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Players in this chapter:

Hellena                           Oliver                      Vernetta                        Eponey
Message 1151     

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Fri Oct 3, 2003  3:22 pm

Out of the shadowy confines of the forest emerges a lone centauress. Even tho She is of welsh
breed and light of foot and wearing nothing artificial to disguise her natural beauty. As she
looks around the vacant valley her soft green orbs scan the surrounding vegetation, long and
silky honey blond hair cascades down her back and is tucked behind slightly elongated, elfin
like ears.
Her skin is smooth and soft, merging easily into the golden & white hide that covers her equine
half. The morning chill brings out goosebumps and perks up her nipples, a desire fills her, a
strong and unwavering desire that her equine half provides as she comes into heat. Long golden
tail snapping she rubs her arms to keep warm as her feminine scent fills the air around her,
she jogs into the middle of the pasture wanting to keep warm. As she canters across the valley
she keeps a weary eye out, for she now finds herself in a different realm and she can smell
others like herself.

Message 1156    

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Fri Oct 3, 2003  6:21 pm

Hastening through the forest, before the coffee gets cold, he comes out at the edge, and then
wanders across the pasture toward the road. Oops. He stops. Sees a centauress there. Shivering
with cold.
Approaches her: "Hello, you look cold. Would you like some hot coffee? I just made it." Smiles
to her, and brings out the thermos from his pack.

Message 1172   

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Mon Oct 6, 2003  10:51 am

When she heard, "Hello, you look cold. would you like some hot coffee? I just made it." She
looked at him, it was her first time to see a human, "That sounds delisious. M'name is Hellena,
and you are?"

Message 1175    

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Mon Oct 6, 2003  3:34 pm

"I am pleased to meet you, Hellena. I am John Templeton, jr. But they call me Oliver." Smiles
to her one sec! And he pours the hot coffee into his travelling mug, and hands it up to her;
"try this."

Message 1176 

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Mon Oct 6, 2003  3:51 pm

Hellena smiled at him, taking the cup in her hand and sniff the strong strange brew, then
sipped it.."Mmmm, strange and very tastey.." She told him softly...

Message 1181   

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Tue Oct 7, 2003  11:28 pm

"I hope it isn't too strong, Hellena. I guess it had been on the stove for some time. But it
should warm you .And he comes, and strokes along her hide, trying to warm her. "Ohh my jacket!!
You could try that too." And he quickly takes it off, and hands it to her.

Message 1194  

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Thu Oct 9, 2003  2:52 pm

She smiled at him, and when he quickly removed his jacket, she shook her head, saying softly,
"Its alright, Oliver, it shouldn't take me long to adjust to the chill in the air, besides, you
would be needing it more than I." She smiled at him, as she glanced around her, then back at
him, "Soo, oliver, where am I?"

Message 1198  

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Fri Oct 10, 2003  2:04 pm

"All right." Taking back his jacket, and putting it on again. Smoothing the sleeves. "Where are
we? Ahh, if only I knew! Or, rather, perhaps, that question is moot. We are here. Alive. Safe.
That is what is important. And possibly, you are hungry. Should we find something to eat?"

Message 1199

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Fri Oct 10, 2003  3:24 pm

Smiled at him, "Yes, lets find something to eat and get a fire going." She reached out and
gently caresses his cheek, before leaning down to where her lips just barely brushed up against
his own.

Message 1200    

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Fri Oct 10, 2003  9:29 pm

"Good, yes. I got some food, we can go back to the little cottage where I was and stoke the
fire. Alas, it is probably out by now. But we will make it warm quickly, I am sure."
Mmmm, tingles where she touched his cheek. And and felt her soft lips as she reached down. her
hair descended and brushed about him. it's scents enticing.

Message 1226   

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Tue Oct 14, 2003  2:14 pm

Smiles at him, "that sounds delightful. Let me help you upon my back and you can guide me to
the cottage." She helped him upon her back, with a slow easy trot she start towards the
cottage. She felt more alive then she had since she had started on her journey.

Message 1237  

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Wed Oct 15, 2003  10:31 pm

He carefully arranges himself on her back. "Ohh ohhh." Swallows,and puts his arms about her
waist, the human one. His face feeling her soft hair, her mane. As they ride off.
"Hellena I have been on horses before. But but ohhh never like this. Mmm I I like it." Taking a
deep breath, her scents arousing him, his fingers softly caress about her belly.

