Definitely Not St. George...
By SwampRat
(c) 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan
1992 The Rashathran Society

Sir Guiles Gimwood hated dragons. With a passion. Despite the fact none had
done anyone in his family any harm. Or for that matter, to Anyone's family
since the Great Wars.. No, Sir Guiles simply hated them. And vowed to eradicate
them from the countryside. Now, Sir Guiles wasn't a pleasant man. He barely
tolerated horses, despised anybody under the rank of Captain, and in general,
thought life was a worm-ridden apple. And so, it was with much wonder that he
found himself having to wrench the necessary information from the peasants. Of
course, after declaring a few heretics, and threatening to burn them, along
with local priest, at the stake did the trick. They sullenly told him where the
foul creature denned. He stayed the night at the Inn, Free as befitted his
stature. And saddled his reluctant stallion with all the care of a boar rooting
for acorns. In fact it took a shallow cut along the smelly animal's haunches to
make it go. He would have hit it harder, but he needed the beast, for now
anyway... Day found him on the road, giving the animal under him the spurs
every so often, just to show it who was master..

He snatched at a branch that slapped his face, and cursed the forest yet again.
Without warning, a batch of mere-dragons attacked him. Scaly bodies flew at him
from all directions, pulling the startled knight down to hit the ground, hard!
He flailed about him as best he could, but they removed his armor, pulling the
human from it, like shelling a lobster. Claws made short work of his trowsers,
and undergarments, nostrils wrinkling at the stench.. After all, taking baths
was a peasant undertaking.. The knight was unceremoniously dumped on his
stomach. Naked, he shuddered every time a paw slid across his flesh. Claws dug
cruelly into his shoulder, as something poked around his thighs. He thought at
first it was a thrashing tail.. until claws wrenched his butt-cheeks apart.
"No!" He shrieked as the serpent growled in his ear. His face was shoved into
the grass, the slick penis forcing it's way into his virgin passage.. The
reptile hissed like an overworked steam engine, twisting it's scaly hips,
forcing it's slick cock deeper. At last, the entire length was buried in the
twitching human. One of the mere-dragons licked at a trickle of blood where a
claw had dug too deeply in the flesh. The human was pulled up to his knees by
the monster behind him. Another pressed it's snout against his belly.

A tongue rasped along his cock, claws pulling the foreskin back. Sir Guiles
moaned, his body feeling twinges of pleasure. He shrieked, as the reptile
buggered him, while the one below fondled his testicles, and sank it's teeth
into his penis. With a gulp, it swallowed him, rooting around at his groin to
see if there was more to be had. It's warm breath stirred more than just the
hair.. One grabbed his head, and forced it's cock between his clenched lips. He
gagged, trying to spit the intruder out.. And gagged again, when the thin cum
spurted into his mouth. The creatures hissed laughter, as the man squirmed
under them. The one buggering him grunted, slamming to the hilt, ejaculate
spurting into the heaving ass. It lay on him, then pulled free, and fell back
gasping.. Sir Guiles tried to spit out the strong jism, but the reptile
wouldn't let him. Paws grasping his hair, it shoved the spurting cock deeper,
giving the man a choice - swallow or drown.. Life won. Despite the urge to
vomit, he gulped the stuff, feeling his cheeks redden as the creature hissed in

It let go, the last slimy drops running down the whiskered chin. Hisses and
snarls came from the others. he heard them discussing something.. The familiar
clop of hooves came to him. He struggled, to no avail. Sir Guiles was held down
as his stallion was brought closer. He wearily looked up at the animal. A
gigantic erection slapped against the hairy belly, claws making it quiver. A
second mere-dragon shoved it's cock into his ass. He hardly noticed. He was
busy watching a pair of lizards french-kissing around the log of flesh in front
of him. They jerked the horse forward, until the dribbling tip was over the
man. A snarl from the monster in his back, as it humped him. The others held
his arms, rubbing themselves against his hands. A set of claws grabbed his
hair, pulling his head back. He howled in pain, then gagged, as the huge tip
was forced into his mouth. Sir Guiles tried to resist the entrance, but the
animal, finding something warm and wet in it's cock, shuddered, and thrust it's
hips forward.

