a cork from a bottle.

Smiling with creamy lips, purring like a well fed and contented cat, Debby used
her nimble tongue to gather up the errant drops of cum that had escaped her lips
and trickled down his cock-stalk. She tongued a few tasty globs from his
deflated balls.

"Yummy," she moaned.

Frank stared at her through glazed eyes. His dynamic coming had dazed him. He
watched her cum-drenched tongue slide all over his cock and balls as the
insatiable nymph slurped merrily away, swallowing every delicious drop of cock

He closed his eyes, panting in the aftermath.

Her tongue continued to work moistly on him.

"Your cum is so fucking scrumptious," she whispered.

Then she drew away.

Her tongue was no longer caressing him. His cock, polished to a luster, stood

But Frank could still hear that slurping noise.

Then he remembered that there was a doggy lapping away on his little girl's
pussy ...

Chapter 3

Through misty eyes, Frank stared down at Debby. She was smiling dreamily,
kneeling before him with her head down and her ass up and, under that pert
little ass, the Alsatian's big black head was grinding.

She saw her father looking at her.

"Ummm--that feels nice," she purred.

"Debby--you--the dog--"

"Yeah, he loves to lap my cunt," she said.

"You don't mind?" Frank croaked.

"Shit, no--I fucking love it!" she wailed, giving her ass a jerk.

Rex rumbled deep in his throat and his long tongue slapped into her open, creamy
cunt slot. It slurped through her unfolded cuntlips and dragged over her clit.

Frank knew he should stop the bestial scene--and, fascinated, knew that he
wouldn't. He had expected to feel ashamed, filled with remorse and regret, once
he had emptied his cum-load into his daughter's mouth and lust no longer
dominated his emotions. Maybe he would have, too.

But with the doggy tonguing her pussy, Frank was filled with such wild passion
that there was no room in his being for such feeble emotions as self-
recrimination. His prick was as huge and as hard as it had been before Debby had
milked it dry and his balls were already starting to balloon with a new load of

Debby eyed him, amused by his reactions--and knowing she had found a splendid
way to get the man so hot he would do anything, so horny that all his
inhibitions had melted in the fiery heat of his frenzy.

And she wanted a nice come, herself, along the way.

The dog's tongue stabbed right up her cunt hole, slurping around inside the
padded, soaking tunnel. Debby moaned and pumped, her loins moving in a fucking
motion against the brute's hairy black muzzle. Very much aware that daddy was
watching her, she reached back under her belly and spread her cuntlips open
wider with her fingers.

Rex tongue-fucked up her cunt slot greedily, doggy slobber steaming from the wet

Cunt juice poured from her open slot and foamed down her crotch, lathering her
with a pearly film. Then the doggy slurped it up with a yelp and his saliva
flooded her in replacement. His tongue slapped into her pussy steadily. Her ass
churned and her nubile hips jerked. Cream ran down the insides of her sleek,
shapely thighs. Rex ducked down and lapped the overflow up from her legs, then
jammed his nose into her cunt again. His muzzle was streaked with pussy nectar,
all foamy on the jet-black hair. The dog seemed to be trying to shove his whole
head up into Debby's sodden fuck-hole.

"Ooooh--his tongue is as big as a cock!" Debby squealed, for her daddy's
benefit, as that long, pliable lapper delved deep up into her cunt.

But it wasn't as big as her daddy's cock. Frank's prick was standing like a
lighthouse, the cock-knob glowing like a beacon, warning of the rocky shoals

Rex's head ducked down, then slid up. His flattened tongue slurped into her
blonde cunt mound, matting her golden triangle with doggy slobber, then drew up
across her clit, stirred through her open cuntlips and lapped up into the crack
of her ass. He tongued at her asshole and Debby squealed with delight. His head
went up and down like a rocking horse as he slapped those long, steady tongue-
strokes to her, licking her from her pussy to her shit hole. Her groin was awash
with his saliva and that saliva was streaked by ribbons of cunt juice. Pussy
cream pooled in the middle of the dog's red tongue and dripped from the curled

Frank's prick was pounding violently. The man had never been so excited in his
life before--but then, he had never had a blow-job from his daughter and watched
that wanton little imp get tongued by a doggy before, either.

His enthusiasm was understandable.

The dog's prick was doing plenty of hammering, as well. Rex, content to lap
pussy for the moment, was paying no attention to his own cock, but that
neglected tool was massive and iron hard with urgency. The slick red cock-knob
was straining out in a wide slab of naked meat at the end of the long cockshaft.
His cockhead was pumping in and out, like an inhaling lung. Slimy dog jism oozed
from his piss hole, all frothy on the fiery red cockmeat.

Frank stared at the dog's prick.

What was Debby going to do about that urgent hard-on she had inspired? How far
did the naughty little girl's depravity extend?

His lips moved. A strangled sound emerged. He shook his head like a stunned ox
and waited, frozen in the chair, pinned in place by his prick, glued there by
his eyes, a captive in a carnal cage.

It's Jennifer's fault, he told himself. If the bitch hadn't left us here alone,
none of this would have happened.

But how glad he was that it had! Frank shuddered as his cock hammered violently.
His hard-on was so dynamic that he felt as if the roots of his prick began in
his asshole, as if his whole belly was moored on the pole of his prick.

Debby reached back through her crotch and grasped the dog's slippery tongue
between her thumb and forefinger. Dragging it from his mouth, she began to rub
it directly against her tingling clit. Her cunt slot sucked against his muzzle.
Streams of pussy juice gushed down her groin. Then she released his lapper,
letting him slurp away unhindered again.

Rex set to with gusto. The flow from her fuck-hole was getting hotter and
thicker and creamier as the horny little minx rose towards the peak of
sensation. Her cunt juice was turning to cum cream, and Rex was frantic.

"Oh!" she cried as a spasm hit her.

The waves of bliss rushed across her slim belly and shot like electric currents
up her trembling thighs. They came faster and higher, rushing upon each other
and merging into one prolonged wave of sensation.

"I'm creaming! Holy shit! I'm coming on the fucking dog's tongue, Daddy!" she

Frank groaned, envying the dumb brute that delicious feast, his own tongue
tingling and his mouth drooling for his daughter's succulent pussy.

Debby shook with a spasm, trembled with a wave. Her clit detonated and her cunt
hole melted. Cum juice flooded from her open cunt slot in a torrent. Rex's eager
tongue flashed in, lapping the nectar up. The brute was wild in doggy joy as he
drank her sweet cunt cream. He yelped and whined and whimpered as he scooped her
cream up.

His long, shaggy tail swished behind his haunches, like a rudder guiding his
head. Cunt juice dripped from his jowls and matted his snout. He growled with
glee, hairy throat gulping as he swallowed.

Debby fairly screamed as the highest crest ripped through her smoldering loins.

"Oh, my God," she moaned.

She sank down, her blonde head on the carpet, her plump tits swinging under her
like ripe fruit ready to be plucked. Her head was down--but her ass was up.

Debby was, as a matter of fact, kneeling there in the doggy fucking position.

And that was a position with which the horny Alsatian was very familiar.

Rex kept on tonguing her pussy for a few minutes, lapping up the last sweet
traces of Debby's cum cream. Then he raised his big, blunt head, his jaws
dripping like a wolf looking up from a carcass. His nostrils flared. The head of
his cock flared, as well.

His haunches braced, quivering.

And Rex sprang up, mounting Debby's haunches, his huge cock looming out behind
her ass.

"Debby!" Prank cried. "He's trying to fuck you!"

Debby gave her father a bewitching look.

"That's okay," she said. "He fucks Mom, too!"

Chapter 4

Frank was thunderstruck.

His daughter was grinning at him as she knelt there with the dog clinging to her
haunches, having just made that announcement and checking his reactions. But was
it true? Was the little minx exposing her mother's depravity, or was she simply
making these things up to get him excited? If so, it was working. When she had
mentioned that his wife gave head to the mailman and the dog walker, Frank had
felt a twinge of jealousy along with arousal. But at the thought that his
voluptuous wife might be a dog fucker, his lust soared. How could a man be
jealous of a dog? Frank wasn't even sure that fucking a dog constituted

But what about Debby? Was the girl really going to let Rex fuck her, or was she
just teasing her daddy? And teasing the hell out of the dog, in the process--
because Rex was yelping and whimpering with urgency, his cock explosive. Frank's
prick pounded furiously, Rex's cock hammered frantically and Debby hunkered down
there, looking very mischievous, indeed. She had already stated, and proved,
that she was not a cock- teaser. She was a cock-sucker, instead. But did not
teasing cocks extend to dog cocks, as well?

She gave her father a searching, questioning look. Frank knew he should jump up
and grab the dog's collar and haul the horny son of a bitch off his daughter's
ass. But he couldn't move.

Debby hesitated for a moment and then, seeing that her daddy was not going to
interfere, she smiled again and began to squirm and wriggle under the big
Alsatian. Her trim ass switched from side to side and her hips pumped sinuously.
Her plump tits swung under her, the nipples so taut they seemed ready to fly
from the tit globes.

Rex was humping frantically, but unsuccessfully. He stabbed his big cock out,
his spine twisting into an S-shape. But the naked red cock- knob bumped against
the backs of her thighs or skimmed up the curve of her ass. The doggy was
missing the target in his bestial impulsiveness, confounding himself by his own
wild enthusiasm. Yelping, he shoved his prick out. His balls swung into the
girl's juicy crotch and his angry red cockhead slid in at the wrong angle, the
fat slab pushing up into the crack of her ass. Doggy jism bubbled from his open
piss hole, lathering her jerking ass. Debby giggled. But that giggle was
strained, darker emotions modifying her amusement.

"That's the wrong hole, you silly old doggy," she said as the beast's cock
nuzzled at her shit chute.

"Woof!" yelped Rex, and humped again.

His tail swirled like a propeller behind his jerking ass and his hind paws
scrambled on the carpet. His front legs were wrapped tightly around the handles
of her hipbones, hauling her haunches back towards his loins as he stroked. The
brute was clinging to Debby like a gargoyle to a flying buttress. He heaved his
flanks higher and thrust again. This time his fat prick slid through her groin,
lunging against her cunt slot and almost coupling. But then the naked cock-knob
emerged below, flaring and throbbing in her plump, curly blonde cunt bush.

Dog cum dripped to the carpet and pussy cream was running down the insides of
Debby's thighs. Her haunches bobbed down under the Alsatian's weight, then she
pushed up on taut thighs. Doggy and girl, both were grinding in a fucking
movement, even though they weren't coupled--yet.

Then, looking intently at her father, Debby reached back between her thighs and
grasped the dog's thick cockshaft by the hairy root. Rex, sensing that help was
at hand, stopped humping and stood rigid.

Debby's hand groped around on the Alsatian's hairy cock and balls, skimming up
the thick stalk, fingering the naked meat of his prick-knob and fondling his
bloated balls. While she played with the doggy's cock, she stared at her father
and Frank stared back, fascinated by the sight of his daughter with a handful of
animal prick and thrilled by the knowledge that, very soon, it was going to be
more than a handful. His own cock jumped as if in sympathetic vibration with the
dog's cock. Debby whipped her thumb against the dog's cockhead, rubbing his
creamy seepage into the hot red cockmeat. Then she released the brute's prick
and brought her hand up to her face, staring at her slimy fingers, glancing at
her daddy, looking at her hand again. Her tongue slid out and she licked doggy
spunk from her fingers.

"Ummm," she sighed, looking at Frank again.

Frank groaned. He knew that his daughter was an avid cum-swallower, since she
had just milked his cock and balls bone dry, but seeing her lap up dog jism
added another dimension to his lust. Was she doing it specifically to turn him
on? Or did the naughty little minx suck the dog off, as well?

Dog cum was hot and thick and gamy and Debby tongued it up greedily, enjoying
the snack all the more because her daddy was such a keen observer. She was
tempted to twist around and take the dog's big cock in her mouth. But Debby had
just had a nice mouthful out of her father's cock, and she was more interested
in a cuntful now.

She reached back and grasped the dog's cock again, pushing the hairy sheath back
and causing his naked knob to loom out, throbbing, as the doggy strained and
yelped. She tilted her wrist, holding his cockrod by the hilt and guiding his
cockhead into her fuck-slot. Frank leaned forward in his chair to get a closer
look. His prick was towering up so high that it almost brushed him under the
chin as he leaned over it, staring into his daughter's groin, seeing the angry
red crown of the beast's prick pulsing in her juicy pink pussy slot.

Debby began to rub the tip of his cock up and down in her cunt gash, using it
like a meaty ladle to stir her creamy bowl and whip her clit to a frenzy.

"Ahhh," she murmured, jerking her ass back against the dog, her slim thighs
rippling as they shoved her up and down under the brute's weight.

Her pink pussy folds were pulling and sucking on the dripping tip of Rex's
cockhead, trying to drag his cock up her cunt hole. Her fist frigged his
cockshaft and, as she pumped back, his knob swelled and more pre-cum seeped from
his open piss hole, running into her cunt gash.

Creamy cunt juice slid out of her tunnel of lust. The dog's slime streaked into
the flow. Rex was whining frantically now, with the tip of his cock slipping
around in the entrance to her fuck-hole, his haunches heaving as he tried to
slam the rest of it into her. His spine was contorted. He clung to her, his head
swaying from side to side, ears pricked and tongue lolling out. He drooled onto
her heart-shaped ass. Debby restrained him from penetrating, gripping his prick
and spooning her pussy slot out with the huge knob. Her crotch was lathered by
their combined seepage and her cunt gash was steaming.

Then she began to feed the dog's prick up her cunt hole very slowly, taking an
inch at a time and pausing, savoring each new length of penetration as it slid
up her.

