BFKILL.TXT (Macro/Snuff/Language, Hentai Characters)

Because the Bitches Deserve it.
By Jack
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

After leafing through a comic that involved females with wings (you probably
already know who I am talking about) I said to myself, What Bitches... They
need to be taken down a few pegs. And So...

* Warning - Graphic Descriptions of Violent Death. *


Jeff loved his job. As a FireWatcher, he got to stay outdoors a lot and the
pyro in him was satisfied with setting small back-fires to clear out brush -
easily manageable with a single truck and 4 or 5 Others to help.

He stopped to admire a stretch of particularly nice forest, needing a few
touch-ups that he noted on a pad, tools and Fire-Starter nearby. Jeff continued
deeper, enjoying the fresh air, the gentle breeze the soothing sounds of
nature. "Hey Fuckhead!" He stopped, Puzzled. "Down here Ass-Wipe." A few feet
from his right boot was a little woman about the same size as a Doll, but
anatomically correct. She was a natural blonde and quite stunning. "You want to
move this clod-hopper elsewhere, Dick-Weed? I am trying to sleep here." He kept
staring as wings unfurled, glittering in the sun. "Well - Hello." The cute face
turned red as she yelled up, "Get your Fucking Shoe Out of My Sight before I
kick your Balls In, You Fuckin Hayseed!"

Jeff lifted his foot. "That's better asshole.. Now Get out of - Wha? Hey Wait a
Fucking Min..." A size 14 4E Mountaineer Boot covered her in it's shadow,
before coming down like Godzilla on Tokyo. A muffled scream vanished with a
loud crunch of bone as he twisted his foot as he had on many a half-dead
cigarette and with as much fury. Then lifted it a moment to see the mangled
mass of bone shards, ripped muscle, and bruised flesh pressed into the soil.
"You Fuck! I'm going to.." He shrugged and brought the boot down again, hearing
a gurgled wail, ending with a series of crunches as he rocked his foot back and
forth. "You really should be nicer to people who are bigger than you."

Scraping his boot on a rock, Jeff continued onward leaving the doll-like
creature's head, hands and feet intact, the rest being a jellied mass of
crushed meat. Then came the scavangers - Flies and Ants and Beetles, each
ripping away at the still quivering flesh until nothing but a dark stain and a
boot-print remained.

* * * *

"You Bastard! You Killed Kenni!" Another high-pitched voice scratched across
his ears as he stood looking for the source of this new irritation. "You Goddam
Fuck! I am going to rip your Balls off and shove them up your assssss.." *Whap*
He backhanded the offending creature with the force of a semi, breaking bones
and sending it end over end into it a tree with a *Smack*, doing more damage.
The body slowly slid down to a branch where it lay, barely breathing. "I will
rip your Dick Off and Beat you.." Movement caught her eye. A large spider
walked over, lifting a foreleg to wipe at the trickle of blood dribbling down
the corner of her mouth. "What the Fuck you want?" A dry hiss of laughter. "You
Sweets." The foreleg moved to touch her bruised, battered tits. "Just My Luck..
So you going to Screw me now?" Another hiss. "I think you are pretty well
screwed already.."

Fear made the creature sweat a little as the big arachnid moved closer.. then
stopped and crouched in a defensive position as the drone of wings became 2
hornets. "Do you see what I see? I do Indeed - Fresh Meat!" Totally ignoring
the spider they landed and probed the oozing sores, licking at the fluids. "A
taste? Oh I think A taste won't hurt.." They clamped their scissor-like jaws on
her nipples, sawing through them and she screeched in pain. "Tasty. An
excellent addition to the larder. But too big. Yes, Much to big - Besides we
mustn't be greedy.." They both nodded and pulled the mangled body back until it
was fully on the limb, making the being groan with pain.. Then scream and flop
around as the wasps gripped her legs, biting through her thighs.

This took some time as they worked in a half-circle, cutting, moving, cutting
again, until with one last Tug the fleshy prizes pulled free. "Best get this
home right away. Right away." They tucked the legs against their bellies and
flew off to the hive with them, while their former owner lay in a haze of
pain.. "You must really Hurt.. Let me help you." She screamed again as fangs
sank into her shoulder, pushing broken bone ends into bruised flesh, Then the
burning sensation as the poison made it way into her system. Silk spun around
the stumps of her legs, stopping the bleeding then palps and mid-limbs gripped
what was left of the battered body. "Wha.. Where.." A jarring thump as they
sailed off the branch to another. "I am taking you home to meet the little
ones.. They will just Love you."

