Click on image if you want to see a larger picture!
Players in this chapter:

   Prinn                             Athena   

Message 583

From:   "Athena"
Date:  Mon Dec 9, 2002  9:05 pm
Subject:  Runaway

Athena sat on the edge of her bed, a small satchel next to her with a few belongings in it. It
was her 18th birthday. She was getting ready to venture out into the world. She had heard many
storys of what kind of world was beyond the forest just outside her village where she played as
a child. Her parents ran a inn, and she would listen to the travelers storys. She finished
brushing her long curly red hair that fell to her waist and put the brush in the bag and tied
it closed. The sun had not yet come over the hills behind her parents inn. She placed the note
she so carefully wrote on the kitchen table and went out the back door and into the darkness of
the early morning. She just hoped her Mother and Father would understand. She was now a woman.

Message 589

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Thu Dec 12, 2002  8:57 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway


The wind slammed into the figure over and over, the wings bending backwards as if reeds caught
in the tempests of the spring.

The figure tucked its face down, fighting to stay airborn, fighting to keep air in its lungs as
the fierce storm fought to steal even that from him.

His black hair whipped backwards, smacking halfway down the black and tangling with the wings
here and there.

His sapphire blue eyes looked up to see where he was, only to have dust and dirt sting the
visionary orbs once again.

As he ducked his face for the millionth time, he thought he spied a small opening in the storm
clouds around him.

Folding the frail wings, and dropping like a stone, the Pixxie plunged earthward, fighting
finally free of the fierce weather that had seemed to follow him for days now.

As he broke from the dark clouds, he felt the wind slow, the rain cease and the thunder ease
from his ears.

Looking around now, he saw the lush of a magnificent green forest ahead of him, calling to him
as if the womb were summoning the comfort of ones mother. He knew the forest was the Edge of
the Elven woods, and the land beyond should be the Centaur Hills.

Not looking back, seeking only rest and shelter, he darted lower, skimming the treetops and
searching for a place to land.

Finally, his wings began to shiver and give out, and even though he thought he could hear
voices, he could no longer stay airborne.

His strength vanished and he quickly covered his face and head with his arms as his body
plunged through the treetop canopy and landed heavily into a lilac bush............

(Pic in albums) ...Hope that entrance was ok...and hopine a certian Red heades elf maiden's
path meets his...

Message 590

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Fri Dec 13, 2002  2:06 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena could hear the storm rageing off over the hills, so she had taken shelter in a hallow
tree trunk. When she heard a loud crashing noise. It was not that of the thunder, more like a
tree crashing to the ground. She emerged from her make shift home and walked in the direction
of the sound. She could bearly see in the dim light. She could see something moving, near a
lilac bush. It looked like a human tangled up in a mess of branches. Athena started to dig
through the tangle of twigs and branches to help free the creature.

Message 601

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Mon Dec 16, 2002  7:04 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn struggled for a moment, then collapsed, his head throbbing and his muscles aching.

The wind had ceased down here under the forests canopy, yet his body still felt as if the world
had bounced him like a leaf for hours.

He smelt the sweet scent of lilacs, and then felt as though someone or something where lifting
or pulling him.

Part of his mind thought the wind was once again tossing his lithe form around, and he felt the
twinge of pain as a wing made its bruised and twisted state known.

As his eyes opened from the pain, he saw a captivating pair of eyes staring back at him, with a
soft tumble of sensual red hair cascading around the face.

His mouth dropped open and he was unsure if the sweet flowery scent was from the bush he was in
or this beautiful maiden.

"GODS - I have died and gone to Alfheim... and the beautiful Freyja herself has welcomed me..."
he gasped aloud.

Message 603

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Tue Dec 17, 2002  3:16 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena finely cleared the last of the braches from Prinns body, "Hello, can you hear me?" she
said to him, looking for some response. She could see a slight movement of his eyes. She
carefully helped him up, the whole time thinking he was just another Elf that had a tree branch
fall on him from the storm. When she had goten him up she saw his wings. "What type of creature
are you?" she asked as she helped him to her make shift hollow tree home.

Message 605

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Tue Dec 17, 2002  7:10 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn gapped as the woman replied, the sound of her voice as melodic as the water trickling
over soft pebbles, or the chirp of a bird at play.

" I am Prinn...of Pointage. I am a Pixie. You have never seen a Pixie..?"

