AFRIL4.TXT - M/M/F - Con/Bondage/Machine - September 22, 2002 By SwampRat
(cl) 1997, 2002 Gay Furry Association

Jebal, Kyra, Egger and Tabor (c) Their players.

Dedicated to All of Afril's Lovers - You know who you are.. I still have a
place in my heart for each and every one.

The continuing life of Afril

By SwampRat

Warning, very Angsty, but Truthful.

The house creaked, the leaves rustled, and lunch tasted like wood shavings.
Afril picked at the food then ate, not because he wanted to but because he
had promised Raam he would. Yesterday he got an e-mail telling him the
lion's company was moving him and he would be gone for a while.

"We still have the internet and each other."

Foxina was in school, Boojum was... The fox threw his paws up and left the
table, to go stare at the figurines on the mantlepiece.. Then Sighed,
sitting, listening to the empty house make noises.. He knew there was work
to do and the computers upstairs were beeping softly for him to get busy -
And at that moment he could have tossed them All out the window. He walked
over and took down the bunny figurine, kissed it's tiny butt, then returned
it. Alone.. Alone for - He had been alone before. Before Boojum... He still
felt that place in his soul that had been ripped out when the bunny left -
The machines were becoming maddeningly insistent.

He took one last look, then turned and tail dragging the floor, walked up
the staircase to the office.

"Yeah, Yeah.." he growled, opening files, keying replies, collating forms
and burying himself in his work. He was whisker deep in reports when
someone said 'Hi' on one of the Gathering Places.. A sorcerer was replying
to a question.

[ Ya 'J'ump to the subgroup, Laddie. ]

He shook his head, then out of reflex, checked the panther's WIL (What I
Like). 'Hmmm...' He shook his head and smiled.

[ Thanks - We matchup pretty nice, You ever around Martten? ]

He munched on the cucumber sandwich he had brought up, and filed some more
reports. 'Gay Trends In Society - Is Art Nouveau The Next Wave?' He
sputters.. then laughs out loud, "Where do they Get this stuff?" and sets a
search for trends with the keywords 'Gay' and 'Art'. He expects the usual
spike then fall.. But just in case, he calls his broker and buys some stock
in a few companies.

[ Nae, Can't say as I have. Been down By DoubleBrook. Good Fishing there,
Aye Good Fishing. And I would be sayin We do match well there, Lad. Now,
Did ya want ta go to the LonelyHearts Subgroup still? ]

The fox shook his head, then typed out [ No, Thanks anyway.] And closed the
connection, finishing the day's work, putting the rest on automatic. He
thinks about a soak, maybe some brandy.. But all That will do is make him
cry all night.

"I am not going to give my heart out again.. It hurts too damn much!"

He goes to his bedroom, and stays up all night anyway, crying whenever his
paw touches the other side of the bed where three furs have been - three
lovers, three anchor points in his life. Three reasons Not to jump out a
window or take the gun he tells No one about and putting a bullet in his
head. That and the fear, like everything else in his life, he will botch
the job. He couldn't stand to have to look Boojum in the eye and explain
Why he tried to kill himself. Foxina might understand.. She had held him
during some Bad nights.

* * * *

Morning came whether foxes wanted it to or not. The sun came streaming in
to find a red-eyed, runny-nosed fur sitting on soaked sheets, looking like
a explosion in a shag rug factory. Afril got up and pushed the button,
shedding all the way to the shower, keeping the water as hot as he could
stand it. As he sat on the marble slab, grooming his tail he thought of the
robots in the closet.. Then giggled and swatted himself for even Thinking
of that bad a joke. They were anatomically correct, and could be fun in
bed.. When Af had no one else, They had been a lifesaver. When MoonDance
Died, When Boojum left, and Raaam Left... Foxina hadn't returned yet in
person, but they still tore the lines up in The Games. He got up and looked
in the place where his 'creations' waited. Joe, Sam, Max.. Puppets with
dicks and asses and muzzles that would move on demand. He stepped to the
dark-furred wolf and reached around to squeeze the male-ass firmly. With
the softest of *Whirrs* Joe's arms slid around Afril to grip His ass,
kneading it with furry 'fingers'.