His naked red cock vanished in her foamy pussy. The thick black stalk stood out
between them, quivering. Her wrist tilted and she pulled another inch up her
cunt hole. Rex howled in a torment of doggy desire.

With half of his cock in her and the other half sticking out, bolting them
together, Debby drew her hand away. Released, Rex hesitated for a moment. Then
he bayed wildly and his hind-quarters bunched with muscle. His front paws pulled
Debby's loins back and his haunches heaved powerfully. His prick shoved up her
fuck-hole to the hilt.

"Oh!" the girl gasped when the wondrous sensation of having her cunt hole
stuffed to the brim with doggy cock hit her.

Resting on her upthrust ass, Rex held the full penetration for a few moments,
thrilled at finding his thundering prick buried to the root in that clinging
cunt hole. Her cunt walls were rippling, molding her pussy around the contours
of his pulsating prick. Her cunt muscles began to work on him, closing in a
series of concentric rings that ran up his cock from the hilt to the crown, as
if the girl had a secret hand inside her pussy, jacking him off.

His tail lashing, Rex jerked his cock out, almost pulling her pussy inside out
as his cock-meat slid from the sucking fuck-slot. He paused, only his cock-knob
in her and his stalk, drenched with cunt cream, standing out like a big meaty
crowbar levering into her pussy. His prick muscles twitched and her trim little
ass jerked upward as his cock pried in her cunt slot. Pussy nectar gushed out,
lubricating her passage and soaking his cockrod. Then the doggy plunged in
balls-deep again. Yelping and growling in bestial glee, the Alsatian fucked his
prick into the teenaged nymph with gusto. His bloated balls swung in and out
like the clappers of a hairy bell as his cockrod vanished, emerged, vanished
again up that smoldering fuck-hole.

Debby arched her slender back, angling her cunt so that the dog's long, hard
cock was running right across her fiery clit as it plowed in and pulled out. She
began pumping with him, in counterpoint, shoving her ass back as he poured the
prick to her soaking cunt and grinding her hips from side to side on the
backstroke, so that her fuck-tunnel was twisting around on his iron-hard stalk,
clamping to his cockmeat like a pliable wringer. Her nubile body jerked and
trembled. Her tits swung under her and her pretty face contorted into a mask of
pure passion, eyes narrowed and lips parted. Her blonde hair tumbled wildly as
her head turned from side to side. Debby was in the throes of sexual bliss, like
a wild animal herself, as the doggy fucked into her cunt with his cock.

Eyelashes fluttering, she glanced at Frank. "He's fucking me, Daddy," she rasped
huskily. "The doggy is fucking my cunt!" Her hips whipped from side to side and
her ass churned, as if to demonstrate her statement for Frank's benefit. "Oh,
shit--his prick is so big--it's going so deep I can taste it."

The beast's cockhead was plunging so far up her fuck-hole she thought it must be
nudging her vital organs aside to make room for the passage. She almost expected
his slick red prick-knob to come sliding into her mouth from out of her gullet.
Her head sank down to the floor and her ass jolted higher. Rex thundered into
her with bestial vitality, fucking so fast now that his haunches were a dark

Debby gurgled and gasped, her whole body vibrating. Her cunt was melting around
the doggy's prick like a wax candle around a flaming wick. Cunt juice poured
from her in creamy rivers. As Rex pumped his plunger in, stuffing her pussy to
the hilt, her juices sprayed out onto his balls.

Frank, leaning over the head of his own towering cock, watched the Alsatian
fucking his daughter with an unholy fascination, dark and depraved desire
sending fiery lances through his body and his mind.

Rex whimpered and fucked, whined and plunged, growled and thrust, his backbone
twisting and his tail lashing. He was dancing on his hind legs as he fucked into
her suction cup of a cunt hole. Her steaming pussy was pulling and dragging on
his cockmeat, clamped like a velvet vise around that jolting piston. He tilted
her ass high with a long, underslung stroke, then pressed her down under his
bulk as he ripped a cock-thrust into her from a higher angle. He was fucking her
cunt to jelly.

His balls ballooned, threatening to explode. His cock expanded inside her pussy.

"Ooooh--he's gonna cream!" wailed Debby, feeling her cunt hole spread wider on
his swelling cockshaft.

His naked cockhead felt like a glowing ember deep in her belly and his long
stalk anchored his balls to that knob, levering her up and down like a heated
crowbar across the fulcrum of her cunt.

"He's gonna pump me full of doggy spume, Daddy!" cried the naughty little
exhibitionist. "Oh, yeah--hose my fuck-hole, you big son of a bitch! Squirt your
cum up me! Fucking hell--my pussy is creaming!"

Cunt juice flooded from her pussy as Rex fucked her. Creamy ribbons of doggy
jism flowed into her pussy juice as his piss hole dribbled faster and hotter.
The doggy was nearing the crest. Debby, already jerking in the spasms of her own
coming, tried desperately to hold back, to save the creamy peak until the
blissful moment when she felt her fuck-hole pumped full of the dog's jizz.

"Come--come--come!" the girl wailed, yearning for a cuntful of canine fuck-
juice, for the depraved thrill of feeling a dog cock hose her pussy.

Rex snarled, whipping his haunches in as his bloated balls exploded. The thick
slime rushed up his buried cockshaft and came squirting from his piss hole in a
creamy deluge. Debby wailed as the cum poured into her, scalding hot, thick as
molten lead. It felt as if that steaming lava was melting her fuck-hole. Her
cum-cream flooded out, swirling into his shooting slime, her belly filling up
with foaming torrents. Each time Rex fucked his cock into her and shot another
gooey wad of cum into her pussy, Debby creamed again. The waves of bliss were
rushing across her belly and darting up her trembling thighs, crashing together,
deep inside her cunt. The girl was transported to carnal ecstasy. She always
loved getting a cuntful of doggy cum, but now, with her daddy watching, she
adored it all the more. Great spurts hosed her, jism jets shot into her like
liquid rockets. The doggy was filling her pussy to overflowing with his massive

Her trim ass moved rhythmically, gliding around as the dog's prick jolted in
under the firm globes. Her sleek thighs tightened as she shoved her ass up, then
relaxed as she sank down again, riding on the beast's fucking prick. He slammed
in, dragging her cuntlips up into her soaking slot, then jerked back out,
distending those clinging pussy folds.

She moaned, fucking her cunt back onto his slimy cock. His balls were shrinking
steadily, still swinging in and out of her groin but deflating with every fuck-
stroke, as more of the creamy cum-load that had bloated them spurted from his
cock-knob. The frenzied brute was draining his balls into Debby, the hairy bags
diminishing like a Spanish wineskin being squirted dry into a hairy mouth.
Debby's cunt was very much like a mouth, hungry and sucking voraciously, just
as, before, her mouth had been very much like a cunt, as her daddy fucked her in
the face.

Cranking the cockmeat to her, Rex faltered and whined as the creamy crest
passed. His fucking became erratic and jerky. The last spurt had shot from his
piss hole but he kept on pumping it to her, a few final trickles seeping out, as
horny Debby continued to cream on every fuck- stroke.

At long last, the doggy stopped fucking. He clung to her haunches, panting and
drooling, his spent cockmeat still stuck up her sodden pussy.

Debby kept moving for a few moments, working off the final spasms of her joy,
milking out the last flow of her dynamic coming onto the beast's immobile prick.

Then, panting like a dog herself, and smiling with contentment, Debby stopped
moving. She looked at her father again, pleased at how greatly her depravity had
excited him, at how massive and hard his cock was, towering before him. He
stared back at her, his eyes glazed by horniness.

"I'm real naughty, ain't I, Daddy?" she whispered.

Frank nodded.

"But it made you real hot, huh?" she said.

Frank could hardly have denied that fact, with his prick pounding violently and
his balls full again. Debby began to crawl toward him, on her hands and knees.
Rex was still mounted on her ass and as she crawled away the doggy danced after
her, his prick lodged in her cunt hole, unable to uncouple. Debby's knees moved,
and the dog pranced over her, whimpering. Frank wondered if they were stuck
together, like a dog and a bitch--if he would have to throw a bucket of cold
water over them before they could separate.

But then the Alsatian's fat prick, empty but still bloated, began to pull out of
the girl's pussy. It came out as it had gone in, inch by inch. The big wedge of
his cock-knob stuck fast in her slot for a moment, clamped in her cunt-lips.
Then it came out with a slurp.

The doggy yelped and jumped down from her ass, his prick swaying up and down.
The cock-knob dipped toward the floor like a divining rod, dripping. Rex twisted
around, his shaggy neck arching. His tongue shot out and he licked at the naked
meat of his drenched cockhead. Then he moved away, stiff-legged, and curled up
on his flank. His long, thick prick began to slowly soften and retract back into
his cock sheath. His balls were already collapsed and Rex, for the moment, was

But Daddy was more than ready to fuck.

Chapter 5

Debby had come by her inclinations--both for incest and bestiality-- honestly.
She had inherited those tastes from her mother. And although she had mentioned
Jennifer's promiscuity in order to get her daddy excited, the girl had also been
telling the truth. She knew that her mother was in the habit of giving blow-jobs
to a wide selection of gentlemen and, coming home unexpectedly one memorable
day, she had found Jennifer getting fucked by the doggy. Her mother had been a
bit embarrassed at having her daughter catch her in such a compromising
position, but Rex had kept right on fucking merrily away, not even knowing there
was anything to be ashamed of. And Jennifer, already revealed as a doggy fucker
and unable to halt the grinding process anyhow, had shrugged and carried on
pumping under the brute until he'd unloaded his cum into her.

Afterwards, looking suitably abashed, Jennifer had said: "I hope you aren't too
disgusted with me, Debby."

And sweet little Debby had grinned and said: "Naw--not so long as I can fuck
him, too."

Jennifer was rather proud of her little girl for taking after her ...

* * *

Jennifer had arrived at her sister's country home quite late the day before and
they hadn't had a chance to talk much before they went to bed. Jennifer had
stayed awake long into the night, however, alone in the spare bedroom and
listening to the bed squeak in the other bedroom as her sister and her husband
fucked up a storm. It had made Jennifer very randy, indeed. She was accustomed
to plenty of sex from her own husband Frank, as well as from her extra-marital
affairs. Sleeping alone was not to her taste. She'd frigged her hot pussy to a
lather several times before she drifted into slumber--and she woke up as horny
as ever in the morning.

Now she was sitting in the big kitchen of the converted farmhouse, drinking a
cup of coffee and wearing a slinky black negligee. Her sister Sarah, one year
younger, was seated across from her at the wooden table. They looked quite a bit
alike, the two sexy sisters, both being voluptuous blondes. They had often been
mistaken for twins in the past, and many a man had discussed the relative merits
of the sisters as lovers. Jennifer and Sarah had often shared boyfriends and,
double dating, had switched partners, as well. There were few secrets between
them--although there were a few things they kept secret from others. Now that
they were both married and living in different areas, they didn't get to see
much of each other--and that was something that they both regretted.

They chatted idly over their morning coffee for a few minutes, then Jennifer
asked: "Where's Nick?"

"He's gone out to groom the horse," Sarah replied.

"About that horse--" said Jennifer, and both blonde sisters began to giggle.

Sarah's husband, Nick, had recently bought her a riding horse, and, writing to
Jennifer about it, Sarah had made a point of mentioning that the animal was a
stallion. That was one of the reasons why Jennifer had decided to visit, in
fact--she was intrigued by the possibilities.

Still giggling, but with a serious look in her eyes, Jennifer said: "Well? Tell
me, Sis."

"What's that?" Sarah asked, faking innocence.

"Are you fooling around with that fucking stallion or not?" Jennifer demanded.

"Well, as a matter of fact--yeah," Sarah admitted.

"Oh, shit! What a turn-on!" Jennifer exclaimed. "I figured you probably were--"

"Nick doesn't know, of course," Sarah said. "But as long as we're careful, we
can both have some fun with Trigger. If you want to--"

"Fucking right, I want to!" Jennifer wailed. "I've been thinking about it ever
since I got your letter!"

"Still got your doggy?" Sarah asked.

Jennifer grinned. "Sure. In fact--maybe I shouldn't mention this--but Debby is
screwing the fucker, too!"

Sarah blinked, then smiled, excited by the knowledge that her sexy little niece
was a doggy fucker, that bestiality ran in the family.

"Remember the first time we fucked a doggy?" she said. "That Great Dane that
wandered into the yard when we were sunbathing?"

Jennifer, who remembered it well, nodded. The sisters had shared the dog, found
canine cock much to their taste and managed to find plenty of it in the future.
But now Sarah had proceeded to a larger species-- and Jennifer was steaming at
the prospect. The sisters had always shared everything and, she knew, the
stallion would be no different.

"Oooh--when can we do it?" she asked, her voice husky and quavering. "I got so
fucking hot last night, hearing you and Nick screwing--"

"Well, we'll have to wait until Nick isn't around--but he's going into town
later on."

"Hell--I don't know if I can wait!" Jennifer moaned. "I frigged off all night--
but it only made me hotter."

Sarah raised her cup. Steam drifted past her face as she sipped, gazing
thoughtfully at her sister. "It'll take him an hour or so to groom Trigger. I
mean, we have time if you want to--like we used to do sometimes, when we didn't
have dates and we both felt horny."

"Ooooh--you wanna?" breathed Jennifer.

"Sure," Sarah said. "You know, Sis, I never did it with a girl, except for you.
Somehow it didn't seem right, you know? Like making it with another woman would
make me a lesbian, or something. But with us--being sisters and all--"

"Yeah! Let's!" Jennifer cried with enthusiasm.

Cunts smoldering, the sisters stood up ...

In the barn, Trigger's soft, moist nostrils twitched as the fragrance of hot
pussy came drifting from the house, tantalizing and intriguing. His gigantic
cock began to tingle and swell. He pawed at the ground and snorted.

