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RWS-209 The Neighbor's Pet
by Suzanne Mellows

Chapter 1

A descriptive paragraph she had typed onto final draft the day before from her
husband's current masterpiece raced sensually through Beth Ann Durke's young
mind as she watched her handsome neighbor leave his expensive home across Tasman
Drive and walk with a smooth, athletic grace toward his three-car garage. Mmmm,
he did! He literally radiated virility! What had Jay entitled the book? HER
LUSTY NEIGHBOR? Yes, that was it ... and very fitting, or so it would seem. She
remembered the exact passage:

He was tall, broad-shouldered and handsome, the possessor of a wealthy crop of
black hair which was worn in fashionable masculine shagginess to the nape of his
neck. Only slight tinges of grey brushed his temples; flecks of a similar color
floated about in his lecherous dark eyes. Neighborhood wives, the promiscuous
young girls who worked for him, in fact, women in general who happened to lay
eye on him, couldn't help but secretly ask themselves the same erotic question.
With such a handsome face and built, could he possibly be as good in bed as he
physically suggested? In fact, just how big and enduring was it ... that unknown
quantity he had to be superbly endowed with?

Yes, the intrigued, blonde wife lustfully imagined as she stood behind the front
room drapes admiring Stan Wilson, he just had to be masterfully blessed with a
large penis. She watched him back the black Continental from the garage, then
saw his vivacious Sara come running from the house in a smart looking wrapper
and matching gold slippers to bestow a day-lasting kiss on him through the
lowered car window. With what Beth had come to regard as almost a neighborhood
tradition, Sara Wilson carried on a simpering flourish of bye-byes and dainty
swipes at her long, coal-black hair, then demurely clutched at the expanded
bosom of her attractive robe until he was into the street and gone.

Undoubtedly, she'd bought the morning wrap in Los Angeles, Beth reasoned with
envy. Certainly, there wasn't anything that chic in San Arbella, to say nothing
of the Edgemont Heights shopping center! She tasted from her cup, letting her
thoughts return to the male reason for her secret excitement as she moved from
the window toward the kitchen. Again, she glanced down at the provocative
ensemble she'd chosen for her intended role of seduction, trying to recall the
reflection that her vanity mirror had offered.

It was her favorite outfit, but she was growing tired of it. Still, she was
satisfied that it showed her legs and ripely curved body off best, and that was
the delight of finely knitted material. Black always did things for her anyway -
like most blondes who wore their long hair in a straight, below-the-shoulder
fall of casualness and the skirt was more than just a little bit mini. Turtle
necked and clinging, the combination not only displayed a racy eyeful of thigh,
but made it possible for her to go without a brassiere and yet not appear
chippyish. Fortunately, she still had the firm uplift of full rounded breasts to
carry off the braless fad with a proud 'in' look, though she couldn't remember
when she'd last discarded the snugly reassuring garment before that morning. Nor
for that matter, she mused, a chill of lewd incitement prickling up her back,
could she ever remember wearing a sexy garter-belt and high-thighed hose with a
mini, either; but she was that morning, and with the sheerest wisp of black
nylon panties she owned shading her most intimate parts!

The rackety-tat-tat of Jay's prolific typewriter coming from his study only
helped to underscore her lurid intentions. Even if she didn't need shoes, her
naughty little scheme would have taken her into Stan Wilson's 'Footwear For The
Family' store to try on a new pair, and Jay's erotic writings were responsible.
She'd certainly been conscious of their handsome neighbor's existence before her
husband had chosen him as a model for his lead character, but it was the satyric
lustiness that Jay had fleshed him with that had set the fire warmly glowing
inside her loins. Silly though it was, Stan Wilson and Vic Slade of THE LUSTY
NEIGHBOR had become one and the same person for her, while she saw herself as
Della Stewart, the novel's sensuous and sexually frustrated young wife. As for
Sara, Beth could hardly see her in the role of Maggie Slade, the bi-swinging
temptress; she was too petite and prissily shy, as if she wouldn't speak at the
table if she had a mouthful. But perhaps Jay was right when he insisted that
those were the kind who came on like a prairie-fire in bed. She, herself,
wouldn't know, though she couldn't help but wonder what Jay would ever do with
such a wanton ball of flame if given the opportunity. In the fifteen months of
their marriage he'd never once taken her all the way, and damnit, she wasn't
that under-sexed, nor given to just lying there waiting for ecstasy to sweep her
away ...

Oh well, to hell with it! The die had already been cast as far as she was
concerned! If there were any regrets, providing her seductive little trap
worked, they certainly wouldn't be on her part, the young blonde wife
determined, a risque thrill of arousal edging her nerves. She set her empty cup
onto the kitchen table, tracing her lush, white- glossed lips with a skilled
little finger. For a moment, she listened to the rhythmic typing clatter of her
egotistical, near middle-aged husband, the infuriating knowledge that he had
unwittingly ensnared her with believable spoofs of security when she was on the
rebound of a heartbreaking romance, adding to her fervid sense of non-guilt.

Love him? Yes, oddly enough, she knew that she did in some ridiculous sort of
way. But what she had in mind, what had begun as a mere caprice and continued to
ferment ever since she'd begun to re-type her spouse's pornographic manuscripts
was far removed from that vein of affection. In the beginning, she'd had hope
for their marriage, but the sexual frustrations had quickly drained the sap from
it, leaving some sort of sterile bond she compared to the feeling she'd had for
the uncle and aunt who'd raised her.

Jay Robert Durke was a big man, bearded of late, robust and a shade less than
achieving complete failure when she'd met him. Generally, she thought of him as
an overgrown child, awesomely equipped genitally, but God knows, heartbreakingly
inadequate with all of his blessing. She'd actually met him in the office where
she'd clerked and he'd been a once a month calling salesman. Her lover and
future husband, who had been winding up his last year at law school, had done
the sonofabitch thing ... met and married another woman two weeks before!

She'd lived and breathed agony, probably two steps away from shoving her head
into the gas oven of her apartment! Jay Durke, drunken lingerie traveler and an
unknown week away from being fired, had been a desperately needed pillar to
cling to. She had let him sleep with her the very first night and damned near
laughed in his face in both mental and sensual chaos at his inexperienced love-
making. Still, she'd had hopes, and he did mean security, so she had blindly
married him that very week-end in Chicago and climbed aboard a 707 with
everything she owned stored in the cargo below.

The dawning had come slowly. He'd found them a rundown apartment in San Arbella,
and that's where they had stayed until he started making money and they'd moved
to this rented luxury home across the street from the wealthy Stan Wilson.
Though they had never completely run out of money, her meatloaf had begun to
taste like salted glue before he'd made his connection with 'Mr. Ace,' proving
that he could write, as he'd invariably insisted. From the beginning, after his
continual bed fiascoes and the sickening realization that his offered security
was little more than sand-castles he, himself, believed, Beth had sneaked off to
bed at night when she could, while he worked into the wee hours. In the daytime,
he faithfully chased down the 'Help Wanted' ads, but their romance which had
never existed from the onset as far as she'd been concerned, was rapidly
destroying her. She'd been closer to leaving him than she had shoving her head
in the oven back in Chicago! Then, he'd sold his first porno book!

All of those grueling midnight hours he'd spent had suddenly taken on meaning
for her, but nothing in comparison to the sight of his first check! She'd sat
there staring at it in an almost greedily wicked passion, the full meaning of
her tearful happiness leading to the utter fizzle that erotic night of love-
making should have been. God! she'd inwardly groaned in despair, how long was a
girl expected to indulge her natural need with the caresses of her own finger?

Indefinitely, she'd finally concluded, while reveling in the extravagances the
self-glorious man showered on her! But as the weeks passed the feeling of
security became matter-of-fact, and his impractical spending less consoling. By
the time they'd settled on Tasman Drive, Beth knew she had to do something, or
hopelessly lose her mind! She was twenty-six years old and he damned near twice
that, not an intolerable age difference had they been compatible in bed. But
instead, he was destroying the most intimate of her possessions ... her
sensuality! It was sometime during that period of desperation that she'd offered
to do his final typing in one last effort to drown her frustration in his work,
and try to save their marriage.

"Hey ... this is pretty raw stuff for you, baby," Jay had replied to her offer,
a big grin broadening his reddish, hairy face. "Maybe you should read a book or
two, first ..."

"Oh ... come on, daddy. I'm twenty-six remember? Your little Beth knows all the
nasties ..."

Oh, but had she been wrong! The vintage of her erotica, she'd quickly
discovered, was early teenage ... schoolgirl ... and at that, a dozen years
behind the time! Jay's first two books had enlightened her there, and then some.
Maybe he was no fireball in bed, but what he couldn't conceive of with the lust-
inciting, written word, had sent her avidly pouring through his following novel,
plus the two after that! Whewww! She'd always considered herself a normal,
desirous female with basic tendencies, but her forty-six year old husband's
pornographic tales had generated unknown fiery tingles of forbidden temptation
inside her the likes of which she'd never even dreamed of! She'd even attempted
to experiment with some of his wanton females' antics, taking them to bed with
her to try on him, but for some reason she'd never, never understand, that had
been futile too. He was a paper tiger!

His maddening pattern of inability, in fact, had grown even worse before her
increasing, passionate hunger, until the reading and typing of his manuscripts
had, like an aphrodisiac, brought her to this very morning! Frightened? Yes, she
was that and then some, but just as determined, too ...!

"Beth ...? How about some hot coffee for your lover-man, baby?"

A grating twinge immediately gnawed at the sexily dressed young wife's belly at
her trumpeting husband's summons. Lover-man, she repeated in mockery under her
breath. He'd been that the night before, too! As usual, he'd driven her almost
to the peak of the mountain, then left her there to get over the top by herself,
or slide back down, whichever she preferred. He'd been too drunk to know how
she'd managed it, but she had and by stealing a page from one of his salacious
volumes, while he'd snored like a disgusting, satiated ox beside her ... It was
right then that she'd definitely made up her mind ...!

"Beth?" he shouted again, louder this time.

"Yes ... I heard you, Jay. It's coming," she returned, carefully keeping the
irritation from her tone, and it wasn't too difficult. With the morning
sunshine, she realized that she had again slept away the frustrated anger. That,
along with the sensuous intentions she'd set her pruriently fevered mind to in
luring her handsome neighbor into an affair, left small room for wasted

Still, she couldn't help but recall with little fiery ripples of lust how close
Jay had come to doing it for her the night before! They both had plenty to
drink, he, twice as much as she, of course, and that had been her fault. She'd
fed them to him with purpose, operating on another theory which he repeatedly
had used in his novels ... the staying power of the well-liquored male. God, if
there was any truth in it - she had excitedly thought as she skipped around in
her see-through nightie to make him drinks before curling up beside him on the
couch and letting him lustfully run his big, hot hands over her nearly naked,
erogenous curves - he should wind up a human dynamo! She'd gotten him drunk,
amazed as always by his alcoholic capacity, and just as astonished at his
unbelievable recuperative ability, such as this very morning. She doubted if he
even knew the meaning of the word 'hangover.'

He had been panting, animalish, and staggering when they'd made it to the
bedroom for the final course. Smoldering, she'd whipped her nightie over her
head, bouncing nakedly onto the bed into a lewd, thigh-spread position like a
child playing 'statue,' except she'd been a very hot young wife with no
intentions of taking an immobile part in the game! "Christ, baby, you're a
voluptuous doll to look at!" he'd thick-tongued in a hoarse voice, pulling at
his clothes while she laid there watching him.

Sure, he was getting soft with age and noticeably paunchy with an overhang of
spare-tire around the middle, but the long, thick hardness of his lust-swollen
penis standing out from his strong, hairy loins immediately dwarfed all else.
Trembling sensations of shameless desire had shivered over her exciting
nakedness, her craving eyes riveted on his large, sperm-bloated testicles
heavily swaying between his legs. God, how desperately she had hoped ...!

Suddenly, he'd been on top of her, kissing her with drunken passion, nibbling at
the hardened pink nipples of her swollen breasts, running his big, searing hands
over her wetly throbbing pussy, while his cock throbbed against the sensitive
flesh of her thigh. He'd muttered and panted to her sensual writhings beneath
him, choking out obscene, stimulating words and phrases of love that had
fervidly goaded her to a point of whorish lust. God, she'd suck him if he'd let
her! But no ... no, not first! He had to ... had to make her cum at least once
before anything else, and she wanted to do nothing that might destroy that

He drunkenly crawled between her eagerly trembling thighs which she'd anxiously
spread wide for him. "I'm going to fuck you right out of your mind, lady!" he'd
lewdly promised, using the four-letter tools of his trade that she wanted to
hear. Their graphic sounds fired her with wild chills of intensive passion. "Put
it in, baby! Stuff it in your hot little cunt-hole!"

She'd been that certain of the 'at last' moment when she'd reached down and
grasped the heated length of his solid, thick cock to splay open the moistened
lips of her hungrily throbbing vagina, placing its fleshy head at the mouth of
her cunt. Impatiently, she'd spread her legs even further as she raised her
steaming loins up to him, confident that this time his fantastic spear of
hardness was going to do it for her, and not caring how hard he plunged that
first time!

He had! His huge, hotly throbbing cock had raced into the liquid reception of
her wanting pussy-channel like a challenging knight with huge lance in jousting
charge, filling the dilated core of her seething young body with an enchantment
of fury. Yes ... yes, this time! It would happen this time, she'd feverishly
reasoned, straining beneath this powerful man, her husband, in sluttish abandon!

His raging cock had wildly pounded in and out of the tight, pink opening up
between her legs, while he grunted and spewed deliciously foul words and phrases
down at her, each and every one inciting her all the more.

"Oh, oh, Jay lover ...! It's beautiful! Yessss! Fuck me out of my mind ... like
you promised!"

"Yehhhh ... right out of your cunt-boggled mind, baby!" he'd gasped. "Your
lover-man's layin' it in there, ain't he? Filling your hot belly with a yard of
fat cock, eh eh?"

"Oooo yes, darling yesss! A-And I'm going ... going to suck it for you ... make
it cum right in my mouth!" she'd obscenely hissed up at him, realizing now that
her lewd promise had been her first mistake because he had gone out of his mind
in excitement.

She'd felt the tremble of muscular tension ripple over his big heavy body above
her. "Goddamn!" he'd blurted. "And ... and you mean it, too, don't you, kitten!
S-Suck me off ...! Shit ...! Get ready, honey, big daddy's gonna blow 'em! Oh
Christ ..."

And he had, his cock had raced into her frantically churning pussy and began to
spew its life-draining, masculine semen into her. With bitter frustration, she'd
dug her nails into his naked ribs, his arms, his shoulders!

"Oh no ... nnooo, Jay, pleaseee?" she'd begged, even knowing it was useless as
she thrust her wetly pulsating loins up at him to accept his warmth puddling
into her belly.

Until finally, there'd been nothing but the rolling of his huge, passed-out
frame off of her, the wild burning hunger aflame in her loins and belly nearly
driving her to tears! She wasn't about to try and haul him up onto the pillow;
in fact, he could have died right there and she would have probably celebrated!
The bastard! The drunken, selfish bastard! Oohhhh ... and she'd been so hot ...

She'd remembered, then, his very own words from the written page luridly
streaming through her mind! The identical situation ... and without hesitation,
she'd sat up, taken Jay's limp hand to place his thick fingers the way she
wanted them, and then wormed two of them up into her hotly seething vagina. She
locked her naked thighs to hold his fingers in place while she obscenely
squirmed and writhed her naked loins onto their semi-limpness, at the same time
fingering her tiny, sensitively erect clitoris. In the interim of building
climax, she'd lustfully fondled his long flaccid cock and played with his
emptied balls, but all of it together as she remembered it now, had hardly been
a night of love ... anything but the erotic scene she'd enthusiastically
imagined ...!

"Beth, what about that coffee?"

"Coming ... right now," she called back, satisfied that all was on the tray she
carried, except her own cup. This, he noticed immediately when she set it on his

"You're not having any, baby?" he questioned, looking up at her with those
watery gray eyes that too much Scotch had tattooed with a crimson fringe. He
smiled in part, his teeth and lips showing with contrasting white and red
through the mow of graying whiskers covering his broad face. Shades of the poor-
man's Hemingway, she derisively thought.

"No. I'm going down to the center to do some shopping," she casually replied,
examining with feigned interest the work he had ready for her.

"Say ... you look sharp, doll ... real sexy!" he said, swiveling his chair
around to better ogle her. "Now that's my gal! Look at those gams! Christ!"

She smiled to his compliment. "Is there anything you'd like before I leave?"

"Hmmmm, maybe ... A fifteen minute taste of you might fire the day's production
to no Goddamned end!"

The urge to ask him what he intended to do with the last ten of them, Beth
forced herself to put to one side. Instead, she poured his coffee, adding two
lumps of sugar. Some fresh air ... that's what she needed ... amongst other
things ...

"Where the hell did you get that outfit? I never saw it before, did I?"

She swallowed. Mustn't screw up. "Not since last Thursday or so," she replied,
portraying the wifely expression of pleasure at his noticing her. "I bought it
the week before I met you."

"Yeah ...?" He shook his big head in amazement. "That's a real mini, all right.
But you can wear 'em, baby! Come here and give your lover- man a little kiss."

Beth did, smiling. As raucous, lewd, drunken, and self-inflated as he was, there
was something about him that could trigger her! Maybe it was his beard, soft and
fuzzy when it tickled her cheeks. How would she react to it taunting her inner
thighs, like Myra in THE SATANIC MONK ...?

"Mmmmmm, honey-dipped lips," he sighed, reaching around to smooth his big hand
over the rounded swell of her buttocks.

"Down, rover," Beth gently countered, backing out of his reach, knowing his next
move was to ease up in under her tiny skirt, and she certainly didn't want him
to learn what she wasn't wearing there! "Can I get you anything before I go?"

He slurped at his coffee, setting the cup down with a clatter of cheap earthen-
ware. "As a matter of fact, I think I'll go with you, doll. I need a hair-trim
and I can get that while you're doing your thing. What're you shopping for,

Beth tensed as she reached down for one of his cigarettes, anger needling her.
He sat watching and waiting, making no effort to offer her a light. She scooped
up his desk lighter and did it herself, irately wondering what the hell it was
that kept her from climbing onto a bus for Chicago!

"Groceries and shoes," she snapped with an exhale of smoke, struggling to keep
the ire from her voice. "I-I need a pair ... or else a bale of cardboard to slip
into those I'm wearing!" she uncontrollably added.

Though she wasn't looking directly at him, his curvaceous long-haired young wife
saw his face squinch into a hurt grimace. She walked around his desk toward the
window, keeping her back to him, immediately sorry she had said it. Damn, it was
those pained expressions he could get in his pitiable eyes which made her melt

"Hey, honey ... what's this bit? Y-You know you can have anything you want,
don't you? We've got it now ... money in the bank ... whatever you need to make
you happy. Come on, don't twist daddy's testes like that? Just name it, doll,
and it's yours!"

"A-All I want is a pair of shoes, Jay ... and I'm not even sure I can find them
in the center," she calmly managed, gazing idly through the window as she
smoked. "I-I thought I'd stop in at Stan Wilson's ..."

"Okay, let's give it a shot, hon! I could use a pair of kicks, myself!" He
bounded up from his chair. "This little gem can spare me the morning. Come on,
baby! Lover-man's going to take you shopping! Goddamnit, you're going to have
all the shoes you can carry home ...!"

Chapter 2

Beth couldn't remember when she'd been more uptight, unless it was at her junior
prom when her aunt had been chaperone-in-charge, and she'd dated a senior with a
reputation of being the coolest, swingingest guy in school! He'd had to drive
her home in his father's car with her aunt in the back seat, and the entire way
Beth had breathlessly tried to restrain his hot, young hand secretly smoothing
up and down her trembling inner thigh for fear Aunt Zelda would get wise and lay
an egg right there! And that had been that! He'd never asked her out again!
Somehow, this seemed like a repeat performance of that disastrous night!

At the moment, her doting husband, in the most unconventional garb his blatant
taste could imagine, was guiding her along the walkways of Edgemont Heights
shopping center. Not that there were any fashion- plates in the area, and not
that she gave a damn what other people thought, but a pith-helmet, shooting
jacket, and bedroom slippers ...? And worse, he was sure as the devil about to
louse up her vampish little scheme! He had all intentions of accompanying her
into Stan Wilson's store and trying on shoes, boots, whatever it was, dumping
his big frame right in the seat beside her, and how could she do one damned

Blast it! If only there was some other way of getting to know their neighbors
better ... at a party, perhaps ... She felt certain she could manage it all
nicely from there. Last Sunday, in her white, skin-tight shorts and a tiny
halter, she'd purposely gone out to putter around the yard, work which she
wouldn't even consider if Sara Wilson hadn't set the pace, and knowing that Jay
ogled the vivacious brunette in her usual bikini as if she were an exotic
dancer. At first, Beth hadn't been sure the handsome Mr. Wilson was seeing her
out there doing her exaggerated stoopings and squattings, antics that bordered
on the obscene, but she had finally glanced up to catch him watching her from a
bedroom window. He'd smiled and waved, and for two days she'd lived on that ...

"Here we are, baby," Jay gratingly crunched her thoughts, leading her into
Wilson's Shoe Salon. "Have at it, hon! Just turn yourself loose. Your lover-man
feels like indulging you!"

Beth moved away from him, tripping silently along the strip of carpeting in
front of the empty chairs. Indulging you, she inwardly repeated, incensed. More
of his jargon shit! Damn, she could throttle him for tagging along with her! She
casually looked around, working to keep her rage from showing. At least, the
store was empty of customers ... clerks too, for that matter. and that pleased
her. She'd planned to ask for Mr. Wilson anyway; that is, before her lover-man
decided to escort her ...

Her blood-pressure quickened when with a handsome smile, the thirtyish, tall and
broad shouldered Wilson himself appeared from the back room. Little twinges of
lurid excitement immediately stirred in the depths of her belly at the way he
carried himself; but there was something else in her belly - an apprehensive
knot forming there too. God ... she could never go through with it, even if Jay
wasn't with her! Imagining such lurid scenes was one thing, but when it came
right down to the nitty-gritty ...?

"Well, hello neighbors! Nice to see you! Won't you have a seat and let's see if
we can help you?" Stan Wilson suavely beamed, dollar-bill signs almost clicking
in his eyeballs, Beth thought, but she hardly cared. Lord, he was handsome! "Who
can we make happy?"

"The little wife, Stan," she heard her boisterous husband say, using their
neighbor's first name as if they'd known him for years, and adding a gruff
little laugh. "Poor kid needs some foot-wear... and why not, on the end of those
legs, eh?"

Beth cringed with embarrassment as Stan drew up his stool, still smiling toward
her husband, an obvious starchiness in the expression. Oh, why didn't that
asshole keep his big, blowhard mouth shut? She crossed her legs, presenting her
right foot.

"What did you have in mind, milady?" her gentlemanly neighbor softly questioned,
gazing up at her with deep, dark eyes, the trace of a smile flickering about his
attractive mouth, as with seemingly super- sensitive hands, he removed her shoe.

"Oh ... something in a sandal, maybe. Black and with platform heel ... though
I'm not sure," she quickly added, reluctant to discard her original baiting
temptation, and the longer she sat there trying on shoes, perhaps ...

"Aahh ... we have a sharp new sandal that's all the rage this season, Mrs.
Durke," he said, agilely swinging up and away.

"Come on now, Stan, you guys should call us by first name, seeing we're
neighbors, right?" Jay mouthed after him. "She's Beth and I'm Jay. You're Stan
and your wife's name's Sara, isn't it?"

"Yes ... that's right. Sara and Stan."

"So ...? Seeing we live right across the street from each other, let's get
better acquainted?" the nearly exasperated young wife's middle-aged husband
continued, winking at her. "First names from now on, right?"

"Why not?" Stan Wilson coolly answered, pulling boxes from tiers.

"You're a shop keeper and I'm an author," Jay said, his choice of titles
mortifying Beth. "... Or maybe you didn't know that," her husband grinningly
went on as their neighbor returned to seat himself on the stool. "Did you?"

"I ... ah ... never gave it much thought, to tell you the truth," the wavy
haired, handsome man almost icily replied, taking the shoe from its box.

"I understand. You got your daily grind ... not much time to think about what
other people do. I know what it is. I was in the old selling game myself for
awhile ... grueling contest. But those days are gone, now .. just the creative
art when the spirit moves me. Beth, here, does all my final work for me, when
I'm not chasing her around the desk ... if you get what I mean, Stan ..."

She wanted to kill him right there! Dumping a shovelful of white-hot coals into
his lying mouth would have served the purpose, Beth thought, utter rage
shamefully scathing her insides. Goddamn him, she tremblingly seethed,
intentionally uncrossing her nylon-sheathed legs to let their neighbor fit her
foot into the shoe!

"H-How ... How's that feel?" the dark-eyed shoe salesman stammered, letting her
know that he'd caught his first glimpse of what she'd originally come prepared
to show him.