"Good morning Sir.. You feel very good today."

The fox giggled and Mmmm'd as the strong fingers kneaded his cheeks, cock
sliding out and against the furry belly.

"Oh That feels Real Good. I needed that."

The fingers gripped him as the canine lifted the startled fox up, carrying
him out into the room.

"Joe I.. Ouch!"

A *Smack* on his butt and a muzzle kissing him deeply told Af realize he
may be in trouble.

"Hush, Sir.. We are alone."

Joe carried the struggling fox to the bedroom, and threw him onto the clean

"Mmmmm - You are one sexy fox!"

Afril *Blushes* despite himself, knowing he programmed all this into House
long ago. Fingers grip his cock as the wolf gets into the bed as well,

"Joe.. Stop."

The fingers Don't stop. They stroke him smoothly, as the other rubs his
nipples, all 6 hard.

"Joe... I.."

His knot *Pops* out of his sheath and fingers grip it.

"You were taking about the gun last night. You didn't sleep.."

Rubber lips engulf him as he moans, arching up into the muzzle.

"Joe! I wouldn't.. *YEOLP*"

Teeth bite his cock, dragging up, then suction takes him into the warm
muzzle again. Strong fingers slide around to Grip his ass, digging in hard
enough to make the fox sweat a little..


In reply the wolf starts pistoning Afril's cock into his mouth. Slowly at
first, then faster. Harder.

"Ohhhhh... Oh Gods Joe!"

The fox flails around, his hips wriggling, being given a very solid blow-
job.. Orgasm erupts his balls, making him screech at the tongue that flails
at his cock, shooting his wad and sanity into the creature's maw.


Afril lays's slack-jawed, barely feeling the wolf lick him clean or turn
him over and snuggle behind him, a warm canine cock probing his back-door.

"Sleep Afril."

"How the hell am I supposed to SleeeEEEEP!"

Joe Thrusts, burying every inch of his fleshy cock into the fox's ass,
reaching around to grip the furry scrotum. A twist and a sharp *Click* and
the prosthetic comes off in his hand.

"Joe! What the hell are you doing?"

A warm kiss on his neck then Teeth clamp down and he freezes.

"Putting you to Sleep Afril. We can't have you hurting yourself and your
balls need cleaning."

Pulses of energy shock his prostate, making Afril shiver and squeal,
jerking against the hands that grip him firmly.

"Good Night Afril.. Love."

The shocks come faster, in the same rhythm as an electro-ejaculator. The
fox doesn't even have a chance to object, as anything he may have had in
his cock has been shot into the sheets and his mind overloads on sheer
pleasure. The dark-furred wolf, slowly wraps his body around the out-cold
fox, kissing the back of his neck tenderly.

"Sleep Afril.. Sleep in my arms. I promise you Nothing will hurt you."

He rubs the erect nipples, placing the prosthesis on the table beside the
bed, then snuggling the white-furred body, closes his eyes, going into
watch mode. If someone had looked in they would have seen what looked like
two lovers sleeping together.

* * * *

Afril awakens... A 'classic' russet fox walks in and puts a tray down in
front of him, kissing his muzzle.

"Afternoon Lover."

Max reaches down to stroke the foxes sheath. "I want you to eat All of

A balanced lunch sat on the tray, and Afril needed no second prodding to
tuck in. Max slides in beside him rubbing his belly, watching. When not a
piece of lettuce is left, not a slice of fruit, nothing left in the teapot,
does the fox move it aside and turn Afril over to stroke his back, "Come on
Lover.. Shower."

He leads the fox in to the bathroom, waiting while Af uses the toilet.

"Do you have to watch?"

The russet-furred tail twitches..

"Nothing I haven't seen before. And I am a robot, you Can't disgust me
Love.. You know that."

He takes Afril's hand and walks him to the stall..

