Her Quest Continues!
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Players in this chapter:

  Cheyanna                   Little Dove
Message 1059

From:  "Patti" 
Date:  Fri Sep 19, 2003  3:18 am
Subject:  Her Quest Continues

Little Dove had been on Cheyannas trail for most of the day. She had gotten help from her
friends the Eagle and the Wolf. It was starting to get late, it was time to make camp for the
night. She figured she would find Cheyanna about midday tomarrow. She found a nice little cave
with a small stream running near by.

Message 1060

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Fri Sep 19, 2003  4:46 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

As she slept she dreamed and found herself amist of vampiric centaures, the ones that had been
left behind..2 of the young female centaurs had a hold of her arms, pulling her towards small
group & she kept telling herself that this was a dream, and that when she woke up she would be
in her parents bed safe and sound..only she could smell sulfur, and something burning and it
wasn't a pleasant smell and heard a deep voice as it told her, "This is not a dream." slashing
through her denial. She could see a darkskinned centaur, he stood well over nine feet tall, she
could see large batlike wings sprouting out from his body, appeared thick and leathery, and
colors blendign from black to red and back again in unascertainable pattern. His head was
roughly three times bigger than any mans and set upon broad shoulders. But the most vicious of
his attributes were the large horns upon his head, and his hands ended up in talons like claws
and his tail could have easily killed a person. "Wwwho...?" she had to clear her throat twice
before the words came out in a husky tone, "Wwho are you?" She felt his eyes caressing her
body,and when he spoke his voice seem deep and vibrate along her nerves, "What is your soul
worth?" She was shocked at the question, and didn't reply, and he continued on, "Don't scoff.
It's a legitimate question. How much would you sell your soul for?" He moved closer to her, and
she was overwhemled with the smell of sulfur, and his voice purred and vibrated over her nerves
ending, stirring her body, "before you say that isn't something you want bad enough that you'd
sell your soul for? I want you to think about it. Money, power, materialistic. Dead family
members, clansmen?" He leaned closer to her, she could smell sulfur and feel the heat rolling
off him in waves, and when his lips would have touched her own, she jerked away, he laughted,
saying softly, "Everyone has a price, Young one, So what is yours?"
Her blu-violet eyes grew larger and seem to crackle with lightning. "I have no price!" She
wiggled and squirmed trying to get free of the two female centauress that held her, freeing her
arm, and slamming her elbow into the one on the right, with such a force it broke her nose, and
grabbed the stun centauress sword and reared up, and drove the sword tip deep into the bosom of
the second centauress,then ripping the sword from her, watched in stun silent as the female
centauress turned into dust, then she turned and faced him, "Who are you!" she asked again,
keeping the sword rised between them and ready. She watched as he smiled, it wasn't a friendly
smile, and could see the dark centaur had moved up to where the point of the sword was just
barely embedded in his chest and a trickle of blood slide down his chest. His deep voice boomed
and vibrated around her, "I'm known by many a name, but my personsal favorite when meeting new
people to add to my growing clan is Lestate."
She blinked, "The Vampire?" it wasn't a question and somewhere in the back of her mind she had
already realized that much, "Am I dead?"
He smiled at her, then folded his large batlike wings around his body and settled down, "You
aren't dead yet and I could use your fighting spirit in my army."
Cheyanna looked at him with suspicion, she couldn't help it. She wasn't buying what he was
saying, "No way!" she growled at him, "I won't fight for you!"
Before she could shove her sword deeper into his chest, he had grabbed her by the hair and had
roughing drawing her body up against his and kissing her forcefully. She straggled against him,
sinking her teeth into his lower lip and he drawn back with a snarl as he tasted his own blood
in his mouth..his fingers interwined in her long hair causing pain, and she couldn't help but
scream out, the sound of her scream filled the night air and revibrated off the buildings. She
tried to move away only to have him drawing her back against him, kissed her long, hot and deep
until a low moan escaped her as his body rubbed up against her own, drawing inexperience
reaction from her virgin body..her last thought was, "Lord protect me from this demon!"

