Time to bury her past!
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Message 1029

From:   stormdancer_centauress 
Date:  Tue Sep 16, 2003  1:35 am
Subject:  Time to bury her past

Cheyanna bolted through the cabin, passing whitehorse and toni, without even slowing her pace,
tho she could smell their arousal in the air.. using her magic she throw open the door and then
slammed it shut..blocking it effortless with an invisible wall until she got well away from the
others..then created an illuision of her going the other way..hoping that would draw them away
from her..as she went the opposite...
Breathing deeply, then started off at a slow pace, not wanting to overtax herself, but knew she
had to get it over with so that she could finish healing....her long musclar legs eatting up
the ground as she headed back to her own valley, which was a fair piece from Whitehorse and
Little Doves valley. At times she would stop, rest, and checked on the wounds to make sure they
were ook..she ate berries, fruits and wild veggies that she found..then continued on her
way..she found her bag, bow and arrows...
She had reached her homelands, topped the hill and looked into the quiet valley that had a mist
hanged over it, making it look ominous and eeire, she chewed her lower lip as she looked at the
valley that had been her home..she remember watching her father a big snowwhite clydale herd
his mare's along, and her mother running along side of him..her roam colored fur catching the
dying sun light and looked like a fire out of control.
She slowly made her way down the hill, into the quiet valley, between the now empty homes, and
stopped at the place she had once called home, where she was happy, carefree and young once..
going inside and found a towel and wiped down her sweaty body..crawled into her parents bed,
and slept..dreaming of them and the good times they had, weeping as she slept..
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