Nick was seated on a low stool beside the stallion's flank, brushing the brute's
glossy black coat. Trigger arched his head and gazed down, puzzled. He was only
a horse, and none too bright. He couldn't figure out why a human male was
rubbing him when his nostrils told him there were hot human mares nearby. He
nickered impatiently. Nick, blissfully unaware of the fact that his wife was a
horse lover, groomed happily away on the equine Romeo in the bliss of ignorance

The hot cunts that had started to get Trigger excited were steaming between two
sets of shapely thighs as Sarah and Jennifer left the kitchen and went up the
stairs, both excited by the juicy naughtiness ahead of them and the prospect,
later, of horse fucking. They went down the hallway and turned into the spare
bedroom, figuring that if Sarah's husband came into the house unexpectedly, he
would not walk into Jennifer's bedroom unannounced, being a gentleman. He was
kind of prudish. He might not have understood. And he was certainly naive--why
else would he have cheerfully bought his sexy wife a stallion?

Closing the bedroom door behind them, the two sisters stood face to face,
smiling, eyes bright with rising passion. They hadn't made love together in a
long time and were both looking forward to it.

Not touching yet, they began to undress.

It was sort of like looking at themselves in a mirror, Jennifer thought. She and
Sarah looked so much alike they could have been reflections--touching Sarah was
like caressing herself, kissing her own lips, stroking her own pussy. In a
strange and very exciting way, making love with Sarah was like masturbating, she
thought--but a lot more fun.

Jennifer slipped her negligee off and let the flimsy black garment flutter to
the floor, like a shadow at her feet. She could feel Sarah's eyes burn into her
naked flesh, admiring her, yearning for her. She stared back, again feeling as
if she were gazing at her own image in a looking glass. But it was a three-
dimensional image, all softly rounded curves rather than the flat planes of a
reflection, warm, wet flesh instead of cold, hard glass.

Sarah was naked, too, now. For a long minute, they continued to simply look at
each other. Sarah made a moist whimpering sound. Jennifer licked her lips. Her
eyes shifted down to her sister's bushy blonde cunt triangle. Her open cunt slot
was flowing heavily, a sluggish, swampy stream running through a sunlit forest.
Jennifer's mouth was watering. She loved to suck Sarah's pussy and she loved to
have Sarah suck her, and she had never decided which end of it she loved more.
Going down on Sarah was like going down on herself, pleasing tongue and cunt
with the same effort.

Knowing that Sarah must feel the same way about it, Jennifer parted her sleek
thighs and tilted her belly up, giving her sister a clear look at her soaking
pussy. Sarah was drooling as much as Jennifer. Their hot bodies were glowing in
the dimly lighted bedroom, shimmering with a film of perspiration, the insides
of their thighs slippery with cunt juice.

They drifted toward each other, drawn like iron filings to magnets by their
sibling attraction. They stood very close, but not yet touching. Their hands
were at their sides. Jennifer arched her slim back, thrusting her heavy tits
out. Sarah gazed down at those fat tits, licking her lips, then shoved her own
firm tits out. Their tits brushed together, the stiff nipples clashing like
fleshy pink swords. Turning from the hips, Jennifer swept her tits back and
forth against her sister's thrusting tits. Her nipples stood out like bullets,
tingling at the contact. Tit to tit, they shifted closer and stood belly to
belly, as well. Their bushy blonde cunt mounds pressed together, the curls

Jennifer began to run her open hands up and down on her sister's slim flanks.
Reaching behind her, she cupped her tight ass and drew her loins closer. They
squirmed together, bellies rubbing, cunt mounds brushing, tits flattening
against tits.

They kissed, lightly at first, almost affectionately, then more passionately.
Their lips ground together and parted. Jennifer, a year older, had usually taken
the initiative in these sisterly affairs. And now she slid her tongue out,
licking at Sarah's parted lips, then pushing it into her mouth. Sarah sucked on
Jennifer's tongue and her own hot tongue entwined with it, like serpents mating
in a moist and steamy cavern. When Jennifer's tongue withdrew, her sister's
tongue followed with it, probing her mouth in turn.

They swapped tongues and saliva, panting heavily into each other's open mouth.
As their sliding tongues sparked, their clits flared, as if the two hot nuggets
were mysteriously connected by some internal linkage.

Each held the other around the firm cheeks of her ass and pumped belly and tits
together as they lingered over the hot, wet kiss. Jennifer could feel the cunt
juice sliding from her smoldering fuck-slot and running down the insides of her
thighs, and knew that her sister's cunt, too, was spilling out an overflow of
pussy cream.

Dropping her head, Jennifer began to mouth her sister's fat tits, licking at the
smooth globes and nursing hungrily on the taut, rosy tips. She whimpered when
she felt Sarah's nipples explode in her lips.

Then she drew back and Sarah bobbed down on her tits, running her wet tongue up
through the deep cleavage and circling around to the stiff peaks. She lapped at
them, switching from tit to tit, then slurped them into her mouth. Her saliva
gushed down the thrusting slopes.

The loving sisters could have enjoyed this preliminary fondling and love play
for ages--and often had--but today they knew they didn't have all the time in
the world and that they had better move on to more serious action before Sarah's
husband returned to the house and interrupted their frolic before they had
reached the creamy climax.

By tacit agreement, they moved to the bed and lay down side by side, turning
onto their sides and pressing together again, belly to belly and tit to tit, but
in a horizontal position now. Jennifer slid her thigh up between Sarah's legs
and felt the woman's hot cunt against her. Sarah moaned and jerked, frigging her
cunt up and down on her sister's thigh and pushing her own thigh between
Jennifer's legs. Their asses churned in a fucking motion as they ground
together. Jennifer wished that she had a cock so that she could fuck her sister.
She didn't want to be a man--she simply wished she were a woman with a big,
stiff prick and balls full of cum. Sarah's pussy was so hot that Jennifer though
the contact was going to blister the flesh of her thigh. Her own pussy was just
as hot as it soaked Sarah's leg.

They kissed again, each ducking down to suck tit alternately. Sarah cupped her
tits together, lifting them to her sister's eager face. Jennifer thrust her tits
out in turn and Sarah mouthed them.

Then Jennifer moved lower, going down on Sarah's sleek, moist body. She licked
the sweat from her stomach and lapped it from her belly. She kissed her belly
button and tongued into the tight, flat concavity. Sarah gasped and rolled over
onto her back. Her knees raised up and her thighs spread wide open. Her back
arched deeply as she tilted her foaming crotch up from the bed. A sticky circle
of cunt juice spread out on the sheet under her jerking ass.

Jennifer's tongue rustled through Sarah's blonde cunt bush, like a moist, pink
rodent scurrying through a tangled thicket. Her saliva matted the golden curls.
As she mouthed the hairy plump cunt mound, her chin brushed in Sarah's crotch.
She could feel the fiery heat of her sister's open, soaking cunt hole waft up
into her radiant face.

Moving lower, she licked up and down the insides of Sarah's shapely thighs,
lapping up the creamy ribbons of pussy nectar that had trickled down them. Her
blonde head turned from side to side as she tongued both thighs in turn. Lapping
to the top, she tongued up the crease where Sarah's leg joined her torso, her
hot lapper running parallel with her sister's open cunt slot but not making
contact yet.

"Oh--suck me, Jenny--" Sarah moaned. "Tongue-fuck my hot pussy, Sis!"

Her hips jolted impatiently. Jennifer smiled, her face a mask of lust, her
tongue gliding back and forth across her trembling lower lip. She cupped Sarah
under the firm cheeks of her up-thrust ass, tilting her still higher and gazing
right up into the open folds of her cunt hole. Jennifer stared at that delicious
pussy like a glutton at a banquet, teasing both of them by delaying the feast.
Her mouth was watering for a taste of her sister's succulent fuck-slot.

She brushed her nose against Sarah's clit, sniffing, inhaling the tangy
fragrance--that same hot and spicy aroma that was drifting out to the barn and
arousing the stallion. Then she slid her tongue out and took a slurp on Sarah's
clit. Sarah jerked and cried out at the contact.

"Oh!" she wailed. Then, softer and drawn out: "Oooooh!"

Her sister began to tongue her clit thoroughly. Sarah's stiff clit detonated
against Jennifer's pliable tongue. Creamy cunt juice flooded from her fuck-hole
and filled her gaping cunt slot with a frothy deluge.

Jennifer ran her nimble tongue up that soaking slot, lapping the cunt juice from
the folds. She was purring like a hungry cat crouched over a bowl of cream as
she tongued the delicious cunt juice out ravenously.

Sarah stared down past the rise of her tits and the plane of her upthrust belly,
watching her sister's blonde head shift around between her thighs, below her
cunt bush. Jennifer was licking her slot, then her clit, alternating. She licked
up the unfurled folds of Sarah's cuntlips, slurped at her clit, then stabbed her
tongue as far up the woman's sodden fuck-grotto as she could reach, wriggling it
around inside and steadily tongue-fucking in and out.

She had been using only her tongue, at first. Now Jennifer tilted her head and
fitted her parted lips to her sister's open cunt slot, French kissing her fuck-
hole. Sarah moaned. Her cuntlips sucked on Sarah's lips like a hungry mouth and
her clit exploded in her lips.

"Ummmm-ummm-ummm--" Jennifer sighed, as her mouth filled up with cunt juice.

She tongued and sucked, sucked and tongued. Sarah was going wild, jerking and
churning and thrashing as her cunt-lapping sister went suck crazy on her pussy.

Jennifer's parted lips were plastered to Sarah's cunt like a rubber plunger to a
clogged drain. Her mouth was pulling like a suction cup, glued to that delicious
bowl of cream. Cunt nectar foamed past her lips, flooded her tongue. She gulped
the sweet slime down greedily. Her hands raised Sarah's ass higher, like a
goblet she was draining to the dregs as she sucked the cunt juice from the
foaming slot. Her mouth filled up. She savored the succulent flow on her taste
buds, then her throat pulsed as she drank it down.

"Oh, Sis--I'm gonna cream!" wailed Sarah.

Jennifer whimpered. Her head bobbed around as she sucked and swallowed,
swallowed and sucked. She was wallowing in that juicy pussy like a playful
porpoise in a heated pool, eager for the reward for her efforts. Her tongue
jumped through the hoop of her sister's fuck-slot, stabbing deep. The flow from
Sarah's pussy was getting hotter and thicker and richer as she soared toward the
crest and her cunt juice began to change into a flood of cum-cream.

Jennifer gulped and gobbled, gurgled and gasped, abandoned to the joys of cunt-
sucking, thrilled to the very core as she felt her sister's delicious pussy melt
in her mouth. Her own neglected pussy was seething but she ignored her own
needs, lost in the delights of lapping out a creaming pussy.

"Yeah--yeah--cream my fucking tongue, Sis!" she wailed, the words muffled and
echoing up Sarah's sodden cunt hole, each syllable bubbling in that flooded

"Coming--coming--coming!" Sarah cried.

Jennifer's tongue slithered up her cunt hole like a submarine in a swamp,
slurping the sweet nectar out as it filled the hot hole. Her lips pulled and
sucked voraciously. Her whole face was slippery with pussy juice, lathered with
the stuff from forehead to chin, as she ground her head around between those
flashing thighs. Cunt juice foamed in the golden strands of her blonde hair like
a necklace of pearls. The stuff ran down from both corners of her mouth and
dribbled onto her tits. The stuff was pouring out by the bucketful, sloshing in
her cheeks, setting her tongue adrift like a sodden log in a slimy area. She
swallowed a mouthful greedily and her mouth filled up again instantly, as her
sister kept creaming.

Sarah clamped her thighs around Jennifer's buried head, holding her face
plastered to her pussy. Then she threw her legs wide apart again, heels jerking
and toes pointing, bicycling in the air over her cunt- lapping sister's arched
back. She kept on coming and Jennifer kept on sucking voraciously. Her head was
down and her ass was up, like an ostrich burying its head in a swamp.

Sarah cried out so loudly at the highest peak that she was afraid her husband
would hear her all the way out at the barn. He didn't, in fact- -but Trigger
did, and he stamped and snorted with equine arousal.

But Trigger had to wait his turn.

Jennifer's tongue was mopping up Sarah's first cum of the day and the girls were
so lost to the joy of it that neither of them was even thinking about the
stallion's mighty cock, for the moment.

Drained, Sarah sprawled back on the bed, arms and legs spread-eagled. A last
slippery string of cunt juice slid from her cunt into Jennifer's mouth. Jennifer
kept on sucking to make sure she had drained that slime bucket to the sweet
dregs and worked off every galvanizing spasm of her sister's creaming. She
lapped her clit and licked her cunt slot. Ducking lower, she ran her tongue up
the taut crack of Sarah's ass, slurping out the pussy juice that had seeped into
it. Hungrily, Jennifer tongued up the last drops and sucked on Sarah's melted
pussy once more. Then she raised her head, her jaw dripping. She smiled with
cream-soaked lips at Sarah's radiant, contented face. Sarah smiled back, showing
the tip of her tongue.

Sarah's pussy was satisfied.

But now her tongue was on fire. Sarah, like Jennifer, was equally horny at both
ends. Sucking a cunt and drinking cum-cream made her own cunt smolder and
getting sucked off made her mouth hungry. It was a sort of vicious circle and,
in the past, the sisters had often taken turns eating each other out for hours
at a session, each becoming horny and then hungry, in turn.

Jennifer raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Ummmm--yeah! Feed me now, Sis," Sarah sighed. "Sit on my face and cream me."

