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“Peeking Stan”

By AdobeFats

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bigger version.
Artwork by unknown)

Stan Brooks and his best friend Byron Lester were no great art lovers, but to get to go on the Art class trip to the Chicago Museum of Art was a outing away form the humdrum day at school. They both as senior class members acted independently of what any teacher or source of authority would suggest. In real essence, they were born trouble makers, and found this as their way to enjoy and add some spice to their lifestyle.

As the group went along following the art teacher as their guide, Stan would see something more to his taste and go wandering. Sometimes Byron would follow along, or be such a delightful pain to the teacher he would ignore his friend wandering away.

Red ropes and signs posted as a restricted area meant nothing to Stan or Byron, but in this case it was Stan who saw the red ropes and signs as he felt this sense to adventure where he was not to go. Looking around first, Stan then side stepped a brass post holding the red rope, and made his entry inside the restricted exhibit. He sliding close to the wall failed to take note of the name to this exhibit, that of, "Grecian Passions"

A fast walk down the darkened hallway quickly lighted his lusting young mind. There framed and hung on the walls were paintings separately lighted and most of them as having in them Fauns and Satyrs doing what they there thought to do much of any day or night. Stan stood there then and gained a new sense of enjoyment, he standing before each one lighted by a small spotlight while everywhere else in that hallway it was in a dark blackness making any move as a spooky and thrilling stroll.

Seeing what Stan saw and with each new picture he got a stiffer and harder an erection than ever in his life. To him it seemed so real as if the art there were reaching down into his soul and beckoning of him to know what the pictures suggested was or should be real, real as if in his mind the reality he would wish to live.

Then there in the center of the dark hallway stood a old time moving picture viewer. The thing was standing in a lighted circle and surrounded by a tent of grape vines. One step up and he was inside the tented enclosure. The brass colored metal stand stood with a view port made to hold both head and capture entire vision of the viewer. Placing his head into the fitting he felt on the stand a round button and pressing of it began the viewing. 

Stan giggled as he watched in vivid acting three Satyrs spy on a Nymph bathing until one by one they jumped into the water. A brawl there then for her freedom and virginity of Nymph, she was not to be easily taken and mated, as the Satyrs had in their lusty desires.

As the rape continued Stan felt a neat shiver and chill as if he was right there with them. While two satyrs held their victim down to the ground, the third and larger one the thrust in quickly, he harshly rammed in his long tanned cock. The rape went round and round until, suddenly Stan saw the Satyrs let go holding her down as seemingly the Nymph found her rape as delightful and she joined in willingly.

Stan jumped from one foot to the other as the raw sexual action went on until, suddenly the three Satyrs and the Nymph stopped. All four look back and away as if they were seeing Stan. They pointed as one made an angry curse using their Greek language, and tossed water at the onlooker.

Jumping back from the viewer as real water sprayed his face, Stan stood in wild wonderment at what just occurred. A look up and then around saw he was not surrounded by grape vines. He was instead hunched down and before him stood there a line of gnarled old trees making for him sort of a hedge between him and the sensual action.

Blinking his eyes in sudden surprise he saw not in black and white as was the painting, but saw clearly the four creatures, but now in full living color! The view was quite captivating, but his sensations were as well something to realize. Stan tried to look down and see what all he felt. He was feeling as if he had a tail to wiggle, and stood on cloven hooves. His legs felt the slight breeze flicking the thick growth of goat wool growing on his thighs, groin, and what felt strange as neat was he had an erection building from all he sensed and saw.

"Cursed be you for watching our fun!" yelled the Nymph she then speaking and Stan now perfectly understanding the words.

A strange stiffness came over him as he peered past the trees. 

"Now this is our most recent piece of art which comes to us from our biggest Greek collector, like so many here, it is somewhat on the Mature side of art but not so much that we can not show young people at your ages. 

What we see here is a rare black and white painting which looks so detailed one might think in was in fact a photo.  The Painting is titled as, "Daring Peeper." As you can see a male Satyr named unnamed is busy watching something very interesting, this just past the line of trees. Now without touching the picture you may come closer and look but please don't touch," said the Art teacher being the class guide.

One by one the students came up and with a close look each student looked at the other. "Mister Simmons, the Satyr in the painting he facially looks just like Stan Brooks," asked one bright young lady.

"So it does, how strange, where is Stanley anyway?" asked the Art Teacher.

Stunned by the reality of his situation, a twitching and peering eye of one Stanley Brooks looked down and back at his friends and teacher from his new world of living and cursed art. He wanted to cry out but the sexual goings on before him kept him steady watching if as well being and feeling it, he bolstered gamely a partial erection as he crouched there watching all.

The group moved on as Bryon, he then stopping to give his eyes a better look at the weird and suggestive painting, remained there a few moments longer to study the details and that face.

"Can not be, it looks just like Stan!" Said Bryon as if to himself but aloud. As he looked ever so much closer he saw then what seemed a sudden movement. Byron stood gawking, he sure he just saw the left facing eye of the satyr move, tilting its gaze down and the eye blinked, as if the satyr were alive.

"Stan?" Said Byron as he came so close he could then touch the picture.

An hour or so later and Mister Simmons was giving the students a break for lunch, he with checking his list saw that both Stanley Brooks and Byron Lester were not with the group. Quickly he turned around and went back down the last hallway the student had just come from viewing the pictures.

Looking this way and that, he entering the Grecian Gallery came soon to that strange black and white painting near the end of the shorter, dead ended hallway. It was all blackness except for the painting. As he neared it and peered from the blackness the painting loomed back.

"What the Hell…!" Exclaimed Mister Simons as he starred at the painting.

Not what he remembered when having shown it to the class, but the crouching satyr had then with him a friend, both as satyrs, the new one stood hunched over the original Satyr. As if the one peered past the trees with interest, the other hung over the back of his friend.

“Stand, Byron…?” Mister Simmons said with a questioning of what he saw, as if his two students were there in that painting, they being the truest of troublemakers. He astonished, peered closer, he noted the second Satyr had a massive erection. His male shaft looking stouter than was his friend was as also rammed up the butt rear of his friend. Mister Simmons stood there and as he was looking in wonderment, thought he saw the front satyr move its left eye to look at him, and then smirk a small smile of the satyr feeling enjoyment.

Shocked by this, Mister Simmons took a step back, he backing away and gaining a fuller view, seemed to see the second satyr working his tool, he thrusting it in deeper as his friend would smile broadened. As he watched it happen all in slow motion as if they were his two students changed into satyrs and part of the classical painting, were enthralled permanently as having gay sex.

Horrified at the possible realities of what he saw and thought, the good teacher ran back to rejoin the students having a fun lunch. Even as he ran the thought for his running and the concern he had for leaving his students did fade, as did his memory of ever having two naughty students by the names of Stan and Byron.

[I]“So be warned, if eying a painting and think it too real and feel the need to touch it, beware as be wise, less you might become an addition to the alluring scene.”[/I] 

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