Waiting & Watching!
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Players in this chapter:

Allison                          Oliver
Message 627

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Fri Jan 3, 2003  4:09 pm
Subject:  Waiting & Watching

Allison sat at the window seat looking out at the growning storm. Most of the time she loved
thunder storms, this one she didn't like. Her friends Littledove and Whitehorse were out in it.
Plus this storm was like no other storm she had ever seen. She peered out into the gloom and
rain hoping to see some sign of her friends as she played nervously with her tail. She loved
them both, the trio had been living, loving and shareing their lives together for over two
years now. Allison thought to herself out loud, "If they can't make it home, I hope they at
least find shelter."

Message 628

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Jan 3, 2003  6:57 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

Shivering in the cold breeze, he looks and sees Allison in the window. smiles to her* *smiles
broadly* Hello *hoping she could hear him*

Message 633

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Sat Jan 4, 2003  3:18 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

Peering out through the rain streaked window, in the dim glow from the light coming out the
window. She could have thought she saw a figure out in the storm. She got up from her perch and
grabed a lamp. Opening the door she almost had it riped from her hand. Looking out into the
darknes and rain she called out. "Hello, is there someone out there!?"

Message 636

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sat Jan 4, 2003  9:34 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

"Yes, I am out here! Can one come in, for shelter from this terrible storm? And he hastens to
the open door.

Message 643

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Sun Jan 5, 2003  3:48 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

"Yes, please come in." she beconed him. She pushed hard on the door to close it. Allison bolted
the door to keep it from blowing open. Than she turn to her unexpected guest. 
"Hello, I'm Allison." she looked him over. He was dripping. "Oh dear, we must find you somthing 
dry to put on." 
She walked over and stured the fire to get it going full till. "There, that should help
warm you up." Being Centaurs only can wear clothing on their tops, she grabed one of
Whitehotses cloaks. "Here, you can put this on till your clothes dry."

Message 651

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Jan 6, 2003  5:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

The door swings open, and he enters. Removing his boots so that the water does not track
through her home. Then, doffs his coat. He hears the door slams shut behind him, blotting out
the storm and memories of it. Then, he turns to her. His mouth opens. Through the window
before, all he had seen was her upper torso. Now, he sees that she is a centaur. *blinks*

"I am John Templeton, jr. But they call me Oliver, I am pleased to meet you, Allison. And I
thank you so much for offering me shelter from the storm." Stripping his wet clothes, he takes
the offered cloak. "Thank you. Ohhhhh that feels better. Yes, it is a warm cloak indeed."

Message 652

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Tue Jan 7, 2003  4:07 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

Allison finises wringing our his clothes and hanging then by the fire to dry. She thought about
her friends, they must have found shelter by now. She turnes to look at the young handsome
traveler. The cloak she had got was a bit to short for him. She liked what she saw, but didn't
mention it to him. "I bet you'd like a spot of tea to warm you up." She said to Oliver. Turning
and heading for the pantry to get then some cups and the tin of tea.

Message 659

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Jan 9, 2003  4:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

"Yes. That would be good. Warm tea. And perhaps honey." Watches her as she departs to the
pantry. Her tail swishes. He thanks his lucky stars. Then goes and sits by the little fire.
Pulling that rather short cloak about him, covering himself up as best he can. He doesnt want
to appear indecent.

Message 668

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Mon Jan 13, 2003  1:53 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

Allison peered through the corner of her eye, seeing Oliver tyring to cover his "Manhood". She
was very much atracted to the young handsome traveler she gave santuary to from the storm. She
returned with a tray. Two cups, a tea kettle of hot water and some Erose tea and a jar of
honey. She set the tray on the hearth, than sat on the floor in front of Oliver. (As to get a
better view of him). She poored him some water an then put some of the Tea in his cup.

Message 670 

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Jan 14, 2003  6:55 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

"Oh, that looks so welcoming." Deep breath, inhaling the delicate tea scents, adding some honey
to his cup, he looks at her. "Ohh, do you care for honey as well?" Acknowledging her nod, he
slips down from the seat, and comes to her, and dabs the honey into her cup. Now, sitting
beside her upon the hearth, raises the cup to her. And sips. "Mmmm, yes, it is good." Relaxes.
And his other hand, reaching to balance him. Touches at her flank. then rubs along it.

Message 674

From:  hotcentauress
Date:  Sun Jan 19, 2003  1:33 pm
Subject:  Re: Waiting & Watching

As he ran his hand on her flank, she noticed that he was not covered any more. His cock was
slowly working it's way out. She had never had a human male before. She slowly droped her right
hand and gently touched it with her finger tips. Running her fingers up and down it's length.
As she did this, she felt her nipples getting hard and erect.

She also felt herself getting hot and wet under her tail.

Message 686

From: jtemp1eton
Date: Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:18 pm
Subject: Re: Waiting & Watching

His tea spilling all over the table. "Oh, darn, Allison. I have made a mess of things. I am
sorry". Turning in his seat, as his robes seem to fall back, his heart beats as she touches
him, exploring. "Ohhh that feels good," and he leans his head to her. And his cheek rubs
against her nipples. "You are so nice to be with, Allison. I am glad we did meet".

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