Continued from "Karen seduces Abelkind!"
Karens plan!
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Players in this chapter:

Cassandra                 Princess Pen                   Karen                          Abelkind
Message 1525      

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Sun Dec 7, 2003  2:08 pm
Subject:  Karens plan.

"I'm sorry Abelkind, have no money." Karen answered as they walked holding hands. Than Karen
stopped and turned, putting a hand to his chest. 'I know where there is a hidden cave, you
could hide there and work on trying to prove you are innocent." Karen said as she wraped her
arms around his neck. "I could go back and tell them you ran away while I was bathing." Karen
than kissed him.

Message 1531      

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Dec 7, 2003  8:38 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

Abelkind thought about Karens idea. "If I run away then Im dead if I get caught again."
Abelkind was scared."It would be easier for me to return to Princess Pen and give myself to her
care.....or return to the army camp."

Message 1533      

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Sun Dec 7, 2003  11:39 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

"Don't you want to be free again?" Karen asked Abelkind. She could not imagine being someones
Slave. "You ran away once, you could do it again."

Message 1535      

From:   Steve  
Date:  Mon Dec 8, 2003  5:03 am
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

Abelkind was silent in thought. He looked at Karen, took her hand and kissed it. Without saying
a word disappeared along the beach and into the undergrowth

Message 1537      

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Mon Dec 8, 2003  1:49 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

As Karen neared the house, she had in her mind what to say. She got within a few yards and
started running, "Penny, Penny, Abelkind got away!!!" she yelled as she broke from the bushes.
Karen ran up to Penny and told her the story. "I turned to take my bath and when I turned back
he was gone." Karen was hopeing Penny would buy the story, after all he did take off once
before. "I tryed to find him, I called and looked all over for him." Karen continued. But Karen
knew right where Abelkind was. He was in the cave she came out of into this strange dream
world. Karen planed to go and see him tonight after it got dark and everyone was asleep.

Message 1538      

From:   "Cassandra"  
Date:  Mon Dec 8, 2003  2:00 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

Hearing all the commotion Cassie stopped what she was doing and walked out onto the deck. She
could see Karen talking with Penny. Karen was all excited. Cassie walked out to where the pair
stood and listened in on Karens story. "I knew he would be trouble." Cassie broke in on the

Message 1549      

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Tue Dec 9, 2003  8:56 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

Pen ran to meet Karen. "What!" Pen yelled at Karen. She stood fumeing in silence. She knew
Karen was lieing, they had made a plan. "Liar." Pen was stareing at Karen. "Liar, You let him
escape. What is your game? why are you here? ....Human."

Message 1550      

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Tue Dec 9, 2003  9:06 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

Pen turned to cassie. "Abelkind and Karen turned up about the same time, got on very well, too
well and now he's just gone? I dont think so. My bet is hes gone back to the army camp, we're
dead if we stay here, and shes in on it." Pen glared at Karen. Why couldnt it have been Her
that Karen had seduced? "I think we'd better tie her up Cass."

Message 1554      

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Wed Dec 10, 2003  1:21 pm
Subject:  Re:  Karens plan.

"He disappeared while my back was turned." Karen came back. "What dose it matter anyway, none
of you are real, this is all a dream." she continued as she looked back into Pens eyes.

The story continues in "Wondering her fate".
Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 8.