BLACK.TXT - M/M, Dom/Sub, Rabbit/Various - 08/18/98

Blackberry in the Office Version 1.1 - Oopses and syntax

By SwampRat

(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

Dedicated to Blackberry - Who asked for it, And Cinnamon - Dominant does Not
mean Uncaring.

And to all the furs who I gave bit-roles to (You can probably tell who you
are). *HUG*


Chapter 1 - The Interview

Blackberry stood in the waiting room, mouth dry. Many had walked in the doors,
and many walked out, only a Few ever got hired. Rumors abounded as was usual
for a place that only took about 10% of it's applicants, but he didn't care.
The actual process was pretty easy if strange - Fill out a form that was more
sexual preferences than experience. References could include ex-lovers? He
shook his head but filled in everything as best he could. The application was
taken, looked over and he was handed a card with a time/date on it. "Dress
casual. Be Prompt." Said the receptionist, and he nodded.. Working for the GFA
Organization was worth All the hard work it took to get here. Prompt meant
getting up an hour early, Sweating through breakfast, and putting on shorts and
a shirt.. Shoes were Not for Rabbits.

When he arrived, he was was shown a seat, and waited.. There were some before
him despite the early hour, and as he sat he watched the furs walk in and walk
out - Some happy, most sad. A few left angrily, slamming doors, mumbling
something he couldn't quite catch. Faggot? Forgot? Fickle? Once he caught
'Human' and trembled. Humans and Furs only mingled in certain places, Mostly
for the Press, and then off to their own separate worlds. Of course there were
the Underground Places - bars where the interest was not who or what, but Top
or Bottom. Exotics, one rarely saw them in person. Then it was his turn...
"Mister Black Berry..." He had to giggle - "Blackberry.." A nod. "Room 2." he
bit his lip, trying to rehearse some kind of speech for the interview.

He found Room 2 and entered.. Then stopped dead. Behind a desk sat a Human. A
Real Human, not a vid-screen image. The man was elderly, white in his full
beard and temples. Full-bellied with a firm voice that made the Bunny tingle a
little. "Blackberry is it?" He nodded, still unable to talk. "Close the door
and undress." He did the former, then stood a moment, unsure if he heard what
he Thought he heard. "Undress." This time there was no mistaking the word, as
it was now more an order than a request. He complied without thinking,
shrugging his shirt off, and undoing his pants, letting them fall to the floor.
"You would be surprised at how many so-called Submissives won't do that simple
act. You are very nice-looking without those clothes hiding your body."

The Bunny-morph *Blushed* a little, putting his head down. "Come here." He
stepped out of his shorts and walked over to the man who rubbed his nuts. "Says
you like it rough sometimes..." Fingers gripped his sack firmly, but not
painfully, a thumb rubbing back and forth across his testes. Blackberry arched,
spreading his legs, moaning softly."You like this, Rabbit?" A little pink
showed at the tip of his sheath, a *flick* of a finger against it putting him
up on his toes, the pleasure/pain bringing a Gasp. "Oh Yes Sir." He panted,
unsure what was going on, but as long as this Male was going to Continue
playing with him, he didn't care.

"Turn around." He did so, groaning again when fingers dug into his ass, pulling
his cheeks apart. Then pulled them down into a cloth-covered lap, where he
could feel a hard-on pressing through the cloth and into his rump. Fingers
tweaked his nipples, as the man gruffly said; "I bet you would Love for me to
toss you over the desk and unzip my pants and fuck your tight little ass.." The Bunny-
cock snapped to full attention and he closed his eyes, wriggling a little. "Oh
Yes Sir!" Then he was pushed up. "Hands on the desk... We are going to take a
semen sample." A coffee cup was put in front of him, and he waited, closing his
eyes when a warm hand gripped his cock. He damn near came just from the feel of
them - so alien but so familiar.. Then that hard-on was back - being pressed
into his butt.

"You Are Going to Cum for Me, Aren't you Now.." The man was rubbing his dick up
and down between Blackberry's cheeks, the cloth giving it an eerie feeling, as
fingers worked his dick like none before. He barely had time to nod before his
cock was spurting into the cup, being milked by an expert. He bucked a little
when a finger scritched the underside of his cock-head, making still more semen
flow from his balls. He half-bent over the desk, getting a pat on his ass,
trying to regain some sense of sanity. He looked over his shoulder at the man
who picked up the cup, walked over to a coffee-maker and poured dark liquid in
it.. Then stirred it well and sipped on it! "Coffee with fresh cream - Just the
way I like it."