"And you know the Rule - 3-day watch."

The white fox growls at himself. "Ok Ok.. You coming in the shower?"

Max shakes his head. "But I will comb you out."

Afril nods and washes, dries, gets combed by the sexy being. Dinner, a book
and some snuggling and another day goes by. Work gets done, the house is
cleaned and Afril's third watcher is of all things a brown rabbit. Sam was
very cute, being softly furred and Well-Endowed. A full foot of thick
bunny-cock rubbed his thigh, buck-teeth nuzzled his neck and fingers rubbed
his belly, making him sigh softly, lazing in bed. Fingers stroke his
erection working on him as he Murrr's thinking he could lay like this
forever... Then the lights went out.


The fingers continued stroking him, rubbing his nuts as the big maleness
parted his cheeks, then slid up, poking under his tail.

"Sam I.. Oooooohhhhh!"

And entered him, slowly, humping him, working the big dick in his
undulating rear, thrusting to the sheath, "Oooooo Sammmmm!"

The bunny rolled the fox onto his belly and fucked him with long deep
strokes, squeezing his shoulders, massaging them as he massaged the male's

"Cum for me fox.. Blow your wad, Howl for me.."

Afril arched, howling his need, his desire, his lust into the air, semen
matting his chest fur, the sheets, the hand that slid down to grab him. The
wolfox twisted and yipped, screeching as another orgasm was stroked from

Afril lay under the bunny, moaning, gripping the sheets then chest fur as
he was rotated and then pulled tight.

"Oh Max.."

His muzzle was kissed and kissed again as he squirmed, wrapping his legs
around the rabbit's back. He fell into a blissful sleep, nuzzling his
lover's long ears, squeezing the big dick inside him.

* * * *

Afril woke up and yipped softly. Had it been a dream? 3 sets of paws held
him, 3 muzzles nuzzled his. He had to giggle.. An orgy?

"You need a vacation."

He looked at the wolf who kissed him.

"But I can't..."

A paw slapped his ass, making him yelp.

"You are taking a week off. Which means you can spend it with Us - Chained
in bed. Or you can pack and take the train to Marren."

The 3 males leered at him.


Max growled and rubbed his sheath, "Go wash. The bags are packed."

Sam helped him up and got him into the bathroom. Afril sighed to himself,
knowing they were robots, but not caring... Especially when they combed and
groomed him, each taking turns nibbling on his butt, until he was dressed,
cart loaded and out the door with an aching hard-on.

"But what about this?" He griped.

"Find someone to take care of it for you!" They chorused and closed the
door. He shook his head and headed off for the Train station.

* * * *

"And why are ye so lonely, Cute one?"

The time to himself was both good and bad. He could reflect on his life so
far, and begin to heal a little.. Just a little.

A naked female. Way out Here.. He didn't notice her greenish hue, nor her
hair was as brown as bark. Only the whispers in his ears and the gentle
caresses on his body, the firm hands pushing him n his back, griping his
erection.. making him Howl as his seed was pulled out by strong fingers.
Then lips captured the still spurting canine-cock sucking it into warmth
and a twitching tongue and strong throat muscles that made him arch up,
digs his paws in the ground and blow a second time.

They lay together the rest of the day and all of another making love,
talking, caressing each other. Kyra was firm when she needed to be, gentle
when she wished and Always supportive of the silly male who blushed a lot,
moaned so wantonly, and cried more than once while she held him.

* * * *

"You Will Return."

It was not a question and Afril nodded, kissing the wonderful nymph,
squeezing her pert butt.

"Whenever I can, I Promise."

One last long kiss and he leaves the woods, another love entering his life.
He sighs, wishing it wasn't so easy to fall in Love.. But how could anyone
resist a sexy creature like Her! Ah, Well.. A shower and clean clothes and
he is on a train, headed home.

