Fairy Tales With A Twist - By SwampRat
(c) 1990 The Brotherhood of Pan
1994 Gay Furry Association

Story #3 - 3 Oinkers and a Canine

The Straw House of Pig #1

A Wolf sauntered up a worn pathway. There, he found a hut. A Straw House?
Ok.. The mailbox said "Little Pig #1.." He went up to the door, and said,
"Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me come In." The Pig inside replied, rather
snidely, "Not by My hairy balls!" The Wolf was taken aback. "What?!" "You
heard Me, Puppy- Fucker." The Wolf stared at the door for a minute. "What
do you mean by that?!" "That's all you can screw, Moronic Dick-head!" The
pig threw back from behind the door. Steam boiled out of the wolf's ears.
He roared, and demolished the straw cottage. Pig #1 Squealed, trying to
run. The Wolf caught him easily, snarled, "I'll 'Puppy-Fucker' You!" and
rammed all 9 inches of his cock home under the pig's tail. 'Damn, but he's
tight!' The Wolf grunted, digging his paws into the Porker's hips,
buggered him savagely. Hmmm, He does have hairy balls, the Wolf thought,
as he rubbed them with his own hairless ball-sac. He chuckled. 'Listen to
that Pig squeal, You'd think somebody was fucking his ass..' He slammed in
to the hilt, and blew his wad. "Shit, I gotta do this more often!" he
muttered, pulling free, and dusting his clothes off continued on down the

The First Little Pig ran all the way to his Brother's Brick House, holding
his butt with both hocks.

The Stick House Of Pig #2

The Wolf came to another House. "Sticks. Will wonders never cease?" He
walked up to the door, and stated "Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me come
In." "Go Fuck Off, Mangy Fur-Ball" My, My! This Little Pig is as foul
mouthed as the last one. "What did You Say?" he replied. "Read My Lips,"
The Pig said, opening The Mail Slot and shoving his butt against the door.
"Ok.." the Wolf growled, slammed his big dick in through the hole,
impaling the porker. He shoved both fore-paws through the Stick-Door and
clamped them onto the boar's thighs, rotating his hips, pistoning all 9
inches in-and-out of it's hot shitter. "I'll Mangy Fur-Ball You!" he
snarled, enjoying both the Hot, tight hole, and it's owner's squealing. He
gritted his teeth, hosing the porker's intestines with canine cum. When he
finished, The Wolf found the house hadn't survived his lusty usage of the
shoat. So he slowly pulled free, removed what was left of the door from
his wrists, and continued on down the pathway..

The Second Little Pig ran all the way to his Brother's Brick House,
holding His butt with both hocks.

The Brick House Of Pig #3

Pig #3, opened the door. There were his brothers, holding onto their
ass's, and squealing about being buggered by a wolf. He chuckled. Served
them right. They used terrible language, were lazy and usually up to no
good. However they were still his Brothers, and so he let them in. The
next day a large Wolf came strolling down the lane. A beautiful brick
cottage came in sight.. Perhaps a more civilized person lived here. He
knocked on the ornate door, caressing the hand-cut reliefs. "Yes?" The
creature was speechless.. At Last! He cleared his throat. "Little Pig,
Little Pig, Let me come in." He waited expectantly.. "Not by the hair of
my chinny-chin chin.." Elated, he continued. "Then, I'll huff, and puff,
and.." A pair of familiar voices chimed from the door. "Huff and Puff on
this!" they said sticking their corkscrew cocks out through the parcel
slot. Why those ungrateful.. He grabbed the curlicue's, yanking on the
pig-dicks. They shuddered in his grasp. He knelt down and nibbled on one.
'Pretty good..' He licked on the other. Then sticking them in his mouth
like a man trying to smoke 2 cigarettes at once, the canine started
sucking hungrily. "Cum, You little Bastaaa...!" The third pig had sneaked
out the back door, expecting to ambush the wolf. But, seeing the him
pawing on his brother's nuts, and slobbering over their dicks, the animal
got other ideas..

He dropped his overalls and jumped on the doggish hindquarters, screwing
his erection into the hot butt, The Wolf, now getting it from both ends,
howled in ecstasy. The two smaller porkers grabbed the doorframe, cumming
so hard they almost passed out. The third Pig, being the eldest, and the
horniest, humped the Wolf with a will. The canine, having sucked The
Little Pigs nuts dry, was really getting off having a cock literally
screwing his ass, but good! "So, You like this.." Hocks grabbed his ears.
The Wolf moaned, as cum spurted into his guts. "Good. So do I." The hog
pulled free, snapped a collar around the furred neck. Come on, Slave, We
have 2 Pigs to punish.." The Wolf nodded, moaning as his new Master
stroked his erection.

The End