Her Quest!
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Players in this chapter:

Little Dove                      Oliver                      Whitehorse

Vernetta                      Cynder
Message 1034

From:  "Patti" 
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  3:36 pm
Subject:  Her Quest.

Little Dove went straight to the house and into the bedroom. Walking up to the dresser, she
knelt. Opening the bottom drawer she dug in the back. Pulling out a rolled up hunk of old
leather, she set it on the bed. Next she pulled out a satchel. Unrolling the leather she
started down at her old medicine bag and her black Doe skin Shamans top. From the bag she
pulled out a beautiful silver and turquoise necklace, bracelet and a turquoise and bone choker.
It had been sometime since she had needed the use of these items. She knew Cheyanna was
fighting Demons, and would need all the help she could get.

Message 1035

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  7:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

"Wait! Cheyanna!! What is wrong?? What have i done? I am sorry." 
And he runs after her. but she is so fast, she disappears from sight. 
"Darn!!!" He sits down, saddened and troubled. Alas. And he rises, and returns to the cottage, 
and enters. Hearing Little Dove opening and closing drawers, he seeks her out: 
"Alas, Little Dove, Cheyanna has departed! She ran off so fast, I have no idea where she is. I
fear for her safety. For her health!! What can I do? I am totally confused. I do so much not
want to lose her. She is special for me."

Message 1036 

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  11:41 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

"She's chacing Ghosts." She replied as she set out her things. "She is trying to deal with her
past." She continued to ready herself. Picking up her top and tying it behind her back. She
pulled up the neck strings, it was a bit short. She had filled out in her breasts since she
last put it on. "Could you please give me a hand?" she asked Oliver as she turned to him. She
pulled up her breasts as he took the straps and tied them around her neck. She fixed her
breasts in the tight top as best she could. The top did little to hide what was inside. "How's
that?" she asked him.

Message 1037 

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  11:59 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Taking the pack, and hoisting it up onto her back. "That is good. One sec." And he gently
tightens the strap. "That looks secure! How far do you think you have to go??? Ghosts. Her
past? Ahhh she was talking about that. It must have been horrible. Somehow, that must be
buried. Oh, Little Dove, I wish I could help more!!!"

Message 1039 

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  2:02 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Whitehorse walked into the bedroom, seeing Little Dove and Oliver standing facing each other.
"Your going after her aren't you." he said in a sad voice. Whitey than walked over to the bed,
looked down at the items on it. "You haven't touched these since..." he paused. Looked her in
the face. He saw a tear starting down her cheek.

Message 1045

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  3:46 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

"Yes, I know..." she replied. as she started to put on the jewelry on. First the choker, than
the heavy silver and turquoise necklace. It was cool against her skin. "Would you like me to go
with you?" Whitey asked. "No, I must do this myself." she said as she walked over to a table
and grabed a set of Eagle feathers with silver and turquoise beeds on them. She took them and
braided them into her hair on the left side. She thought of how much she would rather stay here
and have hot and wild sex with Whitey. But she needed to do this, if not for her for Cheyanna.

Message 1046

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  8:18 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Standing watching Whitehorse and Little Dove. "Ahh , Little Dove, you look charming. I wish you
the best, please be successful. Please tell Cheyanna that I miss her very much, and hope that
all is ok, and that she returns soon. Tell her, we will have a lovely cabin for her, all
decorated nicely. I assume that you can help me with that, Little Dove. Smiles; "feeling better

Message 1048 

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Thu Sep 18, 2003  5:49 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Whitey tied one more group of Eagle feathers in her tail. Than the little group walked out of
the bedroom and out the front door. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you." Whitey
asked her one more time, knowing what her answer would be. She reached up and kissed him on the
lips. "I know you want to help, but you are needed here. I am needed else where" She kissed him
one more time. "Take good care of the Ladies while I am gone." And with that she troted off
down the road.

Message 1050

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Thu Sep 18, 2003  2:48 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Cynder watched as Little Dove trotted of in a cloud of dust, than seeing Toni and Oliver walk
off into the woods. She thought about how she was feeling, how it made her feel to be so close
to a handsome Stallion like Whitehorse. She got off the bench and walked around to the front of
the house. Whitehorse was sitting on the front step. "Is she going to be alright?' Cynder
asked. She walked a little closer, "Are you going to be alright?" She sat down on the step next
to him, put a hand on his shoulder. She could feel her heart pounding as she touched him. She
could feel something sturring inside of her, something that wanted her to make love to him.

Message 1051

From:  "Vernetta"
Date:  Thu Sep 18, 2003  3:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

Vernetta had seen her chance unfold before her eyes, Litttle Dove had left, she saw Oliver and
Toni head off thrugh the woods in the direction of the cabin she had found. They would most
likely be there all night fucking. And Cynder, she seen how Cynder was looking at Whitehorse.
It was the same was Vernetta was looking at him, hungerly, wanting, lustfully. Vernetta figured
she would wait till dark, that way he would have time to fuck Cynder that she would come to the
door, play that she was lost, than BANG! She was in and she was fucked!

Message 1057

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Fri Sep 19, 2003  2:00 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

"Yes she will be alright, she has done this many times before." Her replied to Cynder. He could
sence her freshness, he could tell she was a maiden Mare. It had been some time since he had a
virgin. She snuggled up against his side. He knew what she was after, but wanted her to come
out and ask. Little Dove had given him permition to take care of the Mares.

Message 1058

From:  "Cindy"
Date:  Fri Sep 19, 2003  3:12 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest.

"Maybe you can teache me, I know so little about a lot of things." She took one hand and
started to run it over his chest. She wanted him to just get up and mount her, but how to get
him to. She reached back and untied her top for around her neck, letting it fall exposing her
small yet full breasts. "How can I get these to look like Little Doves?" she asked. She already
knew the answer to that question, many years of fucking and many babys. "If you know, I would
love for you to tell me."

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