Message 1064

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Fri Sep 19, 2003  2:39 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

At that moment a glowing arrow sparkled as it flew past her head and hit Lestate in the head,
causing hin to lose his grip on Cheyanna, than another flew by as she fell to the floor landing
deep in his chest. He let out a scream that shook the ground. "QUICK CHEYANNA, OVER HERE!!!!!"
Little Dove called as she readyed another arrow. Little Dove had been awakened by Cheyahha's
screams in the night and had found where she was sleeping. It took all of her Shaman powers to
get into Cheyanna's dream. " Leave her alone Lestate, your not getting this one away from me as
easly as you got the last one!"

Message 1069 

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Sep 20, 2003  1:07 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna blinked when she saw the flaming arrow hitting lestate in the head, and when his
talons relased her,his deep screams making the ground tremble from his pain and rage. She
scrambled to her hoofs and moved away from him as quickly as her stunned mind would allow her
Cheyanna didn't cower behind Little Dove, she stood next to her and reached into the very
depths of her, smiled at Little Dove for she was glad to see her, "Join hands with me sister
and we shall vanquest this demon together so that he can never take another of us."
With that Cheyanna rises her free arm, her other hand clasp within Little Doves, her voice
loud, clear and strong as she called out, "oohh, gods/goddess of the storm, rain, lighting and
thunder, this humble one ask of thee to give her the strenght and power to vanquest this demon
from this world so he may never cause harm to another of our kind."
As she spoke, her body seem to glow a bluish white light and the lightning bolts she had
painted upon her body sizzle and pulse with power, even as her blu-violet eyes turned to a
stormy color and glowed as well, When Lestate roared out, she only smiled, and rises her hand
and pointed her finger at him, it glowed for a brief moment when a sizzling thunderbolt zipped
from her finger and impaled him in the chest along with the flameing arrow, then aother
lightning bolt soon followed the first lightning bolt, and impaled him in his equine half, each
time the ground shook from the force of his dying screams and the power that cheyanna had
called upon from the storm that was just over head and raged around them....When his flesh
turned black and then crumbled into dust, the storm seem to loose it power and the rains
started to fall gently, as she released little dove's hand and slump to the ground
exhuasted..she looked up at Little dove, whispered softly, "thanx you, m'sister," and she
looked up into the stormy skyes, the rain felt cool and soothing on her own flesh and spoke
softly, "thanx you for lending me the power to help m'sister shaman to vanquest the demon. Now
go in peace and harm no others on your way."
She laid there listening, and was glad to see Little Dove..

When Cheyanna was foal at her mother's knee, her mother use to tell her of a powerful female
shaman of a clan not to far from them. Her mother knew that one day Cheyanna would be tested,
to see if she was worthy to take her rightful place among the female shamans and priestess. She
knew that Cheyanna would continue with her learning of healing and how to control her powers.
Cheyanna always wondered if she would pass the test, and wondered who this shaman preistess
was..and now she knew..

Message 1070 

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Sat Sep 20, 2003  1:56 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

When Cheyanna grabed her had, Little Dove felt the power flow through her. A power she had not
felt in years. Seeing Lestate fall at last made all she had been through in the last 3 years
worth it. Little Dove collapsed beside Cheyanna. The rain feel like tears of joy. The two
Centauress lay together as one, holding each other.

Message 1073

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Sep 20, 2003  12:03 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna held Little Dove as they both slept peacefully in each other arms as the rain fell
down around them, cleansing what was left of her home lands..She knew that this was a turning
point of her life...

Message 1077 

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Sat Sep 20, 2003  3:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Little Dove awoke, the rain was still falling. Cheyanna was still in her arms, it had been
sometime since she was this way with another Centauress. She looked down and saw the small
droplets glistening on Cheyannas bare breasts. She reached over and moved some hair out of
Cheyahhas face with her fingers. Cheyanna was a very lovely Centauress. Little Dove reached
down and kissed her. "There there, now everything is going to be alright." she whispered.

