Looking for Whitehorse!
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Players in this chapter:

    Kadisha                     Cassandra

Message 945

From:   "Kadisha"
Date:  Mon Sep 1, 2003  3:14 pm
Subject:  Looking for Whitehorse

Kadisha finely got to her hooves. Learning to walk on 4 legs was harder than learning to walk
on 2. She looked herself over and admired her new form. As she was cleaning up the leftover cum
from her tits, she felt that they seemed bigger, heavyer. She walked over to the log where she
had laied her clothes when she took them off to fuck Whitehorse. She picked up her jeans and
looked over her shoulder at her new equine form. "I guess I don't need these any more." she
chuckled. She grabed her bra, it was to small. Her tits had grown. She was a 38CC when she was
a Woman. Now they had to be a 42DDD. She made a quick tie top out of her blouse, it bairly fit
too. She knew Whitehorse had to have more Centauress and that is where he must have gone. She
needed to find him again, she needed to fuck him again. She had this hot and horny feeling. She
had felt hot and horny before as a Woman. But not like this. Before it was she wanted to get
fucked, now it was she HAD to get fucked. She was in heat. Kadisha found his tracks and headed
in the same direction.

Message 951

From:   "Cassandra"  
Date:  Tue Sep 2, 2003  3:05 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

Kadisha was not the only Centauress looking for Whitehorse, so was Cassandra. It was getting to
the season. When all the Centauress's found their Stallion and breed to them. Most of the time
Cassie was not picky about who she fucked. But this time of year she was. It would be a week of
wild sex. It was a time when their animal instincts took over. Kadisha would find out what it
was like, a Stallion with a large harem would sometimes fuck five, six, seven or even eight
mares at one time before taking a break. Kadisha would have to watch and wait for the others to
get finished with him before he got to her. She would be low on the list. But all the mares in
his harem respected Little Dove. She always got firsts and got him when ever she wanted. She
was the alpha mare in the harem.

Message 958

From:   "Kadisha"
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  1:40 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

Kadisha found her way back to the main road she had come in on. She was getting pretty good at
walkinf with her new legs, she started to try some different walks. She wanted to see how sexy
she could walk, see if she still had it in her. She never thought in a million years she would
want to have a big ass, but this one looked good, and her tail. OMG it was as thick and long as
the hair on her head. She continued down the road till in split, "Hmmm, which way...." she
mummbled to herself.

Message 958

From:   "Kadisha"
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  1:40 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

Kadisha found her way back to the main road she had come in on. She was getting pretty good at
walkinf with her new legs, she started to try some different walks. She wanted to see how sexy
she could walk, see if she still had it in her. She never thought in a million years she would
want to have a big ass, but this one looked good, and her tail. OMG it was as thick and long as
the hair on her head. She continued down the road till in split, "Hmmm, which way...." she
mummbled to herself.

Message 961

From:   "Cassandra"
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  3:58 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

"If you are looking for town, you want the south fork." a voice called out. Cassie troted up to
Kadisha. "You are new here, My name is Cassandra. But my friends call me Cassie." Cassie walked
around Kadisha, "My, you are a pretty young thing. What clan are you from?" Cassie could not
see any markings or her build to give an indication of where she came from.

Message 965

From:   "Kadisha" 
Date:  Fri Sep 5, 2003  2:17 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

"Yes, town. I am looking for lodging for the night." It was starting to get dark, a good come
back. But what's this clam stuff? What to tell her. All she knew was a few hour's ago she was
human. She met Whitehorse, they fucked, she took a nap, when she woke up she was a Centaur.
"Umm, I don't think my clan has ever traveled this far before. I am from far away. I have been
traveling for weeks." *phew, hope that work's* she thought to herself. "Please, if you would be
so kind and show me the way." Kadisha asked of her.

Message 972

From:   "Cassandra"
Date:  Sun Sep 7, 2003  4:37 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

"You must be from the East than, I hear there are some clans far off there." Cassie knew
Kadisha was once a Human. She was good at walking but still needed to fine tune her walk.
Cassie could tell because she to was once Human. She too had meet Whitehorse and fucked him.
Three years ago to the day. Cassie knew of the changeling curse. But she didn't care. Now she
was his number two mare. The two countinued down the road, it was now dark enough to see the
stars. Soon they came apont the village. "Here we are, I think we should get something to eat
first." Cassie said to Kadisha. "Than I know a nice little cottage we can stay at."

Message 981

From:   "Kadisha"
Date:  Tue Sep 9, 2003  2:50 pm
Subject:  Re: Looking for Whitehorse

Kadisha was feeling a bit uneasy the way Cassie keeped looking her over. Was she Bi? Was she
Lesbian? Did she know she was once a Human? The two sat and ate, "I am very tired," Kadisha
said to Cassie. "did you say you knew where we could sleep." Kadisha didn't know that Cassi was
once Human too, she had heard of the things some Humans did to Centaurs.

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