"Hmmmmm ..." She gained her feet, taking several observing steps on the carpet.
They were absolutely ugly! But that had nothing to do with it. He'd looked right
up between her legs for a brief moment, and she well knew what he could see
through the snug fit of those sheer, nylon panties! Her pubic curls ... the very
crevice of her pink-fleshed pussy, itself ...! "No ... no, I don't think so.
These aren't what I had in mind ..."

"We have many more sandals, Mrs. - Beth," he lumpishly got out, his beautiful
Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "S-Shall we try on a few?"

"Sure, give 'em all the once over, baby," Jay butted in. "Hell, might better
throw our business to old Stan here, than take it to L. A., right?" He leaned
back, lighting a cigar. "Fella's got to sweat today to make it, eh Stan?"

Ignoring her coarse husband, Wilson said in a tone that trembled enough for her
to feel its sensuous vibrations: "Let's try this one, Beth ...?"

The alluringly dressed young wife tossed her long blonde hair in a
characteristic gesture, then swept it back over her shoulders. The act, she was
well aware, had made her braless, ripely full breasts ripple in provocative
freedom. She was hardly conscious of her husband's presence, and could barely
contain the smile she felt tugging at her wetly parted lips at her handsome
neighbor's visible uneasiness. It registered that he must enjoy many sensual
panoramas from his strategic position, and she was suddenly determined that none
would be more equal to the bird's-eye view than that she would shortly offer

At the moment, while his perceptive hands were skillfully removing and replacing
the shoe, her eyes were drawn to the short, black masculine hair lightly
enshadowing their backs, a sensory shiver dancing up her spine. She leaned
forward then, supposedly observing the sandal, coyly spreading her thighs, but
not without a certain gracefulness.

"Mmmmm ... I think I like this better ... but the heel isn't exactly what I
wanted," she said, pretending to study it, but from the corner of her eye she
saw the lusty gleam leap into his deep, dark ones as they flitted back and
forth, overly lingering each time they focused up between her legs.

"That's a damn good looking shoe on you, baby," Jay commented, hanging a stenchy
cloud of thick smoke over them with his puffings. "Not every doll could show it
off like you, right Stan?"

"T-True," their handsome neighbor stammered, dragging his eyes from her to
briefly glance at her stretched out husband. She almost heard his eyeballs
snapping back, then he lowered his head as if studying the fit, his gentle
fingers feeling around her instep, but Beth wasn't fooled. While his broad brow
hid the recess of his eyes, she knew he was straining them damned near out of
their sockets to feast on the luring, nylon-misted revelation of her most
intimate secret. "W-Would you like to try on the other ... Beth?"

"Oooohh ... yes, I think so."

He fumbled, dropped, retrieved and managed. Almost pathetically, he looked up
then to catch her suggestive little smile of understanding. She stood, moving
around him to pace the carpet.

"They look great, hon," Jay said. "You like 'em?"

"Yes ... I think so, but this one you just put on seems to have something
sticking up into my foot," the voluptuous blonde wife lied, re-seating herself.
One more little fleeting peek for him, and the next move was his.

"Ooohh ...? Well, let's have a look at that," Stan eagerly replied, dropping to
his knees to remove it, but with head definitely bowed, almost as if he couldn't
weather another dose of her voluptuously presented charms.

Beth was delighted! She'd reached him, all right! In fact, she'd wager that the
slight bulge in the front of his trousers he was uncomfortably trying to conceal
wasn't perpetual. She watched him smooth his hand over the insole, slowly rising
from his kneeling position and saying something about 'when they came off the
last ...'

"Easily taken care of, Mrs. - Beth ... if you like them," he unsteadily
faltered, his avid dark eyes devouring her.

Damn, she sure had reached him, and in grand style! "Yes ... I think I'll take
them, if you can do something about that ... whatever it is?"

"Of course ... yes ... well, it won't take a minute," he went on, his handsome
face and eyes caught up in an expression of complete confusion. "I-I just have
to put it on the workbench I have in back and give it a few taps ... Y-You can
watch if you like ..."

"Just take your time, Stan. We're in no hurry," Jay voiced through a haze of
smelly cigar smoke. "I think I want some boots, myself. Hey, where are they? I
can be looking while you're fixing that?"

"Th-That row right over there," the shaken store-owner nervously pointed as her
big, bearded husband lumbered across toward it.

"This one?"

"Yes, that's it ... go right ahead. The sizes are on the box-fronts. H- Have a
look at the styles while we give this a tap ... W-Would you like to watch,
Beth?" he repeated.

"May I?" she questioned, looking him straight in his perplexed, burning dark-

"O-of course. Come along ... it's back here!" he finally got out, his nearly
tremoring voice cracking twice. "It shouldn't take a minute, Mr ... Jay ..."

"That's okay, no hurry. I'll just paw through these boots," Beth heard her
husband say, while intensive, if timorous, excitement gripped her as the
dividing curtain swept closed behind her and Stan Wilson dropped the shoe onto
the little bench, turning to face her.

"T-There's nothing wrong with that shoe!" he hissed, his breathing short and
raspy as he stared at her.

"I-I know ..." Beth whispered, moving toward him, so tight inside she thought
something was surely going to burst! Everything that her middle-aged husband had
ever written concerning promiscuous wives made itself available like a sensual
reference library in her erotically determined brain! She raised her arms with
obvious intent, letting her fingers pressure against his broad shoulders, then
mindlessly ease around his neck, while he stood as if immobilized into a
helpless numbness. "I-I know ...!" she huskily repeated.

"J-Jesus Christ!" he choked, his strong arm wrapping around her slender waist
and drawing her tightly against him, his handsome mouth hungrily finding her
warm, tongue-moistened lips in an ardent soul kiss! She let her own little
tongue wetly greet his, her incited brain reeling as she enveloped him with the
resilient fullness of her breasts, soft belly and hot thighs, urging the
erogenous swell of her yielding fleshy mound against the lengthy bulge of his
thickly aroused hardness. The passionate sensation of its solid, masculine feel
whipped her breath away!

"Y-You beautiful witch!" he hoarsely panted, smoothing his big hands lustfully
over the rounded swell of her buttocks. "Y ... you were showing it to me out
there ... wearing those tiny little panties ... Christ! You were, weren't you
... weren't you?"

"Y-Yes ...! D-Did you like what you saw?"

"Goddamn ... I loved it! When ... where?" his words were hot, gasping breaths
against her face, the heat of his strong, sensitive hands penetrating through
the knit of her tiny skirt to the tensed ovals of her rounded buttocks! It'd
gone just as she'd conceived it ... her bit of lewd exhibitionism ... but now,
what? God, this was no time to get panicky, or suddenly have second thoughts!
Yet ...?

"Well ...?" he insisted. "When, honey ... and where?"

"Oohhh ... I-I don't know!" she tremulously whispered. "But ... but I want to,
darling ...!"

"Damn ... you mean it, too, don't you?" he croaked, his breathing filling the
cluttered little room with short, sizzling sounds.

For answer, Beth uncontrollably pressured even tighter to him, almost
imperceptibly undulating her desire-filled, soft belly, loins and thighs with
suggestive fervency against his hardened, rhythmically throbbing penis. A scene
from one of Jay's mate-swapping years raced through the archives of her
sensually intoxicated mind, and like the young wife in the story who was
desperately trying to seduce her reluctant neighbor, she passionately kissed him
on the lips, then began to tickle the end of his handsome nose with the tip of
her hot, wet little tongue.

"Uummgghh ..." he huskily groaned, his heated hands stroking downward to the
backs of her nyloned thighs, then up in under her tiny skirt to tease the smooth
flesh above her stockings, and finally to caress and cup the rounded fullness of
her flimsily covered buttocks! His wetly fevered mouth smothered her own as she
sensually returned as much as he gave, eagerly lashing tongues with him, while
his finger tips descended, tracing the deep crevice separating the tensed mounds
of her ovalled, near-naked buttocks. Then, one outstretched thick finger was
worming its way between her trembling, full thighs from behind, the erotic
sensation causing her to gasp out! Suddenly, through her panties, she felt its
wanted hot pressure against the desire-dampened mouth of her vagina, and an
electric current rippled through her as it tried to wriggle inside the
moistened, narrow crotchband

"No ... no, darling, not here!" the hotly aroused young wife whispered, locking
her strong, full thighs like a fleshy vise over his probing hand to hamper his
frantic operation. "Please ... it's too dangerous with him right out there!" she
insisted, her sultry green eyes searching his while she reached behind her and
gently disengaged his lewdly exploring fingers. Then, pressing the hardened tips
of her proud young breasts against his chest, she reached beyond him to the
little bench, picking up the flat-nosed hammer and banging it three times
against the bench top.

"Wh-What the hell are you doing?" her shuddering neighbor rattled with a start.

"Making the necessary sounds ... remember, love? You're supposed to be repairing
a shoe?"

"Y-Yeah ... Christ, yes ... I forgot he was even out there! Goddamn! You're
something else, girl ... blow a man's mind ..."

"Please ... don't tease me ...?"

"Tease you? Holy Christ! Who's teasing whom?" he hotly questioned, trying to
draw her back tight to him, while she wedged her hands against his athletic
chest as a buffer. "I-If he wasn't out there, I'd ... I'd ..."

"You'd what?" she excitedly pressed, wanting to hear him say it.

"Damn it, you know what I'd do!"

"You'd fuck me right here!" the intensively fired Beth lewdly finished for him
in an intimate whisper, the four letter word never sounding more exciting to
her, or to him, as it obscenely tumbled from her lush lips at that moment. "I-Is
that what you were going to say, Stan?"

"Goddamn! You ... you luscious creature!" he cawed, his lust-inflamed dark eyes
reflecting the depth of the jolt her use of the graphic word had triggered
inside him. He gushed a hot draft of breath against her face, his eyes gleaming
with a frenzy. "When, Beth? Tonight? Can you get out ...?"

"Whoa, darling ... not so fast," Beth reflexively countered, something in the
nature of apprehension clutching at her within. She took the decorative
handkerchief from his breast pocket to dab away the smear her lightly tinted lip
gloss had left on his mouth. It was a subterfuge, a stall for time ,her mind
racing in a melee of confusion. "B-Better not let Sara see this hanky," she
said, tucking it back into his pocket.

"What ... what about tonight? A friend of mine owns a motel a few miles out of
town! There won't be any problems ..."

"What about Sara?" she interrupted, in God's name, never knowing why, unless
that was a woman's natural reaction and subconsciously placing herself in the
position of his vivacious, raven-haired young wife.

He stared at her open-mouthed, part of the expression on his handsome face and
in his tormented eyes enough to make her want to climb right up on the little
bench for him! Oohhh ... she was really so hot it was a wonder that her tiny,
thin panties didn't disintegrate! Maybe they had! Still, she couldn't deny the
forces, whatever their source, that were restraining her, and they certainly
never appeared in Jay's themes!

"What the hell! Forget Sara! She's got nothing to do with this ... with you and
me! Look, can you make it tonight ...?"

Before he could, finish or she answer, Jay's harsh voice came to them! "Hey!
What're you doing back there, remaking that shoe, you guys? Come out and take a
look at these boots, doll!"

"How about it? Tonight?" Stan Wilson pressed in an urgent whisper.

"N-No ... I can't, tonight! Besides ... we have to think of your wife, and ...
and my husband ... at least, a little bit!" Beth defensively answered hardly
knowing what she meant by her words.

"Think of them ...? Christ, girl, what's with you, anyway?"

"Ooohhh ... I-I shouldn't have let you ..."

"The hell with that shit! W-What are you, anyway ... a goddamn cocktease?" he
spat at her. "You come tripping in here with your husband, practically nothing
on beneath that frigging skirt, show me your cunt like you're waving a flag,
then suddenly give me that old 'your beautiful wife' routine! What the hell's
with you, Mrs. Durke? You have problems in bed with that talented artist out
there, or something ...?"

The venom in his cutting words burned into the young blonde wife like eating
acid, and she backed away from him with tears brimming up into her big, round
eyes! God, what'd happened? It had all been flowing so beautifully! Just the way
she'd envisioned it! Ooohhh ... she'd truly blown it ... blown it! And now, what

She dropped her head and he said: "Damnit, look, honey, I'm sorry! I didn't mean
it ... honest! You're just too much, is all ..."

"Hey! You characters coming out here, or should I go out for coffee, maybe?"
Jay's voice reached her, a tone of up-tightness barbing it.

Beth moved forward, quickly picking up and slipping on the new sandal. She
daintily wiped at her eyes as Stan said: "Look, I'm sorry! Please ...? Tonight.
We can straighten all of this nonsense out, Beth! I promise ...!"

The voluptuous, long-haired blonde wife didn't look at him. She knew if she did
she'd probably meet him in an alley if that's what he wanted! God, she'd never
been any hotter, or closer to spreading her legs, in her life! Instead, she
said: "No ... I can't, Stan. Let's just think about it. Maybe ... maybe, we both
made a mistake ...!"

"Shit! Listen ... wait a second, baby! Oh Christ ...!" Beth heard him choke
behind her as she brushed the curtain to one side and walked out into the front
of his store, every inch of her alive with sensual excitement.

"There, it's all right now, Jay darling! Mr. Wilson fixed it beautifully!"

"Aawww, come on, baby ... not Mr. Wilson," her cigar-chewing husband reminded.
"Stan ... remember? We're neighbors, eh? And ... how do you like these boots on
me ...?"

Chapter 3

Beth Ann Durke couldn't be any less conscious of the male eyes appraising her
enhanced young curves as she, accompanied by her outlandishly dressed husband,
treaded the familiar sidewalks of the Edgemont Heights shopping center. His
whispering dispatches that this 'punk' and that 'bastard' had just undressed
her, dribbled off the voluptuous blonde wife like water off the proverbial
duck's back. She had just over-played her starring role, then upstaged her own
self in the manner of a Miss Do-Good from a B movie! In short, she'd absolutely
muffed it ... needling him with Sara, then slipping into the offended other-
woman part before she'd even been cast!

God, how stupid could one get? Pretty bad, she inwardly seethed, sick at the
thought of having him, that gorgeous hunk of man, right in her eagerly yearning,
little hands, then frittering away her hold through girlish ridiculousness.
Damn, she'd never intended they be any more than lovers, an affair, an
experience! "When Beth? Tonight? Can you get out ...?" he'd panted, his
breathing a masculine, lusty blowtorch against her face. "Whoa, darling ... not
so fast ...!" she'd childishly answered ... and God, why, she'd never, never
know ...!

"You dig the boots, baby?" Jay's raucous voice interrupted.

"I-I guess so."

"Wilson was wearin' a pair of suede jobs, but they're Goddamned sweet for me.
Fruit boots, you know," he said, his ludicrous inference not even meriting a
reply from her. "You know, he seems to be an all right guy? We'll have to get
better acquainted with 'em ... like that Vickie Davis next door to us. I see her
and Sara talking a lot, and she just walks right into the Wilson's as if she
owned the place."

"Does she? I never noticed," Beth replied, preoccupied and barely with their

"Sure ... she and that German Shepherd dog of hers ... What's its name?"


"Yeah, Lancer." He wagged his bearded-faced head as he lumbered along beside
her. "Beautiful dog, but town's no place for an animal like that. Should be on a
ranch or farm where it can get out and run ... exercise, you know?"

"I suppose," she idly answered.

"But, I guess she keeps him for protection, living alone and all. That's a funny
thing, too, a model like her with no male around, at least, once in awhile. You
think maybe she's lez, doll?"

"Frankly, I never thought about it."

"Well I have," he said with a snigger, holding onto his young wife's arm in true
claiming fashion. "Something's smelly there ... all by herself ... just her dog
... You get it, baby? Just her and that Goddamned brute of an animal ...?"

"You've got a dirty mind, Jay Durke," Beth retaliated, not trying to hide her
disgust. God, why didn't he just go off somewhere so she could brood in peace?

"Yeah, a dirty old gold-mine!" he punned, nudging at her ribs with his hand
holding onto her arm. "How'd you like that one, doll?"

She said nothing, not even daring to look in his direction for fear she would
blow her top right there on the street. Then, thanks be to the powers, he
stopped in front of the barber shop and said: "This is as far as I go with you,
baby? Going to get handsome for you. Where you off to now?"

"The supermarket," she answered, elated that he was about to unhand and separate
from her for a few hours.

"Okay. You take the Caddy home. I'll walk. It's only ten minutes and I need the
exercise ... sitting at that desk all day."

"You could take a cab ..."

"No, I'll walk. It won't hurt me," he said, grinning and leaning toward her for
a kiss.

Beth did, knowing that she was doing untold things for his ego right in front of
his favorite bragging grounds. But it was the last lewd pat on her buttocks
right there on the street that set the readied rancor to bubbling inside her!
Damn! What a slob he could be ...

"See you, babe."

"Bye!" she snapped, whipping away, her mind becoming an immediate well of Stan
Wilson, and thankfully so.

Even as she shopped, she could concentrate on little else but her handsome
neighbor and the way she had stupidly bungled the whole thing. Of course, she
could have gotten out tonight, or any other night! Jay never questioned her in
that respect, whatever story she came up with, and most times it was just to get
a break away from him and take in a movie, or a quiet relieving walk. Damn ...
was it too late? She could go back alone now, eat a little crow and set it up
for tonight! God knows, she was still that sensually excited ... but no! No, she
wasn't about to eat crow for any man! If ... if only she could cool down a
little! She was actually wet, wet between her legs, and no one but Stan Wilson
had done that! But damnit, she wasn't about to eat crow for him! Never ...!

Oh, where were the damned pickles ...?

The sexually flustered young wife's entire grocery shopping excursion was marred
by similar incidents. She couldn't concentrate, and finally in dismay, had
called a halt, knowing she'd forgotten half the items on the list she'd made out
and left on the kitchen table.

At one point, while retrieving a box of soap powder from a lower shelf, she had
half-glanced behind her to see an older man pushing a cart full of groceries
pause to observe the spectacle she was thoughtlessly offering him in her bent-
over position. Though she had immediately straightened and turned to glare at
him, his elderly, lecherous smirk as he pushed on only seemed to add unneeded
fuel to the already glowing bed of coals smoldering in the hot, fluid hearth of
her body. The male clerks, the homely, balding assistant manager, even the young
carry-out boy, Jerry Adams, who lived in their block on Tasmen Drive, all were
doing their unintentional share in provoking her private passion.

Lord, it was absolutely absurd to work one's self into such a lewd state. Yet,
there was something erotically exciting about it, too ... being caught up in
such a lascivious mood right out in public ... before God and everyone, and in
broad daylight, she lightly mused, leading the way to where the Caddy was
parked. And the manner in which she was unnecessarily switching her rounded hips
for the young carry- out boy's benefit was hardly Kosher either. She could tell
after she'd bent down to open the car's trunk-door that his youthfully bugging
blue eyes had briefly fed on the unexpected, engaging sight. His good looking
teenage mouth was agape, his smooth, fair cheeks a flushed crimson.

Of course, she couldn't help but recall a sequence from one of Jay's novels in
which a lecherous young wife had seduced a neighbor-boy in oral sex. At the same
time, she'd thought the scene not only disgustingly obscene, but extremely
impossible. What normal woman in her right mind would ever set out to lure a boy
when she could have a man ...?

"Thank you, Jerry," she warmly smiled at him as he opened the door and she slid
in under the steering wheel, making no effort to hide her exposed nylon-covered
thighs with their tiny garter-belt frills peekingly visible. She'd tipped him
then, still smiling as he backed off with his handsome young face blushingly
afire, offering her a little wave.

Damn, he was a sweet, young dream, the infused blonde wife reflected most of the
way home. Some lucky girl either was, or was going to be made mighty happy with
that gallant little darling crawling between her legs! Lord ... if she didn't
stop thinking this way she was going to be a mess of frayed nerves before the
day was over! And it was her own fault, too! Her bewitching little scheme had
worked perfectly with Stan ... then, she'd had to goof it! Damn ... damn! What
she needed was a drink!

After lugging in the groceries and dumping them on the kitchen table, Beth made
straight-away for the liquor cabinet and a gin-tonic. With this fortification,
she returned to put meat and perishables in the refrigerator, then drained her
glass to make room for a second.

Just how the devil was she going to manage another such situation with her
impassioned desire of the moment, Stan Wilson? Or should she leave it for him to
make the next move? Of course, that was the proper approach ... if you could use
the term proper in conjunction with adultery! The truth of the matter was that
she'd turned chicken! No denying it, she had ...!

"Which comes right down to one thing, Lady Beth!" she said aloud to herself,
"you're not the wanton whore that you pretend to yourself ... though if anyone
knew the way you're boiling inside they'd never guess it! What you need is a
cool bath to calm the fires before the genius comes home and you find yourself
enticing him into bed for a repeat performance of last night! On second thought,
better that you do it yourself and eliminate the middle man ...!"

A tiny ripple of excitement added a new emotional arousal of the sizzling
agitation already stewing in her soft belly and hot, moistened loins.
Determined, she attacked the liquor cabinet a third time, carrying a gin-tonic
to the bedroom where she quickly stripped naked.

In the adjoining bath she wound her long blonde hair into a top-knot, and
started to draw water as she sipped at her drink, the gin beginning to
effectively warm her. Her sultry green eyes glancing at her white nakedness
reflected in the full length mirror and glimmered narcissistically as a tiny
rippling sensation of pleasure flittered through her voluptuous, twenty-six year
old body. For a moment, she stood unmoving, admiring her sensually harmonious
curves, her full, pink-nippled breasts and slender waist, the sweeping flow of
her arched hips into the long, white columns of her smooth, rounded thighs and
tapering calves.

Stan Wilson, baby, wouldn't you love to see what I'm looking at right now?
Nothing short of an erotically pleasing sight, I'd say.

She let her eyes sensually caress the secret ivory-like outline that her swim-
suit halter had left across the resilient mounds of her uptilted, full young
breasts, and below where her tiny bikini had cupped the curved moons of her
satiny firm buttocks. But it was the milky-white of her generous hips and lower
belly where the silken triangle of sparse, golden curls began to sprinkle over
her vaginal mound that invariably fired her excitement.

God, would she do it first, right there in front of the mirror ... or in the
bathtub ... or after on the bed ...?

The harsh sound of the service-door buzzer startled her. Now, who the devil
could that be? Irritably, she looked for something to put around her, finally
settling on her husband's terry-cloth, swim jacket. Though a jacket for him, it
was a good three-quarters length on her, covering enough that she could peek
around the door and see what whoever it was wanted. She rolled back the sleeves
into huge cuffs as she walked into the kitchen inching open the service door to
look into the fair-haired young face of Jerry Adams. A stimulating little tingle
raced through her at the recognition of his clean, youthful smile.

"Mrs. Durke ... you forgot and left this on the counter in the market," he said,
holding out her wallet to her. "It's got quite a bit of money in it, so Mr.
Sheppherd wanted me to bring it right over."

For a moment, Beth stared at it in surprise wondering how in the world she could
ever have done such a stupid thing? But undoubtedly, she had, for it was the
hand-tooled, snake-skin one that Jay had bought her in Mexico.

"Good Lord, and I hadn't even missed it! Oh me ... just how inefficient can a
girl get, Jerry?"

He laughed, then said: "Maybe you better count the money, Mrs. Durke to be sure
it's all there."

"I'm certain it is, dear ... and it was so thoughtful of you to bring it right
over," the blonde wife said, her brain beginning to function along a once
believed extremely impossible vein! "Here, I must reward you for ..."

"No! No, really, Mrs. Durke! We're not allowed to take rewards for such things!"
he said, holding up his hand and backing away.

"Why ... why that's ridiculous, Jerry! Besides, no one has to know ...!" she
insisted, leafing out a bill as he continued to wag his head and smile.

"Gee thanks, Mrs. Durke ... but I can't take it," he repeated, shaking his
young, handsome head.

"Well ... well at least, you can come in and have a Coke or something," she
said, stepping to one side as she opened the door wide for him. "Come on, I'm
not going to take no for an answer on that offer."

"A-All right ... I could sure use it. Boy, it's hot in that sun," he said,
passing close to her, his arm lightly brushing the tip of one sensitive breast
behind the white, fuzzy material covering her, raising a sparkling little ripple
in her soft belly. In response, the young blonde wife pulled the hardly adequate
jacket of her husband tighter around her aroused nakedness, smiling at him as he
timidly looked at her. His face was flushing as it had in the parking lot of the
market. He'd noticed the soft erotic contact, too!

She offered him a chair as she moved toward the refrigerator, but he didn't sit.
God, she felt certain his pale blue eyes were avidly traveling the length of her
near-naked body, imagining beyond the single garment, wondering what, if
anything, she wore beneath it. Or ... or was she letting her overly keyed-up
imagination run away with her? She selected a king-size Coke opened it, and
offered it to him with a glass. In expected routine, he took only the bottle,
tilting it to his good-looking, teenage lips, while she continued to appraise
and measure him, wildly wondering what was going through his young mind ...!