He looks around for a moment, allowing her to help him to the shelter of her hollow log. His
left wing stretches, the thin membrane sparkling silver and purple in the sunlight, but the
other right wing hangs limply, a slight tear in it and the main bone snapped at the top.

"I thought I had died and gone to Alfheim, but surely they would know a Pixie, when they saw

THen trying to flex the wing, Prinn winces and realizes pain would not have accompanied him to
Alfheim and the home of the Fey as well.

"Um, I guess I am not I...? Hmmm, that means I owe you" he says, a slight grinn
crossing his face as he looks at his pretty saviour.

Message 611

From:   "Athena" 
Date:  Thu Dec 26, 2002  3:05 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

" No Sir, we never got any Pixies in my Parents Inn. At least none that I know of." She washed
Prinns cuts and wraped them with some strips of cloth she had torn from some of her blouses.
Next was his wing, she didn't know how to fix the tear but she did know how to make a splint.

Message 612

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Thu Dec 26, 2002  6:17 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn watched as the kind elf worked on his wounds, cleaning those she could and then studying
the broken wing.

"Aye, that wing is going to take a bit more than some cloth and TLC to mend, I fear." he said,
glancing at it with only the slightest of concern.

"But I truly thank you for rescuing Me, and helping out with these other cuts and bruises.
However, I fear I must ask for More help. I can fix the wing, but I will need something else.
If we can find either hollyhock berries, juniper leaves, or a handful of acorns, I might be
able to do something about this wing myself."

He looks at her, smiling and wishing he had brought a bigger pack of items to share with her.

"Any chance you might know where to find any of these things..?"

Message 620

From:   "Athena"
Date:  Wed Jan 1, 2003  4:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

"I think I still have some acorns." she replied. Athena turned and looked in her bag. Sure
enough she did have some. As she turned to Prinn, the old tree shook as a gust of wind broke a
larg branch off and it fell just outside the entry. Athina fell into Prinns arms. Her first
thought was for his injurys, she sat up quikly. Than a bolt of lightning struck the tree next
to them, she buried her head in his chest. She hated loud noises.

Message 623 

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Thu Jan 2, 2003  7:59 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn almost jumped as high as the elven girl did as the tree limb fell to the ground and
Athina pressed herself close to him in surprise of the sound.

As the lightening struck and sent her tighter against him, He tried to swallow, a bit nervous
of the closeness of this pretty one, and nervous about her fear.

Looking at the entryway, he wrinkled his face a moment, holding her still with one hand and
then lifting the other up above his head. He began to draw in the air, and as words of magic
began to whisper from his lips, a glowing spark began to sizzle from his fingertip.

The spark became a line and the line slowly wove among itself to begin creating a web. Larger
and larger it became as Prinn spoke the words, then finally pointed his finger at the entryway.

The web sailed through the air, and covered the opening, then slowly solidified into a door,
seeming to be made of glowing light. Then Prinn blew softly, and the light faded, leaving a
door of what looked like soft grey tarp or canvas.

"We will be safe now, the storm should not be able to disturb us, although direct lightening

He realized he was still holding her closely, and the smell of her fragrence slowly awoke a
tingling inside him. Moving them both to their knees, he turned to look at her, smiling
politely and trying to hide the ripple of passion that her touch had sent into him.

"Now, if you have those acorns, and if you are willing to help, I might be able to work on this

Message 653

From:   "Athena" 
Date:  Wed Jan 8, 2003  2:01 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena felt a bit safer now that the sound of thunder was muffled. She felt safe in his arms,
she could hear his heart beeting. She also felt something elce, something she never felt
before. "The acorns, yes." she snaped out of her trance and handed him the acorns thet were in
her hand. all the time, never letting go of him. She had never been this close to a man before.
She liked how it made her feel. She stayed there, lieing across his lap watching as he
prepaired to fix his wing.

Message 673

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Fri Jan 17, 2003  8:23 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn had to confess, that he almost wished the storm would continue forever, if it ment being
this close to this exotic woman.

As she lay next to her, their bodies still pressed against each other, he found it hard to
concentrate and he knew he would need preparation and mind control in order to cast the healing
spell on his broken wing.

And yet the enchantments dodged and weaved in his mind, unable to pull them into order, and yet
they easily swayed to the curve of this woman's body, and the tightness of her clothing. It was
then that he realized the tight breeches he wore were doing nothing to help hide the massive
erection that had formed in his trousers.