He returned to the desk and patted the Rabbit's rear again. "I would love
nothing better than to look at your nice ass all day, but I have work to do..
And so do you. Be at Building C, Third floor, on Monday." Blackberry panted, and
nodded, and shivered as those fingers wrapped his cock in a tissue, then helped
him to a seat. "Stay there until you can breathe again." The Rabbit sat, eyes
closed, listening to the man hum something, shuffle papers and sip his coffee.
He shook his head, still not believing what had happened. When the Bunny
thought he could fit his dick back in his shorts he got up and shrugged his
clothes on. "We will see each other again - I do the 6-month check-ups, and
frequent 'Jonah's Hole.' Ever been there?" The Rabbit shook his head, thinking
about the sleazy bar with a full-blown dungeon in the basement and live video
feeds to the 'booths'... Or so he had heard.

The human stood and came over to Blackberry, who put his hand out. Instead of
shaking it, the man reached around and Grabbed his Bunny-butt, squeezing it
firmly. "You are so hot I could eat you for dinner!" Then kissed him hard,
tongue sliding between his lips to lick at his teeth. Blackberry's shorts
ballooned in front as he moaned into the kiss. "But... I have 5 more furs to
interview, and I can only Wish one of them is as Sexy and Hot as you are." One
more hard kiss and a swat on his ass and the Rabbit was out the door,
staggering down the hall to the water-cooler, where he gulped down 3 cups,
tossed another on his face, and somehow made it out the door. As he stood a
moment, looking at himself in a window, he remembered the others.. That same
dazed expression stared back at him and he wondered how many had been to Room 2
before he got there.

* * * *

Chapter 2 - The Office, The First Day

Blackberry walked into Building B, ready for anything.. Except for a hunky
Shepherd who was sitting at the desk, sans clothing. "You must be the New Guy..
Locker and showers are next to the elevators. Go in, get a locker and hang up
your clothes." The Rabbit shook his head again then walked around the bend, to
find an open doorway. Inside was a long hallway with communal showers, a few
stone benches and some half-walls breaking up the sameness. On the other side
were the lockers, and he could see that they were situated so one could look
into the shower area - or vise versa. Finding an empty one, he removed his
jacket, tie, shirt, undershirt, pants, underwear, and socks.. A peek into the
adjoining lockers showed t-shirts and gym shorts, which was what he was going to
wear to work from now on.

He washed his face and returned to the carpeted area in time to find a security
guard standing by the elevators. At least the cap said so, because the bruin
wore nothing else but his fur. A Very Male bruin. Blackberry stood a moment,
trying to comprehend something almost as long as his forearm and as thick. A
deep chuckle brought him out of his daze. "You can close your mouth now, I
don't think it would fit." The Rabbit moved closer, hands moving to touch the
monster dick, feeling it, half believing it was a dream. The bear chuckled
again, and bumped the call button with his rear. "It's the same for the first
week - They kneel in worship, getting me all excited.. And after that pretend
they don't notice it." The lepine gaped again. "Don't notice... Are you here
every morning?" The bear laughed and patted Blackberry's butt, helping him into
the elevator that had come and not been noticed.

"No, Just 4 days a week - I trade off with Clyde.. He's bigger than me." The
Bunny thought Whales did't have that big a dick - and someone was Bigger? The
doors closed, making him jump back a little, then *Blush* deeply. Then he
licked his hands for a long, glorious moment before hitting '3'. Blackberry had
just composed himself when the door opened. "Well - Mister BlackBerry, I
Presume?" A Snow-white wolf stood, waiting for him. "I..." he stuttered. "I
know that the first day is traumatic, and I know the Shepherd at the front desk
is a Hunk, and I Know the Bear has the Biggest Damn Cock you ever Saw...
However," There were big white teeth in that big white muzzle with black lips,
and All of them were staring at Him in what resembled a smile.. "Can we Try to
be on time over the course of the next few weeks? It makes the employers ever
so happy." The Rabbit just stood there like a truant child, unable to speak.
The wolf smiled again which somehow made him look even meaner, then turned and
walked away.

"Coming, Mister Blackberry, Or do I need a Collar and Leash?" The Bunny, who
was rooted to the spot watching the most gorgeous ass he had ever seen swaying
in front of him, shook his head in disbelief and somehow managed to get his
feet going. Past rows of cubicles with naked furry bodies in them - All male -
and into an office. "You noticed nudity is Not an option, So Try not to stare
too openly... After a few weeks you won't even notice when a colleague pops a
hard-on." The Rabbit didn't think he could Ever get that jaded... "Try to limit
sex to Lunch breaks." Blackberry somehow found a chair and moved to sit down.
"No - Over here." The wolf had sat down in a chair with reinforced arms behind a
desk a little taller than most. He also had a hard-on.