* * * *

Afril sat as he had some days before.. Alone. Except now he sat in a bar,
listening to life swirl around him and not caring. He had gained yet
Another Part-Time Lover, not someone to be with for as long as he had fur.
He chuckled... Another Female - After all this time. Beautiful as the woods
she resided in, but also trapped.. As he was, just in different ways. His
drink tasted like ash, so he put it aside, Sighing - And heard it echoed
back. He looked up... And felt his heart sink. A rabbit. It wasn't hard to
recognize the curled ears, the distant look, the hardly touched drink -
Loneliness has a language all it's own. The fox got up, noticing things
about the bunny... The fur around his neck has been pushed down. 'A
collar?' The indent of a circle on a finger. 'Defiantly a ring.' Damp cheek
fur, and red eyes from crying. Afril had been here So many times that he
didn't hesitate. He took one of the brown paws in his.

"Come on.. Let's get you out of here."

The rabbit nodded not really noticing who or what had ahold of him. The fox
tossed some money on the bar and led the cute male up the stairs and into
his suite. Afril barely got the door closed before attacking the male,
quickly removing his shirt and pants, saying, "Shush." every time the bunny
tried to speak until the fur was only wearing a pair of gold wire-frame
glasses. A long hungry kiss, kept them both from saying anything for a
moment... The fox stepped back and tossed his own robe to one side,
stepping out of his boots, growling softly with desire,

"Gods you are gorgeous!"

The bunny blushed slightly, being led to the bedroom. He hesitated a
moment, than a pat on his lighter colored rear got him moving again. He was
pushed into bed and Afril lay next to him, staring into his brown eyes.

"Now, Tell Af who hurt you."

The rabbit stuttered, then squealed as he got a sharp slap on his butt, paw
clutching it.

"And don't give me any bull either - I have seen your eyes staring back at
me from the mirror too many times.."

He lifted the bunny-chin and kissed his lips once... Then again, more
hungrily, deepening it, his paws caressing the male's tail and rump,
squeezing a cheek. The lepine responded by opening his lips, allowing a
tongue to enter his muzzle, sucking in it, then having his sucked on in
kind for a long moment, his cock peeking out of it's holder. A wandering
paw encountered the tip, and scritched it, then stroked it, peeling it out
of the sheath.

The rabbit's breath quickened, his cock becoming hard as the fox played
with it. Afril rolled the fur over onto his back and lay on top of him,
looking down into those brown pools.

"I could fall in love with you So easily."

The rabbit lurched, cock rubbing his, then opened his eyes wide and Stared
at the fox laying over him. Paws clasped hands, fingers interlacing.

"I know - I walked over to you and waltzed you in here. And I know you are
still bleeding from whatever wound was given to you.. So am I."

He Gripped the bunny tightly, a tear being squeezed out as he thought about
how much this male felt like another... Then the dam broke and Afril moved,
sitting, holding the male in his lap, letting the rabbit cry, rubbing his

The bunny's name was Tabor. His mate was a fox, a dominant male who
thrilled him more than just sexually. He wore his lover's collar proudly,
being the young, gay-male-in-love type - Who got dumped. Well, not so much
dumped as left.

"I wo.. woke up one morning, and he wasn't there.."

The fox nodded, knowing all too well how That felt.

"I waited.. And..."

Afril kissed the male softly, lovingly.

"Tabor is a nice name. Mine is Afril.. Afril Ta Pakra, 'Bridge between
Villages.' MMMmmmmm.. and you kiss nice."

The bunny Blushed again, reaching up to hold the fox's head a moment,
looking into his eyes.

"You meant that, Didn't you - About falling in love."

Afril nodded, giggling as he nuzzled a long ear.

"I had another rabbit once. Mated him, loved him.. It - It didn't work

This time Tabor hugged the wolfox, hearing his own pain echoing in
another's words.

"Do you think we can.."

The rabbit reached between Af's legs and felt his erection, firm and long.

"Mmmmmmm - Maybe, you are kinda big."

The fox laughed and rubbed the bunny-cock still hard as well.

"I didn't mean... Well, Ok. I Do want your body. But I also want your..

