New to the land!
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Players in this chapter:  

          Bob                          Cassandra      
Message 901

From:  "Bob"
Date:  Fri Aug 15, 2003  8:59 pm
Subject:  New to the land

He stands observing this new land he has wandered to. He wonders what he will find. His
nostiles smell something sweet but he does not know from where it comes. This stallion of many
seasons knows whatever comes he is prepared. For he has patience, strength, and knowledge to
bring pleasure upon the land and its creatures.

Message 904

From:  "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Aug 17, 2003  3:34 pm
Subject:  Re: New to the land

Cassie lay in the grass sunning herself, relaxing after her latest sexual encounter. Cassie was
the local slut, if it had a cock and a pulse she would let them mount her. Centaur, Elf, Human,
Horse there wasn't a male in the area that she hadn't had more than ten times. She finished
cleaning up the leftovers on her breasts and started to comb the tangles out of her tail when
the wind changed directions. There it was, the scent of a new Stallion in the area. She quickly
got to her hooves and got the direction it was coming from. Even though she had just spent the
last two hours doing a Man and his Horse, she was hot and ready to do it again. There was just
something that turned her on about a fresh Stallion.

Message 922

From:  "Bob"
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  12:22 am
Subject:  Re: New to the land

There.... In the meadow the young creature rose... She knew he was there. Her eyes stared at
the Centaur. They screamed to know how she had never seen a creature such as him. This young
filly knew also that he had arrived to take her places she had never been before. She rutted
her hooves in the ground. Begging to taken. Each time she kicked her heals prancing closer and
closer to him. Sir! She exclaimed, you are creature who I have never seen before. I know all of
the others of this land and know their every demand. But I hunger for someone to take me to a
new place. Someplace where I can be totally fulfilled. The others use me.. They take me for
their pleasure. Not that I don't enjoy it at times. It is that I know I do not feel complete
after being with them. I want to know more. I want the know the rapture. I want to know there
is more. I want to know that I cannot go any further than where I have just been, for that
complete wonderful moment. A total rapture! No more instantly wanting another.

Young lady the Centaur replied you are a glorious beautiful creature. Your face is that of a
vixen. Your breasts are well endowed and should be pleased completed until they swell to the
hardness of stone. Your long flanks truly are proportioned for the pleasure of mounting by
someone who can fill you each and every time. It does not surprise me that all the others
cannot supply you with what you need. They only want to use you for their own moment, not for

They do not know what years of experience brings. It is first and last doing completely what
pleases a lady like you. It is only then when the lady is fulfilled then the rapture can begin
for the both of us. I say again "For you and I" "Oh please" she gasp. "Take me there!"

He stepped forward slowly circling around her. With each circling he would step and brush a
portion of her body that needed the touch she wanted. Finally his mouth kissed here neck. A
"sigh" of want moaned from her. He nipped at her neck. At just right spot with just the right
strength, He had here wanting more. No he had her wanting it all! Finally she could feel his
hot breath at her ears causing her mind to spin a million times around. She was wanting what
she needed and she was needing it now. 
"Tell me my young lady. Do you really know what you want?"
"Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "Oh Yes!" "Then tell this Centaur," he said. 
"For he will not stop until you come the place you need to be."

Message 926 

From:  "Cassandra"
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  3:55 pm
Subject:  Re: New to the land

WHOA BIG FELLA!!!!!!! I like to get to the fucking part just as well as the next Mare, you have
to take it slow. You are putting words in my mouth. (not that I wouldn't have said them) You
just can't ump into these things.

Message 927

From:  "Bob" 
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  6:02 pm
Subject:  Re: New to the land

The Centaur laughed: "Oh you see this is what you expect.. You have truely been abused by
others and they have disappointed you to the point where you always expect the same result. A
shame for a lady of your kind. Time will tell if you want to be the queen of the valley or
another servant to the pack."

Message 930

From:  "Cassandra" 
Date:  Wed Aug 27, 2003  2:14 pm
Subject:  Re: New to the land

{OOC} Sorry, I forgot to go Out Of Char last time I posted. Look Bob, part of the fun is
getting there. You need to slow down and work up to it. That is what makes this fun.

Message 944 

From:  "Cassandra"
Date:  Mon Sep 1, 2003  2:36 pm
Subject:  Re: New to the land

{OOC} I guess he wanted to play by his rules, oh well. Plenty of other Stallions to fuck!

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