Tits swaying saucily under her lithe body, Jennifer moved upwards, straddling
her sister's voluptuous form. She knelt over her face. Sarah gasped and
whimpered as she stared straight up into the delicious pussy that was hovering
above her face. She craned her neck up, her tongue flashing even before Jennifer
settled onto her mouth. Jennifer was slowly rotating her hips. Her pussy circled
over Sarah's radiant face like a hairy hawk arcing through the sky in search of
some soft, warm prey--ready to swoop on that fluttering tongue. A thick glob of
cunt juice came sliding down her cunt tunnel, onto her clit. It dripped off and
splattered onto her sister's parted lips.

"Oooooh!" Sarah squealed, slurping the slime drop into her mouth. She hadn't
tasted pussy juice for a long time, and she let the creamy pearl run over her
taste buds for a moment, then gulped it down with a soft whimper.

Her head pushed up eagerly, mouth open, like a baby bird waiting to be fed.

"Give it to me!" she wailed. "I'm fucking starving for your pussy cream!"

Jennifer's thighs rippled with sinew as she slowly lowered her crotch onto her
sister's face. Sarah's tongue shot out to meet the descending delicacy. She
slurped ravenously on Jennifer's cunt and lapped frantically at her clit, her
blonde head bobbing up and down from the mattress.

Jennifer ground her pussy onto Sarah's face, jerking and pumping. Her heart-
shaped ass swung from side to side. She arched her back, sliding her cunt
upwards, and her sister's hot tongue ran into the crack of her ass. Sarah spread
the cheeks of Jennifer's firm ass apart and tongued greedily at the crack. She
lapped at her sister's shit hole, causing Jennifer to vibrate over her face.
Then Jennifer pulled her pelvis back and settled her pussy onto Sarah's mouth.

Sarah was panting up Jennifer's fuck-hole, slobbering heavily into the hairy
crater. Her saliva poured in, mixed with cunt juice, and slid back into her
mouth. Jennifer rode up and down and Sarah's head rose and fell with her, her
open mouth clamped on her sister's cunt like a limpet on a mossy rock.

Jennifer was so hot from having sucked her sister off that her pussy melted
instantly. Sarah moaned as her mouth filled with cum-cream. She loved to have
that sweet pussy melt in her mouth, clit exploding and cuntlips rippling, but
she was disappointed that Jennifer had creamed so soon. She had been looking
forward to a nice long suck session before she got to swallow the rich dessert
of Jennifer's climax.

"More--more--more--" she pleaded, sucking the tangy cum-juice out.

Jennifer rocked back and forth. As her pussy melted, her tongue stiffened again.
She spasmed and ebbed, then began to surge again as her sister's nimble and
industrious tongue continued to play up her fuck-slot. Now Jennifer was horny
and hungry at the same time--and she knew exactly what to do in a situation like

She began to turn around, her hips rotating without for an instant pulling her
pussy off her sister's face. She turned through a half circle, still sitting on
Sarah's upturned face but facing in the opposite direction now. Sarah, realizing
Jennifer's intentions, gurgled in anticipation. She bridged, heaving her ass up
from the bed and tilting her foaming groin higher, thighs wide apart.

Jennifer leaned down and buried her head between Sarah's legs, linking up in the
position of inverted love, so that she and Sarah could both enjoy both ends of
the cunt-lapping pleasure at the same time, feeding each other as they fed. The
sexy sisters began to sixty-nine with gay abandon.

Jennifer's firm ass swayed and jolted as she ground her cunt on Sarah's face and
Sarah's ass jerked up from the bed as she shoved her cunt into Jennifer's eager
face. Tit to belly and mouth to crotch, they churned together. Jennifer loved
both aspects of the oral coupling equally, sucking as wonderful as being sucked.

Linked so tightly they seemed to be plastered together, they rolled onto their
sides, then rolled again, with Sarah coming up on top. Jennifer felt as if her
hot body had melted, her flesh molded to Sarah's flesh. Like some mystical, two-
headed creature eating itself, they thrashed in the throes of ecstasy.

Jennifer's clit pulsed in Sarah's mouth and her tongue flared in Sarah's gash
with an equal thrill. Her pussy flooded with cunt juice and her mouth filled up
with cunt juice at the same time. Again it was like a mirror image, but reversed
now. Jennifer felt as if she had gone down on herself, eating out her own pussy,
as she feasted voraciously on her sister's scrumptious cunt hole.

They seemed to be sharing the same thrill, an electric current that coursed back
and forth between them, sparking from clit to tongue, cunt to mouth, every nerve
in their coupled bodies vibrating, the voltage increasing with every slurp of
the tongue and every pulse of the clit. She swallowed a creamy stream out of
Sarah's pussy and, a split second later, her own cunt hole gushed with a spasm
into Sarah's eager mouth. It was as if the cunt juice that she was so avidly
drinking out of her sister's pussy was rushing straight through her trembling
body and pouring out into Sarah's mouth.

They rose towards the crest together.

"Come!" wailed Sarah. Then: "I'm coming! Oh, Jenny--cream with me!"

"Ummmmmm--suck it from me, Sis," gasped Jennifer, the waves cresting in her
pumping loins.

Sarah's clit exploded in Jennifer's lips and Jennifer's tongue exploded against
that pulsing bud. Her own clit detonated, setting off a creamy explosion deep
inside her fuck-hole. The cum juice gushed out in torrents. Sarah gurgled as the
sweet slime bubbled into her mouth and her own cunt melted on Jennifer's
flailing tongue.

They surged to the peak and held it, a prolonged, sustained thrill wracking
their bodies. Jennifer felt as if her sister were sucking her guts out, as if
her blood and brains were turning to cum juice and flowing from her cunt.

Then they toppled from the heights together, their joyous simultaneous coming
past the peak and crashing down. They lay gasping together, still tonguing
hungrily away as they lapped up the residue.

Presently, they rolled apart, panting, dreamy smiles on their cream- drenched
lips. Jennifer turned onto her belly and began to lazily mop up with her tongue,
gathering up the errant nuggets of cum-cream that had eluded her lips in the
frenzy of their joint coming.

She slurped slime from Sarah's cunt bush and licked it from her thighs. Turning
her gently over, she lapped pearly drops out of the crack of her ass and then,
because she happened to be there, shoved her tongue up into her sister's asshole
and rimmed her gently out for a tasty moment or two, enjoying the tangy taste of
her shit hole as a sort of savory dessert following the creamy feast.

With every drop slurped on, Sarah's body shimmered with saliva, glowing
radiantly. She turned around and tongued up the stray drops from her sister, in
turn, enjoying a little snack of shit chute in the process.

This mopping up was getting the girls excited again. They gazed at each other,
wondering if they had time for another sixty-nining session.

They heard the stallion neigh, then bellow.

"Oh, shit--let's not suck anymore, right now," Jennifer said. "Let's wait--"

"Yeah! As soon as Nick goes to town we can empty that fucking stallion's balls,"
Sarah said.

Then they heard the front door open and close. Hastily pulling their clothing
on, they went downstairs.

Nick, a handsome and faithful fellow who had no idea he was being cuckolded by a
horse was preparing to go to town. He thought it was nice that Jennifer had come
to visit, knowing that the sisters were close--but having no idea just how close
they often were.

"I wouldn't go riding today, honey," he remarked. "Trigger seems strangely

And, innocent man that he was, he didn't even notice the meaningful looks that
Jennifer and Sarah exchanged ...

Chapter 6

As soon as Nick drove off, Sarah and Jennifer, giggling like naughty schoolgirls
and flushed with anticipation, went out to the barn. They had always enjoyed
fooling around with doggy pricks and both knew it would be a wild turn-on to
share the stallion's massive prick. It was depraved, sure--but all the more fun
because of it, the charm of degradation adding a new dimension to the thrill.
That was one of the reasons that it got them so horny when they sucked each
other off, as well--the taboo of incest inflaming their minds as much as the
contact inflamed their bodies. And although both of the sisters had sucked and
fucked with dogs, in private, it had never been quite as exciting as when they
shared a doggy, witnessing each other's wickedness and being witnessed, in turn.

When Debby had walked in and caught her mother getting fucked by Rex, for
instance, Jennifer had been mortified--and yet she had creamed dynamically,
driven to a spectacular peak by having her shame and guilt known. So now they
were both very eager to begin fucking with the horse. Sarah, who had already
been fucking the big brute, knew it would be even better with her sister in
attendance. And Jennifer, who had never had a stallion cock fucked up her cunt,
was wild with desire.

So was Trigger.

Standing in his stall, he stamped his hooves and tossed his head, eyes wild and
white, black lips foaming, silken mane flowing like ink. As the girls approached
the barn, the compelling scent of their pussies drifted to him, hotter and
thicker and closer. They stepped into the open doorway, framed in the sunlight
and blinking into the dimmer interior of the barn. Jennifer was gaping at the
horse and Sarah was glancing sideways at her sister, eager to see her reaction.

Trigger was a brawny brute, his glossy coat black with reddish highlights, one
white blaze on his wide chest. His tail was long and velvety, his head proudly
arched, a gleam of intelligence in his eyes. His soft black lips were peeled
back from his white teeth, slobbering a frothy white. He nickered and whinnied
and snorted.

Jennifer, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, thought that he was a handsome

Then she looked under him.

"Holy shit!" she gasped in awe when she gazed upon the magnitude of his cock.

Sarah giggled at her sister's reaction. She had felt the same way, the first
time she had stroked the stallion's cock and caused it to swell and lengthen and
knew full well how impressed Jennifer was--and how she yearned for that sweet

Trigger, inspired by the fragrance of hot pussy, already had a hard-on. His
cockshaft was long and thick and gnarled with writhing veins. The head of his
prick loomed out, flaring naked from the leathery cocksheath like a glossy slab
of hot obsidian. His piss hole was parted and already oozing spunk. At the other
end of the elongated rod, his balls looked as big as basketballs.

Jennifer felt dizzy with desire. Her eyes were bulging out as if threatening to
fly right from their sockets, following her line of vision to the horse's cock.

"Jeez--his fucking prick is as big as my arm," Jennifer rasped. "Bigger, even--
like a weight lifter's arm with his fist clenched on the end." She shook her
head. She longed for that cockmeat, yet was slightly intimidated by the sheer
size of it. "Are you sure my cunt can take the fucker?"

"Mine sure as shit does," Sarah assured her. "A pussy is real pliable, Jenny."

Jennifer nodded. Her cunt hole was already rippling and spreading and
lubricating itself in joyful anticipation of that giant load. She was so hot she
thought she must be glowing in the dark, that smoke must be pouring from her
crotch. She dropped her negligee from her shoulders. Trigger bellowed excitedly
as he gazed at her voluptuous body and knew that today he was in for a double

Sarah quickly stripped down naked. She felt as if a bonfire had been lighted
between her thighs. Side by side, lush hips brushing together, the sisters moved
across the barn toward the stallion's stall. He watched them coming, his big
head going up and down like a rocking horse. That slobbering muzzle looked
tantalizing. Jennifer pushed her slim belly out and parted her thighs, standing
right against the rails of the stall. She slid one open hand down past her bushy
cunt triangle and spread her pussylips wide open with her fingers. Trigger
snorted as her fragrance wafted to his snout. His head came down and he gently
nudged his soft, wet muzzle into her groin. Jennifer gasped at the contact.

Sarah placed her hand on Jennifer's firm, heart-shaped ass and pushed her loins
closer to the stall. The stallion's soft muzzle flared in her cunt gash and
against her clit. His warm breath billowed up her fuck- hole as he snorted
again. Jennifer ground her belly against him, grasping his flowing mane with one
hand and holding his head between her legs. She held her cunt hole open with her
other hand. Trigger's nostrils flared against her pussy slot and his huge red
tongue slid out, slithering right up inside her cunt hole. It felt as big as a
prick inside her and Jennifer moaned as she jerked against his head in a fucking
motion. Horse slobber gushed into her cunt and lathered her crotch. Creamy juice
ran onto his tongue.

Getting tongue-fucked by a horse was divine! But Jennifer jerked her crotch away
and stepped back. If she let the brute slurp on her pussy any longer, she knew
that she was going to cream his tongue and, delightful as that prospect might
be, Jennifer didn't want to come that way. She wanted to save her coming for his
massive cock, to feel her pussy melt around that mighty cunt-stuffer.

The horse whinnied and shot his tongue out after her, wanting more of her tasty
pussy. Ribbons of cunt juice and streamers of horse slobber coated the red meat
of his big lapper, dripping from the edges. Sarah bent down and held the horse's
head between her hands. She kissed his muzzle, then sucked his creamy tongue
into her mouth. She nursed on the wet lapper as if it were a prick, tasting her
sister's pussy nectar as she slurped it from that pliable platter of meat.

The stallion tongue-fucked deep into her mouth and her lips pulled on his
plunging lapper. Then she rose up and squirmed onto his muzzle, as if it were a
saddle. Trigger began to slap his tongue into her sodden cunt slot and Sarah
rode his head, her thighs tensing and relaxing as she rose up and down, as if
she were posting at a trot.

Then Sarah, too, stepped away.

Trigger's head shot out after her, and he was snorting and bellowing. He was
more aroused than ever now, inspired by a snack on two delicious cunts. The head
of his prick pumped in and out, swelling hugely as it flared from the dark,
drawn-back sheath. Thick veins writhed up the underside of his cock. His balls
ballooned and nuggets of frothy horse cum dribbled from his gaping piss hole,
lathering the black cockmeat with creamy foam.

Sarah turned toward her sister.

"Wanna suck him or fuck him?" she asked.

Jennifer hesitated. Her pussy was wet, but her mouth was drooling just as
heavily and her hot tongue was fluttering as much as her clit.

"Can--can he come twice?" she rasped.

"Shit, yes! Don't worry about that, Jenny--the fucker's got gallons of jism."

Jennifer smiled with trembling lips, staring at the cum drenched head of the
stallion's cock. It was the most delicious thing she'd ever seen!

