A young filly in a strange land!
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Players in this chapter:

Cynder                       Bronte
Message 975

From:   "Cindy"
Date:  Mon Sep 8, 2003  12:11 am
Subject:  A young filly in a strange land.

Cynder cantered down the beach, the sun just coming up over the ocean. She was just old enough
to venture out from her clan. She was out to find a life of her own. She had been traveling
along the seashore for weeks. All she had was her bow, quiver, a dager and a small bag she
keeped some personal things in. Off in the disstance she saw a figure on lying on the sand.
Cynder troted up, seeing Cheyanna all curled up in a ball. "Hello, are you ok?" Cynder asked of
her. Seeing all the cuts and bruisess.

Message 1008

From:   chevy663 
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  8:01 am
Subject:  Re: A young filly in a strange land.

[Bronte, having been enjoying the afternoon quietly wandering about the forest, heard the
concerned call of the centauress not far off.

Curious, the brujo approached the seashore, emerging from the trees to see the femme, standing
over another whom was lying upon the sand. Startled, he inquired to the she, and kept his
distance, not wanting to intrude if she did not wish it]

"Is all ok? I was wandering around, and I heard your call... Is your friend ok?"

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