It was a crazy conversation, almost as if she were finding it as hard to talk to
him as was he in coming up with answers that wouldn't make him sound like an
awkward geek, the fifteen year old youth nervously thought. She was so frigging
beautiful! And he'd seen her nearly naked ass right there in the parking lot ...
nothing on it only a flimsy pair of tiny black panties! Man, she had to know he
could see it ... just the way she had to have felt it when he'd brushed against
her tit a minute before ...!

"Excuse me just a moment, dear, while I get a drink and join you, okay?"

"Sure ... that'd be fine!" he answered, probably too enthusiastically, the
thoughts he was thinking absolutely knot-headed, he told himself. Get with it,
lead-skull! What could a beautiful girl like her even want from the likes of
you? Better stick to Kathy Lovell.

"Here we are!" she beamed, re-entering the kitchen with a glowing smile, her
long blonde hair no longer in the wad crowning her pretty head, but sweeping
down around her shoulders the way she'd always worn it when he'd seen her. She'd
changed it! What for? "Cheers," she offered, toasting her glass against the
bottle in his hand, not a foot of space separating them!

"C-Cheers, Mrs. Durke ...!"

"Oh, why don't you call me Beth, darling. I'm not that much older than you, am
I?" She tilted her head to one side, her sexy green-eyes level with his and
liquidly pouring into them. "Am I ...?"

"I-I don't know. I'll ... I'll be seventeen next March," he lied, knowing he
looked it.

"And I'll be twenty-three in December," Beth retaliated, making no effort to
draw Jay's swim-jacket tighter across her full, rising and falling breasts, even
as she felt it inching slowly apart. Instead, she pulled out a chair and lowered
herself onto it, facing the one she'd offered him. "Sit down, Jerry doll. Let's
get to know each other better ... that is, if you'd like to ...?"

For answer, he accepted, trying to keep his eyes above where the thing she was
wearing had fallen part-way open. Cumsville! He could see some of the deep,
mind-bending crease between her tits, even a part of one where it began to swell
out from her chest like a Racquel Welch gem ... soft looking ... creamy white
from a bikini halter ... and even part of one full satiny thigh! No question!
He'd bet his crummy paycheck she wasn't wearing so much as a kleenex beneath

Suddenly, she leaned forward, displaying all but the nipples of her rounded
white breasts to him as she touched the sewed-on crest of his sweater that he'd
earned playing tennis! "What does it say, dear, and how did you get it?" she
throatily questioned, the soft tips of her fingers searing into his chest like
branding irons!

"Junior Tennis Champion ... Riverwood County," he answered, his eyes burning
from the strain he was putting on them. "I ... I won it this spring ..."

"Really? A tennis champ! Darling, how wonderful!" Beth exclaimed, clutching at
his broad youthful hand, the smooth softness of it as intoxicating to her as the
feel of its hot, young masculinity. God, he was beautiful! The feel of him and
his nearness were creating new blinding shocks of incredibly sensual fire,
fusing her with unknown daring. God almighty, she had to have him ... had to!
"What ... what did your girl friend say? I bet she was proud and happy, wasn't
she, darling?"

"Well ... I-I don't have any steady girl ... not really, that is ... just Kathy
Lovell," Jerry Adams managed, hearing his own tight-throated reply as if it'd
garbled out of a third person in the room. He'd never been so tense in his
frigging life, and his painfully throbbing cock was as hard as a racquet handle!
Oh man ... what should he do ...? She was coming on about as subtle as an
earthquake, and he wanted it, whatever it was she was coming on with ... but he
was scared shitless ...!

"Yes, I know her parents, Jerry sweet ... she's a very pretty girl, but young
for you, isn't she?" Beth half-whispered, letting her tiny pink tongue slip out
to nervously run over her lushly heated lips. He said something, but she paid
little attention, her now seething thoughts racing madly as she leaned even
closer to the virile teenager. Then she did it, without even thinking; she
reached out for his hand and slowly put it inside her terry-cloth jacket,
pressing it against one vibrantly naked breast! "A young man like you needs an
... an older girl, Jerry love," she whispered, moving her face nearer to his
until she could smell the delicious, clean aroma of soap from his fresh,
youthful skin. "A ... a girl more my age ... in fact ... me!"

Short of being mummified, Jerry Adams could only gape at her! She was holding
his hand tight against the softly yielding warmth of her naked breast, and he
wondered crazily if the smooth mound of pliant flesh might not burn a hole right
into his palm! Christ! He didn't know what to think, let alone do! Her naked,
soft, hot tit right in his hand! Jesus, oh Jesus! Mrs. Durke, the doll every guy
in the market came unglued over when she walked in! Oh sweet ass, he was so
tense inside he might begin to unravel right there!

Beth found her own use of words catching in her throat! God, she'd never done
anything the equal of this in her life ... but it was a bit late to reflect on
the morals department, even if she wanted to, wasn't it? How had Jay handled
this same housewife delivery-boys bit in his book? Oral! Ooohhh ... did she want
to suck him? He was so young and handsome ... and ... and it, his young
splendor, had to be the same! It was an integral part of him ... his beautiful
teenage cock ... his youthfully sweet sperm ...!

"Y-You haven't really answered me, Jerry baby ... about a girl my age ..." she
hissed, her torrid eyes hungrily devouring him.

"I-I said ... I didn't know ..."

"Do ... do you want to find out, baby?"

He swallowed, his young adam's apple intensively working. "Yes ... if you want
to ...!"

The licentiously flushed young wife sensed a chill of rapture prickle over her
near-nakedness. She lowered her eyes and saw the revealing bulge at the front of
his jeans. She kissed him lightly on the lips and dropped one hand down to touch
his penis with an exploring, caressing feel, whispering! "Ah yes, you do like
me, darling. I can tell by the hardness of your cock!"

Jerry Adams gasped out, his muscular, young teenage body uncontrollably jerking
at the contact of her caressing hand with his swollen penile hardness. He gaped
down at her thumb and forefinger, watching them trace the elongated outline of
his throbbing shaft with a gentle touch, the sudden fear that he might shoot-off
right there in his shorts sending a shudder over his youthful frame.

"Wh-What're you going to do?" he blurted, writhing excitedly beneath her
caressing hand, and feeling like an idiot after he'd said it.

"I'm going to love it for you, baby!" the near-naked Beth lewdly whispered,
dropping from the chair onto her knees and gently spreading his strong young
legs wide apart as she worked her way between them. "You want me to, and I want
to!" She looked up at him, her frenzied green eyes pools of tinted, female
lechery. "You ... you do want me to, don't you, baby?"

"Uughhh ... yes ... you know I do!"

God, she'd had no idea that a boy of his age would have such a length and
thickness! She caught hold of both his hands and placed them inside Jay's
jacket, molding them to her tingling, hardened-nippled breasts as she knelt
between his legs! She pulled open the terry-cloth garment, then began to unzip
his fly. Unbuttoning the Levi's at the top, she tugged them loose, looking up at
him without a word to make him lift up so that she could draw them down, then
she began to work inside the white cotton of his jockey shorts. Instead of
lowering those immediately, she slipped her hand inside the front opening,
letting her eager fingers curl around the swollen heat of his virile young cock,
while the back of her hand brushed the soft pubic-hair of his lean loins!

"Oh ... oh damn, Mrs ... Beth!" he chokingly whimpered, his ardent young hands
excitedly clutching her full ripened breasts.

"Raise up again, lover," she whispered, tugging his shorts down as he did,
revealing the climactic delight of his entire, sensually inflamed young genitals
completely exposed to her in their own lustful, fired state! God, what a
handsome young cock! Teenage? Who would believe that, if it were all they saw of
him? It was so long and thick, yet white and unscarred, its bluish veins
transparent within the sleek, hot jacket of its foreskin! And his sperm-filled
youthful balls ... so delicately fringed with softly curling dark hair, a
virtue-destroying sight to any normal woman! He was breathtaking! The fiery head
... only the end ... of his throbbing cock protruded from its encasing sleeve of
tender skin. A tiny droplet of pearl-like liquid clung to its tipped slit,
glistening in the sunlight streaming through the windows over the kitchen sink,
and Beth almost insanely wondered if her husband ever knew of the erotic
descriptions he put together! Nothing could describe this delectable teenage
beauty, she maddeningly thought as she leaned down close to it, flicking out her
tiny pink tongue to steal that illusive drop!

Its poignant nectar wildly sparked her taste-buds, and her love-starved pussy
began to spontaneously seeth with hot, liquid secretions of inner passion.
Briefly, Jay's novel, The Lecheress, flittered through her mind, the realization
that he could never catch the true aspect of a woman's feelings, registering!
How could he know what a cock tasted like to a woman ... specifically a boy-
cock, or how it felt to a girl, hot and hard and beating like a frightened heart
in her saliva- moistened mouth? How could he ever know what she thought as she
sucked him, desirously slaved with masochistic thirst to draw the raging semen
from the depths of his secret parts, knowing that she possessed him, that he
belonged totally to her at that very moment! Only a passion- fired female could
possibly know or make another woman understand the climactic upheaval that took
place inside her when a swollen cock hotly squirted its delicious, boiling cum
into her mouth ... sweet and thick, flooding her throat as she tried to swallow
it away! Her husband could never know these blissful moments, not really ... but
she could, she pruriently reasoned, beginning to swab her tiny tongue over the
smooth swollen tip of Jerry Adam's naked young penis, at the same time working
its youthful foreskin up and down its rigid hardness knowingly with several
clasping fingers. Yes, God yes, she must remember every single instant of this
precious moment ...!

"Holy balls!" Jerry Adams gurgled in his lewdly exposed, spread-legged position,
watching her warm engulfing lips slip slowly down over his penis, taking its
entire head into the soft liquid heat of her mouth. It couldn't be happening ...
not Mrs. Durke ... Beth ... sucking his cock! But ... but she was! Goddamn, yes
... swallowing it right up into her butter-like mouth while he clutched her
beautiful tits and her long blonde hair tickled his belly and thighs! Oh

He grunted, like a lousy kid, he thought, but uncontrollably and thrusting his
lean, teenage loins in a responsive action upward at her wetly ovalled lips! He
gaped at them, feeling them tighten elastically as she sucked back up off of it!
Then, down again in a slow, drawing rhythm, never stopping from the beginning,
her tiny tongue lashing and caressing as she nursed its virilely throbbing
hardness. He watched, lustfully spellbound, as with each descent of her tightly
ovalled lips she sucked in a little bit more of it, until he felt the sensitive
tip brushing against the back of her throat!

Against his clutching hands, he felt the warm fleshy resilience of her breasts
overflowing his spanning fingers as she obscenely bobbed up and down above his
middle, the hot sucking shelter of her fluid mouth like a vacuum syphoning the
depths of his balls! Cumsville! That's what it was! Cumsville, and damned soon
for him; he couldn't help himself! He'd never had anything like this! Slipping
it into Kathy's tight little pussy was wild, he'd thought, but to have it sucked
by a beautiful girl ... a woman like Beth Durke ...! Oh Christ, she was cupping
his balls with one warm hand ... gently pressuring them to the cadence of her
sucking mouth, like as if she were milking them ...!

"Uuunnngghhh ... it's going to cum ... pretty soon now ...!" he groaned, feeling
the hot, building torment deep in his groin and belly. "Y-You want my ... my
handkerchief ...?"

"Uhn Uhn ...!" she negatively grunted around his glistening hardness stuffing
her voraciously sucking mouth. And then, she began to work harder, as if he'd
given her the cue she'd been passionately waiting for! Holy shit! Was she going
to let him shoot off right in there ...?

Beth's excited belly and feverishly taxed loins were an inferno of intensively
churning sensations at the licentiousness of her lewd act ... thrilling, lustful
fermentations that only his youth and her forbidden seduction of him could fire
to such a heated point. The delicious, sweet raciness of his virile teenage cock
was sweeping her toward the wildest orgasm she could possibly have imagined! She
almost smiled ... did, inwardly, at the offer of his hanky. God, what did he
think she was madly working her ass off for, if not the gushing hotness of his
boy-jism flooding her mouth and dribbling down her throat? Ooohhh, just the
lust-pleasing thought was enough!

The ardently sucking young wife, masochistic sensations churning inside her at
the obscenely subservient position she had chosen, reached down with her one
free hand between her own wildly trembling thighs to insert a soothing finger
into the sensitive wet flesh between her swollen cunt-lips!

Oooooo ... it felt so good! The blonde, near-naked beauty passionately tensed to
the caressing strokes of her own outstretched finger taunting the sensitive bud
of her clitoris as more intensified feelings of rapture spread through her
shamelessly aroused young body! Oooo ... so beautiful ... if only it could go on
forever ...! But God, she had to hurry now ... Jay would be coming home ... and
he just might not understand ...!

Jerry Adams gaped down at the luridly bobbing head of the blonde-haired young
wife sucking him off, his young brain enveloped in a semi-coma of youthful lust.
She was still warmly milking his balls with her little white hand as she
steadily sucked his cock with an incessant up and down tempo, and with a
twisting motion of her tongue at the peak of every upsuck! He sensed his pelvic
muscles tensing of their own accord, pushing the wetly glistening rod of
hardness up and into her lust- contorted, beautiful face. She moaned, and tried
to suck harder! He saw her drop her hand down between her legs and knew that she
was fingering her own cunt! Oh Jesus! He couldn't stand much more now! Then she
was nipping his sensitive head with her dazzling white teeth, making him gasp
out with new sensations! Christ, his cock was a bloodless white beneath her
scraping suck and a plum purple at its smooth rubbery tip! Goddamn, she was
plunging her hot mouth all the way down now, until almost all of it vanished
between her moistened lips, his cock-head going right back into her hungrily
working throat!

Her tiny tongue with that final swiping lick was making his cock-knob vibrate
and jerk like a bell to its clapper! He squeezed and pulled at the soft pliant
flesh of her breast, those nipple-hardened full warm mounds and then he sensed
it ... the gnawing rage deep in his balls!

He bent his head down to one side, twisting his neck crazily so that he could
see her lovely, perspiring face stuffed full with his wetly glistening cock. She
was slaving over him now, her delicious lips being pulled out, their moist
inner-flesh clinging to his wildly pulsating penis as if a part of it. Her
cheeks puffed and hollowed in lewd rhythm to her obscene sucking! He shoved his
loins up tighter to her eager face, until he was lifted off the chair, his
throat and mouth parched, his wildly jerking young cock feeling as if it were
turning inside out ...!

"Aagghhh ... here ... here! Fuck! It's cumming, Mrs ... Suck it ...! Oooohhhh
...!" he blurted, writhing his lean young hips as he tangled his hands in her
long, dangling tresses to hold her there, while the boiling sperm erupted from
deep down inside his balls and began to spew into her voraciously sucking mouth!

His frantic teenage cock convulsed in a violent jerking, flooding Beth's
hungrily nursing mouth with gush after gush of his hot creamy sperm which
bloated her cheeks with every seething squirt! Passionately, she swallowed,
moaning around his pumping young cock as her fingers furiously fucking into her
widespread cunt set off her own insane climax! She plunged her hand deeper and
deeper between her lewdly splayed thighs into the heated wetness of her feverish
pussy! In complete frenzy, she tweaked and stroked her vibrating little clitoris
while she gluttonously sucked and nibbled on his deflating hardness ... at last
raising her head and drawing the back of her hand across her cum-smeared lips

"I-I'll take that handkerchief now, Jerry," she half-whispered, her exposed
naked body revealed to him, her full, pointed breasts rising and falling in the
aftermath of her tremendous orgasm.

He looked at the way she was kneeling up straight before him, her sultry green
eyes level with his in an unashamed, open expression as they reached his own. He
knew then that she wanted him to be unashamed, too! Man, she was some girl, all
right ... the kind a guy could fall ass over tea-kettle in love with! She was
beautiful ... all of her ... every inch ...!

"The handkerchief, darling?" she repeated, smiling slightly with lips glistening
with his very own jism! Clumsily, he fumbled with his lowered pants, trying to
get into a pocket, then handing it to her.

She stood and drew Jay's jacket around her once more, brushing at her lips with
the boy's handkerchief, a thousand thoughts still fierily racing through her
mind. At last, she said: "My husband is due home any second, darling. But
there'll be other times ... won't there?"

"I ... I hope so," the young teenager stammered, his clothes straightened.

She tucked his handkerchief back into his pocket, then leaned close, kissing him
on the mouth. "Our secret, Jerry darling ...?" she throatily whispered.

"Yeah ... you bet it is, Mrs ... Beth!" he answered, suddenly looking very tall
and broad to her ... yes, and quite proud as he smiled back before going out the

It occurred to her then that she'd just made a man of a boy ...!

Chapter 4

It rarely happened, but on occasion Jay Robert Durke, novelist, hit a stumbling
block in his work. These snags were not necessarily the same as might befall a
writer in some other field, the big, bearded man realized, but they were his
particular plaque. After all, just how many sensual scenes could one describe
without being repetitious? Not that his lust imagination fell short in the
erotic department, but there were times when even he couldn't catch the feel of
a needed, sexy sequence, especially if Sara Wilson wasn't out in her yard
pruning or weeding in her next-to-nothing bikini to inspire him.

In the absence of their vivacious, raven-haired young neighbor's stimulating
curves to fire him, the prolific author usually resorted to his 'research' file,
a locked metal drawer filled with obscene photos and literature of the rankest
intensity. There was a certain drawback to this method, however, for once
involved in his research department, he invariably found himself lusting like a
goat, with mental visions of Sara Wilson passionately begging him to act out the
particular picture with her. He had never stopped to estimate the time lost to
these lecherous musings, convinced that though non-profitable, it was time well
spent. They not only worked him into the proper frame of mind for creating, but
they did hellish fine things for his restless ego.

To Jay Durke, Sara was the epitome of a profoundly sensual woman. Not that his
own Beth didn't have all the physical qualifications, even more so than Sara ...
Christ, there was a girl with a body that wouldn't quit ... but what good was
that if you didn't know how to use it? ... and there was no doubt in his mind
but what Stan Wilson's luscious little honeypot would be a wildcat in bed! Of
course, there was always the chance that the old shoe salesman didn't know the
first thing about getting the most out of her, which was usually the trouble
with those Greek-god types, and maybe that was why she liked to get out in the
yard and do her thing for him in that goddamned tantalizing bikini of hers.

In his lifetime, he'd never seen a doll squirm and squat into such hot- nuts
positions as she could manage right there in her front yard. Maybe she didn't
have the quantity of voluptuous curves which Beth owned, but they were damned
sure of the same quality. Shit, he could almost feel the firm smoothness of her
softly rounded tit right in his hot hand, and she had one of the most inviting,
tightest-looking little asses swelling out that yellow bikini bottom he'd ever
laid eyes on. But getting at it ... her ... was a horse of another color.

Sure as hell, the big, bearded writer was convinced, she wasn't out there every
day displaying her wares without something in mind. She damned sure wasn't doing
it for Beth's or Vickie Davis' sake, and there was no one else around to see her
but him! And those ball-tingling, lewd stances she strained to get into, bending
over straight-legged with her tautly ovalled ass cheeks smack dab facing his
study window, the shadow of their separating crevice faintly visible to him
through the tight, thin material! Or stooped and faced him until her white young
tits nearly popped out of their wispy halter! But best of all was the squat,
with knees widespread so that he could actually see the outline of her puffy
little cunt all snug and mouth watering up there between her shapely legs, even
without his field glasses! What the hell, there was no doubt about it, the
impish little bitch was actually giving him the old come on!

It figured in Jay's thinking, as he sat behind his desk watching through the
window into her front yard, that old Stan didn't have the wherewithal to take
care of his little hot-assed petunia, but there just happened to be a stud in
the neighborhood who could ... namely Jay Durke! He grinned in lustful
confidence to himself! About three-fourths of his long, thick cock buried
between those soft thighs ought to do the job right to perfection for her, as
Beth could well tell her, except those things just weren't done outside the
realm of his novels. Now, he sniggered under his breath. There'd been a reason
for his escorting of Beth on her shoe shopping tour yesterday. Once he'd learned
she was going to Wilson's, the possibility that he might break the ice between
them and get things on a little more neighborly basis, had occurred to him, and
he felt certain it'd worked.

Hell, and why wouldn't it? Everybody liked to brag about knowing a selling
author by first name. Jay supposed it gave the poor slobs an elated feeling of
contact with the creative and celebrity world, which was okay with him. He was
no puffed up swell head just because he'd tasted success! He knew what it was to
be just an ordinary, everyday grinder like Wilson, and unless he missed his
guess, his neighbor would be knocking himself out shortly to invite Beth and him
to dinner or something. That, of course, had been, and was, exactly what he was
counting on to get next to sweet-assed little Sara. He just hoped she'd use her
head and play it cool in front of Beth. His possessive blonde wife might not
take kindly to the raven-haired minx making a play for her lover-man. Nothing
was worth lousing it up between Beth and him; she was a real baby-doll, and he
knew she was nuts over him, just as he was all gone on her.

If only she could get a little more with it in the old sack? Oh, she always got
hot enough at the kickoff, but he knew without asking her that she couldn't cum,
which was nothing but failing to throw her beautiful ass into it full-fledged.
But if that's the way she wanted it, he wasn't going to complain. The luscious
creature had everything else in the world going for her, and he knew what his
offered security meant to her. Hell, she'd latched onto him in Chicago like a
preying tigress, letting him know how it was with her by spreading those pretty
legs the very first night. Christ, how she'd whimpered and squirmed, and how
he'd socked the old cock to her ... until she'd just lain there half crying and
laughing when it was over, she was so happy. Well, that's the way it should be
right from the beginning, the way he always told it in his stories, and he could
damned well remember how jubilant he'd been just to see her sincere happiness,
after twenty five years of paying to bed apple eating whores.

It occurred to the big man, then, how she'd come on the other night! Christ,
he'd almost forgotten about that! She'd said something about wanting to suck it,
hadn't she? Sure as hell had! He'd poured away plenty of booze, he recalled, but
hell, he knew he hadn't been drunk! Goddamn, she'd said it all right ... wanted
to suck him off! Well now, he was just going to cultivate that program right
soon, he lustfully decided, feeling the immediate responsive swelling of his
long heavy penis. Maybe that's what she needed to really turn her on, and
goddamn, he was all for it ...!

Sara Wilson's sudden appearance in her wispy, yellow bikini and pony tailed
black hair shattered his thoughts like the on- stage entrance of a bottomless
go-go girl! Well, she was right on time, he rousingly thought, checking his
watch. Ten-thirty. "Okay, Sara baby, go into your act," he whispered to himself
under his breath. "And don't get impatient, 'cause old Jay's going to fill your
needs real soon, Honey ... like you never even dreamed of ..."

* * *

In the kitchen of their under-built, rented home in what might be termed as a
semi-exclusive neighborhood, Beth Durke moved about performing her housekeeping
duties, essential tasks that fell to her before she could position herself in
front of the typewriter. She sang the words of a popular release in a clear,
throaty voice, sang them softly as if to herself, with sultry green eyes aglow
and the traces of a secret smile sensually playing over her stunningly beautiful
face. She wore a tiny apron over a shortie, lime-green shift she'd had for ages,
but with brassiere beneath this morning. Her reason for aroused excitement of
mood came twofold, perhaps, two and one-half fold. Number one: she'd watched
Stan Wilson wheel off to his store a short time before and caught him, once
inside the concealing protection of his garage, straining his eyes toward her
house! Something on his part was bound to happen soon; she felt certain of it!
And she'd made up her mind that she could wait! It was going to be worth it, she
knew, and after all, she'd already waited twenty-six years!

Number two: the waiting period was not going to be one of hunger, anyway! She
now had the enchanting young masculine beauty of Jerry Adams at hand, available,
she was certain, at the slightest indication on her part, and he was the most
lovable lamb in the world! Except, next time, she intended to further his manly
education another way! And lastly, the one-half: Jay had been too drunk the
night before to pump enough blood into his loins to get his huge penis up and
keep it there! She'd been ready for him though, still convinced that if he and
'it' became numb enough, myriad of erotic sensations could happen to her, but
the old lover-man had just gradually faded away beneath the veil of his consumed
liquor, finally snoring, and she'd covered him, kissed him goodnight, then
fallen into her private passionate thoughts.

They had been that, all right, so much so that the tremendous urge to satisfy
them had been almost unbearable. Once, she'd nearly awakened Jay to try again,
but his snoring advised her that would be useless ... and at last, she'd slept.
Even so, it'd hardly been much different upon awakening this morning! The tiny
imps with their sensuous forks were still alive in her soft belly and hungry
young loins. Her handsome Stan Wilson's avid staring at their house had added
more coals, while the mere thought of youthful Jerry Adams' naked young body had
been the final stimulator.

God, she was all damp as usual between her legs! The narrow, thin strip of nylon
snugly caressing her there was saturated with the hot moisture seeping from
between her pussy-lips! She'd have to change her panties ...!