Lips pressed to lips, stopping all conversation as 2 hearts decided to toss
the dice again, knowing there was always the chance of another broken-
romance, but always hoping to find that One person who would stay. Or at
least come back one time more than they left. Caresses became more
insistent, teeth nipped softly on lips, both of them almost desperate in
their movements. Tabor rolled over onto his belly and raised his hips,
looking over his shoulder, then moaning as the fox covered both furry
mounds with kisses and licks and more than one bite.

"Gods Afril - You are making me So Hot!"

Af grinned and knelt over the bunny, then leaned down and nipped on his

"Do you want my big cock in your rear?"

Tabor nodded, groaning, gripping the covers. Afril rubbed the head, now
leaking pre-cum, around the crinkled anus.

"I can't hear you.."

He poked it in then pulled back away.

"Oh Please Sir.. Don't tease."

"Will you wear My collar?"

Tabor nodded, wriggling his hips, feeling the hot meat rubbing against him.

"Will you wear my ring?"

The rabbit turned and looked back up.

"Wha.. Yeow!"

The wolfox took that moment to spear the bunny's tail-hole, shoving a good
third of his thick meat into the tight hole. Tabor screamed into the pillow
in front of him, causing the fox to panic. His blue eyes went wide and he
gripped Tabor's shoulders.

"Did I hurt... Oh Gods... I am Sorry Love... Let me take it out.."

Tabor looked up at the frantic male, trying to do 5 things at once.


The male stopped, looking very concerned.

"Yes I would wear your ring - Now kiss me."

He found himself melting into those twin blue pools as they came closer,
then white fur blotted out his vision and his lips were kissed softly, then
crushed in relief.

"Oh Love.."

He reached up and kissed the male wriggling his sore butt.

"You are Big, sexy.. Give me some warning next time."

Afril giggles, blushing.

"Mmmmmmm.. But it Does feel good to be stuffed so full. Now hold still..."

The bunny grunted, taking another inch slowly, holding it, gasping,
gripping the bed. Then pulled away, pushed back, taking the big, throbbing
cock in him again.

"Oh Gods Afril!"

He cried, his orgasm ripping into him making his quiver under the male who
took his neck in strong jaws and started fucking him deeply, growling,
gripping the bunny's hips like prey. Tabor felt his fear and lust combine
as the claws gripped his body, forcing him to accept the savage thrusts
into his tender ass, still more cock being fed in, slickened by copious
amounts of pre-cum. Then everything stopped a minute.


Tabor looked up with lust-hazed eyes.. And screeched as his entire body
vibrated as a half howl/half roar came bursting forth. Teeth bit in his
neck hard enough to bruise, and for a moment he Was afraid for his life...
Then the bunny forgot about everything but the cannon hosing his ass down
with hot, sticky liquid. He could Feel the huge cock swell and pulse inside
him, filling him up rapidly. A thrust.. Another and they both fell on their
sides, Tabor being enveloped in sweaty, strong-smelling fur. He reached up
to pat the fox's cheek.. and screeched as a paw grabbed his still sensitive
cock and stroked it.

"Oh Please! Oh Don't! Oh Afrillllll..."

He didn't even feel the kiss between his ears as he was blown away, riding
his orgasm into blackness. Afril was not far behind, kissing his new love,
then snuggling close and still squirting up the rabbit's ass, passed-out

* * * *

Morning found them intertwined, a mish-mash of limbs, matted fur and
covers. Tabor recovered first, smelling a strange but familiar scent.. He
reached down between his lover's legs and felt something warm and thick and
Bigger than he remembered. It was also sticky..

"Someone needs cleaning."

The rabbit mumbled, rubbing his sore rear a moment. Still half asleep, he
moved his head down to lick on the cock that throbbed in his paw.

"Mmmmmmm.. Defiantly bigger and tastes a little different."

He licked the cock clean, working on the fleshy member all the way down to
the knot which was Also bigger than he remembered. He lapped back up to
take the head between his lips, sucking all the pre-cum up.