"I wanna swallow his first load," she whimpered. "Then I'll be even hotter when
he fucks my cunt!"

Sarah nodded approvingly, pleased that her sexy sister was as much a pervert as

"He'll last longer on his second come, too," she added. "He can really throw a
super fuck into you after his balls have been emptied once."

"What--what about you?" Jennifer asked, feeling rather possessive about that
naughty cock and feeling kind of guilty about her selfishness, too.

"Don't worry about me, Jenny. I can have all the horse prick I want. It's your
treat, today. I'll just sort of lick around the edges."

She opened the door to the stall wide and stepped inside. Trigger shied away,
turning his flank towards her. Jennifer moved into the stall beside her sister.
She stoked his glossy flank and his haunches heaved. The stallion was lathered
up as if he'd just been ridden long and hard- -and his cock, long and stiff, was
all set to ride, as well.

Jennifer slid her hand under him and brushed the tips of her fingers against his
seeping cockhead. She whimpered at the contact. His cock- knob was iron hard,
yet the texture felt smooth and pliable, as if his crown was a lump of rock
sheathed in a rubbery casing. She fingered around his knob and piss hole, then
brought her hand up to her face and licked the slimy seepage from her fingers.

"Ooooh," she purred, as her first-ever taste of horse jism ignited her taste
buds. The stuff was hotter and thicker and gamier than human cum- -or doggy cum,
for that matter. It was tangy and spicy and musky.

She let the gooey stuff slide around on her tongue, tasting it, then swallowed
it down. She shuddered with a surge of lust, her appetite whetted by that
initial taste, her mouth yearning for the full load from his balls.

She licked all the cum from her fingers, then reached under the quivering beast
again. She ran her hand, palm upwards, down the incredible length of his
throbbing cockshaft. She cupped his balls and gasped when she felt how full they
were. She squeezed the leathery jism sacs and Trigger tossed his head. More
slime bubbled from his piss hole. That massive slab of cockhead looked like an
eggplant in a cream sauce.

Her hand drew back up to his cock knob, brushing lightly along the veined stalk.
She sank slowly down to her knees beside the big brute's trembling flank and
grasped his prick between both cupped hands. His cock was so thick she could
barely span it in her double grip. She jerked back and his cockhead loomed out
like a black cannonball. His cockrod throbbed between her palms as she pumped
slowly up and down, leaning closer, feeling the heat of his cock radiate into
her face.

Sarah looked on approvingly, encouragingly, unselfishly lending her stallion's
cock to her sister. She knelt down beside Jennifer. The girls exchanged heated
glances and fleeting smiles, sharing their depravity. Sarah cupped the horse's
balls in her hands and began to pull them up and down, as if she were milking a
cow. But those huge balls held a far creamier load than ever came from an udder.

Leaning in, Sarah kissed the horse's balls and slid her tongue over the swollen
contours. She lifted the bloated balls in her hands and licked under them.
Jennifer stared at Sarah down the length of the long black rod of the trembling
beast's cockshaft. Sarah whimpered as she felt the stallion's thick cum-load
shift around inside his balls. Her tongue tingled with the flavor of his
ballmeat. Abandoned to dark desire, she moved farther back, grasping the horse's
silken tail and lifting it up. She leaned in and slid her nimble tongue up into
the animal's asshole, rimming that dark slot enthusiastically. Trigger's
haunches jolted as her tongue delved into his shit hole, muscles and sinew
rippling. He humped as her tongue shot up his shit slot again, driving his prick
out through Jennifer's hands, towards her face.

The slimy cocktip nudged against her lips, smearing horse spunk onto her mouth.
She whimpered and her tongue slid out. Jennifer began to lick the dripping head
of the stallion's cock. Sarah gave his asshole a last tongue-thrust, then
shifted back up to fondle his balls while she waited for those balls to empty
their load into her sister's eager mouth.

Jennifer purred, her tongue flashing. Horse cock was savory and horse cum was
succulent. She lapped the slime up as it bubbled from his cleft and shoved her
tongue right up into his gaping piss hole.

Her saliva streamed over his jet-black slab, polishing his cockmeat to an ebony
luster. She licked the underside of his cock-knob, at the sensitive spot where
it flared out from his cockshaft and the gnarled veins spread into a wide delta.
The stallion nickered and humped, his cock sliding along her pursed lips as she
tilted her blonde head under him.

Her head bobbed up again. She kissed the slimy tip of his prick and let her lips
slowly part. His cockhead was so huge that Jennifer wasn't at all sure that it
would fit in her mouth. Her lips stretched around it. Trigger held steady, his
flanks quivering spasmodically as Jennifer worked her wide-open mouth farther
onto his cockhead.

She was afraid that she might dislocate her jaw as she stuffed that delicious
wedge of horse prick deeper into her mouth, stretching her lips as wide as they
would go. Then, with a slurp, the horse's cockhead jammed into her maw. Her lips
collared his thick prick and her cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked adoringly
on that massive mouthful of gamy cockmeat.

Trigger began to hump again, stabbing his iron-hard prick in and out. Jennifer
was stuck fast on his cock-knob. That huge slab filled her mouth to the brim so
that, although she bobbed her head up and down in the classic blow-job motion,
she could not take more than an inch of his cockstalk into her maw. The tip of
his cockhead was wedged into her throat, dribbling pre-cum down her gullet. She
frantically pushed against him, trying her best to deep-throat his prick, but
his cock- knob was too fat to fit down her throat and she had to content herself
with nursing on his cockhead while the rest of his gigantic prick stood out,
unswallowed, a great tubular bridge spanning the distance between her mouth and
his balls.

Trigger fucked his cock into her mouth, tilting her blonde head backwards on the
lunging thrusts. As he pulled out, Jennifer twisted her lips around on his
prick, her face turning from side to side. Her steaming hot tongue bathed the
underside of his delicious cock.

She gagged as his fucker jammed into the back of her mouth and dripped pre-cum
down her throat. Her golden hair fell in a curtain over his cockrod as he jolted
it to her. Her big tits heaved as she sucked on his cockmeat. She gurgled and
gasped as she nursed on his succulent prickhead. Her lips were turned almost
inside out around his cockshaft, showing pink against the black cockmeat. Globs
of horse jism seeped from her mouth and slid down her chin.

She arched her back, leaning away as his cock rammed into her face and thrusting
her tits up, so that his cock was stroking through her cleavage as it fucked
into her mouth. She cupped her tits in her hands, clamping her deep cleavage
around the contours of his cockstalk, loving the way that thick rod throbbed in
her tit tunnel as the enormous crown pulsed and rippled in her mouth.

Sarah was licking up from the stallion's balls now, her wet tongue slurping
along the swollen vein that seamed the underside of his prick. She lifted her
lips to that big black cockshaft and drew her mouth up and down, as if she were
playing a flute. She slid down to his balls, then drew back up toward the cock-
knob. Her lips brushed against Jennifer's lips at the top of the stroke and a
few blobs of stallion spunk bubbled from Jennifer's mouth into her sister's.

Starving for the horse's fuck-juice, Jennifer was sucking furiously. His
cockhead was so huge that it was pressing both of her cheeks out at the same
time, while the tip nudged into her throat and spilled more cum out.

Trigger humped, bellowing, sliding his cock through Sarah's lips and up
Jennifer's tit cleavage and tilting her head back as his cock-knob lunged into
her mouth. The stallion was going crazy now. He knew the delights of a human
mouth, having been sucked off with regularity by Sarah, but this was the first
time the dumb brute had ever had two mouths working on his prick at the same
time and he was in equine ecstasy.

"Umpfff--unghhh--ummmm--" gurgled Jennifer, nursing greedily on his cockmeat,
while her sister hummed and purred as she pulled her lips up and down on his

Sarah slid back to his balls and as she pressed her parted lips against those
inflated balls she felt his titanic orgasm commence.

His balls erupted in her face.

"Jenny!" she wailed. "He's gonna blow!"

"Ummm--ummm--" Jennifer moaned, eagerly awaiting that slimy deluge. Her
eyelashes fluttered, her lips pulled, her nimble tongue laved his cockmeat.

Snorting, Trigger plunged his prick deep into Jennifer's hungry mouth. The fuck-
juice burst from his balls and came rushing up his cock in a torrent. The first
creamy spurt hosed the back of Jennifer's throat, almost blowing her head right
off the end of his prick.

She swallowed fast, gulping the succulent horse cum down ravenously, making room
for more as the stallion pumped another smoking hot load into her mouth.

Gurgling, bubbling sounds came from her cock-stuffed mouth as she gobbled his
jism down voraciously. His prick hissed into her mouth and another dose jetted
from his piss hole. Frothy white cum overflowed her parted lips, sliding in
slippery sheets down his cockstalk. Sarah whipped her mouth up his cockrod and
slurped up the delicious overflow from his throbbing prickshaft as the brute
shot wad after wad into Jennifer's mouth.

Swallowing steaming hot, tangy fuck-juice out of the horse's prick was driving
Jennifer to a frenzied bliss. Her magic mouth pulled and dragged and pumped on
his cockmeat. Jets of cum hit her throat, skimmed over her tongue, darted into
her hollowed-in cheeks, sloshed through her teeth and washed over her gums.
Shards of cum hung from the roof of her mouth like limestone seepage and her
tongue was submerged in slime.

Jennifer drank the stuff down as the huge stallion thundered on and on,
squirting his jism into her mouth. At last, he slowed, trembling. Jennifer kept
right on sucking, coaxing more slime from his piss hole with her tongue, pulling
another gooey wad out with her lips, twisting her mouth around on that fat knob
as if she were trying to unscrew a lid as she emptied him.

Sarah slurped the overflow from the horse's black cockshaft and, lapping up to
the end, tongued a few frothy streaks from her sister's lips and chin. She
ducked down and lapped up blobs of jism that had splashed onto Jennifer's tits.
Between them, the horny blonde sisters licked the platter clean, swallowing
every slimy drop of the brute's cock spume.

Trigger nickered and stepped back. His prick came sliding out of Jennifer's
mouth, dragging her clinging lips out as it withdrew. The cock-knob popped out
with a wet slurp. Her mouth was still full of jism and Jennifer tilted her head
back and let that last mouthful trickle down her gullet drop by delicious drop.
She sat back on her haunches, looking dazed--and delighted--by the abundance of
the stallion's cum- load. Jennifer had never swallowed so much cum at one time
before--even on that memorable night when she and her sister, between them, had
sucked off the whole football team. What a treat it was for a hungry cock-
sucker. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of the horse's saliva-soaked prick
affectionately, grateful for the sweet cum it had spilled into her belly.

And as she kissed his cockhead, it rippled, lurched and ballooned, as big and as
hard as ever!

Trigger's potent prick was ready for more action, without even a momentary
pause, and his balls were recharging themselves already.

Jennifer whimpered at the prospect. Her empty pussy was steaming, and it
wouldn't be empty for long ...

Chapter 7

Debby was still kneeling on the floor in the doggy-fucking position, but the
dog, his cock and balls drained into her cunt, had moved away and now the horny
little minx had turned her attention once again to her daddy. She began to crawl
toward him as he sprawled in the chair, his prick standing like a telephone pole
before him. Frank was in a turmoil of conflicting emotions, feeling guilty that
he had let his daughter suck him off. And he had just sat there, not
interfering, while the naughty girl got fucked by the doggy, yet filled with a
raging lust that was consuming all other emotions.

"Gee, Daddy--your cock is so fucking huge," Debby whispered. "Want me to sit on

He did--and he didn't. When his head moved, it was impossible to say if he was
shaking it or nodding, negative or affirmative. His head just rolled on his
neck, thrust forward toward the girl. Dark cords stood out, beating, in his
arched neck as his heart hammered and his blood pounded through his veins. Debby
was aware of his indecision and smiled. Having just been well fucked by the
Alsatian, she was no longer desperate for a cuntful of cock and she knew that
she would be able to take her time about seducing her father.

Twisting lithely, she shoved her ass towards him, wriggling her nubile hips. Her
cunt was streaming with the overflow of cunt juice and dog jism, lathering her
crotch and pouring down the insides of her thighs.

"Wanna fuck me--there?" she purred, giving her loins a suggestive jolt.

Frank still made no reply. He stared at his daughter's creamy pussy with haunted
eyes as the seductive little teenager wriggled her ass so invitingly. Frank knew
he was in danger of carrying incest to the limits. Groaning, he reached down and
wrapped his fist around his cockshaft. He had some vague idea that he would beat
his meat off, relieving the pressure with a hand-job, so that he would be cooled
off and more able to resist Debby's advances.

He gave his fat cockrod a stroke. The prick-knob flared out in a huge smoking
slab as his fist pushed down to the hilt, and a frown furrowed Debby's brow.
There was no way she was going to allow the man to confound her schemes by
jerking himself off. What a waste of cum that would be!

Turning to face him again, Debby crawled up to the foot of the chair, her blonde
head level with his cock. Her breath wafted over him and Frank shuddered. His
hand fell away from his cock and clenched on the arm of the chair. He was
looking at her mouth now, watching the pink tip of her nimble tongue slide
across her lower lip. The girl had already sucked his cock and swallowed his
fuck-juice, he reasoned. Letting her blow him again would not compound the sin--
and, by coming in her mouth again, he would avoid fucking her cunt. Frank felt
justified in making that decision, almost sanctimonious about it. He slid lower
in the seat, offering his cock to her.

