Picking up the pace.
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Players in this chapter:
  Kadisha       Cassandra

Message 1015
From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Sep 14, 2003  3:31 pm
Subject:  Picking up the pace.

After a quick brakefast of some dried fruit and nuts, Cassie took off at a brisk pace. Not even
caring if Kadisha could keep up. Cassie knew she needed to get there soon if she wanted to keep
her #2 standing. Cassie keeped a canter up for most of the morning. Kadisha did her best to
keep up. She knew from last year that Toni was vying for her standing. Now there was another
wanting to join the harem.

Message 1041

From:   "Kadisha" 
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  3:27 am
Subject:  Re: Picking up the pace.

Kadisha did her best to keep up. Was Cassie trying to lose her? She had just got walking down,
now she had to try cantering. Once she got the rythem down it was a breeze. What was Cassie's
big hurry?

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