The poor Rabbit tried to gather his wits, licking dry lips, moving when the
male beckoned. "Lift that sexy leg and slide it through the chair arm - Yes it
will fit." He did so, moaning as hands caressed his leg rubbing it firmly. "I
love a good pair of legs." He put his hands on the desk behind him,
not believing he was about to have sex with his boss. The other leg was
caressed, then his butt was grabbed and before the Bunny could gasp, the thick
doggy-cock was inside him. He squirmed, feeling the head open him a little
painfully but he had no choice but to take it as the strong arms pulled him
down until he was sitting in the Wolf's lap, the knot rubbing his tail.

The Rabbit arched a little, toes curling. "Ohhhh.." A chuckle and his nipples
being bitten made his cock pop free. "Well - I gather you like this, Prey? Or
should I call you Slave.." He closed his eyes, having fantasies about such a
place but never Dreaming.. A slap on his ass made him squeeze the thick meat
inside him, and open his eyes. His head was grabbed and he was kissed hard and
firmly. "Oh Sir.. " He panted, returning the hot kiss. "Damn, Marshall Said you
were a hot piece but not This Hot.." Blackberry giggled, wriggling in the big
male's lap, daring to reach down and find a nipple to caress. Then the door

"Jonah - Market Report." The wolf nods, pulls the Rabbit close, signing the
papers with one paw, squeezing his Bunny-balls with the other. The lepine
arches, and looks over his shoulder, shyly.. to stare into a pair of green
eyes. For a moment he only sees the slit-pupils, surrounded by emeralds that
seem to look into his soul... "Nice to see a fellow Submissive." Only then did
Blackberry notice the nipple-rings, the metal collar around the furry neck, the
tongue darting between black lips. "Put your head on the desk and grip the
chair arms, Rabbit." He did so unthinkingly, squeezing the big cock again.
"Close your eyes and don't let go, no matter What." Fingers squeezed his ass as
he gripped the chair, waiting...

A raspy tongue slid up his cock and he moaned loudly, jerking on the big pole,
which was throbbing like it was going to blow any moment.. Lips engulfed his
dick at the base, fingers clutching his balls, and the Bunny forgot everything
but cumming. He heard the growls, felt the fingers on his body, the cock in his
ass pumping hot cream into him.. Which made him orgasm again. And again.. And
again... Then that raspy tongue that had lapped up his cream like water was at
his ass. "OHhhhhhh!" he moaned, knowing it was too full already.. He squirmed a
moment as he was lifted, not wanting that big dick out of him.. But a growl and
he allowed it to slide free, feeling the tongue rasp every inch of canine cock
and across his anus, making him moan.. Then his back was on the desk and that
raspy cat-tongue was probing his insides, making him jerk and moan and pant.

Blackberry had heard of such things, even thought of trying it on a Clean fur..
But Gods.. It was almost too much... Then a finger replaced the tongue,
caressing his anus, rubbing something that felt wonderful into the abused
tissues.. Then his cock was sucked on again, and he gave up another couple of
orgasms worth of semen. "When was the last time you had sex Rabbit?" He panted,
rubbing the wonderful head that sucked softly on his semi-hard cock. "Just now
Sir.." A chuckle. "Can Marsh pick them or What. Before that.." He wriggled,
moaning as hands fondled his body... "Can't.. Can't remember Sir.." He heard
whispers and growls and a snarl and his cock got bit. "Toni would like to know
how many times you can come in a day."

"Don't know Sir... Most I have stroked off is about 6 times - Didn't count the
orgasms." The growl made him shiver, both with a chill of fear and a touch of
pride. He was gently lifted and Hugged, clawed fingers digging into his ass,
teeth nipping on his ear-tips. "Noon, Here.. We want you to be the Hot Meat
between 2 Horny Predators... Up to it, Prey?" Blackberry would have fell to the
floor if he wasn't supported, legs turning to rubber at hearing a secret
fantasy coming true. "Oh Yes Please, Sir.." A gentle pat on his ass. "You don't
call me Sir, sexy.. I am Toni, or Rastl's Slave, or Just plain Slave."

The wolf laughed. "You call out 'Slave' and probably a third of the building
will come crawling to kneel at one's feet." He swatted the tiger's striped ass
and got a purr and a wriggle. "Out.. I still have to show this Hot Fuck his
cubicle/sex-chamber. The tiger nodded and gave Blackberry a Smoldering look,
licking his upper lip. "Until Noon.." A copy of the signed papers went into a
folder and then the cat padded out, hips swaying, tail moving in rythem. Arms
reached around and pulled him close, the thick canine meat shoved between his
cheeks. The Rabbit lifted his tail, wriggling back. "Again Sir?" Jonah growls
in the Bunny's ear, "Later.. We still have to get you settled, Then you can
kiss-up to the boss." Teeth nibbled on his ears, fingers stroked his cock and
roughed up his balls.

