The Seduction!
Players in this chapter:
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    elfintauress                   Oliver                    b_b_centauress

    thirdbaseseeker        pleasuringwomen        cute_little_tauress
Message 141

From:  elfintauress
Date:  Mon Dec 17, 2001  3:23 pm
Subject:  The Seduction

Seeing she got the men's attention, Dawn works her way to a small grassy nole. Where she lies
down and starts to brush her long blonde hair, flipping her tail to spread her scent to the

Message 142

From:  thirdbaseseeker
Date:  Mon Dec 17, 2001  5:12 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

"Your scent has reached me...and I would love to approach. That nectar calls to me, fills me
with desire. Can we...?"

Message 144

From:  b_b_centauress
Date:  Thu Dec 20, 2001  2:51 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

Her sent also brings in a hot and horny tauress, hoping to find an extra stallion she can get
to mount her. If no stallions where present as of yet, she could enjoy the oh so pleasuring
company of another hot, horny tauress that they could enjoy the company of each other untill a
stallion came along.

Message 145

From:  thirdbaseseeker
Date:  Thu Dec 20, 2001  7:26 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

SUDDENLY... You hear a stallion behind the bushes...staring in his hardness...awaiting your
delight. Do you approach?

Message 146

From:  pleasuringwomen
Date:  Sun Dec 23, 2001  12:27 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

Seeing the arrival of a beautiful golden maned tauress, a second centaur stallion appears. He
approaches the new tauress cautiously, not wanting to startle her. He can't help but admire the
voluptous lines of her body. He feels like charging, but waits for a sign of her interest....

Message 147

From:  cute_little_tauress
Date:  Sun Dec 23, 2001  8:39 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

Looking out from her hiding place, a petite centauress watched as the group sized up one
another. Wishing she was larger in size so she may join their frolicing. But alas she was a
product of a nights love afare between an Elf and a Centauress. She was much smaller than the
others, not much bigger than a deer.

Message 152

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Dec 26, 2001  7:03 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

Seeing the little one hiding there, he goes over to her. "Hello. You can come out, no one will 
harm you." Smiles to her.

Message 153

From:  pleasuringwomen
Date:  Wed Dec 26, 2001  11:41 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

With his attention on the beautiful golden maned tauress, the centaur stallion nearly misses a
slight movement to his right. Just a minute blur at the edge of his vision. Turning his head
slightly, he notices two finely shaped hooves buried in the deep shadows. Is this another
tauress? He whickers a greeting, hoping to persuade this shy tauress to approach.

Message 154

From:  cute_little_tauress
Date:  Fri Dec 28, 2001  1:00 am
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

"But sir, I didn't mean to intrude. I just am alone I do not wish to interupt your fun. I was
hoping to be a friend with you. I have been alone for so long."

Message 155

From:  pleasuringwomen
Date:  Fri Dec 28, 2001  7:30 pm
Subject:  Re: The Seduction

"By all means, feel free to join us. You're not intruding, you can contribute. That is, if you
want to. It's hard to believe that such a petite and attractive filly could have been left
alone." The stallion nuzzles gently against her long, delicate neck.

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