A Day in the woods/Safe at last!
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Players in this chapter:

Little Dove                    Cheyanna                         Toni         

 Oliver                          Cynder

Message 969

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Sat Sep 6, 2003  3:35 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Little Dove sighed a bit, knowing that they were safe in the house. It wasn't the fact Cheyanna
had so many wounds, or that she had lost so much blood. It was that she had so much poison in
her system. But how much. How long had she had it in her. The wounds would heal, the blood
replaced, but if the poison had been in her to long, none of them would be safe. 'If I only
knew, how long....' Little Dove thought. If Cheyanna had been like this for two days, it would
be best to kill her now and save her the agony and their lives.

Message 974

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sun Sep 7, 2003  11:48 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cheyanna felt the potion moveing through her bloodsystem, and just emerged from her nightmare,
when she sensed someone close to her and her hand snaked out and grabbed Little Dove's around
the wrist, & slowly got up off the bed on shakey legs, drewing herself up to her full height of
6'5". She looked around the room in a dazed, realized she had Little Dove's wrist in a vice
like grasp and let it go, mumbling that she was sorry and stummbled away from her, heading
towards the sound of Toni and Oliver voices. She didn't see her pouch or bow or quiver of
arrows, and wandered if she lost them. Shaking her head to clear away the last of her
nightmare, she pause long enough to look at the others with a wild look in her eyes and darted
out the door like a scared rabbit. She crashed into the forest, heading away from the cottage
and the others, where she was going she didn't know and at the moment didn't care, she had to
get away from them. Her wounds itched like a sib and her stomach growled from hunger, but she
pressed on through the forest and found herself at a beach, and stopping then and sink to her
knees, to waits for the sunrise. Figure if she was a vampire, the sun would surely kill her.
Rising her head as she watched the sun slowly rising, at first her skin tingled as if there
were ants crawling all over her..and still she remain laying on the beach as the sun rose
higher into the sky until she was bathed in its golden light.

Message 976

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Mon Sep 8, 2003  1:04 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Little Dove tryed to calm her, while she had ahold of her wrist. Than Cheyanna let go and
headed out the door. "Whitie, Toni, Oliver, stop her!" she screamed as Cheyanna ran out the
front door and dissapered into the woods. "We have to find her, I don't know if she's well."
she told the others as they tried to follow her through the dark woods.

Message 978

From:  "Toni"
Date:  Mon Sep 8, 2003  2:58 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Toni had taken off her top and was snugled up to Whitehorse in the shed. Her nipples were
getting hard as she rubbed them against his musculeer chest. Toni knew he wouldn't mount and
fuck her till after he did Little Dove first. But she figured it wouldn't hurt to try and move
up in line by getting to him before the others. Than the two heard Little Dove yell, and they
turned to see Cheyanna running from the house. The pair joined in the chase, Cheyaana had a big
lead. "I think she might be headed to the beach!" Toni hollered.

Message 979

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Sep 8, 2003  5:46 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Starts from the room. Sees Toni dashing out.. then Cheyanna rushed by, out into the forest.
Hearing Little Dove, who had already gone, he runs out.Looks and does not see Cheyanne.
"Little Dove, where is she? Which way did she go? At least one thing, you have healed her. She
can move with swiftness," hears Toni: "Down by the beach?" And he dashes in that directions,
then sees a figure laying there. in the golden sunshine. Looking so lovely. and well, he goes
down the steps, and comes toward her. "Cheyanne! it is I, Oliver. Are you ok??" Coming to her

Message 980

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Tue Sep 9, 2003  2:16 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cynder saw Oliver coming towards them, not knowing her was a friend and all the scars on her
body. Being she was smaller than Cheyanna she croutched down behind her. While she watched
Oliver come closer, she grabed an arrow from her quiver and noched it. Just as he was a step
away and started to reach for her she got up. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" she hollered. Cynder could
now her the others coming closer. Her long auburn hair blew in the sea breaze, it picked up the
sunlight and made it look like it was on fire. "Can't you see she's been through enough!" she
continued. "You and the rest just leave her alone." Little did she know that Oliver and the
others were trying to save Cheyanna.

Message 982

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Sep 9, 2003  2:55 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Hearing an abrupt command behind him, quickly, the young man pulls back from Cheyanna, and
stands. looks. "Um please, I mean her no harm. She has been through a terrible ordeal. And is
just now recovering!!! We are trying to help her. You can see, most of her wounds are now
healed, leaving those faint scars. I am oliver, and coming soon I think are Little Dove and
Toni. We are on your side!!"

Message 983

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Tue Sep 9, 2003  4:01 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Little Dove came to a sliding stop with her hooves buried deep in the sand when she came out of
the woods and saw Cynder with her bow drawn and had a bead on Oliver. "WAIT, DON'T!!!" she
screamed. "He's not going to hert her." she continued. Just then Toni and Whitey came out of
the woods, Little Dove signaled them to stop. The three watched, waiting to see what Cynder
would do.