"Oh Sir, I'm gonna..." He was turned and shoved against the wall, cock sticking
out in the air through an open window. "Oh No! I couldn't.." He tried to move
but the arms on him were strong. "Show the furs in the next building what a
Rabbit cumming looks like.. Give all the beings on the ground a show." Teeth
bit into his neck and he stiffened. "You Will cum when I tell you to Cum,
Slave." Blackberry couldn't even nod, humiliated, but thrilled to the core...
The cock pushed against his ass, fat pointed tip poking his anus open just a
little - Enough to tease. "Cum Prey!" The head popped into him, the fingers
closed on his balls and He screeched, semen arcing in the air being pulled from
his balls by overloaded senses - Teeth nibbling on the back of his neck. Soft
growls of approval. Hot hard cock throbbing in his ass. Fingers making him come
up on his toes by scritching the very sensitive underside..

Blackberry quivered, trying to catch his breath, feeling the cool breeze on his
hot body. 'Did I Really just..?' The big arms cradled him, lifting him off his
feet and carrying him to a door. "Executive Privilege - A washroom built into
the office." He was laid on a cot, gulping at a glass of water, panting as a
cool wet towel, rubbed his forehead, face, neck and chest. A warm muzzle sucked
on his cock, draining what was left in his nuts and not letting his cock get
soft. "Want everyone to see you at your best." The Rabbit nodded, groaning as
strong but gentle fingers massaged his aching balls with the towel. "Think you
can walk?" He nodded again, and was again pulled into those strong arms. A deep
hungry kiss took what little breath he had away.

Blue eyes looked into his - Warm, deep... A Loving Dominant who has a very sexy
Submissive in his arms. "I am going to bury your lovely ass in paperwork, and
shove my cock in your pretty muzzle until you gag.. But Only until you tell me
to STOP. Now, the sexiest thing to sit in my lap in ages, Let's get you settled
in before I forget I have a job and make you My Personal Sex-Toy." Another soft
swat on Blackberry's rear got him going, giggling.. The Hunky Wolf wanted him
That Much? "You mean that?" he says, still having a hard time believing he was
not dreaming. His head hit the wall as hot lips pushed against his, ass being
gripped and kneaded like stiff dough, balls rubbed against larger ones, nipples
vibrating as they were held against a chest that rumbled with a deep growl. "In
A Heartbeat." One more hungry kiss that made his heart beat faster and the
Rabbit is shoved out the door, then out into the cubicle area.

* * * *

Chapter 3 - The Cubicles

The Wolf is all business now - Except for the hand that Stays glued to his ass,
squeezing it every now and again - guiding the Rabbit through the maze. "You
will be using A-112, next to Thomas." Thomas turns out to be a brown and white
ferret, who grins and shakes Blackberry's hand. "You 2 can work on the ParStat
report for next week." Then the big male is gone, padding back to the office.
Thomas chuckled.. "Come on - Let's get some coffee. You must be good - I
haven't seen the Boss leave a trail of drool that long since..." He shrugged,
and helped the Rabbit find the break area. "Tea, coffee, Energy drinks are a
big item around here.." He gets a mug of dark coffee, Blackberry opting for tea
with a little sugar. The mugs were a little big, But he didn't mention it,
remembering his interview. A hand gripped his ass firmly, lifting him to his
toes, a strong arm against his back.

"New Talent?" The Rabbit turned to look at the male who held him, and as his
head went back, he saw Why the ceiling was 14 feet.. The Stallion snorted,
grinning. "Hello Sexy. I am Weaver of DreamShadows.. Call me Weaver." Something
the size of a gallon jug was put on the table, shredded leaves that smelled
like tea came from a bucket by the table and then over to the sink where hot
water was added. The Rabbit gawked.. He was Sexy? The big horse butt with it's
sheaf of wheat-colored hair moved as the big hooves clopped. Turning to put the
jug under the water he saw the stallion was Bigger than the Bear... The ferret
nudged the struck Rabbit. "He gives Great Head. Loves to cum all over a fur.
Will even do Golden Showers if you beg hard enough." The horse stirred the
concoction, smacked his lips and stood a minute. Black didn't know Where to
keep his gaze!

