This continues from "Safe at last."
Safe at last/The talk!
Click on image if you want to see a larger picture!

Players in this chapter:

    Whitehorse                    Oliver                         Cheyanna                    Little Dove
Message 1004

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Fri Sep 12, 2003  3:53 pm
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

"I see Oliver, you love and care very much for Cheyanna ." Whitey spoke. "I hope you know it is
almost breeding season. I will do my best to stay clear from her so you may have her all to
yourself." Whitey said to Oliver as he pawed at the ground with a front hoof. "But I must let
you know, I don't know how long the two of you have been together. But a Centauress can get
very horny. And if you can not satisfy her and she comes to me. I have a responsabilaty to
satisfy her. I hope you can understand." He looked Oliver right in the eyes as he said this.

Message 1005

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Sep 12, 2003  4:57 pm
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

His mouth opens. somewhat amazed: "Is it that obvious my feelings for Cheyanna ? You have seen
right through me, Whitehorse. You say, breeding season? I really haven't been with her that
long. I dont know about those things." And he looks back at Whitehorse. I have learned much in
a short time. And I have much more to learn, I can see that. I respect you, and will abide by
whatever you do. You have been such a great help in this time of her need.

Message 1006

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  12:35 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

Cheyanna ate very little, after Oliver left to go talk with whitehorse. Cheyanna had looked the
stallion over then looked away... chewing on her lower lip... she felt the urge to leave the
cabin and roam. She felt hemmed inand wanted to smell the fresh air, to stretch her legs, and
run. As she laid on the bed she could smell her own feminine pheromones in the enclosed room,
she got up and walked to the window, opened it so the fresh air would fill the room, and she
paced it like a caged tigress.

Message 1007

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  3:50 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

After cleaning up and putting the extra food away, Little Dove went back in to check on
Cheyanna. Walking into the room she saw her pacing back and forth in the room. "If you are
feeling up to it you can go out if you like." she walked over and put a arm around her. "I
think you are over the worst. But I don't think you will be ready to travel for awhile."

Message 1013

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sun Sep 14, 2003  2:19 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

Cheyanna looked up when she heard Little Dove,
"If you are feeling up to it you can go out if
you like." she walked over and put a arm around her. "I think you are over the worst. But I
don't think you will be ready to travel for awhile."

Cheyanna hugged her back, sighing softly, for it has been awhile since she felt another arms around her..
"Thanx you, for everything, Little dove." She though of how Little Dove was like her own
mother, caring for the herd. She followed Little Dove out the door, a sad smile on her full red lips
as Little Dove showed her the swing, the thick patch of moss under the large maple tree and the lush
lawn out back of the cottage, where she could sun herself. She smiled gratefuly to Little Dove,
"I'll leave you now to get some rest ."
She said to her. Cheyanna watched her walk away. Before long Oliver had joined her under the tree,

Message 1011

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  4:49 pm
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

Hearing a window open, he turns from Whitehorse and sees Cheyanna there. "Excuse me, sir," and
he walks to the window:
"Good morning, Cheyanna! You look better. Come, it is beautiful out here! Why not try and take
a little walk? Get some fresh air?"
Moments later, he sees Little Dove leading her out, and she goes and sits by maple tree. He
goes over to her.
"Ahh, isn't it great out here?" Looking at her skin: "And and, look, the wonders of Little Dove
have really healed you! Your coat now glistens as it should!!" And his hand gently strokes
along her flank.

She smiled up at Oliver, "Yes, if it hadn't been for your
help I would have died and I thanx you for it."
She enjoyed the light breeze that blew across her now rich roam and white coat, the more
smaller scars now a light pink and the more deeper ones still covered with bandages. Tiling her
head as she looked at him,
"So tell me Oliver, how was it that you happened to be at the right place at the right time?
Not that I'm complaining." As she relaxed, and took her time and looked Oliver over. He wasn't
bad looking for a bi-ped, and the only time she had seen bi-opeds or humans was when she was
battling the vampires..and they smelled of death and blood.

Message 1021

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Sep 15, 2003  12:23 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

"I am really glad i did come along just then!!!" Admiring her glistening coat. "I am on my way
to Pfungstadt. Where I think I can be getting a job. It has taken longer than I had planned, as
the way does seem to detour through all sorts of different places. My route map shows some more
weeks to travel. In the forest near here, I had met Little Dove, and she shared her food with
me. We had not parted long, when i came upon you. You were not a pleasant sight. after i
shouted for help, Little Dove had not gone far away, and she heard!! And thus the rescue!! And,
now, Cheyanna, I am not sure what to do. I do enjoy it here. With you. 'Blushing'.

Message 1022

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Mon Sep 15, 2003  1:46 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk

Tilts her head slightly to the right, her long dark alburn hair falling over her right bare
breast as she listened to him... and smiled back, "I'm glad that you were around, I would have
died if you weren't.." she told him softly, reaching out and lightly caressing his cheek. "I
feel I need to just locate a cabin to stay in until I have decided what to do with my future of
either going back to my homelands and try to rebuild or just join a clan here.." sighs
softly... flicking her long tail, and looked out at her surroundings.

Message 1025

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Sep 15, 2003  4:28 pm
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

"Ahh you do honor me, Cheyanna." Smiles and his hand goes, covers hers upon his cheek. "You
know, I think we could ask Little Dove if she knows of an empty cabin. She seems so
knowledgeable. I would be glad to help move your things there. "Your homeland? How far is it?
Is your family there??"
Knowing he perhaps should not ask these personal questions, as her tail flick, he reaches his
other hand. and feels the long hairs as they swish through it.

Message 1028

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  1:04 am
Subject:  Re: Safe at last/The talk.

Shook her head with a soft sigh, watched him as his fingers slide though her long tail; "my
family is dead, every last one of them, if the vampires didn't kill them, I did.." she looked
away, as a tear slide down her cheek.
She suddenly got up and took off, her heart was breaking and she needed to get away...

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