A tale of a Royal Bruin Family
Version 1.4 - By SwampRat
(c) 1991, 1993 The Rashathran Society
1996 Gay Furry Association

The boat moved slowly across the water. A gentle breeze filled the small
sail. Inside sat a robed man, looking over a board of playing pieces.
Another being also looked over the game. A large paw reached down, picked
up a dragon, and placed it beside a horse. A smile rippled across the
muzzle. Orfid chuckled, placing the serpent on top of the stallion, as if
mating it. He had no such games in the hall. Squinted at the distant land.
All too soon, he would be back at court, listening to all the petty
grievances, the gossipings, and other 'Important' matters... But for now,
he had the sky, the game, and both a worthy opponent and good lover. He
chuckled again, as the man moved a bull across to cover another one in the
same manor. His paw caressed the rough, scarred hand. Had his pulled up to
be kissed. A tongue slid warmly between the claws... And the prince's robe
ballooned. "No fair..." A smile twitched at the mouth. Orfid traced it with
a claw, smiling himself. His father would rip his balls off if he even so
much suspected that the bruin had lain with the man. He would have gladly
become a eunuch to feel the hot breath fire his loins again. To know the
sweet taste of semen as it rolled across his tongue.

He lifted a bear, placed it beside a man, their mouths touching. Then
reached over and gave the living version a kiss... The bruin closed his
eyes and grunted with pleasure. No words came from the human. Not even in
the throes of his furred arms did the male do more than moan, because That
was all he Could do... An incident in the man's shadowy past had robbed him
of his speech, so he spoke with his hands instead. Which was alright, for
in their lovemaking Orfid made enough noise for 3 lovers. He chuckled,
remembering how he grunted as he plowed his maleness to the hilt in the
man's fleshy ass... And Gasped, feeling a mouth suckle on his balls.
Instead, the human spoke volumes with his hands. Gripped deeply in the
padded fur carpet of the animal's butt, as it got thoroughly pounded - with
much encouragement from it's owner. Fondling his ears in a kiss. Caressing
his nipples into rock hardness, his cock rapidly following suit. Sometimes
they would spend hours, sliding their appendages along the sweaty body of
the other. Touching, tweaking, moving... If one or the other came, this was
added to the oils that was being steadily massaged in the skin. Sometimes
they would both get so sticky, it took more than a few jumps into the cool
water to pull them apart. Of course, more often than not, they continued
the game in the lake... He sighed heavily. 'Problem?' He growled and thrust
his paws forward.

"Place me in chains! Make me your slave - Spirit me away!" The paws were
crossed. 'Hard to masturbate without hands - At least You have long toes.'
Orfid groaned. Then placed a hind paw into the man's crotch, feeling for
the thick cock. Aha! Claws slid around the fleshy worm. The other foot
crossed under the table and linked with it's brother, rolling the penis
between them... "Your liege..." The bear swore under his breath, but didn't
stop playing with the maleness. Lifted his head, and swore again as a
messenger boat came within hailing distance. The prince shoved the carved
animals into a bag, and removed the board. He bent as if he had dropped
something to give the swollen cock-tip a lusty kiss. "I swear there will be
a time when I will again place you in my mouth..." He swallowed it to the
hairs, and sucked hungrily. Then sighed, and lifted his head slowly. Filled
his nostrils with scent of hot male flesh, looked longingly at the penis,
gleaming with saliva. "I swear..." He again affirmed, pressing his lips to
the seeping tip. Then it vanished behind the dark robe, and Orfid, Prince
of Hannat, lifted his head. The boat was close enough to see easily, but
far enough off that his gesture should not have been noticed. "What do you
wish?" he growled, putting a touch of boredom in his tone.

"Your Father sent me to see if you were in need..." Feet rubbed his ankles.
"Bastard!" he murmured, his balls aching for release. "No, I shall be in
when the sun sets - Unless his liege needs me before then." The being
inside nodded. and the boat turned, tacking into the wind. The toes moved
up, toying with the hairy legs. A big paw slapped the face, a scowl
clouding his features. Down went the man. Orfid lifted his upper lip
showing long fangs. It wasn't hate that made that lip curl... The man was
nibbling like a hungry fox on the fruit hanging between his legs. "Begone!"
he snarled, trying not to moan. The messenger was too far away to be seen
smiling. Whispers about the man and the young bear would most certainly be
quashed after he brought this bit of news to the court... Had he waited
longer, he would have Really gotten an eyeful! As soon as the boat was
hidden in the morning fog, Orfid yanked his robe open, twisted in the
clawing hands, and with a growl, fell on his lover, engulfing the cock
which jutted so wonderfully out of the cloth. They rolled around for a
while, each trying to get the other to spill his seed first. And as usual,
the prince didn't even last a full minute...

Thick semen poured out of the reddish tulip-shaped head, the bear trying to
suck, howl, and breathe at the same time. He finally gave up and waited
until the leech at his groin became a man again. The hands caressed his
balls gently... The animal dug his claws into the fleshy ass, working his
snout over the man-cock. He did his job well, for it gave him a mouthful of
cum moments later. The bruin cleaned it off, making sure the nuts were well
drained. It would be a Long time before he could again taste the sweet
malesap... Both dived over the side and washed. The rest of the time was
filled with study, and lessons. The setting sun told Orfid it was time to
go home. The bruin sighed, and lifted the sail-post. The man sat with the
tiller, guiding the boat to shore, as he had done every day for the past
month. The guards waited for them, gleaming in armor. The prince said
nothing when one of them struck at the Councillor as they passed. He knew
that the seemingly timid male could kill any of them. He had lost his voice
in the Arena - By having his throat cut. To survive that, and go on to win
his freedom.... At least that was what he 'said' when asked about the scars
that ran over his body.

The blow was soft, and just moved the human to one side. Just long enough
for a paw to disappear into his robe, and fondle the man. The caress was
done so fast only 3 beings knew of it. So! He was not the only one to run
his paws over the male. Orfid chuckled to himself. No matter... There would
be a time when they again lay together. The Prince would make Sure of it!

* * *

Court was as appealing as a rotten apple. Intrigues, Romances, Gossip...
Garbage to be tossed on the heap, as far as Orfid was concerned. The only
good thing was he got to sit beside the male again. As a Chancellor, the
man was allowed certain privileges. Also there was the weekly meetings.
Anybody with a grievance, could come before his king and expect to be
heard. Some were absolute tripe. Some were thorny. A few tested even the
Kings great wisdom. That's what Counsellors were for. They kept things on
an even keel. None could ever gain the throne, but most didn't want it.
They preferred to channel their desires to running the kingdom, instead of
trying to take it over. Right now he watched with amazement as Tihur roared
into the human's face yet again. "Cub Humper! Cock Licker..." Eyes closed,
the male stood weathering the storm. What came after the tirade made the
big male's muzzle burn red. 'Your breath is as rank as your phrases - Even
so, I remain as before.' The king let a shadow of a smile cross his face.
'As to whom I lay with, That is My business... Unless you wish a personal
tour of my bed.' Paws covered mouths as coughs, and throat clearings hid
the chuckles.

"So we should Not quell the rebellious state?" 'To spank a cub when he had
done wrong is permissible... To beat it near death is the act of a madbeing
- Who deserves all he gets in return.' A paw fell on the hands. "Speak no
more of it..." Orfid had seen his Father do this at certain times, and
could not help but wonder what piece of information he had not been privy
to - Or allowed to ask about. "The Others will follow! Baron Rrtik will
lead them to rebellion..." His voice went silent as a tri-bladed dagger
quivered in the middle of the table. It's companion still rested on the
male's chest, for No one went without arms in the Castle. A noise came from
the man. A ragged sound that tore at their ears. 'Let them...' The king
shuddered. So did everyone at the table. The next symbol the hands formed
was softly repeated by Orfid. It was a simple word, Honor. But the meaning
went deeper into the ground than the trees that lined the plains outside.
The code of Knights demanded it. "Be honorable and Worthy." As one, every
male in the room dropped to one knee. The King stood. A furred mountain,
going gray around the muzzle. Tihur snarled, but he too bent his leg. "So
first we see if this demand is legitimate - Then we decide." He turned
towards the human. "Your head on this." The hood was lifted and pushed

The bruin pressed his paw against the ragged scar that ran along the
muscular neck. Hasuy felt the flesh which would never heal properly.
Allowed himself a gentle caress. Wondered again at a being who could not
only live with such a wound, but kill the one who did it! He chuckled
softly. If the other counsellors knew Half of what he did about the male,
they would walk as if beside a sleeping dragon. And even the serpent would
be preferable to one who could dispatch everyone in castle within two
candle-marks. Time and again, his Generals begged him to put the man on the
battlefield. Give him a Company to command. One of those Generals sat on
the kings right, a white sword-scar crossing the broad muzzle, giving him a
surly appearance. He had crossed blades with the male. Had given no
quarter, and been stunned when his sword was wrenched from his grasp. To be
returned - Across the forearm. With a nod, Iuy had taken back the weapon.
Only to lose it again when the hilt rapped his knuckles. So they fought
without weapons... And the general ate sand. Spitting out the dust of the
training arena, he looked up at the male and growled, then bowed. Tried

And again ended up on his belly. After a while he gave up in disgust. Then
watched in wonder as his second-in-command fared no better. With staves,
shields, even hand to paw... Toun was off his feet more times that he was
on them. Then he quit wondering when they went hunting a few days later. He
had seen longbows before, but never used one... They were for archers, not
Knights. Things were pretty peaceful, until a cub blundered into a Tharg.
Thargs hate everything that isn't another Tharg. It roared, coming after
the child. To stop suddenly, arrows buried to the feathers in each eye.
Even dead Thargs are nothing to take for granted. This one stomped a few
more paces - To fall face-first with a *Thud* that was felt by anyone
without boots on. Orfid had time to half-pull his sword, as did most of the
party. They were pulled full when another Tharg came out of the brush. The
male was twice as nasty as female, especially when it's mate lay dead and
bleeding... A spear was thrust into Orfid's paw. He didn't have to ask who
- He just threw it. Quite well too. It *Thunked* into the scaly hide. A few
more had sense to add theirs. The one that did the most damage was black in
color, and had no ribbons attached to it. That one went just under the jaw

To emerge at the top of the scaly head. It still took some time to hack it
to death, but most of the damage had already been done. When it was over
and Orfid had given the last Whack to the still twitching body, he turned
to thank the male... To find him gone! But where? It didn't matter. The cub
was safe and the beast dying. But the Prince still wondered... The General
didn't. Being one of the few not petrified, he had seen the man take a
forked stick, and placing the hilt of the spear in it, launch the pole with
twice the force his own arm could muster. No wonder it bit so deep.... He
followed the being. Watched him unlimber a battleaxe. Give the weapon a few
flips... Then the pike side buried itself in the head of a San, drinking by
a stream. Thargs aren't very good eating. In fact Thargs aren't much good
for anything. Another of the antelope died quickly and quietly under the
axe. Iuy faded back into the trees, telling a couple of the younger squires
to go help the Counsellor with a pair of San. They scurried away, smiling
to themselves. The cooks were most grateful for the fresh meat. The King
got a new trophy for his honor room, as well as one to put above GateWall.

As for The General... He was old, But never stupid. First thing next
morning, he scared half the garrison by showing up at ArmsTeacher Pokh's
class, demanding to be taught the bow.

* * *

Only one night? It wasn't fair! The prince had been kept apart from the man
for almost a month, and now that they were both free.... He growled. Damn,
and Damn again! Orfid poured wine, sipping on it, impatient for Shadow to
show. Then choked, spewing the stuff as a hand grabbed his balls and gave
them a rough squeeze. A sheathed knife ran itself under his chin. 'If I
were an assassin...' was tapped on his butt. Hah! "I'd beg for mercy... On
hands and knees! After all, Anybody who grabs your nuts can't be un-
bribable..." He whirled and grabbed the dark figure. Pulled him down to
lock mouths in a kiss so hot it would have set the curtains on fire. Cloth
flew as paws hastily undid clasps, tugged belts and impatiently moved
whatever was between them and naked flesh. 'Gently, Gently...' a hand
admonished him. Orfid grabbed the appendage and stuffed it into his mouth,
finishing the job. He growled around the gag, stroking the warm body with
his own. Only when the man was as nude as himself, did the animal gently
bite the appendage, and release it. Teeth worried at a dark nipple.
'Oiled...' A finger tapped his anus. 'Here also?' The prince shoved his
lover to one side so he could look full upon him.

"Why would I need oil there? It doesn't Seem any bigger..." His paw stroked
the man's erection. Then gave it a kiss. "Of course I am oiled." He moaned
as hands tugged at his slick dick-flesh. "Are you?" A flask was lifted off
a table. 'I thought you might prefer to do it.' The bear growled and turned
so he could get at the male's ball-sack, grunting as lips wrapped around
his erection. "Damn." A finger traced his thigh muscles, sending ripples
through the fur. 'Problem?' "You washed - I like your nuts sweaty... That
Way I can lick'em dry!" 'That is easy enough remedied. Make me sweat. Now,
if you hadn't drained the jug, I would have suggested a little wine...' A
claw dipped itself in the oil-pouch, sitting beside them, then wriggled
deep into the clutching anus. "I'll make you whine... Damn! How is it the
more I bugger you, The tighter you get?!" 'A finger is Not a Dick.' He
grunted feeling his cock-tip rub against the back of the man's throat.
Orfid nibbled on the smooth sack, then dropped them to nuzzle the seeping
penis. Curling his tongue around it, the bear pulled the male-meat in.
Sucking softly on it, he fondled the butt, groaning when the male dug
strong fingers into his own. "Not So Fast!" Shadow rubbed his swollen
balls. 'We have all night - I am sure you can get it up again given That
length of time.' Teeth chewed on the sensitive head.