Warm eyes that made him run hot and cold, lips that said 'Kiss me', a big chest
with dark nipples, a well-filled frame... and That Cock! Weaver scratched his
sheath, big balls swaying.. and the Bunny bit his lip, feeling the need
building in his own again. And it was barely 10? The clock didn't lie.. Damn,
the poor Rabbit didn't think he could Live to the end of the day, let alone..
Oh Gods! Noon. 2 big males pressing his body between theirs.. Thomas laughed,
slapping his butt. "You will get used to it.. We all get jaded after a while."
The stallion snorted, gripping his cock and tugging so a big pearl of pre-cum
glistened at the tip. "Be a dear and lick this up for me.." The ferret was on
his knees before the big male, hands behind his back, head tilted, muzzle wide
open before the words registered on Black.

He watched as the big hand shook the huge cock, the drop as big as a marble
slowly oozing down to Plop in the open muzzle. A pink tongue curled up like a
horny snake flicking the underside, hoping for another. "Jaded.." The horse
snorted again.. "Thomas.. There is work to do, and break is half an hour away..
Why don't you show him how the copier works.." He gave another long slow pull
and a second big drop of pre-cum appeared.. Lips pressed against his cock head
and Blackberry could hear the ferret sucking, churring as he did something that
made the horse grip the counter, cock swelling, thickening to an Impossible
size. "No Tongue! Damn your beautiful muzzle.." A long slurpy kiss later and he
let go. "Finish at Lunch?" The big male nodded, patting His friend on the head.

* * * *

Chapter 4 - The Copy Machine

They left the Breakroom, Tom in the lead. "Most of the paperwork around here is
electronic, but Some things Have to be on paper. So..." They entered a room
where 4 strange looking machines sat.. Black examined the closest one - It was
rectangular, built into the wall, and had a steel rail attached to the back. It
must be an old one because it was four times the size of any other he had seen.
Next to it on the wall was a Number that matched the one on the box, and a list
of fur's names. "Copier duty?" The ferret chuckled. " You have to wait a week
before asking for your name be put on the list. And since I can see you are
just dying to know.. I was licking the Inside of his piss-hole, lapping up his
sweet dick sauce." The Rabbit thought about it - If the hole was Big enough he

The rustle of paper brought him back to the real world. "It's pretty simple -
Lift the lid, put the papers down - it will do up to 4 pages at a time, Align
the edges with the black lines, Close the lid. With me so far? Ok - Tell it how
many copies to make here." A small lcd window displayed '6' "Six copies of this
report. Now stick your dick in the hole down there and wait until it is done."
The Rabbit Looked at his partner.. "But what if I am Bottom?" He said, half
jokingly.. The ferret pushed a nearby button that said 'Bottom' right on it.
"Put your dick in the hole and bend over.." He patted Blackberry's butt. "Be
back in a minute.. Bathroom break." The Bunny nodded, then shrugged and put his
dick in the hole.. Nothing happened. About that time a large skunk came in.
"Problem?" Black nodded, noting the male's cock was as black as his fur, and
pretty thick too.. "Doesn't seem to want to work." The male nodded and stepped
behind him, reaching forward to grip the rail. "I see what's wrong.."

And Thrust the big mephit cock into the Rabbit, wide head forcing his anus
open, thick inches of throbbing meat following. "OOooohhhhh.." he moaned, his
own dick forced into something warm and soft that gripped his cock with a will.
"You didn't push start.." The skunk pushed the button and thrust into Black
again, Who moaned loudly, hips trying to push back at the strong male, and
shove into the anal-passage under him. Thomas came back to wave, and watch. "Hi
Rajhea. I see you met the new guy - BlackBerry, This is Rajhea." The skunk
grunted, thrusting his cock in deeper. "Hi Tom.. So who's in the box?" The
ferret chuckles. "Who else?" Another hard thrust, and the Rabbit felt a pair of
balls rubbing his.. Was everybody here a sex-fiend?

The skunk shook his head, reaching around to rub the Rabbit's nipples. "Rusty?
That foxes tail is going to drop off if he keeps trying to be the office slut.
You hear me in there?" He tapped the copier, a muffled whine and a hard Squeeze
on the Bunny's dick in reply. Rajh started thrusting, holding the Bunny close,
whispering in his ear, "Damn Blackberry.. You have one Hot, Tight Ass! I hope
to see more of you.." Another hard thrust combined with soft lips kissing his
ears and the Rabbit was washed away to nirvana again.. "Only 10 more sets to
go.." followed by a long groan and the feel of hot cum splashing in his butt
were the last thing he remembered.

