BONDAGE.TXT - Male/Male, Rape/Bondage/Discipline, Furry - 7/15/98

A sculpture in Slavery - Short but Yiffy.
By SwampRat
(c) 1996 Gay Furry Association

A soft moan escaped his lips.. 'Where am I?' He remembers a few too many
drinks. A dark alley.. A Pain.... Movement and some sniggers as his clothes
were rifled. Then nothing until now. Hanging from some sort of scaffold, and
hearing voices. He couldn't believe what they were saying... "Standard package
- cock, nipple, ear, nose rings. Brand on right buttocks. Hmmm.. Full sheath
removal, scrotal and rump denudement, tail bob - Scratch that last.. I think a
simple trim will do. Lots of work.. But a challenge worthy of an artist." No..
They couldn't be serious. This was a bad dream... Rusty bit into the ball,
trying desperately to plead, to scream.. to do Something. But all he could do
was turn his head and watch them..

Watch then in a mirror set in the wall. Tears running down his cheeks he saw a
nasty looking ferret measure his tail, his sheath, squeezing his tits.. Could
anything worse happen to him... Yes, it could. A humming sound jerked his
attention to the mirrors again.. Clippers, scissors, comb. Surely he wasn't
going to... At the first touch of steel on fur he fought like a demon -
screaming, tugging on his bonds until his paws and feet were strangled.. Even
the strong tug on his balls didn't make him stop. *Smack* A paw descended on
his ass.

"Stop That.. I am Not messing up this because you want to have a fit.." The
ferret left. Returning with some more equipment.. A pair of rounded 'mits' were
fitted to his butt and locked to the frame, acting like steel briefs, holding
his hips quite immobile, squirm as he might. Long leather cuffs were slapped to
arms and legs, binding him almost completely. A caress on his now raw sack and
the mammal returned to his work. Rusty was humiliated.. He barely yelped when
something long and hard was thrust into his anus, forcing his tail up, a ring
encircling it. For some time, he hung on the frame, not even looking at what
was taking place behind him. The mits were unlatched and more work done.. Then
the device was removed - After being thrust in and out a few times - and a paw
caressed his smooth naked butt. "Very nice."

He had to look.. His beautiful tail that he had taken so much pride in was
now... Smaller. It didn't look Right, But it looked... Natural. As if he had
been born with shorter fur. "You can keep That up a lot easier than a huge
brush sweeping the ground." It rested on a shockingly pink pair of rounded
cheeks that looked sexy as hell. Were those His? He growled, then yelped as
the paw swatted his ass again. "Prideful slave.." Pain bit at him from below
his waist - Twice - but he refused to look, wishing he was someplace else..
Then a paw soothed burns and cuts and he looked down at the slave who rubbed
his nipples, now sporting rings, and his balls, and his - Cock?

He looked in the mirror, and saw a ring of skin where a sheath used to be..
More touches and caresses, this time on his ass, sliding a finger down the
valley. "Got all of it.. Clean burn - One of my Better ones." Then he was
removed from the rack and led to a chamber.

* * * *

The first days were sleep, eat, and heal.. Caresses and nuzzlings went
unheeded. Then Anger at what they had done... But his rantings were ignored, as
were pleadings.. So followed fear, resentment, and boredom. A week of bread and
water 3 times a day with a hole that served as urinal and chamber-pot and he
was ready to literally climb the walls. All he got was a basinful of water and
half a loaf of edible if bland sustenance. One night he woke up screaming..
Round the cell he ran, beating on the walls, screaming, crying, howling.. For
which he got 10 lashes with a switch. A door opened and in stepped 2 big
panthers and a rabbit. He was grabbed and pulled over to have his paws
inspected. Bandaged. "10 Lashes." were the only words said during the whole
time.. The big males jerked him up and held him against a wall, one paw on his
shoulder, the other on his hip. He heard movement.. then the switch came down.
It left a stripe of red on the smooth skin.. 9 more times the willow branch
came down over those soft mounds. 9 more long, red stripes to go with the
first. Then he was shoved off to one side, and they left. Rusty got up and
watched as the door was shut. He got up in a semi-sitting position, rocking
back and forth, making a crooning sound.

