New member!
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Players in this chapter:

DarkSins                     Joe          
Message 579

From: "Sarah DarkSins"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 12:26 am
Subject: new member

(OOC: I'm new to the area)

Sarah lands on the beach. She was taller than an average woman, athletic build with well
proportioned breasts, slim waist, and flared wide hips, and long shapely legs. She had finely
chiseled features, long black hair that sets the background for her cat shaped green eyes, soft
creamy flawless skin, full seductive lips. When she didn't need her batlike wings, they
disappear into her back, leaving green tattoos of wings on it.

She had always been fasnated by centaurs, because of her aunt Serenity had became one after she
had sex with a male centaur.. She sat on a fallen log staring off into the horizon, listening
to the water lap at the shore, and really wasn't to sure if she wanted to go farther into the
centaur valley. Even over the surf, she could hear sounds of sex and smell the heady aroma on
the air.

Message 581
From: "Joe"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 2:04 pm
Subject: Re: new member

{OOC: Hello and welcome}

{BIC} Joe was out working in the forest when he saw Sarah land. He had never seen such a
creature as she. He was taken in by her beauty. He stood in the shadows and stared at her.
Taking in all hecould of her. He was trying to get a mental picture of her so if she did not
stay, he would have her in his mind for all eternity.

Message 587
From: "Sarah DarkSins"
Date: Wed Dec 11, 2002 1:17 am
Subject: Re: new member

She tensed as she heard a twig snapping, brushing hair out of her face, slowly stood up and
looked around, ready to take flight if she had to. Instead she called out in a soft sultry
voice, "Hello, Is anyone out there?"

She was wearing the most simpliless outfit, a slash of material across her large full breasts,
forming a halter top, then 2 pieces of material that is held in place by another band, allowing
her legs room to move and shows her long muscular yet shapely legs. Her batlike wings were
spread out halfway,as if she made a decision, she folds them tightly against her body, turning
to face the forest. "I know you are there, Please come on out."

Message 602

From: "Sarah DarkSins"
Date: Tue Dec 17, 2002 2:59 am
Subject: Re: new member

Getting no response, she turns, sits back down, on the sand, leaning her back against the log
and continued to looked out across the ocean towards the horizon..thinking that when she is
rested, she will leave the centaur valley..going to the mystical centaur Isle, where she had
heard her kind was welcome...

Message 604

From: "Joe"
Date: Tue Dec 17, 2002 3:36 pm
Subject: Re: new member

Finely snapping from his trance brought on by her extream beautiy, Joe answers back. "Hello on
the beach." he cryed out. Slowly he emerged from the forest. Being a Worrier, he did keep his
guard up. He walked out to the log she was resting up against. "Greetings, I am Joe. I live
here in the valley." He could not help but to fixate his gaze of her beauty. The pieces of
fabric she had tied around her sentual body, did little to hide what was underneath. "May I
join you on this lovely evening."

Message 606

From: "Sarah DarkSins"
Date: Wed Dec 18, 2002 12:08 am
Subject: Re: new member

Looks up at the sound of his voice, brushing away some stray hair, smiles at him.. "Greetings
Joe, my name is Sarah DarkSins..From what I have seen of the valley when I was flying over it,
it was very beautiful." a shy smile plays across her full lips, for she could scense that he
maybe be causal, but he was reserved as well, and she didn't blame him..she was part succubi,
and had watched the other succubi seduce men and use them, but she found out that the other
half of her, which was human wouldn't go for it..she kept mostly to herself until now.

Her pink tongue slowly slid across her lower lip, as she took the time to looked him over,
blushing a deep crimson, then blinks several times to bring herself back to the present and out
of her wondering thoughts and softly answers him, "be my guest. I love sitting on a beach and
watching either the sun rising or the sun seting.. its so beautiful and peacefuly."

Message 631

From: "Joe"
Date: Sat Jan 4, 2003 1:57 am
Subject: Re: new member

Joe noticed the growing storm, he thought how fast it grew. "I think we should head for cover
Sarah." he looked into her dark eyes. "I have a cabin near by." he took her hand, he didn't
feel that threatened. He stood and waited for her reply.

Message 632
From: "Sarah DarkSins"
Date: Sat Jan 4, 2003 2:17 am
Subject: Re: new member

She looked up into the sky, then at him, a gentle smile on her lips, reaching out and gently
took his hand in hers and stood up. "alright. I have never seen a storm such as this, do they
happen often?" She tucked her wings close to her body and followed him. She loves the sound and
smell of rain. 

If you want to follow the story, just go to "Joe's Cabin".

Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 3.