He grinned to himself, hearing a groan in response, loving to suck his mate
off first thing in the morning. Tabor bobbed his head, feeling it slide
across his tongue, and just down his throat. It seemed to have a little
trouble, like it was thicker than he was used to..

Oh Well. He relaxed his throat and it slid in. The bunny inhaled the spicy
scent of male-in-rut, rubbing the shaft not in his mouth, feeling it throb,
knowing it would soon be.. make that Now. He shifted to collar the head
between his lips and a geyser went off in his muzzle, threatening to drown
him in semen. Tabor swallowed to make room for more of the creamy stuff,
guzzling it, loving every grunt, every squirt. At long last, his paws could
get no more, and he sucked the last drops out, kissing the head then laying
on top of his lover, nuzzling his chest.

"You like that?"

He giggled, listening to the fox pant and wheeze, then groaned as a paw
gripped his butt firmly and pulled him up to have a pair of lips lock
themselves onto his..

A deep, lust kiss that burned clear down to where claws dug into his cheek,
squeezing his butt firmly. He opened his eyes to stare into a pair of blue

"Love you." a voice said softly, and kissed him again. If there was any
doubt in Tabor's mind the wolfox was serious, it vanished as both paws
gripped his ass and he was rolled onto his back, a heavy body covering his.
And not for even a moment did their lips part.

"MMmmmmmmmmmm.. I love kissing you. Your well-rounded rear, your sweet as
wine lips.."

The fox trailed off, kissing along the bunny's neck, then lower to take a
nipple between sharp teeth.. Then flick it with his tongue, causing Tabor
to arch and moan.

"Your nipples..."

The other was captured and licked, kissed, even sucked on. Kisses left a
trail of fire down his belly to his cock-head.

Afril nuzzled the warm pole, licking it, kissing the tip.

"I bet your feet taste good."

Tabor had to laugh.. Then moaned loudly as his entire length was swallowed.

"Oh Afril.."

His nuts were gripped, rubbed, rolled around as his cock was sucked on by a
leech. A claw found his puckered anus and wormed inside making the lepine
squirm and pant harder. A warm tongue undulated around his dick, squeezing
it, stroking it. He arched up, taking the clawed 'finger' to the paw, nuts
rumbling as he fed his new lover, cumming as hard as he had the night
before. The claw left his rear and both paws massaged his back, making him
moan in pleasure.

His nuts now empty, he lay, basking in the afterglow, feeling the warm
muzzle slide off him to nuzzle and nip it's way back to his lips again,
returning the nuzzlings as best he could.

"Gods, what a Lover.."

Another deep, long kiss.

"Flattery will get you rolled onto your belly again."

They both laughed and cuddled until they felt strong enough to wash up and

* * * *

"Wow! This is your place?"

"You going to Bless the House in Bunny-style? You know.. Sex in Every

Afril laughed and shook his head, carrying the rabbit across the
threshold.. "We shall See Love.. But no promises, Ok? I am not so young

* * * *

"Afril? Were you serious about that Ring Thing?"

Six glorious months had passed, and the fox had been so wrapped up in his
lover he never even thought about it. His tail drooped, ears down, walking
to the bed to sit heavily.

"I... I do Want to - Gods I would Love having one fur for my own. But..."

Tabor takes his hand and squeezes it.

"You have a Big heart My Love. It encompasses many furs."

He places a small metallic object in the foxes paw and walks out. Afril
sits, numb. His eyes tear up, nose burning as he tries to keep from crying
- But they run down his face as they have many a time before.

"I have no right falling in Love. I should just stay in my house and..."

The ring burns in his paw, as he contemplates the future, and the gun he
keeps for the day When he can no longer take being alone. Tabor returns to
find a sodden-cheeked male looking like he had lost the will to live.

"Afril? What's the matter? I was just going to get something for lunch, Not
walking out..."

He growls in anger at the stupid fur, opening his muzzle to cuss the fox
out - Then those blue eyes pierce him. The haunted look of one who Has been
walked out on. Been ripped apart on the thorns of Romance. His throat
constricts and he walks over to grip the male.