For 2 days he didn't eat or sleep. He just stared, rocking and crooning.. The
door opened again. Someone came in, and grabbed his nose-ring, jerking him up.
The bandages were removed and paws inspected. All his rings were moved around
and his brand checked for infection. The check-list completed and tucked under
an arm. "Even a mess you are still cute." A final tweak on his cock-ring and
the being was gone... 'Cute? I am... ' A shadow fell on him. He looked up to
see the same 3 males walk in. "Not eating, Not taking care of fur, not taking
care of toilet.." And so on.. This time the switch descended 25 times to lay
stripes on the foxes ass. 'It's Not Fair. It's Just Not... ' Tears ran down his
cheeks, and he sobbed, sliding down the wall when they let him go, and left him
in a sodden pile of misery. Rusty kept on crying, pushed past the point of
madness, a broken fur.

He became aware of a paw. The paw was squeezing one of his butt cheeks,
kneading it.. Squeeze, Release. Squeeze, Release. It felt good. It felt Very
good. Then he noticed an arm, encircling him, holding him against warm fur. He
sniffed, trying to clear his nose and blinked... The paw lifted - and he
stiffened, almost yelping a protest - to be replaced by the one that held him,
now rubbing him from shoulder to rump. The paw came up under his chin and
lifted it.. The fox looked into the greenest eyes he had ever seen. Green
panther eyes. "Sometimes one needs to cry it all out." A gold ring tapped his
plain steel one as the cat rubbed noses with him. "Isn't it, sexy?" For a
moment Rusty looked for who the panther was talking to. There was only the 2 of
them.... "I..." A hard squeeze on his butt and a deep-throated purr made his
cheeks grow hot. The cat wrinkled up his nose in a grin.. Then in disgust. "You
smell." From the heights of giddiness to the depths of despair.. "Pfew... I
smell." A slap on his butt. "Come on.. Let's get your sexy ass into a shower."
Ears snapped up, jaw fell to hit chest. "You.. I.. We.. ?"

The fox tried to pass-out many times.. It was too much for him to be rubbed,
caressed, nipped on, played with.. All the time warm water cascaded down on
him. "Oh Please, Oh.. Stop Please.. *YIPE* Oh Gods.." Paw rubs and cheek
nuzzles. Nips and rough tongue lashings. From ear-tips to toe-claws no part of
him was left untouched... "MMmmmm I Love it when a fur gets his ass shaved..."
A raspy tongue didn't help the switch marks but damn near made the fox cum just
from being Licked! Gods, his butt was sensitive... He lay in his restraints
and panted, barely noticing when the male moved behind him and pushed his tail
up. A twinge as his knot was squeezed, a feeling of being entered - then
filled. "What? I.." Teeth bit into his neck, claws dug into his hips, and the
panther buggered him soundly. "Ouch! Hey.. Watch.. Ohhhhh." The paw was back,
roughing up his cock, squeezing his balls. The fat cat-dick plunged ito his
virgin ass, barbs scratching at his hole, exciting nerve-endings. It was all
too much for Rusty. He screamed and shot his wad all over the pumping fist, the
wall, everywhere. He went completely limp, held up by a still thrusting pole and
a set of fangs in his neck. Then oblivion as semen jetted into his guts.

* * * *

He awoke, being rocked.. A raspy tongue slid over his ears and he moaned..
"Well - finally decided to awaken." The fox didn't get to say much as his
muzzle was shoved into a pillow, and his ass fucked again. This time he felt
everything.. The cock burrowing into him, The thump of the furry hips in his
smooth cheeks. The barbs, tickling, scratching. Growls, moans, some his own..
The heavy weight, a thrust that buried the hard, throbbing meat fully in him..
The feel of warm liquid inside him. His own orgasm making him buck and squeeze
this monster, despite the pain and discomfort. A rumbled purr vibrated is
frame. "I Knew you would be a tight-assed little fuck. And you respond so
nicely to being played with." Claws tugged on his nipple-rings, warm sweaty
flesh rubbed his nut-sack. "Thank you sir.." He managed, still panting. "You
are so damn sexy when you are a mess.." The fox blushed, warmed by the
compliments. A slow movement out, something being wiped on his butt. "Clean
yourself and this bed made." A swat on his ass and he is alone.. He giggled to
himself and slowly stretches.. Then nature calls!