Scaly snouts ran over two sets of balls. The orange-shaped horse nuts were
slurped on, while another, smaller pair were lapped at. Claws jerked on both
fleshy cocks, the plated ones finding holes to slide into. A creature grunted,
winding it's tail around the equines, as it buggered the stallion wildly.
Another pole replaced the spurting one rooting around in Sir Guiles' ass. He
yelped, and another inch of greasy horse-cock slid into his mouth. No, This
can't be happening.. The stallion jerked. Whinnied.. Sir Guiles' head swam,
orgasm taking him over the brink. He sucked on the monster. Shoved back at the
reptiles. A rasping chuckle."The human isss liking it.." The horse's nuts
jerked, being mauled and slurped on. Cum exploded against the Knight's tonsils.
The firehose spat another wad.. Then came free. It flipped up, spewing sticky
ejaculate. A glob was caught by a scaly mouth. More poured over the twitching
human. Tongues got busy, cleaning him off.

The stallion snorted, jerking his hips. The mere-dragon's milked the animal for
all the scum they could. Did the same to the human. Rubbed the thick maleness
all over the man.. The knight's last remembrance, before darkness took him, was
the feeling of the animal's cock throbbing between his butt-cheeks, as it
spurted more sticky cum onto his sweaty back, while reptilian tongues lapped it


Siiurm stretched. Another beautiful day. He sighed, stroked the furry mound.
The deer beside him stirred. Looked up at him shyly. He grinned, kissing it
between the forked antlers. A paw slid down the smooth coat, and the buck
grunted when the claws dipped down between the tan thighs, caressing the penile
sheath. The long neck bent, and he lifted his leg up. A forked tongue slid out,
cradling the swelling nut-sack between the twin tips. They gently rubbed along
the furry scrotum, teasing the testicles to grow larger. The deer was not just
lying there either. The black nose was nuzzling a long, purplish penis, trying
to awaken it. Fore-legs bent up, pressed themselves against the armored hide,
and the animal grunted. The tongue was now teasing the reddish tip of a pointed
cock, just peeking out of the sheath. The serpent closed his mouth around the
piece of flesh, sucking gently. The Buck was now doing it's damndest to control
the dick which was swaying in front of it. Frustrated, it bit into the shiny
skin. Then, working it's way up, bite by bite, the mammal finally got to the
dribbling tip.

This he gently nibbled on, gasping as his own cock disappeared into warmth. The
snout stayed put, lips collaring the sheath. Persistent suction, along with a
claw shoved under the stiff tail helped the organ slide out. The claw rotated,
going deeper. The buck snorted, trying to concentrate on the penis in it's own
mouth. But, as usual, he was no match for the talented dragon's tongue. The
creature shuddered, hips pumping erratically, as ejaculate spurted the length
of the ribbon-like tongue that was trying to coax still more of the sweet cream
out. The free paw rolled the contracting balls around in a scaly palm, feeling
them swell, then jump again. Then it was the reptile's turn to shudder, as the
buck got his revenge, gulping the river of cum down as fast as it could. At
last, nothing more came forth from either organ of pleasure, and they lay
together for a time.. Then the dragon pulled free of his lover, walking over to
a small waterfall which ran by one wall. Washing took only a few minutes, then
he led the animal back out to the woods. "Now, don't let me catch you in the
carrots again.." He gave the furred rump a gentle slap and the animal took off
with a bound. But not before looking back at the reptile and snorting. He would

The breeze brought a scent.. "Human. And A mistreated horse.. A Male Horse..
This should be interesting!" The garden could wait. He spun around in a circle,
invoking the spell to transport him to the roadway. Unlike most Dragon's,
Siiurm had no wings, trading them for a wizard's teachings.


