M/?, M/M - NC/Rape, Oral - February 14, 2003

By SwampRat (cl) 2001, 2003 Gay Furry Association

Blame this one on Danath :> "Hungry caveplants indeed!" Dr. Smith's last
words. Ok so I fudged it a bit - I just don't DO vore..

Movement woke the watcher. Watching was one of those jobs that was
Extremely boring - Until it wasn't. And when that moment came, one had to
be alert and ready lest your bones add to the pile in the back of the
cave.. Jerking back from a questing tendril, the watcher Scuttled over to a
big drum, and taking the wooden Caller, made it vibrate.. The eerie 'call'
rang down the mountainside, across the fields, reaching posts where others
echoed the Call on their drums, letting all know the Plants were awakening.

Torches were gathered, lots drawn, and those chosen walked in a steady
procession to the caves, ringing the openings. Some were human, some were
not. Some ate meat and others ate plants. Some were still cubs, some so old
they had to be carried to the places. All were male as the Laws were most
strict in that regard. Half guard, half sacrifice the watched for the first
gray-white tendrils to quest for those that stood, sat, or lay and played
games of the mind or the body. As the sun went down the Eldest one spoke..

"We know why we are here." Heads nodded in reply, even the young who maybe
didn't, but understood it was important.

"Lite the Torches. Be vigilant, be careful, be brave.." They nodded again
and all those who could hold a torch came forward to pick one up, have it
lit, then return to their place in the ring. One by one until all the cave
entrances had flickering circles of brightness around them. A wolf yelped
as something touched his leg.. A ropy mass slid around his ankle and all
but pulled the leg from it's socket, tugging the animal back towards the
darkness. Some moved forward at his cries, but were stilled with a word.

"Do you wish to join him?"

They watched as the wolf was pulled back, claws scratching across the rock,
howls horrible to hear. More tendrils could be seen grasping the struggling
animal, who continued to plead for help from his brethren even after he
disappeared into the cavern. Eyes were dark with hatred, with fear.. But
none moved from their spot despite the noises of struggle and desire for
revenge. Ears laid back when the screams stopped in mid-howl, and in the
silence came gurgling sounds, squishing sounds, ugly and wet and raw as the
nerves of the watchers.. The plants were feeding.

No one knows When the plants came to be, only that they were in the caves
for as long as memory and mouth could tell. They shunned strong light, were
impervious to most weapons, did not burn or bleed.. And would eat
everything in their path if allowed to. But only in the Spring, when they
awakened.. At first they would attack anything with warm-blood, then as the
summer came, get picky in their desires as they turned more plant and less
monster. By fall they would be everywhere - Dropping fruit and seeds and
dead limbs for any one who wanted them. And when the right time came, they
would migrate back into the caves to do whatever it was they did over
winter - For no one who went in to find out ( or to find rumored treasures)
ever came back to tell.

Another less-wary male was captured, dragged clawing and screaming into the
darkness. The torches would keep the creatures inside the cave until
daylight, but would Not guarantee safety as the plants got more bold the
farther into the night the planet rotated. What they did Not know was the
plants took only certain individuals.. The Gay ones. And the bones were old
- Yes, some of the males died in the cave but not very many. Long as they
were healthy they could withstand the plants desires for a night. Inside
the caverns the wolf who had been dragged off was whimpering. His clothes
were ripped from him and he was being made to service a pod. He had no
choice, as tendrils were massaging his prostate, squeezing his knot, making
him blow yet again into the wooden mouth that sucked so greedily..

The reason he could not howl - besides being milked for an eleventh time an
a row - was the cock-shaped bulb buried in his muzzle, feeding him some
sweet substance.. and despite himself he was Really turned on. He watched
another hunky male be pulled in - a rabbit he had drooled over in private
many times.. This one too was stripped, his cock forced from the short
sheath to be engulfed, stalks invading his rear, a bulb shutting off his
scream.. To the casual ear that scream sounded like horror, the terror of
death.. But to one who was versed in screams of passion, he knew it for
what it was.. A lover of big dicks having his ass reamed.