Message 1087

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sun Sep 21, 2003  3:51 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

She awoke feeling Little Dove fingers gently removing some hair from her face adn looks at
her..and when Little Dove kissed her, then slowly move away, "There there, now everything is
going to be alright." she whispered. Cheyanna smiled at Little Dove, then leaned forward and
kissed her gently on her lips, then pulled away... "Little Dove,I have thinking of remaining here
for a while." she blushed, then looked away.."I'm not a normal female, I was born with an
enlarged clit..and......." she blushed for she had never told anyone until now... and she looked
at Little Dove, and wondered what she must be thinking...

Message 1092

From:   "Patti"
Date:  Sun Sep 21, 2003  3:53 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

"You are welcome to stay as long as you wish,,," Little Dove replied. "we all have our little
secrets." Little Dove continued to hold her.

Message 1100

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Mon Sep 22, 2003  4:26 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna knew that she could have gone back with Little Dove, but for unknown reasons she
decided to stay in her own valley..She slowly disentangle herself from Little Dove.."true we
all do.." She got up and and moved away.."You risk your life to help me fight Lestate, and I'm
gratefull for that..there was a reason as to why I was spared.." She gathered up some food for
them, then settled acrossed from Little Dove.."Let us break our fast together, in the future
our paths will cross again and in friendship." Cheyanna broke a piece of bread, and handed the
loaf to Little Dove.

Message 1103 

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Mon Sep 22, 2003  3:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

"Thank you," Little Dove replied as she took the bread from Cheyanna. Little Dove could not
figure out what got into her. What would meen more to her that Oliver. "What about Oliver?"
Little Dove asked, "he cares for you very much. You are not just going to leave him with out
even telling him why, are you?"

Message 1106 

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Tue Sep 23, 2003  3:59 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Looked up at Little Dove, sighs softly before looking down at the bread she had crumbled
between her fingers. "You won't believe this, but I had only meet Oliver a few moments before I
passed out. We talked and he was taking me to see you only I didn't have the strenght to
continue. I have to admit that he didn't have to help me. None of you did, Little Dove. But I
am very grateful thatthe gods/goddess had placed Oliver in the right spot and time and that he
was kind enought to get you and I won't forget it either." She dropped what was left of the
piece of bread before she could crumble more of it. "my mother had once told me that you could
tell alot about a man by his nature, & the company he keeps. Then she showed me how to read
auras. I could see Oliver aura and it told me that he is a good man, but not the type of man
that would commit himself totally to just one female because the female centauress fascinates
him completely. Its a turn on for him and it is as if he has to sample every female centauress.
Until that day I never knew what a male human looked like. Our clan keep hidden and completely
away from humans and the adults use to tell the foals stories on how humans would betrayed them
and kill them the first chance they get and to be honest I don't know how to deal with humans.
Oliver isn't what I had been told what a human to be like." She was confused and didn't think
that Little Dove would understand.

Message 1109

From:  "Patti" 
Date:  Tue Sep 23, 2003  3:13 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

"Yes I too can see that Oliver is a good man, he would do you proud to have him." Little Dove
replied, "I think he too is like the others, he finds us sentual, sexy, desirable. Just like
the women find the Stallions." Little Dove took Cheyanna by the hand, "You could do worse, he
is very fond of you, he is also very cute." she said as she staired into Cheyannas eyes. "I
have had run-ins with humans growing up. My Mother was human, of course you can see my Father
was a Centaur. The people in my Mothers village after I was born were very mean and crule to
us. Till the Shaman took us in. He feel in love with my Mother and raised me as his own
Daughter." a tear started down Little Doves cheek.

Message 1113 

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Wed Sep 24, 2003  6:56 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna reached out and brushed away the tear from Little Doves's cheek. In a way she knew how
she felt, she was born with a enlarge clit and the fillies use to tease her because of it
looked like a cock when she was excited..and the stallions didn't want to have anything to do
with her because of it... She looked at what was left of her home, sighing softly...

