The Caves!
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Players in this chapter:

Little Dove & Whitehorse
Message 644

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Sun Jan 5, 2003  4:48 pm
Subject:  The Caves

Whitehorse and Little Dove had galoped all the way to the Crying Caves. So called becase their
reputation for ecoing the sounds of anyone or thing that went in there. Mostly for love making.
She downed her hood and quikly dug in her bag for a flint and candle. Whitehorse had stoped to
gather some small dry brush from next to the enterance for a fire to dry off. Little Dove and
Whitehorse were kind of like the Stallion and Lead Mare of the valley, though they had wandered
in like all the others. They were much older than the other Centaurs in the Clan and the other
Creatures looked to them for guidence.

Message 647

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Sun Jan 5, 2003  9:48 pm
Subject:  Re: The Caves

Whitehorse started a fire in a small pit he found on one side of the cave, Little Dove had lit
a couple of candles for light. "I don't think we can make it to the house." he said to her. "I
don't know, but I don't think this is a reagular storm." He helped her off with her cloak, she
was not as slender or as fresh as Allison or any of the other young Centauresses he had been
with over the years. But she was the one he always came back to. Her black hair begining to get
some gray in it. Her sleak, slender frame had gained a few pounds {In all the right places}
from all the Foals she had gave him. But she never lost her sentuality. Luckaly then had just
come from the village over the ridge getting supplies. They sat next to the fire and ate while
they waited out the storm.

Message 649

From:  "Little Dove"
Date:  Mon Jan 6, 2003  4:38 am
Subject:  Re: The Caves

Little Dove decided it would be to late to head to the house by the time the storm was over so
Whitehorse gathered more wood for the fire and she found some leaves to make a bed out of. They
laid down together to wait out the storm.

Message 699

From: "Little Dove"
Date: Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:16 pm
Subject: Re: The Caves

Little Dove looked on as Whitehorse stood at the cave enterance. 
"Please, come lay with me, "she called to him. She knew he was worried about all the others.

Message 739

From:   whitehorsetm 
Date:  Fri Feb 21, 2003  2:29 pm
Subject:  Re: The Caves

Little Dove was right, he was worried for the others. As her words ecoed in his head he tought,
{She is right, I can't do anything right now.} He turned and walked toward his life long mate.
He stoped and stured the fire, than put some more wood on it. Looking at her in the flickering
fire light, she looked more beautiful than ever. He walked over and layed down next to her.
"You are right my dear, I am worried, I think some bad magic is at work here."

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