FALLENC.TXT (M/M, Seduction)

The Fallen - A longer version

By SwampRat
CopyLeft (cl) 1997 Gay Furry Association
Free to any good home. Abuse as you please.

Note - I wrote this after reading a Very nice piece of Gayfur By NightCat. Yes,
beings can be That shallow. Or that Deep.

And After giving it out to see how it flew I was told it was 'Too Short!' So -
Here is a longer version - And after the first try I didn't like it. So here is
another try at it - A Lighter version :>

Version 1.2 - I don't know Why I can't find the problems until After I release
a story..


Bren smiled as a breeze ruffled his fur. A bit of a nip in the air as he walked
towards the house. Jann was having Another party - His tail swished as he
walked, hips shaking just so. Another party, another plaything to find, take,
yiff, discard. The music was fairly loud but not so as to be a problem. He came
in, tail held just so, knowing he was the object of every fur's eye as he
stood, appraising the room for potential - Acquaintances. Lovers were so...
Stifling. Why bother when there were so Many scrumptious yiffs around to fuck.
He saw the usual crowd.. Males, females - Buffed and sculpted bodies shown for
maximum effect. Some leather furs talked by the fireplace, a couple of twinks
twittered at each other, limp wrists moving in exaggerated poses. Gods.. Being
Gay was one thing but That was almost as bad as... He gasped. A Troll!

The big denim pants were held up by wide suspenders, almost yelling 'hayseed!'
to the world. Despite himself the fox admired the broad back, the dark hair cut
conservatively. A hand came into view, scant of fur but not of width. Human..
Not scarce but not so common as to go un-noticed. Bren shook his head as the
light caught a bald spot. How could Anyone be attracted to That? A sly grin
creases his lips as a thought came. Maybe he would get chummy with the male,
lead him on a little, give him a thrill - Then bow out and find a Real Fur. He
sauntered over, waving and schmoozing with other buffed males, picking out
likely candidates for tonight's conquest.

As the fox got closer, he noticed a husky sitting with almost rapt attention on
the couch in front of the Man. 'Robbing the cradle there, Gramps?' He stifled a
laugh, padding up, feeling the eyes on him. He preened a little for them,
taking a quick glance at the male. Beer-gut, rough hands, hairy arms - A Slob
of a Troll.. He took in a quick breath through his nostrils, for some reason a
bit dizzy... The spicy scent of warm male hit him. 'Gods.. I bet he soaks the
sheets.' Then shook his head, wondering what the hell made him think of that?
He preened a bit more, catching the Husky's eye. "Hello Jer.. Who's the new
one?" The canine started, then smiled. "Oh.. Bren." He swallowed some punch,
and nodded hello. "Bren, this is Affen." Adonis turned, perfect in every way,
expecting to reap another worshipful plaything - To gaze full upon the
countenance of Zeus.

The receding hairline showed skin leathered from days in the sun. White
streaked the sideburns cascading into the full beard, which was also sun-
streaked into all possible colors... Save where it met the chin. From a
sensually full lower lip, a shower of pure white hair fell. The fox's gaze
lingered over the crevices in the face, then found a pair of blue pools. Even
through glass, they showed the wisdom of years of hard-fought living. Bren's
jaw unhinged as they looked into his.. Then Through him, examining his very

"Howdy.." A deep voice brought him back in time to be crushed in a hug that
would have made a bear proud. A hand that literally covered his entire left
cheek gripped it through his speedos. "Dressed kinda light for the weather." A
*blush* ran across his face, murring modestly. "But you look good in it."

Bren sputtered a moment, returning the embrace. "Thanks.." He moved a step
back, picking up what was left of his shattered facade. He muttered something,
retreating.. A step. Another - And he was again himself, one of the Beautiful
males, just here to find a bauble to rub his buff body against. "Foxes are so
cute.." He almost turned, catching himself. But out of the corner of an eye, he
saw the big hand reach out to run alongside the husky's muzzle - And every hair
on him cried out to be touched like that.. He shook himself, smoothing out an
imaginary wrinkle, and he laughed. 'Why should I want a Troll, when there are
so many Hunks to fulfill my needs?' He moved to his next target, the hunky wolf
he had been thinking about from the time he walked in. "Hello," he breathed
huskily, "My name is Bren.."