Two more furs were caught and made to service the needs of the plant both
in semen and fertilizer.. Then all of them were dumped into a circle where
leaves made the stone soft and warm. They huddled together, still uncertain
as to what was going on, grabbing at each other when again forced to empty
their balls and bowels for their captors.. But they all survived until
morning light woke them. They were Alive? They were Alive! They talked and
hugged and found they all had one thing in common - they liked other males.
Since this was a strict No-No in the tribes, they decided not to return the
way they came.. None of them had lovers, all hiding their true desires
until they could find a way to leave without being hunted down by their

Someone had been there before and left a trail marked in the rock for them
to follow.. 2 days of walking found them footsore and weary, but
determined.. 2 more days and the stronger ones were carrying the weaker.
Water was found in caches, but food was either moss or cock - and even
though they had been through the ordeal they found they still liked sucking
on each other. It took one's mind off the inevitable - Find a way out or
eat each other. When they woke they found their band 3 members stronger..
All had suspicions of the others but never said anything.. Until now. Now
they hugged and tossed water on each other and didn't care - Let death take
them, they would stay as Brothers to the end.

It took another 2 days of following the markers to find an opening in the
rock. And a Panther who stood tall, proud and erect. All of them were weary
to the point of exhaustion and starving.. Even so one by one they padded
over to stare at the beautiful feline. To stroke the magnificent cock and
caress the furry balls. They even sucked on it, feeling it throb in their
muzzles. As the last one slumped back, letting the cat-cock slip from it's
mouth the panther made a long undulating call. In moments more felines
appeared. Felines were a rarity in the Nation as they called themselves,
and despite their exhaustion they stared at all these sleek bodies, all the
furry nuts and erect dicks with little barbs at the tip.

One by one the beings were picked up, given some broth and lain with, those
same cocks now in their muzzles. Some bit while they sucked, overeager to
taste the maleseed, or too hungry to care what was in their muzzles but the
cats had weaned their cubs on these same cocks and didn't so much as
flinch. The panther knelt beside the rabbit and stroked his fur, doing the
same to all the males, now sleeping soundly with fleshy pacifiers that gave
up sticky semen anytime it was demanded.

'The harvest is good brother.'

A lion who was squirming a little as his charge was one of the Hungry types
and already skilled in cock-sucking, Nodded.

'The plant gives us more lovers to rejoice over. To replace those that have
gone on. But sometimes I wish we walked the halls.. Some may be too young
and lost their way and be lost to us.'

The panther slapped his ass, making him hiss.

'We are not the judges, we are only the caretakers. How many seasons will
they live? A pawful, maybe 2.. Yes it hurts to think there may be those who
will not make the journey - But to interfere is to break the Law. Besides -
would You be the Tester? The one who has his dick touched and kissed but
Never brought to fulfillment until you are relieved?'

The lion shook his head wincing as he filled his charges muzzle yet again
with seed.

The panther lifted his head. 'There are more coming. The plants must be
hungry this season to send so many to us.'

He returned to his spot, again standing with an erection for whoever came
to this spot. Even though all who had come out passed the Testing, he was
vigilant.. None who hated males would ever enter the Tribe. Only 2 this
time, shivering and clinging to each other. Until they saw Him. The eyes
widened, the mouths opened. They moved closer to touch his aching nuts, his
stiff cock, making his groan internally.. Both opened their muzzles and
took his maleness in, sucking with an almost reverence.. Then sat heavily,
still unable to stop looking at him.

He smiled.. They would pass as well.. There were things that could not be
faked. He reached out to touch one of them.. Red and white and black. A
long fluffy tail. Much like his last lover.. He made the call for 2 more
caretakers, adding he wanted to be relieved. He didn't have to say Why - it
was obvious to all that he had chosen the one he would sleep with until The

Twin cougars appeared from the darkness. One took his charge and fed him a
little both - too much would make them sick - then carried him down to the
Sleeping mat slipping his erection into the warm mouth, purring as it
sucked on him.. Some did not make it past this point, being too weakened by
their ordeals. But they would do all they could to revive these new lovers
and bring them into the Tribe.

He grinned as he watched the Black Panther lay beside him, seeing the male
he had chosen bite a little, a nice-sized doggy-cock with it's knot waving
from the furred crotch.

'You do know how to find them, Brother.'

The panther nodded, not quite wincing as teeth dug into his maleness,
giving his seed to the hungry male, who drank it like water.. This one was
going to be a pawful, already demanding more of his cream. He lay his head
on his arm and grinned to himself giving up what the greedy fox asked for.

The End