The bear moaned, shuddered, his nuts igniting, cum spurting out of his
throbbing cock. The man drank it all, and kept the suction steady, driving
the bruin crazy... A second orgasm made the room swim. "Too much wine...
Blast!" Darkness engulfed him. He clawed at it, trying to stay alert long
enough to at least get the male to cum in His mouth. Not to be... Blackness
took his senses, and tossed him up for the Sleep-gods to play with. And
they did so with pleasure... Dreams - Standing in a field, where each and
every grassy leaf wants a piece of your hide to caress. He fell. To be
engulfed in green strokings. They rolled him over... A tall plant leaned
over him. It's mouth-shaped flowers fell on him. He moaned, kissing a
sweetly-scented petal. Others were tugging in his fingers, rubbing his
nipples. Knees, Toes, Testicles... Every bump on his body was being sucked
on - Except one. That one had tendrils wrapped tightly around it. Orfid
struggled up and watched as a Huge flower slowly make it's way down to his
cock, which was being squeezed unmercifully. The thing had a tongue - Which
lapped at the reddish tip. Then the petals folded around his head and
slowly slid downward... Orfid was unable to do much but groan since the
grass held him fast, still stroking his body erotically. The bear
shuddered. The only problem was, Something kept tapping his forehead. A
gentle tap, But annoying. And it continued....

* * *

The dawn found a bear, moaning about the monsters who kept beating on his
head. And why were they stomping around the bed? In fact the pain was so
harsh he almost missed a mouth sliding down his cock. He tried to lift a
paw and stop the male, but it was too late. His teeth clenching so hard one
cracked, Orfid ejaculated. His head exploded in pleasure and pain... Hips
jerked the slick male-meat out of the leech's maw. Then shoved it back in,
as a finger drilled his ass-hole. Between them, the prince could only
squirm. "Stop, Please..." He managed to whisper at last. His teats were
attacked next. 'Stop fingering your ass, or stop playing with your
nipples?' "Stop Suc...." Both paws slapped over the snout and he swallowed
the word. Never would he ask somebody to stop sucking his cock!

The mouth came off his drooping pole and after chewing on the shrunken
balls, worked northward. Stopping only to flay the tender tits that nestled
in the fur-covered chest, the mouth finally made it's way up to his. He
groaned into the orifice and weakly stuck his tongue up in submission. The
organ was nibbled on, then licked. A maddeningly weak taste of semen
lingered on the palate, and he lapped at it eagerly. 'Want some ...' Orfid
jerked upright, grabbing the man's butt with both paws. 'I was going to
offer wine...' The bear kneaded the flesh in his paws. "The only wine I
want resides between your legs!" He tossed the male over, and lay, head-to-
tail, ignoring the bed's creak of protest, as he rooted around the male-
scented thatch of hair. The cock was hard and throbbing as he stropped his
muzzle against it. "At last..." His jaws unhinged, tongue poised to guide
the penis deep into his snout.... A knock came from the door. "Melord? It
is time to rise." Teeth bit his ass. 'Tease...' He yelped. "Melord?" Orfid
snarled something nasty and told the servant he would be down shortly...
Then he shoved the smooth hips up and swallowed the male's entire groin.

Canines in the lower jaw dug into a scar on the slight paunchy stomach.
Uppers compressed the tight butt-cheeks. "Tease, Am I!" He growled around
the mouthful, working his jaws closed. Finally, they met over the cock-
root. He reached in and pulled the balls out - But not before giving them a
good stropping. Then with one paw still digging into the muscular ass, the
other rolling their treasured possession not-so-gently between long claws,
Orfid twirled his tongue around the pole, and proceeded to do everything he
could to make it spurt it's load of seed. Suck, nibble, lap... Anything
went, as long as it hurried the moment when his mouth would fill with male-
sap. The balls slapping his nose swelled, so Orfid hollowed his cheeks,
pulling the cock to it's hairy root into his muzzle. Clamped teeth on the
flesh, and rotated his snout on the pole. A grunt made him chuckle. "You're
not the only one who knows how to tease a dick into submission... Now Cum
Already!" He lifted a paw to fondle the man's testicles. "And I want a Full
Load..." They lurched in his claws... And semen pulsed down his throat.
"More!" And more was sucked out - To be gobbled down. The bear squeezed the
butt-cheeks and pulled back... While still keeping the suction. It was not
easy... But well worth it. The male shuddered like a sheet in a strong wind
and poured spunk into the hungry maw. They fell sideways, The prince
continuing to drain his balls dry.

Finally, not even seminal fluid could be forced out. Strong claws held the
cock while fangs bit it just behind the head, and stroked towards the
muzzle, getting the last dregs out. Gave the abused flesh a last lick.
"That For all the times you have made me squirm... Made me howl with
lust..." Then he lifted the sweaty head and kissed it. 'Shower...' "If you
got energy enough to take a bath... You got enough to be buggered..." Oil
was splashed on the ursine-cock and he shoved it up between the smooth
butt-cheeks, slowly pressing it deep inside the male. "Now we shower..." He
stood and holding the impaled human to his chest, went over and lifted a
bucket over them. Then forgot all about the bath, and concentrated on the
anus which was tugging on his erection. "Bastard - How do you do it?" Orfid
shoved the man against the stone wall and blew his wad deep and hard. Put
his paws on the smooth shoulders and panted. Then lifted the man off him.
Kissed him... And got cold water poured on his head! 'Needed cooling off.'

"You Bastard!" He chuckled, washing the man off and himself as well. Then
he lovingly dried the male off. Gripped the smooth ass with a vise-like
grip. "Bring That Back." 'I will try...' "Don't 'Try' - Do! You still have
to surpass my record for cumming seven full times in the same hole in one
eve - And don't give that 'Old Male' routine, Either! Now give me a kiss
and escort me to breakfast as a Counsellor should." The man gave Orfid his
kiss - Right between his legs! And bit his ass to boot... Then dressed,
ignoring the prince's mutterings about retribution the next time they were

* * *

The Hrre snorted. The being on it was much lighter than what it usually
carried... "Why stop?" A hand patted his neck. His rider didn't say
anything, but this had been explained to him. Hrre were bred to be
ridden... They would rather die in battle than pull plows. The male got
off, stroked the muzzle. CounselorSecond's Mount, or CSM, grinned to
himself. They had made camp twice while there was still light to ride by...
He hadn't understood why, until the male had taken his reins off, and
kissed him. No one had to explain this to CSM. His master deemed him worthy
to mate with... He had spent the night lying next to the male. And was
chagrined to find him already up and working with the dawn. The next stop
had been no better. He had again been shown how many 2 male bodies can fit
together... And had been awakened by a hand on his erection.... The fingers
stroked his jaw... 'Watch' was traced on the skin. He snorted, pretending
to twitch an ear at a fly. "We still have our guest?" A finger slid inside
his mouth, tickling his tongue... He bit it gently in retaliation. This was
the third being he had been allowed to serve. The first had been an
arrogant cub... He had done his duty, but not liked it.

The second died in battle... Having been thrown from CSM, when he had
broken a leg. Of course, being beaned by a mace didn't help his abilities
any. It took long to heal the scars... But until CSM died, he would bear
the name and rank of Mount For Second Counselors. The male stood beside a
tree, making water. Neither paw was near the flap which allowed one to do
certain things one must. They were instead on the hilts of knives... Ready
to be thrown if needed. As his shadow had learned the hard way... The spy
sent to watch the Chancellor had been careless. The male was, after all, an
ex-slave... So, when the being had stopped to do what all must, he had
stepped too close. He watched, knowing at least one paw would be busy for a
few seconds... A blade passed inches in front of his nose, to thunk into
the tree he hid beside. How had... He froze watching the man turn and stare
in his direction. The spy made a quick getaway... And afterwards Serye made
sure to watch from a distance. This time the male got back on and rode some
distance before deciding on a place to camp. Then they ate, made whatever
preparations were needed, and lay close together. CSM nuzzled the robe open
and licked on the testicles.

His own were nibbled on, sucked into warmth. A finger traced signs on his
thigh. 'There is something about 100 paces to your back.' Hmpfh! The animal
strained to hear... Then grunted as the mouth found his cock. He lifted his
muzzle free... "Do we stop?" His hips moved involuntarily, penis sliding
deeper into the muscular throat. 'Not unless you want to...' A snort and a
nose shoved into the male's crotch answered That silly question. Despite
the knowledge they may have to jump up at any moment, neither were in any
hurry. Rumps were stroked by hand and paw. Claws digging into the fleshy
mound, CSM pumped his snout over the cock. Hunched, shoving his own to the
sheath into the warm mouth. Muscles grabbed at him... He shuddered, orgasm
igniting his balls. The hand that had traced throbbing veins now bounced
the swollen nuts... With a muffled howl the animal pumped the male's gullet
full of semen. How did the man hold on so? The mount waited until his lover
could breathe again, then gently butted the thin lips with his crotch. Let
a Hundred Thargs watch them... He would feast on malesap if it killed both
of them! His mouth pulled on the penis, slurping the mingled saliva and
pre-cum off it.

Nibbled on the head, then nosed around the scented thatch of hair. At last
he felt the pole throb, spurting it's load into his waiting maw. He sucked
hungrily, wanting to pull as much scum out as possible. Finally the last of
it trickled out... 'Now the being is 30 paces away...' How the hell did he
keep his mind on That? It was all CSM could do to keep from dropping after
the male nursed on him... He swallowed. "I shall get a drink. See what is
on the wind..." 'Sex... That is what is on the wind!' He groaned softly.
Disentangled himself from the man who grew a few dozen more arms to grab at
him erotically. But he made it to the stream. Drank and smelled what scents
there were... 'I think news of our mission has gone before us...' CSM
snorted. "The question is, Will it wait until morning.... Oh, No!" He
snarled at the wagging finger, "You aren't getting off That lightly... I
want your dick up my ass one more time. Even if it is only for tonight...."
No arguments to that offer. Especially when the animal threatened to wait
until his master was asleep and Sit on him. The man lay down, after making
sure his weapons were close at hand. The mount turned and watched the male
lift his tail, felt the seeping cock open his anus up.

He grunted, as it slid in to the hairs. The plume of hair cascaded over the
man's legs, rubbing his butt. Semi-prehensile, it shoved itself down the
crack, holding him in place. Then, and only then, did the creature allow
sleep to engulf the crested head... He awoke to find his hips shoved up,
and a big cock plowing into his ass. Claws held him in place, as did a
knife held against his ribs. He carefully lifted his head... A small
trickle of scarlet ran down the side as the tip broke skin. "I have no
intention of stopping you, Sir. I just wanted to see who was humping me..."
A grin full of ragged teeth. "Tis Medcu who buggers you, steed... Your
former Master seems to have left you in my paws." The stallion grunted. "If
it pleases Master, You will not need the blade. I will serve as your mare
if you wish... But I would not like to be skewered when you spill your seed
in me." Then his eyes went wide as the paw was pulled back, and the bear
was shoved forward. Who whoofed as his paws were tied behind his back. Then
the man stepped in front of the pair. 'Enjoying yourself?' The tail wrapped
itself around the wide waist, trapping the being. "His dick is Much bigger
than yours..." A grin... Then the male moved to their rear again.

"Master says, 'Since you like buggering my mount so much, You won't mind if
I do the same to you...'" The bruin struggled for a moment. Then felt
something hard lever his tail up. Something else was shoved against his
butt, and liquid splashed into the crack. A finger rubbed it in well. Then
his paws clutched air as the man's dick wedged the furry cheeks apart,
sliding into them. The slippery head split his anus open and vanished
inside. The animal under him moved, sliding off his penis. Then taking it
to the hairy groin. The sheath was tugged on by the ring of muscle... Medcu
groaned, feeling the male slide in him until the length was sheathed.
Neither long, nor big... The bruin found himself wishing it was one or the
other... or Both! He wriggled his butt, feeling hands rub his nuts against
the others. Damn! The males had him between them, and they used him well.
His paws grasped his own butt, With help... The stallion hunched under him,
slamming his ass up at the same time the male skewered the bear. He could
neither pull nor push... All he could was hold on. And came first! He
roared, trying to arch back and shove forward at the same time. His balls
exploded, taking his head with them. Cum poured out his cock...

Then fluid warmed his anal walls. He moaned... Howled as the ass-hole
turned into a hand, milking his nuts dry... He finally lay bent over the
rump that had robbed him of ability. The man moved gently behind him,
working out the last of his orgasm on the panting animal. The shrinking
cock was pulled out... And teeth dug into the furry butt! Medcu squalled,
trying to fend off the bites, as his own shrinking dick fanned air. Then
his testicles were lashed by a pair of tongues. "Please..." he managed to
gasp out. Hands roughed up his nipples. Then they were at his ass again!
The animal finally became a quivering mass of flesh, whimpering when
touched. A few pails of water didn't help... especially when they were
followed by clawed paws and grasping fingers. They teased, kneaded and
fondled the bruin until he as pliable as dough. And left him... Paws
undone, he could do no more than moan. "Mercy..." He raggedly gasped. A
finger pressed itself between his eyes... He passed out. Was tossed over
the broad back. The man wandered off for a few minutes, then returned...
They marched off, leaving a wondering spy behind.

He had gotten lost, and if it wasn't for a chance sighting of his quarry
moving through the forest, Serye would have had to return to the castle,
and face his Lord's wrath... Now as he watched the procession go down the
pathway, he wasn't so sure it Was chance. He hurried after, being sure to
keep out of sight.

* * *

The castle wasn't much... As castles go. But it was big enough to warrant a
dungeon. And That's where Medcu went. He seemed eager to get stone between
himself and the two sex-maniacs. CSM was put into a stable, and gossiped
with the other mounts. The robed one went inside, followed by a bearer. He
knelt when told to, and took his place as a guest at the long table. A
guard stiffened... 'It could Not Be!' A servant came by with wine. The
dark-clad one lifted his cup, and tapped it. A trader sitting beside him
grunted. "He says it's dirty..." The bear took the cup and looked at it.
"No, melord, it's clean." The hall grew quiet, as people felt something was
about to happen. Eyes turned towards the threesome. The man took it back,
and blew in it... A large quantity of white powder went everywhere... He
sneezed loudly as did the servant. There was a stunned silence. Followed by
roars of laughter as the bruin blushed. He took the cup, wiped it out and
filled it. They waited to see if any more tricks were forthcoming, as
entertainment was a rarity... The canine wiped his eyes and brushed the
dust from his shoulder. "Very good..." The male had been asked to sit
beside him for more than one reason.

