DEMON.TXT - M/M, NC - 01/20/99

Mirrors - Loosely based on a Night Gallery Episode

By SwampRat
(cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association

John and Mark were good friends. At least once a week they would meet in a bar
and chat. Sometimes they would go back to Mark's place and have sex for a
weekend, then John returned to his Own apartment to clean-up, leaving his Lover
to become just a Friend again.. Deep down it Hurt Mark a little - He was Gay
and enjoyed being Gay. John on the other hand was... John. He was Not Gay - he
just like looking at other men, and fantasizing about having sex with them..
But he Only did it with Mark.

And Only as a Top - Except in the shower, or the living room or after foreplay.
But he was Definitely Not Gay! One Night they both had a little too much to
drink, and Mark tried to talk his Lover into taking a Cab home, but John
disagreed. "I can Drive.." He got in the car, and Mark, shaking his head, got
in as well - Not so much because he believed John Could Drive as to make sure
his Friend got home alright.

As they went down the Road, John got Horny.. He unzipped his pants and pulled
his semi-hard dick out. Mark noticed and reached over to play with it, Always
enjoying the feel of a dick in his hand. undoing his pants as well and playing
with his Own erection, pumping them together... They both blew so hard that they
blacked-out for a moment - Long enough to slam into an Oak Tree that was close
to the road. When the firemen arrived they just watched the wreck finish
burning, put out what remained of the car, and left the rest to the Police.

They ruled it an accident caused by oil on the road, put a guard-rail around
the Bend, and attended the Services (Both bodies were burned to Ash), saying
what a Shame 2 nice 'boys' had to go like that.

* * * *

John Awoke to find himself on the floor of a dark room. There seemed to be no
windows, nor any door - Just what felt like a bed and a single candle set in a
wall. He wondered what the Hell was happening when the candle lit by itself.
Blinded by the sudden glare, the man stumbled back and fell on the bed. It was
only then he noticed he was naked. And not alone... A creature stood on
horse-hooves, strong back-bent legs sliding up into a muscular, almost human
body, with a canine muzzle topping the thick neck. 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 dick.. and
What a Dick! Long as his forearm, a wrist-thick maleness swayed over a bull's

It swayed even more as the creature clopped to him, giving the human a Good
look at the dark meat with it's thick tip, throbbing veins, spicy scent. A
clawed hand gripped the base and lifted it up so it almost touched John's
nose.. He shrank back Putting a hand up. The log was slid into it, hips moving
a little. This time he pulled completely away, scuttling back on the bed until
his shoulders hit the wall. The monster growled and grabbed him, throwing him
on his belly, swinging a hairy leg over and Mounting his ass. he felt the
thick, hot cock root around between his cheeks a few times then Stab inward,
and he screamed as it forced it's way inside. His fingers clutched the sheets,
helpless to stop the creature pulling his hips back, shoving down in his tight
ass, growling lustily over him.

John tried not to enjoy being Raped, having his body abused and used for
another's pleasure but he Did enjoy it.. He Did like feeling the thick meat
move in and out of his ass. Soon he was pushing back, wanting more of the big
dick. His own erection bobbed and dribbled pre-cum as the man grunted, pushing
his hips back at the hairy crotch. "So you Do like it.." A gravely voice
growled over him. The man Froze.. And the creature came deep in his guts, John
shuddering.. "And you like to feel cum splashing hot and wet inside you, Don't
you?" He shook his head, still gripping the bed. "No.. No, I don't. I can't...
I can't enjoy being Fucked." He tried not to notice the meat hot and throbbing
inside his ass, the squishy sounds of semen pumped into his butt. "I can't!
That would make me a..."

"Queer!" The male snarled in his ear, pulling the half-hard dick out of him,
wiping it on his butt, and leaving. John curled up and whimpered, wishing he
was someplace else, wishing that wasn't the last word he said to his Friend
before waking up - here. Wishing anything but... Hooves clopped again on the
floor, and again he was thrown on his stomach, a big piece of male-meat
seeking, then Stabbing itself in his ass. He cried out when fingers encircled
his cock, stroking it's already hard length, Fighting the illicit pleasure...