Debby leaned in and licked at his hairy balls, purring as she slobbered on his
balls. Her blonde head bobbed around between his thighs. With her face averted,
only the top of her golden head showing, Frank could have easily mistaken her
for her mother. She seemed to have inherited her cock-sucking ability from that
wanton woman. He wondered again if it was true that Jennifer gave head to other
men and fucked with the doggy. But it didn't really seem very important, at the

Debby lapped all over his bloated balls, then began to run her flattened tongue
up the veined underside of his towering cockshaft. She slurped up to the cock-
knob and fluttered her lapper against the base of the flaring wedge. Up and down
his cockstalk her tongue tripped and flicked. A fat glob of cum oozed from his
piss hole and slid down the slope of his purple cock-knob, onto his shaft. Debby
gazed at it, then slurped it up from his prick with her hot tongue.

She ran her pursed lips up and down on his cock. Frank was trembling on the end
of his own prick. That long, hard cock felt like a spear that had been rammed
into his loins, transfixing him. His hard-on seemed to extend all the way back
to his asshole, piercing him on his own prick.

Debby leaned back, licking her lips. Her head ducked in and she lapped some
more, then drew away again. Debby was working to a careful design, tonguing his
cock to thundering need but not falling into the steady rhythm that would bring
the man to the creamy crest. Having already swallowed a bellyful of his sweet
jism, the girl was determined that she was going to take his next cum-load in
her cunt hole.

Across the room, Rex looked on with interest. The doggy knew how delightful a
human mouth could be and he watched Debby licking her daddy's prick with doggy
envy. He craned his head down and licked at his own cock for a moment, but then
raised up again. His own tongue didn't feel nearly as good as Debby's skillful
lapper. Being only a dumb animal, Rex didn't even know quite what a blow-job
was, nor why a girl should want to do such a strange thing, using her mouth
instead of her cunt--but he knew from experience how good it felt. There were a
lot of advantages and benefits involved in having human lovers instead of
bitches. Rex's spent prick lurched and rippled, starting to swell and harden
again. His balls, drained bone dry a few minutes ago, began to balloon with a
new cum-load.

Concentrating on her father's sweet cockmeat, Debby didn't realize that the
doggy was getting aroused again. Neither did Frank as he stared down and watched
the girl's hot, wet tongue lave all over his cock.

Another blob of spunk squeezed from his piss hole. His cock was pounding,
threatening to erupt. Debby drew away again. She knew she had to get the timing
just right or else she was liable to get his cum-load in her face--which was a
delightful prospect, but not at the moment.

She waited until the cum dribble had run halfway down his prick, then lapped it
from him. She tongued around the top of his cockrod, just where the ledge of his
knob flared out. His agitated cockhead throbbed wildly. The girl thrust her tits
out and rubbed his prick against the pert mounds and stiff tit tips. She slid
his cock into her cleavage and squirmed against him. Her head dropped onto his
prick and she nursed on the prick-knob for a moment, sucking another slimy
nugget of jism out.

Her trim thighs tensed and Debby rose slowly up from the floor. She straddled
his loins, one knee on either side of his hips and his cock looming up in front
of her belly. The root of his fucker levered against her curly cunt bush. She
squirmed against his cock then rose higher.

"No!" Frank cried in a strangled voice. "No, Debby! Suck me off again-- don't--"
His protests broke off in a gurgle as he felt the tip of his tormented prick
nudge into the girl's smoldering, soaking cunt slot.

Thighs rippling, Debby poised over his prick, balanced on the cock-knob like a
flagpole sitter. She shot her hips from side to side, working his cockhead
around in the entrance of her sodden pussy, only the tip inside her. Frank
grasped her by the hips. To his credit, he intended to shove her crotch away
from his cock. But his muscles rebelled. His mind, melting with desire, could
not send the signals. He simply held her by the hips, above his prick, knowing
that if his hands moved at all, they were going to be moving up and down,
dragging her sweet pussy onto his cockshaft.

Debby purred as she worked her slot on his knob. Her cuntlips rippled and pulled
on his cockmeat. Cunt juice streamed down his prick, pooling on his balls.

"This ain't fucking, Daddy," she assured him, her voice husky. "I'll just rub
your cock around in my crotch a little, okay? I won't put it in--"

Somehow, Frank didn't believe her.

Her fuck-slot shifted in and out and jerked from side to side. Her tits swung in
his face and Frank craned his head forward and sucked a stiff nipple into his
lips, nursing hungrily on the explosive bud. He knew he was helpless to evade
her now, to resist her incestuous advances. He was a prisoner to her whims--and
he knew damned well what form those lascivious whims were going to take.

"Maybe--just--another--inch--" Debby rasped.

Her thighs relaxed slightly and Frank groaned as he felt his fiery cockhead slip
into her soaking pussy slot. Her cunt tunnel massaged his prick-knob. She wound
her cunt around on his cock, just below the embedded cockhead.

She squatted down another inch. Frank gurgled on a mouthful of tit as nearly
half of his cock vanished into her smoldering fuck-hole. Her cunt was sopping

It occurred to Frank that he was getting sloppy seconds--to a dog! But at the
same time it occurred to him that if his naughty little daughter fucked with
dogs, she was not liable to be corrupted any worse if she got fucked by her

Debby placed her hands on his trembling shoulders. Her thighs tensed, relaxed,
tensed again. She was sliding her cunt hole up and down on his rampant fucker,
going just a bit lower with each stroke, slowly taking his cock deeper into her
pussy. Then, with a low moan, she pushed down all the way and Frank's thundering
prick was buried to the hilt in her cunt. He gasped. His cock was up his
daughter's fuck-hole!

His iron-hard cockmeat throbbed inside her. Her tight pussy walls gripped him,
the interior muscles rippling up his prick from root to pounding crown. Her
cuntlips were plastered to the base of his prick as she held it all in her for a
moment, squirming on the full penetration, thrilling to the sensation of a
cuntful of Daddy cock. His long, thick cock was up her cunt gash so deep she
felt transfixed.

Then she began to rise and fall on his fuck-tool. Her pussy drew up to the
crown, paused, then pushed back to the hilt. His bloated balls jammed against
her ass as every inch of his cockmeat disappeared up her hot cunt hole. Frank
was still gripping her by the hips. Now he began to assist her, lifting her up
and pulling her back down, using his daughter's cunt hole in a frigging motion,
as if jerking off with it-- and into it.

Frank was so aroused by this time that the thrill began to beat in his loins
immediately. His balls ballooned and his cockhead pounded deep within her fuck-
hole. His cockrod expanded, spreading her wet passage around the swelling
outline. She shoved her ass back so that his hard fucker was rubbing across her
fiery clit as she plunged up and down on it.

"Jesus! Here it comes!" Frank gasped, mouthing the words onto a plump tit mound.

"Yeah--yeah--come in my cunt, Daddy!" Debby cried, slamming her pussy down on
his prick.

His cock went off like a geyser. Debby felt as if she had been squatting astride
Old Faithful when it erupted as that hot, thick jism shot into her fuck-hole.
She rose up on the towering stream, then slammed back down as another jet of
jism rocketed into her. It felt as if he were hosing her pussy with even more
spunk than he had poured into her mouth before. Rivers of cock cream were
pumping into her cunt as Frank heaved up from the chair and she pushed her pussy
down his prick. It was like having a high-pressure hose spraying her fuck-hole,
a fire extinguisher squirting its foam up her belly. As she slid down, his thick
plunger filled her pussy hole to the brim and cum came oozing from her parted
slot, pumped out in steaming cascades.

A creamy spurt splashed into her cunt as she pushed down, another hit her as she
rose up his cock rod. Then, with a gasp, Frank slumped back in the chair. His
heels drummed against the floor and his chest heaved with labored breathing. His
cock and balls were spent. Debby continued to slide her cunt hole up and down on
his prick and against her clit, wanting more cock and, more cum. She was sorry
that she had gotten him worked up quite so much, that he'd shot his jizz so

But then she realized that, although his balls were emptied, his formidable cock
was still hard as a pillar of stone inside her drenched fuck-hole.

Debby purred and settled down onto the root of his prick, holding every inch of
the vibrant cocklance up her pussy and wriggling around on it.

"Wanna do it again, Daddy?" she asked impishly.

Frank stared at her in awe. He had fucked his daughter! He was waiting for the
guilt and the shame to strike him. But those emotions failed to arrive. Frank
felt only love and lust for the wanton little minx.

And he felt his cock pulse inside her as her cunt muscles rippled on his stalk.
That tight pussy was sucking his cockmeat right back to renewed vigor and need.

He had already fucked her, he reasoned.

His prick was still buried inside her cunt and, if he came in her again it
wouldn't be any more wicked--it would be just a continuation of the same fuck,
really. He would really try his best to avoid a situation like this in the
future but, already stuck up her cunt, he saw no reason to stop fucking.

He gave his ass a little hump, grinding his prick inside her, letting her know
he was willing.

But Rex was willing again, too ...

Chapter 8

Rex, aroused anew by the fragrance of hot pussy, had gotten to his feet and was
slowly moving across the room. He cocked his head, studying the situation.
Debby's cunt hole was already occupied and, since she was squatting on her
father's loins, her mouth was not in a position to substitute for a cunt. And
the dumb brute wasn't at all sure where he was going to empty his cum-load now.
But he knew full well how imaginative a human bitch was and he advanced, head
thrust out, nostrils flaring.

Debby was squirming slowly and sinuously around on her daddy's big cunt-filler,
working into the action slowly, wanting a long and leisurely fucking following
the fast and furious first event. She wasn't fucking up and down on his cock
yet, but holding every inch up her fuck-hole and wriggling on the long

Her valentine-shaped ass slid deliciously from side to side, one nubile hip
shooting out, then the other. Frank's cockmeat began to pulse again, then pound
violently inside her pussy. Her inner cuntal rings contracted around his
cockrod. Although her fuck-hole was drenched, it was still tight and trim,
sucking Frank up to renewed vigor.

She ground her mouth to his in a passionate kiss, then arched and offered her
fat tits to his eager lips. Frank sucked her nipples and his hips stirred,
moving his cock around inside her. His hands tightened on her hips and he
started to pull her pussy up and down on his prick, commencing the fucking
action again.

Rex moved up behind Debby's ass.

His head thrust out and he pushed his muzzle under her ass, into her occupied
crotch. He began to tongue her cunt, his big wet lapper slapping in. Debby gave
a happy little yelp she felt this added sensation. Frank jumped slightly. The
dog's tongue was slurping at his balls and at the base of his cock, lapping up
the overflow from his daughter's tasty pussy. The beast licked at her cuntlips,
where they spread open around Frank's fucker. His tongue wedged up inside her
cunt slot, alongside Frank's slippery prick.

Debby began to thrash about wildly as her pussy was pleasured by tongue and
prick together. She rose up, thighs rippling and tits bobbling. Her cunt slot
pulled slowly up her daddy's thick cockrod, the pink pussylips stretching like
an elastic ring as they sucked on the emerging prickshaft. At the top of the
stroke she paused, only his cock-knob stuck into her cunt gash, then she slowly
settled down to the hairy hilt again, twisting her hips as she screwed her cunt
hole down onto his big bolt of a cock.

Holding her by the hipbones, Frank jerked his cock up to meet her and sank back
into the chair as she pulled her cunt up on his cockstalk. Her tits bobbled
before his face and his head ducked forward to lap at the taut tips, but his
tongue felt numb now. All sensation was centered into his raging prick and
ballooning balls. He could feel her sweet pussy dragging and sucking on his hot
cockmeat as she rose up, the pussy folds distending as they pulled.

Rex yelped and whined as he slapped his hungry tongue into Debby's cunt from
under her grinding ass. He slurped at her cuntlips and probed up her slot in
conjunction with his master's cockshaft. As Debby rose up, foaming cunt juice
dribbled down Frank's emerging prick and Rex lapped the overflow up with gusto.
Then she descended again and his tongue was working furiously on her pussy. His
head darted from side to side as he shoved his snout in from different angles,
delivering a slurp here, a thrust there. The dog seemed to be sparring with
Debby's pussy, waiting for an opening to land a knockout blow with his huge
hammering prick. That enormous cockrod was bucking violently under him, snapping
up to smack against his belly like an uncoiling spring. The Alsatian was
enjoying his snack, but he was suffering agonies of frustration at having her
sweet cunt right there in his face, yet finding her fuck- hole already occupied
by a human cock that easily rivaled his own in size and stiffness and vigor. His
haunches dropped down, his bushy tail slashed about behind his ass, his flanks

Debby pushed her pussy down on her daddy's cock and brought her lips to his ear.
"Unmmm--that fucking doggy is going tongue crazy on my cunt, Daddy," she moaned.

Frank grimaced and thrust up from the chair, lifting the lithe teenager on his
driving prick. His fucker thundered into her like a locomotive. Rex's wild
tongue was all over both of them--long, moist slurps that flowed over Frank's
bloated balls, fluttered up his drenched cock and slapped into Debby's crotch,
spraying her cunt juice out.

Debby jammed all the way down again and held the full load in her, feeling as if
her father's cockhead must be reaching nearly to her throat. With her cuntlips
plastered around the base of his prick, she ground her ass around. Rex whimpered
urgently. With her fuck-hole stuffed brimful, his tongue was denied free rein,
frustrating the beast. He lapped up the cunt juice that seeped out around the
root of Frank's cockshaft, but it wasn't the same as tonguing the succulent
stuff straight out of the girl's melting pussy.

His big, blunt head lifted higher and the sex-crazed brute began to lick up
through the tight crack of Debby's trim little ass. She whipped her ass about.
With her cunt well filled, it was nice to have her ass lapped, as well. Still
holding all of Daddy's cockmeat in her pussy, she reached back and placed her
open hands on the cheeks of her ass, spreading those firm, heart-shaped mounds
wide apart and exposing the tight brown bud of her little shit hole. Rex began
to tongue that puckered slot furiously, doggy slobber flooding up her asshole.
Asshole was not quite as tasty as cunt, but it was available and he didn't have
to share it with a human prick, so the horny Alsatian tongue-fucked her shit
chute with enthusiasm.