As a Trader, Ufieo knew many languages, Including Sign. There wasn't
anything special going on to drag such a dignitary down to their little
castle... So why was he here? And why didn't he speak? He boldly stroked a
thigh, waiting for reaction. The wolf had seen things which would have
curled fur on most beings. There were places where he was fair game,
Literally. Other parts of the world where one was Expected to sleep with
Another male... Or even an animal. His fortunes came from being flexible,
and being right more times than wrong. His instincts told him to move the
paw upwards, but now he could say he was looking for something and had been
mista... Fingers slid under his skirt, stroking his sweaty balls. When one
twirled around his stiffening cock, he grinned inwardly. Damn! The guard
behind them also noticed the way things were going. He also knew who sat in
front of him. 'After all this time, you Return. This time you will not be
so lucky. This time I wi...' "Speech." What? One of the Dukes had waived a
paw. "It has been long since we have heard from the Lord's Court... Tell
Us, if you will, what goes on nowadays..." The canine coughed, hoping to
remain anonymous for a bit longer... Damn again! A hand pressed against his
arm, asking him to rise as well. He shrugged... Then lost it as the male
dropped the cowl on his traveling cloak. The torchlight flickered over the

One blue eye, cold as hardened steel was accompanied by a dark patch that
didn't quite cover a ragged scar. A gasp as he undid the clasp and let the
cloth puddle down in the chair. From the look of his neck, any voice the
male May have had wouldn't be heard in this life... The Duke sat down,
quite white-muzzled... Then they really got a shock as the Chancellor
turned, side-stepped a sword-thrust, and slammed his chair into the mid-
section of the guard behind him! The wood broke on the metal plates, but
still took the wind out of the creature. The bear doubled over... To
receive a hammer blow to the back of his head. Dropping the blade, the
animal staggered. Then was flipped to slam full onto the table. An arm was
locked just under the chin, and was applying pressure to the already bent
neck. Ufieo was locked in his half-stand... He shook himself, watching the
free hand. 'Have you already forgotten what they taught us?' was tapped on
the head. The bear growled, but didn't struggle... "Kill me Then!" The man
shook his head. The hand moved again. This time the Trader repeated what he
saw. "No... This is Not The Arena. We are among 'Civilized' people..." The
guard pulled the arm from his throat.

Then rolled off the table and looked at his opponent. "You always were a
weakling..." The grin had nothing to do with humor. The trader threw his
arm between them. "Enough! By the Order... Enough!" The animal slammed his
claws into the table, leaving furrows in the wood. 'You have moaned under
me before, Niut... Care to do so again?' The bear stuck his paw before the
male. Other guards now stood beside him. He growled as the man placed a
hand in it, sliding gloved fingers between stubby ones. 'Your Brother was
Bigger... In more ways than one.' Only the outthrust forearm kept Niut's
claws from the jagged scars adorning the man's neck. Then he turned and
bowed to the Baron. "My Liege..." That one lifted his own paw, releasing
the animal into the care of the guards. The Baron stood. "Trader Ufieo,
Counselor, My chamber if you please..." The man walked in front of the wolf
as they were ushered into a room. "You are Trouble!" In response, the man
removed his patch. The bone around the empty socket had teeth marks in
it... Along with a claw-wide furrow. It divided the eyebrow and ran down to
just below the cheek. The canine softly pressed his paw to the wound. It
was real... So was the one on his throat. He swore to as many gods as he
knew... And made up a few more.

Baron Tial listened at the open door, and looked at his mate. She resembled
a golden cat, with pale blue eyes that one could get lost in quite
easily... He had fallen in love with her since first they had met. Both
fathers approved of the union, since both were small serfdoms... 3 Cubs
they had been blessed with, all taking after their wise Mother. For Shier
was the Real power behind the throne. Being a Priestess didn't hurt
either... A soft pat told him all was well. She entered, regal as any
Queen. A hand shielded the wound. "Please, Do not feel uncomfortable... I
have seen worse." She had tended to casualties, and caused some of her own,
when she was younger. Now, she got her adventures by talking to Travellers.
The man nodded, and replaced the cloth. The Baron bade them sit. Then
looked the man over well. "Your name, Please..." The hands moved. 'Shadow,
Second Counsellor.' A tail curled around his wrist. He patted it, feeling
the tension drain from him. He once again looked over the scars... A
thought came to him. "What is 'The Order'?" Ufieo sighed. "The Order are
those who manage to live long enough to escape from The Arena, And fight
their way to freedom..."

"Shadow, I gather, is one of those few. Niut is another..." Shier smiled.
"Males... Always talking. Has it not occurred to either of you that our
visiter has had Nothing to drink since he came in?" She got a couple of
silver cups and handed out wine. "Where is The Arena?" One thumb pointed
straight down. "South?" The canine shook his head. "Lower..." Then at their
puzzled looks, "Hades. To be exact, The Island Of The Damned..." A hiss
came from both of them. Very few people live to tell of the Island. It is a
place where even Pirates dislike going... Shipwrecks were once common as
the place lay within a shipping route. Those who didn't drown, or got
carried off by sea-creatures, were taken to the Games. They would have
cleaned the nest of demons out long ago, but the Island was a natural
fortress. And the inhabitants the bloodiest savages ever to take breath.
Some tried, to lose whole ships and crew. Now came word that there were
survivors... But at what cost! "Why are you here, then?" The queen softly
spoke, taking a sip of her wine. The hands moved. 'A rest-stop.' The baron
gave out an audible sigh. "Rrtik..." A nod. The hands came together at the
edges, bent to form a roof... Then broke apart to fall, fingers fluttering.

The Trader put a paw on them... That symbol needed no translating. "Trader,
You know our castle well... Would be so kind as to show our guest to the
Visitor's quarters?" The king kept his surprise hidden. He had never really
gotten used to his wife's ways... But it was a small price to pay for her
love. A bow and the pair went out of the chamber. "Well?" The cat put the
cups back onto the tray. "He is an enigma... But, he is also quite loyal.
In his own way..." The bear put her head in his paws, and kissed it. "Must
you always talk in riddles?" She grinned and grabbed his crotch. "No..." He
laughed. Lifted the queen up, and carried her to their bedchamber. Ufieo
had problems of his own. He was standing next to a statue. A blade that
gleamed dully held him against the stone wall. Then a guard walked down the
corridor... With a muffled rumble the man leaped clear over him... To twist
in mid-air! An arm jerked around the throat, the other carefully slid the
blade over his hairy chest. The dagger in his paw was jarred loose upon
hitting the floor. "How many more follow?" The voice came from above
them... The Trader jumped as a creature fell lightly to the floor. It's
scaly head glittered in the torchlight.

A small tongue of flame scorched the bruin's crotch. He yeeped, jerking his
paws to the heated area. The mini-dragon snorted a plume of smoke.
"Reply..." "Two..." came a squeak. Ufieo had his own blade out now... No
longer wondering how the male had found about a plot on their lives. 'Trust
No One.' Hah! The sword hilt stroked the sweaty brow... And it's owner gave
a sigh, sagging. He was dragged into the shadows, as footsteps approached.
They were ordinary guards... Making rounds. The daggers that went into the
broad backs, however, were not. Nor were the pair of blades that made the
assassins follow their prey through Death's door. The mid-blade separated
spinal cord from neck, while the shorter guard-blades on either side cut
more than just skin. The Trader came into the corridor in time to see the
robed figure jerk his knives free. So fast did their life-force depart,
neither creature had time to loose their own weapons. So they remained,
still embedded in the backs of two dead guards. And that was how they were
found. A third was trussed up and hung from a rafter... He sang very
prettily under the watchful gaze of the Queen.

She was incensed that somebody had actually tried to murder Guests in Her
Castle! The trio, on the other hand, were much too busy to be bothered
about such things. Between the man and the reptile, Ufieo was squirming on
the threshold of orgasm. Everything from the tips of his ears to the claws
on his feet were fair game. Caressed, nibbled, licked, sucked... And never
any one place for long. His blurry eyes took in a form. The miniature
dragon was on top of him, grazing on his chest hair. When they came to a
hard nipple the scaly lips tugged it into the warm mouth, so a forked
tongue could wrap twin fingers around the knob and tweak... Something thick
and wet rubbed his rump. Dipped into the sweaty valley of fur. Did things
to his nervous system... "Bastard!" He muttered weakly. Then his nipples
were ground under hard claws as the animal pressed it's muzzle to his. The
insistent worm wanted entrance... He reached down and grabbed a sweaty
butt-cheek. With a moan he shoved it forward, so the cock was made to forge
a passage into him. It was not as big as some that had rooted there, but it
was shaped as none other. Then his own nudged at a scaly hole. The reptile
hissed above him, impaling itself on his erection.

The canine groaned... A penis rubbed his stomach. He curled claws around
it, and jerked the male-meat, while hunching against the human behind him.
He stroked the sweaty ball-sack with his tail, brushing it well. 'Why so
clean?' The wolf chuckled... "So when you get done, I can chew on them..."
'Why not now?' The hairy bush slapped the man's back. "I want your... Unnh!
Your dick up my ass for a time yet..." The mini-dragon snorted. "What about
My dick?" A hand slid around the leathery belly to help stroke the gray
penis. The Trader grunted, trying to find some rhythm to hump by. Finally
gave up and let himself be the filing in the sandwich. And was the first to
ejaculate... With a howl, he spurted into the mini-drag's clutching ass.
And then the cock slapping his belly spurted, matting his fur with sticky
stuff. "Damn You Bastard... Cum Already!" 'As you wish...' "Ahhh... Yes!"
Semen jetted deep in his guts, warming his intestines. And the male kept on
buggering him... Made the wolf squirm and howl and blow his wad again...
Leathery lips pulled on his tongue while teeth nibbled on an ear-tip.
"Horny Thnids!" Both mammals were wrapped in leathery wings, and with one
last spurt, Ufieo slipped into slumber.

And found themselves alone the next morning. Shadow was up, had eaten,
talked to the Queen and mounted... All before they had opened their eyes.
It Was mid- morning... And neither really felt like leaving. So they didn't
until The mid- day meal. "To Shadow..." The reptile growled around the
spurting cock-head, gulping the semen. "Indeed... To Shadow. May he return
soon..." The Wolf licked the last drops of dragon seed from the gray stalk.
Then they fondled each other and washed. Went to discuss matters of state
with the Owners of the Castle.

* * *

General Iuy growled softly. Serye had returned with wide-eyes and
information that made the spy shiver just to repeat it. He wasn't blind to
the looks the young Prince gave to the dark-clad one. Now, standing before
a pacing Hasuy, he found his courage draining... Especially when the King
got up and closed the door! "Perhaps I should not be so secretive... Shadow
Is a Knight in The Order Of Survival. He left the Island, as All do... By
Killing those who stood in his way." He sighed. "I would guess there is
still a price on his head... If any should be so foolish as to try to
collect it... Come in, Son." Orfid yanked his nose back, then reluctantly
entered the chamber. "So..." the king looked his son over. "Who do you
Love?" Orfid was plainly taken aback. "What... What do you mean, father?"
The bear walked over to his trembling offspring. Took the muzzle in one
paw. "The time comes when you shall be a male, and no longer a cub... You
must take a wife. Have children..." Orfid looked like he was going to lose
his lunch... The paw jerked his head up. "Where lies your loyalty... With
me, or with A one-eyed tramp-son? You Do know the penalty for
disloyalty..." Orfid turned white, then red... Anger made his blood run
hot... "Castration... Or Banishment. Or Both...." This simply added fuel to
the flames... "Are you threatening me? Your youngest Son? Well, Father...
Then Do What you Will!" Orfid growled low in his throat...

"Remove may maleness if it pleases you, Send me to the farthest end of the
kingdom. I will return for Shadow..." Orfid lifted one paw and clasped his
nuts with the other. Hasuy again motioned the General to silence. "Iuy,
Tell Counsellor Shadow his trained bitch is going to be sold into slavery.
If he wishes to buy it back, he may put in a bid..." Orfid went white, as
what he had just said hit home... Gave a yeep as he clasped his nuts a bit
too hard. But said nothing. The king went over to the table and picked up a
fruit, cut it in half with a dagger, dropping it on the table. He tossed
half to Iuy who was as bewildered as Orfid. A thin trickle of blood dripped
down the brown fur as the bear bit his lip. A pit hit him squarely in the
nose... "Decide!" A claw pointed to his groin. "Him... Or Me. You may not
serve 2 Masters. You must either be loyal to your King and Father, or Your
Lover...." A squeak. "I can not..."

A paw grabbed his own, and gave a not-so-gentle squeeze to what they held.
"Do you wish me to rip these from you, Shave your ass, And sell you to
another kingdom, Thereby shaming me and demeaning Our Family name?" Orfid's
mouth fell open in shock. "Or would you prefer to degrade me by going into
exile with Another Male... One whose only talent is that he kills better
than most." The dagger was lifted, then slammed back into the wood. "Well?"
The bear quaked... "Give up your stupidity, and be My son... Or slime our
honor... Decide!" The last as the King smacked Orfid, then turned and went
over to the General. "Say nothing..." Iuy was too bewildered To say
anything. Then they went over to the fire, ignoring the cub who stood a few
paces away. Orfid felt like a hollow gourd. All his dreams and plans were
running between his claws like sand. He had 3 options... He could stop
loving Shadow, and Marr.... The bruin jumped as he again squeezed his
abused nuts. Never! Jerking his paw from his crotch, the Prince tried to
get his fleeting thoughts together. They Could run away. Live in exile in
another kingdom... And create a war. Slavery, which was the Traditional way
to handle such dilemmas, would only make things worse.