* * * *

Jerel came because it was someplace to go. He had been one of Bren's
'Conquests' once but didn't hold it against the fox. He had been with others -
Mostly 'one-nighters'... He had settled down, drink in hand watching all the
subtle by-plays that went on.. When a hush hit. It rippled around the room,
conversation returning as if nothing happened, but lots of whispers and
odd-looks. He followed it around to see a Man. Damn, Tirra knew Humans? The
panthress/hostess smiled his way and he found himself muzzle-to-chest with the
man. He was Big.. The canine wondered if he was built big Everywhere... He sat
half-mesmerized, talking about whatever, as long as he could look into those
Eyes... Then he saw Him. But something told him Bren wouldn't be stealing the
big male.. He did feel a little jealous when the human hugged the fox, but it
was a momentary thing. And then those eyes were back on Him. And hand, rubbing
his jaw... He floated the rest of the night, and left with the man, eyes
shining as he hugged the big body, a hand squeezing his butt.

Somewhere during the night the infatuation died a gentle death, turning into
lust then companionship. It wasn't the human wasn't skilled, or interesting...
it just wasn't right for them. Not as Lovers. The human stayed the day, then
they kissed and parted, Knowing the next time would be just as wonderful - And
as brief. That didn't stop them from going wild a couple of weekends, But when
Monday came they parted again with a kiss and a smile.

* * * *

A month passes. Bren was back at the same party, looking at the same old males.
"Just once," He muttered, "I would like to see something different." A hand
slapped his butt, making him spin around. "Hello Fox." Zeus had returned.. A
hand reached down and gripped his ass, squeezing both cheeks as the craggy face
moved down to press lips with the stunned male. Bren was going to sneer
something caustic, but he couldn't get his muzzle to work. His lips burned as
they were pressed into, feeling them part so a tongue could slide between his
and flick inside. His cock exploded from it's furry holder, hips dancing a
little as they pushed back against the strong fingers. For a full minute, Bren
was frozen in place unable to move, caught like a deer in the lights of a semi.

The man moved his mouth back. "Mmmmm... You are a good kisser, Bren. I have
been thinking about you a Lot the last month.." The fox got blind sided again..
"Me?!?" He exclaimed, finding himself able to talk, lips still burning. The big
hand squeezed his ass again. "Yep.. I have always been partial to foxes." Bren
shook his head, trying to clear it. "But what about.." A shrug. "He is a good
lover, but It just wasn't in the cards... We parted as friends and said if I
wanted him, I could snag him anytime." The blue eyes bored through him. "But I
want someone more - Yiffy." A big finger slid across his ear, the other hand
tracing a nipple through his thin shirt, tweaking it. "Are you a Yiffy Fox?"
The male moaned, squirming.. He couldn't believe it! The party was not quite
half over and he was thinking of leaving with a Trooo - Oh Gods! A finger
slipped inside his 'party-pants' and was scraping at the underside of his cock.
"Oh Yes Sir," he breathed softly coming up on his toes as his nuts were gripped
through the cloth. "Good. I will be back in a minute for them." The human said,
tugging his balls up a little, making the fox wheeze.

Bren stared at the man, who made his way around, making small talk, trying
desperately to get his blown-cool back together. 'Who the hell does he think he
is, anyway? Ugly, fat, balding...' He stared into the fireplace a moment. "Bet
he's got an ugly, little dick too." He growled, barely able to damper the
desire the man had lit inside him. Then teeth bit into his ear, and he moaned
softly. "It's cut, about 7-inches long and as thick as your wrist." The finger
ran a line from his chin to his waist-band, leaving a trail of fire.. "So, Do I
take you home and show you how it feels wedged between your furry cheeks, or do
I find myself someone else to make love to.. All. Night. Long." Each word was
accented by his cock-tip being teased, rubbed, scritched on. The fox damn near
blew into his shorts, Yipping and gripping the denim behind him. "Oh Yess... Oh
Please.. Oh Gods!"

