- M/F - Rape/Snuff/Violence - December 29, 1998
By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

Racism, Speciesism.. How fast would the lines Blur? Another ugly tale of of
what lies in some souls - No matter What the 'coloration' of skin.


Judit smiled at her Daughter.. The nightgown was a simple thing, but it was a
Human thing. And Kamir loved Anything that was Human.. The dark-furred wolf-
girl turned and smiled. "Will Father Like it?" Such Joy. Such Life. Was She
ever like this? Suppressing a gentle laugh, the wolf-woman nodded. "Now go
change - He will be home and want to eat As well as see his Family." Her
daughter nodded... And the door flew open! Three beings in camouflage ran in, 2
of them grabbing the females, tying them up while the third scouted out the
front area, then closed the door again, locking it. They were human in body,
male in scent.

"One - Garage." A nod and one of them moved past the 2 struggling wolves,
carrying a bag in with him. Another was running a hand up and down the young
wolf's body. "How about I give this one some Personal Treatment.." The other
shook his head but knew Lard-ass would do what he wanted. "Yeah, Go ahead and
drag the bitch into the bedroom.. Just make sure she is Dead when you are
done." The human nodded, grinning through his mask and forced the young female
down the hall. As he pulled her down the hall, the bulb went off with a *Pow*
and the man responded by slicing a very big knife through the air. Showing it
to the terrified female, he re-sheathed the dagger, and pulled the cords off
her wrists, tossing the young wolf onto the bed.

"You give me any trouble and I will cut your throat, then fuck your still warm
body.. You got that?" She nodded, cowering. "Get it off." Kamir closed her eyes
and pulled her night-gown off, placing it to one side so it would look nice..
She felt the eyes lock onto her budding breasts, moving down to the soft fur
between her legs. The man unzipped his pants, pulling his tool out. "You like
it Bitch? Good - Because after I get done with your cunt Maybe I will let you
Lick it!" Then he was on Top of Her! The wolf tried to push and squirm as he
grabbed her tits roughly, but she remembered the knife he had and his warning..

For some reason, the man was having a hard time finding the hole. Getting up in
a kneeling position, He grabbed himself and shoved it in her thatch of fur.
"There it is.." he growled, pressing the head against her vagina. Kamir closed
her eyes, trying to relax, trying to stay alive one more minute.. Maybe he
would be so Tired she could overpower him. Maybe her Mother could do
something... "You are a Tight One, Aren't ya.." She felt the bulbous tip push
in, and a tear ran down her cheek feeling the human penis slide deeper. There
was pain, but it was the Shame of the act that hurt more. Again his hands
gripped her breasts as he leaned over...

And his head fell off. It hit her nose and made her eyes snap wide open.. She
watched it fall off the bed and roll on the floor, the body sagging on top of
her. A noise made Kamir look up.. Another Human stood a few feet away. Dressed
completely in black, a silhouette in the darkness that nodded it's head and
walked out into the hallway. The wolf didn't know if she should scream, howl..
Move, Not move... All she could do is lay on the bed with her legs apart,
holding the still-warm torso of her would-be rapist, and gape after the
creature.. with each heart-beat more wet red stuff was pumped over her - Even so
dark-furred legs came up, pulling the still hard human dick as far as it would
go, gripping the shoulders..

Blood was nothing new, nor was death. But an alien head smacking her in the
face, then rolling around almost close enough to touch, The eyes gazing back at
her... And the Man of Death - Who took one life, yet not another. He was
everything Grand-Mother said he would be... He had no face. His smell was
mingled male and grave. Where he trod, The Keeper of Souls was not far behind.
She clutched the torso more firmly, hoping this human would satisfy The
Harvester's Hunger and pass her by...

* * * *

Three looked at his watch and growled, wishing Two would hurry up. He looked at
Judit in disgust - Having sex with her would be like doing an animal! Besides..
Rape wasn't his thing. They were here to Kill 3 'Furs' and that is what he
would do. If the Male Wolf had been home, it would have been Bang. Ransack the
place, leaving false fingerprints. Disappear. But Mister Wolf worked late that
night - so the plan had to be changed slightly. One was on guard outside,
waiting for the 'Fur' to get in - And execute him. Three was standing near the
Mother, who would get one shot in the head - Three may be a Speciesist, but he
wasn't cruel. Two was taking care of the cub - At least he had better Be. He
botched this and Three would personally castrate him! It was quiet in the
house.. Too Quiet.

There should be Some kind of noise coming from the bedroom... One last check of
the ropes tying the Female and he went off to investigate, growling.. If that
Fuck got himself in trouble, Three would shoot them both and drag LardAss out,
Stuff him in the car that was going to disappear in a wrecking yard, and be
done with it. He stopped, looked into the shadows, too much a pro to be
bothered by no-light. Nothing moved.. Carefully Three crept to the doorway,
standing beside it. A quick look showed a bed with a young wolf under the
headless body of a human. She was holding it in a death-clutch, Trembling..
Never send a horny teenager to do a Man's Job...

A strange snapping sound made him turn.. He had enough time to register a
guillotine wire had been passed through his neck, before the momentum of his
body pulled the now free head off. The body sagged against the wall as a gloved
hand caught the cranium by it's short hair, Then walked into the room. The
female on the bed was drenched in blood, but she gripped her dead "lover's"
body tighter as he came closer... Until he moved her muzzle and kissed her
forehead in a very familiar way..