Message 984
From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  12:34 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cynder saw the others down the beach, she keeped her eye on Oliver. "How do I know you didn't
do this to her." she asked. "I want to hear it from her." She looked over at Cheyanna waiting
for an answer.

Message 986

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  5:33 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cheyanna heard the commotion around her, opened her eyes, she could feel the heat of the sun
upon her body and it felt wonderful and knew that if she was a vampire, even a neoone the sun
would have killed her. But it didn't. She slowly rose up to where she was laying still, but
could see the others, then looked at the one just behind her that had a bead on Oliver. Licking
her dried lips, cleared her throat and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Oliver speaks the true,
m'fierce little one. They didn't do this to me, vampires did, and they were trying to help me,
when I bolted..
She reached out and placed a hand infront of the arrow, smiled at her, "my name is Cheyanna,
m'fierce little one and what tis your name?"
She felt dizzy, and struggled to remain alert, and at the moment she was worried about the one
that held the arrow on Oliver..

Message 987

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  2:09 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

"Cynder, my friends use to call me Cynder," she said as she loosed the tention from the bow and
lowered it. Than watched as the others came over to see if Cheyanna was alright. Cynder walked
over to a drift log and sat down on it. She started thinking, (her friends, her family.)
Watching how Little Dove checked her wounds that had not yet quite yet healed. Cynder had
friends and family like the ones Cheyanna had here today. Cynder had a right to be cautious,
for humans not vampiers had almost wiped out her clan. She had been on her own for sometime

Message 988

From:  "Toni"
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  2:31 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Toni left the others to tend to Cheyanna, she walked over to were Cindy was sitting. "Hello
Cindy, I'm Toni." She stood there with her breasts still hanging out, in all the excitement she
had forgot to grab her top. Looking Cindy over Toni could see her aubern hair, her dark skin
and her pointed ears. "You must be from the south-west part of this land." Toni was trying to
make small talk to befriend Cindy. Toni saw the others get Cheyanna up and start up the beach.
"You look hungry, you may join us." Toni stood up and put out her hand.

Message 989

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  3:36 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Little Dove helped Cheyanna to her hooves and they started back to the house. For all her
running and crashing through the forest, she had only opened a couple of the deeper wounds and
they were bleeding a little. She turned back to see where Toni was, she saw her with her hand
extended to Cynder. "Come on Toni, and bring your new friend1" she yelled as they started up
the trail from the beach through the forest to the house.

Message 990

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  5:52 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

And he smiles at the other lady and then, gently pats at Cheyanna's back , whispers to her: "I
am relived to see you are ok. You have gone through too much of an ordeal."

And as Little Dove helps her up... He gets up, and heads back to the cottage with them. His
hand gently strokes along Cheyanna's flank, brushing the dirt and dust from her fall.

Message 991

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Wed Sep 10, 2003  11:46 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cynder took Toni's hand and got up. She figured these ones were all right. She was hungery, she
had not seen anything to eat in a couple of days. No barrys, no nuts not even a squirrel. She
followed them through the forest and into a clearing where Little Dove and Whitehorse had their
cottage. She thought this might be a place to start new.

Message 992

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Thu Sep 11, 2003  12:49 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Little Dove got Cheyanna settled and redid her wrapings. "I think we all need some brakefast."
she said. Going into the kitchen with Toni in tow, the two came back with bowls full of all
sorts of fruits and veggies. Placing them on the table. "Please, help yourselves." She stepped
back and watched as Cynder filled a plate and sat next to the fireplace.

Message 993

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Thu Sep 11, 2003  1:54 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cheyanna smiled at Cynder, "Its a pleasure to meet you..." and went quietly with Little Dove
making sure not to lean on her to much and knew that Oliver was close by when he patter her
musclar flank. She sighted softly after Little Dove had help her get settled again and redid
the wrapping that she had torn lose when she bolted throught the forest.
She listented to the others talking and looked out the window, lost in thought..something was
nagging at her, but for the moment she couldn't put her finger on it.
Chewed on her lower lip as she knew that it was getting close to breeding season, blinking away
the other thoughts that came to mind shoving all of it to the back of her mind, she will worry
about it when the time comes...

Message 995

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Thu Sep 11, 2003  2:23 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

Cynder too was having her mind pulling on her. Seeing all the frendly helping aditude in the
house. She could almost see her family in here. Her Mother, her Father, but most of all she
missed her twin Sister Mindy the most. After the raid she went back to see, she knew her Father
had died trying to defend the clan. Her Mother and Sister, who knew, captured maybe. She knew,
she could feel that her Sister was still alive, somewhere.

Message 996

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Sep 11, 2003  3:10 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods/Safe at last.

"Ahhh, Cheyanna, friends are gathering about you. I am happy that they have come to help. And
Little Dove does know the right things to do. and the best food to bring for you." As he
watched her repair the wrapping over her wound, and he sits beside her: "Perhaps, after you
feel a bit better, we could go down to the water and swim and bathe. Sometimes that has a
relaxing effect on one. I swam there before, and the water is very refreshing."
Watching her eat, her tail swishing about.

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