Everything from the time a big hand gripped his ass to Now, was a hazy blur..
Saying goodbye and shaking hands and being whisked out, moaning, pressing as
much of him as he could against the big male and still be able to walk. A deep
kiss that fluffed his tail out. A stifled scream as his cum flew from his
exposed cock, his shorts pulled down Just enough to allow the man to stroke him
off. "Don't want you getting 'blue-balls' now..." And this Was all before they
got into his Truck! Bren couldn't believe it.. His shorts were on the
floorboard, around his ankles. A hand Was squeezing his ass, one finger
flicking over his anus making him squirm and pant. He had undone a shirtsleeve
and Was licking the sweat off the hairy arm, eyes closed in lust. "Mmmmmm. I
love a wanton fox." The finger tapped his anus again and he damn near blew his
wad a second time. He nuzzled the big arm, whimpering as he had not in Ages.
"We're here." Brought him out of his revere.. Bren cuddled up close, the strong
male-scent making his head spin almost as much as the finger that Finally
invaded him.. Just the first knuckle but to the fox it was big enough to make
him chew on his tongue.

He panted, wheezed, just clinging to the arm, Yipping as the hand was removed
from his body. Then his balls were squeezed again! "You are a sexy lil fur,
ain't you..." The words thrilled him to his vulpine core, arching up. He
squirmed, nuzzling the big chest, murring. Suddenly his hip was pulled over and
his butt *Smacked*. Bren Yipped, and Squirmed, but didn't protest or try to
move away, eliciting another *Slap*. He closed his eyes in sheer bliss,
gripping the man's leg. The same hand now rubbed his already reddened rear. "Go
ahead..." He wasn't sure what the Man was saying for a moment.. Then he pulled
himself forward, to unzip the denim fly, and stick his nose within. "Ohhhhhh.."
He moaned into the damp cloth, smelling the male's need and spicy scent of his
sweaty crotch. He licked at a patch of wetness where the big human dick
strained to be free of the confining cloth. The calloused hand rubbed his
warmed rear, patting it every now and again. "Do you want to see it Now, or
wait until we get inside?" The fox sucked on the cock-head through the cloth,
murring loudly. "Please.. Now."

The rough hand came down on his butt again. "Greedy little fox." He nuzzled the
big leg, lifting his rear to the hand that caresses him. "Lose the shirt." He
tossed it on the floorboard without a second though, then lay gasping.. The
light that spilled into the cab was from the porch, a soft yellow glow making
gray shadows, and accenting the thick meat that dribbled pre-cum just in front
of the fox. The man shifted, making his erection bob around a little. Bren had
seen many dicks, and all were different... But this one - The size.. The
shape.. The feel of it throbbing in his hand. He caressed it, panting, loving
the feel of it. Then his tongue was on it and fingers rubbed his balls and he
forgot about anything but pleasuring the organ that smelled and tasted so
wonderful. He groaned, licking the flesh clean from where it disappeared into
the pants to the still leaking tip, then took the strangely-shaped head between
his lips, sucking on it."MMmmmmf!" the fox panted through his nose, sucking
another inch in, bobbing his head, swirling his tongue along the thick meat,
wanting to taste the man's cum. And it wasn't long before a deep moan was
followed by hip-thrusts and his balls being squeezed, making him Yip - Then
gurgle on the thick semen spurting from the piss-slit, filling his muzzle.

'Salty.' He swallowed as fingers played with his ears, his own gripping the
base, stroking it towards his muzzle, wanting to feel it gagging him, thrust
roughly up his ass. He wriggled at the thought, pre-cum drooling from his cock
onto the seat. He sucked hungrily, then gently, stripping everything he could
from the human, murring as he Knew he would sleep beside this cock, and have it
to make him yiff all day tomorrow. Maybe longer? Weekend - No work till Tues
with Holiday. He suckled and laid his head against the heaving belly, content
to nurse this beautiful... *Swat* *YIP?* "Get your clothes Fox.. I want to grab
a snack, hit the shower and.." that finger was under his tail again! "Go to
bed." Bren had his clothes in his hands, was out the door and standing in front
of the truck before the human had time to zip himself up. A *Squeak* and the
male made his way towards the fox, who trembled.. He hadn't bothered to zip up
at all, semi-hard cock swaying in front of him. "I think someone needs to cum
again." His clothes were yanked from his hands, tossed over the truck hood and
he was pulled against the big body, fingers gripping his canine cock again.."Oh
Sir I.." The semi-hard cock swelled as it rubbed against his tail, his own meat
being stroked and pulled on.