Hoping that she would not notice, or at least, not be offended, he smiled at her and took the
acorns from her. She lay almost fully in his lap, and he wanted to simply hold her, wrap her in
his arms and wings and protect her from the terrors of the world.

Then a sting in the wing reminded him that he would be better to her fully healed, and he set
the acorns down. Slowly he separated the hust from the nut, and ground the husk in one hand.
Take the nuts themselves in the other hand, he tossed the crushed powder over his damaged wing,
and squeezed his other hand, sending the dormant life of the acorns into the healing

Speaking words of fey magic, that quickly disappeared into nothingness, the air around them
rippled for a moment, then turned a soft blue, radiating outward from that clenched fist. He
leant his shoulder forward,dipping the wing in front of himself, and opened his now empty yet
sapphire shaded palm. Layed the glowing hand upon the damaged bone, it rippled and pulsed,
bathed in the blue light.

Prinns' breathing became quicker, sweat beeding on his forhead as he continued the conjuring,
letting the bone mend, the muscles heal and the scar disappear.

Finally, gasping aloud, he slumped forward, the glow subsiding and he now clutched the girl in
his embrace, as much to keep from slumping to the floor now as anything.

"Better...yes, better..." he murmered, as the wing flickered above him. "Thank you for the
acorns, they allowed Me to heal, and I owe you one..." he smiled warmly.

Message 693

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Mon Jan 27, 2003  5:31 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

ooc: wonders if he lost Athena, the red-headed elf maiden

Message 694

From:   "Athena"
Date:  Mon Jan 27, 2003  3:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

ooc: sorry

Athena rested her head in Prinns lap. She could still hear the storm raging outside their
little shelter. She could feel Prinns bulg in his trousers. In the dim flickering blue light of
his magic she could see it. She had never been with a man yet, she was still a virgin. Athena
did know what to do from hiding in the barn at home and watching her sister with her boyfriends
or a traveler that was passing through. Athena started to rub her hand on the inside of his
thigh. She saw the bulg twitch and start to grow more.

Message 697

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Wed Jan 29, 2003  8:30 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

The cave mouth flickered brightly as the lightening outside played its games of ballet across
the sky. Rumbles of thunder like the drums accompanying the dancer echoed behind it, thumping
off the walls and telling of the fierce storm they were missing outside.

As his breathing slowly became regular, and he felt his strength return from the spell's
casting, He became painfully aware of the maiden's head resting in his lap. The cock was
already awakening, yet as he became aware of her closeness there, it spurred farther to life.

He glanced at the shadows on the wall, flickering from the thunder outside and lending a life
to the shapes. He thought for a moment he saw the Twin Mountains of the DragonSpire Range, but
they soon swirled into a mimicing tease of Athena's perfect young breasts.

Each shape seemed only to return his thoughts to the enchanting elf in his arms, and he began
to worry that his hot fey blood would awaken with the temptation.

Then her hand moved. It caressed his inner thigh and he knew the spiral had begun and his
control was ebbing.

The cock throbbed again, stretching forth in the tight garment and elongating to near full
length. For his thin and petite form, the 9 inches stood out visibly in the pants, and his hips
moved a bit, back and forth, trying to give it room in the tight breeches.

He was not even aware of her breathing, as it felt like the air in his own lungs was ready to
burst, as he felt the cock pulse only inches from her...

Message 702

From:   "Athena"
Date:  Fri Jan 31, 2003  2:03 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena strugled with Prinns breaches. She was very akward with it, she had never undressed a
man. She soon had his fly open and could see the light pink tip of Prinns pulsating cock. She
stared at it for a moment. Seeing the blood pulse through it's vanes. Slowly she rasied her
hand up to touch it. As she did, it twitched. Slowly she ran her finger tips over the head,
around the flair.

Message 706

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Mon Feb 3, 2003  11:42 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn had been trying to do all he could to distract his mind from the exotic beauty that lay
curled with him. His eyes stared at the flickering lightening and his ears tried to train
themselves off the ever ensuing thunder.

But neither could prepare him for the sensation of his breeches being opened, and a soft touch
caressing the swelling head.

He was sure he had fallen asleep, and that some long lost fey dream were whirling around in his

But as he looked down, he saw the gorgeous girl looking at the cock sticking out of his pants,
and slowly touching it. As she ran her soft fingers over its edge, he felt it shudder and
expand yet again before her eyes.