For even if his Father would do nothing, Others would try... And die for
their troubles. To live in shame... A gleam caught his eye. Or to die... He
watched the pair, who seemed deep in conversation. Reached for the dagger.
"Decided?" The paw stopped in mid-air. He made it move towards the bowl.
"Slaves eat when they are told... You could stand to lose some weight."
Orfid waited until the muzzle was once again turned towards the fire. Then
he quickly grabbed the handle. It resisted his efforts to come loose...
Damn! He moved his body so they wouldn't notice what he tried to do. At
last, the blade was in his paw. It was too small to plunge into his heart.
And too narrow to open his wrists with... He would have to slide it across
his neck. He had touched the scar on Shadow's neck enough times. If the
blade had gone deeper, or cut wider on either side, he would have been
dead... 'Would it hurt?' He wondered dully. Not as much as the hell he was
enduring at the moment... With a whispered "Goodbye..." He lifted the
weapon to his chin.... And went sprawling on the floor, eyes filled with
tears against the pain. His cheek throbbed where the paw had struck.

Hasuy knelt beside his son, and held him, stroking his ears, as the
bewildered youth lay, too startled for words... Then sobbed, crying anew.
"My son will have a ceremony befitting a Prince... Iuy. Please see to the
details." The General nodded, and left. He wondered where the Prince would
go, and whether he would like a traveling companion... There were castles
enough to spare for a Bachelor Knight, and a Prince seeking fortunes. His
second would enjoy the promotion... The king held his son, letting the dam
break. And break it did... Orfid sobbed, choked on the words more than
once, but struggled through it. The worries of a discreet romance had
weighed heavily on the youth. What would his Father think? What would his
Brothers say? Would he have to leave? When neither broken word or sob came
from the still form, he lifted the muzzle. The nose ran, and the blue eyes
were red... 'So much like his mother...' "Did you think I would let such a
petty thing come between me and any of my sons?" He pressed the muzzle to
his in a gentle kiss. Orfid blushed, bending his head... "Are you still
loyal?" And snapped it back up. Orfid thought he had been shocked all he
could be... "You are my father. My liege... What love I do not have for
Shadow is yours..."

A grin. "Good. As to why the..." He pointed to the dagger some feet away,
"I had to be sure... More than Tongues will wag at having a son who prefers
males. And if I Die, as well as all Your Brothers, You Will Be King. What
then?" Orfid pressed his head to the huge chest. "Then My Eldest Brother's
Son may reign..." Lifted it... This time the muzzle-press had nothing to do
with a Father cajoling his Son. The bruin was startled by the amount of
lust in the kiss, but he returned it. Added to the caress when his own
fires lit... Hasuy pulled back from his son, feeling his lips burn. "You
will never wear the crown..." As what he had done hit him, Orfid pressed
his paw to his mouth. A claw lifted his chin. "Think you are the only one
who has lain with males? In the marches, There are No females... So one
does what one must with one's shield-brother. Sometimes, one finds one
prefers the feel of a male to a female... But I am King. A king must have
Heirs... What he does in another castle... Or when he is in battle... Or
his Wife dies, and he is in mourning...." The prince's eyes went wide. "But
Father..." A grin followed a head pat. "Nothing like waking to a hand on
your balls... Even if it doesn't have any hair."

The bear put his paws on his head and shook it... He did find out one
thing... When you get too many shocks, you don't fall, you bounce! He shook
himself, then grinned. "I am a mess..." Then took the male's paw in his and
pressed it to his forehead. Gave the furry appendage a kiss. Not the ritual
press of lips on skin, but the impassioned nuzzle a lover gives his newly-
found partner. The other one smacked his butt... "You are not so old I
can't spank you, Prince... Now, go clean up. I have other things to do
besides cuddle my youngest..." Orfid again pressed the paw to his head. "My
Lord..." Then, eyes shining with pride, he stood, and retrieving his
clothing, walked out, head high. Hasuy shook his own and growled. Then
slammed his paw on the table. "Well, Well, Well..." Safv walked into the
room, locking the door behind him. "Will you kiss me as well, Father? Or do
you prefer cubs..." The king opened his mouth to yell at his next-to-eldest
son... To close it again as the bruin dropped his robe, showing a nicely
muscled body... And a throbbing erection. The prince walked over to slide a
paw into Hasuy's robe and stroke his nuts....

Safv found himself sprawled on the table, with a full-grown male on top of
him. He laughed, and shoved his hips against the furry thighs, grabbing the
head and pulling it down to be kissed. One paw grabbed his leg, holding his
hips as the maleness butted blindly at his ass... Then found entrance. The
younger animal grunted, arching as the pole slid deep into him. Teeth bit
at a nipple, paws urging the furry butt to entrench the thick cock faster.
Instead, it slid back... With a yelp, Safv jerked, trying to stop the
exodus. Groped for the slick meat... And had his paws slapped away. "I'm on
top... I will decide how to fuck you." The bear stopped struggling, and
went limp. "As you wish..." With one savage thrust, the king slammed his
erection, sheath and all, into his willing son's butt. Holding onto the
furry cheeks with both paws, he hunched rapidly, making the entire table
vibrate. Far from trying to stop the savage buggering, the male encouraged
his lover to pound harder. To take longer strokes... Flesh met flesh,
tongues twining. The huge dick was moving at good speed, as the hips
gyrated, pistoning almost half the thick length at a time. They kissed over
the smaller cock jutting out of Safv's crotch.

Claws tortured the fat nuts, squeezed the reddish penis. With a moan, the
bear bent, cum spouting in the air. Tongues got busy swiping at the sticky
globules. A jerk on the heated flesh brought another geyser. Between them,
nothing reached either paw or furry hips. Hasuy rode his son's orgasm,
letting the bruin hunch against him. When the wave became a ripple, he
continued buggering the wailing creature. This time, his balls ignited and
he pulled the haunches to his crotch, roaring in pleasure. Semen jetted
deep into the male's ass, washing it with warm liquid. He flopped, gasping
as paws held him still so anal muscles could milk more scum out of the
pulsating cock. At last they lay in a puddle of sweaty fur. "What about
Orfid?" The king shook his head. "Yes..." Looked down at his son. "What do
You suggest?" The bruin shrugged. Then patted the wet muzzle. "I would
never harm my younger brother... Sometimes, when he would have a bad dream,
or something frightened him, he would come to my room, and crawl into my
arms. It was hard not to take advantage of the small muzzle resting on my
chest, The claws curling around my erection... He was too young to
understand what we did. But we both enjoyed it... He sucked well, even

He looked up at his father. Ran claws down the huge frame to where they
were still joined. "Many is the time I watched you sleep, wanting to feel
you. Wishing to lie next to you and take that which sired me deep inside my
ass. Nurse upon your staff of life..." A chuckle as the king tousled his
son's furry head. "Shall we do it again?" A grin as Safv lifted himself up
to kiss a hard nipple. "Whatever pleases my lord." The bear grumbled. "What
would please me most is not to have such hot-blooded sons..." A chuckle...
"Ah, but we do take after our Father... Eep!" His swelling balls were given
a squeeze. "Shut up and kiss me..." Safv squirmed... "I can't." Hasuy
grunted, feeling the male grip him with strong anal muscles. "Oh, Why?"
Another squeeze. "Because you are in my ass... No! Wait!!" The bear pulled
his foot of maleness out of his son, re-corking the gaping hole with a pair
of claws. "Well... I'm not now." He slapped his dripping cock on the furred
chest. Then gasped as a tongue longer than he had ever seen slid out of the
brown muzzle and wrap it's pinkish self thrice around his erection. The
monarch shifted, pulling his son off the table and onto the floor.

Paws slid across the muscular thighs to grab his butt and squeeze the furry
cheeks. With a snap of teeth, the cock vanished down the bruin's muzzle.
Hasuy jerked, as the tongue unwound and got busy trying to empty his
nuts... It succeed too. The king groaned, lifting the stone table up, as he
arched and came into the leech's maw. Claws worked his ass over well, a
couple sliding into the clutching orifice... And not until the last slimy
drop was drained out did the suction lessen. A paw gently stroked the
throbbing balls, while another followed the clasped lips up to make sure
the dregs were gotten. Then the sensitive head was lashed and the bruin
danced... Hasuy Finally got the demon off his abused maleness, to have
teeth chew on his nutsack! "Aaugh! Stop!" A muffled answer came from his
groin as the horny animal attacked the furry butt- cheeks. The weary king
got his son up and off him. "You are a Wanton Bastard..." Got kissed. "I
follow my Father's foot-pads." With a grunt and an ass-fondling, the pair
drained the wine cups that lay to one side and went to bed. Servants
chuckled to themselves, and cleaned the mess up.

* * *

"So, you are from Hannat... The Bear looked over the scroll one more time.
"And why have you come?" A gloved hand pointed towards Chancellor Saahj.
Another rolled sheet was handed to the Castleholder. His eyes widened as
accusations and names unrolled before his eyes... It could Not be true! "It
just can't be..." He looked first at the creature who stood before him, and
whose seal matched the one on the bottom of the scroll, then at his trusted
advisor. "What is it, Sir?" 'Mere words...' He wanted desperately to say.
But they stuck in his throat. There were too many facts, too much the
scroll stated for it to be a ruse. Also... Nobody dared forge the Kings
seal. And live long. Well... As long as Torturers Could keep them alive.
"It seems somebody believes you have been in the wrong places, Counsel...
This person has come to place you under arrest." The bear snorted. "So,
They now send Assassins to clean up their messes. Well, you may find me not
so easy to kill." The cloak was dropped, revealing a male covered from head
to foot in black. The Herald of Hannat rode one side of the chest, and a
strange symbol the other... Saahj gasped. "No... You Are Dead!" A nasty-
looking weapon was pulled from the bruin's robe.

"I shall not surrender! Not to a ghost..." He stabbed at the being, who
grasped his sleeve. Jerked him forward, to leap over the startled male! An
arm wrapped itself around his throat, and he was flung bodily to the floor.
'You shall if you wish to keep your hide on your body and off the wall...'
The black-robed one held a blade to his throat, dark steel with rust-red
runes... Rrtik stared in shock... First to find out his own Counsellor has
been trying to start a war. Then a stranger who moves like the wind, but
says nothing... He sat down heavily. The hand moved... And the bruin
laughed bitterly. "No, Knight Shadow. I will not fight you. I will take my
chances on the dungeon." The Baron shook his head. Things fell into
place... Secret meetings he had ignored. Scraps of information and rumor he
had turned a deaf ear to. With a growl, he splintered the wooden chair arm.
Then stood. "Guards!" His voice was thunder. When a set of armored bodies
showed up, he flung a paw towards the pair. "Escort these two to the
dungeon... I will take no chances." The sword whirled, to stop with a
suddenness. "No... Please..." The Counsellor gasped, eyes going wide, as he
watched the man slowly come to a stance. A blue eye went cold as ice... He
lifted himself up, and scrabbled across the floor like a crab. "Resend you
order, Baron... I beg you... Take me away. Throw me in chains... But
Please, Do Not Anger him!"

Rrtik didn't like being told what to do. Especially not in his own
castle... "Take them..." One of the guards lifted his own blade. "Now don't
give us any trouble, Sir... Just come alon... Mmpf!" He stepped back, nose
bloodied from being hit by the flat of the sword. Another lifted his pike,
thrust it at the human... And had it chopped to pieces by a whirling blade.
Then a hand grabbed his and a shoulder slammed into his mid-section. He
yelped when fingers slid under his leather skirt, finding a half-hardon,
then grunted, being flung back as the knight surged under him. "I do not
believe it..." A sword shattered, slamming into the stone floor. The being
continued moving, keeping all 4 guards busy just trying not to lose body
parts. One of the bears jerked, his balls throbbing at the caress they had
been given when he and the male were pressed together. For a moment, he
hesitated... And a rock-hard fist took the wind from him. With a 'Whoof!'
he was propelled backwards... To slam full into a wall. The Counselor
watched the scene with growing horror. He turned again to Rrtik.
"Apologize. Now... before he decides that nobody in this castle is worth
saving...." "Daddy?" The entire assemblage froze.

A voice came from the other side of the being. A cub walked towards them.
"Who is he, Daddy? And why didn't somebody wake me... I like watching arms
practice." He reached up and grabbed the hanging hand. The entire room was
silent. The young one looked up at the male, who lifted him up, squealing.
The Baron took a step forward. "Please, Not my son..." The sword vanished
back into it's holder, as the youth flew halfway to the rafters... To be
deftly caught. "Again!" And again he was tossed high. He laughed with
delight, flapping his arms. "Daddy, Look... I can fly!" This time he was
cradled in an arm and his tummy was tickled. "No... No..." Holding the hand
with both paws, he giggled. Then was let down, to jerk his head as fingers
dug into his neck, and made him squeal yet again. Rrtik smiled... Puzzled,
but relieved. The dark-clad one lifted his hands and bared his wrists.
"Shadow, This is my youngest. Say hello to the Knight Shadow, Vkimh." The
cub took a hand in his and pressed his forehead to it. "May your life ever
be full..." A finger ruffled his ear hair, and he giggled. "And why are you
not in bed, Youth?" The bruin turned, head down. "I heard noises... And
came to see if you needed help." A stern look at his flushed cheeks.