Bren barely had time to grip the man's pants before orgasm blew all sanity
away. His hips rolled around, humping against the calloused palm, rough fingers
at his nipples, making his head loll back. His cum pumped from him in long
strings as he yipped and hunched, shivering. He was held in a warm embrace,
letting his orgasm work itself off into the cool night. His knobs were rubbed
making his squeal and squirm around. "You are One Hot little Fox." He could
only pant and hold the big male behind him close, moaning when touched. Arms
lifted him, holding him while a door was unlocked, and he entered the male's
house, cradled like a baby.. Or a Bride. He giggled to himself at the analogy.
Finding himself being put on a couch, he pulled the man on top of him, Oofing
at the weight, Mmmming at the hot kiss he got in return. thin lips pressed to
fuller ones. Bren reached down stroking the fat male-meat, a part of him still
wondering what spell the human put on him to want to do this. "Back in a
Minute." Another kiss that sucked all the will out of him, body limp except for
one spot - Which was quite stiff.

He listened to the man moving around, smelled his scent still on the fox's
hands, licked them clean, panting... His desire returned with 2 mugs and some
sandwiches. The fox ate a little, drank a little, his attention on the big hand
that rested under his butt, squeezing his furry cheeks, holding him close to
the big male, and his hand stroking the semi-hard cock. They sat together
rubbing and caressing and occasionally kissing, until Bren could no longer keep
his eyes open. He was carried to a big iron-framed bed with large wooden posts
at each corner, He watched the man undress, noticing he was Big. Muscles moved
in thick legs as the pants and shoes were removed, Then the shirt and t-shirt.
He wasn't very hairy at all, fine down on his chest and belly. Then the big
male was pulling him close and pulling covers over him... As he lay, rubbing
against the hand that squeezed his ass, he thought one could get used to
sleeping like this.

* * * *

Morning rose and he found himself alone with a hard-on, aching balls and a note
- 'Make yourself breakfast. Will be in later.' He got up, jerked off while
remembering what had transpired the evening before, and hoping to continue it..
Maybe even deepen the relationship. A hot shower, and a long self-indulgent
session of brushing and he went to find something to wear. Not that he Minded
walking around nude.. But not right now. He found a shirt that fit like a robe,
and padded into the kitchen to find a well-stocked refrigerator, with home-made
jam that made him lick his fingers. He made an omelette with some fresh veggies
got a cup of wonderfully smelling coffee, and with some toast for the jam, sat
and ate slowly, savoring each bite. He wondered what it would be like to live
here, Being a... No. More than once he had been subservient to another male.
And while it was a special thrill to give himself up completely, it was more
sexual than sensual. And when the lust wore off... Best to just enjoy what he
had and not push it.

He read the paper, put the dishes in the sink and made himself comfortable,
waiting.. A noise roused him. Getting up, he went to the back of the house, and
found what had to be a utility room. Smiling he went outside and got his
clothes, then retrieved those still in the bedroom and got a load started. Then
remembered what brought him here in the first place - A noise. He looked out to
see a pile of wood and in a few minutes saw his host. The man was chopping wood
- How qaint. He watched, a hand creeping down to fondle his sheath as he
watched the big arms heft what could only be described as a Broadaxe, and bring
it crashing down on a log. It split in twain, and another was put on the stump
that showed much usage. This one proved stubborn, gripping the axe. Bren moaned
and rubbed his hard nipples as with a loud growl the man lifted both axe and
log and brought then crashing down on the stump. It took another such blow to
shear through the knot in the wood and the fox felt shivers running through

He thought of those big arms holding him, those calloused hands spanking his
butt.. The washer buzzed and he yelped, squeezing his balls just a little too
tight in surprise. Then grinned and put the clothes in the dryer with some
softener, then went back to watching the bear of a man continue breaking logs
into wood. Returning to the kitchen, he got some ice from a tray, and some tea
from a large pitcher, and padded out with it. "Thanks," Affen said, and drained
the glass in a few swallows, wiping sweat off his forehead, then grinned and
wiped the still cold glass against the front of the now-tenting shirt, teasing
the foxes erection. Bren moaned loudly, exposing his cock by pulling the shirt
back. "Well - Do you like that fox?" The male could only nod and gasp as gloves
were taken off so fingers could get a cube of iciness to slide up and down his
burning dick.