He was sure he gulped, and the gulp sounded louder in his ears than any thunderclap the storm
had yet thrown upon them. Yet within him, the fey mischief began to awaken, pushing the manners
aside, and he found himself staring at the pert lips of the red headed elf maiden...

Message 711
From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Tue Feb 4, 2003  3:30 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena wraped her hand around Prinns swollen cock and began to run her hand up and down the
throbing shaft. She was starting to feel a bit uncomfertable herself. She felt her young virgin
slit getting wet. Athena noticed Prinn looking down, longingly at her. She took her free hand
and unbuttoned her top. As she undid the last button, her full breasts feel into view. Her pert
nipples were hard and erect. She took the head of Prinns cock and began rubbing it between her
breasts. Athena liked the feeling of it, she felt a pleashurable twinge come over her as she
felt her crotch getting wetter.

Message 712      

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Tue Feb 4, 2003  6:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

The Pixie blinked again, trying to make sure that the storm had not rattled his mind and that
this was not simply an illusion nor wishful thinking.

Her firm grip upon his cock proved otherwise, and he found his hips moving a bit with her
stroking, easing the hard member in and out of her soft delicate grip.

He could not imagine a more sensual creature in any forest on the surface world, and he felt
his breath halt in his lungs as she glanced at him, then began to unbutton her tight top.

Prinn knew he was staring. Polite or not, he could not help it as she undid the last button and
the full round breasts tumbled free. They were magnificent and he instantly cursed himself for
never having left his tranquil forest lands long before this, is these were a sample of the
treasures of other woods.

They were splendid, and the nipples were already hard, drawing the fact into the Pixie lord,
that he indeed, might not be the only one in a 'charged' mood.

As she took the erect cock, and slide it between the supple breasts, Prinn felt the breath
leave his lungs in a woosh, the soft sensation and envelopement of the sensual tits sent
shivers through him that made even his toenails curl. The cock hardens more and it's girth
expands to its fullness, the soft velvet head sliding through the top of her cleavage near her

"That...that feels so divine...M'Lady..." he sighed, smiling at her like a newborn. "Can I...
can I touch you in return..?" he asks, wanting her to feel the powerful desire that is rippling
through him as well.

Message 718  

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Sun Feb 9, 2003  3:00 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena was getting hotter and hotter with every stroke of his cock through her breasts. Her
nopples were hard and erect. She noticed a bit of pre-cum on the tip of Prinns enormous cock,
she bent down and licked it up with her tongue. It was the first time she licked a mans cock.
The taste was sweet. Athena started to lick around the tip, than the whole head. She liked the
way the skin felt on her tongue, the taste of the warm pre-cum. Slowly she started to take it
in her mouth. Working her way slowly down than back up again like she had seen her sister do
many a time. She began to moan as she felt a small orgasem start to come over her. Reaching
down, she undid her breaches and began rubbing her already wet clit, all the time never letting
go of Prinns swollen member. She was a bit awkward at sucking him, for it was her first
blowjob. But as she put a finger in herself, she bagan to get a rythem going. Deeper and deeper
she went down on him. She could feel the cum building up in him as she continued. Her moans
getting louder and louder as she felt more and deeper orgasems coming to her.

Message 720  

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Mon Feb 10, 2003  10:10 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

The sensations ran through Prinn's body like fey magic gone wild. As Athena slide his cock up
and down through her large breasts, he had felt incredible, yet when she licked the tip, then
slowly took more and more of the large member into her wet warm mouth, he thought heaven had
decended to earth.

His cock throbbed and pulsed and he felt the tightness grow in his loins. Eyes closed for a
moment as the Pixie struggled to retain control of his load,wanting this feeling to last
forever. Yet part of him pictured his cum pumping into the stunningly attractive elf maiden,
and it pulled one more brick away from his wall of resolve.

When his eyes finally struggled open, he saw that the girl had undone her own trousers, and was
working a hand over her soft wet cunny, the vision of her in the act sending more bricks from
the wall of resolve tumbling away, and he began to feel the loins stir into motion.

He reached to caress the breasts, loving their softness - the feeling more sensual than the
skin of anything he had touched, softer than deer hide and more desirable than gold.

As her moans grew, and he felt her own eagerness mount, the last shell of resolve shattered and
he felt his cock throb madly.

More of his cock disappeared onto his erection, and he felt his fingers pinch tightly at the
hard nipples of her succulant breasts.

"By the Blessing Forest....M'Lady...I am going to cum...." he gasped.