"More like going to rummage through the kitchen..." He tossed the cub a
fruit, then turned to one of the guards. "Escort the prince back to his
chamber... And swat his rear if he gives you any trouble." The Prince
looked mortified as a guard lifted a spear and stepped behind him. "Good
eve, Sir..." A complicated bow made the little one swell with pride... And
a tap on the floor with the wooden rod made him move a bit faster towards
the door. The Baron sighed. "Perhaps I have been too hasty... Saahj, You go
to a cell. Shadow, Will you follow me please." The guards growled, but took
the prisoner away. It took a few minutes to find someone who knew the signs
that went for speech in some places. In between the Baron just looked at
the being who stood, head down. The cowl was now off and the scars were a
sight... When the bruin came, he nodded to his liege and made the sign for
greeting. 'I can hear, just not talk...' A dark smile, as the man opened
his robe, flipping the collar down. A gasp from the translator and a
grimace from the Baron... Damn! No wonder he had said nothing since
arriving. And the letter Did ask for a translator who knew Hand-Talk.
"First... Why did you fight so hard at being put into the dungeon? It would
have only been for a few days at most. And we do not torture our

'It was in a cell that I lost my... Virginity.' The baron stared at the
translator. "Did he say..." A nod. "His cell mate in the dungeon had been
one without a mate for a long time... It seems the animal went through
bunk-mates rather quickly. And Shadow was basically tossed naked into his
arms..." Hands made more symbols. "The guards, who look much like yours
laughed as I... He... Was raped." Rrtik sighed. How blind had he been? The
male had been uneasy... His counsellor begged him not to get the being
mad.... Ex-counsellor now. "And the eye?" He handed the being a cup of
wine, feeling the fingers stroke his. The Baron couldn't deny he was
intrigued by the creature, but not That much! 'The eye went in the arena...
As did my voice. The one along my cheek was done by the same animal as a
paw ripped my jaws open so he could use my mouth... Why was I tossed into
the monster's grasp? I refused to kill my opponent. A barely-grown cub, who
never should have been there was given a sword he could barely carry and
told to fight me. To the Death... When I hit his sword, he dropped it and
fell to my legs, crying in fear. He looked much like your's...' A sip of
the wine. "He refused the order to kill the being. Killed the guard
instead. Was tossed into the cell as punishment. Got to see the cub he
saved ripped apart by wild animals."

Rrtik gulped his own beverage down, hating the people on the Isle more and
more... He flung the half-empty cup at the wall. "I have been a fool...
Will you forgive me, Sir Knight?" The hands went to his shoulders. "Tis I
who deserve the beating... It has been long since I laid in a cell. And
this is Not the Arena... I ask forgiveness." Rrtik nodded. Turned and
grasped the hand, noticing it was missing a finger. This male's life would
make a Great epic... He would commission one in the morning. As much as the
Knight wanted to tell, anyway... But right now was the time for re-forging
ties, and strengthening bonds. He knew many females who be honored to warm
a hero's bed... But a page? The male grinned... 'A bed in the stable is as
good as any.' Again, the Baron felt humbled. "No... Gogmf." One of the
guards appeared at the door. "Ask Takh to find a suitable bed-mate for our
guest... Even if it means a Private Stall in the Stable... Understand?" The
guard nodded and followed the robed one who had just about beat the fur off
him. With little wonder... If half of what he said was true....

The eye-patch didn't cover the scar, and the jagged thing that ran under
his chin was no fake either. He put a paw on the shoulder. "Will I do?" A
hand slid inside his robe and fondled his balls... For a second time. Gogmf
growled, shoving the male against the wall, and kissing the pale lips.
Hands stroked his sides, dug into the furry butt. The bruin grunted, cock
responding to the lust that made his head spin. He grinned and led the
Knight to a side-chamber. "We will not be disturbed until dawn, male..."
The creature was disrobing, and there were more scars criss-crossing the
body. The guard tossed his own clothing aside, wanting to run his claws
over the smooth flesh. He turned and stepping to the bed, reclined so his
muscular body was shown to the male. "We usually wrestle to see who is on
top, but I do not care to feel your shoulder slam into my waist again." A
grin, and a sign. The hands crossed each other, then flipped. When the male
got to him, fingers traced his lips, moved to toy with his nipples, went
down to slide along his cock, and finally stroked his ass. The being took
his paw, kissed the palm. Moved it to compress a hard teat. Slid it down
father and frigged his cock through it.

Finally, it was rested on the strong butt. The bear dug his claws into the
flesh and lifted the male to his side. They kissed, caressing each other's
body. A quick flip brought wanton mouths in line with straining erections.
The male was good... Too damn.... Shit! Orgasm blew out a fuse in his
brain, turning him into a rutting bear, whose only thought was to cram as
much of his spurting cock into the warm orifice as was possible. Then the
one in his muzzle blew... Gogmf growled around the penis, gobbling the
sticky semen up. It was sweet, thick and the animal sucked hard and long,
wanting to drain the swelling nuts as his own were being siphoned dry. He
rooted around in the musky-smelling thatch of hair to make sure he had all
the cock in his muzzle. Then he shoved the male onto his back and pistoned
his snout over the still jetting pole. When he had a mouthful the animal
would swallow and lap at the still squirting head. Then continued pumping
the penis for more cum. He finally lay on the sheets, holding the squirming
male's groin to his lips. Lifting his paw out from under the man, he
stroked the smooth flesh, then grunted and with teeth firmly latched on the
shrinking penis, he fell asleep.

Gogmf awoke to find the creature hungrily nursing on his cock. Nuts jerking
in the clutching fingers, he whimpered and blew his wad into the greedy
gullet. Then with a sigh, slumber took him in again, as a tongue cleaned
residue from the shiny tip. Woke again to a foot nudging his butt... "Hey,
Sleepy... Quit sucking on your claws and get to work." The bear found his
digit quite wet, as he had been dreaming about the male. With a groan he
saw his friend, and sometimes-lover standing beside him. "He must have been
good. You are late for practice... Hey!" He jumped as the bruin grabbed his
legs and shoving a hot-tongued muzzle under his skirt, started chewing on
his balls. "And I haven't have breakfast either..." Claws dug into his
furry rump. "Well... You can eat later.... Eeeee!" He yelped as the
insistent mouth latched onto his dick and sucked it in. "And waste this
tasty piece of meat? Never!" A robed male smiled, and made a sign at the
standing one... Who grinned and returned the sign... Then leaned back to
toy with a fat cock-head with his foot. Both guards missed practice that

* * *

So the Counsellor returned with reassurances and well-wishes. And Left
again. The King didn't want him to go, nor did many of wiser heads on The
Chamber Table. But, He was resolute. 'You need no babysitter for the
princes... And it is time I moved on.' Nor would he take a reward. 'To work
under such a great and good king is reward enough.' He took the rank of
Lord-General, however... Hasuy told him if he Didn't take the ribbon and
rank, he would Personally tie the male to a door and carry him into the
ceremony That way! When dinner was finished and wine was passed around, One
of the burly guards stood beside the Lord. Then as one of many speeches
started in his honor, the monster put a restraining paw. "I gots orders,
Sir... You is to stay if I have to sits on yer." Another got up and told
how his prowess was like none other either in battle or in bed. Snickers
and giggles rose as more wonderful tales were told. The male put both hands
on his head and shook it. Another rose to heap still more bull on top of
the being who was trying to slide down in his chair... To be bodily pulled
up. The best was when a scroll was read... The guard had to kneel on the
chair legs to keep the male in place. It was long and full of praise and
deeds the man had done, both in his life and in service to the King.

This was no easy task, since the Lord didn't want to listen to all the
flowery words and cheers in his honor... And even though the hands were in
front of him (The guard put his paws over them, just to make sure...), His
butt was shoved in close proximity of the man's face. And this would not
have been so bad, except the male was chewing on the furry buns like a
starved peasant! Halfway through, the speaker paused for drink, and gave
the bruin a chance to shift positions... The others at the table watching
this were most amused, since the Lord was known for pulling pranks. Perhaps
he had somehow placed a few cockleburrs on the guard, for that one had
squirmed and jerked many a time. As the words came again, The bruin knelt
on the table, holding the chair as it tried to tip back so it's contents
could slink away, and planted feet firmly on either side of the legs so no
escape That way was possible either... Since his leather skirt covered the
Lord's face, his balls more than once brushed against a warm mouth. The
bear grunted... A tongue was caressing the fat nuts. He held onto the chair
and swallowed curses. Barely...

More than once, the guard had to grit his teeth as smaller ones bit at the
hanging ovals. "Easy duty, he says... Don't need no holder, he says...
Justs nurse-sit a shy Lord while he gets sung to, he says..." And more
nasties were muttered by the animal. At least both hands were on the
table... When the final accolade was said and the last bard had done, the
guard lifted off him and growled. His dick was hard as rock and his balls
were swollen with desire for the warm mouth that had been teasing them for
hours! The final straw was when the Lord slapped his thigh. This was done
to a soldier to indicate he had done good work. Or comrades may slap each
other's thighs before going into town, as an indication they were going to
screw themselves silly... This slap was a diversion. All saw the hand hit
his leg and applauded the Lord for being a good sport... Nobody saw the
hand that gave the bear-cock a quick stroke, teasing the tip, before
vanishing... Oooohhh!! Now he had to stand at attention with a hard-on that
was on the verge of pouring a river of spunk... When all were done, The
guest-of-honor stood, and lifted his arms to the assemblage. "Speech! Grace
us with thy words..." The man shook his head....

"My poor eloquence would not do justice to such a distinguished
gathering..." A Translator solemnly repeated, "However there is one who
might... If he would be so kind...." Then pointed at a bruin down the
table. "What?!" The hands lifted up... "Please, Good Lord. Yours is a gift
of speech I could never hope to equal..." Tihur could not believe his eyes.
Or his ears... The pompous bastard wanted Him to deliver a speech?! "I ask
forgiveness... I must leave to pack... And Someone who waits impatiently
for my return, is probably ready to bean me for being late... Again!" The
assemblage laughed and heartily wished the new Lord on his way to whoever
waited... Then settled back to hear what Tihur would add to the accolades.
As he left, the robed one gathered up the bear who he has so abused,
probably to give him a coin and a pat for doing such a good job of keeping
him in place, and being a good sport. Hasuy sighed.... Then grinned... The
male was shrewd. Damned smart too! Who better to raise ones praises than
one who hates your guts? He sipped his wine watching the bear turn red as
he tried unsuccessfully to reign his temper. The guard was too busy to hear
the speech.

He was holding onto the wall as the same mouth that had made his nuts swell
was between his legs and doing things to him that even the most wanton
chambermaid never had. Fingers mauled his butt-cheek, while others more
gently played with the swollen nut-sack. The mouth was everywhere! Nibbling
on the inside of his thighs, making him sweat and moan. Rolling his
testicles around in their fleshy holder, so a hand could stroke the long
penis. Then it collared the pointed tip, licking off the pre-cum bubbling
out of the slit. "My Lord... I... I'm about to... Eeep!" Both hands grabbed
his ass and jerked the furry hips forward so his sword could be sheathed
full down the hungry gullet. Orgasm ignited his nuts, burned across the
sweaty buttocks, where fingers were kneading and groping. Up the spinal
cord to make a paw drop heavily and press the head closer to the furry
groin. He stuffed his other paw into his mouth to keep from roaring!
Something hit the bear in the back of his head, buckling his knees and
making lights dance before his eyes. Ejaculate poured out of the tortured
cock, to disappear into a vortex of suction. He grunted as the tongue
caressed his cock-root.

Throat muscles pulled insistently on the quivering pole, dredging still
more scum from his churning balls, to vanish down the insatiable maw.
"Please..." He whispered to the monster at his groin. Fingers clasped his
testes and mauled them... And not until they were well drained did the male
stop the siphon. The guard puddled down the wall, gasping. Hands stroked
his sweaty chest. Then gripped his head and the male pressed a cheek to
his. A coin was pressed into his palm, and with a last kiss, the horny Lord
was gone... The guard made his way unsteadily back to the roundhouse.
"Well, Dids I steer ya straight? A grass-walk... Oooof!" The bear slammed
his fist into the other's paunch. "Yeah... I got me rear chewed fer the
better part of a candle, got me nuts slavered over for another and then His
Lordships decides ta have Me as his after-dinner snack! I won't be able to
Look at a female for weeks..." The sergeant growled at them to be quiet...
"Hey, was he dressed in black? Said next to nothin?" A nod... The other
one, who looked like a raccoon, chuckled. "Be glads that's all he did ta
ye. That were the Prince's pet-lover..." Things grew quiet... "Some says
that is the reason He is leaving. So The Prince can stay..."

A growl got their attention. "Any more scuttlebutt about the sexual
escapades of the upper house, and you All may do night duty in the Nocker's
Quarters... Naked, With yer paws tied above yer head! Now get to sleep..."
They grumbled, but many snickered about who would succumb to the 'ladies'
in the most seedy part of town, and many a dick got well-pawed that eve.

* * *

Safv was the last one to visit the male. He grinned, bolting the door. "I
knew all about you and Orfid... Hell, most everybody with half a brain
did..." He stepped into the room, and tossing his cloak to one side,
latched the door. The prince wore nothing other than his fur... He grabbed
his ringed breasts and shoved them at the robed male. "What do you think?
They are sliver. The nose-ring is gold..." He hit it with a claw, making
the circle gleam. "One of my lovers used to stick his balls through it, and
make me suck on him until they were drained enough to slide out... Do you
like it rough?" Robe didn't move. "Don't come 'High-N-Mighty' with Me...
Little Brother wasn't the first male you laid with in this castle... Nor
the last..." He grunted, pulling his testicles between two claws, until
they were tightly compressed and offered them to the male. Robe Still
didn't move... "Bastard! I wanted you for a Long time... Sometimes I
watched you and the little snit go at it. I pretended I was the one under
you, while I jerked off... Don't feel like eating dick?" He turned and
wriggled his muscular butt at the male. Still nothing... "What's the
matter? My ass isn't good enough for you?! How about my mouth, then..."

He flicked his long tongue out and slid it slowly over an erect nipple,
toying with the ring. Then his paws made a sign. 'Mate or Be Mated!' And he
grabbed the cloth-covered butt... Suddenly, he was flung onto the bed. The
prince stared at the three-bladed dagger inches from his eyes. Fingers slid
into his anus. 'Too big. Carve out a new hole to use...' Safv half believed
he would. "Promise to fuck me well? Then do it!" He grabbed the head, and
pulled it down to kiss the male wantonly. A hand grabbed his tongue and
pulled it up through the nose-ring... "Wha... Glurk!" The robe was flung to
the floor along with the weapon, and a pair of nuts slid over his tongue-
tip. He could just lap on them... But just. The bear growled... Then
grinned. Maddening bastard! Well, two could play at that game... He slid
claws through the butt-cheeks above him and stroked the puckered butt-hole.
One slid in... And he was free again. Keeping the claw in place, he added
another, working the button of flesh over well. Then pulled his tongue out
of the ring, so he could pay more attention to the cock bobbing before him.
"I don't need oiling..." He rubbed his muzzle along one side of the shaft,
then the other. Nuzzled the fat head, nibbling on it...