* * * *

Chapter 5 - The Bathroom

A *Splash* of water and a deep, loving kiss woke the Rabbit. "You passed out..
While I admit I am not bad, I am not That good." The same skunk was holding him
up, getting a glass of water in him and a cool washcloth on his forehead..
"Sorry.." the rabbit groaned loudly as fingers rubbed his nuts gently. A
chuckle and a nuzzle on his ears made his abused crotch twinge.. I remember my
first day. Thought I died and went to GayFur Heaven..." Rajh let him down
slowly on another cot, and he lay for a moment, panting.. "You just lay back
and get your breath back.." The sexy male held him a while longer, then left
with a promise to return and check-up on the Rabbit... Blackberry transferred
the cloth from his head to his balls, which ached terribly but wonderfully at
the same time..

About that time a mouse came in. "Hello sexy.." Then much to Black's relief
went over to a urinal and used it.. He liked sex as much as the next fur But...
"Jeez - I gotta pee.." Soft hands were on his shoulders. "Sit up.." He did so,
feeling fingers caress his nuts, massaging them in a way the felt wonderful..
"Come on." He was led to a stall and felt fingers grip his dick. Then a nose
bumped his cheeks and he yeeked softly, as his nuts rolled right into a hungry
mouth! He was going to protest but the warmth, the gentle movements, and a
tongue massaging his scrotum felt soo good.. The bunny and somehow managed to
take a leak through his semi-hard dick, eyes closed as the fingers stroked his
sheath and penis, soft suction making his balls fill again...

"MMmmmmm... Thanks." A chuckle and soft kisses on his balls made him squirm..
"Anytime.. I love sucking on nut-sacks.. Specially well-used ones." They hugged
and the mouse helped him wash as he was still a little weak Then helped him find
his cubicle - Where He made a Point to Not look anyplace but his screen..

* * * *

Lunch came as a disappointment - Blackberry had been looking forward to being
in a 3-way for the second time in his life (the first barely two hours old and
still fresh in his mind and sore rear), but the Wolf was in a meeting. He
wasn't sure What went on in meetings but if it was Anything like what went on
in the cubicles... Lunch was a casual affair on the ground floor. Lots of looks
and pats and kisses blown his way.. There were 6 meals served here - 3 per
shift as he found out, but anything on the menu was available at any time. And
of course one could come in and get something ( or Someone ) to snack on. Loading a tray with
pasta, a salad, and a slice of pie that smelled delicious he found a booth and
sat down. A sexy snowleopard padded over and asked what he wanted to drink.
"Hot Tea Please. Could you put a little honey in it?" The cat nodded, purring,
"Anything for you Sexy." Then padded away, hips wriggling in a way that made his
nuts ache again.

"Why does everyone think I am Sexy?" He sighed, flattered but mystified.
"Because you are.. And because there are probably a half-dozen Rabbits in the
entire building.. May as well get used to it - You are an Item." The same hunky
shepherd he had seen that morning was standing next to him. Half-erect, the
cock looked like a thick, pink finger standing from his sheath, knobs visibly
swollen. "How your balls holding out?" The Bunny shook his head. "I think I
have cum more times in the last 4 hours than my entire life." A chuckle of
sympathy. "That's what I usually hear. 'Oh My Balls..' But it's only for a week
or so, then they are waving at me and asking how My balls are.. Scoot forward."
Black did so, then gasped as the big male somehow folded himself up under the
table and started fondling him.

"High-protein diet.. I get to suck whoever I want off for lunch.." Lips wrapped
around his dick and sucked softly, bobbing on him until he completely for got
about food and gripped the table as the best blow-job he ever had was
ministered to him for a good 20 minutes... He never noticed the leopard
bringing his tea or the chuckle at his moaning.. Just warm lips and tongue and
throat that swallowed all the semen he gave it and somehow coaxed more out..
"Hey cock-hound.. You ought to at least let the guy eat something between
cummings..." The ferret was sitting beside him, rubbing his ears - Which only
made the rabbit pop even more scum into the hungry maw. "Open.."

Somehow he managed to chew and swallow what was put in his mouth, hands clamped
to the table with a death-grip.. "Tea's a little warm.. MMmmmmm.. Wonder if the
cook stirred it with his cock?" Blackberry was too far gone to reply, sipping
between pants at the mug that was held against his muzzle. Any semen reserves
he may have had were long gone and the canine showed no signs of slowing at
all.. The occasional "Gods you taste good..." accompanied by slurping sounds
was all that came from the table for some time.. The poor rabbit thought his
cock was going to lock in a hard-on and he would have Everybody fondling it..
At long last the muzzle left his dick, kissing the well-drained spigot, making
it's owner moan and shiver, puddling on the bench..