"Oh Please Sir..." He moaned, then it was mashed into his nipples and he
screeched, paws digging into his ass, taking the pleasurable torture.. Another
moan as a warm tongue replaced the cold on his nips and he was sure he was
going to explode. Then he did when a hand grasped his cock and stroked the
rapidly melting cube up and down... He howled as his balls were played with by
the now cool hand, making him rise up on his toes, coming down from a Huge
orgasm slowly. When he could see again, he knelt and put his hands behind his
back. "Please Sir. Use me..." Nothing happened for a moment.. Still panting he
opened his eyes and looked up. The man had stepped back to the pile of wood and
was filling a cart. 'Damnit! Doesn't he understand how much I want this? How
Hard it is to beg to be spanked?' The man took the cart around to the side of
the house and emptied it out into a concrete bin. Then came back. Looked at the
fox. "You sure now? You don't know me all that well." Bren nodded, moving
forward to nuzzle the man's crotch. "You asked me if I was Yiffy - I am willing
to take a chance if you are." A deep chuckle and he was hauled up to be hugged.
"Ok.." He followed the male back inside and put the shirt on top of the washer,
now nude. He giggled, feeling a bit shy, and was herded out to the a door.

It opened and he blinked as a light came on... Revealing a well-stocked workout
room and play area. 'Oh My...' So many wonderful things could be erotic.. A
pair of mirrors flanking a mat, a weight and gym set. A pair of cabinets and
some other things.. He shivered, thinking about Deepening the relationship.
Having been tied and cuffed before, such things held no fear for him. He rubbed
himself against the big male, trying to get him in the mood, inhaling the
sweaty-scent, panting as he thought of rolling around with this human.. A pat
on his butt made him move, descending the stairs, and ran trembling fingers
over the equipment, wanting to be bent over the weight bench, or shoved roughly
down on the mat.. And That Door. But the door could wait. He heard the man
behind him and turned, standing up on tiptoe to kiss him hungrily, wantonly,
giggling and moaning when a hand squeezed his butt firmly.

"Please Sir... I want to do this right." He swallowed, and put his head down.
"Collar me." There. He said it. "Why?" Bren swallowed, then looked into blue
pools that sucked him in - No hint of emotion, maybe a mild curiosity. Then
lips kissed his and the hand squeezed his ass again. Bren rubbed against the
big frame, panting a little. "Because.." He looked into those eyes again,
almost pleading.. Then Did. "Please.. I want to be loved - Not worshiped
because of my good looks, or taken to bed to wake alone yet again.." He lowered
his head and let a few tears fall. The hand moved on his rear and he panted a
little, but when he looked back up those wonderful blue eyes were cold and
hard. "I don't play games Fox." The male nodded, swallowing his heart, girding
himself yet again. "Then I am just a fling.. Someone to fuck - OW!" The hand
That had been caressing him, cracked across his ass, hard. "I said I don't play
games, Fox. Jerel and I are still friends, And lovers. Do you Want to be a one-
night fling? I will fuck you, and when your clothes are dry, take you home - If
that is what you want."

Bren stood stunned, not moving. "Or..." His ears came up and he clung to the
man a moment.. Then looked up hopefully. And got kissed. "Or we can be lovers,
getting together when we want to have fun." The fox snorted. "Not no, but Hell
No! I have had Lovers, Friends.. So-called Loves who are here one day and gone
the next." He shook his head, and held the big male close for a moment. "We can
be lovers without a collar.." This time the fox shoved the man away from him.
"Gods be Damnded! You waltz in, steal my heart, turn my entire world upside
down... Then waltz right out again. Well - Fuck you!" He wrapped his arms
around himself, head down, trying very hard not to cry - And doing so anyway.
"I don't need Any of you! I can be just a cold and cruel and.." Arms envelop
him and he finds himself in a big lap, crying his heart out, being rocked and
held. "It's Ok Lover..." Then he is laying on his back and lips are on his,
making his blood run hot, his cock swell and throb, paws grip the cloth wanting
to feel skin instead.