The scratching against the screen of the back door marred her thoughts. It was
Lancer, of course, she knew without looking. Vickie Davis' huge German Shepherd
whose habit it was to come begging every morning about this time. Not that the
animal didn't get enough to eat at home; Beth was sure he did, the way his
beautiful young mistress looked after him, but he was still just a dog and this
was his thing.

"Hello, darling," she said with a radiant smile, opening the door for the
whimpering beast to enter. "Hungry? Come over to see Beth for something to eat?"

He agilely raised to his hind legs, pressing his soft paws against the full tips
of her breasts. She caught at his forepaws, a little shiver passing through her
voluptuous young body at the erogenous contact her thought veins had enhanced.
The big handsome animal licked out at her face and she reactively drew it back
away from him with a smile. He whimpered and Beth said, "I think I have
something for you, darling! A nice big bone with the remainder of the ham we
left on it last Sunday." Then, more to herself than the animal which waited with
wagging tail, she opened the refrigerator and stooped down to bring the platter
out: "We'll never eat it ... ham shouldn't be kept this long, anyway ...!"

What happened next gave her such an unexpected and truly wild start that the
astonished young wife couldn't move! She was still bent over fishing inside the
refrigerator when she felt the unmistakable cold wetness of Lancer's nose high
on the nakedly sensitive flesh of her inner right thigh! Why she didn't bolt
upright in shock or fear, she could only lay to the prurient incitement which
had been hotly smoldering within her! Instead, she continued to stoop there,
knowing the huge dog's powerful head was beneath her skirt from behind, nosily
sniffing ... and then came the hot, pressured lap of an unmistakable tongue
against the moistened nylon strip of her sheer panties hugging her seeping
vaginal lips!

God, he'd sensed her heat!

Had to, what else? Again, the beautiful animal did it, drawing its long, hot
tongue between her legs against the protected flushed lips of her cuntal
crevice! Beth raised up slowly ... raised up only because she couldn't stay in
that position all day! She held the ham bone in her hand as she turned to look
down upon the great dog who was staring up at her with wide brown eyes, erect
ears, open mouth and wagging tail.

"You handsome devil!" she half hissed, all the erotically arousing sensations
she'd so proudly kept under control suddenly pouring like molten steel into her
soft, young belly and loins. "You're a goddamned lecher, like all males, except
you're more handsome than most! I never would've believed it ... but I'm not
about to deny it either, Lancer lover!"

Beth moved toward the pantry as if she were being satanically propelled. She
held the bone up so that the powerful dog could see and follow, wicked thoughts
she'd never before even conceived of filling her mind!

"Come on, baby ... in here with Beth!" she whispered, consciously, as if someone
were standing close, eavesdropping! "Come on ... that's the boy ... and you can
have your bone ... after! After, darling! Look! Come here, look what Beth has
for you ...!"

God, it was salaciously forbidden, but she was doing it! Standing there in the
pantry with the door near-closed, spread-legged, the short skirt of her shift
luridly raised and her small hand tugging to one side the narrow strip of her
wet nylon panties so that her hair-fringed, moistly throbbing pussy was exposed
to the brute!

"Come on, Lancer baby! Do it! Lick it, Darling ... like, I'll bet my life, that
you lick Vickie's!"

Beth watched the mighty dog move forward, as if trained, toward her exposed wet
cunt! Unbelievable sensations of frenetic excitement soared through her in the
animalistic depravity of her act. My God, this was beyond obscenity, the blonde
young wife thought, tugging even further to one side the sheer strip of her damp
nylon panties to better expose her hotly throbbing pussy before the approaching
German Shepherd! Would he ...? Would he ...?

He did!

The brute's long and thick wet animal tongue splurted out, curling at the tip as
it caught between the feverish lips of her pouting pussy, laving the very mouth
of her vagina and splaying open the blonde, hair- fringed folds as it drew
upward between them, ending and twisting at the very delicate tip of her already
quivering, tiny clitoris! But he didn't stop there! Again and again without
egging, the massive dog repeated its hot caresses, raising gasps of panting lust
from the young blonde wife as she stood there with trembling legs spread out
wide, her loins lewdly thrust forward, her little hand holding the tiny wisp of
her nylon panties to one side for the brute's delicious licking of her cunt!

"Oh ... oh God, do it, Lancer lover! Lick it!" she hissed, holding the bone high
in one hand and her tiny panties away from her steaming, blonde-curled pussy
with the other. "Yes ... lick it, sweetheart ... Beth'll cum in a minute! Ohhhhh
... you beautiful lover, you ...! Do it ... faster, Baby ... then, you can have
your bone! Oh God, Darling ... lick ... lick ... lick ...!"

At last, the sound penetrated ... a knocking against the back door ...
persistent, but never loud! For a long moment, Beth didn't move, couldn't in her
forbidden ecstasy, but the knocking wouldn't go away and finally, realization
dawned upon her. She had to answer it before Jay heard and pounded out to learn
why she didn't! Oh God ... just a minute or two longer! Oooohhhh ...! Damn!

"W-Wait, boy ...! Stop, lover ...!" the lustfully infused young wife whispered
in a tremulous voice, with reluctance forcing the huge animal's massive head and
burning tongue from between her obscenely spread legs. "We'll have to finish
this later, darling!" she hissed, shivering from the intensive sensation
electrifying her charged young loins in their almost- reached, climactic moment!
Damn, who could it be? she raged inwardly, handing Lancer the ham bone and
opening the pantry door as the soft knock came once more.

"Oh, so there you are, young man!" Vickie Davis, a tall, willowy, auburn-haired
girl in her mid thirties accused in a soft, pleasing voice. She smiled at Beth,
then pretended a frown on her lovely, classic-featured face as she looked down
at her German Shepherd. "He's been begging again, I see ... and doing well, by
the size of that bone."

Still trembling, Beth sensed the uncontrollable flush to her cheeks at the
identity of her caller, flustered at the thought of the lurid act she had only a
minute before been engaged in with her chicly dressed neighbor's pet. All the
same, she managed a smile, working to keep it guilt-free. "Oh, he comes to see
me everyday. I'd miss him if he didn't," she replied, subconsciously admiring
the professional model's obviously expensive pants suit.

"Really ...?" Vickie Davis said, her accentuation of the single worded question
uneasing Beth. "Well, I can see that he likes you, Mrs. Durke, the way he's
rubbing against your legs," she went on in her velvet-like voice, a certain
expressive light in her amber colored eyes adding to the blonde young wife's
uneasiness. "Quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if he were some reincarnated
philanderer of note, the way he takes to pretty girls."

Beth laughed, struggling for casualness and enraged with herself at the hot
twinge she knew continued to redden her cheeks. She said, "Won't you come in and
have a cup of coffee, Miss Davis?"

"Well ... I'd love it, if you're not busy," the striking, auburn-haired beauty
answered with a delicate display of charm that raised goose- flesh on Beth's
still excited young body. "I don't believe in kaffee- klatch females idly
annoying their neighbors every morning, but if you promise to return the visit,
I'll be happy to accept."

"I assure you, I will," Beth said, still smiling as she opened and held the door
for her lissome neighbor's entrance, noticing that she wore no brassiere beneath
the loose fitting stylish blouse. At the same time, Lancer trotted out the
opened way carrying his bone and both girls laughed.

"Go home, Lancy! You hear? Go home to eat that!" Vicki Davis commanded, standing
to watch the massive animal move toward her back yard.

"He minds so well, Miss Davis," Beth complimented, admiring her statuesque
neighbor's fluffy bobbed hair style. There was an exciting sauciness to it, she
thought. If she ever cut her hair, she'd want to wear it exactly the same ...

"Please, why don't you call me Vickie?" the beautiful model suggested. "And I'll
call you Beth ... if I may? After all, we have been living side-by-side for some
months now ..."

"I should say, almost a year in fact, and I think it's an excellent idea," the
blonde young wife warmly replied, the fire lessening in her cheeks as her
confidence bolstered. Even the simmering sensations in her soft belly were
beginning to abate ... for the time being.

Vickie Davis paused then, staring at nothing, but simulating a graceful feline
animal pricking up its ears. Beth couldn't imagine ... then, the classic-
featured beauty said, "That typewriter I hear clicking madly ... would that be
your husband working?"

"Yes. He writes ..."

"I've heard. The Wilson's mentioned it the other night," she said, accepting
Beth's offered kitchen chair beside the table. "I'd love to read his work. Is it
on the stands, Beth?"

"Well ... yes ..." the young wife stammered, trying to remember Jay's
instructive answers to be given at such times as this. "Much of it is published
in Europe and available here in the states. In fact, we're lucky to even get a

"Oh, that's too bad. I would enjoy so much reading something of his," her
exquisite neighbor said. "I do a great deal of reading in between assignments. I
seldom go out unless it's over to Stan Wilson's for dinner, or cocktails."

His name alone was enough to inspire tingles in Beth's tummy. She said as she
poured their coffee: "You've known them a long time, Vickie?"

"Not really, no. Only since I bought 2236 Tasmen Drive. But they're such lovely
people, so easy to know. Sara is a dream and Stan's a doll ... poetic, eh?
Anyway, they came over after I moved in to make Lancer and me welcome. We've
been quite friendly since."

"Oh ... how nice of them," Beth replied, smiling while she inwardly began to
stew at the complete ignoring she and Jay had received after they'd moved in. Of
course, that had to be Jay's fault, the goddamned garbs he wore, plus his big
mouth that had undoubtedly tagged him in the neighborhood ...

"I'm afraid that contrary to what most people think, a model's life is a lonely
one," Vicki Davis informed, sipping from her cup, "and especially after a girl
gets to be thirty five. She must have her rest to keep her attributes up there
in competition with the twenty-some year-old beauties. You ... you must have
modeled one time or another, darling, didn't you?"

"Me?" Beth questioned, surprised and staring at her beautiful neighbor, "Lord
no!" she added, laughing lightly and very pleased as she sat down to her guest's
right at the end of the table, not an arm's length away.

"Really? I would've immediately thought you an ex-model ... or perhaps an
actress of sorts. You're so beautiful with that long, blonde hair, and you have
the most sensually inciting body. You see, I saw you last Sunday working in your
yard, darling, and suddenly realized why my own jobs are becoming more scarce
every day."

Beth laughed again, unable to ignore the sensation of flattery Vickie Davis'
lauding phrases were drenching her with. It was a full minute before she
detected the warm, if almost, passionate gleam in her willowy neighbor's amber-
hued eyes, but by that time, the stunning model had already delicately placed
her long, slender hand on top of hers!

"I can help you ... introduce you to the right people, if you'd like to break
into the field, darling. I think it would give me a marvelous feeling if I knew
I had something like a ... a protegee ..."

The incredulous emotions Beth was immediately experiencing at the soft, warm
touch of the striking, auburn-haired girl's hand covering her own, were
unbelievable! She felt her breath catch in her throat, as well as all the
sensate excitement she'd known in the pantry and before, vibrantly seething once
more! God, it was ridiculous! But it was true! She couldn't even speak!

"Why don't you come over and have dinner with me tonight, Beth, darling ...
alone, so we can talk girl things?" her enchanting neighbor quietly whispered.
"Lancer will be there ... just the three of us ... but he's a very uninforming
third party. Quite dependable in every respect, I promise you ... even without
the boon of a ham bone. Can you ... Or are you obligated ...?"

"No ... that is, we have no obligations this evening," Beth heard herself
quickly reply. "Jay ... my husband, has a meeting with his writer's guild ... I
... I'd love to come!"

"Marvelous, darling!" Vickie softly intoned, pressuring her hand warmly. "Let's
say, sevenish for cocktails ... and don't dress, dear ... just something easily
slipped out of in case we want to take a dip in the pool, eh? Personally I like
to swim in the nude, and the arrangement of my pool offers that private luxury."

Jay Robert Durke's curvaceous young wife could only gaze intently in the amber
gems of her beautiful next door neighbor's almond-shaped, candescent eyes.
Whatever was happening to stroke the little bed of dormant embers in her soft
belly and loins, Beth welcomed it! She turned her hand palm upward beneath the
enticing model's enveloping one, interlacing slender fingers in a gentle squeeze
of warmth that she, herself, couldn't understand!

Her provoked, feminine mind spun! Jay's typewriter suddenly made a machine-gun
staccato! His first novel, LESBICUS LADY raced through her excited brain! A
fleeting replica of Jerry Adams' youthful handsomeness registered! Stan Wilson's
heated lips said: "Tonight, Beth? Can you get out tonight ...?"

"Agreed dear ...? Cocktails at seven?" Vickie softly repeated, arising with
practiced grace from the table and walking toward the door.

"Seven ... yes, of course," Beth answered. "And ... and I won't dress ..."

"No need, darling ... we'll just keep it informal," the tall, svelte, auburn-
haired girl sensually breathed, taking Beth's small hand for one final little
squeeze. "I just know we're going to be very close friends ... and I'm so
looking forward to this evening ...!"

"Yes ... so am I, Vickie," the blonde, aroused wife partially whispered,
searching the other's enchanting face as she pressed open the screened door for
her to leave ...

Chapter 5

Beth was all thumbs with her typing that afternoon as she worked at the small
desk in Jay's study. Across the room, her bearded, middle-aged husband didn't
seem to be doing much better, but without looking, his young perceptive mate was
aware of the underlying cause. Demure Sara in her itty-bitty bikini was no doubt
performing in her front yard. It mattered little to Beth that he whiled away a
good portion of his day ogling their vivacious, raven-haired young neighbor in
her next-to- nothings. It, in fact, relieved her of considerable sexual anguish,
since he'd begun to make a fixed routine of his lusty gawking, part of which
time in the past he had invariable devoted to a 'quickie'.

The young, blonde wife actually passed it unjealously off as the harmless, if
lecherous, pastime of a lewdly oriented mental paramour, and that's where it all
ended ... in his oversexed mind. Anyway, even if she were concerned that
anything might come of it, Beth would've given little thought to it that
afternoon. She was too sensually fascinated with what had taken place between
Vickie Davis and herself a few hours earlier, not to mention the obscene thrill
which rippled over her whenever she remembered Lancer!

Shortly after her intoxicating neighbor had left, Beth had lapsed into a
shameful sense of pre-guilt at the thought of their proposed, 'informal dinner
party'. God, there wasn't the slightest question in her confused young mind but
what Jay had been right in his guess. Vickie was a lesbian! or at the very
least, a bi-swinger, as her husband put it in his novels. And Lancer ... damn!
She obviously had that beautiful animal trained, too!

Following several more cups of coffee and a long hour of lurid, irresistible
thinking, the erotically perplexed young wife had decided against keeping their
little tete-a-tete. Damn, she had no silly misgivings regarding what Vickie
intended should happen and she knew it! To what extent the beautiful, lissome
model would go, or expect her to go was another alluring thought which bemused
her. Certainly, she had no way of knowing! Such forbidden acts had never even
entered her mind, let alone been explored ... but then, why had the mere touch
of the enravishing girl so excited her ...?

Beth remembered Jerry Adams then, and what she'd mentally labeled as
disgustingly obscene and extremely impossible. God, how wrong she'd been on that
score! But at least, that was male-female, normal enough in one respect ...! And
... and ... just exactly what did girls do to each other when they ... they made
love? Were Jay's descriptions accurate, or was he just assuming ...? One thing
for sure, she knew that every time she typed one of those heated scenes, it
really turned her on ...!

She had left the kitchen for the study and the typing awaiting her, with her
mind still webbed in a lust-infused dither, though pretty much determined to
fall conveniently ill and send Jay over with a note before he left for his
meeting. Better that she should climb into bed with a good book and a few gin-
tonics. There would be ample nights in the future for them should she find her
desires leaning that way. Still, she couldn't deny the sensorial feelings of
excitement that lingered and taunted her the remainder of the afternoon,
whenever thoughts of her lovely enticing neighbor crossed her roused young mind.

The sequence her big, robust husband had ready for final draft hadn't helped
matters, either. It'd concerned two neighborhood wives and a cookware salesman,
the naked girls taking turns tonguing one another's "hot, wet pussies" while the
salesman with super-energetic lust and a massive penis screwed each of them from
behind! God, by the time she had finished it, her already keyed-up passion had
reached such a degree that she'd nearly dragged Jay off to the bedroom! On
second thought, however, she'd decided against adding agony to aggravation.
Tonight, alone with her book and gin-tonics, she would resort to her only
pacification of late ... her busy, knowing finger. At the same, the typing of
the intensively firing scene had found her casting herself and Vickie, together
with sometimes Stan, then young Jerry Adams playing the male role, until when
she'd put the cover on her machine for the day, she'd had all she could do to
forcibly jot off the note to her enchanting neighbor.

"Look, babe, maybe you'd rather I didn't go tonight if you're feeling that bad?"
Jay had thoughtfully offered.

"No, no. It's nothing that serious, darling," she'd quickly set him at ease,
knowing how much he looked forward to these monthly dinners and meetings with
his counterparts. "I feel headachy and a bit nauseous is all. Afraid I wouldn't
be very good company for Miss Davis on our first get-together. I'm sure she'll

"Yeah ... sure she will," he agreed. "I'll just emphasize how sorry you are and
that you were looking forward to it all day, eh?"

"Well ... all right, but don't make it too strong," Beth cautioned, knowing how
her mouthy husband could get carried away, with all his good intentions.

Alone at last, Beth released a little sigh to herself. She'd always enjoyed her
solitude, but even more so since her marriage, and with no reflections on Jay's
blustering character. It was simply that they were almost constantly together
and a person needed some time to themselves, at least, away from each other. She
went straight to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a gin-tonic, consuming
half of it before going into the kitchen to fix a plate of hors d'oeuvres to
munch along. It was almost seven, the scheduled time Vickie had set for
cocktails, and a little chill rippled through her at the thought.

She wasn't sorry, though, over her decision. It had all happened so fast between
them there in the kitchen, just about overwhelming her, was all. God ... she had
to have more time to think about it, or ... or get used to the idea ...
whatever, even with the carnal sensations wildly racing helter-skelter in her
soft belly and day-long provoked loins. But the latter, she was very soon going
to look after! Oooohhhhhh ... she had to, or she might just ignite! Yes, and
maybe three or four times for good measure, the torridly flushed young wife
contemplated in her privacy.

Setting gin bottle, an ample supply of tonic, along with ice and her plate of
goodies onto a tray, Beth trekked off to the bedroom, placing all conveniently
on the bedside stand beside her book before beginning the ritual of undressing.
Whenever she planned a lewd little party of her own, the curvaceous blonde girl
hedonistically strove to get the most out of it. And why not? After all, if one
had to be her own lover in order to receive satisfaction, then a narcissistic
approach wasn't so far out of order, was it?

For a few moments, Beth sat on the edge of the bed nibbling and drinking,
actually taunting herself with further lust-filled thoughts of all that had
happened to her the past two days. She arose finally, the gin warm in her
churning belly, and began to slowly strip to sensuous nakedness, admiring her
voluptuous white curves and the blonde tufted "vee" of her fleshy vaginal mound
with its swollen lips and pink ribbon of moistened, secret flesh up between her
full thighs.

Caressingly, she smoothed and stroked her small hands over the supple naked skin
of her satiny body, her sexual tension increasing beneath the feel of her self-
loving hands as she slowly turned and walked toward the bed. Drawing down the
cover, she stretched out languidly on the satin sheet, then reached over to
flick on the radio for some soft, romantic music to make her little party

Raising her head high on the pillow, Beth could see herself in the vanity
mirror, and provocatively, she eased her legs open, spreading them wide until
she could see all of herself, from the soles of her tiny feet to the long golden
hair forming the halo beneath her head on the pillow. She watched her reflection
as she brushed her soft hands over the full white mounds of her breasts, pausing
to tease their little pink nipples into bursting hardness before moving down
over her ribs and the flattened bowl of her belly to rest on either side of the
damp, feverish cunt-lips up between her spread thighs. There, with the edges of
both hands gently pressuring inward against the hair-fringed folds of sensitive
flesh, the naked young wife began a lewd, self- gratifying massage, playing one
wetly throbbing pussy lip against the other in order to stimulate the intimate,
inner petals between ...

This was what Vickie Davis saw when she hesitantly peeked around the doorway
from the hall, her breathing hitching in her swan-like throat at the unexpected
obscene sight! Spontaneous sensations of lust coursed through her lithe body,
her large amber eyes immediately aglow! Soooo ... she impassionedly thought to
herself, reaching down to pet Lancer's massive head beside her, she wasn't going
to be denied after all ...!

Beth had no idea how long Vickie had stood there before she saw her and gasped
aloud in a shock wave of horrified shame! In those first stupefying seconds, she
had lain there in her obscenely exposed position as if petrified, her hands
still between her legs in their lewd finger-fucking arrangement ... and then,
she abruptly reacted. With a second moaning gasp, the humiliated young wife sat
upright in quivering, curved nakedness to grasp for the covering at the foot of
the bed, to which her softly smiling exquisite neighbor remarked, "Don't you
think that's being a bit ridiculous, darling? Something like, closing the barn
door after the horse has gone ...?"

Nevertheless, Beth completed the act, drawing the covering above her nakedly
exposed breasts which she felt sure were blushing from the overflow of blood
reddening her mortified face! She watched the auburn- haired beauty move
gracefully into her bedroom, then saw Lancer behind her. Her awe-stricken brain
still reeled in its unequaled embarrassment, though she was able to reason that
the radio had made their entrance possible without her hearing the door open or
close. Had she knocked ...?

As if reading her mind, Vickie velvety intoned, "I would've knocked, but I
didn't want to disturb you if you were in bed ... and you were, you see, so I
did the right thing." With a whispering rustle of silkish material from the
loose, flower print wraparound she wore, the lithesome girl folded down onto the
edge of the bed beside Beth, her heated amber eyes never leaving the young
blonde wife's stunned green ones. "I came over to bring you some broth I concoct
for myself when I'm not feeling up to sorts ... but on second thought, I don't
believe you need it, dear. Your problem calls for a different variety of
treatment ..."

"Oh ... oh God, Vickie I'm so ashamed ...!" Beth exclaimed on the brink of tears
and dropping her face toward her hands to hide them.

"My Lord, baby, don't be!" Vickie quickly responded. "If anyone should be
ashamed, it's me for walking in on your privacy the way I did! What you were
doing ... or about to do, is normal enough! Believe me, darling, I've done it
many times, myself ... all through my short marriage as a matter of fact! It was
my only source of completion with the young, rabbit husband I had ... but that's
another story and very uninteresting. What is of importance to you, though, is
that I've since learned some beautifully extraneous ways of reaching the same
end, darling ... and I can't think of more appropriate circumstances in which to
introduce you to them ...!"

Beth raised her head slowly to stare at the exotic face, her sultry green eyes
moist in their bath of contained tears. A mixture of emotions began to
frantically race through her ... a blend of which her self-abasement was rapidly
dwindling in importance. The beautiful, deep amber eyes gazing hotly into her
own were mesmerizing, effectively causing the tempo of her breathing to increase
and shorten in length! The young blonde wife in her hidden nakedness trembled in
response to the slender, gentle hand raising to pressure against her shoulder,
urging her back down onto the pillow.

Vickie smiled, a dazzling sight to Beth, even more splendorous as the sylph-like
girl arose and gracefully slipped out of her wraparound to stand in statuesque,
lightly tanned nakedness before her! She had come prepared ... intending ... or
perhaps, just hopeful, Beth reasoned, knowing that she, herself, was captivated
by the sight of the auburn- haired model's high- set, firmly rounded breasts
with their hardened, berryish nipples, her slender waist and the smooth,
breathtaking curve of her hip! The thighs of her long, shapely legs were full
but taut without being muscular, a look of underlying strength to them, and
between at the base of her flat belly and loins, partially hidden by a sparse
triangular shadow of dark silken ringlets, peeked the faint, pink inner flesh
separating her pouting vaginal lips ...!

The tall beauty seemed to float down beside her once more, until Beth felt the
tender brush of her warm, delicate hand on her brow and in her hair. Fascination
spread through the younger girl like wildfire, her belly and the soft inner
sides of her feverish thighs quivering in empathy to the delicious caresses.
Still, traces of apprehensive repugnance tried to register in her impassioned
mind, but she blindly barred them! God ...! She didn't want to resist, the
sensually aroused young wife thought, as she felt loving hands on her breasts!
Then, the exquisite face moved closer to hers, its perfect, soft mouth closing
down onto her own with a moist warmth ... and finally, with urgent affection!

Beth's lips responded of their own volition, and she sensed them being pressed
apart by Vickie's small, inoffensive tongue slipping into her mouth in search of
hers. Simultaneously, Vickie's lithesome curves stretched out against her own
with only the satin covering sheet between them to separate breasts, bellies,
thighs and loins! Then, the auburn-haired girl began an intimate, delicately
undulating motion as Beth excitedly brought her tiny tongue into caressing
contact with her beautiful, pleasure-bringing neighbor's!