He was aware enough to chuckle when Tom yelped and moaned as the shepherd found
another pair of nuts to drain.. The leopard returned with refills and hot looks
that made Black wonder if he was going to make it out of the lunchroom Intact..
His nuts weren't speaking to him anymore, His cock hung, occasionally being
caressed by a warm tongue, which made his toes curl. But finally the horny
canine stopped torturing the 2 males and got up to sit in the seat across from
them. "Mmmmmmm.. I Love Rabbit Cum..." Tom was panting like a steam-engine..
"Jeez Fuc.. Leave Something for Afternoon break." The canine grinned and kissed
Blackberry, threatening to suck his tonsils out... Then did the same lip-lock
Tom.. "You complaining? I Can get back under.." 2 pairs of hands dives to cover

"Ok... See you tomorrow maybe?" He winked and padded out, swaying his drop-
dead-gorgeous ass as he walked, making more than one fur choke, gasp, pant,
moan and a couple whitewash the tables.. The ferret helped the rabbit up and
they made it back up to the cubicles with only a few gropings.. "Rest.. Break
is in 2 hours.." Black groaned and thought about buying a steel cup for his
groin.. "So - How is the first day going?" He turned.. and a hand wrapped
around his dick while he was kissed throughly and wantonly.. "Sorry about
Lunch. I Really did want to fuck you until you passed-out.." The Wolf's eyes
shone as he looked Black over again Who, despite Everything, still had an
erection. "You need this taken care of, Slave?"

He couldn't have said no if he wanted to... The hand slapped his ass firmly.
"Then come to my office at Break.." Then his face was pressed against a Thick,
dripping, doggy-cock and rubbed against it, inhaling the scent of Hot Male,
making his mouth water.. "Maybe the first load won't go up your ass this time,
Hmmm?" Then he was kissed hard and his nipples were tweaked.. And he was spun
around to stare at the screen, precum smeared across his lips. "Yep, the Boss
Likes you.." The bunny licked the tasty liquid off his lips and panted, still
unable to believe he was actually Here! But his balls never yelled like this in
any of his dreams..

His co-workers came in chatting and fondling each other, and he thought, 'Gods,
How can any fur not enjoy looking at so many males? So many different species,
sizes. So many cocks to drool over, balls to make one's palms sweat with
wanting to hold them..' Even a tired as he was, Blackberry still could feel
yiffy at seeing so many others like him.

* * * *

Third Break was kind of interesting. The rabbit hadn't popped since Lunch, and
was feeling like he might make it. He stretched, seeing furs move towards
various favorite places, some just lazing back with their hard-on's sticking
for anyone who wanted it.. There was a cute panda a few places down he had eyed
a few times and thought about going over and introducing himself. Then again he
might just sit in this weird chair and conserve strength.. "Hello beautiful."
He turned.. To gaze into discs of gold. Whirling pools of liquid sunshine that
sucked him in. "What you drinking?" Something like a fat finger was playing
with his balls, making them sway back and forth. "Tea.." he breathed, following
the swaying head. "You Will stay right here until I get back, now Won't you.."
The Rabbit couldn't even nod, as the cup was whisked by him.

Time was an unknown concept to him as he stared, ignoring fondles and nips as
other furs passes by. "Here you are Sweetie.." The disks were back, with teeth
- nipping on his ears, his nipples, his Ass? An argument was going on at his
crotch. "You always get the balls.. I thought you Liked cock.. I do but I also
like balls.." *Chomp* His nuts were bitten, cock swallowed to the roots and
Then Some, and still those golden orbs stared into his.. "My My.. You Are deep
Love.." The nose butted his and he breathed deeply, shook, wriggled as 8 mouths
bit down on his body, then a ninth worked a forked tongue under his tail, 2
more nuzzling his feet, kissing his toes and he melted into a puddle..

When reality returned, he felt slick, like a giant had licked him all over, and
his intermail box was beeping.. He shook a little, sipped his tea, and hit the
open box... And sat there as a 5 minute excerpt of a tape showing a familiar
Rabbit with what had to be 20 pythons wrapped loosely around his chair - All of
them sucking, licking, nuzzling.. Black sighed and rubbed his balls. How the
hell? He turned and looked straight into the unwinking eye of the security
camera. A soft hiss got his attention.. He turned to get 20 winks and 20 tails
waving in the little video box. "We come by about once a month to check the
cameras. Hope to see you again, Tasty Lil Rabbit." The Bunny swallowed, then
*Blushed* as his partner slapped him on the back. "I see you met the
Maintenance crew.. Breaks over, Back to work." He Never thought such words
would sound so wonderful..