A finger opened his mouth. Then his ring was flipped up and the slick penis
was shoved through it! Safv's eyes crossed looking at the thing... "No,
No... You put your nuts there... Umf!" The male's testicles were placed in
his mouth instead and the jaw pressed shut. Grabbing the muzzle, he hunched
against the gold hoop. 'Oooo... How bizarre! I Knew he would be fun!' The
animal slurped and munched on the swelling balls thoroughly. Then pressed
his fangs in the sack. Not hard, but enough to make the male jerk... Claws
stroked the smooth butt. 'Cum on my forehead, and I will bite these...' A
hand tweaked one of the nipple rings. 'Bite Too hard, and I won't be able
to...' The man jerked again as the bear worked his scrotum over well.
'Promise?' A sigh... 'I Promise not to cum on your forehead...' The animal
relaxed and inhaled the scent of male-musk. 'I will aim for your Ears!'
Safv laughed... His tongue slid out, over the ring, down the shaft and
rubbed at the cock-head like an amorous pink snake. "Pleath..." A third
claw threatened to enter the tight anal ring. A nod made bruin lift the
soaked nuts out with his own paw and gave each a kiss. Then pulled the
penis back through the ring. The tip was also kissed... Then vanished into
the maw.

'I thought you wanted it...' He sucked hungrily, working his muzzle over
the pole well. 'A nibble first... You'll last longer.' Hands stroked his
ears, toyed with his tits and in general played havoc with the mammal's
nervous system. Who in turn munched, slurped and nursed on the cock, which
while not big, wasn't anything to sneeze at either. It fitted nicely on his
tongue, and occasionally tapped his tonsils. And gave up it's syrup most
generously... Safv growled, holding the spurting head just inside his mouth
so the stuff could flow down his tongue... 'Tasty...' He lapped at it. Then
swallowed the thing one again. The bear sucked gently on it like cub with a
sweet he wants to make last. 'My turn...' Fangs bit into the fleshy pole.
'Only if it goes up my ass...' The snake-like tongue wrapped around his
shrinking cock and rhythmically squeezed on it, keeping the pole fat and
swollen. Like the nuts his claws worked over well. 'Alright...' The horny
animal let the maleness out of his mouth... To kiss the tip. "Return
soon..." Kissed it again. Then grabbing the man's nuts, guided the thing
across his chest. A hand stopped his. "What? Ohh..." The dick was rubbed
across his hard nipples. Then another tug sent it downward. To rub a larger
one. The ball-sacks got squashed together. Safv grabbed both cocks and
squeezed them. "Just what I always wanted... Now Get it in me!"

'Won't fit...' The bear grunted. "What do you mean? I've taken dicks twice
as big as yours..." His penis was bent down. 'Not long enough... Won't
bend.' The erection slapped his stomach. "Funny... Now bugger me, Damnit!"
The male lifted his legs and knelt... To fall in. 'Should have cut a new
hole...' Safv laughed and gripped the maleness. Not too long. Not too
wide... Comfortable. That was it... A Comfortable fit. And one he could
enjoy all night. And damn near had to! "Will you blow already? Damn! I like
being humped as much as anybody... But you would try a dead male's
patience!" 'You wanted me to last...' "Yeah... But not the whole damn
night!" He howled, feeling the male Finally spurt deep inside his guts. And
pulled out! "What? Wait!" Hands grabbed his ears and roughly pulled his
panting muzzle to the slimy cock. A thrill ran down Safv's spine... "Oh,
Yes, Master!" His tongue slid out and rapidly cleaned every bit of cum,
excrement, and whatever else was on the cock off. When it was shiny and
polished, he slid it into his mouth... To have it jerked out. "Master?" He
was flung back, the male astride his hips. He was rode hard and without
mercy. His swollen nuts exploded, spewing sticky semen deep into the

When the river became a trickle, the man jerked on his tit-rings. "Yes... I
Will suck.... Mmmpf!" Knees slid on either side of his muzzle. A sweaty
pair of balls slapped his nose. Safv growled and grabbing the wet ass-
cheeks, buried his jaws between them. His tongue slid deeper into the male
than his cock was before, cleaning every last drop of sweet cum out. Then
slid the thighs back so he could chew on the swollen testicles. As fingers
twisted his rings and the flesh they were attached to, he sucked like a
banshee on the hard dick. One paw was firmly holding the groin in place,
while the other frigged an abused piece of male-meat. The penis jerked,
pumping thick male-seed into his muzzle. The bruin growled, gulping the
stuff down as fast as it could be siphoned out. Then his own maleness gave
out a trickle of cum. Even so, he didn't let go of the spurting cock until
it was drained of even insemenal fluid. Then he bit the penis and moved the
man so he could clean himself off... Sighed, and kissed the male. "Was that
so bad?" A grin, as a hand stroked his side. He turned over and pressed his
butt against the man, Took a hand and pressed his nuts into it. Grunted as
fingers squeezed the shrunken testicles. And fell asleep, with a dreamy

When he awoke, it was to find somebody dropped a hungry Wolder on him...
Teeth dug into his nose. He moaned and tried to pull away... Then the mouth
was on his nipples, chewing on the rings and nipping the hard flesh. Then
the monster vanished... "Wha? YEEP!" He jerked upright as his feet were
attacked next. It was bad enough that a tongue was curling around a toe-
claw, but something was tickling the hell out of his other foot-pad.
"Please..." He gasped, trying to reach down and stop the torture of his
extremities. The mouth switched to the other foot, as hands stroked his
calf muscles erotically... Safv moaned, and lay back. His legs were lifted
and tossed over strong shoulders. "Oh, Yes... Take Me!" The being continued
onward, stroking his seeping penis across the hole that gaped wantonly. His
shoulders were grasped... And the male surged upwards! "What? Ooof!" The
bear found himself bent into a crescent. The man grinned at him, then
lifted up to slide his erection between the bruin's legs, and stroke the
reddish penis with it. The Prince grinned himself... This was Sooo Kinky!
If a bit hard on the spine...

He opened his mouth, grabbed the smooth ass, and lifted up to wrap his
tongue around the twin dicks. Mmmm.... Sucking was not impossible, so Safv
tried it. His nuts were mauled, and he stuck a claw up to the paw in the
human's butt in retaliation... Then shoved three down his own. Wow! This
was too much. The bed squeaked as the occupants got violent in their
movements. The animal jerked, snarling as a hand dropped to toy with his
nipples. Having both paws busy, Safv could not reciprocate... He could,
however stick another claw into the already pulsating anus. Damn! A finger
stuck itself in his butt, helping the ones already busy at work. With a
muffled howl, the bear blew his wad down his throat. He sucked greedily on
the penis... And the other one exploded. The Prince was going to drown in
sweet ejaculate... And He loved it! He glugged the sticky spunk down,
throat working overtime. One pulled out... "No! I wasn't through with
that!!" Was what he tried to say... Then his claws were jerked out of his
anus and the slick dick was stuffed there instead. Now Safv was Really
rode! His cock hit zenith in his throat, as his groin was compressed into
his snout. Pulled back... And shoved back again.

This went on for quite a few minutes, the bruin wheezing as a few breaths
got in between lunges. Then the man did something Really nasty! He gripped
the furry hips and humped twice as fast as he hunched. Then slower, riding
the twisting buttocks. Faster... Slower.... 'Bastard, Cum!' And so the man
did... spewing one last time in the abused bruins' ass. Then pulled free,
allowing the weary bear to unwind. One last lick, and Safv dropped back to
the bed. His back ached, but he had been in that position before... A mug
of wine was pressed into his paw. He grunted and sipped the beverage. His
eyes were on the male who was standing in a stone ring. A bucket of water
was dumped over him. Then a brush scrubbed the flesh well. Another bucket
rinsed off cleanser and dirt. The animal growled... Drained the mug and
stalked towards the male who had a towel in one hand. "Allow me..." He
buried his muzzle in between the butt-cheeks, licking the man's entire
crotch. Paws took the cloth and worked it slowly over the scarred legs.
'Was there a place on this body that Didn't carry a scar?' His tongue
busily searched the groin... Teeth marks on both his cock and scrotum. Claw
scars on the muscular ass... He rubbed his muzzle against them, continuing
to dry off the male. Perhaps...

Hah! Both back and chest were a patchwork of small and large furrows. The
nipples were fairly intact, and hard as he teased at one. Fingers clutched
his semi-erection. 'No ring?' Safv looked over the smooth shoulder... but
not before biting it. "Hmmm?" Fingers pinched the red flesh. 'No ring
here?' The bear laughed... "Not yet... Would you like me to put one there?"
The towel was stroked down the arms, then up to finish off drying the face
and hair. The Prince turned his lover and stared at the socket that once
held an eye. "Did it hurt much?" He pressed his lips to the hole, then slid
his tongue into it... Teeth experimentally pressed the flesh, feeling the
size of the fang holes in the bone. "He Must have been huge!" 'They
were...' They?! Safv had a hundred questions, but a kiss and a slap on his
butt told the bear his visit had come to an end. "Stay... Be My lover. I
will keep you entertained... Mmpf!" Another kiss silenced all talk. 'I will
miss you...' He held the male to him, pressing their nipples and cocks
together. 'No you won't... You have a whole Castle to screw.' The Prince
laughed and gave the double-pawful of ass a good squeeze. "Yes... But none
like you. Return and visit..." His own butt got mauled.

'Come out and see the world sometime...' His gold ring was pulled down and
his nose kissed. He retrieved his robe and shrugged it on... Then pressed
both paws and muzzles with the man. Halfway down the corridor, the bear
felt a tingle... He shrugged and continued on. The animal barely made it to
his room... His entire body throbbed with lust. "Wha?" he quickly stripped
as just feeling the robe stroking his fur was too much to bear. He made
himself grab the cloth and shake it... Nothing... Then in one pocket, he
found some fine powder that shimmered... "Harr Dust! In the wine... " He
shook his paw then groaned as even clenching his claws together was too
pleasurable to stand. "You Bastard!! I'll Get You For... AAAUGH!" Breathing
became pleasure. Safv slid claws through his fur and danced in a self-
induced orgy. His tongue slid out to tickle the tips of his ears. He gave
his nuts a squeeze and twisted his flaccid cock. No luck... The narcotic
would be with him for a while longer... A megagasm turned his brain to
mush, and he shrieked softly. Every hair stood on end and neurons burned
with Pleasure... The creature fell onto it's bed and lay, quite insensitive
to the tugs and pulls of the chambermaids.

Cold water thrown on the shuddering head did as much good as wine poured
down the throat... None. Then Safv rose up and gave out such a moan, the
entire crew jumped to find a doctor. And when He showed up, he found a
weary bear, coat glistening with sweat. A paw waived him closer. "Tell that
Bastard it was the best gift in remembrance... And I Will Get Him Back!"
Then he sighed and passed out. The coati shook his narrow head, then walked
towards the door. He stopped a moment and bent to take a pinch of the dust
on the ground. Gave a tentative sniff... Then sneezed! Found more in a robe
pocket. It was a grinning creature that ordered bed-rest for the Prince.
And wine for himself...

* * *

Hasuy hugged the robed male. 'Care to check and see that I don't take the
Good Silver?' The bruin laughed... "You may have anything you desire from
me... Erp!" A hand patted his nuts. "Except those..." The frown was
replaced by a sad smile. 'Bye, My Liege... And tell Iuy not to get fat. I
may just return to tickle his... Chin.' The king chuckled, then gripped the
strange paw. "You may return any time you care to, My Lord-General. Get
used to it... The Rank is Yours now." A shrug... 'A favor...' "Name it..."
The robe was flung open and the bruin's nipples were chewed upon. Then his
cock got inhaled. He growled and jerked the man upright. "Stop that!" 'Just
wanted to see if they tasted the same as the others...' The swipe missed
his head by a claws-breadth. Then he gave the crazy male another kiss and
watched his General walk down the road. Wriggling his hips like a saucy
Barmaid... He laughed. And went back inside to tell his sons.

* * *

Orfid looked over the greenery that spread before him like a picnic
blanket. He sighed, resting what was left of one paw on the stone. A wing
rested on his shoulder. "Commander?" He turned, looking at the creature who
was his First Captain. And lover for the last few days. Then he grinned and
stroked the underside of the hard beak with his wrist. "In a hurry for the
sun to descend, so we may tousle with the Second GuardKeeper?" One dark eye
speared him. They danced at the thought of having two mammals in bed at the
same time. "Still miss him..." The bear nodded. More than a few years had
passed since the male had left the Castle. Since then, twice they had went
to battle. The last one cost Hasuy his life and Orfid some fingers. He
limped as a spear had ripped his leg as well. He sighed, then turned and
followed the multi-colored avian back inside the garrison. A page came and
saluted. "Rider, Sir. Coming from the east. Will be here by dark." Hmm...
"Alone?" A nod. "No others. Perhaps a trader... He does have a small wagon
in tow." A nod. "Bid the being welcome - But make sure Somebody rummages
through the goods..." A grin and the youth was off. Down in the Gateway,
the guard sighed. It had been long since he had followed his Prince here...
He scratched at his balls. Then grinned as he saw his partner eye the
movement with interest... No females within miles. Even the mounts were all
male. Hsut scratched a shoulder against the wood post.

Not that He minded... Mals was a good tousle. "Another candle-mark... Then
we eat." A long, black tongue slid out to mat brown fur, as it's owner
grunted. "I may not last, Hsut..." The bruin smiled. "You know the
rules..." The dark appendage waggled enticingly. "Well, Perhaps just a
jerk.... Hey!" Membraned arms wrapped themselves around his hips. "I'll
have you off in minutes... You watch that Trader." His half-erect cock
vanished into the warm muzzle. Teeth and tongue got him erect in moments.
Then the leech got busy, nursing hungrily at the bruin's groin. The guard
could only groan and dig his claws into the wood as the bat lavered over
the sensitive head. Then swallowed the reddish pole to the sheath. He
shuddered, throat muscles tugging hungrily on the smooth flesh. The bear
twisted, then arched out of the chair, balls igniting. The mammal rode the
shuddering male, gulping the thick stuff down. "Again..." It growled, still
swallowing. "But..." The red eyes glared into his and sharp teeth bit his
sheath. "Keep watch... You won't last long. I promise..." The bear knew he
should pay more attention to the being who even now could be plainly seen
coming towards them...