Message 1253   

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Mon Oct 20, 2003  12:10 am

She smiled as he places his arms aroundher slim waist and holds on. Going in the direction he
told her. She could feel his fingers moving lightly along her belly, tickling it.."thanx you,
Oliver, I'm glad I'm able to give you pleasure.."

Message 1265    

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Tue Oct 21, 2003  6:35 pm

"Oh, yes, Hellena, you give me much pleasure. It isn't much farther, then um we get something
to eat. And perhaps relax a bit. You must be tired from your journey."
His fingers are stroking now, along her side, touching just below her breast. 
"Ahhh , there it is!" 
And they come to a halt, and he slides off. Rubbing along her shoulder, where he seems to have
um made a bulge in his trousers. They go in, and have a light meal. One which he prepares
himself for her.

Message 1279  

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Sat Oct 25, 2003  4:50 am

She was indeed tired, but being with him, helped. When his fingers brushed up against her body,
sending shudders of pleasure through it..she bit her lower lip when his hand cupped her large
full breast, before he rubbed up against her, she felt the bulge in his trousers, and blushed
thinking how much he affected her as well. She enjoyed the light meal he fixed, making sure she
touched him every chance she got..

Message 1282  

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Sat Oct 25, 2003  6:26 pm

Pleased that she was eating that which he had prepared so heartily. "Mmmm you were hungry,
Hellena. I am glad that which I made pleases you, as I am not a great cook." *And finishes
washing up a bit, then comes to her: "Ahh, there is still a crumb there," and his fingers go to
her cheek, brushing it away. His fingers linger. but. She is so tall. He was on tip-toe, and
was brushing himself against her foreleg. Feeling oh-my-god- aroused a bit, his other hand
brushing along her flank, kind of steadying himself.

Message 1289  

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Mon Oct 27, 2003  12:35 pm

Smiles at him, and leans her cheek against the palm of his hand, and noticed that he has to
stand on his tip toes. "Here let me settle down so that you don't have to stand on your tip
toes." She kneels on her forelegs then settle her hindquarters down, tucking her legs up
against her body, and smiles at him, before drawing him to her, and kisses him deeply..her
rough tounge plays across his lips before plunging into his mouth to dance and wrap around his

Message 1302  

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Tue Oct 28, 2003  1:33 pm

Watches her as she comes down with such grace and elegance. He moves to her, smiles: "Ahh yes.
That is better, Hellena," nestling down beside her, slipping beside her tucked-up legs, his
arms do go about her and he gives her a kiss. " "Wmm mmmmmm, oh yes, this is better." As he
shifts a bit, now his chest against her breasts, rubbing abit. Feeling his shirt buttons
beginning to pop.

Message 1322  

From:   "Hellena DarkSoul" 
Date:  Sun Nov 2, 2003  12:16 pm

She smiled when he slipped between her tucked up legs and nestled against her. Giving her a
kiss...allowing her tounge to enter his mouth and duel with his tounge. She felt him shift
some, so that his chest was pressed up against ther breasts. So that with each of their breaths
her nipples becoming taut and hard. She placed her hand upon his thigh and gently stroked it,
slowly moving her hand up higher..

Message 1327  

From:   "Vernetta" 
Date:  Mon Nov 3, 2003  3:10 pm

Vernetta could feel her own hipples getting hard as she watched the pair embrace. She too was
getting wet under her tail, she wished Whitehorse would return soon so she may have another
turn at him.

Message 1331  

From:   jtemp1eton 
Date:  Tue Nov 4, 2003  3:08 pm

"Ohh Hellena. You are good to me. "And he reaches his hand and softly touches her beast.
Squeezes lightly and then caresses. "And your fingers are so warm. You are doing things to me."
As he feels himself aroused. Stiffening. Deepens the kiss, suckling at her tongue, his other
hand reaches about her little waist, and comes up, running through her hair. her mane,

Message 1370

From:   "centauri_annie"
Date:  Tue Nov 18, 2003  10:08 pm

Hi all ..
Just in case there will be any RPG ..
I'll start with a slight description of my new caractor !!
Hope she is ok here !!

: Pega-Taur :
Name : Eponey
Eyes : Purple
Hair : Light red, kneelong ..
Hight : 7/4 f
Age : 20 Y
Personality : Shy ..
Apearance : Slender deerlike equine body ..
the human body is ecualy slender ..
Metalic blood-red hooves ..
Note : Centaur / Pegas
Exeedingly fast and agile ..

- Annie -

Message 1375

From:   "Patti"
Date:  Wed Nov 19, 2003  3:19 pm

Welcome my dear. I am sure some very nice Centaur, Human or Elf will come along and sweep you
off your hooves.

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