* * * *

The 5 o'clock whistle blew and Blackberry Stretched, smiling... He had somehow
lived through his first day. Then he remembered the Showers.. And decided to
put in a little time with the 4 to 12 shift. After an hour of being ogled and
fondled and having all kinds of offers to stay and work late he thought it
Might be safe..

He again fondled the Bear Guard who stood in front of the elevators - A
different one from the morning but just as kind, and just as well-built. "You
can rub on me anytime you like." He nodded and licking his hands, made his way
into the shower area.. Washing felt Sooo Good! he almost wished there was
someone with him to do his back and butt.. He groaned, wriggling his ass,
slipping a finger in his rear, as the days events played out in his mind. Then
there Were hands on his ass. and his finger was pulled out to be replaced by
something Much bigger and Stiffer.

"Rabbit." A deep voice purred, "I haven't had a Rabbit in a Long time.." A body
moved against his as the big male-meat pushed in still farther. Black could
only grip the big arms that enfoldeded him and shiver as the scent of hot male
feline made his nostrils distend. Then barbs bit and he squirmed. For a long
deep moment all he did was rock in the embrace, feeling the water cascade down
his front, the big arms wrapped around him, the Big Cock deep inside him. He
moved a little, hands washing him off, rubbing his chest, his belly, his legs..

Blackberry moaned, wriggling a little.. "Careful Rabbit - Or I may decide to
push you against the wall and have my way with you.." A rough tongue rasped his
ear and he grunted, shivering. "Oh, Would you Sir? I have only been reamed out
once today and..." A hand slapped his ass gripping, nails biting just a little.
"I knew you were a Hot little Male when I First saw you.. Oh, I'm Trigal - Regional
Interoffice Manager. Jonah was panting all during the meeting about your sexy
ass... I can see Why now." Blackberry *Blushed* and giggled.. "Really?" A soft
nip on the back of his neck made him moan and a solid Thrust buried the big
cock in him deeper than any before.. Again the barbs bit into his anus, locking
him to the male better than any knot.

He squeezed the maleness inside his rear passage, Feeling the big hands roam
over his body, the Big Fangs grip his neck, making his heart pound and his
knees turn to rubber.. Then there was a Roar like some jungle predator had
found prey - Or a Mate. Balls like oranges slapped his butt heavily and he felt
the firehose go off, glad that the arms were around him again or he might have
been blown Off the thick feline-meat.. Then he was cumming again, and he heard
a gasped moan as still more cream washed out his back passage..

For a Very long time all he did was lay limp and either shoot or dribble semen,
feeling the big male move over and behind him, thrusting a little, rubbing a
little, but never letting go of his neck. He giggled when he thought about his
roomie, trying to explain the bite marks he was going to wear home... "MMmmmm..
I could stand here and fuck your hot ass All Night, but we Both have to be back
in the morning.." The still stiff cock was pulled from abused butt and he
whimpered.. "What you doing this weekend?" 'Recuperating from Work!' "Nothing
Sir.." A hand fondled his rear, helping rinse the semen away that flowed out.
"Then you won't Mind staying at My Place so I can Sleep with my cock buried in
that sexy ass for 3 days? I will pick you up Friday Night and bring you to work
Monday Morning.."

Blackberry thought it would be heaven, and said so.. A soft pat on his rear.
as the water was turned off. "Best get dried off before I lose it and take you
again.." The Rabbit wriggled his rear. "Maybe you won't have to wait for the
weekend.. If you don't mind feeding me first.." A deep chuckle and he was
engulfed in fur. "It's a Deal.." he was bundled up in a robe 4 sizes too big
and hustled out the door.. "But My Clothes.." A clawed finger scritched his
dick. "You can get them tomorrow.." Black found himself in the back of a car,
damp, buried in a robe and being groped.. It was pulled back and all he could
see was a good Foot of thick male-meat, with a dribble of pre-cum running down
the thick stalk.. "You did say you wanted fed.." He swallowed, nodded and
started licking the hot meat clean, Thinking about All the sexy furs he met..
and That was just one floor's worth!

A purr vibrated the cock as he sucked it into his mouth, rubbing the big balls,
feeling how full they were.. A hand griped his head and the hips moved
thrusting the dick to his muzzle. The rabbit thought about collars and the
Words the Wolf had Used - Personal Sex-Toy. Then his muzzle was full of sticky
semen and he swallowed, trying to get it all.. As he lay, licking up what
escaped his lips and a warm hand rubbed his shoulders, he had to remind himself
this was Just the First Day..

What would happen tomorrow?

The End?