He grips the man's head, kissing him desperately, wantonly, hungrily..
"Please.." he whispers, "Love - Spank me, Fuck me.. Put a collar around my neck
and make me your..." Almost he let the word slip. ".. Yours." The man nuzzled
his neck, biting it lightly, making him moan. "Please, Sir.." he whispered once
more... A finger touched his nose. "Stay." He nodded, and felt the man get up,
watched through red eyes as he went to cabinet, taking something out. "Close
your eyes and lift your head." Bren did so, trembling as he felt something slip
around his throat, and heard a latch *Click* He opened his eyes, turning to one
of the mirrors and beheld a russet fox with a simple, somewhat plain leather
band around his neck, held together by a pair of rings that had a lock dangling
from them. He felt it - Snug but not constricting, the lock made of sturdy
steel. He swished his tail, eyes gleaming, lifting a hand to caress it.
"It's... Beautiful."

Affen knelt behind the fox, hissing his ears, looking at him in the mirror. "It
sets off your eyes." Bren giggled and rubbed it. "It's Yours." And stopped
breathing for a minute. He looked up at the man, noticing the smile in the blue
eyes. "At least for as long as you are here." The fox looked crestfallen.. And
got kissed, a hand reaching between his legs. "For now - We will discuss more
Permanent arrangements at another time." The fox kissed his lover back, moaning
as fingers played with his nuts. "It's time for lunch." Bren tried to pull the
man on top of him, wanting to make love, have sex, Hell - he wanted to be
fucked! "Please.." Calloused hands lifted him up, and swatted his butt, helped
him walk to the stairs, where he turned and gripped the denim shirt, nuzzling
the man's chest, trying to plead for another 5 minutes. "Bren.." he looked up.
"It's lunchtime, not playtime."

The fox nodded and turned, tail dragging all the way up the stairs. As he stood
at the doorway leading back into the house, a hand Smacked his ass, making him
Yelp, and jump. "Just because you are one Hot Lover, and a Very Sexy Fox does
Not mean I am going to let you slide. Not even an inch, Understand?" Bren
nodded. "Yes Sir." Another lighter pat made him giggle.. "Good. Now we eat and
clean up the house. Then I usually take a shower... And we will see about
humping the beautiful butt of yours then." Teeth bit his ear, making him moan,
walking into the house nude, with a hard-on and a collar, head high - Proud to
be His Dom's lover.

* * * *

Lunch took forever, and dishes, dusting, vacuuming... Would they Never get to
that shower? Finally all was done, and not without a lot of fondling of the
fox's body, driving him half-mad with lust. "The collar is waterproof, so you
can wear it into the shower if you like, but I would take it off afterwards and
dry it And your neck." Bren looked up at the male, joy suffusing him... Then
looked down again, nodding, still having doubts about the relationship. "Come
on - I don't bite hard and you Did want my cock up your ass." Bren would have
run to the shower but a calloused hand had ahold of his cock and lead him in
along. "I do have leashes with ball-rings on the end If you went for that sort
of thing..." The moan made the man smile, and squeeze his 'handle'. Well - They
Did make it to the bathroom.

The fox squirmed away long enough to find a vial of oil and work some of it
under his tail, making sure he was ready. Then had to bite his knuckles while
the man undressed, wanting to grab him. And lost it entirely as he was kissed,
played with, a finger teasing his oiled rear passage. "Fuck Me! Please.. I want
you in me so bad..." He wriggled his hips and lifted his tail. All of a sudden
he was shoved over a bench, legs splayed wide, tail jerked up and out of the
way. Bren had time to grip the padded seat before a Huge cock forced his anus
open and pushed inside. He hissed at the pain, moaned with pleasure, tried to
move and got his ass slapped. "You wanted it, now Take it." And take it he did!
Thick inches, slick with oil entered him, pulled out, shoved in deeper..
Somewhere he felt the Huge pole hit zenith, crotch pressing his cheeks in.
Somewhere He came came, making loud noises. And Someone blew a big wad into his
tight ass with a growl. He felt hands, water, that big cock sliding out of him
- Not without a Lot of protest. Hands washing, drying, combing him.. Then a
walk to a bed and that lovely dick entered his sore ass again, filling up more
than just his passage.