"Damn ... but you're a breathtaking creature, dear!" Vickie breathed hotly into
her mouth. She kissed her again and again, torrid, moist kisses of tongue-loving
delight which were carrying the susceptible young wife willingly upward and away
on a cloud of erotic beauty she knew she must take now to the end of its
journey! Then, Vickie raised her enchanting face and gazed down at her. "You
mustn't misunderstand, Beth, I'm not a died-in-the-wool lesbian. Do you believe

"It doesn't matter ..."

"To me, it does, darling," Vickie whispered. "When I see someone whom I know I
can, and want to, love, whether male or female, it makes no difference. Can you
believe that?"

Beth nodded, though knowing that yesterday she couldn't have, and that even now
there were doubts inside her, but that none of it mattered a damn at this point!

"Is it ... your husband, baby?" the intoxicating, amber-eyed face softly
questioned. "He can't satisfy you ...?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Vickie ... please?"

"All right," the other quickly replied, lovingly grazing her fingers over her
beautiful young neighbor's face, letting their tips trail down the satiny skin
of her neck to her shoulder. "Just relax, darling, and give yourself to Vickie.
She's going to make you the most contented girl in the world ...!"

"Ohhhhhh ... yes ... yessss ... I want you to ...!" Beth ardently hissed,
abandoning her inflamed young body to the forbidden pleasures to come ...!

Vickie kissed her again and Beth met the little tongue with the heated wetness
of her own, sensing the satiny sheet being removed from between them, the
gentle, loving hands fondly caressing her erotically tingling breasts and moving
downward over her body with an intimate tenderness that filled her with unknown
ardor for her lover. She felt the soft, warm hands stroking the ovalled mounds
of her naked buttocks and drawing her tightly into a strong, yet softly yielding
flesh elegance.

At the lewdly illicit embrace, something objectionable again tried to make its
unwanted presence known in her whirling young brain, and more determinedly, the
enraptured blonde wife drove it away. Whatever it was so erotically captivating
and sensually stimulating her desire-filled body, she wanted it to go on ...
maybe forever and ever! The svelte creature pressed close to her, massaging her
hot nakedness against Beth's resilient young curves, their hardened, pebble-like
nipples touching, their full breasts flattening against each other's, their
thighs meeting along with the fleshy cuntal mounds and silken thatches of blonde
and dark pubic curls ...

Beth gasped with the vibrant tremor rippling over her nakedly aroused young
body, while Vickie's hand explored the rounded moons of her sensitive buttocks,
spreading them apart and inserting an outstretched slender finger to stroke her
tight little anus with knowing delight! Sensations of utter lust glowed in
Beth's overwrought belly and in the hotly throbbing genital mouth up between her
thighs. Then, Vickie gently pressed her onto her back, her willowy neighbor's
hand tracing the arched line of her hip as she slithered down her naked body and
gently urged Beth's legs apart and open to her! The blonde young wife didn't
look, but lay there with eyes closed in unprecedented, desirous anticipation,
her breath excitedly tight in her slender throat!

She felt the warm, moist kisses against the extremely sensate flesh of her inner
thighs, each one conveyed higher and higher toward her hotly hungering pussy

Vickie Davis' exotic eyes glittered when they locked on the narrow pink crevice
where a tiny drop of secreting moisture glistened from Beth's sensual passion.
Unhesitantly, she flicked out her tongue-tip, stealing its heady tang into her
mouth. A shiver of seductive lust rifled through her willowy nakedness at its
spicy taste, and she drew her wet little tongue from the point where Beth's
enticing, pink cuntal crevice enjoined the smooth cleft between her rounded ass
cheeks, lightly tracing the thin vaginal line dividing its fleshy lips upward to
its peak. She felt the excited tremor flutter over her gorgeous neighbor's young
curvaceous body, and with thumbs, she brushed aside the gossamery, blonde pubic
curls, spreading apart the young wife's moistly clinging cuntal lips, until her
tiny, hooded clitoris was revealed before her! She licked it then, raising a
whimpering shudder from the hopelessly aroused girl lying naked beneath her.

Beth opened her eyes to the sudden sensations of inflamed delight raging in her
wetly pulsating pussy as Vickie's intimately licking tongue made swipe after
swipe at her exposed vaginal furrow. Abruptly, she felt her legs being raised
and pressed back until her thighs were flattening the supple mounds of her
swollen, throbbing breasts. She lifted her head to look between them and watch
the auburn-haired girl's classic face nuzzle into the hot, wet pinkness of her
splayed-open cunt as she began to lick it with wanton frenzy!

Rather than the revulsion she had always identified with such an obscene lesbian
act, salacious rapture swept through Beth's luridly positioned nakedness! God,
she'd never in her most remote dreams imagined she could be a part of such a
performance ... but there she lay, on her back with her legs lewdly raised high
and her thighs widespread in lustful desire beneath this beautiful girl whose
mouth and tongue were filling her with intoxicating, forbidden pleasure ... and
she wanted it ... wanted it!

"Oh ... ooohhhhh ...!" Beth moaned, as the auburn-haired enchantress sucked and
nipped at her tiny, quivering clitoris with her pretty white teeth, sending
violent spasms of ecstasy spiraling through her! It was nearly maddening ...
impassionately maddening ... but ever endurably maddening! From that brief
instance of almost shattering sensation, Vickie's knowing hot tongue drew
downward to smoothly slide in and out of the hot, liquid mouth of her steaming
vagina, wetly rotating against its sensitive inner walls, then thrusting deeply
up inside her! She sensed her sylphish neighbor's hands cupping the rounded
cheeks of her ass to raise her even higher, and she held her knees tightly
against her aching breasts as she felt the vamping little tongue lick hotly
downward through the smooth crevice to her puckered babyish anus! Its tip
pressed firmly against Beth's anal lips as it had her mouth, but hardly
penetrating, though she wanted it to, relaxing to the fullest. Suddenly, it was
back in her seething cunt and nothing else mattered as it curled wetly up into
her, then flicked to the intricate little bud of her excitedly palpitating
clitoris, while the ecstatic pressure mounted in her belly.

God, this moment, like those with sweet young Jerry Adams, she must vividly
remember them! She'd been wrong again! Oh, and had she been wrong! Even the
sensations, the lust, the luscious desire she'd felt with her teenage Jerry was
entirely foreign to the searing embers sensually eating at her fervid loins and
spasming, fire-filled belly at that specific instant! It was all different ...
love in its intricate variations, such as those limited, wild emotions she had
reveled in with Stan Wilson! They had been wholly different from anything she
could ever know with Jay, but that didn't mean that she couldn't, or hadn't
known similar passion with him! She loved him ... he was her husband ... but
he'd failed her ... not intentionally, she realized, merely in ignorance! And as
well, how, in ignorance, could he expect to portray the feelings of one woman
being made love to by another? How could any man? Oh damn, it was so
overwhelming ... the thought alone, the visual sensations, the raging heat her
stunning neighbor's tiny tongue was licking toward a mind blasting explosion
inside her ...!

And then, Vickie stopped!

Slowly, reluctantly, Beth lowered her legs as she looked intently down at her
exotically smiling lover.

"Come down here and kiss me, darling!" the auburn-haired model whispered.

She couldn't have refused had she wanted to, Beth knew as she sat upright and
Vickie got to her knees between her widespread legs. She wrapped her arms upward
around the sylph-like girl's neck and planted her lips on the other's wetly
parted mouth, tasting the poignant flavor of her own self there! The reaction to
her sensual inflammation was undeniable abandon!

"Wh-What do you want me to do? It was beautiful ..." Beth gasped.

Vickie enfolded the young wife in her arms and held her, pressing the younger
girl's cheek against the warm, pliant flesh of her soft breast. She ran one hand
down over Beth's naked belly and further through the silken, blondish tufts of
her puffy little mound to her pussy, drawing a finger between its flushed,
heatedly moistened lips.

Beth whimpered, clinging closer, and the lithesome girl cupped her own breast,
holding it to press the nipple between the young blonde wife's wetly receptive
lips. Eagerly, Beth began to suck as her own small hand moved upward to lovingly
caress and hold the firm, full mound of feminine flesh.

"You like that, darling?" Vickie throatily whispered.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" Beth mewled, her tiny tongue swirling over and around the perfumed
nipple she hungrily held and sucked in her mouth.

Momentarily, Vickie Davis watched in her own mounting passion, watched the
sensual sight of her beautiful curvaceous neighbor sucking and nibbling in
wanton hunger at her wildly tingling breast. God, she thought, what absolutely
fantastic times they were going to enjoy together! She watched until she
couldn't stand it any longer, then she pressed the susceptible naked beauty down
onto the bed and lewdly straddled her middle, moving upward over the voluptuous,
satin fleshed girl until her own lush buttocks sat back to flatten Beth's softly
yielding breasts against her chest!

Beth looked up at her, not frightened, knowing exactly what was expected ...
what was to come ... and ... and wanting it! Vickie raised up until her wetly
excited cunt hovered directly above Beth's mouth! She said nothing, only stared
downward with lust-filled eyes, waiting!

The erotically fired young wife licked out as if in unquestionable obedience,
the enticing coral crevice of intimate flesh with its hair- lined dark curls
like a magnet to her as she laved her tongue through the hot, liquid length of
it. Subconsciously, Beth reached up and lovingly caught the auburn-haired girl's
flared hips, drawing her closer down, while she ran her tongue through the pink
fluidness of Vickie Davis' cunt ... exploring her heated, lust-secreting vagina,
and at last, the rather large almond-like clitoris, the entire conglomeration
firing her young naked body beyond belief!

But again, Vickie surprised her, hunching back away, suddenly scrambling off her
in an unexpected move! Beth raised to her elbows, gaping at her beautiful, naked

"What's wrong ...? Wasn't ... wasn't I doing it right ...?"

"You were beautiful, baby, and ... you're not done yet!" Vickie whispered, her
classic smile lighting her face. "But we have a male member with us, darling ...
one I'm almost certain you tempted this morning!"

There was only one other live thing in the room except the fern she kept near
the window!

"Yes ... Lancer, baby," the naked, lissome model softly intoned. "We mustn't
forget him ... and I know you never will after tonight!"

Beth gaped at her, knowing, yet not quite sure ... not letting herself believe!
Only in books, Jay's and others like him, did such bestial things take place!
They were fictional ... impossible ... absolutely devilish and unreal!

"He'll love you, Beth darling ... I know he will!" Vickie was saying. "Get up on
your knees, baby, with your lovely ass high in the air if you want to know the

"Vickie ... wh-what?"

"Turn over!" the auburn-haired girl cut her short. "Do it! Now!"

Beth could have argued, or at the most, fought with her, but she had no
intentions of doing that. Instead, she responded, getting up onto her knees as
commanded, raising her lush, naked buttocks high as if she were in some sort of
drugged lechery, the lustful sensation permeating her young curvaceous body more
influencing than any addiction she could ever know!

"Come, Lancy! Now, lover! Up ... up!"

Beth felt the jouncing weight of the massive dog leap onto the bed, but she
couldn't see him because he remained behind her. Her belly constricted in a
natural fright, and she looked behind her to catch her neighbor's beautiful
face. She saw the naked girl point toward her very buttocks!

Chapter 6

For what seemed an eternity, a quivering Beth knelt upon the bed, resting
forward on her elbows and forearms, knees widespread, the unprotected mounds of
her nakedly offered buttocks obscenely raised according to her captivating
neighbor's lewd instructions! The hardened tips of her passion-swollen breasts
incitingly grazed the silken material beneath, and her long blonde hair tumbled
down over her shoulders and cheeks in a golden veil that thankfully hid all
facial evidence the bizarre emotions of apprehension and anticipation were
fiercely charging through her!

Suddenly, she felt the huge animal's cool, wet nose against her inner thighs as
she had that morning, sniffing at the fluid, pungent heat of her fired loins!
Brushing her hair aside, Beth twisted again to look at Vickie who was on her
knees and closely watching the massive dog's lurid inspection of her unshielded
genitals! The anxious urge to bolt from the bed and end it all right there raced
into her lust-confused brain, but instead she froze! His cold, probing nose
touched her anus, causing her to reflexively lurch forward and her mind to go

Beth felt his hot animal tongue dart out and flick wetly up and down the smooth
crevice between her softly quivering buttocks, laving at her tightly puckered
little ring as his mistress had done shortly before! Again, the naked young wife
commenced to sizzle within the depths of her insanely aroused belly and loins as
Lancer began the avid licking of her lust-inflamed cunt and nothing else

"Wider, darling!" Vickie excitedly hissed. "Spread your legs wider! It'll open
your pussy more for him!"

Oh God ... he was a trained wonder, all right! Beth wildly reasoned, inching her
knees out farther apart as the German Shepherd obscenely lashed its searing,
beastial tongue the full length of her ass-crevice ... from the dimpled hole of
her tiny rectum to her passionately burning pussy ... even to the very base of
her belly where it flicked and caressed the quivering bud of her clitoris! Time
and again, the beautiful brute repeated his earth shaking lickings, his thick
animal- tongue laving through her frenzied, down covered loins and ass-crevice
with undeniable tutored skill, spreading her open in the most sensitive, secret
places that only a woman could truly know!

"Oh ... oh God, Vickie ...!" the young blonde wife moaned in the thrilling
salaciousness of her naked, animalistic position and the obscene act she was so
eagerly taking part in. "You ... you've taught him well ...!"

"Do you like him, darling?" the willowy, auburn-haired beauty whispered, leaning
down to slip a hand beneath Beth's nearest heavily hanging breast, cupping and
fondling its soft warmth with warm affection. "Isn't he marvelous?"

"Ohhhh... ooooohhhhhh, yessssss ... marvelous, the gor-gorgeous brute ...!"

"And the best is yet to come, baby! Watch! Now, Lancer! Up! Up! That's it,
lover! Fuck her! Go ahead, Lancy! Fuck her ...!"

With that shocking command, unexpected pangs of instant terror ripped through
Beth's sensually overwrought body! Good God, there was a limit to all outrages!
Its tongue was one thing, but its animal cock quite another ...! She started to
protest, intending to squirm away, but a fierce growl as the dog mounted her,
his hard furry body crowding in toward her defenselessly quivering buttocks
quickly changed the young wife's mind! His strong forelegs were clutching at the
soft flesh of her hips as might any lust-driven man who was about to take her
from behind!.

"Damn, Vickie! Stop him!" Beth snapped in a voice quivering with fear, passion,
and mounting anger. "I'm not an animal yet, and ... and I don't intend to be
fucked by one!"

Her beautiful neighbor merely laughed. "I don't believe you've much choice in
the matter at this point darling ... and I assure you, nothing I could say would
stop him now! He senses that beautiful heat of your sweet, needing pussy, baby
... but don't be frightened, and above all, don't put him down because he's an
animal. I promise you, Beth darling, you haven't been fucked until Lancy slips
that wonderful cock of his up into your steaming cunt! Just relax ... relax ...
and look what Vickie's got for you ...!"

The frightened young blonde intended to say more! To struggle! To do whatever
was necessary! Instead, she moaned aloud as her lissome neighbor's naked
loveliness moved around her head, squirmed down beneath her kneeling body, and
drew her long shapely legs back to her erect, firm breasts so that her pink,
wetly glistening cunt was completely exposed right beneath Beth's face. Then,
Vickie said, "If you want to watch, darling, we've worked around enough on the
bed so that you can see in your vanity mirror. Look ...!"

Beth did, the power of suggestion demanding it, and she caught the entire
reflection of their lurid orgy. The beastial sight of Lancer mounting the
wantonly spread moons of her soft, white buttocks, plus that of Vickie lying
nakedly on her back with her long legs raised in lascivious presentation of her
exposed, hair-covered pink cunt ... all this was enough to set her right off
again! Adding to that, came the spectacle of Lancer's glistening scarlet penis
slipping forth from its long sheath, wet and hard, the needled end like a
pointed, tapered candle dancing and slipping in the wet crevice of her seething
pussy! God, it was unbelievable in size! She felt his strong, animal body lurch
against her as he tried to invade her hotly throbbing vagina with the thick
beveled spear of animal hardness!

"Help him, darling! You want it ... you know you do! Can't you just feel its
long thickness racing hotly up into your excited pussy?" Vickie taunted while
she, too, gaped at the mirror, her slender hand moving downward between her
raised, spread thighs to slip a probing finger between the wet lips of her own
heatedly contracting cunt. "Do it, baby, help him ... if you really want to cum
like a cyclone!"

It was her enchanting neighbor's last, almost promising words, which moved Beth
into blind action. With an unrestrained moan, the golden haired young wife
shifted her lush, rounded buttocks in a searching effort to capture the dog's
lengthening cock, the sensual tension raging within her mounting to an almost
unbearable point. God yes, she wanted the long, slippery animal hardness racing
hotly up into the inferno of her belly! To ... to cum like a cyclone! She
reached back between her thighs, grasping the fire filled wet length, raising a
partial growl from the huge dog as she guided its moistly pulsating tip to the
lubricated mouth of her yearning young cunt ...! Immediately, the brute thrust,
yanked, thrust, yanked ...! Hammering into her lust- moistened vagina and
spreading her cuntal passage open wider and wider as he buried his long, thick
animal cock deeply up into her stretched pussy channel!

Vickie gaped in lustful fascination as the thick, lengthy hardness slithered
forward with a wet, brutal hammering, until it was sunk to its hilt, Lancer's
black, hairy balls swinging beneath the younger girl's golden, downish pubic

"Oh damn ... damn!" Beth choked, her eyes wide but momentarily unseeing as the
massive beast fucked into her from behind with a ravaging force she could only
mentally compare to a machine driven piston! It was long seconds before she was
able to regain her breath which had been knocked out of her by his fierce entry
into the scorching, liquid core of her young body. But gradually, it returned,
even beneath his brutal animal fucking, and she stared down at Vickie's several
fingers moving sleekly in and out of her own pink, glistening cunt. "Ooohhhh ...
ooohhhhhh ... oooohhhhh!" Beth began to chant in a new, heavenly relief,
compellingly moving backwards in lewd bodily rhythm to meet Lancer's powerful
strokes fucking deep into the very depths of her seething belly from his ass-
mounting position!

Vickie Davis watched as if hypnotized, her slender fingers skillfully pummeling
her own excited pussy while her amber eyes riveted on her voluptuous young
neighbor's lust-contorted expression. She watched Beth's full, hanging breasts
dancing and swaying beneath her writhing torso, keeping cadence with Lancer's
long, thick cock skewering deeper and deeper into her from behind, a merciless
drill of gleaming animal hardness sinking to its full depth in the gorgeous
girl's sweet-tasting vagina!

Finally, when she could no longer stand the mere watching, and the fingering of
her cunt seemed ridiculous, the lust-drenched, naked model entwined her fingers
in Beth's long tresses, urging her slackened face downward to her feverishly wet
loins. Immediately, she felt the young enraptured girl's smooth hot tongue begin
to wetly kiss and lick, suck and nibble at the sensitive intimate flesh of her
cunt. The roundness of Beth's wetly ovalled lips drew eagerly at Vickie's
clitoris, then the tantalizing length of the kneeling girl's hot tongue speared
up into the clutching sheath of her smoldering vagina to slash, swirl and lave!
She felt her curvaceous neighbor's hot breaths coming in tight gasps against the
sensitive inner flesh and watched her rotate her naked buttocks, furiously
grinding them back against Lancer's big animal cock fucking into her greedily
absorbing pussy from behind.

The lewdly erotic spectacle was more than even Vickie could bear to watch any
longer; nor could she hold back the climax that was about to erupt in the
volcanic depths of her belly and loins from the exquisite mouthing of her cunt
which Beth was so ardently administering! She threw back her head and wailed
deeply when the bubble burst to send waves of ultimate pleasure rocketing
through her entire being, causing her legs to spasmodically jerk out on either
side of Beth's lovely head nuzzled in her wetly climaxing cunt!

Almost simultaneously, Jay Robert Durke's impassioned young wife felt the
sensational frenzied heat pressuring beyond the controllable point in her own
nakedly screaming body! Muffled whimpers tumbled from her pussy-moistened lips.
She raised her beautiful face and Vickie read her glazed, sultry eyes ... saw
them grow round and wide as she cried out, "Oooohhhhh ... damn! Yesssss ... I'm
going to cuummmm! Viiiicccckkiiii ...! I-I-I'm cummiiiinngggg ...!"

Her voice died in a strangled choke of sob and sigh, her head twisting from side
to side, her long blonde hair flailing as she began the first ecstatic spasms of
orgasm, screwing her smoothly rounded buttocks back hard onto the wildly fucking
thick animal penis with frenetic fury!

Vickie watched in the mirror as Lancer's tongue hung loosely from the mouth of
his great head, panting and dripping its saliva onto the sleek tanned flesh of
Beth's back while he fucked between the wantonly undulating buttocks from
behind. Then, the young naked wife shrieked again, slamming her madly trembling
buttocks back against the panting brute with a frantic jerk as Lancy thrust
forward, obviously spewing his scalding animal sperm up into her belly with
long, incessant spurts. Once more, she wailed brokenly, her lovely ass cheeks
beginning to convulsively contract, while Vickie Davis watched the mirror in
lustful anticipation to see the combination human-animal, white orgasmic liquid
explode from the lust-swollen lips of her young neighbor's tightly milking cunt,
which was still clasping and squeezing at her Lancer's long, thick cock! Thin
rivulets of the white hot fluid ran down the full columns of her soft, satiny
thighs ... and then, she collapsed forward, into the cradle of Vickie's
cushioning loins, giving one last sigh of ecstatic relief.

Vickie didn't speak, only pointed to Lancer and he leaped down from the bed.
Gently, lovingly, she ran her hand through the curvaceous young wife's
beautiful, silken blonde hair. After minutes, she ventured in her soft voice,
"Satisfied, darling?"

Beth sighed ... another interval passed. At last, "At the sake of being trite,
which my husband would never forgive me for, 'heaven was never like that'!"

Vickie responded with her musical, quiet laugh. Then asked, "Are you sorry?"

Beth looked up at her and smiled. "I guess I'm never sorry, or ashamed, for
anything I do. In that respect, I suppose I'd make a good whore, wouldn't I?"

"No ... no, I'm afraid you wouldn't, darling," Vickie replied, surprising her.

"No ...? And why not? I've got all the qualifications, haven't I ...?"

Vickie nodded, the amber eyes in her classic face sparkling. "One too many, as a
matter of fact, darling. You'd like your work too much and consequently go

Beth laughed outright as she sat up! "Would you like a drink, Miss Davis ... in
the living room? I expect that my husband is due home anytime now, and we might
make for a better appearance out there ... if you know what I mean."

"Right on, Mrs. Durke. My throat is parched ...!"

Chapter 7

It was customary for Beth to crawl quietly out of bed at an early hour. She did
this for two reasons, number one: she very much enjoyed the first rays of
daylight, their fresh tranquillity pleasantly warming her; and number two: to
avoid any ruttish sorties Jay might wake up entertaining. This morning, she had
a third reason: to jot down a few notes of memorable experiences which were
bidding to be recorded somewhere, somehow.

She chose the back verandah where the sun played until midmorning, a notebook
she'd pilfered from her husband's studio, and her green bikini for attire. Some
two hours passed in luxurious privacy as she wrote in a smoothly legible hand,
journaling the cause, events, and results of these past few days in her life.
They were the same mental reflections which had allowed her fitful sleep and
stimulating dreams all through the night; yet, remarkably enough, she was not
tired, and anything but upset.

In fact, Jay Robert Durke's curvaceous young wife could never recall feeling
quite so complete, nor as femininely 'looked after'. She smiled to herself at
the last thought. But it was true! She had never before known such ultimate
physical contentment. Had it been Vickie, or Lancer ... or the combination of
them both? The venture with young Jerry Adams had excited her to no end, and
there was hardly a doubt in her mind but what further sensual experiences were
going to happen between them, though these, like the first, would be erotic
thrills of the moment and probably spontaneous. Which left only the one avenue
yet unexplored ... Stan Wilson!

She still had only to think of him, envision his handsome virility, and the
blood began to hotly charge through her. God, though she wasn't sorry, she could
never think of herself as lesbianistically inclined ... and how could one
categorize one's feelings towards the loving of a brute animal? An idolizer of
beastiality? Again, Beth laughed to herself, making a notice of her immediate

Somewhere in the course of her erotic escapades throughout the past seventy-two
hours or so, she had recognized the personal sensation of different loves, all
firing in their own right, intricate emotions of overwhelming pleasure that
never infringed on those of their loving counterparts. That had truly been the
secret moment of revelation, hadn't it ...?

"Beth ...? Hey, Baby, where are you?"

Unhurriedly, the pony tailed, blonde young mate closed her note book and slipped
it beneath the cushion of her metal chair. "Out here, Jay ... back verandah,"
she replied, glancing at her watch to see it was eight o'clock, time for Stan to
leave for his store.

The big man scuffingly emerged through the doorway, his long greying hair
standing on end, his bearded face like an unkempt bird's nest. He yawned,
scratching at his protruding belly and ribs beneath the purple dressing gown
she'd given him last Christmas.

