Starting a new life!
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Message 1192

From:   "Vernetta" 
Date:  Thu Oct 9, 2003  2:25 pm
Subject:  Starting a new life.

With a little help and coaching from Cynder and Toni, Vernetta was starting to get the walking
thing down. The potion Little Dove gave her helped with the growing pains. She got where she
could walk, trot a bit and sit and stand. The really big thing she wanted was to get pregnant.
Than head back to her village to get back at her Father for what he had done to her. "Where is
Whitehorse?" she asked Toni. She had not seen him since she had wraped her lips around his cock
and sucked him off right before she changed. As far as her Father finding out, that was not
that far off eather.

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