"Ooooh--he's rimming out my shit ring, Daddy," purred the insatiable little imp
into Frank's ear.

His cock expanded inside her pussy as her naughty words inspired a new surge of
dark desire in him.

She arched her back, hiking her ass up and shoving it back against the doggy's
muzzle. Although the girl was already stuffed full of fat prick, she had
nevertheless assumed the doggy-fucking position, and Rex reacted just as any
normal, healthy, red-blooded American doggy would.

He mounted her.

Springing up from his powerful haunches, Rex wrapped his front paws around her
pelvis and clung to her ass. She squealed. She felt his heavy weight pressing
her haunches down onto her father's cock and his panting doggy breath wafting up
her backbone. Mounted properly, the Alsatian began to hump, his haunches
stabbing his cock out. A veteran girl-fucker, Rex got the angle just right. The
angry red slab of his throbbing cockhead plowed right into her crotch.

But her cunt slot was blocked, the entrance stuffed full and plastered around
the hilt of her father's cockstalk. His prick slammed in like a heat-seeking
missile locked on the juicy target, but there was nowhere for it to go.

The dog's pulsating prickhead bumped against her clogged gash and rebounded,
flipping up against his belly and spraying spunk from the dripping piss hole.

Yelping with frustration, Rex shoveled the cockmeat into her crotch again--and
again rebounded futilely. This time his long fucker slid up and pushed through
the crack of her ass, the fiery cock-knob sliding out over her spine.

Feeling the weight and the heat of his loins and the violent throbbing of his
vibrant prick pressed against her ass, Debby moaned and squealed. She was
relishing a cuntful of her daddy's prick, but she always enjoyed getting a dog
cock slammed into her and it seemed a shame that the poor, frustrated Alsatian
had to wait for a vacancy.

If Daddy and doggy had both had smaller pricks, Debby might have managed to take
both of them up her steaming fuck-hole at the same time--a delightful idea! But
she knew that the Alsatian's formidable cock always filled her cunt, and her
father's massive prick was already stuffing her to the brim--and she knew that
her pussy, greedy as it was, could never accommodate both of those cocks at

Rex whined and humped frantically, sliding his prick up the crack of her ass

This time his hot, cum-drooling cockhead slipped against her asshole as it
plunged past.

Debby blinked--then she smiled as a wonderful idea came to her imaginative mind.
With a stiff cock available and desperate, why should a girl's shit chute be
neglected? Debby liked it up the ass, but seldom got it there, because once a
cock and balls had been drained into her mouth and then milked into her cunt
hole, there was seldom enough tension remaining in the spent cockmeat for ass-

Her hands were already behind her, spreading the cheeks of her ass open when Rex
had been tonguing out her shit slot. And, without hesitation, Debby reached back
and grasped the dog's big balls in one hand and folded the other around the
slimy rod of his cockstalk. The doggy humped, fucking through her fist, his
naked red prick-knob nudging up through the crack of her ass and pulsing against
her asshole.

Debby shifted her knees a little higher beside her father's flanks and pressed
her haunches a bit lower. Tilting her wrist, she pulled the dog's cockhead down
so that the tip was angled into her asshole.

Rex hesitated, puzzled, aware that his prick was aimed at the wrong hole and not
being familiar with buggery. But he knew that a human mouth could substitute
very nicely for a fuck-hole and understood that there was no end to the
mysteries that the human bitch could reveal to a dumb brute.

He gave a tentative fuck-thrust.

The head of his cock nudged into her puckered shit hole, dribbling doggy slime
into the brown slot. At the first stroke, it seemed as if that flaring slab of
red cockmeat was not going to fit up her tight asshole. His cockhead was a lot
wider than her asshole and stuck fast at the entrance.

Then Debby squirmed, relaxing her sphincter muscle. Her asshole fluttered and
rippled and parted. The weeping tip of the Alsatian's cockhead nudged into her
brown bud. Debby's asshole was already soaking wet with doggy slobber and his
piss hole was oiling it further with a scummy seepage. His slick red cock-knob
began to slide into her ass.

Frank didn't know what was going on. He was aware that Debby had stopped riding
his towering prick and was holding steady on a deep cuntful, and he could see
that the Alsatian was clinging to her haunches, but he didn't know quite where
the doggy's prick was directed.

Grinning, her face radiant and her eyes aglow, the depraved little teenager
whispered: "Oh, Daddy--that horny doggy wants to fuck me up the ass--"

Frank croaked and his prick surged mightily inside his daughter's pussy.

"I'm so naughty, Daddy," she whispered, batting her eyelashes, taunting him.
"Ummmm--I want his big prick plunging up my shit hole."

And she proceeded to take it.

Rex humped and Debby shoved her ass back to meet his lunging ass reamer. Each
time he pumped it to her, a bit more of his cock inched into her shit chute. The
dark folds of her asshole were rippling as they pulled his cock in. Her shit
tunnel spread wider to accommodate the bulk of his plunger. Rex heaved in again
and all of the flaring red slab of his naked cockhead vanished into her ass.

Her ass ring collared his fucker just behind the cock-knob and Debby gurgled
when she felt that fat wedge of hot prickmeat pulse in her ass. Her ass tunnel
began to drag him deeper, as if she were digesting his cockmeat in reverse,
slowly taking him up her alimentary canal in the wrong direction. His cockhead
was the fattest segment of his thick cockrod and it forged a passage for his
cocklance to follow as it slid deeper and deeper into those dark and mysterious
regions, an unknown cavern where the dog's cock had never before ventured.

Her ass tunnel was tighter than her cunt, but little by little it was spreading
around the throbbing contours of his prick. With his cock- knob glowing like a
beacon to light the gloomy passage, the dog fucked deeper, working his prick up
into her ass guts.

Rex's lips drew back from his gleaming white fangs in a snarl of bliss. Doggy
desire caused him to yelp deliriously. His canine imagination could not
encompass this human variation--but his doggy prick was managing very nicely.
Inch by inch, his cockmeat slid deeper into her ass. He bucked, shoving another
hairy inch in. Her shit chute rippled, dragging his cock still deeper into her
belly. His smoking hot cockhead slithered into her ass guts and she wondered,
vaguely, if that hot slab was floating around in the slimy sea of jism she had
swallowed out of her daddy's cock and balls.

Abandoned to depravity, Debby jerked and wriggled, holding all of Frank's
cockmeat up her cunt hole as she waited for the doggy to bury his bone.

She wondered if her father would like to fuck her up the asshole, later. It
would be a real kick to suck on the dog's prick while Daddy fucked her shit
hole, she thought, with gay expectations. Would those two big cock-heads bump
together somewhere in the middle of her guts? Even before this first double fuck
was completed, the insatiable little minx was already planning for the future.

How happy she was that her mother had gone away for a week, leaving her to tend
to the housework!

Rex held steady for a moment, bracing his powerful hindquarters, his flanks
heaving. Then he whipped his loins out, and this time every inch of his iron-
hard, red-hot prick slammed up Debby's asshole.

Stuffed to the brim in both fuck-holes, Debby gasped. Her daddy's cockhead
surged deep up her cunt hole and the dog's bloated cock-knob throbbed in her
ass. The two long cocks were pressed together, separated by the slender membrane
that divided her twin fuck-tracks, throbbing vein to vein inside her loins.
Debby was in seventh heaven. She squirmed, working both pricks around inside her
but holding both root deep. Rex's big cock was stretching her shit chute around
it as it expanded. It hurt just slightly, the faint ache only adding to the
thrill--a new, dark dimension sparking her desire.

Rex began to move first. The frantic doggy jerked his fat plunger out of her
asshole, dragging her haunches back on his retreating cock. His fat cockhead was
stuck fast in her asshole, swollen so huge now that it would not pull free. Rex
was stuck up her ass inextricably, she knew. There was no way she would be able
to get his prick out of her shit hole until the doggy had shot his creamy cum
and his cockmeat had softened--and no way that she wanted to get him out until
she had an assful of dog cum, either.

He fucked in to the hilt again. His hairy balls whipped into her crotch,
slapping against Frank's balls. He began to pour the prick to her furiously.

Debby's thighs tightened. She shoved back to meet the dog's ass reamer as he
fucked in and then, as the brute withdrew, she pulled her pussy up her daddy's
cock, to the knob. Frank heaved up from the chair, falling into rhythm with
Debby and the doggy, joining into the tempo of this frantic three-way fuck.

Frank's prick filled her cunt. Then, as it pulled out, the Alsatian's cock
plunged up her asshole. Inside her loins, those two steaming engines were
passing like locomotives on twin tracks in a dark tunnel.

Debby was buffeted between them, jolted on a cunt-stroke, rattled on an ass-
thrust. Her hips flew wildly and her slim belly pumped. Her ass thrashed and
churned. She changed the tempo squatting down onto a cunt hole full of pounding
prick as the dog fucked balls-deep up her ass.

Frank churned her cream bowl to froth, his body arching and shuddering as he
rocketed his cock up from the chair, and Rex fucked her ass in a frenzy. A thick
human cock hissed up her slippery fuck-hole and a long doggy prick pounded like
a hammer into her ass guts.

Debby was so hot that she couldn't tell if she was coming or not. The waves of
bliss were lashing through her loins and shooting up her thighs, peaking as high
as she had ever known them to peak, and yet they were getting higher and rushing
through her faster with every fuck-stroke. She was creaming, yet there was no
ebb to follow the crest. No sooner had she shuddered with a bone-rattling climax
than she surged right up to an even more violent spasm. Her cunt hole was
melting on her daddy's prick and her ass seemed to be creaming on the dog's
rampaging cock.

Frank's cock plunged up her fuck-tunnel so far she thought she could feel it
flare in her gullet, and Rex's prick sped up her asshole so high she thought the
knob must be wallowing in her belly, splashing around in her digestive juices.
She fairly screamed as another jolt shook her.

"Shoot in me!" she wailed, desperate to have the raging inferno of her loins
doused by foaming fuck-juice.

Frank didn't know if his daughter was addressing him or the dog--and neither did
Debby, yearning for the steaming hot cum out of both of those huge cocks. Rex,
of course, didn't know the meaning of her command. But he was hot, and he
shoveled his cockmeat in even faster as he prepared to spill his cum-load.

Debby creamed again, a flood of cunt juice swirling into her cunt hole, her ass
guts melting.

Then Rex howled like a wolf and his hot, thick doggy jism hosed her ass guts in
a scalding jet. Debby wailed as that slimy enema gushed into her guts in a
foaming tide. She jerked her ass back, taking all of the brute's fucker into her
ass, then jammed down on her daddy's cock as Frank, too, erupted with a volcanic
spurt of jism. His cum steamed into her cunt hole in a raging geyser.

Gliding together like some well-lubricated, intricate fucking machine, man, girl
and doggy pumped their fuck-juice out in creamy torrents.

Frank gasped and slumped back in the chair. But his prick was still hard, buried
up his daughter's cunt, and Debby churned on it as Rex continued to hump
frantically away, spilling the last of his cock slime into the depths of her
shit track, fertilizing that barren field with his fuck-juice.

Emptied, pumped bone dry, the Alsatian sank down over Debby's haunches. Frank
was staring up with glazed eyes. Dog and master stared at each other for a
moment, over Debby's shoulder, looking almost sheepish.

But Debby looked positively radiant.

It was the best come she had ever had and, with both big cocks still stuffed up
her, the voracious teenager was looking forward to more of the same. She even
had the grace to feel a bit sorry for her mother, who was missing out on the

But Jennifer was having plenty of fun of her own ...

Chapter 9

"Wanna get fucked now?" Sarah asked.

She watched her sister lapping at the head of the stallion's prick, which was
still huge and hard even though Jennifer had sucked him bone dry. Trigger had
his head twisted around, staring down at the kneeling blonde head bobbing around
on the big, black slab of his naked cockhead. She slid her tongue up into his
piss hole and her pursed lips spread over the gamy meat wedge. Then she turned
towards her sister, holding the horse's prick against her cheek, and nodded

His cockhead swelled against her cheek and a furrow of doubt darkened her brow.

"I hope I can take it," she said.

"Oh, you can hold it, Jenny," Sarah assured her. "It fit in your mouth, didn't
it? And your cunt is a lot more pliable than your mouth, right?"

"You should know," Jennifer giggled.

"Fucking a horse is sort of like losing your cherry all over again," Sarah told

Jennifer, who could barely remember when she had still been cherry, raised her
eyebrows questioningly.

"I mean, his cock is so fucking long that it's gonna reach virgin territory,"
Sarah explained. "It's gonna go in like Star Trek--where no cock has ventured

Jennifer laughed--but the thought excited her, as well. The idea of having that
massive hunk of horse prick plumbing virgin cunt depths was driving her wild.

"Oh, shit--let's get the fucker in me!" she wailed.

Sarah grinned in approval. She moved to the side of the stall and dragged a
short, three-legged stool across to Jennifer and Trigger--a milking stool that
she obviously kept in the stallion's stall for just this purpose. Jennifer sat
on the stool and arched her back, bringing her head and shoulders down to the
floor. Her feet were down flat, as well, and her loins, bridged across the
stool, were exactly on a level with the head of the stallion's gigantic prick.
Her thighs were parted wide and her cunt was a foaming caldron, the pink
cuntlips spread wide and the folds of her pussy drenched with cream.

Trigger nickered and thrust his muzzle into her groin, tonguing at her sodden
pussy. Sarah leaned in and took a few licks at Jennifer's clit. Jennifer
squirmed across the stool, enjoying their tongues but impatient for prick.

"Put his cock in me, Sarah," she pleaded.