"Damn ... I was looking for you, doll ... all over the bed," he announced with a
grin. "Had one of those yard-arm situations that call for a woman's loving

She thought of asking why he didn't go to the bathroom, but instead, said, "The
mornings are too nice to waste, Jay. I just can't pass them up ... a holdover
from the farm, I guess."

He dropped heavily into a chair and yawned again, scratching at his head. "Man,
I drank a boatload last night. I need a pound of bacon and half dozen eggs to
absorb it. Lots of hot coffee, too, hon." He looked over at her. "Was I all
right when I came home?"

"You were fine, darling. I led you into the bedroom, helped you undress and you
faded quietly away, like the Arab. Then, Vickie Davis went home."

He gaped at her. "What the hell, was she here?"

Beth nodded and smiled. "Don't you remember trying to kiss her, hello?"

The big man squirmed. "Hell no!" he said, combing his wild hair with his
fingers. "Did I, honest?"

"You did, lover man."

"She wasn't sore or anything ... was she?"

"No, of course not. Any fool could see you were stoned out of your mind. She
simply laughed, let you kiss her, then she left."

"But she wasn't uptight, or anything?" he repeated.

"No, Jay. Really. She just laughed. Lord, she knew you were high as a kite,"
Beth said with a smile, remembering the way Vickie had kissed her warmly on the
lips and said, "Pass this on to him, if you can, lady."

"Shit, I didn't think I was that bad!" he said, regaining his feet. He walked to
the doorway, then pivoted to look at her. "You're not mad, baby ...?"

"Mad? Of course not. Only dogs and other such animals go mad, anyway. You should
know that, husband. You're the writer," Beth said, standing up from her chair
and remembering her notebook. She would get it later ...

"Yeah ... well ... maybe that's just a subterfuge. I'm really a satyr! You ever
consider that fact?" he teased, grinning.

"Yes ... but I don't believe you're anything that a good shower won't cure this
morning, big daddy. Remember, we've lots of work to do. You're already three
days late ..."

"I know ... I know. Okay. Get the grub on, baby ... I'll be with you in a jiffy
... and ... and incidentally, this satyr loves you ..."

Beth felt it all the way from her heels, an emotion for this massive gentle,
boisterous man which she could never, never deny! She said: "I love you, too,
Jay Durke ... Now, get to hell in there and take a shower!"

* * *

Beth remained loyal to the typewriter throughout the morning and a good half of
the afternoon, working in the presence of her middle-aged husband, and as usual,
caught up in the racy theme and sequences of his story. She smiled to herself
when sometime around three o'clock his machine began to slow down and she
gathered that Sara Wilson had made one of her exhibitionist appearances.
Shortly, his fingers ceased to move over the keys entirely and he complained of
hitting a snag he'd have to think out. He decided he might take a little walk
around the yard for a bit of mental exercising, to which she had merely nodded
and gone on with her work.

Once the back door had slammed behind him, Beth waited a few more minutes before
going to their bedroom where she could see her bearded mate standing beside the
house near the hedge, ogling the bikini-clad brunette who was going through some
wild positioned antics in her struggle with a rose bush she was evidently set on
digging up and replanting elsewhere. It occurred to the young blonde wife as she
watched her vivacious neighbor that the petite Sara was a sensuously striking
girl, a fact she'd never before given much thought to. Yes ... yes, she was ...
with all of the alluring, well balanced curves a girl of her dainty structure
needed to be classified as lovely. And it was her lot in life to legitimately
occupy the bed of Stan Wilson, an enviable position, Beth covetously mused ...

The jangle of the telephone interrupted her jealous meditation and she picked up
the bedroom extension.

"Hello ..."

"Beth ... Mrs. Durke ...?" the unmistakable male voice stammeringly questioned,
sending immediate little sensations of excitement rippling through her.

"Yes ... this is she," Beth replied, forcing calmness into her tone as she
thought: how timely could one get?

"Stan ... Stan Wilson, Beth," he went on, his smooth voice gaining confidence.
"I just received a shipment of sandals ... some beautiful styles, and ... and I
thought you might like to stop by and have a look at them ... when you get time,
or are down this way."

"Why, Stan how thoughtful of you to call me!" Beth exclaimed, her elation quite
sincere, but the sandals had little to do with it. "I'd love to see them."

"Oh, we try to offer our ... ah ... special customers just a little bit more,"
he said, his rich voice taking on a meaningful inflection, adding to the initial
flush he'd set off inside her.

"I see ... Then, you do have other special customers," the young wife found
herself teasing. "For a moment, I thought I was in a category all my own ..."

"Believe me, you are, Mrs. Durke," Stan quickly answered. "You are what I call
the preferred customer ... mine, anyway, if that makes a difference ... Does

Beth managed her trained, light laugh. "I refuse to answer on the grounds that
it might incriminate me, Mr. Wilson." Her brain raced. She added: "However, I do
have to pick up some groceries a little later and ... and I'll stop by to see
what you have."

"This afternoon?"

"Yes ... in fact, I was just about to get ready," she lied, concluding that Jay
would probably welcome her getting out of the picture for a bit so that he could
play voyeur in peace ... perfect ... for both of them!

"Wonderful! I'll be watching for you!" Stan said, either unable to hide, or
purposefully inflecting his enthusiasm in the words.

Beth preferred to believe the first viewpoint, though it hardly mattered a damn
to her, she thought as she hung up the phone. There was enough imaginative heat
inspiring her for the both of them ... and this time she wasn't about to louse
it up.

* * *

Through the Venetian blind of his study window, Jay Durke focused and re-focused
his field glasses to bring closer the tiny yellow bikini bottoms covering Sara
Wilson's taut full buttocks until he could imagine them damned near sitting on
the end of his nose! Christ, his cock was as hard as the hoe handle she was
clutching, bent over and chopping at the earthed root of the rose bush! Damn, if
there was ever a more inviting, tighter looking, compact ass anywhere, he'd sure
like to get a look at it! For over an hour now, she'd been waggling it under his
nose, until he just couldn't stand it another friggin' minute! He either had to
get away from the goddamned window ... or go over there and make some kind of a
play! But, what the hell would he say to her ...?

Nervously, he opened a drawer of his desk, bringing out the half-filled bottle
of bourbon he kept handy there. Removing the cap, he took a long pull at the raw
liquor, feeling it scorch his throat as it thumped into his belly and spread
warmly through his big frame. He'd never have a better opportunity, with Beth
shopping. She'd be at least a couple of hours, time to get something going in
the hopper anyway. Maybe nothing would come of it ... maybe he was nuts to think
little Sara was a fireball, or that she'd be receptive to him even if she were.
Hell, he was old enough to be her daddy, and he might bluff it a lot, but he
knew what he looked like. Still, there was always that chance ... and he'd been
old enough to have sired his Beth, too, but she'd flipped over him. What the
hell, he must have something that turned the younger dolls on ... and what could
he lose, anyway?

Again, the brawny, bewhiskered writer tilted the bottle to his lips and drank,
drawing the back of his hand over his wet lips after and gasping from the
burning liquid. Damnit, he was going over there! He'd tell her he'd come over to
offer a hand! What the hell, she couldn't anymore than cool him ...! But he'd
have to get his damned cock down to normal first! Couldn't walk over there
looking like he was hiding a ball bat in his pants ...!

His mind excitedly made up, and with the bourbon hotly starching his confidence,
Jay went into the bathroom, dropped his trousers and shorts, then held his
thick, lengthy hardness under the cold water faucet until it began to wilt and
return to its normal flaccidness. He'd just finished the process, zipped up his
fly and buckled his belt when the telephone rang. The interruption irked him,
but he answered it.

"Yeah ...?"

"Jay ...?" Beth's voice sang into his ear.

"Nawww ... this is the ghost of King Farouk," he answered, grinning. "What can I
do for you, Nefertiti?"

Her laugh came warmly over the wire. "Well listen, oh King," she said, her voice
growing enthused, "the most wonderful thing ... I just ran into Maggie Gardner
from Chicago. Can you imagine? I was never so surprised in my life!"

"Maggie ... she's the redhead who worked in the office with you, isn't she?"

"Yes, and she's only in town for a few hours. She's catching a plane this
evening for Hawaii ... Her father lives there, you know," his wife informed.
"Darling, would you mind very much if I have cocktails and dinner with her?
She's asked me to ..."

Would he mind? Christ, it couldn't fall better if he'd planned it himself ...
providing little sweet-assed Sara was half what he figured her to be. "Hell no,
baby! You go ahead and have yourself a good time! I'll be okay; don't worry
about me."

"You're sure now ...?" she pressed, as if she might change her mind right there
if he asked her to. The doll ...

"O' course, hon! Go ahead. You got enough loot on you?"

"Yes ... I've plenty."

"Good ... and say hello to old Maggie for me, won't you?"

"Yes, darling, I will. Bye bye ..."

"Bye ... and have fun, baby ..."

The big man cradled the phone, then walked to the front window. Yeah ... she was
still out there and working like a female Johnny Appleseed. Damn, what a hot-
nuts body that chickie had! But he couldn't just stand there watching her
titties bounce and her luscious ass-cheeks strain that wispy bikini bottom, or
he'd have to undergo another Coldwater treatment. Nope!

Win, lose, or draw, he was going to chance it, and right now ...!

Jay tensely brushed a comb through his greying hair and beard, struck a few
anticipated poses in the mirror, caught one last belt of bourbon, and shuffled
across the street with hands thrust in hip-pockets. As he drew closer to the
squatting, petitely feminine figure of the raven- haired Sara Wilson digging at
the bush's root, the big man realized that she grew even more curvaceous and
sensuously lovely. He'd never been this near to their neighbor before, even
though he'd had her sitting on the end of his nose with field-glasses, but in
person there was a hell of a difference! Christ, his throat was knotting up ...!

"Oh, hello!" the dark-eyed girl exclaimed when his big shadow caught her eye and
she looked back over her pretty naked shoulder in surprise. A little smile
followed as she stopped what she was doing and straightened. She wore a pair of
soiled white gloves that would've fit him, and with the back of one she drew it
across her brow, brushing her long black hair away from her attractive, smiling
face. "You're Mr. Durke from across the street ...?"

"That's right," Jay managed, trying to keep his eyes on her glowing face rather
than the alluring dazzlement of her wispy, bikini-enhanced curves. "I-I've been
watching you breaking your back over that bush for the past hour. You just don't
seem to be getting anyplace with it, Mrs. Wilson ... or can I call you Sara?"

The big man was almost as astonished as was she at the forwardness of his own
words. Though he'd always had plenty of brass with males, when it came to
females, and especially gems like this one, he usually went tongue-tied. He
thought he detected an odd expression of disapproval darken her vivacious face,
and he wanted to rip out his tongue! Shit, he'd blown it already! The Goddamned
booze ...!

"I-I don't see why not," she suddenly answered, her smile returning. "And I'll
call you Jay. My husband was telling me that you and your wife were in his store
and got to a first-name acquaintance. After all, we are neighbors, aren't we?"

"Yeah! That's right, we are!" Jay huskily beamed, elated with the unexpected
consequences his boldness had brought about. "Here, let me have that hoe and see
what I can do!"

"Oh dear ... I can't let you do that, Mr ... Jay," his vibrant young neighbor
cooed, an almost helpless smile lighting her delicate features. "You know, it's
my hobby. I just love flowers and gardening, but Stan despised it, and he made
me understand when I started that I wasn't to call on him for any help." She
made a timid little laughing sound which pounded the blood in Jay's veins.
"That's why you always see me out here puttering alone ..."

"Well, you haven't been doing much puttering with this bush, girl," the big,
bearded writer said. "I know, 'cause I've been watching you ...!"

Jesus Christ! Jay inwardly swore. The way she was looking at him, like a
Goddamned little cuddly kitten! What the hell, he couldn't even answer her, and
his crazy cock had just given a telltale lurch! He reached out and took the hoe
from her gloved hands. Finally: "You just stand back and let old Jay root that
sonofa ... that bush out o' there for you, honey ...!"

She said something dainty but he didn't catch it all. The bearded man was too
gratified to bend over and hide his lengthening hardness from her pretty eyes.
Christ, he didn't want to look like a Goddamned lecher to her right off the bat!
Eagerly, he worked, gouging the tool into the earth with powerful strokes, the
perspiration beading on his broad forehead from the liquor he'd drunk and a
general lack of regular exercise. He thought of Beth for a fleeting moment, then
of Sara's husband, Stan, and what he, himself, was sweating his balls off trying
to gear toward. Several times, Sara 'ooohhhed' and 'aaahhhed', reminding him not
to sever any roots, then praising him in the next breath.

"My ... you're so strong, Jay!" she exclaimed in a breathless whisper, as she
knelt beside him closely watching. "I-I don't know how I'm ever going to thank
you for this! You're just a darling, is all!"

For answer, the perspiration-soaked author worked harder, completely out of his
element and loving it! Hell, he was making points and he knew that for sure! But
he hardly dared look at her, the way she was kneeling beside him on all-fours!
Goddamn, he could nearly see the very nipples on her firm, lush tits ... could
see them embossing the flimsy material in tiny, hardened buds! Christ, if only
he could know what she was thinking!

Sara could actually smell the masculine aroma of his powerful body from the
toiling strain of his efforts! Her young, soft belly responsively quivered from
the heady stimulant she had not really known since accompanying her football-
coach father into the team's empty locker- room at night all those years ago!
No, that wasn't exactly true! Jeff, the boy she had almost married before Stan
... after a tennis match ...! God, how she'd always wanted to make love to him
then! He had been big like this man, Jay Durke was big, never the prim and
proper Adonis type such as Stan, but barrel-chested and hairy, a brute man,
every inch of him ... like her daddy!

Ooohhh ... it was happening to her again! The hunger that Stan could never
satisfy ... or would never permit that she sate! Again? Lord, had it ever left
her since Jeff? Her Jeff ... long dead in Vietnam ...! Why else had she taken to
exhibiting herself in the front yard of the beautiful home Stan had given her
... except to entice this beast of a man who wrote naughty books and was the
replica of the male image forever haunting her most secret thoughts and desires?
God, he could be her daddy, himself!

Oh, she was a fool! What could come of it except a deeper longing? Stan would be
closing soon and coming home. And there was always Vickie Davis right across the
way who seldom missed much ... and who was very jealous. She certainly couldn't
afford to have Vickie get down on her ... or Lancer! If it hadn't been for those
two beautiful creatures, she would have probably ran off in the night babbling
insanely while she ... she fingered herself ...!

"Oh, shit!" Jay hoarsely blurted, half straightening and shaking his big hand.
Blood spattered from his fore-finger and palm as he realized his vulgarity and
stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Sara. Mistake ..."

"What happened, Jay?" she concernedly asked getting to her feet to grasp his
hand and look at it.

"Oh, I ripped it on some thorns is all," he shied as she took his big hand in
her two small ones. "But I got the damned thing loose. All we have to do now is
move it wherever you want ..."

"That can wait until another time," she said, gently tugging a small thorn from
his hefty palm. "This is nasty looking. Come into the house and I'll doctor it
up for you ..."

"Nawww, that ain't necessary, Sara," he replied with a grin. "It's nothing ..."

"Maybe not, but these rose bush gashes can be very sore. Come on now, I insist!"
the petite, raven-haired beauty pressed, the holding of his huge hand sending
further sensations of tingling excitement soaring through her young body.

"Well ... all right ... if you insist. But it's silly. Only a few scratches ..."

"I know, dear, but it's the least I can do after the way you've helped me this
afternoon ..."

Dear! Holy hot-box! That's what she'd said! Dear! Goddamn! And she was still
holding onto his hand, leading him into the house ... and what a house! Man,
that Wilson bastard had some loot! This was luxury ...!

"Only a few kid scratches," he mumbled as she led him through into a hallway and
finally the most splendid bedroom he'd ever seen. Damn, he'd been writing about
these pads from the beginning, but this was the first one he'd really ever laid
eyes on! And the Goddamned bathroom ...! It was as big as Beth and his living
room for Chrissake ...!

"Now, let's wash it off good, dear ..."

Crap, there it was again! Dear! And she was rubbing right up against him while
she rummaged in the medicine cabinet! Damn, her curvaceous young body was like a
tinder-box ... and his stupid cock was getting as hard as a piling! "Look, Sara,
this isn't necessary ... just a little scratch ..."

"You be quiet, you big doll!" she softly replied, closing the cabinet door and
smiling at him in the mirror. "I'm going to fix this hand if I have to take you
down and sit on you! Understand?"

He could only gape at her, skyrocketing emotions ripping back and forth through
his big frame. Big doll! And the way she was looking, smiling at him! Something
was going to happen between them! It was for friggin' sure, because he couldn't
hold himself back, and she didn't look as if she wanted him to ...!

"Damn, Sara ...!" he choked, gaping down at her vibrant liveliness, almost naked
and childlike next to him, yet the voluptuousness of her mature young body
firing his brain with the truth!

Jay hardly knew what he did as he swept an arm around her, lifting her from the
floor as if she were weightless, her softly curved body burning into his as he
held her there and kissed her full on her receptive mouth! He sensed her arms
wrapping around his neck, her luscious, vibrant body clinging passionately to
him when he rammed his hot, thick tongue into her tiny mouth like a raping

"Oh ... oh, Jay ...!" she hotly hissed into his face when they broke and he
still held her. "I-I needed that, darling! Honest to God ... I really needed

He let her down easy, his breathing rasping from his lungs like a bellows. "I
... I got carried off there, Sara ... baby! Goddamn! You're something else ..."

"Oh please? Don't be sorry! I don't want you to be sorry, Jay darling!" she
partially whimpered.

The big writer's head reeled! He had to keep hold of himself! He looked at his
watch! "Listen ... Stan will be closin' and coming home! It's after six! I
better get out of here ...!"

"What about your wife, Beth?" she put to him.

"Oh, she's out tonight. No problem there, but we don't want to get you in the
bag ..."

"Here, let me put some of this iodine on those scratches," the raven- haired
young wife said as he released her and she swabbed the tincture over the
bloodied gashes. "It'll only burn for a minute." She finished and looked up at
him. "Thank you for everything, darling Jay."

"I-I can't believe it yet!" he blurted.

She stretched up on tiny tip-toes and kissed him. "You remind me of my Daddy ...
and I loved him! You smell like a man, and I love that! I-I only wish ..."


"Wasn't that the phone ...?" he started to say, but then, it rang again. He
released her and she went into the bedroom to pick up the decorously tinted
unit, while he followed slowly to wait.

"Yes ...? Oh. Stan ...? You won't? Well, that's all right, darling. Yes ...
Yesss, I understand," she said, looking toward the big man waiting, her eyes
wildly lighting. "And you don't think you'll be home until when ...? Maybe two
...? Lord, he must be an important representative." She laughed as Jay listened.
"No, of course not. That's fine. Okay, darling ... see you in the morning
sometime. Yes ... yes ... bye ...!"

Jay hadn't moved. He filled the doorway of the bath, watching this enticing,
young near-naked creature who had kissed him eagerly, knowing his painfully
throbbing cock was thumping like a fire-hose and not giving a damn. He saw his
neighbor delicately recradle the telephone and slowly turn to face him with a
smile. Finally, she said:

"It seems that you and I are without spouses tonight, darling man. Mine just
informed me that he would be tied up until the wee hours." Slowly, sensually,
she walked toward him. "And I just happen to have two magnificent steaks in the
refrigerator. If you would make the martinis, I'll cook the steaks ... and
later, well, who knows what, later ...!"

Chapter 8

Stan Wilson was even more handsome by candle-light, Beth ardently reflected as
she studied his dark-eyed face expectantly smiling at her across the table. His
strong, masculine hand rested caressingly over hers on the white linen of the
tablecloth, its virile warmth telegraphing little shivers of anticipated delight
along her spine.

They sipped martinis and spoke in low tones, spoke in near-whispers of
suggestive moments to come, until the thought of the way she had deceived Jay
with the Maggie Gardner story no longer troubled her. After all, husbands had
been using the old appointment ruse for years on their helplessly gullible wives
... just as Stan had done to Sara this very night. And there was little doubt in
her mind but what Jay would resort to it too if he had reason. She had merely
beat him to the draw ... and she wasn't going to think any more about it!
Nothing was about to spoil this beautiful night ... though, she wished she had
dressed a little more femininely enticing for him. But how could she have known
the way things were going to turn out?

She'd chosen the slack suit purposely, remembering what had happened the first
time she'd gone into his store. That they would eventually wind up in the little
backroom again, the young blonde wife had accurately surmised, but she'd had no
intentions of losing her head and letting him make love to her there. The first
time, it might've happened had Jay not been on hand, but on this occasion she
couldn't let it. She wanted it to be on a plain of its own, not cheap and
tawdry, even though she intended it would never go beyond an exciting affair.
And it was progressing as enchantedly as she'd hoped ... the cocktails, then
dinner, and finally, the agreed motel for a few impassioned hours.

God, in the store, his hot kisses had been searing embraces of lustful desire,
his big warm hands eagerly smoothing over her tremulous curves. "Damn!" he'd
hoarsely whispered, "Why aren't you dressed the way you were the first time
...?" She'd laughed teasingly into his face. "I'm no chippy, darling. If you
really want me, we do it genteelly ... not like something out of one of my
husband's rank books ..."

And here they sat, each excitedly gazing at the other, the heat of their
building passion being transmitted to one another tactilely, visually, and in
the suggestive soft tones of their voices. God, it was! ... it was going to be
heavenly ...!

"Are you getting hungry, darling?" he questioned, glancing at his watch, then
swallowing from his martini. "Don't misunderstand ... I'm not trying to rush it,
but I don't know how much longer I can stand the waiting without climbing right
over this table!"

Beth tittered, pleased, as he firmly pressured her hand. She supposed that she
was actually tormenting him with all of these preliminaries, but no more so than
she was herself, and she wanted them both to savor the utmost from this first
matchless time. However, his tongue was getting a bit thick from the martinis,
and she certainly didn't want him drunk. She could get enough of that at home!

"Well, I'm not too hungry, but I'll make a good try at a lobster," she said,
picking up the menu the waiter had left with them.

"I'm hungry enough ... but not for food, baby!" he said, a touch of stimulating
lewdness in his voice, his dark eyes gleaming.

"Never on an empty stomach, lover," Beth cutely advised. "You'll need all of
your stamina, I'm thinking."

"Darn!" he hissed. "You're warping my insides, you beautiful doll! Okay,
lobsters it'll be ... but let's not linger over them! Another hour like the last
one and they'll have to tie me into this chair!"

"All right, tiger," Beth replied, affectionately squeezing his hand, "I get the
message ... and I love it! Let's just do the unconventional thing?"

"What's that ...?"

"Eat and run, darling. I-I can't wait any longer, either ...!"

* * *

Jay Durke was fumbling behind Stan Wilson's plush little bar like a clumsy
gorilla in a mental fog. He still couldn't really believe the way events had
smoothly shaped the promising evening before him! Christ, that's what the
luscious little doll had said, "... And later ... well, who knows what, later
...!" Shit, she'd said it all right, "You make the martinis and I'll cook the
steaks ..." Goddamn ... kissing him the way she had ... he could almost cum just
thinking about it.

Now, she was in there 'slipping into something comfy and cozy for him'! Yeah,
she'd said that, too, before kissing him on the end of the nose and dancing like
an imp down the hall ...!

"How're those martinis coming, Daddy?" her girlish voice sang out to him.
"Dolly's getting thirsty ...!"

"Ready when you are!" he called back in his raucous voice, pouring two into the
glasses he had iced.

"Good, why don't you bring me one like a sweet daddy?" she suggested. Then, in a
more sensuous voice: "And bring yours, darling ... along with the pitcher. We
can drink them in here ..."

The brawny, philandering husband tightly swallowed. Something in her tone had
set off sparks in his already throbbing groin. Christ, he thought, his Goddamned
cock was so hard it might rip the front of his pants right out! Bring yours ...
we can drink them in here ... right in her friggin' bedroom! Oh shit ... he
ought to think of Beth if nothing else! She loved him, poor kid, and here he was
on the verge of scoring with their sexy little neighbor ... no Goddamned
scruples at all, that's what! But it wasn't too late! He could get the hell out
of there, pronto ...!

"Are you coming, Jay ...?" Sara's urgent, soft tones reached him. "I'm waiting

Once more, Jay gulped the knot from his throat. "Yeah, be right there, doll," he
managed, emptying both cocktail glasses one after the other into his belly, then
refilling them. He picked up the tray, took a deep breath and headed for her

When he reached the doorway the big, middle-aged husband nearly dropped his
delicately balanced burden, catching himself at the last second to merely spill
some of the glasses' stimulating contents. He gaped at her in utter disbelief!
If he was numbed before, he was absolutely whacked at what he saw lying on the
bed before him!