The shower feels so nice he wants to stay in it forever, but remembering the
switch, he gets out and combs his fur well.. He shakes his tail, and sighs..
Then yips softly as muscles twinge. Being a bachelor, he never worried about
his apartment too much.. But a broom only has one end and he found clean sheets
and managed to put them on the bed. Rusty was staring at the bed when a paw
grabbed his balls and Squeezed! "Well - New talent. My name is Blackberry." A
black patch of fur on his chest showed why he was named that. Rusty yelped and
jumped and turned.. To look into warm brown eyes as his nose nuzzled the black
thatch, surrounded by white fur. The rabbit's nose twitched, grinning as the
paw reached down to caress his still-hard dick. "With a problem as well.. Good
thing I came to get the sheets." And the bunny kneeled, swallowing his cock in
a breath. "Oh Gods!" Rusty had Never been sucked on before, had never even
entertained thoughts of mating with another male..

Paws stroked his furless ass, rubbed his smooth balls, made him yip and thrust
his hips. "Oh Gods I.. *YOWL*" Teeth sunk into his knot and he came so hard his
knees buckled and he fell into a heap on the floor. The rabbit continued to
suck, bobbing his head over the spurting rod, swallowing only when nothing else
could be coaxed out. A few licks stripped the poor male of sanity as he lay,
unable to even move.. A bit later he felt paws lifting his shoulders and
propping him up on the bed frame. Something warm and smelling of male rubbed
his muzzle. He opened his eyes to stare at the cock that bobbed in front of
him, and licked at it clumsily.. "Tea first, then cock. Can you suck?" The warm
eyes looked at him. Rusty Blushed again. A gentle pat on his cheek, and a cup
of tea was placed beside him. "It's ok.. Your tongue felt pretty good, and I am
a bottom anyway."

"And a very good one." The panther stood in the doorway, grinning. Immediately
the rabbit was kneeling, head down, legs wide, tail up. The fox lay there a
moment, staring.. Then something told him that he should also be kneeling and
managed to do so without falling over. He did However drip... "Black - Clean
the mess." In a heartbeat, the bunny was licking the floor, then Rusty's cock,
slurping on it until the fox was moaning and wriggling a little. "Hot little
yiff.." The fox watched as the panther knelt and slammed his cock into the
bunny's ass to the hilt with no warning. Then his eyes closed as the male took
him to the knot again, grunting, gripping his hips, and weathering the brutal
ass-fucking, sucking like a demon on Rusty.

* * * *

He awoke, shivering. His fur was wet, from crying as was the darker chest his
head lay on. He moved a little, carefully licking and grooming the fur with his
tongue, paying a little more attention to the large pinkish nipples. "Slave." A
paw moved his head up. "Yes, Master?" Green eyes bored into his brown ones.
"You had That dream again.." Shame stopped his from saying anything for a
moment.. Then claws dug painfully into his naked ass, making his Yelp. "Yes
Master." He was dragged up the furred body by that paw until his nose touched a
wider, feline one. "I'm sorry, Master." The claws vanished and the paw rubbed
his rear. "Don't be.." He was turned over to lie under the big cat, a full foot
of hot, barbed cock rubbing his. "I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost
you.." Lips press to lips, eyes shining with love.

A heartbeat later big fangs clamped on his neck, claws dug cruelly into his ass
as the tip of the throbbing male-meat forced him open. The shaft slowly, with
many shudders and yowls, following until the sheath rested against his pink
'rosebud.' A thrust. Another, with a shivered yowl. "Gods you are a hot,
tight-assed fox! I fuck you and fuck you, and you are Still tight!" Rusty moves
his paws up to gently play with the hard nipples, rubbing his ringed ones
against them. "Thank You, Master." His well-groomed, short furred tail thumped
the bed lightly, rubbing a pair of nuts as he wriggled a little, squeezing the
log in him, getting a snarl and a couple of hard, ass-thumping thrusts in
return. "Aren't you done yet?" A tiger entered the room, cock bouncing as he
pads to the bed, slapping the panther and kissing the fox. "Morning Rusty." A
red and white paw reaches out to stroke and cradle His other master's dick.
"Morning Sir." He whimpers as 2 raspy tongues lick his neck, a paw reaching
down to squeeze his knot. Striped thighs straddle his head, and he eagerly
licks on the smooth sack.

The panther snarls and bites his lover's butt, moving his face up to nuzzle a
shoulder and rub the dripping cock-head against Rusty's lips. "Lick it good
fox.. Oh Yeah." They kiss, fangs locking together as they pant over the male,
stroking his cock, legs, ass. They murrowl to each other as their need and lust
increase until 2 screams break the morning air.. Followed by a half-gasped

The End