Entering the scene : Keep eating!
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Message 1647      

From:   "Annie Asp" 
Date:  Fri Dec 26, 2003  8:19 pm
Subject:  : Entering the scene : Keep eating :

As I was eating, I noticed Whitehorse comming in ..
It was pbvous something was not right .. something bugged him ..
Then suddenly, something els came over him ..
As he stopped staring .. at me ?
I did not know exactly what to make out of it ..
But then it came clear ..
Though this was clearly not the time for it ??
Well, then again .. the time would come .. later .. I thought !
The season, I thought to myself ..
And then Cassie explained something to him ..
I did not think he'd like that much more !!
But .. hungry as I still was .. I consentrated more on the food ..
I moved to another table .. more food ..
I liked to have different foods ..
This was good ..
I moved to yet another table .. then I felt something ..
"There's someone els, new with them .. someone different ..
But Ablekind is still in trubble .. " I said ..
as another set of images came befor me ..
There was something disturbing about these images ..
Then the images went away, and i went back to eating ..
Disturbing images always had bugged me ..
But I never let them get to me ..
And like always, they went away !!
- Annie - (Eponey)

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