Jumping Christ! She was naked ... Not a friggin' stitch! ... Totally stripped
and smiling invitingly at him as she lay there on the yellow satiny coverlet,
her voluptuous, young tanned body milky white in the areas her bikini had
covered! Her shapely legs were slightly spread, the round fullness of her thighs
opened to reveal the dark, silken curls shading the puffy little mound of her
pussy! Christ, he could even see the moistened pink flesh of her cuntal crevice
between the swelling, hair-lined lips! And ... and her lush, firm breasts with
their hardened, rubyish nipples standing erect like ripened cherries ...!

"Goddamn ...!" Jay gapingly swore, his bugging eyes beginning to burn from the
strain he was putting on them.

"D-Do I shock you, darling?" the young wife in her delicate, girlish loveliness
softly questioned, her vivacious smile giving way to a look of sudden anxiety.
"T-That ... that isn't what I intended to do ..."

"No! H-Hell no!" Jay lied, his voice cracking as he continued to fill the
doorway with the tray trembling like an earthquake in his hands, his long, thick
length of iron-hardness rearing in his pants like a wild mustang. "I ... Christ
... you're beautiful, baby!"

He saw her sigh almost in relief, her excited smile returning. She lifted her
head from the pillow where her long raven hair formed an apron of glistening
splendor, an unmistakable gleam of sensuality glinting in her dark eyes. Christ,
she was looking right at his swollen rod of jerking cock-flesh!

"Oh God!" she huskily whispered. "I couldn't ... can't wait any longer, daddy!
Please ...? I've got to see it! Put that tray down and come here! Hurry ...!"

Jay felt as if he were moving like a robot! He couldn't help it! He'd never been
so Goddamned jarred in his whole life, and he'd been around a bit in his forty-
six years! Shit, it was just like something out of one of his own novels! Was he
dreaming it ...? His lust-filled eyes played greedily over her full, feminine
contours, charges of seething heat burning through him! He set down the tray on
her vanity, automatically moving toward the bed. Fuck, it was no dream! It was
as real as his hurtfully imprisoned cock, which she reached out to grasp when he
was close enough!

"Oh God!" she gasped, clutching its thick, sinewy hardness in her small hand,
tracing the length of it as he lurched and grunted to the electrifying pressure.
"Please ... don't make me wait? Get naked for me, darling! Hurry ...!" she
pleaded, her rounded, ivory-sheened hips beginning to undulate in a lurid little
motion all their own.

Shit! He was going to blow his mind! He knew it, but he didn't give a Goddamn!
He'd been right all the time! She was a fireball ... wild ... and that poor slob
Wilson wasn't man enough to handle her! Frantically, the big, bearded writer
tore at his clothing while she watched with an expression of licentious
fascination! Then, when he was down to his shorts, she raised up, leaning
forward on an elbow, her young dark eyes fixed hungrily on his heavy loins as he
made the unveiling ...!

"Oh God, Jay ... Jay ... Jay darling!" she exclaimed with a breathless awe at
the long, thick hardness of his huge cock spearing out from the hairy mass
between his strong thighs! He proudly watched her staring at the throbbing,
blood-inflated head, her little pink tongue passionately tracing her bowed lip-
line. "I-It's the biggest, most beautiful one I- I've ever seen, daddy! B-Bring
it here closer to me!" she hissed, moving to the edge of the bed to reach out
and grasp the hot, thrusting length in its exposed nakedness ...!

"Sonofabitch ..." the straying, barrel-chested husband gutturally blurted,
feeling an inevitable spasm of lustful sensation rack his powerful body as his
curvaceously naked young neighbor gently hefted his heavy cock with the palm of
her warm, soft little hand! Slowly, she encircled her slender fingers around it
while he stared with incredulous fascination as she avidly began to work its
heavy foreskin back and forth, her other hand moving between his thick, hairy
thighs to tenderly cup his balls! He lurched obscenely forward in uncontrollable
reflex movement, his sudden reaction causing the foreskin to peel back and
reveal the wet, smooth glans in it's rich, purple nakedness before her!

Tiny drops of secreting fluid appeared at its miniature slit and he heard her
sudden intake of breath. "I love it, daddy ... love it!" she gasped, leaning
closer, her tiny pink tongue darting out to lick away the pungent drops and
rocket additional sensations of shattering lust through him! He would have
sworn, but he couldn't ... couldn't even breathe with the hot, wild contact of
her searing little tongue with the sensitive knob of his cock! Then, she drew it
gently toward her, opening her softly moistened lips, pulling it slowly but
continuously into her feverish little mouth, her wet tongue beginning a spine-
tingling, swirl as she kept sucking it in ... in ... in, until a good third of
it disappeared between her warm, softly ovalled lips.

Finally, Jay choked out, "Mother fuck! I can't stand much of that, baby! I'll
blow my nuts all over the Goddamned room!"

His sudden lewd outburst of foul words was like a detonator reacting inside
Sara's young impassioned belly and loins! Yes ... yes! He was Jeff and daddy all
over again! Abruptly, she sucked off the end of his huge cock and backed down
onto the bed on her knees. She knew that her eyes were like a pair of lust-fired
coals as she flashed them upward at him.

"Come down here onto the bed, my big cuddly daddy!" she sensually whispered.
"I'm going to suck that big cock of yours until it squirts its last drop of jism
down my throat! Then you can lick my cunt, or fuck me anyway that you want!" she
obscenely hissed at him.

"And all the time I'm sucking it, I want you to say the dirtiest things you can
imagine to me! That's what I love ... to be called bitch and whore and be fucked
in the mouth by a brute of a man ... like my own daddy was ... not some
Goddamned feeble-cocked prude such as my handsome, Greek-god husband! Do you
hear? I mean it, Jay Durke! If you're half the man you look to be, then prove it
to me! Come down here while I suck you dry ...!"

Bells rang and cymbals clanged in Beth Durke's staggering husband's shocked, if
goatish brain! He could only gape at the voluptuous, naked imp on the bed who
sat poised on her haunches like some preying, vampirish little witch who fed on
cocks! And then, he found himself sprawled out on his back with her impatiently
crawling between his legs to encircle both little hands around his upthrusting
hardness, as if she were about to lift it to her navel, like a flag staff and
march in a parade!

He watched with raised head, his eyes like wet marbles protruding from their
sockets at the sensual sight of her girlish nakedness bent in obscene craving
over his vulnerable cock ...!

"Tell me to, Jay darling!" he heard her plea. "Make me do it ... like daddy and
Jeff used to! I-I know you understand ... you're a writer! Do it, lover! Make

He tried to, but nothing intelligible would emerge from the knotted sleeve of
his throat! Fuck! She'd sucked her own father! Maybe Jeff was her brother ...!
Christ ... he was going all flabby inside, and he damned well knew that the
blood was going to drain from his cock like someone had opened a secret petcock!
Beth ... where the hell was Beth ...?

"Suck his cock, you whore-bitch! Lick it! Suck it, Goddamn you!" the auburn-
haired girl striding through the open doorway, ordered! "Do it you filthy little
cunt! Suck the cum from his balls!" she venomously added, slapping the kneeling
Sara harshly across her full, naked buttocks as Jay stared, watching in
flabbergasted amazement the intrusion of Vickie Davis, her German Shepherd not
two steps behind her!

The total astonishment which had filled the errant husband time and again since
he'd crossed the road to dig out a rose bush had yet to reach the point it did
at the moment! He saw and felt Sara Wilson's lush, wet lips slip down over the
head of his near-spineless cock, the sensual feel of her lashing, hot tongue as
she sucked it deep up into her mouth, reflexively triggering the rush of re-
swelling blood into its thickened length!

"It's all right, Jay? Don't get shook," the striking model said with a little
smile as she began to unbutton her blouse. "We're all friends ... and cock-
sucking is Sara doll's thing! Mine's getting my pussy licked by male or female
... as you'll shortly see! Now, tell her! She's waiting to hear it from you! Go
on, tell her ...!"

The big, naked writer dragged his eyes away from the stripping, auburn- haired
beauty to the hunched down, delectable young wife slaving over his loins, his
huge cock stuffing her hotly sucking mouth. Her long raven hair tickled his
belly and thighs, and he sensed her hands eagerly cupping and milking his cum-
bloated balls as she pulled at the very guts of him! Shit he'd opened up some
forbidden can of worms that no one in the whole world would ever believe! These
things didn't really happen ... only in his books, and they were never meant to
be for real! Christ, she was going to suck his pulverized balls right out of
him! Oh ... ooohhh ...!

"Suck it, you little cunt-whore!" he suddenly heard himself spit down at her as
Vickie slipped off her panties! "Suck my cock, damn you, 'til I flood your
fucking belly with my load of cum!"

* * *

Beth was fit to be tied!

The waiter had been kind enough to help navigate him from the dining room. Of
course, it'd been the wine on top of the martinis, though he insisted the
lobster was bad.

"I suggest you take a cab, M'am," the waiter said, after leaning him against his
Continental. "He really shouldn't drive in this condition."

"Oh, that won't be necessary. There's one right over there," the waiter said
with a little smile. "You go ahead and I'll help him ..."

Go ahead! God, she'd love to spit right in his eye! Big man with his wine, and
she'd known he shouldn't drink it! She'd even passed up most of her own last
martini and he'd had to consume that. "Can't let good booze go to waste, doll!"

Shit, too! He'd totally washed out their entire, beautifully planned evening!
Three ... or was it four martinis and a split of wine? God, Jay would've wiped
that away like a blotter! She couldn't help think of her massive, warm-souled
husband as she climbed into the cab beside Stan Wilson's spaghettied frame. The
handsome man lay his soused head over onto her shoulder as she directed the

"I-I'm sorry, Beth," he managed with thickened tongue. "The Goddamned lobster
... that's what did it ... never able to eat that crap ..."

She didn't bother to answer him. Instead, she stared out the window watching the
fleeting lights and thinking of Jay. He'd probably be sleeping ... but even if
he was, she intended to awaken him. God, he was beautiful ... all man ... maybe
not in looks ... or was he? Had she sold him short? She'd never really told him
what she wanted from their lovemaking ... what she expected, nor truly given
herself to it, had she? Being the accommodating young wife and taking, never
giving, had been her only thought!

Selfish ... God yes, selfish ...!

"Look ... I'm sorry, baby," Stan said, lifting his head and making an effort
toward shaking his booze coma. "It ... it's not too late! Let's tell this cabbie
to swing around and take us back to the restaurant. I ... I can pick up my car
... and we'll go on to the motel ...!"

"No, Stan ... not tonight ... not now," she firmly answered.

"Why the hell not?"

"Maybe ... it wasn't supposed to be that way in the first place."

"Oh shit. Don't talk silly! What're you doing, gettin' religion on me?"

"I'm not getting anything. I just want to go home now!" Beth replied, firm and

"You mean ... that's the end for us, don't you?" he pressed, his soberness
surprising her.

"Honest ... I don't really know, Stan" she softly answered. "I wanted it to
happen tonight. It ... It didn't ... and anyway, we're home ...!"

She started to rummage into her purse, but he handed the driver a bill. She
climbed out, him following, and the cab drove off. They stood in front of his
house. He staggered slightly and she caught hold of his arm.

"I'm drunk ... okay ... but not that bad, baby," he said, patting her on the

"I'll walk you to the door. It's late ... no one will see."

"And kiss me goodnight? ... like a good little girl who sees her drunken lover

"Don't be ornery!"

"I'm not ornery, I'm horny!" he said, laughing.

"Shhhhh ... come on ... up to the door."

"You ... you hate me, don't you, Beth baby?" he half-whispered.

"No ... No, I don't. But I wish I did," she said, guiding him up on the step
before his front door. He fished for his key and she waited, took it from him
and inserted it into the lock. "Now, I'm going to run before Sara wakes up and
catches me, the naughty woman ...!"

"Sara! Dear, sweet little Sara ... the perverted bitch!" he bitterly exclaimed.
"Yeah run before demure Sara sees you ..."

Beth didn't, but instead, partially froze there, his words and the unhideable
feeling behind them pricking at her feminine curiosity. She started to speak,
but the sound of a barking dog beyond the door stopped her ...! She looked at
Stan, who was suddenly returning the expression.

"Th-That was a dog, for Chrissake!" he said. "I-In my house ... which could only
mean one thing ...!"

The bark came again and Beth stepped back as Stan Wilson clutched at the key,
twisting it and throwing open the door! He looked at her then. "Come on!" he
said. "Come with me! I want you to see this! Vickie Davis and that fucking
Lancer are here again ... and this is the sum total of my sex-life!"

He caught her roughly by the hand, but if he hadn't, Beth would've followed him
anyway ... especially after the night before! Through the darkened living room
they plodded toward the hallway where the light streamed out from one room! And
then, they stood side by side in the open doorway ...!

Chapter 9

Neither Beth Durke nor Stan Wilson were prepared for the orgiastic spectacle
they beheld taking place on the king-sized bed before them. While both had
formed quick and separate lewd opinions from the moment they'd heard Lancer's
bark, they were limited to include only images each was familiar with from
experience. In Stan's liquor-glazed mind, he visualized the powerful German
Shepherd mounting one of the naked girls from behind while she buried her
lapping mouth in the other's gaping pussy, a nauseating spectacle he'd seen and
tried to be a part of too many times! Beth, too, shared that lurid, mental
vision, after what Stan had said as they entered about Vickie and Lancer being
there could mean only one thing ... and calling demure little Sara a perverted
bitch! But in the blonde young wife's racing mind there was a certain twinge of
jealousy rather than nausea ... and then, utter shock ...!

"Oh my God!" she gasped, her hand flashing to her mouth, her wide green-eyes
expanding even more as she recognized the naked, hairy brute-frame of her
middle-aged husband flat on his back beneath the two obscenely working females
straining nakedly over him!

Stan sagged against the door-frame, his mouth hanging open, muttering something
Beth couldn't understand had she wanted to! She staggered from the impact of the
sordid scene, slumping for a moment against her drunken companion, her eyes
riveted on the lustful sight of the petitely curved Sara on all fours between
her Jay's spread legs. Stan's young wife was holding Jay's big hardened penis at
its thick base as she ravenously sucked it with a lewd, slobbering up-and-down
bobbing of her head, while the huge Lancer had mounted her from behind and was
fucking into her wet, pink pussy like a pile-driving machine! To complete the
obscene orgy, Vickie Davis' willowy white nakedness was straddling Jay's bearded
face, her sensually taut thighs wide-spread as were her rounded full buttocks
which faced the door. The astounded, suddenly jealous Beth could see her
husband's bearded chin between those firm white thighs and buttocks as he
mouthed the naked model's moistly opened cunt with obvious relish ... just as
she, herself, had done the night before!

"Good Christ!" Stan thickly swore. "Look at that bitch suck his cock ... like a
goddamned wanton slut! Suck! Suck! Suck! That's all she ever wants to do ...
cocks or cunts, it makes no difference to sweet little Sara! And that fucking
dog ... the bastard's reamed her out so that my poor cock gets lost in her
flabby cunt!"

The drunken, lustful, four-letter words spewing from Stan's almost sobbing
mouth, added to the incredible obscene show wildly taking place before them, had
an immediate undeniable effect on Beth. While pangs of angered jealousy dug
bitterly at her, heated arousal began to re-glow in the core of her young body,
unsatiated arousal which had grown more intense as the evening had moved toward
that ultimate moment her gallant escort had managed to completely louse up.
Jealous though she was, there wasn't a damned thing she could say or do and she
knew it! She'd underrated her big, lovable darling all right, and now she was
getting a taste from the other side of the fence! She didn't like it ... not one
stinking little bit, but she'd be damned if she was going to let her pair of
lustful, female neighbors outdo her!

None of the three naked performers were aware that they had an audience watching
their salacious circus, Beth realized. Not even Lancer had detected their
presence, and it was no wonder, the way he was mountedly clinging to Sara's
beautifully upthrusted hips and hammering his long, thick animal-cock up between
her widespread thighs and buttocks! All of them were too involved in their lewd
sucking and lapping, filling the bedroom with lust-fired, carnal sounds that
would drown a brass-band ...!

"Suck it, you little bitch!" Beth heard Vicki Davis snap back at the slaving
Sara, half-turning her auburn head as she said it. "Suck it harder, damn you!
Draw the hot cum up out of those big wonderful balls!"

The gaping young Beth's breathing caught in her throat and hotly tingling
sensations raced through her soft belly at the willowy model's dominating, lurid
command. She sensed the seeping moisture dampening the narrow strip of her own
nylon panties hugging her swelling, wetly flushed pussy-lips, and she shivered
against Stan who had slipped his arm around her waist and was suddenly fondling
one vibrant breast! To her amazement, Sara began to work harder, trying
desperately to take more and more of Jay's huge, hardened cock into her
grotesquely sucking mouth! Good God, it had to be reaching her throat!

"That's what she likes ... has to have! Somebody to treat her like a goddamned
cunt-slave!" Stan hissed. "And I just can't do it ... I can't ...!"

"Ohhh, you sweet man!" Vickie cooed down at Jay. "That's the way, Darling! Eat
me! Lick way up inside my cunt! Ooohhh ... I'm going to come unglued ... any
minute ... any second! Don't stop, Lover! Lick it ... tongue it deep ...!"

Damn, why hadn't she ever sucked him? Beth enviously berated herself, fired
passion seethingly spreading through her. Or begged him to lick her pussy? She'd
always wanted it that way! And he wasn't any damned rabbit now, the way he was
staying right with the both of them! Why was he such a quick-cum artist with
her? She'd failed him, that's why ... had never even tried to bring the powerful
man he was out in him! No wonder he resorted so heavily to the goddamned booze!
She'd belittled him and he knew it, if only in his subconscious ...!

"Goddamn, what're we doing standing here like a couple of voyeuristic cummies?!"
Stan blurted, squeezing her ripely heaving breast, then kissing her. "Let's go
into the other bedroom and fuck!"

"Oohhh ... I'd love to, darling ... only not in the other bedroom! Right in here
on that bed beside them!" Beth hissed, dropping her hand to find and caress his
swollen rod of hardness, an expression of wonderment slowly creeping over her
impassioned face.

"You mean, you want to join them ...?" he questioned in disbelief. "Christ ...
don't you want some privacy ...?"

"For what? We're all neighbors, aren't we?" the blonde-haired beauty tossed at
him, moving into the room and abruptly pulling the sweater of her slack ensemble
over her head. She smiled. "If you want to fuck me, Stan Wilson, you do it in
front of my husband, not behind his back! There's already been too much of that,
and there'll be no more as far as this girl is concerned ...!"

"Holy Christ almighty!" Beth heard Jay's raucous voice suddenly exclaim.

She swung around to see her massive, hairy bodied husband lift Vickie bodily off
of him and sit upright in the bed, while Sara continued to suck his huge cock
and Lancer fucked into her from behind. Beth almost laughed outright, the
spectacle they made bordering on something obscenely slapstick. Instead, she
gave him the warmest smile possible, as Vickie, beside him, began to finger her
own pussy with frenzied abandon.

"Hello, darling!" the smiling young wife greeted, removing her brassiere to
expose her proudly upthrust breasts, and then unzipping her slacks. "Would you
mind too much if we joined you?"

"Sonofabitch!" Jay blurted, the guilty look in his eyes and on his pussy-
moistened lips and beard giving him the appearance of an overgrown bad-boy
caught stealing fruit. "You were supposed to be having dinner with ... with
what's her name ...?"

Beth did laugh then. "I lied to you, husband ... and I'm sorry. But I'll make
that up to you ... I promise! And I'll never lie to you again!" she added,
slipping her brief panties down her long legs to reveal her curvaceous beauty in
all its splendid nakedness. "Besides, I love you, and I'm going to prove that,
too, before this night's over!"

"Oh shit!" Jay rasped, staring at his beautiful, young naked wife in confused
awe. "What're you going to do ...?"

"Let this handsome man fuck me first, if he ever gets his clothes off," she
calmly replied, standing beside the bed with spread, long shapely legs, her
small hands on her full, curved hips. "Then, I'm not sure, darling! Maybe, I'll
nudge Sara off that wonderful, big cock of yours and show you how it really
should be sucked!"

"Goddamn ...!" Jay cursed, suddenly looking down at the raven-haired girl who
had never ceased her naked efforts of sucking him since his wife had
unexpectedly entered the room. He truly felt like a lousy petty thief caught
cold with the goods as he gaped at her bobbing head, and then beyond to the
brute mutt whose dangling tongue was dropping its animal saliva over her naked
back while he ferally fucked into her from behind! Christ, he didn't know but
what he felt sorrier for him than anything! This little witch he'd been hungrily
watching all these weeks and months was too much of a weirdo, even for him!
Though, she could really suck cock and that was for sure ...!

"Ooohhh ... aaahhhhhhhh!" Vickie Davis began to chant as she fingered herself
beside him! "I-I'm cumniiinnggg ...! Ooohhh ... kiss me, Jay ... hurry ...!"

He glanced up at Beth.

"Do it, lover! Kiss her ... love her! She's cumming!" Beth exclaimed. "Hurry

He did as his young blonde wife watched in her excited nakedness, his big hand
completely covering and clutching one of Vickie's full breasts, kneading it
while the willowy model pummeled her wetly convulsing pussy with her finger, her
flat belly contracting with visible muscular spasms.

Beth crawled onto the bed beside them and lay back, focusing her eyes on the V-
shaped, masculine figure of handsome nakedness approaching her! She let her
eager eyes slowly rake down over him, until they came to and fastened on the
lust-swollen length of his hardened cock standing out from the skimpy hair of
his lean loins! She raised her head to take a second look before she was
satisfied that she wasn't mistaken! My God ... it was smaller than Jerry Adam's!
And his balls ... they reminded her of a pubescent child's, not much bigger than
a walnut ...!

"Jumpin' shit!" Jay suddenly roared beside her. "I-It's time, Sara baby! Suck
it! Harder you whore-bitch! I'm going to cuummmmm! Oh Christ! Here ... now ...
it's cuummiinnggg ...!" he howled, while she began to mewl and frantically
massage his huge balls!

Beth had to sit upright and watch, holding her hand out to stay Stan as his wife
slaved demonishly on Jay's huge cock. Lancer whimpered, too, the three of them
wildly gyrating in the throes of their obvious orgasms! Burning sensations of
lust charged through Beth at the covetous sight of Sara beginning to swallow
with increasing rapidity the squirting, hot sperm from Jay's pumping cock, while
the powerful Lancer jetted his scalding animal-semen into the depths of the
raven- haired young wife's vaginal belly!

"Oh ... ooohhh God!" Beth lustfully hissed, reaching out to encircle her small
hand around Stan's thrusting length of hardness as she watched. The feel of its
hot, juvenile length and thickness brought back the reality of her own
contemplated act, and she flashed her eyes onto it! God, it would never, never
do! And Jay was done! Ooohhh ... she'd had the world of love by the tail and
never knew it! But she knew it now, she thought, as she began to work Stan's
foreskin back and forth over his small cock. What was it she'd wondered ...?
Just how big and enduring was it ... that unknown quantity he had to be superbly
endowed with? Oh God ... and she needed it so bad ... so bad ...!

"Now, it's our turn, baby!" Stan gasped down at her, crawling onto the bed and
spreading her willing thighs wide. "They've had their orgy, but you and I are
going to make love! There's a difference, you beautiful doll, and old Stan's
about to show it to you ...!"

Beth uncontrollably moaned, lifting her loins up to meet the probing entrance of
his hotly throbbing cock. She reached down between her thighs to help, but that
seemed to be hardly necessary. It slipped into her lubricated vaginal mouth
without the slightest resistance, the feel of its pulsating presence buried in
the fired, liquid heat of her vagina like a tantalizing, uneducated finger!

Beth whimpered in feverish desire, lewdly thrusting her hips and buttocks upward
at the stabbing inadequacy. She began to undulate that portion of her naked body
in obscene hunger, activating her vaginal muscles in a pulling, sucking response
to obtain the feel of his lust- hardened cock against the sensitive walls of her
sizzling young cunt! Frantically, she worked for sensual excitement as he began
to crazily pound into her, the erotic slap of his lean pelvis against her
clitoris the most beautiful part of it! God, that would do it ... if only he
didn't stop ...!

"Goddamn ...!" she heard Jay swear and knew that he was watching in envious,
maybe jealous passion. She rolled her head toward him and saw that Vickie was
manipulating his huge, wetly glistening cock, her head bowed down over it and
her tiny pink tongue licking out to tease it back into hardness. "Wh-What a
waste of time that was," she gaspingly thought, falling back into the same old
thinking patterns. And ... and Sara, the demure little Sara, she was fingering
herself with one hand and caressing Lancer's animal-cock with the other ...

"Y-You're a beautiful, intoxicating girl, Beth baby!" Stan was panting down at
her and she rolled her head back to look up at him. "Christ, I could love a
woman like you forever!"

He kissed her then and she let him. After, she said: "You're sweet, Stan ... but
I love that big, hairy guy beside us! We can have our fun, but never forget, I
love him!"

Most of them were wasted words, Beth suddenly knew as he tremored on top of her,
his muscular body advertising the event of his approaching climax, and God
knows, she'd hardly begun to arrive!