"Master," he breathed, bending his head back to kiss those leathery lips,
nibbling at the beard, grunting when the human lay on him, humping him slowly,
falling asleep with a name on his lips, a cock buried in his ass and his paws
clutching his Lover.

* * * *

Bren didn't want to wake up. He knew it was all a dream and didn't want it to
end, to wake up alone, in a cold bed. A hand swatted his ass and he yelped,
lifting it. "Another!" And got another, and another... His cheeks turned a
darker red as he howled and squirmed, whining when the spanking stopped.
"Dinner - if you think you can sit." The fox nodded and gingerly got up,
padding to the living room. For some reason, nothing satisfied him. The food
was good, the pain in his butt just a twinge, His Lover strong but gentle..
Something was nagging at him. "I am not satisfied.. I want more." The man sat
beside Bren and played with his nuts. "More of what?" The male sighed and
picked at his collar. "This." he said. "It is just a plain collar. I could have
bought one if I wanted to. Yeah - You said.. You said If, Maybe. I want More. I
want something that is Ours. Something that I can say this is my Lovers and by
this I know he wants me. Damnit, I think I deserve Something..."

There. It was out... Then his collar was jerked up and so was he! Bren was
dragged, gagging and kicking all the way to the bathroom, where manicles held
his wrists, then ankles apart. For the first time he felt afraid for his life.
"Do you know what a Safeword is Fox?" Bren nodded. "Say S-T-O-P." The fox
tried, but couldn't. A slap stung his muzzle. "Say it fox." Trembling, He did
so, spelling each letter. Then the man was gone, making all kinds of noises
in the cabinets. "Now you did it ass-hole. You couldn't just be happy with a
collar. No No! You had to piss and moan.. And now what? Is he going to kill me?
Is he going to Cut something Off?!?" Squirming only made the leather bite into
his wrists. "Then the man was back. "Something unique.. Something you can
always see. So you uppity little submissive.." Bren looked at the bucket, the
razor and the chemicals, fear gripping his heart. "Last chance to safeword
out.." Affen sat, stropping the razor to a wicked sharpness.

The fox waited a moment, then shook his head, wanting whatever it was to be
over. A ball-gag was shoved in his mouth and and latched around the back,
making Bren sweat.. and making his cock pop out too. "Don't want you yelling if
I scratch you. Might make me cut something important." He sat down again,
attaching steel nipple-clamps, making the fox squirm. A hand rubbed his nuts,
playing with them, spreading something on them. Then fingers encircled his sack
and Jerked it down, holding it taut. Bren moaned as the cold steel was dipped
in the bucket then pressed to his skin.. For a moment he panicked, struggled.
Then stood completely still as the razor slid down his scrotum, cutting the
fur. It was so sharp he barely felt the hairs giving way. Once or twice he felt
a stab as he was nicked, but that was it. The fox didn't so much as twitch his
tail the whole time, waiting until he felt a towel rubbing his now itchy balls.

Some kind of cream was applied and he Did arch and bite into the ball as it
burned. Tears ran down his cheeks as he was made to wait a full minute in agony
before it was washed off. Then the ball-gag and clamps were removed, allowing
Bren to look down at his naked scrotum, the flesh a pink-red from the acid. He
moaned as another cream was applied, this one cooling and soothing. "Your fur
isn't going to grow back. That Is what you wanted - Something permanent." He
got kissed, returning it hungrily. "Why did you squirm so when I first started
shaving you?" The fox looked ashamed. "I.. I thought you were going to castrate
me." The man laughed and kissed him again. "Silly fox.. I like your balls right
where they are.. And Now there will be That much More skin to torture. You
ready for bed?" Bren pouted a little as the manicles were unlocked, then yipped
as his butt got slapped. "Be glad I didn't shave around your nipples or your
butt as well." The fox thought a moment, then yipped again, a bag being slipped
over his nuts and tied in place. "You are tempting me.." He kissed the big
male, rubbing his rear again the man's hand. "Whatever you want Master." Affen
chuckled. "Right now I want You in bed, and my cock buried to the hair in your
ass. The furry male murred, tail lifting. "Do we have to wait until we are in