* * * *

Mark awoke in a carbon copy of the room. He shook his head and looked around,
noticing he was naked. "Where am I?" he wondered aloud? "Does it matter?" He
turned at the deep voice to Stare at what could have been a twin to what was
making John scream still. "WOW.." Mark breathed, unable to take his eyes off
the hunk. It showed it's body off, hooves clopping on the floor as it turned,
giving him a view of it's round, masculine butt-cheeks. "Wow.." he said again,
getting a chuckle from the Creature. It looked over it's shoulder at him and
Mark needed no second invitation! He crossed the floor in 2 steps, slapping
hand to ass, gripping the muscles. "MMmmmmmm.." He nipped the hard shoulder
softly, caressing the male's rear, panting over the beautiful guy - Wolf head
and horse-legs notwithstanding..

"You are getting me horny.." The man laughed softly and pressed his aching
hard-on into the hot cheeks. "Got ya beat." He whispered moving his hands
around to grip the rising cock. "Oh Wow!" He had Dreamed about such dicks,
stroking them, sucking them, having them up his rear until they blew all over..
Hand gripped His butt, holding him tight as he frigged the big male-meat. He
knelt and nipped/kissed the cheeks, then rocked back as the pole swung into
view. Fingers curled around the thickness, tugging it towards a salivating
mouth. Mark sucked on the head, flicking it with his tongue, loving the taste,
the size, the groans as he jerked what wouldn't fit until with a roar It
exploded in his mouth, so much cum he couldn't drink it all and some dribbled
down his chin and onto his chest.. Still he stroked the dick, keeping it erect.

Then he was pulled up and the Wolf kissed him, licking up the excess from
around his mouth, delving In to french-kiss the man hotly. As he moaned and
rubbed the big arms Mark was lifted, carried to the Bed and kissed again..
Hands slipped his legs up on the strong shoulders, exposing his ass to the
throbbing pole. The man moaned, wriggling his hips, feeling the thick head
split him open and slide through his anus. There should have been Pain - he was
taking a dick the size of a Horse inside him.. But except for some twinges,
mostly made by clawed fingers digging into his butt, or tweaking his nipples
all he Felt was Pleasure.. And a Lust that threatened to engulf him..

A thrust made him shudder. Another and he gripped the bed, arching his back as
the monster cock thrust in and out of his ass. "Oh Yesss! Do It! Fuck Me.." The
being complied, pounding his tight ass roughly, biting at his nipples, stroking
his hard dick... The explosion washed him away in a tide of lust and pleasure,
feeling the big male laying over him, panting as loud as he.. They lay
together, caressing each other for some time. "That was The Best.." The Wolf-
Being nodded and kissed him again, then moved back. "Please! Leave it in me.."
Hands gently untangled his legs. "I wish I could.. But - I have other things to
attend to.. Maybe later we can lay together longer - My Beautiful Lover.." The
male moved away, vanishing into nothingness. Mark never noticed, hearing the
word ring in his ears, content to just lay on the bed and wait. A hoof-clop
made him open his eyes. "That was quick.." The big hands rolled him onto his
belly, lifted his hips and held him in place while the Wolf-head nuzzled, bit,
kissed, caressed, licked every inch of man-ass. Thumbs spread his sweaty cheeks
and Mark Howled as a hot tongue delved into his neither regions, enjoying every

Xarnrax looked at both men. Mark was pushing his butt up at the demon eating it
out, Gasping with Pleasure. John was trying to pull away, trying not to feel
the enjoyment the tongue brought him. He shook his head.. "One Man's Heaven is
Another Man's Hell." With a snort he clopped off to see about the other Eternal
Prisoners - And Guests...

The End