Barb comes ashore!
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Message 1206

From:   "Barbara" 
Date:  Sat Oct 11, 2003  8:53 pm
Subject:  Barb comes ashore

A dark shape swam just off shore, moving in closer and closer in made it's way in. Than with a
splash Barb jumped out of the water and onto a rock. A pretty young Mermaid looking for some
excitment and adventure. Her long black hair fell down about her shoulders and her bare full
breasts. Her long slender black, yellow and white striped tail curled up around her. Was this
the land she had heard of. A land of four legged creatures. Creatures that were half Human and
half Horse. She had heard storys of these creatures and their huge sex drive. Of about the
Males and how HUNG that they were. She wanted to find one, she had sex with every other
creature she had found. Man, Elf, Fairie, Knome even an Oger.

Message 1215

From:   "Barbara" 
Date:  Sun Oct 12, 2003  6:24 pm
Subject:  Re: Barb comes ashore

Barb couldn't see a sole on the beach, she did see the tracks where everyone had came down to
get Cheyanna. She seen a large stream next to the trail that the tracks lead to. She figured it
was getting dark that she would not be seen by anyone if she swam up the stream. Barb slid off
her rock back into the water and swam towards the stream.
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