Message 731  

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Mon Feb 17, 2003  3:28 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena paused for a moment, she sat up and removed her top and her breaches. The dim fire light
acented the fine curves of her young body. She knelt there before Prinn, looking down on his
erection. She said a small prayer to the great God of love Aphrodite. Athena crawled her way up
Prinns body till she was face to face with him. Leaning down she kissed him on the lips,
letting her tongue probe his mouth as she kissed. Her right hand worked it's way down and was
fondleing his throbing cock. She placed the tip of it against her tight virgin slit. Gently she
rubbed it against the wet lips of her slit.

Message 738 

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Fri Feb 21, 2003  12:51 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn felt as though someone had just pulled the world out from underhim for a moment as Athena
sat up and moved away long enough to remove the rest of her attire.

His body had been soo close to climaxing, her soft breasts enveloping his huge cock and the tip
being tantalized by her sweet mouth.

But now as she moved back pressing herself against him and laying her divine mouth back upon
his, he realized that the world had indeed been pulled away, but replaced with heaven.

Her hand gripped his hard throbbing cock and he felt the heat rise in it again, building as she
slide the tender tip against her own soft folds, getting the head wet with her slick juices.

Laying back now, Prinn let her move to straddle him, letting her guide their union in a pace
and manner that was comfortable to her. Athena's large breasts dangled before him, and he could
not help but caress and massage them, rolling the nipples in his fingers as he kissed the elf
lass deeper and deeper.

Then his body twitched as the tip of the cock was moved forward, sliding with her hand just to
the point of parting the silky lips and spreading them an inch...

Message 742    

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Tue Feb 25, 2003  3:06 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena was about to get her wish, to become a woman. Prinns hands massaged her breasts as she
fondeled his cock along her dripping slit. She could feel an orgasem coming on. Athena started
to go down on Prinn. She felt his swollen cock start into her. It was large, she felt it
starting to spread her open as it entered. Deeper it went into her, till all of a sudden it
stopped. She had only goten the tip in. It was to large for her virgin pussy. But she wanted
it, she wanted it so bad. Athena rocked back and forth on the tip of his cock. The orgasem that
had been building inside her came forth, filling her with pleasher. She could feel herself
cumming. Felt the warm juices flowing through her. Moaning aloud as the orgasems came. She
wanted more of him in her. She started to push him inside her. Her moans turned to screams as
his cock went deeper inside her, streaching her wider. "YES, YES!" she screamed as she fucked
him. her hot juices lubrecating his cock so it sliped deeper into her. She felt another orgasem
coming to her, only theis one was different, more intence. "Oh Prinn, I, I, Oh God" as she
climaxed, she felt his cock slip the rest of the way into her. She slamed down hard on him,
screaming, "Oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!" Her back arched, she through her head back as she felt
both pleasher and pain. She rocked back and forth on his throbing cock as orgasem after orgasem
filled her. She raised her hands and placed the over Prinns and squieezed her breasts. It
seamed as if the storm was mimocong her, with every scream of hers the thunder would soon

Message 749   

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Wed Feb 26, 2003  9:03 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

The pounding of the thunder against the hills outside was nothing compared to the pounding of
the blood in Prinn's mind and body.

Athena's screams echoed off the cave walls, and he found the sound oddly enticing as it mixed
with the bellowing rumble of the storm.

He felt the woman shudder and react to the first pentration, and wanted her to control what
could be a tense situation. She did not know him, and he wondered whether elves had sex
differently than Pixies. He was not as old as he looked, and though not a novice to sexual
acts, most had been with his own fey kind.

Now, here was a gorgeous vision, grinding his cock deeper and deeper into herself with both
lust and pain, passion and grimmacing showing on her face. He felt the warm rush of liquid gush
over his cock as she came, and the slow trickle of it out and onto his pelvis area made him
smile, knowing her body was enjoying this.

And yet she did not stop, riding to take more and more of him inside her soft pussy. He felt
her body grip him tightly, and he wondered for a moment if anyone had ever lost their 'manhood'
to such a ferocious grip.

Her touch, her body, her long tantalizing hair, everything about her made him wonder if she
could be some goddess or some legendary creature of Lore, who only seduced folks with their
beauty and then disappeared forever. He could not imagine such a stunningly attractive girl,
with such a delightful sexual nature, being real...