But a tongue rasping at his cock-tip made his vision blur. He grabbed the
furred head and stuffing his dick in to the hilt, blew his wad a second
time into the creature's maw. Teeth gritted, the animal slid down to the
cool floor. This didn't stop the bat from continuing to nurse at his
lover's groin... Until the nuts clasped tightly in a paw were drained, he
stayed glued to the hairy crotch. The creature twisted his head, sliding
off the shrinking maleness with a corkscrew motion... True to his word, the
reed's shadow that marked time had barely inched over a few notches. "Bet
you a good buggering, the male will be bi..." The bear propped himself up
on an elbow and tried to catch his breath. "And how do you know that our
guest is a male?" A grin... "The same way I know when your balls need
attention..." The bat nuzzled the flaccid globes. Then gave them a lick.
"Do you want to go out, or shall I?" The bear grunted. "Both of us have to
go... The Prince wants somebody to take a good look at what the peddler
has... Don't want any SmilSnakes..." A nod. "True..." They dressed, And
with one last fondle, left to stand in the gateway.

* * *

The cart creaked as the animal pulled it forward. A grunt as a hand stroked
the broad back. The bull plodded along, alert for danger, but easy in his
traces. A while ago the male had slid off his back and now walked beside
him... Showed no signs of stopping for a mating... At least not yet. He
tossed his shaggy head, gathering information on the structure ahead.
"Males. Many. Some horny. Trade more than goods..." This information was
digested in silence. The bull flicked his tail at a fly, then used the
tufted end to rub at his nuts. Indeed they would... He eyed the pair of
males who stood before the gate. "Good day," one hailed them. "And how may
The Landsend Garrison serve, Sir?" Nizlh snorted. "We are traders in goods,
and spices, Guardian of the Gates. My partner doesn't speak... A childhood
affliction." The robed one bowed. Hsut nodded. "We must ask permission to
look over your wares... Orders." The bull snorted, and shook his head.
"Very well, but remember... Damaged goods are bought goods." The bat
grinned and watched as the man unbundled a variety of things. He watched
cooking utensils, and musical instruments appear from wrappings. Casks were
shaken, and sniffed at. He bartered for a carved knife with sheath.

The bear also purchased a few items. The pair of chests that weren't
allowed to be opened were vouchsafed for. Since a royal crest was stamped
on the locks, they didn't ask... Wondered much, but didn't ask. With the
help of a couple of Pages, everything was re-packed and the gates raised.
Orfid wondered as the pair walked in to his court. A hand was Always
touching the animals's shoulder. And the bull was muttering... "Stop. Now
kneel." They both did. Orfid bid them rise. The page whispered names in his
ear. Shade was the one in the robe, Nizlh beside him. Only the bull
spoke... "May we see his face?" The animal snorted. "He can hear, Lord...
Shade?" The man lifted his cowl... To reveal a hood of some sort. It went
from mid-cheek up, hiding the eyes. Scars cut into the bearded jaw... The
bear bid them sit. Watched the bovine skillfully maneuver his partner
around the end of the table and walk him to the place they were to sit.
Nizlh waited until the male was seated, then moved the chair and dropped
onto his rump. A bowl was brought for the animal, and filled with wine.

"And how did you meet, if I may ask?" The bull finished his mouthful. "We
were in the same Regiment. A blast took Shade's eyesight, and crippled me.
Somehow we managed to crawl under a wagon... And when we came to our
senses, we found ourselves the only ones left alive. Since Shade was a
carver before joining up, he returned to his craft. And I help him as best
I can..." A hand touched his shoulder. "You sure?" A nod... "My Lord...
Shade wishes to give you a gift. If you will but stand him to touch your
face for a time, he will carve your likeness..." Orfid was delighted.
"Perhaps we can exchange gifts..." The male shook his head. "My Lord... We
would be delighted to join you. However, my partner's disease took more
than just his voice. I am used to seeing his body, so it does not offend
me... Others may not be so kind. So We must decline... What? No, I have no
need... You Sure..." The man nodded. "Well. If My Lord would not mind One
of us... It seems Shade wishes to be left alone for a time. He sometimes
does this to me."

So Orfid made a room ready, and told the staff there was a extra guest at
this evenings sport. After dinner, the bear cleaned up, put on his rings
and sat in a seat. The man was brought over to him... Stood behind him.
Fingers, soft as a whisper, traced the back of his head. Ran over his ears,
caressed the insides... Orfid found himself getting turned-on. It was Hard
Not to be... Such a delicate touch. Down to follow his muzzle... Spread to
cover his mouth, chin. Stroked his jaw... Damn! This was getting serious...
He barely stifled a moan, when his nose was gently rubbed. The spiders ran
across the side of his head and went down to stroke his neck. The bruin
grabbed the chair and grunted... His robe ballooned. The fingers dug onto
his neck, kneading, grasping. "Wha... Mmm... Mpf!" There was a sudden
*Crack* ... And Orfid found himself unable to do anything! His head flopped
forward. 'Oh, Shit! The Bastards an assassin... Just broke my neck.' But an
arm slid across his chin and lifting his head back up, the other hand
smacked him between the shoulders. Feeling returned with a rush... The male
stepped back and waited. The Prince worked his now limber neck around...
'Damn... I need a massage.' And chuckled... It had been Years since his
neck had been popped.

A guard escorted the silent one to his room. And watched him remove the
robe. To reveal another one. Except this one had short sleeves. The arms
that came out were scarred and pitted... Ugly in the extreme. The wolf felt
pity for such a male... But Not enough to want to see the Rest of him. He
left, closing the door. Heard the bolt slide home. Poor fellow... He waited
a moment more, then went back to the Main Hall. He might Still be on Duty,
But more often than not a few minutes with an over-eager male could be
wangled... And if not... Then the exhibitions were Always a sight to

* * *

"First on the agenda tonight is some sword-play. The usual rules, Please...
Winner gets 10 silver coins. Loser gets a whack on the butt!" The gallery
laughed... Many a squire had gotten his ego bruised by having to drop his
pants before his Lord and getting his exposed rear swatted. They also
Studied harder... Of course, Some of the males dropped their pants because
they Liked being spanked! The bull watched quietly as the beings worked up
a sweat with their blades. Commented on some stroke or parry, but generally
kept silent. That was because he was trying not to laugh! He had seen the
'blind one' take on a band of thieves... And send them running! He
coughed... Gasped. 'No... Yes! Do it. Show Yourself, Master of The
Darkness!' The last of the fighters were done and Maak was hardly winded.
"Any others wish to fight me?" He grinned, sure of his coinage and a kiss
from the Prince. A noise got his attention.

"Come forth, then..." The guards parted as hands pressed on their
shoulders. Orfid watched as a being made his way into the room. He
gasped... A creature clad entirely in black armor was before him. On the
chest was a Dragon's Paw. The bear racked his brains trying to remember
where he had seen that Emblem before. There was no mistaking this was a
Knight... He bowed to the Prince. And to his opponent... Who grinned and
bowed back. This was More Like It! Four feet of steel was pulled from it's
scabbard and held up. Maak grinned and tapped the blade. Heavy... Would
tire easily. He jumped in, working the metal well. Then jumped back
again... The being hadn't so much as shuffled his feet! And yet, not one
blow landed on the armor. All had been deflected... A deep chuckle came
from the helm. Then the Wolverine, who all his life had beaten opponents,
found himself sprawled on the floor! Orfid watched as with one gigantic
blow, his best went down on his butt, sword broken. There was something
familiar about the being... "May we see your face?"

The head moved sideways. Then the male sheathed his sword, turned and
walked out of the hall. Orfid was in lust... He Had to have that male in
his paws. "Then you forfeit the silver..." The being continued walking. The
guards stiffened as he passed, but didn't try to stop him. The next day,
another proclamation went out. The best archers were to meet in the fields
by mid-day for a tournament. Winner to get a gold pouch from the hand of
the Garrison Commander. "And something more...' was whispered throughout
the hillside. The Commander was known to kiss those who did well. And bed
those who did exceptional... By mid-day the field was filled with archers.
Hooded robes stood beside lanky frames with little more than a scrap of
cloth on. Again, a dark robed one won. And again he refused both purse and
for his face to be seen, for he had a mask on this time... Orfid was beside
himself! "What do I do now? Offer to wrestle him nude... It would be fun,
but I doubt he would take such obvious bait. Damn! Where have I seen that
armor before..." As he lay, stroking the fur on his lover's stomach, an
image came...

A Black-clad creature standing before him, sword dripping blood. "Have you
come for me, then?" A dark hand, shaped as none he had ever seen, jerked
the pole free from his leg, and snapped it. Then lifted him up and carried
him over one shoulder like a sack of flour. Dropped him in the arms of a
startled guard, then left. Later, he heard of a monster who strode
throughout the battle, taking on all comers, no matter which side. Then the
King died... And a Black demon lit by his side. Iuy told him later about
it... Hasuy was felled by the Dark Guards of FallsTree. He stood them off
as long as he could, and was about to go down himself, when a whirlwind of
steel engulfed the monsters. "It was like a fiend was loosened upon them. A
head struck me full on the chestplate. Without a body... Before another
candle-mark, I was covered in blood. 'Is he dead?' it asked... I nodded.
The growl was horrible. 'Whom do I kill to add to his bearers.' I shrugged.
'You have already taken his slayers.' Then he lifted his huge sword and
broke it over his thigh! 'This steel shall never serve again...' Then
walked Through a squad who came to rescue us..." The bear shivered. "Cold,
Love?" The ferret draped his skinny frame over Orfid's.

Gave the male a kiss. "Better..." The bruin chuckled softly. Then racked
his brains again, trying to remember where he had seen that hand before...
It should be easy to do. The thing was missing a finger. He looked over at
his bust... The man did very good work... But would not take a commission.
He preferred the open road... Sometimes Orfid wished he was as free. But he
had a Garrison to run...

* * *

The next day another contest was called for. And this one was really
strange... "All males who wish to vie for a silver coin may step behind a
wall and drop their pants. Their maleness shall be put through a hole.
Then, they will be brought to ejaculation. The ones the Prince enjoys shall
receive a Gilder." The line went around the block... A dozen at a time,
they were lined up behind the wall, so nobody could see their faces, except
the Watch Commander. It was interesting to watch... Twelve cocks were lined
up and dropped out the large holes cut into a plank. Then the Prince would
step in front of the wall, and play with the dicks. Most had to be washed
before Orfid would even Touch them. Some only needed a few pulls to
splatter, with jeers and laughter from the spectators. Some took a bit of
work... But some he knelt before and took into his mouth... The gulps told
those waiting when the nuts got drained. But, even though he got more cum
than the last Orgy, He was Still disappointed. None was the one he
wanted... "Damn!" A guard grinned, stroking the hard male-meat. "I wish I
could remember who that Bastard was!" A runner came over and handed him a
note. He looked it over. And over... "Who gave you this?"

"A dark-robed being, sire." Orfid nodded. He showed the note to the guard.
'Stick your muzzle out the high south window.' Who shrugged. The bear
shrugged too... Then sighed. And walked over to the only transom that faced
south in that part of the tower. It was a small window, barely big enough
for a snout to be pushed out, and then only with the help of a bucket.
Tossing back the shutter, he saw... Nothing. Then something slapped his
nose. "What?!" Another note. 'You missed one.' He eagerly shoved his mouth
back out... To encounter a dripping penis. It slid over his tongue down to
the hairs. Something was familiar about the strangely-shaped maleness and
he sucked on it hungrily. The nagging question was not just Who was out
there, but how... Only a Bat could cling to the wall, And this was No bat
cock. "Hey!" The dick slid out until just the fat head was between his
fangs. As he bit in the piece of male-meat, it spat a nugget of semen.
Which flowed over his tongue and made his senses swim.

Orfid gulped the spunk greedily, yelping as the guard attacked his
erection. He bit hard on the cock, growling around it. "You don't get away
so easily this time..." A feather ticked his nose. No! Try as he might, the
sneeze built, until it exploded... The bear spat out the maleness, jerked
backwards and lay with a surprised guard still holding onto his butt. Who
got busy slurping up his cum... An eye stared at him from the window...
Winked. Then vanished to let the stars shine down on the couple. Only one
eye? Oh, no... He pulled free of the male and literally ran to the top of
the tower. Stared down at the rock face. Nothing... "You Bastard! You Son
Of A No-Haired Gazbuch!! If you are who I think you are, I shall salt your
groin and stake your ass out for the Naa to graze on! Coward!! Come and
take your buggering like a Male!" It took half the watch to drag the bear
from the tower rim and stick him in bed. Actually, they tossed him in his
chambers and locked the door. "A bad bottle of wine, or a fever. He will be
alright in the morning." Orfid growled tearing at the wood, then turned and
lay on his bed. He sighed... "Nah. He Should be dead by now..." Flung his
arms out...

And hit a note. 'How quickly they forget in the arms of another... Nice to
feel your mouth again.' It was signed by a Dragon's paw. With one claw
erect... 'PS Your butt is too wide to get through the window. Else I would
offer to chew on it...' The guards rushed in to catch their sovereign
trying to get his furred hips past the stone ledge. And not succeeding. The
oaths that were hot enough to set the curtains on fire were nothing
compared to what came out after they shackled him to the bed. He roared and
snarled and growled... Then they left him again. Orfid lay, chained to each
of the four pillars. He mumbled to himself, finally getting to sleep, just
as a shadow came through the window to stroke a furry thigh... Once again
he was on the boat, tide rocking him as he lay in chains. He had to
chuckle. "I was the one to find them in the chest. And I was the one who
wanted to be used as a slave..." A noise brought his head up. What? A dark-
clad being came into the cabin. "Who are you. And what have you done
with... Erk!" A paw held a knife under his chin. Then tied his muzzle shut.
He struggled as the creature ransacked the cabin. Finding nothing of
interest, it turned to him. There was a gleam in it's ugly eyes, one pale
and unseeing.