Sarah hooked her elbow around the stallion's cockshaft, just behind the flaring
cock-knob. She pulled that big black slab into her sister's crotch. Jennifer
whimpered when she felt the hot cockmeat pulse against her open cunt hole. Steam
rose from her stiff clit and her fuck-hole was smoking hot. Her gash was soaking
with cunt juice and slobber, and the tip of the horse's cock slid around in her
groin as it pulsed. She raised her head and peered down the bridged plane of her
belly. The stallion's cockhead felt as big as her whole crotch, and she was
still afraid that it wasn't going to fit up her fuck-hole.

But Sarah knew better.

Still holding the horse's prick in the crook of her elbow, Sarah reached into
Jennifer's crotch and used her fingers and thumbs to spread her cuntlips wide
open, as if she were opening an elastic bag. The tip of Trigger's cock nudged
into that wide-open slot. Sarah began to pull her sister's pliable cuntlips onto
the stallion's cockhead. Jennifer gasped. Her cunt was being pulled onto the
horse's cock just as if it were a rubber! Her cuntlips stretched and rippled.
Sarah tugged back and used her elbow to pull the cockmeat forwards, into
Jennifer's fuck-slot. The tip went in, then the big wedge slowly slid through
the rubbery ring of Jennifer's cunt folds.

The stallion's big black cockhead vanished!

"Holy shit!" Jennifer gasped when she felt the massive slab of hot cockmeat
throb inside her gash. Her cuntlips were clamped in a tight collar around his
stalk, pulling and sucking on the leathery cockrod as the knob flared in her
creamy pussy.

"More--give me more--" the horny woman wailed.

Sarah released her sister's pussylips and reached down to grasp her by the hips.
The stallion gave a tentative hump. The stool tottered precariously under
Jennifer's ass, wobbling on the tripod of its legs. But Sarah was assisting,
holding her sister in position. Trigger shoved his cock out again, fucking
another two or three inches up Jennifer's cunt hole. Her head was down on the
floor again and she shook it in amazement, wondering where in hell all that
cockmeat was going. The walls of her fuck-hole spread wider and wider, molded
tightly to the outline of the beast's cockhead and cockshaft. Her cunt muscles
rippled, pulling on his prick.

Trigger fucked more cockmeat into her and Jennifer moaned, finding out how true
her sister's words had been. The horse's cockhead was already deeper than any
cock had ever gone before. Her cunt tunnel was stretched wider than it had ever
been, and there was still a whole lot of cockshaft unburied, a fat black tube
spanning a foot or so between her stuffed fuck-slot and his swollen balls.

Trigger heaved in, snorting and tossing his head, muscles rippling in his glossy
black flanks. The horse was lathered with sweat and his prick was lathered with
the overflow from Jennifer's soaking cunt. His cockhead rammed in again--and
bottomed out in her cunt hole!

That enormous prick could go no deeper. Her cunt was full to the depths, and
there was still nearly a foot of cockstalk sticking out between them. Jennifer
wished that her cunt were even deeper, that she could accommodate every inch of
that throbbing cockshaft. But she already had more cockmeat in her than she'd
ever had before, and the horny blonde was not about to look a gift horse in the

She moaned with joy. It felt as if her cunt had been cored like an apple,
drilled out like an oil well. The stallion held the full penetration, his
haunches quivering, and Jennifer's cunt pulled on his buried prick as she
squirmed and wriggled on the wobbling stool.

Trigger bellowed and stamped one hoof. His hindquarters jerked back. His prick
was plugged into her fuck-socket so tightly that, instead of pulling out of her
cunt, he simply dragged her pelvis forwards on the backstroke. But Jennifer
braced her feet firmly on the floor and her eagerly assisting sister held her
hips in place so that when the stallion pulled back again, his long, leathery
cockshaft came slowly sliding out from Jennifer's cunt hole. Her pussy folds
clung to his cockmeat, stretching out on the retreating stalk. A squashing sound
came from inside her pussy.

Trigger pulled out until only his fat prick-knob was lodged in her cunt, paused,
then hammered the huge fucker all the way up her fuck- hole again, tilting her
ass upwards as his cock filled her to the very core.

He began to pour the prick to her steadily. Jennifer moved with him, whipping
her cunt down to meet his fuck-thrusts and grinding her ass and hips around as
the brute drew back out. His balls swung in and out at the root of his prick.
His leathery cockstalk was running with ribbons of cunt cream as it emerged, all
slippery and slick and fucking in and out faster as her creamy lubrication
smoothed the passage.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jennifer wailed, hardly able to believe how wonderful it was to
have her hot cunt stuffed to the core with iron-hard horse cock.

Sarah, still steadying Jennifer's pelvis as the stallion fucked his cock into
her, leaned down and tongued cunt juice from his cockshaft, then tilted her head
and lapped at her sister's detonating clit. The stallion's prick slid in through
her lips as it plunged as far into Jennifer's pussy as it could reach.

Jennifer was being rocked and rattled on the horse's prick, her whole body
vibrating and shaking violently. She cried out as she creamed. The horse shoved
his cock in, filling her fuck-hole to the brim, leaving no room for her cum
cream to seep from her cunt. That hot juice swirled around inside her and his
cockhead stirred through it like a big black boulder floating in a flow of lava.

She creamed again, staring down at her loins, expecting her slim belly to swell
up like a balloon with all the pussy cum that was pouring into her cunt hole,
unable to escape. Trigger jerked out, dragging her cuntlips with his cock. The
folds rippled open and pussy juice foamed out.

The big stallion was pumping his prick to her frantically now, as his own
bestial climax drew near. His cock rammed in, lifting her ass right off the
stool. He shuddered, shaking her slender body on the end of his prick. Her tits
flopped, her belly heaved, her bones rattled.

Jennifer was almost fainting as all of her energy, her very life force, drained
into her multiple orgasm. Her cunt melted, plastered to the contours of his
cock, lathering his cockmeat with her cum cream. The thrill peaked, ebbed for an
instant, then peaked again.

"Coming--coming!" she gurgled.

But Sarah, who knew her sister's orgasms very well, was already aware of that.
And the stallion, on whose thundering prick she was melting, knew it, too.

Into that creamy caldron he drove his cockmeat resolutely, fucking her faster as
the thrill built in his bestial loins. His balls were so heavy now that they
were nearly dragging his hindquarters down and his cock was fucking in with
underslung strokes, tilting her up and down. The milking stool rocked onto one
leg, then toppled over and rolled aside. Jennifer's ass was no longer braced on
the stool, but she was stuck fast on the end of the horse's prick, her lithe
body still bridged in the same arch. She pressed her feet flat to the floor and
braced her shoulders, wriggling her belly at the highest point of her deeply
curved form. Trigger's thick black prick fucked into her hairy pussy, tossing
her and tumbling her. His cock muscles pulsed and Jennifer swayed up and down on
the end of his colossal cock.

The stallion threw his head up, mane flowing, eyes wild and white. His haunches
heaved, shoveling the phallic fuel to her creamy furnace. Jennifer was still
coming, going off again and again. The horse's cock was swelling even more as
his crest approached. It was like getting fucked by a log, like having the
muzzle of a cannon shoved up her cunt, and she eagerly awaited the explosive
shot from that cannon.

Trigger snorted, slobber flying from his muzzle, black lips squared back from
his big, blunt teeth. His glossy flanks were shimmering, spraying lather off as
the thicker lather of his lust began to boil.

His balls exploded and his jism shot up his pounding cockshaft in a raging tide.
Jennifer wailed when she felt that hot, thick stallion cum spurt into the core
of her cunt hole, hosing her savagely. Her pussy creamed again as the horse's
fuck-juice poured into her.

She threw her legs up and clamped her thighs around the brute's cockstalk,
riding that big cock in a wild horizontal dance, jerking and twisting on his
buried, cum-squirting prick. He lunged in, jets of jism shooting from his piss
hole, lifting her ass higher. He pulled back and her pelvis bobbed down, her
cunt hole sliding up to the head of his prick. Then he whacked it to her again
and she was jolted up on the thick stream of cum that burst from his cock-knob.

His cum-load seemed endless, his balls undrainable. Hot cock spume kept pouring
into Jennifer with every fuck-thrust and she creamed each time she felt another
steaming hot load hose into her pussy.

Finally, Trigger faltered. His last spurt of jizz shot into her cunt and his
prick sagged. He stood with his feet planted wide, his whole brawny body
trembling. His cock swayed up and down and Jennifer bobbed on the end of it, her
weight insignificant on that mighty slab of iron- hard cockmeat.

His cock dipped down again, beginning to sink and soften. Jennifer's fuck-slot
was enveloping his cockstalk almost down to his emptied balls, the pink pussy
lips stretched wide around the leathery prick. As his cock dipped, she began to
slide slowly down towards his cockhead. Her cunt hole sucked through every inch
and her cuntlips clung to his cockshaft, pulling outwards. She slid down to the
end of his cock and hung there for a moment, suspended. Her ass bobbed up and
down as his cock muscles jerked. All of his cockshaft was out of her now,
looming out between them, but his massive cockhead was still stuck fast in her
fuck-slot. Then, with a slurp, Jennifer slid off the end of his prick.

Her ass bounced on the floor, her fat tits bobbled, a deluge of cum and cunt
juice gushed from her open cunt gash, soaking the floor under her. A dreamy
smile brightened her pretty face. She was stunned by the magnitude of her
orgasm, thrilled by her dynamic coming, awed by the abundance of stallion cum
that had been pumped into her pussy.

Her sister smiled at Jennifer, then turned to the horse and began to lick his
creamy cock-head, intent on sucking him back to another rock- hard erection so
that she, too, could get a cuntful of horse cock.

Jennifer was looking forward to that, too--to licking around the edges while her
sexy sister got her pussy fucked to jelly by that gigantic stallion cock. But,
satisfied in both mouth and cunt now, Jennifer--to her credit--was feeling a
little guilty about having abandoned her family for the week. She thought that
she should telephone home and make sure that everything was all right, so that
she would not have any nagging worries about her irresponsibility troubling her
as she continued to frolic and cavort with Sarah and the stallion.

Leaving Sarah sucking hungrily on the head of the horse's prick, Jennifer, that
dutiful wife and mother, went back to the house to phone.

* * *

Rex had lost his hard-on again and was curled up on the floor, idly lapping at
the head of his ass-soaked prick. Frank's cock had collapsed as well, having
come once in his daughter's mouth and twice in her cunt. But the man's softened
cockmeat was rippling and quivering, ready to rise like a phoenix from the ashes
that Debby had hauled. He was remembering all the naughty things they had done
and his mind was inspiring his prick. Any doubts that Frank had had, previously,
about incest were completely gone. If a guy had a daughter that fucked and
sucked with dogs, he damned well had a perfect right to fuck the little nympho,

He gazed at Debby's pussy. She was sitting on the floor, her knees uplifted,
obviously waiting for one of them--Daddy or doggy--to get hard again. Her sweet
pussy looked so lovely that Frank figured it would be a good idea to suck it,
while allowing his prick time to recover.

He slid from his chair and stretched out, belly down, his head between her
thighs. Debby gave a little moan of pleasure at the prospect. Reaching down, she
stroked his cheek affectionately. Frank slid in and his tongue shot out. He
began to lap at her cunt slot and clit with fluttering strokes. Debby squirmed
against his face, really enjoying it. Her daddy's tongue wasn't as long as the
dog's tongue, but it was nimble and skillful and very, very enthusiastic.

His head tilted from side to side as he licked up her cuntlips, then tongue-
fucked up her pussy hole.

"Want me to cream your tongue, Daddy?" she whispered, rubbing her cunt against

"Yeah," he croaked, slurping hungrily.

His cock was stiffening rapidly now, as if connected to his tongue by some
mysterious clockwork. He was belly down on the floor and as his big prick
hardened it was working like a lever, prying his ass up into the air. His cock
was already stiff enough to fuck the girl again, but Frank was relishing a snack
of pussy and he wanted her to come in his mouth before he stopped eating cunt
and began fucking again.

Cunt juice and cum poured down her crotch and Frank ducked down, lapping the
succulent nectar up as it flooded into the crack of her ass.

It occurred to him that there was probably some dog cum mixed into the blend,
but that couldn't be helped when a man had a dog-fucking daughter.

"Cream, honey," he rasped. "Let me suck your cum juice out of your sweet pussy."

"Ummmm--yeah, Daddy--I'll cream your mouth," she moaned. "Lap my fucking cream

Frank sucked voraciously, his tongue fucked up into her steaming cunt hole and
lashed at her tingling clit. Juice seeped past his lips. The flow was getting
thicker and tangier as her hot pussy built towards the crest, and Frank was
starving for his daughter's pussymeat and cream.

Then the phone rang.

Frank's head jerked up. But Debby placed her hand behind his neck and pulled his
face back into her cunt.

"I'll get it--don't stop," she whimpered.

Frank slammed his tongue back into her delicious fuck-hole and Debby reached out
to the end table and picked up the telephone. Her thighs were clamped around his
ears as she jerked her cunt in his face, but Frank could hear that telephone
conversation as he kept sucking.

"Sure, Mom--everything's okay," she said.

Frank, knowing that it was Debby's mother--his wife--on the phone, sucked even
more ravenously on the girl's steaming cunt. Debby was squirming against him as
the waves of joy began to rush through her hot loins.

"Don't worry, Mom--I'll take care of everything," the girl was saying.

A spasm shook her. Frank's open mouth filled up with bubbling cunt juice.

"Right now?" Debby's voice quavered. She might have giggled, had she not been
just under the peak.

Frank looked up from the tops of his eyes, the lower half of his handsome face
buried in her pussy. Debby gazed down at him and smiled.

"Right now, I'm feeding Daddy lunch," said the girl into the telephone- -and
that delicious lunch came pouring into her daddy's loving lips.

Jennifer needn't worry. Debby was managing very well ...

The End
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