He was shoved roughly down on the smooth floor, and barely had time to grunt
before his tail was pushed out of the way and that Huge dick was plowing into
his hole. "Oh Gods! Oh Yes! Fuck meee!" He pushed back against the thrusts,
wriggling his ass wantonly. "Oh Yess! Fuck my tight ass hard!" The last thing
Bren remembered was balls slapping his ass, his nipples being roughly tweaked,
and someone panting dirty words in his ear.

Then it was a warm bed, snuggling up to someone. The sleep, sex, food, sex,
washing, sex.. and between times - sex. 'What a Stallion!' the fox thought,
snuggling in a chair, stroking the man's semi-hard dick, kissing his nipples.

* * * *

Monday came all too soon. Bren got into his clean clothes, replaced his ear-
ring, and kissed his Master/Lover. The last thing he did was take the key
handed to him and unlock his collar, closing his eyes against the pain. It had
been a part of him, brought him pain, pleasure.. And Love. He looked up into
the deep blue eyes and for a moment saw his pain reflected back. Getting in the
truck his tail dragged the ground, shoulders slumped. Not a week ago he would
not have spit in this male's direction.. Now - He Sighed, sitting, watching as
the man got in, and reached over to rub his crotch, making him giggle despite
himself. The vehicle rolled out onto the hiway, then freeway, then city where
the fox lived. All the way there he had his hand on the human's leg, aching to
touch and kiss the big cock inches from his fingers. At last they came to his
building, and all the play stopped. "Do you Have to go?" He looked hopeful.
"Tomorrow you have to work, and you need a good night's sleep - which neither
of us will get if I stay the night." The vulpine nodded.. One last time their
lips met in a kiss hot enough to melt pavement. Bren nuzzled his Zeus one more
time then turned to get out. As he did so he felt something being pushed into
his waistband. He yipped as the big hand patted his rear. "Don't open it until
you are In your apartment. He nodded and closed the door, almost racing up to
his small place.

He had to stop and chat with the locals, including a panda who lived next door
and didn't approve of him always dropping dates. "You should find someone and
settle down while you are still young." The fox nodded, having trouble with the
lock for some reason.. Finally! In and door shut, and locked. Off with the
pants... A box. Bren opened it - To find a shiny ring inside. More a cuff, he
looked at it wondering.. Until he saw the paper folded inside. "To my Slave and
Lover. A ball ring to wear on weekends - Unless you think a prolonged stay in
the country is what you need." He whooped and immediately fitted it to his
naked sack, feeling the wide metal ring squeeze his balls tight. He shivered,
rubbing them, going to a mirror to look at himself. Bren thought of the haughty
fox who had taken and discarded lovers as he saw fit and the slave fox who
could still see the imprint of a collar on his neck. Who had been humiliated
and spanked and fucked so much his ass hurt.. And loved every moment of it. He
wondered if there would be others, feeling a twinge of jealousy. Then grinned..
Another slave to help him wash Master in the bath.. To rub his big back and to
help empty those bottomless balls.

He slapped his butt firmly, growling at himself. As he looked at the cramped
place he called home. "A country life.." Commuting wouldn't be out of the
question until he could get himself into some sort of telecommuting job.. The
lease was up at the end of the month... He took his shirt off, looking at the
places the steel teeth had bitten into his nipples and murred, thinking of
having them pierced.. MURRRR! Yes, it is definitely a different fox who stands
with his hard cock wanting to be played with in the mirror. The fox undid his
ball-cuff, smiling, hoping someday it will be permanent.. Maybe even inscribed
with his name. He pads to the shower, thinking of work.. And 4 days until he
can see his Master - No, More than Just another Dominant... He thought about
the note. 'Lover - One who Loves.' And hugged himself. 4 days until he could be
with his Lover again, and ask a Very important question.

The End