The male grabbed his shoulder and painfully twisted his body so it was
shoved into the wall. Then the chains were re-tied, holding him sideways. A
claw was shoved into his ass... A grunt. Then the sounds of rummaging.
Orfid turned his head just enough to see the dark one lift something...
Then return. And slap his face. This time the claw was greased and re-
shoved into his butt... It hurt! Shadow had always waited until he was
ready... The digit waggled in his rear for a time... The he heard cloth
being moved. A big cock parted his cheeks, shoving it's pointed self
against his anus. A tear ran down his cheek as the monster forced its way
up into his passage. Not until it was in to where it stuck out of the pants
did the male stop shoving. Only to hunch against him... Again. A soft growl
as he was used. Despite the pain and awkward position, the bear found
himself being turned on. This male was his Master. To use him as He saw
fit... He shuddered, cock growing. Then pushed back at the creature.
'Yesssss...' He grunted, feeing the male hit zenith, and fill his ass with
warm liquid. Then a dagger was shoved under his chin. He tried to squeak...
A Hand missing a finger grabbed the paw.

They wrestled for a moment... Then the steel got pulled back, leaving a
small cut along one cheek. The bastard! Use him, then slit his throat...
What ingratitude! The pair took the fight out of the cabin, and as he
listened, a fleshy smack followed by a grunt, then a splash told him
someone had won. Footsteps returned and was filled with terror as the knife
appear in his vision. He squeaked trying desperately to beg for his life...
And watched the ropes part from around his muzzle... Orfid lay, panting.
'Thank you..." His shackles were also removed. Then the hand grabbed his
swollen nuts. 'And That is how slaves are treated.' Orfid smacked the male.
"You mean to tell me it was you all the time? I'm gonna rip your balls
off!" And he jumped on top of the male, ripping the cloth away so he could
attack the fat testicles... And awoke to find a male nibbling on his nuts.
"Shadow?" he whispered. A three-fingered hand jerked on his cock... Then
traced a symbol on his thigh. 'Friends...' He growled and struggled against
the chains. "Get that dick that is rubbing my toes up here and I'll show
you friends... Arrgh!" His ejaculate spewed out like a sticky geyser to
fall on the furry belly.

Then his hips were jerked up. 'Graze on My butt-hair, eh?' The guards
shuffled and stared as sounds came from under the door. "Ow! Stop! My
Ass... You Bastard!! Bite It! Bite... It... Yes! Oh, My Balls... Fuck Me!
Get That Fat Cock Up Here! I don't care if it isn't greased... Aaaaah!
Teasing Bastard! Wait until I get my paws on you again! No... Not On My
Ass, IN My Ass! Oooh, I Will Get You... I'll drop you face first into a pit
of horny Lizards! Whadda ya mean 'Will they be male'? Of course! What? You
suck one Every night... Red Snake indeed! Teacher or no... Lover or Not...
I got it! Like my nipples? Then Bite Them!" They could take it no longer.
The pair unlatched the door and found a sweaty pile of fur, sticky with
semen. "Go, Shadow... I Will find thee. And when I do, You are going to be
tied to a post and every male in the Garrison will jerk off on you. Even
the Pack-beasts will add to the morass... Then you will be served as The
First course at Orgy!" Then he dropped off again. Pressures of office. Must
be... They lifted a cloak and put it on the Prince. Then left... Again the
shadow came to the still form. A tongue slid across the morass, causing a
ripple in the fur.

'Good night, Sweet Prince.' Orfid chuckled... "Give me a kiss, you wanton
bastard." The male kissed him. "My heart was ever yours... I left not
because of you, but because three kings can not sit on one throne... What?!
In each other's... You Dirty-minded male! Now go and let me sleep. But You
will return in the day, so I can get my paws on your butt. Promise...
Good." He went back into slumber. The next day another note was found. And
they had to literally sit on the Prince this time. 'I didn't say Which

* * *

Some weeks later a guard came in with a message. "Lone animal. Staggering
towards Garrison. Orders?" The prince went to the gates. "Where?" Got a
long- glass and studied the being. "A Bull... Nasty... Got some bad wounds.
Wait a minute... That's My Bandanna!" He tried to get the glass to focus
better... "Damn... Fetch a healer. And assemble the Knights." His sword was
brought, and with it in place, Orfid led his band out to see about the
bovine who had collapsed in the dust. And had a Hannat scarf tied to his

Nizlh gasped as hands lifted him. "Easy... Easy. You are among friends." He
struggled. "Must get to Garrison. Find Prince." Orfid lifted the bloody
head. "I am Orfid. What is it... Wait! You were with the Trader... What
happened?" The bull gulped as water was poured into his mouth. "Sire...
Raiders! Came upon us in the woods. Shade tried to stop them... When it got
bad, he tied this to my horns and told me to run. I didn't want to... But
he stabbed me in the butt...." He dropped his head. The bear chuckled...
That would make Anybody run. "Come back to find you. Need Help..." Then
flopped. The otter put a hand to the big neck. "He will live." The Prince
quickly got a Hunting Party together and went in search of the ambush. Came
upon a place where many dead bodies Had been. "Damn... Siks." One of the
reasons the Garrison was build was because a small country to the south. To
a Sik, Meat was Whoever was in the Pot... And it didn't matter to Them that
the Meat might Not want to be eaten. "Trivial Details..." They would say.
That which wasn't broken was scattered. Sik Raiding Parties have little use
for trinkets... They prefer Fresh Meat, New Weapons and Somebody else's
Coin. There was little chance to catch them... And next to none of finding
out the man's fate... Orfid sent word to the other Garrisons, and salvaged
what he could. Of course, the Bull was More than welcome to stay... And did

* * *

A few months later the Garrison got a visitor. "Safv!" The princes
embraced. "How goes Hannat?" A shrug. "I now live in TreesKnoll. Our
Brother is such a Prude!" They both laughed. "Have you heard from..." And
got an earful of what had gone on in one wild night. Bowed his head at the
grimmer news... "I had hoped..." Orfid sighed. "So had I. But so far, No
word..." They burned the fire low catching up on gossip. In the courtyard a
bull lifted his head... And smiled. "He returns... Hear that Balls?" A
tufted tail whisked the pendulum-shaped nutsack. "He returns... And you
shall be well drained." Then he went over and nuzzled a mule who was not
spooked by talking bovine who also liked to suck on long dicks. One of the
guards saw this and came over. "How about me instead?" The panda dropped
his pants showing a cock of good size. "How about both of you..." The tail
lifted as a tongue slid out to steer a spatula-shaped head into the muzzle.
The bear moved a stool behind the bull and jumped on it, sliding to the
hilt in the warm anus. The donkey brayed, filling the bull's mouth with
spunk, which he gulped hungrily... And the animal behind him grunted,
burying himself to the hilt into the warm opening, shooting Deep. 'Indeed,
he returns...'

* * *

The next eve, Safv awoke to find himself staring at a hard cock. 'Still
want my nuts in your ring?' Paws latched onto the smooth butt-cheeks.
"Shadow..." He whispered. Claws latched onto the cock. It was warm and
throbbed in his grasp. No ghost then... And grinned. "My brother would Kill
me if he knew... Yes. Put your nuts in the ring... I promise they will be
very tiny when you remove them." 'If you get to remove them.' He thought to
himself. 'I don't think The Prince will mind... But, you can ask him
yourself.' Orfid growled nastily from the doorway. "So You Still Live. And
in bed with my Brother... What should I do about this?" The bigger bruin
moved the male's hips. And stared at his younger Brother. "Quit stalling
and Get that Hard cock over here so I can suck on the both of you!" You
didn't have to mention 'suck' to Orfid Twice! He Ran and leaped on the
bed... Which gave a shudder and broke! The three males laughed and kissed
and rolled on each other for a while. 'Somebody has Gained Weight...'
*Ooof!* "Yeah... How come you got such a big ass, Little Brother?" "All the
more to shove against Your Muzzle, Big Brother... Hey!" Two sets of teeth
bit into the wide cheeks.

"No fair..." He squirmed under them. Then reached over and stuffed a cock
into his muzzle. Safv growled, sliding down to wrap his tongue around the
fat nuts and pull them into his mouth. The man, now free, worked both of
them into a frenzy with caresses, and nibbles. Then got up and grinning,
took a step.... To fall flat on his face! Large paws were wrapped around
each ankle. "You are Not Going Anywhere...." Safv smiled wickedly. "Shall
we Brother?" Orfid returned the smile... "Yes, I think we shall Brother..."
They drug the male back to them and as he shook, tickled and lapped at the
soles of his feet. "That for all the times you have teased us..." A paw
clasped his butt and dug into it. The other was similarly latched onto.
They lifted him and worked their muzzle across the smooth cheeks. "Hmmm...
You've added some scars. Who's been chewing on your ass, Hmm?" The man
flailed as fangs left marks on the pale flesh. A paw worked the stiff
maleness over. Returned to it's owner so he could lap at the precum coating
the leathery palm. "Mmm... Well. Only one dick. So... which of us shall
have it first?" The man looked over his shoulder at the bruins. They
grinned up at him. "Yes... First!"

He shook, but they just held him tighter and nuzzled his butt. Orfid
thought a moment, keeping a firm grip on his lover's leg. "You First Elder
Brother..." Safv had seen That look before... He grinned and moved his
snout over the strong thigh, licking the shuddering flesh. He watched the
younger bear get up and move to get a pot of oil and 3 cups of wine. As the
animal brought it over he tripped and spilled some on the male's crotch.
"Clumsy... Well. Guess I shall just have to clean you up!" Safv worked his
tongue around the well-scented crotch, making sure it was devoid of both
wine and sweat. Orfid was slurping the long salami standing out of his
brother's crotch. "Oil It Please..." He did so, Then took the huge pole and
slid it under his tail. Groaned and shuddered as the huge cock split his
anus open. Then leaned forward and stroked his own erection in between the
man's sweaty cheeks. The bear coated a claw and worked it in the puckered
hole... "You Bastard!" Safv slid his mouth off the penis. "Problem?" Orfid
growled and dipped the tip of his cock in the oil. "Yeah... He's Still
tight as a knothole... How the hell do you do it?" 'Practice...' "Practice
What? Never mind."

He waived the hand off, stuffing his hard meat into the hole... Which
opened up and swallowed him! Startled, Orfid grunted and rolled back,
taking his brother's cock to the hilt. This made him yelp, twisting in
between the twin pleasures. Safv grinned, continuing to work on the
maleness... He had a good idea what had just happened. Slapping a paw on
the furry ass, and another on the smooth one, he lifted up. Orfid felt the
movement, and came up to a half- crouch. "Better..." He could now hump the
male in front of him and work the penis in his rear over well. The bruins
growled, wanting the man to come first... But Orfid did that. The
combination of having such a big dick sliding in him, and buggering such a
wonderful ass was too much for the horny animal. With a howl, he pulled the
hips into his crotch and exploded. Safv blew next, feeling the anal muscles
milk him. He sank his teeth into the maleness in his muzzle and growled,
awash with lust. They lay, panting, warmed by the afterglow... "Orfid..."
"Yeah..." "Did He blow?" "You don't know?" Safv worked the dick around in
his mouth. "Damn... Can't tell." 'Getting forgetful? A sure sign of
advanced age...' The bruin growled, and slapped a paw to the butt. "You
ain't no cub either." They untangled themselves and went over to the stone
ring where a bucket of water waited.

After washing and drying each other off, they sat and drank for a time.
"Only one way to make sure..." They laid the man down and began to lap on
the cock, one paw tweaking a nipple and the other working on each other's
hard cocks. The male jerked as Orfid nuzzled then nibbled the swollen nuts.
Grinning he leaned down and kissed his brother across the maleness. They
pressed muzzles, sliding their lips along the length. Now, the testicles
were fondled by a paw that rolled them around like large stones in their
bag. Another stroked the slick meat, paying particular attention to the fat
head. And they were rewarded when the man's hips jerked. Orfid felt the
surge go through his fist, and shoved the cock over so a jet of whitish
spunk splattered into Safv's open mouth. Pulled it back towards him and got
one himself. Both tongues got busy lapping the creamy stuff up as it
bubbled out of the slit. They worked it over until not even sweet pre-cum
could be coaxed forth. "Revenge is Sweet..." Safv nibbled on the drained
balls, and grinned. Orfid sat back, eying his brother erection. "Looks like
He's not the only one in need of a good mouthing." The older bruin growled
low... "Then get it over here..."

They basically jumped on each other, Orfid gasping slightly as he deep-
throated the big dick. Safv nursed hungrily on the smaller but nicely fat
male-meat... A man watched the bears go at each other... Smiled and cleaned
himself up. Then went to the door, making a signal to the guards on duty.
The canines came in, Took one look and dropped their skirts. The princes
yelped as cocks were thrust deep under their tails... Then growled and
encouraged their new lovers to pump their ass's full of doggy spunk. Orfid
looked over at his love who was now relaxing in a chair, sipping a cup of
wine and caressing the ears of a ferret who was sucking on him with a
will... And grinned. The days ahead were going to be fun. But right now, he
had a pair of dicks to drain... The one in his butt wormed deeper, to spurt
warm, sticky stuff in him. A few moments later Safv moaned and poured cream
down his throat. He growled, slurping the sticky stuff up, wanting more...
Then shuddered as his own orgasm robbed him of sense....

* * *

The ferret grinned to himself. The male Was a pawful, as promised. Then
groaned as a toe rubbed his dick... He had heard stories about the being
that lay in his paws. And he intended to find out if they were true or
not... But that could wait until later... Right now, the testicles he was
busy rubbing on, were swelling, and any moment he expected to harvest a
nice load of cum... The scribe nibbled on the wide tip, and got a lurch...
Ah. And a moment later a mouthful of sticky semen... Wonderful!

The End