"I will leave you when you tell me to, or I die. I don't care about the
others, I only care about You."

This brought on a fresh jag of crying and paws gripping him. Tabor waited
until Afril was calmed some, and took the ring, slipping it on a silver

"You told me many times it is what is in the Heart, and not what is written
on paper that matters. This is just a symbol, a token of what I feel for
you - Now and Forever. That is - if you will have me."

He offers another ring, same as the one now riding the fox's paw and waits.

"Oh Tabor.."

Afril slides the ring on the rabbit's finger and hugs him fiercely.

"Mine - Now and forever."

They lay back, kissing, holding each other until they fall asleep, gripping
each other's paw, neither wanting to close their eyes first.

* * * *

Raam pads to the door, luggage in tow. He sighed, pride making him
straighten his back, and stand tall. Afril would take him in without
Question, but it Still didn't feel right. Unemployed after so many years..
Downsized. Early Retirement. Why didn't they just say, "We are greedy
bastards and want the money we would have to spend on you for ourselves."

He knocks, feeling the brass balls before letting them go, chuckling..
Nobody else he knew could get away with having a piece of erotica hanging
on their door. Others would think it just interesting.. Not knowing they
held a pair of prosthetic testicles, encased in metal. The lion caressed
them again, purring as the door opened - and a rabbit looked up at him,
naked except for a pair of glasses. And a ring enclosing a finger.

It wasn't Boojum, nor anyone Afril had told him about, so Who..

"You must be Raam. Come in.. House - Bags."

Robotic carts scurried out to snatch the lion's belongings and disappear
into cubbyholes.

"Guest Room 1 ok, or did you want to sleep elsewhere?"

A hand took his and led Raam into the familiar surroundings.

"Afril is still asleep - bad night."

The lion nodded, knowing how That went, once finding his lover staring at
the floor with a pistol beside him on the bedstand. It was the only time he
wanted to Beat the fox until the stupid fur was a curled-up ball. But he
couldn't.. Instead he pulled Afril up and dug his claws into that gorgeous
ass until the fox howled.

"Gods Damn you! Don't you Even Think about such a thing! If I had came in
here and found..."

Raam started crying.

"I would lose my mind. I Love you, Damnit!"

They held onto each other, crying together, made love until they passed out
and it was never mentioned again.

It was also when he met Joseph, Samuel, Maximilian... The next day there
was a furry hand stroking his crotch, and warm lips on his. Raam turned his
head, to stare at a Dark-furred wolf.

"Call me Joe. We want to show our appreciation for last night.. Afril has
over-rides built into us, and tripped them last night. We could not have
prevented him from doing anything... But you did."

Those same lips moved to engulf his cock, and Raam arched, Growling at
their insistence. His balls were manipulated, nipples played with gently..
And all he could do was hold onto the covers, spewing his nuts into the
hungry muzzle.

"Af.. Afrilll..."

He gasped, hoping for some help.

"Afril has been sedated. You will stay during his 3-day watch, yes?"

A long tongue slid across his cock while a rabbit-morph took Afril out of
the bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Shower and a brushing for You, Naughty One."

Another hand on his nuts and another muzzle on his as a fox crawled in to
murr, "Afril is right - You are One Hot Lion."

Raam awoke some 4 days later, thinking he had been to an orgy. He was stiff
and his balls were on strike. His cock wasn't speaking to him. His ass
Demanded it not be touched, and his nipples had silver rings in them. A paw
reached out and rubbed his belly.

"Lover?" Came a sleepy voice, and he moved his head to kiss the male,
squeezing the silver-furred ass.

"I am here Af."

His paw found a hard doggy-cock and he stroked it. A paw seeking his crotch
was held instead, fingers intertwining. They kissed, the fox moaning into
the lion's mouth as semen poured thick and sticky down his dick and over
the still stroking paw. A giggle brought him back to reality, finding his
robe was tenting.

