Entering the valley of the Centaur's!
Players in this chapter:
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       Vernetta                    Whitehorse                 Kadisha_Starr
Message 483

From:  "Vernetta"
Date:  Mon Sep 23, 2002  6:43 pm
Subject:  Entering the valley of the Centaur's.

Vernetta had been traveling for weeks, she was almost out of food. She was trying to find the
mythical valley she had heard so much about. Along with it's legandery Stallion Whitehorse. She
had been told storys from women that had had sex with Centaur's and how wonderful it was with
Whitehorse. She was all of 13 years, but her body had already turnd to that of an 18 year old.
Her looks were astounding, from her long light brown hair that fell over her shoulders,
cascaded past her full breasts, her thin waist, her curvy hips and stopping just past her tight
yet shaply ass. She was tired of being a child, she wanted to become a woman. She had tryed
with some of the boys from her village, she liked sucking their cocks, she loved them fondleing
and sucking on her big tits, but when it came down the losing her virginaty, it stopped cold.
After hearing about how big a Centaur was hung from the women that had been fucked by a Centaur
she knew that is what she wanted. She wanted a Centaur to take her virginaty from her. She had
been told that there where several good Centaur Stallion's, but for what she wanted, she needed

Message 488

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Thu Sep 26, 2002  3:49 pm
Subject:  Re: Entering the valley of the Centaur's.

Whitehorse lay on the cool grass, still trying to catch his breath from the fuck fest that
Kadisha had put him through. Not yet realizing that he was in for another. He watched as
Kadisha washed herself down at the stream.

Message 494

From:  "Vernetta"
Date:  Tue Oct 1, 2002  4:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Entering the valley of the Centaur's.

Vernetta finely reached the lush valley floor, she found the main trail. 
"I sure hope I found the right one." she said to herself as she walked. As she continued down 
the trail, she could her noises coming from the other side of the stream. She found a place to 
cross and piered through the bushes, on the other side was two Centaurs.

One a handsome Stallion, the other a beautiful Mare. The Mare had long thick black hair that
feel past her withers, she was playing with her breasts as the Stallion had his face under her
tail eating her pussy. 
"Yes, I found it!" she exclamed as she left the two to finish their sexual encounter.

Message 496  

From:  "Kadisha"
Date:  Wed Oct 2, 2002  3:14 pm
Subject:  Re: Entering the valley of the Centaur's.

Kadisha finished washing and walked back over to Whitehorse, she lay
down beside him reating her head on his side. 
"I love you Whitehorse, I want to stay with you forever." she wispered into his ear. She
wraped her arms around his waist, her bear breasts rubbing against his soft fur. Her nipples
began to get hard, she was getting horny again and was hoping he was rested enought to fuck her
Do you want to follow Kadisha and Whitehorse? Go to "The Newcomer with Little Dove". 
Or if you want to go to "The Newcomer with Kimmy and Justin".

Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 3.