Each thump sent another wave of pain through the creature, and she gasped with
relief when they ended.. Light turned to semi-dark as they entered a silk-lined
burrow to be rolled on her back. "Kids, Dinner!" Dozens of unblinking eyes
stared at her, Then the place was filled with the sound of rustling legs and a
wail as the tiny fangs jabbed into her skin like hot needles. The male scuttled
back out, cleaning his fangs and thinking the creature Was sweet.. And tasty.
Maybe there were more to be had... He Hopped to a rock, sensing the moving
mountain that was a human and following as at safe distance.

* * * *

Jeff continued until he heard more noises - some like the crack of a tiny whip
followed by a moan of pain. He gripped his Fire-Starter - A miniature flame
thrower - And stepped around a bend to lay waste to both sides of the trail,
Anything with wings getting his personal attention. Jeff made Sure nothing
lived in a radius of 10 feet, controlling the burn with back-fires and his
shovel until nothing but charred ground remained, doing so twice more as he
found other nests.. Only when the last of the adrenaline had gone through him
did he stop and look around. Should he feel guilty for killing the little
creatures? He thought about their foul language, their crude manners.. "No, The
Bitches Deserved it." He gathered his gear and headed for the truck.. But he
hadn't gotten All of them.

There were 3 left, and they sat, looking at the wreckage. "That Bastard! We are
going to Get his Fuckin Ass!" They all nodded and took off in different
directions... The first one flew low thinking of kicking the man in his groin,
stomping his Nuts then Really hurting him. She stopped on a rock to get her
bearings.. "Hello again Sweets." She screamed in pain as fangs sank on either
side of her neck, hairy forelimbs dragging her down to the shadows where
another Spider awaited. This one sank it's fangs into her belly, and between
them they shared the tasty creature.

The Second flew higher so as not to miss the bastard, thinking she could break
his nose and gouge his eyes out.. Then grunted as talons pierced her flesh,
breaking her back. "You Fuck! Let go of me! I'll kick your ass all the way
to.." *Chomp* The sparrowhawk swallowed the creatures head he had just bitten
off, finding a branch to settle on and eat his catch. As he tore into the
tender flesh he couldn't help thinking, 'What a Bitch!'

The third one flew around, unable to find the man Or her sisters. "Goddam Fuck!
Where the hell are you? Come here so I can rip your Dick out by the roots!" She
was so engrossed in thinking about what she was going to do to the man she
didn't hear the truck.. Until it Hit her. *Smack* The creature's wings hit the
radiator first, curling, then burning to leave blackened stumps.. She sobbed
then screamed as a bump slammed her back against the super-heated metal,
branding her ass deeply in a zig-zag pattern, a rod pushing between her cheeks,
melting the flesh together. In agony, She scrabbled trying to grab something to
pull away from the pain when the truck hit another bump, shoving her against
the Metal Grill that had been in the sun for 6 hours and was now like an iron

Her dainty nose broke, being squashed flat while a retaining bolt riveted her
left breast to it, the nipple burned away in a moment of extreme pain, pubic
hair catching on fire. The truck stopped with a jolt knocking her free, to fall
hard enough to break a leg in 2 places, the bone jutting through the skin. She
couldn't even scream as she heard the door open and the man get out whistling.
Then a zipper being opened.. The creature thought she had felt all the agony
there was to know - Then hot urine splashed over her burning in her wounds..
She rolled around screaming silently because she could neither breathe nor make
her vocal cords work.

Jeff got back in, started the truck and took off, not even noticing the Crunch
as the tires mashed the little creature into the tread, shredding the body over
the rough terrain for yards.

The End

* * * *

Ok - I thought of adding a small deadly snake, and I thought of adding a happy
ending where at least 1 of them lives and makes Jeff happy.. But this is NOT a
Nice piece, so I left it as it is - Dark and Ugly. And Yes it could have been
He instead of She.