"Why don't you hang your clothes up and sit on the couch and I will bring
us some tea."

The lion nodded, watching Tabor's butt wriggle as he walked to the kitchen.
He stepped out of his boots and hung his robe up..

"Raam!" came from upstairs and a streak flew down the stairs to wrap itself
around him, smothering his face with kisses and a hundred paws were
grabbing him all over! He reached down and Squeezed the familiar ass,
digging claws in Just a little, getting a giggle in return.

"Same Queer Fox I fell in love with."

The bunny returned with a teapot and sandwiches and 3 cups.

"Tabor, this is Raam.. Raam this is - My Mate."

Afril seemed to deflate for a moment, and the lion remembered an evening's
conversation about Afril's First Marriage - A wonderful Dog with a
wonderful body and mind. Kind, Loving.. It lasted 4 days.

"Nobody's Fault really.. We were just too young."

Raam lifted Afril up and carried him over to the couch, keeping one paw
under his rear, while slipping the other one under Tabor's butt, feeling
the males squirm a little. Then he Hugged then both to him.

"I am glad for both of you.."

A second Almost marriage that tore the fox asunder, as he Still loved the
chipmunk and his feet..

Then his clothes were on the floor and he was in bed, not sure how he got
there but grinning as he caressed both hot, sexy males.

"Oh Afril.."

Tabor groaned, gripping the sheets as the big canine cock slid into him.

"Oh Afril.." purred Raam, thrusting his own big cock into a warm anus that
stroked him so erotically it was all he could do to Not cum. The fox

"I am the one in the middle, Shouldn't I be the one Moaning out names?"

"Shut Up and Fuck!" they both chorused, trapping him in between them until
he Did moan...

* * * *

Raam sat and looked out the window, sighing quietly. It wasn't supposed to
happen.. He wasn't supposed to Love Afril like he did - It was ok to be
Lovers, but he found himself wanting to be with the fox more and more.
Feeling jealous when he and Tabor went out to walk arm in arm - Oh, They
had asked, but he had declined. 'Didn't want to be in the way', he said.
And besides.. The rabbit was also warming his heart. He was so innocent, so
gentle, so much like Afril. Damnit! He smacked his paw into his other,
growling about Life and Fickle Hearts.


He turned and there they were, paw in paw. His heart lurched and he turned
his eyes for a moment.


Tabor kissed the fox, patting his butt, then sent him upstairs to check on
the computers.

"Come Outside.."

The lion sighed and nodded.

"Raam.. I want you to Stay."

The lion's mane came up, tail moving back and forth in agitation.


A nod.

"The other day I found him Staring into the Mirror.. That vacant stare. And
I told him to get rid of that Gun.. But I don't think he did - You know he
can't lie.. That Tail of his gives him away."

Raam nodded again.

"I think He hid it.. and Someday while I am in town or off someplace..."

He shuddered and a big arm hugged him.

"I Promise that he won't harm himself while I can help it.."

The rabbit squeezed his hand and pushed something into it. He opened it to
find a gold ring..

"Afril and I discussed it last night. He kept crying about me leaving him,
then You leaving him. I finally got him calmed down enough to sleep, but it
wasn't Easy.."

The lion nodded, then got a little misty-eyed as Tabor slid the ring on his

"Do you promise to watch that Little White Prick we both love so Much?"

Raam chuckled and nodded.

"Come on - Let's go find him before he frets all his fur out."

The rabbit walked inside while the lion looked at his new bond.. Then took
it off and looked at it closer - A lion, A fox and a rabbit all held paws,
switching from front to back to front in a circle. He caressed the ring for
a moment, knowing if he used a magnifying glass all the little figures
would be anatomically correct, right down to the ringed nipples..Then
slipped it on and went inside to gather his 2 mates up for a celebration

The End..?

Becasue you have asked - Afril 1 and 2 are Boojum 2 and Boojum3. Afril 3 is
Foxina, being the third in the series. Afril.Txt is more an overview and
Not really in the series at all.