"Ooohhh!" he choked. "Sweet heaven! Yeah ... it's time, Beth baby! I-I got to
... got toooo! I'm going to cuummm ... now, right now! Oh sonofa ... fuck me!
Now, baby! I'm cuummiinnggg ...!"

Beth did in an effort to trigger her own enshadowed climax, but it was useless!
She thrust her nakedly presented young loins up at his hardened cock in
desperation, sensing it beginning to spew its hot cum, the searing liquid only
firing her desire the more!

"Oh ... ooohhh Jaaayyy!" the blonde young wife whimperingly cried. "Please ...
love me, darling ... I need you so bad ...!"

He'd watched it, his guts turning inside out at the sight. Yet, at the same
time, friggin' coals of lust had been burning inside him at the sight of another
man fucking her! Christ, this was crazier, more unreal, than any novel he'd ever
put together! All around him was cunt, yet, he saw only one! Wilson, the big man
was nothing but a baby! He had a cock like a sucker-stick! No wonder Sara was
what she was ... and what she was, he didn't want! Vickie was something else,
but his very own Beth was all of them put together! Still ... this was the time
... now or never! He'd love her ... she needed him ... but his own dominating
way! Yeah, it was time for that ... right here in front of God and everybody!
Maybe like Sara, she ought to crawl a tiny bit, give herself to her husband!
Hell, he well knew she'd never cum off with him anymore than she did with
Wilson, but if he put his mind to it ...!

"All right, doll-wife, get up onto your knees!" he ordered, pushing Vickie off
his re-hardened cock and scrambling onto his own. "Go on! Get up on your knees
and spread your legs, baby! I'm going to love you ... my way!"

His words burned into Beth's excited brain like a hot, searing iron. Stan had
fallen out and away from her, and eagerly she got onto all fours, working
herself around until her husband was behind her. Then, she spread her knees
wide, fervid sensations of lustful anticipation soaring madly through her. This
was it! It'd taken the whole obscene picture of this night to bring it to light
... but this was it! It! It! ...

Chapter 10

Jay realized that he had no right to be angry, but nevertheless, he was and
heatedly so. He was as guilty of being unfaithful as was she, but that wasn't
the reason for his inner fuming. It was self-ire and aimed at his own stupidity.
From the very beginning of their marriage she'd ridiculed and mocked him and
he'd tolerated it, played the part of the buffoon rather than to chance losing
her, but that, Goddamn it, was over and done with! It was time for phase number
two of this jolly journey through life, whatever the friggin' cost, and it
couldn't come about on a better occasion, with friendly bare-assed neighbors to
witness it!

"Come on, Beth baby!" he ordered, unable to keep the harshness from his voice,
thinking that if he hadn't been such a stupid son of a bitch from the onset that
probably neither one of them would be where they were at that moment! "Let's get
that hot ass up higher and shove it back here! The baby-games are over with!

Beth immediately recognized the stridency in his tone and wasn't sure that she
liked it. But she also knew that she'd never felt such a sudden wave of
happiness in her entire life! She loved him ... God, yes! And from now on, it
was Jay Durke and no one else for her ...!

Abruptly, she both heard and felt the resounding slap of his huge hand across
her naked buttocks, a gasp of stinging surprise bursting from her!

"I said, get that hot ass up higher and shove it back here, wife! That's better!
Now, face right down on the bed!" he commanded. "Okay, the rest of you nice
people can move in close to watch the way a real loving husband takes care of
his wife!"

An uneasy feeling of apprehension began to gnaw at Beth's naked belly. She still
couldn't believe that he'd slapped her! He'd never done anything like that
before ... and right across her naked ass, too! She could still feel the
stinging imprint of his big hand! God ... he was angry ...!

"Now, right before God and everybody, do you or don't you love me, wife?" he
harshly threw down at her.

The question itself, and the way he had put it to her, caused Beth's moment of

"Yes, I do, I do ... and I'll prove it to you if you let me, darling ...!"

"Sounds to me as if you had to think about it for a bit ..."

"No, honest, Jay! I do love you, and I want to prove it ..."

"Well, baby, you're going to get that chance, and right before witnesses," he
interrupted to advise her. "'Cause your lover-man is going to fuck your tight
little asshole! That's right, doll, sodomize you ... but not against your will!
You've got to ask me to do it ... otherwise, I'll get up and walk out of here
... out of your Goddamned life for good!"

Vickie Davis had crawled closer to Jay's summons, with Stan sitting up beside
her. His liquor-slackened mouth had dropped open at the big, barrel-chested
husband's obscene words, but at the same time a renewed charge of lust sparked
deep in his groin, and then he felt Vickie's soft hand curling around his re-
swelling cock. Vickie felt Stan's arm slipping around her waist, and then his
strong hand cupping her naked breast. My God, she thought, Jay was going to
sodomize her with that huge cock of his ... fuck her in the ass! She'd tried
just about everything, but she'd never had that! How would it be ... a long,
thick spear of hardness like Jay's burning its way up your rectum? Ooohhh ...
agony, no doubt, but she couldn't deny the lascivious sensations the thought
alone was firing inside her!

She watched almost transfixed as her bearded neighbor clutched at his big
swollen penis, while Beth remained nakedly poised in her lewdly submissive
position with her now tremoring buttocks beautifully exposed a foot or so before
him ...!

"Well ... have you made up your mind, baby?" Jay's guttural voice demanded.
"It's your decision, but you better be quick about it! I'm running out of
patience ...!"

Beth had nearly lost her breath at his incredulous, sordid ultimatum! Her brain
swam wildly and her belly and loins were a sensual beehive! God, she was so hot!
Her pussy felt as if it were a bubbling pit of molten lava ... as if nothing but
her Jay's long thick hardness could possibly answer its need! But ... but, in
her tight little virginal anus ... why? What had suddenly happened to make him
want to cause her pain, to subjugate her like this and right before all of them
to see? Was he trying to shame her ... was he that jealous ...? Oh God, she did
love him! Her life would be worthless without him! She knew that for certain now
belatedly perhaps ... but not too late!

"Well ... last call, Beth baby ...?"

"Yes! Do it!" his blond young wife raspingly exclaimed. "Please, Jay darling, do
it to me! Fuck me there ... in my ass! If ... if that'll prove that I love you,
then I want it every day for the rest of our lives! Now! Do it, lover-man! Hurry

Jay Durke felt a surge of new blood racing toward the throbbing head of his
cock. He glanced excitedly at the faces leaning close to watch, then saw Sara
moving in to join the audience, the powerful German Shepherd beside her. He
kneed himself up between Beth's widespread white thighs and rounded, open
buttocks. They, like him, could all see her pink, moistly glistening little
cunt, with its passion-swollen lips and blonde fringed curls, but it was the
tiny puckered rosette between the ovalled mounds of her taut ass-cheeks that
really held their attention. He heard their tight breathing, almost feeling the
heat of their lust-filled eyes as he slowly positioned himself behind the
subserviently kneeling blonde. Gently dipping his finger between the feverish
lips of her wetly heated pussy, he watched as her curved hips and full buttocks
shuddered from the erotic intrusion.

Jay smeared the slippery vaginal lubricant over the dimpled little lips of his
naked wife's rectal mouth, his big frame alive with charging sensations of
rampant lust. Maybe he was wrong, taking her this way, like a Goddamned animal,
but he knew he had to do it now! The buffoon was dead! Long live the dominating
male! Again, he dipped his finger into the hot, seeping moisture of her excited
pussy to swab the tiny pink hole of her ass. Then, grasping his thick throbbing
cock, he wetly coated its blood-filled head, finally nuzzling it up against her
vulnerable, defensively puckering anus.

Beth thought she detected a mean little laugh escape her middle-aged husband
whose massive hairy frame was heatedly crowding in behind her, and she clenched
her hands into small fists, clamping her eyes tightly shut! She tried to imagine
the thoughts filling his brain ... motivating him toward this debasing, lewd
act, but her young brain was a melee of fear mixed with passion and totally
unmanageable! Only one thought prevailed: he was about to punish her ... and she
had to endure it, or lose him now for certain ...!

Then, without the least mercy, she frantically reasoned, he thrust forward and
she felt an agonized stretching of her babyish rectal mouth! Her breathing
bunched in her dry throat as a vicious spasm of torturous pain racked through
her obscenely bent, naked body. She twisted and half-screamed, waggling her hips
and buttocks to squirm off the wickedly impaling rod of thick flesh that was
spearing into her back passage!

"Aaaauuugghhhh ... Jay ... stop ... stop it ... you're killing me!" Beth
pleadingly cried back at him. Oh God ...! She'd blindly imagined that somehow
she could endure it, but she'd sorely misjudged the size and capacity of her
tight little rectum! He was going to savagely rip her open back there, she knew
in sudden horror, and her unprotected, upthrusted buttocks began a desperate
thrashing to be free! She heard him laugh again, no mistaking it this time, and
felt his powerful hands gouging into the tender flesh of her hips and thighs!
Damn him! He was holding her vise-like, and her every attempted move only helped
slide his huge rod of solid cock-flesh deeper and deeper into her tormented and
cringing nether passage.

"Get with it, Beth baby! Push back onto it ... make it easier on yourself!" he
unreasonably commanded, clutching at her tensed upper thighs and straining his
heavy hips forward. "It's too late to change your mind now, little wife! You may
hate me forever, but I'm going to fuck this beautiful ass of yours come hell or
high-water! So you might just as well grin and bear it!"

Hate him forever? Goddamn him, she'd kill him for sure if she ever survived his
depraved sodomy! Scratch his watery eyes out! Cut his fiendish cock off with a
meat cleaver ...! "Oh ... ooohhh, damn you ...!" she choked, unable to hold back
the tears of agony and guttural moans of sudden shame that were possessing her.
Yet, at the same time, she knew she was being tormented by more than just this
debasing humiliation he was subjecting her to before these people. It was self-
shame at the way she had treated him, belittled him in her own mind since the
very beginning ...!

God almighty ... could she stand it ...? He'd ripped her for sure! It was
tearing her little anus wide open! Ooohhh ... ooohhh, God ... God ... how he was
punishing her for the bitch she'd been! Yes, bitch ... deceiving little bitch
... and did she ever have it coming! Ooohhh do it, lover-man ... I deserve it
... every solidy, brutal inch of it right ... right up my ass! Yesss ... punish
me, husband, darling, lover! Make me know it ...!

Overwhelmed with an undefinable wave of masochistic love and lust, the luridly
groveling, naked young wife hunched backward with determination as her heavy-
framed, bearded husband thrust forward! Tears flowed wetly down her face at the
excruciating torment of his thick pulsating penis surging like an ax handle up
into her painfully quivering rectum. She felt its turgid, mushroomed head
pushing the rubbery flesh of her forever- stretched, fire-filled channel before
it ... until at last, with one final buttock-flattening lunge he brutally ground
it all the way up into the warm, constricting depths of her obscenely stuffed

At last! At last! her brain reeled in a weirdly pleasurable, masochistic agony!
Then, he moved slowly out and in, and out and in, until she began to feel his
big hairy pelvis smacking against the resilient softness between her lewdly
presented buttocks, his sperm- filled balls swinging with delighting slaps
against her wetly seething pussy below! God, she was impaled to the very hilt
... hardly able to breathe with the unbelievable, racking pressure which felt as
if her thighs were splitting apart ... but she didn't want him to stop ... not
now ... not ever ...!

Vickie Davis clung to Stan Wilson's revitalized, boyish hardness with one small,
gripping hand, still kneeling beside him as she watched fervently the goatish
spectacle of Jay's heavy-veined cock burrowing in and out of his beautiful young
wife's salaciously stretched anus! Immeasurable sensations of lust inflamed her
own naked body, and she couldn't resist slipping her free hand down between her
wetly heated pussy-lips to gently stroke her erect little clitoris while she
enviously observed the zealous ass-fucking going on only inches in front of her

She had never in God's world believed that Beth could take him there, that her
tiny puckered anus would stretch to such an obscene degree, or that she wouldn't
go right out of her gorgeous head before he wormed it all the way up her
passage! But now, already the voluptuous blonde beauty was rhythmically working
her desire-tautened buttocks back and forth to meet the charges of his solid
hips, his huge, hardened cock vanishing to the hilt into her incredibly expanded

The auburn-haired model suddenly realized that she was filled with admiration
for her curvaceous blonde neighbor, covetously perhaps, but knowing for certain
that she, herself, could never have endured it ... not Jay Durke's massive cock!
And now, Beth's stunning face was taking on an almost ecstatic glow ...! A
shiver of wanton passion rippled over Vickie's infused, sensuous body and she
clutched harder at Stan's slender penis. A movement from behind caught her
attention and she looked back to see petite Sara on all-fours once more with
Lancer mounting her ... only this time, the naked, raven-haired girl was
reaching down between her wide apart thighs to catch the dog's long animal-cock
and trying to guide its pointed tip into the tiny hole of her own anus!

"My God, Stan, look!" Vickie gasped, and the handsome husband did, just as
Lancer thrust, driving the scarlet length of his beveled penile hardness
completely out of sight into the wide-stretched hole of his young wife's lewdly
presented buttocks.

Sara screamed, jerking partially upright, her full white breasts dancing wildly,
her eyes bulging in pain and her pretty mouth gasped open! Again, she wailed
out, but there was no shaking the clinging forepaws of the growling German
Shepherd, nor the thundering invasion of his hammering length of thick animal-
hardness savagely reaming into her tight little rectum!

"Good Christ ... he'll kill her, Vickie!" Stan exclaimed in half- drunken
horror. "Call him off ... do something ...!"

"You want to lose an arm, Stan Wilson, just try to stop him now!" Vickie warned.
"Besides, look at her face! She wants it ... put it there herself! You see...?
She's beginning to smile ... going right out of her mind ...!"

"And so am I ... as sure as hell, I am!" the flabbergasted husband moaned.
"Either that or the whole Goddamned world has gone crazy ...!"

Vickie hardly heard his pathetic self-pity. She was wildly thinking that she'd
never in her life had it that way, nor even dream that she'd want it, but the
two naked wives on the bed were obviously losing themselves in growing rapture
that was contagious! Maybe she couldn't handle Jay for the first time, or even
her Lancer, but Stan ...? She gaped down at his boyish hardness in her still
clutching hand, then looked into his face.

"I-I want it like that, too, Stan darling! In my ass! They're loving it and I
want mine! Please ... hurry, lover!" she hissed, scurrying quickly up onto her
knees into position and thrusting her trembling ass-cheeks back at him. "Please
hurry, darling ... before I go out of my mind!" she gasped, twisting her head to
look passionately back at him. "We'll have a round-robin of sodomy! Can you
think of anything more wildly excited than that ...?"

Hell, and why not? Stan glazedly reasoned. Cunts had suddenly become old-
fashioned ... out of style ... like wives and marriages ... except for the way
Jay Durke was teaching his luscious blonde mate! He was a man, all right, all
man, and little Beth was learning that right at the moment! Well, who knows,
maybe he, himself, would pick up a few pointers out of this Goddamned frenzied
orgy that would bring his lusty little spouse into tow ... but right now ...? He
kneed up behind the luridly bent nakedness of his voluptuous neighbor, thinking
how many different ways he'd already scored with her, but never this ... in the
ass! His blood began to pound through his muscular body. How he wished he had a
cock the size of Jay Durke's right now! Suddenly, he saw Vickie's long fingers
appear between the moistly swollen lips of her hair-fringed cunt, then
delicately smear the lubricating fluid from her wet vagina over her tightly
puckered little anus! After this, she reached for his cock!

He grunted when she took it in her warm hand and not only positioned its rubbery
head against her anal opening but pressed her buttocks back at it. She wormed
the pulsating knob inside the raised circle of hot rectal flesh, writhing and
undulating her ass-cheeks back onto his shaft of lust-hardened flesh in a
desperate effort to get his penis inside her ...!

Stan had no intentions of holding back, or being in the least gentle. Like
cunts, wives, and marriages, gentleness was a phenomenon of another era! He
rammed his hips forward, clutching at her waist simultaneously, driving his
wildly excited cock deep up into her rectum! She grunted in a low, throaty
whimper, abruptly trying to slide her knees down and lower her nakedly upraised
buttocks, while he resisted the move by holding tightly to her.

"Oh God ... Stan!" she whined. "You may not be a Jay Durke, but ... but your
cock's mighty enough for ... for this girl's ass ...! Ooohhh ... wait a minute,
let me get used to it in there ...!"

Stan wasn't about to. His brain had become an inferno of impatient lust, and the
feel of her warm velvety rectum wrapped so tightly around the base of his
burning cock was maddening. He crushed her softly yielding white buttocks
against his loins and reached down between her thighs to her open pussy. He felt
the moisture from her vaginal lips seeping out to mat her silken, pubic hair
brushing against his balls. His eyes locked hypnotically on his sodomizing
hardness disappearing into the tight, fiery hole between her upraised buttocks.
He grunted, drawing it out slightly, watching with bated breath the tender
ridges of pink anal flesh pulling out with it, then being absorbed once more
with his inward thrust which drove her rectal lips back up into his belly. His
breath came faster and faster until he was fucking rhythmically in and out of
her tight little hole with no further thought of anything but the release of his
own restlessly seething sperm ...!

Beth felt Jay's long, thick cock soaring deep up into her roundly stretched anal
passage and its every scorching thrust raised a tremulous moan into her throat.
Open-mouthed, her cheek rubbed against the satin coverlet as did the hardened
nipples of her tingling young breasts, and her long blonde hair, she knew, was
strewn in a disheveled mass around her head. At that moment, she hardly knew
what her sensations were, or if her ravished body hadn't gone numb with shock
... and then she heard Sara scream out.

She had only to brush aside her veiling hair to see what was taking place around
her and what had sponsored the demure Sara's wail! God, they weren't wasting
their time watching Jay's subjugation of her as she'd imagined. They were all
participating, and in kind! Again, their naked, raven-haired young neighbor
cried out as Beth gaped at the sight of Lancer fucking her anus in true
animalish style! She was climaxing, as undoubtedly so was the brute dog
hammering into her from behind! The sight alone was enough to set off wild new
sensations exploding through the subjugated blonde wife and suddenly she was
caught up in the total wantonness of it all!

At first, it'd been a matter of enduring the pain, which she had readily
accepted to prove once and for all that she did love her big, bearded husband,
but now, what had been agony had reached a startling new stage! Unknown
sensations were permeating her sizzling loins ... and ... and the masochistic
pleasure in bending before her lover-man like some sort of slave-whore were
overwhelming! Though there were still traces of stretched pain as his huge spear
of hardness raced up her vulnerably filled rectum, there was lustful pleasure,
too, a combination of both ... pain and pleasure, the two most important
ingredients of love!

Beth felt his big finger playing in her wetly throbbing cunt then, tweaking her
clitoris in rapturous delight! Oh ... oh she'd surely cum this way! She would
... she would! Oooohhh ... she loved him ... loved everyone ... the whole world
was obscenely beautiful!

"Lover ... lover-man! Fuck it hard!" she lewdly gasped. "Give it to me, you big
darling ...!"

Jay could hardly believe the love-filled emotion in his luscious baby's voice.
Christ, if he wasn't supposed to be a grown man, he'd bawl! Damn, he'd reached
her at last with his big cock, and when this friggin' fuck-circus was over he
was going to take her home and horde her away all for himself! Oh shit ... and
over it was going to be damned soon! But Goddamn, he had to take her with him
this time, had to see her all the way over the mountain! Will power, you
grizzled old bastard ... and you better find some damn quick, or you're about to
lose the most precious possession you ever wanted!

He gaped over at Stan Wilson plunging his hardened penis between Vickie Davis'
luridly gyrating buttocks to take his mind away from his own rapidly building
orgasm! "Come on, Stan, I'll race you to the finish!"

The shoe-store proprietor could only stupidly stare back at him. Almost
breathlessly, he answered: "Shit, neighbor ... you'll have to come on with some
hefty fucking ... because I'm there, man! I just hope she is! I'd like to
satisfy one woman in my life ... ooohhh ...!"

Vickie couldn't answer at that moment. She tried to smile, but the rising bubble
inside her heaving belly caused it to end in a grimace of sheer passion! Then,
Stan grunted and choked up!

"Oh ... oh, Stan!" the auburn-haired girl cried out in her obscenely kneeling
nakedness. "Now ...! I'm cuummmiinnggg ...!"

They cursed, writhed and frantically spasmed in their rapture while their
audience watched in knowing fascination. He'd lost the race, but he was going to
win the meet, Jay rationalized as he gaped at Wilson pumping his load of hot
sperm into Vickie Davis' ass! He felt the sweat steaming from his brow down onto
his cheeks as he fucked into the widely stretched little hole between Beth's
beautiful white buttocks. He stared down at the loving, grasping rectal mouth,
pulling her softly rounded cheeks further apart until he could readily see the
pink ridges of anal flesh that clung to his cock when he extracted it,
disappearing again when he buried it to the hilt! He did it several times with a
chastising fury, feeling his heavily laden balls slapping into the crevice of
her impassioned pink cunt! Again, his fingertips reached and probed between her
pussy-lips to begin a continuous teasing of her erectly throbbing clitoris!

Christ, she had to cum ... and to cum with him, if possible ... but he couldn't
hold it back much longer! His churning balls were ready to spill out all the
boiling cum they contained! Her rectum was extracting the Goddamned pith of his
very testes! He levered up behind her in one last desperate attempt ... now or
never, he wildly thought!

Jay furiously thrust, even as the feeling of failure began to sweep him up! But
nevertheless, he battered into his Beth-baby, plunging the deepest yet into her
fire-filled anal channel, almost brutally splaying her lush white ass-cheeks
apart, then letting them resiliently flatten back against his broad pelvis from
her own effort! Frantically, they fucked in their new-found bliss of sodomy

Then, at last: "Oooohhh ... ooohhh, lover-man!" Beth gurgled. "Now ... now,
darling Jay! I-I-I'm going toooo ... husband ...! For you ... and me ... it's!
Noooowwww ...!"

In her heart, Vickie wanted it to be beautiful for both of them, and she reached
between Jay's big thighs to caress and milk his balls while he fucked his grand
cock into Beth's wildly quivering rectum. Then, she slipped her other hand up
between the blonde young wife's sweat- streaked thighs to find the clitoris and
caress it at the timely second of Jay's telltale, grunting thrust! Vickie saw
the big, bearded writer's eyes wildly revolving in their sockets, knowing he was
shooting his powerful load of scalding cum deep into his young wife's wanting
rectum and belly ... then, Beth began to convulse and scream in wanton bliss!

What primed Vickie, Stan could only imagine in his exhausted state. He lay
stretched out beside his sleeping wife, and somewhere, he sadly knew, there was
a Goddamned German Shepherd dog in the room! But this, Vickie's slithering
around to help, could only mean she was looking to the future! Well, he'd
welcome that, too ... but just maybe ... maybe she was sincere ...!

Oh God, the nakedly excited model wildly imagined! What lovely, lovely times the
three, no, four ... she must never forget Lancer ... were going to enjoy
together ...!

Chapter 11

It occurred to an extremely radiant Beth Durke some weeks following that
erotically awakening night at the Wilsons' that very little had changed in Jay's
and her mode of living, except that he was drinking less and going to bed
earlier at night. In fact, she, too, had taken to sleeping later in the mornings
... or at least, laying there beside his big naked frame, waiting for him to
wake up and make love to her ... if he wasn't too exhausted from the night

Then, of course, there were the numerous cocktail and dinner invitations
extended by the Wilsons' and Vickie Davis that they had refused, until they
stopped coming, and the way that young blonde wife had begun setting Lancer's
bones on a plate outside the door, not letting the big German Shepherd in the
house anymore. She had even changed super-markets, driving to a center two miles
away, and she very seldom was up early enough to see Stan going off to work. Nor
did her big, bearded husband seem to run into so many story-line snags to slow
him down, or which called for a walk around the yard. Come to think of it,
though Sara Wilson spent more time than ever at her gardening, her bikinis
seeming to grow skimpier and skimpier, Jay's field-glasses remained on his desk
collecting dust.

Still, it seemed that they did little but work, but then, they both immensely
enjoyed that, Beth reasoned, going about the brewing of their midmorning coffee.
She, especially, had become intrigued since beginning to write her own book, and
Jay was pleased about that, even making a joke about it not being necessary in
the future for her to research them. Now, she smiled to herself as she thought
about it, at the same time listening to the steady clacking tempo of her lover-
man's typewriter. On second thought, there had been considerable changes in
their life-style, hadn't there?

"Hey, baby ... how's that coffee coming?" her writer-husband's braying voice
came out to her. "Your lover-man's in need of a pick-up."

"Coming, hon," she replied, setting the necessities onto the tray, a warm thrill
of excitement washing through her. There was the reason for her happiness,
because she knew that her middle-aged, hairy man's next "pick-up" would involve
a siesta ... and what secretary - or wife - could ever ask for more?

The End
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