Some fresh air!
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Players in this chapter:

 Little Dove                        Cynder                       Cheyanna                      Toni        
Message 1009    

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  2:22 pm
Subject:  Some fresh air.

'Yes, some fresh air,' Cynder thought to herself. She too was starting to feel the closeness in
the cottage. This would be her first season. Cynder got up and walked outside to a bench under
an Oak tree. She sat down adn took a deep breath. She woundered about her Sister again. She
knew she was still alive. But where? The two shared the specal bont thw only twins share. Joy,
pain, sarrow. She felt what Mindy felt and vice-a-versa.

Message 1010    

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sat Sep 13, 2003  3:28 pm
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

Little Dove lead Cheyanna out the front door, She showed her the lawn swing, a thick patch of
moss under a large Maple tree she could lie on, or the lish lawn out back of the cottage she
could sun herself. "I will leave you now to get some rest ." She said to Cheyanna. In walking
back she saw Cynder sitting on the bench. Little Dove walked over and said, "May I join you?"
she looked long into Cynder's eyes. She could tell Cynder was troubled by something.

Message 1017    

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Sun Sep 14, 2003  4:59 pm
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

"Yes, please." Cynder replyed to her. "My Sister, I miss her. I know she is still alive, I can
feel it." she started to cry. "Can you help me find her?" she added as her head fell against
Little Doves shoulder.

Message 1024    

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Mon Sep 15, 2003  2:04 pm
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

Little Dove put her arms around her and gave her a hug. "It's all right, you will find her."
She run her hand over Cynder's head and through her hair. "We will help you. You can stay here
as long as you like." Cynder sontinued to cry. "We live on the main road through the land, we
get a lot of travelers stop." She kissed the top of Cynder's head. "If you like you may join
our little clan."

Message 1032    

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  3:49 am
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

"Thank you," she sobbed as she huged Little Dove back. Cynder sat back up just as Cheyaana ran
by. She looked over at Oliver to see if he had done anything to have upset her. He had a stuned
look on his face.

Message 1043    

From:   "Toni"  
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  1:53 pm
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

"He's one hunk of a Stallion." Toni said as she walked up to Cynder. Toni had noticed how
Cynder looked at him as he walked past her on his way to the cottage. Toni sat down on the
bench next to her. "It do you good to stay here awhile, winter is coming. They can help you
look for your Sister." Toni added as she cleaned the rest of the dribbled cum off her tits.

Message 1044    

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  2:15 pm
Subject:  Re: Some fresh air.

"Yes, yes he is," she answered. Turning her face away so Toni could not see it turn red. Cynder
had watched her and Whitey going at it, how she handled him, what she did to him. The closest
she had come to sex, was about two weeks ago. She had come into a light heat cycle and there
was a couple of Colts just her age. The two Colts only made her more horny. The were to young
yet and very awkward. They had sucked on her breasts, played and licked her pussy. But when
they tryed to mount her, they first tryed to fuck her in the ass, than they almost got it
right, than it went between her legs than, cum everywhere. Between her legs, all over her ass
and in her tail. She did want Whitey, she wanted him bad. She could tell he was an experianced
Stallion and knew how to please his mates.

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