Then retrieved the second head, and walked past Judit into the garage, where he
put them neatly beside One's. Returning, the man cut the Wolf-woman's bindings,
and Kissed her gently on the forehead also. Hitting the Universal Emergency
button in the phone, The Man Of Death stepped out the back door - and Judit

* * * *

Tann had a bad feeling all day, and he never disregarded hunches, no matter How
trivial.. A phone-call to a friend made him feel a Little better, but the
warning bells were still ringing as he turned the corner... To find Police,
Ambulances, and a barricade. Death was in the air, and he shivered for a
moment, then parked his car, got out.. And saw his Wife calmly talking to
someone. Judit would not be This calm if Karin had died, so why the... As he
watched, a headless human body appeared from his garage on a stretcher, and put
next to 2 others. A bag with 3 bulges sat on the lawn also.

Law-Keepers slowed him only a moment, steering him to one side where His
daughter also stood, both in blankets, shivering. A human was talking to them
low and gentle.. The interchanger walked them through it once more, amazed at
how lucid they were, and how much information they were willing to give.. What
started out looking like a Hate Crime was turning into a foiled assignation
attempt. They repeatedly talked about 'The Man of Death' who was a mythical
being who came before a Monster who ate Souls. They didn't find any of those..

They Did find 3 bodies, 3 heads in a row with a 'Death's Head' symbol stamped
on their foreheads. Inside a bag were gloves with fingerprints embossed in
them, Some tools for disarming alarms and opening locks. A few more that were
for butchery and some tanning solution. Definitely nasty people. But it seems
someone was nastier...

* * * *

Col. Bodlin was an Extremist. If it wasn't Black, and Human, he wanted it Dead.
All kinds of Agencies had tried to get to him - Infiltration of his
Organization. Legal ploys to tap his wealth. Even a few attempts on his life.
All failed... He walked into his Trophy room, where all kinds of animal heads
were displayed, entered his code and went down into the 'basement'. Here were
his Real beauties - The heads of all the agents who ever got into his 'Private
Circle'. Men, Women, Children he had personally hunted down - Some had dark
skin, but not as dark as his, which made them inferior. And then.. The Other
Animals. The ones that screamed when you ripped their balls off. The one's who
pleaded as you stuffed a red-hot iron up their vagina's. The 'Furs' that he
hated more than even then the inferior Human races.

But something was amiss.. One of the cabinets against the wall was dark.
Whoever was in charge of maintenance would have his hide ripped from his body and
the still living corpse would be thrown to the parana's - They were always so
much fun to watch... Lifting the lid triggered an explosion that threw him off
his feet and sent thousand shards of glass all over. All the lights went out as
he lay, with his arms over his head, bleeding from dozens of scratches. But he
still lived! Col. Bodlin got up, shook himself, and pushed on a section of
wall. Nothing happened... He tried again, but the escape way wouldn't budge.
Well - Time for Plan B. Walking into the elevator, he opened a hatch and pulled
out a crank, grinning to himself. "Thought you could trap me.. Hah!" It was not
easy, winching himself up but he did it - Right into The Inferno.

Everything was Burning! Masterpieces of Art went up like tinder. Priceless
statues of carved wood became torches. Ivory so old it was amber colored
exploded into pieces. The only thing Not burning was a Grandfather Clock..
Grinding his teeth, vowing revenge on whoever did this, the man stepped
carefully out, and noticed the clock was off-time. It wasn't 5 minutes to
noon... Stepping close to re-set the hands, he noticed the pendulum wasn't
moving. Inside was enough Explosive to level the place, another tick told the
man he didn't have long to live.. He jumped through the plate-glass door,
picking up still more cuts, but that was nothing compared to what would happen
in 4 minutes!

Standing, the dark man found he had twisted his ankle a little and limped
towards the pond.. On The other side was another bunker. A rabbit-hole he would
lay low in until he could find out who did this and hang them by their balls,
until he could think of a good-enough torture... His watch said 3 minutes.
'Damn! Have to hurry!' Jerking what was left of his coat off, Bodlin jumped
into the concrete structure.. The cool water felt wonderful on his sores, and
he laughed, thinking of all the little fish who were going crazy behind the
grate that kept them out of the pond... Another minute he would be out and
safely on the grass, then behind the reinforced walls of the Bunker. Let it
blow Then!

A noise made him turn - The valves holding the parana back were moving.. He
swam harder, kicking at the first little stinging bites. But they came faster
and faster.. Gripping the grassy slope, the man pulled himself up... White hip
bones were the only thing below his waist. He turned again, and watched his
Mansion built on Hate literally blow sky-high. He closed his eyes, let go of
the grass and slowly slid back into the reddening water..

* * * *

Delgald read the Sanatized versions of both incidents in his morning paper,
sipping his coffee. "More coffee Sir?" He looked up at the all grey furry
female with a brown uniform on. "Please." When he was done, he slid a 100 SU
bill under the saucer, and walked out, The symbol of a Death's Head engraved in
the tip of the cane under his right hand.

The End