Sir Guiles awoke, feeling like a poor farmer's plow.. well-used. He groaned,
gathered his gear, and re-donning it, rounded up the lazy equine who had
affronted him so.. He beat the animal well, before tying it up and cinching the
saddle tightly around the bruised ribs. He again reminded the beast who was
master, by jerking the bit in, until blood dripped from the animal's mouth.
Spurring the worthless creature down the road, he growled, feeling the abuses
heaped upon him. Still, the knight should have remembered the old adage, "Be
careful of what you wish for, Because someday it may come true." And right at
that moment, he was wishing the vile worm would show it's cowardly self, so he
could kill it and go home, to dominate his servants. Well, his wish was
answered, for around a bend, sat the creature. It looked at him with contempt.
He close his visor, and lifted the steel lance. The animal under him danced,
and had to be spurred cruelly to finally make it decide to gallop towards the
monster. He aimed the tip at the scaly breast.. Amazingly, it didn't move, or
try to fly. This was a Stupid creature, indeed! It would die like.. An armored
hand moved, shoving the weapon to one side. The other slammed into Sir Guiles'
chest. The impact made his helm fly. 'So this is how it ends.. Well I'm ready.'
He lay, sensing the figure looming over him. Then movement.. Then nothing.


Sensation once again came... He found himself tied. Something was touching him
in a rather private place.. "He's coming around.." Again, something wet slowly
stroked his groin. Sir Guiles opened his eyes.. To find a rather large Wolf
sitting between his legs. It grinned a mouthful of fangs at him, and sensuously
wound it's long tongue around his erection. Despite himself, the man found he
was getting excited by what the animal did.. He shook his head, then yelped.
The tongue unwound itself rapidly, twanging the sensitive web of flesh that
lies under every human's cock-head. It continued to strop the twitching flesh,
until the knight was ready to crawl the walls! "Now, now Afskh.. Don't tease
the human so." Afskh growled in response, and nibbled on the swelling
testicles. "I Am Not Teasing.. I Hunger!" A chuckle. "For The Male's Seed.."
The knight wasn't sure he liked either answer. But, he didn't have much choice.
Fangs bit hard into the cock-root, as the monster salivated, sucking with
abandon in the man's erection. The last heir of Gimwood threw pride out the
window, as the Wolf did things to him that even the most lecherous Chambermaid
would not have considered.. The tongue latched into his swelling nuts, pulled
them up. Nestled under the muscular organ, they were rubbed unmercifully.

The cock too was mauled, bitten, slavered over.. The human's entire being
became 7 inches of flesh. Which was in the mouth of a cum-hungry animal.. Sir
Guiles bent in half, snarling as his balls contracted in their warm niche. His
semen was gulped down. The creature took the last drops.. Then started Again!
It was exquisite torture.. He would tell them anything. How when he was 5, he
was caught fondling the family dog, and beaten most severely. How his father
abused him, both physically, and mentally, until he was 12. How he had harbored
a relationship with a Shepherd, and his entire flock, for the last 5 Summers..
Finally, the creature just babbled, yelping whenever the Wolf paid attention to
the fat cock-head. Drained of a month's supply of nut-juice, Sir Guiles passed
out. Afskh snorted disgustedly. The human barely lasted 2 ejaculations... "Let
him rest." The Wolf growled. A maleness, just under a foot-and-a-half, waived
at him. Insemenal fluid glistened at the slit. Dripped out, as claws pulled
down the length.. Before it reached the ground, Afskh had dropped the shriveled
balls into a paw, stripped the shrinking penis of everything, And bounded over
to the bobbing tip. Caught not only that glob, but another.

Fangs caught the cock-head. Bit down just behind the spatula-shaped tip. Then,
he went to work on this one. It had been a long time since a stallion had
tickled his tonsils.. The horse snorted. Twice in as many days his cock was
pulled into a warm mouth.. The man was taken off the slab, dropped into a bed,
and allowed to snooze. Siiurm stood at the door watching his friend, and lover
swallow another inch of horse-cock. A red doggy-cock throbbed invitingly.. The
dragon grinned and went to help his friend get rid of his erection..

The End