His hips moved now, feeling his own orgasm building to the delightful sensations she was
bringing to him. If she were a going to disappear, he wanted her to enjoy his time with him and
perhaps even remember his name.

Prinn heard her call out his name, and it only sent him harder and harder into her, thrusting
his swollen member and gripping her large breasts as she covered his hands and gripped them
with him.

Looking into her eyes, and seeing the pain subsiding and the pleasure washing over her, he saw
that yes, she was indeed a goddess.

And came like the proverbial volcano inside her...

Message 761

From:   "Athena"  
Date:  Wed Mar 12, 2003  3:18 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athenas screams of pleasher drownded out the sounds of thunder. "Yes, fuck me harder!" she
cried as she felt Prinns cock ramming into her. Feeling his cock sweeling and throbing, filling
with his hot juices. She didn't care that he was about to unload in her. She knew she could
become pregnent if he did. She remembered making several trips with her Sister to an old
Sorceress in the Forest near thier home, because Sister had goten pregnant and didn't want to
get in trouble from thier parents. But Athena was have to much fun, she wanted to feel that hot
juice inside of her. Her Sister told her that there was nothing like the feeling of a Guy
shooting his load inside you.

Message 763    

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Thu Mar 13, 2003  8:31 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Her screams drove the thunder away and replaced it with an energy that spurred his body harder
than ever into her pussy.

Her body was sensational and he could feel the tight now-non virgin pussy draw him deeper as he
began to cum with fury.

His cock pulsed and jerked, then spurt wad after wad of thick hot cum into her youth, erupting
over and over until a trickle dribbled out and down her bottom.

He heard the words and they seemed to drain his loins of every drop of cum, the eruption
lasting for what seemed hours as his cock throbbed and bucked inside her.

Prinn's body finally began to slow, and he lowered his head to rest on the perfect breasts,
even as his still hard cock throbbed and twitched inside her...

Message 770  

From:   "Athena "  
Date:  Fri Mar 21, 2003  2:40 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena wraped her legs around Prinn and pulled him close as she felt his cock pummping it's hot
cum in her virgin pussy. Moaning and cooing as she felt his juices swirlling around, mixing
inside her before ozzing between her tight lips and his throbing cock. She pulled him done so
their lips meet, than kissed him deep. Sticking her tonuge deep in his mouth.

Message 772   

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Mon Mar 24, 2003  11:49 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Taking the tongue deep into his mouth, suckling the tongue in and letting it find his own,
dancing with it, he held her close, letting ehr legs wrap around him and not wanting to part.

He adored her grip and her softness, her sounds and her scent. He was unsure if Heaven existed,
but if it did, it would have to go some ways to Beat her.

He felt her heart beat through her chest, and sighed deeply as he realized how blissful it was
in her embrace.

Moving just slightly, to kiss deeper with her, he was somewhat surprised to feel his erection
still hard and burried in her, showing no signs of lapsing. Arching his back a and
out, he felt the cock stirr again inside her wet warmth...

Message 776   

From:   "Athena "  
Date:  Tue Apr 1, 2003  4:39 pm
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Athena moaned and cood as she lay there under Prinn. She was no longer a child, she was now a
woman. She countinued having small orgasems as Prinn continued to move his cock inside her. But
the real world was soon to stur and bring them back to reality. Suddenly there was a loud
thunder crash and a flash of lightning. Athena grabed Prinn, this time in fear rather than in
pleasher. The lightning hit a large tree right next to thier little love nest. It started to
topple, landing right next to them.

Message 786  

From:   dmdude666 
Date:  Sun Apr 6, 2003  11:06 am
Subject:  Re: Runaway

Prinn was all but oblivious to the raging storm outside the cave, his body curled up to
Athena's and his ears only hearing her breathing and the beat of her racing heart.

But as she left with shock and clutched him tight, he turned to see the huge tree smashed
against the mouth of the cave and his eyes widened.

Standing and still holding her hand, he moved closer and glanced at the entrance, seeing that
90% of the mouth wqs blocked. Only something the size of a crow or a gopher was going to get
over or under that tree, as massive as it was in the entrance.

Worse, he looked up and saw a large crack in the roof of the cave, and little fissures were
slowly branching their way off from the main crack to make sticks of insecurity themselves.

"OH oh...think we gotta do something. The entry is mostly blocked, and it looks pretty
unstable. We can try to squeeze out, or go deeper in the cave and see where it leads. What do
you want to try?" he asks the girl pressed to him.
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