Cassandra meets Seton & seducess Seton!
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Players in this chapter:

     Seton                       Cassandra
Message 696

From:  "Cassandra"
Date:  Mon Jan 27, 2003  4:18 pm
Subject:  Cassandra meets Seton.

Cassandra was sitting by the side of the road when she heard hoof beats coming up the
road. She didn't have time to hide, she just hoped it was a friend or a foe. Soon she
saw Setons large frame coming out of the shadows of the trees that lined the road. He
was a big, muscular Centaur. A large cheast, big round arms that could pick her off
the ground. As he got closer she could start making out the scars of the years of
battles he had been in.

Message 703

From:  "Seton"
Date:  Fri Jan 31, 2003  2:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra meets Seton.

As Setons eyes ajusted to the bright sunshine from the shade of the overhanging
trees. He saw the most lovely Centauress sitting by the side of the road. She
couldn't have been more than 20. He slaoly walked up to her. "Good day M'Lady, I am
Seton the Protector." As he finished he bowed before her. "I have traveled far, may I
sit with you awhile?" As Cassandra turned her head to look at him, her aubern har
glistened in the sun. Picking up the rays and dancing like fire through it. Her
emerald green eyes looked at him, beconing him to join her.

Message 736

From:  "Cassandra"
Date:  Thu Feb 20, 2003  3:06 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra meets Seton.

As Cassandra and Seton walked, they could start to hear the sounds of thunder as the
pair drew closer to the storm and their destiny. Night was drawing near and the two
were getting tired. "I think it about time we made camp for the night." Cassie said
to Seaton. She servaied the terane, "I think this would make a nice spot."

Message 746

From:  "Seton"
Date:  Wed Feb 26, 2003  3:54 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra meets Seton.

Seton looked the site over, " Yes M'Lady this would make a good camp site." Seton
took of his pack and than found a Ax. He went to the edge of the woods and started to
chop some firewood. He soon had a small fire going Cassandra had unpacked some food.
He looked at her over the campfire, she was very pretty. Back in a time when he was
Human, before the Druids had made him, he would have wanted her. He was once a great
Druid Warrior. His name was known for miles around as the great defender of the weak.
Till one day he lost his life in a battle to save a young girl from being raped. The
Druid High Priests took his body and turned him into the great Centaur Warrior he is

Message 762

From:  "Cassandra"
Date:  Wed Mar 12, 2003  4:15 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra meets Seton.

Cassandra looked over Seton as she nibbled on her food (she wished Seton was nibbling
on her.) She noticed how much bigger he was than most Centaurs she had been with. She
wondered if he was bigger else where. Cassandra was getting horny looking and
thinking about the big Stallion sitting across from her. (but when wasn't she horny.)
She couldn't figure why he hadn't tryed to mount her yet. Most Stallions would have
mounted her in the first five minutes that they had meet. She took the hair pin out
of her hair and let it fall down. Her long auburn hair fell about her shoulders and
down bast her waist, well down past her withers. It didn't stop till it was on the
grownd. {This might get his attention} she tought to herself.

Message 779

From:  "Seton
Date:  Wed Apr 2, 2003  4:06 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra meets Seton.

Seton looked on as Cassandra started to comb out her long silky hair. She was very
lovely. He tought back, back before he was turned into a Centaur by the Druids. He
was very handsome, well built and had a woman every night. But the Druids had mad him
to be a protector, a defender. As he contiued to sharpen his swored, he watched as
she took out a bottle of some liqued and poured some in her hand. She rubed her hands
together and then started to rub it on her neck. It smelled wonderful, like a field
of wild flowers.

Message 781

From:  "Cassandra
Date:  Wed Apr 2, 2003  7:52 pm
Subject:  Cassandra seducess Seton.

The liqued Cassandra put on was a lust potion. (not that she needed it) But she
thought she might need a little help with Seton. She rubed a little on her neck and
some down in her deep cleavage. She had to be careful not to put to much on. She had
gave some to a woman who wanted to seduce a Centaur. The woman put on to much and
attracted a heard of five Centaurs and was fucked by all of them several times.
Cassandra moved over next to Seton, " It's getting cold." she wisperd in his ear. She
started to run a hand over his broad cheast. She was all readygetting wet under her
tail. Her nipples got hard and erect, they were showing under her skimpy top that
bearly covered her nipples. Cassandra mostly went topless, and when she did put on a
top. It left nothing to the imagination.

Message 784

From:  "Seton
Date:  Thu Apr 3, 2003  6:18 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra seducess Seton.

The scent of the potion was intoxicating. It started his head to swim. He set his
swored and stone down, took her hand in his. "I don't know, it seems a little warm to
me." he answered her back.

Message 788

From:  "Cassandra
Date:  Tue Apr 8, 2003  3:18 pm
Subject:  Re: Cassandra seducess Seton.

Cassandra took Setons face in her soft hands, looking into his steel blue eyes she
kissed him. He just sat there looking at her, she kissed him again and again, softly,
passionately. She pulled back for a second, looking over his fine chisled featurs.
His tan skin, his broad chest. She reached back and untied her little top and let it
fall to the ground. She pulled back close to Seton and resumed kissing him, harder
more passionately than before. She felt her erect hipples rubbing against his rock
hard chest as she continued to kiss him. Cassandra was getting hot, hotter than ever
before, she wasn't just horny, she was in heat. Something inside her wanted her to
mate with him, not just to fuck him. She had a couple of babys before when a Centaur
or Stallion happened to nail her good, she just thought it a miner inconvenince of
getting layed.

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