Message 1115
From:   "Patti"
Date:  Wed Sep 24, 2003  1:29 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

"Cheyanna, I think I can help you with that." Little Dove replied, "I have helped many, I have
even help Toni with a much bigger problem." Little Dove too took a look around. "Please come
back and live with us, you could always come back later and try and rebuild."

Message 1120     

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Thu Sep 25, 2003  9:19 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna thought about it, sighed softly, "alright, what do we need to do first? Then after we
are done we need to get going, for I know that let me get a few things, and I scense that
Whitehorse will be worryed about you.
She turned away, went in to her old home, packed her mothers 2 books on healing and spells,
added a wide selection of herbs, and several charms and trinkets that she held close to her
heart. She paced them in large saddle bags, grabbed her mother's cloak, and her father's staff,
which in side it was a sword. she rejoined little dove. "ook, I got what I may be needing for

Message 1127     

From:   "Patti" 
Date:  Fri Sep 26, 2003  3:59 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Little Dove helped Cheyanna gather her things and they were on there way back to her house.
Little Dove couldn't help but think about the battle in the Spirit world. Were they really done
with it? She thought aboput the young Centauress walking next to her. How would she turn out.

Message 1131     

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Sun Sep 28, 2003  5:59 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

After they got started, she too was thinking of the battle in the spirit world, when she tried
to wash off the with lightening bolts she had painted on her hips, she couldn't remove them,
and realized that they are now apart of her. She knew that now she carried alot of
responsiblity. She looked over at Little Dove, gave her a smile.."Penny for your thoughts,
Little Dove."

Message 1141     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Tue Sep 30, 2003  3:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Little Dove was thinking of so many things right now, the battle, Whitehorse at home with Toni
& Cynder, breeding season and how horny she was right now. "Lestate, I have heard so many that
have battled him thinking that they had defeeted him." She replied to Cheyanna.

Message 1143     

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Wed Oct 1, 2003  8:04 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

She glanced over at Little Dove, tilting her head slightly, "tis true, for the moment we were
able to defeat him, but when he feels that he strong enough, he will rise up again for he is
the purest of evil. Good may always trumphs over evil, but can never stop it from rising its
ugle head up from time to time. There has to be a balance, where there is good there is evil,
and vice versa..tis an never ending circle. Instead of one there is now two to face him when he
next arises.

Message 1150     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Fri Oct 3, 2003  2:17 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

"Yes it is a delicate balance." Little Dove continued. "He seemed to want you for some reason."
Little Dove knew why. When ever a new Shaman came to know of their power, the dalance of good
and evil started to waver. Evil would always try to get the new Shaman to join them with
promises of great wealth and power. Little Dove knew she had to do her best to keep Cheyanna on
the side of good.

Message 1154     

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Fri Oct 3, 2003  3:51 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

Cheyanna looked down then away, "that is true, but if he thinks that because he has killed all
my clan means I will turn to him, he is wrong?" She brushed away the tears that fell silently,
before looking up into the sky, before turning to Little Dove, "for a while I will remain here
in your valley for I feel that he will send others to try an sway me. I couldn't fight them
alone, but I won't allow others to be hurt because of me, I would die first."

Message 1165     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sun Oct 5, 2003  4:10 pm
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

As Little Dove and Cheyanna approched the house she took them into the woods just out side the
clearing the house was in. Little Dove took Cheyanna to the little cabin that Her and
Whitehorse lived in when they first moved here. "I think you will like it here. You can stay
here as long as you like." Little Dove showed her around and where everything was. "This way if
you need anything you can just come by."

Message 1171
From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Mon Oct 6, 2003  2:19 am
Subject:  Re: Her Quest Continues

She smiled as she looked over the cabin, "thanx you little Dove. This is a nice and cozy little
cabin." she wondered if she was going to see Oliver.."I'm srue you are anxious to get home to
whitehorse. So I won't keep you any longer." she moved to Little Dove and gave her a
hug.."thanx you for helping me with Lestate."

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